#definitely learn to with time if they express that they're not so comfortable with PDA and/or physical touch
brutalmasks · 5 months
How physically affectionate is your muse with their partner?
hello, hello, @vulpesse!! thank you so much for the ask :D it is VERY much appreciated, my friend, and i hope you've been having a great day so far <33 BUT OMG. i love this question, tbh. because now i can talk about how physical touch is actually one of bunny mask's love languages... especially when she's in a romantic relationship with someone. so if i were to put a number on how physically affectionate bunny is with her lover, then i would say about an eight, which i know is pretty darn high but in her opinion; being able to be intimate with someone to the point where you can constantly hold their hand and/or snuggle up to them is like heaven to her. and i think part of this might be due to the difference in temperatures between say, her and a human, if they were to find themselves in a relationship together — as although bunny mask does not run cold, she does have a lower resting temperature than humanity as a whole due to her nature as a spirit. like this may be a bit of a weird analogy, but stay with me here: imagine that feeling you get whenever you pull something out that just got done in the dryer and hold it to your skin. the amount of warmth that comes off of clothes in that situation is pretty high and thus, it usually feels pretty good whenever you touch it, right?
well, that same kind of logic applies to bunny mask, as she will quite literally compare her partner to a heater if the difference between their temperatures is drastic enough LOL. and so, if you were to ever get into a relationship with her, expect there to be lots of times where she will just curl up next to you with your skin touching / ask if you could cuddle with her. bunny mask also does this out of just a desire to be close to her partner and because she may, or may not be slightly mystified by them in a ' if i don't touch you right now, then i'm afraid you might disappear right before my very eyes, because you're so perfect. so i HAVE to do it ' kind of way haha. bunny in general is also a being that operates outside of social norms, so although it may seem odd to some, she is definitely the type to want to hold her lover's hand wherever they may go as i was talking about earlier. but of course, bunny mask would always try to take a step back from this if they seemed uncomfortable with this in any way. though bunny mask is certainly not one to shy away from PDA, so if the person that she is with is comfortable with it, she will absolutely do things like kiss them in different spots on their face whenever she feels as if she is just consumed by her love for them or will put her arm around their shoulder's / her head on their shoulder.
so, in summary, whenever bunny mask falls in love with someone and gets into a relationship with them — she usually falls HARD and would want to be as close to them as physically possible. plus, despite her having a humanlike anatomy herself, she just adores hearing her partner's heartbeat. so whenever they are just chilling in bed together, bunny mask would and could press her ear to their chest to hear it, granted that they are some sort of being with a heartbeat like hers. but anyhow, i hope this answered your question, my dear and thanks again for the ask! you are honestly a real one for sending it in :3 oh, OH, and one more thing. bunny mask has never really been hugged before, so i think that as soon as she discovers what a hug is, she will absolutely be diving in for one whenever she has really missed her partner + is experiencing any kind of strong emotion towards them tbh. so yeah,, i LOVE that for her, truthfully
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unoislazy · 10 months
Hellohelloooooooooooo!!!!! What little things do you think Mizu would do for her s/o? Fluff behavior.. hehe
Mizu Fluff Headcanons
A/n: What WOULDN’T this woman do for her s/o is probably an easier question to answer
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She is extremely touch starved but doesn't know how to ask for anything.
She seemed like the kind to not initiate any touch, unless in a sparring sense
That being said, if you just walk up to her and hug her or hold her hand she's not gonna stop you, in fact she encourages it.
The first few times she will react as if you’re someone trying to attack her so that’s something you definitely have to work on with her.
Given the fact the Mizu presents masculine out of sense of convenience, the longer shes around you, the more feminine she reverts back to being
She isn’t sure about it at first but you literally couldn’t care less what she wears as long as she’s comfortable.
You’ve offered to let her practice makeup on you and you do the same on her.
Totally wasn’t just a ploy on your part to get closer to her… whaatttt??? Noooooo
Her love language is primarily acts of service and quality time.
She enjoys quiet moments with you, it contradicts her usually very loud and violent life in a way she never ceases to cherish.
She hasn’t a clue in the world how to cook but she’d offer to help you when you were cooking
Usually she just sticks to chopping things
One time she was trying to help you cook and you asked her to help with ingredients. She grabbed the sugar instead of the salt.
She 100% is not an enjoyer of PDA unless it’s for the purpose of shooing other people away from you.
For the most part she's pretty good at hiding her jealousy, but it gets to a point where she becomes distant from everyone, you included.
You’d have to somehow sit her down and talk about it, but even that would take some time considering she’d probably try and get out of it being ‘going to train’
At this point she couldn't give a damn what people have to say about her, it's usually not very creative, they say one word about you? They're missing a finger.
She still goes off and constantly trains but she at least takes time to relax with you when she's done.
She doesn’t often get angry with you, but she does get sarcastic
If you start getting petty for whatever reason, her cure to that problem will be to just sit there and stare at you with an expression that says ‘is this really the route you wanna go down.’ and you decided whether to continue on with that behavior or not.
If you ever show interest in learning how to fight, she’ll indulge you, but she’ll obviously take it easy on you
Even if you knew how to fight she wouldn’t go all the way out of fear of having a repeat of Mikio
You would actually have to reassure her that your ego won't be bruised if she beats you.
In fact I’m sure most people would agree that they would find it incredibly attractive if she did anyways.
Sometimes, for no reason at all, she'll just grab your face and stare at you for a moment, plant a kiss on your lips and then walk away.
Catches you off guard every time
That's the exact reason why she does it.
She finds it funny hearing your reaction unfold as you process what had just happened as she walks away.
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local-pr1nter · 1 year
Mondo Oowada Ship Dynamics
Just my opinions and personal Headcanons - if you don't like/agree with these, then please move on!
Assume these are all based in an Non-Despair AU!
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A classic ship. Absolute *chefs kiss*.
At this point it seems canon with the amount of shippers and fan content for these two. Don't get me wrong, I love them just as much as anyone, but even I can admit that they each have other respective ships that can be enjoyed just as much.
Anyways - Ishimondo!
Absolute dorks in love + nothing but respect and love on their parts. It takes a while for them to realize it's a romantic love instead of some brotherly bond as Taka puts it, but once they figure it out it's smooth sailing from there.
Taka encourages rational behavior and responsibilities, whilst Mondo encourages relaxation and realistic ideals. Together they're a good dynamic.
Nerd x former bully/moral compass x delinquent/rivals to lovers. A recipe for success.
Since they've been talked about to death, I won't elaborate much more on them.
But overall, they're a great couple together.
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They're literally one of the sweetest pairings and it's a crime they aren't talked about enough. And yeah they never really interact like Taka and Mondo, but that one scene in the V3 Bonus Mode just kills me every dAMN TIME.
I adore them so much UGH - literally the only ship that made me wanna write fanfiction (and I did but we won't talk about that)
Anyway so timid shy girl x brash delinquent let's go.
Mondo definitely fell for her first. Thought she was a damn sweetheart from the moment he laid eyes on her - it only intensified whenever they ran into each other (ex the scene I referenced). Mondo absolutely adores her.
Mikan was oblivious to this and it took Ibuki and Mahiru pointing it out to her for her to notice. God she got so embarrassed and scared over the whole thing, thinking he was just some brute.
Ibuki was the first one to notice that Mondo actually REALLY liked her for her. And then she decided to help Mondo a bit because Ibuki is a matchmaker and I'm tired of pretending she's not.
With Ibuki's advice, Mondo is actually able to approach Mikan without shouting at her (however difficult it was) and expresses his feelings. She decides to give him a chance - after having a moment of confusion and fear once again - and agrees to go on a date.
And y'all. Mondo treats her so good. His volume is still hard to control but he goes out of his way to make her comfortable and happy and it both shocks and confuses Mikan that he actually wants to date her for her.
So they eventually get together!!!! Ibuki is very proud of herself for setting em up and constantly teases them about it.
They're the cliche highschool sweethearts you see in every movie and they're just adorable.
They adore each other - it's really sweet. Mondo thinks she's the cutest thing in the world and it takes every ounce of willpower to not squeal whenever she giggles or acts cute. Same goes for Mikan - she thinks he can be really sweet and adorable, despite his intimidating exterior. Almost like a big dog.
In public they only ever hug - PDA is too much for either of them, but on rare occasions they can be seen hugging, either Mikan hugging his midsection or Mondo wrapping an arm around her shoulders to hold her close.
Mondo is also very protective of her - he encourages her to stand up for herself as well, and doesn't butt into situations where she's got her friends to back her up. That doesn't mean he'll stand back and watch someone harass her - he will intimidate the other until they back off. Mikan doesn't support his violent tendencies at all.
That's it that's their dynamic.
It gets better if Mondo's gang learns about her.
She's earned herself a pack of personal bodyguards who won't tolerate shit from anyone.
But anyways, they both stand to have a very sweet and heartwarming dynamic. Between the both of them, they have a relationship built on love, understanding, and mutual respect for one another.
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A stoic introverted detective with the foul-mouthed biker delinquent. What more could you want?
God you know Mondo was the first to catch feelings. Albeit her initial cold exterior, Mondo wanted to know more, even after becoming friends (via Makoto), slowly turning into a crush on the mysterious detective.
Leon called him crazy for crushing on the "scary principal's daughter"
Taka and Chihiro were nothing but supportive and encouraging about the whole ordeal.
