#definitely deleting these later because I’m shy
sailor-aviator · 1 year
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Was going through some of the photos I took over the summer and decided that I’m not gonna look this good again for a while
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goldenchunkycat · 2 years
Neteyam as your Alpha
[The format might be a lil weird since I’m doing this on the phone (which keep on deleting what I’m writing it’s pissing me off)… Might do a ‘.. as your Alpha’ serie watcha think ? Lo'ak is next, enjoy !]
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Ok I just had this mind blowing idea who's actually not very original but still ! You're an alpha. Like, a big strong Alpha who's supposed to show the exemple and take care of the others. Spoiler alert, you're none of that. Yeah you're an Alpha, but you're not like the other Alpha. You're too shy to ask for more meat and too nice/scarred to go against anyone, Beta and sometimes Omega included. So you thought that you would end being the lone Alpha who can't attract anyone. And then you met Neteyam. He was an Alpha too, but instead of trying to assert his dominance on you, he became your friend, and later your mate.
When Neteyam heard about the 'fake Alpha' he wanted to meet them. How can an Alpha be fake ? And when he met you... Yeah, you were definitely not a normal Alpha. You did not tried to push your pheromones on him and instead tried to look as small as possible. You were quiet and nice, smiling to him when he subtly tried to submit you. Did you even notice ?
"So you're...an Alpha ?" "..." "Oh no, don't worry, you definitely...look like one..."
Neteyam would definitely be your friend not by interest but just because he finds you strange. Someone born with the Alpha gene couldn't possibly be that...submissive. It was strange. You were strange. But Neteyam also loved feeling on top. People always praised him for his skills, and so did you. But with you he felt more powerful. He felt like the world was in the palms of his hands. He was submitting an Alpha without even trying. So yeah, ngl, Neteyam kinda used you for his own peace of mind.
But the boy would slowly fall in love with you, with the way you would gently hold his hand or give him your food with a smile on your face. You were just like an Omega, but with the wrong status. The boy would probably be like "I can have a mate who's an Alpha but who behaves like an Omega, brilliant.". So he asked you out after months of knowing you. He did not courted you like an Alpha would usually do with an Omega, it just...happened. You would have a sleepover and BOOM, you wake up with his dick deep inside of your womb.
Neteyam as your Alpha would mean a lot and I mean A LOT of role-play. Dude wants you to act like the good Omega that you should have been and you oblige him. You don't ask him a lot regarding the fact that you don't feel the need to be protected, and it does not bother you to bend over or open your mouth. It's a win-win situation. When you're a good girl, Neteyam eats you out and focus on your pleasure and only yours; he does not edge you like he usually does and, conversely, overstimulate you until you're crying and pushing his hands off of your body. He just loves seeing his supposed big strong Alpha being so fucked out that she can't even talk. Because it’s a real kink in this blog Neteyam would praise you and call you his ‘good Omega’. The Alpha inside you absolutely hates it so you two just fight until he submits you (feral play). Did you know that the female tiger fight the male who tries to mount her ? Same here. But at the end of the day you’re still the ‘fake Alpha’ so you still end up on four, taking his dick as he’s ramming into you. Who would have thought ? Everyone.
"Beg for it, Love. Who’s taking care of you ?" "…" "That’s right, that’s ah- that’s my name."
"Big strong and scary Alpha taking her mate’s dick like a champ. Ngh- good Omega…"
"Trying to fight back ? Fucking submit, now. Oh ? You’ll regret it."
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scruffyssketchbook · 10 days
Kind of random post, sorry!!! Might delete later 😋 idk
I originally said here that this wasn’t a vent post but it might be one after all oops. (I’m sorry I’m an over-sharer and this is my ramble blog.)
(Trigger Warning- grooming? Pedo behavior?)
So I think I mentioned this here before (like years before, idk), but there is this guy who has been stalking me for forever now or whatever. Like, he’s basically the reason I don’t accept friend requests from people I don’t know on Discord and made it so only friends can message me, cause this man would pretend to be other people to talk to me. Anyways, on one of his MANY alts that he uses to send messages to me, he basically admitted to grooming me in the Pedo way when I was a minor!!! Fun 🥰🥰🥰🥰 (this is sarcasm)
But like, that literally explains SO MUCH OF THE THINGS IN SSEC, LIKE WHAT????
Like obviously I am not going in detail of the things that were in SSEC cause it makes me uncomfortable, but it does explain a lot of it, and seeing how afterwards I proceeded to get groomed by 2 other people back to back to BACK, LIKE. For one thing
I definitely feel like the tonal shift in the series was due to all of these events. Of course, I’m not going to get into every bad thing that happened to me due to being a naive girl making a stupid pokemon webcomic (sadly it’s a lot lol), but like, I didn’t even realize that I was groomed by multiple people until I was in my 20’s. (I mean, I am in my 20’s right now, but you know) and I literally was not aware that stalker man was being a pedo towards me when I was a minor until he admitted to me that he was being one- RECENTLY.
I do feel like how SSEC ultimately turned out was due to all of this. For the longest time, I was just surrounded by a lot of negativity. And, I kind of just kind of have the natural inclination to help people or be kind to people, and that ultimately just caused people to see that and use me over and over and over again, causing both the tonal shift in SSEC as well as me closing myself more and more off to people, which- really sucks honestly. (And only now I realize that that is literally the same thing that happened to Vay, wtf)
Like- I want friends. Nothing Romantic, no strings attached, no weird power dynamics, just PLATONIC friends. But I’m extremely shy and awkward, and ofc, extremely closed off ^^;;; So it’s pretty hard for that to happen, I guess.
But I suppose that is why I like/obsess about Box 31 so much.
Box 31 is basically just wish fulfillment for me.
Because, like. The only thing I’ve ever really wanted, the thing I have been looking for, for years, are friends. And, the whole story of box 31 are outcasts making friends, and supporting each other, and growing together, and that makes me very very happy.
Living vicariously through my characters!!! I want them to be happy, I want them to smile, I want others to smile too!!! I don’t want to keep drawing sad things, yeah I like drama, there will be drama in Box 31, but in ssec it’s just so endless. I always wanted the characters to be happy at the end, but where is that end if there is an endless sea of issues?
Idk. I just remember me being freshly 18, crying on the ground (cringe ik) to my way older roommate that I just wanted friends, and I wonder if things would have been better if someone just took my hand and became the friend I needed at the time instead of me becoming totally isolated and the stalker using that to get closer to me.
Idk 😋 as I said, might delete later 😋 just kinda a bit cringe lmao
I just wanna keep drawing my Stupid Silly Eeveelutions~ la la laa
Oh. Speaking of that actually.
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satocidal · 9 months
Silly little me being silly hehe
This is very crude and not proof read 💀 pure emotions ✊
Soooooooo not that it matters much but to the 4-5 people who I talk to here and think about sometimes hehe, I’ll be going on a hiatus? I think?
This year is going to be extremely important for my academics so I’ll be focusing on that entirely, so you probably won’t see a lot of me. I hope at least, because if I follow through then I know I can do smn good in life, that’s mostly all. To everyone who’s followed Me, (which btw, thank you for the 1k 😭💀 I didn’t think it would be this underwhelming an announcement but lmao) I don’t think I’ll be publishing a lot of work </3 there might be something here and there? Maybe a couple of long fics if I feel it or 2-3 drabbles somewhere in a month? Idk, nothing is assured lmao-
I won’t delete this blog or archive it or anything such, frankly it’s the only blog I’ve managed for this long so I wanna be here, and try and not turn it into a blank blog- so to everyone who bothers talking to me now 🤭 don’t be shy, I might reply late but I will surely get to everything (or try to!)
I think I’ll pop by Sunday to Sunday? Seems fine or might even be in the mood and annoy you guys three days in a row 💀 but yeah (also I’ve only answered half the asks, I’ll get to the rest later <3 and and and just in case, I’ll be scheduling all my asks to be posted on a specific day together so please please please I’m definitely not ignoring you —unless I am but yes😭if it’s anything important or even in general, dms are open <3)
I may also in the future get discord (to remain in contact if anyone wants to do that sorta thing because my insta is also deactivated) but yeah that’s mostly all I had to say.
All the requests I have, I can’t assure them being written but I’m so glad you guys sent the stuff in- I love you all so much
It’s funny though 🤭 how it’s 24th December and my extreme blues took over me today and it’s also geto’s death anniversary :( my poor baby
But lmao that’s all I had to say<3
Love you guys <333
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heyitsbramgreenfeld · 2 years
So, I rewatched Love, Simon after not seeing it for a while last night. And I have some thoughts. They changed a ton of stuff from the book, which, okay, some changes are fine. You can’t fit hundreds of pages into 2 hours. But a lot of the stuff they changed didn’t make much sense, and didn’t impact the running time. Here are just a few:
1. Blue’s personality. In Simon vs., Blue is shy, and takes a while to open up. He’s quiet and nervous, and isn’t super outgoing. But in the movie, Blue is super popular, super outgoing, and not nervous at all. There’s nothing wrong with this at all, but I did miss the quiet, nerdy Bram that we were blessed with in the books. Although movie Bram was cool, and absolutely slayed with his halloween costume.
2. Martin’s Tumblr post. In the book, Martin did have screenshots of Simon’s emails, just like in the movie. However, he didn’t post them. He just posted the blurb that was like “Simon’s gay, contact him for gay sex” or whatever. He made a slight mention of Blue (he said something about blue balls), but he didn’t post the screenshots, so no one found out about Blue. And Blue didn’t even find out who Simon was until a while later, because he didn’t look at the Tumblr. But in the movie, Martin posted the screenshots, which made everyone aware of Blue. This led to Blue deleting his email. In the book, Blue didn’t, but they just sort of stopped emailing for a while.
3. Simon and Blue’s meet up. In the movie, like I mentioned, Blue deleted his email. So to reach him, Simon made a public Tumblr post, asking Blue to meet him in a public place. Honestly, I hated that. Simon put Blue in a position where, in order to talk to Simon, he had to out himself. I mean, Simon didn’t have much of a choice in reaching out to him publicly, but he didn’t have to ask Blue to meet him in a place where everyone would watch them. In the book, Simon emails Blue privately, and they meet and figure things out on their own.
