#definitely my favourite event 😆
yourlittlettoy · 4 months
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Just for the sake of using this blog like an actual blogging space 💁🏻‍♀️✨ let me tell you about how my first NEST went!!
For those of you that aren’t familiar, NEST is one of the biggest fetish gatherings in North America for us t-word enthusiasts! I’ve known about it since forever ago, and this may it was my first time actually attending. It was: everything I’d hoped it would be (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡ here are some highlights!
This gathering was probably one of the biggest I’ve ever been to in terms of the amount of friends I saw alone! There were pals from our Tumblr community, friends from Japan, everyone from my gathering friend groups, and lots of friends from my local community as well. It was really heaven to just be with all of my favourite people all at once and in one place (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡
The events were REALLY COOL! Definitely a gathering with one of the most comprehensive schedules I’ve ever experienced! I participated in as much as I could, but notably the squid games, auctions, and t-word-theatre (which is a big public t-word show where someone get’s got in front of an audience in a very theatrical way!) was super cool! Having said that…
I GOT KIDNAPPED!! Well, “napped” 😅 don’t worry, no real felonies here hahaha. When I applied to be ‘napped like back in the beginning of the year, I didn’t hear anything back at all about the process of how that was going. Knowing not every applicant ends up getting chosen, I didn’t let myself keep my hopes up. Long story short.. after I excitedly went to the t-word theatre event all pumped to watch someone get got… to my great surprise, that person was gonna be me lmao ‼️😱 I was kinda *taken* from my seat and tied to a chair in front of everyone, then a game show-dating show scenario played out with 3 bachelors behind a curtain answering questions (really funny and witty answers, might I add) that the show host threw their way 😆. Of course, then the host eventually asks the question “our bachelorette loves to laugh, how would you make her laugh?” … and basically I watched as all of them came through the curtain to come get me 😱 one by one…. And then !!! OF COURSE ALL THREE HAD TO COME AT ONCE 😱💀😵!!! And I couldn’t take it right so I was yelling “help meeee” hahaha ya know cause pooOOooOoOor meeeee 🤪😇. And the host was like… “sure I’ll help them” AND JOINED IN ON THE LERS SIDE 💀💀💀! ANYWAYYYY despite how extremely evil that was 😜🥺, it was 10/10 one of the coolest experiences of my life, I got an “I got napped” certificate AND it made me really happy when people approached me later saying they liked my scene (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡ THANK U NEST FOR CHOOSING MEEEE! 🩷
This was the first gathering I been to with a partner and he was beyond lovely and supportive and we didn’t struggle with feeling any kind of restrictions due to each other .. and this means a lot because I intend on going to gatherings for as long as I can and the fact that that won’t interfere with my love life is truly a dream come true for me :)
Oh, and I experienced getting t-worded by one of my most sadistic gal pals in a fully nylon body suit and 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I think my soul left my body that day lmaoooo RIP ME
Those are the highlights!!! This post really is a summary but happy to share more details if there are any questions 😁 thank you for reading and for following along this lil journey with me <3 I adore and appreciate all of you here with me right now! We’ve come a long way 🥰 maybe see some of you next year!!! 👀😙 that would be amazing!
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thoughtsonkm · 1 month
Jeju pt.1 in a nutshell
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(more than that, I just love this pretty aesthetic shot)
The vibe was definitely different because logically two people (especially jm&jk) are gonna behave differently than a three person group. Just a matter of numbers, synergies and the need to deliver a specific product to the audience. Nonetheless it was so entertaining to me. I realize I kinda missed these three together sharing 2 braincells (1 for jimin and 1 for tae&jk). The first two episodes were so chill and they felt like they almost had a lowkey underground vibe as if they were in their own bubble away from everyone just living life in their little part of the world accompanied by a moody scene and dim lights while this episode was like a action packed manic episode, so bright so cheerful with childlike wonder. I'm glad they can still have fun together and always enjoy the moment.
Plus let's be honest jikook are gonna jikook no matter the place, time and people around.
Some of the funniest parts of the ep to me were: The contrast of Jimin yapping about Aewol and Tae&Jk eating like there's no tomorrow. The drive through ordeal. The perfect comedic scenario of Jimin chasing Tae to make him eat like it was the last thing he would do.
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Favourite reaction meme/face of the day. The betrayal, the suspense, the drama.
LOOK at this little bean stopping and collecting Jimin's 1930 shoes and going after his shenanigans like the dependable banryeo he is 😭 (remember back in 2019 when jimin called jk that and everyone went crazy and rolled with it for MONTHS? Good times)
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On another note it's actually very interesting how you can feel and see how in every second Jimin tries to be in control of the situation and always on top of everything, every angle and every concern. He also always looks so deep in thoughts during these episodes, it's like he's given himself the task to be the artist, entertainer, manager,producer and everything all at once in this show. I'm sure it also has to do with his own personality and being someone who looks at every minor detail, a perfectionist who tries to curate everyone and everything.
The way Jk's life flashed before his eyes when he saw blood on Jimin's lips ~ so fuckin cute
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And after Jimin's lip incident happened, Jungkook could not stop licking his own lips for the rest of the episode and probably day, I see you
THAT scene was so thought inducing, so ao3 ff coded it was insane. Just Jk silently staring at a dazzling and sleeping jimin in the ground. 37292 scenarios could've been played and then.. just walked away to take a shower (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
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Not okay seriously! The concern, the adoration, the yearning.
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Blaming Jk for his actions was never an option. LOOK AT HIM
I LOVE the constant little comedic improvs Jikook do together, they're so fun!! You can tell that it's part of their usual daily thing (it's actually smth i also do with my friends and it always gets hysterical)
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The idea that they went on a private trip to Jeju in August and then went again for the show in September, fills me with joy. Love that they had the opportunity. Seems like they keep on going to the same locations twice, just so they can get that full experience with each other.
I kid you not, this is one of my top3 fav things they do together. JIMINSSIII - JUNGKOOKSSIII
The editing being almost backwards and all over the place really is a little off-putting sometimes, jarring even. Not keeping events in a chronological order is sus on it's own, like they're scraping for footage at this point..
And yes it is also kinda bothering me that it's been years and years of content creation and they still can't do a good job at translating and coordinating what everyone says, is it really that hard? is it??
Imma put her on blast just out of pettiness 😆
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theravenmuse · 3 months
Tagged by @kotias
How many works do you have in AO3? 55! A few of which are art or meta, but the majority are fics.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 329,403 words.
What fandoms do you write for? Almost exclusively Good Omens.
Top five fics by Kudos:
1. I Could Be Yours (E) - 614 Kudos
The version of Good Omens where Aziraphale and Crowley are a pair of horny immortals who enjoy engaging in very long, very elaborate, VERY INTENSE role plays.
This fic is currently part of a hostage situation and will not be updated unless/until that is resolved. I do have a handful of chapters written and ready to go though.
2. I’ll Cum Quietly (E) - 613 Kudos (for a one chapter fic? We were all a little horny after that ending, I suppose. 😆)
Aziraphale has a REACTION to Crowley saying that line. Spoiler alert: Crowley does not come quietly. XD
3. The Nightingales Were Just Sleeping In (T) - 518 Kudos
The one where Crowley falls to the bookshop floor, a sobbing mess, and these two idiots finally figure out they’re just on opposite sides of the same page.
4. Oh, Simple Thing, Where Have You Gone (M/E I keep changing my mind) - 490 Kudos
Let’s make it worse! And then eventually fix it, I promise.
Immediately post season 2, we’re going to find out just how sinister the Metatron’s plan is.
Still a WIP. I’m coming back to this one as soon as I catch up on my event things.
5. Show Me You Love Me? (E) - 406 Kudos
After dealing with a few unruly demons, Aziraphale has been crowned the local demon expert. This mostly means informing the local priests that they have in fact trapped yet another normal human and setting the poor fellows loose. That is until today.
Alternatively: Crowley gets caught by some enthusiastic humans and was likely well on his way to discorporation before Aziraphale steps in. Aziraphale tenderly cares for Crowley, and then there are love confessions, and then Aziraphale takes care of Crowley in a different way.
