hiddenloner · 1 year
When you decide to act on something or change something in your life, your focus is on your goal and only that. When we are not really ready to act on something we tend to start reminiscing about reasons why we haven't achieved something yet or why we have to start doing something in a different way but if we stop " bullshitting" ourselves there is no space for excuses and the past becomes irrelevant even if it did contribute to the present moment and was out of our control
- Pem (HiddenLoner)
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k--image · 1 year
Does deep work work? - Cal Newport review and new 100DoP!
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I'm partial to self-help books that seek to inspire or motivate you, explore what you should do with you life, and particularly how to do it. When I was recommended the work of Cal Newport, I was apprehensive about his theory that passion isn't central to career building - like many others, I've grown up with the dogma that you should "do what you love". So instantly, I was intrigued.
In choosing to read So Good They Can't Ignore You first, I got the broader picture of the long-term approach you need to succeed in life. His principles are based on real-life case studies and presented in a simple but effective way. Regardless of what field you're in (himself Computer Science), the deeper meaning is applicable to everyone.
I often get in over my head with planning my future, but this book offered a framework to centre your efforts, focusing on building your skills now before 'cashing in' on the rewards later: people aren't the best by random chance, they've (probably) worked hard!
Speaking of working hard, Cal's follow-up bestseller Deep Work dives into the how of success that So Good hinted at - and I couldn't put it down! Written in a very similar style, it gives practical, start-now advice that - albeit controversial - is the most meaningful way of working and living. And for a serial procrastinator like me, it was extremely useful.
As the concept of deep work appears to be tried-and-tested, I've been trying to implement it into my life since reading about it. In terms of social media, I did what I call a 'critical downsizing' of who I follow and the notifications I receive (actually using the Focus and App Limit tools Apple gives me 🤦‍♀️). I then asked my mum to hide my phone until I'd done the tasks I needed to do for that day, and only had what I needed open on my computer (minimising distractions).
I had a personal statement to write for a job application, which with my usual approach would take me a whole day - done in a day, but nevertheless using the whole day...
One hour. When it was just me and the Word document, I had it done in one hour. I did feel myself entering a 'flow state' at times, and heard the cogs move in my brain, but an hour feels a lot longer when you're being productive versus when you're not: for example, the hours I spend scrolling Tiktok go by a lot quicker.
By then, my mum wasn't even back home (and I didn't know where she hid my phone, obviously) but I felt good enough to carry on (I know, right?). I completed the training for my new role as committee member for a society at my uni, and got started on re-organising my Spotify playlists which I'd been putting off for ages. All-in-all, a very productive day.
Productive day... That rings a bell... Oh yeah, I've been keeping track of a 100 days of productivity challenge since the new year, but to be honest it quickly became a list of things I had to do rather than things I wanted to do (not to mention I wasn't posting about it a whole lot on here...).
So, I think it's right to start over and see if I can do 100 days of deep work before the end of 2023. Cal says beginners can do one hour at a time (in my case the personal statement) and eventually work their way up to four hours.
I've got a lot of work left over from the past year that I want done before I start my second year in September, so hopefully I'll be posting more often with updates about this :)
If you read any book as a result of this review, please let it be Deep Work, but they really do come as a pair :D Thank you for reading!!
100 days of deep work #1 - 22/06/23
Personal statement for job application
Society committee member training
Spotify re-organisation
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wastedpaintgallery · 2 years
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Acrylic and Collage
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janiceco · 1 year
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#booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #deepwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CoeLVp6tGPu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spearsmarketing · 1 year
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“Go where it feels good and do more of what lights you up.” For me that currently means spending as much time as I can in the mountains of Colorado, surrounded by snow, on skis, with people I love who accept me for me. ⛷️ What are you doing to light yourself up this year? #goals #deepwork #adventure #havemorefun https://www.instagram.com/p/Coa1qb8IZAN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamunfou246 · 1 year
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Double tap ❤️ if you like this post follow for more 👀 . . . . . #instagram #instagrampost #trendigpost #viralpost #newpost #dailypost #post #trust #philosophy #phycology #minfulness #enlightenment #explorepage #experience #desire #destiny #deepthoughts #deepwork #emotional #curiosity #compassion #consiousness #vision #entrepreneur #socialmedia #vibes #fearless #loyalty #practice #grow . https://www.instagram.com/p/CnnwiQ7B-yY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thejourney2fire · 2 years
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This is a fascinating book; if you want to find out the secrete to achieve more outstanding results at what you do, then it’s a must-read book. #octoberreads #bookreading #deepwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CkB2Z5ivf89/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bs-dube · 2 years
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Daily deep work - Saturday morning #deepwork #weekendmotivation #progressoverperfection #saturdaymotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjb0-dVP4FX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vinod11krish · 2 years
Book Summary|Deep Work By Carl Newport Book Summary|Audio book
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ziarising · 2 years
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#shefeels #shewrites #lifestories #journeys #noregrets #writerscommunity #writersquotes #poetryslam #lifestylechanges #motivación #selfcare #deepwork #selfwork #mindsetmotivation #growthmindset #growth #selfcare #igquotes #aestheticpoetry #aestheticquotes #lifelessons #putinthework #worthit #selflovequotes #childhoodtrauma #traumarecovery https://www.instagram.com/p/ChsrJSKKLCf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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k--image · 8 months
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This was probably the busiest I'll get this semester, so I'm glad that's over!