4. Simon’s friends reactions. Simon’s friends, in the book, are super supportive of Simon. Abby does find out about Simon trying to set Martin and her up, but she’s much more forgiving. She takes a couple days to process, but ultimately decides Simon was in a tough spot and he didn’t really have a choice. In the movie, his friends give him no chance to explain, never try to understand him, and ditch him even after he got outed.
5. Simon guessing who Blue is. In the movie, Simon guesses it’s Bram, then Lyle, then Cal. In the book, for the entire time, Simon thinks it’s Cal. He makes mentions of Bram, so we know who he is, and we know Simon thinks he’s cute, but he doesn’t guess it’s him. I kind of loved this, because Simon is canonically very clueless, and the love of his life was right in front of him. I didn’t love how, in the movie, Bram was caught making out with a girl. It just doesn’t seem like him.
6. Judaism. Bram and Nick are canonically Jewish, and it’s mentioned a lot. It’s not exactly problematic that they didn’t talk about it in the movie (except for the one mention that Blue spends Hanukkah with his dad), because that may take too much time, but I love how Simon becomes sort of interested in Judaism because of Blue. Idk, maybe it’s just because I’m Jewish and crave Jewish characters, but I really missed that aspect.
7. Leah’s crush. All throughout Simon vs, we think Leah likes Nick. It’s never resolved, but she definitely doesn’t like Simon. As we find out in the sequel, Leah on the Offbeat, Leah actually likes Abby, and she doesn’t know what to do with those feelings, so she’s sort of surly towards Abby through the whole book. In Love, Simon, we find out she actually loves Simon, and she and Abby are besties with no drama.
8. Leah and her situation. So, I know that Leah on the Offbeat was written while Love, Simon was being filmed, so they couldn’t really have a super accurate Leah in the movie, but in the book, she’s seen to be a bit moody sometimes, and in the movie, she’s very calm. It’s not too much of a difference, though. The bigger difference is Leah’s financial status. In Leah on the Offbeat, it’s made known that she has a single mom and lives in a smallish house, and feels off with everyone because she’s not as rich as most people in Shady Creek. In the movie, it’s shown that she has a giant house right next to Simon and Nick, who we know have rich parents. Again, I know that this was only mentioned in Leah on the Offbeat, and so they couldn’t have really done that, but I would’ve loved to see the characters not living in almost-mansions (seriously. the house that was used to film simon’s house recently sold for over 2 million dollars).
9. Privilege. Yes, in the book, Simon is still privileged. But he acknowledges it. He knows. I feel like in the movie, Simon has a sort of “I’m not privileged because I’m gay, and anyone who acts more gay than me (like Ethan) is asking for whatever harassment happens to them”. I just didn’t love that non-self-awareness.
Comment if I missed anything!
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inherconstellation · 3 months
Blog Post: Reflections on “Marry My Husband” and the Dynamics of Friendships in Relationships
Recently, I’ve been watching the K-drama “Marry My Husband,” and it has brought to light some thought-provoking dynamics about friendships and relationships. In the show, Ji Won’s best friend, Su Min, and her boyfriend, Min Hwan, cheat on her. This storyline made me realize the importance of setting boundaries when it comes to having friends tag along on dates.
It’s natural to want to include friends in our lives and experiences, but we must remember that boundaries are essential. Unconsciously, people can become too comfortable with each other, potentially neglecting their partner as they focus more on the friend. This can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of being sidelined, which can strain the relationship.
Another aspect the show highlights is the subtle interactions on social media. Liking photos of your partner’s friends is generally okay, but comparisons should be avoided. The line between friendly appreciation and uncomfortable comparisons can often blur, causing unnecessary tension.
“Marry My Husband” has definitely pushed some of my trigger buttons. It reminded me of a personal experience where I felt overshadowed. We took a picture together, and when I looked through the photos later, I noticed that in most of our photos together, my face was blurry while hers was perfectly focused. I tried to hide my upset feelings and pretended it was okay. To make matters worse, he even compared us indirectly, saying my friend was easier to take photos of because I’m shy and “maarte.” Like, okay, you don’t have to be mean. Ultimately, I only kept the decent photos and deleted the rest, not wanting to dwell on it or create drama, but it stung that time, nonetheless.
From this, and inspired by the show, I’ve concluded that inviting friends along on dates should be done sparingly and with clear boundaries. Ensuring that your partner feels valued and prioritized is crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship.
“Marry My Husband” is a compelling drama that touches on real-life issues, and while it may push your buttons, it also offers valuable lessons. So, if you’re in the mood for a show that challenges your perspectives on relationships, give it a watch. Just remember, boundaries are key, both in the real world and the world of K-dramas.
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The twisted truth
Warning: Mentions of angst, torture, accident, and other things
Before we begin, I want to say some things. This is a fanfic. Credit goes to the original creator of the YouTube series, @magmacartoons. It’s a story about the reader who is William Afton's daughter. And instead of saying toy and original, I might use t for toy and OG I couldn’t think of anything else at this point, so I’ll just go along with it.
There might be warning mention’s. But if it’s too much, I’ll delete it.
With that being said, enjoy the story.
A very very long time ago, there was a fun place in a town of Hurricane, known as Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. It was a huge hit for years with the kids so people could have fun.
William Afton was the original owner of the pizzeria. When they first found the building, they did a little remodeling with it and got rid of the original fazbear animatronics.
Or so they thought
William redid the business with new animatronics he called “toy freddy fazbear animatronics”.
But he even had another that mattered so much to him.
His daughter Y/n Afton.
Originally, Afton used to have other kids before she was born. One of them tragically died and caused him to become a serial killer of five children. Or six children.
William tried his best to keep it a secret from his family. Even his daughter.
5 years ago, he decided to bring his daughter to work with him to meet toy Freddy and his friends. She was shy at first, but they reassured they wouldn’t hurt her. And they immediately bonded
7 years later, Y/n was 13 years old at the time. She and William were driving home from the Pizzeria, but a they got into a car accident.
They were taken to a hospital afterwards. William was in good health. But Y/n was in a big condition.
By the time she woke up, William was relieved to see she was okay. But there was something different about her.
Her left arm was now a prosthetic
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Y/n didn’t seem very okay with the idea. But William always reassured her that she would be okay.
Y/n went back after a while, and still continued to hang out with the toy animatronics. And it seemed like nothing could go wrong.
Could it?
Years later…
Kids are all laughing and everyone seems to be having a good time.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, Fazbear entertainment would like you to put your hands together, for the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear.” The speaker announced
“Hello everybody!” Freddy said. “You ready to have a good time? I know I am!”
“Cause it’s Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
For kids it’s number 1
Freddy Fazbear's pizza
Where fantasy is fun.” The animatronics sang
“But not actually guaranteed.” The announcer muttered
The show was already over. It was definitely a success
“Wowie! There ain’t nothing I love more than entertaining those tiny humans.” T Bonnie said
“I know, right? That was the most fun I’ve had performing since yesterday!” T Chica said, feeling excited from her job well done
“You guys did a great job today.” T Freddy mentioned. “I think that was one of our best performances yet.”
“I think you’re right, Toy Freddy.” T Bonnie said “Man, I love this job.” He sighed
“So, what’re y’all gonna do now?” T Bonnie asked
“I think I’m gonna go out and play with the little children.” T Chica said
“Well, I’m gonna go visit the marionette.” T Freddy said
“Really? Why do you keep going to see her?” T Bonnie asked. “You know she can’t move around like we can because she’s a puppet. Right?” He said
“I know, but I feel like she’s really listening. And actually enjoys the conversation for some reason. I can’t explain it.” T Freddy said
T Bonnie tilted his head a little. “Uh… that’s kinda creepy, but whatever. I’m just gonna stay here and practice playing my guitar.”
“Alrighty then. I’ll see you guys later.” T Freddy said and waved at his friends
“Bye, Toy Freddy! Have fun!” T Chica shouted
“I think it’s cute.” She said, looking at T Bonnie
“No, it’s weird.” T Bonnie said
As T Freddy was walking to see marionette, he heard a noise coming from the hallway. He went to see what is was, and it wasn’t the marionette. It was her
It was Y/n.
“Ugh. esto se esta poniendo viejo (This is getting old).” She muttered. She’s 25 years old now. But still the same as ever
The girl picked herself up to see who called her, and it was T Freddy standing in front of her
“Hey! T Freddy.” Y/n said, as she ran to him and gave him a hug.
“It’s so good to see you.” She said. “How are you doing?”
“I’m doing great. How about you? And how’s your arm by the way?” T Freddy asked
“It’s still getting a few difficulties, but I’m working on it. I even saw your performance on stage. I’d say that was a big success.” She said with a smile
“Thanks. And I’m glad you’re here.” T Freddy said
“Anyway, what are you doing in the hallways?” Y/n asked
“I was just gonna visit the marionette.”
“The puppet?”
“Yeah. You wanna join me?” T Freddy asked
“Yeah. Sure.” She said and the two began walking, but for some reason, there were security guards everywhere
“There are a lot of security guard’s roaming around today.” T Freddy mentioned
“I know. I noticed that too.” Y/n whispered. “I hope everything’s alright.”
They were about to walk towards the door, but got stopped
“Sorry, Mr. Fazbear. You can’t go into this room.” The guard said
“Wait, what? Why?” Y/n asked, wondering what was going on
“We were told to block off all back rooms, and keep anyone from going in. Mr. Dave's orders.” He explained
Y/n wasn’t sure on why her father changed his name. Well, not really, anyway
“O-Oh. Okay, then.” He stuttered. “I guess I’ll just come back later then. Thank you.” T Freddy said and they both walked off
“Okay, something weird is definitely going on around here.” T Freddy said
“I know. Something seems off.”
And that’s when she saw something coming towards them
“Uh… T Freddy?”
