ariesqueencobra · 10 months
what we used to be |  l
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: You meet a new kid and your feelings for your best friend are said aloud.
Warnings: mentions of bullying, mentions of slut shaming, implications of violence, implications of strict parents
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Starting my first ever series for Eli! I always wanted to do a series following his story line in the show along with a female character so I did! I'm aware of other series being done like this by other writers on here, but this will be my own unique twist. There are similarities because it does follow the show's storyline but different because of my own interpretations!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
“If the limit never approaches anything, then the limit does not exist,” you listened to Eli as he helped you with your math homework. “But in this case, it does, so what is it?” he pointed at the problem on the sheet.
“Two?” you furrowed your brows, trying your best not to sound like you were guessing. 
“C’mon, Y/N, you’re in Calculus for a reason,” he encouraged.
“Only because I passed Trig with an 89, they only let me in because of pity,” you frowned. 
Calculus has been your enemy since the beginning of the semester. You really didn’t want to take the class in the first place but your parents had been adamant about you taking higher-level classes. You would’ve been fine filling up your schedule with more creative art classes like ceramics and photography, but that wasn’t the agreement. 
Math and science classes were part of the agreement. 
Thankfully, you had two smart best friends who helped you whenever you had trouble.
“My advice?” Demetri spoke up.
You and Eli glanced at him, a knowing look on both your faces.
To be honest, while you had two best friends, only one was good at helping you out. 
Demetri on the other hand? He had a habit of giving unsolicited advice. But because you loved him, you tolerated and actually encouraged him to hear what he had to say. 
“Rewatch Mean Girls,” he deadpanned. 
You let out a chuckle. “What I’m hearing is, that you guys are agreeing to watch it for our next movie night,” you grinned.
Both boys groaned.
“I’m fine watching your sci-fi, superhero films, but a girl needs her rom coms and chick flicks,” you mused. 
Being the only girl and having vastly different interests compared to the guys, there were moments where you felt outnumbered. Sometimes you have to plead for one movie night to be your pick. 
“I’d be down for Mean Girls this Friday,” Eli shrugged.
You silently clapped your hands, face creeping up with heat when you and Eli made eye contact.
“Demitiri?” you turned your attention to your other best friend.
After a minute, he rolled his eyes, agreeing.
“This Friday, my place,” you grinned. “Both my parents will be having a date night, so we’ll have the place to ourselves,”.
“Are you sure your dad will allow that?” Demetri cocked a brow. “That man is scary and I don’t want to know what will happen when he sees his daughter home alone with two boys,” he shuddered. 
“He won’t mind, he likes you guys,” you attempted to reassure. “Besides, we’re just watching a movie,”.
“We know that, but will he?” Demetri asked in a mix of sarcasm and sincerity. 
“C’mon, my dad isn’t that scary,” you trailed. 
“I-I don’t think he likes me very much,” Eli said quietly. 
“He does,” you straightened up. “Don’t worry about my dad guys, you’ve known him for ten years,” you stated.
You watched as the boys avoided your gaze, the sound of the cafeteria surrounded you when they both fell silent. Leaning back in your seat, you wondered why they were bringing this up now. 
Like he read your mind, Demetri spoke up, “I’m just pointing out an observation I’ve noticed for the last few years. The older we get, the more of a threat your dad thinks we are,” he explained. “Guess it’s the raging teenage hormones!” he gestured with his hands, joking at the end.
Eli’s lips spread out into a smirk.
Relaxing, you shook your head at the way your best friend acted, even though you found the joke to be funny.
For the next few minutes, Eli went on to explain limits to you. You were about to ask a question when a new presence stopped you.
“Hey, can I sit here?” 
You all turned your attention to a kid with dark hair and brown eyes, a tray in his hand as he gestured at the empty seat next to Eli. 
You were about to welcome him until Demitri beat you to it. 
“Check back next semester as you can see we’re entirely booked,” he said sarcastically but the new kid didn’t catch it.
With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, he was about to walk away. 
“He’s kidding, you can sit,” you gestured to the empty seat. “I’m Y/N, that’s Demitri and Eli,” you introduced. 
“Miguel,” he nodded.
Just then, Yasmine and her entourage walked passed, causing Miguel to go into a trance. 
You frowned at his reaction. You hated that just cause they were pretty, it forgave all the terrible things they’ve done to your friends and you.
“You’re just torturing yourself,” Demetri warned. “They’re the rich girls”.
“Do you talk to them or…?” Miguel asked.
“Yeah, all the time,” Demetri feigned a smirk. “We hang out after school, make out,” he shrugged. “Eli is homecoming king, and gets laid more than anyone”.
You rolled your lips together, glancing at your lap.
“You pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college the moment you sat at this table,” he frowned. 
Comments like that reminded you that boys will be boys. In the sense that virginity is still frowned upon. The societal pressure to lose it before a certain age disgusted you. 
What happened to not conforming to society's rules?
“Oh, great, Yasmine is looking at us,” Eli narrowed in on himself, his voice pulling you out of your thoughts. “Probably making fun of me”.
“I wouldn’t assume that,” you reassured. “She’s always going to have that nasty look on her face,” you grimaced.
Then you made eye contact with her. 
She whispered something to Moon, causing both of them to burst out laughing. 
You figured she was making fun of you again, calling you a slut or whatever. Dropping your gaze to your food, you checked your phone for the time.
“I gotta go, it was nice meeting you,” you smiled towards Miguel as you got up. 
“What about your homework?” Eli asked.
“I got limits now,” you attempted to reassure but your composure fell when you accidentally looked Yasmine’s way. “Besides I have to get my sketch done before class,” you hoisted your bag over your shoulder. 
Art was your passion. Since you could talk, you could draw. Your best friends might’ve been computer nerds, but you? You were an artistic geek. 
Still, as talented as you were, Yasmine and Moon used that area of your life to make fun of you. Whether it was a silly doodle you drew during class or an actual piece you worked your ass off for class. 
They tried to diminish your spirit with your art, but thankfully you haven’t lost it yet.
Shaking your head to brush the thoughts away, you gulped down the lump in your throat and managed to make your way down the hall to your art class twenty minutes early.
While you were gone from the lunchroom, the conversation at the table shifted, focusing on you.
“Do you like her or something?” Miguel asked Eli.
The awkward boy stilled at the newcomer’s question, opting to fidget with his fingers while staring at his tray. He didn’t think he was being obvious, the only other person who knew of his infatuation with you was Demetri. 
“He’s been in love with her since they met in kindergarten, her too but they’re too scared to admit it,” Demetri answered for him. “I think they’ll get married before either of them admit they do like each other,”.
It was true. 
You liked Eli and Eli liked you.
The moment you laid eyes on him on the playground, that was it for the two of you. But both of you are socially awkward, insecure people…neither of you had the guts to tell each other how you truly feel.
Leaving Demetri to stand and watch at the mutual pining unwind for the last ten years.
“I’m not in love with her,” Eli defended. “Besides, she wouldn’t ever like someone like me,” he folded in on himself. 
“You won’t know if you never strike first,” Miguel tried to reason. 
“Good luck with getting Eli to do that,” Demerit said.
Eli sighed, keeping his gaze down. As much as he wanted to argue, he knew deep down that his friend was right.
“Keep this door open,” your dad barked quickly followed by your mother scolding him.
The door had been half-way opened, or half-way closed, when he walked past. He decided it wasn’t to his standards so he made sure the door was wide, banging it against the adjacent wall.
“Sorry,” you said, not looking up from your notebook.
You were sitting in your room, Eli helping you study for your Clac quiz tomorrow. It was a routine for the two of you, hanging out after school and doing homework. Quality time well spent and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Sometimes Demetri would join but he decided to play Dungeon Lord after school today. Part of you was happy to hear he wouldn’t be joining.
Especially when that meant you spent more time with Eli. Meaning there would be more brief moments where your shoulders or knees would brush. Which would send butterflies straight to your tummy.
“Miguel seems nice,” Eli shrugged, placing his pen down. “He mentioned something about karate, he wants all of us to join,” he smiled lightly.
“Really?” you smirked. “What did Demetri say to that?” you laughed, knowing he had some highlighted opinions about it.
“Wasn’t on board, but I don’t know,” he glanced down. “Maybe it could be fun,” he said.
“If you want to,” you passed him a smile. “It’d be nice to see you kick Kyler’s ass for once,” you sighed, glancing at the problem in your book.