Daiyas only piece of advice was "Don't be a dick and just talk to her" Easier said than done of course.
But of course we all know his track record with other girls. The man started shouting at her again, much to his embarrassment and to Kyokos disappointment.
It only took some investigating on her end to figure out why he was acting so strange. And OH BOY WAS SHE FLABBERGASTED.
Mondo??? Likes her??? Impossible.
But as she looked at him with this whole new perspective, she slowly started to develop her own feelings. While he struggled to talk to her, Kyoko took a different approach to show her own interest. Subtle touches, faint smiles, more one on one time, subtle signs like that.
It slowly went like that until they both had a talk about their relationship. Then they agreed to give it a shot!
And my god it was a weird change.
Two people, infamous for hiding their emotions from others. Sounds like a disaster. And yet, they slowly start to adapt and change together.
They're both very quiet about the relationship, still trying to adjust and go about it at their own pace.
They're both very shy about any sort of affection or intimacy, finding it difficult to initiate. Although Kyoko quickly discovered she likes to play with Mondos hair when it's freshly washed and down.
That slowly evolved into cuddling sessions - Kyoko playing with his hair while Mondo simply enjoys her company. It only grows from there.
They're pretty casual about the relationship the more they lean into the whole idea, but they've grown pretty close - as friends and as partners.
Despite their initial setbacks, they actually make a sweet couple. Kyoko acts as the voice of reason, whilst Mondo shows Kyoko how to loosen up a bit and enjoy their school life.
Their dynamic is essentially rivals to lovers (if you count THH ch. 2/a non despair AU where their personalities just conflict) and/or badass/stoic person (Kyoko) x person who thinks that's the coolest thing ever and adores them very much (Mondo)
It's honestly a very mature relationship - built on lots of communication and learning from each party. Of course, no relationship could work without communication or understanding. With both parties being Kyoko and Mondo, once they get past both their setbacks and misunderstandings, they have potential to be a power couple. And even if it doesn't work out in the end, they would still have a strong friendship after the fact. A brain x brawn duo always has the potential to be a strong dynamic.
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x-atlas-x · 7 months
💖💛 for Atem and/or Ryou <3
Heheh, I’m excited for this one too!! :D I’ll be doing both of them and together because why not? :3
💖: Romantic Relationships
Atem is clueless about romance, but he has so much love to give. Albeit, he may not completely know how to show that affection at first, but he learns along the way. He uses a lot of words of affirmation for his partners because physical affection can be overwhelming for him. However, this poor guy is definitely touch-starved, so once he gets past being overstimulated by touch, he’s more comfortable with touch.
He doesn’t think that actions speak louder than words. He believes that both are equally powerful, so his partner will have to deal with being smothered and hearing a lot of sappy things. On the other hand, he can get a little flustered when the same is done in return to him; yet, he hides his embarrassment by turning the tables and telling his partner some flirty remark in response (either that, or he doesn't understand the flirtatious comment to begin with and stares at them in confusion).
He’s unaware of cliche romantic gestures in the modern day, so he’s often found writing love poems for his partner, which was a common practice for expressing love in ancient Egypt (or at least, that's what I found).
Ryou has a much quieter way of expressing his love with his partners. He prefers to do things for them, such as cooking or baking things for them. He'll do whatever he can to help them out and relieve them of any stress they might have. He's not as open with his affection, especially when in public, but in private, he'll be physically affectionate with them. He has a harder time expressing his thoughts and feelings through words, so he prefers to do it with actions.
He's a sucker for romantic cliches. Making tea/coffee and providing breakfast in bed for his partner happens frequently, or he'll plan date nights for when they're staying in. It may involve watching scary movies or horror gameplays, but he'll ensure that his partner is comfortable with it before indulging. He prepares platters of snacks and treats for them to snack on while watching, then encourages them to snuggle up under the comfy nest of blankets he's gathered.
When it comes to receiving affection, he gets flustered easily. Sometimes, he'll go completely silent whenever he's complimented or told a pick-up line. He's pretty bad at flirting himself (very awful at letting anyone know he has feelings for them), and it's a miracle when the other person catches on and takes the hint that his actions are romantic.
These two are a very quiet and private couple. They avoid PDA like its the plague, except for holding hands while walking, waiting in lines, or whenever they're sitting. Occasionally, a kiss on the cheek, but that's about it. They prefer to keep their affection in the privacy of their own home.
When it's just the two of them, they'll spend the majority of their time curled up on the couch while doing separate things. Ryou will watch his spooky stuff, and Atem will play games on a handheld console. If one of them gets bored, they'll stop what they're doing and watch what the other is doing.
Due to Ryou's awful sleep schedule, he usually pulls all-nighters and spends the mornings making Atem breakfast. He brings it to him and wakes him up with it, then sits and chats with him while he eats. Occasionally, if Atem gets lucky, he'll catch Ryou sleeping in and return the favor for him. Ryou gets extremely flustered (and embarrassed that he fell asleep), but he accepts the sweet gesture.
They have many date nights in the comfort of their own home, but Atem enjoys taking Ryou out and spoiling him. Whether it be taking him to the craft store or a bakery, it's always something that has Ryou extremely excited.
Even though they're a couple that seem questionable to be together, Atem feels bad for all of the things Ryou experienced while he was possessed by Bakura's spirit. He wants to better understand his relationship with him, and he wants to make it up to him for the hell he's gone through. He wants to protect him from ever getting hurt again.
💛: Familial Relationships
Regardless of canon or some sort of AU, I feel like Atem is always gonna have a distant relationship with his family (specifically his father). With his father's past involvement with the Millennium Items and the village of Kul Elna, I feel like Atem would be terrified to take on the role as Pharaoh and follow in his dad's footsteps. He'd have a hard time preparing for it, especially since it's so dangerous to be the Pharaoh and requires many responsibilities (which he wouldn't want to take that weight onto his own shoulders).
When he's thrown into ancient Egypt during the Millennium World arc, he knows nothing of the past and immediately assumes that his father was in the right. However, after learning the truth, Atem would spend more time thinking about it and questioning his father. He still does his best to defend the man and honor him, but not with out feeling hesitant about everything he's doing.
If he's resurrected, then he feels even worse due to the fact that he doesn't return to the Afterlife where his family is waiting for him. He always feel like he's betrayed them somehow, or that he was never a good enough Pharaoh back in Egypt.
His chosen family, on the other hand, is a completely different story. He's much closer with all of his friends and sees them as a second family. He has a much better relationship with them than his biological family. He wants to always be there for them and do what he can to help them when they need his help. He still retains guilt for being closer with them than his actual family though.
Ryou tries to maintain a good relationship with his family, but he struggles, especially after the passing of his mother and sister, Amane, in a car accident. As said in the manga, he writes letters to Amane in heaven. His relationship with his father worsens though. The man is always away from home, and Ryou is all by himself. He's left with nobody except the spirit of the Millennium Ring (I believe Ryou's father feels guilty that he has to deal with it and refuses to be around him due to the fact that he can't live with that guilt nor witness his son being possessed/tortured).
Considering his friends as his family, his bond with them is much better. He loves growing more comfortable with them and viewing them as the family he never had. They're constantly taking care of him (*cough* thanks to Bakura *cough*), and he's eternally grateful and indebted to them for doing so. He's always trying to help them out, but he always feels like the younger sibling following them around cluelessly.
Nonetheless, he continues to enjoy his time spent with them. Once he's rid of the Millennium Ring, he's able to get closer to them without the fear of being threatened for doing so or causing any of them to get hurt. He's able to truly surround himself with them as his family.
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kirascottage · 3 years
dating jj maybank
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jj maybank x gender neutral. reader
word count: 1.8k
cw: headcanons, overall domestic fluff, angst if you squint till ur visions blurry, mentions of poor emotional expression, mentions of sex / sexual innuendos, mentions of fighting / injury, strong pda, kissing, consensual groping, swearing, soft!jj
okay so this is the first time i’ve ever written dating headcanons so i’m gonna try my best
• jj and expressing emotions are a very complicated duo and almost everyone knows it, including you. he knows how he feels for you, and feels it strongly, but the way it comes out of his mouth is like gibberish and completely not understandable. 
“so you know — like — i don’t know, man. i feel heavy for you, like do you feel heavy for me, too?”
“jj, i don’t even know what heavy means in this context and what you’re referring to.”
• but he comes from a good place, and you come to know, learn and love that, because well he loves you, and with jj you just have to infer by his mess of words.
• this boy tries to be as romantic as possible but he’s literally never had a s/o before. the only thing he knows are one nighters so there is a lot that pope and john b advise him on because miscommunication is quite literally the worst. (stated by john b himself)
• for this instance and the sake of the headcanons: you are a member of the pogues, through and through.
• so most of the time you’re together, the pogues are there too. even dates. they love to occupy and jj could shout at the top of his lungs how they are the biggest cock-blockers to ever exist and they would not care. 
• so at that point he doesn’t even try to keep his hands to himself, he will touch you or quite literally make out with you in front of anyone and everyone he can.
• i mean he can get a little protective. (also considering he would never let you around his dad because he wants to protect you and would never let you near anyone that could hurt you) 
• i mean this guy would fight for you till the very end; punches thrown countless of times and harsh words absolutely shouted more times than you could count on your fingers, but no matter how many times you chastise jj, he would never stop to defend your honour because at the end of the night you’re the one playing with his hair and kissing his cuts and bruises.
