#demon king marcel
vampirecorleone · 1 year
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"But to my eyes, you looked like the bad guys too. That day, when you breached the wall, when titans destroyed my home, when I watched as my mom was eaten, I couldn't understand it. Why Reiner? Tell me why my mom was eaten by a titan." | "It's because we broke the wall that was protecting her." | "Why did you break the wall?" | "So we could use the chaos to sneak in. To find out if the King would react." | "But what was your mission? " | "To save the world by taking the Founder." | "Well, that's that. If all that was to save the world. Then you didn't have much choice." | "I remember what you said. You promised we'd pay for what we did and you promised pain. So, are you here to make me pay?" | "Yeah, I did say that, didn't I? Let's forget about that. At first, I considered every person on this side of the sea an enemy. But later, I crossed the sea, slept under my enemy's roof, ate the food they offered me. Reiner, I'm the same as you. Some of these people are awful, but some are good. Same where I'm from. Inside the walls, we're all just people. But you were taught that the people in the walls weren't like you, that we were demons. You were just kids who got brainwashed. Hatred was part of your training. As young as you were, how could you have fought that? You couldn't have, and well it, it looks like you've already paid." | "No! You're wrong, Eren! That day, when the titan got Marcel, Annie and Bertholdt wanted to end the mission right then. And they would've. But I convinced them to keep going. Not just to save my own skin, but, because I wanted to become a hero! I wanted to be respected! It's my fault! The, the truth is your mother was eaten by a titan because of me! Please, just kill me. I can't take this anymore." | "I was right. I am the same as you. I think maybe we were born this way. I'll just keep moving forward . . . til I've killed my enemies." Attack on Titan Character Appreciation - Eren Yeagar
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Adolescent Antichrist Pride Special 2024
Father Figure! Lucifer Morningstar x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Pride Special 2024
            “Is that Lucifer singing on the drag float?” said Em, blinking.
            “Oh, yeah, but he set up the pride event in LUX, so he decided to include himself in all the ridiculousness,” said (Y/N). “But it is fun.”
            “Bisexual mess,” said Em, nodding.
            “Definitely,” said (Y/N), rolling their eyes.
            “His makeup is awesome,” said Marcel appreciatively.
            That was true. Lucifer was wearing his usual suit, but he had on eyeshadow in bisexual hues, and his voice was carrying over the crowd as drag queens and kings danced around him.
            “And he sounds amazing,” said Noa. “I didn’t know he could sing like that.”
            “Yeah, yeah, he looks and sounds good, let’s stop complimenting my dad,” said (Y/N), making a face.
            “Harsh as ever, even during Pride,” laughed Olive.
            “Well, no need to change your personality for Pride,” said Leon.
            “Of course not,” said Em. “And we should know—we’re the LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club!”
            (Y/N) laughed. “Hell yeah we are.”
            “I can’t believe you had time to design pride-themed clothes, too,” said Olive. “I love how this looks.” She spun around in the lesbian, sunset-themed sundress (Y/N) had made.
            “Well these aren’t hard to do. I just did simple, pre-made designs instead of deciding on all the patterns myself,” said (Y/N). “I’m still working for my senior project anyways.”
            “We still appreciate it,” said Leon, nodding his head. They wore a pin with he/they on it and another with the asexual flag on a vest in pansexual colors over his collared shirt.
            “I love shirt you made,” said Marcel, tapping the trans-flag-colored shirt he wore over his favored. He wore a rainbow choker overtop that.
            “Really, it wasn’t anything,” said (Y/N), waving a hand. They had on pants with patches of nonbinary-flag colors while their shirt was white and read “Queer” in cursive paint (put on by themself, of course).
            “Oh, come on, take some credit,” said Noa. “You do a lot for others and then you just act like you haven’t done anything. They had on a crop-top with bisexual-colored butterflies and ripped jeans. Giant earrings reading “they” and “them” hung from their ears. (Also, they had change the beads in their locs for rainbow patterns).
            “Come on, just say ‘thank you’ and admit you worked hard,” said Em. She had on a pin with “she/they” on an oversized t-shirt overtop white pants with lesbian-colored flowers printed in.
            “…Fine. Yeah, thanks,” said (Y/N), looking away uncomfortably.
            They were used to just handling situations or problems by themself, even if others were involved, so being reminded that people cared and appreciated the work they’d been brought up to expect was nice. Sometimes, the lessons (Y/N)’s biological parents impressed upon them didn’t go away. The remnants stayed in their mind.
            Luckily, their friends showed their appreciation for (Y/N) and who they were and what they liked to do. They had a support network, and (Y/N) could relax more. They only did things for others when they actually cared. (Y/N) was happy.
            “Now, cheer up! Let’s have some fun!” said Em, pulling (Y/N) into a side-hug. “Don’t be a grouch during Pride, Birdie.”
            “I’m not a grouch,” protested (Y/N).
            “No, just living off sarcasm,” laughed Olive.
            “Don’t worry, we love it,” said Noa, chuckling.
            “Leon, let’s dance together,” said Marcel, grabbing his partner’s hand.