Do you respond to comments? When I have the spoons I respond to every comment, even the basic “I loved this” ones. But spoons have been in short supply lately so I’ve only been responding to comments that I have meaningful responses to.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh my. Isn’t that a question. And surprisingly, it does have a definitive answer. This was only the fifth fic I ever published. It’s the first dark fic I ever wrote. It altered the way I think about using horror elements in storytelling. It has very few hits and kudos. It remains to this day one of my favourite works, despite the fact that I’ve grown so much in my prose and story structuring since then.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (E) Mind the tags. I did not do in depth CWs the way I do them now. All of the warnings are in the tags only.
A Christmas horror story in which Crowley accidentally releases the demon of Yule, Krampus. Intense horror elements throughout, especially at the end. There is no bright side at the end of this. There is no safety. There is no peace.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? This one is actually harder. I know I’m more known for dark fic, but I’ve written more than one piece where they’re just completely happy at the end. Nothing could be better. Because of that, I’m going to go with the one with the happy ending that means the most to me. That would be this one:
There were Angels Dining at the Ritz (G)
Seasons 1, 2, and 3 (I hope) from the perspective of a waitress at the Ritz.
Do you get hate on fics? Not really. I’ve gotten two hate comments over 30+ dark and/or intense kink fics. One of those accounts is perma-banned, the other got off with a warning. Try it, I dare you.
Do you write smut? Yes indeed. The kinkier the better. You didn’t ask, but this is my favourite soft smut:
Just Another Day in the Rest of Their Lives (E)
It's a soft sort of spice, being woken by your lover's kisses in the cottage you share in the South Downs. How long can they linger here, letting eternity pass them by?
And this is my favourite kink:
Submission (E)
Crowley is in one of his "bratty bottom" moods and needs some help calming down.
And finally, my favourite dark smut fics:
Belle Mort (E) - lovingly nicknamed “Necro”
Heaven is on to the Arrangement. Fortunately, Aziraphale has a plan to throw them off the scent. Surely hereditary enemies couldn't be fraternizing if one of them discorporates the other? Crowley would never agree to such a plan, of course, but they can talk about it after.
No Escape For the Wicked (E) - lovingly nicknamed “eggs”
Crowley has been Lucifer's brood bitch from the dawn of the Earth, a duty he can't escape after his treachery. When he is forced to return to the depths of Hell for his task following his betrayal, he finds a vengefully jealous master.
Craziest Crossover? I don’t know about craziest, but this Good Omens X The Sandman is quite a bit of kinky fun.
Desire (E)
Crowley has spent the last several thousand years keeping Desire at bay. He's had to. But after a certain night in 1941, when Crowley's defenses are shot and Desire comes in the shape of his angel, the demon at last gives in to a temptation of his own making.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of. I do occasionally scour for stolen works through general Google search, but that isn’t a guarantee.
Have you ever had a fic translated? The first chapter of I Could Be Yours has a Russian translation. I’m unsure if the translator intends to do more. The lovely @nosferatini has also made a podfic of Platypi and Other Insignificant Topics of Discussion.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not that has been published yet. I have written fics based on other works and have had a few write fics based on mine. There’s a lovely comic up on Gleafer’s Patreon based on one of my own Patreon Exclusive fics. The Great Flood (available now to free and paid members on my Patreon).
All time favourite ship? Aziraphale/Crowley. Honorable mention to the crack ship I’ll go down with: The Bookshop/The Bentley.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Still unnamed. Serial art thief Anthony Crowley/FBI agent Ezra Fell. Slow burn. And I mean slooooow burn. Currently sitting at 150k words. It will be well over 400k when completed, I think.
What are your writing strengths? Intense emotion. Intense psychological elements. Putting just the right amount of feeling into a whump fic that the pain hits that much harder.
What are your writing weaknesses? I’m still a fairly young writer. I’ve only been publishing fic for four years. I’ve only really been writing for about fifteen. Because of that, I’m still evolving very rapidly. I see it the most in my prose. I’m still learning how grammar works among other things.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? It’s fine. It can help with the story immersion. I don’t speak any other language well enough to use more than the occasional short phrase. I do have an upcoming Rennaisance Era Pirate/Witch Crowley who says quite a few Irish Gaelic expletives.
First fandom you wrote in? Warrior cats. Never published but I do still have it somewhere around here. Written in pencil so it’s fading fast. 😆
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? YOU WOULD HAVE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN MY CHILDREN?!
Okay, I really did try. I scrolled through several times but I can’t choose. So instead, have the crack fic that I nearly got a heart attack over when someone sent an ask about it to Neil Gaiman’s inbox. 😳
Hey Sexy, Wanna Oil My Exhaust Pipe? (E)
The Bentley doesn't appreciate being left out in the cold while her demon gets it on with his angel. Fortunately, the bookshop is all too willing to engage in some fun times of their own.
Tagging: @nosferatini @theonewiththeshippinggoogles @naromoreau @startledplatypus @depressedpenguin2
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Yeah no that definitely makes sense and agreed - I think at that stage in her life and career, she'd only have a child out of circumstance rather than on purpose.
P would be trying real hard not to let her favouritism show while she's coaching, but everyone knows anyway that she's extra soft for Stephie. Imagine a game where Stephie gets a little hurt and P's ready to fight another 6-yr old kid lmao.
I keep imagining how soft and cute P would be with a mini Azzi 🥹
Ooo yep, I definitely vibe with staying as close to irl UConn lore as possible, plus I'm never gonna say no to another cruise scene haha.
Oh imagine when P comes around to Storrs during Azzi's final year to visit the menaces or even just when she's facetiming any of them and that inevitable awkwardness of broaching the Azzi topic, or Azzi accidentally walking in while the others are on the phone with her.
I realise I've just kinda assumed that they break up after P's final year 😅 Would that mean that the public never knew about their relationship? At least, not officially?
If that's the case, do the media or public ever question their "friendship" and why they don't seem to be close anymore?? Like when P gets traded, and there's talk about the two "former best friends" being reunited?
Also, do they still kinda fall into each other at times after breaking up? Maybe especially that first year or so after the break up, like during Azzi's final college year and then slowly fade into no communication? Or do they immediately cut off all connection and only interact at public events and games? Or just barely interact at all?
Oh and I know I've been advocating for Tim to still always be checking in on P, even if it's just at games but I am super curious in general about the dynamics between Azzi and P's family and P and Azzi's family after they break up. Especially Azzi and Drew, cause you know I'm a sucker for a Drew cameo and Azzi + Drew interactions!
A Steph appearance! Just don't make Stephie into a Warriors fan 😫😂
Ooo a possible divorce situation with P??? Ugh I'm so curious about other relationships they had after breaking up! Although idk about P getting married to someone else (only cause I'm selfish and just can't see her marrying anyone other than Azzi lol) - what if she got engaged and came close but in the end, she just couldn't go through with it?? Or we can go with divorce, that's cool too, it has been 9 years after all haha.
I mean… I may or may not have a playlist where I drag songs into if they give me the exes to lovers fic vibe 😏. I need a title for it though!
Ngl, I actually was thinking "oh I wonder what Taylor song Nivi's gonna go with for this one?" 😆 Last Kiss seems like a pretty perfect choice. But now that just makes me think that we're about to go through even more pain than we did with the UCLA fic before we get a happy ending. We are gonna get a happy ending, right?
Speaking of Taylor songs - why do I feel like loml could potentially be one of the songs used for a chapter - "what we thought was for all time was momentary" or "you shit-talked me under the table, talking rings and talking cradles. I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all."
Oh btw Nivi, you totally don't have to address all or any of my questions!! I literally just chuck in whatever comes to mind but please feel free to tell me to just wait for the fic to find out the answers 😅
And pleaseee, your "NO NO NO NOPE NO" in response to that ask about you having kids had me dead 😭
ALSO, Tatum and Ella Mai expecting a baby?! Talk about private but not a secret, they did a fine ass job keeping the pregnancy quiet as long as they did though!
EVERYONE HAS ME SO CONFLICTED I have no idea what to do lmao maybe I'll just leave it open-ended and we don't have to go into how this child came to be lol
LMAO all the other parents whining about playing time and their child not getting a starting role meanwhile Azzi's out here giving Paige a talking to about how they're literally 5 year old's, this is not that serious and Stephie doesn't needa start every single game
I actually haven't decided the exact time for when they break up but it's definitely before Azzi gets to the W I think but I haven't really thought about the media reaction yet, other than that it's obviously a big deal when they end up on the same team again in the sense that it's a huge deal that two mvp's are teaming up
So....mayhaps a little spoiler but there might potentially be just a little bit of Drew and Azzi angst at some point because let's just remember she was in his life from very young and then she wasn't.