• especially after everything as well with rafe, topper and the kooks he just wants everyone (including the tourons you see once a millennium) to know that you and him are romantically involved and you are very much taken.
• he even lets the most irrelevant people know the both of you are dating because he loves you that much:
“okay, babe, here me out—”
“jj a whole group of kids just asked me about our relationship! i love you, but the whole population does not need to know that we’re together.”
“obviously we can't tell the whole population! or I would, duh.”
•  even though he could blabber on about everything about you, including what shampoo you use and which perfume of yours is his favourite, affection is more his style: 
• this includes walking around with his hand in your back pocket because wearing anything but jean shorts is really not an option in that heat, (and this does include ass grabbing at every opportunity he can)—
• — his hand gently placed on your thigh while driving / while he’s next to you, interlocking pinkies 98% of the time as you walk together —
• — and peppering kisses is always happening. whether they’re ticking at your checks, suffocating your neck or affectionately placed on your forehead he’s always kissing you.
• other key, and essential, things that come to mind are that his arm is always around you; after everything that’s happened to him he just needs to physically know you’re there and that’s enough to subdue him.
• it’s almost routine for him arm to go around your waist or your shoulder, whether you’re tall or short, tbh he doesn’t really care, his arms and lips are always on you.
• dating jj is dating a teenage boy with absolutely no impulse control and zero control over what he says—
“I mean, dude, if you think about it, why isn’t a banana called a yellow if an orange is called an orange? and why are phones called ‘telephones’ like who the fuck came up with that crap?”
“i mean, hey, we could bang out here and it’s not like anyone would know. like jb could be out in the living room and be like clueless.”
“jj, there’s two windows pointing directly at us. i think he would know.”
• —if you don’t understand then he definitely does not either.
• you also flip each other off a lot and people are like ??? but you both are like — fuck you —(affectionate & full of love with my middle fingers)
• one thing he does know is how to flatter you, whether he’s obnoxiously winking at you or bringing you flowers with his tips from work, or he picked them himself, it’s all in the effort.
• any effort from you is like kids getting their favourite toy they’ve been wanting on christmas, for instance: anytime you bring him food, or offer to stay with him at john b’s is like swelling up his heart to the maximum.
• so when he’s not with you, or the pogues, which is rare he is outside. and jj is like diego the explorer he always finds little places just for himself, or for this instance with you.
• so a lot of dates include going to these secluded spots: sometimes it’s a picnic, or a walk, and stargazing is his absolute favourite as he listens to you drone on about the constellations and even just watching the sky with your presence next to him is so comforting and makes him feel safe. 
• of course when the pogues find out they’re brutal with their teasing.
“awww, look at the cute and happy couple!”
“my wittle babies, growing up so fast.”
“god, kie, you make it sound like we’re five?!”
• speaking of alone time, jj loves to cuddle when you guys are alone and that’s one thing he’s not fond of being teased about.
• his head is firm on your chest, his arms wrapped around your waist and his leg flung over your hips. to him it’s just a perfect way to start and end the day.
• he also loves to watch movies while cuddling and he has a set of movies and their genres completely memorized for the occasion.
• he has such a good memory to the weirdest things. like he can state in the exact order your makeup routine, or talk about all the caves and sinkholes in yukatan but ask him how many states there are in america and he’s completely bummed.
• back to what i was saying, cuddling and movie times together.
• he’s the little spoon i will not argue with anyone about this, especially if something happened that day.
• like if rafe pissed him off, some kooks stepped on his toes, his dad had been particularly agitated that day or he was just frustrated. your embrace is what keeps his together. he just loves the feeling of your arms around him, essentially protecting him.
• and the pogues always get a kick out of it when they see you too snuggled in the morning. they even take pictures, a lot of pictures of everything and anything they can. 
• their fav times to take pictures is when you both are off guard: like when he’s putting his hat on you, he’s sharing his juul with you, you guys are laying together on the boat or maybe your surfing together in the water.
• he’s surprisingly intimate about everything even though they’re such mundane things for him.
• he expresses his love for you by actions rather than words. for example, he has a guitar (an absolutely beat up one with missing strings and chipped wood, but he says it has more character that way as well as your signature on the back of it)—
• —and just strums it for you absolutely whenever and however your mood is because no matter what its always calming. sometimes he even hums a little tune or starts singing a bit.  
• another few ways he depicts his love for you is by shoving his baseball hat on your head (the one that absolutely nobody is allowed to wear) because he doesn’t want you frying in the sun or dying of heatstroke.
• a lot of his tank tops are now yours because they’re so comfortable and you can wear them literally anywhere.
• he shares, only with you but, he shares. his rings are on your fingers, his bandana is around your neck, his boxers are your sleep shorts, and he absolutely eats that shit up.
• he also gets extremely comfortable with you, like even more than john b in a way. example: you could just be chilling, his arm wrapped around your neck and — boom — he’s shoving your face in his armpit and trying to tickle you.
• it gets to the point where the pogues are so used to it and sometimes even they join in because they even like being included in on your affections but would absolutely rather drown than admit it. they love watching their two best friends love grow for each other, and they're happy jj has found sanctuary to love and be with someone freely. 
• speaking of love, jj is also like a puppy: praise, reassurance and kisses are the way to his heart and staying there.
• i’m gonna say it, jj has self confidence and love issues. they are not detectable at all but with his mother gone and the way his father treated him, there’s shit buried in his heart that it takes awhile for him to open up about.
• once he does: he cries, and he cried a lot. but after that it was like never letting go again. he trusts you with his whole heart and soul and he knows you won’t take advantage of that.
• the way you both accept each other into each others lives is so important to him no matter where you live, who you are and what your family is like everything counts for him and that just makes you the person who you are. 
• dating jj can be complicated and messy and wonderful and passionate and relationships aren’t easy but he would def be worth it <3
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mirclealignr · 3 years
Regulus Black Fluff Alphabet
regulus x gn! reader
requested by anon
warnings; brief mentions of food and anxiety
from this alphabet
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A - Affection; how they like to show their love.
Regulus does a lot through touch and reassuring looks/smiles. He finds it hard sometimes to express just how he feels about you, especially considering expressions of love were severely lacking in his life. But when he holds your hand or caresses your face, he feels as if he's spilling all his secrets, and hopes that you understand them.
B - Beauty; what do they especially admire about you?
Your warmth. At first it was practically disarming, but overtime he learned to embrace it and miss it when it was absent, when you were absent. It would be so different to what he was used to, especially with the people closest to him. But he would adore the change that was you.
C - Cuddles; how they like to cuddle you.
Most of the time he likes to have his arms around you, sitting up slightly while you lay against his chest. There's a sense of safety he finds in knowing that you can hear his heartbeat and that it doesn't scare you off. But sometimes, he likes it when you take him in your arms and he can nuzzle in the crook of your neck.
D - Dancing; their favourite place to dance with you.
He is simply a hopeless romantic, and loves to dance with you when it's dark and raining outside, when the two of you are almost completely alone. He loves watching you smile as the rain seeps into your clothes and dampens your hair, and when you rest your head on his chest for some shelter.
E - Excitement; do they get excited with you about things?
Regulus likes to understand things before he gets excited about them with you. If you come running to him with an elated expression and start rambling about whatever brought you this pleasure, he'd want to know why. He'd want to understand you and relate to you. Almost always, he'd become just as excited as you.
F - First Date; your first date together.
The Astronomy Tower. Regulus would want to be alone with you, without prying or judging eyes. It wouldn't be much, maybe some snacks and a drink he brought for you, but he would want to hear you talk and laugh and to see you smile. He'd want to know your likes and dislikes, the memories you cherished, and things you looked back on and laughed at.
G - Goals; do they have things they want to achieve? Do they include you in these things?
For Regulus, his future goals remain largely unclear. Before you, he thought it was simple, but afterwards it would become far more complicated. With the weight of his family, and Sirius' abandonment making it heavier, he would often try to avoid the thought. But if you ever brought it up, he'd tell you that wherever you were, he would be.
H - Honesty; how open are they with you?
Very. Trust is something extremely important to him. While he may not tell you everything the second it happens, he does have every intention of letting you see every side of him, even the parts he wished would vanish from existence. Upon getting to know you, the trials of his family would be revealed slowly, rather than all at once, so he didn't overwhelm you. Of course, he'd be terrified, but he knew it was better that way, and he knew that you would love him all the same.
I - I Love You; do they say it a lot? did they say it first?
Regulus does not say it first, though he'd be sure he felt it first. He confesses straight after you, though, and gradually says it more and more over time. Expressing his feelings would not come easy, and sometimes, rather than tell you how much he appreciated you for listening or how beautiful he thought you were, he simply said 'I love you' in replacement, hoping that it would be enough.
J - Jealousy; do they get jealous?
Not necessarily jealous, but rather insecure. When he sees you laughing with someone else, he'd wonder whether they were better suited to you--they were warmer, more free, happier. Perhaps he brought you down, perhaps he weighed you down, and though he didn't express these insecurities out loud, he'd always seem to be easily read by you. And you'd always be there to reassure him when you needed to.
K - Kiss; their favourite place to kiss you.