You missed the way he frowned but he continued, “You should join too,”. 
“Me?” your eyes widened and you glanced up to meet his gaze. 
“Yeah,” he cracked a grin. One that was big and genuine, something that only happened in front of you or Demetri. “You’d be great at kicking ass too,” he reasoned. 
“In my dreams,” you huffed out a laugh. “I can barely do a push-up,” you shook your head. 
“Maybe just think about it,” he suggested.
“Okay, I will,” you nodded. “So, how am I doing?” you licked your lips. 
You pushed your notebook between the two of you. 
Both of you leaned in, your shoulders brushing against each other. Anytime you inhaled, you smelled him. 
He smelled nice. 
“You’re doing good, you just need to remember that an open circle means the limit exists but not in the function,” he pointed at the problem you got wrong. 
“Stupid circles,” you huffed out a breath, running a hand over your hair. “Thanks again, Eli,” you pressed your lips into a soft smile. 
“You’re going to do great, okay?” he nudged his elbow with yours. 
“Okay,” you nodded, allowing yourself to believe. 
You went over the material for a few minutes, your mind getting lost in all things limits and functions. 
Unbestowent to you though, Eli was watching you. 
He watched the way your nose would scrunch when you didn’t understand what you read the first time around. The way your lashes fluttered as you scanned the page. The way you would lick your lips in concentration. The way you would crack your knuckles when they got too stiff. 
He was utterly in love with you. 
Being friends for ten years, you’d reach that point without even dating. Even if it was just puppy love, he knew one thing for sure—he likes you, a lot. 
He doubted himself when he thought about what Demetri said. And when he thought about the comment Kyler made earlier of him being a loser. He had come home crying, knowing he was never going to get a girlfriend because of the way he looked. But then his mind thought to Miguel. 
Maybe he could be wrong, maybe he could get a girlfriend. Maybe it could be you.
Without second-guessing any further, he opened his mouth.
“Hey, Y/N?” he cleared his throat. 
“Yeah?” you reached your gaze to his, your head resting in your palm. 
“I like you,” he confessed, face going pale at the fact that he actually said that to you. 
Your eyes went wide, face blank as you took in his words. You didn’t say anything for a few moments, just staring at your best friend. 
“I-you know, never mind, I shouldn’t have said anything,” he felt embarrassed, shaking his head as he went back to his homework. 
“Wait!” you reached out and touched his arm. “I like you too,” you gulped, a smile creeping up on your face. 
“Really?” he seemed taken aback.
You nodded enthusiastically. 
The two of you gazed at each other for what felt like a few minutes until you bent over in giggles, still in disbelief. 
“I’m glad you told me,” you reached for his hand on your desk, squeezing it. 
“Me too,” he squeezed it back. 
You felt your cheeks heat up before you turned back to your work. 
The rest of the night was spent with the two of you doing work, holding hands.
The next day at school, Eli was sitting with Demetri and Miguel. 
Having just told the news about you and him, he was feeling a little proud of himself that he actually did it. 
And more relieved that you actually reciprocate his feelings.
“I was right, wasn’t I?” Demetri raised a brow.
Eli smiled, his cheeks turning pink while Miguel laughed. 
“I’m glad someone took my advice, now you see my Sensei is legit,” Miguel pointed out. 
Eli nodded, a small smile on his face.
“I’m gonna need more evidence to back it up,” Demerit crossed his arms over his chest. “This,” he gestured to Eli, “has been a work in progress for ten years, your words of encouragement just gave him enough push,” he scoffed. 
About to respond, Eli was stopped by the smell of your perfume. He turned his head to the left just in time to greet you as you approached the table.
“Hi, guys,” you greeted, taking your seat next to Eli. “Hi, Eli,” your cheeks warmed up.
“Hi, Y/N,” his eyes beamed with admiration. “You look nice,” he blushed, glancing over the pretty green sundress you wore today, but his gaze circled back to your face.
“Thanks,” you glanced down, running a hand over the skirt. “It’s been in my closet for a while, I figured it’d be happy to see the light of day,” you shrugged, unaware he wasn’t talking about the dress.
“You should wear it more often,” Eli commented.
Demetri and Miguel sent each other a knowing look before Miguel decided to cut the awkward lovey-dovey talk.
“So, Y/N, did Eli tell you about joining my karate dojo?”
You focused your gaze on him, the warmth of your cheeks dissolving when your mind was pushed away from Eli. “Uh, yeah,” you smiled. “I thought about it, but I don’t know if I want to do something like that. I need my hands for my art, I don’t want them beaten and bruised,” you stifled a laugh. 
Miguel nodded in understanding. “Thanks for thinking about it, Y/N,” he pressed his lips in a smile. 
“No problem. Anyway, do you want to join us for movie night this Friday?” you extended your invitation to him. “You can pick the movie,” you offered. 
“Sure, I’d like that,” he grinned.
Friday came around and you were all seated on your couch in the living room watching Spider-Man. 
You actually enjoyed the pick, especially watching the nerdy boy become the hero. One who reminded you a lot of the boy sitting right next to you. 
Miguel was on the recliner, Demetri on the other end of the couch, and Eli in the middle with you on the other side. Except, Eli was scooted closer to you, only a bowl of popcorn separating the two of you. 
Your hands happened to brush a lot when you’d reach for the popcorn. Though, you didn’t mind. 
You had gotten to the part where Peter Parker discovered his powers, a glass in your hand as you had come back from refilling your drink.
“That’s a cool painting,” Miguel noticed the piece of art framed by the TV. 
It was an oceanscape of the beach.
“Y/N painted it,” Eli stated.
“No kidding,” Miguel said in amazement, standing up to study it. “You’re really talented, Y/N,” he smiled over to you. 
“Thanks, that was my first one so my parents framed it,” you shyly said. 
“You should see her sketchbook, it’s filled with the most awesome things,” Eli smiled.
You glanced at him, sending him a thankful look. 
“Can I see?” Miguel’s eyes beamed. “My yaya loves paintings, I’d love to show her your work,” he said.
“Yeah, I’ll grab some that you could take pictures of,” you stood up, cheeks on fire. 
It wasn’t often that you got praised for your art, mainly from your parents or your friends. So this was new. But you took the pleasure from it nonetheless. 
Heading to your room, you grabbed a few of your favorite paintings before you went to your bag in search of your sketchbook, only you couldn’t find it. 
As panic erupted, you thought back to the last time you saw it. You had it in art class and then you went to P.E. You could’ve sworn you had it then, but you guessed you were wrong. 
“I can’t find my sketchbook,” you gulped, walking back to the living room. 
“Maybe you left it in your locker or someone found it and took it to the lost and found,” Miguel offered, gesturing with his hands. 
“Yeah, it’ll turn up,” Demetri reassured. “I don’t think anyone would have wanted to steal it,” he shrugged.
“We’ll help you find it on Monday,” Eli said, reaching for your hand.
“Thanks, guys,” you blew out your breath.
You were glad you had them and you really hoped your sketchbook turned up. 
Part of you didn’t want to think about it, but you were worried about who had it if they did. And it only traced back to two girls.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Head empty just thinking about squirting on Demitiris monster cock🥴
🤭🤭 he'd be so shocked the first time it happen, like so awestruck. It's so hot to him. After that he makes it his mission to always make you squirt. He wants to watch you squirt on his big cock, shaking and moaning, holding onto whatever you can get your hands on tight.
God just thinking about being speared on his big fat cock, maybe not even having taken all of it yet, and just squirting on him. Mind going blank as the waves of pleasure are too much to handle all at once. Its all you can think about. Shaking on his cock while making a mess. Coming back to reality to him pushing more of his cock into you and fucking you harder with a thumb on your sensitive clit.
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elder-sister · 7 days
Also, the reason Phoenix and Maya are on this interdimensional and time travely adventure:
So this is between Bridge To The Turnabout and the disbarment as evidence by dialog. Sometime in the past Phoenix successfully defended Goro Majima of the Yakuza series from false charges, so Heihachi Mishima from Tekken hires him to do the same (Heihachi has committed a lot of crimes but not this one)
But M. Bison from Street Fighter hires a powerful bounty hunter from the Darkstalkers games named B.B Hood to kill Phoenix Wright.
