#deep state’s plan to eliminate humanity
awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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sheisraging · 4 months
If you're considering not voting or casting a pointless 3rd party vote in the upcoming US elections*, I'd urge you to read about Project 2025, which is the Republican transition plan for if they win the 2024 election (link is for the wiki page, not the actual website).
A short summary:
Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of policy proposals to fundamentally reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a widely disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration.
Among the many horrifying and notable points:
Abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other government agencies, or terminated. Basic research would only be funded if it suits conservative principles.
Promotes the ideal that the government should "maintain a biblically based, social-science-reinforced definition of marriage and family."
Proposed recognition of only heterosexual men and women, the removal of protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual or gender identity, and the elimination of provisions pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) from federal legislation.
Individuals who have participated in DEI programs or any initiatives involving critical race theory might be fired.
Explicitly reject abortion as health care
Revive provisions of the Comstock Act of the 1870s that banned mail delivery of any "instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing" that could be used for an abortion.
Restrict access to contraception.
Infuse the government with elements of Christianity, and its contributors believe that "freedom is defined by God, not man."
Criminalizing pornography
Combat "affirmative discrimination" or "anti-white racism," citing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and to direct the DOJ to pursue Donald Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807.
Recommend the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants across the country.
Promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sentences.
Reform the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) so that the nuclear household structure is emphasized.
Give state governments the authority impose stricter work requirements for beneficiaries of Medicaid
Mandate that federal healthcare providers should deny gender-affirming care to transgender people
Eliminate insurance coverage of the morning-after-pill Ella (required by the Affordable Care Act of 2010).
Remove Medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices.
These are just a few things and I'm sure lots of people will be like lol this will never happen but lots of people said this about overturning Roe, as well.
*FWIW - I think it is absolutely valid to be angry, discouraged, and disappointed in our current administration.
Be mad at Biden! (though I would encourage looking into some of the actually positive things his administration has achieved).
But also consider what's at stake for a huge population of this country if we wind up with a GOP win.
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critical-skeptic · 3 months
Under QMAGA's Eye
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Project 2025 is an audacious attempt by the conservative extreme right to solidify and expand their grip on American governance, driven by an alarming obsession with reshaping the country into a dystopian vision reminiscent of Gilead from "The Handmaid's Tale." This initiative is not just a policy blueprint; it is a manifesto that reveals the radical ambitions of a movement hell-bent on dismantling the progress made over decades in favor of a regressive, authoritarian future.
At its core, Project 2025 aims to entrench a conservative agenda through a comprehensive policy guide, a personnel database, training programs, and a detailed 180-day playbook designed to enact swift and sweeping changes. This project, spearheaded by The Heritage Foundation, underscores a chilling strategy to fill key government positions with ideologically aligned individuals who will faithfully execute its regressive policies from day one of a new conservative administration.
The Parallels to Gilead
The policy prescriptions outlined in Project 2025 are disturbingly similar to the totalitarian regime depicted in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale." The proposed measures to eliminate terms like "abortion" and "reproductive rights" from federal policies and the reinstatement of the Comstock Act to restrict mail-order abortions reveal a deep-seated desire to control women's bodies and reproductive choices. This is not just about policy; it's about rolling back fundamental rights and reducing women to state-controlled vessels, much like the Handmaids in Gilead.
Moreover, the call to defund Planned Parenthood and penalize providers of reproductive health services through Medicaid restructuring highlights a deliberate effort to dismantle the healthcare safety net that many rely on. The emphasis on "fertility awareness-based" contraception methods and the removal of condoms from preventative health guidelines further underscore an agenda that is more about ideological purity than public health.
The Authoritarian Blueprint
Project 2025's vision extends beyond social issues to a broader authoritarian restructuring of the government. The playbook for the first 180 days includes plans to dismantle the so-called "deep state" by purging perceived enemies within federal agencies and replacing them with loyalists. This is eerily reminiscent of purges seen in authoritarian regimes, where dissent is crushed, and only the faithful are allowed to wield power.
This project is not just about winning elections; it's about creating an environment where the conservative agenda can be implemented unchallenged. The training programs and personnel database aim to build a cadre of ideologically pure administrators who will implement these policies without question. This is a clear attempt to bypass the checks and balances that are fundamental to American democracy.
The Trump Factor
A second term for Donald Trump, especially under the guidance of Project 2025, would be catastrophic. In his first term, Trump was often seen as an unpredictable and chaotic leader, but this time, he would have a meticulously crafted blueprint and a network of loyalists ready to execute his vision. The country's current polarized state, combined with the advanced propaganda tools already in place, would make it much easier for Trump to push through his agenda with minimal resistance.
The international stage is also more destabilized now, and Trump's return would likely exacerbate global tensions. His administration's disregard for diplomatic norms and alliances would further isolate the United States, making it a rogue actor in an increasingly interconnected world.
The Call to Action
The stakes could not be higher. Project 2025 represents a clear and present danger to the principles of democracy, equality, and human rights. It is a call to arms for those who believe in a progressive, inclusive future to recognize the seriousness of this threat and mobilize against it. The potential for a second Trump term, empowered by this blueprint, would not just be a repeat of the past; it would be an acceleration towards a dystopian future where the most regressive elements of society hold sway.
In conclusion, Project 2025 is more than a conservative playbook; it is a radical manifesto with the potential to reshape America into a nightmarish vision of authoritarian control and social regression. The time to act is now, before this dark vision becomes a reality.
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lexical-lushes · 1 year
[Shivers] so, o-one of my facet-stories is about horny mech pilots.
a world where, generations ago, leading world governments decided to "fix" population growth and overpopulation by releasing a retrovirus agent that rewired humans to have a heat cycle. by the time anyone not in on the plan realized what was being done, it was too late.
sexual interest is dampened for most of the year - every three months, girls go into heat for a week or two and release pheromones that, a-ah, stimulate people around them.
(there are, of course, medications that can be taken to suppress heat cycles. or trigger them early, although those are something really only the upper class has regular access to.)
of course, the whole "solution" was just a self-serving bid to hold onto power in a world of ecological collapse and ongoing destructive climate change. states and major corporations colluded and consolidated their power as vast portions of the world suffered desertification and equatorial "dead zones" spread. populations were relocated into increasingly centralized and strictly controlled urban zones, which grew into vast arkocities supported by sprawling hydroponics facilities.
resource wars broke out, as well as increasingly hostile corporate takeovers. the arkocities built fortifications, expanding their existing lockdown procedures for civil unrest and extreme weather events.
the weapon of choice in the growing conflicts became mechanized walkers and automated vehicles. furthermore, the arms race to improve upon these technologies eventually led to a cutting-edge advancement in mech warfare: direct neural interlocks.
instead of a pilot relying on manual controls and the machine's automatic reflex systems, select candidates were screened for appropriate neurological and psychological profiles before being implanted with a cybernetic interface allowing them to "plug in" to a mech's combat computer. the "pilot", really more of a neural processor or "bioCPU", then synchronizes with the mech's own systems and acts as a rapid processing system capable of intuitively analyzing combat situations and "steering" the mech.
a good neural processor needs to be highly aggressive while also capable of surrendering enough control to the mech's systems that synchronization can be achieved.
it turns out that an orphan girl named Amelia gets high marks during a round of corporate-sponsored health checkups and psychological screening.
she's shy, with little self-confidence. extremely vulnerable to peer pressure. deathly afraid of being unlikable or abandoned.
but she's driven, too, fueled by all that fear and bottled-up resentment.
she gets selected as a candidate. she scores well. she survives the cybernetic augmentation process. when they finally plug her into a mech, she gets the highest score of anyone in the program - she gives herself over completely to the machine, straining to do exactly what it wants. KILL. KILL. KILL. ELIMINATE THE TARGET.
the more she gives herself over and unbottles that deep well of pain inside her, the more she's free, the more the reward hooks work their way into her until she's a frothing, snarling, pent-up mess of a girl by the time they pull her out of the cockpit.