Your hands. For Regulus, hands mean so much, represent so much, and yours are his to kiss and hold as much as he pleases. To him it would feel incredibly intimate, despite the fact that your hands can touch others, but that they're only his to kiss and hold. People can always get close, but never as close as he can.
L - Little Spoon; who’s the little spoon?
The majority of the time, you are the little spoon. He likes the idea that he is able to protect you, actually make you feel safe and wanted; it's one of the things he prides himself on. But, there woulds be times when he needed to feel that, and revelled in the warmth of your embrace tightening around him, holding him close.
M - Melody; what’s your song together?
I think your song together would be 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' by The Beatles.
N - Nicknames; do they use nicknames for you?
Yes a few. Some of them would include 'treasure' and/or 'my treasure' because he adores you and could not think of anything better than you. For him, you are what people search for their whole lives, sometimes without ever finding it. And, because he speaks French, ‘mon chéri /ma chérie' for definite.
O - Open Book; how hard was it to get to know them?
It wasn't necessarily hard, just gradual. However, you would have always suspected that Regulus did not have it easy and were content with him going at his own pace, and appreciating that he was brave enough to reveal it all to you. It never seemed too slow, rushed, or overwhelming--he picked his timings well and never let things become too heavy. He'd also be very conscious that everyone had their own burdens, and would make sure he always left time and room for you to air anything you wanted or needed.
P - PDA; how affectionate they are in public.
Not very much at all. He prefers to show you his love when it's just the two of you. But he isn't afraid to let other people know that you're in a relationship, and will often intertwine his fingers with yours, whisper things in your ear, and kiss your temple.
Q - Quirk: a weird but loveable trait of theirs.
He never signs his name, he always signs R.A.B. Even when it's small notes to you, little love letters, or ordinary letters, he will never sign it as Regulus, but with his full initials.
R - Romance; how romantic are they?
So much. He loves leaving you love notes, writing love letters to you, slow dancing with you, playing music for you, watching the stars with you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, snuggling up in bed with you with a good book. He loves to do it all.
S - Secrets; do they keep secrets from you?
Not really. Perhaps only ones he thinks would unnecessarily hurt you, like what his family says about you. He doesn't tell you because he doesn't think it matters, they don't matter to him, only you do, and he wants their words to mean nothing.
T - Thrill; do they like to keep the relationship new and exciting?
He likes to, and he tries. He certainly likes surprising you, even if only to see that smile. He likes taking you places, learning your favourite songs on the piano simply because you like hearing them, taking you on spontaneous trips or dates. He's not on for grand, public gestures, but he still keeps excitement in the relationship his own way. But he also knows when things need to be slow and calm, and doesn't mind it either way.
U - Understanding; how they comfort/support when you’re upset or anxious.
He knows that most things said would be wrong, even if they were intended to be reassuring and understanding. Even when you talk about what's bothering you or don't, it can be hard to say the right thing. So instead, he takes you in his arms, rubs your back, kisses your cheek and gets you any comfort foods that you wish for. Sometimes, words speak far less than actions.
V - Vexed; how easily they lose their temper.
With his family, and even with Sirius, Regulus can lose his temper very quickly, but you understand that their relationship has not been easy, nor do you care for his family. With you, it's rare that he loses his temper or raises his voice at you. When he does, there are usually other factors that have contributed to his mood, and he is quick to apologise afterwards.
W - Weakness; what’s their weakness what it comes to you?
Your smile. So easily it can make him feel like he's falling from the stars, watching the constellations become smaller and smaller as he slips into the earth's atmosphere, burning and smiling and falling completely in love with you every time he sees it.
X - Xtra; random hc about them.
Regulus likes to speak in French to you when there are things he is too afraid to say or things he thinks sound more romantic when said in another language. Even if you can understand him, there's something less nerve-racking about saying it in French, it's almost like he's playing himself in another world, but still hopelessly in love with you.
Y - Years to Come; how they imagine your future together.
He doesn't like to think about the future often because he knows how easily it can change and fail to meet your expectations. He only hopes that he is with you, facing whatever is to come. He prefers to focus on the present, where he already is with you.
Z - Zzz; how they are when they sleep.
Incredibly still, almost scarily still. The only time he moves is to be closer to you, closer to your exuding warmth. It almost frightens you to move in case it wakes him or disturbs him, but if it does, he never lets on. - - - fill in this form or send an ask to be added to a tag list <3 forever friends; @myalupinblack / @selenes-sun / @vixxiann /@queen-asteria04 / @lillict / @savingpluto /@theincredibledeadlyviper / @pad-foots / @fizzleberries / @willowbleedsonpaper / @kinkyduuh harry potter; @fuckingbloodyhello / @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts / @scvrllet / @dreamerinthesun / @crazy-beautiful / @chaoticgirl04 /@cupids-crystals / @fandom-life-12 / @mypainistemporary-blog /@oliverwoodmarrymepls / @eunoniaa / @missryerye marauders era; @spxllcxstxr / @natashxromanovfreads / @ch /@sereinegemini / @helen-with-an-a / @sweeter-than-strawberries /@spxncervibes regulus black; @jackys-stuff-blog / @with-love-anu / @yinrose98 /@tarorootboba / @lyaseille / @bloodblossom73
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: niko as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: niko ikki aka my boyfriend hello
WARNINGS: swearing, pretend all the boys go to the same school and they're all friends for plot, normalize not writing serious boys as someone that practically hates their s/o and never opens up to them god bless, also no such thing as ooc since we dunno shit ab him so everything i say is law. SUPER LONG LOL, it's like 2k+ words 😭
A/N: i love my boyfriend and i'm v happy about all the attention he's getting (even if he will prob will b subbed out 👎) this was fun to write bc i think he would b very soft as bf and also i hate the notion that stoic and serious = boring and detached in a relationship. also first post w the new user yayyyy rip yoichisagis an end of an era for realsies.
FOR: fox anon my beloved this one is for u😩
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it takes a while for you two to get together, just because niko wants to think things through and be sure he’s making the right decision, as well as him being naturally apprehensive about this whole dating thing.
when you do eventually start going out, keep in mind you're probably his first real anything, so-
niko needs to take it slow for the first month or so because he needs time to adjust and get used to being in a relationship.
when he gets comfortable around you, niko starts to talk a lot more.
niko starts to talk about his interests more-soccer, stem stuff (idc i'll die by my hc that he's a stem boy), etc. and niko's really happy that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say :)
and as your relationship progresses, niko becomes more inclined to share his inner thoughts.
“this song is so bad, i hate it and how it's everywhere,” like, babe that sucks, but what do you want me to do, take it off the radio myself? 😭
you find out that niko’s kind of a hater LOL, but it’s okay, because it means he can be himself around you <3 and the mini debates you have with each other are fun.
he’s someone you can take shopping with you if you need a solid second opinion.
“ikki, is this cute?” you niko as you adjust the shirt you tried on in the fitting room mirror.
“no.” he’s so straight up LOL. “the blue one from earlier was better.”
“this one?”
“yeah, that one. you look really pretty in it.”
ngl though, niko’s not much of a mall person. he'd just follow you around like a little puppy LOL, but he doesn't mind too much because it's for you.
communication is important to niko!!!!! he wants someone that he can have real conversation about the things that matter to him, so he rly makes an effort to have that kind of connection with you.
niko's naturally funny but he isn't aware that he is lol.
but when he does try, i feel like his humor comes in the form of sarcasm and dry wit. likes poking fun at you here and there with a lighthearted jab.
"you're so weird, y/n," is the most common one.
niko’s naturally closed off emotionally (male aquarius 😒) but i, personally, think he’d really try and push himself to be more open with you, especially if you expressed for him to do so </3
he'd be really appreciative of someone patient and understanding of the fact that he doesn't open up easily, though.
but eventually, you become the person closest to him- niko confides in you a lot, which he’s grateful for because he usually holds everything in.
not one for pda or other lovey-dovey things in public, other than the occasional holding of hands but behind closed doors, niko’s so soft around you, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
also, i feel like niko’s real handsy with you, i get the vibe he’s super touch starved 😭
although it does take him a while to get used to physical affection, once he has, niko cannot get enough. he’s always touching you when he has no real reason to.
(and because you're his first relationship, i feel like it’s just natural that niko’s going to be kind of clingy towards you.)
“you okay, ikki?” you ask as niko suddenly wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“mhm,” he mumbles. “just wanna be close to you.”
niko likes when you sit on his lap when he’s on his computer. you can have your arms wrapped around his neck, your head resting in the crook of his neck, or you could just be on your phone or whatever, it doesn’t matter, niko just likes you near him.
you guys don’t really talk to each other when you do this, aside from niko occasionally checking up on you and asking if you need anything from him.
but other than that, you guys just enjoy each other's touch in silence. it’s one of his favorite things to do with you.
however, if you start kissing him in the middle of whatever he’s doing and keep it up for long enough, niko will drop everything to make out with you right then and there (also one of his favorite things to do with you).
speaking of kissing- you kiss niko first.
niko would try to plan your guys first kiss out because he wants everything to be perfect.
but, he ends up taking forever to execute it because he keeps overthinking and you can only wait so long before kissing him, so you take matters into your own hands.
his kisses are sloppy and juvenile at the beginning, but he’s smart and learns quickly what you do and don’t like.
likes being kissed on his jaw and forehead the most :')
if the team ever happens to see niko kissing you, they're gonna be so annoying 😭
"yooo niko's making big moves ‼️" "my son's growing up on me!😩" "good job *pats on the back*" and niko is red all over as he drags you away from them, muttering about how childish and annoying they are 😭.
but, they're all very supportive of you guys, even if they're embarrassing as hell 🙄.
they even give niko relationship advice- which luckily, he doesn’t follow (most of the time), because, let’s be honest, if you're getting unsolicited dating tips from a bunch of teenage boys, it’s probably bad 😭.
you’re the only person niko shows his forehead to. just know that having the opportunity to see it means that niko trusts you more than anyone else :’)
repay his trust by kissing his forehead lovingly and showering him with compliments whenever you can !!!!!!!!!!