So Majima, Kiryu (also Yakuza) and Heihachi drag him and Maya with them as they protect them also Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield from Resident Evil are there. And they go to the Demon Realm Makai (Darkstalkers) where they meet Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) and Demitiri I can't remember his last name but amongst the enemies is B.B Hood so Morrigan takes the Magatama and powers it up to give Phoenix and Maya some powers
For protection they are still dragged along. Eventually the bounty is dropped but B.B Hood is still gonna kill Phoenix because she doesn't like him
So like ATA shit
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
I was watching psych2go (awesome channel btw), and was wondering if everyone, the bots, the humans, are they mentally in the spectrum? (ik shura physically and, I think?, count as physically disabled somehow, correct me if I'm wrong on this.•^•, but I'm talking about mental spectrums.:°, and yes, as much as I hate the two, this question includes everyone, doc and demitiri included.•^•)
I admittedly can't answer for Dimitri or Doc juuuust yet, as that would give away some of the story that's coming up. I also can't mention Fairy Floss just yet. I can, however, answer for the rest of them.
Honestly, a good majority of them would have what's considered mental disabilities.
Cricket suffers from Body Dysmorphia, and is gender-fluid because of it. Quite often, their body doesn't feel "right." They don't tend to voice it to others and simply try to deal with it on their own.
But they aren't alone.
Shura also suffers from Body Dysmorphia, being intersex. She feels like she doesn't fit into either gender due to being both and often resents her body for causing her so many physical medical issues. Being Intersex means that the stuff in between her legs doesn't work quite right, and being albino means she suffers from a lot of other physical issues. She's for sure got depression, and is trapped in a codependent relationship. Back on the physical side, she also suffers from Fibromyalgia. Therefore she has good health days, and some very bad health days where she struggles to get out of bed because of seemingly random body pains. This usually triggers her depression, and she has to force herself to do much or anything on those days. Her cat, Vinny, is pretty much her only saving grace. If she didn't have him, there would be days where she straight up didn't get up until Dimitri forced her to.
Mirage is autism-coded, and maaaay have something else that I can't mention quite yet because SPOILERS~
Zavy suffers from separation anxiety, and constantly needs to be around someone. He hates being alone with all of his being, which is caused by his original hospital programming. The only time he was ever alone was when he was charging. He also may or may not have some PTSD.
Westley suffers from generalized Anxiety and boarders on having Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. He's usually too anxious to speak up for fear of being rejected or pushed to the side, and the rejection physically hurts in his chest.
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cristellove4321 · 1 year
Cannon voice for illusion.:3, they are a soft French accent that can turn high, semi loud, energetic&friendly when happy or low, soft, threating&cold when either pissed off or annoyed, they have a yandere mode, and suffers with a case where they hear multiple voices at once whenever possible, the only friend AND foes illusion had while in their box, illusion is a yandere but not an obvious one, illusion only goes yandere when, in their words "when the voices are loud and angry", and in turn, their angry yet also quiet, they get along with mirage, ery and mirages other puppets well, they semi get along with fairy floss, and only gets along with zavy when they say a cuss word in a different language to someone who's being mean or annoying, demitiri and doc for example, vache means bitchy in French, awhile just chienne means bitch, whenever they cuss illusions coding doesn't let them say the English translation of those words, hense whenever they cuss, its all in french, while whenever they say any other word its their choice to say it in French or English.:3, I find that part funny to me idk why.XD, anyways, enjoy the voice claim everyone.:3
and if anyone wants to give me advice on French voice acting, please don't be afraid to tell me.^^
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So we had our first session of play recorded! If you’ve got 8 hours you can find out how this whole mess happens
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pinehavenpeaches · 4 years
(Demitri + Dream)
closed starter for @demitris-calling​
Dream was at Jim’s General Store. It also served as the grocery store. Pine Haven was a small town with a somewhat eclectic selection of businesses. Dream was repeating to themselves over and over “I won’t buy anything stupid.” Their sister had left them in charge of the grocery shopping this week, and even given them a list. But there was still the urge to buy a few things they didn’t need, such as an overabundance of fruit snacks and six bags of Doritos. The list allowed for one bag of Doritos.
“I won’t buy anything stupid,” has descended into a little song Dream was singing under their breath. The tune didn’t matter much. Dream was pushing the cart when they saw another patron around the same age. Allthough he was pretty good looking, that wasn’t what Dream was looking at. His bag bore all kinds of pride pins including the trans flag.
“I love your bag,” Dream said. “I have a nonbinary flag pin at home. It was really quite hard to find. But you know the one with the yellow, white, purple, black?”
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kibadoglover45 · 6 years
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Demitri and Hal relaxing.
Out of all the crew members, only Demitri and Hal can swim in the lava. The are very special souls ;)
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shadowynnn · 5 years
la tua cantante | part four |
twilight saga
synopsis: You’re a half-vampire with a past you more than wish you could forget. Your life takes an unsuspecting turn when you travel to Volterra to save your adopted brother and discover you’re the mate of the Volterra leaders.
part three synopsis: Your meeting with the Volturi doesn’t go exactly how you thought it would. 
pairing: Aro, Caius, and Marcus x Reader
words:  3613
a/n : In this series, Aro and Marcu’s physical age will be the same as the books, mid 20′s, and 19-early 20′s respectively, while Caius’s age will be the same as portrayed in the movies, early 20′s.
“Ah, our dear Demitri has returned! And he’s brought us another guest! Wonderful!”
Your eyes quickly transversed the room, not to find the source of the man who had just spoken of your appearance, but to find the source of the intoxicating scent that tickled your nose the moment you entered. It was unlike anything you had ever smelled before and you were unsure how to fully describe it. It was sweet...no, ambrosial, a constant shifting of your favorite fragrances blended together to create something so pleasing you found yourself slightly tizzy. It felt like the sweet aroma had completely wrapped itself around your body and left you blanketed in its warm embrace. The intensity of it all made you feel lightheaded and dizzy causing you to reach out and grab hold of the nearest person, the man who had led you here-Demitiri as you know learned-to keep yourself from collapsing.
You fought to keep your head clear but each breath you took sent a new wave of pleasure coursing through your body and you struggled to wrap your head around anything which didn’t focus entirely on it. You faintly wondered what could be the cause of the heavenly smell, and why no one else seemed to be affected the way you were by it when your eyes latched onto the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on.
His back had been turned to you, but the moment he spun around to face you, you felt your breath leave your lungs as complete wonder overtook you. The man’s own eyes, first filled with haughty confidence, soon widened in a similar manner of your own expression.
Something was said, not by the man whom you had been staring at, but rather another. It took much effort, but you forced yourself to tear your gaze from the first man to find an equally beautiful man staring at her in a similar manner as the one before. While the first had hair as dark as night, the second’s was a bright, white blond. 
You had been so hypnotized by the first man that you had not caught what the blond had said and sincerely hoped he had not been speaking to you and cause you to make a fool of yourself in front of them. Thankfully you were spared any embarrassment when a reply came from another.
“It seems our predictions were right.” You were once again forced to tear your eyes away from the second unnaturally attractive man to find yet another, causing you to blink your eyes several times in utter disbelief. “She’s tied to each of us.”
You didn’t quite know what to do or think as your eyes kept gliding from one man to the next and then back again. You had managed to catch what the third had said, but the words didn’t make much sense to you. What did he mean you were tied to each of them? If they were even talking about you, that is. But you couldn’t take much time to wonder as your mind and body were too busy dealing with your burning desire to touch them, to be near them.
You shook your head, completely shocked with yourself and the thoughts and desires taking over your body. This wasn’t like you. This wasn’t like you at all.
All fears and signs of panic which had filled you throughout the past hours had left your body the moment you stepped through the door. Every single negative thought you had had at one point during these past few days completely disappeared. It all became unimportant. Instead, you felt tingles of warmth and pleasure flood through your body, all the way down to your toes. Your brain felt a tad foggy, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. For the first time in a long, long time you found yourself feeling completely and utterly...content.
You didn’t realize the third man had been moving towards you until you felt a cold hand gently brush the hair that had fallen into your face back behind your ear as if to get a better look at your face. You looked up at him, lips slightly parted in surprise, but you did nothing to remove the hand which lingered against your skin. His physical age looked to be the youngest of the three, most likely the closest to yours. Long, brown locks framed a face which seemed to be sculpted from the gods, and his eyes, god, his eyes although a deep red, captivated your entire being and you didn’t know if you would ever find your way out of them. They seemed to hold a deep knowledge which well surpassed his young appearance and you longed for him to share it with you.