            “I’m coming,” said Leon, following their boyfriend onto the dance floor.
            “If Lucifer spots them, he’s pulling them on stage, isn’t he?” said Noa, grinning as they moved onto the dance floor with the others.
            “He threatened to involve me,” said (Y/N). They shook their head and smirked. “But I threatened to have a panic attack and he let me go.”
            “Oh, please, you’d be fine and you know it,” said Em, grabbing their hands and swinging them around to the music.
            (Y/N) spun and faced her again. “Yeah, but Dad’s protectiveness always wins out over logic.”
            “You’re way more cunning than he realizes,” teased Olive.
            “You’re lucky he didn’t disapprove of Em,” said Marcel.
            “You’d be surprised of who parents approve of. Most of society would think my parents wouldn’t approve of you, Marcel, but my parents love you,” said Leon.
            “Him? The idiot punk?” said Noa.
            “Hey!” said Marcel, but Leon laughed and kissed his forehead fondly.
            “The point is, of course Lucifer approves of (Y/N)’s choice. They know what they deserve and wouldn’t date someone terrible,” said Leon.
            “I’m not surprised he approved,” said Noa, smirking and exchanging a knowing look with Marcel. “Em is one of his demons.”
            “Oh, yeah, definitely,” said Marcel.
            “Shut up, I was terrified my boss would disapprove of him,” grumbled Em.
            (Y/N) groaned and turned away before their cheeks warmed too much. “Instead making fun of my love-life, can we just enjoy pride?”
            “I agree,” said Em quickly. “Want to keep dancing, Birdie?”
            “Yeah, sounds great to me,” said (Y/N), grabbing Em’s hand and dragging them away from Olive wiggling her eyebrows at (Y/N). “Shut up! They’re my partner, I can dance with them without being teased!”
            “At least they’re together now,” said Leon.
            “Seriously,” laughed Marcel.
            “It took them long enough,” said Olive. “If they weren’t together by now, by Pride, I’d lose my mind.”
            “Actually, it’s the most the LGBTQ part about it,” laughed Noa. “They’re terrible at flirting.”
            “Now that’s pride,” said Marcel.
            (Y/N) and Em, ignoring the teasing, simply listened to the music and screamed the lyrics to Lady Gaga songs. Their hands were clasped tightly together, and when someone came around with rainbow flags, they took one and draped it over their shoulders. (Y/N) and Em were happy, side-by-side, being proud in who they were.
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stupidgaybraziliam · 10 days
For Eldia's Sake: Prologue
Marco was born on a particularly hot day, when the sun was about to rise, and when his first cry finally echoed throughout the room, you could still see the stars in the sky in a beautiful mix of orange and blue. At least that's what his mother tells him every time it's his birthday.
Marco Bodt came from a very interesting family, he was the son of Eldian immigrants from the Middle East. His mother Aysun had beautiful green eyes and freckles, and his father Hamza was... He was very closed and strict, but he still loved his father.
By the time he was four years old, he had learned all about his race, the titans, about the world... About life. He knew that his life was difficult simply because he was Eldian, the whole world disliked Eldians, saying that they were all demons, and Marco also learned all the reasons that supposedly justified this.
Over 1000 years ago, the Marleyans were oppressed by the Eldians. Women were forced to bear children by the Eldian Empire, people were eaten alive by the Titans, and the whole horror story was finally broken by Marley winning the Great Titanic War with the help of the great hero Helos and the cooperation of the Tybur family, who revolted against the Eldian Empire in order to save the non-eldians. And of course, with the Founding Titan-bearing King fleeing to a small island off the coast of Marley, the island of Paradis. And as if that wasn't enough, this same king built huge walls made of thousands of Colossal Titans, threatening to trample all nations if the island was ever invaded.
But Marco also learned that this was a lie, they weren't demons, they were people worthy of living, and that some of what Marley put in the history books was a lie. Ymir, the great founder, was not a demon, she served her nation proudly, helping the people there. He also learned that that cowardly king who fled was actually a hero, just trying to save the Eldians. And one day, Marco would help rebuild the Eldian Empire, and then be able to save his people.
He strove to meet his father's expectations, not caring one bit about serving as a Candidate for one of Marley's Titans, just to fulfill those goals. Despite everything, he didn't understand... Why did things have to be this way? Couldn't they just live peacefully enjoying what little freedom they had? He didn't understand why his father was so obsessed with it, why his father was aggressive, and even less why he would physically abuse a child who was only trying to please him.
When his mother said that she would put an end to it and that she couldn't bear to see her son suffer because of an obsession that would surely lead to the family's downfall, Marco was happy to hear it, promising that he wouldn't tell Marley anything about the plan to denounce him.
Until that damn day.
How did they think they could get away from him? Marco was just as naive as his mother.
Marco doesn't like to think about why he didn't question when he ate something that tasted strange before bed, his mother clearly a little nervous. He didn't question having overslept that night, only to wake up to his mother's screams.
He didn't like to think about the terrible things that man uttered as Marco desperately tried to open that door.