“y/n, why’re you so embarrassing,” niko says under his breath, blushing as you hold his face and litter soft kisses on his forehead, rambling about how cute he is.
always looks for you in the bleachers when he has a game and you’re always the first person he talks to after.
and the fact that you make an effort to come as often as you can means sooo much to him. definitely considers you to be his biggest fan.
real classy with nicknames- uses “my love/love,” and “darling,” the most.
his favorite petname from you is "pretty boy." gives him butterflies each time he hears it.
the first time you call him that, he's confused, but after you explain that being called pretty is basically the highest compliment a boy can receive, he gets all soft on you.
only uses instagram to like and comment on your pictures and that's it 😭.
comments stuff like “you're so pretty” and "beautiful," without any emojis because niko refuses to use them LOL.
remembers the compliments you give him! they help with his self esteem and i feel like he values your opinion a lot.
so, tell him all about how cute and smart and talented and hot and funny he is and how much you love him and he'll replay it in his head 24/7.
i think he prefers to be the big spoon, unless he's sad- then he really wants you to hold him.
niko gives me homebody vibes, so expect relaxed dates, but still nice, yk?
what i mean is niko's not gonna take you out to get gas station food and call it a day 😭 he's classier than that and he always puts in effort towards dates.
he always plans them ahead of time and takes into consideration what he thinks you'd enjoy. and he insists on paying 🤗.
but, niko always does something special for days like your birthday or an anniversary, like go somewhere fancy if you wanted to or buy a nice gift you've been eyeing for a while.
helps you with your schoolwork, 100%. most of the time niko tutors you because he wants you to actually learn the material, but if you're feeling lazy and just wanna get it over with, niko will just give you the answers.
this is a big deal because i love him and all but, niko gives me the vibe he's super stingy with his work 😭.
"this is the last time i'm going to just give you the answers, y/n." niko sighs out. "you have to start doing your homework by yourself."
niko's said that dozen of times but he's still giving you the answers free of charge. can you guys say #whipped 🤣?
LOL speaking of school, if you ever text him during class, i highly doubt that niko would entertain you 😭😭 (it's out of love, though)
y/n 💗: hiii baby imy 🥰
pretty boy: do your work, y/n.
pretty boy: pay attention.
y/n 💗: fine ur so lame 👎
pretty boy: whatever you say. i miss you too, by the way.
he likes to moves your hair out your face because he wants to see your pretty face better.
which is why you have to do the same with him 🥰!!!!!! makes him blush like crazy.
gets soooo soft when you post him or even take pictures of you and him together :') just the thought of you wanting to show him off makes him soooo happy.
he won't entertain you if you make a tiktok, though LOL. he's very stubborn in his belief that it's stupid.
just stands in the background with his arms crossed if you try to make him do a dance or something 😭 (he does think you look cute, though).
niko has such nice eyelashes but i doubt he's aware of it 'cause he's, y'know, a boy 🙄.
"my eyelashes are ... cute?" he questions. niko wasn't even aware that such a trivial thing like his eyelashes could be considered cute.
"yes, oh my god," you gush. "they're so long and nice, i wish mine were like that," you groan, examining yours through the camera of your phone.
"you're so weird, y/n," he says, a blush staining his cheeks. "your eyelashes are nicer," he mumbles as he kisses your forehead.
he's one of those people that prefers to be alone, but you're the exception. you know?
niko likes to keep to himself most of the time, but that whole thing doesn't apply to you, because he'd choose to be with you over being alone anytime :')
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cherrysweather · 4 years
hey can i request hcs for a easily flustered reader with miles edgeworth and phoneix wright?(seperate hc) (Bonus: The reader is like 4'5. You don't have to add that though.) Oh and gender neutral reader if you can. Thanks!
Sorry for being needy
-☔️☄️Anon if you ever wanna refer to me (*´꒳`*)
Heyo anon! How are you doing? I hope well :3
Since I'm still practicing with gender neutral pronouns, I hope I did well enough this time (If you want you can tell me if I can improve something and what to help me ;v;), so this probably won't be the most enjoyable thing I've wrote e-e''
Also, also also, don't worry about being needy, it actually helps me while writing knowing what you want specifically ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Headcanons: Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth x an easily flustered (and short) GN! S/O:
Phoenix Wright:
Phoenix with a s/o like this becomes a dad once again;
Whenever he compliments them and they get all red and shy he's kinda reminded of Trucy;
He finds them so cute and loves to tease them a bit sometimes;
Calling them "cute", "adorable", "precious", "lovely" on a daily basis, patting their head, holding their face in his hands and caressing their cheeks with his thumbs;
Or when they're cooking he puts his arms or chin on their head from behind to annoy them about their height;
(Once it happened that a piece of freshly boiled meat flew on Phoenix's face after he startled them in this smart way of teasing; serves you right);
At home, he tries to make them comfortable when in need to give or receive cuddles;
If they really don't feel like it, he respects their limits and just sits beside them, enjoying their company and reading to them some of his reports while working, brushing his hand on their once in a while;
Every time they try to compliment Phoenix and they stumble on their words, he grins and waits patiently for them to finish their sentence, inflicting on them with phrases like
"Can you repeat what you said?" or
"You meant talented? Or maybe handsome?" when they were simply trying to say that he looked good in his new suit;
If they get angry at him, he'll just grin more and he'll hug them, apologizing by kissing their head;
When in public however, he keeps them in their comfort zone most of the time;
He limits the PDA to just holding their hand while walking or keeping an arm against their back or on their shoulders in the crowds;
Since they're much smaller than him, he can easily touch their hair and, since he had to take care of Trucy before, he absolutely ADorEs styling their hair;
If they have long hair he can and will spend all the day brushing it and trying all the hairstyles he knows, both to spend time with them and enjoy all their expressions framed in their styled hair and red face;
If they have it short, he'll just pass his fingers through it, styling it with some of his hair gel.
Miles Edgeworth:
Being an easily flustered person himself, he does not tease them as Phoenix does, but he, too, loves to make those little actions that make them blush;
Caressing their arms, moving their hair behind their ears when he has them in front of him, holding them against his chest while lying down on bed or sofa;
(He's definitely more romantic than Phoenix-)
He doesn't do much more because before flustering them, he's the one who's flustered firsthand;
When he has free time and is in his office, he always gives them a call and invites them to drink some tea together;
He also taught them to play chess so if they win, he can compliment them on how fast they learned and how cute it was their face when they concentrated;
He uses a lot of fancy and elegant nicknames for them;
(But also a bit, old-fashioned),
"Gorgeous", "Angel", "Dearest", "Sweetheart" are just a few of his ways to call them;
He tends to show off his cold side most of the time, but he can't help himself when they try to remain composed when complimenting him or when showing some affection, even in the smallest actions;
Outside, since he's a public figure, he can live peacefully without physical contact;
He walks beside them and touches them only when the streets are full of people or when he's taking them somewhere;
He keeps the contact somewhat private by sliding his arm behind their back and taking in his hand the one on the opposite side of their body compared to his position, placing their hands on their side to pull them against him;
When at the prosecutor's office, he feels the need to show some affection to push other people away;
Walking around the place with their hand in his, giving them their jacket when he's in his office or at reunions;
And their face, by that time similar in color to the jacket's one, it's one of those proofs he loves so much;
Proof that he's the one that makes them feel like that;
Little things that make him feel calmer when he's not around them;
Also, he receives a boost in everything when he comes back to his office and finds them on the sofa with his jacket on.
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karasunology · 4 years
➜ a walk through of oikawa's love language told through headcanons.
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ oikawa tooru <3
[ ♡ ] you've received two love notes from jae ! would you like to read both of them ?
💌 . . . dedicated to my fellow oikawa bitches and these lovely people that helped me put this shit together @tetsuwhore , @miel-meraki , @paripedia , @owlywrites i appreciate y'all😈💞
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➜ oikawa is a passionate guy, so if he ever finds someone ― that being you ― that he knows will be worth being with, he'd be very much devoted to you as much he is devoted to volleyball.
➜ oikawa probably doesn't even have an ideal type i would like to say, since he's prolly too busy no thoughts, head empty & just volleyball, to even actually THINK of his own ideal type for an s/o
➜ but he didn't even need an ideal type ― all he wants is for someone to be understanding with his passion for volleyball and just him as a person
➜ and that person was you
➜ you were not only understanding his passion for the sport ― whether or not you play it too ― but you also support him in his games, which somehow was quite a darastic refreshing experience compared to his fangirls.
➜ you started out as a friend, a good one, but it didn't take him long for him to see you in a completely 180° angle.
➜ an angle that he wanted you to see him in too.
