#definitely gonna calm myself down now that's off my chest
kaythefloppa · 1 year
I'm still kinda petty posting on the whole "Lion Guard ship discourse" a little bit but it makes me laugh every time I see Lion Guard fans constantly claim that Disney ship-"baited" or "lied to them" with Kion x Fuli or act like the two were star-crossed lovers always meant to come together before the "evil writers + faceless corporation" destroyed the pairing and ended the show with Kion x Rani instead....
.....when these screenshots from Ford Riley's Instagram feed, [posted on the same day the first 10 eps of S3 came out, meaning around that time nobody at the time had any clue if Kion would remain single for the rest of the series] pretty much say otherwise.
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But watch as this statement goes over people's heads and people continue to act like Kion x Fuli was something that was stolen from them and either A) hate Rani solely for "standing in the way" of their pairing, B) accuse Ford Riley of lying to them and clogging his comments with hate feed
or B) continuously hound the guy to bring back the show for a fourth season so that Fuli can compete with Rani for Kion's attention [because in a show aimed towards preschoolers, teenage adultery and catfighting for romantic attention is apparently A-OK]
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stormberry-12 · 1 year
the pogues/ESPECIALLY JJ would protect innocent!reader SO MUCH. like she could be the youngest or something and they would go back for her (for ex. when they had to leave jb in s3). anyways jj would so definitely say something like, “you’re like their little sister, but you’re MY girl.” yk
my woman ~ jj maybank x reader
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Ahh yes, I totally agree, and I LOVE the innocent!reader and JJ trope>>>
summary: in the ask! not from season 3 but a close concept. :)
pairing: jj x innocent!fem!reader
warnings: slight language, reader in danger, mega fluff.
notes: lowercase intended, this was made late at night and not rlly edited srry if its bad lmao, (jj requests open still)
you shifted around and felt the sun on your face as your eyes fluttered open. you were in the twinkie bumping along a winding road, clinging onto jj, who was sitting in his seat, like a koala. or as jay called it, "the front pack", it was like a piggyback but on his front because he always wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay.
you shifted your legs around his torso and lifted your head from the crook of his neck.
"hiya, cupcake," he whispered softly, taking one of his arms that was wrapped around you and moving it so he could brush strands of hair from out of your eyes. "good nap?"
you nodded, wiping the sleep from your eyes, and he smiled. you suddenly recalled how you had gotten here and relief washed over you.
you were running through alleyways on the cut, you felt betrayed. where had the pogues gone? they were there with you five seconds ago and now you were running away from those bloody square groupers alone.
over by the pogues, jj was having a mental breakdown, "where did she go man?"
"damn it!" john b exclaimed."pope, i thought she was behind you when we cut down this way!
"we have to go back for her-" jj houghed.
"i don't know jay..."
"no... no. we have to." he held his hat in one hand and ran the other through his hair in distress.
"he's right, we have to." pope agreed.
"come on man, we finally lost those guys and now you want to follow em?" john b sighed.
"jb you of all people should understand, she's like a little sister to you man! she's still only 16 and this kind of stuff scares the shit out of her, i can't do that to her guys-"
"john b we're going after her," kie pleaded.
"god! we're wasting time, i'm gonna go after her, even if i have to do it by myself!" jj ran off in your last seen direction. john b gave in and followed along with the rest of the pogues, they all knew jj was right, and their group wouldn't survive without you.
as you continued to run, blood pumping through your ears, you looked for the best spot to hide behind, trying to throw them off. you slid behind a large dumpster and listened as the sets of footsteps of the two men ran past you.
you waited a moment, calming your breathing before you moved from behind the bin. you jumped as the footsteps came back in your direction, but instead of those square groupers, it was jj and the pogues.
"y/n!" j sighed in relief scooping you up into his arms. "I'm so sorry, that will never happen again-"
you just stood there too exhausted to complain, your face buried in his chest. john b brought the twinkie around the corner and you all piled in, driving off into the night.
"you came back for me," you smiled at your boyfriend wrapping your arms around his neck, still facing him on his lap.
"of course," jj said. "you know you're like their little sister, we honestly would fall apart without you... and your my girl."
"your girl?" you giggled.
"my girl, my woman, my soulmate." he repeated smoothly pressing his forehead to yours and closing his eyes. "you sure you're okay?"
"yeah," you said, leaning into his touch, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "perfect,"
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viviaj · 1 year
you’re housing a glass of something brown.
it’s definitely alcohol and it’s definitely strong. which isn’t surprising, since it’s kiyoomi’s.
kiyoomi is tall amongst his team mates. black slacks and a black shirt loosely tucked in to his frame; he looks vampiric as his skin glows in the shitty house-party lights.
his waist is slimmer than the other’s around him. the curve of his shoulders into his stomach and down to his hip bones are perfect.
you watch him snort and cover his mouth as he laughs at something, quickly waving it off as shoyo asks to do a shot with him. kiyoomi rolls his eyes, and they take the shot.
it’s maybe half an hour later when you see kiyoomi stumble his way back to you and your couch. his hair is sticking to his face, and his shirt looks like it’s been untucked in places.
the sunken-in brown leather couch dips when kiyoomi slides into your side.
“you having fun?” you ask as kiyoomi presses his nose into your cheek, you giggle a bit as his breath tickles your skin.
“so much fun,” he says as he’s pressing open mouthed kisses on the side of your face, his lips moving towards the base of your neck, and all the way up to the bottom of your ear.
“you’re so cute over here, jus’ sittin’ by yourself,” he mumbles, “holdin’ my drink for me.. so sweet and kind,” he’s talking nonsense.
you nod along because what do you even say to that? it’s hard to argue with him as he’s sliding his hand up and down your thigh, teeth nibbling at your ear.
“can’t stop touching you,” you squirm as his hand sinks higher up your thigh, “i want you so badly baby, please.” he’s practically begging you, with his hand moving towards your inner thigh you can’t help but inch closer to him— he’s so close.
“not here omi,” you turn to try and return his kisses but he just whines.
“no, no you don’t— you can’t say that,” he presses his hand in further, all whiny, “please just— baby just let me do this, i can’t help myself.”
there’s an insatiable feeling coiling in your stomach.
“people are looking.” you try to calm down, slightly pushing against kiyoomi’s hands.
“i don’t care,”
you can see his cock hardening in his slacks, and he looks so good.
there’s a distant whoop and cheer in the distance and you have half a mind to think it was aimed at the two of you.
“kiyoomi..” you sigh.
“don’t. just stop talking— please,” he grabs your hand and slowly places it on his clothed cock. his hips immediately buck up into you. you’ve never seen him so needy before.
“you’re so hard,”
“yeah? you feel it?” he’s mouthing against you, “it’s all for you. you know that, yeah?”
and no. you didn’t really know that. kiyoomi has never been so vulnerable. usually the quiet and stern type during these moments, this is the first time he’s ever been so open.
you slowly rub your hand up and down, enough for kiyoomi to whine his way to your lips, pressing light kisses in a way that can only be seen as desperate.
“i love when you touch me. so much. shit,” he mumbles, “i don’t say it enough. i swear,” his lips are so warm.
“kiyoomi, let me take you home,”
he shakes his head no against you, “no. need you now.”
“i cant give you what you need here,” you mutter, embarrassed at even saying anything like that in public.
“you don’t need to,” his slender fingers move over your underwear, slowly touching you. your chest gets caught in your throat and you’re suddenly aware of everything in the room, “feel good?” he kisses your jaw.
he slips his hand under your clothes, his fingers tracing over you and your thighs. your hand covers your mouth as kiyoomi feels you.
you jerk back into the seat as shoyo approaches the two of you. to your horror, omi doesn’t even pretend to stop, his fingers moving over you like it was his job.
“yes?” he sounds bored.
and at that point their voices are gone. all you can feel are his fingers and his breath and his body. it’s just him him him.
and then it’s not.
kiyoomi’s stroking your cheek slowly, “gonna get another drink,”
“wait. what? kiyoomi? why did—”
he looks devilish as he presses a small kiss on your forehead.
“i’ll be back.” voice full of sweetness as you’re writhing on the couch, “i’ll take care of you at home.”
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sturniolos-blog · 4 months
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you’re what? - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n Oneshot
warnings - arguing swearing, fluff, kissing, throwing up ‼️
so thankful for this request by @sturniolosmind and i love itttt ❤️
Waiting on the couch again, the same thing it has been for about a month now,
Wake up, no Matt.
Come home from work, no Matt.
Going to sleep, no Matt.
It really sucks, i love him so much but his schedule is getting much more complicated.
Matthew.Sturniolo posted on his instagram story, come check it out!
I hear from my phone, picking it up while putting my feet on the coffee table of our apartment we leased about a couple months ago.
It was a picture with Matt, rootbeer in his hands, probably because he had to drive home, dancing, girls surrounding him.
Nothing looks really that suspicious besides the girls that are gathered around him but he’s not paying attention to them so that’s good. For now.
Now furious, i get out of instagram, going to the phone app and ringing Matt’s contact.
“Hello?” Matt’s voice comes in from the phone.
“Matt? Where the hell are you?” I scoffed.
“I’m out right now baby, what’s wrong?” He asked, a soft tone to his voice but i could hear the party go on around him.
“You didn’t tell me you were going to a party, matt!” My voice cracked, damn i was crying already.
“A-are you crying? I’m sorry, n/n, we didn’t even know until 3 hours ago, i didn’t even know i would be out this late.” He tried to reason.
I sniffle, “Come home, now Matt, i’m not joking.” I say, my voice low, definitely too demanding.
I hear him scoff before the line cuts off.
I was about to fall asleep before the front door opens, making me jump, and making my eyes open.
I see Matt walk in, tired look on his face as he kicks his shoes off.
I stand up, “Couldn’t find your way home or were you too busy with other girls?” I snapped.
He gives me a confused look, “What?” He asks.
I let out a frustrated sigh, “Matt, you know what i’m talking about! I saw your insta story, you act like i wouldn’t check it when my boyfriend is out really late.” I crossed my arms, my eyes tearing up again already.
Matt scoffs, “Yeah? Well and you act like this is my first time staying out late.”
“That’s the fucking problem, Matt! You just proved my own point! You don’t come home anymore, I barely see you!” I yelled, tears now streaming down my face already, god i usually don’t cry this easily, maybe i’m starting my period.
“Y/n, please stop crying..” He sighs, rubbing his face with his hands.
“I can’t control it.” I mutter.
“I miss you, Matt.” I whisper.
“I missed you too, y/n.” He says, walking up to me and grabbing my arms, i shake my head and back up.
“No.. you don’t.” I sniffle.
I scoff, “I’m a-” I let out a soft sob, “I’m gonna go to bed, b-but i know i won’t see you when i wake up tomorrow anyway so there’s no point in making up if you’re just gonna leave again.” I let out another sob.