“Amore mio,” You shivered in what you could only assume was delight as the man ran his knuckle along her jawline. You didn’t know what he had just said to you, but the way he said it made your heart flutter. “it is you.”
You were completely entranced with the man, your eyes never leaving his own as you allowed him to gently lead you further into the crowd of people and towards the other two. His touch was like electricity against your skin, the longer it lingered, the more you wanted it, no, needed it, and before you could stop yourself, your mind began to race with all the wild things you wanted him to do to you.
Your attention was soon stolen as another hand, one which sent very similar feelings soaring through your body, cupped your chin in order to pull your gaze in his direction. Your eyes were met with the blond. He was the tallest of the three, with a strong jawline and high cheekbones. He faintly reminded you of the German gladiators who fought during the Roman Empire and the want to see the strong muscles which were sure to be lining his body under his clothes hit you hard and sent your cheeks aflame.
“At long last, you have found your way to us, mia dea.” The blond purred in your ear and you suddenly found it very hard to concentrate on anything except for the lips which ever so softly brushed against your ear.
I must be dead.
The man who was bringing me to the Volturi must have killed me on our way there and I have arrived here, instead, my own personal heaven.
You could think of no other explanation as to what was happening than the fact you must be dead in an alleyway somewhere and moved on to the afterlife. It was the only solution as to what you were seeing and feeling at the moment. No other idea made as much sense in your eyes.
Your attention went swiftly towards the voice who made your name sound like the most beautiful word in the world. You found the first man who had captured your attention when you had walked in the room but had held back unlike the other two. A soft, timid smile tugged at your lips as you saw him looking at you with a bright smile as he took in your entire being, not with eyes full of bloodlust, but as though you were the single most precious thing in the world to him.
“You are even more beautiful in person than I imagined.”
He took a step closer as he saw your sole attention was on him once again and you felt your face heat up at his words. The only coherent thought running through your head was that this gorgeous man had just called you beautiful.
“Who are you?” You asked when you realized you didn’t know his or the others’ names and found yourself upset at the upper hand they had on you. 
Wow, (F/N), real classy. You don’t even know these men’s names yet you’re throwing yourself at them like some cheap whore. Get your head out of your ass and stop acting like some lovesick puppy!
But try as you might, you were putty in each of their hands. You longed for the feeling of contentment and safety which came from their sweet scents and gentle caresses. It was a feeling you hadn’t felt in such a long time and the feeling of being wanted was more than you thought you would be able to take.
“I am Aro,” The one who had spoken your name earlier replied before motioning to the brunet who had removed his hand from your back but kept close to you. “This is Marcus and Caius.” Aro then added as he motioned to the blond.
You froze as your brain registered the names which were just spoken to you. The panic which had disappeared the moment you had stepped in the room immediately resurfaced as you realized just who you had been lusting after. Your eyes widened with disbelief and shock. These three beautiful men were the leaders of the Volturi and you had just made a complete fool of yourself by practically throwing yourself at their feet. It had to have been some sort of trap they had planted to catch you off guard before using you for your blood just as he had before.
You were at a loss of words and didn’t have a clue as to what had just happened. You needed to clear your head, but every breath you took enwrapped you in their glorious scent and left your brain all warm and fuzzy. You needed to find a way to clear it before you got all wrapped up in their trap again.
With what took extreme effort, you stepped back quickly from all three of them, eyes wide with confusion as they flitted from one man to the next. Your hands, though shaking, wrapped around your neck in an attempt to protect yourself. You would not let another vampire take advantage of you in the same way as he had. You would never let it happen again as long as you could help it. You would rather die.
But these men weren’t even just ordinary vampires. They were the leaders of the Volturi, the vampires which struck fear inside each and every creature’s heart. These were the men whom everyone had warned you to stay very far away from. These men weren’t like him at all. These men made him look like a puppy.
You ignored the sad frown which crossed Aro’s face as you tore yourself from Caius’s touch and continued to back away from them. Caius let out a low growl when you forced yourself away from him, causing you to flinch involuntarily. Whether they were truly upset by your actions or if it were all just an act, you didn’t have a clue.
You needed to get out of here, go somewhere where you could clear your head and get away from their intoxicating scent. Your eyes scanned the room in an attempt to find a way out, but there seemed to be no escape. When your back reached the wall, you began to truly panic. You were trapped.
As you continued to eagerly search for an escape, you eventually found the only people in the room whom you felt a small level of comfort from: Alice and Edward. You wanted to run over to them, but the members of the guard which surrounded them made you keep your distance. One glance at the towering man to Edward’s left was enough for you to see you stood no chance against them. A part of you may have been a vampire, but the other part, your human part, made you vulnerable and weak.
Edward, please, what’s going on?! You screamed at your adoptive brother in your mind as your eyes pleaded with him to explain.
“Please, beloved, I see that you are scared, but you are safe here.” Your eyes moved on their own accord when you heard Aro begin to speak to you. “Not a hair on your head will be harmed, this I can promise you.” His voice sounded so gentle and sincere that you half-believed him.
“(F/N), listen to Aro. He’s telling the truth.”
You spun back around to see it was Edward who had just spoken to you at this time causing your nerves to lessen ever so slightly, yet you were still wary. You trusted Edward with your life. Why would he lie to you now? If he told you, you were safe and the Volturi would not harm you, then it had to be true, hadn’t it?
But then again, that didn’t make any sense at all. Why would the Volturi not wish any harm towards you? That was completely against every story you had ever been told by the Cullens and your father before.
“Give us time to explain, little one,” Marcus spoke, his voice soft and ever so gentle. “All will come to make sense.”
He slowly approached you and as much as you wanted to run away, another part of you yearned desperately for his touch once more. Much to your dismay, this part overruled your instinct to run and you allowed Marcus to approach you. His scent beginning to overwhelm and calm you once again.
Sensing your consent, Marcus slowly lowered your hands from your throat and kissed the top of each, leaving you with reddening cheeks as he gently coaxed you back to the other two.
“I’m sorry to have startled you, angelo mio,” Caius spoke as you neared him and Marcus let go of you to allow Caius to take your small hands in his. The deep sorrow which filled his eyes told you he was telling the truth, though you didn’t understand why. Why would a leader of the Volturi be apologizing to you, a mere half-breed? Despite your confusion on the manner and reasons completely unknown to you, Caius’s sorrow deeply bothered you and you yearned to make his sorrow go away. “Will you forgive me?”
You nodded your head if only to see his frown go away and allowed Caius to pull you closer to him. As his arm wrapped around the small of your back, you found yourself leaning your head against his chest. This action seemed to relax him as much as it relaxed you and you found your eyes fluttering close at the contentment which filled you once more.
As much as you felt like you couldn’t trust Caius, Marcus, or Aro, everything about them told you, you could trust them with your life though you didn’t understand why.
“I know there is much you do not understand, my dear, but to make things easier for you to, I must first find out what you know.” Your eyes opened once more as you heard Aro speaking to you. “With your permission.” He held out his hand for you to take and Caius gently let you go so you could focus on Aro and oblige to his request.
“I don’t understand.” Your brows scrunched up in confusion, slightly embarrassed and frustrated by your ignorance on the matter. “What do you need my permission for?” 
“Much like yourself, I have been given a gift. With a single touch, I have the ability to read one’s thoughts.” Aro lowered his hand as he gently explained the matter to you. You felt slightly better at the smile he sent you when he spoke, it helped you to not feel so stupid over not knowing what was going on. “I want you to understand that I will be able to read every thought you have ever had, however, and not those which are just crossing your mind at the moment like your brother.”
Aro’s explanation made you pause. He would be able to hear every thought you had ever had? This would explain how he knew your name and the fact you had an ability like him as he must have gotten it from Edward’s mind. You didn’t care if he already knew things like that about you, but you didn’t want him to know the other secrets you kept hidden in your mind. You didn’t want Aro to learn about the scars or him for that matter. 
You unconsciously tugged at the ends of your sleeves and pulled your hair around to hide your neck from view. What would he think if he learned of the faint scars scattered across your pale skin, or even about the dark thoughts you had found yourself mulling over at different occasions. How embarrassing would it be when this man who seemed to be sculpted by the gods themselves saw how terribly flawed you really were.