(and oh, how she's embarrassed by that.)
...luckily, she has someone to help her work out all that stress, someone that understands and adores her for the monstrous, violent thing she becomes in a combat situation.
after all, neural processors often can't be trusted to interpret orders during the heat of combat. you need someone a little more detached from the situation for that. so... you pair the "pilot" up with a navigator and comms operator. they feed select tactical data to the pilot, point them in the right direction, and keep one hand hovering over the emergency override and disengage switch if the pilot ever gets out of hand and needs a yank on their leash.
so it's j-just me and my RIO, strapped into a heavily armed missile with an instinct to kill called Sierra One, tearing apart less agile and responsive mechs at command's behest~
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calliecwrites · 7 months
I slipped through the cracks. It was still my city, but, somehow, not my world. I’d heard of places like this, but always second-hand. A friend of a friend of a friend.
It was a world that showed the true nature of things. The buildings were a blot on the land, in a constant state of decay, maintained only by toil. Humans were tiny and petty. Life itself was an endless hunger that would devour everything to multiply.
So why, when people looked at me, did they cover their eyes? Why did they run away? What did they see in me, that was so different from themselves?
Did the skyscrapers crumble faster in my presence? Was life’s war of all on all that bit more vicious? A puddle answered it for me – my reflection. Of course. I had forgotten. No, I had been made to forget.
They had been unable to kill me. They had made this universe as a prison, taken my memory, and locked me in here with the humans. So that I would believe I was human. And when I died a human death, believing that, I would die in truth. Clever.
But the prison was flawed. These shards, these places in the cracks, they weren’t part of the plan. Maybe they were an accident. Maybe my own power had created them, burrowing into the possibilities this imperfect prison couldn’t quite eliminate – filled them with the means to remember. I am change, after all. You can’t imprison the bubbling chaos that flows between the worlds, even if you can make it forget.
The skyscrapers were changing faster now – crumbling, yes, but also warping, twisting, and it delighted me. I reached out to the human minds – they could tell something was different, already. I reached down and stirred the magma deep below, and across every shard of this world, the ground shook.
Soon I would break free, and return to their world, the ones who had imprisoned me. But first, I had a whole universe to become. The humans would learn, soon enough:
I wasn’t locked in here with them. They were locked in here with me.
Also on Reddit, on Instagram.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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International Jazz Day 
Join your community in appreciating and recognizing the rich culture and heritage of jazz. Visit a local jazz club, or revisit some of the greatest musicians in history.
International Jazz Day is a beautiful time to celebrate the gift of music and to come together as a community. It’s a chance to listen to a variety of musicians and hear their talents live all around the world.
Learning more about the day will help any musical enthusiast to appreciate all the benefits of listening to jazz. Music lovers from around the world will gather to attend jazz festivals, parties, and events to help celebrate the day and this specific type of music. Now is the perfect opportunity to take up a musical instrument such as the trumpet, saxophone, piano or clarinet and start to make music so one can understand what all the hype is about.
International Jazz Day highlights the ability for jazz to unite people from all walks of life and draw together folks from around the globe. No one is left out, as this day brings together artists, schools, communities, historians, academics, and jazz aficionados to raise awareness around this type of music and educate the public about the roots, impact, and future of jazz. There’s a deep-rooted message attached to this day of celebration, such as reinforcing international cooperation and communication.
It brings to light the need for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding through one of the best ways possible, music. The power of the music will be apparent when participants view people of all backgrounds, forgetting about their differences and joining together to celebrate jazz. Any adverse circumstances from the past or present are suddenly forgotten or pushed aside, and people begin to focus on friendship, freedom, hope, and dignity instead.
The day itself is intended to promote peace, diversity, respect among different cultures, and highlight the need for human rights and dignity. The music itself addresses the desire for eliminating discrimination and promoting the freedom of expression. Youth are also encouraged to participate by enacting change and helping to foster gender equality. One will have the chance to experience how much life and love emerges when the day kicks off, and musicians from all over begin to jam and play their music.
History of International Jazz Day
It all began in 2011 when the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization declared International Jazz Day as an opportunity to give recognition to jazz music and state its role to unite people all around the globe. It’s been going strong ever since and people look forward to this day each year when music lovers from around the world can share in the experience of listening to and making jazz music.
The idea itself emerged from jazz pianist and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Herbie Hancock. Together, the UNESCO Director-General and Hancock chair the event and ensure people from all over come out to participate in the celebration each year. Cities such as Paris, New Orleans, and New York were some of the first to begin to educate the public on the event and draw excitement to Jazz Day.
The Host City goes as far as to organize an All-Star Global Concert which brings together over two-dozen jazz musicians from all parts of the world in or around a historical landmark. It’s interesting to know that the popularity of the day has grown immensely over the years. Now, nearly 200 countries participate in International Jazz Day.
You can visit just about any location and hear and experience jazz music at its finest. You’ll witness artists and onlookers expressing themselves in their own unique and individual way. Cape Town, South Africa is the Host City for 2020, so one should make a note of this if he or she wants to travel and see some of the best musicians perform their music live. Not only will there be music present at the event, but organizers are also planning an extensive educational and community outreach program for people to participate in and as a way for them to expand their knowledge.
How to Celebrate International Jazz Day
There are many ways for how people around the world can celebrate International Jazz Day. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, and all communities may have their unique take and twist on the day. For example, there may be live concerts and events to attend, and people might want to host their own parties.
Not only are there concerts and events taking place internationally, but many will also hold jam sessions and educational workshops and conferences, as well as organize community outreach programs. Anyone can locate and access jazz educational materials from the International Jazz Day website to help them run their event. The public shouldn’t be afraid to insert themselves in the conversation and start an event or discussion around the topic to help create awareness around the day.
The common denominator is that there will be a lot of jazz music to be heard and played. It’s an opportunity for those unfamiliar with this type of music to get more acquainted with it and learn about its roots and history. One can witness people of all ages and backgrounds moving to the music and enjoying themselves while the performers work hard to put on a show that anyone can appreciate.
International Jazz Day is undoubtedly a celebration to be aware of and take part in if a person is looking to expand their horizons and musical knowledge. There’s so much to see and take in around the globe when this day rolls around. There will be no choice but to participate in some sort of event that’s happening in the area. It’s a time to appreciate the musicians and their talents and bring people together to experience this particular type of music without any judgment.
Go ahead and give one of these events or jam sessions a try and see for oneself how engaging jazz music is and witness its ability to bring together people from across the globe and find common ground. Let this year be the year that people let their guards down and allow themselves to experience the day by listening, conversing, and moving their bodies to the wonderful sounds of jazz.
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ridenwithbiden · 1 year
"Donald Trump's Plan for America is called "Agenda47" and it's a helluva thing.
Here are the top ten worst agenda items:
#1 Agenda47: President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers President Donald J. Trump pledged to end the scourge of human trafficking and defend the dignity of human life.
This is the worst. Firstly, capital punishment is reserved for people who have committed murder (eye for an eye) of the most horrible and horrific crimes, involving mass casualties, rape, torture and/or mutilation.  Human trafficking is not that, but honestly, if someone was murdered during the process of human trafficking that would probably already be covered.  This standard is supported by SCOTUS case law, so without murder, it might not even be possible legally.
Secondly, this reminds me of Trump's call for the death penalty against the Exonerated Central Part 5 who were children at the time. He wanted them executed even though the victim, who was assaulted and raped, survived the attack.  She was hurt badly but it simply wasn't a capital offense, and the judicial murder of children is an international crime.