“Y/n-” Matt starts.
“Don’t. I don’t care, Matt.” I cut him off, practically running upstairs and laying down, crying to myself.
I hear the door of our bedroom open then close, i hear footsteps walk to the other side of the bed, and then i feel the bed sink down beside me, an arm wrapping around my waist.
Warm tears spilling on my neck as he puts his head into the crook of it.
“I’m so sorry,” Matt lets out a choked sob as he squeezes me tightly, “i- i miss you too.” He says.
I sigh and turn around, i don’t really forgive him yet, because i know tomorrow morning he’s gonna be gone, but i now feel guilty, so i turn around and hug him back, my head going into his chest as my hands go up to his hair, fingers running through it.
“Calm down, Matt.” I whisper, his sobs start to slow down, “Shhh..” I comfort, leaning up and kissing his neck softly.
I wake up, my eyes opening slowly, my mouth filling with saliva as i get the automatic feeling to throw up, i get up and run to the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet and throwing up, puke spurting out of my mouth.
I feel two hands grab my hair into a makeshift pony tail,
I didn’t even know Matt was home, i didn’t bother checking before getting up.
He takes my hair in one hand and rubs my back with the other, “Let it out baby..” He says, he must notice the tears running down my face from the pressure, but also from confusion and feeling uncomfortable.
I cough and get the rest out, immediately sitting on my butt and pushing my back up against the tub.
Matt closes the toilet lid and flushes it.
“What was that?” He said softly, no anger to his tone, no annoyance to it either like last night. Just calm and soft.
“I don’t know!” I raise my voice, he gives me a confused look, “Sorry, sorry i’ve been moody lately.” I sniffle and wipe my nose with my sleeve.
I stand up and grab my toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it, starting to brush my teeth.
“Are you on your period?” He asks me, his hand going on the small of my back.
I spit and shake my head, “No haven’t got it in january yet, which isn’t out of the ordinary i’m never really on track.” I said, putting my toothbrush back in my mouth.
“But tomorrow’s february first..” Matt says, his voice cautious.
My heart drops, but i shrug it off. “I’m fine, Matt. You have work to go to, don’t you?” I said with an annoyed tone, rinsing my toothbrush off.
“I take it you’re still mad?” He took his hand off my back.
I look at him through the mirror, “How’d you guess?” I said sarcastically, turning around and shoving past him.
“I’m just gonna go then, chris and nick have been blowing me up anyway.” He says, following into our bedroom behind me.
I start to pick out clothes for the day, staying silent.
“Whatever. Love you.” He says, leaving the bedroom and shutting the door.
I take a deep breath in, then let it out. No way i’m pregnant.
After procrastinating for hours today, i finally picked up three pregnancy tests, i learned in my 8th grade science class that scientists use 3 trials for experiments because 2 would only give you 50/50, three would give you one of the answers twice, so you know what it actually is.
Is this the same thing? Definitely not. Am i trying to calm myself down because i might be pregnant at 20 years old with a man that i’m not even sure loves me and doesn’t even know how to spell? One hundred fucking percent.
I took the first test, pacing in my bathroom back and forth, i’m always late on my period, so obviously this could just be that and maybe i only threw up because i was stressed. That happens a lot i-
My thoughts get cut off by the timer i set on my phone.
I look at the flip test and crossed my fingers, i wasn’t hoping for the test to be negative, i was hoping that if it was positive Matt would not leave me.
I flipped the test over,
Holy fucking shit.
The second one came out negative, so it was time to check the last one.
Doing the same routine i did for the last two, timer started, test flipped, fingers crossed.
Pacing around the bathroom, if it’s negative i’m gonna be disappointed, if it’s positive then im really fucking scared.
Timer went off.
I reach for the rest and flip it over.
I’m pregnant.
After a much needed nap, i called Matt. The phone ringing.
“Hello?” Matt said into the phone, he sounded sort of mad.
“I need you to come home.” I said, a monotone sound to my voice.
“Listen, y/n, i’m not gonna come home just for you to yell at me ag-”
“Matt, please.” My voice cracked.
“I’m on my way.” He said immediately. Hanging up the phone.
I was sitting on the couch, almost the same position i was in last night, the three pregnancy tests in my hand.
The door opened, i shoved the pregnancy tests under my leg,
“Hey.” Matt said as he shut the door, walking in and taking his shoes off, sitting on the couch next to me.
“Have you been crying?” He takes my face in my hands, his thumbs tracing over my tear stained cheeks.
I sniffled, “I need to tell you something, but please don’t freak out.” I warned him.
He dropped his hands from my face, “Is everything okay?”
I shrugged, “I don’t know!” I sobbed, my hands wrapping around Matt’s neck, he wraps his arms around my torso and hugs me.
He kisses my neck, “Oh baby, it’s okay. Please, talk to me.” He rubbed my back.
I wiped my eyes and pulled away.
“Matt, i’m pregnant.” I whispered.
“You’re what?” He said surprised, him asking again to make sure he heard me right.
I sobbed at his reaction, “Im sorry! i’ll get an abortion or something or- please don’t leave me i can’t-”
“Y/n, shut up! That’s amazing!” He pulls me in for a tight hug,
“Baby that’s great!” He kisses my cheek.
“You’re not kidding?” He pulls away from the hug to look at me, i cry and shake my head, pulling the pregnancy tests out from under my leg.
“We’re to young, Matt. What if i can’t do it? What if i’m a bad mom? what if-”
Matt cuts me off by kissing me, “No no no, stop. You are going to be a great mother. You can have this baby, y/n.”
“You won’t leave me?” I sniffle.
“Hell no! I’m so fucking happy, y/n.” Matt kisses me again.
“You’re pregnant.” He breathed out.
“I’m pregnant.” I laugh, hugging Matt again.
I hope this is what you were looking for! Finished it in 40 minutes! thank you for the request and i will probably do the other one tomorrow!
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matts-k1tten · 4 months
𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞. pt.2
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summary: y/n finds her boyfriend (now ex) Chris cheating on her at a party and vows to make him feel the way she did..
warnings: slight angst, swearing, not that much this time, let me know is i missed anything.
purple: Mia
pink: y/n
orange: Chris
I scream in a pillow as I’m letting out all my angry and sad tears. We’ve been here for hours ever since we got home from the party.
“It’s okay y/n..” Mia reassures me while rubbing my back in slow circles.
I look at her dead in the eyes.
“Y’know.” she cuts herself off by clearing her throat.
“Not to make you feel bad or anything, but I never thought he was good enough for you.” she speaks again.
“I just didn’t say anything because i didn’t want to make you think I didn’t like him, I mean now I definitely don’t.” she says as she places one of her hands on her chest.
I laugh a bit, “You should have at least warned me before this all started, I just wasted a whole year and a half of my life.” I reply.
I face plant into the pillow as she frowns at me.
“Look at the bright side! now you’re free, you can do whatever you want.” she speaks, attempting to cheer me up.
I don’t respond.
She sighs harshly.
“C’mon get up, let’s pack his stuff and drop it off.” she says as she tries to drag me out of bed.
I groan and sit up.
“Fine, can you go grab that box on the floor there?” I say almost above a whisper.
She nods and pulls it in front of me.
I take off his promise ring and the matching necklace that I swore I would never take off and throw it in there, remembering every detail of the day he gave it to me.
Chris and I sat at the empty beach watching the sunrise.
He clears his throat and breaks the silence. “Hey I got you something.” he speaks with the biggest smile on his face.
I smile seeing his face light up.
“What is it?” I ask confused but intrigued.
“Wait one second.” He says holding up his finger turning around to shuffle around his bag.
A few minutes later he turns back around with that charming smile.
“I got you these since your the best girlfriend ever, i’ll never ever hurt you. If i do i’d hate myself for life, I love you Y/n Rose, Macy.” He says pulling out the most beautiful ring and necklace i have ever seen.
I gasp as I feel genuine tears of happiness stream down my face as he puts on the necklace and slides on the ring.
I look at the ring once more.
I smile and lunge onto him engulfing him in the tightest embrace ever.
“I love you so much Chris.”
I feel tears dwell on my waterline as Mia picks up his clothes all around my room.
Mia looks at me and drops the clothes on the floor to hug me.
I sob into her chest. She glances at the box and sees why I’m crying.
“Poor baby..” she says so quiet that if you didn’t listen you would’ve missed it.
Her words only made me cry harder.
“It’s okay y/n, just cry, let it out.” She says softly.
At that, I start wailing and gripping the back of her sweatshirt.
“Sweetheart, I know you’re hurt because of what he did. But sooner or later you’re gonna realize that men ain’t shit, you have to learn to be strong on your own. I know you can.” She says quietly stern.
I start to calm down a bit and pull away. I sniffle and Mia wipes my tears with her thumb.
“You don’t know how much you mean to me Mia, you’re literally my favorite person on this planet.” I say, my voice shaking a bit.
She smiles at me and bends down to pick up the clothes and drops it in the box, covering the ring and necklace.
I watch it disappear under the clothes.
I stand up and walk over to my shelves where all his gifts are.
I swipe them all with one arm and carry them over to the box dropping them in.
Mia leaves the room and comes back with a paper, marker, and tape.
I plop down on the bed and roll over, lost in my thoughts.
Mia tapes the box shut and tapes the paper on top of it.
“Chris’s stuff”
I groan and look at the time. “3:24am”.
“Hey Mia, are you tired?” I question sitting up against the headboard.
“No, you?” she says crawling next to me.
“Not at all. I want to do something, to Chris.” I say with confidence.
Mia opens her Mouth to speak.
“We can start off with something like this.”
“So how exactly is trashing his house gonna make him feel the way i felt?” I question Mia as she parks down the street.
“It’s not, it’s just gonna let you release your anger. This is just the start. Also, don’t tell your mom I said to do this. I’m not a bad influence I swear. I want your mom to actually like me.” She says grabbing the bags in the backseat and opening her door.
I grab the box of Chris’ stuff and hop out the car as well.
“What are in those bags anyway?” I ask Mia while walking beside her.
“Ohh y’know just eggs and toilet paper.” She says shrugging.
I roll my eyes and chuckle.
“You’re fucking crazy, that’s a waste of money!” I speak with a smile plastered on my face.
“I do this for you! I’d do anything for you because you know I love you.” Mia replies.
My smile grows wider that my cheeks start to hurt. “Awee, Mia I love you so much.”
“Love you more.” She says and kisses me on my cheek.
we make it to Chris’ front lawn, he started living alone and learned how to drive since he wanted to be “independent” after his brothers called him immature.
Nick and I, we’re best friends. I don’t think he knows that me and Chris broke up cause of what he did.
Matt and I, we know each other very well. He knows how to calm down my anxiety and is a very good listener.