➜ he only probably had one or two girlfriends ― both probably dumping him because of volleyball, and he couldn't risk his chances with you.
➜ so when y'all FINALLY got together, he was a bit more clingier to you ― too scared to loose you because he isn't paying attention to you
➜ so when you learned that he was like that because he was terrified of you breaking up with him because he was too focused on volleyball, YOU WERE HAVING NONE OF IT !!! 😡🙅❌
➜ no sirrrr
➜ and when you guys talked it out with you reassuring him that you love him AND HIS UNCONDITIONAL PASSION for volleyball??? MANS ALMOST GOT UP TO TAKE YOU TO THE NEAREST CHURCH AND MARRY YOU RIGHT THEN AND THERE OMG
➜ oikawa : i aM KNEELING IN ONE KNEE BABE 👁👄👁💧💍
➜ mans was all 🏩💒💍🥰
➜ and that's when he knew that he would never fall in love with anyone again if they weren't you in a different life
➜ fuck man why do you got me on my feels like wtf tooru who gave to the right to make me feel like that
➜ loves pda, but not too much of it, you get me??
➜ like he could do it when his fangirls were there to ward them off, and with his teammates around.
➜ but he wouldn't be all over you in the middle of a crowded streets
➜ speaking of his fangirls, he fEELS SO BAD AND GUILTY THAT HE HAS THEM especially when they just crowd over him even tho they know his S/O IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE BEING ALMOST TRAMPLED ON JSJSJSJSJ
➜ he used to love the attention but now all he wants was yours
➜ holy shit man that's tEETH ROTTENING TOORU
➜ so he knows he can't do much about his fangirls knowing that they're just there to support him too and give him love, but of course he'd definitely let borrow you HIS jersey and only you to let them know who's superior
➜ ✨y/n supremacy✨
➜ never wants to make you uncomfortable with his affections, he's also a very understanding guy and he'd never make you do something you don't want to
➜ that doesnt only apply to pda and stuff, just overall everything
➜ do😢 it😤 for😆 oikawa🐽tooru🚪
➜ like for real,,,,,
➜ when you do this thing where you take off his glasses at home just to kiss the bridge of his nose? MMMMM MANS A SUCKER FOR THAT
➜ would be 10× clingier to you whenever you do something that made his heart palpitate like it's blasting tf off from earth to meet god himself mm sounds like a plan sir <3
“ but y/nnn-chann, you don't know what you're doing to be and it's unfair even for me ” he'd whine, as he wraps his arms around your shoulders, burrying his head to your neck with a pout rested on his lips.
➜ one of his favourite intimacy with you is kissing you, like call him old fashion or whatever but that mans is hearing NONE OF IT
➜ oikawa : call me old fashioned but i was raised to serve my spouse. i clean the dishes and cook their food. i do whatever they says bc they are my spouse and they make the rules around the house. they own me. i am their property. if they ever cheat on me it's bc i was lacking
➜ he loves getting his nose kissed but he loves kissing yours too
➜ like the first time he did it was a forehead kiss gone wrong and he accidentally kissed your nose leaving him UTTERLY FLUSHED AND EMBARESSED, he has never been so hot-faced before because he thought he just embaressed himself in front of you and aHhhh
➜ like when he plays it off that he didn't just accidentally kiss ur nose <3
➜ same energy, same chaotic energy.
➜ just what @tetsuwhore discussed in her ted talk hosted in my inbox, oikawa does NOT only leans on traditional physical affections
➜ like there'd be a day where he'd be randomly clingier and very vocal of his adoration towards you. he'd be nibbling your ears, whispering sweet nothingness and telling you everthing he loves about you; from your acne to your moles
➜ if you got freckles? you bet he'd make constellations of them, connecting them with a pen, and would 100% make up his own constellation name for them AHHH SO ADORABLE
➜ he's a soft dork please please take dont hurt him or I WILL HURT U🔪
➜ and of course you'd hAVE TO give it back to him, like 10 folds, because this baby boy gets REALLY INSECURE and needs dem assurance okay???
➜ like if you ever noticed that he seemed a lot gloomier or especially pressured with up coming matches, or when he does bad at practice, AND YOU TREAT HIM RIGHT AND GIVE HIM CONSTANT RESSURANCE AND LOVE THAT HE DESERVES ( as you should💅 ) mf would would fall in love with you all over again
➜ please do it, give him love he needs
➜ i could see him be vulnerable in front of you when he's that comfortable with ur relationship that he gets to express his worries about beating kageyama or ushijima
➜ or even his guilt when he almost hut his underclassmen because of the pressure he felt while being in the wrong headspace
➜ and that's when you know that he completely trusts you
➜ loves to spoil you !! especially when he finally got a stable slot in the volleyball industry profession
➜ a thank you for dealing with his clingy shit <3 but ig u could never really get rid of him, you love him too much to do that
➜ bold of u to assume that he actually bought it for u <3
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 3 years
jimin has just always painfully been more into jungkook than jungkook has been into him but idk i guess he's getting something out of it since we can all see that he loves him a lot.
I honestly believe that they're both into each other the same, but yeah definitely for me and for a lot of people, it's more noticeable from Jimin than from Jungkook. It has taken me a couuuuple of years to accept that and be at like "peace" with it. They just have different personalities, and with that comes a different attitude towards social interactions, even with your partner and friends.
I have friends to whom I would say I love you and they would say "ew" or something of that sort; not because they don't love me but it's just not them. With partners, yes I try to date people that would say I love you back cuz if they don't I would literally wither away like tinkerbell. I actually am someone who says I love you a lot, even if I don't get one back.
With different personalities also comes a different level of tolerance to being "smothered" or tolerance to PDA and skinship, some people are just not always used to others being so "intense" which is something I've said about before about Jimin and Jungkook's differences in expressing affection especially when they were little, but some of it it's still there. There are also different levels to what they're comfortable with being open about, and clearly expressing about themselves; just different levels of tolerance to vulnerability.
It's one of the reasons why Jimin says he would take Jungkook to a deserted island or that he'd go to the moon with him, while JK has to make it clear that he only goes to Jimin's room because it's the closest like he has no other option.
There's too the element of what's important to us, personally and how each one of us measures "being into" someone. For some it's about moments like Rose Bowl or GCFT or the time he made that huge pancake for you, and for some others it's more about the little things and the I-cant-stop-talking-about-you or regular hugs, like for me I'm more about that sort of constancy, you know? and I always found Jimin to being more "constant" than Jungkook. Jungkook is more prone to unpredictability and spur of the moment actions/declarations, while Jimin is not.
There's obviously also the fact that JK has talked several times about wearing a mask and that he is not himself in front of people and that the members have said a lot that he's different off camera, so everytime this type of talks come up I don't think we can ignore that. Jimin is probably getting whatever he's getting from the Jungkook that we don't know. It's annoying I know, to not see something and just have to wishfully think about it being there, but it is what it is. For me, it was harder to see that before than it is now; I actually see more of Jungkook's affection now more than ever. Which brings me to the next point...
I wish I had like, especific content to back this up or the right words to explain it but I believe that JK has just recently learned and is still on the process of being more himself on camera, it's been pretty more clear since around dynamite era, and if he's actually Jimin's boyfriend, then he's also learning how to be or getting comfortable with being a boyfriend for Jimin even in front of other people. Because that would be his real self, right? I've personally always found it easy to see Jimin as JK's boyfriend, but it hasn't been easy to see JK as a boyfriend to Jimin. It doesn't mean that he isn't, like I've said it is there sometimes, but then other times it's not... and there I go again to the constancy thing lmao.
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wrestlezaynia · 3 years
You know what ship I am going to mention (and most likely others), so it's a given that you do the thing.
I have no idea who this is in reference to. 😏
Send me a ship and I'll tell you...
Who is more likely to hurt the other? This one's pretty obvious, Kevin. He has betrayed Sami more times than he can count, but Sami can't quit Kevin no matter how hard he tries, they're forever intertwined.
Who is emotionally stronger? Kevin may seem to be the stronger one out of the two, but deep down he's a big softie and only Sami is capable of making him shed a tear, as illustrated below:
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Who is physically stronger? If you ask Kevin, he'll say he is but honestly, Sami definitely gives him a run for his money.
Who is more likely to break a bone? They've both equally had their fair share of injuries.
Who knows best what to say to upset the other? Sami definitely knows how to get under Kevin's skin, but he has learned to tolerate him throughout the years.
Who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? Definitely Sami, Kevin has a difficult time admitting he's wrong.
Who treats who’s wounds more often? I have this headcanon where Kevin tends to Sami's wounds after they have a match, so Kevin.
Who is in constant need of comfort? He won't admit it, but Kevin. See the previous "big softie" response.
Who gets more jealous? Without a doubt, Kevin. Not only does he get jealous, but he's also extremely protective over Sami.
Who’s most likely to walk out on the other? If you've followed their turbulent past, you'll know that Kevin has turned his back on Sami on multiple occasions, but they always manage to find their way back to each other.
Who will propose? Believe it or not, Kevin, but he would do it subtly. For example, he'd leave a note somewhere where Sami is sure to find it. Kevin has a difficult time expressing himself, so more often than not, he practices writing important things down. Sami would stumble across it, run to him and exclaim: "Yes Kevin, I will!" And Kevin will stare at him dumbfoundedly, because he'll have forgotten he even wrote something. Damn, I need to write this!