#2 Agenda47: Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs Infecting Educational Institutions For many years, tuition costs at colleges  and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding  while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth.  The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions  from the radical Left, and we will do that
This isn't about tuition costs, it's about the same cultural indoctrination, book-banning, censorship, harassment, intimidation, reverse-racism CRT and Trans panic that we've seen in Florida.  Trump wants to take that crap national. He liked this idea so much, he listed it twice.
#3 Agenda47: Using Impoundment to Cut Waste, Stop Inflation, and Crush the Deep State I will use the president’s long-recognized  Impoundment Power to squeeze the bloated federal bureaucracy for massive savings. This will be in the form of tax reductions for you. This will help quickly to stop inflation and slash the deficit.
This is about purging the government of his enemies and dissidents. Anyone who might impede or resist the agenda. Notice he doesn't mention anything about keeping the function and implementation of government in good quality. He doesn't care about whether government employees do their jobs well and efficiently - he just wants payback against the so-called "Deep state." It also won't lead to tax cuts because that would have to be separate legislation. And it's a laugh to expect that you would reduce the deficit with a job purge, people that aren't working don't pay taxes - so incoming receipts go down and the deficit goes up.  Trump promised to "eliminate the debt" the first time, but in the end, his tax cuts increased the deficit by $400 Billion during his first 3 years, then another $2.2 Trillion with his 2 Covid recovery packages.  He left office with a deficit of $3.3 Trillion.
#4 Agenda47: Ending the Scourge of Drug Addiction in America Too often, our public health establishment  is too close to Big Pharma—they make a lot of money, Big Pharma—big  corporations, and other special interests, and does not want to ask the  tough questions about what is happening to our children’s health.
This is a laugh because the GOP would never let him undercut their donor base with massive cuts to pharma. Yes, they do make a lot of money - and they spend a lot of it on Congress, they aren't letting him destroy their cash cow.  The GOP doesn't like that Medicare can negotiate with big Pharma now, they aren't letting everyone do it. However, the larger problem of actual *addiction* won't be solved by making drugs cheaper. It's pretty arrogant of him to think he can solve a problem he doesn't begin to understand.
#5 Agenda47: Day One Executive Order Ending Citizenship for Children of Illegals and Outlawing Birth Tourism As part of my plan to secure the border, on  Day One of my new term in office, I will sign an executive order making  clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the  law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not  receive automatic U.S. citizenship
It's kinda cute and pathetic that he thinks he can reverse most of the 14th Amendment with an executive order. Who the fuck taught this guy "government?"  Yeah, Let me just cross out the bit that reversed the Dred Scott decision that said that no one of African descent was a citizen using a Sharpie.  Besides the Xenophobia of this "Anchor Baby" shit - just imagine the potential ethnic and racial abuse possible with something like this in place.
#6 Agenda47: Ending the Nightmare of the Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Dangerously Deranged For a small fraction of what we spend upon  Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America. Our  veterans are being treated horribly.
You can end homelessness, drug addiction *and* mental illness for less than the cost of Ukraine? Wait I thought you already fixed drug addiction, why is that still a problem?  it's simply amazing what you can accomplish with just 1/5th of the VA budget.
#7 Agenda47: Rescuing America’s Auto Industry from Joe Biden’s Disastrous Job-Killing Policies Joe Biden is waging war on the U.S.  auto-industry with a series of crippling mandates designed to force  Americans into expensive electric cars, even as thousands of electric  cars are piling up on car lots all unsold,” President Trump said. “This  ridiculous Green New Deal crusade is causing car prices to skyrocket  while setting the stage for the destruction of American auto production.
The auto industry is doing fine and EV sales are expected to reach 35% of the market soon.  The only really "expensive" EVs are Teslas [some of them], most of the rest of them and hybrids are completely affordable. Plus what you save on not buying gas which keeps us dependent on states like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia. The Green New Deal didn't pass. Also, jobs are doing fine also.  Better than literally ever.
#8 Agenda47: Liberating America from Biden’s Regulatory Onslaught No longer will unelected members of the Washington Swamp be allowed to act as the fourth branch of our Republic
You mean like Train Safety regulations that could have prevented the East Palestine disaster? Or regulation that could have prevented Silicon Valley Bank from collapsing? Or the regulation rollback that led to the Great Recession? Or the ones that led to Enron? Cutting regulations is supposed to boost the market just like cutting taxes, but Trump's GDP never got near the 5% he predicted, it averaged at 1.7% pre-Covid and went negative after. Biden's first year had over 5% GDP.
#9 Agenda47: Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military In a new Agenda47 video, President Donald  J. Trump announced his plan to rebuild America’s depleted military,  address the military recruitment crisis, and restore the proud culture  and honor of America’s armed forces.
The Military is simply not "depleted" - military spending went from $758 Billion in 2021 to $814 Billion in 2023.  What he really means is that he's going to replenish the stock prices for Defense Contractors.
#10 Agenda47: Ending Biden’s War on the Suburbs That Pushes the American Dream Further From Reach President Donald J. Trump announced his  plan to end Joe Biden’s war on America’s suburbs in a new Agenda47  video. Biden’s proposed rule that every state, county, and city submit  “equity plans” to the federal government will push the American dream  out of reach for countless American families.
So we're still suffering from decades of deliberate racial terrorism, redlining, spreading pollution, jobs deserts and education deserts - but let's not consider trying to *FIx* any of what was deliberately and purposefully broken over the last 2 centuries.  Let's just leave it all fucked up. the way it already is.
White Power Y'all. Yeah, 'Murica!"
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chiconisroc · 2 years
Was Not The Hero
Summary of story:
He lost…
Many years of planning and sacrifices for nothing.
He has failed to eliminate the dangers that his fellow humans may face in the future…
Now he’s back home after living centuries in a wicked world full of monsters, yet he has not realized he was the monster of Boiling Isles all along.
(Yes, a Philip redemption story. Well... is it redemption? Up to you guys along the way I guess. And a bit reality check for him. More information about this story in the notes section.)
Chapter 1
He felt as if he had been in a daze of darkness for a long time…
He felt completely exhausted and weak.
There were moments when Philip became aware, and his instincts took over to keep him safe… to keep him alive…
He wasn’t sure how long it had been since his failed attempt to destroy the Boiling Isles and its wicker inhabitants, but he knew that days had passed since he returned home.
Despite the walls falling apart, with old newspapers and garbage scattered across the cracked, stained, wooden floors, he recognized it as his own. The place he hadn’t seen for many centuries. The very one that he was born in and grew up with his brother…
He had thought that upon returning home, he would feel something reminiscent of joy or sadness, but instead, he felt empty.
Completely empty…
His glowing blue eyes gazed at the living room, barely lit up by the moon, for a few more minutes before he turned to the worn-out couch, then to the darkened chimney, and finally to the stairs across from him. All he saw were fragments of a past long forgotten.
He tried to stand up but collapsed instead.
Slowly, he raised his right hand, revealing a long, thin, brown limb with very long fingers. He lifted his left arm, which looked the same but mostly green.
He looked down at himself and saw that his frame was sickly, green, brown, and sludgy looking.  
His hands went to his face and instantly could feel exposed teeth, confirming his suspicion that he was in his cursed form. Well, half the usual size, which explains why he didn’t take so much space in the living room.
He tried to curse under his breath, but instead a growl made its way from his mouth.
If he could, he would have frowned at the sound he just made. Unfortunately, his mouth was in such a state that it couldn’t make any human expressions.
He tried speaking again, and again, and only the sounds grunts and growls kept coming out.
Panic began to eat him up, but he took slow, deep breaths to calm his nerves.