He didn't like to think about how that bastard glared angrily at his own offspring, before Marco plunged that axe into the middle of that hideous being's skull.
He didn't like thinking about his mother's last words, he didn't like remembering the moments when she had been so sweet to her own son.
And the worst part of it was that he also didn't like to think about the looks of pity he received from those people as soon as they realized how pathetic that child now felt.
But it was okay, he had friends.
Did he mention how much he loved that little boy he met at training? He loved Marcel Galliard.
Marcel had everything Marco admired, he was a good leader, he had a happy family and he looked after his brother very well. It was amazing how a little boy like that could be so kind and friendly in a place like Marley.
Marco also liked Pieck, she was calm, always on her toes. But very intelligent too, her voice calmed Marco down, he also admired how much she trusted and loved her friends.
Annie was cool too, she had such interesting fighting moves! He didn't talk to her much, but he was trying to change that, she even smiled at him!
Reiner and Berthold were equally cool! Reiner was super horny and Berthold was a bit shy, but very nice too! He liked to play ball with them.
And there was Pock, I mean Porco. There was him too, as Marco was very close to Marcel, he was also certainly a bit close to Porco. He didn't like his impulsive side very much, but he also found it fascinating, he wanted to understand it better. He also wanted to understand why Porco was so nervous around him.
There was Zeke and Mr. Ksaver too! How had he forgotten them? They were so intelligent, they knew everything about titans, about Eldians, literally everything! Ksaver taught Marco how to play baseball, he also taught him that he could always count on him and Zeke.
Zeke was very strong and hard-working, and always cared about all the warriors.
Marco understood the importance of the friendship he had with these two after the traumatic event he had just experienced. You see, as Marco's parents were immigrants, Marley's government couldn't find any other blood relatives of Marco's, and as apparently all the boy's other relatives didn't live in the same country as him, Marco was now alone. Or so he thought.
Not even a day after the incident, Marco already had a new place to live, since Tom Ksaver himself had offered to look after the now orphaned child. No one protested, so that's exactly what happened. Marco was one of the best warrior candidates in his class, and the government simply couldn't discard him easily, considering that it would be a loss for them.
Marco then started living with the current Bestial Titan, and apparently this was going to last a long time, so he let himself settle in. Marco discovered that Mr. Ksaver had already had a child, so space wouldn't be a problem for the two of them. He also found out why the warrior had become the Bestial Titan, and Marco was deeply moved by the story.
About 15 years ago, Mr. Ksaver said that he had fallen in love with a Marleyan woman, and Marco knew exactly what happened in cases like this, as did Tom Ksaver, but knowing this, the man had hidden his Eldian origins from the woman he had fallen in love with, and it hadn't taken long for the two of them to marry and have a child together.
The boy was even more horrified to hear the rest of the story: several years after they married, the woman discovered her husband's Eldian heritage and murdered herself and her son out of shame for having a relationship with someone of that race.
With all these traumatic events, Ksaver would decide to become a Warrior as a form of suicide for having caused all the titan inheritance he now had. Knowing that a man like Mr. Ksaver didn't want to live and that he didn't even think he should have been born made Marco very distressed; it was very sad for Marco to see someone he genuinely cared about suffer so much.
As time went by, Marco became even closer to the other warriors, especially Zeke and Annie, and even began to train with them whenever possible, just as he had also begun to study the titans with Mr. Ksaver, Marco being constantly praised for being so intelligent and curious.
He'd started having breakfast with the man now responsible for him and with Zeke along too from time to time, honestly it was better that way, even though he knew that one day he'd have to fend for himself.
That changed until one particular day.
When a beautiful woman with no Eldian armband and not even a typical Marley uniform approached Marco while he was quietly eating the snack he always took with him on his only break, he was confused.
After talking for a while, Marco realized that the woman seemed very interested in Marley's future warriors, and when asked why she was there, she simply laughed and said that she was there to observe the progress of the army's training and to make sure that everything was in place.
They got on relatively well, Marco discovered that her name was Lara, and it was revealed that she lived as a Marleyan, although nothing more was said.
Every day during snack time she and he would talk, and it ranged from: The science of the Titans, monotonous things that happened almost every day, training and sometimes even about the things Marco himself thought.
She was incredibly kind and congratulated him on being so strong and getting through it all and still managing to smile so often, Marco laughed when she said this and simply said that this was what his mother wanted him to do, he was sure.
They had become great friends, always with something new to talk about, Lara had started talking about her own family too, how her brother was a proud man, how her niece was so radiant and so on. Over time Marco already considered her to be a big sister.
But this became even more surprising after five months of talking to her. When he discovered that her surname was Tybur.
"Tybur, like... Tybur family? The Family that obtains the Warhammer Titan?" It was a bit shocking to be pulled out of one's training only to be stuffed into a strangely fancy carriage that Magath said the two of them had to get into at that very moment to settle an important matter, justifying that he would explain things later.
"That's right kid... I know it may seem strange to you, but... We have important things to sort out... You'll see."
Marco didn't question him again throughout the relatively long journey, he remained quiet as he carefully observed the different landscapes that passed quickly by the small window hidden by elegant scarlet curtains.
