#delia does and she grows it also but it's not that good. I think she says bud because it's like it's her friend
dogwhizzer · 5 months
falsettos characters ranked by what they call weed and how much they partake
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yamujiburo · 1 year
absolutely in love with your hanamusa content and I've even developed headcanons of my own??? just a few for your reading pleasure :)
-Delia reeeeally loves Jessie's hair. she's always touching it and constantly awed by its physics-defying nature -Jessie loves listening to Delia hum little tunes to herself when she doesn't realize she's doing it -Delia thinks Jessie only plays Jessilina in the shower, when in reality, it's just Jessie singing -Jessie is absolutely awful at keeping plants alive, but still tries to grow things for Delia to impress her since Delia has a green thumb
A few slightly ~adult~ hcs
-Delia has a thing for Jessie's voice. specifically her dramatic, slightly seductive, Team Rocket voice. we saw Delia be really ~into~ Jessie wearing her old Team Rocket uniform, and I like to imagine that Jessie, for old time’s sake, started reciting the old motto in her usual villain-esque voice with a hint of seduction in it, and voila. Delia has an “oh. oh.” moment
-Jessie 10000% has a thing for praise but doesn't realize it until Delia. One day Jessie does a few chores around the house to surprise Delia and Delia says something like "you did so good" and Jessie has her "oh. oh." moment (Delia 100% picks up on this immediately and starts building up the praise to make her blush more)
Anyway I know this was SUUUUUUPER long BUT I just love your content so much and it's literally the ship I never knew I needed. Thanks for feeding us!!!
YES I LOVE THESE!!! Delia playing with Jessie's hair is so real (and she's the only one allowed to play with it). I could also see Jessie enlisting help from James on how to be a better plant parent since, I assume, he also has a green thumb. And Jessie being into praise makes too much sense LMAO
thank YOU for feeding ME! i love hearing other peoples' headcanons and seeing their takes on ships i like heehee
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runawaycarouselhorse · 10 months
I absolutely adore Inoue Momota's movie manga. She adapted the last DP movie (Zoroark) with a rougher but still rounded style that reminds me of 80's shounen about the face and all three BW! movies with this absolutely adorable, clean and softly rounded style that I find so inspiring.
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It isn't just that her style is adorable and the expressions funny and varied, it's that she draws and writes the characters like a fan in the best of ways--she knows their little quirks and she even improved on the already good Victini movie's plotline to make it clearer that Ash is the Hero of Ideals. And as adorable as her style is, she can still make Ash look heroic and cool when it comes down to it!! She's got range.
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She adds more emotional impact to scenes, like Ash awakening Zekrom, or Ash seeing the resurrected and altered Genesect fight the modern day Pokemon (I feel like it echoes the clones vs originals battle from the first movie, here)...
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And the sweetest thing is, she took an already beautiful scene (Mewtwo in space in the Genesect movie, finally feeling connected and part of the world) and referenced the past and other characters we know (showing Misty, Brock, Delia, Mimey... and characters from every movie she adapted into a manga)--it felt like a farewell, knowing it's the last one she'll adapt. You can just feel the love in her work! ;_; I absolutely wanna own copies someday!!!
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I think it's fair to say she was a fan of the Pokemon anime, or at least, the original series, perhaps while growing up, because there's some tells (aside from including the OS trio in this scene...): she draws James' hair in a very 90's way! The ends of his hair didn't have those alternating thick and thin/straighter jagged edges (often with loose strands) except in early Kanto episodes!!! This was streamlined later on into more uniform jagged/triangular chunks early in the seires. : D
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Now, closing by spamming panels with Iris because she's my favourite and I love how Momota draws her.
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(Even when it's something like this "Iris is too short to properly fit in this frame" gag she does sometimes, because it's cute.)
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Anyway, please purchase Inoue Momota's movie manga, please and thank you. You can also borrow copies to read (in English!!!) from the Internet Archive's Open Library, that's how I read a bunch--just note that it's low quality on there!
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holly-louisexox · 1 year
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 5
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choices...
...But then things changed.
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"Delia, are you ready to go?" Shevy asks knocking on Delia's hotel door.
"I'll be out in a minute!" Delia shouts back to Shevy through the door.
"Hey Shevy, you girls heading out today?" Lonny asks as he locks his room door.
"Hey Lon, yeah, we're going shopping, girls day." Shevy smiles at him.
"Girls day, gotcha, does that mean I can't crash and come shopping with you? I was wanting to explore Charleston but I don't think the rest of the band are awake yet." Lonny laughs slightly just as Delia walks out of her room.
"Oh, hey, Lonny right?" Delia smiles hoping she had the correct band member in front of her, it was rather difficult to get to know the guys due to Andy's hostility.
"That's me." Lonny smiles back realising how little Delia actually knows about them and vise versa.
"Lonny here was hoping to gate crash girls day because the other guys are lazy bastards." Shevy laughs whilst secretly pray the other guys were in fact asleep and did not just hear Shevy's small insult towards them.
"Yeah Lonny, you should come. It'll be fun." Delia nods; at least she would be able to get to know the guy a little better.
"let's get going then guys." Shevy grins excitedly tugging on Delia and Lonny's arms leading them to the staircase of the hotel.
"I can't wait to go back to the UK at some point. I miss Gregg's." Shevy sighs before taking a sip of her drink.
"What's Gregg's?" Delia asks confused; at present she, Shevy and Lonny were sat in a Starbucks after Lonny made the decision he needed a caffeine boost.
"It's this little bakery chain in the UK where they do cakes, pastries, bake things and stuff. It's pretty good to be honest but Shevy is obsessed. She's said multiple times that she wants to start a petition to being it to The States." Lonny laughs thinking back to when they were last in the UK with Shevy and her obsession over the store.
"That does sound rather nice to be honest. I'd be happy if that came to The States." Delia laughs.
"Thank you! See Lon, I told you I wasn't over exaggerating, it needs to happen." Shevy explains a little too excitedly. Her excitement then gets cut off by Delia's phone going off.
"Shit." Delia curses under her breath.
"Everything okay?" Lonny asks concerned but also slightly confused as to what could have shaken the girl in front of him so much.
"Call it nerdy, I turned notifications on for my phone to alert me of any breaking news in the cities we're touring in just to get an idea of what's happening." Delia begins.
"That's a pretty cool idea actually." Lonny Cuts Delia off slightly before realising Delia had not finished speaking. "Sorry Delia."
"A 25 year old women in Seattle has just been reported missing after her family haven't seen or heard from her in 48 hours." Delia continues. "Her poor family."
"Oh Shit." Shevy comments "I hope she turns up okay."
"I don't know. Something similar to this happened in Seattle a couple of years ago. I was doing the sound for a production of The Phantom of the Opera and our Christine had her sister living in Seattle at the time. The sister disappeared and 2 weeks later they found her body." Delia explains feeling herself grow pale at the memory.
"Fuck, that's awful." Shevy sighs "That must have been a right scene for the show and cast."
"Yeah it was something to say the least. I kind of came up with an idea of how myself and the stage manager could brighten the mood a little and it seemed to have a more positive motion after that but it was still hard to live with." Delia explains.
"What did you guys do?" Lonny asks.
"We went out and bought all of the cast a little gift. It wasn't a lot but it definitely broke any tension and  boosted the overall mood a little bit." Delia continues explaining.
"That's such a lovely idea." Shevy coos before thinking on the idea for a little bit. "Maybe we should buy the other guys a little souvenir or something, who knows, it may bring Andy out of his mood a little bit."
"No. No way. Pretty sure Andy already hates my guts as it is, this will just add fuel to the fire." Delia shakes her head in a bit of a panic.
"Oh come on Delia, it'll be cute." Shevy sticks to her guns trying her hardest to make Delia cave.
"Shevy, no way, it's going to be embarrassing."
"Hello hello!" Shevy grins excitedly as she, Lonny and Delia approach the rest of the group who were sat in a private booth of the hotel's dining room.
"Oh there you guys are, we were wondering where you had disappeared off to for the day." CC smiles back at the 3 members of the group who had just returned.
"We come baring gifts, it was Delia's idea." Shevy's excitement continues as she sits down next to CC.
"Well actually it was a thing I did with a previous production and Shevy thought-" Delia begins before getting cut off by Shevy.
"Delia honey, we don't need details, we have gifts. Let's give out gifts." Shevy continues to grin; this was starting to feel like Shevy was trying to set her up with the guys, more over, Andy; Delia thought. Delia would have been fine if Andy hated her the whole tour, she was here to work after all, making friends was just an added bonus for her if she was lucky enough. Never the less, Shevy seemed determined to get Andy to stop being so 'moody' as she and the rest of the band had put it so best to play along.
"Okay, so CC, we got you this cool looking bandana. I know you said your hair has been annoying you recently whilst drumming so I thought it could be of use to you." Delia starts whilst handing CC said bandana.
"Mate, this is actually great, I was looking at getting a new one to help out." CC nods ecstatically whilst looking at his gift.
"You're welcome. Jinxx, Jake, these are for you." Delia then hands over 2 different types of necklaces to the guys. "Lonny picked these out. "
So far so good. The band so far have been happy with their allocated presents and there had been no comments from Andy regarding the small gesture of gifts. Lonny, Shevy and Delia had exchanged gifts once they met outside the gift shop just to make sure no one had felt left out. Now came the truth though which had Delia inhaling a large gulp of air from nerves before moving on to the final present.
"Andy, this is for you. Lonny told me you really like Batman so when I saw this I kind of had to grab it." Delia explains nervously handing Andy a small action figure of Batman and the all famous Bat Mobile.
"This is actually really cool!" Andy exclaims with a hint of excitement in his voice before looking at the girl who had gifted him it. "Thanks Delia, I um, I appreciate it. I was kind of holding back on a comment about giving gifts out but this is great, thank you."
"I'm glad you changed your mind and held your comment." Delia laughs awkwardly which makes Andy smile at her with just as much awkwardness.
At least that went well. But Delia couldn't help but still feel cautious of Andy, Shevy was right about his mood swings, and she didn't know how much she could trust him to not snap at her again after this delightful moment. The least that could happen after this is Delia remains civil, after all, surely she had the upper hand of being the bigger person after this event. Right?
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deliasqueen · 3 years
Battered Love
Summary: Falling in love with Cordelia was easy, but will your brain allow her to love you back.
Warnings: Shitty parents? Idk if that’s a warning but just in case.
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: So this may or may not be about my life with actual examples. So um this is my heart poured out into writing, and I’m terrified to post this.
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You had been living at the academy for almost a year now. The second you walked in you were completely enthralled with the Supreme’s beauty.
Wanting to know everything about being a witch, you started spending time with her. It started as small lessons in her classroom to spending long hours in the greenhouse. At first the relationship was purely platonic, with a lingering glance here and there, but after a couple months, it started to turn into something more. You two making each other’s preferred morning drinks when you got in the kitchen before the other, lingering touches, and using your greenhouse time to destress and get to know each other better as opposed to practicing spells.
One night in particular had you really feeling a certain way for your favorite witch.
Cordelia was sitting on the bench, and you were lounging on your pillow pile on the floor. You two had been talking about nothing really when Cordelia opened up about her past.
“You know I have an ex-husband, right?” Looking over at Cordelia you see her staring mindlessly at the ceiling, and you were shocked.
“I didn’t know that. May I ask what happened? Only if you want to talk about it of course.”
“You’re fine sweetheart. He was a witch hunter, which was bad enough, but he also cheated on me,”
After a deep exhale she continued, “I felt worse than I could put into words. I hated myself for loving someone who hated who I am. I hated myself for loving someone who put the girls into danger. I hated myself for loving someone who didn’t value me,”
Wishing you could wrap her in your arms, you just listened to what she had to say.
“What made the pain even worse is that my mom was so awful to me. I mean she was always awful to me but this…made it so much worse.”
After hearing her say that, you got up and took her into your arms. You pulled her down into your pillows, and you two fell asleep on the greenhouse floor tangled in each other’s arms that night.
After that night you knew you were truly in love with her, but you were too scared for her to love you back. Hearing your entire life how much your mom hates your dad, and how you are just like him, hearing how much your mom hates you, hearing your mom constantly talk about how if she could leave you two she would, eventually took a toll on your idea of love. No matter how respectful you were, how much of the perfect straight A student you were, no matter how many awards you got, you just weren’t good enough for her. You knew no matter what you did you would never be good enough for anyone to love. You were so afraid that if you let Cordelia in, and let her love you, she would eventually start to hate you just like everyone else. The only thing that gave you a little hope was that Cordelia knows what it’s like to be hated by her mom, no matter how perfect you try to be.
 It was Saturday evening, and the girls were all in the living room having an extremely competitive game of drunk Uno. Skipping tonight because of an assignment you had to get finished, you were sitting in your room when you heard a soft knock on the door.
“Come in,” turning off your music and moving your laptop you looked up to see Cordelia walking in.
“Hi honey, can I sit?” with a sweet smile, she motioned to the spot next to you.
“Of course.” scooting over, you gave her room to sit with you.
“You know the girls are asking for you to come down.” She looked at you with a pout.
“I want to, but I have too much work,” with a frown you motioned to your laptop.
Humming Cordelia just laid her head on your shoulder.
Feeling electricity shoot through your body you murmur, “How come you aren’t downstairs?”
“Why would I be downstairs when my favorite girl is up here alone?” She wrapped her arm around your front snuggling into your shoulder.
When you tensed up, she immediately knew something was wrong.
“Are you ok honey?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Scooting over, tears formed in your eyes and you did everything in your power to not let Delia see.
With a look of pure hurt in her eyes Cordelia said, “Y/n did I do something wrong? You can always tell me if I’m overstepping.”
“No! No, no. It’s not that, it’s just me being complicated.” Quickly you grabbed her hand and ran your thumb across it to get the pained look off her beautiful face.
“You know you can talk to me about anything.” With big does eyes Cordelia looked at you and made you want to melt into a big gay puddle.
Quickly trying to decide to open up to her or not is one of the hardest decisions you’ve had to make. You could tell her everything now and have the possibility of being able to love her, and kiss her, and cuddle together, but at the same time what if she hates you and wants nothing to do with you once you two start dating.
Letting your negative thoughts get the best of you, you decide it’s better to live in this eternal torture of not expressing your love than it is to have the love of your life hate you.
“It’s really nothing Cordelia, I’m just stressed and tired from school.”
Cordelia being the ever observant one caught onto you saying her full name. Thinking that she had done something wrong she left your room with a mumbled “goodnight” and went to bed.
Watching Cordelia walk out of your room like a sad puppy broke your heart. You knew you had screwed up. Big time. Regretting every choice you’ve made in your entire life, you disregarded your assignment, laid down, and cried.
 Waking up to a sun filled room on Sunday, you walked downstairs to see your mug in its place inside the cabinet with a missing Cordelia’s. With a big sigh and sadness filling your chest you went back to bed and quickly fell asleep.
Awaking to a knock on your door, you groaned and rolled over to see what time it is. Picking up your phone and squinting from the abrasively bright light, the time read 2:07. Shocked at the fact you slept in so late, you jumped out of bed and answered the door. Opening the door you were met with a very angry Madison and annoyed Zoe.
“You broke Cordy,” snapped Madison.
At a loss for words, you just stared at her with your mouth slightly agape.
“Cordy isn’t being her usual chirpy annoying self. Today she is just mopey, rude, and even more annoying.” With that Zoe elbowed Madison and looked at you.
“Look Cordelia is clearly upset and it’s affecting us. Just whatever happened please fix it, so she starts acting like herself again.” With that they both walked away and left you staring at the Supreme’s door conflicted.
What got to you the most about what the girls told you was that Delia is clearly upset. And that makes you upset. You thought her hating you would be the worst feeling in the world, but the fact that she was upset because of you broke your more than you could’ve ever imagined. You knew now was the time to open up about something you had locked away and buried so deep for so long.