“Please, my dear, it would comfort me to know you willingly gave me your thoughts and I did not force myself upon them.” 
Aro raised his hand once more for you to take and you saw the sad smile upon his face as he gazed down at you. It wasn’t hard to see he truly did not want to hear your thoughts without your consent, but he would do so if you did not comply. Why he was being so gentle with you and cared about your privacy, you didn’t understand, But then again, you didn’t understand much of what was going on at the moment. Perhaps you were just dreaming and would wake up at any moment to find the Volturi were not the beautiful, gentle men before you, but the ones wh everyone had told you of, the ones which caused fear to run down one’s spine.
“You’ll explain everything if I do this, right?” You cocked your head to the side and when Aro told you he would, you sighed. Besides, if this was just a dream like you believed it to be then what harm would come from doing this?
So, against your better judgment, you raised your hand and allowed Aro to take it if only to make him happy. The bright smile which came from him when you obliged to his request gave you much comfort and reassured you that you were doing the right thing.
The moment Aro’s hand made contact with your own made you instantly feel better and you knew you had indeed made the right choice. His touch, very much like the other’s, sent little sparks of electricity running through you. You didn’t want him to just hold your hand but wanted his touch everywhere if only for the feelings it created inside you. It made you feel more alive, but more importantly, it made you feel wanted. One small touch and you were like an addict. You wanted more, no, you needed more.
At seeing the sly smile appear on Aro’s lips, your own face erupted in flames. You had forgotten he could hear every thought which had just run through your hear at the moment and it made you feel all awkward inside knowing that he now knew of the deep desire you held for him and his two brothers.
When his smile slowly faded you didn’t know whether to feel relieved or not. Without having to be told, you knew which parts of your past he had come upon. Certain parts of your past weren’t the most pleasant and your mind had taken a darker turn on more than one occasion. 
“(F/N), my dear, you have nothing at all to be ashamed of.” Aro’s lips curled into a sad smile before he raised the hand he had been holding and softly kissed the top of it. “You are one remarkable, young woman.” You couldn’t keep your whole body from shivering at the contact and the words he spoke, but as much as this seemed to embarrass you, it seemed to please him.
Before you could even rebuke Aro’s statement-there was nothing remarkable or astounding about you-Aro whipped off the black suit jacket he had been wearing and wrapped it around your shoulders. Your eyes instantly widened at his actions and your brain raced to process what had just occurred. Aro, one of the leaders of the Volturi, had just taken off his jacket and placed it on your shoulders.
After stepping foot in the room and being overwhelmed by the scents surrounding you, you had forgotten about your rain-soaked state and the cold biting at your skin. You had forgotten, that is, until now, and was thoroughly embarrassed by the ugly, drenched state you were sure to be in. 
“You’re making some sort of mistake.” You managed to stumble out before removing your hand from Aro’s grasp in order to take off his jacket and hand it back to him before your wet state ruined it. You didn’t know much about fashion, but even you could tell this suit jacket was not something cheaply bought. 
“Stop, my dear, you’re going to freeze yourself.” Aro forced you to stop messing with the jacket around your shoulders before cupping your right cheek in his hand. “You have had several long days and-”
“But you don’t understand!” You interrupted, not at all realizing the repercussions your action would have caused if it were done by someone other than you. “I don��t know what’s going on, but I do know that you’ve got this all wrong here. There’s-”
Your words stopped and shock overcame your face as the realization of what was happening finally hit you, but it was so preposterous you didn’t know whether to believe it or not. It was highly unbelievable, but it was the only solution that answered nearly everything that had happened since you entered the room.
You were their mate.
taglist: @gay-and-immortl
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havok-hatake · 7 years
The Maker’s Sigh - Chapter 1
White Spire
The White Spire, otherwise known as the Mage Tower of Orlais, was not as glamorous as the one in Ferelden, nor was it as uncomfortable as the Gallows Circle Tower in Kirkwall was.
It was… well, it was just about what one would expect, minus the man that happened to be attempting to pick the lock in order to gain entry to the Templar Barracks.
“Come on,” he paused, straightened to his full, towering height for a handful of seconds, and then leant down again, brushing ink black hair from brown eyes. “Just a bit more, and then I can get my hands on those daggers.” A pause, “and maybe some plate armor. No one’ll miss it, surely.”
That was the thing about White Spire, there were any number of magical methods in place to keep the Mages from getting into trouble, but not a damned one meant to keep out common folk, not that Demitrious Alexander Fleur, Esq. (or Demy, as he tended to prefer) was at all common.
Originally, he’d been considered common, perhaps, by a father that had taught him the ins and outs of B&E, grifting, and how to snatch a noblewoman’s reticule from around her wrist without her noticing, among other things. It wasn’t until the age of seventeen that he’d shown any aptitude for magic, at which point, he’d been collected up and carted off to the Circle Tower in Ferelden to be educated in the Magic Arts.
That had been eight years before, and during that time, Demy had learned to wrangle both elemental and chaos magic, before moving on to cause so much trouble for everyone housed in the Ferelden Tower, that he’d been transferred, for lack of a better term, to White Spire a couple months before, in an effort to keep the structure standing.
Now however, the lock, which was more a loose latch that could be kicked in by a particularly rowdy child than an actual lock, finally unlatched, causing the door to swing inward slightly. Demy cackled about as quietly as one is able to when trying not to get caught in a relatively echo-y corridor, and began to push into the room the rest of the way, only to be stopped by the sudden appearance of a hand on his shoulder.
Demy started violently, whipping around to see who’d caught him and what his chances were of getting punished for trespassing and/or generally making himself a nuisance were.
First Enchanter Adrian was staring at him, eyebrows raised. So, not looking great, then.
She folded her arms, now having succeeded in getting Demy’s undivided attention. “And what do you think you’re doing, young, Demitirious?”
Demy straightened and turned fully, pushing a hand into his hair in an attempt to ignore the creeping feeling that he was already on trial. It was a semi-normal occurrence, as far as Demy was concerned, though at the Ferelden Circle, he usually wasn’t caught until it was too late.
“Well, you see…” he paused there, wondering if perhaps honesty might be the best policy at this particular juncture. Well, he might as well. “There’s a really lovely set of Templar Hunter armor just… lying around in there, collecting dust, and some quite nice daggers, as well, and I just thought that there’d be no harm in my using them, since they’ve been in there for a few weeks and clearly, no one else is going to use them…” He chanced a look at First Enchanter Adrian and figured he might as well go all in, seeing as how he was already in trouble for breaking and entering, and really, he’d never met a Mage that wasn’t absolutely delighted to cause some trouble for the resident Templars. “You wouldn’t mind looking the other way and keeping an eye out for approaching Templars while I go get them, would you? I’d be immensely greatful.” Then, as a last resort, “I’d owe you big time for this.”
The First Enchanter eyed him for a moment, perhaps debating whether it was more to her benefit to allow Demy to do what he wished (since she likely had it on good authority that he would anyway) or to give in and inconvenience the Templars, however momentarily, before heaving a heavy sigh and lifting a hand in a gesture for him to continue.
Demy smiled his thanks and slunk into the armory, where the objects of his desires were sitting innocently on an armor rack, coated in a thin layer of dust. He waved the dust away, running his sleeve over the glinting surface of the breastplate and began the process of pulling off the top layers of his Chantry robes to more easily swap garments. The chest piece was easy enough, and the pauldrons were easy enough to don, without the challenge of trying to get to cooperate with the Chantry caplet he usually wore. The greaves and gauntlets posed even less of a challenge, though Demy left his old armor, if it could be called that, on the now mostly bare armor stand as a not-quite-subtle jab at whichever Templar stumbled on the scene of the crime.
He grabbed the daggers, scabbard and all as he moved to return to the hallway, fastening the belts to his waist as he walked. The door slammed shut as he rejoined the First Enchanter, the latch falling shut again from the force.
Demy struck a pose and grinned at the First Enchanter, showing off his new clothes the way an over excitable child might. “Ta-dah!” He turned once and regarded the First Enchanter, placing a hand on the pommel of one of his new daggers. “Well? What do you think? Pretty good, hmm?”