He didn't know that this moment would completely change his life.
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rosemints · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Horror of the Heights Au
Thistle as- Joyce-Armstrong!
Joyce-Armstrong was clearly good friends with Lieutenant Myrtle, and he was not satisfied with the explanation of Myrtle's death. Like our intrepid protag, Thistle is rich, capable, determined, and off-putting! He wants to know what really happened to Degal in this au, taking him to the air.
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King Degal as(please let these aviators not be based on real people)- Lieutenant Myrtle!
Thistle in cannon is searching for Degal alive, in this story, Degal probably learned to fly with thistle and they became like brothers. When Degal fell from his plane without a head after a series of similar accidents with other aviators, Thistle was not satisfied with the explanation given, they are convinced something more sinister is afoot, past the point of reason, obsessed with the circumstances of Degal's death.
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Falin as- Perkins, the mechanic!
Thistle saw how good Falin was with machinery and planes in a situation having to do with whatever the main gang is doing in early 1920s aviator/investigative reporter land. He employed her under much duress to be his mechanic cuz he needs only the best of the best quality plane and plane service to make his journey to the upper atmosphere. Her friends and family are a bit concerned, but glad she has such a cushy job now!
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The Island Lord as- The farmer, Mathew Dodd
Island lord owns island where dungeon is. Farmer owns farm where mystery is found. Nuff said.
Kabru as- The Narrator!
A tale requiring a deep understanding of all those involved and some good ole fashioned investigating/ snooping? I admit I was tempted to make Laois the narrator as it's about monsters being discovered, but come on! A dramatic tale of adventure and woe designed to earn the people of a new threat most would disregard? Kabru literally made one in cannon.
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Laois as- James Flynn, agricultural laborer!
idk man. Back then farmer was kinda a basic job and we all know Laois is kinda a loser. (No flack to farmers). I was originally gonna give this to Kabru since he's the mystery investigating guy and James Flynn is the one who finds the site but like, idk. He made a better narrator.
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Marcelle as- Dr. T. H Antherthon!
She probably has a phd. Only problem is why she gave that book to eh Canaries. Perhaps they took it from her? Like some of the chapters where she meets them (avoiding saying spoilers)
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The Canaries as- The London Aero Club!
Idk man. Fancy organization that oversees the aviators of this land. Canary core.
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I only put characters in roles I thought would suit them. Mabye somewhere along the way drifting Laois ended up employed at a farm, maybe he's saving up enough money to hire a new mechanic after his sister got poached by Thistle, who knows. There ain't a lot of main characters cuz there ain't a lot of roles and I ain't about to put someone somewhere they ain't suited to. Anyways the demon is those giant purple things. Hehe.
Anyways go read horror of the heights it's a great short horror story. Also does this imply Senshi is just chilling in the clouds? Yes. Yes it does. Don't ask how he's busy drying out air jellies.
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liviavanrouge · 2 months
Minako: I blinded you….
Livia: Wanna be yours.
Arnelle: I am from a dangerous organization.
Solem: Wanna be yours.
Marcel: I’m not good enough for you.
Zayto: Wanna be yours.
Blaire: I’m not that good of a person to be your lover.
Neuvillette/Wriothesley: Wanna be yours.
Isabella: I betrayed the fatui.
Childe: Wanna be yours.
Lunaire: I’m the daughter of the demon king.
Kaeya: Wanna be yours.
Amity: I’m the granddaughter of the fifth harbinger.
Chongyun: Wanna be yours.
Finley: I’m too fearful to be your husband.
Clorinde: Wanna be yours.
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howdydarling · 2 years
Long post. Super long post. Super super long. Almost certainly not complete, but I ran outta steam like halfway through, so this is what you get.
IRL MEN. → men i would currently let absolutely wreck me
Ted Raimi - i do not have a single limit or boundary that i would not break for this man.
