#deku needs lots of hugs rn
romiithebirdie · 4 years
From the Furthest Tether: Part Five
Everything was dark, the only light coming from a few dull-looking lights that continued to flicker constantly like a dying flame of an old candle.
Water droplets fell from the rotting ceiling of a rundown warehouse where the villain group known as the Paranormal Liberation Front had chosen to lay low while they recovered from their earlier injuries.
Izuku felt like he was floating, watching the villains converse with each other while Tomura Shigaraki heaved over his elite Nomu creations whom were currently being used as nothing more than a makeshift throne for the leader.
One of the Hero Killer's main followers had stood up, attempting to call out Shigaraki's odd behaviour while Izuku's insides twisted with discomfort and fright, while the other villains didn't seem to sense the scent of death in the air, the teen could.
Shigaraki's entire aura was completely different; calmer than usual, yet had a dangerous edge that the teen could feel, even in his current phantom form.
Speaking of which, was this the doing of One for All? Or some kind of link that Izuku had with Shigaraki due to them meeting back in the subconscious of both Quirks?
Thinking about it made his head hurt…
"Now that your concerns have been duly noted there is a more pressing matter that needs to be addressed."
"Which is?" The blunt voice belonging to Dabi piped up from the background. The eldest Todoroki child looking completely unbothered by the many pairs of eyes staring widely at him, the other members of the group fearful of Shigaraki's response to his tone.
Thankfully, All for One who was currently using Shigaraki like a puppet, chose to wave off Dabi's remark as if he were nothing. "Just the little spy in our midst," Shigaraki's crimson orbs suddenly honed in and immediately connected with Izuku's own fearful emeralds.
He can see me?
Was that even possible? Izuku fought back a heavy gulp.
That being said, the teen wouldn't have put it past All for One to have some kind power that allowed him to sense the strange link between the two successors…
Either way, this was bad. Really bad.
"No need to worry, though," he looked in the direction of the teen, his rough voice sounding as if he'd swallowed sandpaper. Pointing a finger from the mangled hand, old burned scar tissue littered across his remaining fingers as they twitched erratically; "Soon everything we've strived for will be in our grasp."
Snap out of it, Ninth!
Izuku gasped loudly, clutching his head and cursing darkly as he gripped the bedsheets of his hospital bed tightly.
Why was this happening to him?
Everything was moving so fast, his brain was completely overwhelmed.
Tears of frustration stung his eyes and he blinked hard, fighting them back with all the energy he could muster as he breathed out sharply. Every time something was going right for him and his friends, there was always something that completely tore that newfound hope to shreds.
It wasn't fair.
Especially when the talk with All Might, once he'd arrived at the hospital, had gone down so well. Aside from Izuku's own worries, he had been quickly pacified by his mentor's comforting and reassuring words.
To Izuku's relief, they had discussed the Eri concern and addressed it straight away, with All Might immediately getting into contact with U.A and his acquaintances from the Police Force. His mentor had also informed the boy that Aizawa had been discharged a day prior and was currently recovering back at U.A, albeit with the Pro undergoing physiotherapy to help get him used to his temporary leg prosthetic.
"There are measures being taken to protect Young Eri so try not to worry yourself," his mentor had explained, offering the boy a faint smile tugged across his thin face. All Might had left after Izuku had gotten a visit from his doctor who'd then informed the pair that the teen would more-than-likely be discharged from the facility a lot sooner than they had thought.
About an hour or so later, his mother had arrived and Izuku finally allowed himself to lean back against the plush pillows to finally relax. However, this was quickly short-lived when his mother announced something that nearly made Izuku choke on his own air;
"Your father called me last night," Inko's voice was soft as she folded Izuku's old nightshirt into a neat little square before placing it in the bag that she had brought with her. "We talked for quite a while."
"With Dad, uh...You did?" Izuku's mouth and brain suddenly felt as if it had been set on autopilot. Was it weird that he felt oddly...numb to that revelation? He hadn't heard from his father in years, surely he should have been happier about hearing this?
Inko nodded, humming delicately, sliding another one of Izuku's shirts into the open bag, "He was concerned, of course. I caught him up with what's been happening, he's…" she paused. "He proposed something that I've been thinking about since last night."
Izuku's heart thudded under his freshly laundered nightclothes. He dreaded what he was about to hear but had to ask nonetheless: "What was it?"
His mother inhaled sharply, nibbling on her bottom lip, "He wants us to come overseas so we can be together as a family. Like before," her hands began to tremble. "There's so much that Hisashi and I need to discuss but right now, Izuku, I feel it would be for the best."
"W-What are you saying?" Izuku felt queasy, was his mother seriously suggesting that he pack up all his things and move abroad? To live with a man that he barely knew?
"I can't just leave!" Izuku's voice grew louder. "What about U.A? My friends?" All Might.
Inko's own temper flared and she glowered at her son, gesturing to his bandaged limbs, "Look at yourself, Izuku!"
The younger Midoriya visibly flinched, swallowing the retort back down his throat and averting his guilty gaze away from his mother. His eyes wandered along the lines of thick gauze around his knuckles and he shakily exhaled; unsure what to say next.
Was there anything he could say? He was completely tongue tied.
Thankfully, Inko was the one who broke the awkward silence by running a hand gently through his curls, "I'm sorry, Izuku."
He tried not to wince at those words. It honestly felt like he'd been punched in the gut.
"But I don't know what to do at the moment."
"Stop," her voice was quiet but firm. Izuku's eyes moved along each part of Inko's face, noticing the blotchy skin from crying, the heavy bags under his mother's eyes and the way her hair just hung limply over her face like a set of old curtains, dreary and aged.
Was there anything he could say to her right now?
Aside from…
I'm sorry.
"Here are your discharge papers, Midoriya-san."
It was as simple as that.
Before he knew it, Inko had been given Izuku's hospital paperwork and had then quickly ushered her son into a cab alongside All Might. After a short and frankly slightly awkward car journey, they had eventually arrived back at U.A High School where they had then escorted Izuku to the dormitory facilities.
To Izuku's relief, his classmates had respected his space and quietly offered greetings to him as he limped towards his dorm room, his adult supervision carrying his luggage for him due to his arms still being heavily bandaged.
His mother hadn't mentioned their earlier talk and Izuku wanted to keep it that way for the time being. She had left after barely speaking and All Might had offered to walk her to the gates, which she begrudgingly accepted. Izuku noted the hardness in her voice when she spoke to the retired hero, a tone that Izuku had rarely heard Inko use in all the years of his life.
He prayed that she didn't give All Might a hard time once they were out of earshot. They had left quite a while ago…
From the other side of his locked door, he heard the distant sound of his classmates calling out loudly to each other, Izuku recognised Kirishima's cheery voice and he felt his lips tug into a small grin.
Maybe he should have gone downstairs and taken part with the others…
Izuku glanced at the red and blue striped clock on his wall and sighed, his chest tight as he shuffled over to his drawers to begin loading his clean clothes back into storage. Although it wasn't the same as his bedroom at his mother's apartment, he was glad to be back in a familiar place…
For how long? Came the unwelcome and unwanted nag in the back of his already-racing mind as he clenched his teeth together. He had no time to worry about the what-ifs right now, what mattered was getting back on his feet and concentrating on his Quirk control.
Izuku blinked, ears buzzing. He could hear laughter in the distance, was One for All reacting to something else? Maybe it had something to do with the connection he was sharing with Shigaraki-
A loud slam against his window completely destroyed his own concentration, his heart jumping in time with his body.
The walls violently quaked and Izuku soon stumbled. He had barely enough time to react as a massive hole seemed to be forcibly ripped through the wall to the outside.
The impact shook off the teen's balance as he fell to the floor, kicking back against the carpet as he shuffled up against the door. A large, scaly hand clamped around the broken pieces of plaster and a familiar face peered in that sent waves of absolute terror up Izuku's spine.
It was another Nomu. Did that mean the League were here? Speaking of that, how could they know that he'd returned or where his dorm room was?!
Izuku moved his hand towards the doorknob of his dormitory door and the creature screamed loudly squeezing itself through the small hole with little resistance. Izuku pressed himself up against the door frame, bandaged arms and legs screeching at him as the Nomu loomed over him. Sharp pieces of broken brick dug into it's thick hide, small trickles of blood forming around it's body as it slammed a heavy palm straight against Izuku's jaw, the movement cutting off any attempt that Izuku had at crying for help.
A crackle filled the air and Izuku's attention was drawn away from the fact that the Nomu currently had him pinned to the door by his head. With a narrowed gaze, the teen's eyes fell upon a tight-fitted collar around the creature's massive neck. Due to the odd crackling noise, Izuku soon noticed the device attached to the thick leather, which looked to be some kind of radio device.
"Excellent work, No. 1977. Remember this one needs to be alive. For now, at least."
Izuku paled, recognising the person talking immediately.
That blend of eerie voices, like an unhinged duet completely out of sync with each other.
He attempted to speak, a choked gasp cut off as the creature tightened it's grip. He knew that voice all too well; the man who planned out multiple attacks on his friends, the one who was involved in the incident in Kamino and most recently, the Jaku attack...
Tomura Shigaraki.
