#default gloria costume
firecodex · 4 months
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Gloria: When I traveled across the Galar region, it was nonstop excitement the whole time.
Gloria: I probably owe that to my rivals. We certainly kept each other on our toes!
Gloria: There was Hop, Marnie, and Bede…and now I've got you here on Pasio!
Gloria: Let's make our time on the island unforgettable!
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Gloria: I met loads of brilliant people and Pokémon in Galar.
Gloria: But I have a feeling I'll get to meet just as many here on Pasio!
Gloria: C'mon! There are places to go and people to see! Let's get out there and do some exploring!
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pigeon-sponge · 1 year
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Happy valentines day.
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Midnight at Whispering Rock - Post-Deadline Pinch Hits (Pinch Hit Round #2)
Pinch hits are requests in search of a creator! They have the same rules as assignments, including following DNWs, and meeting character/tag fulfillment and minimum requirements. Please help with fulfilling pinch hits to ensure everyone has a gift!
By default, post-deadline pinch hits are due at the same time as the inital reveals date (Oct 24 @ noon Pacific), however, pinch hitters may request an extension if they so choose.
You may submit a claim to a pinch hit via the Google form posted below the read more. You must have an AO3 account to claim a pinch hit, but you do not need to have signed up for Midnight at Whispering Rock beforehand.
This pinch hit round has 2 requests. Optional details and claim status for requests are posted below the read more. Reblogs may not reflect current claim status, so please check the original post for claim status.
Request 1: Barakuma
Format: Art
Characters: Augustus Aquato, Dion Aquato, Frazie Aquato, Norma (Psychonauts), Hollis Forsythe, Sasha Nein, Quentin Hedgemouse, Milka Phage, Elton Fir, Truman Zanotto, Gristol Malik | Nick Johnsmith, Razputin "Raz" Aquato, Phoebe Love, Donatella Aquato
Additional Tags: Scary Movies, Vampires, Scary Clowns, Trick or Treating, Monsters, Costumes, Possession
Request 2: the_angst_alchemist
Format: Art, Fic, Other
Characters: Bob Zanotto, Helmut Fullbear, Augustus Aquato, ALL: Psychic Seven, Fred Bonaparte, Boyd Cooper, Edgar Teglee, Gloria Von Gouton
Additional Tags: Dopplegangers, Dreams and Nightmares, Ghosts, Monster Hunters, Paranormal, Possession, Trick or Treating, Psychological Horror, Costumes
You may claim pinch hits via this Google form!
Request 1: Barakuma (CLAIMED)
Format: Art
Characters: Augustus Aquato, Dion Aquato, Frazie Aquato, Norma (Psychonauts), Hollis Forsythe, Sasha Nein, Quentin Hedgemouse, Milka Phage, Elton Fir, Truman Zanotto, Gristol Malik | Nick Johnsmith, Razputin "Raz" Aquato, Phoebe Love, Donatella Aquato
Additional Tags: Scary Movies, Vampires, Scary Clowns, Trick or Treating, Monsters, Costumes, Possession
wanted some shipping like (sasha/augustus or frazie/norma) with stuff thats tagged is most welcomed I dont have anything id leave out
Request 2: the_angst_alchemist (CLAIMED)
Format: Art, Fic, Other
Characters: Bob Zanotto, Helmut Fullbear, Augustus Aquato, ALL: Psychic Seven, Fred Bonaparte, Boyd Cooper, Edgar Teglee, Gloria Von Gouton
Additional Tags: Dopplegangers, Dreams and Nightmares, Ghosts, Monster Hunters, Paranormal, Possession, Trick or Treating, Psychological Horror, Costumes
Hi! Thank you so much for writing for me. I'm honestly honored!
My username here is the_angst_alchemist, but if you post it on Tumblr, then please tag BritishSass. (also, if you need any info on literally anything about my thoughts, then just send me an ask, I won't mind it at all.)
General likes:
-I love nightmare fics! I've written some myself, but any sort of thing with that is always a thing I love.
-Ghost-hunting would be an incredibly fun time ^_^
-I ship Bob/Helmut, Lucy/Ford, Lucy/Cassie, Otto/Ford, and Fred/Boyd/Gloria/Edgar, so if you're gonna include ships, those are mine.