Lance Henriksen
Josh Brolin
Oscar Isaac
Jason Momoa
Christoph Waltz
→ men i have formerly been interested in who could probs still get it
Jeff Bridges
Robert Knepper
Andrew Scott
David Anders
Zachary Quinto
Leonard Nimoy (if he were still alive)
Karl Urban
DeForrest Kelley (if he were still alive)
Gaspard Ulliel
Paul Bettany
Adam Driver
Domhnall Gleeson
→ men i would probably fuck but not necessarily bc of the usual reasons
Tim Curry
Willem DaFoe
The Skarsgårds
Jack Black
→→ Outer Range
Royal Abbott
Perry Abbott
Rhett Abbott
Wayne Tillerson (it'd be a really weird fuck, i know it in my heart)
Billy Tillerson
Luke Tillerson
→→ Doctor Who
The Doctor (Nine / Ten)
The Master
→→ BBC Sherlock
Jim Moriarty
→→ Firefly
Hoban Washburne
Jayne Cobb
Simon Tam
→→ Torchwood
Owen Harper
Jack Harkness
→→ Heroes
Gabriel Gray / Sylar
Adam Monroe / Takezo Kensei
Peter Petrelli
Samuel Sullivan
→→ Dollhouse
→→ Star Trek (TOS)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock
→→ The Walking Dead
Negan Smith
The Governor
Darryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
→→ Tron
CLU 2.0
Kevin Flynn
Alan Bradley
→→ Jurassic Park (franchise)
Robert Muldoon
Ian Malcolm
→→ Zombieland
→→ Star Trek (NuTrek)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock
→→ Priest
Black Hat
Ivan Isaacs ("Priest")
→→ Dredd
Madeline "Ma-Ma" Madrigal (Mama's not a man but she could get it)
→→ Pacific Rim
Herc Hansen
Stacker Pentecost
Newton "Newt" Geiszler
Hermann Gottlieb
The Kaidanovskys
Hannibal Chau
→→ Hunger Games
Haymitch Abernathy
→→ Alien (franchise)
David 8
Dwayne Hicks Xenomorph
→→ The Lego Movie
Good Cop/Bad Cop
→→ Guardians of the Galaxy
Yondu Udonta
→→ Star Wars (franchise)
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Cassian Andor
Poe Dameron
Phasma (again, not a man, but Oh Boy)
Qui-Gon Jinn
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Tobias Beckett
Dryden Voss
Literally any Stormtrooper (not just the clones)
Any/all of the Knights of Ren
→→ Legend
Ronnie Kray
Reggie Kray
→→ The Devil's Carnival
The Agent
→→ Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Hector Barbossa
Davy Jones
James Norrington
William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner
→→ Labyrinth
Jareth, the Goblin King
→→ Ferngully
→→ James Bond (franchise)
Raoul Silva
James Bond/007 (Daniel Craig)
Ernst Stavro Blofeld
→→ Inglourious Basterds
...am I allowed to say Hans Landa? Hans Landa.
Sgt. Donny Donowitz
Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz
→→ The Black Phone
Albert Shaw (look, sorry, don't @ me please)
→→ Scream (franchise)
Ghostface (but like?? the concept of him, rather than any particular actual iteration of him)
Dwight "Dewey" Riley
→→ Venom (franchise)
Eddie Brock
Cletus Kasady
→→ Dune (2021)
Gurney Halleck Leto Atreides Duncan Idaho Stilgar
→→ Final Fantasy X/X-2
Auron Jecht Seymour Guado Shuyin Baralai Nooj Gippal Isaaru
→→ Final Fantasy XV
Ignus Scientia Ardyn Izunia Gladiolus Amicitia Regis Lucis Caelum Clarus Amicitia Bahamut
→→ Resident Evil VIII: Village
Karl Heisenberg Sturm Soldats Lycans Varcolac Urias Brothers
→→ Kingdom Hearts (franchise)
→→ Borderlands (franchise)
Mordecai Handsome Jack Fl4k Zer0 Krieg
→→ Boyfriend to Death (franchise)
Strade Lawrence Oleander
→→ The Price of Flesh
Mason Derek The Auctioneer Jack Komodo Dragon Machete The Demon The Lich
→→ Overwatch
Jack Morrison (Soldier 76) Gabriel Reyes (Reaper) Jamison Fawkes (Junkrat) Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) Reinhardt Wilhelm (Reinhardt) Siebren de Kuiper (Sigma) Cole Cassidy
→→ The Quarry
Travis Hackett Jedediah Hackett Chris Hackett
→→ Fortnite
The Jonesy Collective Midas
→→ Left 4 Dead
Bill Overbeck The Hunter The Smoker
→→ Dragon Age (franchise)
Zevran Anders Fenris Alistair Iron Bull Krem Samson Solas Varric Hawke Cole
→→ Death Stranding
Heartman Higgs Deadman Sam Cliff
→→ Fallout 4
John Hancock Nick Valentine
→→ Detroit: Become Human
Hank Anderson Connor Gavin Reed Nines Simon Ralph Karl Manfred
→→ Star Wars
Sinjir Rath Velus Cardinal
→→ Shade's Children
→→ InkHeart
→→ A Darker Shade of Magic
Holland Astrid & Athos Dane
→→ Dune
Everyone included in the movie list, plus: Shaddam IV Hasimir Fenring
→→ Naruto
Gaara Zabuza Sasori Deidara Itachi Kakashi Iruka Kabuto Kisame Shikimaru Kankuro
→→ Trinity Blood
Isaak Fernand von Kampfer Dietrich von Lohengrin Abel Nightroad Cain Nightroad Radu Barvon Leon Garcia de Asturias Tres Iques Hugue de Watteau
→→ Hellsing
Alucard Pip Bernadotte Father Anderson
→→ Loveless
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thel0re · 5 months
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Now  this  is  the  tale  of  never  ending  chaos.  Davina  Claire  and  Delaney  Winchester,  daughters  of  Lucifer.  That’s  right,  the  king  of  hell.  One  born  as  a  witch  and  the  other  born  as  half  angel  and  half  demon.  Can  you  guess  which  one  was  the  favorite?  Because  it  was  not  Davina.  Lucifer  looked  over  at  his  two  daughters.  Sent  one  to  live  with  the  Winchesters  and  one  to  be  amongst  the  witches  of  New  Orleans.  He  wanted  to  keep  Delaney  with  his  true  vessel  so  he  could  get  both  her  and  Sam  Winchester.  As  for  Davina?  He  didn’t  care.  And  he  knew  damn  well  that  what  was  to  come  for  her  was  not  going  to  be  good. 