Walking over to Cordelia’s door you hesitated. You knew you wanted to do this, but you were also terrified to do this.
With a light knock to the door, you bit your lip and wanted to run away.
A somber “come in” was all it took for you to swing the door open.
You were met with the sight of Cordelia snuggled up in a blanket reading the book. This was the book of poems you gave her for her birthday a couple months ago. You highlighted all the parts that made you think of her. Things that talked about beauty, grace, and intelligence. You put doodles of flowers and stars in the corners of some pages just because when you think of Delia you’re inspired. She cried when she read through it and told you this was the most special, heartfelt thing she owns.
“I owe you an explanation,” you looked into her sad, red eyes and your heart broke 1,000 times more.
“May I sit?” With a nod from Delia, you sat next to her with just a little space between you two to give you room to breathe.
“Look y/n, I’m really sor-“
Cutting her off with a finger to her soft lips you began, “I want you to know that my reaction yesterday had nothing to do with anything you did. You do not need to be sorry about anything. I should be the one apologizing. I reacted harshly when I shouldn’t have,”
“Y/n you tensed so hard it was like I hurt you.”
“I know, and I shouldn’t have reacted that way. That’s why I owe you an explanation,” Scooting just a bit closer to Delia for her comfort, you prepared yourself to bring up this topic.
“Growing up my parents couldn’t stand each other. They were constantly arguing and fighting no matter where we were. Every year they would have this one massive blow out fight. I had to watch them do awful things to each other and call each other the worst names. Names you would call your enemy in a fight, not something you should ever call someone you love. Constantly watching my dad make my mom feel like she’s nothing and watching my mom shoot off at my dad over tiny things really started to wear down on me. I didn’t know what to feel or who to love when there was just so much anger,” Catching your breath, you didn’t realize tears were trickling down your face until Cordelia wiped them for you.
“And sure, plenty of people’s parents fight, but my biggest issue came from my mom. She was so miserable with my dad, and I was her venting outlet. I had to listen to her talk about how my dad makes her stomach sick and how she can’t stand being married to him. I was also the outlet of her anger. Even without a failed marriage my parents have actual anger issues. Between that and the anger she held in from the way my dad treated her, I had no chance. Delia, she was so mean to me,” Voice cracking on the last sentence, you look at Delia with tears flowing from your eyes and you reached out with grabby hands.
Cordelia quickly scooped you into her arms, and you buried your face into her chest and sobbed. She cooed comforting nothings and gently rubbed your back until you calmed down.
Laying on her chest, you began telling her more, “Ever since I was little, I remember my mom coming home from work and talking about how she wished she didn’t have to come home, she wished she could go somewhere else. I was young and didn’t really understand, but I knew deep down I was hurt my mom got so upset to come home to me. As I got older, it just got worse. Her and my dad started fighting more, so she took that anger out on me. She would constantly scream in my face about how I’m just like him and how she hated both of us. She would follow that with, ‘I would leave here if I had somewhere to go.’ Everything got so much worse when I came out. Well, I didn’t really come out. She forced me to, and I wasn’t ready. She acted awful towards me until my grandma died, and then she tried to be more accpeting. Even after that though, she was still miserable and mean. She would call me a little bitch when I swear I did nothing wrong. I didn’t do ‘bad’ stuff, I made exceptional grades, hell I took the SAT in 7th grade and scored so high I got state recognition, but no matter what I did or how hard I worked it was never enough to please her. It was always I could do better, and it got to the point where that was all I heard. That I was awful, and I could do better.” Tears back in full force you just sank into Cordelia.
Through your sobs you choked out, “The reason why I pushed you away last night was because I love you Delia, and I don’t want you to end up hating me like my parents do. I don’t want to have a relationship just for us to hate each other”
Completely shocked with your confession, Cordelia holds you against her so tightly and whispers as if she’s afraid speaking too loud will break you, “Honey, baby girl, love of my life you are not awful, and I am so proud of you. You are so smart, and talented, and oh so loving. You care about people so much. You always do what you think will help others before you do anything for yourself. You are the most special girl I have ever met; I could never hate you princess. I love you with my entire heart y/n, and my love for you will only grow. Our love is not your parents love. Just because they have the relationship they do, doesn’t mean everyone else does. There is true, honest love in this world y/n, and we have it.”
Sobbing into Cordelia, you are so unbelievably relieved with her response. You feel this sense of love and pride you have never felt before.
Once your sobs had calmed down into small hiccups Cordelia gently pushed your chin up with her finger to look into your eyes. Seeing the red, puffy y/e/c eyes she loves so much made her heart swell. With a soft smile on your face, you looked at her beautiful, full lips and back into her eyes with a pleading look on your face. With that Cordelia pulled you up to her and your lips met in a passionate, soft, and long-overdue kiss.
“I love you so much Delia.” Looking into her honey-colored eyes you felt at home.
“I love you too, more than anything in this world baby girl and not one thing on this Earth will ever change that.” Laying down she pulled you onto her chest.
“Sleep now my sweetheart and know you are so incredibly loved.” Placing a kiss to her chest, you drifted off into the most comforting sleep of your life.
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slutforwings · 3 years
books i read in august and what i thought of them because apparently i do that now
they both die at the end - adam silvera (YA)
spoiler alert: the title. this book takes place in a world where people are called up 24 hours before they die, so they're semi-prepared. it follows two teens who both got the call and spend their last day together. really cool concept, imo it could have expanded on the worldbuilding even more, but i guess the focus is just the main characters. and it did that really well! the romance is a bit cheesy, but what gripped me personally was the grieving yourself and future plans that will never come to fruition. 4/5
to kill a kingdom - alexandra christo (fantasy)
little mermaid inspired, sirens kill one human per year, the sea princess only kills princes. one of the princes is determined to kill this siren he's never seen. the siren gets turned into a human for plot reasons and finds out killing the prince determined to kill her might not be that easy. i reread this a year after my first year, it felt a bit more rushed the second time around. that said, i just love me some fairytale settings as well as ambigious morality and betrayal. i don't regret the reread. 4/5
the invisible life of addie larue - v.e. schwab (fastastical fiction?)
girl sells her soul and becomes immortal BUT everyone forgets her as soon as she's out of their sight. after 300 years of this, she meets someone that does remember her. once again, i was more in it for the concept than the romance. beautifully written, and a really good execution of the concept. i pirated it but ended up loving it so much that i bought a physical copy so yknow. 5/5
the memory police - yoko ogawa (fiction)
a town where things keep disappearing and the population forgets about them (perfume, birds, etc). some people don't forget, but remembering is strictly forbidden by the memory police. i dont want to say much more because it's once again a great concept and just a great book overall. to me it felt like an allegory of dementia or maybe depression, but you can really fill it in for yourself. really interesting read. 4,5/5
witches abroad - terry pratchett (fantasy)
12th discworld novel, can be read as a standalone, basically: 3 witches have to make sure the story of cinderella doesnt happen, but stories have a way of forcing their hand. a different witch doing everything to make it happen doesnt help of course. one of my favorite discworld novels so far, incredibly funny but with great life lessons a la pratchett. loved the witches as annoying tourists. for some reason took me a bit to get into it, but after that it was smooth and uninterrupted sailing. 5/5
where the crawdads sing - delia owens (fiction)
the life story of a girl growing up in the marshes of 1950-1960 north carolina, whose siblings and parents leave her at a very young age, alongside a murder case in 1969 (hah) which she is the main suspect of on account of living alone in a swamp. reading it felt like watching a movie, you can picture everything so clearly. unique reading experience. loved the themes of solitude, independence, and of course the intrigue of the murder in the future, woven inbetween. 4,5/5
cinderella is dead - kalynn bayron (fantasy)
dystopian society that every year has a ball to honor 200 year dead cinderella, girls have 3 balls to get chosen by a man, if not they're considered slaves to the patriarchy and basically disappear. one girl in love with another girl wants to overthrow the system. this book sucked ass. this is why you don't read books purely because they're 'queer and with diverse characters!'. the worldbuilding didn't make any sense, every man was such a caricature that it felt like the author was beating the point of her novel in my head with a fucking hammer. most annoying main character i've ever had the displeasure of reading. every other character existing to make the mc look good. i could complain about this book for years. don't read it. 1/5
out of my mind - sharon m. draper (fiction)
story of 11yo melody, who has cerebral palsy, is incredibly intelligent, but cannot speak. her frustration and trial to communicate with the people around her, some of which treat her like she's braindead. very moving novel, teared up a few times, had my heart racing alongside melody's at certain moments. puts you in the often extremely frustrating shoes of a disabled girl, a good reminder to never underestimate people. 5/5
ariadne - jennifer saint (historical... fiction?)
i think it's safe to say we all know ariadne and her role in aiding theseus through the labyrinth to slay the minotaur. so it's that. except told from her POV. and longer. and with added extras everywhere because her tale was not told in that much detail. i really enjoyed it, its advertised as a 'feminist' novel but its done in a not annoying way imo (AHEM take notes cinderella is dead). also at one point she gets a bee necklace from daedalus and im dying to get one too but googling 'ariadne pendant' does not give me what i want 4,5/5
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Chapter 7? Honesty
Warning ⚠️: talkS about r*pe and SA
Previous chapter here
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Delia's pregnancy made a lot of emotions resurface, it was pretty hard for her, and also for you. During the first trimester she had many morning sickness, night sweats, and overall she was worried this would go on forever.
And whenever you tried to tell her that it was just for a couple weeks that she'd feel better she would lash out at you.
"Honey.. I know how horrible you just feel but I promise it gets better"
"No you don't ! You have no idea what it's like !"
"oh really ? I'm trying to make you feel better and you yell ?"
"STOP PRETENDING YOU understand what it's like ! I've tried for years and now that I am I'm terribly sick"
"Oh I'M not the one that got you pregnant ! Don't try and blame this on me !"
"Oh so see you going to bring this up everytime we fight ?!"
"I wouldn't have to if you were less agressive ! You knew this wasn't going to be an eazy peezy type of pregnancy. "
"SILL ! I'm not allowed to be in pain ?!"
"Yes you are but that doesn't give you the right to be shitty with me"
"I'm not being shitty !"
"Oh really ??! Last night you literally threw me off the bed"
"And I'm sorry I did but I was just mad and in pain !"
"And today you're telling me off for no reason !"
"I'm just pointing out that I'M the one who's carrying a child right now AND IT CAN BE PAINFUL NOT LIKE YOU WOULD KNOW"
"It's something YOU CAN'T until you've been through pregnancy"
"what ?"
"I GET IT OKAY ? THE PAIN, THE SICKNESS, THE WORRY, THE HURT, EVERYTHING I GET IT ! But I also know that it's waking up with a purpose, and a life growing inside you"
" i..I'm confused"
"YOU have been yelling at me that i can't understand, but I do, I do understand."
"But how ?"
"You also need to understand that sometimes people have been pregnant even if they don't have kids today"
" I'm not sure I'm following you"
"I've been pregnant before"
"When ? With who's kid ?"
"That's not important. What Matters is that you need to stop assuming things you don't know about me"
"Why didn't you tell me ?"
"Because you're already stressed about our baby"
"Yes, you also need to start accepting the fact that I'm rasing this kid with you, as it is mine too"
The tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes finally did.
"...I'm so sorry I've been horrible with you...I'm just so worried that something bad will happen and I won't be able to stop it"
"Bad things happen, there is nothing you can do about it. Because life doesn't care about good or bad it just happens, and if something bad does happen we'll go through it together, and you and I will be okay"
"I'm not sure I'd survive it"
"You will"
"How do you know for sure"
"Because you survive it, it hurts, it brings you pain, but life keeps going, and eventually you are able to let go"
You pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as you got closer to her and went behind her back to circle your arms around her and cradle her small growing belly.
"It stops being painful after a while, it hurts, but it's not painful anymore, it's everything that could have been that lives within you"
"Why did I never know you've had kids ?"
"Because my pregnancies were a long time ago, and none of my kids are still with me today"
"Pregnancies ? Like multiple ?"
"What happened to them ?"
"Some didn't survive the trimesters, some died after I gave birth, and Alex had cancer at 7 "
"Oh god I'm so sorry"
"It's okay, he was in so much pain at the end i believe it's better that way"
"When did he die ?"
"Seven years ago"
"Hey we knew each other then ! Why did I never met him ?"
"Because he was already sick when we did, and he couldn't have visitors exept family and close friends"
"How old were you when you fist got pregnant ?"
"It doesn't matter Delia"
"I'm serious just drop it"
"Y/n how old were you ?" She pulled away to turn around and face you.
" I'm not going to tell you so just please let it go"
"Cordelia I'm serious"
"We need to be honest with each other if we're gonna rase a kid together no?"
"what ?"
"I was ten"
"Haha very funny I'm serious how old ?"
"I just told you"
"Y/n stop joking come on"
"It's the truth, I had my first period at 9 and my firsr pregnancy at ten."
"That's not possible"
"It is"
"I don't believe it you were a child now be honest with me babe"
You took your wallet out and in one pokey behind another picture you pulled out an old photograph, of a child holding a baby in a small not well lit room on a one sided bed in front of a brick wall. The kid had bags under her eyes, and a scar on her cheek, but it was clear enough that she looked exactly like you, same hair, same eyes, just different expression, pure pain and sorrow was written over her face, her skin pale and her body weak she looked like an empty vessel with no soul.
"That's me, and that is Lila, my first daughter"
"What's that room y/n Where were you y/n"
"In The basement"
"Why did you give birth in your basement"
"Because this was my room Dee"
"Why ?" You chuckled at her question
"I didn't choose you know"
"Y/n how did you get pregnant at ten ?"
"I thought someone would've explained to you the birds and the bees"
"I'm not kidding. Y/n...what happened to you ?"
"My father"
"Oh god y/n..."
"I'm okay Dee"
She put her arms around your sides and pulled you in for a hug, her head lying on your chest and your arms around her.
"I swear I'm okay now baby"
You could feel her squeeze you harder and tears staining your shirt as her grip tighten and she sniffed.
"I..I'm..so sorry... I'm sorry for everything I said"
"And I'm sorry for yelling honey, please calm down...baby look at me"
You pulled away and kissed the tip of her nose before holding her face in both hands and soothing her skin with your thumbs.
"..i can't imagine..how horrible that must've been...I'm sorry I'm crying so much..i should be the one reassuring you"
"Hey..no..no..no..no you're allowed to cry baby..I'm here. And you are reassuring, your presence is more than enough."
"Okay... I love you y/n"
"Me too honey..me too, it's getting late we should head to bed"
"I don't wanna walk now..."
"Alright then"
Your hand found her body and you picked her up in your arms before going to your shared room, pushing the door open you sat her at her vanity so she could take care of her hair and take off her makeup before putting the robe you were pulling out of the drawers.
"There you go baby"
You kissed her head before getting in your own sleepwear and under the covers after brushing your teeth. You watched her as she did her routine, her golden locks cascading down her shoulders, her soft hands against her own skin looked ethereal and you couldn't help but notice her eyes finding you in the mirror.
"You know.. before Hank, I went out a couple times with this guy, Brian, he seemed nice and I was trying to find someone good for me and for the coven. One day I was at his place and we were watching a movie. Then suddenly I don't understand why but he started touching me, his hand between my legs and his mouth on my neck. I pushed him away, because...well because I didn't want him then. He got on top of me and told me he liked it even better when we fought. He started undressing me, playing with my body, kissing his way up my neck with my hands pinned on the sofa. I used magic to get him off of me and threw him across the wall. I took my things and left. I was such a mess it took me hours to find the way back home. I was crying and crying I thought I would die."
Your own eyes were getting watery while she stood up and went to bed. Her body slipping beneath you in look of your warmth. She pressed her skin against you and you held her.