First Enchanter Adrian sighed quietly, torn, perhaps between smug satisfaction that Demy had caused trouble for the Templars, and a general exasperation at Demy’s apparent proclivity to get into mischief. She shifted her weight from one for to the other and back again, before waving a hand as if she was trying to catch smoke. “Yes, yes. Now that you’re done with that, your punishment for being a nuisance is to chaperone one of the Spire guests when she arrives later today.” The First Enchanter’s smile disappeared and was replaced with the sort of stern, motherly look that made Demy feel like he’d somehow caused irreparable damage to something irreplaceable. “She’s one of the Grey Wardens, so I expect you to show her the utmost respect and courtesy. No funny business, Demitrious.”
Demy held up his hands in surrender, wondering if the Warden was visiting the Spire to recruit someone. “No problem, Adrian,” he shot her a winning smile when she frowned at him, “you can count on me!”
The First Enchanter nodded and then eyed Demy for a moment, before speaking again. “Now that I have your attention, actually, I have a question.” She paused there, waiting for Demy to give her some indication that she could move ahead. “Why, if you don’t mind my asking, do you use a wand to cast instead of a staff? I’ve never seen anything like it in the Spire, and certainly not during my time in Ferelden’s Circle.”
Demy lifted a shoulder like the question didn’t particularly surprise him. “With my background, a wand is more… flexible. It’s easier to make magic bend to my will with a wand, and I can pour more power into my magic with a wand and use less energy, unlike Staff users… No offense.”
The First Enchanter rolled her eyes and Demy chuckled. “So then, are you unable to use a staff?”
“Well…no…” Demy pulled his wand from where it was tucked into his belt, waving it absently, so that a nearby candle sputtered with the magical push he created. “But every time I try to use a staff, it breaks apart or disintegrates. It gets bothersome after a while.” He eyed her for a moment, lifting an eyebrow. “Why?”
First Enchanter Adrian tilted her head back slightly, giving Demy the impression she was looking down her nose at him. “We haven’t had much time to speak since you arrived,” she shot a look at Demy, who’d opened his mouth to argue that they’d exchanged pleasantries in the halls at least once a day since he’d joined the Mages of the White Spire. “Not in-depth, at least… Is it a crime to wish to learn a little about my new charge?” She motioned for Demy to follow her, and he got the feeling that it was less a request and more a polite demand. He sighed, moving to join her.
“Well,” he sighed, folding his arms behind his head, eyeing the cobwebs in the corners of the lofty ceilings. “As you know, my magic didn’t manifest until I was seventeen, and before that, my father taught me everything there was to know about various unsavory acts, likely out of boredom, right up until he and my mother were killed in a Bandit Raid.” He hesitated before taking another step and shook the memory out of his head, glancing over at the First Enchanter, who was peering at him curiously.
She pushed open the door of the Library, waving a hand for him to enter before following. “They tell me you came willingly when the Templars found you.” The door closed with a softer click than the size of the door implied. “That’s a rarity.”
Demy nodded, smiling at the thought. “Yes, Amos and Valerian found me. They were surprisingly nice for Templars, and it didn’t seem right to light their asses on fire.”
The First Enchanter giggled, putting a hand over her mouth as if it had been surprised out of her, then she looked over at Demy, reaching out to brush his hair away from his face. “I must say… you seem so…” she paused, tucking a wayward strand behind his ear, looking at him a bit like she’d never seen anything quite like him. “Familiar… like we’ve met somewhere before and I can’t quite recall…” Her smile widened and Demy could see a healthy dose of mischief in her eyes as she drew back her hand. “You seem to have that effect on the Sisters, too, as well as the Mothers. You’ve got them all flocking to you like ducklings, but I think it’s just fluster on their part. After all, it isn’t often that we’re joined by such a handsome face, is it?”
Demy coughed into his fist, vaguely embarrassed by the assertion. “Yes, well, rakish good looks or no, I haven’t the faintest idea of why that is.”
First Enchanter Adrian waved his modesty away like one might wave away smoke and came to a stop in front of the door to her office. She inclined her head at Demy, then, in something of a show of respect and smiled when he returned the gesture. “Thank you for walking me to my office, Demitrious… Why don’t you get some studying done while you’re here?”
She didn’t wait for an answer, instead turning to enter the office, and leaving Demy alone in the library with her not-quite-request still hanging in the air. He sighed, and decided there was nothing for it, before wandering off to find a suitable table to sit down and study at.
Between the quiet and the lazy shafts of sunlight filtering in through the windows, and the dry subject matter, it wasn’t especially long before Demy had nodded off.
A woman had appeared in the front hallway, short, dark haired, and nearly fae-like, followed shortly by a much-smaller-than-the-average-Mubari hound, who’d seen fit to stretch out on the floor and do a very passable impression of a black and brown and white area rug. She shifted, waiting for someone to notice her arrival, and her satchel rattled slightly, its contents hitting against each other. She’d been told that potions and poisons weren’t necessary for what amounted to a recognizance mission, but one never really knew what the future held, so she’d brought them anyway. She ran her fingers over the Dalish affectations on her armor, sighing quietly into the empty hall. Beside her, the dog did much the same.
Eventually, a Templar appeared, less on purpose and more out of happenstance and he eyed her curiously for a handful of seconds before speaking. “What brings you to White Spire?”
The woman shifted again, the dagger belted to her hip glinting in the watery, late evening light streaming in through the windows. “I am here to see the First Enchanter,” a pause, and then, when the Templar didn’t move, she continued, “Official Grey Warden business, I’m afraid.” She chanced a smile and dialed it back again when the Templar looked like he wanted to take a step back. The Templar nodded once, turning to presumably disappear deeper into the Spire. The woman glanced down at her hound, watching him watch the room at large while they waited.
Footsteps echoed down the hall, two pairs, at least, though one of those approaching belonged to a man much more heavily armored than the other, and the woman returned her gaze to the door the Templar had exited from.
The Templar reappeared in the doorway, followed by a much more heavily armored man she assumed to be the Knight Commander, who greeted her by eyeing her suspiciously instead of offering his hand. From the floor, the dog growled.
The Knight Commander’s attention flicked from her to the dog and back before he finally deigned to speak. “My apologies, m’lady… We were expecting…” He paused, hopefully realizing that insulting a Grey Warden was not the nest idea, shook his head, and continued, “would you be so kind as to give us your name? We have received word from the Grey Wardens confirming who they’ve sent.” “I am Aspen Vien, of the Ferelden Order of Grey Wardens-” whatever else she was going to say was cut off by the dog huffing loudly, “and this is Ten, my war hound. We are here to speak with the First Enchanter, if you don’t mind.”
Her announce was met with more stares and Aspen was beginning to think that perhaps she should have worn the Grey Warden armor on her journey, as had been suggested. Finally, the Knight Commander smiled, if a little grimly, and gestured for her to follow as he made his way into the Spire.
They didn’t speak as they made their way through the hallways, up a few flights of stairs, and then into a library with lofty ceilings and bookshelves that lined the walls. The Knight Commander made his way through the tables, looking a bit like he was searching for someone, and let out a sigh when he found a young mage snoring quietly with his feet on the table and his face hidden by a book, chair precariously balanced on two legs.
The Knight Commander sighed gravely, kicking the back of the chair so that all four legs came crashing into the floor, nearly upending the person sitting in it.
Raw magic streaked past Aspen as the man flailed around in an effort to right himself, blowing her hair away from her face as it passed before ultimately crashing into a candelabra and reducing it to a twisted chunk of silver. Aspen blinked, wondering if this happened often, or if she’d somehow walked into an assassination attempt.
The man finally stood, sending a glare in the Knight Commander’s general direction, before clapping his hands and bowing to Aspen. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I am Demitrious Alexander Fleur, Esquire, but you may call me Demy.”
Aspen wasn’t entirely sure if she was supposed to answer this, and elected to stay silent, if only because she had no interest in discussing business with the Knight Commander Present. Demy, for his part, looked over at the Knight Commander, perhaps to silently ask for context, and then swung his gaze back in Aspen’s general direction when the Knight Commander merely nodded at him before drifting off to do whatever it was he filled his time with. Demy looked back at Aspen and visibly scrambled for something to say. “I suppose that would make you the famed Gray Warden, Vanquisher of Darkspawn and Thwarter of Evil, then. Welcome to White Spire.”