-I'm a-okay with trauma, torture, etc.
-I love seeing Bob and Otto being buddies who argue a lot.
Do Not Wants:
-Leave Raz out of danger, oh my god, leave him out of danger PLEASE
-Do NOT portray Augustus as a bad dad. I am being serious.
-Don't portray Crispin as a good guy.
-Don't harm any rats or owls. Those two are my comfort animals.
-Vomiting squicks me out.
Extra prompts:
-The trick-or-treating one is specifically because I think it'd be cute to have a story of someone taking either Truman or Raz out trick-or-treating when they're young! It's just there if you absolutely cannot do the rest.
-I think that a ghost-hunting fic could be super neat, especially if you could include Thorney Towers folks as the ghosts, maybe? Up to you, though!
-If you've seen Mystery Skulls: Animated, that sort of plot is equally as cool to me! Totally up to you on what characters.
For art, i would prefer something cute with a couple's costume for Bob/Helmut or the psychic 7 dressing up together! ^-^
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pigeon-splice · 1 year
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sprint 1 post mordem and sprint 2 premordem
from last two weeks
- i had a really bad mental health week
- which was also a really bad work week
- i did not get as much drawing as i wanted to
- but i am finishing up one of my zine works as we speak
- also while i was distressed i made a whole ass scarf. and some chainmaille jewelry. instead of doing anything i was supposed to do because it was helping me calm down
- i also started on a project to track all the things that i want to be doing because all the other task apps ive tried like todoist, remember the milk, trello do not work for me
For next week, I’m shelving the top three arts for now because i have other stuff i need to do
- for starters i’m in a zine and i forgot the deadline is like. two weeks from now. fuck
- also bdbl dropped a halloween costume for gloria in the middle of fucking january and its the funniest goddamn thing. i’m going to prep a painting for valentines day
- also i want to start selling prints of that bravely default brainrot month thing i did last week but i’m trying to figure out logistics, still, and i should do that during this two weeks
- if i have any time i’ll work on the project on the side
hope yall have a good few weeks!!
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britishsass · 2 years
in like, episode one of the youtube minecraft series, adam gets hit by an arrow in his characters eye and this gets commented on and he decides to run with it and edits his skin to have an eyepatch on that side (and uses it as his explanation for relatively frequently putting stuff down in slightly the wrong place). meanwhile raz is like "how are you guys changing what your characters look like" and sasha has turned his character into an elf
Absolutely! I love that for them.
Augustus started out with a normal skin. Now it's just... It sure is something! Who knows what it is anymore.
Bob and Helmut made each other their skins. As in, Bob made Helmut's skin, and Helmut made Bob's. And they both just went for making what they thought the other would like.
Ford is using the default. Otto found a neat-looking mad science one and just changed the hair and glasses.
Fred's got two different outfits he switches between as a signal to others as to who is fronting, but he and Napoleon settled on a skin of someone with a literal bleeding heart and some soldier regalia.
I think that the best skin on the server though? It's probably Edgar or Gloria's. Edgar because he's an artist, Gloria because she cares about costuming and the like.
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alexathebat · 2 years
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Sprite MacDaniel is the beloved, accidentally sighted pixie wife of an Irish shepherd. I made this family some time ago and they're one of my favorites. (She's a magic sim with wings :D) If you use my sim in any way please give credit, thanks and enjoy! <3
Download Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnI87JQHicMkgRAt-2SZzbNvbYka?e=Znw5sY
Packs used: Laundry Day, Realm of magic
Sprite will still display properly without these, but her "pixie powers" won't work without Realm of Magic.