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acronin7 · 3 years
The tragedy of Aoyama
You know with the newest chapter leak it's really lead me to a sad conclusion about aoyama. This boy has most likely been alone his entire life. Those who are quirkless or even just having a mutagenic quirk instantly makes you an outcast in the world of MHA. We saw it episode one with the deku explaining how not all men are created equal and how horrible life is for those lacking powers, even for a small child for godsake. Being quirkless makes you the worlds punching bag by default and the 80% of people who do have the privilege of being born with a quirk people aren't taught to be sympathetic. They're practically taught they're superior. Cut to the few scenes we've ever seen a young aoyama with the first having him beg his parents as to why he was so different and in the latest chapter (despite being untranslated) it's obviously implied he was heavily ostracized and beaten by his classmates for a lack of a quirk. Going by how deku's life was up until high school I doubt anyone wanted to befriend the quirkless aoyama. At some undetermined point yet unrevealed he receives his quirk via a deal with the devil courtesy of his parents. (I'm debating if it was 100% for the sake of making their child happy or trying to avoid the shame of having a quirkless child but that's a whole 'nother topic). But I doubt this made his life any better besides now at least having the bare minimum to blend into society. Now that he has this power it's come at a high cost. One of them obviously being any form of normal social interaction. Now that he's linked to one of the biggest villains in the world he can never get to close to his peers despite now finally having a quirk. And now he probably can't even fully interact normally with his parents again because there is always the underlying factor of aoyama having to preform his new role well or they will all die. And that his parents got him into this situation. It's stated in the manga that he never goes out of his way to interact with anyone and now with the traitor/AFO reveal it makes sense why he didn't/couldn't. He couldn't risk his mask slipping for a second or he'd jeopardize both his family and his friends/classmates. But at the same time the sad thing is is that he's never had anyone in 1-A or in general reach out for him. He gets spoken over a lot, relegated to the background and generally ignored a lot with a lot of his stand out moments being chalked up to "oh he's being weird again". He doesn't seem to have anyone he's particularly close with or seen hanging out with. HELL he doesn't even eat in the cafeteria with everyone else he eats alone in the classroom when everyone else is gone. The fact that aoyama both as a person in the world of MHA and as a character has always been ignored as a whole has always made me deeply sad since I started MHA years ago. And now with this reveal I can only hope something is made of him and someone (most likely deku) will finally reach out to him and be there for him. This was a long ass rant my god but I had to get it out. In summary? I have intense feelings rn and I firmly believe that aoyama needs a goddamn hug. :((( I desperately hope he can get saved and not go out like lady nagant.
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makeste · 3 years
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor was all, “Kirishima please take Hagakure and Aoyama and put them away somewhere out of sight until we’re finally ready for the U.A. Traitor Plot.” Shouto was all “HEY DEKU DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT MAYBE YOU WANDERING THE STREETS LOOKING LIKE A GOTH PRAYING MANTIS IS EXACTLY WHAT AFO WANTS.” Deku was all “I’M SORRY I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF MY CRUSHING MARTYR COMPLEX AND ACCUMULATED TRAUMA.” Mineta was all “HEY DEKU YOU SWEET THANG, IF I COULD REARRANGE THE ALPHABET I’D PUT ‘U’ AND ‘I’ TOGETHER, ANYWAYS HMU 💖”, or at least that’s what fandom apparently thought he said. Everyone was all “WELL SINCE WE’RE BACK HERE IN KAMINO WE SHOULD DO THE THING” and did the whole “launching someone into the air to save someone by dramatically grabbing their hand” thing that everybody fucking loves to do in Kamino so damn much. Iida was all “[bombards me and Deku with feels].” Deku was all, “ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू).” I was all, “(;*△*;).” Horikoshi was all, “my work here is done.”
Today on BnHA: 
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oh my god.
so I finally went back to look at what I wrote up for 321 last week, and it’s a hot fucking mess lol, and I really don’t want to deal with that right now, so we’re just gonna skip it and go back sometime in the next few days or something because I really want to read the new chapter and I have no self control. I’M SORRY IIDA
oh my god he’s breaking out the narration word bubbles oh my god. shit is about to get epic isn’t it
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has there ever been a chapter that opened with these that WASN’T epic? serious question. anyways all aboard the Feels Express I guess
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I saved a bunch of other crying kaomojis when I was looking for ones to use in the “previously on” summary, and right now it’s looking like that was a good fucking decision you guys. if I’m going to be an emotional wreck I might as well do it in style ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
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(ETA: it’s like. maybe my second favorite lol. A HUG WOULD HAVE PUT IT IN FIRST, I’M JUST SAYING.)
anyway so Ochako is releasing Iida, which is actually hilarious, because idk if you all know this but Iida can’t fucking fly you guys
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like, I assume Ochako released him because she already knew that Kirishima was in place to catch him, but I really love this split-second of panic on Iida’s part where he’s all “HMM, IS OCHAKO TRYING TO KILL ME, ACTUALLY”
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that’s some plus fucking ultra on Ochako’s part right there. “IF THEY DIE THEY DIE” goddamn girl did you leave your chill in the same locker as Momo or what
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oh my gosh he is curled up so small you guys oh my fucking lord
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Ochako is the U.A. Traitor confirmed. Hagakure I am so sorry I doubted you. Ochako get over here. so are you Toga now or what
anyway so now everyone is running over before Iida can react to this casual announcement of his attempted murder. and now Mina is taking her turn, and Horikoshi is all “HEY BTW IS MINA CRYING ON THE LIST OF THINGS THAT MAKE YOU CRY?” and of fucking course it is, you bastard. I’m not made of stone
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( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥)
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THEY’RE JUST DEKU AND KACCHAN. holy shit you guys. because oh my god, but it’s like when Deku was talking to the Vestiges about saving Tomura, and he turned into his little child self because his heart and intentions were so pure?? and it’s like that again, except that we’re seeing them as their child selves because that’s who they are to each other?? like, not that they actually see each other as children, but just, they can see past all of the stuff on the outside and see each other to their cores, to who they are inside, and when they look at each other they each simply see the other boy that they’ve known their whole entire life. idk?? does that make sense??? DOES ANY OF THIS EVEN MAKE SENSE I DON’T KNOW WHAT WORDS ARE ANYMORE I’M JUST SWIMMING IN FEELS OKAY. I’M TRYING HERE
they’re just boys, is what I’m trying to say, I guess. just Deku and Kacchan. all the walls are down, all the gaps are bridged, and all it is is the one boy reaching out and connecting with the other, and just,,, (꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
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─=≡Σ((( つ ◕o◕ )つ
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ARE YOU GONNA HUG!??!?!?!?! I AM NOT OKAY!!!!!!! !!!hgk
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sure let’s cut to Thirteen then, yay. I mean I’m glad they’re alive lol, don’t get me wrong
(ETA: I think that might have sounded a bit sarcastic so I just want to clarify that I really am happy Thirteen is alive and on the job again lol.)
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it’s just that if your name doesn’t begin with Baku or Deku I honestly am not interested for just these next five minutes okay lol. like I’m just gonna be completely honest. I am too invested lol, please, they were having a moment, JUST LET ME HAVE THIS PLEASE
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I’m literally not even reading the speech bubbles though omg I’m so sorry. I really hope there is not a quiz, I promise I will come back to it later scroll scroll scroll
okay so they brought him back to U.A. and he’s all tired and out of it yes
oh goody Hagakure knows all about the security system
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(ETA: is it just me or is Horikoshi really laying it on thick with the hints about these two guys lately? I’m on to you sir.)
ffs Deku
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-- holy shit, what??!
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they know?? how did they find out??! holy shit???
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I’m about to cancel the whole of Japan lmao. fucking try me dudes
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“a ticking time bomb” tell you what, this man is just asking to be punched in the face. literally begging for it omg
(ETA: I have been advised that I misread this part; Rat Principal told everyone how safe U.A. was, but he’s not the one who ratted out Deku; that was “the rumors”, apparently. which, if I had to guess, were probably started by AFO.)
oh I see, so it’s to be Feels, Part II then
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he looks so sad and tired and lonely and she goes right for the hand, god bless. though if Kacchan’s not gonna hug him, you’d think someone would at least. or is it because he still smells bad. hmm
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(ETA: just to clarify the reason for my rambling here, I was really waiting for the hero name reveal and the presumed deeper meaning behind it lol. but I guess that is a conversation still to come! and we still need Deku’s response to the apology too for that matter. lots to look forward to still.)
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veenxys · 4 years
Hi there ! Are you familiar with confort characters ? In need of that !! Could you please give some hds with Bakugo, Hawks and Deku with an s/o who works until the body says stop ? (Like migraines, nosebleeds, etc.) But s/o ignores it with a big smile like "nha, I'm good!"
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you just described me rn lol. thanks for the request baby, i hope you like it <3 
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⤷ Bakugou 
When you started dating, Bakugou thought your determination was incredible
But now he is very worried (and angry)
He doesn't let you work for a long time after he had to go to the hospital with you because you were really bad
He does not appear to be concerned, but he is attentive to all the signals that your body gives.
If he sees that you are tired and that you need to rest, he will compel you to go to eat and go to rest.
No matter how much you curse or get angry at him
Your health will always be first on his priority list
It will help you finish what you are doing so that you can go to rest.
And when you finally ate and drank water, he lies down with you and caresses your whole body for hours until you sleep peacefully in his arms.
And he'll probably swear at you, because that's the only way he knows how to show he's worried about you.
‘’You're fucking stupid Y / n, you need to rest but keep doing this shit, next time I will not help you.’’ He says while wiping your bloody nose (Of course he is lying, he will never tire of taking care of his baby)
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⤷ Deku
Deku cares a lot about you
So when your body shows signs of weakness, he goes crazy
He fetches you water and food all the time, begging you to get some rest.