Aspen resisted the urge to snort derisively, absently wishing that Duncan had sent her to White Spire with her partner. He was much better at winning people over than she was. “That would be me.” She took a deep breath and tried to look like she wanted to be there. “I am Aspen Vein, and this,” she gestured Ten, who was sitting on the floor at her feet, watching the conversation mildly, “is Ten, my war hound.” She stopped there, cursing Duncan for making her do his dirty work when he knew she was better at eviscerating things, and then pushed on, “I am glad to know that we are being hosted by the First Enchanter personally.” She sighed inwardly, absently hoping to get this over with so she could go home. “As you know, Ferelden is in the middle of a Blight unlike anything we’ve ever seen, and honestly, we could use all the help we can-”
Demy let out a loud laugh, holding up a hand to stop her talking. Absently, Aspen wondered how he’d feel if she broke it. “Whoa, hold on there, Ace.”
Aspen frowned. “Begging your pardon?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m not the First Enchanter.” He sent her something that might have been a smile if it wasn’t so smug, “but I am meant to host you while you stay at White Spire.” His smile widened and Aspen thought that perhaps she wasn’t entirely fond of this Demitrious Alexander Fleur. She knew she wasn’t fond of him when his smile became a full-fledged smirk and he continued with, “so before you embarrass yourself any further than you already have, why don’t I take you to Adrian, and she’ll tell you who you can recruit, where you’re sleeping, and all of that other fun stuff.”
He turned and began making his way through the library, and Aspen debated whether or not stabbing him while his back was turned would be rude. Of course it would be just her luck, to be chaperoned by some asshole smart-mouth Mage with no tact.
Aspen was broken out of her thoughts by Demy, who turned to face her, walking backwards through the stacks. “So, you’re looking for recruits, hmm?” he asked, apparently content to ignore the entirely uninterested look Aspen was currently leveling at him. “Desiree and Maxie are at the top of their class.” He looked at her very seriously for a moment as if to see if she were suitably impressed by his statement. “They’re very adept at advanced spells. Incredibly powerful.”
Duncan would never forgive Aspen if she caused some kind of incident, worse, her partner would probably do that thing where he made disappointed faces at her until she apologized, though she thought that perhaps atoning for murder took more than an ‘I’m sorry,’ to fix.
Aspen shook her head, leveling her best we are not amusedlook at him, and directed her attention toward the scenery outside a nearby window. “You don’t say? Well, I will speak to the First Enchanter about them.” She paused, and then, because she wasn’t altogether a very nice person and no one was there to keep her in line, she added, “I assumed I would be taken straight to her, my apologies for assuming your importance.”
Demy or Demitrious or whatever it was he liked to be called shrugged exaggeratedly at her, waving off the comment like one might a fly. “It’s alright. If it makes you feel any better, you’re not the first person to assume she was a man.” He turned back around and Aspen sighed, “the Knight Commander thought she was a man, I thought she was a man, probably some of the other mages thought she was a man. I suppose that’s what happens when you’ve got an ambiguous name in a male dominated field.” He stopped by a nondescript door and knocked, pushing it open before anyone inside could acknowledge his presence, “and talking of ambiguous names, here’s Adrian now.”
He swept an arm through grandly and Aspen found herself in the midst of a loud argument between the Knight Commander and the person she assumed was the First Enchanter, if the violet sparks arcing off the top of her staff were to be believed. Aspen shared a look with Ten, who seemed to be just as vaguely disconcerted by the arguing as she was. Demy cleared his throat, pushing Aspen through the doorway with a little shove, and the room went uncomfortably quiet. He pushed past Aspen, moving to introduce her to the room at large. He rubbed his hands together uncomfortably and smiled. “First Enchanter Adrien, this is the Grey Warden you asked me to escort around during her stay. I thought it best to bring her here first, so you could conduct your business at the first opportunity. Knight Commander Eron, I believe you two have already met.”
Aspen watched First Enchanter Adrien open her mouth like she might like to answer, only to be cut off by Knight Commander Eron, who rounded on Demy like an angry animal.
“Never mind that, what I want to know is why the hell you’re wearing my men’s armor, when you should be wearing your Chantry robes,” he paused to take a breath and then kept ranting, prowling closer to Demy with each step, “your blatant disregard for your betters is insulting an-”
Aspen tuned out of the one-sided conversation at that point, uninterested in listening to the Knight Commander any longer. What she was interested in, however, was how Demy slipped one of the daggers at his hip out of its sheath, sliding the blade between the Knight Commander’s legs, dangerously close to where his hip met the rest of him when he neared too close. One wrong move and they’d all be watching the other man bleed out on the floor. Aspen wondered if that was the point, or if Knight Commander Eron was looking nervous for another reason.
Demy smiled almost good-naturedly, putting his free hand to his face, as if he was deep in thought. “Now, now, Knight Commander, I do seem to recall a certain someone saying that there was no one able to use this armor, and that it might as well be thrown out and replaced, and I thought to myself, ‘well now, why let a perfectly good armor set go to waste, when I can use it? It’ll go mysteriously missing, and the Knight Commander can order a new set without having to lie to the Chantry, and everybody wins, don’t they?’” He stopped there and tapped the inside of the Knight Commander’s thigh with the flat of his blade, “Oh, and Knight Commander, it would do you well to remember that I wasn’t always a Mage, unless you’d like me to make you a permanently committed Templar. Understood?” The Knight Commander nodded quickly, sagging in relief when Demy removed the dagger from his person.
Ace wasn’t sure how good of a Mage Demy was, but the Grey Wardens valued adaptability more than raw power, and she thought that perhaps Demitrious Alexander Fleur would fit in with the rest of the Wardens just fine, provided he stayed on the opposite side of the camp from her.
Still, she wasn’t in the habit of being especially nice, and instead of saying as much, she sent her elbow into Demy’s side a little harder than was maybe necessary. “As much as I enjoyed that little show, you’ve wasted all our time. I suggest you apologize.” Demy hissed and blinked down at her, before apparently realizing she was serious, gritting his teeth and nodding. “I apologize for wasting your time, and hope that you will find it in yourself to forgive me.” He bowed his head and sent a quick glare in Aspen’s direction. “First Enchanter Adrian, I apologize for acting in a manner that brings disgrace upon myself and the other Mages in the Spire.”
Aspen nodded in acceptance and then shifted her attention to Knight Commander Eron, who seemed to be regaining some of his previous ego. She narrowed her eyes at him and somewhere near her feet, Ten growled. “Both of you.”
Knight Commander Eron looked startled for a moment, opening his mouth like he might argue with Aspen about it. She lifted an eyebrow at him, daring him to try, and she watched, amused when he deflated in defeat.
“My… apologies,” he spit the word out like it was glass, “Warden, First Enchanter.”
Aspen smiled her most feral smile, the one that tended to put people off, and waved a hand. “Wonderful. You’re dismissed.” There was a moment of silence, before the Knight Commander seemed to realize she was talking to him. He grumbled quietly, bowing stiffly before finally taking his leave. Demy turned to join him, waiting until he was out the door before attempting to take his leave.
“Not you.” Aspen said, pointing at Demy before he could properly escape. “You stay,” and then, “close the door.” Demy, surprisingly, did as he was told, shutting the door with a quiet click and then hovering near it as if he wanted to be as close to the outside world as possible, in case something exploded or went awry.
First Enchanter Adrien folded her hands, bowing slightly in apology now that the official meeting had presumably begun. “My apologies, Warden Vien. I do hope that this incident hasn’t changed your mind about recruiting White Spire Mages for your efforts. Before you arrived, Knight Commander Eron and I were… discussing… who we might recommend to you for recruitment. Knight Commander Eron was being… difficult.” She straightened and smiled with some amount of effort. “Would you like to discuss those we believe are skilled enough to join your cause.”
Aspen lifted her shoulders uninterestedly. “Not particularly.” The First Enchanter sagged a little at this, disappointed, perhaps, Aspen didn’t particularly care. She jerked her thumb at Demy, who’d taken to leaning against the wall near the door, looking bored. “I want him.”
The First Enchanter blinked once, and then again, her mouth opening like she wanted to say something, before finally coming up with, “Demitrious?”
On her other side, Demy made a vaguely offended gesture at the First Enchanter.
