#delena children
nightingale2004 · 1 month
The vampire diaries next generation: Delena version
Stefanie Jenna Gilbert Salvatore
Faceclaim: Madison Beer
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Stefanie is the first daughter of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore
She is the oldest in her family
Stefanie takes after her mother and does her best to be a responsible daughter and older sister
She is a cheerleader and captain of the Mystic Falls cheer squad and chairman of the Mystic Falls high committee
Damon and Elena feel like she is her late uncle Stefan incarnate
Loves seeing the Saltzman twins
She is a great planner and is considered a great service to her community
She is seen as the golden girl and perfect child
She loves her family and even does volunteer work at the Salvatore boarding school (she knows about the supernatural due to an incident regarding one of her sisters)
Helps out her mom at the hospital when she has the time
She also keeps her siblings in line and babysits her youngest sister who is named Sarah Miranda Gilbert Salvatore
She also works at the Mystic grill and sings a little bit
Stefanie is often called goody goody, golden girl, and/or goody two shoes by her sister Rosabella
Stefanie also goes by Stef, or mini Stefan by her family (mostly Damon)
Damon finds it scary how alike his daughter and late brother are
Rosabella Lillian Gilbert Salvatore
Faceclaim: Sofia Carson
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Rosabella is the second born child of Damon and Elena
She takes after Damon.......by a lot (Alaric and Matt have expressed this many, many times)
Rose and Stefanie don't get along all that well and constantly tease and argue with each other (same thing with Elena)
Every time she and Stefanie have a fight, it reminds Damon of how he and Stefan used to fight
Rosabella is considered the "troublemaker" in the family
Rose spends time at her dad's nightclub in Mystic Falls (her and Damon have tried to keep it on the downlow)
Rose is very jealous of her older sister but would never tell her that
Accidentally got herself turned into a vampire when she snuck off to a party, and a vampire was passing by.
She got transferred from Mystic Falls High to the boarding school shortly after
She and her uncle Jeremy talk a lot, and she loves it when he comes to Mystic Falls for a visit
She likes photography and has creative writing flame. (She writes for her school paper and helps her dad get some publicity)
She lives to annoy Stefanie and tries to embarrass her
When Rose first turned into a vampire, she locked herself in her room to try and contain herself from hurting her family
When her thirst became too much, she would leave to hide in the woods of Mystic falls, but her family would always do everything they could to help her control her thirst for blood no matter what
She drinks both human and animal blood (she did go ripper once and has regretted it ever since)
Her dad calls her his little raven. She pretends to hate the Nickname, but she secretly loves it
Alaric and Matt call Rose, either a mini Damon or a she-demon (she likes it and laughs about it a lot)
Zachary Grayson Gilbert Salvatore
Faceclaim: Gavin Casalegno
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Zachary takes after Damon in looks, but he is calmer like Elena and has an artistic soul like his uncle Jeremy
Zach mostly keeps to himself and never really interacts with society or the town in general
He loves his family
His older sisters often tease him but he knows it's out of love
He also babysits Sarah
He also knew about the supernatural (he knew when he was in middle school)
He found out about the supernatural by stumbling upon his late uncle Stefan's diary, and then he made connections by doing a lot (and I do mean a lot) of research
Out of his three sisters, he loved Rose the most due to them being seen as outcasts in the towns eyes
When his sister, Rosabella, was turned into a vampire, he was more distant with her at first, but he saw how hard she was fighting her "natural killer instincts," and they slowly reconnected again
Zach takes combat and hunter lessons from his uncle Jeremy whenever he's in town or whenever they talk on the phone
Has an interest in auto-mechanics and works at an auto shop (Damon sees a bit of Stefan in Zach whenever he's fixing a car or motorcycle)
He also plays a little bit of football
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marril96 · 9 months
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The Vampire Diaries 3.15 | All My Children / 4.11 | Catch Me If You Can
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simppersonquotes · 11 months
Ok ok ok so I'm currently rewatching The Vampire Diaries and in s1 e13: Children of the Dammed Damon feeds Elena his blood and says to Stefan "give me the grimoire or you and I will have a vampire girlfriend."
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helaelaemond · 6 months
To Watch - Aemond x reader
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Pairing:  Aemond x reader
Word count: 2.3k
Summary: Aemond reads an old story from the Reach to you in bed. You like to see how long he can read aloud before he stutters.
Content warning(s): none
INCLUDES: handjob (m receiving)
Taglist: @babyblue711 / @myfandomprompts / @sylasthegrim / @arcielee
“And so it was on that first fateful morning that Ser Emmon saw the sweet Queen Delena, and knew he loved her.” 
You smile as Aemond reads aloud to you, no louder than a whisper. “I missed you today.” 
He turns the page of the book in his hand. “Hmm?” 
“You didn’t join us for dinner. It was just Aegon and I.” 
“Well, that’s not so bad.” He runs slow circles over your waist with his thumb where you lie in his bed, propped up by soft feather pillows.
“That’s why you should have been there.” On the new page of the book in his hand, there is a gilded painting of a knight in silver armour, and the queen in her crown of flowers. “Just us.” 
“I just needed some time alone after today.” 
You inch closer to him and turn slightly to press your chest against him. He is so close that you can see every eyelash, every ghost of the freckles that used to splash across his nose. “I saw you in the yard for hours.” 
“Were you watching me?” The corners of his mouth quirk up slightly. 
“No,” you lie. 
He glances at you, close enough to kiss, and you grin in delight at him. “What did you think?” 
“Nothing. I wasn’t watching.” 
Aemond leans across the small distance between you and tilts his head. Your noses touch, and the slightest movement closer would let your lips meet. “Do you know what I think?” 
While his one eye closes, yours remain open. He is blurry this close, but in the dim light of the room, his sapphire sparkles. “Sometimes.”
“Do you know what I am thinking at this very moment?” 
It’s difficult to bite back laughter. He makes you so very happy. “No.” 
“I think you like to watch.” 
Too thick is the air between you for you to stand anymore, and you try to kiss him, your mouth aching for the touch of his lips. He pulls back slightly, denying you.
“Aemond,” you protest in a soft whisper. 
