#definitely not on the level of insane i was in middle school
skittlesking · 6 months
Scrambling into your inbox to ask::
What's a piece of media you really enjoy and want others to know about?
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Undertale has once again begun dragging me back in and I don't know how much longer I can go without ranting about it-
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illarian-rambling · 6 months
Thought this would be funny, so here's a list of books I read in grade and middle school that altered me on a molecular level
Dune. My dad told me to read this in 5th grade because he thought I'd like it. I read it. Not sure if I comprehended it. I definitely learned the word jihad though.
Watership Down. I'll never own a rabbit because of this one.
Warrior Cats and Wings of Fire, concurrently. Self explanatory.
Red Rising. I should not have been reading that in 6th grade.
Acotar. I should not have been reading that in 7th grade.
The Prince by Machiavelli. I was a little bit of a smartass in middle school. I guess I still am.
The Girl with All the Gifts. The ending still hits me like a bat
EDIT! Can't believe I forgot about Animorphs
The moral of the story is that I don't regret reading any of these things, and I'm sure they were better than some of the shit my friends were looking at on the internet. But still...
Did any of yall read something in middle school that, looking back, was actually kind of insane?
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sasukeless · 6 days
what are your modern au sns headcanons?
i like to incorporate as many things from canon into modern aus as possible tbh so i kinda already joked about sasuke being probably hunted down by true crime obsessed ppl trying to interview him about his insane murderer brother and also naruto finding out later in life he might be a nepo baby and his father was a big political figure idk it’s funny to me
as for narusasu specific hcs
they met at an orphanage (because unlike konoha who lets children raise themselves i feel modern au they just get shove into the system)
growing up they definitely liked to vandalize places, especially monuments. or well naruto did and sasuke covered for him because he likes naruto.
naruto spends half of his time in middle and high school carving sasuke’s name into tables and walls. he says he does it so sasuke gets blamed but he’s just in love and has a sasuke brainrot.
naruto is a collage drop out and ends up working with plants (i refuse to let him suffer by going into politics) and sasuke also drops out with him but comes back later to finish some because he ends working with reptiles specifically snakes.
naruto loves buy matching stuff All the time but he never admits it’s matching. he just buys things like bracelets or mugs in purple and orange and that’s it. sasuke is very aware of this but he never complains and uses everything naruto buys.
after they start dating they do wear those stupid matching necklaces kishimoto drew.
in their free time, sasuke is really good at playing instruments whereas naruto is more into painting (he’s so into street art!!!). sasuke for sure has a electric guitar btw
sasuke did naruto’s first piercing (eyebrow one) when they were 14. it hurt so bad they had a physical fight. still, sasuke does the rest of naruto’s piercings too.
they fight a lot!!! everyone is weirded outtt. but it’s normal to them. and five minutes later they are making out. they have a thing for fighting during sex too so there’s always a black eye or busted lip in the morning.
i can’t really see them dating other people prior each other tbh. it’s like in canon they are The One for each other since forever. they have some surface level crushes here and there before they get together but it’s never serious or affects them.
naruto picks kurama when he’s a kid and mistakes it for a puppy. it is in fact a fox but like by the time he’s told that (an hour later) he has already developed affection so no one can do anything about it, that’s his pet.
neither has a driver license. sasuke gets too annoyed at the traffic and the people in said traffic. meanwhile naruto gets distracted all the time. naruto still has a car and drives it because he thinks it’s fun and since sasuke lets him get away with anything he’s okay with both dying in a car crash because naruto kept singing loudly.
naruto texts sasuke 24/7 and even if sasuke doesn’t reply to all, he does read them and remembers them. sasuke’s texts consist in these two emojis: 👍 and 💜
i disagree with the idea that either of them smokes sorry. naruto tries it once but sasuke says he doesn’t like the taste after he kisses him and it makes naruto want to kill himself so bad, he never again gets close to do it again.
yeah, they share toothbrush and all (gross)
they are super competitive over video games and it’s probably the reason of 90% of their fights
each of them has seen like ten psychiatrists through their lives but they never stick around nor follow any instructions. they are rawdogging it at life and it’s okay, they make each other happy that’s what matters
they get married at 18th on impulse. when their friends find out they disapprove and think it won’t last but they do! they never file for divorce or anything
these are all so messy but yeah i can’t see narusasu being normal in any setting, they also don’t want to be normal
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weasel-b33 · 6 months
modern(ish)!eddie? and theatre!reader
eddie in his third (and hopefully final) senior year, because this is gonna be his year he swears it. but there is one thing…he hasn’t done extracurriculars. like zero. and no eddie sorry hellfire doesn’t count because im your counselor and i said so.
so what does he do? join theatre. he can be a techie or something he remembers some stuff from when he did it back in middle school. and robin said they were doing this show..what was it again. hannah? holly? oh shit right, heathers.
but the minute he walks in the director instantly is fond of his look and how he should at least audition for JD because why not? you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take or some other corny bullshit.
so he auditions. and oh right, turns out he can sing too?? that’s a plus yep your casted. we got our leading man!
shit. but who’s veronica? no. not beautiful and talented and like insanely sweet and has never said a bad thing to him reader. she just loves to perform but she’s never gotten the leading role so yeah eddie she’s a little nervous. and yeah eddie she’ll totally accept your invite to run over lines together. and oh yeah eddie we can totally practice the dead girl walking scene and make out right now. might as well get the nerves out of the way for when we run it on stage. totally. that’s the only reason. not because eddie has a massive middle school level on his hands and knees crush on you. no definitely not. definitely yes.
so chaos ensues and at the end of the show after your final bow and you and eddie run off stage together. he finally builds up the courage to ask you out. on a proper date pretty girl, not just to run lines
okay i’m done.
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chloeangelic · 1 year
Line cook Joel origin story drabble
Here’s what I think line cook Joel’s origin story is, some info about him and Sarah, his general personality and interests, relationship history etc that might explain what he’s like in my series Belong to me
This is my most self indulgent series and Joel iteration, be warned lmao
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Warnings: SPOILERS for ch 1-3, mentions of child abandonment
Word count: 1.2k
Joel is 40 in this AU, and I feel like it takes place in 2005ish, which doesn’t really come through in the chapters but it’s how I see the whole situation in my head.
Joel had Sarah at 24, with a sort of low commitment on and off girlfriend at the time who was somewhere in the 22-24 range. I’m not sure why she decided to go through with the pregnancy (pressure from her parents, maybe?) but she did, and Joel figured he would be involved as a typical baby daddy, having the kid live with their mom and seeing them as often as possible. However, her mom likely decided she was gonna put Sarah up for adoption, which was obviously an immediate fuck no from Joel, who basically swooped in and got custody of her. The mom moved to another city, and I don’t think Sarah or Joel ever heard from her again. 
Out of all my fics, this is the one in which Sarah’s mom has been involved the least. In my other tales (Joel is always a dad in my works haha), her mom usually is mentioned to have been involved for 1-5 years, but in this one she was not involved at all, and I think Joel’s sole responsibility for her from such a young age has made their bond very strong. I definitely see them being best friends and having a very good line of communication. 
He worked in construction for many years until his early 30s (hence why he still has a truck instead of a regular car), then when he’d gotten to a pretty high level with cooking at home, Sarah pushed him to apply for a cooking job. He was tired of the long hours working in construction and thought it would be a nice change to have some free time. He’s pretty grumpy at work because he prefers working individually and doesn’t care to get involved in anyone’s disputes in a high pressure environment like that, doesn’t like to excessively share about his life etc. He’s very observant and definitely cares about the people around him, but he likes being left alone to do his work efficiently so he doesn't have to get stressed or fall behind.
