#defending Daenerys OhMyGodMakeHerLeaveThatDumpAndContinueWest Targaryen...
stromuprisahat · 7 months
I take it you don't think of dany as an colonizer or imperialist either
colonialism 1. the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.
While Daenerys took over cities in Slaver's Bay, she's hardly "another country". She didn't bring settlers to replace the original population, and she quite literally states she wants to plant trees and build peaceful society, which hardly counts as economical exploitation.
imperialism 1. a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.
Again, Dany's not a country, and while she takes over said cities, there's no colonization happening. She only brought her small khalasar, most of the people following her are sort of locals, only from non-ruling classes.
This is what she does. Ironically mostly with already present military forces (The Unsullied):
conquer 1. overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military force.
overthrow 1. remove forcibly from power.
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chaosbeautiful · 3 years
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ultraericthered · 3 years
OK, fwiw, yes I love Edelgard as a character, but no, I do NOT condone absolutely every measure she took in pursuit of her goals or think of her as a hero in any of the non-CF routes. She’s one of those flawed, internally tortured, self-righteous revolutionary and “nice” tyrant/conqueror type of problematic faves. She gets to join the club!
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snowfieldstormborn · 3 years
The amount of Dany antis that go on to defend Viserys is fucking wild to me
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luxlabella · 3 years
“b-but by ending slavery she killed the economy!”
Ok Robert E. Lee please calm down
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ceruleanharley · 3 years
look i know dany fans were burned, pun intended, after the got finale but like we are getting a whole new show with just the targaryens BECAUSE dany was such a popular character but now everyone hates it and no one wants to watch because we’re still mad how they did dany dirty i guess? shouldnt we like all be excited for this cuz it just proves that we actually do wanna see targaryen show?? otherwise if it flops it will just prove a point that dany’s ending was justified? idk make it make sense
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melindaleehaha · 3 years
Tbh anyone with brains knows that the propagandas the masters spread abt Dany or those bad stuff other characters think abt her is like when rumors said Harry Potter is lying or he’s the next dark lord. Yet some how those same readers know it‘s not true in HP believe the rumors abt Dany in ASOIAF. Grrm writing those stuff as predicaments for her to come over not as some nonsense talking idiots’so called “foReshAdoWing”. Those ppl really need to touch some grass and develop their reading comprehension. I don‘t even know it’s pure hatred or misogyny.
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rainhadaenerys · 4 years
The thing with people that like to point out the mistakes that Dany did in the beginning of her time in Slaver's Bay (like not leaving a garrison at Astapor, not taking Yunkai, not killing all the masters, or not taking the wealth of the slavers) as some sort of proof that Dany is inexperienced and unprepared to rule is that this is hardly some sort of enlightened statement or revelation. Everybody knows Dany started out as inexperienced and that she made mistakes. Pointing that out is just being Captain Obvious. But the thing is, just because she made mistakes in the beginning, that doesn't mean Dany didn't learn or that she was a bad ruler later. After she made those initial mistakes, Dany took measures to rebuild Meereen's economy. She took measures to create fighting companies to defend her city and her people. She made alliances and negotiations. She was able to handle food stores and please most of her petitioners. She has learned the importance of military strength and no longer abandons a city without a garrison when the Astapori envoy asks her to leave Meereen behind to help them. She made a peace. Her efforts successfully defended Meereen from Yunkai's attack. Regardless of her mistakes at the beginning (back when she wasn't even planning to stay to rule), after Dany decides to stay and rule Meereen, her actions as a ruler were quite reasonable and still achieved pretty good results considering the choices she had. And by the end of ADWD, she has made a new reflection on the merits of peace and war, and is willing to be more ruthless and no longer compromise so much.
All of that is a learning process. Dany didn't start out as a good ruler. She can't start out as a good ruler, she had never ruled anything before in her life. But all of her worst mistakes that had the worst consequences (not leaving a garrison at Astapor, not taking Yunkai, not killing all the masters, or not taking the wealth of the slavers) happen at the very beginning of her journey as a ruler, back in ASOS. Once Dany becomes a more experienced ruler, she doesn't commit any mistakes like that anymore, and in ADWD Dany IS a good ruler (not perfect, but good). Her mistakes in ASOS have consequences for her in ADWD (as an example, not taking the wealth and power of the slavers makes it easier for them to counter attack her), but Dany can't go back in time and change the mistakes she has made in the past. She can only deal with the consequences, and Dany does manage to deal with those consequences, and that does prove how she matured as a ruler. And by the end of ADWD she has learned even more. I'm not going to elaborate here because I (and other people) already wrote very long metas explaining why Dany was a good ruler in ADWD (X, X). But the thing is, you can't use the mistakes Dany made in the beginning of her journey as a ruler (in ASOS) as proof that she is a bad ruler, because they happened when she was starting out, they don't define what kind of ruler Dany is NOW. It's like saying a good artist is a bad artist because they made bad drawings when they were a child.