“Well?” he asks, as if he doesn’t already know the answer. “Do you?” 
Smiling widely, you rest your head on his shoulder and touch the page in front of them. “Keep reading.” 
“Alright.” He sighs in contentment, and starts at the top of the page. “But it was to her husband the King Gwayne that he had sworn his sword and shield, and his life. No wife would he take, no children would he father, yet to the queen he felt his heart go.” 
You listen as Aemond reads from the book. It is just old stories from a time when legend and history mingled into one, a book as well suited to children as it is maesters. But still; between the pages some truth can be found, and flesh and blood and bone can be seen through the myths. And it all sounds so pretty when Aemond reads it. 
Being so close to him does things to you. As if you are doing nothing more than getting more comfortable, you wriggle under the covers and slip your knee between his thighs. He wears only a soft green tunic to bed, one that rides up easily. His voice catches on the words when you shift against his leg,your hand on his chest. “Keep going,” you whisper. 
He clears his throat and does as you ask.
He’s right, of course. You do like to watch. A long time ago he had shown you how he liked to be touched and you had learned quickly. Now, there is little left that you do not know, but you like to see all the same. Not tonight, though. After the display he put on in the yard for much of the afternoon, you want nothing more than to touch, to feel. 
As he weaves the story of knights and queens and longing loves about their silver heads, your touches dip lower. At first, it is just his stomach you run your palm over. Linen is still between your skin, but his muscles tense at the pressure, and you can feel the dips and ridges along them. Each time his voice falters, you stop. It is encouragement enough, then, to keep going. 
“And it was in the gardens of Ser Emmon’s humble country house that Queen Delena gave herself to him. He gave her a rose as a symbol of their love, and pressed it into her hand. The thorns cut her skin, but he kissed the wounds and at his touch, they healed. Then he took her face into his grasp and kissed her cheeks and her lips, and they swore their love to one another.” 
You run the heel of your palm lower on his stomach and press it against the hard pubic bone. He stutters and his eye closes. He grunts your name.
“Yes?” you ask innocently. Your fingers point down, and just a slight twitch of them allows you to stroke the hair there, to trace the base of his cock. It rests against his thigh, half hard. 
“Do you want to hear the rest of the story?” 
“Yes. Why do you ask?” 
Aemond laughs breathlessly. “Then you’d better stop whilst I can still read.” 
Your fingers form a ‘v’ over the base of his cock and crook slightly to slide along the sides of his balls. “If you stop reading, then I’ll have to stop doing this.” You turn your hand palm-up and glide his cock through your spread fingers. 
A half-laugh comes through his nose. “Alright.” He shifts slightly and the pages rustle on his lap. “It was in that very garden that the queen gave herself entirely to the knight, and in her, he put his bastard child who would one day be called Flowers.” 
You settle comfortably against him again and your forehead rests against his long neck. His thighs spread wider in a silent beg for more, and you smile slightly. There is heat rising in his throat and cheeks and you can feel it against your face. 
How pretty Aemond’s body is. You love how long and lean he is, how easily bruises blossom under his fair skin, how you can see the lines of his veins and tendons in his arms and hands. Such pretty hands. With your forehead against him, you can feel the soft rumble of his voice in your very bones. It makes you shiver, makes your nipples hard. 
When he stumbles over a word, it is satisfying knowing that you made that happen. It’s your gentle hold around his cock that makes him lose focus, your skin against his that makes his stomach tense. Only for a moment do you let him go and although he whines softly through his words, he makes no other protest. You holds your hand up to his mouth and he bites his lip, before licking your palm, your fingers. 
“Thank you,” you murmur, before pushing your hand back under the covers and wrapping it around him again. 
“But the king’s closest companions had already informed him of their suspicions, and Ser Emmon was summoned to the Great Table.” 
A fire burns between your legs. He is hot and heavy in your hand, hard and wide and in his cock, you can feel his heartbeat pulse. His thighs twitch, and you run your foot up and down his calf soothingly. It does not soothe you, though. Every touch makes you want to make him whimper more. Even his voice intoxicates you. 
The pace you set is steady and reliable, and you only pause your ministrations now and again to caress your thumb over his tip. The silver drops that gather there make it smoother to stroke him as you glide it over his length. At your waist, his fingers begin to dig in. 
“And the k-” He bites his lip and sighs hard through his nose. You press your fingers around the base of his cock and move to carefully squeeze his balls. His eye closes, but there is strength in him yet, and after a brief pause, he continues. “And the king at last drew his sword in challenge against his knight, his friend, and demanded honour.” 
You look at the painting on the page in front of them but you don’t really see. It’s impossible to see anything in front of you when Aemond is all around you, his body heaving beneath you, his leg pressing between yours, his hair tickling your face. Utterly consuming is the need to please him, to delight him. You stroke his cock faster now. How lovely he is. How pretty he sounds. Oh, I do so adore him. Every stutter and every stumble is for you. 
“They crossed swords over the Table and- fuck.” 
He turns his head and kisses your forehead, hard. You shiver, and under the blankets you tighten your grip. “They crossed swords over the Table and they fucked?” you ask breathlessly. 
Aemond’s quiet laugh turns into a moan. “No, not that. They, ah- gods!” He forces his eye open but his brow is furrowed in concentration. “And they fought. The king fought for his honour, and the knight f-” he stumbles, breath catching in his throat. “Fou- ah, yes!” 
You bring your knee up between his legs and press it up to where his legs meet. Aemond grinds his hips up and down, his heavy balls sliding against your soft thigh. He turns his head slightly to press his cheek against your forehead. It’s like he can’t get close enough to you, even when you’re lazy like this. 
“They fought?” you encourage.
“Mmph. Yes. They fought. Fuck.” 
“Keep going, and so shall I.” 
“Yes,” he moans. You know he has more self control than this. But there is nothing that makes your soul soar like knowing he can set it aside with you. “The knight fought for his love.” The words are punctuated with heavy gasps that grow more frequent as his breath grows shorter. “The king forbade… he forbade his other knights from in…” He bites his lip at a particularly delicious twist of your wrist. “From interfering. After a long fight, the king disarmed Ser Emmon and his b… his blade… ah, yes. Just like that. His blade was knocked from his hands.” 
