#defense of bruma
Martin, literally at any point in his life: I'm just trying to have a nice time despite knowing facts and information.
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ciceroandlucien · 2 years
Is Bruma's militia always comprised of octuplets or did my game just decide to do that?
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shark-wrangler · 1 year
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tfw you get caught robbing a shop by the other guy robbing the same shop
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fatherentropy · 2 years
I forgot Ayem was an Elder Scrolls thing because I have FFXIV brain rot and thought it was just someone naming their WoL after Azem but special™
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audioslavedragon13 · 5 months
Finally nutted up and did Defense of Bruma. Martin, all nice and armored up for his big day, gives a moving speech. We all draw our swords, I'm steeling my resolve, and then this lil bastard draws out his tiny little iron dagger. Like, could Martin not be given a sword? We got a shit ton of them at Cloud Ruler Temple, my dude.
Also, Ulrich apparently got his ass kicked so hard that when I destroyed the great gate he was stand there in nothing but a loincloth and his axe.
Little addition to this post. When I went back to an old save I took a screenshot of Marty that looks like I used a potato to screenshot.
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And here's Ulrich's dumbass
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
From this asks to spread the love here,
1, 3, 11, 13 & 15 if you're so inclined: any that inspire or all. XD
A fanon characterisation that you love I really like fics that show Madanach as an actually decent ruler of the Reach during the Forsworn uprising, and then once escaping Cidna Mine basically taking over and securing the areas of the Reach that's not Markarth.
3. One of the best takes you’ve ever seen The White Arts on Trial by @greyborn2 it's an incharacter defense of necromancy by pointing out just how horrific the other schools of magic are. It's fantastic and made me fall in love with Kesh gra-Bruma. 11. Recommend a fic with an unusual/original headcanon or characterisation that you loved The Tragedy of Moira, Maiden of the Reach by @dumpsterhipster
When I first did "A Night to Remember" I REALLY felt bad about the Hagraven. As someone who has never been conventionally attractive (even as a child my grandmother would tell me it was a good thing I was smart bc I wouldn't be able to rely on my looks at all, thanks grams!) that bit of the quest brought back A LOT of cruel jokes and "pranks" from Middle and High School. This fic does her justice with an excellent backstory.
13. Recommend a fic (can be your own!) that features something you wish was written about more
Tides to Carry Us Home by @gilgamish because I want more MLM Kaidan fics.
15. A topic you never get tired of discussing What sort of farming and agricultural technology would actually be feasible in a society with magic and old Dwemer machines left around. The answer is never a hay baler.
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Burd is the Captain of Bruma’s City Guard and helps to lead the Defense of Bruma during the Oblivion Crisis. He also assists the Hero of Kvatch and the Blades in uncovering the Mythic Dawn hiding in the city. 
Not much is known about Burd before the events of Oblivion. As captain, Burd is considered to be tough but fair by the townspeople. His position also allows him to serve as an advisor for the Countess of Bruma, Narina Carvain. 
Once the Mythic Dawn and their spies begin to look around Bruma for weaknesses in Cloud Ruler Temple, Burd grants the Hero of Kvatch permission to search a potential spy's house. When the Hero finds proof that the Mythic Dawn is preparing to attack Bruma and Cloud Ruler Temple by opening a Great Oblivion Gate nearby, Burd does everything within his power to prevent Bruma from becoming another Kvatch. 
Once the Oblivion Gates begin to open all around the city, Burd enters the first gate alongside the Hero of Kvatch to learn how to close the gates. After closing the gate with the Hero’s help, Burd returns to the guard and puts his men on constant alert to help prevent Burma from being overrun by Daedra. He also communicates with the Blades throughout this. Burd fights in the Battle of Bruma while the Hero of Kvatch enters and closes the Great Oblivion Gate. 
Cool Quotes
"Believe me, it was no picnic. But thanks to our friend here, I now know we can close these hell-gates. We can defend Bruma!"
"It was an honor to serve with you, sir. Now that I've seen how it's done, I think my guardsman can handle any new Gates that open near Bruma."
"This is no place I ever wanted to find myself. I don't see how we can ... No ... no, we can do this. We have to do this. We have no choice. I'm glad you're here. We wouldn't have a chance otherwise. What's our next move?"
"Thanks for coming. Since we had the Hero of Kvatch available, I didn't think it made sense to try this on our own the first time. We're ready when you are. Just say the word and we'll follow you into that hell-spawned Gate."
