#dee's got his belt for it
tblsomedoodles · 2 years
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*throws this into ask box and scurries away*
Aww! Look at the boys! and no worries! They look so cute! Especially Leo and his bow : ) (he matches Blue plush now lol) Thank you!
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lazyneonrabbitt · 2 months
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
You had dragged Daryl along to something you liked last month, so now it was his turn.
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To anyone around, including yourself it was clear you stood out from the crowd.
Inbetween the mass of black on black, spiked everything and the odd masked figures in red boiler suits your bright blue jeans and simple bright teeshirt.
Daryl had come along to your weekend event last month, so now it was your turn to join him to a concert.
"What's with the masks?" You were settled against Daryl's side, not entirely sure what to make of the group before you.
"Really, ya haven't paid any attention when I showed ya who we're seein' tonight?" Daryl, all decked out in his usual looks of heavy boots, black trousers with chains hanging off the belt loops and a black shirt that hugged his form ever so perfectly. It was printed with the picture of a blonde woman that you didn't recognise.
"Hey, Dixon!" A man's voice had you both turn and look behind you, where a bearded guy in a beanie walked up with two women in super gothy outfits, their makeup extreme but flawless.
You had never met Daryl's friends before and in all honesty you felt intimidated by them.
"Oh my god you brought your girl, finally!" One of the women gestured excitedly and hopped over to introduce herself, perfectly manicured hand outstretched for you to take. "Hi! I'm Viv, that's Sammy and Jesus." You shook everyone's hands and introduced yourself as well before Daryl did his rounds and gave everyone the biggest bear hugs. "Hey, hun." "How's the apartment lookin'?" "Tell yer mom I'm sorry fer not comin' over ta cook with 'er."
It was weird to see Daryl be so social. Normally he'd be the quiet one when you went out together, but now he was all smiles and talk.
"Gotta rep the guesting band, I see." The Jesus guy tugged on Daryl's shirt, staring at the print, while one of the girls chimed in. "You gotta know by now Dee's got the biggest crush on her." The three laughed as Daryl dismissed the comments, all while you stood by and listened to their banter. Who did Daryl have a crush on? What?
"Here, in case Daryl forgot to give you some." Sammy extended her hand to you and handed you a clear plastic baggie with two foam earplugs in them.
"Ah, crap.." Daryl rubbed the back of his neck and smiled nervously as he accepted a packet himself too. "Yer a lifesaver, Sam. Thanks."
You waited close to the front of the line for some more hours, having ordered food with a large group of people that all seemed to become friends at that moment.
Once the doors to the venue opened up you followed Daryl like a lost puppy, stuck to his arm in fear of getting lost in the sea of the dark clad people.
"Come on, Dixon, get your ass in gear!"
"Yeah, man. Barricade's gonna be full at this rate." His friend had already moved further along as you and Daryl put your stuff in a locker. "Go ahead. Takin' it easy with this one." Daryl's hand found your hair and ruffled it softly, much to your annoyance. But you appriciated his concern for you and was willing to not go full out.
You followed along with the stream of people and ended at the bar off to the side of the venue.
"One beer, and one--" Daryl gave you a look, and saw you just looking around the place, taking everything in. "And a Redbull, please."
By the time you had your drinks and the crowd had all settled in, the local opening band had started their first song. Daryl's beer was gone fast, kindly waiting for you to finish your overpriced can before slowly easing you into the crowd.
Every tine you stood still for a moment you took a peek at the stage, seeing the band perform the songs was something entirely different than hearing come from Daryl's huge sound installation at home.
Daryl was keeping a close eye on you the whole time, not caring much for the small band on stage. He was enjoying how curious you were. Less how easy it was to lose you in the crowd if he wasn't holding your hand.
"Yer havin' fun?" Daryl stood behind you with his hands loosely on your hips, you had found a spot closer where you could see the stage nicely.
You gave him a nod, resting your head against his shoulder as he pressed a kiss to your hair. "Good, gotta lemme know when's gettin' too rowdy for ya, 'kay?"
"Promise, Dee." You turned to give him a quick kiss, laughing at how the previously considered scary people were all chanting along to the pop songs the speakers played between bands.
You were checking a few messages while you waited and hadn't noticed Daryl taking out his phone too until it was in front of you and his chin was resting on your shoulder. You looked up to see yourself on his screen, he was taking a selfie with you. Next to you he stuck out his tongue as he pressed the capture button and held it as he went to smooch your cheek.
He watched the short looping video back and added a caption before sending it off.
'Girlie's first metal gig!' He addded under it with a little black heart emoji.
The crowd around you cheered and hollered all of a sudden, making you look up and seeing the first members of the next band come onto the stage, waving and getting ready to perform.
You watched the stage didn't notice how giddy Daryl had gotten behind you. Most of the band had gotten onto the stage and an eery tune started playing that had part of the crowd whistle and cheer.
Suddenly a loud, distorted voice called out from the speakers.
More howls and whistles surrounded you as the eery tune continued.
Spots beamed to the centre of the stage as a gorgeous woman appeared as the band's instruments joined the tune, starting the song.
Behind you you felt Daryl's body jerk against yours as he raised a fist and joined the crowd in cheer.
His body stayed pressed againts yours with his arms around you, hands resting on your hips and stomach as he swayed you along the tunes of the first song.
As the band played on the crowd got more rowdy, jumping around and bumping into each other making you stagger in Daryl's grip.
Daryl kept being your shield as the crowd's shoves got worse. "Ya wanna move?" He tapped your arm and pointed off to the side where you could suddenly see a wide open space inbetween the few people that separated you from it.
Over the intro tune of the song a large hole had formed in the crowd, a few people in the middle bouncing around as the lyrics went on.
With your lack of answering, Daryl just kept up holding onto you and kept his gaze between you and the pit.
The second the woman's voice went from a distorted speaking to a loud growled singing the crowd surged into the large open space, almost taking you and Daryl with them.
You didn't know where to look. The gorgeous frontwoman on the stage before you, or the massive swarm of people throwing themselves around next to you.
You peeked behind you at Daryl, who was staring, mesmerized by the woman leading the band. One arm stayed around you to ward off the thrashing crowd while the other one was raised above you in cheer.
The crowd bounced in unison making you want to join in, softly bopping to the beat on the balls of your feet. You knew nothing of the song so you went along with the crowd, much to Daryl's enjoyment as he joined in as well. You blended with the crowd now, barely noticing you were slowly moving around the floor agsin in the moving sea of people.
It was only when the band's set ended that you realised you had moved a lot closer and further off to the centre of the crowd.
Daryl had his face buried in the crook of your neck the second the band was off the stage, nuzzling against your skin and squeezing your soft thighs. "Yer havin' fun. S'good." His mumbling tone was barely audible over the waiting time music and the crowd's chatter. But you recognized the tone, he was getting high on your enjoyment. You could already tell that of the next band didn't interest him enough you'd be dragged into the nearest bathroom stall to show you just how much he loved seeing you enjoy yourself.
You found it cute how a big grump like Daryl got off on something as soft as seeing his girlfriend happy.
The intermission was a nice time to mellow out a bit before the headliner got on stage and quickly check your messages. This time it was your turn to send out a snapchat to your friends, showing them you were still alive and breathing.
A selfie of you in the dim lights with Daryl nuzzling your hair, and a simple text that read "having fun!".
While you sent away your snap and went to respond to a pauzed conversation from earlier the stagelights moved as the headliners entred the stage.
You scrambled to put your phone away with how wild the crowd got all of a sudden.
Almost immediately after the members got on stage a guitar rhytm set in and thr crowd moved around you, so much it made Daryl move along and before you knew it there was another empty space in the crowd.
Right next to where you stood at the edge of it.
The drums kicked in, joining the guitars and right next to you there were people running in circles in the open space.
Daryl had let go of you for a moment to look into the pit and right at that moment the song started in full blast. Daryl's arm got grabbed by someone passing by and got yanked into the whirlpool of people. "Sorry!" You heard him yell, leaving you on your own off to the side against his will.
"Daryl?!" You called in shock and backed up when a guy ran too close past you, stepping into another person's side.
"Ah, I'm sorry.." Your fun was gone in an instant and the guy saw it, carefully patting your arm and offering to shield you from the rowdyness of the pit. A careful nod was all you needed to share before going back to watch the band play and glance to your side whenever Daryl passed by.
You listened to the song and followed Daryl's movements, watching him throw himself around with a wide smile on his face.
With the song nearing its end the pool mellowed out and Daryl came back to you, panting and smiling, placing a soft kiss to your cheek before grabbing you in both his arms and pulling you into the still active pit, making you let out a yelp.
He moved along with the stream of people that ran in circles again and stepped back into the crowd after making two rounds, ending up almost at the centre front of the crowd.
Daryl's plan worked, snow standing close enough to his friends at the barricade. He whistled and saw Viv turn and reach out her hand to you.
"Grab, I'l follow." Daryl took the hand you didn't reach out with and you were pulled to the front with ease, quickly being squeezed between the two girls on the front row.
The view from your new spot was amazing, no heads blocking half of the stage, no shoulders moving just an inch to blind you entirely or needing to stand on your tiptoes to see.
You watched all the members perform up close, unable to resist the urge to photograph them all. It took you a moment before you noticed you recognised the song they were playing. Daryl had played it foe you, all those years back when he first got into this music.
You had heard it so often you could even hum along to the words, nodding to the rhythm. The girls beside you caught on quickly, smiling and nudging you to guide you along, showing you the 'proper barricade etiquette' as they called it.
Viv had your hand in hers, raising them together as the song ended and howled out in cheer along Sammy at your other side. Behind you Daryl, and beside him Jesus joined as well, Daryl's chest pressed against your back.
The music was loud, the crowd wild but the energy was one you never thought you'd welcome, there on your spot at the barricade of a heavy metal show.
Once the last song of the night ended you felt the cool air return around your body with the crowd leaving the hall.
"Think you swayed her?" Jesus asked Daryl. The two walked just a few steps behind you, watching you chatting happily with the two other girls beside you when you three suddenly made a turn towards the merchandise stand.
The men watched you all point out different things on the wall. "Course I did. 'S a lil' rebel, tha' one. She jus' gotta figure tha' out 'erself."
Jesus and Daryl caught up with you all, Daryl snaking his arms around your waist as he got to you. "Did ya find somethin', hun?" His chin rested on your head, taking a look at the wall for himself too as you waited for the person in front of you to finish their purchase.
"That one's pretty!" You pointed at one of thr shirts off to the side, having Daryl steer you towards the available salesperson.
"Girlie wants tha' second one op there." Daryl pointed at the shirt you liked, and moved on to some others as well. "Tour shirt in ..two XL, an' I'll take tha' last one down there."
The guy gathered all Daryl's choices and gave him the total, which Daryl happily paid before you joined your friends again off to the side.
"Always spending money, how much did you get this time?" Jesus crossed his arms as he raised a brow at Daryl, who showed him the bag with the three shirts. "Ain't much at all. Where's the girls?" Daryl looked around to find you and the others but you were nowhere to be found.
"They kidnapped her to the bathroom, probably lockers too." Jesus held out his pack of cigarettes in offer. "Smoke? I'll text them we're outside."
Daryl nodded and accepted the smokes, following his friend outside and smiling at you making new friends.
At the bathroom sink you were splashing water in your face to fully cool down and waited for the other two before heading back.
"They're outside already." The informafion came at the locker where you had left your jacket and bag, where you had told yourself earlier to try and have fun and not to worry so much.
With your jacket on and bag slung over your shoulder you left the venue to meet back up with the boys.
Daryl welcomed you by pulling you into his side. "Ya calmed down after all tha'?" His sweet smile leaked some smoke before blowing the remainder out over your head.
"Hmhm! I had more fun than I thought." You nuzzled his jacket and looked back at the friend around you. "It was really nice to meet you guys, too."
It was true, you did enjoy the event and were sure you'd be joining Daryl more often now.
With a last round of goodbyes you and Daryl left to catch the last train home, spending your late night moments almost falling asleep against him.
"C'mon. Yer takin' a shower with me 'fore we go sleep. Yer gross." Right, Daryl's after show routines, you almost forgot.
It was clear to him you were extremely tires so he made sure to treat you like a queen as he cleaned you up and dried you off, carrying you to bed and laying down with you, holding you close.
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @ghostlypie
warnings: swearing, menstruation, hunting a vampire nest, violence
“I said no.” Dean said, voice firm as we stood in the hotel room. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared him down. “That’s final (Y/N).” Sam glanced between us, hands frozen over the keyboard of his laptop.
“dean, it’s not fair and you know it!” I shot back. Deans jaw clenched and I raised an eyebrow.