“Are you nearly finished?” you ask, making sure your lips are so close to his ear that he will not hear anything else. 
His brow creases again but this time it is in a laugh. “Am I? Or the story?” 
“You,” you breathe, and the word is stretched out. You dart out your tongue to catch along the shell of his ear and when he moans, strained and high, you feel like a queen yourself. 
“So close,” he assures you. 
“Keep going.” 
Nodding frantically, he musters his strength to return to the words. “Ser Emmon fell in front of the king, who… mmph, sweetling. Who demanded that he tell him where the treasonous queen was.” 
She can feel deep within her that he is close. There is something in the way that his whole body tenses, how little beads of sweat gather along his hairline, the twist of bliss in his face, that is so familiar, so exciting. You sit up slightly to get a better view of his face. Yes, that’s better. It’s much easier now to see the little line along his throat that appears when he is tense. There is a thick vein protruding from his forehead now, and it makes you smile. You so love to watch. 
Your hand moves faster, and it is slick with spend and sweat and spit. 
“The knight refused, for he loved the queen more d-dearly than his… his own life. Oh, fuck!” 
His eye closes and it leaves only the sapphire in its socket to wink at you. Fire rages through you at the sight, excitement and adrenaline and love mingled into a potent poison. Let it ruin you, if it means you can have him. 
“Yes, love, don’t stop, I’m-!” 
His face is flecked with starlight when pleasure rips through him. His hands ball into fists and his hips lift off the bed, and he cries out, guttural and low, his voice cracking. You watch, enchanted, and stroke him through it, catching his seed across your hand. Some will have gone on the blanket. Such a waste. 
“Kiss me,” he pleads quietly as he sinks back in the pillows. Below the blanket, his hand finds yours and your fingers weave together and it feels like the centre of the world. 
You smile and keep your eyes open as you kiss him. It is tender now, your lips soft together. Whilst there is still a fire between your legs, it has been tempered for a time. Simply by seeing his release, some part of you has been satisfied. 
Aemond breaks the kiss after a long moment. His eye opens slowly, and he is greeted by your smile. “Thank you.” 
“You don’t need to thank me.” 
“I do,” he whispers, squeezing your hand against his stomach. “I do.” 
Tenderly, you kiss his forehead and stroke his hair back. “You don’t.” 
It is a reflex to lean closer when you kiss him, and within a moment he has leaned so close that you are rolled onto your back with him between your legs now, the book discarded. He pulls at the hem of your yellow sleeping shift, but you stop him. “Wait.” 
His orgasm is still sending waves of bliss through him, and he cocks his head to the side in a silent question. You grin. “The looking glass,” you say in a hushed tone. Close to the door stands a great reflective glass, large enough to see one’s full frame. 
Aemond understands immediately, and scrambles to his feet. Your hands are still clasped and so he pulls you up with him. “Of course. You do so love to watch.”
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goodqueenaly · 8 months
In your opinion, would it have been a good option to solve Saera's scandal, for her parents to solve the problem by marrying her to Braxton Beesbury?
In the end, it seems to me that making her Lady of Bessbury was a better option for her so that her children could inherit Honeyholt.
Good for whom?
As an aristocratic Westerosi daughter (and the daughter of Jaehaerys I - more on him in a moment), Saera had neither the agency nor the liberty to choose her romantic/sexual partners in the ordinary course of events. While she answered, somewhat blithely, that she would likely be married to one of her lovers once her parents discovered her relationships (we'll put aside her comment on marrying all three), it does not appear that Saera had a deep interest in marrying any of them, Beesbury included. Rather, what Saera seems to have wanted was the freedom to do as she liked with her sexuality - a choice fundamentally incompatible with Westerosi marriage, where not only would Saera be cut off from the possibility of any romantic/sexual relationships beyond that with her husband, but also where she would have been required to be available to that husband for sex whenever he decided.
Jaehaerys, for his part, was not simply a patriarchal Westerosi father, but a particularly violent misogynist, one whose love for his children (and his female relations generally) seems to have been not only limited but defined by those biases. If there is some precedent in Westeros for aristocratic fathers covering up their daughters' sexual scandals (as Westerosi society sees them, anyway) through quick marriages - see, say, Delena Florent's marriage to Hosman Norcross, or Amerei Frey's marriage to Ser Pate of the Blue Fork - I don't believe Jaehaerys had any interest in such a marriage for Saera following the revelation of the affair. To marry Saera to Braxton might imply, in the king's mind I think, that Jaehaerys almost post facto approved of their sexual relationship. To satisfy that violent misogyny, Jaehaerys would instead redefine both parties in a way which both absolved him of blame and allowed him to channel his fury: Braxton became the criminal knight who had "seduced and despoiled" a royal maiden - who had, in effect, taken from Jaehaerys the ownership of Saera's virginity and sexuality - while, simultaneously, Saera was retroactively defined as a "whore", to be punished and shamed as Westerosi society so often does sex workers.
And all of this is in the context of a king (and queen) who seem to have cared little if at all for the political advantages any of their children's marriages might have brought. Indeed, Jaehaerys' pleasure that "[t]hey would not need to scour the realm to find a match for Saera, when three such promising young men were here at hand" speaks to how little Jaehaerys contemplated the diplomatic alliance Saera's marriage might have represented: Braxton was the heir to an old but relatively minor family of Hightower vassal lords, hardly as high-ranking as Saera herself (and in fact, perhaps not even of the same rank as his two fellow suitors, both of whom were the lords or heirs to seats directly sworn to the crown's paramount vassals). Any good, in a purely geopolitical sense, that might have come from the marriage of Saera and Braxton Beesbury would have been at best speculative and limited by lack of power, ability, and influence on the parts of both House Beesbury and Braxton personally.