Raised  as  a  French  Quarter  witch,  she  already  had  blood  on  her  hands.  She  was  quite  powerful  to  say  the  least,  which  is  why  she  was  chosen  to  be  one  of  the  Harvest  Witches.  To  be  connected  with  the  ancestors  of  the  coven.  They  were  told  that  it  would  be  okay.  Until  the  girls  realize  they  would  have  to  be  killed.  All  three  girls  were  slaughtered  until  Davina  was  saved  by  Marcel  Gerard,  a  vampire,  and  lived  in  an  attic  where  he  kept  her  safe.  But  eventually,  the  Mikaelsons  entered  the  town  and  things  went  to  chaos.
Davina’s  powers  became  too  dangerous  due  to  the  fact  that  she  absorbed  all  the  harvest  powers.  So  she  had  to  die  so  all  four  witches  would  return.  And  so,  she  sacrificed  herself.  But  instead  of  coming  back  like  promised,  the  Mikaelson’s  family  decided  to  return  while  the  four  girls  remained  in  the  dark.  However,  while  the  three  witches  remained  in  the  dark,  Davina  found  herself  in  hell.  Where  she  came  face  to  face  with  her  father,  Lucifer.  Learning  the  truth  about  her.  Along  with  learning  about  her  twin.  Now  Lucifer  lied.  Telling  her  that  her  twin  was  human  and  living  a  normal  life,  so  Davina  found  to  not  see  or  find  her  twin.  To  keep  her  safe  from  the  Supernatural  world.  But  as  she  was  trapped,  she  suffered  until  she  was  eventually  brought  back  and  woke  up  as  a  full  Harvest  Witch,
The  witches,  well…  they  were  angry  with  Davina  for  ruining  the  Harvest  ritual,  so  she  was  mistreated.  She  had  a  target  on  her  back.  Not  to  mention,  the  Mikaelsons  are  in  town.  Running  amok  and  well…  sometimes  they  needed  to  use  her.
Davina  spent  majority  of  her  time  trying  to  seek  revenge  on  Klaus  Mikaelson.  He  was  an  evil  hybrid  after  all  and  believed  he  can  control  the  whole  city.  So  she  resurrected  his  father  to  do  the  job.  However,  things  don’t  go  as  planned  and  she  finds  herself  siding  with  them.  Even  falling  for  Kol  Mikaelson  until  well…  he  passed.  Just  like  another  she  had  feelings  for.  Then,  she  got  accepted  to  be  Regent  of  the  French  Quarter  Coven.  Using  it  to  protect  the  witches  and  keep  vampires  away.  But  the  witches  targeted  Davina  once  again.
Did  Davina  end  up  dying  once  again?  Yes.  This  time,  not  only  did  she  go  back  to  hell,  but  Lucifer  sent  her  to  where  the  ancestors  of  the  French  Quarter  Coven  would  pass.  Leaving  to  Davina  with  never  ending  torture  in  the  afterlife.  What  felt  like  forever,  she  was  brought  back.  This  time  wanting  to  leave  everything  behind.
Davina  traveled  for  a  bit,  feeling  that  taste  of  freedom,  but  something  changed…  something  dark.  She  felt  Lucifer.  He  was  coming.  So  she  did  a  spell  to  track  where  his  powers  felt  the  strongest  and  she  followed.  Not  only  was  she  able  to  hunt  him  down,  but  she  also  found  her  twin.  Hunting  for  Lucifer  alongside  the  Winchesters.  Finding  out  that  she’s  half  demon  and  half  angel.  Gaining  this  knowledge,  it  fueled  her  to  wanting  to  kill  him  more  than  anything.  So  she  joined  the  family  to  go  after  him.  Only  to  find  out  that  what  the  Winchesters  were  going  through?  Definitely  another  form  of  torture.
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rcsrrectedwitch · 9 months
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age  21-38+  ,  gender  cis  female  ,  pronouns  she/her  ,  location  all  over  ,  species  with  and  daughter  of  lucifer  ,  faceclaim  danielle  campbell
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Now  this  is  the  tale  of  never  ending  chaos.  Davina  Claire  and  Delaney  Winchester,  daughters  of  Lucifer.  That’s  right,  the  king  of  hell.  One  born  as  a  witch  and  the  other  born  as  half  angel  and  half  demon.  Can  you  guess  which  one  was  the  favorite?  Because  it  was  not  Davina.  Lucifer  looked  over  at  his  two  daughters.  Sent  one  to  live  with  the  Winchesters  and  one  to  be  amongst  the  witches  of  New  Orleans.  He  wanted  to  keep  Delaney  with  his  true  vessel  so  he  could  get  both  her  and  Sam  Winchester.  As  for  Davina?  He  didn’t  care.  And  he  knew  damn  well  that  what  was  to  come  for  her  was  not  going  to  be  good. 