(Actually, Dany wasn't even a ruler back in ASOS, she was just conquering cities, she wasn't planning to rule them or trying to rule them, so it's quite weird that people judge her as a "bad ruler" for actions she took when she wasn't even trying to be a ruler)
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thatwriterlifetho · 4 years
Black women ended Trump’s presidency like . . .
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Daenerys’s character arc is quite similar to those of American black women. Started from the bottom now we’re here.
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scorpion-flower · 4 years
Okay, what the fuck, I was accused of victimblaming, xenophobia and pro slavery because I said I don't like Daenerys and didn't defend her burning King's Landing to the ground.
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aapplebluee · 5 years
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When the writers don’t know how to keep the story interesting or relevant so they just kill you
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Allura belonged here too
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linipik · 5 years
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Being a powerful princess is hard (…for the showrunners)
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yenslilac · 4 years
Hi! This is your friendly reminder that book!Sansa is 13 and book!Dany is 15 (two years apart) and show!Sansa is 20, and show!Dany is 23 - if you can do the maths that’s only 3 years apart! 
So I better not see any of you excusing book!Sansa’s behaviour for her age, and then spinning right around and calling book!Dany an entitled racist r*pist brat when she is only 15, okay? And the same goes for Arya! an 11 year old should not be held accountable either! If I see one of you dumbasses call Arya a murderer, then I’ll remind you that Sansa is complicit in Lysa’s murder, because she lied to save Littlefinger’s neck. And if you start on “Littlefinger was looking after her” or whatever your excuse is, I’ll point you to the fact that Arya has been on the run since she was nine, had to hide her identity and travel with criminals, has been brought to a place where she is being arguably being manipulated to kill, and has no other place to go - just like Sansa!
Dany was sold into an abusive marriage when she was 13, her door had to be locked the night before her wedding because her OWN BROTHER wanted to sneak in and r*pe her. She lost her child and her husband - aka her only protection - at the age of 14, is trying to go back to Westeros as she believes that is her home, is currently ruling a city plagued by war and sickness, and she has the audacity to make mistakes, because a 15 year old should not have that kind of responsibility! Sansa has been abused, Sansa has made mistakes (like remember when she told Cersei about her father and got him and everyone else killed?) but is she held accountable? No, because she is young, and should not be expected to shoulder her full responsibility, because many of the problems were caused by the adults around manipulating her. Just. Like. Arya. And. Dany. 
Arya and Dany cannot be held accountable for mistakes and actions if Sansa is not. 
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aegon · 5 years
everyone hating this last episode and criticizing what the writers did with dany’s arc just tell me how loved she is as a character.
so y’all can keep your mad dany edits and metas, all your claims that this has been planned, and the validation of your biased hatred for a fictional person because the fictional man you want your fictional fav to be with decided to love her instead.
daenerys targaryen is the face of this show and the heart of this story. she is its biggest icon, its most recognisable character, the storm of feminism and women empowerment that inspired so many.
if she goes down in flames, so does everything else.
don’t believe me? it’s the lowest rated episode in the show’s history
as it should be.
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alrightsnaps · 4 years
K*t H*rington straight up said that his character “did the right thing” by murdering the woman he supposedly loved in cold blood, as he was kissing her, and y'all still coming up with excuses for his stinky ass. At this point I don't even know what to tell you.
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creganstark · 5 years
“There’s no apolitical way to justify the storytelling: A character who has proven to be a more than competent military strategist, not to mention a very effective self-propagandist, abruptly decides to commit a war crime after she’s won the war in question, thus needlessly turning the populace against her, because… the plot says so. Because she’s upset and petulant and suddenly a bad person in a way that overrides all her previously established skill sets. There’s no arc, no track, no work done to show us why she thinks this is a good idea. Even stupid decisions have a thought process behind them — we understand Tyrion freeing Daenerys’ prisoner, right after Dany tells Tyrion she’ll kill him the next time he disobeys, because the prisoner is Jaime and Tyrion loves him — but this one doesn’t. It just happens. But the decision might work if Daenerys’ desire to lead had already made you dislike her. If you believed, not just that women in power can be abusive, but that all women in power are abusive, not just that some women internalize tyrannical ideas of power, but that the very desire to wield power makes women tyrannical — not just that the world contains Cerseis, but that any woman becomes a Cersei by virtue of leading — then it would completely make sense that, the very second a female character obtained her world’s highest position of authority, she would PMS and have a meltdown and get hysterical and lash out and otherwise prove herself not only unfit to lead, but dangerously so. In other words, this would make sense to you if you did not see Daenerys making a decision, but a woman making a decision, and if this were the kind of decision you expected women to make.”
— Who Wins, Who Dies: Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019)
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