Speaking of work; Jermaine, who they stole cigs from and is also a cook at the restaurant, is one of his closest friends, and they like to hang out from time to time. If Sarah is out doing things on the weekend or at a sleepover, I can see Joel and Jermaine playing GTA San Andreas and eating at his house, maybe he also plays on his basketball team. Jermaine is like 37 or something and more outgoing than Joel. He's definitely around if Sarah needs something and Joel isn't available, sort of like an uncle next to Tommy. His relationship to Tommy is fine, though he says in an upcoming chapter that he's "done enough for that jackass" in what is, presumably, a loving way but probably has some truth behind it.
This whole basketball thing is very funny to me for some reason, but here’s the story: 
Joel played basketball in middle and high school (purely because he ended up being 6’6” and his parents put him in sports very quickly), and continued to play on different teams in his 20s/30s at a competitive level. At this point, I see him playing on a long term recreational team and DON’T @ me if this sounds insane, cause I know very little about basketball, but I think he’s a power forward on his team. 
If he wants Sarah to do him a favor, he definitely tells her that he “passed up an opportunity to play in the NBA to raise her instead” which is a massive lie. He has dragged Sarah along to many basketball games throughout the years, and she gets kinda bored but knows it means a lot to him that she’s there. She prefers watching pro/college basketball with him, though, and they do that often. 
Other than that, in his free time, he works out at the gym pretty often, and for two reasons. One is to be a better player, the second is that he wants to give Sarah some space and not have her feel like he’s breathing down her neck all the time. So he gives her the house to herself for a few hours to decompress after being around people at school all day, while he goes to work out, then he comes home and makes her dinner. 
Entertainment wise, I see him liking a lot of 90s hip hop (Radio Los Santos anyone?) and he definitely is a Sopranos enjoyer. He probably does a really shitty Tony impression.
At work, he wears black pants, black t-shirts, and black high top converse shoes. At home I see him wearing a pretty typical combo of jeans, basketball shorts (obvi haha), sweatpants, t-shirts, long sleeved shirts, hoodies etc. This is likely my only non-flannel shirt wearing Joel. He of course wears a jersey and shorts while playing ball. 
As I mentioned, he doesn’t talk much about his life at work but he sometimes talks about Sarah, I think. They went on vacation together to Jamaica or something once and, when he came back, the waitress was like oooh, you’re so tan, look at you, and he was kinda flattered by her being touchy so he showed her vacation photos on his phone hahahaha
I obviously have to address his relationship to the waitress girly, so here:
As mentioned in ch 1, he has a very long term “crush” on her that started when she began working at the restaurant. I think they started talking more when she jokingly asked him to make her dinner cause she forgot to eat and then he actually did it, and she kept “forgetting” to eat so he kept cooking for her, and then she started bugging him on his breaks and he secretly liked it so then he started waiting for her to come out and keep him company. Also I say “crush” cause he’s obviously in love with her but hasn’t wanted to admit it to himself or anyone else haha, and she’s the same way back - which is why the narration is the way it is, with her actions showing her feelings but her not really conceptualizing them for herself, if that makes sense  
I think he said yes to her request to get her pregnant because, deep down, he does have a desire to have more kids, to be in a long term relationship etc. And sure, it’s a very unconventional way of going about it, but there’s obviously something in him that knows that he and this girl have a real chance at a relationship, so that confidence made him go okay, fuck it, let’s just do this completely out of order haha 
Prior to this, though, dating wise, I think he was in some relationships here and there, had some hookups but none of them really lasted all too long. Some of that might’ve been because he had full custody of Sarah and was never really by himself, he worked a lot, and always put Sarah first. Essentially he would need someone to fit into that puzzle, he wasn’t gonna try to make someone fit, they had to know and understand his situation and want to be a part of it.  
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions about this Joel of ours hahahah
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unabashedly-so · 1 year
🌹SDV Elliott HC 💃
Content warning: Americanized contexts ahead. 😅 Not pigeonholing SDV as American but I'm using Americanized regionalisms because that's the language I have to communicate I'm trying to portray. 🤷‍♀️
It takes a high heart level and a moderate intoxication level to bring it out, BUT Elliott has had years of ballroom dance under his belt.
I'm imagining a southern old-money style upbringing for him (subject to change) and he started being trained in different dances bc he was involved in whatever the male version of debutantes is.
he wasn't big into it at the time but yknow mommy issues he was a diligent well-mannered young man so he learned enough to pass by.
enter university and Prince Slut (freshman year) is finding all kinds of ways to get the tender physical touch and affection he craved as a child make friends and finds the uni's ballroom dance club
his foundation of skill and reputation make him insanely popular within the club so it becomes a genuinely healthy outlet for him.
he never takes it seriously in terms of competition; he's just there to have fun and make his partner shine but you KNOW he's flaunting and flexing along the way, like executing daring moves with his partner, showboating, getting so overly sultry with it, etc.
he gets so many numbers and so much ass whenever he goes out, it's upsetting.
anyway tl;dr he spends so much time on that and other social activities in college that he barely passes most of his classes and it's actually a huge regret of his but that's a whole 'nother post
he stops dancing after uni for the most part as he has to reprioritize his life
but that doesn't mean that he lets it go, oh no.
get enough drinks in this man and enough room to move and he's 10years younger ready to sweep anyone off their feet.
He'll trot with the foxes, swing from one coast to another, cha-cha real smooth, give him tequila and he'll give you salsa, etc etc
of fucking course he can waltz but like 1) ya Basic, and 2) dinner and a movie first (and let's make it Viennese, for the love of Yoba)
he'd much rather rumba or tango tbh but only with someone he really cares about. poor boy'll catch feelings quick rocking hips like that.
which like. alternate ending to the 6heart scene has him inviting you to dance with him to blow off some steam. nothing too stilted or sensual, just an easy swing or something so he can move and move you and maybe even give you a twirl if you're so inclined 😉
(at 8hearts and above he's twirling you, dipping you, and rocking you on his hips during wrap-ins 🥴🥴 you've also unlocked private rumba, tango, and waltzes with him, and boy is it getting humid in this seaside cabin 🥵🥵)
it does take getting him at least buzzed to bring it out, but he has no shame once it's out, so it's like an open secret in Pelican town that he'll show anyone who's a good sport a good time
(and this is a big one)
he's so fucking judgey about what music people choose to dance to.
full on Big Sassy Gay energy.
"oh you want to slow dance to [Ed Sheeran]? yeah I remember being in middle school too."
"*Thinking Out Loud playing* is this the wedding song where people teeter back and forth like two rickety sideways rocking chairs with room for Yoba in between because your grandma's watching for three straight minutes? ...no yeah it's fine. I mean to their credit it probably functions as their run through for the consummation later too so good for them I guess"
*I Won't Give Up playing* "if you need to dance to a song where someone else declares how you're So Definitely going to be together forever, I'm sorry but I give it two years tops." "Elliott, this was Haley and Alex's song." "I said what I said. Next."
"*dramatic sigh* just because you can mathematically fit a 5 step into a 4/4 doesn't mean you can or should turn any bubblegum pop song about casual sex into a tango. It's NOT about sensuality, it's about THE CONFLICT THEREIN."
just take him home at this point. 😅 no one understands what he's saying but they know it's probably insulting.
anyway fast forward to domestic bliss and he's regularly pulling you in to show you how happy you make him
he's definitely singing any lines he thinks fit you under his breath while he dances with you. He'll bring you in close and murmur them into your ear or kiss them into your neck if he's got bedroom thoughts. 🌹
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willpowers · 4 days
What was the moment you started shipping them? And what was early meronia fandom like? Any things you miss from that time period?