Anyway, I drop Chris’ stuff on the front porch and walk back towards Mia.
I dig through the bag and pull out a carton of eggs.
Chris’ car wasn’t in the driveway so that means he’s out doing god knows what at 4am.
Mia pulls out a pack of toilet paper with about 15 rolls in it. She hands me one and I chuck it onto his roof.
I grab another one. Chuck it again.
Another one. On the tree.
I grab an egg and start throwing them at his windows and garage door. Mia does the same.
We soon run out of supplies and take a picture then run back to her car.
We laugh nonstop while running down the street.
Once we hop in her car, we decide to stop by the stop for snacks then go home.
“Did that help your anger?” Mia asks while looking towards the road.
“Very much did.” I reply with a huge smile on my face.
I turn on bluetooth and connect my phone to the car speakers. “Now let’s listen to music!!” I say as I hit shuffle on my playlist.
Mia and I are watching a movie still on a high because of what we did.
“I can’t believe we just did that! His house looks like a mess!” I say while laughing.
Mia is laughing as well. She can’t even form a word as she keeps laughing.
“Ok ok focus on the movie now.” I say smiling as Mia nods and turns back to the tv.
We soon doze off to sleep at 6am.
when I wake up, I’m met with 99+ notifications all from Chris.
a/n: uh ohhh what did he say?! guys this is just leading up to the climax just as Mia said “this is just the start.” i literally almost fell asleep proofreading this 🤦‍♀️ But im working on a matt one shot and matt series so for all u matt girlies i have a treat for u!!
tags: @gnxosblog
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
Such a Lovely Face Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk x Fem!Reader
~1.5k words
Synopsis: After a bad day, you find yourself sitting on a rooftop to calm down, and end up encountering Hobie Brown. The two of you have a nice conversation.
TW: Mention of police brutality, explosions, slight implication of the reader having depression/being depressed
A/N: I tried something new with the lyrics being a part of the story, so if it doesn't really work I'm sorry 😭. I'm really trying to accustom myself to new writing styles cuz I'm still fairly new to fanfictions, so lmk if it doesn't make sense or could be better!
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On a dark desert highway Cool wind in my hair
You were sitting atop one of the many rooftops in Camden, London, quietly humming one of your favorite songs to yourself as you looked out into the distance. The cool breeze was refreshing compared to the stuffy atmosphere of your tiny apartment downstairs, and you decided you'd stay up here on the rooftop for as long as you could, until of course you were caught by the police for breaking the curfew. It had happened before.
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night
You hugged your knees to your chest and rested your chin atop them, breathing in the night air softly, the moonlight shining onto your face as you looked up at the stars. But you could barely see them, the entire sky covered in a thick layer of fog, gases emitted from the thousands of horrific factories littering the streets of London, courtesy of the one and only President Osborne, a hopeless tyrant with nothing better to do than pollute.
There she stood in the doorway I heard the mission bell
"What're you lookin' at lassie?"
You swiveled your head around, heart beating out of your chest as you stumbled back, nearly falling off the rooftop, searching for where that voice had come from. "Hey, don't worry. I'm not a cop" A man appeared from the shadows with a wink, wearing a bright red and blue costume, completed with a leather jacket and skinny jeans on top. The one and only Spider-punk.
"Whatcha doin' up 'ere all my y'self at this time of nigh'?" He asked, plopping down next to you, mask lit up by the light coming from the night sky. "O-oh just hanging out" you stammered, a bit taken aback by his cool, playful nature. You weren't expecting to meet the vigilante at this time, and you definitely weren't expecting him to take a seat next to you.
And I was thinking to myself This could be heaven or this could be hell
"I heard you singing somethin'." He leaned in toward you slightly, head tilted sideways as he looked down at you. "What song was 't?" You fidgeted with your fingers, sitting in a criss-cross position and keeping your gaze on the distance in front of the two of you. "Hotel California" you said quietly, a smile appearing on your face as the lyrics crossed your mind. "Its a nice song". He nodded, looking out at the distance like you were. "Tha' it is."
Then she lit up a candle And she showed me the way
"You didn't answer m'question though" He said, looking back at you. "What're you doing up at this time of night all by y'self?"
"I was just thinking."
"Thinking 'bout what?"
There were voices down the corridor I thought I heard them say
He blinked. "You gonna keep acting like a priss or are ya gonna tell me?" You shot him a scowl. "There's just a lot going on in my life right now, okay? Besides, I'm sure you don't want to hear about it. There's probably plenty people out there that you need to save" you said somberly, biting the inside of your cheek as you looked away again.
"Look 'ere peng," He said, snapping his fingers at you. "I'm London's friendly neighborhood Spider-man. I'm not just here to save people. Whatever you 'ave to say, I'm here to listen too."
Welcome to the Hotel California
"Really? So I can ask you anything?"
A moment of silence followed, a moment you took to think about what your question should be. And then it hit you.
"Why do you do what you do?"
He looked a bit taken aback by this question, the white eyes of his mask widening slightly. "Jumping right into it, are we?" He asked with a soft chuckle, looking down over the rooftop. His fingers fidgeted, picking at a rip in his jeans as he thought up what his answer would be. He hadn't been expecting you to ask a question that would require such a complicated answer.
"You did say I could ask you anything..." Your voice was slightly cocky, enjoying how tongue-tied he seemed trying to give a response. The question may have seemed innocent, but you were genuinely curious.
Your life wasn't terrible. You came from a fairly well-off family, you attended a good college, you lived in a clean neighborhood in a nice apartment. But you were so sad all the time. There was no reason for it, it was just as if you didn't understand the point of anything you did. Like nothing mattered. Like you didn't matter.
How was this man supporting the weight of the world on his shoulders without voicing a single complaint? How could a person be so strong? Why was he so strong?
"I do this-this Spider-man gig-" He gestured as his suit, "-because if I don't, nobody else will."
He looked back over at you and noticed your head slightly tilted as if you were waiting for a longer response. "Thats it. Tha's my reason."
He stammered for a moment, gears in his head turning as he tried to explain what he was trying to say. "Look, I'm the only Spider-man in this city, right? If I'm gone, what'll happen to the people I'm s'posed to protect?" He pointed out towards the distant lights of the inner city, "The people in the slums, the punks and protestors of London, I'm their voice." He sighed softly, looking up at the stars, the light making the eyes of his mask shine brightly, an almost ethereal glow emanating. "I have to do this. I have to fight for these people. I'm their only hope."
Such a lovely place Such a lovely face
"I see." You said quietly, a slight smile spreading across your face. He wasn't as perfect as he seemed. The poor guy seemed pretty stressed from the look of it. All that pressure..., "I was expecting you to say it was for the freedom. Or the fame." You added in a slightly teasing tone, nudging his shoulder gently to snap him out of his somber trance.
He jumped slightly at the touch before a grin returned to his face. "What fame? Half the city hates me and the other half think I'm a saint." He shook his head. "I'm neither."
"You're not a saint?"
"I'm not a hero."
You were a bit taken aback by this declaration. "What are you talking about? If anyone's a hero it's you." you said, raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckled softly, looking at you, the white of his mask boring into you. "Guess you're part of the second half then."
You rolled your eyes at him. "Mate, you're the sole reason London's not up in flames at this moment. That seems pretty heroic to me."
"I've been the reason for a lot of other things going up in flames, though" he countered teasingly, leaning in towards you slightly, that playful tone returning to his voice.
"Yeah but that's all Osborne's crap. Nobody's complaining about it."
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
"Hah. Damn right."
Another moment of silence followed, the quiet tension almost deafening. "Not as perfect as you seem, hmm pretty boy?"
"You think I'm pretty?" He gave you a sly wink. "You haven't even seen my face. But you're probably right about the perfect part." You smacked his arm playfully, laughing as you did so.
You hadn't expected your spirits to have been lifted so easily, but he just had that effect. A can-do attitude and a cocky tone could do wonders for a bad day. "So? Did your friendly neighborhood Spider-man save yet another boring night?" He asked smugly, tilting his head and putting his hands behind him to support him as he leaned back. "Honestly? Yeah. Thanks." You said, offering him as fist bump. He took it, gently bumping his suited fist against yours and making a pop noise with his mouth as he pulled it away.
Suddenly, you heard an explosion from the distance, probably the result of yet another instance of police brutality, Osborne's pigs being well-known for their trigger-happy fingers and exclusively deadly weaponry. There wasn't a day gone by where something didn't get blown up or a group of people wasn't killed. But that was just life in London. "I suppose that's my cue to leave" Spider-punk said, hopping up and stretching out his arms, cracking his neck to the side. "It was nice meeting you, Ms...?"
"Y/N." he repeated, letting the name roll off his tongue. "Lovely name for a lovely face."
You shook your head at him. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" You asked, suppressing a laugh. "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you around, darling." And he was off.
Anytime of year You can find it here
"See you." you whispered as you watched him swing away, his guitar slung over his shoulder, just barely holding on. You smiled to yourself before you got up, ready to go back inside. You were feeling much better now.
You knew that next time you were feeling down, you'd be sure to call him over. After all, what's the point of having a friendly neighborhood Spider-man if you can't make use of him?
Taglist: @s6onder @therealloopylupin2099 @spiderrinn @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe
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mshalfemptygirl · 1 year
Play In My Game (S.R)
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Plot: Reader Reader is being a brat to get what she wants, and what she wants is Spencer playing her game
Pairing: Dom!Spencer Reid x Sub!Fem!Reader
Contents: 18+ only minors DNI, kissing, dirty talk and curse word, unprotected sex, pet name, against but just a little. And a little bit cute.
A/N: just pure smut guys, it’s my first one but I had a lot of fun writing this. I have just crazy ideas and Dom!Spencer is all to me. This man is just amazing, i can’t satand it. I hope you like it. Have fun.
I was sprawled on my bed, swiping my phone screen to see people's perfect lives on social media and there he was, my boyfriend, at his desk reading a ton of paperwork. When he told me that sometimes being an FBI agent was more about paperwork than rescuing people, I didn't believe him. But it was true. Spencer had been there for 3 hours now, no breaks, he didn't even seem to be breathing, he didn't even respond when I spoke to him. I was bored and aroused, and even if I started touching myself now, he wouldn't notice.
So I decided to get up, he was sitting in the chair with his back to me. I put my hands on his shoulder and then down to his chest, I put my mouth close enough for him to hear me, "Honey, you need to take a break, could you spend a little time with me...", I said, with a calm voice, "I’m busy, are you blind? You're not seeing this paperwork?!" He snapped me, I got confused. How dare he? This annoying genius... okay, he needs a little encouragement ."Baby I'm seeing it but I think you should take a break, eat something, eat me out...." I said.