Who has the most difficult parents? Honestly, I'm not sure about this one. Kevin's parents seem supportive, but I don't know anything about Sami's. 🤷
Who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Probably both, neither one of them seem to have a problem with PDA.
Who comes up for the other all the time? I'm not entirely sure what this means, but my guess is Sami. He's always there for Kevin when he needs him.
Who hogs the blankets? Probably Kevin, he's also a lot more grumpy in the morning.
Who gets more sad? I think they both have equal bouts of sadness.
Who is better at cheering the other up? Sami always manages to make Kevin crack a smile, even when he doesn't want to.
Who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Kevin doesn't slap Sami, but he does roll his eyes.
Who is more streetwise? I'd imagine they both share these capabilities.
Who is more wise? They're both intelligent in their own ways.
Who’s the shyest? Neither. Kevin is loud and obnoxious and Sami is a ball of energy. Never a dull moment with these two.
Who boasts about the other more? They're both constantly bragging each other up in interviews, but I want to say Kevin tends to a bit more.
Who sits on who’s lap? They take turns, but more often than not Sami sits in Kevin's lap. Cuddling is a must in the Owens/Zayn household.
It's very late, but I wanted needed to get this done. A big thanks to @baeszler who asked for this ship as well!
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neo-princess · 5 years
Fluff Alphabet Doyoung
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Doyoung definitely strikes me as a man who likes to treat his s/o. Usually you guys go out to a nice lunch or brunch, somewhere around that time. Cause he gets to treat you and make sure you’re eating wel, so it’s a winwin for him. (Winwin🥰)
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He mostly likes to see the beauty form the inside out. Yes you’re gorgeous he can never forget that. But, it doesn’t really matter that much to him. He thinks your internally beauty, is what really amplified your beauty on the outside.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Very good with these things I’d hope. I believe doyoung is once of those people who can easily talk you down out of it. Knowing exactly what to say to slow and calm your emotions.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Ideally yes, he would love nothing more than for you guys to work long enough to get married and then some. But, I see him as a realist so I don’t see him 100 betting on it. I don’t think he’d get his mind set on something that isn’t certain.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Here’s the thing. Doyoung is honestly super soft, he likes to try and assert his dominance though. Really wanting to fill that “manly” role for you, and to be seen as a man in your eyes.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
I don’t think doyoung is a fighter at all, he talk to you and discusses his stance on your guys’ argument. I don’t believe he can be mad at you long once you start hugging him or kissing him though.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Everyday. He’s grateful that he gets to call you his. Because it was hard for him to talk to you at first cause he isn’t great at these times of things. He may not express it all the time, via lack of being able to open up properly. But, in a very tender moment he’ll just let it all out.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
I believe one of them may just be that he wants to be perfect for you. He doesn’t know that being himself is perfect to you, so he tries hard to impress you all the time. And with that, comes not opening up about the stuff that “wouldn’t” make him perfect.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think he never thought that he’d meet someone, find someone he really likes much less. And, I think he always compares himself to his members. How lots of girls are head over heals for them, where as he isn’t that popular among taeyong and like jaehyun, etc. So, be feel...chosen, wanted, good enough. I believe is something he’s gotten from you that he will never let go of.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I don’t think he shows that he’s jealous. Like obviously he doesn’t want that person talking to you, if their a threat. But, he knows that you’re independent and can handle yourself. So he’ll sit by you, but not interfere knowing you have that down.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s working on it. He’s only really comfortable with pecks at the moment. He’s never done this before, so it’s a little hard for him. This first kiss was sweet. He was afraid to kiss you, only cause he hadn’t kissed anyone before. But, you told him to just follow your lead, which he did.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It’s hard for Doyoung to get his feelings out in words sometimes. So, sometimes he’ll write little notes or texts. If he’s feeling extra brave he’ll call you and tell you.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Like I said, he would absolutely love nothing more to marry you. He does in fact have plans to propose. But, he doesn’t want to cling to the idea in case you slip away.
I believe doyoung would do it in private. This is about you and him, so he wants it to just be you and him. He’d probably cook you a nice dinner. Romantic and loving all night and pop the question.
Marriage would be very rewarding for him. To be able to call you his wife,,his WIFE. It’s gotta be one of his biggest honors in his life. Definitely an amazing husband.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
I definitely see Doyoung as a sweetheart type of guy. It’s just as endearing enough to make your heart melt every time you hear him say it.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He can’t keep his eyes off you, he’s drown to you once you get into the room. His eyes will fill with stars like he’s just seen a goddess. Every feature on your face/body reminding him what a masterpiece you are. Your voice starts to sound smoother, your smile seems brighter, your laugh seems happier.
It is definitely obvious to everyone, especially his members. As much as he’d like to believe that it isn’t,,,it is. They can tell he’s head over heels for you.
I can see Doyoung showing up with roses randomly. Just to tell you that you’re beautiful.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I definitely thinks he’s reserved about you’re relationship. Not wanting anything on the outside getting in, and ruining what you two have hand have built.
I don’t think he’ll outright talk about you unless your brough up. He has no problem if one of the members ask him about you. He’s happy to discuss. But, he doesn’t brag about yours
Very shy about PDA, simple hand holding will do it for him. Anything beyond that will fluster him and make him a bit nervous.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Hmm, I would just say he’s good at taking care of you. Stuff like when your sick or if you have a period. He’s very good make you you feel better and more comfortable. He doesn’t like to see you suffer so.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
I’d say doyoung really has him moments when he is in fact Romantic. Loves to give you flowers, cook dinner, run you nice baths and things like that. I believe all of that makes you happy, he’s trying hard enough to do this for you so, anything you’ll be very pleased with. I guess you could say he’s more of a cliche guy as well.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
100% he always likes to help you along your road to wherever you’re trying to go. He believes in you more than you think. And, at this point your dreams are his for you.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
As of now, you guys have been amazing. He hasn’t seen anything that was getting bad or needed to get better. Doyoung believes what you have now is amazing. But, he will trying new things out if need be.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He prides himself on knowing as much as he can about you, and still learning. He wants to be able to understand you. Understand your thinking and your actions, to make for better situations within the relationship.
He’s very empathetic as well. Your pain is his pain, when you’re sad it crushes his heart. It’s almost like the two of you are connected by now.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You mean the world to Doyoung, you are one of the best things that ever happened to him. The reason I say one of the best things is cause , NCT and his singing will always be his first love. But, that doesn’t by any means that you never come first. It’s hard to explain for him but just know you are very important.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Nights with doyoung are perfect, you wish that the night time would last forever.
He gently washes your back, as you guys bathe together. Caring tenderly on your gentle skin.
Kisses of course, but nothing sexual. You’re loving each other’s company. Indulging in his love.
Sleeping together, he pulls you close. You can hear his heart pace pick up a bit having you so close. His hand resting on the small of your back.
“I love you.”
That’s was the last thing he said to you before going of to sleep.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
I believe that he is, but it’s more prominent in private than in person. He’s a huge hugger when it’s just the two of you. Doyoung loves to pull you close and just have you in his arms.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
I feel like being away from you stresses him more than he’d like to admit. He never wants you to feel that he’s neglecting you cause of his work. He can’t contact you as much as he’d like, especially since he isn’t supposed to date technically. But the little texts between you two hold him over till the next.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
I think I’m the long run, yes. You are worth everything he has done. And just to see you smile, to see you happy, Doyoung would do just about anything.
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years
omg hi! can you please do some SaiOuma/OumaSai headcanons?? (nsfw too if you want owo) they're my OTP
I’m actually surprised that I haven’t done Headcanons for them yet! I do enjoy them, and I know this is one of the more popular ships so I got really carried away with this Request; lots of people like them so here you go. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
SaiOuma (Saihara Shuichi x Ouma Kokichi) Headcanons! (SFW/NSFW)
Safe For Work
They were quite the unlikelycouple who actually started off as enemies, or even rivals if you want to go that far. Saihara couldn’ttolerate Ouma’s over the top personality, which in turn caused Ouma to tease,or borderline bully him, relentlessly – he always had good intentions and a hint of playfulness but didn’talways project them in healthy ways.
Secretly, Ouma developed feelings for the Detective along the way which is whyhe tormented Saihara specifically so much. He never really learned how to express his feelings nor did he really know how to handle them.
And for a long time, Saihara hated him for it. He felt like he was being targeted for no good reason, and he didn’t think he deserved it.
But he realized that he, too, had a crush on Ouma after the Supreme Leader began making his move. One afternoon,Ouma cornered him as he was walking home and essentially pinned him against thewall – he never physically touched Saihara but instead used his arm to blockhis path and leaned in closely. His original plan was to confess then andthere, but Ouma became far too flustered and that confidence plummeted, so hechickened out.
However, being this close to the smaller man caused Saihara’s heart to skip abeat and that’s when he realized that he cared for him as well.
From that point on, the two boys danced around their feelings and kept themhidden. Neither one really knew how to tell the other and didn’t realize that the crush was mutual; if they had, then they would’ve gotten together much sooner.
Their classmates caught on much quicker than they did – Kaito Momota and KaedeAkamatsu, mutual friends of the two boys, teamed up together and set them up onblind dates… with each other.
Imagine their surprise when they arrived at the fancy downtown restaurant just to find out thatthey were each other’s dates.