"I felt terrible, dirty, stupid, used...and nothing really happened. I had a happy ending, some of us don't get that chance. Like you. I'm so sorry I can't imagine how awful it was. I already felt so bad when it happened to me It breaks my heart to imagine how you felt."
"You didn't have a happy ending...honey don't say that. Your pain is as valid as mine...there is no hierarchy, especially in this...and I'll have you know that it's my heart that breaks that someone tri...hurt you.. I swear I'd beat this fucker."
Her face found your neck and she breathed in your scent.
"Mm... I know... I would too..." She yawned and kissed your skin before her hand found your under the covers. the warmth Between you providing you a soothing cocoon.
"You must be tired babe, try to rest okay ? I promise everything is going to be okay"
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I could use a good story. Can i ask for a little nix fic? Maybe one where his gf thinks hes cheating cuz hes been avoiding her but really hes super nervous about proposing to her?
Not According To Plan; Lewis Nixon
Fandom: HBO War; Band of Brothers
A/N: not me coming back from the dead with a 1K+ word imagine oop- anyway... My inspiration to write has been negative lately so I wrote this over the course of a couple weeks, and I’m so sorry this took so long! I hope you like it tho. Also, Y/N/N = your nickname
Warnings: none :) but it gets a lil sketchy on the angst front; FEMALE reader
Taglist: @liebegott @stressedinadress @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @teenmagazines @hbohmygodx @meteora-fc @punkgeekchic @vintagelavenderskies @hoosiers-hoe @mavysnavy @inglourious-imagines @warrior-healer @alienoresimagines @hannahbear1 @easy-company-tradition @wexhappyxfew
(Let me know if you either want to be taken off/added to the taglist; also let me know if you’ve changed your url so that I can be sure I’m tagging you)
"I was thinking dinner," you said into the receiver. "And possibly a walk?"
"I'd love to, Y/N/N..." Lewis started.
You held your breath for the-
"But I'm busy tonight. I've got some things to finish up. How's tomorrow?"
"I've got work tomorrow," you reminded him, hoping he might give in.
"Right." He breathed a curse just barely audible. "I'll make it up to you, alright? Next day you don't work."
You sighed, realizing he was dead set in his own plans for the evening. The romantic urges that had been tugging at your heart began to gain some slack. "Alright. I'll see you then."
The next date was a spontaneous visit to his house with food.
"Y/N," he stammered, surprised by your appearance at his door. He kissed you in greeting before letting you in. "I wasn't expecting you."
"I missed you," you pouted, holding out the bags of food you were carrying. "I brought lunch, so you can't tell me to leave because I know you haven't made anything to eat."
"I knew there was a reason I liked you." He took the bags from you and into the kitchen.
"More than one I hope," you scoffed.
He gave you a sly smirk and was about to say something else just as the phone rang, cutting him off. "I'll be right back." He kissed you before leaving the kitchen to answer the phone in the hall.
Taking the moment of his preoccupation to plate the food, you hummed to yourself as you scooped green beans onto two plates.
"Listen, not now," Lew's voice carried in from the hall. "This isn't a good time. I'll call you back later. Alright, bye."
His tone concerned you, but you weren't going to grill him. If he wanted you to know what it was about, he'd tell you.
Incidentally, he did not want to divulge because when he reappeared in the kitchen, he wore an unreadable expression but made no mention of the short-lived conversation he just had. "Lunch looks great, sweetheart." A smile stretched across his face and you momentarily forgot about what you had heard. "Don't skimp me on those potatoes."
Another cancelled date. It was just supposed to be a night out to the movies, but Lew had called to say he needed to stay late at work.
"Babe, I'm sorry," he apologized.
"It's fine," you assured him, though once again, you felt yourself deflate. "You don't need to apologize for being busy. I get it. Don't work too hard, alright?"
"Next time," he said, "I promise."
"I love you. Be safe getting home."
"I love you too, Y/N/N." He waited for you to hang up before letting out an anxious breath. The idea of lying to you made his skin itch, and he was burning right now. He ran a hand over his face and got up from his desk.
"I didn't know you were staying late," Delia, the secretary, commented seeming to have appeared out of nowhere. "Is there some new project you're working on?"
Momentarily startled by her sudden presence, Lew shook his head. "I'm not staying late." He got up from his desk and grabbed his coat. "In fact, I'm leaving now. I've got reservations to make."
"But you just..." her voice trailed off just as her eyes widened. "Sir, not to pry, but does this have anything to do with the thing that I definitely did not see on your desk a while back?"
"Yes," he replied, slipping his arms into the coat.
Her jaw dropped. "Does Dick know?"
The look he gave her made her facepalm.
"What am I saying? Of course, Dick knows."
"Delia, I really do have to go," he reminded her. He stopped for a moment. "Please don't mention this to anyone."
"Mum's the word," she promised as he rushed out.
It had been over a week since you had spent any real time with your boyfriend, and you were growing more nervous and self-conscious by the day. There were thoughts that you couldn't help but entertain, even against your better judgement. As much as you wanted to push these thoughts away, they gnawed at the pit of your stomach at any given moment.
But out of the blue, Lew called.
"I know you don't work today—I called and checked—so I'll be over in half an hour to come get you. I figured I still owe you that dinner and walk."
As happy as you were to accept, your anxiety grew as you got yourself ready. You shed a few stray tears but primarily held yourself together. Your thoughts persisted as you heard the knock at the door.
“How’s my best girl?”
You offered him a tight smile. “You mind stepping in a minute? I’m not quite ready to go.”
He followed you back into the living room of your small apartment.
Trying not to choke on your words, you finally managed to spit it out. "Why have you been avoiding me?" You feared the answer, and the look on his face didn't ease your anxiety.
"Avoiding you? Have I been..." His voice trailed off as he noticed the hurt you were trying to conceal. He closed his eyes, releasing a breath. "I'm so sorry."
"I want you to be honest with me, Lewis." Your expression hardened at the sound of what you thought was a confession. "Are you seeing someone else?"
He blinked incredulously at you before sputtering out, "What? You're joking right?" He wanted to laugh, but he knew it wasn't the time. Instead he pulled you into his chest, tucking your head under his chin. "In retrospect, I see how you could have thought that, but I swear that's not it."
You pried free from his embrace, still not entirely convinced. "Then why the secrecy? Why the phone calls and late nights and cancelled plans?"
"There goes my surprise," he mumbled. He sighed before lightly sitting on the edge of the couch, beckoning you to join him. When you did, he looked pleadingly into your eyes. "I was... dammit. I was so nervous about asking you, and I guess subconsciously I avoided you to keep from doing it too early."
"Doing what?" It came out harsher than you had intended, but your patience was wearing thin. "What were you going to ask me?" The vaguest idea of what it could be formed in the back of your mind, but your skepticism was refusing to let it grow.
"I wanted to propose," he admitted gently. "I had the perfect spot picked out. Dick helped me practice the speech I was going to give leading up to it down pat. I've had the ring for... a while. But every chance I had to move in the right direction, I got scared."
That little inkling that had formed was yelling "Told you so!" And you felt your heart melt immediately. "You were going to propose to me?"
He nodded, suddenly looking more nervous than you'd ever seen him. "Would you say yes?"
You raised your eyebrows. "Are you asking?"
He gave you a sideways glance before moving from his place on the coach to bended knee in front of you. "Y/N, will you marry me?"
"Absolutely," you practically gushed. Even expecting it, your heart raced at the sound of the words. You flung your arms around him, pulling him close. “I’m so sorry for-“
“Shhh...” he coaxed, rubbing your back. “Don’t apologize, baby. Let this be a happy moment.” He loosened himself from your embrace to look at you. “I just want you to be happy.”
“If I get to be with you for the rest of my life, then I’ll be happier than I’ve ever been.”
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daydreaming-jessi · 4 years
fave headcanon for each character??
YE!!! I have a good few for each different version of Beetlejuice, haha, but I’ll just go crazy about the musical for now. I’m about to go crazy I’m so sorry
So I actually really love this idea that Charles used to be a theatre kid. He just has big theatre kid energy, you know? So dramatic, such a baratone voice. But he took up the more lucrative real estate job when he and Emily got married because he wanted to be have stable income for his new family. He loved to play pretend with Lydia when she was little, really let his inner actor out in their games. There are a few home videos Emily took of them that he’d rather no one else saw, huehue
I like to think Barbara grew up on a farm, doing hard work and getting real strong and all of her hobbies involve getting hands on with stuff still, like pottery and gardening. (You can’t take the farm out of the farm girl) she’s super buff and can carry just about anyone, which surprises a lot of people. She also knows a lot about taking care of plants and animals from it.
I think Adam didn’t grow up with a dad. He didn’t even know who his dad was. It was just him and his mom his whole life and he grew up insecure about it. He doesn’t like to talk about it, all the kids he knew growing up would make fun of him for it. It’s also part of why he’s so scared of being a dad himself. But helping raise Lydia quenches that fear real fast.
Delia used to be grunge and knows how to play bass. Somewhere she has a hidden album of photos from the time she joined a grunge band as backup vocals as well as bass, and she doesn’t want anyone to see because she’s been made to feel embarrassed of it by her old ex-friends. One day Lydia found the photos and begged Delia to teach her how to play. This was also the time Delia realized she was pansexual when she developed a crush on the female drummer.
Lydia now has a fear of the people she loves getting sick. (Same with Charles actually haha) Watching her mom get so sick left Lydia reeling and she never wants to see someone she loves get that way ever again. If Charles, or Delia, or heck even Beej ever get ill, she gets uncharacteristically worried, and watches them like a hawk and makes sure they don’t push themselves. She is also little lesbian, but wonders occasionally if she might be aromantic.
Beej is never in danger of getting eaten by sandworms. One of the few perks of his status as a born dead is that he smells different to sandworms, so they don’t see him as prey like they do ghosts. Because of that he actually is able to hang out with them a lot and is pretty fond of the beasties. Sandy is the first Sandworm he’s ever ridden though, and he likes her a lot, she’s the nicest Sandworm he’s ever met.
Big Sandy acts like a protective mama Sandworm but she is not actually a mom. She does have a bunch of nieces and nephews that she adores, one especially feisty niece called Lil Sally who is smol for a Sandworm but super ready to kick ass and eat ghosts ;3 But Sandy doesn’t have any biological kids. She has however adopted Beej and the Maitlands and the Deetz
Skye the Girl Scout has the biggest puppy crush on Lydia. Lydia takes Skye as her apprentice, like Beej took Lydia as his, and she and Skye can raise absolute hell should they ever decide to. Lydia knows Skye has a crush on her, and it’s cute, but Lydia sees the Girl Scout as a little sister. She’ll definitely chaperone any date Skye has though, the queers gotta stick together, you know?
Miss Argentina and Toaster Lady are wives, and you can’t change my mind. Ever.
Otho disappeared during the events of the musical, and no one knows what happened to him. Did he actually die?? Did he just get sent somewhere else and he hasn’t contacted them again? Beetlejuice never says what the truth is, and at this point, people are too scared to ask.
Maxie Dean fired Charles after the disaster dinner. He died of unknown circumstances a few months later. Maxine Dean mysteriously disappeared before police could question her about it.
I’ll stop here but y’all can keep asking me shit haha. Hell send in your own headcanons! I’d love to hear it 🖤
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musashi · 3 years
Excuse me if some have been asked before and/or are repetitive and feel free to not answer some but anyhow..
What's your favorite kin memory with your loftwing?
Do you selfship with your kintype, an oc/si or with simply your irl self (like kin separated in that regard)?
In regards to the previous one kinda how do view some relationships with your kintypes like if you feel uncomfortable with one character do you avoid the ship with those and vice-versa?
Do you have memories with delia?
What are some of the memories of your kintypes that are the /most/ different from the show/game?
What are some of the posts/vines/etc that you like to quote the most? Or are the most burned in your mind?
How was the whole wing ceremony? And also how were the classes? How were the other students? What things did you do the most with zelda and/or groose?
How is cheeseburger? He radiates happiness and comfort please give him a head kiss from me if he likes those
thank you!!!
What's your favorite kin memory with your loftwing?
haha i never know how to answer “favourite memory” questions cause i don’t think i can ever pick favourites when it comes to anything i’ve experienced.
mmm... meeting him was definitely up there, but i feel like my fave memories with him are just finding some nowhere island and taking a nap in the sun.
Do you selfship with your kintype, an oc/si or with simply your irl self (like kin separated in that regard)?
i can’t really get into self-shipping longterm or in depth because the kin aspect really does just overtake it for me fghdghf. if i try to picture myself, i always just picture my kintype, usually because my kintype/my f/o is usually my OTP in any given series. i only fall for people i already loved ^^; 
In regards to the previous one kinda how do view some relationships with your kintypes like if you feel uncomfortable with one character do you avoid the ship with those and vice-versa?
not really, unless they’re skeevy ships to begin with. part of being kin for me is believing in the multiverse so i’m just like yeah, a universe exists for me to date everyone xD
Do you have memories with delia?
tons :’3 i lived in her restaurant! she was my super cool boss who i absolutely did not have a crush on. 
i was very much married to james, but there was an understanding that i would be a little in love with delia for the rest of my life. she was one of my best friends.
What are some of the memories of your kintypes that are the /most/ different from the show/game?
i’m always pretty canon compliant ngl fdgfdghfd
What are some of the posts/vines/etc that you like to quote the most? Or are the most burned in your mind?
it changes on any given week but i do have an all time fav tag for shit i cant stop saying dghgdj
How was the whole wing ceremony? And also how were the classes? How were the other students? What things did you do the most with zelda and/or groose?
oh this might be long i love talking about skyloft rip. am saving your first question for last.
how were the classes. well. i was asleep. i don’t remember a lot. they were basic stuff you’d expect, language and math and sciences and all the Typical Shit. but then also flying and swordsmanship, which i was Good At. i took an archery class one year but zelda was always better than me lol. skyloftian sign language was required because it was the best way to communicate on birdback but i was mostly mute so my mom taught me it when i was like, 7 and i showed up there and owlan was like “Link what are you doing here” and i just shrugged and signed “easy a” and fell asleep. i am... a good student. 
my relationship with my classmates was that i was just... kind of there? i was well-liked because i have always had this weird charisma, but it was like this. quiet charisma. i didn’t have a lot of close friends, but everyone definitely would respond to my name with some variation of ‘ohhh, LINK! that guy’s cool haha’ my reputation was mostly being zelda’s arm decoration but not her actual boyfriend. i don’t think anyone could actually tell you anything about me besides that i was link with the red bird, and i was quiet and tired and zelda liked me way too much. 
my junior year is when i really became close with all of them, when zelda and i started doing that thing where we tried dating a bunch of people just to date but it didn’t work out because we were in love with each other lol. her mingling with the others meant i mingled too because i couldn’t spend 5 mins away from her. fledge and pipit and i got pretty close, zelda and karane were basically sisters. the thing i always joke abt is the fact that i dated kina, which is hysterical to me to this day. peatrice was always There but acting like she didn’t want to be there. i need you to picture peatrice while we’re all swimming but she’s just, like, on the shore tanning while the remlits bother her. 
that was this summer of just, like, doing idiot teenage boy stuff. getting way too drunk in our rooms at night over break. sneaking onto the roof of the academy to stargaze. getting caught cause cawlin drunkenly tried to fight a chuchu w his fists. you know. normal kid stuff. i also think the others were maybe trying to include me more cause it was the year i lost my parents but i mean it worked, i was a lot happier with people around even if i didnt mind all those years it was just me and zelda.