He knows you've always been like that, but he wants to help you change that so badly because he doesn't want to see you sick.
If you are sitting doing something, he starts to massage your shoulders and kiss your head, asking you to go to bed with him so that he can take care of you.
If you don't go, he sends lots of pictures of the two of you to you on your phone so that you lose concentration.
And yet if you don't go, he'll pick you up and take you to bed
He doesn't care if you swear at him or get mad at him, he just wants your good
He loves you too much, but he hates it when you push the limits of your body.
He lies with you and strokes your hair while leaving tender kisses all over your face.
‘’Deku stop I need to finish-’‘
‘’The only thing you need now is to rest Y/n.’‘ you just take a deep breath and accept defeat.
When you sleep he hugs you even tighter to show you that you are safe with him.
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⤷ Hawks
You are the most precious thing in Hawks' life and he cares a lot about you
So he has to make sure you are well and healthy 24/7
Like Deku, he hates it when you push the limits of your body
When he sees your nose bleeding or when you can barely stand because of weakness, he will go crazy
He will pick you up and give you a hot bath
Even with you fighting with him and saying that you're okay
He will ignore you and continue to take care of you as if you were a baby.
He doesn't care if you get mad at him, because he knows that you will thank him later.
He makes your favorite food and only leaves your side when he is sure that you ate well and drank water.
After that he will pick you up and lie down with you
It will caress your hair, face, and body until you feel 100% relaxed
He kisses your whole face and hugs you tightly so that you don't go out in the middle of the night and go back to work. and also because he is needy and loves to hug you lol
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qui-02 · 3 years
Hi there! How r u? This is my first time dropping an ask in your requests box💞 may I ask for hcs of sero and shinsou reacting to their fem!s/o catching Covid-19? (bc this is actually what Im going through rn!! My body feels dead and Im struggling to catch my breath😾Im not scared tho;D). I totally understand if u can’t write this or anything else, you can ignore it. Just pray that I can make it out alive & safely 😂
How MHA boys react to you getting COVID-19/sick and how they help you get through it
Characters: Shinsou, Sero, Deku and Bakugou
Note: Salutttttttt ;) get better soon!!! I’m sorry that you are having to go through this but don’t worry about everything you will be just fine as long as you stay calm and positive! Also follow the doc suggestions and tips to get better soon!
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He knew all the basic stuff like the symptoms and stuff like that but once he sees you struggling to do simple things he realizes that Covid/sickness that you have ain’t a simple cold. He got really really anxious and stressed about this. His biggest fear is for you to get really sick and needing to end up in the hospital were who knows what they will do to you.
He prefers for you to stay in the apartment/home we’re he knows what is happening to you 24/7
He begins to do some research because he wants to help you recover as fast as possible but he also wants to stay safe, he doesn’t s want to catch the virus/sickness nor you want to pass him the virus/sickness.
He brings you snacks a hoping that they will encourage you to eat something. If you neglect eating he will FORCE you to eat he also does the same if you don’t want to drink water,lol. He just wants to be able to see you healthy once again. “Y/N you need to eat babe, if you don’t eat you won’t get any better… EAT THE FOOD THAT I KINDLY BROUGHT YOU!! Baby just do it. I know it doesn’t taste like anything but I just want you to get better so I can hug you and give you cuddles while we watch a movie on the couch.”
Since you have trouble catching your breath he texts you if you need something. That became the source of communication for both of you. Almost every 5 minutes he sends you a message saying “Heyy beautiful.you ok? You need anything?” He is so cute. He also tells you about his day and sends you memes hoping that they will cheer you up.
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Tries to remain calm but is panicking. He became stressed and his sleep schedule got even worse because of the constant checking in you to see if you are breathing properly and checking your temperature at night. Also he has trouble sleeping because you aren’t next to him at the bed anymore, he struggling without your cuddles.
But besides that he does a good job taking care of you. He gives you your medicine on time, checks your temperature, feeds you and makes sure that you eat and stay hydrated and stays in contact with your doctor just in case anything happens.
Same as Sero,he sends you text messages to check on you and ofc funny cat videos, we all know that he loves his cat videos. Besides texting you he stands next to your door and talks to you, always keeping a safe distance and his mask on. “Hey kitten, you doing ok? I just woke up from a small nap, it’s hard sleeping without you, it feels weird. Hopefully you get better soon. Did you see the cat videos that I sent you earlier? I thought that you might like them. Can’t wait till you get better, send me a text if you need anything ok? I love you”
He so nice!!! I love him.
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Omg he is panicking but calms down. Probably the best one to take care of you. He is so extra and informed about Covid/sickness that you have.
He makes sure to look ad articles about Covid/sickness to be more informed about what is happening to your health. He also talks with the doctor if he has any concerns or if you have any pain or new symptoms . He reads people’s experience with the sickness to see if what worked for them will work for you.
He asks you a lot of questions while you are sick because he is so worried. He just wants to make sure that he is taking care of you properly and that you are comfortable.
He makes sure that you take your pills. If you don’t want to eat he will encourage you to eat telling you that it’s for your own good. He might ask his mom to make you a pig cutlet bowl,lol. “Hey puppy! I got you a pig cutlet bowl, my mom made it so hopefully you like this as much as I do. Common baby, you need to eat so you get strong and healthy again. Have you drank any water? Here, you need to drink water. Did you know that most people with Covid/sickness are dehydrated because it’s a common symptom? We don’t want you to be dehydrated so drink up.Also All Might told me to tell you that he wishes you to get better soon”
He is so concerned about you that he goes to your room at midnight to see if you are doing well… he wakes up at midnight just for you because he loves you and dose want anything bad to happen to you dimekdkeksjwkjdjejdjeiej!!! HE IS SO CUTE!
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He is ok at taking care of you. He does very nice things for you when you are sick but also not really nice ones.
He makes sure that you take your medicine on time and that you are comfortable 24/7. For some reason I see him angrily shoving the medicine down your throat if you don’t want to take it because it tastes terrible,lol.
He sticks to what the doctor says most of the time. If the doctor thinks that is best for you to be at the hospital he will get so stern and possessive of you. Nobody is going to take you away from him. He doesn’t know if they will be even taking good care of you and besides hospital food isn’t that delicious.
Taking about food he will cook for you. He makes sure that what he is feeding you is full of nutrients that will help your body.He is certain that you will eat his food because he knows he can cook well. If you tell him that you don’t want to eat because you can’t taste anything he will go mad. “Huh? What do you mean you don’t want to it? You better eat all of the food,ok? When I come back this plate must be clean ok idiot?!! He slams the door when he walks out so you immediately start swallowing down his food because he will go insane if you don’t. Besides you know he is doing this because he cares for you, he just wants you to be healthy. “See I knew you would eat if I was blew up on you. I know it must be hard going through all of this but I just want the best for you ok? I know I don’t say it often but I love you and you better get over that dumbass Covid/sickness thing that you have so we can spend time together again like we used to do”
Awwww. It’s moments like this that you know that Bakugou loves you with all his heart.
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If in bold I can’t tagg :(
Tagg list: @pinkteamae @dukina @gabbys-simphotline @bitchybadkarma
Want to be tagged? Just tell me :)
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drakenology · 4 years
their s/o has kinky curly hair with Bakugo, Denki, Midoriya and Todoroki
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author’s note: hey so i smoked a lot of weed and tried to do my hair afterwards and I quit so now I’m writing about kinky hair because I have a mixture of 3c and 4c hair and detangling is not poggers. Like it takes an hour to detangle my hair... I don’t have the energy for this rn. But even though it’s a fuck ton of work to take care of natural hair it’s still gorgeous and beautiful and strong and all of the fucking above. Shout out to all my kinky haired girlies. And of course shout out to my beautiful black queens. I see you boo! <3
warnings?: fluff, swearing and mentions of sexual activity (yeah, this one aint nasty... that’s the next post. shhh!) ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP 18+
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not gonna lie this mf ignorant as fuck 
hates that you take so long to do your hair
but loves watching the process?
“What’s that stuff?” “What does it do?” 
educates himself for your future babies
he likes a challenge so why wouldn’t he figure out how to properly take care of curly hair? 
offers to do your hair sometimes 
sometimes does it better than you do?
thinks you’re a fucking goddess.
i am a firm believer that bakugo LOVES sistas ok??
This morning is particularly stressful. You had already broken a comb or two trying to do your hair last night. So when you went to bed thinking that your hair was gonna turn out amazing you can imagine your shock when it didn’t turn out right. Well, as your taking down your twists, you see that your hair didn’t dry all the way. You try everything you can to salvage your style; you pick it, try and diffuse it but you’re still unsatisfied with the look. You sigh and just tie it up in two afro puffs. You lay your edges carefully and do some light makeup. Suddenly, you hear the bathroom door fly open to reveal your boyfriend Bakugo staring at you. 
“So that’s what’s taking you so damn long.” Katsuki says leaning against the door frame. He was going to come in and yell at you to hurry up but with the way you looked all dressed up he was completely thrown off and blown away. You were wearing a bright yellow sundress that trailed down to your ankles. It hugged your body and flowed out towards the bottom of the dress. The bathroom smelled like your hair products; tropical and fruity smells smothering his nostrils. You were like a goddess standing before him. And he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. 
“Dammit, Katsuki wait a damn minute. I’ll be out in a second.” You said, adding the finishing touches to your face. Katsuki walks over to you and leans up against the kitchen counter to watch you finish your makeup.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” he said as he stared at your glistening mahogany skin.  You tried your best not to giggle at his stares as you turn to look at him. 