Flash forward to about a year later and they’re still as happy as can be.
Ouma still teases Saihara, but in a much more loving way now. He canstill get a bit defensive at times, though, and lash out at Saihara whenever he isn’t reciprocating his humor.
And he might be a liar, but his boyfriend is the only person he is ever completely honest with. Little white lies just for fun arise here and there, but he will be as upfront as possible with his feelings and communicate with his boyfriend. Saihara gets to see the much more raw, honest side of Ouma that no one else really gets to experience.
However, he’s a very complicated and contradictory brat. He wants to be honest with Saihara and open up to him, but there’s still fear deep inside that causes him to run whenever the Detective shows signs of understanding or caring for him. He was insecure in their relationship for the longest time and it took both boys a very long while to get comfortable with one another.
Their dynamic remains pretty similar – Ouma is always teasing Saihara about howhe’s “only with him to uncover all of DICE’s secret plans!”
Ouma knows that Saihara dislikes PDA and has asked him before to keep it down when they’re in public… which is exactly why he showers Saihara in attention in crowded places. It causes him to blush furiously and shyly exhale as he glances around to see if anyone noticed them; but Ouma does it just to get a reaction out of him, because he looks so cute when he’s humiliated!
When they’re in the privacy of their own home, though, both are pretty affectionate. Ouma tones down his teasing affection, which is reserved for those times when he embarrasses his boyfriend, and instead becomes much more romantic.
And Saihara enjoys cradling the smaller man in his arms because he fits perfectly in his chest; breathing in his sent and tracing his skin with his hands. Neither of them can keep their hands or their lips off of one another once they’re alone, and that’s not just in a sexual way.
They usually cuddle with Saihara being the bigger spoon; he also loves when Ouma sleeps on his chest.
When they’re cuddling or asleep, Ouma will cling to the other boy tightly, wrapping his fingers into fists that grasp his clothes and squeezing him protectively. If Saihara brings it up, he gets defensive and insists that he isn’t the clingy one, but that’s definitely a lie.
They love watching documentaries together - particularly crime shows or mysteries, since that’s what Saihara can relate to. He’s successfully gotten Ouma into those types of shows since they started dating.
Saihara is the parental one in the relationship and often finds himself scolding Ouma like a child. He takes up the responsibility of doing most of the chores and errands since Ouma isn’t the most reliable partner.
He’s also the one who generally cooks, whilst Ouma will just linger around the kitchen aimlessly, never too far from his boyfriend’s side. He does watch intently as the Detective works; he wants to help but Saihara worries that he’ll actually light their kitchen on fire.
Saihara is consistently touching him in some way, lightly grazing his fingers along his skin or clutching his thigh or hand. It’s those instincts that kick in because he even does it unintentionally, and Ouma loves the physical contact.
Ouma is actually bad at flirting, although he tries. His main form of flirting is winking, which he does a lot (almost too much at times) but he gets flustered and often stumbles over his words or forgets what he was going to say. Whenever he wants to compliment Saihara, his jaw will drop and all he can manage to squeak out is an, “Oh… wow.”
He’s got a bad habit of going through Saihara’s belongings, especially his Case Files, which are supposed to stay confidential. He can’t help it! He’s just so interested, and Saihara gets angry whenever he catches him in the act which is where most of their arguments stem from. Ouma will just shrug and innocently coo, “I was just curious, Saihara-Chan!”
Ouma can be quite needy at times, feeling a desire for validation. He’s the one who’s always asking about Saihara’s day and randomly asking him how he is, and if he doesn’t respond fast enough he’ll get worried and send him, “Why didn’t you text me back :(.” Also, texting random “I love you’s” throughout the day to one another and out of the blue phone calls just to hear each other’s voice.
Saihara is very thoughtful when it comes to gift-giving, whilst Ouma usually forgets or waits until the very last minute and buys the most meme-worthy thing he can find.
Ouma got his boyfriend into scarves. It took months of persuasion to finally get him to try it, and to Saihara’s surprise, he liked it much more than he thought he would. Plus, Ouma is an incredible hype man.
If he’s the first one awake, Ouma will feel a spontaneous need for attention and then wake Saihara up by jumping on him. He’s also the kind of partner to pester the Detective to stay up late with him just to cuddle or talk, but then pass out and leave Saihara unable to fall asleep.
They love playing with each other’s hair; Saihara especially loves twisting Ouma’s dark locks between his fingers, whilst Ouma just likes running his hands and fingers through the other boy’s soft hair.
They’re both actually hopeless romantics who would go above and beyond for one another, always trying to plan cute dates and surprises. 
Most of their dates are romantic and expensive ones so they don’t go out frequently. Or, they’ll go on spontaneous, unplanned adventures to the Boardwalk or in the City.
Ouma is much more scared of commitment than Saihara is. Saihara wanted to get married sooner, which took lots of convincing and time to finally bring his boyfriend around and open to the idea.
But because of his fear, they decided that Ouma should be the one to propose, just to make sure that he’s ready. It takes several years, but it finally happened and of course he did it in a large public setting, and made a big deal out of it because… go big or go home!
Once they were finally ready, they had an amazing, and huge, wedding. Everyone in DICE came as well as all of the other Detectives and Police Officers in Saihara’s Department, and all of their friends, family, and classmates. It was a wedding for the books.
It was a traditional, beautiful wedding. Ouma was the ‘Bride’ and sobbed real, genuine tears when they finally got to say, “I do.”
Not Safe For Work
Their first time was actually veryintimidating. Ouma and Saihara didn’t have sex for a long, long time because neither of them were comfortable or ready - they were each other’s first.
They didn’t have sex until around the one year mark of their relationship, and that time was extremely awkward. Both boys were pretty shy, especially Saihara. So, Ouma took control since he was the more confident one, but still felt immense butterflies in his stomach.
Every time they have sex, Saihara is always asking, “Are you sure?” Or, “Are you comfortable with this?” because consent is key. 
When they finally do get comfortable, they both let all of their inner desires free and become much more adventurous and kinky. They have a long talk about the things they like and what each of them are okay with, and afterwards they are much less fearful.
Saihara loves leaving hickeys on Ouma’s neck since he’s able to hide them in his scarf, so his neck is usually riddled with bruises and bite marks. Saihara is considerate and only leaves them in less visible places, but Ouma is the opposite. He will leave them wherever people will see them - it’s his way of claiming Saihara. He loves leaving all kinds of marks and seeing them afterwards.
Both strive for the other’s undivided attention. And they both get off to eye-contact, which is typically held whenever they have sex; unless they’re both desperately horny and just need to fuck. 
It makes Saihara melt whenever Ouma glances up at him as he’s going down on him, sending shivers down his spine. But knowing Ouma, he won’t allow him to finish that easily. He loves edging Saihara along just to get him whining and moaning.
You’d think that Ouma is the dominant one, but he’s not; they’re both switches, and Saihara can be just as dominant as his boyfriend. He gets especially dominant whenever Ouma toys with him and denies his orgasm, so he has to be careful or else Saihara will take control and become viciously rough.
However, Ouma is definitely a power-bottom. Even when Saihara is on top and assuming the dominant role, Ouma is provoking him and trying his damnedest to thrust against him or take as much control back as possible.
He’s a teasingly playful brat who will use his words to make Saihara frustrated and shamelessly palm him in public. Then, Ouma will smirk and whisper in his ear, “Oh, do you like that~?”
They enjoy using handcuffs, especially since they’re ready at Saihara’s disposal. They also use the Police decreed Baton that he received after becoming a Detective for spanking, but that’s only sometimes.
If he’s had a really long day, sometimes all Saihara needs to do is bend his boyfriend over and take him. But generally speaking, their sessions are much more romantic and drawn out than that. Neither of them really enjoy quickies unless they’re both sexually frustrated, and Saihara can’t be that dominant all the time. 
Ouma is much louder than his partner, but thankfully Saihara gets off to sounds. Ouma will scream and encourage Saihara to keep going, whilst the Detective usually pants or grunts at most. And if Ouma is the dominant one, he’ll call Saihara all kinds of names and boss him around the bedroom.
Often, when Saihara is on top or the one in control, he still gets shy and stutters when he tries spitting out a command or blushes intensely.
Saihara used to be vanilla until Ouma brought out his kinkier side. Now, he finds new things that he wants to try all the time and is open to exploring their tastes together. 
He especially likes when Ouma grinds against him, and his hands will uncontrollably explore his body as Ouma does so. 
Neither of them have very high stamina, especially Saihara, so they both end up falling asleep half-naked in each other’s arms when they’re finished, after just a few rounds.
Ouma acts naïve to Saihara’s advances, sometimes bending over just to tease him or pretending to be clueless whenever his boyfriend is so obviously in the mood; that only builds his sexual frustration even more.
And even worse, Ouma might yell out some pretty alarming exclamations like, “It hurts!” just to prank Saihara in the middle of sex. The Detective will always pause and ask him if he’s okay, and it actually means a lot to Ouma that he cares so much. 
Saihara flinches at the gentle touches, but he loves feeling Ouma’s smaller hands running along his body. Regardless of who’s on top, he’ll leave small kisses in the crook of Ouma’s neck or mumble sweet little nothings into his skin as they go at it.
And aftercare is a must, although Ouma sometimes teases that he “wore Saihara out.” 
- Mod Rantaro
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