most of mine and zelda’s friendship was just doing what we’d do alone but together. when we were younger we would explore the more adventurous areas of skyloft and play pretend, a lot of days we’d stay in and read shoulder-to-shoulder. i didn’t like talking but i loved reading, if that makes any sense. we’d take turns reading to each other. as the years progressed we’d go flying together, we’d study together, we’d fall asleep in each other’s rooms and sneak into them when we were frustrated or lonely or just needed to not be alone. i don’t really know, what DIDN’T we do together?? we shared everything ;_; <3
my earliest memories of groose where i wasn’t like “what is this guys deal. why is he so mad.” were. ok so. groose and i should have been friends sooner because he’s super into woodworking and i whittle stupid little sculptures right. ok. except, we live in the sky, and i don’t know if you noticed this, but trees....... well. there are not a lot in the sky. wood is a very scarce resource, and we need it, for like. houses and things. so jakamar gets all of the wood in skyloft because it’s his birthright or whatever, except groose and i find out about this, and we show up at his house twice a week begging for woodscraps, and he slips us some Illegal Fir(tm) beneath the table and as soon as we leave the premises groose tries to kick my ass and take my share. and this happens forever.
i think groose saw me as like, this sworn enemy of his but i was mostly very confused just kind of sitting there like huh. where am i. wait whats he talking about? and then i’d walk away. when i was a kid he was scarier but once we got older he kinda stopped throwing punches, all bark no bite. 
and then we went to the surface and he moved into my house. not even in a polyam way and like at one point he had a wife and was still living with us. i forgot to mention he built the house also. he built our house and would just like, wake us up every morning with the best fucking eggs i’ve ever eaten in my life. groose was just in mine and zelda’s marriage. everyone was fine with this. 
i dont actually remember a lot of what we did after getting to the surface. just that his cooking was amazing and he gave the best hugs and he could pick zelda and i both up and ferry us around on his arms like we were little songbirds. oh and he was always the one who picked me up and carried me to bed when i’d fall asleep at fi’s dais talking to her. i fell asleep there a lot. 
ok. breathes in. 
my wing ceremony is probably my fondest memory ever? probably. the race itself felt like aepon was literally just DRAGGING me thru the clouds its such a blur. groose kept trying to body me but he’s lowkey scared shitless of my bird it did not work. i just remember being like. no time to think time to go time to go time to go OH i won
the ceremony itself felt... like... dreamy? like something from a fairytale, i don’t know. i don’t know how much of it is coloured by the retrospective of what it called to action and foreshadowed. zelda and i had been growing so much closer in the weeks leading up to it, and i don’t know, like, when i fell for her if it was sometime then or the day i met her when i was 6. but at some point everything just kinda got tilted on its side around her and every second i spent with her made me feel like my head was stuffed full of cotton candy. in a fun way.
on skyloft, wing ceremonies have a pretty romantic connotation. not always, but a lot of the girls dream about performing it with the “strongest” knight in their class, and a lot of the knights feel the same. there’s a lot in the history books about hylia’s feelings for her chosen, a lot of speculation about how she stayed close to humanity because she learned to love from him. so to stand in place of the two of them, to a lot of people, carries the same note as standing in the place of two starcrossed lovers, breaching the gap.
zelda was a hopeless romantic, and she told me later she had this whole plan--to wake me up early, to run drills with me until i was a puddle, to perform the ceremony with me, and to use her 5 minutes alone with me to solidify us as something more than best friends. she had this whole fucking move planned where she was going to drape the sailcloth around my shoulders and pull me in for a kiss, and instead she got wicked nervous and screamed half her sentences and pushed me off the statue. this, predictably, only made me more in love with her. i had exactly 0 plans to ever tell her how i felt, because something something childhood friends to lovers, something something mutual pining, something something what if it ruins a good thing something something, valiant hero of courage who.
when we were flying after it, she said she’d remember that day for the rest of her life, and i remember thinking, yeah, that’s what i’m feeling. i’m living, right now, through a precious memory, something i’ll never forget. and everything that happened after that was, uh, the worst time of my life, but somehow it doesn’t. colour the memory a different shade. i still just think, like, this is this last beautiful moment i am having with this girl i love more than anything in the world before we stop just being kids living our normal lives. she is the goddess reborn and i am her chosen hero who’s heart has defied death itself, but right now we are teenagers who don’t know that and are playing pretend as them, as we always have. the joy of that--of pretending to be who we are, the bliss in that ignorance, our beautiful last hurrah. something about it sticks with me. 
How is cheeseburger? He radiates happiness and comfort please give him a head kiss from me if he likes those
DOESN’T HE??? i will. i came home and he was loafing and i started crying because he looked so sleepy.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Not sure if this was mentioned but how did everyone react to Ash being pregnant? Also how was the actual pregnancy itself? Did he have typical cravings, mood swings & all that jazz?
Did I info dumped? Hells yes. Do I really care? No because it’s about my fan kids and their family dammit!
There was a lot of... mixed reactions. Generally the more common one was joy and happiness! Most of Ash’s friends were excited when he gave them the news and swarmed both him and Raihan any chance they can get. The girls are the first children to be born in their large group surprisingly.
Celest, Raihan’s mother, didn’t really congratulate her son and Ash. More just... acknowledged? I would say. She was much more interested in Raihans every changing progress of being hammerlocks gym leader. Though Raihan and Ash are surprised when she still wants to keep tabs on Ash’s pregnancy. They both chalk it up to having to watch her daughters go through multiple miscarriages and her one grandchild born severely early. They take what warmth they can get and Ash is usually the one explaining things since Raihan gets Squeamish in hospital rooms and prefers to stay outside in the waiting room, that doesn’t stop him from constantly cupping Ash’s belly or laying kisses to it before they both go to sleep. She’s a lot more involved in the triplets pregnancy. Helping out a lot more and keeping in close contact with Ash to see if he needs anything.
Raihans two sisters, Minx and Venix who were twins as well, were down right jealous of Raihan. They each had more then one pregnancy lost and only Minx was able to have a baby boy who is just a few months old and still in the NICU because he was born at 7 and a half months old. Everyone is just surprised that he’s alive. When they found out that Ash is having twins they despised Ash even more. They wanted the life Ash was currently living. Sweet adoring husband, twins on the way, a steady career, a large group of friends who don’t try and leech from Ash’s bank account. Ash had it all in their eyes.
Though this doesn’t stop Ash from trying to bring the twins into anything baby related. Raihan had explained after the initial sudden backlash from the twins. it was usually kept in the dark because his family is well known and very rich, this could potentially ruin both of the girls reputation if people found out. Especially since they were basically infertile at this point in life. Ash had started asking simple things; what color would look good in this room? I like this theme but this one is also pretty nice? would you like to help pick out some books? Raihan once again had to pull him aside and explain that what he’s doing is sweet, and even Celest acknowledges Ash’s actual goal, but it’s hurting the twins because they feel like this is some backhanded way of Ash gloating.
Ash denied venomously, which Raihan quickly dispelled, that he would never do such a harmful thing. He just wanted to see if the twins wanted to be apart at all. Since Minx is still a mom to a few month old baby and she hasn’t even set up her nursery still. Raihan agrees again that what Ash is doing is good in thought but not in practice. He’s still peeved but he leave’s he girls alone and goes so far to apologize through Raihan in fear of mixing the pot even more.
Forest, Raihans older twin, is much more involved in the pregnancy. Usually helping Raihan move furniture around and help set up the big nursery. He isn’t very warm, anyone but Raihan in his family isn’t warm, but again Forest is much more involved. Especially since he has his own twin’s, a daughter and a son, and he and Raihan jokes that twins just seemingly run in the family. He brings the little ones around for Ash to “get a feel” for kids, Ash snickered because their about the same age Max and Bonnie were, but smiled at the kind gesture. Even though Raihan jabbed at him that he was just looking for free babysitting while he’s here.
Rose doesn’t even know Ash is pregnant. Ignoring Raihans calls that are not on chairmen tk gym leader level and any card he gets goes straight to the mail without him even knowing. Know Oleana on the other hand knows and since she has to keep Rose’s best interest, and knowing that the older twins and Celest don’t really care for Ash, she decides that it’s best to sabotage the pregnancy. Rose finds out after getting an angry call from Venix laminated that Raihan, her younger brother, has a successful marriage and now two new born twin girls before she did. It takes Rose into complete shock before he immediately leaves his desk and books it to Hammerlocke... where he’s barred from entering and or seeing the couple and their babies. 
Rose is furious and calls up Celest to demand what the hell is going on. It isn’t until then what he learned what Oleana has been trying to do and how Raihan had tried to get Rose involved but ultimately Rose never answered Raihan which was enough for Raihan to go very low contact unless it’s for league reasons. Rose is silenced and dejected. He really Had done all those things, it’s only right thag Raihan doesn’t even want him to see the babies. After getting back to his office in the same day, and cutting down Oleana’s pay by a good chunk, he keeps to the sidelines.
It isn’t until Ash is pregnant with the triplets does he personally visits Rose in the office to ask if Rose is still willing to be in their little families life. They still need their grandpa after all. Rose immediately jumps at the chance and soon becomes the biggest help besides Delia again. Making sure that Raihans workload is cut slacked and even asking a few gym leaders closer to him to be a little stronger so Raihan doesn’t have to face to many challengers since it’s mid season and will be near the end when the triplets are born.
Delia is very involved with Ash. Coming so far to rent a month in a AirBnb just so Ash can stay off his feet and Raihan isn’t to stressed between Ash and his gym. Celest actually takes time from being a very important CEO of her company and to come help Delia help with Ash. Though she’s more into lecturing and talking with Ash then actually doing stuff around the house.
Red calls daily, Green and Blue usually heard in the background with their joint kids Tracey and Mackenzie, at least twice a week. It’s short calls, just a check up on how he’s feeling and if he’s craving anything Red can Champion Express Mail over from Kanto to him.
Silver usually just texts, he loves his brothers but they can be talkative in their own way, but he constantly assures Ash that the moment they get the notice that he’s in labor almost everyone is flying out to Galar. Gold agrees through actual call’s with Ritchie by his side, his new top elite four, and that they already have shit ready and packed.
Giovanni is envolved but in the distance. He originally planned on pacing up the process of taking over the world but half of his spies, gown to spy on Ash and Raihan, had come back nearly mauled. Soon almost all of his grunts and even higher up goons were being dragged into HQ’s around the world, bloody and beatened. It took some time to figure out that it was Ash’s Pokémon doing most of the damage, in Galar and Kanto, while the rest were from legendaries. The only team that can get on by is Jessie, James, and Meowth. Though they seem to immediately get the memo to stay at a distance from Ash at all times, never to enter personal property, and to keep all scheming on the down low and out of rang where Ash can’t be stubborn and get up to go help. So Gio has to be content to just sit and quietly wait as he watches Ash give birth to his second set of grandkids. He gets to watch Delia when she comes around so that’s nice, Gio actually misses her dearly.
The pregnancy itself gave them a few scares. The biggest being that Ash is actually pregnant. which takes a lot of arguments about Ash having to be more careful and even forcing them a month apart without talking, this is and still is their biggest argument yet in their relationship. The second biggest scare was Oleana actively trying to spike Ash’s nonalcoholic drinks with alcohol, certain drugs, and other means they haven’t found the answer to.
Since Ash is technically the physical link between Pokémon and humans, what every thinks and also how he has all these abilities, certain human drugs make his body shut down and reject anything. Putting him in life threatening condition immediately to the point where the twins are unable to be saved.
Ash wasn’t expecting how big his stomach would grow. He originally thought that the baby, yes one baby at the time, would take his size. Unlucky in that department both girls have taken near Raihans size, though Cadenza is closer to Ash’s height still, and that also means big babies and equally streatched stomachs. There was a lot of sleepless nights and crying sessions. Ash was abnormally lazy and tired for himself, though expected, and the only cravings he’s gotten was curly fries and vanilla and chocolate ice cream.
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laurawritesandgames · 4 years
I can’t draw, but I can do this
For @upperstories’s birthday. Yes, it’s a song-fic. Yes, it’s about CATS. Am I ashamed? Kinda sorta.
“Halfway through this movie, and I still don’t know what a Jellicle cat is,” Adam grumbled.
Barbara cuddled in closer to her husband. Adam had one arm around her shoulders and one arm around Beetlejuice’s shoulders. The Deetzes were at work and school, so it was just the three undead members of the Deetz-Maitland household watching the movie. “Just listen to the music, sweetie. The lyrics are based off of children’s poems. The words don’t matter.”
“Guys, do you wanna–” Beetlejuice began.
“We do not want to make love as the terrifying cat-humans from 2019′s CATS, Beetlejuice,” Barbara said.
Damnit, speaking for Adam again…. They’d talked about this in their latest couple’s counselling session with Delia. She mouthed ‘Sorry’ to her husband, who smiled and made a small, dismissive gesture with his hand. Barbara was completely right about Adam’s lack of interest in…furries? is that what the cat-people in this movie were?…but that didn’t mean she should speak for him as much as she did.
It was a bad habit she’d picked up since she and Adam started dating Beetlejuice. A little way to exert control now that their relationship had more chaos in it. Polyamory was new to the Maitlands; this was probably the first of many issues that would come up.
In a way, the adjustments they needed to make were a good thing. That meant she and Adam were changing and growing. And wasn’t growth the point of life? Or life after death, as the case may be.
Beetlejuice scowled at her, but only briefly; he’d barely taken his gaze off the TV screen since they’d started CATS. “Maybe I wasn’t gonna say ‘let’s bang as sexy cat-people.’” He paused. “Eh, even I didn’t believe that. You guys know me too well.”
“And we’d like to get to know you better,” Adam said. “When did you first get interested in CATS?”
He glared. “What?! I told you–everyone kept talking up how scary the movie was, so I wanted to see it! That’s all! And everyone was lying, by the way. I haven’t been scared once.”
“It’s more confusing than scary,” Adam said. “Why do some of the cats wear clothes? How does Rebel Wilson Cat take off her fur–”
“Jennyanydots,” Beetlejuice snapped. His eyes widened and he cleared his throat. “Or whatever.”
Barbara and Adam shared a look. To push or not to push? Sometimes an innocent question about the demon’s backstory meant hours of consoling him after triggering a memory of his mother. Barbara wasn’t sure she was up for that today, so she tried to keep things open-ended.
“Sorry if we’re making fun of something you like. I’m sure the stage show is lots of fun.” People in leotards and makeup had to be better than this. Jason Derulo Cat had been about to suck Victoria’s toes. Ugh!
“Never saw it,” Beetlejuice said. “But the old lady you bought this dump from loved the Webberverse. She played his CDs all the time. JC Superstar, Phantom, Evita, Starlight Express….” He sounded wistful until he caught himself. “Y'know, all that ‘80s schlock. Drove me batshit. If I’d had my powers, I could’ve made every musical she ever played turn into Satanic chanting or screams.” He grinned, teeth turning pointed and eyes gleaming green. “That woulda been fun.”
All Barbara could think of was the demon floating behind an old lady as she went about her day, cursing her out while secretly getting swept up in the music. Lloyd Webber’s songs were catchy as heck.
“All Andrew Lloyd Webber all the time must have been difficult,” Adam said. Her husband usually had good Beetle-senses, as Barbara called them, so she didn’t add anything, and the conversation died down, except when Beetlejuice complained about “how they no-homo’d Mr. Mistoffelees and Rum Tum Tugger.”
It was Jennifer Hudson singing “Memory” that set the demon off. He started sniffling, his entire body and suit turning dark blue. Barbara, who was also sniffling–Jennifer Hudson had made this entire movie worth it–reached across Adam and held Beetlejuice’s hand. Beetlejuice rested his head on Adam’s shoulder, while Adam gently stroked his blue hair.
“Tell Lydia about this, and I’ll send you back to the Netherworld when you least expect it,” Beetlejuice hissed gloopily, before blowing into his tie like it was a handkerchief. (Given the greenish stains on his tie, it seemed like he used his tie for that a lot.)
“Your secret is safe with us, beetle,” Adam said. They were still working on pet names.
Beetlejuice wiped at his eyes. “Ugh. Worst part is, I can never dump you guys now. You know too much about me. You can ruin my rep way too easy!”