“I’m gonna…” Sam said before slipping out of his chair and exiting the room. Dean sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“it’s a vamp nest (Y/N). They can smell blood.” He took a step forward and put his hands on my arm. “You’re bleeding ain’t you?” His eyes glanced down and I scoffed. “It’s blood isn’t it? And blood is blood!” I scoffed again and pushed him away.
“I’m coming dean.” I said. “Whether you like it or not. It’s a vamp nest dean. As you keep reminding me. And a big one. We’re gonna need the three of us.” Dean sighed.
“fine.” He said, throwing his hands up. “But I’m keeping an eye on you. One even gets close I’m shooting at will.”
“who’s will? And what did he do to get shot?” I teased as I went about gearing up. Dean started muttering under his breath and I sighed. Closing my eyes, I shook my head. I walked over to where he was standing and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his shoulder and dean relaxed. “I know you’re worried. But I’ll be fine. Promise. This isn’t the first time I’ve been on a hunt while on my period. It won’t be the last. And you forget that I’ve had a long career before meeting you and Sammy. This isn’t my first time ganking vamps on my period.” Dean turned to me with shock on his face. I nodded and gave him a tight smile.
“(Y/N).” He said, holding tightly to my arms. “You haven’t…” I nodded and leaned my head against his.
“anything to survive. And wipe them out.” I leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Right?” Dean sighed and kissed my forehead.
“alright. You can come. But I have to be happy about it.” He said. I nodded and headed out to baby. The drive over was tense and quiet. Sam kept looking between dean and i, probably wondering what was going on. When we got there, we got out and checked ourselves over.
“everyone ready?” I asked. Sam nodded. Dean gave me a look before nodding.
“yeah. Let’s go.” He said. We pulled our guns and went in. It was quiet, making dean and I nervous. We shared a look and nodded. We fanned out and I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. I kept dean in my sight line as I headed towards the wall. I heard a shot to my left where Sam was and another vamp jumped out in front of me, teeth bared.
“Hi.” I deadpanned, pulling the trigger. The vamp fell back and another emerged.
“you shouldn’t have come here. We can smell you.” The vampire said. I raised an arm, keeping my gun level.
“didn’t realize I smelled that bad.” I said. “Hey dee? Do I smell?” There was a shot to my right and dean appeared next to me.
“no.” He said. “Thought you showered this morning.” I nodded.
“these suckers say they can smell me.” I said. Dean shook his head.
“told you not to come.” He said as the vamps started to swarm up. Dean and I ducked around each other, firing off shots as we went. I ran out of bullets and put my gun in my waistband. “You out?” Dean asked as I ducked under his arm and grabbed the knife from his boot.
“yeah.” I said, slashing a vamp in the neck. “But it’s fine. I got this.” I rolled away as a vamp got a little too close. I pinned the last one to the wall with the knife from my belt and slashed its neck, catching my knife on its way down. A shot rang out and I jumped. Turning around, I saw a vamp fall to the floor in front of me. Gulping, I looked back up at dean. His chest was heaving as he stared at me.
“like I said. I wasn’t going to take my eyes off you.” He whispered as I ran over to hug him. Dean wrapped his arms around me tightly, the fact that the vamp had gotten that close scaring the both of us. “But I will say I’m disappointed now.” I pulled back and frowned.
“what?” I asked. “Why?” Dean leaned in and kissed me hard, moving my hand down to his jeans. I giggled when my fingers made contact with his bulge.
“you were so hot doing that and I can’t even have you.” He whined. I laughed and pulled him in for a kiss again, tucking his knife into his belt.
“don’t worry dee. It’s only going to be a few more days.” I assured him as he picked me up. Carrying me out to the impala, he leaned his head against mine.
“a few more days too long.” Dean groaned. I laughed as dean put me in the passenger seat. “Sammy! Let’s go!” He honked the horn as Sam came out of the nest, tossing a lighter behind him to burn it to the ground.
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inthe-dark-tonight · 1 year
Falling into My Sins
chapter one: back in the alleyway
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dbf!joel x fem!reader series- loosely inspired by the song skin by soccer mommy
chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6
summary: it’s your first night out since moving back with your dad after graduating college. while at the bar you meet an attractive mystery man and end up hitting it off. things get heated when you convince him to dance with you.
word count: 2.7k
series rating: E (18+ mdni)
warnings: no outbreak AU, age gap (reader is in their 20s, Joel is in his 40s) alcohol consumption, light swearing, slight dubious consent (things get heated while drunk), pet names (sweetheart, babe, etc.), no use of y/n, no physical description of reader.
notes: this is my first time really writing anything so i’m very nervous to post this , i've also been working on one other fic but i decided to post this first. thank you for taking the time to read and any feed back is welcome & appreciated xo <3
also thank you so much to @shatteredbaby for proof reading ily so much bby, and @pr0ximamidnight for also proof reading, letting me ramble like a maniac and helping me with ideas ilysm. i appreciate you both so so so much <3
It’s your first weekend going out since you’ve moved back home with your dad. You’ve just graduated from the Art institute of Chicago in the spring, but your lease wasn’t up on your apartment until August so you stayed near campus until then. Now that you’re back, some of your old friends from high school offered to take you out as a sort of welcome home. You’re just finishing getting ready when you get a text from your friend Aya.
We’re here!! Hurry up Dee is getting impatient!
You roll your eyes and smile. Typical. You’re a bit nervous since you haven’t seen them in about a year, but you’re sure once you’re out it will feel like you weren’t even gone. You throw on a jacket and run down the stairs, grabbing your keys as you go.
“I’m leaving!” You call out.
“Have fun bud!” Your dad shouts from the other room.
Your parents had recently divorced while you were away, so it’s just you and your dad now. You feel kinda bad leaving him alone when you just got back, but you’ll make up for it.
You close the front door behind you and run down your front porch towards Aya’s car. As you get closer, the passenger window rolls down.
“Ahhhhh you’re back!!!” Your friend, Dee, yells. You laugh at her reaction and open the back door to the car.
“Hey!” You slide in and buckle your seat belt.
Aya turns around with one hand still on the wheel. “Long time no see! Tonight’s gonna be fun,” she says with a smile.
“We’re taking shots as soon as we get there,” Dee says with a sly smile and you laugh, leaning back fully into the seat as Aya drives, heading for downtown.
As soon as the three of you find a bar, Dee keeps her promise and orders you all shots and they send you to find a booth while they wait for the order. There aren’t many people in the bar yet since it’s only nine, but it’s slowly filling up. You look around the place, taking in the large bar that runs across one wall with stools gathered around it and across from it is the booth seating you’ve sat in. There are a few high top tables scattered around the perimeter of the bar, a pool table to the right of the door next to the large dance floor in the center that’s currently empty, and the sounds of eighties and nineties rock hits filling the large room.
As you’re looking around, the door to the bar opens and two men walk in. The first man has long dark curly hair, a patchy beard, and he’s wearing dark jeans paired with a tan jacket and brown boots. The other man has shorter dark hair, a similarly patchy beard streaked with gray, and he’s wearing dark jeans paired with a green flannel and brown boots. He’s quite handsome, you think – broader than the first man, his frame stretching the fabric of the flannel to its limit. Your eyes flick back up to his face, taking in the curve of his nose, the crease between his brows and dark brown eyes. When your eyes meet, he’s looking right at you and you immediately glance away, embarrassed that he caught you checking him out. When you dare to look at him again, his gaze is still locked on you.
“Okay, let’s do this!” Dee says as the girls approach the table with a round of shots and a drink for each of you.
Your eyes snap away from the man’s and you smile at them, grabbing a shot glass.
“To celebrate your return home,” Dee says, raising her glass for you to toast against.
You tilt your head back letting the cold liquid slide down. You close your eyes and wince as the sour flavor with the aftertaste of vodka that burns your throat. When you open your eyes again you’re met with the stranger’s warm brown eyes on you still, a shy smile on his face before he turns towards the bar and leans on the wooden counter. You set the glass down on the table and look back to your friends.
The three of you sip on your drinks for about thirty minutes or so, talking about school and catching up on life. At some point while you were all catching up, the bar switched to playing early 2000s music as more people came in. You find your eyes wandering towards the gorgeous man every few minutes, admiring his side profile, the way his hand is wrapped around his beer bottle and his shirt is rolled up to expose his forearms.
You all finish your drinks and Aya is pulling you and Dee onto the dance floor. “Come on!! I love this song!!!”
You don’t recognize the song, but you follow them onto the floor dancing and smiling as they sing along. You find yourself looking towards the bar again hoping to catch the man’s eye, but he’s gone.
“I’ll be back, I’m going to get another drink.” You say loudly over the music.
The girls just nod and keep singing along. You make your way through the crowd that’s formed in the place and find the bar. Your eyes are still scanning, looking for him, when all of a sudden someone comes up beside you, leaning onto the bar. From the corner of your eye you can tell who it is. You turn your head and it’s the mystery man. He’s even more attractive up close, a dimple on his right cheek as he smiles down at you, slight creases next to his eyes. Your eyes travel down towards his broad shoulders and the skin on his chest that’s showing where his shirt is unbuttoned.
“Hi.” the man says while smiling down at you. His voice is like honey, deep with a southern drawl.
Your lips slightly part as you hesitate for a second “Hi.” you finally say back.
“Can I buy you a drink?” He nods towards the bar.
You shake your head in agreement.
“What are you havin’, sweetheart?” He asks.
You clear your throat. “Whatever you’re having.” You smile.
“Hm.” his lip quirks up as his eyes roam your form. The bartender comes over and he orders two beers, then his eyes are back on you. “You here with friends?”
“Yeah uh, I was out of town, I just got back so we’re celebrating.” You decide to keep it vague.
“Well,” the bartender comes back with your beers and he hands one to you. “Welcome back.” He smirks, then you both take a sip.
You can’t help but watch the way his hand wraps around the bottle as he brings it up to meet his lips. You take a few sips of your beer, eyes still locked on him, then place it back on the counter. You’re feeling a little more confident now.
“What about you,” you place your elbow on the table and rest your chin in your hand, looking up at him. “Who are you here with?”
He looks over his shoulder into the crowd, an amused look on his face. “My brother.” You follow his eyes to see his brother sitting in a booth with a girl, leaning into her as they talk.
You giggle then turn back to the man. You’re noticing some similar features now that you know they’re brothers.
“You two come here every weekend chatting up girls and buying them drinks?” You bite your cheek and give him a teasing look.
He nods his head slowly looking down at the bar where he’s leaning on his forearms and lets out a small laugh. “Every now n’ then.” He looks back at you, a slight flush on his cheeks.
“Mmm bit of a player huh?” You lift your brow, teasing him some more.
He’s laughing again, it’s a deep chested laugh that makes his shoulders slightly bounce. “Wouldn’t say that, haven’t had much luck recently.” He looks from your eyes to your lips, then back to your eyes.
You nod your head taking another swig of your beer “So, what do you do for a living?” You ask nonchalantly.
“Uh,” he rubs the back of his neck. “I’m a contractor.” that explains his broad shoulders.
You bite your thumb and lean a little closer to him, arm brushing up against his. The alcohol is definitely taking an effect now. You’re checking him out again, and it’s not subtle. The way his shirt fits snug around his biceps, and his jeans fit his waist just right. He takes another sip of his beer and your eyes lock again.
Then suddenly a song you recognize comes on, Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado. You hear your friends squealing on the dance floor as the song starts, causing you to whip your head towards them then back to the mystery man.
“I’ll be right back.” You smile at him sweetly, finishing off your beer and setting the empty bottle on the table before leaving to join your friends.
You get out to the floor and they hold their hands out towards you, smiling and singing along to the song. You’re swaying your hips to the beat, mouthing the lyrics as you dance. Your hands are moving up and down your body, over the tights you’re wearing and slightly bunching up the short slip dress you have on. You’re lost in the music, then suddenly your eyes lock with the mystery man’s again, darkening as they watch you move. He’s leaning up against the bar, beer in one hand and the other in his front pocket.
‘Promiscuous boy you already know
That I’m all yours, what you waiting for?’
You’re mouthing the words, eyes never leaving his. You tilt your head to the side and give him a cheeky smile before moving your hands over your hips again. He lifts his hand out of his pocket, beckoning you back to him with his pointer finger. You shake your head no, and mimic his motion telling him to come to you. You turn away from him, back towards your friends, then glance at him over your shoulder and mouth, “Dance with me.”
A few moments later you feel a large warm hand run down your arm, and the back of a hand runs over the nape of your neck and down your shoulder before resting on your hips. You turn your head to look and it’s your mystery man, looking down at you with desire in his eyes. You turn around, still in his grasp, and wrap your arms around his neck, bringing your body flush to his.