He mentally told himself that he would be okay. There was no way he would be stuck in this grotesque form, unable to speak properly. He reminded himself he was still recovering from the Collector’s attack.
But then he wondered, how was he recovering?
Earth had no magic.
Perhaps the magic form the countless talismans he had absorbed was still affecting him.
His mind went back to the Boiling Isles.
Oh, he was honestly enraged at what happened to his plans to destroy the wicked island and its people. For Christ’s sake, he had lived for centuries and worked so hard for everything to fall apart.
Years of suffering and sacrifice to protect humanity, and he had failed…
And all thanks to a human girl.
A human girl who had been bewitched by those foul creatures of the Boiling Isles, just like his brother…
Luz and her friends somehow freed the Collector who had stopped the draining spell…The witches and demons continue to live… even if they were now stuck with the Collector in the Boiling Isles.
He could hope with the Collector in the Boiling Isles, there was no way any of the witches or demons would come to Earth, but he felt a feeling it was of no use.
They will somehow come to Earth and infect human society.
If only he had taken more decisive actions against Luz and her friends. He could have gone out to the owl house and killed Luz and that blasted witch of hers himself. He could have done it. He could have killed them easily in their sleep and no one would have known it was him.
He was a fool… that was what he was… so stupid to have shrugged her off simply because she was human.
Yes, he wanted to help her get back home - after all, she was from Earth - but the mercy he gave her was his undoing. A huge mistake on his part.
He shook his head from the frustration that was gradually building up.
‘Let’s go eat dinner, Philip!’
An ancient memory flashed through his mind as he stared at the stairs. He could see a young boy with short blonde hair running downstairs.
Something deep inside of him twisted painfully, which made him quickly turn to the door as his heart raced.
He had to get out of there now.
He yanked the door open so he could dash out of the house, but something struck his chest before wires latched around his limbs, crushing them against his body.
Suddenly he let out a screech of agony as countless bolts shocked through him.
“I got him!” someone yelled out as Philip struggled against his restraints, he felt he was burning alive.
He stumbled back before he felt the world turn sideways. His body hit the ground hard. The electric shocks from whatever was binding him stopped and left him panting heavily, and in pain.
“Hurry, before it’s too late!” another voice called out, both sounded feminine.
Philip did his best to stay conscious, but unfortunately, his weakened form did not last long before he was met with darkness again. 
And yeah, it's me, Nisroc Chico. I'm kind 'new' to tumblr. Just going to post up my owl house fan fiction here and probably going to write some poems and other writing stuff here too. (Warning, I'm not that great of a writer, hahaha, but I am learning.)
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darkhearthorns · 1 year
v4; medieval || ruthless tyrant
Species: Human-Warlock Hybrid Height and Weight: Maverick stands tall, towering over his subjects with an imposing presence. His height is around 6 feet 5 inches (195 cm), making him an intimidating figure in any room. He possesses a strong and robust build, with a weight of approximately 220 pounds (100 kg), reflecting his physical strength and prowess.
Appearance: Maverick's appearance reflects his dark and menacing nature, befitting his role as a ruthless tyrant.
Countenance: Maverick's face is chiseled, with sharp features that exude an air of authority and cruelty. His facial expressions often carry a cold, calculating gaze that strikes fear into the hearts of those who meet his gaze.
Hair: He has jet-black hair, usually worn shoulder-length or slightly longer, falling in thick waves that frame his face. His hair is meticulously groomed, emphasizing his regal stature.
Eyes: Maverick's eyes are piercing and intense, like deep pools of darkness. They possess a cold, steely gaze that reveals little emotion, always observing and analyzing his surroundings.
Complexion: His complexion is pale, almost porcelain-like, contrasting starkly with the darkness that surrounds him. The absence of color in his skin serves as a stark reminder of the absence of mercy in his rule.
Attire: Maverick dresses in dark, opulent garments that befit his position of power. He often wears elaborate and regal black robes adorned with intricate silver or obsidian embellishments. His attire is both a symbol of his authority and a reflection of his affinity for darkness.
Demeanor: Maverick carries himself with a commanding presence, walking with purpose and confidence. His movements are deliberate and measured, conveying a sense of power and control.
Background: In this dark and tumultuous setting, Maverick is a feared and ruthless tyrant who presides over the Blackthorn Kingdom. The kingdom lies in a perpetual state of chaos and turmoil, with its people living in constant fear under Maverick's oppressive rule. He seized control of the throne through a combination of cunning, manipulation, and brute force, eliminating his rivals and solidifying his authority.
Maverick's reign is centered around the foreboding Obsidian Citadel, a stronghold that serves as both his seat of power and a symbol of his dark rule. It is within the walls of this formidable fortress that his new wives mysteriously vanish, their fates obscured by the shadows of secrecy. Rumors abound that Maverick is directly responsible for their untimely demise, yet no evidence has surfaced to substantiate these claims, leaving the truth surrounding their deaths shrouded in mystery.
Engaging in frequent battles, Maverick is a formidable warrior who revels in violence. The Nightshade Realm, the land under his dominion, is a realm of perpetual darkness and treachery. Maverick employs his armies to wage war, extending his influence and crushing any opposition that dares to challenge his iron-fisted rule.
Master Strategist: Maverick possesses a keen tactical mind, able to formulate intricate battle plans and exploit the weaknesses of his enemies. He strategically maneuvers his forces and capitalizes on opportunities to further his conquest and maintain his grip on power.
Combat Prowess: Maverick is a highly skilled and merciless combatant. He wields a wickedly sharp obsidian blade, a symbol of his authority and ruthlessness. His proficiency in a variety of combat styles, both armed and unarmed, makes him a formidable adversary on the battlefield.
Aura of Fear: Maverick's reputation as a ruthless tyrant precedes him, and his presence alone instills fear in the hearts of those around him. The Nightshade Realm quivers under the weight of his oppressive rule, and his subjects dare not cross him for fear of severe consequences.
Manipulative Charisma: Maverick possesses a charismatic demeanor that enables him to manipulate and control others to serve his own interests. He is adept at exploiting the fears and desires of his subjects, using their loyalty or vulnerabilities as tools for his dominion.
Shadow Mastery: Maverick has delved into the forbidden arts of shadow magic, harnessing its power to augment his combat abilities and manipulate the darkness to his advantage. He can summon and command shadows, plunging his enemies into disarray and confusion.
Enigmatic Nature: Maverick's true intentions and the extent of his dark deeds remain veiled in mystery. He is a master of intrigue and deception, keeping his enemies off balance and his subjects in a state of constant uncertainty.
Oppressive Rule: Maverick's tyrannical rule is marked by strict laws, harsh punishments, and a complete disregard for the well-being of his subjects. He rules through fear, suppressing any form of dissent and maintaining a tight grip on every aspect of the Nightshade Realm.
Unyielding Willpower: Maverick possesses an indomitable will and an unwavering determination to maintain his power. He is unafraid to face any challenge head-on, even at the cost of personal sacrifice or the lives of other.
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rafor · 1 year
Chapter 9 - What's the matter? - The Glitch
I was ready to move on. I had made up my mind and prepared myself for the inevitable. I even confided in Perx, but he brought up a crucial point that halted my plans: “Does he know how to do a merge?” He was referring to the human Raphael, who was clueless about his wings but somehow proficient with a holy bow. He had little knowledge of his own powers, let alone how to fuse them with mine. I admitted to Perx, “No, he doesn’t have a clue.”.
Perx then pushed for the alternative: “That’s too bad. I think the risks are too high. We should just eliminate him. I can do it for you, you know? I can strike his core and head at the same time. He won’t feel a thing, even if he wakes up at that moment.” I snapped at him, “No! He’s not going to die. Besides…” I remembered something important. “If he’s the one with the strongest powers, that means he might not die at all but regenerate a new body instead. And then he’ll run away from us, knowing we tried to kill him.”