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fromthedragonswake · 1 year
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i've never kept a ldb beyond their initial playthrough bc i tire of them so easily BUT i finally have one i'm keeping i think
info on her below the cut
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Name: Liavinne Varro Alias[es]: Vin is what she introduces herself as, less out of necessity and more just the fact she's not a fan of her full name. friends get to call her Vinnie Gender: female Age: 28 Race: half breton, half imperial. she's got some bosmer & nord ancestry in there as well Birthdate: 4E 173 Place of birth: Cyrodiil Hometown: Bruma Spoken language[s]: tamrielic [common tongue]. gods help her if anyone tries to communicate with her via anything else Sexual preference: bisexual Occupation: is "Dragonborn" an acceptable professional occupation? if not, she'll write herself down as adventurer
Eye color: light blue [relevant] Hair color: very dark brown Height: 5'7" / 169 cm Scars: several on her face, received during her time in the synod conclave via an altercation with a summoned scamp
Colour[s]: can't pick a favourite, maybe purple and red shades? Instrument: drums! lutes and flutes are nice and all, but nothing soothes her as much as the sound of a steady drum Food: plain meat stews. if you give her anything with seasonings she may keel over and die Drink: ale
Passed university: she comes from Bruma, she has no formal education LMAO Had sex: no Kissed a boy: yes Kissed a girl: yes Gotten tattoos: she's thought about it but no Gotten piercings: no, the idea of having a hole in her skin frightens her Been in love: not truly Wanted to kill someone: barring out of self defense? yes, and she feels terrible about it
A virgin: ya A cuddler: yes A kisser: sure Scared easily: yes Jealous easily: no Single: i made her with the intention of romancing Taliesen or Gore but idk! she's single for now
Have / had a job: nothing formal, just odd jobs here and there Have any fears: loneliness, death, vampires, daedric influence, having no purpose
Parent[s]: Jullus Varro [father] and Florianne Maborel [mother] Sibling[s]: she's an only child Children: in this economy? Other immediate family: Lyon Varro [uncle] and Marius Varro [grandfather] Notable ancestor[s]: Martin Septim [great great grandfather], Cyella Stenric [great great grandmother and my HoK], Uriel Septim VII [great great great grandfather I GUESS]. she doesn't find out until she meets Sheogorath Pets: no. maybe in the future when she's settled down, right now she'd feel too bad leaving a pet at home while she adventures
Song[s] I associate with her: Your Answer - Masayoshi Soken, Close in the Distance - Masayoshi Soken
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late-nite-scholar · 1 year
Morning Star, Second Seed, and Sun's Height
Morning Star- the first thing I think about is, which race I want to go with. Then, I design the character, and then when I'm done with the CC I look up names and see what is culturally appropriate and what fits. Backstory I might have a little bit, but that tends to fill itself in as I play and get a feel for them. I will often hit up uesp for cultural lore, especially for a race I haven't spent a lot of time with yet, and get a feel for who I'm playing. This also helps fill out backstory. This is across the board.
Second Seed- My only for sure alchemist is Azuri. She makes defensive potions, and resource regenerating ones.
Sun's Height- Besharat and Orielle usually hit up Belethor since he's conveniently located between Breezehome and Jorrvaskr. Azuri goes to Birna in Winterhold for both convenience and to give her more business. Thaeril has no particular favorite but will hit up Riverwood Trader when she's in the area. Aethelfrid tends to shop and sell in Bruma. I haven't yet got a favorite for Rilenna.
Skyrim OCs tend to buy a lot of spell books and materials for crafting (when you're missing 1 of something!). Aethelfrid gets repairs. I don't often buy gear and only buy potions when I absolutely have to. I sell far more than I buy.
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Oblivion Dialogues in The Lord of the Rings - Part 1
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femboydagothur · 2 years
Hey! For the TESblr OC Ask Game, I wanna ask: Acrobat for Lyrra Witchhunter and Spellsword for Crowe Monk for Nireya
Assassin for Ri'Saari Feel free to ignore or answer whatever you want however you want! ✨💯👏
hey !! thank you for asking
Acrobat: What keeps your character going? What are they in this all for?
lyrra is so tired. she didn't ask to be some prophesied warrior! she doesn't want to go questing across vvardenfell and beyond. she was abandoned as a baby, and grew up with stories of the tribunal like everybody else, but as she got older something started nagging at her, that something was wrong. the feeling got so strong that, when she arrived back in morrowind, she couldn't ignore it any longer. her journey is mostly a quest for truth, and to make that voice in her head go away. but she doesn't have to like it!