He’d mentioned leaving them before in a jokey way, and they’d let him joke about it, knowing that was a way he coped with things. But now the pain behind the joke made her heart ache.
Touch me, it’s so easy to leave me, all alone with my memories of my days in the sun.
“We’d never do that,” she assured him. “Not that I want you to leave us, of course. But you should stay with us because you want to, not because of what might happen after.”
Beetlejuice looked surprised, some of the blue draining from him. “Babs, baby, I was just bullshitting. I’m…Jesus, you know.” He squirmed, colours roiling between blue and purple, before he finally muttered, “In it.”
Barbara understood his reluctance to say it. Being vulnerable enough to want the Maitlands was hard for Beetlejuice. They were a married couple who loved each other. They’d gotten along fine before him. He probably assumed they could probably get along fine without him. But Barbara was finding it harder and harder to imagine her and Adam’s future without Beetlejuice in it.
Adam gave a pleased hum and kissed Beetlejuice’s hair. 
Barbara squeezed his hand. “I’m very glad to hear that, BJ. It’s good to hear that your ‘Love Never Dies.’”
The final hint of blue disappeared from Beetlejuice as he stared flatly at her. “Keep those bad puns up and it will.”
Adam flinched. “Oh, God, Dame Judi Dench Cat is staring at the camera. Why is she staring at the camera?!”
Barbara didn’t have any answers. All she could do was kiss her husband’s cheek.
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meangirlsx · 5 years
Delia Appreciation Post
I originally posted this as a reblog of an ask to the kind soul @emily-deetz who encouraged me to make it its own post so here it is.
I think we as a fandom really do love Delia but she deserves so much love and appreciation and here are my thoughts/reasons:
In one of the first interactions we see between Lydia and Delia, Delia calls Lydia weird and scary. This doesn’t seem to faze Lydia, especially considering we know at the time she’s trying to be weird and scary, so arguably, it could be taken as actually sort of matching Lydia’s sense of humor.
Or, at the very least, it’s showing us Delia cares about interacting with Lydia and it’s the starting place to show her growth by the end of the show.
Not much later, we hear Delia say to Charles, “I don’t see race.” The line is played for laughs because we as an audience know that’s not the right response to what Charles is saying (that Maxie Dean could be his white whale) and, in addition, we’ve all heard the reasoning for why not seeing race isn’t a thing and doesn’t solve anything.
I think, though, the fact that Delia says that tells us that, while she’s not always the brightest, she really is always positive and trying to be good, compassionate, and open.
In one of the next interactions we see between Lydia and Delia (possibly the next one, I can’t remember), Lydia takes a picture of Delia and sort of sarcastically says she wants something to remember her by when she’s gone.
Delia immediately responds in a very kind, gentle tone that she’s not going anywhere, and she doesn’t say it like she thinks Lydia is messing with her or challenging her or anything like that. She says it like she doesn’t want Lydia to worry.
Delia was hired to be Lydia’s life coach to help with the loss of her mom, and Delia and Charles have been together for a bit at this point, so I figure it may have already crossed Delia’s mind at least once to consider the concept of Lydia being her stepdaughter.
I can’t help but wonder if, in that moment, Delia thinks Lydia is saying she thinks Delia is going to leave just like her mom (and Delia might even think Lydia is starting to see her as a maternal figure but that could be a stretch) and Delia wants to make it clear to Lydia that she’s not going to lose her, too.
Delia tells Lydia she knows she’s paid to care about her but she wants them to be real friends, and she really seems to mean it and be excited about it.
Then she tries to dab, which is of course again played for laughs, but she probably sees kids around Lydia’s age doing that and she thinks it will make her relatable and cool and maybe give her more appeal as a possible friend for Lydia.
Delia tells Lydia she bought her a dress for Charles’s dinner party and maybe she just did it because she was trying to help Charles and knew Lydia wouldn’t have a dress that he thought was good for the dinner, so maybe this is a stretch, but I think it’s also possible she figured Lydia wouldn’t want to go shopping so she went and got the dress so Lydia wouldn’t have to go shopping.
I also think it’s worth noting that the dress fits, so Delia knows Lydia’s size.
We also see later when Lydia does wear the dress that she’s also wearing white tights and light-colored shoes to match, which we don’t see or hear Delia mention, so maybe Lydia already had them, but it’s also possible Delia got them to go with the dress and had to know those sizes, too.
Delia says that the dress says, “I’m warm, I’m friendly, and I think about death only a normal amount,” and the phrasing of that feels very in tune with Millennial and Get Z speech patterns and senses of humor, so even though it could be taken like it’s Delia sort of judging Lydia for being so focused on death, I think it could also be her actually sort of understanding Lydia at least a little bit.
Delia then offers to help Lydia clear out the attic and build a dark room for her photography in it.
She’s paying attention to Lydia’s interests and offering major support for them, and what she’s offering is definitely not a small task. She’s committing.
While “No Reason” is funny, not always containing the best advice, and a little too personal at times, it’s really well-intentioned and full of different ways to try to think positively.
Delia, speaking as the universe, sings, “You’re on the right track, girl / I got your back, girl / I’m helping you grow” which shows us that she wants Lydia to feel like the universe is on her side even when it feels like the world is against her and things hurt and don’t make sense.
Also possibly a stretch, but while Delia is pretending to be a voice for the universe, I think it could also be taken as her herself, saying that Lydia is on the right track and she’s got her back along the way, because she had to get the thought for the universe to say it in the first place, and we have seen Delia seem to be committing and wanting to stick around for Lydia.
During the song, Delia does a dance from Fortnite which, again, she probably saw some kids around Lydia’s age doing and thought it would make her seem cool and relatable and less like some strange adult or her life coach, just not realizing that that’s not how adults trying to act like teenagers come across.
Our girl has actually been through a lot.
It’s all played quickly and as humor, but in this scene and in the proposal scene, we learn that
1) Delia lived in an apartment in Queens that probably didn’t have air conditioning because she says it was really hot, and the doors locked from the outside.
2) She was kicked out of a band when she felt like she was just starting to belong.
3) She was rejected as a disciple of Vishnu when, again, she felt like she was just starting to belong.
Furthermore on that point, wanting to be a disciple of Vishnu says a lot about her, because Vishnu is about good destroying evil, restoring Dharma, and relieving the burden of the earth.
Also in the proposal scene, Charles expresses concern that Lydia needs something more stable, and Delia says Lydia is stubborn but that she just needs more time. She’s not ready to give up on Lydia.
When Charles proposes, he specifically states that he would like Delia to sign a prenuptial agreement and, obviously, become his second wife.
Delia doesn’t even hesitate. She says “You bet your ass I will!” She doesn’t care that he wants her to sign a prenup or that she’ll be his second wife.
She doesn’t consider it a competition with his deceased wife or anything like that. She just loves him so much, and I think she loves Lydia too already, and she’s so ready to become part of the family.
Right before Charles’s Very Important Dinner, he asks Delia for an update on Lydia. Maybe he had kept track of her earlier in the day, but at least for the last while, he’s left it up to Delia.
So, maybe Charles knew from checking in on Lydia previously, or from Delia if she was the one who checked in before, but Delia knows that Lydia is locked in her room and says “still” like she knows she’s been there for a long time.
Delia also tells Charles that Lydia is still locked in her room with a voice that doesn’t sound judgmental or harsh but rather concerned.
I will say, this could also simply be because Delia appears to be coming downstairs after finishing getting ready and it would have been convenient for her to check on Lydia while she was up there and that Charles could have been checking on her and was just hoping that maybe, now that the dinner is approaching, that Lydia is getting ready.
When Lydia suggests that Delia give a toast, Delia thanks her and calls her “future stepdaughter” and holds up her engagement ring, which is clearly showing off a bit, but I think she’s also genuinely excited to know that Lydia will be her stepdaughter and that she’s marrying Charles.
During her toast, Delia calls Charles an “amazing, amazing man” and at some performances, she begins to cry as she says it. She has so much love in her heart and she’s so happy.
So much of what we see of Delia has her quoting her guru, Otho.
She clearly really respects and kind of idolizes him. Before she met Charles and became like part of the Deetz family, Otho was probably the first time she felt like she belonged somewhere and wasn’t pushed away.
She repeats his quotes frequently, seeming to figure that they’re catchy and that if they worked for her, maybe they can work for other people, too.
She trusts Otho so much that when she and Charles go to try to rescue Lydia from Beetlejuice, she cancels the exorcist and calls Otho instead. She wants Lydia back and she believes Otho can do that.
On a side note of that, this woman is a true ride or die.
She doesn’t even get what’s going on. All she knows, or at least thinks she knows, is that their new house is super haunted, the ghost scared the living shit out of everyone, the ghost is clearly violent and pretty merciless, and the ghost took Lydia.
But Delia is having none of it. She believes this ghost took Lydia and Delia is ready to fight to get her back.
When Otho reveals on Beetlejuice’s spinning wheel of death that he’s not at all who he says he is, Delia calls for Beej to spin the wheel.
Obviously that’s a pretty harsh reaction, and is again played for laughs, but can show us how hurt and betrayed she feels by someone she had put so much trust and faith in.
When Juno tries to threaten Lydia after she thinks she’s gotten rid of Beej, of course everyone starts to surround Lydia and announce that Juno’s gonna have to go through them first.
Interestingly, though, and maybe it’s for staging purposes because Lydia is shorter than the other characters and they don’t want to block her, everyone gathers behind her.
Except for Delia. Delia firmly announces that she doesn’t understand anything that’s been going on but she’s a part of it, and she moves in front of Lydia, sort of on the side but closer to the side Juno is on (which I will say, again, could be for staging purposes so no one is upstaging Lydia).
Not only does she place herself in front of Lydia, (I think) she’s the only one to get in a fighting stance. She crouches and raises her arms like she’s ready to fight to protect Lydia.
Basically Delia is a ride or die who would do anything for these people she’s made her home and I think she deserves so much love
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The Angel Among Us (Cordelia X reader) Part 2
(This chapter has been rewritten/ edited since original post)
General Notice: I’m trying to get more works out during this time that is rough for all of us. That being said I am trying to keep it’s quality up.
This is technically a prequel to Fallen Angel (Work in progress), however it can be read as a stand alone series.
If your reading as a stand alone: A witch heads back to Miss Robichaux's 20 years after she left in hopes of being a teacher there. The only problem is she hasn’t aged a day.
If your from Fallen Angel: The event’s leading up to Y/N joining Michael and the Cooperative.
I’m trying something with this and I’m not sure how it’s going to work so any feedback will be appreciated whether through comments, or anon asks. I did something similar in my Gone and left your world series were it had ~~~ in it and it either jumped, went to a flashback or dream. I did that here and it’s for the past/dream. 
This was originally going to be three different small chapters but wanted to reduce the number of chapters and decided to explain stuff I couldn’t through the ‘present’ basically context and junk. 
as these parts are split up I can make a post where there all together and link it here if anyone wants. 
Also they are so many parallels from my other series and some weren’t intentional.
Warnings: Slight smut, nightmare, murder and all that good stuff. (Everything is tame)
Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4(will be added when done)
She gave you the job without a second thought, thrilled to have her friend back in her life. This time around, it was different. The way she interacted with you, there was more behind every touch, every word she said. You had danced around your feelings for her from the second you fell for her. You didn't know you were gay; you had never liked anyone before and haven't since. Maybe you weren't. Maybe it was just her. She was the only thing your heart desired. No one else seemed appealing. She was straight, she got married to a man and a vile man at that. No one liked him in Cordelia's close circle, but you were all nice for her sake. However, her mother was always vocal about how he detested the man. She wasn't the hugest fan of you either, but you had something worth wide in her eyes, power.
You weren't one to force your feelings upon people, you didn't want to burden her with the knowledge that her long-time best friend was in love with her. Knowing how she was back then; she would blame herself for you falling for her. You didn't want that. Keeping it a secret was better.
She asked you about your time away, but you were reluctant to tell. It was a blur, nothing notable ever happened or at least that's what you told her. "I spent most of your time at your flat." And some ramblings on about jobs so she didn't grow concerned.
You were offered a job here a few years back by her mother about the time Cordelia was blinded. You jumped at the opportunity but as you went to take the job, the balance of the world shifted. Something dark was living on our earth and growing with power. You tasked yourself with discovering it before it discovered your fellow witches or any other good on the planet.
Something told you that the answer to some of your woes would be found with the source of power. The self-appointment job was a failure and you found yourself at the place you ditched it for.
It had been a couple of weeks since you got hired. You sat cross-legged in Cordelia's room on the love seat marking some of the girls' work. Papers scattered on the ground and the couch you had been sleeping on. Cordelia had yet to give you a bedroom.
"Are you sure you're comfortable on the love seat? Wouldn't you prefer sleeping on the bed?" She would say. Her desire for you to join her on the bed masked in such a way that your tired brain couldn't register as her quietly begging for you to join her. In your head, she was still married. She had mentioned multiple times that her and her ex broke up but a month or two doesn't rewrite years in your mind.
You had finished your marking an hour ago and had moved onto Zoe's to ease her workload. She managed to get behind, having double the classes you had that day as well as having to plan her work next week. You thought it was a nice thing to do. While, you were trying to distract your brain. Stopping working forced you to think and that hadn't gone well for you in the past. Countless nights spent in denial, regretting what could have been if only you had spoken up. Stayed away from the school. Ignored your mother's letter. Those thoughts were less common now. Instead, your mind flooded with thoughts of what was wrong with your body. Why your growth had remained preserved at the ripe age of 18- if that.
You threw another log on the fire before heading back to the marking. You focused on the flames using your pyrokinesis to refuel the fire. You smiled at a successful job done. Another hour passed and you were struggling to keep your eyes open. Strong hands gripped your shoulders.
"You're still up Y/N/N?" You looked over your shoulder to face Cordelia. "It's nearly 3."
You checked your watch. She was right, you didn't notice the time pass.
"I'm marking-"
"Zoe's work. I know, she informed me." Cordelia gathered some of the work on the seat moving it to the floor.
"Don't put them near the unmarked ones," you call out as she does so. She moved them instantly away from the unmarked ones. Taking the seat next to you, she removed the paper and pen from your hands and set it with the other papers. "Delia?"
She shushed you, pulling you closer to her. The two of you stared at the fireplace, the crackling of fire was the only sound in the room. The students were long asleep as the two of you should have been. She shuffled even closer to you. She eased your head into her shoulder, her hand finding it's place in on your head, playing with your locks.
"I appreciate that you offered to help Zoe with her work, but you do need a break too-"
"I get breaks-"
"That don't involve studying magic?" Okay maybe not. She knew you too well. Magic was your life, what else do you need? "You barely get any proper sleep. You sleep on this uncomfortable chair which is too small for you to sleep on."
"It's fine-"
"No, it's not. You're sleeping on my bed tonight. No question."
"Where will you sleep?"
"On my bed."
"It's big enough for the two of us and it's not the first time we've shared a bed." You blushed thinking back on the few times you've shared a bed with her. Cordelia chuckled at your reaction. "You're too cute." You got redder. You begged her to stop but she kept going. She eventually ended it when you got too loud but not before she attacked you with tickles. You both were dying of laughter, you were surprised no one came to see what was going on. "Okay, bedtime." She patted your leg before rising from her spot. She laid a handout for you to take it. You yawned. "Come on captain sleepy."
"That was stupid."
"Shut up."
You yawned again, "A goodnight's sleep does sound nice and your bed is really soft."
Cordelia led you into her wardrobe, forcing you to rest on an ottoman while she retrieved pyjamas for you. She came back to you half asleep propped up against the wall. She chuckled not wanting to wake you up. She ended up shaking you awake lightly, handing you the a long sleeve shirt and pants. Without complaint, you changed into the clothes as she got herself ready for bed.
Once tucked comfortably into her bed, you wiggled about to get comfortable. She hopped in beside you, pulling you closer to her before she covered herself in her sheets. You stilled and cleared your mind for a peaceful slumber. As the night progressed you found yourself growing closer to the warm body beside you.