“What the! Ah!” He screamed
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shotorozu · 4 years
what their wallpaper would look like while dating you
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— *♡∞:。.。 2k followers special —
character(s) : multiple (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specified
headcanon type : fluff (x reader)
note(s) : okay so,, school has made me a little busy today so i kind of just whipped this up for no reason. this isn’t really lengthy but i hope you guys liked it :))
theres no proof read, again :,) but thats bc i was rushing on this one lol (will edit later)
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midoriya izuku
i’m going to be honest, his wallpaper is going to change every single time you guys go out to eat. he takes so many pictures of you— it literally eats up his storage.
it came to the point that he made a collage of all of the candid pictures he took of you, and saved it as his wallpaper. that way, he wouldn’t have to change his wallpaper every 3 days
but he can’t help it! you’re just so,, attractive ❤️👄❤️ eventually, his mom will comment on how his wallpaper changes every single week— and that’s how he decided that “wait.. collaging exists!” and his life became 10x easier. but he still won’t delete the pictures so 🗿
bakugou katsuki
he has plenty of pictures of you that are nice, but he just won’t set it to any of those— you’ll never catch him setting his wallpaper as a good picture of you. but, katsuki will set it to a picture of you choking on spices, because he’s kind of a bitch lmao sorry
but he oddly likes that picture?? no matter how many pictures he’ll take of you, you’ll always find his wallpaper to be set to that picture, you can’t even do anything about it. you always stare at him like 🤨 when you catch him admiring the photo— “ITS NOT EVEN A GOOD PICTURE”
but GOD FORBID his parents actually coming across his wallpaper, he’ll get scolded by his mom because “Y/N WOULDNT APPRECIATE THAT, KATSUKI” and he’s just like 🧍 “it’s been that way for 7 months, old hag”
todoroki shouto
surprise! it’s a normal picture. it’s really just a picture of you and him at lunch, specifically your first date with him. and you looked SO good in that outfit. so, how could he not take 50 pictures of you in that one specific outfit? he must print them, and frame them properly
his head will peak on the phone’s corner, because, while he still wants to be in the picture, you’re the main focus SOOO,, yeah. he has other pictures, sure— but that one hits so differently
his mom and sister will end up coming across his wallpaper, when he was showing pictures of his class. they’ll basically fawn over every single detail of the picture. what more— when shouto outwardly says “yes. my s/o is so beautiful. how could i not have this picture as my wallpaper?” its cute
bonus : his wallpaper is sometimes a picture of you using your quirk. he loves how focused you look in that picture
kirishima eijirou
most likely, a picture of you resting your face against his arm. it’s such a confidence booster just seeing the picture— how could he not set it as his wallpaper? it makes him feel so manly
i think he has a separate album for that picture. an album with only one picture— yeah, definitely plausible for eijirou. it’s just such a good picture, how could he not have it’s own dedicated section? the picture never gets old to him.
he’ll also be that person that’ll have a really detailed background on why the picture happened. why, you may ask? it all started because of kaminari randomly asking him about it one day— and that was when he couldn’t stop talking he just loves flexing you, it makes him feel manly
kaminari denki
a picture of you sleeping— most likely a really ugly one, (to you, anyway) it’ll still be a nice picture to him, deadass <3
it’s a picture of you with your mouth half open, drool this 🤏 close from escaping your mouth. and your eyes are barely open— but enough to see the whites of your eyes. it was so funny to him that he just had to snap a picture.
regardless— it makes him feel better when he most especially feels insecure about himself, y’know, because everyone has those days. but don’t worry, you’re still absolutely beautiful to denki.
shinsou hitoshi
it’s a picture he snapped of you when he managed to get you in a position where you’re hanging upside down, wrapped in his capture tape. it’s quite a rare photo to anyone else that wasn’t him.
it’s his wallpaper because one, your expression is PRICELESS, and two— there was just so much to talk about, regarding the photo’s backstory. it’s also because of how cute your expression was, he could talk about it for days.
he’ll shamelessly set the picture as his lockscreen, and his homescreen. at some point, i think aizawa saw it too— but he thought nothing of it because “shinsou’s being shinsou again. i should let him.” everytime shinsou looks at his wallpaper, he can only chuckle— admiring it’s details (you can only glare at him💀)
iida tenya
i have included iida on this one, because i thought of it while i was brushing my teeth. LMAO SORRY, but his wallpaper would probably be your provisional license picture— or even a polaroid picture of the both of you
you stare at him, completely baffled “out of all of the pictures, tenya.” and he protests— explaining on how and why his wallpaper is just your provisional license’s picture, i don’t know! he was really shy when it came to taking pictures of you, so he resorted to using your license picture and it’s also a really professional picture of you so.. bonus!
but, if you do protest— he’ll set his wallpaper as a really blurry shot of you from afar🗿 due to the fact that he was literally running towards you when the picture was being taken. i also headcanon that iida isn’t really the best photographer, at least when it comes to phones.
monoma neito
its a picture of you crying while watching a sad movie 🗿 it’s not even full on ugly crying YET, but he does find it hilarious (but it’s also really pretty)
monoma forever holds it up your head, that “oh poor Y/N can’t hold in their tears for a movie” and he was going to use it for teasing purposes, but the more he observed the picture, the more he realized how good the picture is— like holy heck, it looks like an editorial shot from a magazine, and only YOU could do that.
class 1-b can only silently judge him 💀
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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shingia · 4 years
hey no worries!! the other 3 for the fight hcs were iwa, omi, and tsumu!
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ok i really hope this is what you expected because i’m afraid that i might have missed a detail in your request since i deleted it :// (if it’s not, feel free to tell me and request it again !) <33
-> bokuto, iwa, kuroo, yams, atsumu, sakusa
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• it was just a little argument that you two had on the phone. but bokuto had never raised his voice at you until now, and it was enough to make your stomach twist nervously
• when he entered your apartment about fifteen minutes later, bokuto thought you might have gone to bed already, so he tried to be as quiet as possible
• but no, you were still up, obsessing over the fight. and since you didn’t hear the front door open, you flinched when he entered the kitchen, instinctively stepping back until your back hit the counter
• bokuto’s frown of fatigue immediately vanished at the sight of you huddled in a corner, visibly scared
• « baby what’s wrong ? » he asked, not thinking for one second that you could be scared of him. but it only took one glance to your eyes for him to understand. and he was horrified
• « hey, it’s me ! look, it’s just me ! » he repeated, pointing at his face like it was so obvious that he would never ever hurt you
• your shoulders started to relax, but as much as he wanted to run to you for a hug, he only opened his arms and waited for you to come instead
• which you did, after a few seconds of pondering
• « i’m sorry i yelled. i’m so sorry, can you forgive me ? » he pleaded, bottom lip quivering as he remembered the fear in your eyes
• you were used to bokuto’s hugs, but this one was the tightest he had ever given you. and by far
• he refused to take his hands off of you for the rest of the evening, either stroking your back, your arms or just holding you close against him
• and he apologized about five more times before you two went to bed
• iwa had wanted to punch many people in his life. but you had never ever been one of them
• however, he tended to be pretty expressive during your arguments. up to the point that you got genuinely scared when he slammed his hand on the table
• « oh come on i’m not gonna hit y- » he started, not realizing the extent of your fear until he saw your shaky hands. « hey… hey, come here. you know i would never hit you, right ? i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have done that »
• he felt like shit, obviously but the anger he felt towards himself would have to wait, because right now you needed his undivided attention
• he reached out his hand for you to grasp before gently pulling you in his embrace. his arms were barely touching yours, like he was afraid of being too abrupt
• « look, it’s forgotten. whatever it was i was mad about, it’s behind us. i promise » he told you, placing the softest kiss on top of your head.
• he wanted nothing more than to bring you to your bedroom and give you the best cuddle session of your life. but then again, he was scared that you might not be ready for that much physical contact
• so he decided that he would first give you a glass of water first, before asking you if you were comfortable cuddling with him
• and you were, although the glass of water had been much needed
• iwa had never been one to pepper you with kisses at the first opportunity, but today was an exception. and a big one
• all it took was for kuroo to put his hand behind his neck in annoyance for you to take a step backwards
• « please don’t » he heard you mutter, eyes closed like you were expecting the worst
• his heart dropped to his stomach in less than a second. he had never thought he would ever see you react like that to something he did
• whatever he was previously mad at you for was long forgotten - the only thing that mattered was your shaking figure in front of his distraught eyes
• his hands cupped your cheeks with the greatest care as he looked for anything in your body language that could show you were uncomfortable
• but it seemed like your fear had passed, some of it at least. so he took a few steps towards you, little by little not to scare you, and leaned slightly so that your faces were at the same height
• he loved that you were smaller than him, but right now the last thing he wanted was too look down on you
• « no matter the circumstances, no matter how tired or upset i am, i would never even think about hurting you. do you understand ? »
• you nodded quietly, trying your best to hold his gaze. his hands were warm on your face, and it reminded you of all the times they had already touched you - always with infinite tenderness and never ever in a hurtful way
• « come here » he smiled, encouraging you to come closer
• as soon as he felt your head rest on his chest, he wrapped the both of you in his jacket, keeping you as close to him as humanly possible
• « we’re staying like this until one of us has to pee »
• never in a million years would you ever think yamaguchi could hit you. but it didn’t mean that it was impossible for you to get scared during your arguments
• they were so rare that it felt like he was seconds away from breaking up with you. and just the thought of that made you panic rather quickly
• yamaguchi was so caught up in his ranting that he was more talking to himself than you, really. but that’s also why he didn’t notice your obvious fear immediately
• you were nervously playing with your hands, giving him an absolutely terrorized look that got him to stop talking as soon as his eyes met yours. 
• but the sudden silence only made your fear grow stronger. this is it, you thought as your eyes began to fill with tears
• « please… » you implored with a shaky voice. his jaw slackened in shock. were you… scared of him ? your teary eyes sent a shiver down his spine - he had to make this right
• his cold hands wrapped around yours, holding them carefully as if they were the most precious of treasures
• « i’m sorry » he told you even though he was not really sure of what had scared you so much « are you… are you ok ? »
• the more seconds passed, the more scared he was. and as ironically as it sounded, he started to fear that you might want to break up with him
• hearts tight with apprehension, you two spoke at the exact same time : « please don’t leave me »
• just as you were about to pull the other in for a hug, you stopped in your tracks, taken aback by what had just happened. 