Well if I go with the Valkyries, it only make sense babes. Trust it's gonna be as hard to write for me as it is for you to read but Stephie is very likely gonna be a Warriors fans (that hurt to write oh lord)
LMAO give me a title?
Happy ending? Hmmmm what's that?
YES LOML WOULD HIT SO GOOD. Maybe I'll use that in chapter but I gotta add it to my playlist asap for sure.
I literally got that ask and was like, y'all I am literally in college, no I do not have a child thanks!
I SAW THAT. I'M SO EXICTED FOR THEM!! They really did such a good job and aww Deuce is gonna get a little sibling.
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murphy-kitt · 1 year
Yoooo! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💚
Thank you to @darthfrodophantom for also tagging me in another post! :)
I have 69 (nice) works on AO3 so there was quite a lot to go through.
1. red in tooth and claw (that’s your fatal flaw)
Summary: Everyone finds out Wes was right in the worst way possible.
Reason: This was the first fic I wrote in phicphight ‘22, my first year of participating for the event. I remember loving writing this in the moment and beginning to flesh out Wes’ character in my style. It was the first time he had a main POV in my fics. It definitely took me out my comfort zone as I had to take Wes, someone who wants his discoveries to be known, and reduce him to this subdued bystander facing the realisation that although he did want to reveal Danny, he never thought it through or considered the impacts.
2. lie like a tombstone (yet secrets will bloom)
Summary: Valerie finds a body in the park thanks to some ghostly flowers, and she never would’ve guessed that it belonged to Phantom. Only, the context around his death sounds.. concerning. Because he died alone. And no one ever reported him missing. But that just barely scratches the surface of Phantom’s secrets.
Reason: This fic is so self indulgent it’s actually ridiculous. 35k+ (and ongoing) words of a corpse au and no one knows au mashup with me trying to keep the mystery up as long as possible. I’ve been working on it for two years now, it’s seen me through college, and who knows how long forever more. I appreciate this fic a lot, because it’s a massive motivator for me to keep writing and reminds me that I am capable of longfics outside of one-shots. The Val and Wes team up was unexpected when it began but honestly one of my fav combinations of characters to write. Of course it’s also a big favourite because it’s a corpse au ❤️🤌.
3. Mask
Summary: Danny never really took a minute to consider what he looked like in Phantom form. He didn’t need to, not really. It wasn’t as if he was scared of what was under the mask. No, not at all.
Reason: another self indulgent fic. It was Ectober 2021 and I saw this prompt and went “yup it’s danno has a HAZMAT hood time”. I loved writing the reveal scene in this the most, when the Fentons and Val realise that Phantom is just this kid with no evil intent (best genre of fics imo). Also the opportunity for a sequel is prevalent—although I’m unsure if I’ll go ahead with that. I put a lot of work trying to get the build up and reveal done smoothly.
4. Forest Fires
Summary: 1967. Nine-year-old Madeleine Walker watched her older brother Daniel Walker die in a lab accident. Years on, she’s certain that Danny Phantom is the ghost of her dead brother. But she’ll never know now, having thrown away the opportunity in a fleeting moment of anger. Meanwhile, a confused Danny sets out to uncover what happened to the uncle he didn’t even know existed. Only the truth is much more than just a simple lab accident.
Reason: although only one chapter and two prequel one-shots at the minute, this AU/series is something I’m very proud of. I’ve planned a lot out for it and I can’t wait to get all the mysteries set and unravelling. Maddie’s portrayal of character I feel satisfied with considering the turmoil over her brother and having to deal with Danny’s changing behaviour. Excited to get this one going again. Also love it because I get to include my OCs 😁.
5. beyond false pretences (we search in plain sight)
Summary: Danny Fenton disappeared without a trace. Soon after, his family followed. Five years on, Sam Manson is determined to figure out why.
Reason: This was my third phicphight fic in 2022 (I seemed to have really liked my fics that event 😆) and I saw the prompt and ran with it. I particularly love writing mystery and suspense so this was very fun to do. Unfortunately it’s not finished but I like what I’ve done so far. I loved putting the easter-eggs within the fic and seeing if readers could spot them. And it was great fun to see people theorising on what they thought had happened to Danny.
I’m going to tag: @jadenoryuu @kawaiijohn @dp-marvel94 @jackdaw-sprite @cleanlenins
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
Ending the year with Blind Channel + a bunch of some lovely people, aka not-a-concert-report from the Helsinki ice hall show (29.12.) and Tampere Pakkahuone (30.12.)
(let me know if any of you want your (@)mention removed from this post 🖤)
Not a concert report because y'all know pretty much what happened; this is just my own diary entry about the events 😌
So, Thursday was a bit of a struggle for me personally: there were some surprise changes regarding my train trip to Helsinki that gave me a good ol' spook the first thing I woke up, plus I had a killer headache for most of the day...
...and on top of that I fell! 🙈 We were already inside the venue and on our way to take our spots on the floor. Naturally there were all sorts of electric chords going across the floor, but thankfully they were covered so that people walking normally and minding their step wouldn't stumble all over them 🙏👍👌
Needless to say I wasn't one of them, however 🙃 I wasn't running, I was just walking quite fast, and I totally wasn't watching where I was going, and so I tripped and ended up on the floor and had super minor injuries on my hand and knee (thanks @matelas for the pink bandaid 💗)
My fall wasn't quite as dramatic as Porko's though, gosh what a show-off, can't even fall on his pretty little ass without pyros blowing off 🙄🔥
We weren't super close to the stage, but close enough to see what was happening with our bare eyes, and definitely closer than I dared to imagine in advance! 🤩
The surprise Robin was one of the highlights of the gig, that was truly something straight ouf of fanfiction 😆 I mean, imagine being such good friends with your ex that you ask them to be a special guest in your special show with your new bf's band :')
And the money shooting in the air was a m a z i n g 😂💞💸 sadly I didn't catch one, but @thisisntaparty was terribly kind and gave me one afterwards as a keepsake 🥰 I've put it on the Place of High Honour™ (the fridge door)
(let's not talk about how the setlist was a teeeeeeeeeny tiny disappointment (to me personally at least; I was totally excpecting to hear SLB and many other songs they KNOW are fan favourites 😔), and I feel like the show itself wasn't as special I was expecting it to be 🤔 I mean, of course having Robin fucking Packalén there took us all by surprise etc. but somehow I expected more, especially because the setlist was exactly the same the next day in Tampere (and maybe the cruise show setlist was similar as well?). For example, Dark Side being the ONLY encore song wasn't how I had imagined them to end their biggest headline gig to date)
But, speaking of Tampere, HOLY FUCKING SHIT 😭😭😭😭😭 It was incredible, and not least because we were on 3rd row with a direct view to Olli 😵 @matelas and I competely lost it when he first appeared in front of us, in all his sinful beauty ✨
I had never been this close to Olli's side before, so it was amazing to see his happy face during the songs 😭 You can really see from his whole presence how much he enjoys playing shows, I wanted to ruffle his hair too like Niko did during Glory For The Greedy 🥺
And Aleksi was really enjoying himself as well, it was cool to see him up close too when he came to stand on Olli's platform a few times 🥰 I feel like our eyes met very briefly near the end 💖
Niko did the eeeeeeeeyo thingie, as he always does, and we did the longest eeeeeeeeeeeyo known to mankind back at him, in fact I think you can still hear it echoing inside Pakkahuone! 😌
In both shows (and also in general) my favourite songs to hear live are Don't Fix Me, We Are No Saints, and Balboa; I had so much fun boundcing and partying to those songs 💃 I had made a conscious decision to not film too many videos during either gig, because I truly wanted to take it all in and enjoy the shows to the fullest, but at the same time I wish I had taken just a few more, because watching the videos and sort of getting to re-live the whole thing all over again is so much fun 🖤
Great fun was also had at the very informal, extremely small-scale, and otherwise perfectly wonderful BC tumblr gathering we had after the ice hall show in a bar downton Helsinki, and in the Gathering 2.0 after the Tampere show!! 🥰 You guyyyyyyssssss, both hangouts were filled with laughter and kindness and soft feelings and I was so happy 🥺😭💕
(I DIDN'T CRY, but if I did, it was because @himmelno44 made me!! 😭)
Thanks to BC and their superb energy and songs I probably would have had a great time even if I had gone to the shows all alone, but I gotta tell ya, spending time with such lovely people made it so much better and I had the most fun I've had in a long time 🥺