This is gonna sound insane but it was when they were first introduced in the manga. Their reaction to working together as teens (I was in middle school at the time) was exactly how me and my rival/crush would have reacted to being put on a project together so my brain just projected. I was like. Oh. There's something there.
The early fandom was... Different. Honestly it wasn't a super, great place? There was a lot of fan games and art and fic of them back in whammys house, without being uh, censored. However I was like 12 at the time so I didn't see a problem with it. Definitely now that I'm like almost 30 I side eye that part of my life. There was also INSANE shipping wars with meromatt fans, with a meronia popular trend (that even I did wheeze) was to make some random oc to ship Matt with to "get him out of the way." Multishipping and poly was a lot less common back then, and people were more inclined to warring about it. The fandom also wasn't as friendly as it is today, heck even now I carry that trauma and am shy about talking to meronia fans (I need to change that so hmu if u want) because well, I was doodling them on math homework and others had powerful Wacom tablets and we're making masterpieces.
I do miss how like, amateur artists and fic writers would flock to each other. The meronia fic fandom on FF.net and other sites was so desperate that even if you wrote something at, well, a middle school level, there were always other middle schoolers super happy about it. I also miss those days cause I was in girl scouts and it was before smart phones so whenever we went camping I'd bring a huge red paper folder full of printed out doujin and fics. I might even still have it somewhere, but it was my pride and joy. I once beat a girl scout rock climbing record as a little fat girl just so I could get back to reading.
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planet-crait · 7 days
I lied again. We’re back on episode 6 because I can finally watch it lolz.
Aww Hazel and Jasmine are having a sleepover. I can’t recall the last time I had a sleepover…. Probably was like middle school.
Regardless of my terrible social life they’re both being silly and adorable and I just love that. Then hanging around like bats is both cute and terrifying all at once. How does Jasmine out the cucumbers right on her eyeballs that would hurt. So much. Oh yeah I was right this is where most likely the new girl whose name I still don’t know yet probably joins the friend group.
This is another painful reminder though of the fact that Chester and AJ…never seemed to care all that much about Timmy. We don’t see them really hang out outside of school and sometimes it felt like they where only friends because they’re all social outcasts rather then actually getting along which is just really sad and definitely doesn’t remind me at all of my own childhood nope not one bit (do you believe me).
It is nice to see Hazel having friends that care about her and are involved in her life. It’s not only nice to see but can add some stakes to putting her at risk of accidentally revealing Cosmo and Wanda. I don’t know if that aspect will come into play but it could.
Wait wait Winn is non binary. I love that oh my gosh. I’m loving this rep we’re seeing in the show just so casually in it. Like no one seems to be misgendering them which is great (fuck did I misgender them my bad yall.) I do think kids should be allowed to explore their gender identity and have some wiggle room to see who they are and I love the show is allowing kids to do that.
Dev trying to one up Hazel’s sleep over is hilarious. Oh wait Jasmine what are you doing girl?? Hazel is your friend! Hazel uh don’t lie, that’s not going to win over friends. Besides I thought you didn’t care about being cool? You need to be honest. Also would people really think a hotel is fancier than a mansion?
Umm what about the other people who live in that complex won’t they…notice? I mean I guess Hazel realized her parents but what about everyone else? The chihuahua’s guarding the literal safe are hilarious but uh if her parents have to leave won’t they notice?
Speaking of notice wasn’t there an episode about Jasmine coming over to Hazels place? Or maybe they went over to Jasmines? I’m not sure. Oh nope she was how is Hazel going to explain this away? But see I mentioned earlier the friends being closer thing could cause some issues? I love the potential stress from Jasmine knowing Hazel is lying and she can’t come clean because she’ll lose Cosmo and Wanda. And potentially Jasmine since their friendship started because of a wish? Maybe? That side of it goes a little more into uncharted territory that’s for sure.
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I am no architect but uh I don't think columns would ever have a supporting beam like that. I know its for Winn to stake off of but they could have done something else to make that work.
Also also was this just a conservative Christian parents thing or was it more common before for girls and boy to not be allowed at the same sleepover? Just genuinely curious for such young kids its weird to do that sure but I get the concerns as they get older.
Okay don’t judge me I’m doing research on skateboarding for uh a fic I’m working on and holy shit that kickflip is an insanely hard move to pull off while stationary like shit it’s not realistic but they’re an incredibly good skateboarder. Even Cosmo and Wanda are impressed.
Okay so I’ve worked in hotels I have a degree in hospitality and two employees does not a hotel make. Not even a cheap motel could run with two employees much less a five star hotel. I could go into a whole tangent about how hotels get their five star rating and it’s not reviews like a lot of people think it’s actually about service level and I won’t dive in too deep here but no. Two employees would not even come close to any sort of reasonable staffing levels which if Dev shows up I imagine he’ll know something is off fast. Also uh they went way to overboard on the chandeliers lolz.
Winn seems like a genuinely cool kid like they aren’t put off by Jasmine and Hazels excitement and genuinely is happy to answer questions and share about themselves. A question I don’t think anyone will ask except me, does Winn dye their hair or is it supposed to be naturally purple? I am very invested in this question.
Aww Hazel thanking Cosmo and Wanda is just adorable and I love their fist bump when she walks away. Huh I expected Dev to crash the sleepover but apparently not. Maybe it’s me knowing the depth he’ll be getting later on but I kind of almost feel bad for Dev right now. He’s a jerk currently but he’s also a kid of a rich family he’s got to have problems from that.
WHY IS HAZEL FLYING THE HELICOPTER? Girl what are you doing??!!!?? Cosmo and Wanda this isn’t proper Godparenting!!! And this is why you don’t out chandeliers in helicopters.
Okay I laughed when I saw the sign for uninhabited forest animals too sign. I just. I don’t know why I was about to ask “what about the inevitable damage crashing the helicopter will cause” and the show immediately went “nope it’s fine I know it’s implausible but it’s fine”.
I am starting to wonder how this wish will go “wrong” so to speak. Every episode so far it has and I have a few guesses but I’m not really sure what will be the thing that makes it all go wrong and how it will all resolve.
Aww they’re friends. Ahh the good old days when hanging out for like a couple days f hours made you immediate friends (toobadthosedisntlast) ehem. Oh huh I wonder if this news broadcast will cause the issue?
Ohh huh not any of my suspects most likely. Seems Hazel may let the game get to her head which is how this went for Timmy. I mean sure it makes sense but I did enjoy the show not retreading the exact same ground even if this is a good lesson to remember. I’m not at the end yet just reading the signs of what probably will happen.
Oh huh I may have been wrong again it may be less fame gets to her head and more the stress gets to her. Maybe I should stop trying to predict and just see what happens.
Ohh poor Winn and Jasmine trying to play board games and being blown off with over and over again. Oh I like Cosmo and Wanda calling out Hazel. I mean running a hotel is a lot of work but she’s a kid and she should be hanging out with her friends.
Wait did Cosmo and Wanda send them to SPACE WITH NO GEAR???? Oh they are dead. Vicious. (Whycoulsnttheydothattotimmysparents) ehem wow I have a bad cough today ignore that it’s over text. But see this is why you don’t only have two employees it’s way too much work. I guess it’s technically three people but that’s still not nearly enough people.