You’re swaying with his hands on your hips now, grinding up against him. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and he leans his forehead against yours, taking in a deep breath. You tilt your head up, heavy lidded eyes scanning his face and your nose bumping his, your parted lips allowing a shared breath in the scant space between your mouths.
Then he’s kissing you, one hand on your hip lightly squeezing, the other resting on your cheek. He lets out a small groan and slips his tongue into your mouth, a mixture of mint and beer fill your senses. You gently pull the hair at the nape of his neck, causing him to let out a sigh.
“Sweetheart.” His voice sounds gravelly and deeper than before. “I can’t take my eyes off you.”
“Then don’t,” you say, so low it’s almost a whisper, just between the two of you.
You’re so close to him, you can feel his arousal straining against his pants as you press yourself against him.
“Come with me.” he looks down at you while trying to catch his breath.
He kisses you again, hand resting on your cheek. You nod approvingly as he pulls away. He doesn’t hesitate, grabbing you by the hand and dragging you off the dance floor towards the door. You notice his hand is much larger than yours, a little rough and calloused most likely from his job. He looks back at you a few times, and you just stare at his broad frame as you follow him. You look at the way his hair sits so perfectly, eyes wandering to his large forearms as he pulls you along behind him.
Moments later you two are outside and he’s pulling you around the side of the brick building. He backs you up against the wall, lips immediately crashing into yours. His palms rest on either side of your face, thumbs roughly caressing your cheeks like he just can’t get enough.
“You were killing me in there,” He’s towering over you, your hands clinging to his forearms.
“Was I? Couldn’t tell.” you smile slyly.
He laughs and shakes his head. “You’re somethin’ else babe, deadly.” he’s kissing you again, hands moving down your body to your waist.
You grab at the fabric of his shirt near his chest, trying desperately to pull him closer. His large hands find the hem of your dress and move up over your tights clad thighs. You moan into his mouth, heat already starting to build at your core. Moans and heavy breaths filling the air as you claw at his skin. You gently bite at his lower lip then slip your tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. As you lower your hands towards the waist of his jeans, tucking your fingers into the front and pulling his hips flush against yours, you feel him shudder. You let out a whine as you feel the imprint of his straining cock once again.
Then you hear the door to the bar bursting open and two familiar voices talking. “It’s okay, it’s okay, shhhh.”
You freeze as your lips leave Joel’s, wide eyes meeting his before stepping away from him to peer around the corner. He lets out a groan as he adjusts himself, one hand still on your hip trailing behind you as you near the corner of the building. Then you see Aya with her arm around Dee, rubbing her back. You stand up straight, pulling away from Joel.
“Oh my god?! What happened?” You sprint over to them.
“Oh thank god, we were looking everywhere for you.” Aya looks up at you. “Dee had too much to drink, we need to go.” She loops her arm into Dee’s. “I grabbed your things, where were you?”
Then you see her eyes wander to the broad older man shuffling up behind you and her eyes go wide. She leans in close to you and mouths “Oh my god”. You can feel your face heating up as you turn around to face him.
“You ladies need a ride home?” He looks down at you, concerned look on his face.
“Oh uh.” You turn back to Aya.
“No, we've got it covered-” she smiles at him.
“But thank you,” it comes out louder than intended. “I appreciate it,” taking a step closer to him you whisper “And sorry…”
“Don’t worry about it, Killer.” He flashes a charming smile at you.
“Killer?” You laugh at the nickname and he nods his head.
“We gotta go!” Aya yells out to you.
You whip your head to look at her, then your eyes meet his again. “Well, it was nice meeting you, mystery man.” You give him one last look and go to turn around towards your friends. He gently grabs your shoulder, surprising you.
“Wait,” it comes out soft as he whips you around to face him again. “Can I at least have your number?”
You hesitate for a moment. “What, so you can add me to your roster?” You try to hold back a smile.
“C’mon.” he looks away shaking his head, a boyish smile plastered on his face.
“Give me your phone.” He looks back at you, relief in his eyes. Then he pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to you.
You type in your number and put your contact name as Killer. You hand him back his phone and quickly get on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. His eyes go slightly wide, and then you’re turning away, running towards the car before he can say anything. As you grab your jacket and purse from your friend and slip into the car, you smile at him before closing the door.
You watch him through the window standing there with his hands in his pockets as the car pulls away. Your mystery man, you hope to see him again.
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ty for reading xo
tagging a few moots but np! anyone who wants to be tagged in the next one let me know :)
@nostalxgic @ilovepedro @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @beskarandblasters @jenispunk @tieronecrush @joelsversion @pedrospartner @canseethebrushstrokes @scrambledslut @isitmeulookin4 @tinygarbage <3
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the bafta livestream out of context: top 60 cursed quotes.
There is nothing more cursed than the livestream I just witnessed, and I made a summary post but now I'm just going to put in quotes by the worthy maggots in the stream with no context, because BELIEVE ME THE CONTEXT DIDN'T MAKE ANYTHING BETTER. The livestream chat was NOT A PLACE OF THE LORD.
I'm going to make the quotes that were by me a different colour. Please know that I am NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR A SINGLE QUOTE OTHER THAN THOSE. SO HERE'S THE TOP 60 IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:
Barbenhimer awakened things in me ok
aroace people the most disturbingly sexual talkers on the planet fight me on this
I feel so sorry for this woman. She's being so heartfelt and we're here thristing over a slinky that possessed a man
the urge to go to france and misgender a croissant is real
Devastated the slutty knees have gone away
So many men nowadays are so submissive and breedable like thank you lord for these men thank you
witches and murder slime tutorial
speaking of royals did the bloke who ISN'T lizzy's husband but her son apparently die yet
Turtleneck Crowley is my gender.
"Oompa loompa doopety dee, I really hated being in this movie" -Hugh grant probably
i want the kilt back this a betrayal
if someone put me in a room with kilt!david tennant one of us is walking out of that room pregnant and its not gonna be me
a lot of these words are in the bible and none of them should be in that order you need jesus
Can we vote to make david wear that kilt back? Maybe make him do a twirl this time
You mean Bildaddy? 😏
Honey what make you think a dude who roamed around with prostitutes and got himself more holes for mankind won't be calling bildad bildaddy? [this was about jesus btw.]
Show us the knees!
He looks like those fancy chocolates. Imma take a bite outta him. Think you'll leak molten goo like them?
My brain isn't working, I read "bratty couch jr"
i'm sorry the what holes
I genuinely thought it was a road typo and I thought you were threatening asmi with physical violence on the road
Combine that with the unfortunate oranges and see what happens.
That reminded me of the army video where the guy was deepthroating a 7 inch banana without a hitch.
thats why apollo had to deliver you at an illegal sushi restaurant
How long do you think it would take to get david naked from his chocolate man suit? Can we set a new speedrun category?
Big feelings about pants straps in the chat tonight
Last time i check yoire supposed to thank the lord gor his gifts
I just have a deep appreciation for ireland
Can you use suspenders as bondage gear? I mean it looks like it would be fine? I mean if you make the length a bit more they might be more comfortable than ropes. Just sayin
All i can think when i see him in the costume is the one specific ken and oppenhimer slash fic. Lord help me i can't be saved
Like a giant orange slice on her one arm.
Stop hitting the lectern geez / what if its into that?
Men who wear suspenders are such losers like why do you need so much cloth to keep your pants up. Why dont you just wear a belt. Where do you live. What is your timezone. What are you office hours
what is this suspender shaming ari chappal for you
Aziraphales office hours are: fuck off
Put me ina room with a suspender wearing man and he shall have the same fate as kilttennant
It was titled "snake in my b***" It meant butt lmfao
What if slutshaming is my kink?
I am failing
Tagging the main culprits whose tumblr handles I know:
@thearoacemess @vitrilol @queermarzipan @good-usernames-were-taken
Cheers, maggots.
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osakiharu · 2 years
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content : gender neutral reader, fluff, this is sfw don’t get too excited y’all, independent!reader, reader is a uni student in draken’s, reader is independent but also quite self critical at times :(, rindou having blood all over his arms whoopsies, also me having rindou brainrot so i went a little crazy with his... i love him i can’t help it, 
word count : around 500-600 each <3 little scenarios for this one hehe
characters : draken, rindou 
notes : okay hi !! long time no see y’all, college is so so insane rn and m sorry for being so dead T^T this was actually a request but i have deleted it with my old requests in my inbox and i only kept the ones i moved to my drafts whoopsies </3 i hope this isn’t too bad and i hope i haven’t gotten rusty from not writing for a little but yeah have some rindou and draken as my apology <3 thankyou to dee for giving me a little help on this when i was brain dead mwah i luv u <3
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draken knew you always preferred to teach yourself things, to stick to your own way of studying, to not have anyone or anything interfere with your routine during exam season. he knows, without fail, you’ll always reject his proposal to help you, but eventually he finds there’s nothing he loves more than to see your cheeks redden at his praise for your work. even if you push him off and tell him to let you continue <3 
“why don’t you let me help, baby? wouldn’t you get it done faster?” he mumbled into your hair before reaching forwards to take your notes from you. “i don’t need help, kenny, ‘m fine! ‘s not about doing it fast, anyways.” of course you were. even if the bags under your eyes and very few hours sleep you had under your belt said otherwise. a kiss was pressed to your cheek before he sat himself down in the chair next to you, resting his head on his crossed arms as he looked up at you. draken decided not to push you for let him help. “how’d y’r exam t’day go? know you were dreadin’ that one.” it’s sweet, you think, the way his eyelids seem to be getting harder to hold open but he’s probably still thinking up a plan to work his way around your stubbornness to get you into bed at a reasonable time. 
“it was fine,” you put your notes down and turned to face him, “i finished with time to spare, too, so i don’t think i did that bad.” of course you did well. you always do, draken thought with a smile. “c’mere.” he nodded his head to the side, signalling for you to sit in his lap. his embrace was comforting, warm, too warm, even, for your tired state couldn’t help but relax into it like you’d been longing to all day. “gettin’ tired, angel?” draken could practically feel you melting into him as he rubbed up and down your back. “mhm… but i gotta finish up, kenny, c’mon.” your attempt at moving back to your original chair was futile as draken pulled you back down into a gentle kiss. 
“hmm… but my baby’s so smart, ain’t ya?” he spoke against your lips, and you couldn’t help the way your cheeks reddened at his comment. “don’t think you need t’do anymore when you’re already doing so good… think ya need to come to bed with me ‘n’ get some sleep, hm?” he could feel your smile against his cheek as he kissed anywhere he could without you shying away from him. draken almost chuckled at your actions. he’d always known you to be an independent person, dealing with everything yourself, and though he was no stranger to your stresses and anxieties, seeing you this flustered was rare to him. fuck, you’re so cute.