Perx had a counterargument for everything. He knew my story and past so well that he could use them to persuade me. “You could block his powers with time locks, like you did with the other archangels, then kill him and absorb them from the lock.” That was partly true and partly false, so I clarified what was wrong with his logic. “Yeah, I could do that, but what if the lock fails? And what if I can’t absorb the powers from the lock successfully? They’ll be gone forever.” Perx said, “This lock would be different. The others didn’t have your signature, so maybe that’s why you couldn’t absorb their powers. Maybe this time, with the same signature, it will work.” He had a point, but it was still a gamble. “It might work, but it’s never been done before. And I’m not willing to risk killing someone and losing a large portion of my holy powers forever. That could have disastrous consequences.”
Perx fell silent. Maybe I had convinced him that it was a bad idea, or maybe he just ran out of ideas. We lapsed into a deep silence again, both lost in thought to the point of mental exhaustion.
Perx asked me, to change the topic slightly, “What exactly happened that made you put him to sleep?” So I told him, “He was acting so strange. I thought he was breaking down. He almost fainted, then he started staring into space, completely disconnected from reality.” Perx replied after a brief pause, “I don’t know what could have caused that, but it doesn’t sound good.” I said sarcastically, “Oh really? What gave you that impression?” He didn’t answer right away. He wasn’t expecting sarcasm from me. Then he realized and said, “Sorry about that.”
I changed the subject completely and asked him why he seemed so scared of Gabriel, Michael, and the supposed devil sinner, or at least that’s what I assumed he was scared of from what he told me. And I was right. He was afraid of them.
He explained that he hated how Michael and Gabriel would assign him endless missions of all kinds, usually just to monitor some area, which he found boring and beneath him. He preferred to be a striker who would target specific and dangerous enemies that no other angel could handle, or hunt for them with his Caelestis when he had them.
He had lost his main purpose and his faith, but now he hoped that with my return he could regain them. However, seeing me in my current state, he was more than willing to find a way to help me first and then resume his old role as soon as possible.
I was everyone’s priority. I felt so weak that I wished I could just wake up the human Raphael and teach him how to do a merge, but that would take decades and still be risky. The outcome was uncertain. Especially if his mind resets and he relapses into his previous condition by chance.
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houseofwolvesbuzz · 1 year
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Known for their adaptability and that strange need to kill and conquer, humans have been the apex predator for thousands of years. At least, so they think.  Humans are short-lived, intelligent, vicious monkeys who create complex social circles with even more complex social mores. You’re a human, you should know everything you need to know about them! After the discovery of silver (and, though less intense, the discovery of wolfsbane), humans overtook werewolves, driving them into the shadows. Werewolves became something that someone’s grandmother saw once, and then folklore, and then stories, and now are very clearly fake. At least, to most humans. For the most part, humans don’t realize what’s lurking. Governments (if they know) have kept the werewolf secret confined, locked in security vaults that a select few hold access to. Humans born of werewolves keep the secret tight to their chest (well, if they care for their family), knowing one wrong move could mean the end of their loved ones. Humans who discover the secret are often sworn to secrecy - either through threats by prominent packs, or out of genuine compassion. If the truth of werewolves was to get out, it would be pandemonium.  So, humans know next to nothing about werewolves — real werewolves, that is. And most would be happier to keep it that way.  Except for a select few.
While you sleep safely in your beds, hunters ensure your dreams remain sweet, peaceful, and werewolf-free. Hunters are like any other human in the world - they don’t have extra speed or strength (though, they likely attend the gym way more than you) - and have the same tendency to die, just like humans. However, they understand the world much better. They understand that there are things lurking in the night that cannot be explained. Some have lost loved ones to the beasts. Others have been trained since birth, more weapon than person with one goal in mind: Kill werewolves. Every last one. Hunters have tight-knit social circles - from Reddit-style deep websites on best methods of extracting wolfsbane, to families that pride themselves on coming from a long, long line of hunters - hunters show pride in their work, and rely heavily on each other. After all, you have to work together if you want to eliminate an entire species. Experimentation of werewolves is looked down on in hunter society - you are expected to kill cleanly. Those who muddle around in werewolf innards, or keep werewolves for experiments are considered inhumane - like a human would look down on another for using a beagle for science experiments. Werewolves certainly aren’t human in hunter’s opinions - but some of them once were. Hunters typically hunt wolves when they’re in their weakest state - however, some hunters may defend others or (foolishly) make attacks on werewolves during the full moon. Hunters may have the knowledge other humans don’t possess, but their flesh is equally as squishy, and just as prone to the curse. Hunters who are bitten by werewolves on the full moon are typically “put down” the second their bites are discovered. Trying to be both hunter and werewolf is futile - once you’re bitten, you’re one of them. Hunters who hide their partners or families who are bitten are ostracized and often eliminated by stronger, more dedicated hunters. After a year or so of rumors, planning, and discussion, hunters are beginning to enter the wolves' territories, under the disguises of lost hikers, those moving in to the dilapidated houses of Stormy Peak, or nosy Salmon neighbors.
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AL f e Nd I l0 g
The time… what was the time…
I stumbled up the stairs in vain. Oddly enough, some sort of strange fatigue began to spread through my body, radiating from the chest wound. Thankfully Alfendi’s key was stamped with his flat number. However, the number was on the 5th floor, forcing me to take several flights of stairs in order to reach the damn place. I could take the elevator, but it was simply too risky, especially with the smell…
I would have to figure out how to mask it as soon as possible. It lingered wherever I went; not only did this leave me suspect, it left an olfactory trail from how it hung in the air before dissipating.
If I was indeed to go with Mr Fawcett, it was vital that I at least made myself smell AND look somewhat normal. Clearly that wasn’t the case, going by Henry, Layton, and Fawcett’s reactions.
That reminds me.
Deciding to take a breather at the fourth floor, I collapsed against a nearby wall, allowing weary legs to finally come to rest. The lungs desperately gasped for air, despite the lack of blood to oxygenate. How strange. If only I didn’t feel the human urge to keep breathing, the raspy breaths were starting to get irritating.
Henry. What was he doing out so late in the first place? He looked… unwell. His skin was nearly as pale as mine, despite my cadaverous nature. Not only that, but there was also his eyes. They seemed to shake in that skull of his, unable to remain steady on my face. It was no wonder he had trouble realizing the true gravity of the situation. Even Layton seemed thrown off by this behavior… presumably. As usual, Layton was impossible for me to read. It was very odd he didn’t mention anything to me about the blood or anything else, perhaps he’s already planning something?
…just maybe, I could twist this situation to my advantage?
I slowly slid up against the wall with my shoulder, leaving the cold tile floor of the stairwell. Again, I pounded up the stairs with the same heavy, uneven gait.
Almost there. Almost there. Almost there.
Upon reaching the 5th floor, I desperately clung to the railing in order to remain upright. Fuck, was I running out of time already? No, there had to be a way to fix this. I still had the Tory Crystal Ball in my possession, it couldn’t be too late.
I stopped in front of the door. With a quick glance at the key, I knew this had to be it. I quickly jammed the key into the lock and threw myself into the door. It swung open with ease, causing me to plow into the carpet headfirst. Finally, some sort of relief spread through my system.
I stumbled up off the ground, newly invigorated from having reached Alfendi’s flat. After shutting and locking the door, it was time to take advantage of the opportunity to empty the pockets of the bloody jacket.
Pistol. Knife. Magic Tory Orb. Several old newspapers (why??). Alfendi’s phone. And finally… the binder with my name.