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lmao no Robert guaranteed knew the reader was fucking his wife and just didn’t care. but the funny thing is that no one knows until Ned pulls up with that letter after he dies and reveals that Robert named the reader his heir and the letter not might outright say that he knew but the tone is there for the Baratheon brothers to pick up on. absolutely no one is willing to argue with Ned or the letter. if anything Cersei backs Ned up alongside Renly and Stannis even if pisses Tywin off but Tywin begrudgingly accepts it because the reader has claimed Robert’s eldest child as his heir ontop of promising to marry Cersei to maintain the Baratheon/Lannister alliance and goes as far to offer to release Jaime from the Kingsguard but that’s just cause he doesn’t want any golden children coming out.
Robert pulling the ultimate plot twist after his death. The Reader and Cersei had thought they were keeping it on the real down low meanwhile Robert was the very first to know and it didn’t bother him much, if at all. Hey, he’s got his own bastards so it’s expected that his brother would have bastards too, even if those bastards were with Robert’s own wife. Honestly, Robert was probably grateful that the Reader would keep Cersei occupied so he could whore around more and be left to his own devices without her nagging and berating.
I could even see Robert finding it amusing that his younger brother was able to swindle his own wife away from him. Dare I say he has a sense of pride towards the Reader for it. Kind of like how Robert deflowered and bed Delena Florent on Stannis’ wedding night and even did it in the newlyweds bed, but the Reader ended up one upping him by bedding Robert’s own wife in his own bed and fathered Robert’s ‘children’.
As absurd as it is, I like to think that Robert leaves behind a letter strictly for the Reader basically all in good fun, telling them that he’s not mad at the Reader and doesn’t really hold anything against them and that they basically won Robert at his own game of whoring around and having bastards.
I definitely see Robert choosing the Reader as his heir over Renly and Stannis because he thinks Renly is too immature and undeserving of it and just plainly to spite Stannis. Not to mention I stand by Robert having more of a relationship with the Reader than any of his other brothers which adds to it. Not to mention the Reader already had Cersei and the kids so why not also give him the throne. If anyone should get it it should be the Reader. Also, Ned would be there too to help out and continue being Hand unless the Reader stated otherwise.
Also with the Reader in the picture the Starks wouldn’t die out and the war between them and the Lannisters wouldn’t happen. They’d get a much better happy ending. Besides, the Reader would probably be a much better father to Joffrey so he wouldn’t turn into a little bratty psychotic weirdo and Sansa mad he might end up in a much more normal and healthy courtship. But if Joffrey is far from saving and still ends up the way he is then the Reader wouldn’t allow Sansa to be forced into being with him. Not to mention he’s not going to do Ned and his family dirty like that either.
I really love the idea of Stannis and Renly being on pretty good terms with the Reader and being loyal them. Like, sure they would have betrayed Robert and usurp him if they had the chance but they know the Reader will do good enough by them. Not to mention they like the Reader better, especially Stannis. Imagine the Reader being the only one to get Stannis to laugh or let up a bit at the very least? Renly doesn’t know how he does it but he finds it fascinating. Also, the Reader totally knows about Renly’s taste in men and is fine with it. He keeps it under lock and key and has even been a wingman for his little brother on occasion. The Reader would also be pretty protective of Renly if anyone were to bring it up to tarnish his image.
Overall, Baratheon!Reader is a pretty likable person who can make friends and allies easy but will not hesitate to fuck anyone’s shit up. Not to mention he’s much more capable as a king then Robert ever was. Cersei certainly couldn’t be happier with the life she has now, thank the gods she took Robert’s life when she did. Hell, she should have done it sooner if things were going to be this good.
Imagine if Robert actually thought that Cersei was unworthy of being with the Redaer though? Like, not even as a consort. Hell, he doesn’t even think she’s deserving of birthing his brother’s bastards either. He totally thinks that his brother could do so much better than Cersei and may have even been trying to form betrothals behind the Reader and Cersei’s backs to get his brother to be with someone more worthwhile. Just yet another thing to add to the list of reasons why Cersei wanted him dead.
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hyperactivewhore · 10 months
Ships in The Vampire Diaries that make absolutely no sense and shouldn't have happened:
1. Elena and Damon - Julie Plec, what were you smoking when you decided to make them a couple? Damon killed Elena's brother, abused one of her best friends, almost killed her other best friend, attempted to kill her multiple times, and nearly caused her to become a vampire by forcing his blood down her throat. Julie literally had to change Elena's personality in the later seasons because she knows that it would be totally out of character for her to fall in love with Damon. Elena and Damon have one of the most toxic relationships on the show, and I am so mad that they ended up presumably getting married and having children after the show ended.
2. Caroline and Matt - Matt was still in love with Elena and constantly compared Caroline to Elena. I'm not blaming Elena because it wasn't her fault that her ex-boyfriend was still not over here even though they've been broken up for MONTHS and she was in a committed and happy relationship with another guy. Matt was also a hypocrite. The reason he broke up with Caroline was because she's a vampire, but in the third season, he becomes attracted to Rebekah, who is also vampire. So, he never actually liked Caroline and just needed an excuse to break up with her.
3. Bonnie and Jeremy - I love Bonnie and Jeremy. They're amazing characters (more so the former), but I DESPISED their relationship. It just sorta came out of nowhere. They had cute moments, but I just wasn't feeling it. And then the writers had Jeremy cheat on Bonnie with Anna, who'd been dead since the first season. Like, why? Why couldn't the writers just allow Bonnie to be happy? And then they got back together briefly, and I was like, 'Bonnie, girl, did Grams not teach you anything about self-worth and self-love?' So, yeah, that ship shouldn't have existed.
4. Elena and Klaus - So, I don't understand this ship at all, but lots of TVD fans love the idea of this relationship happening. Elena and Klaus wouldn't have fallen in love with each other. Yeah, the actors had amazing chemistry, but the relationship their characters would have had wouldn't have made any sense. Elena murdered Klaus' brother and attempted to kill him and his siblings. Klaus murdered Elena's aunt, killed her, used her as a human blood bag, terrorized her and her friends, and was partially responsible for her brother becoming a hunter. Their relationship (if it had happened) would've been more toxic than Delena.