“what’s this all about, sweets?” he pinched your cheek between a pointer and thumb, “got somethin’ you wanna tell me?” draken’s grin is wide as you peer down into your lap. you know exactly what he wants you to say, to admit that all you want to hear right now is how good you’re doing, how clever you are, to have your hard work appreciated when you feel like it’s futile and a waste of time. though you shook your head as you met his eyes once again, “shut up.” draken hummed at your response, the chewing of your lip and the remains of your bashful smile gave him the wordless answer he wanted. “c’mon then, smart ass, y’re coming to bed with me,” he patted your thigh as a signal get up, “can’t have my clever little thing over workin’ yourself when you’ve got all those other exams to do, can i?”
if there was one thing rindou had learned about you it was that once you start something you want to finish it, and you want to finish it well. you want to finish it yourself, it doesn’t feel the same if someone helps you, you tell him. but he knows you’re only human, so when mikey comes and drops another tower of rindou’s paperwork on your desk when you’re already up to your neck in it and it’s almost two in the morning, it’s not hard for him to notice the cracks in your resilience
“what’re you still doin’ here?” you heard rindou mumble from the doorway of your office. blood covered his knuckles and fingers, under his rings, and trailed up to his forearms in spatters. his hair was tousled and messy, violet eyes sleepier than usual. from where he leaned, he looked frightening. beautiful, but frightning. “‘m finishing paperwork.” rindou raised a brow, almost confused, as he checked the clock. two in the morning? finishing paperwork? you must’ve gone mad; it looked like you’d barely started with the piles mikey had dropped on your desk. “that’s your work, is it?” he spoke from the front of your desk. “hm? oh, no, it’s yours,” you held up the sheet you’d been writing, “i already finished my work, but mikey just asked me to get a bit of yours done while you were gone… didn’t have to do all of it but i may as well since i’ve started it.” sleepy was the smile that rested on your face. so pretty, he thought.
rindou sighed in response to your commitment and strolled over to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and giving your cheek a quick kiss. “y’know you don’t wanna do all that, baby, c’mon,” kiss, “y’half asleep anyways, let me deal with it tomorrow, kay? need t’rest that pretty head of yours now.” you sighed and slumped backwards into your chair. it’s just work, it’s not even yours, you thought to yourself. you just couldn’t stand having to hand over the responsibility of doing all that work to someone else. you knew that feeling was silly, though, you just couldn’t help it sometimes. the man behind you could already guess the response travelling up your throat, ready to be mumbled out in defeat. rindou pulled away and beckoned you with a finger to stand up, “why don’t you try thinkin’ of the stuff you've already done, hm? come here ‘n’ tell me about it, sweets.” you always appreciated rindou’s attempts at comforting you, despite him never being one to comfort people, only one to help them forget about their current issue. 
you followed him to the couch in your office and laid your tired head in his lap, strong thighs like pillows to you. and although you mostly spoke through a yawn, you told him about the work you did that day. “mhm, good job, baby.” a thumb stroked your cheek before he pulled you up for a quick kiss or two by your jaw. your smile, shy and a little toothy, was felt against his lips as your cheeks reddened under his touch. “such a good little angel f’me, aren’t you? doin’ my work when you don’t need to.” he took note of how warm your cheeks were on the tips of his fingers and pulled away from your face so you could hide your timidity no longer. 
rindou had always had an inkling, even before you were dating, that you enjoyed hearing things like that; having your work appreciated and acknowledged, feeling supported for once. your silly attempts at hiding your smile that never worked. he could tell you’d always been independent, enjoyed being independent, though he also knew that sometimes you wanted to take a break or to not do everything by yourself, to let someone hold your hand for a while. “i didn’t know you could be so shy, i thought you would’a told me to shut up by now.” you looked up at his stupid smirk, knowing he wanted to hear it from you. playful arguing was futile option as any attempt made was to refute rindou’s statement was a failed one. it was worth a shot. you placed your head back on his thighs and your smile said it all, “you like it when i tell you those things don’t you? it’s what you deserve to hear.” 
your grin hadn’t faltered, a sigh passing your lips. “mhm... yeah.” 
rindou knew he was going to tease you about this forever now. he also knew that you’d deny everything every single time <3
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reblogs appreciated <33
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freesia-writes · 1 year
C-can I pick Howzer for #1, mmmaybe? 👉👈
ANY EXCUSE TO WRITE FOR HOWZER, my love! :D This follower celebration was SO FUN because the variety of prompts and people I have waiting to be written about are just... *chef's kiss*. This one was super fun. It was one of those times where the writing just kind of falls into place as you go along! Hope it's a fun one. <3
#1 - You hear [clone] tell the waitress that they are nervous for their blind date, but no one shows up. So you sit down to act like the date.
Howzer x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.5k Content Warnings: Kissin and drinkin ;)
He caught your eye the moment he walked in. He was immediately recognizable as a clone, but he just had a little extra *somethin* that immediately had your attention. Whether it was the tousled undercut he sported or the curving scars across his cheek and chin, you were thoroughly enjoying the view from your perch at the far end of the bar counter. It was always fun to see clones free of their armor, enjoying their scarce free time.
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You’d had to stay late after your shift at the restaurant, covering a baby shower that stretched for hours through the day and into the afternoon, and now the dinner rush was already starting. You were free to leave, of course, but an extra dirty martini and some of the mistaken food orders were too good to pass up. Plus, the bartender was your best friend, so when she had a break between customers, there was always good conversation to be had. 
“Did you see that test tube specimen walk in just now? Right up your alley…” she asked, waggling her eyebrows at you while she shook a steel canister. 
“It’s not ALL clones, Dee…” you said in mock defensiveness. Okay, so you had a type. And there happened to be millions of them. But they weren’t all the same… not that it was worth getting into it with her again. “But yeah,” you admitted, peering over your shoulder again, watching him sit and gently take the menu from his server, “He’s got a sweet vibe.”
“You’ve watched him for fifteen seconds and you already think you can tell his vibe?” Dee challenged, pouring the drink. Without waiting for an answer, she bustled off to deliver it, leaving you to wait for his server to come back to the station next to your seat. As soon as he approached, you were speaking. 
“So what’s the deal with table 44 over there?” you asked, earning an immediate snarky grin from Barnes, who was quite the tall drink of water himself, but he’d made it quickly known that he wasn’t interested in women. 
“Ohh, you noticed, huh?” Barnes laughed, tapping on the register screen to enter a drink order, which you leaned over to peer at, curious what he might like. “Yeah, he’s a treat. All cute and nervous, too. He’s on a blind date.”
“Ahh, damn,” you said, leaning back to your food. “Well let’s see who he got set up with.”
* * * 
You lost track of time, nursing your martini and accepting an extra appetizer that had been ordered and then changed. Dee had been regaling you with a tale from the last party she’d been to, although it was delivered in bits and pieces as she went about her job. It wasn’t until Barnes gave you a tap on the shoulder that you remembered to look for the clone’s hot date. Surprisingly, however, the chair opposite him was still empty, and he was leaning his chin into one hand, elbow on the table, the other hand idly twirling the straw in his drink. He looked so smart in his dark grey uniform, and you noted the way it fit snugly around his chest and arms, tucked neatly in to a belt around his narrow waist.
“Get this,” Barnes said conspiratorially as he tapped on the register again, “He just asked for the check, for just his drink. I think he got stood up. Should I quit and go join him?” he paused, as though he were genuinely asking you, then chuckled. “Ehh, I’m not into the military type. Also, it’s getting busier -- you should get out of here before you get wrangled into serving some tables.”
“Good point,” you said, not really thinking about what he said because you were so surprised and distracted at the fact that Mr. Handsome over there had been stood up. What kind of idiot… Suddenly, an idea popped into your head, as the rest of Barnes’ words finally processed, and you decided to act on it before your rational brain (and cowardly second-guessing) kicked in. “Wait, Barnes, don’t give him the check…” you said, putting a hand on his arm as the receipt printed in front of him. “I’m gonna do it.”
His genuine laugh of delight was infectious, and further fueled your slightly bubbly mood. “Well you’d better come up with a good excuse for making him wait so long… And make it worth his time,” he said, giving you a suggestive wink that earned him a smack on the shoulder. You stuffed your apron into the cabinet below the server stand and rushed to the refresher to see what could be done. The smell of a full day’s work in a restaurant was heavy on your clothes and hair, and the barely-remaining makeup was sparse. Grateful for the little basket of hygiene items kept under the sink, you pulled your hair down, tousling it with your fingers after spraying some refreshing powder through it. You got some paper towels wet and wiped your armpits, laughing at the thought of the clone seeing you now. There was nothing to be done about your outfit -- black button-up shirt and black pants -- but at least you could untuck the shirt now and roll up the sleeves. You made one last stop by the bar, making two rushed requests of Dee. 
“Hey -- real quick -- I need that gold necklace from the lost and found drawer, and can you make a dirty martini and another of whatever he had?” 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said, shaking her head fondly as she fetched the necklace that had been left a few weeks ago. “I mean, what the heck. Sounds like fun, and probably nicer for him than going home sad.” Armed with two drinks and as much courage as you could muster, you headed for the table, running through all the possibilities in your mind. 
“Hi! Blind date, right?” you asked, wanting to be careful not to lie. His brown eyes lifted to you, expression unreadable. He’d been patiently waiting, but was he the stiff sort who would be indignant at being made to wait? Or was he a pushover so desperate for attention that he’d put up with anything? It remained to be seen.
“Yeah,” he said in that smooth clone voice you’d heard so many times. “Howzer,” he said, standing to greet you. He awkwardly offered a hand, realizing you had a drink in each of yours, and gave a breathy chuckle of relief as you quickly set the glasses on the table and took his hand, giving it a gentle shake. You froze, unsure of whether to use your name, or if he knew the name of the person he was expecting… 
“And you’re Xena, right? Here, please, sit?” he continued, standing behind your chair and smiling in such a kind way that the guilt settled heavily on your shoulders. He’d been made to wait an awfully long time, and yet here he was, offering a kind and graceful introduction…And it was also way too much work to try to figure out how to continue the deception as further details would be questioned.
“Erm, no…” you admitted, once he’d cordially seated you and taken his place across the table. His furrowed brow and crooked smile made your heart skip a beat, and you blundered on, “I’m sorry… I work here, well, not right now, but I was hanging out, and I heard you were waiting for someone, and I saw it had been a long time, and I was… well, yeah, I was totally creeping on you from over there… And I just didn’t want you left here hanging cause you’re just… Well you seem really nice… And honestly, you’re really cute… Ohhhh man. This is not a good start,” you laughed nervously, burying your face in your hands. What HAD you been thinking?
Howzer put two and two together and leaned back, running a hand over his tousled hair. You grimaced, hoping it wouldn’t all fall to pieces, and gently pushed the drink toward him once you were willing to show your face again, despite its bright red color. “Here… I brought the same thing you ordered, and… you can just enjoy it, if you want… Sorry, I don’t know what I was aiming for here,” you fumbled, starting to rise to your feet.
“No, wait -- it’s alright,” he offered, raising a hand to accompany his words. “I guess Pivot didn’t paint me in the best light to whoever I was supposed to meet here,” he chuckled dryly. “But it was kind of you to take pity on me… I think? Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving, so what do you say to some dinner?”
Relief cascaded down at the invitation, and your shoulders dropped a few inches with the release of tension. You smiled, letting out the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding, and nodded. 
“You said you work here?” he continued, opening the menu as if he hadn’t spent the last thirty minutes reading it about eight times over. “What’s the good stuff? Oh, and I suppose I should ask your name too.”
You filled him in, on both points, and had just began sharing about how you got this job when Barnes interrupted you by sliding right up to the table with an air that absolutely demanded attention. “Welllll hellooo again. I see your date showed up?” he said, mock innocence painted all over his face. Howzer gave you a smirk with a raised eyebrow, and you blushed bright red again, chuckling anxiously once again. 
“I told him, Barnes,” you said, holding your hands up in surrender. “I’m not cut out for this sort of thing.”
“And yet you’re still here,” Barnes pointed out, pursing his lips at you before sending Howzer a rather flirty glance. “I mean, I don’t blame you. But you’re not skimping on my tip if you’re gonna make me serve you,” he said, turning back to you. His charisma lightened the mood even further, and you assured him that he would not be slighted in any way. After some discussion about the dishes and a few suggestions, both you and Howzer had the food ordered and were left to stare at each other once again. You were trying to figure out what kind of date this was meant to be, what type he may be looking for (or what type he was himself). But instead of trying to make yourself into something you weren’t, you decided to just be authentic and see where it went. You didn’t really have much to lose, anyway. 
“So. Howzer,” you said, “How’d you get the name?” 
He leaned forward again, stirring his drink again and appearing to be much more relaxed, and began sharing stories from his life so far. It was decidedly different than yours, especially with the fact that he aged twice as fast. You tried not to think about the actual number of years he’d been alive, as that would make you a total pervert by regular human age standards. He told tales of his brothers, their personalities and quirks, and the adventures that his military life had taken him on so far. He shared his thoughts about the world, musing about ideas for the future -- if or when things ever changed. The minutes melted away, punctuated only by Barnes appearing occasionally to refill drinks, bring plates, or clear them away. 
You’d always had a soft spot for the clones, but you loved seeing them open up. The unique complexity of each individual was always a delight, and Howzer seemed to have more depth than most. He was simultaneously ambitious yet reserved, steady yet bold. You were finding yourself more and more enthralled, and in a bit of disbelief at your luck. Somehow you’d chatted away the entire dinner rush, and the restaurant was now growing quiet, filled with only a few lingering guests.
The conversation took a bit of a flirty turn, and you found yourself reaching across the table in a fit of laughter, clapping your hand on top of his. He smiled, still chuckling, and turned his hand over to gently take yours, sending another spark through your body. His gaze darkened a little, taking on a suggestive edge that suddenly made you ready to take him home right then and there. His thumb traced softly across your knuckles, and his eyes dropped to your hands on the table. 
“Well, things didn’t turn out so badly tonight after all, did they…” Howzer mused. His smooth voice and the thrill of the last couple of hours of conversation and connection had you feeling as though you were living a dream. You smiled, giving his hand a little squeeze, and shook your head. 
“Want to get out of here?” you asked, perhaps with more of a seductive tone than you’d intended.
“Oh, ahh, sure… But… well, I mean…” he stuttered, sheepish and hesitant all of a sudden, and you wondered if you’d crossed a line somehow. 