"Catch her! Stop Y/N!" People shouted as you ran through people's heaven's gate crashing and accidentally destroying them in the process. You jumped from room to room, hiding amongst people's belongings to lose the guards chasing you.
The group zoomed past. You sighed before stepping out of your hideaway. The air was musky, you got the sense you weren't home anymore. Your powers were unhinged, unable to control them was becoming more dangerous than ever. Accidentally transmuting into an unknown location was never good.
You've stepped into the devil's den.
You wandered, getting your bearings. It was all too new to you, how where you expected to follow along?
You stumbled into him, the man you were designed after.
You screamed, bolting upright in the bed. Your legs bend and move closer to your chest. The think sheets flopped off the top part of your body, pooling at your lap. Your upper torso and head drenched in a layer of sweat. Your hands flew to her head, covering your eyes from the monstrosity you saw in your dream.
The light on the bedside table closest to Cordelia switched on.
It wasn't the first time Cordelia had woken from someone having night terrors. In a school with a wide range of ages, it was more common than you'd think. The younger girls had them the most, as you would expect. Their minds were more active but even the older ones had them from time to time. Some of the girls were unfortunately exposed to trauma while growing up, being unaccepted for who they were as a witch. What she didn't expect was for the reaction to be so jarring. The sudden snap from unconsciousness to conscious was difficult for her body to handle. She needed a second to wrap her brain around the situation which was something she didn't want to do.
"Y/N, look at me."
You shook your head, beginning to rock back and forth. You mumbled out incoherently, describing the beast you saw. It was horrifying.
She asked if she could touch you when you didn't respond she slowly reached out until she made contact. You didn't flinch away (which she took as a good sign) nor did you move towards her touch. Ever so gently, she eased your hands away from your face, revealing your blotchy face and irritated eyes.
Your eyes flickered open, taking in the room around you. The face was gone. Feeling the weight of a hand on your shoulder, you turned Cordelia.
The door opened revealing three girls checking in on their headmistress and her roommate. They heard screams and wanted to make sure nothing bad happened.
"What happened?", "Is everything alright?" the girls asked.
"Nightmare. Can one of you head to the bathroom and run a hot bath?" Mallory sneaked past to fulfil the request. Delicately, Cordelia moved you closer to her. If there was any sign of apprehension, she would stop and resume once you were comfortable. "Shh, everything's okay. You are safe. Nothing's going to hurt you."
You sobbed, occasionally choking while trying to get a breath in.
"I-I s-saw evil," you stuttered out. "H-he greet-ed 'e w-ith o-open-"
What scared you the most was how you felt when gazing at evil itself. There was a void in your soul and bearing witness to the being began the healing process. The wound like while was tender but the pain that came along with it was gone.
"Shh. Take a moment to catch your breath."
"I-I was in hell-"
"It must have been terrifying but your back now, with us," Cordelia said. You knew wasn't trying to be condescending but you felt like she was.
Mallory notified Cordelia when the bath was finished. The supreme thanked the girl. You had calmed down significantly since then. Zoe and the other girl, information anyone who was awoken by your screams that you were okay, and it was safe to go back to bed.
The bathwater was warm against your skin, relieving you of the dirty feeling you can only get from being drenched in sweat. Cordelia remained by your side as you begged her to be though she was reluctant to leave herself.
The times were few and far between when you would freak out as you did tonight. At least in Cordelia's eyes, she rarely had you complain about any major problems or come to her for some level of consolement.
"It felt so... real."
"Dreams usually do."
"I guess I can't get a good sleep even on a good bed."
"So, you liked the bed?"
"I said I liked it before."
"Yeah, you did, didn't you? Would you consider moving to it permanently?"
"You want me to share a bed with you?" Cordelia nodded. You chuckled. "I don't know how you expect me to keep my hands off you- I mean-" Cordelia looked up at you grinning. "Wait, have you purposely not given me a room?"
"You know as well as I do, there are beds to spare."
"You're evil. You forced me to sleep on that couch."
"You chose to sleep there, darling."
"'Darling', what are an old married couple now?"
"Weren't we always?"
"What the fuck Cordelia?"
You, the 2.0, crafted in his likeness with the removal of his ill-intent. You knew what you were, they didn't bother hiding that. You knew him to be pure evil, corrupter of God's plan.
Free will, something you weren't allowed to have. We were all meant to be subservient to the Lord. He, the morning star, was the first to be cast out of heaven. He was defiant, not agreeing with god. All he would've had to do was simply said "I sinned, I submit, please forgive me", and the matter would've been resolved. But he was too arrogant, feeling too proud to bow down. He used his own logic and blamed God for misguiding him. Why would God give them knowledge if they weren't meant to use it?
Cordelia had been going on a lot of emergency meetings through your time at the school. Some appeared to be beneficial, like the time she first went and returned with two girls (Queenie and Madison) whom you were informed later on had died under her care. Unbeknown to you, you were replacing one of their jobs.
You heard about the boy's school from the woman who attended but remained in the dark about the specifics, being told it was council business and to "not worry you pretty little head," by Cordelia. You reckoned you had a right to know if it concerned the students or Cordelia's (as your unofficial girlfriend) wellbeing in any way but she denied that it did. You stupidly accepted her answer convinced that she would tell you when something goes awry.
You got on incredibly well with Queenie. You had some of the same favourite tv shows and she had many interesting stories to tell about her time trapped as a ghost in the Hotel Cortez. You happened to be a supernatural nut which explained your love for everything magical. You may have bombarded her with way too many questions about what it was like to be a ghost, people had to pull you away in order for you to leave her alone. She filled you in on her side of attending the school, adding in all the juicy gossip that Zoe and Cordelia left out.
Madison was hesitant to interact with you. You were the young hip teacher that happened to join after she died. You mean she didn't have to be stuck with Cordelia holding them back the whole time? You hadn't interacted with her until the fifth night after your initial introduction. She was in the kitchen raiding the liquor cabinet.
"I wouldn't drink that one if I were you. Cordelia will have your head if you open that one."
"Like I care," she said breaking open the bottle of expensive white wine.
"At least pour me a glass if you aren't going to listen to my warning."
She groaned, pulling out two wine glasses and pouring you both a lot. The two of you talked about everything and nothing. You'd finished the bottle by the time you'd retire for the night. You made sure she made it to bed safely before retiring for the night. You were all giddy by the time you stumbled into Cordelia's room. The woman was bundled up under the blankets with a book in her hand. She took one look at you and shook her head, "Madison?"
"Madison," you confirmed, flopping onto the bed giving Cordelia little time for her to move her legs out of the way. "She drank your wine."
"All of it?"
"I had some too."
"I noticed."
"Told her I'd pay you back for it." You scrambled up, crawling on top of her. "I never told her how," you purred, leaning down and taking Cordelia's lips for yourself. Your tongue tasted of the wine. You took no time building into the passion of the kiss. She moaned, re-adjusting how she rested beneath you. You pulled away, murmuring "Would you like that?"
"Yes," she moaned.
You made your way down her body, removing any fabric that got in your path. You paused, seeing the wound on her abdomen. The skin surrounding it was irritated and bruised. What you assumed was a scab concaved into her. Cordelia whined asking why you had stopped. In need for more she forgot about the mark of her fading on her body. She'd hidden it well from you this far, always having that area dressed.
You shook off all the questions you wanted to ask her, instead giving her what she is owed. No reason to ruin the night for the sake of feeding your curiosity. You took your time liking and sucking the right places to turn her into a bumbling mess beneath you. She cried out for more attention. She recalled hearing the click of the door locking but knowing it wasn't her to do it. She wondered if you were going to soundproof the room too.
"Scream for me baby. Scream so the whole coven can hear."
In the little time the two of you had been a thing, you'd kept any PDA behind the close door of your shared bedroom. Anything fun you had, the noise was kept to a minimum or the room was soundproofed in advance. All those times, Cordelia had been in charge. She didn't want to ruin her reputation and didn't want any of the girls to know what she does in her spare time. You, in your tipsy state, was overcome with a newfound level of confidence. It was as though you were someone else feeding off your need to please the woman you'd been in love with for years.
The next morning you were down bright and earlier. Your chipper self poured a cup of coffee before making your way to where Zoe, Queenie and Madison were. They all turn their attention to you the moment you walk in. "I paid her back," you said, directed to Madison as you took her seat at the table. Madison looked slightly horrified (and maybe even impressed?) at you.
"How long do you think it will take her to come downstairs?"
"She's already late."
"I wouldn't expect her to be down any time soon, I wore her out last night."
"Too much detail," Zoe said. The other two laughed.
Fifteen minutes before the students were expected to be getting up, Cordelia rushed into the room. She tried to play it off as calm and collective but she was stressing about being behind schedule.
"Sorry about being late, I slept through my alarm."
"Didn't you get much sleep last night?" Queenie asked, her and Madison were trying to suppress their laugh.
Cordelia deadpanned to you, "You told them, didn't you?"
"Didn't have too, we heard it all," Madison said.
"Oh God, the students. Y/N, what were you thinking?"
"Delia, they're all old enough to know about sex."
"It doesn't mean they should be forced to hear that." You got up and headed to the kitchen before she could scold you any further. "Where are you going?"
"To get dressed, students will be up soon."
You resonated with his actions and logic, maybe because you were him in some way. That's the problem with the likeness, the blurred line between who you are and who you are seen to be. If he betrayed then so would you?
Human's fascinated you, the ability to come back from sin and earn there place in the holy kingdom. It wasn't forced but advised. Sin still existed and you could choose to break the 10 commandments. Choice. You wanted to choose your life not be bound to a memory of someone else and forced through the wrongdoings as if it were prophesied.
He wasn't like you expected, rude or demeaning. He was cunning, motivated by ill-intent, but who's to judge if it's morally good or bad? Those concepts confused you, bad could be good in another's eyes.
The man knew who you were exactly, rumours of your creation spread fast in the spirit world. "Sister. I didn't expect to meet you so soon. I would have prepared for your arrival." He offered his land to you, to help rule his throne. He had bigger plans for the end times than he let on. He fed into your desire, the same confusion he had experienced at the beginning of his rebellion.
He offered you whatever you could have wanted in order to steal you from the grips of your creator. "I want to understand the purpose of all of this. Why are humans so important? Why are expected to follow subserviently?." A life of my own.
"Then go, seek out your own answers and when you get bored or don't like the answers that you find, there's a place for you here."
"How do I get there? I don't have control-" You'd gotten there by mistake, you couldn't your powers yet. The angels expected you to which is how the ruckus in heaven began.
Think of suddenly being were you want to go and step forward. You'll be incognito unless you want to be seen. No angel has had long term exposure to humans, who knows the damages it could cause.
It was the first time Myrtle Snow had gotten some time alone with Cordelia after their arrival back from their council trip. She wasn't happy about Cordelia's decision to allow a male student at Hawthorne to compete in The Seven Wonders. Cordelia informed her that she'd seen the future and it appeared grim. At some point she knew she would have to identify her successor but she needed to buy herself some time to figure out who.
Myrtle mentioned Mallory, and how she witnessed the girl completely reversed the wounds of a dead doe and brought it back to its youth. They couldn't deny Langdon's power and though she doubted he was the next in line, he could be what brings the end.
Cordelia admitted her powers are growing weaker and feeling herself dying. She told her Aunt that she hadn't told anyone about her dwindling power except her.
"It's sooner or later Y/N is going to figure it out," Cordelia said. She feared telling you, you already noticed the markings her sickness brought along. You knew too much about magic, sooner or later you'd question her and her state. One of the perks of being the supreme was perfect health. Those mysterious marks don't match that. "I've tried to keep her out of all of this- I don't want her to get hurt." She knew you were more than capable of looking after yourself, but she still felt obligated to protect you from the world.
Myrtle brought up how painful it was to watch you swooning over her for years and it was nice to see that you get a break. The underlying threat that it will be cut short hung in the air but remained unsaid. Cordelia never having mentioned you two being together assumed she'd heard from one of the others.
Mallory interrupted them and told Cordelia that her two o'clock is here to see her.
You hadn't seen Cordelia much that day, having back to back classes, a doctor's appointment then marking once you got back. You'd worked through dinner, not realising what time it was until it was eight and your stomachs rumbling snapped you out of your concentrating state. You had one paper left on witch history. As much as you loved the history of Salem witches, you knew none of these girls cared enough to write a paper on it. There all here to improve their magic ability, history isn't going to help with that. You tossed the paper onto the rest deciding dinner was in order. Marking can be left until tomorrow.
You found a tupperware container full of left overs in the fridge. You scooped a helping of the pasta onto a plate before shoving it in the microwave. You felt two hands wrap around your waist. You chuckled and relaxed slightly.
"Missed you today baby," Cordelia said snuggling into your back. You told her you missed her back. You yawned. "Were you asleep?" she said referring to the robe you changed into when you got home from the doctors as well as your yawn.
"Had a doctor's appointment and had to mark after so I decided to get comfortable."
"Doctor's appointment? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, it was a checkup. I needed to see if my medication was working. They're giving me a higher dosage."
"I don't remember you being on medication."
"I've been on them for years. Some problem with my blood. I can't remember the specifics on the top of my head." You changed the topic, the last making you uncomfortable. "You're being more cuddly than you usually are in public. What happened to keep it in the bedroom."
"That went out the window when they heard us having sex."
"You have to admit you enjoyed it."
"I did," Cordelia admitted. "You could say, I owe you."
"Not tonight. I'm worn out. I'm going to go to bed after dinner."
"I might have to finish off my work early so I can have a cuddle session before bed."
"Sounds like a plan."
"I'll see you soon."
"See you soon."
Cordelia ran off to complete any work she had remained so she could spent her night with you.
You finished your meal and headed up your bedroom. You yawned as you entered the room. The ground felt muddy. Your eyes snapped open. You stood frozen in a forest of trees. A lone gas station stood with a mile of road on either side. "What the fuck-" you rubbed your eyes. This couldn't be real. A man stood there pumping gas into his car, nothing out of the ordinary. You reached for your pocket. You had none. You're in a robe. Outside. With nothing underneath. This hasn't happened before and hopefully never again.
You shouldn't be here, how did you get here? No level of teleportation would have gotten you this far without harm, this place wasn't near the school.
You step forwards to make your way towards the gas station. Maybe he could help you, tell you where you were so you could call Cordelia and explain what happened. A glove hand slipped over your mouth, another around your waist. You were tugged towards a body. You thrashed about trying to escape when the person spoke.
"I'm not going to hurt you Y/N." You said something but it was muffled by the hand. "I'll let you go in a second but you need to see something first."
Another car pulled up and a woman stepped out. The two interacted before the woman ended up cutting his Achille's heel. He collapsed onto the ground and she slit his throat as well. To finish him off she poured gasoline on him and set him on fire. The woman pulled away in her own car. You watched as the man's flesh, burnt to dust. You screamed, cried out watching the scene unfold. You were helpless to do anything but watch on in horror.
"That man's name was John Henry Moore. He taught at the Warlock school, you know the one. He was going to rat out his brother warlocks for treason. His key's are unharmed by the fire. You have one of two choices, drive back to the school and tell your precious supreme that a warlock was murdered and have to explain why you were out here in the middle of the night or you could drive away, dump the car and not tell a soul." Both hands let go of you.
"Why did you make me watch that? Who are you?"
You spun around but no one was there. You decided to test what the person said was true. You crouch by the pile of ash. John Henry Moore, you never heard of him. That wasn't surprising, he taught at a warlock school. You weren't familiar with too many, you were always taught you were superior to them so you never bothered to look into them. You hovered your hand above the ashes, concentrating on who they used to belong to. Come on Y/N, you can do it, you repeated in your head. You took a deep breath in and out.
Information filled your mind along with snippets of the man's face. The person was right.