“You ready to go?” You ask, feeling a little flustered as he ran his hands up and down your hips, stopping at your ass as he cupped it with both hands. Katsuki plants a kiss on your soft, plush lips and shook his head. 
“I’d hate to waste that outfit.. but now I don’t wanna even go out. I wanna fuck you instead.” He says as he kisses your neck. OOOOWEEE
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my cute little idiot...
you had to remind him a lot to not touch your hair (it fucks up your style!)
had to explain what “shrinkage” was
asked once “WOAH IS THAT ALL YOUR HAIR???” making you get to cussin’
very infatuated with everything about your hair though. poor thing didn’t know no better until now
plays in your hair anyway when you’re cuddling
wants to do your hair for you but every time you let him it turns out a mess. 
loves the way your hair smells when you put your products in it
lowkey wishes he had curly hair too
obsessed with you..
“‘Nari? How do I look?” You ask as you turn away from you vanity to look at your goofy boyfriend who’s playing video games and sitting on the bed in front of you. He paused his game to look at you and immediately turned bright red. 
“Wow..” He said, completely amazed. You had your hair in flexi-rods; after you took them down your natural hair cascaded down to your shoulders in heaps and mounds of thick luxuriousness. He loved that your hair framed your face so well and the lovely smell coming from you intoxicated him. 
“You’re so pretty, Y/N.” Denki smiles.
You giggle and shake your hair in the mirror, loving how your hair turned out. You put on some lip gloss and stood up to walk over to your full body mirror to pose in front of it. Damn, you looked good! You were feeling yourself for sure and Denki just couldn’t help but stare. He watched you pose in the mirror, playfully wiggling your ass and flipping your hair around.  His eyes met your curvaceous body; the jeans you wore hugging your form graciously. The top you wore accentuated your cocoa skin so damn good that it appeared to Denki that you were glowing from within. What a beautiful fucking woman.
He stands up and walks behind you, wrapping his arms around you as he stared at your gorgeous visage in the mirror. 
“How’d I get so lucky?” He asked, enamored by your beauty. He plants a kiss on your shoulder as you giggle and embrace him. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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was kinda ignorant to black culture and hair styles but after your careful explaination he’s fully informed and loves every bit of you
buys you all them expensive natural hair products (trust me.. they aint cheap)
Watches you do your hair
loves when you wear box braids, pulls on them during sex sometimes if you’re too fucked out to care (oop)
smells your hair when you’re sleeping (not in a creepy way I promise)
Doesn’t tolerate racism and will beat the shit out of anyone who tried it with you. Period.
loves your complexion, thinks you look scrumptious in yellow (yellow looks GREAT on black people ok???)
Todoroki’s favorite time of year was the winter. He loved the sweaters, the hot chocolate and more importantly you can finally wear your natural hair out. Since hotter months make your hair sweat out when you straighten it, you usually keep it in braids or locs. But come winter time, you try and wear your natural hair when you can since winter months can be drying to your curls sometimes. You had spend the day (yes it’s a fucking day long process.. for me anyway) taking down your braids while sitting on the couch watching daytime T.V while Shoto was out working. After everything was out, you showered and washed your hair, sighing as the warm water and shampoo soothed and cleansed your scalp carefully. You step out of the shower and comb out your hair while it’s still wet. You do your normal routine and fluff out your curls with an afro pick and smile at your new growth. Unbeknownst to you, Todoroki had been watching the process from start to finish as he was sitting on the bed next to your vanity. You thought he was asleep since he liked sleeping in on Sundays so you were surprised when he got up and kissed you on the cheek, admiring your natural beauty.
“You truly are the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen, Y/N. I’m so lucky.” He gushed. You giggled and kissed him on his lips, thanking him for the compliment.
“So, what you do want to do today, beautiful?”
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When he met you he wanted to know everything about you
Secretly took notes 👀 has a notebook with your name on it with everything that has to do with you including your hair
Studies you and does your hair exactly like how you do it
Tries to impress you by coming up with new styles to try even though some of them are a bit crazy lookin
Loves you till the death of him
Very very sweet about helping you with your hair when you’re too tired to take care of it sometimes 🥺
You had a long, stressful and exhausting day. You spent all day at the hospital taking care of patien after patient nonstop with damn near no breaks in between. You had resorted to pulling your beautiful curls back and away from your face from all the sweating and running around the hospital, leaving stray curls hanging out. You were always a prim and proper girl almost never seen with your hair unkempt so when you returned home with your hair in a messy low bun, Midoriya knew what was up. He watched as you greeted him weakly and plopped on the couch next to him, laying on his lap and almost falling asleep.
“Rough day?” He ask. You almost burst into tears when you hear your boyfriend ask you about your day. It was rough and frustrating. You were just glad you were finally home so you can relax and try and forget about the taxing day. You sigh as Midoriya rubbed small circles into you back and undid the messy bun you had lazily tied hours before returning home.
“You just relax, princess. I’ll take care of you, ok?” He says lifting you up from his lap and carrying you to the bathroom. He sat you on the sink and put your hair in two braids for you so you could take a shower. He kissed your forehead and hummed sweet I love yous into your ear as you smile and kiss his nose. You loved that he was always so gentle with you, never hesitating to help you when you need it.
“I’ll make us something to eat. Pick out a movie for us to watch, okay? I don’t care if it’s something we’ve seen 100 times. Tonight is all about you.”
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plutouran · 3 years
hello may i have a romantic mha match up plz<3
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 19 plz.
have like a caramel colored skin-tone (i feel like saying im black may be easier but 🤷🏽‍♀️) and im 5’3. Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair, im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape (but i have super noticeable hip dips) , i got pretty big fucking tittes (not even in a bragging way, im a fuckin k cup bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Honestly I don’t really have a type. Tbh most of my relationships have ended pretty badly cause they ether only wanted something sexual from me or I was “too clingy” when i just wanted basic ass affection. But the most I want is someone who is physically affectionate (like kisses, cuddles, and hugs for days) also im ok with pda to an extent like i will hug and like cuddle you but im not gonna make out with your infront of others thats weird af.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion, which is hard when you have chronic anxiety and major depressive disorder. Which also means i take medication for it, which i forget a lot. And because of these things i have anxiety tics, where it ranges to making noices and twitching a bit to full on hitting myself and saying random shit. But I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people. I also like playfully bantering with people, like i love you but will full on roast you and get into fake fist-fights. I am a bit of a violent person at times but I have a punching bag and boxing gloves which help a lot. But I only get that angry when someone uses an insecurity of mine against me or is talking bad about someone i love, cause it you do that im beating your ass. I do have a bit of body insecurities mainly about my hip-dips and stomach. But because im curvy i get hit on by adults a lot and its creepy as fuck.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
I don’t really have a type and im queer so i dont have a gender preference, but anyone who’s love language is physical affection cause im a clingy bitch
I have a couple ideal dates. So the first one is like an indoor picnic and a movie, an arcade date, and a stargazing date where you get take out or fast food and drive up a hill to see the stars and you like cuddle n shit.
a/n: thank you so much for this! if requests like this are long, i can work with it better!
rex has been paired up with…
— izuku midoriya
your and deku‘s song is fuyu no hanashi by given (this song omg)
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(ok so listen! this man will protect you at all cost! there is no one that would fit better!)
firsts things first, he will be really smitten by the way you treat your friends and probably are a ray of sunshine in a group!
what i like the most about deku is the way he treats everyone equal. he‘d never judge you, never betray you and stand up for you!
he‘ll also be there for you. no matter what. he can take you mental health and help you overcome hard episodes.
he‘ll research everything about it, maybe even write it down and treat you right. just tell him what you need! he‘ll do it in an instant.
and if you need space, he‘ll give you that as well.
he‘d be really flustered whenever he hugs you but he gets comfortable with that pretty quickly.
he will give all the attention you need. like fr. he‘d be such a cute boyfriend!
however, putting his cute side away, he will definitely not be afraid to speak up whenever someone messes with you. he‘ll do his best to make you happy.
deku would love to read comics with you and geek about it. like that’s just how he is.
he‘d also be super flustered by your creativity. he thinks that’s extremely cool to be creative! (i do too!)
super long cuddles with him! when he is long asleep and you are still awake, just appreciating the moment!
he‘d practically go on any date with you! but of course, picnic dates are the best! it’s super cute how he prepares everything nicely.
arguments would be super rare. he just bottles some things inside that overwhelm him sometime. talking is key.
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niks-minion · 3 years
Oh my gosh.... I'm so sorry to dump this all on you, but can I just say that I'm a little disappointed with the upcoming chapter? Like, yeah, yeah, Deku is a great character and we are seeing a lot of character evolution but it just seems a tiny bit boring. And y are we just running over the Todoroki family drama? I want to see more reactions from citizens and how they felt knowing that the number 1 hero was an abusive person. And what about shoto? How did students react? So many plot holes...
I started to write, saved it as a draft and forgot about it👀
No need to be sorry, always feel free to dump your opinion on me ☺️
And yeah. There’re so many things behind the scenes I’d rather enjoy.
What’s Shouto up to rn? What’s his emotional state. Did he still just throw that aside and proceeded with solving his big bro Touya problem? Or he had a breakdown? Did Rei hug him? (Still pissed there wasn’t such a scene). What class a said to him? Had he an awful encounter with citizens and what would he answer if haters told him some shit?
You can say, I’m a biased Shouto simp, see if I care 👀
Manga skipped a lot, we can only make a praying circle, asking to get satisfying flashbacks…
At least we have anime to get our Shouto serotonin dose.