I’m glad they forgave Hazel pretty quickly. I am not a fan of when people demand groveling for forgiveness especially since she wasn’t like mean to them directly more got caught up in other things which while not great isn’t like as mean as what happened with Timmy. Though. Wouldn’t everyone notice the apartments changing from a hotel to a messy apartment? With the episode ending I feel like that’s gonna get yadda yadda’d past. Poor Hazels dad. He’s right but no one is listening to him. Why didn’t the emu vanish as well why did Cosmo have to toss it out? I have questions.
Yeah Dev sucks but oof getting chased by an animal is uh terrifying. Overall I think this is my new favorite episode so far. The writing flows better things that happen overall flow well and just works overall. I was way off base on how things would go wrong with this wish but that’s okay sometimes, they didn’t mislead or anything I was just wildly guessing lolz.
Onto episode uh 8? Oh jeez jumping out of order is getting so confusing lolz. Hopefully this is the last time I have to do that.
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iammissingautumn · 2 years
(@seregashockingly I’m gonna drop my general Style stuff relating to ur ask and reply to my post here since i wanna explain more Kyle Feelings moments)
Okay so the thing is, Stan encourages this codependent ideas in their relationships. From early one when he says Kyle can’t die without him we see that he has this insane view of their relationship. They both kinda do. The thing is, as all things go Stan is the more emotional of the two. Meanwhile Kyle had to figure out how he’s felt about most things pretty young, and with a lot of simplicity. That’s what allows him to be so okay with defending those who need it, he has strong morals that he trusts.
The thing about Stan encouraging codependent ideas towards them is that he’s also the one who has a girlfriend. And Stan is so bad at processing emotions that he throws up every time he’s faced with these feelings. Stan also has outside pressures like that of his father’s to conform (mostly specifically to the idea of being a man and what that “means”). Which Randy does in a lot of diffferent ways, I.E. Stanley’s Cup.
Though one of the main things about Stan is that the adults are being insane wackos and he thinks they’re being stupid. And he’s right but we see these kind of things leaving an imprint on him. His superhero persona is someone who works with tools, more “traditional” ideas of manhood relate to being able to upkeep the house car etc. He has rip sleeves and tries to seem tough but it’s very hard when his dad is keying their own car. On top of this, his SOT character is a knight meant to protect the king. Knights often have to be sworn in, seen to be risking their life in the name of being a protector. Which, including how he presents, the idea of a protector is also a very “masculine” “tradition”.
Yet, we don’t see this come in through other ways. He’s not toxic masculinity-ing his life. He doesn’t dedicate his days to playing every sport ever, physically fighting, or trying to prove his strength. He doesn’t have that insecurity that is more apparent in someone like Cartman. But there’s tinges of small things, and I do think most of his compensation and possible shame or complexes comes back to his sexuality.
Meanwhile, Kyle is confident in his religion, his self expression, and his personality. Sometimes we see this swayed (I.e. Passion of the Jew and South Park is Gay!), but I think his relationship to Judaism really helped him be able to have the confidence to be okay with other parts of himself. Especially since he has the support of his mother being such a big force in his life to encourage him to be himself. And though Shelia has her own problems she definitely shows Kyle she loves him for himself and wants him to be that person. (The crux of both of them is that they don’t want to veer into being “bad” and need to stay good. In the movie we see her thinking foul mouth tv shows are the “bad” thing. She’s always been particularly accepting despite the sometimes black and white thinking.)
So from this I picture the standard Style idea is that, in some sort of way Stan is repressing his queerness. This probably doesn’t help with the fact he has had depression and has an addictive personality. He can bury his queerness under all of this. But we see within him there’s this want or maybe a need to go towards those who don’t conform. As we see when he adopts the Raven personality for the point in time where he’s goth.
But there’s this level where Stan’s been how he’s always been. Loving his best friend, and them not shying from it. He thinks this is how you should see your best friend, both him and Kyle think this. The thing is at some point Kyle figures out This Isn’t Everyone’s Relationship To Their Best Friend. Which is probably a middle or high school realization that turns into a very changing thing. And I think whether Kyle assumes that Stan doesn’t like him because of something like his reputation with relationships in the past Nichole, Heidi, Rebecca, or The List situation which is just. hurtful even after the truth comes out.
Insert Stan doing something dumb, a drunk confession, a kiss, he throws up, some sort of blatant obvious “Stan’s In Love” marker that changes Kyle’s mind. Stan’s in denial about it (perhaps leads Kyle on 👀) and it causes some pains that they later have to unpack. And maybe that means they kiss or smth none of my business. Maybe this involves Kyle helping Stan sober up, maybe it involves Stan cleaning up and calling Kyle trying to reconnect, maybe this involves Stan realizing he’s so fucking stupid and in love with his best friend and he should have realized sooner because now they’re separating because they’re graduating or something. Or maybe they’re in middle school and Kyle tells Stan to stop talking to him because he’s being mean about his feelings. Or maybe Kyle just silently isolates himself from Stan. There’s a lot of loose spots so the story can change depending on the point in their lives or the story being wished to be told. But that’s the general classic idea for me.
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goldeneyedgirl · 7 months
Hi Lexie! So Hybrid Babyverse: so well written and well built, I love this version of hybrid a lot, mostly because is so unexpected to see Jalice being parents (and GOOD parents). I've been reading a lot of angst lately thanks to flowerslut and babyverse has been like a cozy day in a warm cabin to me (even if you already said it's not exactly a comfy story). So if you have more of this universe I'd love to read. Also, one of the most interesting things about this fic, for me, is how protective and loving Alice is as a mother. If I'd picture her as a momma, I'd do it exactly the way you did, responsible and put together even when the world is ending above her head (and probably a bit too liberal as well). I just want to emphasize how amazing you are doing with the characterization of Alice and Jasper in a universe we don't see much at all.
Aww, anon, thank you so much. At some point I'm going to have to get into the actual plot of the fic, but I have a very good time just writing little slice-of-life scenes that are low stakes. I'm really glad that you are enjoying it because I know the scenario is really out there, but it's just the right level of dramatic to appeal to me. 
And yeah, Alice is super liberal and a teenager, which makes her so much fun to write - she has her convictions, and sometimes she's just trolling everyone for shits and giggles. Some of her nonsense definitely gives Bella a little more confidence not to feel like she has to be as 'perfect' as the Cullens; it's okay to be messy and human. 
Alice does clash with some of the Cullens' more old fashioned and conservative beliefs at times. Jasper and Alice definitely discuss a lot of things privately, but when it comes to a lot of the discourse in the household, Jasper's response is something along the lines of 'I was a Confederate soldier in the 1800s, I trust Alice's judgement in this issue.' Or 'As Alice is the one possessing the uterus, I'm pretty sure her thoughts on the matter of abortion are far more relevant than mine.' 
(I, for one, am fixating on the idea that the one thing that Jasper puts his foot down about is the family wealth during Oliver's upbringing. No luxury cars or designer clothing, no outrageous toys, no luxury prep schools, and Oliver has to get into college on his own merit. Alice, from a foster care background, hates the idea at first but warms up - a kid doesn't need a battery-powered BMW to drive around the house or a private jet to go to Disneyland, they need loving and supportive parents, and a secure home. And the houses they live in are insanely nice places, and Oliver still has nice stuff. Just very much more of a middle-class image, than a 1% image. Oliver getting into a good college with a partial scholarship is one of Jasper's proudest moments.) 
(Is that a dig at the upbringing Renesmee gets? You betcha.) 
I could sit here spewing headcanons for Oliver and Alice and Jasper all day, but here's a scene I wrote for purposes that remain mysterious. Still toying with Alice being angrier at Jasper when he returns, and how their reconciliation looks. 