Special thank yous go to my queuing buddies @ladysorbus and @matelas without whom I would've frozen my ass off and died of boredom while waiting for showtime both days (I'll have you know Envy and I acted so incredibly mature the entire time and totally did not annoy the heck out of @ladysorbus and each other 🥰💞)
Thank you to my BC tumblr meet organizer buddy @sinking-into-mist (the meet was succesful and no one passed out due to anxiety, look at us!! 🎉) and my darling dearest sweetest most loveliest @himmelno44 I miss you so terribly much already and I'm counting the days until we see again, no matter how many there'll be 😭
Thank you to @thisisntaparty (keeping the door open for Stockholm shall we 👀) @mil-peri @madeofbrokenstuff @gingervivilou and @into-the-hell for hanging out, it was so nice meeting you and I'm up for getting together with any of you sweet people any time! <3
And thank you to everyone else I met a little more briefly (but not too briefly to get a hug 🥰), it was great to see you all, mwah mwah mwah 💋
And now the emotional part:
This year's been a bit rough for me personally for various reasons, as there has been a couple of changes that I'm still trying to get used to (+ the always-present feelings of loneliness and inadequacy), but Blind Channel has been this one consistent element in my life this year, something I have been able to escape to when things in my personal life have started hurting too much. Their music and all the content on the side (from the guys themselves as well as fan-made) are one thing, but equally important to me are all the amazing people I have met (in person and online!) and the incredible memories we have made together that have given me endless joy throughout the year 🥺 There have been many, many days when I have felt so incredibly sad and lonely and desperate and the thought of being happy has seemed downright impossible, but during the last two days I have laughed so much and felt such joy that I don't really know how to put it into words 😭 I just want to thank everyone who was part of it, and of course I hope to one day be able to meet Blind Channel in person again too and thank them, for giving me so much more than just the music 🖤
To anyone reading this, thinking I'm crying my eyes out all alone in my apartment, having to continue living my sad, boring life not knowing when I'll see Blind Channel and some of the lovely peeps mentioned above again: I am crying my eyes out, but I want you to know I'm also crying happy tears because of how grateful I am for all these memories, and also that I'm happy to sleep in my own bed tonight and to be eating cauliflower soup and having some fun snacks while watching hockey later, so life's not all bad I guess, even if I have a small wound on my right hand and a bruise the size of Niko's balls on my left knee :')
(last night I was actually so happy that I had forgotten all about the falling as well as the hassle with the train 🥰)
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vintagelacerosette · 2 years
Artist/ Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by the magnificent darling Chrissy @you-are-so-much-better-than-that who came up with the artist questions, the sensational sweetheart Harvey @mikhailoisbaby & honeypie Willow @ian-galagher thank youuu 🥰
1. Do you post on Ao3? If so, how many works do you have on AO3? If not, where do you post?
I don't post my art on ao3 but on tumblr 😊
2. What is your total art count?
17 🎨
3. What are your top 5 pieces by likes/kudos?
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4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond by liking them bc most comments are in the tags & idk should i respond in the comments? lol
5. What is your current fandom, and what was the first fandom you drew for?
Current fandom: Gallavich & First fandom i drew for & shared my art is Gallavich but probably first fandom was maybe soul eater
6. Have you ever received hate on any art?
Not hate but a complaint on my gallacrafts for theme 11 I'm fucking gay. I got an anon asking why I made the lesbian flag & put the phrase I'm fucking gay & i that should have just done lesbian although I had actually made both but it was on the part 2 bc i had a limit of 10 pictures.
7. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t drawn for yet but want to?
Maybe Spirk or Soul x Maka from Soul Eater
8. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Gallavich most definitely, they hit all my likes in a ship plus they're canon & married to boot! #spoiled 😆
9. Do you draw outside of fandom?
Yeah I started getting back into drawing with makinng flowers for mutual's birthday 🥰 I've also made little mascots of baby animals for my niece's baby shower
10. What’s the an art piece you’ve drawn that came out completely differently than you expected?
Probably the GGE2022 for Macy. I had some other ideas. Also their poses were gonna be different like it was either the back of them looking at snow or tumbled into the snow on top of an ny roof top but still not the best at figure drawing so i just did the best of my abilities 😄
11. Do you draw smut?
Not yet but one day 😏
12. Have you ever had any of your art stolen or copied?
Not that I know of
13. Have you ever collaborated on a piece?
No but I think it could be fun to do 🖼
14. What’s an idea you have that you have yet to draw?
Snow king Mickey & Snowflake fae Ian that was gonna be my 2nd choice for the GGE2022 but i loved making fanart for Macy 🥰
Crop top Ian & Mickey in Ian's ROTC hat
Smoo fae Mickey in Ian's arms from a reference pic i saw here
15. What are your drawing strengths?
Faces, hair, blushing & colouring maybe?
16. What are your drawing weaknesses?
Poses, hands & backgrounds
17. What’s your favourite art piece you’ve drawn?
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I would say my good omens au I simply adorethe little details I put into the drawing. I referenced Mickey's outfit in Ian's delete scene dream. Ian's outfit is 7x10 just in darker colours. I loved being able to create Ian's ombre eyes by colour picking Cameron's hazel ones. Ian's hair shading. The heart wings & being able to creat the wing texture on the angel wing. AND their signature shows with the timberland & bright read air forces!!! I had such a fun time drawing this 🥰 Also it was my 100,000 post lol
18. What is one thing you’d like to tell people about your art that they might not know?
My gallavich art is the first time I've been colouring my drawings. When I drew a lot in high school I would just do the line art & was too hesitant to colour them.
19. What inspires or motivates you to create for fandom?
Definitely you guys! Being able to make you guys smile. As well as your creations & the creating events 💕🖌
20. And finally, can you describe your process a little? Do you have a favourite place to draw? Do you play something in the background? Do you do research or just go for it? Give us a little insight.
I do like to crawl up into a hunched ball on the lounge couch or my bed (which should stop bad for posture lol) Then I do enjoy playing YouTube video essays about internet history/horror games I'd never play or movie reactions.
Also, I am more of an artist who researches & and works with many references. I got a whole lotta unclosed tabs of Ian & Mickey, body poses & clothes that i forgot to close lol.
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So I’m not a fic writer yet! 😉 But here are the interviews questions if you guys wanna ❤️
Fic Writer Interview
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
15. What are your writing strengths?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I’m tagging these twinkling hearts if they wanna play 🥰 @mrsinistertype @crossmydna @friend-bear @darthvaders-wife @psychicskulldamage @divine-gallavich @very-sleepy-head @deathclassic @celestialmickey @depressedstressedlemonzest @suchagallabitch @bekkachaos @ianandmickeygallavich @milkoviched @grumpymickmilk @gallavichgeek @annatrow @sisitrip @lalazeewrites @imikhailotakeyouian @look-i-love-u @suzy-queued @y0itsbri @mishervellous @filorux @jomilky @auds-and-evens @xninetiestrendx @beebabycastiel @bravemikhailo @arrowflier @shameless-notashamed @adakechi @skies-below @takeyourpillsbitchh @mikcrymilkovich @tsuga-of-mars @ardent-fox @you-show-me-love @wehangout
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What made you want to become a nurse ?
hey @coldbrewman1 ! sorry I'm not sure when you sent this, I'm not super active on this blog anymore and mostly just post a mash up of things on my main @starfish-enterprise .
anyway! I don't have a super profound answer to this question. I've always been interested in medical things/the human body as long as I can remember. I remember looking at human body books I had as a little kid and stuff like that. this turned into watching medical shows, reading lots of random stuff, and sneakily watching medical reality/reenactment shows when I wasn't supposed to be watching TLC 😆
I've been pretty involved in scouts Canada since I was six going up through the program, and through scouts I had opportunities to do first aid training which I really liked. I also met a lot of amazing people who are lifelong friends who shared my same interests, and starting in highschool I was able to be involved in a "vocational program" focused on first aid and medical training and providing volunteer first aid for camps, scouting events, and community events. I have been able to be part of the medical service for three national scout camps with thousands of kids and it's amazing!