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Shigaraki x Reader Request
So I love your writing and I'm not sure if you've already done it before but I just wanted to ask if you could maybe do a shig x F! Reader scenario where she is on an important call, but Shiggy's all horny and starts feeling her up, maybe even goes as far as actually stuffing her, but she can't put the phone down cause it's a very important call with a very important client or smth like that heh I'm sorry the thirst for the crusty boy is so real rn 😩
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Shigaraki Tomura, one of the greatest known villains of all time. It wasn’t that he was extremely powerful, or intelligent, but he had enough common sense to assemble some of the more... interesting people to join his League and make it as powerful as it was today. You though, you were the best out of all of them. 
Your quirk was simple, you simply couldn’t get hurt. Like your classmate Kirishima Eijiro, your skin was your weapon. But unlike him, the effects of your quirk never went away. Simply, you couldn’t be cut, scratched, or punched. You felt no pain in the areas where you focused your quirk, and your skin couldn’t be destroyed. 
Sure, you were a lot like Kirishima, including your bubbly personality and need to always improve your strength, but you had a big secret. You were the fiancé to Tomura Shigaraki, or Tenko Shigaraki he had eventually told you. You remembered the day he had proposed to you. It was when he got back from fighting UA at the Summer Camp. 
He had “kidnapped you” just so he could get you alone for a few days, and ended up having you run away and act like you had “escaped”. During those days, he was more romantic, sweet, and loving than usual. Tenko loved pda, and refused to let you get up from the couch for days at a time. 
When the heroes were close, he gave you the ring, which you put a string on and put it on your neck to be hidden by your shirt, and then ran out into the road, pretending to be passed out for the heroes to find you. 
Lucky for you, it was Summer Break, and you were allowed to spend all the time with Shiggy that you wanted without the hassle of trying to keep such a secret. You also spent that time doing hero work, hanging out with your friendly classmates, and of course arranging things with your mentor Fat Gum, and your two best friends/ partners Tamaki and Kiri.
At the moment, it was noon on a Saturday, and you were sitting in the League’s living room watching tv, waiting for a call from Fat Gum to talk about starting working with Kiri and Tamaki during the week. Even though Fat Gum thought of you like his daughter, he was a big deal to you still, and this phone call meant a lot to you even though a lot wasn’t on the line.
Plus it was perfect for the call, with the League out on a mission, and you alone with the entire place quiet. Shiggy would be back tonight for a dinner date, and today would go smoothly. As you thought about your sweet boyfriend and hoped that he was okay, your phone began to ring. Picking it up, you heard the friendly voice of your mentor.
“Ahh, Y/n! Great being able to talk to you! We have Kirishima and Tamaki on the call as well!” Fat gum exclaimed joyfully as you heard greetings from your two guy besties. “Hey Y/n!” They called out in sync, Tamaki’s voice barely hearable. “Hey guys, I-” You stopped, hearing the sounds of the door becoming unlocked. What? They weren’t supposed to be home for another few hours!!
You got off the couch and ran upstairs to the room that you and Shiggy shared, closing it and sitting against it angrily. “Y/n, you good?” Fat gum asked as you responded with a happy hum, doing your best to be discreet as you heard your name being murmured around the League’s apartment. What that Shigaraki??? Oh no no no...
“Good, now here’s what I’m thinking...” As Fat Gum began trailing on and on, you opened the door to see a tired, worn-out Shigaraki. Feeling your heart be filled with pity, you signaled that you were on the phone, opened the door, and let him in. He walked towards you, pressed himself against your small frame, and kissed your forehead. “Aww, rough day baby?” 
You asked, cupping his face in your soft hands as he nodded, pulling you close to hug. He began to rest his chin on your head as you continued the call. “I’m free all day, but on Wednesday I won’t be able to go to Sakura Street because I need to take my sister to her swim practice.” Kirishima explained as you piped in, trying to catch up in the conversation. 
“I can do it for you!” You exclaimed, before Shigaraki began kissing your neck tenderly, letting his hands grip your ass and waist tightly like he usually did. “What t-time do you need?” You tried not to stutter as he pushed your body against him, letting his knee rub against your entrance like he did when he was horny for you. Oh god... not now Shiggy baby.
“Awesome! I just need you to cover Sakura street between three and four pm. Could you do that? You just need to walk down, and check that one alleyway that we were talking about because...” As Kirishima rambled on, Shigaraki kissed your lips passionately, beginning to push you up against the bed and bend you over slowly.
Biting your lip and mumbling any sounds you could make, you brought the phone back to your ear and listened as the boys talked. “Well I’m not busy then so I can take your shift Y/n. What are you doing 3 to 4?” Tamaki asked, as Shigaraki began to remove your pants. Shaking, you felt his hot breath on your body as you tried to carry on a conversation.
“Um, yea Tamaki...” Both of your shirts were now off, “Three to four?” Shigaraki slipped down his pants, revealing his boxer and large erection poking through, “I’m going to be... um...” Shigaraki slipped your panties down, and began fingering you, causing you to lose all control of your legs as you wrapped your legs around his torso to hold you up. 
“I’m going to be patrolling the Green Bridge area, n-near the baseball stadium. Just on those three streets, and then I was planning on stopping by Deku’s mom’s place to move some of her furniture. Shigaraki smirked at you, rolling his eyes and beginning to move his boxers down to reveal his large cock, throbbing for you.
Swallowing nervously, you tried so hard to focus on the call as your fiancé moved you, positioning you and getting ready to stuff you full of him. “Okay! Sounds good kiddos!” You sighed happily at Fat Gum’s comment, hoping that this call would end so you could focus on Shiggy who was seconds away from fucking you senseless.
“So Tamaki, tell me about your weekend.” Kirishima exclaimed as Tamaki began speaking, endlessly mumbling about his plans and how excited he was to see you and Kiri. Before you could mentally prepare, Shiggy shoved his cock into you, letting you scream out in pain and such amazing pleasure. It was amazing, feeling your walls wrap around him and throb with him.
“Y/n?! Are you okay?!” Kirishima asked, letting you know that you had probably frightened the three guys on the other ends. “Oh! Yea! I just... saw a... bug!” Between breaths, Shigaraki pumped himself into you, one hand around your neck tightly, and the other around your waist. 
“Oh, what did it look like?” Tamaki asked, and at that moment, you wanted to kill your best friend for making conversation. “It’s... big... and fuzzy. I’m going to go... kill it!” You squeezed the sheets beneath you, silently gasping as Shigaraki pounded into you, overstimulating you to the ends of the Earth, which you both loved.
“Love you guys! I’ll text you guys tonight in the group chat... when I’m... done! Bye!” Without hearing their responses, you hung up the call and threw your phone to the other side of the wall angrily. Shigaraki smashed his lips to yours as he pulled out, laying you on the bed, and climbing over you. “Good girl... such a good girl. You’re able to be a good hero, and still please the worst villain.” He bent down and kissed your forehead again, before beginning to just lay on you.
You ran your fingers through his curly hair as he rested his head against your plump chest, breathing slowly and trying to calm him down. “So... what happened?” You asked sweetly, almost swearing that he began purring. “Dabi had to save me from almost getting shot in the face.” You looked down at your boyfriend, your eyes wide and fearful.
The guy was behind me, and was about to shoot before Dabi burned him and made him miss. If Dabi wouldn’t have been there, he would have hit me right in the skull.” Shigaraki explained as you began giving him a scalp massage, causing him to move his head and close his eyes peacefully. Your touch always made him feel better, if not 100% happy again. 
“I just... needed to feel your touch. If I die, I know my last thought is going to be of you.” Shigaraki confessed, sitting up and looking at you, his lips parted. Here he was, pouring his feelings out, something that he never did. “I... I love you so much Y/n.” Shigaraki leaned in, sitting you on his lap and beginning to kiss you, intertwining four of his fingers with yours. “I love you too Baby.” 
Hun, I totally understand your thirst. Shiggy makes all my daddy issues come true in one microsecond. For a good month he was all that I could think about!! <333
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Yandere Headcannons BNHA
This is just a bunch of headcanons I have about the boys in BNHA and what they’d be like as yanderes. Only the really fluffy or good things about them listed here. This is not a good depiction of a real yandere and make sure to be careful to identify yandere traits in real people around you. It’s a very dangerous world and stay safe!
Uh no v serious warnings; Manipulation mentions, kidnapping mentions, and just this is a lot of heavily influenced trans reader headcanons because I’m having a lot of gender struggles rn and that’s where my headspace is atm and this is also after and or during when you’ve/re been/being kidnapped and conditioned,  a little NSFW because if I don't specify then they are aged up (around 20-25 is where I imagine the timeline that they actually captured you and have a hero carrier going for them already),
Bakugou Katsuki
This man loves you and you know it. 
If you meet him in middle school and don’t like his original persona he’s gonna adjust it around you to slowly lure you in
He wants to be yours no matter what he sacrifices and if giving up his pride is what it takes so be it
He only shows his affection through physical gifts and touch because words of affirmation are not really his specialty.
He loves the idea of you being submissive towards him even if you’re not a girl.
Loves holding your hips when you’re doing something, especially if you’re good at cooking and make him stuff once you’ve become more docile and have stopped fighting him on leaving
So if you are trans or otherwise in the LGBTQ+ community for gender stuff he will do the most to make you comfortable. Binder? You didn’t even have to tell him your measurements cause bby he already knows 
It’s who you are and he accepts that but it’s also a pride thing. 