It’s not hard to find Jasper after dark these days. The Brandon house is helpfully tucked away from the road, so no one can see anyone who happens to be sitting on the roof. It takes no effort to join his brother, Emmett landing nearly silently next to him. “Long night? Alice kick you out?” He tries to make it a joke, but he knows that their tentative reunion is a sore spot for Jasper.
“No longer than normal,” Jasper shrugs, ignoring the joke but Emmett knows he’s hit a sore spot.
There’s a book next to Jasper; some heavy thing with the words ‘Child Psychology’ buried in the title, and Emmett nearly feels sorry for Oliver.
“She doing okay?” Jasper hasn’t been home much since they got back. He’s trying to get back into the Brandons’ good graces, and get to know his son. Jasper’s son. Those words are a mind-fuck - of all the Cullens to have an accidental kid, Jasper was bottom of the list; Emmett’s been trying to wrap his mind around the idea for the last few weeks. And counsel Rosalie through a lot of different emotions. 
It’s been a weird summer. 
“Tired, stressed, frustrated…” Jasper recites emotions like a catalogue, and Emmett can hear the frustration of his own in Jasper’s voice. “We’re talking, she knows I’m staying at night. Her fathers aren’t happy, and Cynthia’s still leaning towards violence but it’s something.”
“How’s Oliver?” Emmett can hear the disappointment in Jasper’s voice, and talking about the baby always cheers him up. If nothing else, he’s watching Jasper change. Kind of reminds him of when Jasper joined the family and was so bewildered and curious about how they all seemed to like and trust each other. The rare times that Jasper has been home lately, Oliver is one topic he will freely talk about - his relationship with Alice is almost entirely off-limits, as was whatever the Brandons had said to him. But he would almost always give this small smile and update them on Oliver.
And like clockwork, Jasper looks over and smiles. “He’s finally doing better in his own room. He took a while to settle, but he's sleeping now.”
Ah, the bedroom project. It had started two weeks ago - a freshly decorated bedroom of Oliver’s own in the Brandon house that everyone had heard about in great detail, mostly because Esme had been hanging on every word.
Things were … pleasant but cool between Alice and the rest of the family. There was a guest room ready and waiting for Alice and Oliver if - when - they finally stayed over, but Esme was absolutely bursting to get to work on two personalized rooms - a bedroom for Alice (and Jasper) and a nursery for Ollie. But for now, Esme was living vicariously through Simon and Alice’s nursery decorating and trying to gently encourage Alice to spend more time at the Cullens.
But after the bedroom was finished, it had been a struggle to get Oliver to sleep alone in there; he didn’t seem to want or need twelve hours of sleep at night, had disliked being left on his own, and had made that everyone in the house’s problem. Alice had been very short-tempered for the last two weeks. 
Jasper was perched in between Alice and Oliver’s bedrooms, with the soft glow of a nightlight filtering through the bedroom on the left. It was nearly certain that both windows were unlocked, and that Jasper had probably timed himself getting in and out of both of them, in case of emergency.
“D’you ever wonder…” Emmett begins before stopping. It’s a dumb question, he knows the answer.
“Wonder what?” Jasper pauses for a second; from his crib, Oliver lets out a grizzle and a gurgle, but resumes sleep quickly. 
“…what it would have been like if we’d stayed?”
Jasper lets out a bark of laughter; Emmett can hear the regret. 
“I think about that every day,” Jasper says, rubbing his hand over his face. 
And he does.
He imagines Alice telling him, nervous and afraid and desperate. He pictures her flat stomach curving. Getting to feel their baby kicking, looking at the sonograms. Planning for this bizarre future they had found themselves in. Getting to see and to hold his son within hours of his birth, and not months.
And being there for all the ugly stuff that the Brandons alluded to - Alice being unable to get out of bed, complaining of aches and pains, unending vomiting and fainting and seizures… he wanted to be there, to comfort her, to make sure she wasn’t alone. 
He wanted to be down in that bedroom right now, tucked up beside her with her arm thrown over his chest. Her face pressed against his shoulder. To kiss her cheek and read as she slept. 
He wanted it all so badly. 
Instead, he had this - sitting on the roof, watching over them in silence.
And he deserved it, for leaving her the way he did. She was being more forgiving than he expected, really - he had prepared himself for Alice to tell him to fuck off and never contact her again, when they returned. But for some insane reason, she had been willing to talk, willing to let him know their baby.
He just had to earn the love and trust back. 
“Every fucking day,” he echoes. 
“Sorry man,” Emmett shook his head. “It was a stupid question. But… you missed what, less than a year all up? Ollie’s not even one yet. He’s never going to remember a time without you here, being his dad. Alice will forgive you; she’s always been crazy about you, and she’s hardly going to let you sit on the roof if she was planning on kicking you to the curb. In ten years we’re going to turn around and it’ll be crazy that you and Alice weren’t always together.”
“I hope so.” Jasper looks both much older and so very young in that moment. “I… it was stupid to leave.”
Emmett let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, I think you made that clear. Edward’s still fixing his CDs.”
A light flicked on in the right window, and both of them could hear movement as Alice climbed out of bed and left the room. She returned a few moments later, the light going out.
“It’s gonna be okay, man. I bet you fifty that you’ll be dancing at your wedding before your kid hits middle school,” Emmett stood up, ready to head home to Rose.
“Middle school?” Jasper half-chuckled, half sounded horrified.
“I said before - and Alice didn’t look impressed when Edward and Bella announced their engagement. I think she’s more of the ‘live-in-sin’ kind of girl, myself,” Emmett shrugged.
“Go home before you wake someone up,” Jasper said, picking up his book. “Alice won’t care much unless you wake up the baby, but Cynthia will cuss you out from the bathroom window.”
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safety-writes-noms · 11 months
ur art n characters are so good!!! ,,,i am greedy, i want even more about callisto and oliver, can we get a lore/story dump for them i need to know more
Aw tysmm!! I’m glad u like them :D. AND OFC I CAN DO A LORE DUMP THISE ARE MY FAVORITE THIGNS TO DO!! I love it when people let me talk at abt my little people! I tried to shrink the text since it was kinda long but if it’s hard to read, just tell me and I’ll try to fix it :D
also DNI nsfw/kink accounts!! It’s fine if you like that vore in a sexual manner but I am a minor and definitely do NOT like it like that!!
Okay so basically Oliver and Cal are really close bc they practically grew up together. Oliver’s parents always used to have Cal over at their house since they’re aware that Cal isn’t entirely normal but love him like a son anyways.
 Plus little Cal showed up on their doorstep one sunny day asking for food and having no home so the obvious next step was to officially adopt him into the household.
Callisto originally showed up with wispy pale hair and an almost colorless complexion that slowly shifted to thick blond hair and tanned skin to mimic Oliver’s parents’ images.
 He has a tendency to copy or adopt the features of the people he loves. Also Oliver’s parents are named Ethel and Kane! Sorry for throwing a bunch of random names at you guys, i know its probably kinda convoluted but bear with me plss. 
Anyways, when Oliver was born Cal’s eyes immediately changed to the same color. Thankfully his original shade was close enough that it didn’t raise questions. Oh, were Cal’s eyes a lighter shade before? Probably not, just the sunlight or something. He’s 18 almost 19, still in the beginning of his senior year in highschool but started school later than normal kids. He’s usually pretty laid back.
Callisto actually doesn’t really care much for finding his real family or finding out his origin. In his eyes he has a perfectly fine family now who loved him unconditionally no matter what. 
He did want to find the family who abandoned him when he was younger but after a long goose chase that ended up fruitless, he became resentful that they left him in the first place. He’s mellowed out by now but that doesn’t mean the angsty “You’re not even my real family!” Line wasn’t dropped somewhere along the way. 