“I just meant for a walk, or glow pops, or something to change the scene,” you offered brightly, and though he tried to hide it, he looked visibly relieved. 
“Sure -- yes -- sorry,” he continued, running a hand through his hair again. “Look, this has been super fun, and I’m so glad you took the initiative to sit down. I’m just… I’m not much of a one-night-stand kind of guy. I know it’s lame, or whatever, but… I guess I just take a while to warm up that way… The guys make fun of me for it all the time.” You felt your heart swell in your chest at his vulnerability. You definitely hadn’t been expecting that, and somehow it made you crave him even more. Respectfully, of course. 
“Don’t apologize!” you insisted, leaning forward and picking your hand up from his to place it on his bicep, emphasizing your words with a smile. “I’ve really enjoyed this. And would like to continue to enjoy it.” 
“I mean, I’m not a total prude,” he said, laughing self-consciously, still with that glint in his eyes that hit you right in the soul. 
“I don’t know,” you said playfully, being careful to keep it lighthearted, “We’ll have to see about that.” You bit your lip, hoping it wasn’t too much of a jab, but he smirked, primly setting his napkin on the table and rising to his feet, extending a hand to you.
“Well let’s start with a walk.”
After fighting over the bill for a few minutes, since you “weren’t the one he asked on a date” but he “had indeed taken you on a date” but “it was where you worked” but “it still needed to be paid” but “you wanted to be fair”… You let him pay with the insistence that you’d be getting the next one, which gave you a little thrill at the thought that there would be a next one. The coat closet was in the middle of a long, narrow hallway that branched away from the host stand at the main entrance, and the hallway included a few other doors that led to the refreshers as well as the kitchen. Howzer leaned in, scanning the hangers for his coat, and suddenly you heard a loud voice as the restaurant door slammed closed behind someone.
“Hello! I need to be seated immediately. Oh, it’s been a ROTTEN evening. The stupid taxi driver got lost twice, and the train was held up by some idiot old lady, and now I’m incredibly late to meet someone here!” a sharp female voice announced, catching the attention of everyone within hearing range. The realization hit you like a gallon of ice water dumped over your head, and as Howzer leaned out of the closet door to peer at the disturbance, you moved without thinking, pushing him back into the coat closet with so much force that both of you lost your balance and tumbled in, kept on your feet (barely) only by the row of jackets hanging up along the back wall. 
Howzer’s arms went out to the sides, hitting the wall with an ungainly thump, and you fell into him, landing against his chest in the most fortuitous way, hands splayed across his shoulders to try to break your fall. You couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation, and heard him chuckle quietly once the initial surprise had passed. 
“I wasn’t aware I had this effect on women,” he said in a low voice, and you held a finger to your lips with urgency, tilting your head toward the loud voice still ringing outside. 
“What do you MEAN, he left?!” she said shrilly, and you could hear Barnes smoothing things over. “You can’t hold a table longer than two hours? That’s just ridiculous.” You sent up a silent prayer of thanks for his quick thinking and willingness to cover for you. You slowly pushed yourself to your feet, freeing Howzer from beneath you, though you were quite loath to do so, and watched him slowly stand straight as well. His eyebrows raised at what he was hearing, and he looked down at you in amusement.
“I may have dodged a bullet tonight,” he whispered, and you stifled a giggle. 
“Fine, well at least tell me where the refresher is, and I’ll be on my way!” the woman demanded, and the quick click-clack of her heels coming down the hall sent you both into a panic again. There was nowhere to hide except behind all the coats, and you both immediately dove into the row of fabrics, pushing them out in front of you and flattening yourselves against the wall, side by side. Now you were trying really hard not to laugh, at the utter ridiculousness of this turn of events, and you clapped a hand over your mouth to avoid making a sound. 
“You know she doesn’t even know what I look like, right? We’ve never met,” Howzer breathed in your ear, and you gave him a little push. 
“There weren’t any other clones in the restaurant tonight, were there?” you whispered right back, and he tilted his head in concession. 
“Good point.”
The sound of the refresher door closing was a welcome one, and you pushed the line of jackets in front of you apart, taking a deep breath of the fresh air that was a nice change from the stuffiness of your hiding place. You were getting ready to head out when you felt Howzer pull your arm, and you turned back toward him questioningly.
“We don’t want to risk it. Better wait til she leaves,” he said, shrugging as though he had no choice in the matter. But the soft croon of his voice and that little shimmer of a reflection of the dim closet light in his eye took away absolutely any reason you may have to argue, and you leaned back into him, facing him now, as he rested against the wall. Jackets were stuffed all around you, draped over your back and undoubtedly sticking out a bit, but his breath caught in his throat as you drew near and the sound made you forget about everything else. 
“I don’t want to push you past your comfort zone,” you said softly, feeling the tingles growing as he ran his hands up the outsides of your arms, and you brought your hands up to rest on his broad chest. 
“I appreciate that,” he breathed, leaning in a little closer, “But I told you I wasn’t a complete prude.” He was so close now that you could smell him, an intoxicating mix of aftershave, soap, traces of scents from dinner, and the slightest hint of musk underneath it all. His proximity was electrifying, and you lifted your face to take in the fondness in his eyes and the gentleness in his expression. You were hopelessly lost at this point. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered, and your cheeks curved into a smile at his gentlemanly request. 
“Yes please,” you whispered back, and as soon as the last syllable had left your lips, his mouth was against them, arms wrapping you in a firm yet tender embrace. As if the closet weren’t stuffy enough, the sudden heat of the moment, combined with the two of you pressed together, had you completely flushed with warmth. His kiss was unfathomably sweet, and when he pulled away with a soft smack of the lips, he rested his forehead against yours with a small smile on his face. You lifted a hand to his scarred cheek, reveling in the moment. 
The silence was broken by the refresher door opening again, and an aggressive tapping of heels echoed down the hallway as the narrowly-avoided blind date from hell clattered out the front door. You pulled back a little to better meet Howzer’s eyes, though you could have stayed there forever. 
“Now how about that walk?”
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
May Prompts (29) Hero
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 29)
Summary: Rosie lets us get one more glimpse of the wedding, before the tale of new beginnings for all of them are revealed.
Twenty-Nine Years Old
Papa had of course composed a waltz for our wedding, and after I’d danced with my husband, still strange to call him that, it was Dad’s turn. Papa still played but had switched to the waltz from Dad’s and his wedding now, and the waltz I’d danced to with Dad all those years ago. It was such a precious moment, and when it was played again, by the string quartet this time, I found myself in Papa’s arms.
“Thank you for making us a new waltz,” I said and looked up at him.
“You’re welcome, Bee. It was my pleasure.”
His smile was the one I called “the Bee and Dad smile”. It was warm, genuine and radiated love and affection. 
Timothy had been the first speaker and had used most of it to praise The Fab Four for raising me in the most unusual fashion. He avoided any “government secrets”, which I deduced was due to uncle Myc’s meddling. 
“He’s a fucking hero, your Timothy,” uncle Greg told me later that evening, not entirely sober. 
“Language, Gregory,” uncle Myc scolded him, which earned him a swat on his…yeah, well, I guess you can deduce the rest.
Dad’s speech was as incoherent and rambling as expected, bringing back anecdotes of Ted the bear’s last real meal, my theatrical announcement regarding Dad and Papa’s love for each other in the train carriage, how proud he was of me, and in the same sentence also thanking uncle Myc for being the best uncle.
“Sorry, Greg. That was before you and…” Dad said with an embarrassed grimace.
The uncle in question just waved it off, while looking adoringly at uncle Myc.
And of course there was praising of Papa for being the best thing that had ever happened to either of us. By the time he finished, there were tissues, sniffles and stifled sobs all around.
I had looked forward to Papa’s speech, having heard his encomium of Dad at their wedding, but it became instantly clear that his speech to me would surpass my wildest expectations. He started it with addressing me with words no one but me and Dad had ever heard, and I sought out Timothy’s hand and held on for dear life, lest I’d be transformed into a puddle of tears.
“My precious girl, my heart. I couldn’t believe my luck the day John brought you home to Baker Street. To be given the privilege of raising you, is the greatest honour I could ever receive. From that very first day you trusted me to take care of you as well as your father did. You gave your love freely, without any hesitation, and even if I wasn’t your legal parent from the beginning, it didn’t matter to you. But it mattered to me. The first time you called me Papa…”
He closed his eyes for a moment to gather himself, clearly overwhelmed by the memories. Dad took his hand and squeezed it soothingly. Before he continued the speech, he looked down at Dad and a silent conversation took place. Releasing his hand from Dad’s, Papa straightened and started to speak once more.
The anecdotes Papa told, differed from Dad’s. My first trip, to Barts of all places, were described in detail. How Molly had scolded him for bringing a seven-month-old toddler to the morgue, his pride when he witnessed my first graduation in the dojo, getting my yellow belt, how stunned he was that I got along so well with his brother, (I still can’t believe he mentioned him), and his certainty that Timothy was my soul mate just like Dad was his.
All this sentiment elicited another round of sniffles, which a decade ago, would’ve made my Papa roll his eyes, but he’d softened over the years, I realised. Not that he would ever admit to it, mind you.
One year later, things had changed considerably. Dad and Papa had retired and moved to Sussex, and Timothy and I got the best Christmas present, the deed to 221 Baker Street with the clause that Dee could inhabit 221A for as long as she liked.
I’d missed my childhood home and I never thrived in that other part of the city. Timothy couldn’t believe our luck and made plans for creating his own writing den in 221C. Papa’s lab had been stripped bare, so it really was a blank canvas to do with as we pleased.
And then it was the biggest thing of all. A new life was growing inside me. The ultrasound showed a healthy foetus, but the sex was impossible to discern because of the position. We didn’t want to know anyway. The important thing was that everything was alright. Being a doctor’s daughter, I knew quite a lot about how bad things could get.
When we got home, after I’d texted my parents that everything was going well inside my womb, I rummaged around for my mother’s book with all the children’s names in it. She had made no notes in it, neither had Papa in his quest for alternative names for uncle Greg. I wouldn’t have minded seeing his scribbles, but now that I was going to be a mother myself, I felt conflicted thinking about the mother I never knew. Come to think of it, I’d never even seen her handwriting.
Timothy had asked me about my childhood a few days after I discovered that I was pregnant.
“If you can sum it up in one word, image, or a sentence, what will it be?”
I didn’t have to think twice before answering.
“My parents and their love for me and for each other.”
Timothy just nodded, not the least bit surprised by this.
“I would like to name the baby after them,” I said, which Timothy fully agreed to.
His sister had named two of her four children after their parents, and Timothy was rather fond of my family, despite his bickering with them.
“I consider it a love language,” he told me.
“Don’t you dare tell them! The consequences might be…something sinister,” I said.
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Companionship in Street Fighter
The most interesting concept in Street Fighter 6 that I really liked was companionship. Every character is connected in one way or another, and most are symbolic of Ken and Ryu's relationship over the years.
Ken and Ryu were always the faces of Street Fighter since the beginning and their friendship/rivalry was something capcom really took into consideration when pushing SF6 out. Ken, Chun-li, and Ryu are getting older but they have a lasting impact on Capcom as a whole.
SF6 now has a roster of fighters that are connected to each other from old to new relationships.
Kimberly and Dee Jay, Marisa and Zangief, Blanka and Lily, Chun-li and Li-fen etc.
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Even the Player has a rival/friendship with someone in the Street Fighter Universe.
Although Bosch seems like a character that gets sidelined within the first hour of the game, I do think that Bosch and the Player do have a significant connection.
When talking to our Masters, I find it interesting how often Bosch comes up in conversation.
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Granted Player is the one bringing him up, but I found this interaction with Dhalsim fascinating.
Dhalsim: Create a fist within your heart.
Dhalsim: Good. Allow me to pose a question to you. What lies beyond that fist?
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Dhalsim: I see. This is your friend...or perhaps a mortal foe?
Dhalsim: Forget what you saw.
Dhalsim: You wish to transcend the shadow, yet it remains inextricably linked to you.
Dhalsim: it is up to you to interpret its significance.
The Player brings up Bosch a lot in conversations that aren't about him, and it's got me thinking, does Bosch even care about the Player to that extent too?
We never see his perspective throughout the story so we could only assume as much.
He trusted the Player enough to give them a SIM card before he was taken. Maybe to tell them, "If anything happened to me, this is how you can find Kalima and the Resistance."
And he tried many times to scare the Player off so they wouldn't enter the Suval'hal tournament. Where he would've activated the championship belt to kill himself and JP.
But when the Player found out Cardboard combatant was him all along, he said "If you've come this far, I want you to watch me finish this fight." The fight between the Resistance and JP.