5. Caroline and Klaus - I never understood this ship. Klaus falling in love with a baby vampire? Huh? He's been alive for over a thousand years. You're telling me he's never encountered another baby vampire with blonde hair and blue eyes and who has a similar personality to Caroline? And the writers dumbed Klaus down in the third season by having him constantly fall for Caroline's tricks. He was so smart in the second season, and his intelligence, cleverness, and ruthlessness made him so scary. In the third and fourth seasons, he's showing remorse to Caroline, a girl who has attempted to kill him and his family multiple times, a girl he hasn't known for very long but seems to be so obsessed with for literally no reason. I just wished the writers could have given a reason for Klaus' interest in Caroline. What made her so appealing to him? What caused him to 'fall in love' with her? Don't give me that 'you're beautiful, you're full of light' crap.
6. Elena and Tyler - Uh... no? Elena and Tyler are friends. Just friends.
7. Bonnie and Kol - I like the idea of this ship. Bonnie is a witch, and it's been confirmed in both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals that Kol loves witches because he'd been one just before his mother turned him into a vampire. But Bonnie and Kol have never really interacted. Their only interaction was a 5-second glance in the hallway. But I love reading fanfictions about them, though.
8. Klaus and Hayley - No. Klaus and Hayley had a one night stand, and if it wasn't for Hope, they'd never speak to each other again. Klaus and Hayley initially disliked one another during the first season of The Originals, but towards the end of the series, they have become family, best friends, and incredible co-parents. Klaus and Hayley love each other, not romantically, but platonically. And that is a better relationship than a romantic one. I guess The Originals taught a lot of people that just because two people have a child together doesn't mean they have to end up with that person. Klaus 'fell in love' with Camille, and Hayley fell in love with Elijah.
9. Klaus and Camille - Doesn't make any sense. At least Caroline was a vampire when Klaus met her. Camille is a human, and Klaus has said it himself that he doesn't really care about humans. So, his relationship with Camille came out of nowhere. I don't see Camille as a carbon copy of Caroline because the characters are different besides their blonde hair and their names having the same first two letters. I just don't understand the appeal.
10. Hope and Lizzie - Hope and Lizzie have a great rivalry and friendship, but Lizzie isn't in love with Hope. Many fans like to point out that the reason Lizzie is sired to Hope is because she had feelings for her while she was a siphoner witch, but those same fans have never watched the last season of The Originals because it was explained that any person Hope turns with her blood will be sired to her. She's the daughter of the original hybrid, after all. And Josie was the one who had a crush on Hope. She even admitted it in an episode to Hope, so...
11. Caroline and Damon - No. God, no. I don't even have to explain why this doesn't make any sense.
12. Rebekah and Matt - Rebekah was infatuated with Matt, but she was never actually in love with him. Rebekah has always wanted to be human and have a normal life for centuries, and she meets Matt, who is the only human in the Mystic Falls gang. She becomes infatuated with him and the idea of normalcy. If Rebekah was truly in love with Matt, she wouldn't have caused his car to drive off of Wickery Bridge with both Matt and Elena inside the vehicle. She'd hesitate and have second thoughts. After she sleeps with him, she never talks about him again and moves on quickly to Marcel, which brings me to the final ship on my list.
13. Rebekah and Marcel - I don't care if the two aren't blood related and that Klaus didn't actually adopt Marcel. Rebekah met him when he was 10 years old and watched him grow up. If Marcel was like a son to Klaus, then I understand why he was so against their relationship. It almost seems like Rebekah was grooming Marcel, and that is just so fucked up and creepy.
14. Stefan and Caroline - I lied. This is the actual last ship I'll discuss. Stefan and Caroline had an amazing platonic relationship. She reminded him of Lexi, which almost brought tears to my eyes. But then Julie Plec had to fuck all of that up and have Stefan and Caroline start dating, get married, only to have Stefan sacrifice himself for Elena. Like, what the actual fuck? Again, they should've just stayed friends.
15. Caroline and Alaric - I lied again. This is the last ship, I promise! Caroline was Alaric's student, and he was like a father figure to Elena and Jeremy. Her becoming pregnant with his children was already weird, but to have them be in a relationship is just disgusting. TVD fans have to remember that Alaric is not a vampire. Stefan and Damon are over a hundred years old, but they look physically young and have the mentality of the ages they were when they turned. For example, Stefan was turned at 17 and still thinks and acts like a teenager! Alaric is in his mid-40s or something, and Caroline was in her early 20s. That's not cool! And having her be in a relationship with Alaric for the sake of the twins is also fucked up because she's not in love with Alaric but is forcing herself to marry him for his children! No!
I'm done.
Damn. I love your opinions anon, this is certainly gonna be interesting.
Damon and Elena: they're a popular ship, I'll give them that, but they're totally an ick for me. Damon killed her brother just because he thought she didn't love him any longer, and he smiled while hearing her cry about it. Not to talk about the fact that he spend three seasons trying to get her to fall in love with him, and once she did, it was in the most disgusting way ever: he literally took advantage of the fact that Stefan was away saving the three of them, to try to make his vulnerable ex girlfriend love him. It's disgusting, and Elena deserved better.
Matt and Caroline: to this day, I still don't know how the hell he managed to pull the most gorgeous girls ever: like seriously, Rebekah, Nadia and Caroline? But yeah, Matt was clearly not over Elena which just made Caroline's insecurities worse. He def shouldn't have dated her at all, seeing he was still hung up in his ex girlfriend.
Jeremy and Bonnie: Jeremy made me so fucking mad by cheating on Bonnie with a literal ghost. Their relationship came out of nowhere, and it was weird as hell. He was still in love with Anna and Bonnie deserved a lot better than him. The way they had them be back together for like two episodes I think was so weird. The writers hatred towards Bonnie is just disgusting.
Klaus and Elena: I actually do see where the shippers are coming from with this ship, even if they realistically wouldn't have lasted at all. He was once in love with Tatia, and I do headcanon he fucked Katherine to make her like him back in her human ages because it would be in character for him, so I can picture him trying to seduce Elena or something similar out of boredom or to spit someone and etc. Fairytale Ending by @livlepretre kinda touches this, and it's a really good dark romance book so I recommend it to everyone!