doing this volunteering kind of solidified in my mind like okay something medical is definitely what I want to do. originally I really wanted to be a paramedic, and the year after I graduated from high school I got my emergency medical responder license. I never ended up getting paid to work with that license (I did volunteer,) but I did volunteer under that scope. where I live it can be difficult to make a good wage starting out as a paramedic. BC has a provincial paramedic service, and it's a union (which is great) so it's all seniority based, so getting a full time position in a city can take a long time. on call hourly pay is terrible, and you usually start in a rural area where you might not get a lot of calls, so if you don't get any calls you could make just $14 for a 12 hour shift.
my mom discouraged me from pursuing that for various reasons, and she also really encouraged me to get a university degree, which is what most people do in my family. I didn't want to do just like a random biology degree, because I don't necessarily work well when I can't see a clear trajectory and a concrete end goal of what I'm working towards, if that makes sense. even doing a degree with the goal of med school still has a lot of possible routes to get there, and it's so much school, which is not my favourite lol. I also knew I still wanted to do something medical/health care related, so that led me to nursing! I applied to a few universities in my last year of high school, and I was accepted to nursing programs at Queens and Western universities in Ontario. I almost went to Queens, but I didn't feel ready to go straight into university after high school.
I took a year off, did that EMR course and licensing, worked at a grocery store and as a nanny, and did volunteer ski patrol (more first aid) at my local ski hill.
during that year I applied to my local nursing program which I wasn't able to apply to straight out of high school due to various course credit stuff which they have since changed. I was lucky enough to get in on my first try, which is amazing because there's often a long wait-list for this program. then I finished and became a nurse!
tldr: I like medical stuff, becoming a doctor is a lot of school, and paramedics don't make as much money 😆
anyway, I don't a have a super profound answer or anything, it was just a good career choice that worked for me. nursing wasn't a calling to me, its not really my passion, it's my job. it's a job that I really like and sometimes love, but it's my job, not my life. I think we need to hear more of that because it will help nurses get paid more and change public perception. I'm not nursing for altruistic reasons, and honestly I don't know anyone who is. the narrative of nursing being a calling or whatever needs to change imo.
sorry about my little diversion at the end there! there's the long convoluted answer 😆
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airadam · 3 months
Episode 181 : Still Rollin'.
"Come on and give me my props..."
- Diamond
Fifteen years! We started this ride in June 2009 and here we still are all these years later. Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you'll stay with me for as long as I'm able to keep putting these shows together. The point of this podcast has never been to prioritise new releases, or to only ever look to the past, but a blend of the two. With that in mind, this month's mix certainly has some old personal favourites, a sprinkling of new music, and some obscurities and rarities! Listen, enjoy, and please do spread the word as widely as you can - as I always say, I have a lot of things, but no advertising budget 😆
I was racking my brain trying to come up with cover art that would reference the theme of fifteen...then realised that the infamous "4, 5, 6" combination sums up to that very number!
Mastodon : @[email protected]
Twitch : @airadam13
Events : events.airadam.com
The Thryday : Fantastic
The album this was ultimately released on is only available for silly money on the second-hand market, but at least I had this from an old mixtape ("WJLR Radio, Volume 1") to share with you! The Dutch master Nicolay is on production for this North Carolina group who were part of the Justus League family and appreciated by those in the know. This same beat, with the same name, is also on Nicolay's "City Lights" and the "City Lights 1.5" version, but with the rhymes that elevate it so...much harder to get!
[J Dilla] Jaylib : The Red (Instrumental)
You already know! One of the best-loved instrumentals from Dilla's post-Slum career - certainly if the reaction when I drop it in a set is anything to go by - and one that will move your speakers for sure. The original is from the famed "Champion Sound" collaboration between Dilla and Madlib, where each rhymes over the other's production, and now the full set of instrumentals is available, making the deluxe release a 100% must-own.
Jigmastas ft. Mos Def, Mr. Complex, Pharoahe Monch, Shabaam Sahdeeq, and Talib Kweli : Lyrical Fluctuation Remix
This is a true all-star MC roster from the late 90s-early 00s independent scene, with DJ Spinna of Jigmastas on remix duties, bringing a different vibe to Joc Max's original, based on crazy short chops of a classic soul sample and having them cheerfully bounce along. I only got this 2000 release in the last few weeks, but have already played it on Twitch, digitised it, and am now sharing its eternally-fresh energy here!
Ghostface ft. Wigz : Outta The Way
"...in the gym throwing the dumbbells all out of order" - disgraceful conduct... Another usage of the same sample from the "Lyrical Fluctuation" remix, this Anthony Acid beat is more straightforward, with Ghostface and Wigz busting through with the energy of two guys rushing a bank! This was one of the standouts on the 2005 Ghostface and Trife "Put It On The Line" LP, though not released as a single despite the potential.
Mobb Deep : Feel My Gat Blow
The soundtrack to the Saul Williams-starring "Slam" was very much a mixed bag in the vein of many 90s-00s soundtracks, but certainly had a few standouts and otherwise-unreleased cuts from some greats, of which this is one. Havoc's beat sounds like a mix between a medieval court and 90s NYC, and the lyrical content is trademark Mobb.
Redman : Winicumuhround
As much as I love Redman's "Dare Iz A Darkside" album (which, notably, he doesn't - reminds him of a bad time), I had all but forgotten about this track until I pulled the vinyl out for a front-to-back listen recently. Erick Sermon and Redman combine on production to have this one thump along with a killer bassline-lead track, and Red is in fine form on the mic. With the voice of the late Hurricane G appearing as part of the densely-packed hook, this is a Def Squad heater for sure.
Pete Rock : Death Becomes You
Definitely one of my favourite Pete Rock beats of all time, but we had to wait a long time to get an instrumental! The original track was on the soundtrack for the 1993 classic "Menace II Society", but it wasn't until the 2019 release of Pete Rock's "Return Of The SP1200" album that we got this version. Absolutely flawless in the sense that there's not a single thing, as a listener or a DJ, that I would have wanted him to change. 
Roots Manuva ft. Big P, Blackitude, Fallacy, Rodney P, Skeme : Witness The Swords
I'd be willing to bet that while most listeners, especially in the UK, will be very familiar with the classic Roots Manuva single "Witness (1 Hope)", most won't know this! It's a blend of the lyrics from "Swords In The Dirt" from Roots' second LP "Run Come Save Me" and the "Witness" beat, from the same album. As far as I know, the only place to find this one is the 2002 "Extra Yard (The Bouncement Revolution)" compilation on Big Dada Records, which is worth picking up for some quality UK cuts.
Big Boi ft. Cutty : Shutterbugg
As a photographer, I really should dig this one out more! Big Boi co-produces with Scott Storch on this single from his solo debut "Sir Lucious Left Foot : The Son Of Chico Dusty", which was actually a much bigger hit in the UK than in the US, where it somehow didn't even break the top 50 in the R&B charts. It's a hectic-sounding track which unexpectedly takes a sudden quiet break in the second verse - and it's at that point that we move along...
Stro Elliot : Soul II Stro
...and so we move with a quick transition into another track that not just references but heavily samples the classic "Back To Life" by the UKs own Soul II Soul, a Stro Elliot workout that's just undeniable in its groove. The samples of Caron Wheeler's vocals haunt at times before coming firmly into the foreground, while the drums and bass thump along with an accompanying keyboard line. That Stro Elliot sampled that 1989 classic on his self-titled LP twenty-seven years later is a testament to the power of the original.
Kokane ft. Lil Half Dead : Ghetto Music
When I saw the garage-filmed (high-quality though!) video for this, I kept waiting for the rapping to start - but nope, this is just a funk product from start to finish which, as the track says, will make you want to move! Despite "Da White Album" only being released in 2022, it was apparently recorded back in the early 00s while Kokane was working on Dr. Dre's "2001" LP but shelved for over twenty years. It manages to sound vintage P-funk, 90s G-Funk, and modern all at the same time. Kokane is a real "if you know, you know" artist who has been putting in work for many years, has collaborated with almost everyone you can name, and keeps on bringing the heat!