It’s also a way he tries to gain your trust in the early stages of your kidnapping. 
He sees this as a way to prove he’s the only one out there who would take care of you and accept you so well, this also gives him more reason to tell you you belong there because of what happens to “your community”
If you think he doesn’t know before you come out to him then you’re wrong. He knows everything about you and nothing will get in the way from making you his.
He’ll only get you T-shots and other stuff like that if you promise to not talk to anyone else at the doctor’s about your relationship. 
But the best part about all this is how absolutely submissive you’ll be under his care while you recover after surgery
Izuku Midoryia 
There are a lot of things I see that headcanon Deku has a whole book on you but I feel like this boy has an entire series of books
He has taken notes on you since he met you and has a color coded system of books that detail on your beginning years too once he gets them out of your friends or family or even just you
If you met him before he had his quirk he would probably kidnap you once he got his quirk
He spent a lot of time writing how he would kidnap you if he had certain quirks
Anyways, he loves to lay his head on your stomach
He also likes it when you’re just writing or drawing and he can watch, writing things down is a very personal part of his life so when someone as special as you does it he gets all sappy and heart warmed
If you ever get the chance to look into one of his books about you and you complement him on it he will not be able to handle it
If you’re trans he will immediately start using your pronouns in the correct form
He wants to give you as much respect as you deserve so he just uses them naturally it’s just the way of things
He’s very nervous about getting you a binder, it’s just scary for him
He also goes back into his notebooks and changes your name and pronouns
He looks intensively into research about binders, T-shots, and surgery
He lets you get a binder after you say I love you the first time
Lets you get T-shots after your first year anniversary of being conditioned to be in love with him
Todoroki Shoto
So this boy is not very interested in talking to you when you first meet
It’s just he’s so scared that he’s going to mess you up and drag you into his own mess so he waits until he’s better or gets better to contact you
He loves to stare at you
Just while you’re doing nothing or asleep, especially when you’re talking though
He loves touching your hands and giving you things
He doesn’t really talk to you though and as much as he loves to watch you talk to people he just likes how quiet you are around him
He likes to make you food, even though he doesn’t know how to cook he’ll start learning for you
He’s def the big spoon no matter how tall you are around him just def the big spoon
If you are trans he’s just gonna nod it off then cuddle with you afterwards
He’s just super calm about everything
Top of the line binders and T-shots and check-ups by a special doctor that’s sworn to secrecy
Actually tracks down someone with a quirk that can modify your body permanently without surgery
But if he comes up fruitless in the en-devour (lmao) he will let you get surgery and will love how dependent and you get on him after 
You’re just so sleepy and quiet but you’re submissive and cute
Will cry if you call him babe when you ask for something and will beg you to do it more and will get you 2x whatever you’re asking for
Has to remind himself often of your pronouns in his head but never slips up when speaking to you
Kaminari Denki
Okay this man loves to touch you. Like no warning just loves to put his hands on you
Hips and thigh guy I don’t make the rules
For some reason he likes to grab and stroke up and down your bottom half of your rib cage.
Puts his legs around yours when you’re sleeping
Likes to scrub your back and take care of you in a bath, not even in a sexual way (besides bath sex and fondling turn him off because of his quirk)
grabs the little part of your hips and thigh where they connect to your but and just squishes it
Gets so flustered when you wear yellow
But loves to see you in a pastel yellow even if you don’t think you look good he’ll always say how amazing he thinks you look
Tons and tons of compliments
absolutely loves holding your hand 
Says I love you within the first couple minutes of kidnapping you
Power Bottom no matter your gender
If trans he will def go and get you a binder
Will make sure you don’t tell anyone about your relationship if you go get T-shots and stuff by holding your hand and giving you a little shock every time you get too close to saying something
Gets you tons of sex toys that help with dysphoria during sexy times (like thanks but ur a perv kami)
He doesn’t want to risk you if you get surgery so he will wait a couple years before he allows you to
Kirishima Eijiro
He actually saw you at the entrance exam for UA and he just immediately had hearts in his eyes
This boy is clingy af, if you even look away for 2 seconds he’ll start whining
Wants you to be the most comfortable person in the world
He likes the idea of you being the picture perfect little darling, cooking and cleaning and waiting for him to get home he wants you to depend on you
He needs you to depend on him! What is he good for otherwise? 
Touch starved tbh
He likes to cuddle you when you first get kidnapped, like if you don’t let him touch you he’ll start crying
If you keep rejecting him he’ll get delusional instead and will just hug you anyways
If you’re trans and you want to ask him for stuff to make you feel comfortable like a binder he’s gonna use this to his advantage
You wanna shop for a binder? Two how cuddle session and he’ll consider taking your measurements
It’s gonna be hard for him to think of the safest way to get you testosterone or other hormone injections and stuff
He’s just concerned
Will lowkey try to convince you to drop the idea but if he’s not already delusional enough to ignore your feelings and you start crying then he’s just gonna comfort you
It’s gonna take a year or two to convince him but if you become more submissive and obedient for him he might be persuaded
In the end he’ll get you surgery and other things like that but he’s gonna need to speak to 30 different professionals about this just to be 200% sure it’s the right move.
Iida Tenya
Tenya isn't the most aggressive when it comes to things but he’s very stern and patient so he’ll have a little more freedom with disciplining you
He likes to hug you from behind
He starts to slowly stop raising his hands and yelling cause he knows it disturbs you and makes you flinch, plus you listen better when he whispers
When you cuddle he puts his legs between yours cause he wants you hold you whole
He covers his engines when y’all sleep together so you don’t scratch yourself on them
Lets you paint and draw and write but only under super vision and he analysis your work after to see how you feel
Compliments you a ton
Stern in the bedroom, very daddy/dom nothing else will do
Likes to compliment you
Loves it when you smile at him
Wants you to be comfortable out of any other option
If you’re trans then he’ll be pretty much the same as Shoto
Top of the line products and binders
Will be the first out of both of you to suggest surgery
Wants to look for a doctor with many experiences before he even asks you tho
You gotta admit that he is very sweet throughout the whole process and very supportive
He will also give you a personal doctor, but he will also have to sit in on sessions and the like to make sure you’re not concocting a plan to escape or anything
Thank you for reading this! Have a lovely day and if you have any suggestions just ask! However I can’t guarantee I’ll do everything. Maybe I’ll do a part two?
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mo2k · 3 years
lol 😂 Uramichi really is full of surprises and so relatable
Lemme send it to you! It's actually really funny but gives me serotonin at the same time 😂 🎁
Can't exactly relax atm but I need to take it slow and not worry too much 😔 Please you're sweeter ♡
Ooh yeah they do have the same VA! But seriously Hawks in the first few of eps of ss5 had me feeling some kind of way 🥵🥵 Monoma is just so annoying that he makes me laugh 😂 plz Deku is just the sweetest 🥺 and well as for Bakugo... he scares me but also he's funny in his own way... idk how I would handle him irl 😅 wanna be bffs with all the girls 😩💗 Lemme link those videos! You can watch em if you like (Since there is a lot of cursing 😅)
As President - Parts 1 2 3 Pregnant - Parts 1 2 3 (I hope I linked em right 😭)
Also I don't really have tik tok 😬 it's too crazy for me, I just watch the ones on my utube recs 😝
Asdfghjkl i’m so sorry for the late response!! And hm really? Perhaps I should check it out sometimes —
Omg LMAOOO ALRIGHT THAT WAS… fascinating (??) 😂😅 *dies from laughter*
Aaaa yes take it slow, i’m sure you’ll be just fine <3 We are both sweet. Period. <33333
*glaced sideway and back* hm… yer… in love, aren’t yer? 👀💖 that’s alright. ik he’s hot & how easily ppl could fall for him told by first-hand experience (from my friend) so yeah 😏
sometimes he looks like an idiot… but sometimes he looks like he’s smarter than anyone thought… eh… i’m confused 🤨 absolutely, this bby is super adorable i just wanna hug him 🥺💕 bakugou… he shocks me about cooking, like — who would srsly thought that this aggressive man is actually an excellent chef???? meh he’s the type that i’d stay away as far as possible if he were real. mmhm and we all can hangout! and and so much more! ♡︎ oh honey i watch all of ‘em, they’re just — chaotic but cute at the same time (???) idk i don’t think there’s any exact explanation i could use to describe ‘em bahahaha XD but but ty for took off your time to link all this, i really appreciate it <33
honestly i just recently got a tik tok myself too, it’s been popular for awhile as far as i could recall and i just got one lmao does that sound weird?? 😂😂😂 yup at first i was exactly like that too, but rn it’s hsdfgjkl a bit different (it’s not much i swear!! XD)
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mhafiction · 4 years
Out & About (PT. 1)
Read Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4
Pairing: Bakugo x reader
Fluff/Friends to Lovers (?), lots and lots of pining.
Synopsis: Reader is very close friends with the Bakusquad, except for the aloof and mysterious Bakugo. He still intrigues them however, and a night out with the group might actually be the the push they need to really get the ball rolling on transitioning their awkward comradery into something a little- more.
Note: this is the first fanfic I’ve ever written, I’m very spooked. There’s a ton of stress out there in the world rn, and I’m trying to find comfort in writing. I hope you enjoy. (Also I’m sorry abt the formatting of this fic I don’t have a laptop to post from :0) -K.
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“I’m so glad we could do this, guys!”