He’s never really told his little brother about his inhumaness since he himself doesn’t know much about what he is specifically. He never really changed his appearance on purpose. It was always something he did unconsciously and he genuinely doesn’t know his limits or what he can do since it’s really hard for him to shift on purpose. Unless he’s under insane stress/panic but he’s never really been under that level of pressure so 😋. Oliver knows that his brother isn’t entirely normal just like Ethel and Kane but he doesn’t know the specifics.
Oliver is 14 and is in his freshman year of highschool, straight out of middle school. I live in cali so the school systems might be a bit dif in other places so if anyone wants some clarification on that just tell me! 
They go to a highschool that’s near a huge thick forest that’s usually barred off from the rest of the school. I’m talking about thick wire fences and a bunch of warning signs and caution tape. The whole spooky shebang. There are a lot of rumors surrounding it but none of the students ever usually even go near there so there’s never been a situation. But there are whispers of grotesque inhuman creatures and monsters, hungry for human flesh :)
Unfortunately Oliver gets mixed up with the wrong people, a bunch of juniors who “take him under their wing” when really theyre just using him. And he’s just getting dragged along since he desperately wants to still be friends with them since he’s afraid of being left behind. 
One thing leads to another and he’s dared to go into the forest by his ‘friends’ alone and even though he really doesn’t want to, he’s afraid that they’ll abandon him if he doesn’t comply. (Which they will, they’d do that if he did or didn’t finish the dare)
They tell him they’ll go in with him but ultimately leave him behind, lost and terrified out of his wits because it’s getting dark, his phone is dying and he can’t call anyone for help. He manages to send one text to Callisto before his service disappears entirely and he’s left stranded. So what does cal do?
Drive straight to the school, probably over the speed limit. He’s received one panicked kinda short text from his little brother begging for his help and a location and immediately hopped into his car. 
He’s equipped with pepper spray, a box knife and some car keys as he tracks down Oliver. He doesn’t know how, doesn’t know why, but he’s almost mindlessly following the exact same path Oliver took trying to get out of the forest. (More cool abilities he doesn’t know exists :D) And when he does find his baby brother, Oliver is in mortal danger, all bruised and banged up, surrounded by these horrifying creatures that look like they’ve been pulled straight out of a horror movie and blacks out.
Next thing he knows he’s waking up seven hours later, knuckles covered in black goop and a disturbing wiggling feeling in the base of his gut. Oh, and he’s also the size of a giant tree. Fun. 
What's not fun is hearing his little brother scream for help — inside of him. Inside. And then that freaks him out so badly that once he has Oliver out of his system (that never would’ve hurt his baby brother in the first place but he doesn’t know that) he spends about a few days talking with olly before fucking off, convinced that he’s a monster and disgusting creature bc what kind of brother resorts to sleep cannibalism in a time of mortal danger?? Meanwhile Oliver is just really confused, kinda scared and most of all just really wants his older brother back, human or not. 
And it’s not like he was hurt or anything inside Callisto despite knowing his brother has a terrifyingly fast metabolism so… everyone draws their own conclusions. Plus even though he just watched his brother grow to inhuman levels in the span of seconds, he’s also seen horrifying monsters and his brother was the one who protected him in the end. Oliver mainly wants explanations and hugs. 
That’s all I’ve got for now :)
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heliophxle · 1 year
okay so my twin @saturnisonf1re made me watch headless today and i am SO INSANE
so ive been watching shipwrecked since poe party AND THE EFFORT THAT WENT INTO HEADLESS IS ASTRONOMICAL
like… the shots, the script, the characters, the actors, MARY KATE WITH A SWORD??? it was so incredible to watch. the twist? freaking GOBSMACKED.
and brom and mathilda??? was so fun?? and kat was so good omg. i sensed much homosexual energy from mathilda towards kat i need a minute.
like the absolute TRAGEDY of mathilda trying so hard to save the only person that mattered to her (super gay btw) but in the ending choosing not to because maybe Ichabod wasn’t so bad. the SUBTEXT of Ichabod making mathildas life worth it without kat? its almost (definitely is) shakespearian.
and the little family shot at the end? where brom and mathilda could move on from kat TOGETHER??? and ichabod was teaching highschool?? that ending was so powerful in that everyone got they wanted/needed. mathilda got her store and somebody to support her in the way she wished kat would’ve. brom got the wife he wanted, but also someone who would support him (other than his babes) Ichabod moved up a level, both physically (middle to high school) and mentally, as he is no longer a newcomer but rather a returning citizen.
and the fact that the fake book is a reoccurring object?? its GOT TO be alluding to the message/theme of ‘dont judge a book by its cover’ that we see with all the characters. brom appears to be a shallow, fake character but turns out to be a supportive, loyal friend who genuinely wants to be better. ichabod seems like a loser (which he is, affectionately) but is actually a key piece in the puzzle and the worthiest of his bloodline. kat is self explanatory, although her character is so nuanced and layered that she deserves her own post. mathilda seems gloomy and as if she doesn’t care about anything but really cared a lot. and henrietta hudson was a woman, not a man like everyone assumed.
speaking of assumed, brom is one of my favourite characters, and i loved how it didn’t seem as if he was genuinely upset at himself for messing up Ichabods court case BUT HE WAS. we just assumed he wasnt. he is my favourite male wife and gabe is so freaking funny
this is a masterpiece of cinema, and honestly the most impressive thing, as a creative myself, is the fact that they got past the “this would be cool to make” phase and actually finished the project!
it’s truly unlike any other show on youtube, in the best possible way
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helpolnix · 5 months
May 8th and 9th
My usual check in with Hermes got hijacked, as I’ve been saying. Maybe hijacked isn’t the right word but whatever. I don’t know what really passed my mind to make me think, “I should ask if I’m talking to Hermes,” but I did ask myself that, and after consulting with my pendulum…
I was not talking to Hermes.
Cue some panic. I’m a new practitioner, kinda. I’ve been very very casual about it since I was a kid. Both working with deities and practicing witchcraft. The idea of a deity reaching out first was something I’ve heard of, but why would that happen to me of all people? I didn’t understand it in the slightest. So I haphazardly switched around what questions I asked my tarot cards, even looked up spreads online while my hands shook.
I used my pendulum to ask the gender of the deity first, and stupidly I didn’t think to ask immediately afterwards if it was one of the twelve Olympians. I only thought of that *after* a very confusing tarot spread. Been using tarot cards for years but I was never very disciplined, so I’m still awkward with them sometimes. I need a new deck, too.
So, after guessing wrong no less than 6 times, I finally found out it was Dionysus. I was incredibly befuddled, not knowing why Dionysus would reach out to someone like me. But that was actually on me. After ending the conversation and doing further research, I realized my issues, personality, and identity align very well with him. I read about how he’s helped so many people become more comfortable with themselves and just be more confident.
And I thought, fuck, that is something I want.
Plus I am a former theater kid that still yearns to be on stage sometimes. (Random, but in middle school we actually did Pandora’s box for the school play. I played Pandora. Fun time.)
I slept on it, did some more research, mulled it over all day, then sat down just about an hour ago to write a note to both Hermes and Dionysus. I find letter writing my favorite way to connect with Hermes, and I think the same (along with food offerings, as he asked me for those) will go for Dionysus. I folded the note in a unique way—I’ve been also using this as an excuse to basically learn fucking origami shit—before putting it on my altar for Hermes. Though due to limited space, it will probably have to be shared with Dionysus.