I placed a kiss on her neck, "Holy fuck, I said NO, Y/N. Please let me get back to work. Why don't you do something useful?". Oh, that’s hurt. He's being rude and mean. Our relationship was always peaceful and he never yelled at me. It's definitely the stress, he's never been like this. Ok, Spencer wants me to play by his rules but he's going to have to play by mine. I will turn this game around. "Oh, sure. So I'm going to use my dildo now, it's much better anyway... I'm starting thinking that you can’t take all this here anymore, maybe it's age. Well, have fun, baby" I felt his body tremble, I walked away from him going to get my toy and I was hoping what I said had gotten through to him. I need him, not the dildo.
He turned his chair around and got up and walked over to me. "What did you say?" I was so turned on, his eyes were on fire and he was so close to me, I just wanted him to kiss me right now. So I teased, "What part? That a dildo is better than your cock? Or that you can't take it anymore because you're too old?", I smirk. He laughed as if he couldn't believe it. "You little brat, you're desperate, aren't you? Desperate for me to fuck you so you make up lies", it took me a second to reply, "Show me then that I'm lying. I want no prep, no condom and rough, you think you can handle it ?" I said, with a low voice brushing my lips against his. I knew it, he was under my spell. "Fuck, you are really desperate! Daddy gonna give you what you need, baby, don’t worry, I’ll make you beg to cum”.
Immediately he helped me take off my clothes and I took off his. We are attached to mine with needy kisses, he put me on my back on the bed. He went down making a trail of kisses over my body. He sucked on my breasts with passion, I watched as I used his left hand to place his cock at my entrance. I was so wet, there was no resistence, I just felt the pleasure of being filled. He started with quick and deep movements, as I had asked. I was melting under his touch, “Fuck baby, I’m feeling so good” I said, I was on cloud nine. He cracked a smile "Like it? Way better than that stupid dildo, I fuck you so good babe… I'll make you forget your name.".
He continued moments and I felt close to my orgasm, "Baby, I'm so close. I wanna cum", I looked at him. He looked up at me, "No, you're not coming now. Do you think you deserve it after what you said?" "But love, I need this". whimpered under him. It's so stupid to be begging to come, I felt like a stupid whore. "You'll only come when I let you, I know you'll be a good girl". Shit, the worse punishment ever. I couldn't take it anymore, if I didn't come now I was going to explode. I was trying to distract my mind from it but is was useless. "Spence, I can't...." he increased the movements, gave a kiss and said "Okay babe, I got you", and I felt ecstasy, my vision went dark and I moaned out loud. He shook, I felt fulfilled and I knew he had gotten there too. I was dripping.
He lay down next to me, both of us panting, I laced my hand in his and looked into his eyes. I could look at that face forever. I am his and he is mine. "Sorry love, it was the only way to make you stop working. You know, I love you so much that I want you just for me," He kiss me before talk, "I’m the one who need says sorry, I was rude. I love you very much. By the way, I enjoyed taming you. You should do this more often…and throw that dildo in a trash" I laid my head on his chest stifling a chuckle, “You're not going to leave me alone until I do this, are you?”, “Of course not, Y/N, you have my cock for the rest of our life”, I looked up, and I knew it was serious. "Deal love, no dildos from now... I’m glad I have you". We'll be together forever.
Give me a feedback/ requests
Spencer Reid Materlist
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
The Call (Part 5)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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You both wake up to an incoming call on your phone. It's an unknown number and since you blocked your ex-boyfriend you're scared he just got a new phone to terrorize you with.
"Don't you wanna answer that" Rhea groans, she didn't like being waken so early after being up almost half of the night.
"N-no I can't" you whisper, arms wrapped around your knees drawn to your chest, whipping back and forth.
"I'm scared Rhea, what if it's him?" tears start to form in your eyes. Demi finally turns around and sits up. "Hey it's okay, calm down" she comforts you, rubbing your back.
"Let's answer it together" Rhea says and presses the green button on your phone. "Hello?" she says.
"Who is this, where's y/n?" a dark male voice replies.
"This is Demi, a friend of hers" A friend. You don't know what it is but her words trigger a feeling in you that you can't exactly describe.
"Can I talk to y/n?" he sounds pretty annoyed.
Rhea looks at you and you frantically shake your head no.
"Sorry you can't, what can I do for you?" Rhea says.
"Why not"
"Uh.. She showering right now" Demi lies.
"Then I'll call back when she's done" The man says angrily and hangs up.
It's silent for a moment before Rhea decides to speak again. "Was that him?" you just nod, tears silently running down your cheeks.
Demi notices and pulls you into a hug. "It's ok darling, I won't let him hurt you again" she says, stroking your arm. Darling. Why does she say that, you're not a couple, you think.
"It's my day off, if you want we can stay in bed and cuddle whilst watching a film or something."
"That would be great" you respond.
Rhea lays down on her back and you snuggle up to her, letting your head rest on her chest. She puts an arm around you drawing patterns all over it.
"What movie would you like to see?"
"Do you know (insert favorite movie)?" you ask. "No I don't but it sounds interesting. Let's see... Ah there it is" she hits play and eventually you both fall back to sleep.
Juuust to wake up to an incoming call again. "Oh shut the fuck up! Really?!" you laugh at how pissed Rhea is. She smacks your shoulder in a playful manner and reaches over to grab your phone again.
"Don't worry, we'll do it together" she says reassuringly and grabs your hand.
"Hey it's Demi again, what can I do for you?"
"She still showering?" he's clearly annoyed.
"No, she's next to me listening. You're on speaker."
He groans "Then why can't she answer herself?!"
As none of you responds he continues "Listen you little brat, you're either coming back to me right now or tell me where the fuck you are and I'll get you!"
You tense up and Rhea releases your hand to put her arm around you.
"She definitely won't do that considering what you've done to her"
"What I've done to her? She was the one who manipulated and took advantage of me, I just defended myself!" he argued.
"Listen. I don't know everything that happened, at least not yet, but from what I know that wasn't just self defense. You beat her up and raped her multiple times. You're lucky I didn't call the police yet!" Rhea snaps back.
"Whatever. Y/n get the fuck away from this psycho, she's not good for you, and come back to me."
"N-no" you dare to say now that you feel safe and protected by Rhea.
"Oh you're gonna regret this you little brat! Wait till I find out where you are and I'm gonna make the rest of your life a living hell!" she shouts.
Before he could say anything else Rhea ends the call and blocks the number. "What an idiot.." she scoffs putting the phone away again.
"Hey, you did great! I'm proud of you for finally standing up against him." A smile tuggs on your lips as she says so. "Come on, let's get breakfast, I'm hungry" Rhea says and gets up.
You walk into the kitchen and help her make some scrumbeled eggs together with bacon and toast.
You sit down to eat together. While Demi is focused on her food you take a second to look at her. How comes you never noticed how good she looks?
Demi notices you're staring at her and looks up. She smiles at you and you blush and quickly look away, making her laugh.
Part 5 of my series Heal My Wounds as always, leave your suggestions, wishes and so on in the comments :)
Taglist: @thatonepansexual2000
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writtenbymkl · 1 year
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[13:14 pm]
word count: 1,085
a/n: i came up with a new word, haechanitis, and i think i have it. i’m severely into this dude… like i know mark is my man but haechan … it was the concert that did it for me, if you guys had seen the pictures i got and the amount of times he looked at my camera, you would understand me (◞‸◟) not proofread btw !
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“so, how’s it going with your little crush on haechan?” your friend asks as she scrolls through her phone.
“dude, it’s not a crush,” you say as you push her shoulder. “i don’t even talk to him.”
you’ve learned a lot from observing him, not to be creepy but every time your head turned to look at him, he was always doing something new. like when his friend jaemin is feeding him, he shakes his head when he opens his mouth. or when his other friend renjun, shoves him away whenever he gets too close to him.
you could honestly go on about haechan but you prefer to keep it to yourself. he’s way too out of your league and you’re too introverted to ever find the confidence in going up to him. unlike him who seems to strike up a conversation with whoever he comes across.
your friend notices that you’re lost in thoughts when she asks, “should i invite him over? i mean, he is my partner for this project we’re working on.” your eyes widen and you feel panic strike as your heart rate goes up.
“no! i will kill you and then myself,” you threaten while holding both her hands down, which in fact were about to wave him over. unfortunately for you, she still has her mouth.
“hey haechan!” you shut your eyes so hard and you feel your heart about to explode because you know he’s gonna walk over any second. he can’t resist talking to anyone who calls his name, that’s how he is.
“i’m leaving,” you state as you let go of her hands and rapidly grab your stuff, shoving just about anything into your backpack. you need to leave before he steps foot in your space.
“y/n, you cannot be serious…” she trails off as she watches you put your backpack on. all you can do is huff in frustration.
“i’m 100% serious. you know i can’t be in the same vicinity as haech-“ you’re cut off by the legend himself.
“woah, what did i do?” haechan questions with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. you look at your friend and all she can do is offer you a sorry smile. you’re gonna do what you do best, which is to disappear any time something embarrassing happens because right now, you want the ground to swallow you whole.
“i gotta go, i’ll see you some other time, bye!” you exclaim to your friend as you speed walk out of the scene. you don’t turn your back once to see their reactions, all you know is that you have to get out there before you have to see haechan’s face up close for longer than five seconds.
“fuck, that was close,” you whisper to yourself as you lean against the wall outside. you had finally calmed down a bit since you were nowhere near him.
“what was close?” you let out a loud yelp as you turn around to see haechan standing behind you. well now you were definitely fucked. you must’ve killed a god in your past life because why was this happening to you?
“jesus, you scared me! what’s wrong with you?!” you exclaimed as you held a hand to your chest. you probably look like that spongebob meme right now. haechan just stares at you in amusement while crossing his arms.
“what’s wrong with me? what’s wrong with you?” he asks while nodding his head in your direction.
“i don’t know why you followed me, but i’m leaving. bye.” you say as you turn your back to him. you don’t mean to be an asshole but since you’ve never spoken a word to him, this is all that can come out.
his hand grabs ahold of your wrist before you can even walk two steps. “tch,” he tuts. “where do you think you’re going, y/n?” your eyes widen because how does he know your name. but then you relax as you realize your friend probably told him after you ran off.
“i’m going to study, now if you could let go of my wrist, that would be amazing,” you smile at him and watch as he lets go of your wrist before letting out a small ‘sorry’.
“i just wanted to know,” he starts while holding a finger under his chin showing his thinking face. “why you can’t be in the same vicinity as me, as you said.” he finishes while looking at you. you can’t look him in the eyes because if you do, you’ll confess right then and there. but then again, you’ve always been blunt since your middle school days.
“because i like you,” you state bluntly. haechan looks taken aback not expecting a straight and honest answer from you considering you were running away a few minutes ago. “now can i go? you don’t really know me so it doesn’t matter.”