I drummed on the binder with long fingers, deep in thought. I wanted nothing more than to be rid of it. Although I doubt I left anything incriminating in Scotland Yard, Alfendi was smart enough to pick up what few pieces could’ve been left behind.
I glanced eagerly at the porch door deeper in the flat. I could do it now. Alfendi lived near the Thames, I could go out there and toss it into the same river he nearly died in. A poetic end for the research he cared so much about.
However, there was a chance this was not the right choice. I could use whatever Alfendi found to ensure my tracks were covered permanently. Using whatever little evidence he found, I could finally eliminate everything I had so foolishly left behind, ensuring that my past crimes would go unpunished.
I knew inside that the best choice was to read the damn thing. Unfortunately I was in no state for reading at the moment. Hesitantly, I dug around the small flat for a place to hide the binder.
It was clean, unnaturally so. Alfendi must’ve spent most of his time in the messy Mystery Room, since the flat felt almost untouched, save for a few personal effects. The worn out kettle on the counter, stray mugs still full of forgotten tea, a few jackets hung on the coat rack by the door…
It was then I noticed the vent. Along the ceiling, in a place where only someone as tall as Alfendi could reach. I quickly retrieved a small screwdriver I had found while searching for a hiding place, and popped off the vent’s cover. With lanky arms, I crammed the binder in as far as it would go. It had to be as far away as possible. Only once I was satisfied did I screw the vent cover back in place.
That was one problem taken care of. The next would be cleaning myself up. I walked into the bathroom, clutching onto any surface available. As the light flickered to life, I nearly jumped at Alfendi’s reflection in the mirror. I would have to get used to that.
I first removed the jacket and shirt in order to get a good look at the injury. A shiver ran down my spine as I gazed upon the savage wound…
From a distance, it was only a crusty red splotch, akin to a large scab. Up close, the severity of the injury became readily apparent. The worst of it was at the center, where the assailant had been targeting. Clearly his hand was unsteady; the deepest part of the wound was in the center, but several smaller gashes surrounded the central wound, leaving a spiral-esque shape in the center of Alfendi’s chest. Honestly, the ferocious wound left me queasy. I would have to hire a neater goon next time.
I traced the center of the mark with a finger. Despite the rawness of the skin, I couldn’t feel it at any point. Although my finger had no effect on it, the wound always left a dull, painful feeling in the chest, which would spread throughout every limb. The pain seemed to intensify at random, an act which was quickly growing old. Flare ups also seemed to occur at any significant physical activity, if the stairs were anything to go by.
Luckily, Alfendi had plenty of medical supplies stowed away in the bathroom. After a liberal application of hydrogen peroxide, the injury would be hidden away under a thick stack of gauze. I turned to the shower apprehensively… taking a full shower would either agitate the wound or accelerate the body’s decay. After a moment of thought, I finally came to the conclusion that I would just wash his hair and face. I doubt the shower could do anything about that smell anyways.
After the quick “shower,” I was careful not to rub at my face too hard with the towel. I then strode to the small closet in Alfendi’s bedroom… nothing too interesting. I grabbed the clothes closest to the front, presuming that these were ones he wore more regularly. It was a simple button-up and jeans, so it shouldn’t be too out of the ordinary regardless. Thankfully Alfendi had stashed away another white jacket in the closet as well, which I quickly slid on over the button-up.
I headed back to the bathroom to see if I had made any improvement. Although I still looked somewhat gaunt in the face, everything else seemed to be relatively normal. The smell still lingered in the room… I would have to grab body spray or something at Tesco once it opened later.
As for the bloody clothes, they were simply stuffed in the bottom of the nearby bin. I had already been spotted in them by multiple people anyways, there was no point in spending unnecessary effort disposing of them in a more discreet manner.
I turned to the mirror one last time, gazing into the golden eyes reflected back at me. Alfendi… although he betrayed me, he had been an ally of mine for a significant period of time. Sure, I mostly used him as an errand boy, but he still called me a friend. He still listened to me vent in the early days of the Sexyman tournament, and willingly helped with my campaign for a while even before the brainwashing. To think that I would do something so… unnatural, especially to him. No, unnatural wasn’t the right word. Maybe… blasphemous. Like I had crossed some point of no return. Before… in Greggs, with evil Bill Hawks… there was a chance to redeem myself. To finally become accepted among the others. But now I had made my final choice… a choice that would either result in ultimate power or my final downfall. A downfall straight to the depths of hell, what I so clearly deserved after everything I’ve caused. Every crime, every insult, every time I lashed out at the few friends I had… it’s all lead to this. I turned back to Alfendi in the mirror. How I wished to hear his voice, hear him reassure me that everything would turn out ok in the end. Hell, I would even let him admonish me, call me every insult he could possibly think of as some sort of desperate revenge for the life I had stolen. But he didn’t move. He only stared. And stared. And stared.
It’s happening again. My madness is coming back. I hastily turned from the mirror, I refused to look at it any longer. My mouth- no, Alfendi’s mouth and lungs seemed to operate on their own, as I loudly gasped for oxygen. Again, I crumpled to the floor, and the wound flared up all at once, sending shockwaves of pain throughout my body. I grabbed at the shirt in anguish, but it was no use. I couldn’t stop the pain rippling through his body.
This is what I deserve.
On hands and knees, I made my way back to the table where I had left the objects from the coat pocket. I grabbed the mobile phone from the surface. As much as it pained me to admit… I needed help. Any help.
But who could I turn to? Clive offered, but I already resolved to keep him out of this. Mr Fawcett was still a ghost, Emeer still a moron… Greggslover… no, I couldn’t put him through this.
…one more option remained. Transcole. He seemed to share my sadistic streak, at least a little. However, this was the same guy who was willing to extort me for money. Could I really trust him?
There was also Henry and Layton, but that was far too risky.
With a sigh, I slid the phone back onto the table.
Once again, I was alone.
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Week 2: Plant Regression & Music
Hello! I hope you are having a great weekend. Today I am posting again to talk more about plant regression and all about it. My post didn't seem to reach anyone but I'm hoping this second one will draw more attention to my page, so if you are seeing this for the first time, hello! ^_^
This week I wanna talk about how plant regression can be enhanced with music in some cases. In last week's post, which was a guide on how to plant regress, I mentioned that eliminating all distractions is the best way to regress. However, music can be extremely beneficial, especially for beginners, when first moving into a state of regression.
As a youngster, I remember reading in a book that sunflowers supposedly grew faster if you played the classic Neapolitan song "O Sole Mio" and being a massive fan of music, I was intrigued, and wanted to test how music had an effect on plants for my science fair project. I did an experiment where three plants would grow to different music, one to hard rock, one to soft rock, and one to orchestral music. And sure enough, music did have an effect on plant growth! Classical music had a far better effect than the other two, stimulating much greater plant growth, and all three plants had improved growth compared to the control plant.
Success! Unfortunately I was not the first person to make such a fascinating discovery, since when I was older I found studies dating all the way back to the sixties proved that plants do grow better with music, even growing towards the speakers and entangling their vines around them.
So what kind of music/sound waves helps plants grow?
Plants don't have ears, but they do "feel" music through the sound waves vibrating their bodies. I found research that shows plants are best growers when exposed to classical music, and not just Mozart or Tchaikovsky, but also Indian ragas, Chinese classical, and some kinds of chants can all have an effect. These are all best played in the morning to plants to simulate morning birds chirping. Some forms of jazz also helps with growth. Strangely, heavy metal actually increased the density of plants and bettered the taste of their fruits.
So what kind of music/sound waves HURT plants?
Too much bass and too long of musical exposure can kill plants, and also it is said that music with negative emotions can impact the plant's growth (I have yet to see proof of that last bit)
So what does this mean for plant regressors?