Raised  as  a  French  Quarter  witch,  she  already  had  blood  on  her  hands.  She  was  quite  powerful  to  say  the  least,  which  is  why  she  was  chosen  to  be  one  of  the  Harvest  Witches.  To  be  connected  with  the  ancestors  of  the  coven.  They  were  told  that  it  would  be  okay.  Until  the  girls  realize  they  would  have  to  be  killed.  All  three  girls  were  slaughtered  until  Davina  was  saved  by  Marcel  Gerard,  a  vampire,  and  lived  in  an  attic  where  he  kept  her  safe.  But  eventually,  the  Mikaelsons  entered  the  town  and  things  went  to  chaos.
Davina’s  powers  became  too  dangerous  due  to  the  fact  that  she  absorbed  all  the  harvest  powers.  So  she  had  to  die  so  all  four  witches  would  return.  And  so,  she  sacrificed  herself.  But  instead  of  coming  back  like  promised,  the  Mikaelson’s  family  decided  to  return  while  the  four  girls  remained  in  the  dark.  However,  while  the  three  witches  remained  in  the  dark,  Davina  found  herself  in  hell.  Where  she  came  face  to  face  with  her  father,  Lucifer.  Learning  the  truth  about  her.  Along  with  learning  about  her  twin.  Now  Lucifer  lied.  Telling  her  that  her  twin  was  human  and  living  a  normal  life,  so  Davina  found  to  not  see  or  find  her  twin.  To  keep  her  safe  from  the  Supernatural  world.  But  as  she  was  trapped,  she  suffered  until  she  was  eventually  brought  back  and  woke  up  as  a  full  Harvest  Witch,
The  witches,  well…  they  were  angry  with  Davina  for  ruining  the  Harvest  ritual,  so  she  was  mistreated.  She  had  a  target  on  her  back.  Not  to  mention,  the  Mikaelsons  are  in  town.  Running  amok  and  well…  sometimes  they  needed  to  use  her.
Davina  spent  majority  of  her  time  trying  to  seek  revenge  on  Klaus  Mikaelson.  He  was  an  evil  hybrid  after  all  and  believed  he  can  control  the  whole  city.  So  she  resurrected  his  father  to  do  the  job.  However,  things  don’t  go  as  planned  and  she  finds  herself  siding  with  them.  Even  falling  for  Kol  Mikaelson  until  well…  he  passed.  Just  like  another  she  had  feelings  for.  Then,  she  got  accepted  to  be  Regent  of  the  French  Quarter  Coven.  Using  it  to  protect  the  witches  and  keep  vampires  away.  But  the  witches  targeted  Davina  once  again.
Did  Davina  end  up  dying  once  again?  Yes.  This  time,  not  only  did  she  go  back  to  hell,  but  Lucifer  sent  her  to  where  the  ancestors  of  the  French  Quarter  Coven  would  pass.  Leaving  to  Davina  with  never  ending  torture  in  the  afterlife.  What  felt  like  forever,  she  was  brought  back.  This  time  wanting  to  leave  everything  behind.
Davina  traveled  for  a  bit,  feeling  that  taste  of  freedom,  but  something  changed…  something  dark.  She  felt  Lucifer.  He  was  coming.  So  she  did  a  spell  to  track  where  his  powers  felt  the  strongest  and  she  followed.  Not  only  was  she  able  to  hunt  him  down,  but  she  also  found  her  twin.  Hunting  for  Lucifer  alongside  the�� Winchesters.  Finding  out  that  she’s  half  demon  and  half  angel.  Gaining  this  knowledge,  it  fueled  her  to  wanting  to  kill  him  more  than  anything.  So  she  joined  the  family  to  go  after  him.  Only  to  find  out  that  what  the  Winchesters  were  going  through?  Definitely  another  form  of  torture.
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oh im so obsessed with this. and all his descriptions of french flowers is divine i know SOO many different types of flowers and what they look like now. thanks king 💖 the plot is alright, i rlly want to listen to bruce springsteen and do acid while reading alexandre dumas with odette though.
LOVE IT! its like my all time favorite dostoyevsky, unpopular opinion ik, but on re-read it was so much better and i definitely understood the characters and story better than when i was 16 lol. he’s so great at vivid atmosphere and portraying the psychological landscape of his characters.
😬maybe im a fantasy snob but i rlly did not like this ? not only does it not even begin to compare to the complexity of asoiaf, or lord of the rings which its likened to all the time. this is one of the most popular series out there and i could not tell you one thing that makes the main character unique or why the magic system works when its so fucking detailed and specific, it just becomes kind of boring and monotonous. Like a game of jenga where you misplace one brick and it all crashes down but it doesn’t so its just kind of grating because it technically SHOULD because the variants of the universe are inherently unpredictable. idk if that made sense i hated this truly and understand why its popular but its just not for me i think. i demand something more from fantasy other than whatever went on here. it makes me triple mad because the cover i have is awesome and i hate it more because of it.