[Erick Sermon] Tha Truth : Red Lights (U Gotz 2 Chill '96) (instrumental)
If you know me, you know I love Zapp and Roger Troutman, which means that EPMD's classic "You Gots To Chill" single is a firm favourite. On this R&B single from Tha Truth, who only released one album back in 1997, they came out of the gate strong with Erick Sermon on production, reprising his sampling of "More Bounce To The Ounce" and even throwing in the "chill" sample from his original beat. Shout out to DJ Melo D of Beat Junkies, who was the only person I've heard playing this and the one who told me (on Twitch) what it was!
Diamond D, Sadat X, and Lord Finesse : You Can't Front
A great album cut, loved by those in the know, taken from the early 90s classic "Stunts, Blunts, and Hip-Hop". Buckwild and Diamond's production is both clean and still vintage SP-era magic, with Diamond also grabbing the mic to spit a verse between two other greats. Sadat X was the perfect choice to go first, with his unique tone drawing you in immediately, and Lord Finesse brings it home strong.
Common : Dreamin'
For those that have missed the early chatter, here's a sample of the upcoming Common and Pete Rock LP, which promises to channel the specific forms of energy that each artist brought to their 90s work. If this beautifully-produced tale of a dream of a walk with Black greats both living and transitioned is anything to go by, we're in for a treat!
The Kid Daytona : Fly Lullaby
A deep cut from the 9th Wonder production discography, working with a loop that Pete Rock teased us with between tracks on "The Main Ingredient". The Kid Daytona is definitely a grown man now, but this was an early release from the Bronx native on his "The Interlude" mixtape from 2010 - where every track sampled some kind of intro or interlude from another Hip-Hop track. This is exactly the kind of overlooked track I like to throw in for anyone who might have missed it!
Dogg Pound ft. Snoop Dogg, RBX, and The Lady Of Rage : Who Da Hardest?
A grand reunion - would have left it to the last song as it is on the new Dogg Pound "W.A.W.G" album, but it fit so well here sonically that I changed my mind! For a coming together of West Coast legends, the biggest surprise is them bringing DJ Premier in on production, and maybe the most welcome is the featuring of The Lady of Rage, who has been a universally-loved MC since her star turn on "Afro Puffs". It's pretty long, but there's no instrumental outro and I didn't want you to miss out any of the MCs, so you get the whole thing here!
Terrace Martin & James Fauntleroy : Butterfly Effect
"Gotta stop taking life advice from songs" - I'd say that was good advice, but then that's also what you might call a circular problem! We go fully chill at the end of this section, with the undeniable and unmistakable voice and vocal production of James Fauntleroy alongside modern jazz legend Terrace Martin with a track from their joint "Nova" EP.
Marco Polo : Yung Feathers
The man from Toronto with a trademark bit of modern boom-bap on this final instrumental, a track from his "MP on the MP : The Beat Tape Vol.1" release, a great pickup for anyone who appreciates good Hip-Hop production.
M-Beat ft. Nazlyn : Sweet Love
A big switch-up to end the episode, with a vintage UK track - a jungle remake of Anita Baker's 1986 classic "Sweet Love" with Nazlyn on vocals. Even as someone who didn't like jungle when it first emerged, I couldn't deny this one, an absolute classic reworking. I understand it actually sold well - hitting a high of no.18 in the charts back in 1994 - which goes to show that just sometimes, the public at large catches on to some real quality.
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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I’m so glad you decided to join this year’s ESS. It is a lot of fun, and I feel it helps the EXO Fandom stay connected, in a fun way, while we wait for the group to finish their military service.
Hahaha, same. My Bias Wreckers wreck havoc and change too. I have a very good tumblr friend who also came into the fandom while her Bias (Xiumin) was in his military service.
Ohhhh, I have seen your Chanyeol gifs @breakyourbox. Projects like yours are wonderful.
How did you find your way to EXO? I see you are a kpop fan. Was EXO your first kpop group? Your ESS 🎄❄️
Hiya 🤍 I'm very excited to be part of this year's event (last year I was too late to join...), I'm not really "involved" in the fandom usually, so this is quite new for me, hehe.
Haha, EXO as a group is just so strong, so it's only natural for biases/wreckers to change! 😛 Aw, but it must have been a special moment for your tumblr friend when Xiumin came back from the military! Thankfully there's so many videos and stuff around that you can "get to know" a member even while he's serving. I definitely learned a lot about Chanyeol while he was gone. 😄
Okay, I'll try my best to keep it short this time. XD No, my first kpop group was SHINee, long ago, and even then they were my only one and sort of my "guilty pleasure" (yeah, I was a bit of a music snob 😶). Then 2 years ago, somehow something "clicked" and I got from SHINee into SuperM, who were my gateway to NCT and EXO (and the rest of SM). EXO sort of emerged as my favourite group out of all these (though as you can probably tell from my tumblr, Super Junior are now challenging that 😅). Honestly when I say kpop it's mostly SM groups somehow, I do listen to songs by other kpop artists here and there, but somehow it's only the SM groups I can ever "properly" like (with the very new exception of Billlie).
How about you? (If you think the answer would give too much away about you, feel free not to answer, haha. But I'm ranting too much about myself here 😆
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Hiii!! Congratulations for 500 followers <33 I'm so interested to join your event 😆
My MBTI type is INTJ. I'm a scorpio sun, taurus moon, and aries rising.
In my spare time i like to read books, watch movie, sing, listen to my favorite songs, and playing with my pets.
Most of my friends tell me I'm such a good listener, great advisor, and mom of the group.
And some of my negative sides are; i can be too sensitive and insensitive, depends on the situation and my moods.
fandom: haikyuu and jujutsu kaisen
you can make this sfw/nsfw. im 19.
and lastly, thank you for creating this event. i hope you have a pleasant day/night <3 (and sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language).
Hey hey hey anon, Claire's finally here for you! Sorry for the long waiting but I was really busy. You spoke and here in the ice cream parlour we decided the right cone for you, hope you enjoy it!
Haikyuu: Tohru Oikawa
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So here we are, why did I choose Tohru for you? Your rational and determinated mind let me think you will be perfect for him.
Tohru needs someone he can chill when finishing his training but that can also scold him when he's a brat, that's why you're perfect for him.
In your free time you enjoy drinking bubble tea in your favourite café and going shopping, actually it's Oikawa that push you to go out with him.
Overall the times where you enjoy your presences, are during home dates, takes out and snacks, anime to watch together and cuddles.
Talking about the sexy time I always thought that Oikawa can be quite needy but definitely not the horniest characther in Haikyuu. He needs to have sex with you when he's frustrated after a match or a training.
He's a switch so when your pissed off by his fangirls he knows how to please you. Oral sex for him is a must, it's rare that you go to the main course without coming with his tongue before.
"y/n-chan" "prince/princess" are the words that he whispers the most during the intercourse.
During these times he loves touching you everywhere and praise you, but attention sex with him isn't always romantic, when you annoy him being irrational he fucks the hell out of you.
Mean Oikawa implies hard thrusts, immobilization and teasing, lot of teasing. Before he lets you come it takes a lot of times, and when you explode he continue to rail until he covered you in white load.
Overall everything is balanced with him, but the reason for which he loves you, it's because you saw through his smile and you were able to soothe the pain he felt towards the obstacles he faced during years.
Jujustu Kaisen: Megumi Fushiguro
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I figured that you needed someone like you because you can't always take care for others, that's why Megumi could be a perfect matchup for you!
He's a good listener so when you're having a hard time he will always be there to help you.
Despite being a good listener, Megumi struggles to open up, that's why there are times where you have to try your best and let his walls fall down and talk about his problems.
You love animals, his shikigami are often with you and you love to cuddle them! He also love your pets and when he cuddles them he shoves a rare smile 💜
You like home dates where you enjoy a movie or where you simply cuddle and read a book, Megumi loves to see you concentrated.
When both of you are in a negative moods you tends to vent everything up with longs make out session that bring you to bed.
Megumi loves to take his time with you, but when he's really frustrated something will be different.
Grunts and powerful fingering is what expect you when he's in bad mood. Even when you arrive to the main course he will be very aggressive with his movements.