Music is an inalienable part of the human experience and like plants, music has a positive effect on us in the correct circumstances. Plant regressors may find that the music that benefits plants also benefits themselves during plant regression... But try to avoid heavy metal lol. Pick music that calms you, or makes you happy, but not excited. Music should make you content when regressing and help you focus on your inner being and introspect upon your emotions. Pick things with lots of string instruments, as plants prefer them, and just soft notes in general.
Personally in my regression routine I listen to some of the classic music of my Baltic heritage. Choral music in those languages resonate deep within me, and also many of the Baltic composers stimulate introspection, particularly the works of Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis and Juozas Gruodis, they make me feel a deep connection to my heritage which makes me feel grounded.
Music doesn't have to mean heritage for you, though, it can mean whatever you'd like it to mean. Maybe it reminds you of someone you love, a place that makes you feel at peace, reminds you of nature or fond memories. As long as it makes you feel at peace, it will help you better move into plant regression. Let me know what kinds of music you plan on using and tell me how it goes, i'd love to hear from you!
Now reaches the end of my weekly blog for this Sunday. I blog every week on this day so if you liked this one, check back again for the next one! I love you all and have refreshing week!
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hornetpestcontrol1 · 14 days
Say Goodbye to Pests: How Hornetpestcontrol.net Can Help You
Are you tired of dealing with unwanted bugs and pests invading your home? You're not alone. Pests can be a significant nuisance, causing discomfort, damage, and even health risks. But worry no more! Hornetpestcontrol.net is here to provide professional, reliable, and long-lasting swedesboro pest control services solutions.
Here’s why you should trust the experts at Hornetpestcontrol.net to keep your home pest-free.
Understanding the Common Pests in Your Home
Before you can effectively get rid of pests, it’s essential to know which ones you’re dealing with. Here are some of the most common pests that invade homes:
Ants: These tiny creatures can form large colonies in and around your home, contaminating food and damaging property.
Cockroaches: Known for their resilience, cockroaches can survive in various environments and are carriers of various diseases.
Rodents: Mice and rats not only cause damage by chewing through walls, wires, and furniture, but they also pose severe health risks.
Termites: These pests are infamous for their ability to silently destroy wood structures, leading to costly repairs.
Bed Bugs: Bed bugs are known for their itchy bites and can quickly infest mattresses, furniture, and even clothing.
Mosquitoes: More than just a nuisance, mosquitoes can carry serious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.
Spiders: While most spiders are harmless, certain species like black widows or brown recluses can be dangerous.
Why DIY Pest Control Fails
Many people attempt to control pest infestations using DIY methods such as traps, sprays, and baits. However, these solutions are often temporary and do not address the root of the problem. Here’s why DIY pest control often fails:
Lack of Knowledge: Identifying the correct type of pest and the appropriate treatment requires expertise. DIY methods may target the wrong species or miss key locations where pests hide.
Limited Effectiveness: Most over-the-counter pest control products offer temporary relief and do not penetrate deep enough to eliminate infestations.
Safety Concerns: Some DIY pest control products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to humans and pets if used incorrectly.
Missed Breeding Sites: Without a professional inspection, it’s easy to miss hidden nests, eggs, or colonies, allowing the infestation to continue.
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Why Choose Hornetpestcontrol.net?
At Hornetpestcontrol.net, we believe in providing effective, safe, and long-term pest control solutions. Here are some reasons why our customers trust us to keep their homes pest-free:
Expert Knowledge and Experience: Our team of certified pest control professionals is equipped with the knowledge and experience to handle all types of pests, from common household invaders to more challenging infestations.
Advanced Techniques and Tools: We use state-of-the-art tools and environmentally friendly methods to eliminate pests while ensuring the safety of your family, pets, and the environment.
Comprehensive Pest Management: Our services go beyond just extermination. We conduct thorough inspections, identify entry points, and provide recommendations to prevent future infestations.
Customized Solutions: Every home and infestation is unique. We tailor our pest control strategies to suit your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcome.
Guaranteed Results: We stand by our services with a satisfaction guarantee. Our goal is to eliminate pests completely, providing peace of mind to our customers.
How Hornetpestcontrol.net Works
Initial Inspection: We start with a detailed inspection of your property to identify the type and extent of the infestation. Our experts look for signs of pest activity, entry points, and potential breeding sites.
Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings, we create a tailored treatment plan that targets the specific pests in your home. This plan includes a combination of safe and effective methods, such as traps, baits, and eco-friendly sprays.
Implementation: Our professional team implements the treatment plan, using the latest tools and techniques to ensure maximum effectiveness. We focus on eliminating pests and preventing future infestations.
Follow-Up Services: We provide follow-up visits to monitor the situation and apply additional treatments if necessary. This ensures that your home remains pest-free in the long term.
Prevention Tips: In addition to our services, we provide practical advice on how to make your home less attractive to pests, including tips on sealing entry points, maintaining cleanliness, and removing potential food sources.
Trust Hornetpestcontrol.net for a Pest-Free Home
Living with pests can be stressful and hazardous to your health. At Hornet Pest Control, we are committed to providing effective pest control solutions that keep your home safe and comfortable. Our team of professionals is ready to tackle any pest problem, big or small, and ensure that your home remains pest-free for the long haul.
So why wait? Say goodbye to those annoying bugs for good by calling Hornetpestcontrol.net today. For a pest-free home, trust the solutions provided by our professional staff. We are the pest control experts you can rely on!
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functionalaf · 14 days
Best Personal Trainer in Perth: Transform Your Fitness Journey with Functional AF
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Achieving fitness goals is a journey that requires dedication, the right mindset, and, most importantly, guidance from an expert. Whether you’re a beginner just starting your fitness journey or an experienced athlete looking to take your performance to the next level, working with a personal trainer can be the game-changer you need. In Perth, where fitness culture is thriving, finding the best personal trainer can make all the difference in meeting your goals efficiently and sustainably.
At Functional AF, we understand that every individual is unique, and so are their fitness needs. Our team of highly skilled personal trainers in Perth is dedicated to helping you achieve your personal best. In this blog, we’ll explore what makes a personal trainer stand out, the benefits of hiring one, and why Functional AF offers some of the best personal trainers in Perth to help you elevate your fitness.
Why Choose Functional AF for Personal Training in Perth?
At Functional AF, we are more than just a fitness studio. We are a community of like-minded individuals committed to helping each other grow, improve, and achieve fitness success. Here’s why our trainers are among the best in Perth:
1. Functional Training Expertise
Functional AF specializes in functional training, which focuses on exercises that mimic real-life movements. This type of training not only builds strength and endurance but also improves mobility, balance, and coordination—skills that are essential for everyday activities. Whether you want to improve your athletic performance or enhance your quality of life, our trainers use functional fitness to create well-rounded programs.
2. Holistic Approach
We believe that fitness is about more than just physical strength—it’s also about mental well-being and overall health. Our trainers take a holistic approach to fitness, combining strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility work, and nutrition guidance to create a complete wellness plan. We aim to not only help you achieve your fitness goals but also to improve your mental clarity, reduce stress, and enhance your overall quality of life.
3. Cutting-Edge Facilities
Functional AF is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities designed to support all kinds of training styles. From free weights and kettlebells to functional rigs and cardio machines, we have everything you need to achieve your fitness goals. Our Perth studio is designed to inspire and motivate, offering an inclusive and energetic atmosphere where everyone feels welcome.
4. Flexible Scheduling
We understand that life in Perth can get busy, so we offer flexible training sessions that fit your schedule. Whether you prefer early morning workouts or late evening sessions, our personal trainers are available to accommodate your needs.
5. Proven Results
Our trainers have a track record of helping clients achieve incredible transformations. Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, improving athletic performance, or recovering from an injury, our tailored approach ensures lasting results.