“w-well-“ he stutters, still in shock from your confession. who would’ve thought you’d be the one to gag him. you sigh and stare at the ground bored. it’s not like you’re not used to rejection, you’re just tired of them wasting your time doing it.
“i’m gonna go now…” you trail off, taking steps backwards and pointing behind you. haechan, still in a slightly frozen state, nods but quickly shakes off the dazed state.
“wait, can i get your number?” he asks while quickly pulling out his phone, hands slightly shaking. you must be hallucinating at this point because there was no way lee haechan was asking for your number.
“mine? why?” you quickly ask. he shoves his phone in your hands and smiles encouraging you to type your information in.
“so we can get to know each other, duh,” he says while playfully rolling his eyes. now you’re the one in shock, he just pulled an uno reverse on you. you type in your contact name and phone number knowing there’s no way to get out of this.
“i might not know you at all or like you, but i’m sure i won’t have a hard time falling for you.” he says while giving a loving smile.
̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊
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mrspandas · 2 years
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sub!karl x dom!reader
summary: karl brings home a girl but she leaves him crying so reader comforts him and helps him get off
warnings: hand job, mommy kink, subspace
!not proofread!
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living with karl definitely was interesting. hearing him throw his chair around the room whenever he’s streaming, catching him in the kitchen eating cereal at 3am, finding him watching cartoons whenever I come home from the store or just randomly having him skate around the house. the best part tho is definitely that he never brings home any girls, his bedroom is right across the hall from mine so that would be awkward. well that was until today. I was just sitting in the kitchen when Karl came home with some random girl I had never seen before. apparently her name was Mandy but who cares. she just briefly introduced herself before hastily shoving karl upstairs. Great they’re gonna hook up. jealousy twisting through my stomach at the thought. That should have been me and not her. I had been crushing on Karl for the longest while but I was always too scared to say something. well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions. if I had told him earlier she wouldn’t be here. but I can’t change that now. I decide it would be best if I stayed downstairs to not get confronted with any kind of noises. I make myself comfortable on the couch, turning on the tv to watch gravity falls.
I was halfway through the second episode when I suddenly heard what sounded like… yelling? a little weird but okay. maybe he’s into that? no idea but that’s none of my concern. that’s when I suddenly heard his bedroom door slam, followed by someone angrily storming down the stairs. it was Mandy. she hastily grabbed her jacket before rushing out and slamming the front door. wow what a drama queen. whatever might have just happend I am certain it wasn’t karls fault, I know him and he would never do anything to upset a woman. I turn off the tv before getting up to go check on him.
"karl? are you okay" I knock on his door hearing quiet sobs. when I get no answer I open the door slightly to take a look inside. Karl is curled up on his bed crying. "Hey. Hey what happened?" I close the door behind me, rushing over to him. He still doesn’t answer, only starting to cry more. "shhh it’s okay, you don’t have to tell me just know that i’ll be here for you okay" i reassure him taking his hand, gently caressing it with my thumb. He nods seeming to feel better with my company. "Do you need some time alone or do you want me to stay?" I ask not wanting to overstep any lines. "stay" he mumbles pulling me onto the bed. I lay down next to Karl, pulling him closer so his head is resting on my chest. I wrap my arm around him comfortingly and hold his hand to help him calm down.
"It’s okay I’m here for you, tell me whenever you’re ready. Or never if you don’t want to" I brush some of his hair out of his face before I start playing with it. This seems to have calmed him down as his breathing got steady again.
"It’s pretty embarrassing" he mutters starting to fiddle with the hem of his shirt. "I’m the queen of embarrassment. I promise I won’t judge you" I soothe Karl, still caressing his head. "Well uh- we were making out and she wanted to have sex but I didn’t want to go that far so when I said no she snapped and started yelling at me. She called me a pussy and said I should be glad that anyone would even offer that because apparently no one likes nerds like me" Karl rants, his voice slightly shaking. "That’s bullshit. She’s wrong, theres plenty of girls and even boys out there that would give anything to be with you. And second of all if you didn’t wanna have sex that’s totally valid, it’s okay to say no, she can’t shame you for that" I reassure him, pulling him closer. "Thank you" he mumbles burying his head in the crook of my neck. We enjoy the moment of silence before the realisation hits me. "Wait and then she just left?" I ask making sure. Karl nods. "So she never even got you off?" I whisper, a hint of lust lacing my voice. He shakes his head. That’s when I notice his boner, that had been neglected this whole time. "Aww I’m sorry bunny. Do you want me to help you with that" I offer, my finger tracing circles on his hip. "Yes please" he whimpers grinding his crotch against my thigh. I bite back a snarky remark as I slide his boxers down just enough to give me access to his dick. "Mommy please" he whimpers, his hands clutching my shirt. Without further ado I wrap my hand around his cock, sliding my thumb over his tip. "S‘this good bubba?" I ask, my other hand caressing his head. "Mhm" he assures grinding against my hand. At this point he’s so deep into subspace he can’t even form any sentences. "Shh baby just relax, mommy’s gonna make you feel good, alright" I place a gentle kiss on the top of his head, sliding my thumb across his tip a few more times before pumping my hand up and down on his dick. Karl was whining and whimpering, his voice sounding strained already. "You’re doing so good for me pretty boy" I praise feeling his dick twitch in my hand. "Mhm close~" he whines squirming around. "Cum for me baby, you deserve it" I speed up my hand a little to help him chase his high. "Thank you mommy thank you so much" he whimpers as his orgasm hits him. he’s clutching my shirt, his moans becoming louder, his face nuzzled in the crook of my neck and his hips bucking up into my hand as he releases all over my thigh. "Good job bubba. You did so good" I caress his head before helping him get dressed and grabbing some paper wipes to clean up my thigh.
I consider going back to my room, not wanting to make Karl uncomfortable but before I can get up he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me even closer. "Please don’t leave" he mutters half asleep, laying his head on my chest. "Okay I won’t" I smile, wrapping my arms around him before drifting off to sleep myself.
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melonba11s · 1 year
Freshly Cleaned (Strade/Gender Neutral MC)
Fic 2 of 31 for my July Writing Challenge! 31 fics for the 31 days of the month!
Contains: Strade, Gender Neutral MC, Water boarding, torture, MC is implied to have the beginnings of stockholm syndrome.
“There’s a Water Conservation Notice out, Schatz! Let’s shower together!” 
That’s what Strade had said, holding you by the shoulder with one hand as he stripped you of your pants and underwear in one fell swoop. Maybe the part about a water conservation notice was true, but you still didn’t trust him. This was the man who had kidnapped you, dragged you into his basement and tortured you before  deciding he was too attached to get rid of you. 
Now you had to wear a heavy metal collar unless you were bathing. You had just asked him if you could shower… and you had seen his eyes light up with an idea. Now you were pressed against the wall of the shower, trying not to make eye contact with him… or his dick. 
Just because you didn’t trust him didn’t mean you didn’t find him attractive. And you would be lying if you hadn’t enjoyed some of the times you’d spent with him after he’d let you out of the basement. Strade was funny, talkative, charming, and very cuddly. He constantly had you sit with him while he looped an arm around you like you were long time lovers, rubbing your arm as he talked your ear off about the logistics of barbecuing a good rack of ribs. 
You were getting distracted though, you just needed to wash up as quickly as you could and- 
“Here liebling, let me wash your hair for you.” He had you by the shoulders as he pulled you close to him. You let out a sputtering wheeze as you bounced against his chest and stomach, fighting to not grab onto him as you slid over the tile. 
“I-I can do it myself!” you yelled louder than you meant, pushing yourself off of him. You’re already unsteady feet slid out from under you, though. You could just see Strades amused expression as you fell to the floor, cracking your head against it. 
“Now what’d you go and fall over for?” he was snickering, towering over you. You opened your mouth to spit back something witty, but instead coughed as you just received a mouth full of shower water. 
You shook your head, groaning as you rubbed the back of it. There was definitely gonna be a bump… But what a more pressing matter was the sudden silence. Strade only got quiet when he was thinking about something that he really liked the idea of. And you didn’t want to be in his vicinity when he was thinking like that. 
But you couldn’t escape him like this. So step one was to try and calm him down. 
“Strade… Help me up, I-I’ll let you wash my hair.” Strade didn’t respond, he only got down on his knees, straddling you. Step one wasn’t working… Step Two… 
Step Two was, you were fucked. 
“You just gave me a really fun idea, Schatzi.” Strade had both of your wrists in his grip now, pinning them above your head. Before you could ask what he was going to do, your world got a hell of a lot darker, and a bit more damp. 
He’d thrown a wash cloth over your face. There was the noise of the shower turning off, as Strade adjusted your placement a bit. You were beginning to hyperventilate. 
“St-Strade-” You were cut off as the bathtub faucet was turned on. Instantly there was water up your nose, in your mouth. It felt like your airways were burning as water gushed through them. In your panic you could only scream, which only served to cause more water to rush in, and the pain to grow worse. 
And just like that it was over, as Strade turned the faucet off. 
“Alright, Buddy? You seem a little panicked.” His voice had a gleeful edge that it only had when he was tormenting you. You opened your mouth to speak again but could only catch your words just in time as he turned the faucet on again. 
No matter how you closed your mouth though, held your breath, it didn’t stop the water from going up your nose. It felt like each blood vessel within your nostrils was bursting open, you were thrashing underneath Strade but he used his weight to his advantage, holding you still. 
Again the faucet was off, and you were coughing and choking. You thought maybe you were crying too, but it was too hard to tell. You puffed out your cheeks as you blew your nose as hard as you could, trying to clear your sinuses- 
The faucet was on again, getting rid of all the progress you had made in clearing your airways. Your head was pounding, it felt like the water was filling your skull cavity, like your eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. 
Turned off again, you opened your mouth for a grateful breath- and it was on again. Razors were piercing your throat, your lungs, you threw your chest out as if that would help anything. You were dimly aware of frothy saliva and water coming out of your mouth, dripping down your chin. 
It still hurts, but the world seems so far away now. Lights were dancing in front of your vision. The water had stopped, someone was speaking to you. There was a light slap across your cheek. You couldn’t react to it. You were in too much pain to think about doing anything but lay there. 
The darkness that awaited you was comforting, so much more comforting than what Strade had just done to you. You wondered if this was death. You had your regrets, and you wished it hadn’t come like this, but you supposed now that you were gone, all you could do was accept it. 
Until you were aware of a familiar voice. Someone yelling… About shortcrust pastry. A TV show you’d watched a lot with Strade. You stirred, opening your eyes slowly. 
You were completely dry, wrapped in only a fluffy white towel. You could feel Strade next to you, his body vibrating with a laugh he was keeping in his chest. His arm was around you, and he seemed to sense that you were awake, because he gave you a firm squeeze. 