Megumi has a lot of stamina and he will use it unless you ask him to stop, he has high respect for you and doesn't want to hurt you in anyway.
Your relationship resume in 3 words is: dedication, respect and deepness.
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the-himawari · 2 years
Hey, same person who said Sand Cat Muku is cute, again. Continuing from the last ask, Malleus is my No.1 fave, but my other TWST faves are Deuce, Epel, Riddle, Trey, Jack, Jade, Floyd, & Ortho. Also, my fave dorms are Diasomnia & Heartslabyul. Unrelated, Sakuya, Misumi, Masumi, Banri, Azami, & Tsumugi are participating in the A3! Bridesgroom Battle Royal event, which made me remember that Tsumugi’s VA sang a serenade…for tube cat yokai, but it doesn’t work on ghost brides.
Ohh gotcha, thanks! 👌
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Pomefiore is definitely my favourite dorm with Diasomnia as a close second - I just love them all so much 😭😭 but I also love basically all the second years.... and first years...... it's so hard to choose 😂
Also LOL what is a tube cat yokai 😂 I haven't read the ghost bride event yet but I can't wait to experience tsundere Ace now that I know him more now 😆
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t100fic-for-blm · 4 years
t100fic4blm Weekly Creator Spotlight 🎨
Every Wednesday, t100 Fic for BLM is chatting with one of our creators accepting prompts via the initiative!
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Ally’s It’s a Wonderful Life Bellarke piece for the Bellarke Discord Advent Calendar event. View the post here!
This week we’re chatting with @allysketches! You can check out all her work here.
1. Where do you get your inspiration for your art?
I think my biggest inspiration is always the characters, their stories, and the connection I feel with them. The rest can come from anywhere... any kind of media I consume – if I can picture those characters in a specific scenario I immediately want to draw it!
2. What’s your favourite part of the creation process?
Ooh, composition and sketching, definitely! I love the process of translating an abstract idea to paper, searching for references and inspiration, figuring out the angles, poses, colors, expressions... It's almost like making a mental collage, adding and changing things, until I can picture it just right. It's the most fulfilling part to me.
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Ally’s piece for the bellarke fic Instant Family
3. Do you have a favourite piece you’ve done?
I don't think there's one absolute favorite, as this tends to change pretty much any time I get obsessed with a new idea, but this one I did for Instant Family by @nakey-cats-take-bathsss is pretty close. It has a special place in my heart, since it was basically my first Bellarke piece, for a fic thats very dear to me, and I put so much though into the details. It was a joy to make! I always come back to it. 🥺
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Ally’s piece for the Bellarke Discord Halloween Exchange event
4. What was the most difficult piece to create?
Honestly it's one I haven't yet finished, because it involves several drawings and I was so entranced with the idea that I didn't realize how long it would take... I just want to see it finished once and for all! 😂
But one that took me a bit out of my comfort zone was this one for the Bellarke Discord Halloween exchange, because I decided to make it full body AND draw a background. It was a challenge, and I almost gave up on these elements several times, but I'm glad I powered through and ended up loving how it turned out! Maybe I should do it more often 😆
5. What’s a piece that you would love someone to prompt you?
Oh boy, I don't have any specific idea in mind, but one thing I adore is to make art for fics! Also anything AU in general! Be it based on a movie, a tv show, or whatever scenario really – I love figuring out how those characters fit in that reality. I always have the most fun with those.(And I'm particularly a sucker for sitcoms and romcoms, if that helps 😜)
You can prompt any of our amazing creators via this google form. We accept prompts for all t100 ships and characters and you can check out a full list of our participating content creators here.
Not sure what to prompt us? Check out all of our fic and fanart prompts here.
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softyairs8 · 3 years
I'm C sag, scorpio rising.
Your reading made me cry and smile at the same time 😭 I cannot believe that you got that there might actually be someone for me! That in itself made me so happy and then reading your reply...it was just perfect!!!
"You may have been feeling like you're not meant to be with anyone, but you are. The universe has taken you through many people to teach you how to love yourself. The person is coming. You both just really had to heal before you could become one." ---- This. This part is soooooo true. 99% of the times I'm convinced that I'll die alone 🙈, but the rest 1% of the time when I'm in a good mood I always think to myself that it's taking so long so that both of could become best versions of ourselves before we meet each other. I've been so insecure about myself all my life, childhood traumas, abusive family, and what not, all of it has just screwed me up permanently I guess. The part about self-love and healing is so SO true. I don't think I can ever think highly of myself, but now at this stage/age of my life, I'm definitely learning to accept myself and not be so critical of myself. With each passing day I find myself becoming ever so slightly comfortable with myself physically and mentally.
"Your fs will bring out your inner child. You'll go on adventures, connect on a soul level, deep conversations, fast food at 3 am, vacations to places you've never been before and coffee shops. Your life and relationship with this person will be so eventful." -- This is so cute. I've ALWAYS been the rule follower, and due to my severe anxiety I've never been able to do anything at all really. Even going out of home is a big deal for me..so it'll be nice to be able to enjoy this part of life with someone :)
"You'll think they're very attractive, haha!" -- that's good to know 😆 I hope he thinks the same way about me.
"They'll also be very protective over you, but not in a controlling way. Your fs has a very masculine energy to them." --- I love this. A lot! ☺️
"They could be the CEO of a company or have a very high level in their career. They could also own their own business." --- wow really? 😃 I'm gonna take it to mean that the guy is also on the older side (like me). I like that a lot coz I just don't feel attracted to younger men 🙈
"I'm also getting that they will treat you like a queeennnn. Oh my gosh, your fs is so respectful, understanding, kind, and comforting. As cold as they look, they're a warm teddy bear inside!" --- 😭
"They LOVE cuddles! Physical touch could be one of their love languages." --- I love this so much!!!
"Aside from the formal side of them, they have some pretty fun hobbies!" --- I am SO boring! So I'm totally looking forward to his fun hobbies 😀
"They could love photography, and I also see a stack of pictures. You both could take millions of photos together!! They could also love having weekly karaoke events, haha! They're quite the singer!!! Why do I feel like there would be so many late nights where you both just have karaoke nights at home." --- oh gosh I'm so insecure about my appearance I must've taken only about 100 or so pics of myself in the past decade! So this is something to looked forward too :) I definitely can't sing publically, even when alone at most I do is hum, but it'll be sweet to be serenaded 🙈
"It could even be carried out to when you both have a family!" --- so we WILL have a family! My heart ❤️😭
"Someone here could like the show Friends? That came through." --- omg yes!!! I have Friends on my laptop and since I stay alone so I play it in the background all day long everyday while doing chores. I literally remember every dialogue 😋
"For important months, I got November, December, and March; these could be significant! They could be birth months, the time you'll meet, or an important stage in your relationship." --- How awesome would it be if these are the ongoing/upcoming months :) But even otherwise, December is my favourite month of the year so I'm very glad it made the cut! :D
"For letters, I got A, R, D, Q, and M. These could be initials, places, or months as well!! Also, there is a lot of earth and water sign energy here!!" --- My Venus is in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio, so.....yeah 🙈 which is ironic since I don't have much romantic experience but that's okay 😅
Thank you so so SO much for this reading!!!! I was really not expecting such a heartfelt reading. You've made me so happy 🤗 I really can't thank you enough!! I really wish the best in your journey and I hope your intuitive talents grow and get you all the success you deserve! I'm so grateful to you! I'll definitely be hopping in your inbox again if you have another game open 🙊😋 Thank you so very much again :)
OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE DETAILED FEEDBACK! you're so sweet omg omg omg!!! I'm honestly so glad that it resonated. I remember, while doing your reading I felt so jumpy and so happy for you! MY HEART WAS MELTING. your fs will be so spontaneous and unpredictable, like a breath of fresh air!! honestly just keep faith and keep believing, that person is coming to you. remember to love yourself! message me if you ever need anything!! this made my day, thank you so much for the feedback. I'm so so so so so glad I could help!!! 💞
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chaotic-nick · 3 years
Yay! I love these asks! I'm sending a lot in! :)
3, 5, 6, 24, 38, 52, 67, 74 (but as third culture)
3. What song gets you going?
Ooooh there's plenty😗😗 But Japanese bands have been doing the trick for me, but if I really really need an energiser it's 'c'est la vie' by Khaled and 'Chun-Li' by Nicki Minaj
Also, anything by day6. Their songs make feel like I'm crying over and moving on from a non existent relationship.