Witchhunter: What is something people don’t know about your character?
crowe and brynjolf actually briefly considered marriage. he's secretly kind of a traditional guy. crowe thought it might help her blend in, now that she was thrust in the spotlight as some "savior of tamriel." they decided that it wouldn't work, though, and their relationship has been a little tense ever since.
Spellsword: How does your character feel about themself? How is their sense of self preservation? Their ego?
crowe has no sense of self preservation whatsoever. that's why she keeps being labelled a hero: she keeps doing crazy things, expecting to either die, or... not die, and do something else. she has never had a plan for the future, because she can't fathom surviving that long, despite having persevered for over 50 years. she is confident in her abilities, but she doesn't particularly like herself.
Monk: What was your character’s childhood like? How was their family?
nireya was born to two thalmor agents in the summerset isles. she was gifted in illusion magic from an early age, and the thalmor controlled every aspect of her life, training her as a spy. she wasn't treated very well, but she was led to believe she was doing the right thing, and that the thalmor had her best interests at heart. it wasn't until her assignment in skyrim, to oversee and prevent the execution of ulfric stormcloak, went awry and she discovered her talents as dragonborn that she realized she would be taken advantage of by the thalmor, and went on the run. until then, she didn't question her upbringing at all.
Assassin: Does your character have a dark side? Have they committed any crimes? If they began their journey in prison, how did they end up there?
ri'saari is an assassin and thief. growing up in the imperial city, her mother was very poor and very sick, and ri'saari learned that she could provide for her this way at a young age. she started out by luring men and women away from taverns with the promise of cheap sex. she would then rob them of everything they had on their person. if they resisted, or fought back... well, that's when she started killing. it was out of self defense, she told herself, but each time, she got better at doing it. quickly, quietly, hiding the body, the works.
when her mother passed away, she found out the healer that was supposed to be treating her was giving her placebo potions. they were paying him all this time and the potions didn't do anything. that was the first time she killed someone outright, out of anger.
she ended up in prison because of a heist gone wrong. she was stealing cargo from a ship docked in the imperial city, when she was caught by none other than the ship's captain. luckily, they threw her in the wrong cell, and she escaped with the blades.
she ventured away from the imperial city after this, and after a murder she committed outside of bruma, lucien lachance found and recruited her. she has been living in cheydinhal since.
and her relationship with lucien totally won't end very similarly to her mother, ha ha ha, *sweats*
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druidx · 2 years
Day 1 - Nano 2022 Round-up
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I'm calling it a night, but here's my round-up today.
Word count total: 6,347
Hours written total: 05:41
How am I feeling: Fucking knackered. We've had three electrical storms in the past 20h, and - not to sound like a crone, but - the pressure change is playing havoc with my joints. Also, I maaaay be experiencing a sugar crash.
Stupidest lines I've written today:
Aderyn is sending an SMS to Jauffre on succeeding in getting a quest item. In-game, none of the Blades have surnames and I've yet to assign these guys some, leading to this:
We also found a shittonne of other stuff. Modryn and the remaining blades {surname}, {surname}, {surname} and {surname}, are gonna bring it all up to The Manor.
Best lines I've written today:
Modryn has been in close combat with an enemy, and Aderyn is checking up on him after the fact:
Modryn battered Aderyn's hands away. "I'm fine," he croaked. "I'm getting too old for this shit."
And shortly after:
"Are you ready to go again, uncle?" Modryn nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be, eh?" "You can stay here-?" "Pah." He pulled himself up. "I'm not letting you go in there alone." Aderyn sucked her teeth as he hauled himself up. "If you say so, old man." "I do say so. Come on."
Honestly, all of Modryn and Aderyn's banter is funny as hell to me. Modryn bitches like a 15yo, it's great.
Problems overcome: I've had a plot hole for the biggest time which was, why would Martin ever go anywhere near the Vault while Dagon was still alive, and I think I've found the answer in my trove of stuff left behind by Tiber Septim in Sancre Tor.
Problems ahead: I have no idea, whatsoever, how to translate the Miscarcand quest into my Modern AU. I don't think my original idea will work, and honestly, I'm considering skipping it to get straight to Defense of Bruma. But to give myself breathing room, I'm going to instead write the thieves' quest, Ahdarji's Heirloom. Because who doesn't love a useless & unexpected subplot?