“Awake, huh Schnecke? Feels a lot better being clean, doesn’t it? I may have spent a little too much time washing your face though.” 
You could only groan in response. Everything still hurt, but at least it was over. Strade had had his fun, you could relax now. Relax against him, as he rubbed your arm in that familiar, comforting way.
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HBO Titians Superboy and Beast Boy Bodyswap part 1
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“Dam superboy really is shredded huh” I said to myself feeling my stolen chest… well not really stolen but more like forcibly given…
See after superboy and lex Luther had been
poisoned by this witch (lex Luther was already dead by the time superboy fell ill) the titians had me morph into a virus so I could enter his blood and try to fight off that of something there was no cure for. It had to be me, I was the only chance to do anything medically for superboy on the inside, I mean after all he was the son of Superman, the man of steel. nothing we have would be able to cut into his skin, and if we use kryptinite to soften him up, the magical poison could have just spread faster resulting in his death
The team was worried that if I became an organism that small I might not be able to get out of his blood stream or if I lost control and changed sizes inside of him, it’d kill us both.
But what choice did I have, do nothing and let superboy die? Or risk both our lives to save him? Well I wasn’t gonna let one of my best friends die, so I shrunk down into a tube, and let them inject me though his airway (basically like a nasal spray)
Once inside of him I made my way around microscopically for hours, destroying bit by bit of the poison untill I got the signal that he would be fine
Now getting back out was a bit tricky, even if they could tell exactly where I was in his body and inject a needle to pull me out, there would be no needle…… they kind of have a habit of liking to break in half when you try to insert them inside of someone that’s as hard as steel…
So I decided best course of action is to go out the way I came in, though the lungs, once in the lungs I morphed into a fly, his immune system didn’t exactly like that, or maybe I just ticked his lungs haha, cause I was immediately blown out with the force of a hurricane, lucky I didn’t go splat hitting, well any object on the way out… to be fair the moment I saw light (despite me flying at hundreds of miles an hour, out his system in a split second) I started to remorph into myself, so they probs helped with not going splat, when I hit the floor.
“Gar, are you ok?” Asked knightwing (our team leader)
“Yay, just hurt a bit after getting blown out going Mach Jesus” I said weakly
“ well thanks to you, superboy is gonna be fine, we’re glad we didn’t lose ether of you, we had our doubts, but you did it, you saved the day gar, go get some rest, you’ve earned it” knightwing said patting me on the shoulder
“Ow that hurts dick” I said wincing
“Okay well goodnight gang ima go sleep for like 12 hours, come get me when we have a mission/ ready to hunt down that witch again” I said already half asleep dragging myself along the walks to my room and bed
That night I had some of the weirdest dreams, I dreamed that I was superboy, but I knew that I was me still on the inside, but I couldn’t control my transformations, like I’d focus on transforming and it was like I could just feel time slow down, nothing would happen
I woke up 10 hours after I saved superboy, I was in my bed and I could feel the torn clothes around “oh no, I must have been sleep transforming again” I thought to myself
“Am I still transformed? I feel bigger, and full of energy, and this is coming from the guy that everyone clearly knows has adhd, and spends most of his time as a lion or other big enemies helping take down the bad guys” I thought to myself
I swung myself around to sit up on my bad, and opened my eyes to look at myself, “nope still human” I thought to myself “that’s good”
I yawned as I got up and started stretching. but i could still feel the breeze from tearing my clothing in my sleep
I opened my eyes again and looked down just to scream
“Ahhhhhh why am I so big, I’m not even green, so this definitely isn’t a animal transformation” I said trying to remain calm
I ran to the mirror but was there in less than a micro second, “what the fuck” I said catching myself on the sink careful not to break it with my impact
I looked up into the mirror and lost it, “i-I-im superboy” I said feeling my face
“Oh man this is so crazy, I have to go tell dick, or even raven, she’d know what to do, this must be a side effect of the magic that was in his blood or something
Oh man, it’s gonna be weird having 2 super boy’s on the team “ I said still checking myself out in the mirror
So far I’ve been very careful not to look at superboy’s dick but if I’m stuck looking like him, I mean it’s only a matter of time right?
I decided before I go confront the team, I guess I should go shower first, typically when I have dreams like these where I transform in them, I kinda sweat a lot…
I stepped into the shower and started washing my hair, and eventually the time came to scrub my body.
I looked down and gasped, “dude, I know superboy is a clone but what possible need could superboy need a super dick for, like this thing is huge” I thought to myself as I began stroking it
Unfortunately for me, and superboy I guess, it doesn’t feel as good as it did when I was still me, I was probably stroking it for close to 40 minutes before I was even close to cumming, “dam” I thought to myself “if it takes me this long to even get close to cumming, superboy could probably fuck someone to death”
After that thought I started laughing to myself, “ man besides the whole lack of sensitivity down there, this might not be to bad of a problem, I mean after all who wouldn’t wanna fuck superboy right?”
At that point starfire came running into the bathroom yelling my name “Beast boy, I know your probably wanting to get acquainted with your new body but nows not the time”
“What do you mean” I said “I’m super boy”
“ no your not, super boy is in your body that’s still in the medical room, we’ve already cleared him for combat, come on I know it’s you gar, we gotta go, we got a new lead on that witch, she’ll have the answers to how this happened”
“B-b-but star are you sure, like I haven’t even had this body for like 2 hours yet, I don’t know how to use his powers” I said with a look of confusion
“Funny, superboy said the same thing… Just punch hard, come on we gotta go NOW gar.”
#edit this post originally had nudity in it of some guy that looked like the superboy actor but tumblr blocked it…
Guess a more explicit version will have to wait till I make a patreon haha
200 followers and I’ll start making explicit versions on patreon ?
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An astronomical botheration.
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A/n: Ok. I see how it is Min. You want me to write something about your hair so bad? HERE.
Ps: I edited the cover myself, so please tell me if you're saving it or someth...
Words: 755.
Pairing: Idol! Min Yoongi x fem! reader.
There was a certain warmth to the silence that surrounded you.
Or it could just be the fact that you were in a cocoon of Yoongi’s arms after quite a few days, and you physically felt your heartbeat slowing down and the calm that had seemed to long evade you flow back. 
As you leaned back, his luscious hair brushing the tops of your shoulders, as your back pressed against his chest and his arms sat tight around your torso, you couldn’t help but hum happily and turn your neck to the side, to pepper a few kisses along the expanse of his neck.
“You should wear clothes like these often yunno.” you whispered to his skin as you turned against his hold, that loosened around you to let you readjust and sat sideways now, admiring the way the white tank top sat snug on his body, his collar bones visible as a rare treat and his broad shoulders rising and falling to the rhythm of his breathing. 
He chuckled softly and shook his head, “Clothes like these look better on people like Jungkook, love.”
You elicited a little sound of disapproval into his neck and pulled back to frown, his fingers skimming across your cheeks to flatten out the lines on your forehead almost instantly.
“But you’re the one that literally taught Jungkook how to dress…”
Another rumbling laugh, “Whatever you say, baby.” he said before his hands went back to your waist to hold you.
“I’ve missed this yunno…” you mumbled.
“And for the first time, it wasn’t me who was busy.” You could definitely hear the smugness in his tone.
“I’m never gonna hear the end of this am I?” you shook your head.
“Considering the fact that you’ve only just started working at this new firm, I’d say there’s plenty more coming.” 
You leaned your forehead against his, chasing any other sort of physical connection that you could make with him, despite the way you were basically, practically on him already.
That’s when your hand, that was gently caressing the side of his neck tangled into the long hair at his nape and you pulled him into a gentle, sweet kiss.
By now, you were used to the perfect feeling of Yoongi's soft lips slotting against your own. The way they usually tasted of his tangerine lip balm, occasionally he’d even taste of alcohol, but that wasn’t the case for now. 
What surprised you was the fact that he didn’t pull away for a long while, tugging you only closer to him until the kiss grew heated as both of you lost your breaths and he added his tongue to the mix.
Your eyebrows shot up as you tried to keep up with him but were pleasantly surprised, pulling him to you from his shoulders.
When you finally pulled away with a gasp for air, he had a very smug smirk on his face, and his curly hair, that were quite tame earlier were falling over his eyes, making them glint in the strangest way as he regarded you from behind the curtain of his hair. 
“This hair will be the death of me babe.” you half whined, as you ran a hand through the velvety locks, heavy between your fingers.
Yoongi laughed at that, eyes crinkling and gums on display. “You’ve been whipped since they were long enough to grab.” he teased.
“As if you don’t know what you’re doing.” you reprimanded, squinting your eyes.
“Does it bother my baby?” he cooed.
“Astronomically.” you rolled your eyes and tugged it again.
He tilted his head in the direction you had pulled his hair easily, and shrugged, “If it’s bothering the queen, it shall be gone before the sun rises tomorrow.”
“Min Yoongi if you bring a scissor as much as three feet in the vicinity of your hair, I will jump off the roof of Hybe and leave you to deal with the consequences.”
“Babe!” his eyes darkened for a split second and then he was shaking you gently to show he didn’t like the idea at all.
“No lies were stated.” you shrugged and pulled yourself to him again, nuzzling into his neck and letting the godawful soft locks tickle your face. 
“Drama queen.” he scoffed as he patted your back, hugging you again.
“I will die the day your hair goes Yoonie, I’m telling you.”
“Baby, I think you got the point across.” he said, his voice tight with barely held back laughter. 
“Ok good. I’ll sue you if you do anything stupid.”
An explosion of laughter sounded then and his shoulders started to shake in soundless joy. 
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
Canyou do a 179 Crescent Street Boobie headcanon please 🥺
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Yes, of course! I miss talking about my boys! I love talking about boobs!
I'm gonna go overboard with this and cover three things:
Ass or tits?
Opinion on nice lingerie?
Do I need to put a content warning on this? Like? The whole thing is going to be about boobs. Ok it's going to be mostly about boobs. Ye be warned...
@fvckinghenrycavill @deandoesthingstome @keanureevesisbae @ylva-syverson @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn
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We can all see that GIF up above. We know how Mikey treats titties. He's 100% a boobs kinda guy.
Does he have preferences? Of course he does! He'd prefer if they were boobs, attached to a cute girl (Dani), naked, and in his hands. Or mouth. Or both.
Big, small, somewhere in between? The owner is going to see every bit they don't like about 'em and he's just going to see boobies. And boobies are good.
Don't waste your money on expensive lingerie to impress him. Spend your money on expensive lingerie because you want to. But don't be disappointed if he maybe looks at it for the duration of however long it takes him to open that goddamn bra clasp. He would also never give a girl lingerie as a gift. Why would he willingly participate in covering up what's most precious to him?
Want to wear that low-cut top to a party? Is he going to be there? Are you going out with this idiot? Then reconsider! Hide those puppies away in public, because Mike is Mike, and you might end up far more naked in a supply closet than you initially planned on.