I lit my one puny candle, asked if they were both here with me(they were) and then just thanked them both sincerely while also apologizing to Dionysus for pretty much reducing him to the only surface level things I knew him for. Anyway, I talk about how once I get that job Hermes helped me find, I’ll be spending a hefty bit of it on them. But in the meantime I would be using my pocket money for more.. frivolous shit.
I like buying shit that has no purpose but makes me smile. Sue me.
So I pull two cards then, one for Hermes and one for Dionysus. And oh, they don’t agree on my plan.
It took me a while to realize what they weren’t agreeing on. Sometimes I’ll get words or sentences, and other times I won’t. At that moment the energy around me just felt like bickering. Not incredibly tense, but there was obviously some disconnect. But also for the first time, I could feel how distinctly different Hermes and Dionysus were going to be. Hermes is stern with me. It’s only been a few days, but he is, and he’s definitely going to push me hard. Meanwhile, Dionysus was a lot more.. relaxed? Bubbly, even.
I asked, just to be sure, if they disagreed on something. They did
I asked if it was related to the job. It wasn’t.
Then there was this nagging in my head that told me to ask if it was about the money. How I wanted to spend my pocket money.
He’d rather I don’t do that.
I felt torn. Because yeah the stupid shit I wanted to buy would have made me happy, but Hermes felt pretty insistent that I don’t do that, and instead focus that money on upgrading the altar. Which is something I really want to do anyway. I felt so insanely scolded by him, but not in an extremely rude manner. More like how a teacher would look at you if you’re a little too loud in class.
I asked if he’d like me to buy a statue for him I’ve been eyeing. He said yes.
I asked Dionysus the same, he said no. He’d rather food offerings for the time being.
That was about an hour or so ago. And I guess it pushed me to want to share this. Nobody may see these posts, but I think it’d still be good for me to share my experiences as they come. Maybe they’ll make other newcomers feel less silly when it comes to making mistakes or fumbling around with gods.
As Hermes said to me, “trust the process.”
No silly purchases for me.
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what are your neurodivergent headcanons for hq characters?
asdfjhgfds sorry this has been in my askbox for a few days ive been busy w/ Life Stuff TM but anyways ND haikyuu headcanons lets gooo
ik bc hes Sunshiney and Loud lots of ppl read hinata as adhd, which i can deffo see, but personally i read him as autistic
hes extroverted and good at adopting introverts (kageyama, kenma, yachi, tsukki) but when u stop to think abt it hes also actually kinda bad at social ques and 'normal' behaviour?? i think ppl dont notice bc hes also rlly nice but hinata is actually pretty blunt lmao
his special interest is literally volleyball cmon now
its canon that he dislikes being in classes too long or doing homework bc he finds sitting still for too long difficult, both me and my autistic older brother used to get up and pace around our classrooms when we were younger
even though hes rlly athletic and has insane reflexes obviously, hes also pretty clusmy and especially bad at judging distances which to me looks like dyspraxia which is really commonly comorbid w/ autism
ive also read a few fics where he has tourettes syndrome w/ body tic and i can deffo see why ppl would hc that
idk hes just reads as autistic so well in my mind like idk why its not a more common take
this one is less of a headcanon and moreso just interpreting the text correctly; hes definitely autistic
like its my belief that furudate either knowingly wrote kageyama as autistic or like based his personality off of an irl autistic person they knew or SOMETHING bc its actually insane how well he reads as autistic
the lack of social skills? the anger issues? the deep special interest in volleyball? the just wanting to express your feelings/opinions but coming off as rude but not knowing how to fix that? middle school being a living hell? having that one family member who Got you? the high level of skill in one particular area? hes literally the texboox definition of autism
even the little things like how he files his nails and jokes go over his head and he accidentally insults ppl bc hes calling it how he sees it and how he basically had no friends growing up bc he was too focused on volleyball and how he struggles to smile on command like!!! thats autism babe!!!!!!
oh also hes dyslexic bc im dyslexic and i say so
same as kageyama i bet he was either knowing written as autistic or based off of an irl person who is
blunt as all hell, monotone voice and facial expressions, volleyball as a special interest, bad at social interaction, accidentally rude, the list goes on and on
like his whole thing about how his left handedness makes him different but is also a gift that benefits him in some ways? thats a metaphor for neurodivergency dont @ me
i hc him as having narcisstic personality disorder, not in the ableist reddit-user 'all ppl w/ npd are evil manipulative abusers' way but in the ' i have npd and know what it actually looks like' way
hiding massive insecurities by acting like youre amazing?? that fuckin marina lyric thats like 'i feel like im the worst so i always act like im the best'?? that was abt oikawa tooru and npd
feeling threatened the second someone as good or better than you shows up? fixating on one specific thing that you have to be the best at? those are npd as fuck traits
the way he can basically get along with anyone and adjust his play style to suit them but only has a few close friendships where he can let his true personality rlly shine through
hes literally so npd coded augh <3
i read him as adhd and having cyclothymia
i think he was unmedicated in high school and unknowingly had depressive and hypomanic episodes which affected his play
he also very much reads as having rejection sensitive dysphoria if u ask me
and the way he talks and bounces around and has All That Damn Energy gives me adhd vibes, esp pared w/ his poor volume control ad the way he ignores social cues lol
okay quickfire round bc im getting tired of typing
atsumu is autistic, so is osamu for that matter, theyre just at very different points on the spectrum and rub each other up the wrong way a lot of the time bc of it
kita is also autistic bc no neurodivergent person is that particular about doing things the 'right' way
hoshiumi is autistic and adhd
asahi and yamaguchi read like they struggled w/ anxiety and depression
sakusa has ocpd and ocd (contamination ocd specifically) and mysophobia
kyoutani has aspd, again not in a 'aspd = violent agressive psychopaths' way but in a 'i actually have a cluster b personality disorder' way, and adhd also
kenma is autistic and has social anxiety
yachi has social anxiety too bc cmon now
tsukki reads to me as having chronic depression, i think i could also make a case for him being autistic too ngl
tendou is some flavour of neurodivergent, probally audhd, probably some other stuff, idk but hes definitely not neurotypical
like hinata, lev reads as autistic to me even tho hes got that goodball energy thatd make lots of ppl read him as adhd bc like,, he just fuckin sucks at social interaction like he is accidentally rude all the damn time lmaoo
fukunaga and aone are both autistic w/ selective mutism and/or partial to moderate non-verbalness
obviously its none of my business and i think having headcanons abt irl ppl is Fucking Weird but i wouldnt be surprised if furudate themself was autistic bc truly so many characters in haikyuu can be read that way if u ask me, although maybe im just projecting lol
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useramor · 1 year
fall out buck
talking to @soleadita​ about buck’s taste in music and i started to ramble about his top fob songs from his high school years in the replies, but it got too long so i’m making a proper post about it here! i’m a firm believer buck went through a mild edgy phase. he started high school in 2005, aka the year from under the cork tree by fall out boy was released, and i’m entirely convinced that album set the tone for the rest of buck’s high school years. so here, in my professional emo opinion, are buck’s favorite fall out boy songs. 
this is only including songs from albums that would’ve released during his high school years, if anyone wants a part 2 with the other fob albums or even other artists lmk
(i’m working with buck being born in 1991 btw because we don’t have a strict timeline for that)
also i’m putting this under the cut because it got so very long, but if you’re curious and don’t feel like reading everything i had to say, here are the songs i chose:
- our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued - i’ve got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song) - 7 minutes in heaven (atavan halen) - XO - i’m a lawyer with the way i’m always trying to get you off (me & you) - the (after) life of the party - bang the doldrums - G.I.N.A.S.F.S. - disloyal order of water buffaloes - (coffee’s for closers) - what a catch, donnie - 27 - pavlove
(in order of release)
from under the cork tree (2005)
this album would’ve come out right as he was finishing middle school, so he went into his first year of high school with these songs already released. it was the (private) soundtrack to his summer (he was not about to get called gay by the other guys he was trying out for the football team with, thanks), you cannot convince me otherwise.