Bosch even asked the Player if you can give Yua his bangle and tell her that he's dead, he says "You're the only one I can count on."
Bosch also chose to go to the Player when his body was reaching its limit as a warning if things go south. That he may not recognize them in the arena.
And at the end of the post-credit cutscene, Bosch is wearing the matching hat that he and you got when visiting Metro City.
In the end, Bosch's hair is shaved so I can assume it's to keep people from recognizing him and a low profile.
In fiction, it could symbolize character growth and a break from the past. But paired with his matching hat, which he mentioned was cringy, he is still linked to you, the Player. Just as Dhalsim said.
Side note on what Ken says about Ryu:
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seeminglydark · 2 months
1. since john tries to stay away from tech as much as possible, i think it would be funny to see what would happen if he got his hands on like a secondhand e-reader or laptop and what it would look like if he tried to use it. it would also be cool to see if or what kind of stickers he would use to decorate it.
2. i know it’s kind of a difficult topic. but since i’ve been reading your comic, I think the “Creaky” storyline is one of my favorites. Being able to escape a difficult upbringing and being able to find solace and comfort in found family. I’ve imagined that with the help of his newfound friends, John would go back to his father’s house and take back some of his most prized possessions because I think John would be the type of person that would value things and attach those objects to memories of people. I think it would be fun to see how John adapted to a new environment and being able to live freely (full-time) and thrift for clothes and other things. I think it would be interesting to see his thoughts of when he entered his first apartment and see how he decorated it and see how it has evolved into the glimpses that we’ve seen.
hahaha while i understand what you're asking here, he would of course one hundred percent fumble it, the last thing he had was a flip phone from the early 2000's when he was in highschool, so of course he wouldnt be good with laptops or anything. as far as an e-reader goes, john is severely dyslexic (undiagnosed, so untreated) and reading is already a huge struggle, which is why he uses the walkman and listens to audio books. the truth is, were he to get his hands on these things, he simply wouldnt use them. but its fun to imagine him like my 80 year old dad doing the ol' point and shoot typing style with two fingers! Caro and Maddie show him things on their phone and on the internet all the time anyway, so hes not missing the good memes ha! Creaky is also my fave storyline, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! To answer your first question, no, he wouldn't actually go to his dads at any point, and even if he did, none of his stuff would still exist sadly. on a brighter note, he DOES get to retrieve some of his old things, either after hooking back up with Caro (who has his battle jacket, fuck belt and a few other things) and because his Highschool pals Georgie and Dee would totally have a ton of his stuff in the back of Dee's van, so he'd get his walkman, some clothes, his cross earrings that belonged to his mom, and a few other precious things, and you are right, he does connect objects to people. His biggest problem is not remembering much about what some of those connections were. Another factor here is the fact that there is a protection order between he and his ad put in place by Maddie's stepdad Dr Parker, John's dad isnt allowed within a certain amount of distance to John so, going to his house wouldnt be allowed. Even with his friends (in Seemingly Dark, the Fenris chapter) facing down with his father is almost impossible because of his fear and trauma. There will be more about that in the future! on the second note, im actually in process of turning Creaky into a stand-alone book! Which is why I haven't drawn anything here in reply to Johns reactions to new places, new friends and new environments, its all things I want to explore more in depth in the new version of my fave story line. <3 Heres links to some of the progress on the New Creaky! and here!
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fiddlepot · 1 year
miner dee en eye (kinda nsfw) go do your homework losers /neu same thing for ageless blogs. Cease.
Me when brain suddenly "kokudoma"
Like. It's honestly such a crackship but they're fuck buddies only bc kokushibo is an edgy ass bitch
But doma is like actually fond of him and won't leave him tf alone so koku goes "fuck it" and edges him with like small doses of attention only to fuck him senseless later, and y'all know they can both go for literally forever bc stamina is not an issue for demons at all
Anywhoooo 🤣
Drabble under the cut. Once again, nsfw = get the FUCK out if you're a minor plz thx ❤🌹🙏
Tags; nsfw (duh doy) kokudou, doma being a bottom bitch, degredation, little to no aftercare tbh koku don't got time for that, impact play, blood play, biting, belt bondage, humiliation, one sided affection, koku being sassy, demons being freaks lmao!
oh yeah, and before I forget to mention uh. my bad if there are like, issues in the writing. I don't rlly write smut like that so it may be like, finnicky or whatever.
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His Affection
As the second-in-command, the moments bestowed upon Upper Moon 1 were of the utmost significance—a privilege beyond measure to partake in even the slightest morsel of his precious time, perhaps more so than the demon king himself.
And it seemed Muzan thought so too.
Doma's relationship with the highest Kizuki was, put simply, a distraction for them both. His lordship already didn't like him—and it was evident that the progenitor fancied the prospect of hearing his cries of pleasure bounce about the sprawling walls of the Infinity Castle even less. Or having the ability to see him unfurl anywhere, for that matter.
Yet he tolerated it all, much as he tolerated the myriad eccentricities that defined Doma's existence—solely because Kokushibo didn't bear any particular fondness of the man. If there was any semblance of favor beneath his veneer, it was a masterful deception, concealed with an artistry that left no room for doubt.
“How exceedingly unbecoming of you... Upper Moon Two,” Kokushibo taunted, his tone laced with derision as he continued to torment Doma. A single thrust of his knee into Doma's perineum reduced him to a huffing, mewling, wanton mess that could do nothing but writhe beneath the relentless assault. “Pathetic.”
“For you, I...” Doma began to croon in response, but his sentiment was summarily disregarded by his superior.
Indeed, the kanji branded into Doma's very being served as a constant reminder of the wrongness that tainted their actions. Yet he grappled with the notion of whether it truly constituted wrongdoing, when he was held captive by someone of superior strength. It could have been worse, but the act itself, while undeniably indulgent, left him yearning for more.
Three pairs of amber eyes encased in bloodshot sclerae bore down upon Doma's kaleidoscope orbs, middle eyelids lifting with a sadistic mirth as the latter struggled to gather his bearings. Yes, if nothing else, he was a rather fine instrument—a myriad outlet of wanton and eager reactions to every strum, stroke, and tug of Kokushibo's own.
Another forceful thrust, and Doma's fists, ensnared by the constricting uwa-obi, trembled with impatience. His hitherto unrewarding quest for gratification danced in macabre synchrony with Kokushibo's unyielding onslaught of ruthless stringency. Stringency he trusted Doma could handle, just as he had many times before.
Indeed, he bore an unparalleled capacity to endure the most precarious of circumstances. Stripped bare and vulnerable, entangled within Kokushibo's grip that paradoxically bore both pain and pleasure to his bruised wrists, all within the sanctum of his private chambers where the prying eyes of servants loomed over him as a threat to his image—his affection for the elder demon had endowed him with a remarkable adaptability. That which Kokushibo quite appreciated, even while he didn't do so typically.
“Please,” Doma keened, not entirely sure of what he was begging for. His legs flailed above Kokushibo's hips, the capriciousness of his knee now replaced with a rhythmic cadence. In response, Doma's own hips danced to accommodate, all under Kokushibo's unwavering gaze.
“Please?” The elder demon withdrew his knee just as he noticed Doma's thrusts growing more frantic, bringing about a plaintive whine of protest. One that he ignored. “Please what?”
Cruel, Doma surmised, his furrowed brows betraying a sensation akin to frustration—though it was more related to a profound sense of bereftness. The feeling soon gave way to astonishment though, as his superior's calloused, unfettered hand ventured toward his most intimate regions. In a tantalizing journey that brushed past a multitude of erogenous zones, Kokushibo commenced a painstakingly leisurely rhythm of strokes upon the taut, erect shaft. “Lord Kokushibo,” Doma moaned, the words escaping his lips in yet another impassioned plea. He couldn't bite back his grin at the pleasure as the ministrations increasingly focused on his tip.
“Hmm?” He pressed.
“Out with it, now.” With a low, knowing hum, Kokushibo continued his torturous ministrations, the shadow of a wry smile playing upon his lips. He reveled in the unfolding tableau, and were it not for the undeniable evidence concealed beneath his hakama, Doma might have failed to discern Kokushibo's own mounting desire. His digit, now shifting its focus to Doma's taint and then his quivering slit, brought about a gasp and a shuddering buck of his hips from his suboordinate.
“Oh, you intoxicate me,” was what Doma wanted nothing more than to convey at that moment—but he was thinking with the brain in between his legs now, and just choking out the phrase “I want you to fuck me” was a hassle on its own. So in lieu of those words, his body needily leaned into Kokushibo's tantalizing caress, eliciting a flinch, a fervent yelp, and the shadow of a chuckle as he was duly rewarded with the electrifying sting of a strike to his thigh.
“Out with it,” repeated Upper Moon One, eyes lazily trailing downwards towards Doma's slit. The hand on his thigh never quite ceased its position there, but it did gingerly slide upwards, halting just shy of his hip. “I much prefer hearing you mewl and beg...” Kokushibo leaned back, moving to take the awaiting bottle of oil beside them in his hand with a mumur, “...than I do seeing you throw your hips about without any abandon or shame... like a cheap harlot.”
Or perhaps he preferred a combination of both.
His movements were deft and fluid, and soon enough, Doma found his thighs tensing in ecstasy as his superior slid a slicked finger inside with ease. With a single thrust, followed by the benevolent curl of Kokushibo's digit, he effortlessly conducted a symphony of squirming, whimpering, and shuddering glee from the younger demon.
“Oh, god, yes— more of that,” he finally cried out, his moans now reaching crescendos of reckless abandon, “Please, I need— I nee-he-oh...!”
Something between a laugh and a keen leaves his mouth mid plea, and Kokushibo lavishes a hot tongue on his nipple. Simultaneously, the hand that had lingered on his upper thigh ventured upward to cup his pectoral—soft and sumptuous enough to rival a woman's bosom, and apparently just as sensitive as one, too.
“Go on,” Kokushibo rasped, following his words with a bite that sent his suboordinate gasping for air that he hardly needed to begin with. Doma seemed so caught up in the feeling of wet hotness lapping his erected nipple that he hardly had any reaction to the second and soon, third finger of Kokushibo's adding to the mess of oily slick that was his entrance. A wicked spectacle it was, to witness the unraveling of Doma's customary demeanor. Kokushibo, savoring every moment of it, traced a peppery path of kisses along both pectorals, infusing his actions with a deceptively sweet tenderness before descending upon the other nipple. “What do you need?”
“I need... I need your cock— inside me,” His own cock jumped as the pinching sensation returned at a sharper intensity, one that drew forth his blood. Blood that erupted upon his superior's taste buds—blood that was lapped up hungrily until the wound inevitably fizzled away.
To this, Upper Moon One withdrew his fingers, either deeming Doma loose enough or in an effort to keep him on the edge of release.
“Just inside you?” probed the demon, withdrawing his mouth and cupping hand to do away with his garments.
“Mnhh” with a hitch of his breath, Doma lowered his eyelids, and then his gaze. Seemed the man had a sword in between his legs too, he joked to himself. “I wan—... I need you to fuck me, Lord Kokushibo.” The latter cupped the back of Doma's left knee in response. “Please,” he added. There was a period of silence between the two after that.
“Turn around,” Kokushibo finally commanded, to which Doma obliged. A small part of him contemplated praising the man silently, for although he relished the act of instructing him to get on his knees, this time, the younger demon had done so without being expressly told—a noteworthy first.
Doma's body quivered in anticipation as the sizable tip of Kokushibo's arousal prodded at his entrance. It greedily swallowed up the intrusion alongside the thick shaft that followed, and he could've sworn he saw stars once their hips converged with a wet slap. Another exploratory snap of his superior's hips, and he wails with delight—All things considered, it quite pleased Kokushibo to know this wanton little orfice remembered him so very well.
Kokushibo maintained an unwavering grasp on Doma's hips, savoring every subtle contour of the younger demon's form and the symphony of beguiling sounds that flowed from his parted lips. There was no respite, no pause in the relentless storm that were his ceaseless thrusts, each one propelling his length to greater depths within Doma's quivering core. The younger demon, overwhelmed by the overstimulation, sought solace by burying his head into the silken sheets, his eyes cast upwards, and his mouth a veritable cascade of desire, saliva pooling in his abandon. His muffled ries and moans, somehow still unbridled and unrestrained, reverberated through the room and likely the halls beyond it. And it was always at that point that Kokushibo knew his conscience had been wholly eclipsed by the arduous affair.
In all sincerity, Doma was at his most endearing in this state. A harsh sentiment, perhaps, but in such moments, there existed no space for artifice or his foolish banter. In such moments, he was malleable, receptive to reminders of his place.. Just as he should be.