5. Favourite meal of the day?
Definitely breakfast, like a full bowl of cereal and then milk *chefs kiss*
I'd say lunch, because of the memories with my uni friends.
6. Most embarrassing habit?
If you give me a bottle with a label, you'll get it back without the label. I peel off stickers like it's an Olympic sport 😆
24. What do you typically wear to formal events?
I've never been to an actual formal event like a wedding, because my cousins on my paternal side like running away from the women they got pregnant. That's when I lost respect for them.
But when I was in highschool, I was one of the announcers and around November we we have a thing called annual day and this is ehat I usually wear *taken in 2017, I think*
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38. What colour do you wear the most?
Besides my school uniforms, it's always black and white. Very rarely do I wear colour.
52. Caffeine? If so what kind?
67. Favourite vegetable?
Oooh I love this question.
Lettuce, roasted eggplants, potatoes,
Diced tomatoes + diced mango + onions *muwah*
Cabbages, cauliflower, BEANS
I like just like vegetables, bonus points if I'm eating it with my hands and in the outdoor dining area of my house.
74. What's interesting about your culture?
OK, you asked me to answer as a third culture kid. Basically, it's how our school summer vacations are spent in airports because we visit our homelands.
And how we're so close together that we can bend English to our own liking. It sounds cute, but trust me, we make the most innocent words sound dirty 😆😆
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lizzybeth1986 · 7 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 2, Chapter 14
• We’re back in the hometown fam!
• “Back to the Big Apple”. Nice title, but inaccurate.
• I have an even better title on offer for this chapter, Pixelberry. What about “The Ultimate Fucking Sausage Fest”? 😠
• I could down a drink for every time a woman appeared this chapter and I still won’t be anything but 100% sober. And I’m a lightweight so that’s saying something.
• “Cordonia may be home now, but I will never forget my roots”. I think that no matter what her future holds, Cordonia will still be where she belongs.
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Madeleine. What’s more important: a wedding shower that practically no one will remember anyway, or a ring that you’re gonna wear for the rest of your life.
• Something is seriously sketch here. All these disappearing acts she’s been doing in the last few chapters are pointing to something, I don’t know what. We’re in the last few days of the engagement tour. Their wedding is going to happen in a few days. Shouldn’t she be even more by Liam’s side than ever? (I mean, I’m not complaining lol. It just seems suspicious). Something’s up with that woman.
• At this stage she should be climbing the Liam tree like a monkey on a sugar high, at least in public, but she’s…actually barely there. Whatchya upto, Countess of Fydelia?
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Maxwell. Boi. Give it a few minutes xD Pixelberry is going to make you uniquely qualified TO BE AN LI THIS CHAPTER 🎊🎉🎉🎇🎇
• Pixelberry did us dirty by not showing us the Maxwell-riding-King-Kong drawing 😂
• …now I really want to see Liam in a pirate costume.
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• Liam wedding gift shopping time!
• “Do you really want to make a puppy live with Madeleine?” Touche, Esther. Touche.
• The Cordonian throne is not ergonomical at all, or so Drake tells us. How did you know that, Drake? 😂
• Lol @ the MC suggesting Olivia as a potential bride for Drake xD
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In Cordonian wedding shopping today, Madeleine gets Dean’s engagement ring, and Drake gifts Liam Jess’ compass. Loooong after Hana has given Esther the RoE MC’s wedding bouquet to impress some minister in Italy 😆
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I think this is by far one of my favourite scenes in this chapter. I thought the analogy of the compass was beautiful - both to illustrate the nature of the Liam x Drake friendship (and it ties in pretty well with Liam’s camping story about him getting lost and Drake finding him), and who Liam is as a man and a ruler.
• Between this and the Central Park scene where the MC compares Liam to the park itself, I think this chapter subtly hints at how they will write him as a King and a statesman. I personally think he can stand to be shown as craftier and more strategic, but if he plays his cards correctly his style of ruling can definitely work.
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Yes, Justin. Except we hardly saw any today.
• So…Fydelia is a county within Krona, Madeleine manages the county, Adeleide holds power over the larger duchy. Adeleide has more power, up until Madeleine becomes queen. No wonder she’s so desperate!
• “Successorizing” 😂😂😂 You may not be Cordonia’s Next Top Model, Maxwell, but you could definitely be their answer to Tyra Banks.
• “…it was a spectacular night.” Oh Liam you charmer you xD
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It’s all those crosses that’s confusing him.
• I see Adeleide! One woman! *downs a shot*
• Yadda yadda drinks yadda yadda chug chug chug yadda yadda compliments on diamond options yadda yadda court gossip yadda yadda Tariq related clue yadda yadda…oh okay vague Madeleine factoid that doesn’t really tell us anything.
• According to Adeleide, winning Liam’s hand becoming Queen will do Madeleine more harm than good. Hmm. Does this have anything to do with what she’s told us before about Regina?
• “What’s happening with House Beaumont, that’s on me and Bertrand to fix. Not you.” I love the quiet simplicity with which Maxwell says this.
• So. Lemme get this straight. This is an event swarming with diplomats and dignitaries. A place for all the members of the court. A chance for all the ladies of the court to excel and participate. Yet all we have to show for it is a short appearance by Adeleide and a mention of Kiara that leads up to the Maxwell diamond scene. No Penelope bonding with Maxwell over failing to impress stuffy dignitaries? No Olivia probably picking up where the MC left off and showing Adeleide how to have a truly good time, ending with an invitation to Lythikos where EVERYTHING tastes great? Most importantly, no Hana blowing every other noble in that room out of the water with her particular brand of awesome??? WTF??? The opportunities to showcase the women were endless but instead we see an continual stream of men.
• What the HELL was the use of last week’s champagne scene with Hana? I mean sure, they might give us a Hana-rich chapter next week but that doesn’t at all justify them ignoring her completely this chapter. She wasn’t seen, she wasn’t mentioned, not even an acknowledgement of gratitude for actually helping the MC get Adeleide the champagne. Tell me which other LI in the series gets treated this way. Drake had featured in every single chapter post Chapter 2 (except if you don’t choose the group diamond scene at the bachelorette). Liam does not feature in the same chapter, for good reason, but besides that he does appear occasionally. Maxwell is a constant. But Hana? She’s saddled often with lackluster diamond scenes, gets less screentime for her story in her own home than a side-character like Savannah gets in Paris, her most recent scene was more about NYC than about her and she doesn’t even merit a MENTION this chapter??? And this, given the possibility that she might not even end up featuring in LA? I’m happy that Maxwell is an LI but it gets me even more worried that Hana will be pushed to the sidelines even further.
• Sniff. The Maxwell diamond scene was gawjuss. The elephant smoking a pipe constellation, the conversation about how things have changed but Maxwell hasn’t, not much, and even if you don’t choose the romance option, the platonic option is equally sweet and very typical Maxwell ft. MC.
• Congrats Maxwell stans!! I hope you get plenty diamond and non diamond romantic interactions in all the chapters to come!
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A casual tee is a good look on you, Liam 😍😍😍 But babe….those pants. THOSE PANTS. Wouldn’t a lovely, dark-blue, fitting-like a second-skin pair of jeans have gone better? Much better?
• Also, Pixelberry, how nice of you to print Hana’s name on Liam’s tee! How in the world would we remember she exists otherwise!
• There’s going to be so much Daniel-Henney-in-a-tee-and-jeans spam when this post is done OMG
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• Somehow I knew the apple jokes were coming 😂
• I’m confused. Leo tells us that the Cordonian Ruby is a little bitter. Liam tells us it’s sweet. Bertrand tells us it’s intense and it has a honeyed caramel taste. WHAT IS IT. (@ladynevrakis answer: It’s probably a good baking apple)
• This diamond scene is giving me serious Applewood hedge maze vibes.
• No more about this scene. I’ve already said too much!
• HELLO BERTRAND I MISSED YOU. Also, it’s classic Bertrand to say nothing at all and steer the conversation onto the next task haha. Also thank you for the jet, Liam!
• Finally face to face with Tariq next week! I hope.
• OK fam I'm off to french kiss Teja now seeya!! XD XD XD
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