This idiot will also just happily appreciate other sets present in the room - if you catch my absolutely not cryptic at all drift here. There's nothing to worry about, though, he's really just enjoying the view.
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First things first, August is an ass-man. Not that he doesn't appreciate a pair of nice boobs, though. He's a dude, of course he does! You just won't catch him in an inappropriate staring-contest with anyone's cleavage.
Well, maybe Angie's, but that's because she's in his lap and they're just right there. Where else is he supposed to look?
That's why he isn't necessarily picky when it comes to shape or size. Now, a nice set of expensive lace really makes everything a bit more interesting. It doesn't have to be lace, either. It can be mesh. Or satin. Or probably leather or latex, that doesn't matter. Nice things come in nice packaging. And don't you dare think you'll be taking it off during sex, either.
It's a good thing Angie's parents are loaded and she has a generous allowance, because otherwise all of his hard (and illicitly) earned money would disappear in a heartbeat so he could spoil her with nice things he'd like to see her in.
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Also an ass-guy but definitely not one to shun a nice pair of sweater stretchers. (I'll see myself out for the use of that description.) His hands, however, will always find their way to where his heart truly lies: your butt.
Only cover 'em up with something pretty if that brings out the confidence to give him a lap dance, otherwise he's just going to take it off as soon as he can. And then he'll touch your butt. Like... A lot.
He loves to take a nap with his head on your chest, though. It's nice and soft - even though he has a slight preference for smaller titties, and he just really needs a nap.
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Does Geralt like boobs? Yes. Provided they're attached to Solveig. You honestly couldn't even pay him to fake an interest in any other pair. In the boobs vs. butt debate, he'll say it depends on the girl, though. There's always one he slightly prefers over the other. (On Sol, it's boobs.)
Now, if he were single (Sally, Charlie, calm down) he wouldn't be picky about shape or size, but it would be nice if they weren't excruciatingly sensitive... As we know, Geralt struggles with the concept of 'gentle'.
The whole idea of 'lingerie' is something he considers teasing. It's just something that's in the way. Would he buy it for you? Sure, if you really wanted it. He knows he'll have a better night if you feel pretty. Whatever you're wearing, though, make sure it's either sturdy, or expendable, because he'll practically tear it off - but he'll let you wear your heels.
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We know Napoleon appreciates art - and what are women if not the most exquisite works of art? He's not on team ass, he's not on team boobs. (Ok, he's on team ass in the sense that he can be an ass at times.) But that sure doesn't stop him from appreciating it all thoroughly.
Leon likes a woman in lingerie - it adds something for him, for sure, and it's not just the excitement of unwrapping a lovely present.
What's more is that he loves seeing you in things he picked out for you - not to worry. He has good taste. At least you know your sets will match, right? (Cheesy movie reference, whazzup!) He'll gladly take you shopping and buy you all the things he likes on you. They coincidentally also make your ass look phenomenal and make the twins look to die for.
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It's tits > ass for Charles, although he wishes it was the other way around, because it's easier to check out a woman's ass without getting slapped in the face - which happens, from time to time, but he just can't help himself. Some cleavages are so mesmerizing... Also, chances are that if you're slapping him in the face for staring, he'll be getting even by spanking you later that night, when he's successfully talked you into bed.
In public - and covered up - it's mostly the exceptionally (back-pain inducing, probably) big ones that attract his attention, but once clothes come off, there's no sign of any preference.
It's good acting on his part, because while all boobs are lovely, he sure doesn't think they're all equal. By now, he's sampled campus thoroughly enough to be completely confident in the assessment that 'great' vs. 'good' boobs depends on way more criteria than just size. And in the end... They're all boobs.
He has a casual appreciation for a nice matching set, but he likes to watch 'em bounce too much to let you keep it on. Unless it's a quicky in a bathroom stall, of course.
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When it comes to the age old question 'ass or tits?', Sy really doesn't discriminate. He's very much of the 'all boobs are good boobs' persuasion. That being said, he does like 'em big. Man's from Texas, after all. It also helps that he loves bigger girls in general. In his defense; he has big hands and they're grabby.
Is he going to pass up a chance to get laid by a pretty girl because she has small boobs? Of course not! He'd be shooting himself in the foot, right? So he's not fussy, and he'll love your chest no matter what it looks like.
That being said, if you're blessed with an exceptionally sizeable rack, be prepared to be asked if he can titty fuck you. And let's face it, we'd all say yes to that in a heartbeat. Not in a disrespectful way - is there a respectful way to ask this? I'm not even sure - he's just always kinda want to try it. (Although you're fairly sure he uses that as an excuse to veil his slightly eccentric request.)
Unlike Mike, he cares about your underwear. Not a lot, but still. There's no way it's not coming off before he nails you, but the right set can definitely turn him on like crazy.
Much like Mike, however, this man cannot be trusted around low-cut tops in public. He'll be talking to your chest all night, and chances are you're not going to make it home before his face inevitably winds up in your cleavage.
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This guy is not looking at your chest. Can you two have an interesting conversation, play a musical instrument, do you read, can you name three German composers from the baroque era? Those are the important things to him.
Distracting this one is difficult enough, and a pair of breasts just isn't going to be enough. That's not to say he doesn't like them - although several instances at the bar had the guys believing otherwise. For a minute, they suspected he was gay, or something, because every time someone went 'Damn, check out the rack on that one!' he just shrugged.
Now, Elena can testify to the fact that he's not so indifferent when it comes to a more hands-on scenario. As it turns out, breasts look better when nothing's covering them, bonus points if he gets to touch them. Then - and only then - they can be quite alluring, as a matter of fact.
At the moment, he's a little too worked up over all the new experiences to care about underwear, but once he gets the hang of things... Who knows...
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terrifyingly-bi · 2 years
Love you, bye!
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Summary: You're not too worried about driving home alone late at night, but Steve sure is. Robin thinks Steve might have lost his touch.
Warnings: pining, some cursing, Steve just being generally embarrassed
Word-count: 923
A/N: Short and sweet. Writing this because I accidentally ended a call with "love you, bye" at work today.
“Promise you’ll call me once you get home. You shouldn’t even be driving in this weather to begin with!” Steve said as he watched you tie your shoes. He’d already spent several minutes trying to convince you to stay, but you had already made your mind up.
“Stevie, calm down. I’m not a kid, you don’t need to fuss over me," you chuckled as you stood back up and grabbed your jacket from the coat rack. "I'll be fine." You reached out and pinched his cheek.
Steve quickly pulled back. Not because he wanted to - if he could, he would melt into your touch - but because he knew that he'd turn into a blubbering mess if he didn't. "Whatever, just don't die in a ditch," he huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. It was always easier to be grumpy than embarrassed.
He both hated and loved the fact that you laughed at that. That deep and genuine laugh that bubbled from the depth of your chest. It made his stomach feel fluttery and his throat dry.
"I'll be fine, Stevie. It's a bit of wind. What's the worst that could happen?"
"Why would you say that?" Steve sighed. He shook his head in disbelief before he pinched the bridge of his nose. It was so like you to make light out of something that could be dangerous. He looked back at you with a disapproving look. "You know you never say that. Now something's definitely going to happen."
You grinned at him. "I know what's going to happen," you said and grabbed your keys from the dresser next to you. "I'm going to drive home, eat leftover pizza and try and get through that essay before I inevitably pass out on the couch." Your smile softened as Steve remained tense. "I'll see you around."
You turned and headed out the door and down to the driveway where your car was parked. The moment you stepped outside the strong wind messed up your hair and tore at your jacket.
"Call me!" Steve shouted to be heard over the howling wind. To his frustration, the only response he got was a playful peace sign and a grimace before you got in your car and drove off. With an exasperated groan, he closed the door.
"I can't believe that you used to be King Steve in high school."
Steve whipped around with a startled yelp. "God, Robin, could you not sneak up on me like that?"
Robin rolled her eyes from where she was seated halfway up the stairs, leaning her chin against her hands as she watched him. "What are you gonna do about it? Kill me with secondhand embarrassment? Because you almost did just now."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Steve played innocent, again crossing his arms over his chest, shifting back and forth uncomfortably. "I was just making sure that she got to her car safely."
"Sure," Robin said. "And Madonna's picking me up for our first date tomorrow." Her voice dripped with sarcasm and her mouth split into a grin when she leaned back against the stairs. "You're like a love-sick puppy."
"Am not!" Steve protested, pretending that he didn't stutter when he did.
"No, you're worse," Robin sighed. "And you say that I suck at talking to my crushes. You've lost your touch, Harrington."
"I haven't lost anything. This is nothing. We're just friends." He didn't sound the least bit convincing. He'd tried - and failed - for over a year to convince himself that his crush on you was nothing or at least a phase that would pass. It didn't. "I was on a date with Kate not long ago."
Grimacing, Robin shook her head. "Yeah, that was like five months ago. Nice try though."
Struggling to come up with more proof of how he hadn't lost his charm, Steve threw his hands up in frustration. "I don't need to prove myself to you. I don't have a crush. There's nothing going on between me and-"
The phone rang and Steve all but threw himself over to it to answer, making Robin drop her head back into her hands with a groan.
"Christ, Stevie. You don't waste any time, do you?" You laughed over the phone
"I was just heading upstairs," Steve lied. "You caught me as I walked by." He pretended not to see the way Robin gave him the thumbs down. "You get home okay?"
"Yup. No troubles here. You can relax."
"Who says I'm not relaxed?" Steve asked. He noticed that his finger had twirled the spiral phone cord around itself and quickly shook it off.
You hesitated on the other side of the line, and Steve mentally cursed at the way he knew that you were smiling. You always did when you knew something he didn't and it drove him mad.
"Oh, nothing," you said. "See you later, okay?"
"Sure. You know where to find me."
"Alright. G'night, Stevie."
Steve smiled. "G'night. I love you," he said before hanging up.
The words weren't processed until the phone clicked back into place. It felt as if the time came to a standstill as he stood frozen and unable to move.
Behind him, Robin let out a long snort that turned into an almost explosive fit of laughter.
Panic rose in Steve's chest as he stared down at his hand still clutching the phone.
Tears glistened in the corners of Robin's eyes as she doubled over with laughter. "Oh my God, Steve. You are fucked."
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tripl3ts-sturni0l0 · 7 months
Tearful Confessions
Prompt : Y/N has been close with the triplets since she was ten years old, especially Matt. Y/N has feelings for Matt and doesn't uncover them until a heated argument with Nick. After a while of hiding her feelings, Y/N explosively confesses her love to Matt
Cw: Swearing, arguing, anxiety, crying, angst, kissing. Little cringe
Y/N's POV:
I have known the triplets since I was ten. We have all been through a lot together. Middle school, puberty, breakups, Nick coming out, you name it, and we've been through it together.