You beamed at your friends, excited to set out for the evening. The major exam everyone had been studying diligently for all week was finally over, and the Bakusquad agreed to celebrate by going into the city to enjoy the night life. To be completely honest, in the week leading up to the test, you had been strangely on edge-but not just because of the workload. The dormitory had become oddly quiet, with everyone either off in the library or retreating to hit the books in the silent comfort of their rooms. You missed the hustle and bustle of everyone chatting, eating Sato’s latest confectionary masterpieces, and most of all, the unbridled energy your friends provided. Well, most of them, anyway.
At least now you could finally relax for the weekend and enjoy a good meal with them.
“Right? It feels like forever since we’ve done something like this,” Mina groaned, leaning her head on your shoulder. Her spikey horns jabbed into your chin. The murmur of the station felt familiar, a calming setting for you and your friends.
Kirishima flashed one of his bright smiles. “Aw, it’s only been a couple of weeks!”
“Yeah but you know I’m clingy,” Mina pouted. “I need my favorite peeps or else I get sad and droopy.”
You chuckled, pushing her playfully off your shoulder. “You’re so dramatic, Mina.”
You were thankful for such cheerful and enthusiastic friends. They were all energetic, happy, and extroverted. They really brought you out of your shell at the beginning of the year, and you had gotten to know them all so well over late-night movie marathons or afternoons at the arcade. You surveyed your little group, watching Kaminari begrudgingly charge Sero’s phone, Mina laughing uproariously at his some joke Kiri cracked, and their general bubbly aura. Then, your eyes caught on a familiar pair of piercing red ones.
Scratch that. You had gotten to know most of them pretty well.
What could you say about Bakugo Katsuki? Well, he was impulsive. Talented. Aloof. Angry.
That was about it. How such a grumpy, quiet boy had attracted these walking rays of sunshine was beyond you. Not to say you hate Katsuki or anything. In fact, one might say that you like him.
He had that extreme sort of passion that you’d never seen before, in anyone. He had a keen eye for people’s strengths and weaknesses, both in combat and just in genral. He encouraged you through those traits to go beyond your limits. And though he was cruel and rude to others, the worst he had been to you was a little standoffish. You knew Bakugo was going to be a really great hero someday, and you wanted to get to know him better. Most days, it felt like you were getting to him; becoming something a person would call friends. Then he’d look you in the eye with those dark, stoic eyes and it felt like you knew nothing about him all over again. If eyes were the windows to the soul, Bakugo guarded his with a legion of soldiers and an iron gate.
It’s okay you mused to yourself. Nobody really knows him, to be fair. Except maybe Kiri and Deku. But he’s known Deku for years! And Kiri can get anyone out of their shell. Why would Bakugo want to be good friends with me? He’s not obligated to. I shouldn’t pester him. But I still want to get to know him! Damn.
“Oi, Y/N!”
You snapped out of your thoughts. Bakugo glared at you. Or maybe it was just the way his face naturally was. Maybe it was just you, but those red eyes seemed to soften a bit.
“C’mon, train’s here.”
You nodded following behind your chattering group. The car was nearly empty, and most of your friends darted for the seats. Kaminari laid across three, spreading out as if her were royalty. Chances are, he probably felt like it.
“This is the most luxurious thing I’ve ever experienced,” he sighed. Sero flicked the back of his head, causing Kaminari to shoot up with a yelp. “That’s sad, Denki. Scooch over.”
Kaminari turned to you, rubbing the his head where Sero had flicked him. “Not sitting, Y/N?”
“Nah. I’ve been sitting at a desk all week, I’d like to refrain from it for now. I’ll bet my postures’ shot.”
Denki shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he splayed over Sero’s lap. “But just know you’re missing out.”
“Don’t get too comfortable, Sparky,” Bakugo growled. “It’s almost rush hour. By the next station, this place’ll be packed.”
Bakugo took his place by one of the seats, opting to stand by the pole next to the door. He was close enough to the seats so that it was clear he was part of the Bakusquad , but just far enough to isolate himself from the conversation. You stranded almost directly across from him, allowing yourself to face the group so that you could converse with all of them, rather by being in a row side by side. Your hand gently held the plastic ring above your head. You all had fallen into a comfortable chatter, laughing about how well you did on the exam and the latest slip-up Kaminari had made in training. The train swayed gently, and all was well. Then came the next stop.
You gaped at the crowd that had accumulated at the doors, dreading when they’d open. All tired looking folks dressed in smart suits and clutching their briefcases. You were silently impressed by their sheer numbers. Living in isolated school dorms with the little student social bubble you had had made you forget how vast the city was. It made you miss your morning commute a little bit. But, when the doors finally opened, that feeling completely evaporated.
It was as if a sea of black ties, dress shirts, and loafers had washed over you. You looked down, determined to contain your bewildered expression. The others were not faring so well in that department. Their cartoonish expressions were accented by quiet (and sometimes loud) yelps at the office people trampling their toes. Bakugo remained unfazed. In the chaos, you loosened your grip on the plastic loop to check your phone. 5:00 PM on the dot. We really are kind of dumb. You wondered to yourself why Bakugo hadn’t said anything when you suggested the outing after class. He was usually so outspoken when it came to stuff like that. And it’s not like he hadn’t known. You sighed, putting your phone away. I should have checked the time before we left... if I had just suggested to go a little later, the crowd wouldn’t be this bad. Well what’s done is done.
As you slipped our phone into your pocket, you found yourself being sharply pushed by the crowd. Another swell of people had entered, and your loose grip didn’t serve you well in such a circumstance. Naturally, you fell forward. Right into Bakugo. Your head collided with his and you tried to reel backwards in pain- but Bakugo pulled you closer to him, grabbing your wrists with an impressive grip.
“Shut up, you’re making a scene,” He hissed, eyes scanning you with... worry? As if suddenly becoming aware of this, Bakugo quickly returned to his usual cold demeanor.
You groaned. “It’s not as if it’s my fault that I got pushed. Or that you have a such a hard skull.” You suddenly realized how close you two were. Most of your friends were pretty physically affectionate, and you had no discomfort hugging them or cuddling with them. But Bakugo was not a “cuddle” person. Hell, his if his attitude wasn’t enough, his hair said it all. He did not like being touched. But here you were, chest to chest, his hands gripping your wrists, faces just a nose apart.
If it bothered him, he didn’t show it. You turned to look at the spot you were just standing in, craning your neck just to get a peek. It was tough.
“It’s useless,” Bakugo sighed. “There’s three extras in the place you were. Bastards are glued to their phones.”
You shrugged, peering up at him. More and more people were cramming into the car like sardines. “Guess I’ll have to stay here for now. Sorry.”
Bakugo averted his stony gaze, a gentle agony lining his face. “S’okay.” The rest of your group seemed to take no notice of the state the two of you were in. Mina and Kiri has pushed themselves up against the wall in an effort to be as small as possible, Sero’s gangly frame was not doing him favors, and you swore you heard Kaminari sobbing somewhere, though his shock of blonde hair was out of sight. Somehow, aside from the awkwardness of being near Bakugo, you weren’t uncomfortable. He had stopped holding your wrists and instead kept his hands hovering near your waist in order to keep you from falling over or accidentally bumping into another passanger. Not that you needed it our anything. You knew it was because he felt uncomfortable putting his hands anywhere else. Your own arms were similarly placed, and in a weird way, it was as if you two were embracing. Probably as close to a hug from Katsuki that you’d ever get.
With nothing else to look at, you observed his features. You knew already that his eyes were something else altogether, but you released a short intake of breath. Bakugo was handsome. You had thought that when you first saw him, but you truly had taken it for granted. This close, his features were rendered beautifully. His jawline, the way his hair fell- it was sort of ethereal. He kept his eyes trained on everything but you, as if he were trying to forget you were there. But on top of all that...
“Bakugo, you smell like caramel?” His eyes darted back to your own, that vulnerability you had only seen recently shining through. It stayed a little longer than last time.
“Tch. It’s my quirk,” he tried to look away, but you pressed him further.
“Oh? I didn’t know that,” you hummed, trying to keep your composure. Talking this close to Katsuki was beyond your skill level. You patted yourself on the back internally for at least making it this far. “Does it have something to do with your parents’ quirks?” He flinched, and you worried you had gone too far. He never had been one for small talk. But he obliged, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. “Kind of. My mom sweats glycerin and my dad can make explosions with his hands. I sweat nitroglycerin, and it lets me make explosions. And nitroglycerin smells like burnt sugar, or-”
“Caramel,” you finished, grinning. That was probably the most he had ever said to you in one sentence. And, to your suprise, he smiled back. But this smile melted your heart. It was sweet and unassuming and he didn’t even seem aware of it. You tried to hide your shock. “Heh. Smart Y/N. You’re such a know-it-all.” He tapped your forehead with his fist, right at the spot you two had collided. You flinched. The injury was still tender. Bakugo’s face changed, but still remained vulnerable and kind. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He knelt to see you eye to eye, and examined your face. He had asked with a genuine concern you had never seen before. Those words seemed like they weren’t meant for his mouth. You felt your face flush. If he was just an inch closer you two would be-
What the fuck?? No way. No fucking way.
There was no way. It wasn’t possible that you could be falling for Bakugo fucking Katsuki. The explosive boy who cackled maniacally whenever he got to punch someone. The sport festival victor who beat up Uraraka, the human equivalent of a cinnamon roll, without an ounce of mercy. The student so notorious for his mean streak that the League of Villains had tried to recruit him.