Custom Content Used:
Madlen Furaha shoes
Tragicsimblr subtlenoseblush
Richierichiet toes, non default nail polish
TsminhSims Hair 33 Heaven
Pralinesims earrings Kathleen
Sclub WM eyelashes 201712
Sclub LL earring 202014
TsminhSims Hair 31 Lisa
RemusSirion Lipstick 178 Linoleic
Angissi Luxvisage Glam look eyeshadow
MYOBI ruby 3D lash
JaruSims swimsuit fenna 4
JaruSims fairy sparkle wings 1
Sclub LL Fairy wings
PralineSims lip N196 Loli
PS Lip N196
MissParaply yf Hair nightcrawler kelly all 42 colors
GPME GOLD stay matte collection
PralineSims blush N11 Puppet
Tsminh Sims Hair 46 Aurora
Pralinesims earrings lucky one
Suzue S4 Nails idol N17 HQ
PralineSims eyeliner N16 Edna
Wings Hair TZ0716 F
JaruSims sparklecostume Fay1
Pralinesims eyeshadow N12 CrystalDust
Pralinesims eyeshadow N59 Erika
Pralinesims lip N185 Eden
JaruSims sparkle outfit Aurora 2
Pralinesims Blush N41 Valkyrie eye glitter V1
Pralinesims Eyebags N18 Blake
Pralinesims Eyeliner N79 Harmony lashes
Pralinesims Blush N14 Ethereal
JH cosmetic eyeliner #7
Pralinesims Blush N12 Mary
Angissi Jellousy lipstick
Jupiter skin by sims3melancholic
Pralinesims earrings Gloria
Sclub WM eyebrows F 201714
JaruSims fairy costume daisy 1
Pralinesims Eyes N98 Earth, non default
Sclub WM Nails 202004
Kijiko eyelash YF version 2
JaruSims fairyoutfit Selina 1
Pralinesims earrings Chill
Pralinesims eyeshadow N59 Erika V2
Amoebae Real lips revisisted merged
Suzue Nails Dolce N14 HQ
FRS lipstick N156 HQ
MER Freckles No3
Pralinesims Fashinemask No7 Moonlit Nosegloss skin detail
Sifix Celeste Gown
Angissi shimmer eyeshadow Glam
Pralinsims earrings Jerona
Angissi eyeliner Hollywood
PW Mouth preset N16
Obscurus nose slider N2 nose tip
LUUMIA mod ear up down slider
Bloodmoon forehead height slider
Teanmoon mouth scale slider
30 notes · View notes
Just about finished my next cosplay which means.... Onto a Bravely Default II cosplay!
Purely because I want to make the book as a prop.
I considered printing out a ton of Asterisk to put in it, but I now remember that would be super expensive and way too heavy to drag around all day.... So I'm gonna make it one of those fake books that's actually a box. Ideally I could use it to carry anything I buy at the convention too. (And I'm going to learn how to cast resin to make it!)
Only problem is, should I make a costume of Lady Emma or Gloria......
Gloria is recognisable and her hair is easy, but I'd have to.... hand paint..... all those details on her dress....... (I have high quality references of the details though - it'll just be time consuming)
Lady Emma is awesome, but her hair is impossible and I'd probably have to resin cast all those silver details......... or hand paint...
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Gwen Stacy isn’t underappreciated.
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To be underappreciated you need to be appreciated less than your character deserves. Like if you were a hunk of Gold worth 10 carats people would need to value you as 9 or below.
 Gwen Stacy is like a 4 carat hunk of gold valued at 25 carats.
 And gold can only go up to 24 carats!
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  Lets review Gwen Stacy for a moment, and the first thing to ask is...which Gwen Stacy?
 Mean Girl Ditko Gwen Stacy?
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Nicer but bland Early Romita Senior Gwen Stacy?
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 The Romita Gwen Stacy actively and blatantly ripping off Mary Jane because Stan Lee and Romita Senior and all the readers knew MJ was more popular so they tried making Gwen more like MJ whilst making MJ different?
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 Late Silver Age Gwen Stacy who would cry at the drop of a hat because God bless Stan Lee he wasn’t the best writer of female characters and defaulted most of his girlfriend characters to hysterical, crying unreasonable people designed to make the protagonists’ lives more difficult?
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Holy Sainted Martyr Gwen Stacy who died for our sins?
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Maybe we mean the Gwen Stacy who was super into science even though she barely did any of it in the 1960s-1970s but in modern stories she needed SOME kind of personality trait for people to hang her hat on so I guess we flanderized this instead of her penchant for organizing parties.
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Perhaps we mean Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy. That version who liked Peter whilst he was being bullied in high school, liked science, was Peter’s high school sweetheart, whom he romantically confessed his secret to and who would talk with him about it on the bleachers or patching up his wounds romantically. Just like she did in the Ultimate Universe where she had red hair and was called Mary fucking Jane!