“I’m not sure if he’s any good at magic, but one doesn’t become that talented with a dagger by accident.” Aspen would know. “The other skills can come later, if they must.” First Enchanter Adrien nodded, looking a little taken aback by the assertion. “Ah, yes, well, you see, Demitrious’s magic didn’t actually manifest until about eight years ago. Before that, his father was a soldier for the Arl of Refcliff, and taught him accordingly.” She paused, looking past Aspen, probably at the object of their conversation, and swallowed before continuing. “His parents were killed in a Bandit Raid, and our Templars found him tied up and held down, surrounded by scoundrels trying to use him to make a bit of coin. The Templars took him to the Ferelden Tower, and eventually, he was transferred here.” She paused again, looking away from Demy and back to Aspen, sounding much more assertive than before. “He is one of our best Enchanters, and we would be honoured if you took him to join the Grey Wardens.”
Aspen nodded in agreement. This was certainly turning out to be easier than she’d thought it would be. “He certainly seems sure of himself.” Aspen chanced a glance back at Demy, who looked torn between terror and exuberance, “well, I suppose there’s nothing for it. If there are no objections, I will take him back to Ferelden with me, where he will be conscripted into the Grey Wardens,” she turned to look at her new charge, “go pack. We’re leaving at first light tomorrow morning.”
Demy did as he was told, mostly because he wasn’t sure he could believe his luck and was almost convinced that if he waited too long, the whole thing would be revealed as some sort of elaborate practical joke.
He was nearly halfway to his room when something wrapped around his wrist and he was yanked into a nearby alcove. There was an arm wrapped around his chest, preventing him from lifting his arms, and another pressed only slightly too tight over his throat. “You’d better hope you leave the Spire tonight, Mage,” ah, it was the Knight Commander, then. “You won’t be getting away with threatening my manhood like that.”
“Oh please,” Demy snarled, snapping his head backward, grimly satisfied at the loud crunch that signified what sounded very much like a broken nose. He whipped around, glaring at the now fallen Knight Commander, who was holding his hands to his face in an effort to stem the blood flowing freely down his face. “I’ll be out of your hair before you know it, you Orleasian jag, no need to get shirty and lecture me. Your accent’s giving me a headache.” The Knight Commander, for his part, stumbled to his feet, stalking off in the opposite direction, pushing past Aspen, who’d apparently been relieved from the First Enchanter’s company. Demy didn’t pay her any mind, choosing to make his way to his quarters so that he could throw all of his possessions into a bag to be dragged along with him on whatever daft quest the Grey Wardens were on, before falling into bed to await nightfall, watching the sun sink down below the horizon, carpeting the land in darkness.
Aspen was in the fog between sleeping and waking when something wet touched her face. She batted it away, and groaned when the feeling persisted, only to find Ten laying on her chest licking her face, presumably in an effort to wake her. She sighed, swinging her feet down over the side of the little bed she’d been allowed the use of, armor grating quietly as she did.
Ten hopped off the bed and turned a circle, running from the door, to the bed, and back while Aspen pulled on her boots. She grabbed her daggers and satchel, stepping over the dog as she moved across the room to open the door. Ten darted out into the hallway, and then down the corridor to gods only knew where. Aspen followed the dog silently, wondering what exactly what had garnered his interest so late in the evening.
Eventually, they came upon a door that looked rather locked, if the way Demitrious was crouched in front of it with a set of lock-picks was any indicator. Aspen watched silently, leaning comfortably against one of the many pillars lining the hall, wondering if the First Enchanter had known the depths of his unlawful abilities. A click echoed through the hall and the door swung open, squealing quietly as a fresh breeze whipped through the Spire.
“So do you like what you see, Ace?”
Aspen lifted an eyebrow, impressed that he’d sensed her presence. The only people outside of the village she’d grown up in that were able to keep track of her with any regularity were her partner and Duncan, and the former was mostly because she let him. She blinked slowly, leaning more comfortably on the pillar. “And if I do?”
“Can we skip the pleasantries?” Demy asked almost irritably, “you’ve woken up the guards, so we need to get out of here quickly.”
Of course, Aspen had done no such thing. If anything, the door had been rigged up with some sort of magical alarm that prevented entry in the night hours, and Demy had set it off by picking the lock. He wasn’t wrong, though; Aspen could hear the sound of several people loudly making their way down the corridors. Aspen clicked her tongue at Ten and jerked her head toward the door, reaching out to tap Demy’s chestplate as they passed him by. “Lead the way.”
It seemed, that lock-picking wasn’t Demy’s only talent, Aspen noticed as they silently made their way through the winding gardens that surrounded the Spire, avoiding detection as best they could. There were a couple of close calls, but Aspen had never been caught before, so she wasn’t especially worried that she would be now. Demy was altogether a different story, but Aspen thought that perhaps if he couldn’t make a stealthy escape, then maybe he wasn’t as cut out for the Wardens as she thought he was.
Still, even with the additional person, they made it through the outskirts of the forest that surrounded the Spire with very little issue.
Demy snapped his fingers, waving his hand to catch the canteen that appeared from thin air as they walked, uncapping the container in order to take a drink. He seemed happier, now, somehow, despite their escape having taken place only moments before, somehow, suddenly much more comfortable in his skin. Aspen wouldn’t have called the Spire a particularly terrible cage, but then, it hadn’t been built to keep her in, so she supposed she wouldn’t know. Aspen squinted, looking up through the foliage above them at the stars. It was only a quick calculation or two, before she was able to figure out the general direction home was in. “Come on, then, if we hurry, we’ll be able to make it back to Ostegar before the week is out.” There would be a battle waiting for them when they got back, but Demy didn’t need to know about that just yet. It wouldn’t do to scare him off just yet.
“Right behind ya,” Demy sighed, following behind Aspen and Ten as they began making their way back to Ostegar. Aspen wondered if the lofty affectation he’d spoken with before had just been an act to fit in at the Spire. “Can’t wait to see what you have in store for me.” He smiled boyishly at Aspen. “Whatever it is, it can’t be all that bad, can it?”
The evening was chilly, and they would probably have to stop for a few hours before sunrise, but it was passable out. Aspen had certainly suffered worse with less. She hummed quietly, rummaging in her bag for a moment to pull out a piece of the sweet cake her partner had slipped into her bag before she’d taken her leave. “Well,” she mused, “obviously I’m not in a position to be giving away the Gray Wardens’ secrets, but I do know that should you agree to join the Order, you’ll be giving up everything.” She paused, dropping a bit of sweet cake down to Ten, who snapped it out of the air. “You know, title, family, livelihood. Duncan will explain better when we get there, so you might as well save the questions and come along.”
A somewhat stunned silence answered the statement, and Aspen glanced back to see that Demy was looking at her like he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it all. He shook his head, adjusting his speed to that he was nearly in step with her and Ten. “Guess I’ll just have to believe you ‘till we get to… uh… Ostegar.” “Well,” Aspen said, smiling, and Demy lifted his eyebrows in a way that suggested he was a little put off, but didn’t want to say anything about it. “Let’s go, then. The sooner we get to Ostegar, the sooner you get to have all those burning questions answered, right?”
Demy took off at something that wasn’t quite a run, passing Aspen easily and using the height he had on her to his advantage. “Well, come on then!”
Aspen glanced down at Ten, frowning, “what’s his problem, hmm?” She sighed and lengthened her stride, “you don’t even know where you’re going.”
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unblessxd · 8 years
You act like you hate him.
no i dntif i actd liek i hate him id b attckin him onlienim not i love demitiri btu smetimes he exasperats me
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starrabbitmedia · 11 months
I will not lie here, i believe i found a twin within shura.:3 (aka in the relatability in the mental state i mean), so my question lays here, did she ever get the chance to socialize at least a lil bit?, to feel somewhat like a kid?, even when the bitch boy (demitiri), is out of the house? :°
Not really. She lived with her family in the woods. The nearby town did uh... not like her. Or her mother.
More on that later.
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kibadoglover45 · 6 years
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Alex the dino nerd with a small plush of himself!
So short story, my girlfriend found a plush person with low-ish prices for small plushies. Like 8inched. All the other plus makers I’ve been eyeballing for a while are right now too pricey for me. I’ve been trying to save up but it’s been a huge struggle as of late. But this person had the perfect price range! So I bought a slot and asked for an 8 inch Alex. They are going to start with their commissions at the end of August! So I am uber hyped! 
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fionaphoto · 10 years
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  Little Demitri is almost due!
Thank you for this great opportunity to photograph this little angel before his arrival!
      Baby On Board! Little Demitri is almost due! Thank you for this great opportunity to photograph this little angel before his arrival!
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jah-ith-ber · 12 years
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Never enough Darkstalkers
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findingnorumbega · 13 years
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