Klaus and Caroline: eww. This shouldn't even be considered a ship: Caroline said she was terrified of him and was never herself when spending time together, and Klaus literally started obsessing over her out of nowhere. Their dynamic reminds me of that one line Rebekah said to Caroline "I'm only interested in yours (life). Your spunk, your popularity. Maybe even your boyfriend". Klaus having a crush on Caroline was just his way of spiting Tyler. They wouldn't have worked at all.
Tyler and Elena: I wasn't even aware they were a ship.
Bonnie and Kol: I actually like them both, even if I'm more of a klonnie fan myself. Kol would have treated her a thousand times better than any of her ex lovers and with his love for witches, they would have made a great couple.
Klaus and Hayley: Klaus would have without a doubt killed Hayley if she hadn't become Hope's mother. They're family and best friends, but that's all. They do have sexual tension sometimes, but Joseph and Phoebe have chemistry with almost every person on set so.
Klaus and Cami: I do agree that Klaus falling in love with a human is strange, but not totally. His relationship with Camille was toxic at its beginning, and then the famous forced proximity trope became canon for them. Then he fell in love with her, sending her away for her own safety and etc. Like Cami said, Klaus only spend time with immortals to avoid grief, but he was in a sense forced to spend time with her for having her write his memories and he ended up falling for her and etc, but I do get your point.
Hope and Lizzie: People get so obssesed over Lizzie saying a platonic "I love you" to Hope and over hosie canonically liking each other for like a week in their childhoods. I don't think any of those ships could have worked out, if I'm being honest: Hope loved Landon and the girls had their own love problems.
Damon and Caroline: this is... actually a thing??? Wtf.
Matt and Rebekah: yep, Bex couldn't have cared less about him. Matt was everything she couldn't be any longer: human, happy, with mortal preoccupations and able to procreate. But once she slept with him, she literally left him in the dust and never even bothered to call (Klaus and Caroline I'm opposite gender lmao).
Marcel and Rebekah: Charles and Claire had amazing chemistry, but the ship is a big no. Rebekah groomed him, and she was throwing tantrums 24/7 about Marcel loving New Orleans more as if she didn't fall in love with Stefan two years later after his supposed death and well, she saw him grow up and still was attracted to him. This is the only time Klaus was right for daggering her, outside his own reasons.
Stefan and Caroline: I do think it was clear/obvious in the writers plan they were gonna make steroline a couple at some point, but not make them endgame. If I'm not wrong, because people love lying in this fandom, stelena was gonna be endgame but Nina left and etc, so they couldn't do what they wanted and instead steroline and delena were the remaining couples. I can't really tell you what I think of this ship, as I haven't rewatched tvd outside s3/s4 since 2018. But it is pretty funny to me that Stefan died to get out of his relationship, as some people say.
Caroline and Alaric: this is just a big no. Caroline was basically forced to carry his kids, she was turned into a walking incubator without her consent and then Alaric acted as if he did all the job, as if she hadn't raised and loved the twins as if they were her own flesh and blood. And he was literally her teacher once, so just no. They are a complete ick.
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francesderwent · 2 months
I share so many of your views, including about the problems with casual sex outside of a loving and monogamous relationship! I’m just wondering whether it feels weird to root for the TVD characters given that they’re almost all given to having multiple sexual partners, drinking CONSTANTLY, sleeping with each other’s siblings, etc :)
haha they are a MESSY group for sure!
okay, so I believe in universal moral truths. but what that means is that I believe that doing xyz is bad for people in each and every circumstances. it doesn't mean that doing xyz makes you a bad person, or an unlovable person. so I can root for TVD characters as easily as I root for all my friends who had messy lives in their twenties!!! it just means that rooting for them means hoping that they figure their shit out and stop hurting themselves!!!!
while I do take issue with the writing around sex in TVD sometimes, as a whole the Delena story is pretty damn on point. Elena enters this new period of her life where she's forever young, following all her urges, and indestructible to any consequences - i.e. the culture of hedonism in your teens and twenties. and when she's presented with the option, she freely and happily chooses to grow up, get married, and have children! vampirism represents unbridled lust, and TVD says "hmm no, what about marriage instead?" love that for me
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queenaryastark · 2 years
Repeatedly in fandom its been claimed that Jon Snow's existence would have been a threat to his legitimate siblings, Aegon and Rhaenys, had they lived. This requires ignoring the fact that Jon grew up with the Starks as his siblings and was not in a position to replace them. This also requires ignoring all royal bastards in real world history who weren't a threat to their siblings. Sometimes those illegitimate children lived in the same castles as their siblings and were given high ranking positions and honors and marriages when they grew up, while not threating those legit siblings.
But the most damning evidence against this claim in the books is Edric Storm, a royal bastard raised in his father's seat who was born to a noble woman. He is not a threat to Robert's "true born children". Even when Ned discovers that Joff, Myrcella, and Tommen aren't biologically Robert's, he doesn't think of replacing them with Edric, but with Robert's brother Stannis (uncles are statistically more dangerous than a half sibling). And even Stannis doesn't see Edric as a threat but as a tool to be used:
"There's proof of a sort at Storm's End. Robert's bastard. The one he fathered on my wedding night, in the very bed they'd made up for me and my bride. Delena was a Florent, and a maiden when he took her, so Robert acknowledged the babe. Edric Storm, they call him. He is said to be the very image of my brother. If men were to see him, and then look again at Joffrey and Tommen, they could not help but wonder, I would think." -- Davos I, ACOK
So the idea that a royal bastard existing automatically means that that bastard will be a threat to legitimate children is incorrect.
Daemon Blackfyre was a special case that Jon Snow and Edric Storm can't come close to replicating. Why? Because 1) they're the bastards born of noble women while Daemon was the bastard of a princess who legally should have been a queen regnant, 2) he also had the benefit of his legitimate brother's paternity being questioned while no one doubts the paternity of Rhaenys and Aegon and most don't even believe Stannis' accusations against Cersei's children, and 3) he was favored by his father over his brother while one of the few quotes from Rhaegar has him referring to Aegon as a future king and Robert doesn't favor anyone.
So claiming that Jon Snow could have been Daemon Blackfyre reborn is as incorrect as saying that 1+2=765,087,865.