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Or do we perhaps mean Spider-Gwen, the version so popular and prevalent (because its just Spider-Man but as a teen drummer girl and a cool costume) that it just gets lumped in with all the above Gwen Stacys and treated as part of her character rather than being separated into her own character like most AU versions of most other characters except most other characters aren’t as lame as original Gwen Stacy so each version can stand fine on their own.*
(Why yes this is a video that around the 2:55 mark starts spinning Gwen’s lack of development and anything like a concrete personality as a positive for her character!  By this logic Gwen is better than friggin BATMAN because he’s got a defined personality and so can’t be rewritten to just be anything and everything...including a cosplayer who isn’t even a version of Gwen Stacy!)
   THAT people is Gwen Stacy. A lame, inconsistent character in life who was more remembered for dying and after her death was subject to the heaviest, most obnoxious revisionism, swiping from other (legitimately better) characters and conflating until she became an even more inconsistent mess people built a cult of worship around.
 And you wanna know the REAL reason there even is so much worship of her?
 Well it began as this.
 Because when she died that became the most memorable thing about her. It was until Spider-Gwen THE FIRST thing anyone ever finds out about Gwen Stacy, and the second is that she and Spider-Man were in love.
 So it’s a tragic love story and a great big ‘what if things had turned out differently situation.
 And since most people either don’t go back to read Gwen as she was in life or else don’t do it until way later in their reading experiences they consenqtly projected whatever they wanted onto Gwen.
 She became everyone’s idealized waifu precisely because she was such a blank slate in their minds.
 Then in later decades when people tried to retroactively pretend Gwen had a better personality than she actually did she became the ‘scientist’ and because people are apparently shallow and employ the same assbackwards logic that dictated that Superman and Wonder Woman would be perfect for one another or that Spider-Man and ,insert ANY costumed hero character> would be a good match, they decided that Gwen being a scientist and Peter being a scientist meant she was the best person for him and smart unlike all those other shallow Spider-girlfriends
  Then more recently that’s morphed into either pretending that Spider-Gwen represents the untapped potential Gwen could have had in life*or that it was some grand sexist miscarriage of justice that she was killed off.
 And as much as we can say the specific WAY Gwen died (unconscious all the way) the facts are:
 a)      Fridging women wasn’t a thing back then. It had rarely if ever happened in superhero fiction so it wasn’t a toxic trope
b)      Gwen’s death allowed for the development of MULTIPLE characters not just Peter, including Mary Jane.
c)       Killing Gwen INCREASED female representation within Spider-Man in the long and short term by allowing MJ (a better character all round who in the consequent issues was presented as explicitly into Women’s Lib) to become a more prominent character, led to the introduction of the far more dramatically and emotionally engaging clone of Gwen who was NOT killed off (meaning there was now an identical but improved Gwen Stacy in the Marvel universe), indirectly introduced Peter’s Landlady Mrs. Muggins and neighbour Gloria Grant (the first WoC supporting character in Spider-Man who’s continued to appear off an on to this day), and even more indirectly Spider-Girl (the longest running female solo star in Marvel history) and of course Spider-Gwen herself
 However you slice it given what Gwen Stacy was when she was alive her having a cult of worship surrounding her and being a fan favourite who is frequently talked up as having been done wrong by is way more hype than is deserved by a character who was ultimately little better than Dorie Evans.
 Don’t know who she was? That’s the point!
 So can we all please stop bowing at the altar of Gwen and kissing her feet?
 Its cool if you personally like her, but don’t big her up to be what she wasn’t or pretend she is owed something she isn’t.
  *Even though the first time Marvel EVER created a spin-off or female spider themed character it was Jessica Drew and they only did it to ensure they had the rights to the name ‘Spider Woman’. Same deal with She-Hulk btw.
 P.S. What’s even more ironic about all this incessant Gwen worship is that Spider-Man’s other two major girlfriends, popular as they are, often get the short end of the stick by the powers that be.
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greatrunner · 6 years
Did you see Trish's alternate costume for DMC5? It's something we talked about before and I want to hear your thoughts on it.
Yeah, I’m not happy about it tbh. 