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heyitsmeyup · 2 years
Played through the Defense of Bruma again. Barring Martin, literally everyone died. Baurus, Jauffre, Captain Burd, everybody. One of the Bruma guards was actually directly under a dead daedroth, neat image. Glad they decided to make companions more resilient in Skyrim.
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foulserpent · 5 years
i have finished all the side questlines in oblivion which means i might actually have to go thru with the main quest now and finish it. incredibly sad
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audioslavedragon13 · 2 months
There's one moment during the Defense of Bruma that I think about often (besides Martin finishing his speech by pulling out an iron dagger). I remember having to reload a few times because Baurus and/or Jauffre kept dying or I'd accidentally hit someone. There was one moment when I was going around and healing everyone and I yelled at Jauffre in frustration: "You're not dying on me, old man!" only for him to get one-shotted by a daedra a second later.
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wispstalk · 2 years
Cloud Ruler Temple clings to the mountainside. At times it's as if the barren slopes are all that remains of the world, an island of cold rock drifting in some hazy void. All the rest, from the wind-battered highlands to the glittering Topal bay, seems burnt away— a dream forgotten with no one left to dream it.
Martin leans in a crenel, flanked by the two watchtowers. Up here the wind rides high and wild, plucking at the ends of his hair as it races by. First Seed can only charitably be considered a spring month this far north, but the brazier nearby fends off the chill, and Bruma Valley sleeps curled at the foot of the mountain. Tanis was right: this really is the best brooding spot in the whole temple.
A hand on his shoulder. Martin had been so absorbed in his thoughts he hadn’t heard anyone approach. Before he can rouse himself to turn, a slender grey hand comes to cover his eyes.
“Tanis, what—”
“What phase is Secunda in?” the Hero of Kvatch cuts in.
“I—” Martin lets out a soft huff of laughter. “I don’t know. I was… somewhere else.”
“I know you were.” Tanis lowers his hand and cups Martin’s jaw, tilting it upward.
Secunda full, Masser a waxing crescent. A cold, clear night, with high winds herding the clouds away. One seems to have strayed from the flock, however: Tanis nudges him with an elbow, proffering a steaming mug.
An alchemist never offers tea without some ulterior motive. With the coming of spring, Tanis has been plying the temple’s residents with “blood tonics,” whatever those are. But he has a mind for flavor: the bitter, earthy root is rounded out with fennel and cardamom, sweetened with honey. The warmth of it in his hand, the warmth of Tanis at his back, settles Martin back into himself. He breathes in the aromatic steam and looks out again with fresh eyes.
Up here the plants hang on for dear life. Tough, scrubby little things, huddled low in the hollows that pock the rough granite. Down the slopes their defenses thicken: evergreens bent into crooked sprays, their rugged branches bearing crowns of bright, tender green. The spruce buds are luminous in the moonlight. Evidence of another winter survived, another chance to jostle for a place in the sun.
“A prison with a view,” Tanis remarks, “but damned if it isn’t the best view in all Cyrodiil.”
“I've wondered what keeps you here,” Martin says wryly. "Moved up in the world from your dungeon cell, haven't you?"
Tanis slips an arm around Martin’s waist. “I like it here. More than I thought I would. I've seen every corner of this land of yours by now, priest, and it's a fine one.”
Martin breaks into a faint smile. “It really is.”
Far below them the forest spills down the mountain like dark velvet. Bruma’s watchfires are tiny embers in the coal-dark valley. He makes a note to come out in the daylight. Surely there is a stirring in the cradle of the Jeralls. Sun-starved residents baring their arms in defiance of the chill, farmers out to till the fallow fields. Here he is too high up to see the bustle, but he knows— despite all, the sun will draw them out.
He spent his childhood with his hands in the soil, his body tuned to the grand order of the seasons, his mind trained to look for the potential that lives in each tiny seed. Every stretch of land on which he’s walked has given him something to love. Tall reeds waving on the shores of Lake Rumare; dark-winged skimmers nesting in Anvil’s dunes; stubborn Kvatch in the hinterlands, perched proudly on its hill.
And yes, even here. The silent, remote immensity of stone, keeping vigil over the boundless horizon.
The mountain fastness seems less an island to him now. It settles, takes root; becomes part of a living, breathing whole. A land that goes on, and on.
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