our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued
first track baby opening song to the album!! i feel like, at fourteen in his small town in pennsylvania, he felt really edgy for liking this band. for liking more alternative music in general. and he liked having that sort of control over feeling like an outsider, because he’s felt a little off his whole life, but now he was choosing to be different. 
lyric buck wrote on his arm in sharpie during math class: 
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I’ve got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song)
i feel like this was his favorite track off this album. he listened to the lyrics for the first time and felt a little bit like someone carved his chest out. 
lyrics that made him the most insane (all of them. this song is so buckcoded but i tried to narrow it down):
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7 minutes in heaven (atavan halen)
this is definitely the song he most related to when he listened to this album again as he got a little older. 
lyrics he used to skip over but that now make his chest feel tight:
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(like come on lmao this is so buck coded it’s painful)
buck at fourteen just liked this song. his parents hated it, especially when margaret bothered to listen to the lyrics and realized exactly what the song was saying. 
lyrics marge hated the most (and that, in turn, buck liked the best):
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infinity on high (2007) 
this album would’ve come out in the second semester of his sophomore year, for reference he’d be fifteen going on sixteen
i’m a lawyer with the way i’m always trying to get you off (me & you)
new album! i feel like this would be his first favorite song, and he’d have it on repeat for days until he got sick of it. the sexual innuendos meant more, too, now that he was a little older.
lyrics he sang to the point where he’d get kicked out of class for singing too much:
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the (after) life of the party
he listened to the very first line of this song and related to it on a level he simply could not explain. also he belts the chorus in the shower to this day (eddie finds it endearing, even if buck’s terrible).
the first line in question:
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bang the doldrums
i feel like this song, like 7 minutes in heaven, is one he liked more as he got older. at fifteen/sixteen he liked it, but at 18, 19, 20? i can just imagine buck went back to this song and listened to it so often even his roommates learned the words. 
also it’s objectively hilarious that this song was originally written for shrek
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y’all get it. this was one of his favorites in high school. buck goes back to this song after eddie leaves the 118 and he’s with taylor. 
these are the lyrics that would make him grip the steering wheel so tight his knuckles would turn white:
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(like come on lol. especially considering this song is literally titled gay is not a synonym for shitty it’s so stupidly fitting lmao)
folie a deux (2008)
this album came out his senior year of high school (he would’ve been seventeen)
disloyal order of water buffaloes
okay there’s a lot here but i think not just lyrically but sonically buck really loves this song! the quiet, organ intro that immediately jumps into a guitar and then loud, booming drums? come on, it’s so fun :) and i do think that buck relates to a lot of it lyrically as well. it became an instant fave the second the album started (literally, because this is the first track)
the lyrics i feel like he related to most at angsty seventeen:
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(coffee’s for closers)
i don’t have anything particularly intelligent to put here, i just feel like this is the song he listened to when he would work out, just listen to the beat, to patrick’s vocals, and let any meaning of the lyrics fall away as he ran around his neighborhood. idk i just imagine him bopping to it on his ipod.
his favorite lyric:
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watch a catch, donnie
this one is one of buck’s favorite fall out boy songs because he simply loves it. i feel like they’re a very personal band to him, i feel like he relates to a lot of lyrics and we know buck feels so much so deeply, that being able to just belt out to this song and listen to it and enjoy it without it cutting all too deeply is nice.
that being said, this lyric definitely hits home for him:
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this was his PEAK #edgelord song. this song nearly convinced him he should start wearing guyliner. he played this song for a girl once and she hated it, but instead of seeking her approval he just turned the volume up louder and never spoke to her again. peak angsty, edgy, high school buck every time this song came on. he thought the lyrics were inspired. and the fact that this song is about the 27 club? he found that so creative. loser (affectionate).
also he loved to sing the guitar solo as loudly and obnoxiously as possible in the shower
his favorite lyrics:
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yes, he owned the deluxe version. obviously.
rolling with the fact that buck is seventeen going on eighteen here, and knowing he just gets more and more reckless as he got older, i feel like this captured some of his self destructive tendencies in a way that made him feel uncomfortably seen. 
i could honestly put the whole song here, but especially this lyric:
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(”i wanna make you as lonely as me” like that’s totally angsty teenage buck towards his parents)
anyway this is horrifically long. let me know if you want a part 2 :)
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drdt-headcanons · 1 year
I wanna do one HC per character :)
Teruko Tawaki ~ She’s gotten into the craziest trouble before. Like she’s probably been framed for a crime and then let out at like the last second, or joined a gang by accident and then ran away.
Xander Matthews ~ He is a huge history buff and although he doesn’t agree with most things in history, he uses successful tactics other historical advocates used for his own protests and rebellions.
Charles Cuevas ~ his parents were highly against him doing chemistry, and had no idea he was even pursuing it until he won an award in highschool for it. They knew he took chemistry class and aced it, but they didn’t know the hours he spend after school were not actually gardening, but it was him studying and doing high level chemistry experiments.
Ace Markey ~ he tried to be a basic white boy back in middle school to become more popular, but he missed the memo and accidentally ended up dressing like a basic white girl instead 😭
Arei Nageishi ~ she’s definitely a hello kitty girl, but the stereotypical bitchy one
Rose Lacroix ~ she’s drank the paint water so many times by mistake she can’t even differentiate the taste between real water and paint water anymore
Hu Jing ~ Hu can also play a lot of other instruments! Although she prefers and likes the Zither out of all of them, she plays piano, acoustic guitar and cello if her high school needed that instrument for smth or someone around town did.
Eden Tobisa ~ Eden was that one super goody two-shoes back in highschool. She always did volunteer work, had pretty good grades, was the founder or in many activist clubs.
Levi Fontana ~ definitely dresses in women’s clothes. He believes clothes aren’t gendered, but he doesn’t go out wearing “women’s clothes” bc he’s worried that his reputation would be slandered.
Arturo Giles ~ he used to own all the ‘girly toys’ like LEGO Friends, and instead of building the kit, he made all the characters have the most insane, toe-curling, suspenseful drama with each other and he would narrate it and do all the voices.
Min Jeung ~ Min gives the meanest death stare. She would get teased in school for having no social life, but once she stared you down, you’d never make fun of her again.
David Chiem ~ He sets his alarm for an hour earlier than he actually has to get up, because it takes him an hour to get up and motivated and out of bed.
Veronika Grebenishchikova ~ She does insane things to impress people she has a crush on. Once, she made a heart that looked and felt exactly like a human heart and gifted it to the person she liked. After that, her reputation was basically ruined.
J Rosales ~ J definitely had a middle school emo phase. Once she disappeared from the media, she cut her hair, dyed it black and started listening to MCR and acted like her life sucked. The rebellion is still in her, but she’s matured and just prefers boyish clothes and dad-rock more than anything.
Whit Young ~ the biggest pop fan to exist. He knows every popular song, artist, but the catch is he only knows them if it’s a female singing. He couldn’t give a crap about male singers.
Nico Hakobyan ~ only likes cartoon shows that star animals, like Bluey. They also like books that star animals, but they prefer to see the animals animated on screen.
//I didn’t mean for this to get so long but ty and I hope you enjoyed the HCs!!!
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