On a aesthetic level, I really wish that Capcom would evolve Trish’s look already. Maybe take one of the discarded character concepts they made for Trish back when the original DMC game was supposed to be a Resident Evil [4] game, and run with that. She had a lot cool costume designs (my favorite being the leather jacket with the yellow lightning bolt. But there’s also fur coat Trish, and leather getup Trish). 
I’m just baffled as to why they won’t just change up her look, esp. when they went as far as giving Lady an entirely new wardrobe (with cowboy chaps). They just shortened her bustier and gave you an option to make her costume white. Meh.
But, the skin and color change just kinda shows they’re pretty attached to their “Black by proxy” Trish character design. I mean, yeah, they got rid of the Gloria costume, but, that was only part of the problem. Why maintain the blackface on a explicitly white character and you know damn well that’s offensive? 
Why not stick with the mod they introduced in DMC4′s special edition version (assuming that’s not a default option)? Or even use the early “Gloria” prototype design that didn’t use the brown skin?
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We could’ve even had an Eva skin for Trish in DMC5 to go with the Sparda skin Dante usually has (hell, someone’s already made a pretty neat Eva mod for her). I don’t understand why that hasn’t already been a thing considering Trish is pretty much a clone of Dante’s mother.
Capcom had options, they just chose to be lazy about this. They apparently thought the biggest problem was just the costume, not the skin swap, and that’s disappointing.
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delrosariorg · 6 years
tagged by @1nsaankahanhai-bkr
Gender: female
star sign: Capricorn
height: 5′3
sexuality: straight
image for desktop/phone wallpaper: they are both defaults because i’m basic
had a crush on a teacher: I thought my elementary school P.E teacher was good looking but not a crush.
where do you see yourself ten years from now: hopefully having a house and a job I love and maybe even happily married.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be: Zakynthos,Greece laying on a beach relaxing, maybe writing
What was your coolest Halloween costume: not coolest but funniest. I once dressed up as the bride of Frankenstein to go trick-or-treating and we went to a house with a lady dressed up as Fiona from Shrek and she called me her twin. My sister and cousin would not stop laughing at me for the rest of the night.
What is your favorite 90′s show: pretty much all the cartoons, the fresh prince, full house, family matters, home improvement, Clarissa explains it all, all that, and a couple more. I was a big fan of t.v
who was your last kiss: nobody
Have you ever been stood up: nope
Ever been to Las Vegas: no
Favorite pair of shoes: my black running shoes
Favorite fruit: oranges, watermelon, cucumber, and papaya with salt,lemon, and chili powder with chamoy. I can’t just choose one sorry
favorite book: standalone would have to be a Homeless bird by Gloria Whelan. Then of course Harry Potter series and Asoiaf.
Stupidest thing I have ever done: hmm quit my job before I had another one lined up but I only regret it a little. 
I tag: @amaatii @alyssaallyrion @me-youhaveme @inkykate
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firecodex · 1 year
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Gloria: Sync pairs come here, tempted by the smell of curry…
Gloria: Curry opens up the world! I doubt there are many who don't like curry!
Gloria: I hope I can grow closer to everyone on Pasio!
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firecodex · 1 year
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Gloria: This place is very comfortable. That's probably why many people gather here.
Gloria: I came here because something smelled delicious, but that's our little secret, OK?
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firecodex · 2 years
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Official artwork for Battle Buffet Bash
Art by Megumi Mizutani (Twitter: megtany)
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firecodex · 2 years
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Official artwork for Champion Time
Art by VOFAN (Twitter: VOFAN_TW)
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firecodex · 2 years
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Gloria: My goal here on Pasio? Oh, that's easy! To make curry super popular!
Gloria: It's got loads of yummy spices, and you can turn it into all sorts of different dishes! Plus, it's really healthy!
Gloria: If I make the curry, will you eat three meals of it each day to help me with my goal?
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firecodex · 7 months
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Gloria: Is your partner Pokémon doing all right? If it starts to look a little tired, make sure you give it a quick rest, yeah?
Gloria: Our Pokémon take all the hits for us out there on the battlefield, so it's up to us to make sure we don't push 'em too hard!
Gloria: At least that's what my mum told me back when I started this whole journey!
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