Also, Elia was likely in on Rhaegar’s plans 😇
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♡ 365 days of delena ♡ ↳ (182/365)
#Damon in Elena's personal space — 1.13 | Children of the Damned
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aegor-bamfsteel · 9 months
What if Robert pulled an Aegon IV and legitimised all his bastards?
I don’t think Robert, despite his hatred of Joffrey, would legitimize his illegitimate children because it would encourage factionalism against his Lannister-packed court, which may potentially destabilize the realm he helped bring together after the Tàrgs were deposed; he told Ned to teach Joffrey to be a better king on his deathbed, so he wasn’t looking for alternate heirs so long as he believed Cersei’s children were biologically his. However, Cersei was already having them killed without them being legitimized, and heavily implied to Robert that his daughter (Mya) would suffer “an accident” if he followed through on the idea of bringing her to court (recounted in AFFC). These are the children of peasant women, thus wouldn’t have an independent faction behind them if they were legitimized, but Cersei had them murdered anyway due to her interpretation of the prophecy. Legitimization could mean inviting these children to court, in which case they’re all likely to die; but even not inviting them, it’s putting a target on their backs for Cersei. Edric Storm could be the one exception because his mother Delena Florent is noble born, plus he’s at Storm’s End in canon, but it could be Cersei would try harder to assassinate him were he legitimized (though your question doesn’t specify when Robert was making his decree); say he lives after Robert’s death but is still in Renly’s care. If Renly’s actions wrt Robert/Margaery indicate he’s aware of the incest but doesn’t want to be king, then it’s possible he puts his support behind Edric and brokers a betrothal with one of Margaery’s cousins (saying cousin because Edric is still legitimized thus the daughter of a lord Paramount may not be suitable, plus the Florent/Tyrell rivalry). It’s not clear though, if legitimization puts Edric ahead in the line of succession over his uncles or behind them; in the case of the latter, maybe nothing much would change. But again, I don’t see Robert legitimizing his children at any time, since he and they would be in danger of Lannister reprisals (plus he’s lazy and conflict averse)
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kiss-my-freckle · 4 months
Do you think the lighting in Delena scenes vs Stelena scenes is intentional? When Stelena were discussing their future in 4x01 it was dark outside and Delena's discussion on their future in 5x22 was in sunlight.
I think all of their scenes are intentionally lit. Damon acts as a specific light for Elena. That's been his thing with her since the start of the series, and every bit what the truth does. It acts as a guiding light for someone living in the dark. When she becomes a vampire, Damon basically acts as her moon. He's her light, and with that light... a warmth.
It's not just the lighting that's different about their discussions in 4x1 and 5x22. Most of Stelena's discussions about the future are plagued. When they talk about the future in season 1, it's more than just them being split up that bothers Elena. She doesn't like what a vampire future sounds like. Having to start over every couple of years means she'll never be able to set up roots. That's in addition to them not having children because Damon already told her this in Atlanta. When they discuss the future in season 2, she sees no future at all because she's intent on sacrificing herself. When they discuss the future in 4x1, it's at a time when she knows she wants to be with Damon. That's why she speaks with "IF" when they talk about it. When Damon and Elena talk about their future, it's without all of those things that plague Stelena's conversations. There's no fear or doubt, no ifs about the future they have planned. And unlike Elena was with Stefan in season 2, Damon actually tells Elena that he's planning to self-sacrifice. That's how much respect he has for Elena, for their relationship. He didn't want her to be blindsided.
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thevelaryons · 11 months
I'm up for theories, so I wanted to ask you...
Do you think Elaena named her firstborn legitimate daughter Laena as a way of trying to reconcile with her cousin Laena?
I like to think they were friends but their friendship soured after Elaena's affair with Alyn
I’m not sure how likely a friendship between them would be (though I’m not ruling it out). That being said, I do believe 3rd Laena was named for 2nd Laena.
Alyn had a well renowned reputation and with the mention that Elaena was planning on marrying him, talks of a betrothal might even have been in the works. But with Alyn missing and presumed dead, it’s a predicament for her. An unmarried princess having illegitimate children would not be looked upon kindly, so there would be a rush to marry her off to mitigate any scandal. Though she was originally allowed to wait for Alyn’s return, Elaena eventually got married off to Ossifer Plumm around a year after Jon & Jeyne were born.
A woman taking her bastard children to the household of her new husband is an impossible scenario in a place like Westeros. (Eg. in the case of Delena Florent’s affair with Robert Baratheon, their bastard is acknowledged due to the high birth of both his parents and even raised at his Baratheon father’s family seat; whereas Delena herself is married off to some knight.) So what I think happened to the twins is they were given over to the custody of their older half-sister, Laena. Then, many years later, when Elaena had another daughter, she named her Laena as a way to honor the girl who had helped her. We don’t know what 2nd Laena’s personality is like but based on what information we’re given about Elaena, I think it makes sense.
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doeeyedgilbert · 3 months
#𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭. an independent writing blog for 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭, from 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠. season one - three tvd show based, human elena primarily. * anti-delena. * anti-plec. tvd based with other crossovers. be VIGILANT of triggering themes , tvd is a heavy themed based show : very welcoming to ocs, muses from other fandoms, mutuals & non mutuals. mun is 21+.
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a study in . . . tragedy, loss, cosmic & epic love, the supernatural. the troubles of being an empath, doppelgangers, selflessness, high intuition, compassion. the quintessential girl next door, protective over those she loves. finding strength, being a writer, skillful at seeing patterns between things that other people might miss. & being a warrior princess.
[ opens. ] / [ memes. ] / [ wishlist plots. ]
01. ✘ mun is 21+ and anti-delena. i don't mind to explore delena in a platonic sense, but strictly platonic. i am duplicate friendly.
02. ✘ my elena is portrayed in early season tvd, so please keep that in mind if you write in later season tvd/ect. my elena is primarily human. the only time i'll write her as a vampire is upon request/with a plot in mind. and if with stefan, then certainly loyal to stefan. i personally despise the way plec changed elena's characterization + morals from the elena i got to know in early season tvd, so i will not be doing that here and a good part to my reasoning why i'm early tvd based. my version of this character would never betray stefan, especially for damon. unlike plec, i'm not writing for fan vote.