I missed my 9am on Monday because I overslept (freshers' flu hit hard over the weekend), so a precious two hours on critical analysis was lost.
A flurry of technical errors this week: I sacrificed my laptop for a session in order for one of my lecturers to successfully mirror his presentation and teach; I was invited back to give my spiel to students on psychology career planning, but the projector decided to quit five minutes in... -_-
On the bright side, I ran a stand all day on Wednesday at my uni's careers fair, which was a great time. The Psych Society also gave out green ribbons for World Mental Health Day, which was a good opportunity to let people know it's back.
I'm noticing that when I let work build up or put things off, it strongly weighs on my mind - I had a much-needed planning session when I was on campus on Friday for some society development workshops, which should set me up nicely for next week (development week)! :D
100 days of deep work #16-#17 - 09/10/23-13/10/23
Consent society workshop
Finance society workshop
Placement approval submission
Prison resource application review
Career planning presentation slides
EDI textbook review
Sponsorships society workshop
Mental health society workshop
Society collaboration planning
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hookmybook · 2 years
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essentialise · 2 years
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A strange feeling when the @linkedinnews team select your advice to promote across the platform. We can’t underestimate the power of disconnection, solitude and boredom in todays world, and the benefits it can bring for our mental wellbeing. It’s important to find what works for you. #beingbored #solitudeisbliss #disconnection #digitalsunset #deepwork #switchingoff #holidaymode #mentalrest #restorativesleep #recuperation #rechargeyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg3toJFjQ2h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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biurozdrofit · 2 years
Czym jest Deepwork®?
Deepwork to intensywny program treningu o wysokiej intensywności  z dodatkowym naciskiem na wytrzymałość.  Wraz z cardio, Deepwork łączy ćwiczenia statyczne i dynamiczne, trening podstawowy, jogę i techniki oddechowe, które rzucają wyzwanie ciału i umysłowi. Sekwencje ruchów zostały zaprojektowane w taki sposób, aby zawsze łączyć napięcie, relaksację i ćwiczenia oddechowe. Podczas treningu naprzemiennie występują ruchy dynamiczne i statyczne pozycje, ćwiczenia siłowe. Celem Deepworku jest uzyskanie integralności formy i wewnętrznej harmonii.
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Źródła energii w treningu Deepwork
Zawodowy gimnastyk, Robert Steinbacher jest autorem treningu Deepwork, który opiera się na 5 filarach, które oznaczają różne źródła energii. Wyróżniamy następujące źródła energii w treningu Deepwork:
Energia każdego z wymienionych źródeł wyzwalana jest podczas przeprowadzanych ćwiczeń. Dzięki temu osoba, która wykonuje trening tego typu, może przekroczyć własne granice wytrzymałościowe, poprawić wydolność i koordynację całego ciała. Deepwork to nie są zwykłe ćwiczenia, ale doskonałe połączenie treningu cardio z ruchami, które umożliwiają osiągniecie równowagi energetycznej. Ponadto wykorzystuje mięśnie i specjalne techniki oddychania.
Dla kogo są przeznaczone zajęcia tego typu?
W zajęciach Deework może uczestniczyć praktycznie każdy, osoby w różnym wieku, bez względu na płeć i kondycję fizyczną. Ćwiczenia wykonuje się we własnym zakresie, dzięki czemu idealnie sprawdzą się zarówno dla osób początkujących, jak i dla zaawansowanych sportowców. Ponadto treningi Deepwork przeznaczone są dla każdego, kto chce poprawić swoją kondycję i wytrzymałość fizyczną, szybko spalić kalorie, wysmuklić sylwetkę czy poprawić swoje krążenie.
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iamunfou246 · 1 year
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Double ❤️ tap follow 👍and save 💾 ,share . . . . . #instagrampost #trendigpost #newpost #viralpost #unfou #destiny #deepwork #deepthoughts #photography #philosophy #selfeducation #phycology #purpose #pursuitofhappiness #game #subconsciousmind #success #tweets #writer #consiousness #consistency #haven #changequotes #minfulness #metalwork #suffering #exercise #explorepage✨ #think #startup . https://www.instagram.com/p/CnI7iw_pXMF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bs-dube · 2 years
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Daily Deep Work - Wednesday wrap up. #deepwork#writing https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDWQuzvhJo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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