As Kokushibo's hand traversed the expanse of Doma's nape and traced an affectionate path along his back—perhaps the sole form of praise Doma would garner from his superior this night—he basked in the tender sensation, finding solace in the fleeting respite his dampened pillow couldn't hope to provide on its own.
However, that interlude of affection was destined to be brief. His hand, which had previously caressed Doma's back, now ventured to entwine itself in the younger demon's tousled locks. With a firm tug, akin to that of a leash, Kokushibo elicited a high-pitched squeal from Doma—a sound that he found utterly delicious, a brief indulgence before he shifted his focus.
At the crook of Doma's neck, Kokushibo bared his fangs, and with a savage bite, he drew forth yet another long bead of blood to be lapped up with grace. Kokushibo's lips closed around the wound, savoring the metallic tang of Doma's essence. From there, the rolling of his hips only grew more intense, and Doma's moans only grew louder.
“Such a piteous mess,” drawled Upper Moon One, muffled by his own painful ministrations. Doma threw his head back with whatever room he was allowed. “Merely a handful of thrusts, and you're wailing and contorting... like a desperate animal in the throes of heat.”
A well-placed blow to his rear incurred a yowl of pleasure from Doma—a response not born of wrongdoing but a delicious opportunity to chastise him in such a manner.
“M'sorry,” He babbled mindlessly, “M' a mess for you, Lord Kokushibo, I—mhn~!—feels so good, I'm...”
Kokushibo tore his fangs from the yielding flesh, savoring the yelp that ensued, along with the metallic tang of blood that tantalized his lips. He took a moment to relish the essence, licking it away with a deliberateness that bespoke his hedonistic enjoyment at that moment. As anticipated, the wound healed swiftly. He leaned back, drinking in the sight of Upper Moon Two, stripped of his dignity and forced to his knees within the confines of his own domain—a place where his image held paramount importance.
“You don't appear to be contrite in the slightest.” Kokushibo crooned, his voice oscillating between panting breaths and lascivious groans as he skillfully coaxed another cascade of mewls from Doma. His free hand deftly moved to stimulate the other's arousal, further heightening his pleasure. “I wonder,” he continued, his tone dripping with malice, “what might occur... if one of your devoted followers were to stumble upon this debauched scene... while you're ensnared in such a stupefying state?”
With another resolute thrust, Kokushibo's hand deftly manipulated Doma's frenulum, unleashing a searing tidal wave of pleasure that sent the younger demon reeling, stars dancing before his vision. In that moment of rapturous intensity, his brain grappled to process the words uttered, and when comprehension finally dawned, the thought alone made his cock twitch with fervor.
“How crassly forthright.” Kokushibo remarked, his grip on Doma's arousal tightening briefly, only to unleash a punitive slap upon the hypersensitive tip. The sharp sting gave rise to an immediate yelp of pleasure-pain, Doma's breath quickening with a sharp hitch as he teetered on the precipice of rapture and torment.
It was a sound judgement to have him face the door then, Kokushibo supposed, basking in the sounds he choked out of his suboordinate. Doma's vocalizations ran the gamut, ranging from rasped vulgarities to squeaky cries, and if there was one facet that Kokushibo genuinely admired about him, it was his voice—a mellifluous tenor that he might not have deserved but undeniably possessed. In the throes of passion, Doma made the most delectable sounds, each note growing more exquisite, more impassioned, as his inevitable climax approached.
And Kokushibo, true to his intent, was resolute in granting him that release, if not the preservation of his dignity. After all, he was exceptionally well-behaved tonight—and he had put the man through more than enough.
In that chamber, a tumultuous tempest of blurred ecstasy unfurled its rapturous banner. Devoid of ardor's solemn vows, bereft of any whispered oaths, release finally came. As Doma, his frame a symphony of ecstasy, ascended towards the zenith of his sensual reverie, Kokushibo, without much delay, joined him. With one last fervent thrust, Upper moon one stilled his hips, and the demons' release converged in sinewy strings of white amidst their frenzied sounds of pleasure, until there was nothing left to give.
Doma was the first to succumb to a semblance of exhaustion, his body yielding as Kokushibo's length slid out of him, leaving him in a languid sprawl as he finally had a moment to revel in the intoxicating fluids that now clung to him—an unapologetic mess of his superior's warm spent and his own perspiration that existed despite his naturally low body temperature. Kokushibo, his gaze fixated on the visage of Doma in his post-coital haze, contemplated the notion of a potential round two, had he the luxury of time.
With a sigh, he carefully removed the obi that had previously bound Doma's wrists, freeing the younger demon from his constraints. He proceeded to dress himself upon sliding off the bed as if nothing happened—although his apparent discomfort at his own perspired state was palpable.
“It would be prudent for you to summon your servants to attend to this... aftermath,” he remarked in a hushed tone, his words laced with an air of formality. “If there is anything you require me to procure for you... now would be the time to inquire. If not.. I'm taking my leave.”
“A kiss would be-”
Doma grumbled, shuffling up to the edge where Kokushibo stood. Like clockwork, his perpetual smile returned, and of course, so did his cheekiness. Kokushibo, who had been facing the door, turned to look at him, utterly unamused.
“Would it kill you to give me just one...?” he pouted. “You said I could ask for anything I wanted just now... You're always so mean to me.”
“No,” Kokushibo repeated, adjusting the sash of his kimono. “...I said I'd give you whatever you needed. You don't need what you're asking for.”
Kokushibo reached for his sheathed katana and slid it into his obi with practiced precision. He was preparing for his departure, to which Doma deflated onto his bed in silent resignation.
“...Nor does it seem like you need anything from me at all,” he remarked stoically, turning his gaze forward. “So I will take my leave now.”
And with that, he was gone. Doma rolled over unto his back with a dramatic sigh. Maybe it was a need. His affection.
Wowzer, that was a long one. Sorry for the long wait. I've been meaning to get this out for a whole week, but my perfectionist ass kept editing before the damn piece was actually finished. Anyway.... yeah, I'll probably post more of these two lol. Their banter was fun to write for sure.
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araksi-art · 11 days
after redesigning one pc, i decided to attempt all of them ! only menir stayed the same, since he's mine <3 lol
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old version:
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individual comparisons and design notes under cut!
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the dragonborn is a rogue! to reflect that, he's all the light and sharp weapons. made sure to keep the insane amount of belts! included some red so that the pallete wouldn't be so bland
the half-elf is a druid :3 gave him a bunch of herbs to keep on hand. and clothes that wont get immediately dirty with proper gloves! kept his sleevesless look + the draping fabric!
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these two are cousins! made sure to give them the same skin color, and fun fact! their hair color is also the same, just two different shades. also gave them both white eyes.
zuru (left) got a slightly more practical skirt and dee (right) got probably the most changes? they also both walk on their toes a little, bc that's my tiefling headcanon/design !
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menir is the same, i took away luu's colors but gave him chains with coins so he can still make noise as he walks hehe. the bat guy i already posted :3
did my best to keep their main design decisions to keep them at least somewhat similar! my favorite part was choosing the palletes .. they are all muted colors now >:]
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britt-kageryuu · 1 month
A New Vod on the VTurtles! Channel. Titled 'VTurtles! Concert (and kinda verity show)'
It starts with a short of the 3 Purple Dragons Models with their drones rushing around trying to finish setting up for the concert.
Wyvern yelling out that the show starts soon. Then yells at Wyrm(Jason) for tripping on a wire, and almost pulling something down. She just stands with her face in her hands.
"Drake (Jeremy), take the hatchlings, and get to the controls. Wyrm, if you weren't my step brother I swear! The show starts in 10. Get this fixed or you have to deep clean the Garage with a toothbrush!"
The concert opens with Four Figures on a roof top overlooking New York City. Then music starts playing. Starting with a guitar riff, and "Rise~"
"Rise of the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles~x2
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in a Half Shell Turtle Power!"
The lights turn on to reveal the Turtles Models in color coded ninja pants with their ninja gear over top, along their weapons on them. They start singing the song alternating lines as it goes on.
"Rising up against evil, paint the city Green,
Red is looking for a fight!
Blue is Making a Scene~
Mandarin's got mad skills!
Dee Rocks Machines!
With each other, they discover their destiny
And Rise! Cowabunga!!"
The song goes on swapping between scenes of the brothers fighting crime, and various villains.
Leo is doing a Solo Performance dressed in Glam Rock Fashion, singing some Queen.
Though mid song his voice cracked badly, leaving him feeling a bit embarrassed. A mumbled "I'm not a teenager anymore why?!" Could be heard as he tries to remember the lyrics.
A break in between music where Shelldon and River are teaching the 'Hatchlings' how to adjust their optics and which noises to make for max cuteness potential.
"And with this, you can get almost anyone to do whatever you want!" Shelldon says while River nods sagely.
From of stage there comes a yell of "Stop trying to corrupt your cousins!"
There's a rap battle and a dance battle going on at the same time. It's very hard to tell who is supposed to be winning.
Up until Raph accidentally sent Donnie flying across the stage with his tail. Then it was called a draw with a cut to the next segment.
Donnie, Mikey and Leo are singing Zero to Hero from Hercules, just changing some words to relate to Raph, while said Turtle is sitting on a throne with a Wrestling Belt.
Stars Model is sitting on the armrest, dressed in light blue workout gear that showed off many of her star shaped 'spots'. She looks very amused with everything, because Raph is slightly embarrassed by his brothers.
There's a break from the songs, this time Donnie is playing an AR Whack-a-Mole game. Thought the 'Moles' are foot ninja, and they're wielding a giant purple hammer.
Donnie is laughing and shouting Bonk every time they hit one of the ninja.
The game ends with showing that Donnie got a new high score.
Splinter has taken the stage singing and dancing to some classic songs. Draxum is shoved on stage to sing a duet with Splinter too both of their embarrassments.
Every one is on stage for the finale singing 'We Are (Family)'.
As they sing and dance around, there's pictures of them with their friends and family popping up on the wall. Including some pictures from when they were kids. All edited to look like 3D models overlaying the original picture.
I.E. Raph and Star posing together. Leo chatting with Usagi while Spot nuzzling Leo's cheek. April, Cass, CJ, Mikey, and Donnie baking together. Splinter reading a picture book to the turtle tots.
There is surprisingly also a couple pictures with the Purple Dragons with their drones.
I had some plans for this, but kept running into the 'which songs' dilemma, and kept getting stuck on what they would be singing.
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yorshie · 10 months
The Technical Genius
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Donnie's look is much the same as the one in the films, I ultimately decided why mess with something that isn't broke, and I just couldn't bring myself to cover up his arms or his chest, but wow this turtle is a string bean of a pole and you wanna know why he needs those suspenders? Because he is a SLUT those pants are so far down his hips it's not even funny my poor eyeballs were SCANDALIZED when I realized just how close to the bottom of his plastron that belt buckle is like, Dee, there is no need to murder people you're already lethal sweetie. Gave him a tamagotchi because how could I not, and slimmed down his tech gauntlet because I hope after ten years he'd be able to upgrade and, more importantly, I wouldn't have to draw the game controller over and over.
Donnie's pretty good at keeping out of the thick of things and he's got reach with that staff like nobody's business so, (admittedly this is a fucked up little whoopsie for him), his scar is a burn scar from a lab accident where he maybe got a bit too cocky for his own good and he's lucky he didn't lose his hand in the process. Maybe it was upgrading the Garbage Truck, maybe it was with some classified chemicals, all I know is it hurt like a bitch and toned down his mad scientist vibes a little bit. Now he has to run his major experiments by Splinter so his father knows what to watch out for and Raph made sure every single little nook and cranny in the garage and Lab has fire extinguishers because hearing your brother scream inside an inferno is *trauma*
Tattoo wise I gave him a new one on his shoulder, because I really like that little turtle design and I wanted them all to have it in some form, and I always kinda felt bad about Donnie being left out of the tattoo gang even though I know the generally accepted head canon that he was the one doing the tattooing. Flower wise, however (because don't worry I didn't leave Donnie out) he's got celosia on both his thighs, since it is a symbol for intellectualism, knowledge and creativity, and thighs because...well.... i am but a simple raccoon. The flowers come in a lot of different shapes so I'm still deciding between the traditional plume flower or the stake shaped, will see how it goes when I get to work on the tattoo maps more
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crybabytoy59 · 9 months
Holiday season break…
Drear John think you need a break….
It was a wonderful summers day that morning, birds chirping on the apple tree, flying back and forth swinging from the bird feeder, the wee red nuts turning white with each peck…
John loved to watch nature the outdoors always held a strange lure to him something peaceful about it made him calm…
Just as he looked out the window Aunt Dee walked into the kitchen, looking over to John she spoke to him..