03. ✘ be mindful of triggering themes such as gore, blood, death, drowning; ect on this blog.
04. ✘ i am super welcoming to original characters! i adore ocs. and i am very welcoming to family ocs/children ocs in elena's older verses as long as it matches up with elena being human. & if it's a child oc, then it also has to be a stefan and elena kid bc i can't see her settling for any one else like that among the canon's on tvd. 💜
05. ✘ i love different fandoms + crossovers, so do not hesitate to write with me if you apart of one outside of tvd. stranger things, dc, marvel, outer banks, pretty little liars, disney, the hunger games, ginny + georgia are some top fandoms i love and have verses for elena for that are under construction.
06. ✘ if you follow me first, pls feel free to reply to any of my opens, send memes or ask me to plot! memes don't have expiration dates nor do open starters so again pls feel free and dont be shy<3. ok ily!!!
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ivyprism · 3 months
The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Characters Rewrite
Character Info
The Skeleton Sisters’ Diner AU Skeletons: Delilah, Shelly, Misty, and Lunette Fire Monsters: Blaire and Cherry Bird Monsters: Aurelia and Astra Mermaids: Rainee and Orazia Sea Nymph: Delena and Stella
Children of the Diner Human OCs: Sally, Rosaline, and Kassidy Horror Human OCs: Molly, Kenzie, and Kamryn
The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU Skeleton Dragons: Basilisk, Shiva, Naenia, and Manea Demon Fire Elementals: Scarlette and Syrene (Inferno) Bird Monsters: Nebula and Peach
Children of the Mafia Diner Human OCs: Maisie, Ceara, and Delaney
The Galaxy Sisters Galaxy Dragon Older Sisters: Agalea, Galactica, and Ourania Galaxy Dragon Younger Sisters: Marella
Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU Fish Monsters: Pike and Elixir Ghost Skeletons: Poison, Toxin, and Antitoxin Angel Skeletons: Maricella
Children of the Outcode Diner Skeleton Angel OCs: Eleanor and Talia
Angels Fall AU Feathered Dragons: Aeriana, Aethra, Deianeira, and Morella Light Elementals: Eliana and Citrus Lava Elementals: Cerise and Hearth Sirens: Eloria and Eslyn Breeze Nymphs: Lyrica and Lirissa
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lant-sovs · 2 years
on rhaenyras children
Been seeing a couple of takes that try to say that jace, luke and joffreys paternity “doesnt matter” or that theyre not bastards because theyve been “claimed” by both rhaenyra and laenor/house velaryon. I dont know what the real life practices were in relation to bastard children, but that is absolutely not true by asoiaf standards. (and yes you do have to interpret the issue of parentage in the show based on the in-universe context.)
First, Rhaenyras children are bastards. Lets just get that out of the way first. someone tried to assert that since its Rhaenyra who has the claim the children are Targaryen through her and therefore not bastards, but if Alicent were to have bastard children they would be bastards because she herself has no claim which is.. incorrect. In asoiaf, a bastard is any child born out of wedlock. Lollys Stokeworth’s son is still a bastard, despite any possible inheritance of his coming from his mother (Jaime II, AFFC). Theres no question on whether or not Rhaenyra’s kids are bastards- they are. Its a settled definition. You cannot simply tweak the definition of bastards and tie their legitimacy to Rhaenyra’s claim. Thats not how it works. Any child born out of wedlock is a bastard. Next question.  Second. Laenor and Rhaenyra “claiming” the children as theirs does not erase their bastardry. Again, I have no idea how real life bastardry was addressed, but I do know there is no such thing as ‘claiming’ bastard children in asoiaf. There are two other concepts though - acknowledgement, and legitimization. A parent may acknowledge their bastard child, and acknowledged bastards get region-typical surnames (Storm, Stone, Flowers, Sand, Snow, etc). Best example? Jon Snow, who was acknowledged by his ‘apparent’ father. Remember, this doesn’t make Jon not a bastard - Jon is still very much a bastard throughout the GOT timeline, he’s just an acknowledged one. The same goes for all the sand snakes- their last name is Sand because Oberyn acknowledged them. Gendry, on the other hands, doesnt use the surname Waters because he was never acknowledged by Robert, whereas another one of Roberts bastards is Edric Storm, who has the bastard surname storm because Robert acknowledged him as his bastard son by Delena Florent (Davos I, ACOK). Edric is still a bastard, because Robert didnt legitimise him. (If he had, Edric would be Edric Baratheon instead). The acknowledgement does NOT change the bastardry. The only thing that could possibly change their bastardry is having them legitimised, but only a king or queen can legitimise a bastard. We see this with Ramsay Bolton, who was previously Ramsay Snow but was legitimised by Tommen (Jaime IX, ASOS). Similarly, Robb (when crowned King in the North) legitimises Jon (in ASOS I believe). That still holds weight, even if Robb isnt sitting the iron throne at the time, because he’s been crowned King in The North. F&B readers will know about two other bastards who are legitimised later, but I wont bring that up bc spoilers. Heres where things get spicy. Rhaenyra can never legitimise her children. Why? Because for them to be legitimised, she has to first admit they were bastards in need of legitimising in the first place. You’d only need to remove the status of bastardry from a child if you recognise that they werent trueborn to begin with. Any attempt to legitimise them would only prove to everyone around her that she lied about their parentage all this while. Its her very own catch-22, and IMO its one of the really well written details of F&B.  What Rhaenyra is doing is neither acknowledgement nor legitimisation nor ‘claiming’, because again, there is no such thing in-universe. What Rhaenyra is doing is, very simply, lying about her childrens parentage. And just to be clear, I’m not anti-black or anti-green (I love the dance because its a story of mutual destruction, I have zero interest in taking sides). But I am anti-misinformation and anti-misinterpretation of the text. If you can find one example of a bastard child in ASOIAF who wasnt considered a bastard because they were ‘claimed’ by their parent, then (and I mean this sincerely) I invite you to disagree with me, but until then. 
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