You snatched the keys from the pile of ash and hopped into the car. What were you doing? You can't steal a dead man's car. He isn't going to need it, you reasoned. You start up the car, listening to it rev. The camera's, they would have seen you hop into the car. With a flick of the wrist you erase any record of you being here before speeding away. You didn't know what to do. How were you meant to explain why you were in the middle of nowhere. You didn't even know where you were going.
"Where did you go so late?" Cordelia asked as you stumbled through the front door.
"Grocery store."
"In your robe?"
"How did you get there? The van's still parked-"
"You ask too many questions," you snapped. She was taken aback. "I've been through hell today. Can we just leave it there?" You didn't give her a second to respond before you headed towards the back of the school. She followed you, stopping when you did. Your back faced her.
You'd changed energies since you entered the academy. You were no longer the sweet and tired woman she was planning on spending her night with. Now you were agitated. You rarely found a reason to snap at her, she worried something happened to you. She let your behaviour slide, not wanting to push you any further and cause a scene at one thirty in the morning.
"We have a new student, Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt. I put her in your class and organised a one on one with you and her today to get her comfortable being here."
You hummed fiddling with a pack of cigarettes you picked up along the way. You never smoked before in your life but the urge was all too tempting tonight. "Hmm~" you hummed, your mouth around the stick of death that was between your lips. Your hands fumbled about for the lighter you bought. Seemingly misplacing it, you groaned.
"I'm glad you're safe," Cordelia mused. "When you disappeared after you said you were going to bed, I worried." When you wouldn't pay her any attention, more focused on what you were doing she circled you. "What are you- Where did you get those?" She tried to take the cigarettes away from you but you moved away. "You don't smoke- how? Why?"
"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight," you said around your unlit cigarette, stepping outside and shutting the door with your powers.
You sat there until the sun rose. The birds chirping sounded like ringing in your ears. Visions of the man burning was all you could see. The hand around your waist and mouth, holding you in place. The helplessness you felt. What kind of witch were you? You had the chance to tell Cordelia where you were, what you say and you decided against it? Who were you? Not yourself.
Your robe slipped off your shoulders revealing your back to the cold day and showcasing your white ink tattoo of angel wings. You got paid 50 bucks to do it back in the day, now it's just scarring of the tattoo you once got.
You were on your third cigarette. You took another puff, missing the sound of the back door opening under the screams in your mind. A tap on your shoulder sent you zapping elsewhere. Landing on the other side of the garden, you quickly adjusted your robe, covering up your back and naked front. Your robe must have untied itself during the night. You dropped your cigarette butt stumping it out with your bare foot.
"Mal? What are you doing up so late?"
"It's 9 in the morning," she notified you. "Cordelia told me to talk to you after you didn't head up this morning."
"I told her I was going to sleep on the couch," she probably assumed the one in her room. Mallory walked up to you sitting down beside where you teleported to. "We don't need a mediator-"
"Go and talk to her. Assure her that there is nothing to worry about. She spent the couple hours you were missing tearing the place to shreds." You chuckled at the last bit. "She also wanted me to remind you, you had that class with Coco."
"The new student."
"Crap, yeah. When's that start?"
"Three minutes ago."
"Shit- you distract the girl, I'll quickly freshen up."
She nodded. You grabbed your belongings before teleporting upstairs to clean yourself up. You scrambled through your belongings looking for something quick to change into. You opted for a long maxi floral dress with your platform boots. You douse yourself in perfume before sprinting downstairs. You ran past Cordelia on her way to her office, she went to speak when you said, "Meeting late." and continued on your way.
You found Mallory sitting alongside another girl. You apologised for your tardiness, and greeted the girl with a handshake.
"Your hands are cold," she commented.
"I'm well aware. So as you're aware I'm meant to so you the ropes. If you are scared, it's normal."
You dreaded the time your class your one on one would end but when it did, you were happy that the new student was at least a little more comfortable being here. She reminded you of yourself when younger. No you weren't rich, you were scared of being in a place you didn't belong and not wanting to waste the teachers time. Any witch no matter how little their powers are deserved to be here.
Once you were done you were requested to go to your girlfriends office. You didn't bother knocking as she expected you. The door squeaked, "Your door needs some oil," you commented.
"I'll make sure someone does that later-"
"Oh, I can do it. It's no problem. I'll do it now-" You deflected.
"Leave the door. It's not important." Cordelia rose from her desk chair and moved to the set of chairs in front of her desk.She chose to do this to show you were not in trouble and to remove the desk from between the both of you. You'd both use it as a barrier to hide behind. She gestured you to take the other chair. You slowly shuffled to your designated spot, your platforms scraping across the floor. Normally you would have earned a look of disapprove from your girlfriend for ruining the school's flooring. Today was different, her pet peeves were tossed out the window, replaced with an emotion you had yet to determined.
She didn't speak until you were settled in your chair. Your eyes floated everywhere never focusing on one place and definitely not on her. She realised she wasn't going to get your undivided attention, it was for the best, you never made eye contact when you were in a stressful situation. The woman allowed you to get away with pushing her away far too long. She'd let you escape from her for years during her marriage or the nights back in high school were she'd gotten a smidgen to close. She saw why now, it was as clear as day. You'd pushed her away to save yourself heartbreak. It took her until she had the sight to figure out she was being cheated on and still she couldn't figure out how strong your feelings where for her. You were pushing her away again but this time she couldn't understand why, it wasn't like the last time you did so, you haven't left her yet. It was similar to moments in high school were she was getting a little experimental, bi-curious even, but you weren't having it. You didn't want to be second, you wanted the gold. Had you figured out her secret, that her days were numbered. You'd seen the markings. You could be bracing yourself for the pain, cutting off the ties before they were snapped from you. Self induced pain was easier to deal with.
"How did the session with Coco go?" It was best to ease into the conversation, make it seem normal, Cordelia thought. You both knew it was coming so there was no point in delaying the inevitable but scaring you off wasn't the end goal.
"The Vanderbilt girl is super nice. Is Vanderbilt or Pierre a better nickname? Pierre is a masculine name and she isn't very- Vanderbilt it is." You rambled on. "I think I did a pretty good job at convincing her she belongs here."
"I knew you'd be the perfect one for that."
"I want to talk about last night-" you went to interrupt but you were silenced. "I know you don't want to talk about it but that's what couples do, they communicate so we can move past it."
You nodded, your focus now stilled on the left leg of Cordelia's chair. There was a paper clip resting next to it, bent slightly out of shape. You wanted to pick it up and put it with the rest or at least fiddle with it to distract your mind from what she was asking you to do. Talking was a chore, why would you need to talk, can't she just read your mind, or the energy you're radiating? Her idea wasn't a good one. Emotions are meant to be expressed outwardly and if not, they should remain to one's self.
"You said you were going to bed. You could have given me a heads up or texted me that you had to go out."
"I did head to bed." Your voice was small. Your hands fiddle with the light fabric of your attire. "I didn't plan on going out... It kind of happened."
"You going somewhere doesn't usually just happen. You have to actively seek out doing it."
"I-I teleported- I think. Whatever happened wasn't intentional."
"You teleported? Where?"
"I don't-" Should you tell the truth? "A park, an hour away. I went to the grocery store on the way back and picked up-"
"The cigarettes. You know what I'm going to ask you to do with them." You shook your head. She laid her hand out. You pulled them out of your clothes pocket and handed them over. "I don't want you to get addicted to these. They ruin lives and I love you too much to watch you waste it away on this." You nodded in recognition. "Did anything happen while you were out?"
You shook your head, "Nothing happened-"
"You transmutated far, are you sure you didn't get hurt?" You nodded. "Can I have a look over?"
"You just want an excuse to see me naked, don't you?"
"Always, but it is strange that you are developing new powers now or at least of that strength."
"Developing them now? Are you calling me old?" you joked.
"You're older than me." Yeah, you were. "What are you, like 905?"
"Hey! I'm not immortal."
"You could have convinced me otherwise."
"We both know that wouldn't be a good thing. We both know the story of Scáthach. "
"Are you talking about My Roanoke Nightmare? I thought you hated that show."
As much as Cordelia hated horror, you were a fanatic- not because you enjoyed the film, you loved critiquing it, ripping their use of the supernatural. You often referenced horror movies and how they were wrong in class or when casually talking to Cordelia. Then the show My Roanoke nightmare was popular, you'd binged watch it and won't shut up about the show for weeks. Cordelia knew everything about the show without seeing it. She eventually did, so she could better understand what was irritating you so much.
"I do, but Audrey Tindall is hot."
"I hope neither of us ever met her." The both of you chuckled.
"No, but seriously. She's real or at least what they say about her is. She gained immortality from ancient gods. We both know you don't make deals with ancient gods, we teach that as part of the curriculum. You don't accept gifts from deities and all that jazz. It's witchcraft 101. All I know is if I had a choice between being normal and being immortal, i'd choose normally any day. Hell I'd probably give it up. Imagine living a life where you couldn't get attached to people because you know that one day they are going to die and you'll be alone. You can met new people but you know that they are going to die too. It's a long circle of death until the world explodes or hell raises over maybe even after that. It would get lonely. Plus, I'd lose you and I couldn't handle that."
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." At least not for now, not today, Cordelia thought.
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Domestic Life
It’s been a hot second since I’ve done a true headcanon post like I used to (shout out to my OG followers who were here before I only did fanfics and quotes) and I’ve been thinking a lot about the role that Adam and Barbara now have in Lydia’s life where they aren’t quite her parents but they aren’t quite friends.
In the musical when they first meet Lydia they have this awkward “she’s a child and we should help her.” but then it becomes a very parental feel when it’s revealed that Delia and Charles are engaged. Barbara goes into full mom mode. Later on the roof it 100% feels like a “she’s our friend and we should definitely scare her dad for her.” 
Throughout the musical they switch from parental to friendly role in her life, Barbara being more maternal than the jokey and fun Adam. By the end of the musical it is very obvious they see Lydia as a pseudo-child but what happens afterward?
I feel like in the beginning, the line was super blurry because while they all wanted to be one big happy family Lydia had Charles for a father and Delia as her stepmother. The Maitland’s deferred a lot of parent stuff to them and while they wanted to help they would feel awkward if Lydia came to them first instead of her parents. Due to the laxness is that area Lydia saw it as laxness is more areas so she would tell them about stuff that she was gonna do with BJ and would be confused why the Maitland’s would try to talk her out of it and lecture her about how it’s dangerous to skateboard down the roof. 
She would also use them as like a “punishment” when she would get mad at her dad, she would just storm up to the attic and say they were her parents which again put the Maitland’s in an awkward spot. The same happens if she’s pissed with them, she goes 100% in the other direction and only interacts with her dad and Delia. She grows and learns how manipulative and wrong that is so she doesn’t do it very often but there are just sometimes where you need a break, ya know? It’s never done out of spite after she learns how it makes the other party feel.
When it came to Lydia getting in trouble that would often fall on Barbara and Charles in the respective areas but it would blend together to a point where Lydia would be sitting at the kitchen table with a cast from riding a container lid down the stairs AGAIN with her head going back and forth between Charles and Barbara lecturing her about how stupid that was. 
Lydia goes to Barbara for maternal comfort, she loves Delia but she doesn’t have the same presence. Lydia had a bad day? She goes to the attic and just lays on Barbara’s lap and watches TV. Bad dreams? Usually goes to Barbara. Girl stuff? Barbara/Delia first, Charles if needed. Dating? You know she’s gossiping to BJ and being all soft and mushy with Barbara. Barbara is also the person that Lydia trusts most with like her secrets and Barbara is very good at respecting her privacy, and only tells her father if it is very very serious and before she does that she tells Lydia ahead of time and suggests telling him together. 
BUT there are times where Lydia just wants her dad for comfort. Bullying at school, when she’s sick, when she’s particularly missing her mom, or just those days where she wants her dad.
Lydia goes to Adam for dad jokes and just stereotypical dad stuff that, while she loves her dad, he was never into. Adam teaches her like some life skills and he 100% is a World War I buff so he bores her about those stories (she secretly loves how into it he is). He just overall makes her laugh and feel wanted, but she seems him less authoritative than Barbara. 
Adam and Charles help her with homework, Charles and Adam being equally enraged by common core math. Charles is a math buff and Adam is the history buff. They both are very confused by English and science. 
The line becomes more defined but there are times where it isn’t clear, more so on the Maitland’s when it comes to “how involved are we supposed to be.” in regards to serious topics, but as the years go by and Lydia becomes a part of their lives the family works more as a unit than two separate parts.
Overall they are one big messy beautiful family 
thank you for coming to my Tedtalk
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newstanmarshblog · 3 years
The Average and Unusual Couple: Chapter Eleven
   It’s halloween at South Park, and while everyone in town was talking about trick & treaters and the upcoming party being held at the South Park community center, Stan was thinking about something else. In his mind, today is more than just an ordinary halloween, he plans on doing something huge that could live on as the biggest halloween night he’ll ever remember. Stan is going to confess his true feelings for his newly love interest: Lydia Deetz. He’s been holding on keeping his real feelings for Lydia ever since shortly after they first met each other, but today is the right day to finally let it all out. He’ll get to say to Lydia that he loves her on her most favorite night of the year. However before he makes his love confession to her, Stan wants to give Lydia the greatest halloween night that she’ll ever have.
   It’s just before dark as Stan and his mother have arrived at the Deetzes house. Dressing up as Indiana Jones, Stan was also holding some dead roses and a small bat plush doll for Lydia. So far, only his mother knows about on what he plans to do tonight because he feels that his mother is the only trust worthy person in keeping his confessing plans a secret. He feels that if he were to tell his friends about his big plan for halloween night, they wouldn’t keep quiet about it that could’ve caused for Lydia to hear about it.
   Sharon: How are you feeling, Stanley?
   Stan: Nervous, but I’m still fully ready to tell Lydia about my feelings for her.
   Sharon: I remember back when your father first said that he loves me, and while he was nervous about it, he still put on a confident look towards me when he said, “I love you.” And I know that you can do it, sweetheart. I believe in you. *smiles*
   Stan: Thanks, mom. I don’t know how she’s gonna react when I confess my love for her even though I can tell that she cares about me just as much as I do for her.
   Sharon: Judging on the way how you two have been spending a lot of time together, I bet she’ll be very happy to hear your feelings for her.
   They both get out of the car, and then walk towards the front door. Sharon rings the doorbell, and opening the door was Charles dressing up as Babe Ruth.
   Charles: Hello, you two! Happy halloween!
   Sharon: Hi, Charles. Nice Yankees outfit you got on ya.
   Charles: Why, thank you. I’m wearing my full Babe Ruth uniform as the way he would’ve wore them during his career. Growing up from New York, the Yankees has been my most favorite sport team ever, and I still love them to this very day.
   Stan: Is Lydia ready yet?
   Charles: She will be in just a minute. In the meantime, come on in.
   Both Stan and his mother come in the house, and take their seat on the couch. Delia comes out from the kitchen holding a huge bowl of popcorn for she, her husband, and Sharon will be watching Hocus Pocus while Stan and Lydia are at the halloween party.
   Delia: Happy halloween, you two! And great Indiana Jones costume you got there, Stan.
   Stan: Thanks, Mrs: Deetz. Indiana Jones has been one of my action heroes ever since I was five, and this is my first time dressing up as him.
   Delia: And what about your husband, Sharon? I thought he was gonna join us for halloween night.
   Sharon: I told him about it, but he’s more focus on selling his Tegridy Farms Halloween Special part 2 products. And believe me, it’s really hard to pull him out from his weed obsession on any day, especially on any holiday.
   Charles: *calling to Lydia from downstairs* Pumpkin, your best friend is here!
   Lydia: *replying back from her bedroom* Thanks, father! I’m just about ready! Coming down right now!