Why Do You Need a Personal Trainer?
Before diving into the qualities that define the best personal trainer, it’s essential to understand why hiring a personal trainer is so beneficial. Here are several reasons why working with a professional can take your fitness journey to new heights:
Personalized Fitness Plans: A personal trainer creates a workout and nutrition plan tailored specifically to your goals, fitness level, and lifestyle. This eliminates guesswork and ensures every session moves you closer to your objectives.
Motivation and Accountability: Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when progress seems slow. A personal trainer keeps you accountable, providing encouragement and pushing you past mental and physical barriers.
Expert Knowledge: Personal trainers have a deep understanding of human anatomy, biomechanics, and the science of exercise. They help you execute movements with proper form, reducing the risk of injury and ensuring optimal results.
Efficiency: With a personal trainer, every minute of your workout is purposeful. They optimize your sessions to ensure you get the most out of your time, maximizing results in the shortest time frame.
Variety and Fun: A good personal trainer keeps workouts interesting and fun, incorporating new exercises and training techniques that challenge you while preventing monotony.
Qualities of the Best Personal Trainers in Perth
Now that we’ve established the benefits of working with a personal trainer, let’s explore the qualities that set the best personal trainers apart from the rest.
1. Certifications and Qualifications
A top-notch personal trainer should hold relevant certifications from reputable organizations. Look for trainers who have credentials from bodies like the Australian Fitness Academy, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), or equivalent. At Functional AF, all our trainers are certified and undergo continuous professional development to stay current with industry trends and best practices.
2. Experience and Specialization
Experience is key in understanding the complexities of the human body and adapting training techniques to suit various clients. The best personal trainers in Perth have years of experience working with clients from different backgrounds and fitness levels. Whether you’re training for weight loss, muscle gain, or rehabilitation, a seasoned trainer knows how to craft a program that meets your needs.
At Functional AF, we offer specialized training in areas like functional fitness, strength training, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), and mobility. Our trainers are adept at adjusting workouts to cater to specific goals, ensuring that you achieve your desired results.
3. Tailored Programs
No two people are the same, and the best personal trainers understand that. They avoid cookie-cutter programs and instead design customized plans based on your individual goals, strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. This personalized approach leads to faster and more sustainable progress. At Functional AF, our trainers take the time to assess your fitness level and work closely with you to develop a plan that fits your lifestyle and targets your goals.
4. Excellent Communication Skills
A great personal trainer not only guides you through workouts but also listens to your concerns, adjusts based on your feedback, and offers encouragement when needed. The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, is crucial in establishing trust and ensuring that clients feel comfortable.
Our trainers at Functional AF pride themselves on their open and honest communication. We believe in fostering a supportive environment where clients can freely express their thoughts and challenges, leading to a more productive training experience.
5. Adaptability
Life happens—sometimes schedules change, injuries occur, or new goals arise. The best personal trainers are adaptable and can modify your program to suit any changes that come up along the way. Whether it’s tweaking your workout to accommodate an injury or adjusting the training plan to prepare for a new challenge, adaptability is a hallmark of a great trainer.
When it comes to finding the best personal trainer in Perth, look no further than Functional AF. Our team of highly qualified, experienced, and passionate trainers is committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals, whatever they may be. With personalized training programs, functional fitness expertise, and a holistic approach to wellness, we provide everything you need for success.
Ready to start your fitness journey? Contact Functional AF today and take the first step toward becoming the best version of yourself!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Jazz Day 
Join your community in appreciating and recognizing the rich culture and heritage of jazz. Visit a local jazz club, or revisit some of the greatest musicians in history.
International Jazz Day is a beautiful time to celebrate the gift of music and to come together as a community. It’s a chance to listen to a variety of musicians and hear their talents live all around the world.
Learning more about the day will help any musical enthusiast to appreciate all the benefits of listening to jazz. Music lovers from around the world will gather to attend jazz festivals, parties, and events to help celebrate the day and this specific type of music. Now is the perfect opportunity to take up a musical instrument such as the trumpet, saxophone, piano or clarinet and start to make music so one can understand what all the hype is about.
International Jazz Day highlights the ability for jazz to unite people from all walks of life and draw together folks from around the globe. No one is left out, as this day brings together artists, schools, communities, historians, academics, and jazz aficionados to raise awareness around this type of music and educate the public about the roots, impact, and future of jazz. There’s a deep-rooted message attached to this day of celebration, such as reinforcing international cooperation and communication.
It brings to light the need for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding through one of the best ways possible, music. The power of the music will be apparent when participants view people of all backgrounds, forgetting about their differences and joining together to celebrate jazz. Any adverse circumstances from the past or present are suddenly forgotten or pushed aside, and people begin to focus on friendship, freedom, hope, and dignity instead.
The day itself is intended to promote peace, diversity, respect among different cultures, and highlight the need for human rights and dignity. The music itself addresses the desire for eliminating discrimination and promoting the freedom of expression. Youth are also encouraged to participate by enacting change and helping to foster gender equality. One will have the chance to experience how much life and love emerges when the day kicks off, and musicians from all over begin to jam and play their music.
History of International Jazz Day
It all began in 2011 when the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization declared International Jazz Day as an opportunity to give recognition to jazz music and state its role to unite people all around the globe. It’s been going strong ever since and people look forward to this day each year when music lovers from around the world can share in the experience of listening to and making jazz music.
The idea itself emerged from jazz pianist and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Herbie Hancock. Together, the UNESCO Director-General and Hancock chair the event and ensure people from all over come out to participate in the celebration each year. Cities such as Paris, New Orleans, and New York were some of the first to begin to educate the public on the event and draw excitement to Jazz Day.
The Host City goes as far as to organize an All-Star Global Concert which brings together over two-dozen jazz musicians from all parts of the world in or around a historical landmark. It’s interesting to know that the popularity of the day has grown immensely over the years. Now, nearly 200 countries participate in International Jazz Day.
You can visit just about any location and hear and experience jazz music at its finest. You’ll witness artists and onlookers expressing themselves in their own unique and individual way. Cape Town, South Africa is the Host City for 2020, so one should make a note of this if he or she wants to travel and see some of the best musicians perform their music live. Not only will there be music present at the event, but organizers are also planning an extensive educational and community outreach program for people to participate in and as a way for them to expand their knowledge.
How to Celebrate International Jazz Day
There are many ways for how people around the world can celebrate International Jazz Day. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, and all communities may have their unique take and twist on the day. For example, there may be live concerts and events to attend, and people might want to host their own parties.
Not only are there concerts and events taking place internationally, but many will also hold jam sessions and educational workshops and conferences, as well as organize community outreach programs. Anyone can locate and access jazz educational materials from the International Jazz Day website to help them run their event. The public shouldn’t be afraid to insert themselves in the conversation and start an event or discussion around the topic to help create awareness around the day.
The common denominator is that there will be a lot of jazz music to be heard and played. It’s an opportunity for those unfamiliar with this type of music to get more acquainted with it and learn about its roots and history. One can witness people of all ages and backgrounds moving to the music and enjoying themselves while the performers work hard to put on a show that anyone can appreciate.
International Jazz Day is undoubtedly a celebration to be aware of and take part in if a person is looking to expand their horizons and musical knowledge. There’s so much to see and take in around the globe when this day rolls around. There will be no choice but to participate in some sort of event that’s happening in the area. It’s a time to appreciate the musicians and their talents and bring people together to experience this particular type of music without any judgment.
Go ahead and give one of these events or jam sessions a try and see for oneself how engaging jazz music is and witness its ability to bring together people from across the globe and find common ground. Let this year be the year that people let their guards down and allow themselves to experience the day by listening, conversing, and moving their bodies to the wonderful sounds of jazz.
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