• yamaguchi let out a shy chuckle, and you were quick to do the same, both relieved that you two were still madly in love no matter what
• atsumu was dramatic, you knew that. and it was one of the reasons why you loved him so much
• however, him being his dramatic self during a fight was definitely not something you were comfortable with
• he was very demonstrative, especially with his arms. and each of his movements made you fear the worst
• but the second he heard you whimper in fear, you can be sure that he immediately stopped moving, keeping his arms up for a few seconds while he stared at you with wide eyes
• « don’t hit me please » you pleaded, eyes shut closed like you were expecting his fist to land on your face any second
• atsumu absolutely refused to believe he had heard you right. but he had to face the facts : you were shaking like a leaf and your eyes were filled with apprehension
• he was always more than happy to initiate physical contact with you, but right now it felt like he was pulled towards you by an unknown force
• he didn’t even think about what he was doing, just wrapped his arms around your shoulders and rested his chin on your head like he was trying to hold as much of you as he could
• « what kind of sick bastard would hurt someone as cute as ya… » he muttered, not even expecting an answer « hey uh… can ya hug me back whenever ya feel like it ? just to let me know yer alright »
• you took a deep breath to calm your nerves, letting his cologne invade your sense of smell before slowly wrapping your arms around him
• atsumu let out a loud sigh, his chest rising and falling against your cheek. then, his hands made their way to your thighs before scooping you up and heading to the living room
• « here, i gotta make amends » he smiled before sitting you on the couch and slumping over you with the stupidest smile on his lips
• you had never heard sakusa yell. and as much as you were glad to have a calm boyfriend, it also meant that he could get scary pretty fast during your arguments
• because quiet anger was often much worse than explosive anger
• you had noticed that his fists were clenched, but he was still not raising his voice and it seemed like he had no intention of doing so
• « this is seriously starting to piss me off… » he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers, which only accentuated your feeling that his anger was just bottled up, and that it would eventually blow up
• so as soon as he raised a hand to run it through his hair, you let out a frightened gasp and stumbled backwards in panic
• sat on the floor, you didn’t dare to take your eyes off of him. and this was a sight that sakusa knew he would never forget. you looked terrorized, like a deer caught in the headlights
• the first thing he did was to kneel down to rest a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
• « are you ok ? » he asked, both referring to your fall and to whatever was going on in your mind « did i… did i scare you ? »
• the piteous sniffle that you let out broke his heart. and it was enough for him to pull you against his chest, letting you sit between his legs as he rested his chin on your shoulder
• he had never felt so guilty, and he was ready to spend hours holding you in his arms if needed
• « i love you. keep that in mind » he whispered, placing a quick kiss on your cheek « and i promise you, for as long as i live, nobody will ever lay a hand on you »
• he spent the rest of the day being the most attentive and cuddly he had ever been, even after you assured him that you were ok.
• and he even gave you two of his sweaters, just to make sure he was completely forgiven
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@toworuu​ @catwithangerissues​
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lovehearts2021 · 3 years
I don’t know how I also ended up deleting this post !
I changed a very few things and now I’ll post it again
“Though I’m not sure when I will update this blog , for now i just want to write down some facts about me when I see it in future it will bring me good and sweet memories
1 - Im a female .
2 - Straight , but it comes to heartbeats I don’t care about the gender . Just love and enjoy the sound of it.
3 - I prefer listening to someone’s heartbeat , but don’t mind when they listen to mine ( why should I? )
4 - Definitely earstething , but a good stethoscope is also welcome
5 - I prefer strong and steady beats and good breathing sounds as background
6 - I enjoy listening to my own heartbeat
7 - Once I had a dream where I went to a masquerade party and everyone in there had stethoscopes and were listening to each other , when I woke up my heart was pounding 😆
8 - many years ago the train I was in was crowded and we were like sardines against each other . There was a guy in front of me , tall and good looking and then when I was pushed against his body my ear was right at his heart , I could hear it pounding and feel and listen to his breath sounds too . When the train got empty unfortunately I had to move away from him , when I looked at his face he kinda blushed and smiled . My heart melted and I regret and I didn’t talk to him.
9 - As a kid I used to run with my friends and then one of us would earsteth each other and see who had the fastest heartbeat
10 - once I met a guy who was into heartbeats but he didn’t want to about any other thing other than his heart . It’s ok to talk about it , but there are other things we could have talked about too .
11 - I remember one day I was doing the dishes and one of friends hug me from me behind I could feel her heartbeat against my back
12 - My top 3 men I’d love to rest my head on their chests and listen to their heartbeats are : Ian Somerhalder , Cillian Murphy, Morten Harket ( though he’s in his 60’s 😱 I can’t resist when I see pictures of when he was younger . Time machine , please )
13 - when I was around 17 I wanted to buy a stethoscope but I was too shy to tell my parents I wanted to buy one. So after a few months later my dad was diagnosed with high blood pressure, I bought a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope as an excuse I wanted to check his blood pressure . He took it from my hands and the first thing he did was to listen to my heartbeat which started to beat so fast . It was a weird feeling having my dad listening to it . 😖
14 - my mother once was telling me how she used to listen to my heartbeat when I was a kid and in fact I remember her ear against my chest and I kinda enjoyed it. So I think my passion about it started from my early days ( and it’s funny because as I got older I couldn’t even think about her putting her ear against my chest . Ew)
15 - there was a time , I was probably 10 or 11 I was so addicted to neck pulses I used to stare at random people’s necks looking for their pulses. It’s weird when I come to think of it now
I guess these are a few facts about me , maybe some other day I should write a few more
But for now that’s it …”
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letsloveimagines · 4 years
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Title: Crush II
Pairing: Corpse Husband x fem!youtuber!reader
Collab with: @the-winter-sxldier-posts
Requested by: Anonymous
Request:  You HAVE to write a part 2 of crush where they meet! It would be so cuteeee!
Word Count: 1667
Warnings: a little swearing but mostly fluff
Note: The images doesn’t belong to me, all the credits go to the respective creators. I only made the collage. Also, I will not make anything to make Corpse uncomfortable, if he ends saying he doesn’t like fanfiction about him, I will delete this.
Part I: Here
                                                           ♦⋅☆⋅♦ Y/N pressed her left foot on the clutch pedal, turned the car key and heard the engine roaring loudly afterwards. She added the address on the GPS, looked at herself in the mirror for a moment taking a deep breath, trying to stay calm and focused. She put the car in first gear, and started driving from her apartment complex's private parking lot to the main road.
As her small and comfortable car drove through the streets of Los Angeles, the girl kept listening to what was on the radio. Every now and then, her stomach would churned with nervousness but she would take a deep breath and smile uncertainly to herself, trying to convince herself that everything would be okay.
Fed up with the podcast she was listening to, turned her car's Bluetooth on when she had to stop at a red traffic light, she switched to her current favorite Playlist.
Distracted by the music and humming softly accompanied by Rihanna's voice, she put the first gear back on, moving the car forward when the traffic light turned green, quickly shifting to the second and then putting on the third.
Her mind was racing, however.
Life had gone well since that specific day... since Y/N and Corpse confessed their feelings to each other. Their mutual friends that they played with knew the truth and were extremely happy for them, which was wonderful and soothing. Outside of them, no one else knew what had happened.
Corpse and Y/N talked every day, stayed on the phone every night until one of them fell asleep unfortunately, the girl always fell asleep first, and saw each other through FaceTime whenever they could.
In other words, the two could say that they were basically dating already... Even though there was never a real question. But perhaps that was about to change, for the day had finally come when they would meet physically.
A sound of receiving a phone call invaded the car and interrupted her thoughts. With a smile on her lips already knowing who was, Y/N clicked on the answer button and waited while entering a roundabout.
"Hey." That characteristic deep voice was heard.
"Hey you." She replied while looking briefly at his name written on the car screen.
"Are you on your way yet?"
"Yes, I just left the house. I'll be there In about two hours, depending on the traffic today."
Corpse cleared his throat and Y/N almost visualized him playing with his rings, and messing with his dark curly hair. "Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything?"
"Well, I hope not. I’ve had my bags packed for two days, but I think I have everything that is necessary with me. If not, there is no problem really." She replied.
"This is going to... This is really going to happen isn't it?" She could hear the smile in the man's voice.
"Yes, Corpse, it is. We will finally meet in person."
"I can't wait to see you." He whispered.
Y/N felt her cheeks warm for a moment, and she knew that if she looked in the mirror she would see a dark pink tone on her skin. She bit her lower lip in an attempt to stop the huge smile. "I can't wait to give you a big hug and tell you everything face to face."
Corpse laughed deeply, his tone was warm and full of emotion. "I know... I am anxious, and I am not going to lie about it. I'm super nervous. My hands are shaking so much that I don't even know how I haven't dropped my phone yet."
"Oh, Corpse..." Y/N whispered with a heavy heart, but was attentive to the road at the intersection where she was. "There is no reason to be nervous, it's just me. It’s just us."
"I know..." He sighed softly. After a few minutes without speaking, enjoying the comfortable silence between the two and listening to the sound of the Y/N’s car motor, he continued. "Well..." Corpse cleared his throat. "I will let you concentrate on your driving. Be careful and pay attention to the road."
"I will, I’ll see you later."
"Bye, Corpse."
The call ended but the anxiety and nervousness did not. However, only the sound of his voice and the small conversation they had was able to make Y/N smile all the way to San Diego.
Y/N pressed the turn signal, the green arrow flashing to the right, and parked the car in an empty parking space in front of the building. The woman's neutral and almost robotic voice came from the GPS saying: You have reached your destination. Shaking in her place, the girl put on the brake and turned off the car, taking a deep breath trying to calm herself once more.
It was now or never... Should she send him a message to let him know she was already there? Should she just knock on the door? Her hands were shaking so much, and her heart was beating so hard and so fast that it almost hurt.
She sat in the driver's seat for a few more minutes, so nervous she might pass out. It is better to just go there, she thought, the longer it takes the more nervous I will become.
She took a deep breath, unbuckled her seat belt, removed the keys from the ignition and quickly got out of the car, closing the door behind her, and going to the trunk to remove the pink suitcase. When it was on the floor next to her, she closed the trunk and locked the car safely, looking at the intimidating building in front of her.
Without further ado she approached it, opened the entrance door, climbed the stairs with some difficulty to his floor, and trembling, she shyly knocked on the door with her knuckles.
That door was opened so fast that it even scared her.
They were both looking at each other almost stunned... Finally they were there, in person, just a meter away and with a spine of the door separating them. Corpse was even more beautiful in person, and Y/N found herself lost in his dark eyes for a while.