“Morning You… sleep well ?”…
As she glided past him he marvelled at her beauty….
His Aunt was only ten years his senior in her late 40’s but she had the figure of a woman much younger due to her keep fit routine…
Her stunning long black hair flowed over her shoulders down her back to almost her lower back, framed by very straight powerful shoulders, she had beautiful blue eyes with high cheekbones and the widest smile !
Again she spoke breaking John from his stare !
“Did you sleep well ?” She gave a small chuckle as he stuttered a yes thank you Aunt Dee …
John had stuttered not over her beautiful presence, rather what she was dressed in !
Or the lack of it !!!
She had o a grey straight dress that had no arms like an official would ware ..But this was Very short only coming to the top of her thighs ! Around her waist was a black leather belt around 4” wide with a huge buckle….she had on a white shirt under the dress that only had lacy sleeves that clung to her upper biceps… her black hair was in a high ponytail tied with a black lace that had been woven from her crown 6” down to her neckline…. She was stunning !!!!…
But for John this was such a treat as secretly John had a huge crush on his Aunt…
For years he had made every attempt to go to her for regular holidays…
Just to simply be in her presence, his infatuation had gotten worse after he visited in his early 20’s for a long weekend.
He had gone to the toilet one day when Aunt Dee was out shopping, sitting on the toilet he looked at the laundry basket…No he couldn’t …
On flushing he walked past the basket, But stopped at the door !
It would do no harm just to look ?
Lifting the top there was among the laundry her silk frilly lace pants !
OMG he wanted to put the top back and run downstairs…
But he lifted a pair looking at them ! Then it happened he put them to his nose !!!
His Aunt’s smell was so very sweet..But worse was to come he was so excited John took out his swollen member grabbing at the toilet paper he started to masterbate hard ! in seconds he shot hot sperm into the awaiting paper !!
Truly embarrassed by his actions he put the pants back flushed the toilet and vowed Never to do such a thing again…
It didn’t last long each holiday he would wait till Aunt Dee was out then take pants…
This got worse as he started putting them on ! Followed by her bra ..
That was how it started him dressing in her underwear feeling like a naughty little girl !
A sissy girlie !!
Years had passed as he grew older the stay’s became less frequent..
John did keep in touch with his Aunt regularly so was not surprised on her invitation to stay with her after a messy break up…
But on the second day he couldn’t help him self he went to the laundry basket !!!
Stealing a pair he would sleep with them on then simply put them back in the early morning…
This he had done with a huge smug smile to himself she would know nothing of his dirty nights play in them…..
Eating bran flakes from the bowl he casually looked over at his Aunt’s current attire…
“Do you like it John ? (A nod came) I have some business to take care of today so hence my dress code…. Now finish your cereal…. Then you can help me with something”..
John put his bowl into the dishwasher and followed his Aunt up stairs to the attic conversation she strode up the stairs in front of him he was in heaven watching her cute bubble butt bounce before him !
She went into his room ? ….
Stood at the bed with her arms now folded !
John what is this ! …
She pulled the bed sheet down to reveal her silk panties !!!
How ? How could she have known what pair he took !!!!
John went bright Red !!
Aunty Dee I don’t know how they got there ?!
This was indeed a half truth as he had put them back ?
Aunt Dee looked him right in the eyes !
“I hate lies ! Admit it you stole my panties and have been putting them on !”
No ...N’No Aunt Dee I wouldn’t do that ….
She barked at him again !
“Yes you did madam ! Infact I think you get off on women’s knickers don’t you !”
No Aunty please !!
“I will fucking please you madam you’re a knicker stealing Sissy !!!”
Aunty Dee held up her Mobile !!!
There in colour was him in bed with her panties on sleeping !!!!….
The shame burst through as he went Deeper red welling up !
“Get over my knee Madam ! “
She sat on the bed…
Wwwhhat Aunty Dee ?
“Eh Now sissy !!”
She took his arm pulling him off balance, then over her knee !
A spanking with his arm up his back followed !!!
“You little shit !! You have been wanking in them haven’t you ! “
Thwack !
No Aunt Dee !
“You little liar! You’re a nasty sissy pantie stealing bitch !!!”
Ppplease Auntie nooo !
“Then admit it You stole Auntie Dee’s frilly knickers didn’t You !”
Suddenly over whelmed with a deep sense of submissive feelings from the spanking, it all came flowing out as John confessed to everything ..
His pant stealing his dirty habits and more ..
But worse he blurted out his Deeply held love for his Aunt !,,,,,
She barked at him to get up and bend over the end of the bed frame !
This he’s scurried to do for his aunt as she left to get some items from a cupboard ..
On her return she spanked his red rear hard !
Thwack !
“Spread your legs wide you little sissy ! Am going to show you what happens to pantie thefts in this house !” His Auntie then tied his ankles to the bed legs wide apart ! Followed by his arms tied behind his back...
OMG Auntie Dee had a wooden hair brush !
Thwack !
“Dirty sissy pant stealing wee bitch ..Thwack !
Jerking off in my panties are you !”
Thwack... Thwack !...
Am so sorry Auntie Please stop ! It sore !
“Yes it’s sore sissy it a Punishment ! ..Now say it your a sissy pantie stealing wee bitch ! What are You?”
Am a pantie stealing wee. Sissy bitch Auntie Dee !...
“Now Am going to give You 12 Full force spankings and You sissy will stay silent for Your Auntie !
or she will simply start over until you are silent !”
To her utter amazement her sissy nephew stayed silent for All twelve !
But burst out crying hysterically at the end !
She almost felt sorry for him for a split second ...
She untied him then spoke..
“Pull your pants up sissy and come over here !”
As John turned Auntie was sitting in the small padded chair in the corner his rear on fire hurt as he walked to his beautiful Auntie...
“Kneel down here hands behind your head ! ..now tell Auntie Dee why you stole my panties dirty ones at that !”
What happened next really stunned her to the core !!!
Am a submissive Auntie Dee and I love frilly things.
But for years I have Loved You Auntie Dee... with all my heart I just want to be your subissive sissy ...
Stunned by this new revelation she put her hand under his chin lifting it so gently ..
“If you love me why are you looking at the floor sissy John ?”
Sorry Auntie Dee am embarrassed to look at you knowing you know my secret now..
She was suddenly aware of a tingling Deep within she had not felt in years a building throb ! Fuck she wanted to slap his face tell him to get out !
But the throbbing simply took over...
“So you love frilly things do you ? Right sissy close your eyes and don’t Fucking move an inch or it’s the hair brush got That !”
Yes Auntie Dee !
She got up leaving to her room entering the walk-in dressing room in her bedroom she opened a drawer lifting out a silk yellow teddy nightie and matching frilly bloomers !...
Smiling to herself she walked back to the spare room but stopped to fetch another pair of used panties and tights from the dirty washing basket !
He was still kneeling in the same position as she came up behind him...
“Keep your eyes closed and open your mouth ! No sissy Wide !”
Fuck he did as told so fast she wanted to burst out laughing ....
Putting the new dirty pants over his nose (Auntie Dee had to dig around to find this pair as she had an accident in the When first on her periods !).
“So this is the smell you love is it Sissy pantie boy !”
Utterly ashamed he blurted out a Yes Auntie !
But his words trailed off as she again barked ..
“Open Wide no talking ...You nod or shake your head Sissy !”
She stuffed the soiled pants into his right cheek firmly then lifted the pair he had in bed still wet with his come ! These were pushed into the left cheek hard then she pulled the used tights over his face pulling the legs out taught she fed them around his head wedging his mouth tightly !
This brought cute wee moans from John ....
The throbbing was building even more now as she worked on him ...
Fuck this was so powerful ! She felt in such control it was fantastic. !!!
“Stand up and strip for Auntie Dee ! Do it very slowly John or I will punish you again is that understood ?”
He nodded rapidly as he started removing All his clothing !
Fuck he was rock hard ! Dirty little shit !...
“Hold Aunties shoulders !”
John felt for her shoulders ..holding them felt Devine, he was in Sub heaven ...
“Lift your right leg sissy ! ...now the left !”
John shuddered as he felt the cool silk being fed up his slender legs then snapped around his waist !
“Ok hands off my shoulders and kneel ! (He did as told) Now hands up !”
Pulling the teddy nightie over his young body brought a smile to her face..
Here he was dressed in her silks, his face wrapped in a tights hood with bulging pantie stuffed cheeks.....Time for some fun !
“Hands behind your head sissy ! Now feel what Auntie Dee has dressed you up in sissy boy !”
She watched as he not only felt every where but was moaning and panting through the gagging obviously getting off on it !
Suddenly a vision passed through her mind ..What if ? Yes what if ?
“John are you a Girl ?”
He froze on the spot !! No that was too much he couldn’t tell his Auntie he Always wanted to be a Girl !
“I asked you a Question John are you a Girl inside ! Tell Auntie Dee don’t dare hide !”
John took a huge breath and nodded tears falling from him as wet patches now appeared on the tights hood !
“A sissy girl well we’ll we will have to find you a new name then sissy !”
Auntie Dee had lifted the yellow teddy nightie and was running her foot over his bulge !
No sooner had she started this than wetness spread, he was oozing pre-come !
OMG she thought as she got up to fetch a hand towel from the on suite ..
“What a dirty sissy girl you are missy !”
Auntie Dee opened the bloomers looking at his straining member it was covered glistening in the bedroom lights !
She folded the towel along its length to form a pad putting it under him up his rear, but too her surprise he spread his legs Wide panting loudly ?
As she pulled the bloomers back up she spoke to him...
“There that will catch your mess missy ! So to a name for my new girl...”
John had not even heard his auntie as he was caught by the soft towel material he was slowly moving his hips as he arched backwards an unstoppable force set in motion he screamed into the dirty panties !
“Sissy don’t you dare ! Don’t you mess my nice towel with your fucking filth !”
Auntie Dee kicked between his legs !
She watched as sissy arched backwards climaxing hard screaming into the gagging !
Auntie Dee was lost in lust herself now, her fingers drenched in her wet pussy ripping out a climax of her own she suddenly wanted with all her heart to hurt him...Hurt him Bad !!!
Lifting the hair brush she threw him on the floor sitting on his back she pulled the towel down spanking his rear wildly !
“Dirty girl ..How dare you do that in Aunties silk bloomers ! Dirty wee bitch ! Auntie is going to blister your naughty Ass !”
She spanked him wildly for around ten mins then realised he was actually crying and sobbing like a Baby !..
“Are you sorry sissy girl ?”
He was nodding wildly ..
“Well take a Deep breath and No sound for your Punishment 12 !
Show Auntie you Love her and take this silently Baby girlie LEMON !...Yes your acting like a baby so am going to treat you like a baby!”
He took a huge Deep Breath as the white hot pain rained down on him but Yes he stayed silent as he truly Loved his beautiful Auntie Dee....
“Clever baby lemon come over her and get a sissy baby cuddle sweetheart as Auntie Loves you too”
A plan had formed in her head as she spanked his rear staying silent for her in deep submission....
She at that moment knew two things she loved being Dominant and wanted to Humiliate him for her Pleasure..
Now knowing just the path too take to pull that Humiliation from him !
John sobbing lay his head on her lap..
He had waited so very long to hear her say those words he burst out crying sobbing his heart out as she pulled him in..
“Hush Hush now Baby Auntie will take good care of you now ....You will write a letter of resignation to give up your job.then we will sell everything you own, as you won’t be needing anything now that your coming to stay with Auntie as her Babyslave !”....
His Auntie now had a picture forming in her head she would Humiliate him beyond anything he could possibly dream of for Her Pleasure she had suspected him for so long but he wanted to be a Girl ! Well she would have him as that but as the two year olds she first knew when he was ever so cute !!!!!...
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
In the adopted Donnie AU, does baby Dee ever question why Raph and the others don’t wear clothes? Does he ever insist that they need to wear something or that he doesn’t need to so he matches them?
lol! I mean the question probably comes up at some point. THe only reason baby Dee wears clothes at all is b/c April showed up and was lilke "That is a tiny turtle child. You will not rob me of the joy of buying and seeing them wear cute clothes." Also b/c it helped cover his bandages at the time.
And like, Dee doesn't always wear clothes. If he doesn't want to get dressed one day (or just wants to go around in a teeshirt or hoodie) the turtles really don't care. They go around in just belts and knee/elbow pads all day so they can't judge lol.
but as for getting the older turtles to wear stuff, i could see like a 10 year old Dee finding the stupidest Dad-Joke teeshirt and getting it for Raphie, insisting he had to wear it at least once. And Raphie's not a fan of wearing clothes, but he loves this shirt specifically b/c Dee got it for him : )
Thank you!
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