   As Lydia makes her way walking down on the stairs, Stan was checking out the outfit that she was wearing, and she looked very gorgeous to him. The black robe, the vampire like cape, the gothic purple sash tied around her waist, the ruby gemstone that’s placed just above her chest, spiked raven hair, a headband with a skull on it, and her usual beautiful face makeup. She was so stunning, and Stan reacted with an awe look on his face while making a little blush.
   Stan smiling: My god, Lydia. You truly had let out your full spooky beauty today. I love it very much!
   Lydia smiling: Thank you, Stan. This is my witch outfit, and I made it all by myself.
   Stan: Really now?
   Lydia: Yep. I’ve been making my own halloween costumes every year since I was ten. 
   Stan: You’ve done an incredible job with it. You might be a huge standout when we get to the party.
   Lydia: *laughs* Who knows, but we’ll see. And you look quite a standout yourself too, Dr. Jones.
   Stan: *laughs* Thanks. I’ve been wanting to dress up as Indiana Jones for some years now, and I finally got the opportunity last summer when I saw this leather jacket and this fedora for a good deal online from Goodwill. Oh, and these are for you. Happy halloween!
   He hands over the dead roses and bat plush doll to Lydia.
   Lydia: Aww, Stan. You shouldn’t have.
   Stan: You’ve done a lot for me for the past couple weeks that I’m very grateful for all of them. And since you were the first to give me presents, it’s now my turn to give you some gifts as well. So, why not do it on your most favorite day of the year.
   Lydia happy: I can’t wait to display these roses in my room, and I also love the cute little bat too. Thanks.
   Sharon: Would you two like a picture together before you head off to your party?
   Stan: Sure!
   Lydia: I’ll grab my camera from my bedroom. Just give me a moment.
   After running back upstairs to grab her camera and then coming back down, Lydia hands over her camera to Delia since she’s the only other person that knows how to use it. Stan and Lydia set themselves by standing next together with the dinner table behind them, and Delia keeps herself in a good distance in order to get the perfect picture of them both.
   Delia: Smile, and say happy halloween!
   Lydia: Ooh, mother. I love halloween, but I don’t wanna be corny about it.
   Delia: *sigh* Whatever. Just make a good smile then.
   Stan and Lydia make their smile, and Delia snaps a picture of the halloween couple. Afterwards, Lydia takes a look at the picture on her camera, and it came out just the way that she and Stan hoped for.
   Lydia: It looks wonderful, mother. I can’t wait to get this picture in frame.
   Delia: Me too. You two look so adorable together.
   Sharon: Just seeing you two together like that not only warms my heart, but I also feel very proud by it too. You’re growling up so fast for me, Stanley.
   Stan: Time sometime does go by pretty fast, that’s for sure.
   Lydia: Ready to go, Stan?
   Stan: Right beside you all the way.
   Charles: Have fun at the party, you two. And remember to be back here by 10:00.
   Lydia: We’ll give you guys a call when we leave.
   Stan: And I hope you all enjoy your movie night together.
   Sharon: We definitely will. I haven’t seen Hocus Pocus ever since my college years, and I’m pretty excited to see how it holds up.
   Stan: See you guys later, and have a great halloween night.
   Delia: You too. Enjoy your party!
   As Stan and Lydia leave the house and start to make their way to the community center, they come across many trick & treaters as they walk by them.
   Stan: So out of every halloween costume that you’ve worn so far, which one is your most favorite?
   Lydia: This costume actually. It has the right type of gothic nature feeling that I often associate with myself. And I’ve worn it once before at the Netherworld.
   Stan: How did that go?
  Lydia: Me and Beetlejuice dressed up as witches in order to sneak into the Witches’ Ball to recuse my cat over there. Percy snuck into the Netherworld with me by accident, and was later kidnapped by a real witch.
   Stan: Woah, dude.
   Lydia: Percy was thankfully alright when we recused him. And as for the witches, they didn’t treat us so kindly at first when they saw through our disguise. But after BJ showed them how to have a fun halloween party, we became good terms with them ever since.
   They soon make a quick pit stop at the school bus pick up area where they go into behind one of the big trees in order to call in Beetlejuice without any seeing. Stan quickly checks one more time to be sure no one else is around.
   Stan: Okay, there’s no one around but us.
   Lydia: Good. Let’s bring him here quickly before anyone sees us.
   Both Stan and Lydia: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
   The Ghost With The Most automatically appears right in front of them with a jack-o’-lantern as his head.
   Beetlejuice excited: Happy halloween! *laughs hysterically* Boy, I can’t wait to show South Park how much of a party animal I can be! *turns himself into an ape with a party hat on, and does some dance moves*
   Stan: *laughs* I know that you’ve been looking forward to this party all month long, and I can’t wait for you to meet my friends. But just try not to get too crazy over there, alright? This town already had enough insane ghost experience in the past that they’re trying to forget about it.
   Beetlejuice: *turns himself back to normal* Yeah, yeah, I get your point. *notices Stan’s Indiana Jones outfit* Hey, since when you decided to rip off from one of my disguises?
   Stan: You dressed up as Indiana Jones before?
   Beetlejuice: Actually, I prefer to be named as Grimdiana Bones. *his eyes popped wide open, and panics* Shit!
   Suddenly, a huge boulder shows up rolling towards him.
   Beetlejuice: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
   The boulder runs over him, resulting his entire body to be laid on the ground as flat as a human cardboard.
   Lydia: Oooo, are you okay?
   Beetlejuice: Ow, give me a sec. *uses his right thumb to blow himself back in normal shape* I gotta find a better way in saying that name without getting run over.
   Lydia: Maybe try to be careful on what you say for tonight so that way the party won’t end up in chaos.
   Beetlejuice: Whatever you say, Babes. Now come on, it’s time to party!
   A few minutes later, they finally reached to the community center. And as they walk in, there’s a lot of halloween decorations spread around, a couple large tables that holds many snacks and drinks, and everyone at the party were wearing costumes.
   Lydia: Deadly Vu! This party is a lot bigger than I expected!
   Stan: Like what you’re seeing here so far?
   Lydia: Yep! The decorations here are spectacular.
   Stan notices some of his friends heading towards them. It was Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny. Kyle is dressed up as the Green Lantern, while Kenny is dressed up as the Mandalorian, and Cartman is dressed up as Baby Yoda.
   Stan: Sup, guys!
   Kyle: Sup, you two. Sweet costumes!
   Lydia: Thank you! I’ve made this witch outfit all by myself.
   Kenny: It looks very beautiful in a very spooky way, Lydia.
   Lydia: Being spooky is in my blood.
   Cartman: And who’s the stinky guy behind you two lovebirds?
   Beetlejuice: I should be asking you the same question, fat goblin.
   Cartman getting pissed: What did you call me?
   Lydia: Sorry, he likes to give people funny nicknames. Anyway, this is Mr. Beetleman. He’s a good friend of mine that also moved here from Peaceful Pines.
   Kyle: Did you move here right around the same time as Lydia and her parents?
   Beetlejuice: I like to make my own schedules. Arriving here just in time to introduce myself on the best night of the year.
   Kenny: Which area in South Park did you moved into?
   Beetlejuice: The dirtiest part in this town. I’m a grotesque type of a guy. *opens his mouth to show off his greenish teeth and disgusting tongue* See?
   Cartman: *laughs hysterically* Sounds like you have new dirty neighbor living next door to you, Kenny!
   Beetlejuice: I was talking about the sewers.
   Kenny: Ummm, good for you then.
   Stan: Anyway, your costumes are just as sweet as ours. Especially yours, Kenny.
   Kenny: Thanks, dude.
   Cartman: *groans* I should’ve been the Mandalorian instead.
   Stan: Did something happen between you two?
   Kyle: They had a bet last week on who can get through the longest on listening to Jimmy Fallon’s lame jokes without turning it off. The winner gets to be Mando, and the loser has to dressed up as Grogu, aka Baby Yoda as everyone still calls him. Cartman stopped listening to the jokes within thirty seconds, and Kenny won the bet.
   Stan: I gotta say, you do look super cute in that costume, Cartman. You really do look like Baby Yoda just as he was in the show.
   Cartman annoyed: Shut up, hippie.
   Beetlejuice: You call that a bet? *pfft* I would’ve made a bet on who can hold their breath the longest in a toxic waste bathtub.
   Lydia: Is Wendy and Bebe here too?
   Kenny: Last I saw them, they were hanging out together by the drink table.
   Lydia: Thanks.
   Stan: Oh, cool. I wanna see who they’re dressing up as.
   Beetlejuice: Ah, what the hell. I’ll join with you two before I start partying.
   They head over to where Wendy and Bebe are at. When they approach them, they can see the costumes that two girls were wearing. Wendy was wearing a short black hair wig, a long grayish top with a red shirt underneath it, black gloves, and red & dark red leggings. Bebe had a huge blonde hair wig, and a long skirt pink dress.
   Lydia: Hey, girls.
   Wendy: Hi, Lydia. Hi, Stan. Awesome costumes!
   Stan: Same goes to you two. I can tell that Bebe is Rapunzel from Tangled, but who you’re supposed to be, Wendy?
   Wendy: I’m Cassandra from the Tangled TV series.
   Stan: Tangled had a TV show?
   Bebe: It ran for 3 seasons on Disney Channel. Many people overlook the show since they think of it mainly as a cartoon show for little girls, but it’s actually a really good show. It has a great voice cast, great songs, good storying telling, and wonderful animation. Give it a watch whenever you guys can.
   Lydia: Thanks for the recommendation, but I’m not as super into Disney stuff as most people are. Although I do enjoy their villain roster.
   Wendy: Do you have a favorite Disney villain?
   Lydia: Maleficent would have to be my favorite pick. Her outfit is so magnificently evil, and she’s just so good at being bad.
   Bebe: Tell me about it, she’s literally one of the greatest villains of all time.
   Beetlejuice: Sounds like she might be a really fun baddie to hangout with.
   Wendy: Oh, I didn’t noticed you from behind. Who are you?
   Stan: This is Mr. Beetleman. Mr. Beetleman, this is Wendy and Bebe.
   Wendy: Please to meet you, Mr. Beetleman. *she smells Beetlejuice’s stench* Eww, something smells like rotten meat mixed with Cartman’s gym bag.
   Beetlejuice: That would be me. *laughs*
   Bebe disgusted: Oh god! You have the most disgusting smell that I ever sniffed at!
   Beetlejuice: Aww, I’m flattered! Just hearing those words is making me want to turn my—
   Both Stan & Lydia: DON’T!
   Wendy and Bebe looked at them with a confuse look on their faces.
   Beetlejuice: Oh, right. But anyway, I seriously appreciate your compliments, ladies. Now if you’ll all excuse me, I’m gonna start partying like Philadelphia winning a sports championship. *heads off to the dance floor area to party*
   Wendy: Umm, do you two actually hangout with that guy?
   Lydia: He’s a friend of mine and my parents that recently moved here from Peaceful Pines too. He may smell gross, but he can be a pretty helpful person whenever you need an extra hand.
   Stan: And he knows how to give anyone a fun time.
   Bebe: We’ll keep that in mind the next time we talk to him, although I wish that he can give himself a bath right away.
   Stan: Sorry, but he loves his smelly personal hygienes, and hates to be clean. You’re gonna have to in getting used to him being a 24/7 dirty person.
   Meanwhile at the dancing floor, Beetlejuice interacts with Dog Poo.
   Beetlejuice: Hey, kid. You smell just as gross as me. What’s your name?
   Dog Poo: Everyone just calls me Dog Poo.
   Beetlejuice: Dog Poo?! *laughs* That’s gotta be one of the best goddamn names that I’ve heard in years! Put it there, Doggy Poo!
   Both he and Dog Poo shake each other hands.
   Dog Poo: And what’s your name?
   Beetlejuice: The name’s Mr. Beetleman, but please just call me Beetleman.
   Dog Poo: *smells Beetlejuice’s stench* Ooo, you smell way worse than me! What did you rolled yourself into?
   Beetlejuice: Pretty much every disgusting thing that you can imagine. Rotten food, waste dumps, dead bugs, dirty water, cow crap, and I even give my armpits a skunk spray every morning.
   Dog Poo: Damn, even I wouldn’t get too close with a skunk. You truly are the king of stinks!
   Beetlejuice: That’s what I do for a living!
   The song Jump in The Line begins to play, and that got Lydia excited.
   Lydia: Oh my god, this is my most favorite song ever! You wanna dance to it, Stan?
   Stan: Oh, umm, I haven’t done any dancing since I was in the fourth grade, and I don’t think that I can do it well anymore.
   Lydia: Oh, come on, dude! This is one of the best songs to dance along with. Just give it a try for me, please?
   Stan: *sigh* Alright, I’ll do it. But only just for you.
   Lydia smiling: Thank you! Now, let’s dance!
   Both she and Stan walk to the dance floor, and as they got there, Lydia begins to make some dance moves. Shaking her body, raising up her arms, and snapping her fingers. Stan on the other hand was shaking his body a little less, and raising his fist underneath his chain while moving them left and right repeatedly.
   Lydia: Is that the best that you can do?
   Stan: Like I said, I haven’t danced in years.
   Lydia: Well then, let me get you in full spirt. First, raise up your arms, and then snap your fingers much like how I’m doing it.
   Stan. Okay. *raises up his arms, and starts to snap his fingers*
   Lydia: Good. Now shake your body more faster, but not too fast.
   He begins to shake his body at the same rate speed as Lydia was doing it.
   Lydia: That’s it! You got it!
   Stan: *laughs a bit* Wow, this feels so good.
   Lydia: Try to dance along with me as best as you can.
   Stan smiling: Got it!
   Both move their bodies up and down while moving their fist left and right for a couple times, and then shake the bodies left and right while raising their fist up and down.
   Stan: You wanna try using our feet now?
   Lydia: You go first, and I’ll follow.
   Stan starts off by rolling around his fist, then steps to the right, and steps back to the left. He does the dancing moves over and over again as Lydia follows his foot steps. Stan then makes a quick spin, and has one of his hands close to Lydia.
   Stan: Now let’s try dancing while holding each other hands.
   Lydia smiling: Sure, let’s give it a try.
   They hold each other hands, Stan raises up his arm, and Lydia does a twirl dance move. Then they have all of their hands locked into each other, start step dancing side to side, and then they do it back and forth. And as the song reaches its end, Stan raises up his arm up one more time to give Lydia an another twirl.
   Lydia: Looks like your dancing moves had never left you after all of those years.
   Stan: Yeah, and thank you for giving me the convince to dance again. It was really fun.
   Lydia smiling: Glad to help.
   For much of the rest of the Halloween party, Stan and Lydia chit-chatted with many of their friends, and even had one more dance with each other while the song Come and Get Your Love played. It was now almost 9:30 pm as they were talking with Butters.
   Butters: …and that’s why I decided to dress up as a Hello Kitty zombie for this Halloween.
   Lydia: Umm…I’ll give you credit, I’ve never seen anyone taking that idea and turn it into a full costume. How about you, Stan?
   Stan: I can’t believe that you’re still into Hello Kitty to this day.
   Butters: So, cute pets are some of my favorite things. I know that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but Hello Kitty still brings a smile in my face whenever I’m not in a good mood.
   Stan: Just be careful when you share that kind of guy to people. Many will think of you as very weird because not a lot of guys like Hello Kitty stuff.
   Butters: I understand.
   Stan checks on his phone, and sees that it’s 9:30.
   Stan: Hey, Lydia. There’s something that I need to talk with you about privately before we head back home. Can we talk about it outside?
   Lydia: Sure, Stan. 
   Stan: And Butters, can you tell Mr. Beetleman that me and Lydia are outside in case if he ever needs us.
   Butters: Will do, Stan. And in case if I don’t see you two again, have a good night, and happy halloween.
   Lydia: You too, Butters. See ya!
   In the next chapter, Stan and Lydia convince their true feelings for each other.
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