"Hi..." She said sheepishly.
Corpse looked at her examining her from head to toe as if he couldn't believe she was real. Finally he smiled so beautifully that she almost forgot to breathe. "Hi." He replied.
Y/N dragged the suitcase a little closer to her, uncertain how to proceed. She didn't have time to think, however, as Corpse seemed to get tired of the waiting and shyness between them, crossed the space between the two and took her in his arms. His body was warm against hers, extremely hot, and his embrace was loving and passionate. Y/N inhaled his attractive scent - a mixture of soap, men's perfume and something else - and Corpse laughed through her hair.
"You’re here!" He exclaimed loudly, laughing deeply, spinning in circles with her still in his arms laughing out loud like he was.
When the two were inside the apartment, Corpse released her and pulled her suitcase inside as well, closing the door to prevent any curious neighbor from trying to see what was going on.
The two of them stayed there with smiles so big on their faces that their cheeks hurt… But it was definitely a good pain.
"I don't even know what to say..." Y / N confessed, practically shaking with excitement in her place.
Corpse smiled again, taking her hand timidly and gently, caressing her skin and interlacing their fingers and pulling her closer to him. "Me neither."
They were silent just enjoying the moment, and enjoying the fact that they were there, together... that it was real. How many times had they imagined this? How many times had they dreamed of that moment?
Corpse lowered his head slightly looking into her eyes intently, but his brows furrowed as if something troubling was going through his mind. "I…"
"What is it?" Y/N questioned worriedly.
Corpse made a shy expression. “Can I… Can I kiss you?”
Y/N's cheeks caught fire but her smile was so big, and she was so happy that she felt like she was going to explode at any moment. "Yes! Yes, of course you can…"
The young man approached, with his hand on Y/N's waist to pull her closer and the other one climbing up her arm, her shoulder, then her neck and resting on her burning cheek, where he was caressing the hot skin. Their fresh, labored and nervous breaths mingled, closing the distance until their lips touched, finally in what felt like an explosion of fireworks or an explosion of magic. Corpse's lips were soft and warm against hers, kissing her tenderly, as he brought their bodies together even more almost as if he was afraid that she would disappear at any moment.
The kiss was a mixture of lips and tongues, longing, passion and mostly love. It ended faster than they would have liked, but they stayed in each other's arms, sharing passionate smiles.
After a moment, Corpse whispered, "I still think this is a dream, and that I'm going to wake up after the normal three fucking hours that I can barely sleep."
Y/N laughed with her heart leaping and butterflies in her belly, playing with the laces of the black sweatshirt he had worn that day, wrapping it around her fingers and looking him in the dark eyes. "Me too, I've pinched myself hundreds of times today just to make sure this was real. But if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up anymore."
"I will punch the face of anyone who tries to wake me up." Corpse joked making Y/N let out the laugh he liked so much to hear.
"I love you." She whispered dizzy with emotion.
"That’s good, because I love you too."
Tag List: @breathygasps​ @unicornblood4ever  @mintchip17  @jay-jay-love
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hello Wendys! I hope you are having a wonderful week! I just thought of a nsfw headcon!(If you are feeling uncomfortable by my ask feel free to delete it.) Just imagine this the Reader(Any gender that you want to write) wanting to spoil Geto or Nanami(You can chooes one of them or both to write👀) because the reader feel like they are being spoiled too much to them and wanting to return the favor! How would Getou or Nanami will react?
Spoil You: Geto Suguru/Nanami Kento x GN!Reader
Geto Suguru
Geto would definitely be flattered but try to weasel out of being spoiled.
I imagine he'd either be too shy to accept your gifts and food and love, but he'd also take it if you pleaded hard enough. He really can't deny you anything.
But the best part about spoiling him is doing his hair while he's in the bath, telling you about his day.
Even with his tall frame, I'm sure you could manage to fit in into the bath and wash his hair while he leans into you, or play with his scalp.
The way to his heart isn't through his stomach; it's his hair.
"So, I told him, I said... Oh, yeah right there." Suguru is mid-speech about how he once again saved Satoru from himself, but you're massaging his scalp, hands knuckle-deep in shampoo. "Anyways, I told him that he needs to get his head out of his ass. It's hard being best friends with Six Eyes, you know?"
"And furthermore - a little to the left, babe - and furthermore, Yaga acts like he doesn't know what I'm going on about when I ask him to let me work alone sometimes! I've been on my own before, but this..." As he drones on, you listen to him carefully, noting where and when you could possibly offer some advice or a hearty laugh. And this... this is what you both love. Quality time spent with each other before he has to go away for weeks at a time, leaving you by yourself until his return.
Nanami Kento
Nanami loves to be the person spoiling, so he's definitely not going to allow you to lift a finger to spoil him back.
But he can't stop you if he's not in the house, right?
Nanami is definitely someone who enjoys the finer cooking in life, but all you can muster up is an apple pie before he returns from a daunting mission.
At first, he's not too sure about what the flavor is - but he can smell the vanilla and cinnamon, so that's enough for him to try it.
And he loves it.
Five slices of pie later, he's laying with you on the couch, watching some random trivia show while you drift off to sleep, eyes closing shut just as the final question is announced.
You're asleep, nestled in Nanami's embrace and softly snoring. This is what he loves about you. You're simple. Complexity is left at the door when he comes home to your loving arms and you shower him with nothing but affection and attention because you know how hard he works day in and day out. It was like this when he was working as a salesman, and it's no different now.
"You ever wonder what life would be like if we hadn't crossed paths at work?" you asked him one day.
"No," he confidently answers, eyes focused on his dinner. "I never think about what could have happened. I met you and fell in love. That's all that matters."
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kira-fluff · 3 years
Hi there! And congrats for your graduation! I am really happy for you and I hope lots of beautiful things await you in the future. I am that anon who wrote you about a month ago, by the way... I am very sorry, I really didn't want to make you wait, it's just been a bit of a rough period and I've been feeling a little down, but now I am better :) May I ask for some platonic Jumin/MC headcanons in which they are best friends? I love him, just not in a romantic way. Thank you so, so much again. <3
a/n: you are such a sweetheart :') anything for you <3 i just moved so that's why i've been seemingly MIA. thank you for the well wishes. i wish you all good things as well. p.s. - i'm back babes <3 i'm going on an all-family-required trip in a week or so but I plan to write during the long trip that i'm already mentally preparing for. may or may not be uploading from hotels lol. // kira-chan
Platonic!Jumin x MC Headcanons
alright so let me just begin by saying you two would be absolutely adorable
i can just imagine your dorky little snorts at jumin's sarcastic expressions
you know the thing when someone does something really stupid and he's just like " - _ - "
i firmly believe the friendship between you two would strive for both of you to be better people
like, i think your influence on jumin would make him realize he really needs to recognize his worker's needs and accommodate for them both professionally and morally.
jaehee says thank you <3
as well as yourself
jumin is definitely the friend who teaches you to savor the good moments
like this man is a GOD at stress management
when you find yourself starting to get worked up, he would be there in an instant
"MC, it'll be alright. Let yourself feel what you need to feel right now, but know those feelings cannot control you."
who says jumin isn't a cuddler.
like ok maybe he doesn't look like a stuffed, fluffy bear but lemme tell you
but he'd also sorta ruin movie nights with his obsession with logical reasoning lmao
"there is absolutely no way that bus would roll off a small vehicle without crushing it."
"jumin it's Fast and Furious let it go."
*pauses the movie again to complain about the amount of 'oil' on The Rock's body*
don't hate me i'm trying to think of the worst movie that you could possibly choose to watch with him
i can't even fathom jumin's reactions to Guy Fieri PFFT WELCOME TO FLAVOR TOWN
you tease him for his bs attempts to sherlock movies
sitting together watching a movie with a blanket draped around both of you
and he's so tall that he'd be such a blanket-hogger too
jumin is the mom friend through and through
you've entrusted him with your like 9 spare keys because you keep losing them
and then losing your spare key
and then one time you lost your spare spare key
so yeah he keeps one on him at all times
that one time you got totally wasted, it was jumin who received your texts riddled with errors
and of course he was the one that insisted on driving you home that night, not trusting you'd make it to your front door even if you took a cab
and let's face it, you probably wouldn't have.
he also takes blurry yet still completely embarrassing photos of you
"what i thought that one of you looked good"
how is it that someone can be so smart and stupid at the same time?
i say he's the mom friend yet he is also a designated airhead when it comes to anything digital
so basically the ultimate mom friend because like have you ever a mom who actually knows how to work technology
the type to get mad if you don't know where you wanna go eat but it's because he doesn't like fast food lol
if you call him something sappy like "bestie" he will saying to the effect of "that's cringe" but secretly he's like "awe bestie"
will remember the little things istg
like your favorite movie is the unappreciated "Atlantis"?
he is extra as hell so bday prezzie would be a casual trip to disney
bc come on that's not even pocket change for him
but mostly he wants you to think he's the best friend you've ever had
i'm imagining you've been friends since high school (assuming he didn't grow up on private tutors)
back then, i imagine he was very anti-social
even V couldn't bring him out of his shell at school
it was your brightness that thawed his seemingly cool exterior
he'd listen to you as you rambled on and on about this book you'd been reading
or perhaps he'd chat himself about some of his random cat photos he'd gotten from V
sometimes you'd take pictures of cats while walking to school to show to him later
like it was the highlight of his week
you became friends mostly (besides the fact that jumin just likes your company) because he never forced him to do anything he didn't want to do
it was so important to him to make his own choices because he lost that ability so many times in his life.
jumin didn't have a say when his father and mother divorced
from seven years old til then, he never felt like he truly had a voice
so when you'd listen to him even if someone else interrupted him..it meant something to him
he wasn't shy, per-say, just reserved.. distant.
when jumin decides someone is his friend, it's very hard for him to ever let go -- he's fiercely loyal.
above all, he's grateful to you for staying by his side and continuing to care for him even now. <3
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lilacmeadows · 4 years
Made For You pt.3
I’m so sorry for the late post guys! I had the most hectic work load today. I’m taking too many goddamn classes this semester. ANYWAY here is my filthy part 3. I mean... they still haven’t fucked, but we’re getting there. I think this can be wrapped in a nice little 4 part bow, but I also kinda want 10 chapters of them together because I’m a slut for this dynamic. This is my FIRST TIME writing smut! So go easy on me. Thank you so much for reading! - Savvy
Summary: Hydra had just finished training you to be the Winter Soldier’s perfect mate when the Avengers saved him. But what’s going to happen to you now that Hydra has deleted your old life and left you with nothing but a soldier that needs to learn to love himself before he can love someone else.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3   Part 4
WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, explicit language, underage reader (nothing sexual happens underage), stockholm syndrome, mentions of family death, eventual dom/sub dynamics, mentions of captivity and kidnapping. violence- guns, mutual pining, SMUT, ORAL (m receiving), FLUFF, angst if you squint (must be 18+)
Word Count: 2300
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It was a short ride to the compound, and y/n had a hard time keeping up with the fast walking team as they tried to explain little things along the way.