But that internal part, deep within you knew that he was more than his surface-level outrage. That’s why you liked him so much, right? That’s why you wanted to be his friend. He was a boy who was passionate, ambitious, and honest. Not many could see that. Still, more than this, he displayed a tenderness you didn’t think he was capable of.
A tenderness that was only a nose away from meeting your lips.
“I’m fine, Bakugo.” You attempted to subtly scooch backwards, hoping to increase to distance at least by a smidge. If you stayed in a position like this after a revelation like that, you’d truly implode.
Bakugo was no idiot. He saw you squirm at the proximity, and drew back, his usual aura returning. Internally, he smacked himself. Idiot, idiot, idiot. How could you forget? At best, you two are just friends. Most of the time, you’re just acquaintances. Control yourself, Bakugo.
You two kept this awkward silence until your stop, cheeks ablaze. After what felt like forever, your destination was announced, and Mina gave a shout of joy and relief so loud it seemed like it shook the entire train. You and Bakugo squeezed past the suits, you offering up enough apologies to compensate the both of you for a lifetime of sin. When you reached the door, it felt as if you were finally getting your head above water. You sighed deeply, talking in the rhythms of the station.
“Wow. That was awful,” you breathed. Bakugo grunted. His eyes refused to meet yours, and your heart sank. This was the Bakugo that everyone knew. The grumpy and angry Bakugo and nothing more. Not the sweet boy with the soft eyes who had asked with the gentlest tone if you were ok. But you still liked him. What is wrong with me?!
Mina flopped on the floor like a beached whale. “Ughhhhhhhh.”
“Mina, get up! That’s so gross,” Sero stepped over her, disgusted.
Kiri checked the group, making sure everyone got off. “Where’s Kaminari?”
A distant screech sounded from the train, and Kaminari burst through the doors just as they were about to close, talking his place on the station floor beside Mina. You laughed. This happiness made you forget about Bakugo, if at least for a second. But his eyes were trained on you, watching you toss you head back in joy and look at everything with such a deep love.
You saw, for one second as you turned back towards him, that soft smirk he almost never had. And your heart beat faster.
“Okay everyone! Let’s go!”
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shaggy-sparrow · 4 years
hi! i really liked your someone get hurt animatic for that bnha au i was hoping to get a bit more in depth explanation for it since im a big ol dork for some P L O T ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
OK, I’M NERVOUS AND EXCITED RN AND I’M REALLY SORRY FOR MY POSSIBLE BAD ENGLISH. There’s gonna be a wall of text. I hope it’s readable.
As I said before, Izuku doesn’t meet All Might after saving Kacchan. He returns home, feeling sad, and Inko notices this (especially when there are fewer posters on the walls of her son’s room every day). So after a few days, she finds a martial arts school and tells Izuku about it.  Inko apologizes for not supporting him then, but wants to help her son achieve his dream. (Lots of hugs and happy tears).
One day on his way home from martial arts school Izuku accidentally met Neito. Izuku was sitting in an almost empty train, muttering about his teacher’s Quirk and taking notes. Neito was near to him.
“Are you Quirk analyser or something?” Izuku startled.
“Uh, um, no? I-it’s just a stupid hobby…”
“’Stupid’?! That’s amazing if you’re good at it!”They have a talk, and Neito ask Izuku to meet again, because Neito needs a second look at his Quirk. They exchange numbers and go home.
Sometimes they meet each other at cafe and Neito insists on buying Izuku something for help. Some weeks/months after they become friends.
Some more time later Neito sees Kacchan for the first time and finds out about Izuku’s Quirklessness. Friends are still friends! Neito strongly hates Izuku’s ‘friend’. He offers Izuku to protect him from Katsuki, but Izuku refuses (he is not weak or fragile, and Katsuki is not… THAT bad as he seems). 
—Time Skipping—
During the Entering Exam Izuku meets Hitoshi. Both can do nothing with robots. Hitoshi tells Izuku about his Quirk so he could stop being annoying, but it doesn’t work. Even after using his Quirk on Izuku for a sec or two isn’t working.
In GenEd they’re slowly becoming friends (it’s hard for Hitoshi to believe this all friendship is real). Both preparing for the Sport Festival together! And, because Izuku is never silent, Hitoshi sends him cat’s pictures (it is the only thing that makes Izuku silent for a while). Neito and Hitoshi don’t talk much. (Also Hitoshi knows that Izuku is Quirkless but often forgets about it).
Neito and Izuku’s fight. Since they entered the U.A. Neito was… a little bit overprotective when he saw Katsuki and Izuku in the same hall. It was like a reminder to Izuku that he is weak, fragile, useless (he’s not anymore). Yes, Kacchan thinks about him like that too, but he at least doesn’t treat him like a  porcelain doll. So they have a talk about it. Hitoshi’s here to prevent Izuku from punching Neito’s face.
Neicchan’s Quirk Analysis has some extra notes for Neito.
When I think about it now, mb Someone Gets Hurt wasn’t really that matching song?..
I'm still thinking about the Sport Festival Arc. Current thoughts: Izuku and Hitoshi get third place, they have an internship with Aizawa before being transferred to 1-A (Izuku and Hitoshi had a choice between EraserHead and Vlad King). I also have no idea about hero names yet… But Izuku and Katsuki’s relationships are slowly getting better as they can be. They call each other by their names. No more Deku and Kacchan.
Izuku and Neito make up like… a bit after Hero-Killer Arc? or before/during/after Training Camp Arc.
I’m still thinking about other details…
Also Overhaul might be interested in Izuku? Since he doesn’t have this Quirk disease.
That’s all info that I have in my head for now. But I might’ve forgot something… If there’s something else you want to know about this AU (or, I dunno, something else?), you’re free to ask more! I also have one or two more bnha AUs? But there’s not that much info for them at the moment. All of them are less than a month old :D
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baku-god-blog · 6 years
General fluffy Bakugou hcs please
I have too many feels for him rn so thank u for this
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Refers to you as “My dumbass” and that comes from his mouth in a weirdly loving way, smiling a little while he says it.
He needs comfort sometimes, and reassurance. He has too much pride to straight up ask for a hug. So most of the time he hopes you get the hint that he’s a bit rough around the edges and needs some back scratches and your fingers playing with his hair.
Bakugou gives strangely amazing hugs but he’d need time to learn to stop squeezing too tight and quit being so tense first. If you claim that he sucks at hugs, he will be annoyed and wrap his arms around you more often to improve, immediately asking, “How’s this?”
You’d catch him staring a lot at you if it’s in class, during practice and anywhere when you’re around. He’s teased about it and he always tries to say that you’re the one staring because he’s embarrassed. 
He cares so much about you and he does little things to show that. If you’re studying and stressing, he will bring you some tea claiming that ‘he was making some anyways’ even though he made it specifically for you.
Katsuki is sometimes worried you’ll leave him because of his behaviour. He sees how sweet you are and how much nicer people you attract. He’s afraid to talk to Deku especially in any way when you’re around because he doesn’t want you to think bad of him.
Arguments make him even more worried. If it’s petty, it’s not important but if you show concerns about the relationship or anything like that he will act like it doesn’t bother him but he’s hella scared. If you tell him you need some space, he will say “Whatever” but then he’ll find himself sitting on his bed, overthinking every situation and feeling really shitty.
If you expect anyone to have your back, it’s Bakugou. Even if you’re wrong, he’s got your back, he will stand up for you and shit talk the other person. He’s there for you. If there is somebody that hurts your feelings or hurts you physically, he makes sure to take care of that. God bless the person.
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mo2k · 3 years
I- um Uramichi is anything but kind and warm 🤣 maybe if you catch him on a good day which is never 😬
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But you are right about voice actors being v talented 🤩 Have you heard the mickey mouse song sung by some VAs 😂❤
I actually feel a lot better? I talked to my teacher and he said that I shouldn't worry so much and just chill 😂 Ty for the wholesom memes! Sending some right back your way
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Shoto is my fav too! Besides him I also love Shinso, Hawks 🤤 Monoma, Tamaki and basically everyone else 😂 and I love love all the girls!! As for the fandom it's probably the most chaotic and in need of therapy 😂 I watched a bunch of tik toks about Todoroki, Bakugo and Deku as president/gets pregnant and I lost it 🤣🤣💔
Now that was kinda surprising — but anw, we shouldn’t ah no, can’t really judge ppl / things by the surface at the first place </3
Deshou?~ And oh really? I haven’t heard of that before. I bet it comes out beautifully though.
Mmhm glad to hear that love, be happy & enjoy your life. Throw everything else out the windows for a while and just relax. There’s no reason to be worried all day and night, trust me.
Ofc! And whaaa tysm, they’re super duper sweet just like u sissy! <3
I really like Tamaki too! Hawks give me kuroo vibes (+ the fact that they have the same voice actor lmao XD) and Shinso is such cool ‘n quiet guy, mysterious guy you could say. Monoma somehow often find a way to make me crack up bahahaha 🤣 What an amazing taste cha got there? Heh yes don’t forget about the super sweet bean izuku, he’s so precious i love him 🥺💖 and the boom boom boi… i um — i mean he’s been way lot better throughout the time. Whole much better than the v. first ss. Also yeah the girls!!!! They’re so adorable that I just want to give them all head pats and maybe even a hug <33 For the fandom : Hm chaotic huh? That quite described the entire story, but in need of therapy? Uh kind of? Ahahahaha 😂😂😂
As president/gets pregnant? Oh dear — speaking of tik tok rn mine’s consume with like 70% of tokyo rev which i don’t really understand why… but speaking of which, it ain’t really like i’m complaining 🤣
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