I love all three of the boys, I connect with them all differently. Nick was the one I first met in the 5th grade, instantly becoming my best friend. Then he, of course, introduced me to his brothers, and I became friends with all of them. Especially with Matt.
Matt and I's relationship has always been a little more than friends. At least, that's what Nick says. We would cuddle, watch movies, go for rides, and would do everything together. I never really thought too much into it. I just knew I had a certain feeling when I was with him, and I loved it.
We were eighteen, and the boys were doing really well on YouTube, I was so proud of them. However, with them getting so big and having to do so much, sometimes I'd get to spend less time with them. It made me sad, but I was so excited for them.
Having so much pressure on them definitely took a toll on my relationship with them, especially Nick. One day, we got into a little argument that got blown out of proportion because we were both stressed out and frustrated with each other. Chris was downstairs in his bedroom, and Matt had left to go on a date with some girl he had been talking to for a while.
I was in Nick's room, and we got into an argument about a guy Nick was talking to. I believed that the guy wasn't good enough for Nick and that Nick should end things before it got too serious. He disagreed, and we ended up arguing.
"I don't get why you're defending him so much, Nick! He's a stupid guy get the fuck over it. A new guy is gonna come, and he's gonna be so much better for you!" I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes at me. " Maybe you should tell yourself that Y/N!" Nick yelled back.
"What's that supposed to mean?! I'm not the one hung up on a guy who's never gonna feel the same way!" I yelled back angrily. I definitely hit a nerve because I could see the hurt flash in his eyes before he yelled back at me.
"Really? You're not hung up on a guy that's never gonna feel the same way? Tell me, where is Matt right now, Y/N? He's out with another girl. Before you say you guys are just friends and that you don't have feelings for my brother, know that I can see it in your eyes. You are so in love with him, and you don't even realize it! You have been in love with him for years, and you won't even admit it to yourself! You guys know every tiny detail about each other, you hang out all the time, you even fucking cuddle. That's not what friends do Y/N, and guess what? Now it's too fucking late because he found someone else. So don't talk to me about a guy not feeling the same way about me because you're in the same position, too!" He yelled.
I stood there stunned for a couple of moments, my chest burning. I could feel my chest tightening and my breathing becoming more constricted. I stormed out of Nick's room, heading to the kitchen. I was beyond pissed off, and I was trying to calm myself down.
All I could think about is how Nick told me that I love Matt. I would know if i was in love with him. Nick doesn't know what he's talking about! I decided to take a water bottle from the fridge in the hopes it would help me feel better as my nerves calmed down.
I opened the fridge and saw oatmeal cookies in a glass container with a note written from Matt.
I made oatmeal raisin cookies, and I know how much you hate raisins, so I made a batch just for you without the raisins. I still think your a wimp for not eating the raisins. You love grapes, so why won't you try raisins? Their just dried grapes. You're a pain in the ass, enjoy your cookies loser. Love you.
As I read the note my hands started to shake and I dropped the glass container, it shattering all over the floor. Tears we're spilling out of my eyes as my mind finally clicked everything together.
"You guys know everything about each other!"
" I know how much you hate raisins"
"You're so in love with him you don't even realize it!"
"Love you"
My chest tightend so hard and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I was so in my own head right then, I didn't even really pay attention to Chris and Nick running into the kitchen to see what happened.  There was glass all over the floor and I was a sobbing mess as I came to the realization I had been in love with Matt for all those years.
" Y/N! What's wrong? Say something!" Chris said as I crouched down on the floor clutching Matt's note to my chest as I sobbed. Nick ran over to me " Y/N breathe. It's gonna be okay."
I shook my head and tried to breathe as I said. " You were right" to Nick. "No, I wasn't, I was a dick because I was mad. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean any of it." He said. I take a deep breath and finally tell him.
" Nick. I love him. What am I gonna do? I love him and it's too late." I sob into Nick's shoulder. He rubs my back and calms me down. "I know, honey. He'll find his way to you I promise. You have to tell him how you feel." He said. "I can't do that he's with another girl now. I want him to be happy, Nick. Even if it means I'm not." I said.
Chris and Nick helped clean up the glass mess that was all over the floor. I finally got myself together after a little while and Matt came back home. I dreaded seeing him agian, especially after realizing that it has always been him. My eyes were still swollen and puffy from crying for so long.
"What's up loser? How was - oh my god what happened, Y/N?" Matt said as he rushed over to me, cupping my face in his hands gently. Normally I would've found his touch so comforting, since it was something I craved. After what I had been though, it just made me feel worse.
I hated lying to Matt, but I absolutely could not confess my love for him, especially not after him going on a date. " It's nothing, Nick and I got onto a fight earlier. We're good now, but we were both pretty upset." I told him.
His fingers caressed my cheeks as he listened to me. "You could've called me, I would've come back and got you. We could've went somewhere to cheer you up or something. You shouldn't have to be upset all on your own. I know how bad it can get for you." He said.
I felt a pang of hurt in my chest as I remembered what he had been doing. "I didn't want to interupt your date Matt. Anyways how was it?" I asked him. He shook his head at me as he let go of my face and sat down next to me. "Doesn't matter. I still would've came back and got you. I could've rescheduled, you're really important to me Y/N. You know I love you." He said to me.
Hearing him tell me he loved me felt different. Because at this point, I wished he felt the love I had for him. I wished he'd feel that way for me too. I knew he wouldn't feel that way for me, especially with another girl in the picture.
"What was she like?" I asked, changing the subject. He smiled and leaned back in his chair. "She's great, Y/N. I think we could have a long term relationship if we really tried." He replied. It took everything in me to be brave and not let him know how much he was breaking my heart. I put on a fake smile and said, "That's great, Matt. I'm so happy for you." He leaned over and hugged me. "I can always count on you to support me with everything, Y/N. Thank you." He said.
I got up, getting ready to say my goodbyes to Nick and Chris before I headed home. " Hey, Y/N. Did you see the cookies in the fridge I made you? Their your favorite. Oatmeal." Matt said before I walked away. "Yeah I had a little accident and dropped the container earlier. Nick and Chris helped me clean it up." I told him.
He laughed and shook his head. " I swear you're the clumsiest person on this planet. Be careful going home. Text me when you get there. " He said, kissing the top of my head and heading to his room.
I went home that night and cried until my heart was content. I loved a boy who was falling for someone else. There was nothing I could do but hope that one day he'd change his mind.
Six months had gone by since then and Matt and his girlfriend were still together. I had distanced myself from him out of respect for his girlfriend and for my sake. I could barely be near him anymore without feeling like I was gonna burst into tears.
I was hanging out with Nick on the couch watching a movie when suddenly the door slammed. Nick and I both jolted and saw Matt storm in and run upstairs, tears running down his face. "You should talk to him, Y/N" Nick said. I got up and went up to Matt's room, knocking at his door.
"Not right now Chris!" He yelled, sadness evident in his voice. "It's not Chris, please let me in so I can talk to you." I said. After a few short moments he walked over to the door and opened it. I could see the tears running down his cheeks and his eyes were swollen and red. I frowned as he pulled me into a hug.
"What happened, Matt?" I asked him, gently rubbing his back to soothe him. He took a deep breath. " She cheated on me. I just broke things off with her." He replied. Some sick part of me was super happy about this because then I'd possibly have a chance with him. I comforted him.
Weeks had gone by and Matt was back to his usual self agian and we were hanging out just like we used to. We were in the car going for a ride. "God I missed this so much. Missed you so much." He said patting my knee as he drove. "I missed you too" I said.
"I need your advice on something." He said. "Okay, ask me." I replied. "I know it's only been a few weeks since my messy breakup, but there's this girl I've been talking to and I think I might be kinda into her. Do you think it's too soon?" He questioned. My heart dropped. He would never see me as anything more than a friend. It all hit me at once and I randomly started to cry, right in front of him.
He pulled over into a parking lot, undid his seat belt and leaned over the center console to hug me to his chest. "Hey, why are you upset, Y/N? It's okay, breathe." He tried to console me.
"No I can't breathe Matt! I can't do this anymore! I can't think, I can't sleep, I can't do anything anymore." I yelled at him. "Y/N, it'll be okay. Talk to me, what's going on?" He said. Then, I let it all out. Everything I had felt for the past several months, years even.
" What's going on? So much is going on, Matt! I haven't been able to do anything right for months! Matt, I have kept it bottled up for so long because I don't want to lose you! I am so in love with you. So in love that it makes me fucking sick. I love everything about you. How you notice the little things about me, how you scrunch your nose when you laugh, how you play with your fingers when your nervous. I just love you so much and I didn't realize until it was too late. The day you went on your first date with her, I realized I loved you. All because of the stupid fucking oatmeal cookies! I couldn't fuck anything up for you because I'd rather suffer in silence than see you unhappy. I can't do it anymore, Matt. I love you and it fucking hurts!" I sobbed.
He looked at me stunned for a minute, and I thought for sure he was gonna reject me. Tears welled up in his eyes and he leaned his forehead on mine.
"I have waited since we were ten years old to hear you say that, Y/N.  Since the moment I layed my eyes on you I've wanted nothing more than for you to be mine. I never thought you'd feel the same way, so I tried talking to other girls and dating other girls to numb out the pang in my chest everytime I thought of you. Not a day has went by that I haven't loved you. I love everything about you. I love your dimples when you smile, the little creases by your eyes when you laugh, how your face turns bright red when you get flustered. I love you entirely. Be with me. Cause you're all I've ever wanted." He said as tears ran down his cheeks.
I grabbed his face and brought his lips to mine. The kiss was needy, full of passion and tasted a little salty from our tears. I loved this boy and I was so glad he loved me too.
Present time:
"Mommy, how did you fall in love with daddy?" My five year old daughter asked me. I smiled down at her and looked into her blue eyes, the ones she got from her father. The eyes I adore so much.
Matt let out a little laugh at her question before picking her up and placing her in his lap. " I fell in love with mommy first, then she fell in love with me when we were older. Then we got married, and now we have you. The best of both of us." He explained to her, kissing her nose.
He scruffed her hair as she climbed off of him and came to stand in front of me. "Is that true mommy?" She asked.
"Sort of. I fell in love with daddy when he baked me oatmeal cookies actually." I said laughing. Matt rolls his eyes and leans over and kisses me, our daughter making a disgusted face at us before she ran off to play.
He smiles into the kiss and says, " I love you, baby." I grin back at him, my heart full of love. " I love you too." I say.
Our tearful confessions led to more than we could have ever imagined. If I could show my eighteen year old self a picture of Matt and I's beautiful girl and tell her it gets better, I would.
Crazy to think all this happened because of some oatmeal cookies.
Here's another one for Matt!! Requests are open!
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