She hadn’t been outside in a decade. The grass was green and warm where it met her bare feet as she walked behind Sam and Steve. The rest of the team immediately left the quinjet, seeking the comfort of their showers and beds. Bucky was the last to leave, not feeling right about just disappearing from her, but keeping his distance.
Y/n was still so heartbroken. Hearing about her family’s death had really stung, and she knew if she dwelled on it, she’d cry about it for days. But all she really had time to be sad about was how cold her Soldat was towards her. It seemed very much like he didn’t want her around him.
Steve and Sam brought y/n inside the residential wing of the compound. They toured the common areas, kitchen, and showed her where everyone’s bedroom was. They finally got to a guest bedroom down the hall from Natasha, and left her to get cleaned up and comfortable.
Y/n looked around her new bedroom. It was barely decorated, but she had to admit, it was still much nicer than her room with the Men. She sat her yarn and needles down on a table and sat on the large bed. Her body instantly sank into it, the plush comforter conforming to her body in a way the single sheet never did on the twin bed she slept on.
But she couldn’t enjoy her new favorite place in the world for long because not 3 minutes later, she heard a soft knock at her door. She opened it, and much to her surprise, Bucky was standing there, with 2 pairs of sweatpants, and 3 t shirts in his arms.
“I figured you’d want some fresh clothes after you’re clean.” He said sheepishly, not making eye contact with her. “You can ask Nat about undergarments.”
That made her giggle the tiniest bit. “I’m not allowed to wear any undergarments.” But he should know that. She was trained to do things to please him, so wouldn’t he like her to not have on obstructing materials?
“Oh. Well, umm… you can now… If you want to. It’s up to you.” She could see the blush rise up his neck, coloring the bits of his face that weren’t blanketed by hair. She took in his attire. He obviously changed out of his tactical mission gear, in favor of the sweatpants he wore that looked almost identical to the ones in his arms. He also appeared to be freshly showered, his hair still damp, and if she looked close enough, she could see little wet patches on his shirt from where he didn’t dry himself completely.
“Are these your clothes?” She asked, taking the bundle from his arms and opening her door wider so he could enter her room.
“Yeah, Steve went a little overboard on the shopping when I first got here. They’ll be a little big, but the pants have a drawstring, so it should work for now. Until you get something better.” He stood awkwardly in the middle of his room.
Y/n didn’t know what possessed her to put the sweatpants up to her face and inhale deeply. She just felt a primal urge to know what he smelled like. Gunpowder, wood, and something naturally male- Bucky. She couldn’t stop the moan low in her throat.
Bucky watched her as she did that. He felt his pants tighten just at the thought of her in his clothes, and the way she just smelled his pants and let out that sound of satisfaction, made him want to take her right there.
“Thank you, sir.” Y/n replied. Fully engulfed in her embarrassment.
“Y/n, you really don’t need to call me that. I’m just Bucky.” He reminded her. Honestly, he loved when she called him Sir- the authority it gave him, but it made an unholy amount of blood flow directly to his cock and he couldn’t think as clearly. Especially when she looked up at him with those innocent eyes.
“Okay, Bucky.” She said, trying the name out on her tongue. He liked the way she said it. “If that makes you happy.” She risked a step closer to him.
“You need to do what makes you happy.” He took an equally measured step back, knowing he was close to giving in to her temptation.
“I’m working on it, Bucky. But I need your permission. I just wanna be good for you.” She said, quickly taking 3 more steps until she was about 6 inches from his face.
“This isn’t right, Y/n. You don’t know what you’re doing or why you’re doing it. Hydra wanted this. You don’t have to belong to me.” She craned her neck up to be closer to his lips, but he was determined to reason with her before he does something he can’t take back.
“But I want to belong to you. I thought about you every day for 10 years years, Bucky. And I hadn’t even seen you.” Bucky tilted his head down ever so slightly, their lips were just shy of touching. “Let me be good for you, Bucky. Let me make you happy.” She repeated.
“Okay.” Was all he said. He expected their lips to touch then, but she was already down in her knees. None of her videos showed passionate kissing. She wanted to please him in the way she read about in her studies.
On her knees, Y/n was able to see the thick outline of his erect cock very easily, and couldn’t stop the involuntary moan. Just as she did with his other sweatpants, Y/n pressed her face against the bulge and inhaled deeply. Between the smell that was just so him, and the warmth of his clothed cock rubbing on her face, she was starting to go feral for the man standing in front of her in complete shock.
Bucky hadn’t been with a woman since before the war, and they definitely weren’t like this. He watched as she was damn near purring while she rubbed her face on him. She reminded him of a kitten, the way she open-mouthed kissed the line of his cock through his sweatpants. Then she pulled them down, and he felt her wet tongue roll around the fat tip.
“Shit, Y/n, you don’t have to do this.”
“Do you want me to stop, Sir?” She said, taking another lick from base to tip.
“God no. Fuck.” he groaned as she started put his balls in her mouth and sucked, hard. “But if you keep working me like that this is definitely gonna stop.”
She moaned hearing him fall apart above him- finally fulfilling her destiny. Making her Soldat happy.
“Fuck, Babydoll, you’re so good at this. Where the fuck did you learn this?” He asked, more to himself than to her, seeing as she started bobbing and swiveling her head. He wanted to put his hands in her hair, but ultimately decided not too. If he was gonna let this happen, it had to be at her pace.
She had never seen a cock in person but she knew he must be above average, her tongue counting 3 thick veins running up the sides and bottom of it. Trying to remember everything she saw the women in the videos doing and all the descriptions she read in the erotic literature, she hollowed her mouth around him and flattened her tongue against the underside of his cock.
“Fucking hell, Babydoll you’re doing so well for me. Y/n, shit.” She felt his cock touch the back of her throat and gagged around the intrusion. Spit mixed with precum rolling down her chin. When she looked up at him, her big eyes meeting his, he lost it. She could feel his cock harden just a little bit more, and his balls tightened, right before he released his heavy load into her throat. She backed up a little so it wouldn’t go straight down, she wanted to feel him on her tongue and taste him. Once she was sure she got every drop, she sat back on her heels and looked up at him. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue a little so he could see his cum sitting on it before she swallowed it all with a soft moan.
“Did I do good, Sir?” She said, still sitting in front of him, his cock softening in her face as she watched the anatomy work in fascination. She reached her hand out to touch it, really appreciating the feel and warmth of his skin. He groaned loudly at the overstimulation and the sound of her normally smooth voice, now rough from the number she did on him.
“Fuck, Y/n, you did so good, Babydoll. You’re such a good girl.”
And in that moment he felt like he could pass out. He wanted to vomit because he looked down at her face and saw the innocence still in her eyes. Good girl. He remembered saying those words to her before. So long ago. He saw a flash of a memory of rubbing a little girl’s head before knocking her out. Carrying her to her house and tucking her in her bed, before stroking her face one last time and leaving. He remembered how Hydra fried him so hard after that mission, they were afraid they killed him. She looked different, older, but it was the same eyes. Definitely her. And there that same girl was, on her knees for him, and just gave him the best blowjob of his life.
He tucked himself back into his sweatpants. Part of him wanted to run away. He was ashamed of himself. He knew that he should have turned her down and left before anything could happen. He took advantage of her. But he also knew that if he just left now with no explanation, he would be an even bigger asshole. Times like that made him miss the simplicity of not having control over his life.
“Y/n, you did such a good job for me.” He stood her up, pulling her in for a bone crushing hug. This confused her, because she never saw the aftermath in her videos. It was always brutal and then the woman was just left there. But he was so gentle with her as he tenderly stroked her hair and lowered his lips to hers for a kiss.
It was the absolute least he could do. He wanted to kiss her- he wanted to reciprocate and make her see stars, but his mind was racing. Debating if it was a good time to tell her about their previous encounter, wondering if she remembered him and was acting, or if she had no idea that he’s the reason she was kidnapped. And even though he didn’t kill them, the reason her family is dead. Selfishly, he decided that it would be best if he told her another time. He hadn’t experienced intimacy like this in so long, and Y/n’s lips felt amazing on his.
He finally broke the kiss to give her air, knowing she doesn’t have the lung capacity he has. “Do you want to have dinner with me?” He asked, not wanting to rush her into anything else. He knew he’d be going to hell for it, but he needed to be around her.
“I would love to, Sir.” She said with the biggest smile her face could muster. He swore he’d never get tired of seeing that smile. Feeling her tits press against his chest through the thin cotton layers of both of their clothes. Hearing how she moaned just a little when he stroked her jaw. He could feel his brain going fuzzy from just the intoxicating proximity of their embrace as they hugged, swaying slightly and exchanging sweet kisses in between longing looks.
“Call me, Bucky.” He gently reminded her. For his sake, really- his self control couldn’t handle her constant submissive nature. “I’m gonna let you take that shower, and in the meantime, I’ll go order some take out. Do you like chinese?” He asked, putting some distance between them, to prevent her from noticing how he was getting hard all over again and dropping to her knees for round two.
“Chinese people? I don’t know any, but I’m sure they’re lovely.” She replied, a little confused by his strange question.
Part of him liked that he wasn’t the most clueless person in the compound anymore. When it came to texting and pop culture, he was useless, but Y/n was held in captivity. She didn’t have takeout, or dinner dates, or freedom to shower with nobody watching her. He would be able to teach her those things, and he liked that. Someone needing him for more than violence. Someone to take care of.
“I’ll just go order the food. I’ll be back soon, Babydoll. There should be shampoo and conditioner in the shower with towels and all types of other stuff. Just look around a bit.” He said before he walked out of her room. She had never experienced moisture between her thighs like she was in that moment, so a shower was probably a good idea. 
Part 4
(if you wanna join my taglist, just let me know)
@austynparksandpizza @dracris33 @crzcorgi @musicheaux @little-moonbeam-666 @andydre4m @anakinravageme @hydrasbitches @bl4ckglitt3r @wondergirl556
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mxvladdy · 4 years
I can't stress enough 'wows' in tve way you write along with the fact that it's you first few posts (i think? Pls correct me) can you do luci mammon and satan with a reader who takes naps bc of overthinking? They just tug their sleeves and shot them a tired look, while looking down shying away. Also, have a nice day and take the time to be yourself!
Aw thanks fam! I am fairly new to posting my works, I tried twice before this with two different writing blogs but I deleted them both bc I felt discouraged. I’m older now and I feel a lot better about my writing, so third time the charm and all that lol! I’m so glad you like my writing! I know I need some work on grammar and expanding my vocabulary.  
This was a super cute prompt ;.; I hope I did it justice!
He is a mix of jealous and pissed. He wishes he could fall asleep so easily when he gets inundated with too many things at once. But also- just don’t do that? Where were your manners?
He starts noticing your little peculiarity in class. Specifically that you tend to nod off in advance alchemy and rune scripting. You were being so studious, jotting down notes, ask great questions. Next thing he knows you're out like a light.
He is shocked for a moment before he will wake you up. Your wide doe-eyed frown does nothing to him. JK his hearts clench at your wounded look.
He makes the other brothers report to him about your behavior and odd sleep habit. Were you ill? Was this just something humans did? Devils, was Belphie rubbing off on you?
They all say the same thing. One moment you are working hard or talking to them about a topic you are passionate about, and the next you are yawning hard enough to pop your jaw and shyly asking to lay down.
Well-he can’t have that.
If you are going to fall asleep around anyone it’s going to be him.
He sets up remedial lessons with you after dinner to make up for the work slept through. You sit by him at his long ornate desk while he tutors you on what you missed.
You weren't having any problems,  you even finished a few pages. He is proud and then-
“I can almost hear those gears slowing my dear.” Lucifer interrupts himself mid-explanation of Zosimos of Panopolis and Maria the Prophetess's theories of alchemy in human medicine.
You jerk awake and turn to him blinking owlishly. "Yeah, I just need to lay down." You admit.
Lucifer eyes you critically. This was sudden, were you ill? You had been fine moments ago, bright-eyed and enthusiastic. He cups your face, turning it from side to side. "So suddenly? We haven't even discussed the properties of mercury yet." You hum letting your eyes droop. He was always so warm.
"Hour nap break? Please?" His stern gaze softens at how your nose scrunches up cutely as you yawn.
“Very well.” He relents letting you slick over to his couch. You flop over face first with a grunt of satisfaction. You toss and turn for a while, moving his pillows around unsatisfied.
“Luci-” You call in defeat. He ignores you at first. If you wanted to nap fine, he would get some work done in the meantime. “Luci~” You say again. You could see his brow twitching. “Lu-”
“My dear,” He shoots you a withering look. “You are treading a thin line. If you have the energy to call for me you have the energy to study.” You say nothing at his brisk tone, instead of opening your arms to him to join you. “You tempt me.” He purrs hiding his smile behind his paperwork.
“Learned from the best.” Lucifer shakes his head laughing at your smug reply. He glances over you to his grandfather clock. Hmmm-perhaps he could spare a few minutes. He rises elegantly discarding his tie and waistcoat to his abandoned chair. Running a hand through his hair he snorts at your little whistle.
“Move.” He commands. You shake your head patting your belly. “I will crush you.” He laughs but lays over you regardless.
“Good-you’re warm.” You say muffled in his shirt. Wrapping your arms around his middle you drift off. Lucifer holds you close, running a still gloved hand up and down your side. Perhaps he should bring out some more complex topics next time. If this was the outcome-
He noticed you get drowsy before in class. Your cute little head jerks as you nod off, hands rubbing at your face as you fight to stay awake before giving in to the need to sleep. It was adorable- not that he was watching you because of that! He was just doing his job of looking out for you
Ye-that was all.
Honestly, he thought you were just like him. He never cared for the books being forced on him in class. Boring useless crap in his opinion. He much rather sleep through a lecture on stats too.
Now books on photography? That's where it's at. He has a legitimate passion for it.
He likes being behind the camera just as much as he likes being in front of it. Though he doesn't snap photos often.
He doesn't need more beratement from his brothers than he already gets. Sides, he just feels like they would look down at this like everything else he does.
He'll share his hobby with you though. You at least seem interested in it. He'll show you his collection of vintage to high-tech cameras and talk your ear off about the makes, models, and features.
You nod along and ask questions from time to time, smiling along with Mammon while he prattles on about color theory next to you on the floor.
He was just getting to Auguste Lumiére when he feels a gentle bump on his shoulder.
"O-oi!" Mammon starts, shaking his shoulder to rouse you. You look up at him, blinking the sleep from your eyes. "Was...was I that boring?" He deflates a little, all previous excitement gone in a flash. You had seemed so interested...
"What? Oh, no. No Mammon I'm sorry. It's really all fascinating," You grab for his sleeve so he couldn't run away. "It was just a lot of information all at once. I just got a bit overwhelmed."
"So you fall asleep?" He raises a brow not believing you for a second. Who falls asleep when something is interesting? He'll admit he's fallen asleep while listening to Levi talk about a new anime or Asmo with a make-up release.  But that's because it had been boring. "Is that like a human thing?"
You shrug snuggling closer. "I don't know- but it's a me thing. Give me five? I'd love to hear you talk more about your collection, promise."
Mammon glows scarlet at your words. "Of course you do!" He puffs out his chest excitedly. “I got great taste.” You nod into his shirt before drifting off again. He tilts his head slightly to look at you chuckling internally when your breathing and heartbeat slow down. Damn, out in seconds. Well, better get comfortable.
Uncrossing his long legs he picks up the camera he had been showing you. The old Polaroid lens reflects his face back at him. He remembered the day Land had debuted this marvel of engineering. He just had had to get his hands on one. It was useless now, he had much better quality cameras than this old thing, but he remembered you reminiscing about your human friends and their portable camera. Would you take some pictures with him too? He would take one now, but the sound of the flash would definitely wake you up.
He fiddles with it for a few more minutes, opening and closing the film canister and checking for any parts that needed fixing as he waits. You stir at his side a few minutes later with a little mew of satisfaction. Mammon hears your joints creak and pop as you stretch. "Morning." He says sarcastically, earning himself a light punch to his shoulder. "Ready to continue?"
You nod eagerly, perky and aware. At least for the moment.
He didn't really notice at first the pattern of your behavior.
You would come over for book club. Which was really just him reading his current novel and you picking something at random to gain a little random knowledge.
You would find a comfortable position on his bed, curl up nice and small and read. Then after a bit yawn and start to snooze.
He first thought it was the atmosphere of his room. It was quiet, warm, and the sound of flickering candles and the rustle of paper sometimes caused him to doze too.
But when it starts happening outside of class he notices.
Hmmm….this is new.
He looks it up in his human anatomy books and finds nothing.
He's not particularly worried about you per se. You always bounce back quickly after a quick snooze.
Then you start dozing when he is talking… >:(
Like his brother/dad he is a little miffed at first but then your behavior reminds him a cat and he loves you 10x harder now
Satan stops in his pacing of the back gardens. His book of poetry hanging limply in his hand. He had been reciting some of the most fascinating lines of work from Lord Byron's later works and wanted a human's perspective. He had thought you were interested. You never complained before when he asked you out here. Perhaps you were just being polite all those times before. Anything to soothe wrath. He snaps his book shut sharply, take some perverse satisfaction in the way you start out of your light sleep at the noise.
"Why'd you stop?" You ask wiping at your face.
"No point talking to someone that doesn't wish to listen." He snaps tersely.
"Oh-Satan, no I was listening. It...it just got to be so much so fast." You flush. “You had some great points going, I just needed a minute.” He watches your eyes grow heavy again, and it dawns on him.
"Do you just sleep when overwhelmed?" He asks incredulously. In all his years with humans, this was new. You shrug making grabby hands for him to move closer. He scoffs but moves into your space. You grab at the hem of his shirt and pull him down to sit next to you. He goes willingly getting comfortable by your side. You eye his lap longingly, hands clutching around his coat sleeve. “Fine-” He rolls his eyes. “Come here you odd thing.” You smile in triumph and crawl into his lap. Once settled you nuzzle into his warm chest.
“Wake me up in ten? I want to hear more about your conversations with Byron.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” He kisses the top of your forehead, opening his book to read again with one hand. You hum at his soft kiss, returning it sleepily with one of your own before passing out again. Ten minutes go by in an instant and Satan looks down at your peaceful face. He smiles to himself, perhaps he’ll let you sleep for a little while longer. You’d need it for his next point.  
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢
 @proseeuhn~aaah its okay if it takes a while! i honestly dont mind! my requests was… how would the dreamies react to their friend/crush who is usually unintentionally quite distant and intimidating being with soft with them and grabbing their hand out of nowhere to just play with it? if that makes sense?? like the friend/crush gets all soft and grabs the dreamies hand and plays with it djskks thank you in advance! ~ Thank you so much for your request (๑>◡<๑) , it was such a fun and original idea, i really enjoyed coming up with scenarios for this (requests are still open btw)
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Mark Lee
so mark may be just a tiny huge bit scared of you sometimes
but that’s mostly because babie doesn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of you  🥺
cuz your rbf gives him THE chills sometimes
you’re the definition of a ‘bruh’ person but somehow that’s a huge charm in mark’s eyes he’s royally whipped been there done that
and the one(1) way mark can fully relax and be in his element is when he’s playing the guitar i’d die to see/hear him
and even after he’s done you’re just ✨ vibing ✨ together in silence
until you suddenly reach out and grasp his hand in yours and bring it close to your face
mark.exe has unexpectedly crashed (((( ;°Д°))))
“woah your fingertips are so calloused from playing”
mark needs a cooler PRONTO (⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
he’s OVERHEATING FOR REAL and hyperaware of your warm breath fawning over his fingertips
and then you intertwine your hands and bring them into your lap as you brush your thumb against the exposed skin on his hand that you’re able to reach with a small smile on your lips (゚ ω゚//)
and mark is SHOOK with your casual display of affection and softness
he can’t help but stare at the soft curl of your lips, the light twinkle in your eyes, the fingers that grip his own so firmly yet so endearingly ♡‿♡
“you’re so beautiful” it just slips out 
0.0 pause, delete existence, rewind major PANIC
but to his immense surprise a faded hue of red paints your cheeks and ears (๑•́‧̫•̀๑)
“thanks, you’ll get there too eventually “ 
(ノT_T)ノ ^┻━┻  way to ruin a moment
but he does forgive you when he feels the index finger of your other hand trace a faint heart on the back of his hand (*>ω<*)
and mark would spend a lifetime playing his guitar if it meant he’d get to witness this unexpected but very welcomed side of you
Huang Renjun
renjun probably watches you like a hawk 
your distant demeanor sometimes baffles him poor baby
but he likes you too much to give up so easily whipped man ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
and he does everything he can to *subtly* hint about his tiny huge crush but without making you uncomfortable renjun best boi we been knew
but you don’t seem to get the gist AT ALL (>皿<)
and renjun is getting more and more concerned on your lack of affection towards him 
so babie gets lowkey sad (oꆤ︵ꆤo) not allowed in this household
until one blessed time you’re peeking over his shoulder as he inspects one of his unworldly amazing drawings
you hurriedly take a seat beside him and grab one of his hands in yours as you gush over his artwork
renjun’s brain and face is overheating
‘we…we’re holding ha-hands??!? and they called me best artist- wait ‘MY jun’??!?!!??!?!?’ (◎0◎)
and while he’s already shutting down, you decide enough isn’t enough and give  him THE FINAL BLOW
you run your fingers gently over the back of his right hand and you suddenly lean your head on his shoulder as your soft voice registers in his overworked brain
“your birthmark is so pretty, renjun, so unique” (♥ω♥*)
*please bring cold water, towels, a fan, the entire fridge, renjun is burning alive he hot that’s why* 
but renjun makes THE ULTIMATE POWER MOVE and brings your intertwined hands up to lay a *smooch* on your hand  🥺
get a room pls 
Lee Jeno
the members once said they also found jeno intimidating and cold before getting to know him 
so he’s certain that you only need to open up a lil
that’s why no matter how distant and icy you  act towards him 
he never NEVER gives up
just shoots you one of his ^‿^ smiles and carries on
and unconsciously, you start to soften up around him
and there a very specific moment when he started to realize that
you were helping him cut up some fruits and as he was about to grab another apple, you grabbed his hand, intently inspecting it
jeno having a heated internal debate : ‘chill man, don’t give them a reason to catch you off guard’  (ó﹏ò。)
“well i gotta admit lee jeno” 
“huh?” insert that cute confused sound he makes
“i’m really awestruck by you”
jeno puffing his chest internally : ‘well it’s damn time you noticed me senpai’ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
“you’ve really got the ugliest tan i’ve ever seen”
‘ASDFKAWDKSAIKAKJW- *passes out* ‘ X.X
jeno just snatches his hand away and grumbles about fruits and bicycles
he’s sulky the entire day but not because you hurt his ego no 
and as much as you love teasing jeno, your growing soft spot for him is acting up and your melted heart just *mush*
so you kick renjun off the couch in order to sit beside jeno renjun tries to protest but you shoot him *that look* and he retreats with his tail between his legs ミ●﹏☉ミ
jeno tries to keep up his deeply hurt act dramatic much
until he feels shy fingers brushing his as if hesitating, before they curl around his firmly
‘ASDFKAWDKSAIKAKJW- *passes out* ‘ x2 because the softness in his heart is just too much for him
later on it becomes a habit neither of you complains
Lee Donghyuck
it’s the 4th time in the past 2 hours
and yes, donghyuck has been keeping count for scientific purposes obv
nvm, it’s the 5th time your hand brushed against his 
and hyuck is  ✨  ABOUT TO LOSE HIS MARBLES  ✨
the demons on his shoulders are arguing by now 
‘this is an attempt to subtly hold your hand dumbass’ (-‸ლ)
‘no it’s not, they would never touch anyone, remember when they threatened to chop chop that guy’s balls for touching them?’
‘it’s not the same thing, you’d let the opportunity if holding your crush’s hand pass by like this?’
‘sure go ahead, and then watch y/n dip it in acid’   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
donghyuck shuddered at the thought
what he doesn’t know is that sure, while sticking a random guy’s hand up his ass for touching you is a ‘been there done that’ for you
hyuck isn’t just a random guy
you’d choke on an asparagus before admitting it, but he has grown on you
sure, he’s still an annoying brat sometimes 
but he’s so much more than that, he understood you in ways other couldn’t, he was patient with you and did his best to comfort and show you he cares in his own way  (。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)
and you grew to care for him too
maybe a bit more than a friend should   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“hey hyuck!! my hand is cold, warm it up for me”
you acted on impulse before you could chicken out and before hyuck could answer and slipped your hand in his
demon on left shoulder : ‘ha told ya pay up BEACH’
“you only love me for my warmth” said donghyuck totally not blushing and fangirling on the inside
“pffft i don’t love you, i like tolerate you and just shut up human radiator” said y/n totally not swinging their hands back and forward like kids in love 
Na Jaemin
this man= W H I P P E D
y/n makes an edible omlet? jaemin : this is real taste, 5 star michelin right here!!  stream gods menu cowards
y/n squishes hyuck like a bug for waking them up? jaemin : yes babe whoop go off cutie!!! (•̀o•́)ง
y/n breathes? jaemin : PERFECTION!!!11!!!1!!1!!
so you went from ‘(•ิ_•ิ)? what is this person saying??’
to ‘ (。•́︿•̀。)why isn’t he saying anything’ whenever he omits cheering you 
but in a subtle way
you can’t have him catching on
so one day you’re sitting at the kitchen table and he’s feeding you pieces of fruit you whine about being able to feed yourself but nana knows you’re secretly enjoying it
when you suddenly snatch his other hand and one of renjun’s pencils left around and you  🥺 him
unfair if you ask him, how is he supposed to say no so he doesn’t
and you start doodling on his hand o(^◇^)o
he tries to peek at what you’re doing but you squeal softly and move to cover your drawing 
“nana! wait until i’m done!!!’ (`0´)
he *melts* at your cute reactions and resorts to watching your face expressions fondly as he occasionally prods your lips with fruit
you move away to let him see the cute dolphin you drew on the back of his hand and he gushes about the cuteness of your drawing
but then you shyly start fiddling with his fingers as you explain
“you know how a dolphin helped poseidon find his love? this will make sure you’ll always find me” (๑•́‧̫•̀๑)
jaemin, softly smiling in understanding, curls his own fingers over yours and brings them up to his chest 
“you don’t have to worry about that”
Zhong Chenle
chenle doesn’t seem a very affectionate person either
so he’s not really worried about your lack of affection social distancing
what he is worried about is that you’re also distant on an emotional level
because what if he misreads you?
what if you misunderstand him because of the lack of communication?
what if he isn’t there for you the one time you need him?
this baby just wants you to know he cares (◕⌓◕;)
but at the same time he doesn’t want to act in a different way around you read as doesn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of his crush
also you’re quite close
as friends for now (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
and as he does with all his close friends : he brings you to his home in china!!!!
and this boi has the surprise of his life when you obviously make an effort to open up to his family ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७
you smile and chat a lot with his mom and chenle also gets to talk a lot with you since he has to translate so who’s the real winner here
and you know that variety show(?) where chenle dances with his grandpa in the park? you go there too (∗´꒳`)
and while you’re both waiting on the side…
you!!!!grab!!!!his!!!!HAND!!!! and pull him towards the dance floor!!
chenle : Σ(゜ロ゜;) then looks at you being all : o(^◇^) and chenle turns to : (●♡∀♡)  whipped culture everyone
he barely even breathes until you settle for a comfortable dance pattern, one of your hands on his shoulder, one of his laying gingerly on your waist respectfully cuz he is a manners man 
but most importantly : hands clasped together at the side!!!!!!
and these minutes in which you just dance together without a worry, chenle gets to live his long forgotten childhood dreams 🥺  you know how in cinderella it’s the dance that starts everything? yeah that
chenle marks this date in his calendar and makes it a national day 
Park Jisung
lyin’ is a sin so we don’t do that in dis household
jisung is highly intimidated by you (⌣_⌣”)
as in he likes likes you but he doesn’t dare act on his feelings in any way
so renjun and haechan took it upon themselves to play cupid a horrible decision really
and it seems that their attempts at dr. love only ended up in disasters
locked you together in a rollercoaster together? jisung threw up on both your laps (✦థ ェ థ)ノ
ice skating together? jisung stumbled into you, knocking you over so you left the ring with a bruised chin and sore knees and jisung : (シ_ _)シ
arcade hangout? your competitive self almost made jisung cry you not only ignored him but also kicked his ass in every. single. game
so no one had any expectations when they arranged a horror movie night and invited you to sit beside jisung ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you were awfully quiet since the start of the movie which wasn’t necessarily unusual but ya know 
but the atmosphere was getting tenser and tenser and you just knew some kind of jumpscare was coming
and survival comes first!!!! so you clutch onto the nearest thing
jisung’s hand ding dong correct!!!!
and you also bury your face in his shoulder subtly (っ⇀⑃↼)っ
you, shitting your pants : not a word to the others
jisung, also shitting his pants : not one
but uh even though jisung is awkward and everything, he isn’t complaining!!
he finds comfort in your death grip and you’re also his crush so DOUBLE WIN!!!  !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
ofc the others notice but they don’t say a word because ✨ you’re cute ✨ so they leave the teasing for later thought you escaped? not a chance beach
and to make it all even more embarrassingly cute, you fall asleep like that
and you wake up the next morning tucked in jisung’s side with a sore neck, clammy hands and 200 notifs on your phone with pictures of you and jisung sleeping from every  possible angle (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
and with a soon-to-be boyfriend too
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