I got this as a birthday presents like 11 million years ago when it came out and my mom was so proud of herself because she found an illustrated copy and i love the book because of that alone its content is awesome dont get me wrong i love the history behind the targaryens even if i do think we know a little too much, my main complaint with the book comes from the fact that the illustrations by doug wheatley makes the targaryens look like the t*rmp family. like a fucked up game of spot five differences that honestly takes you out of the story because imagine if someone gave ivanka a fucking dragon...jesus lord
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My 100 best movies of all time
As a start, this is a top 100 I made back in 2018.
To make things tasty, the first rule I followed was "no more than one movie per director". The second one was "don't get mad trying to order that top 100, just write it down".
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I told myself a lot of lies about the fact that this top could change any day but I'm too lazy to make a new one every day. So here I am, stuck with this one :)
BEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME ACCORDING TO ME (with no particular order)
Kiss Me Deadly (1955, Robert Aldrich)
The Professionals (1966, Richard Brooks)
Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (1970, Elio Petri)
Queimada (1969, Gillo Pontecorvo)
C'eravamo tanto amati (1974, Ettore Scola)
Reservoir dogs (1992, Quentin Tarantino)
The Killing (1956, Stanley Kubrick)
Notorious (1946, Alfred Hitchcock)
The Asphalt Jungle (1950, John Huston)
Les enfants du paradis (1946, Marcel Carné)
Kiss Me Stupid (1964, Billy Wilder)
Sullivan's Travels (1941, Preston Sturges)
The Shop Around The Corner (1940, Ernst Lubitsch)
Rio Bravo (1959, Howard Hawks)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962, John Ford)
The Conversation (1974, Francis Ford Coppola)
Le trou (1960, Jacques Becker)
Dead Poets Society (1989, Peter Weir)
Le salaire de la peur (1953, Henri-Georges Clouzot)
Judex (1963, Georges Franju)
The Departed (2006, Martin Scorsese)
The Prestige (2006, Christopher Nolan)
Unbreakable (M. Night Shyamalan)
Le cercle rouge (1970, Jean-Pierre Melville)
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1966, Sergio Leone)
Curse of the Demon (1957, Jacques Tourneur)
Singin' In The Rain (1952, Stanley Donnen - Gene Kelly)
Hero (1992, Stephen Frears)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946, Frank Capra)
All About Eve (1950, Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
Das indische Grabmal (1959, Fritz Lang)
Le voleur (1967, Louis Malle)
Born Yesterday (1950, George Cukor)
Ben-Hur (1959, William Wyler)
Seven Samurai (1954, Akira Kurosawa)
Ginger e Fred (1986, Federico Fellini)
Small Time Crooks (2000, Woody Allen)
Barton Fink (1991, Joel and Ethan Coen)
Batman returns (1992, Tim Burton)
I due superpiedi quasi piatti (1977, Enzo Barboni)
The Goonies (1985, Richard Donner)
Carlito's Way (1993, Brian De Palma)
French Connection (1971, William Friedkin)
The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957, Jack Arnold)
Gremlins 2 (1990, Joe Dante)
The Bad and the Beautiful (1952, Vincente Minnelli)
Warlock (1959, Edward Dmytryk)
The Unknown (1927, Tod Browning)
Johnny Got His Gun (1971, Dalton Trumbo)
El ángel exterminador (1962, Luis Buñuel)
Le grand blond avec une chaussure noire (1972, Yves Robert)
Down by Law (1986, Jim Jarmusch)
Jurassic Park (1993, Steven Spielberg)
Ladri di biciclette (1948, Vittorio De Sica)
Man without a Star (1955, King Vidor)
Peter Ibbetson (1935, Henry Hathaway)
City Lights (1931, Charlie Chaplin)
Il mio nome è Nessuno (1973, Tonino Valerii)
Excalibur (1981, John Boorman)
Dance of the Vampires (1967, Roman Polanski)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966, Robert Bresson)
Be Kind Rewind (2008, Michel Gondry)
The Fly (1986, David Cronenberg)
Mononoke hime (1997, Hayao Miyazaki)
Les Douze Travaux d'Asterix (1976, René Goscinny - Albert Uderzo)
Touch Of Evil (1958, Orson Welles)
Star Wars (1977, George Lucas)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980, Irvin Kershner)
Groundhog Day (1993, Harold Ramis)
The Front (1976, Martin Ritt)
Big (1988, Penny Marshall)
El secreto de sus ojos (2009, Juan José Campanella)
Amores perros (2000, Alejandro González Iñárritu)
El espinazo del diablo (2001, Guillermo del Toro)
The Man in the White Suit (1951, Alexander Mackendrick)
Village of the Damned (1960, Wolf Rilla)
The Thing (1982, John Carpenter)
Ms. 45 (1981, Abel Ferrara)
The Gunfighter (1951, Henry King)
Copland (1997, James Mangold)
Terminator 2 (1991, James Cameron)
Starship Troopers (1997, Paul Verhoeven)
Le Schpountz (1938, Marcel Pagnol)
12 Monkeys (1995, Terry Gilliam)
Man on the Moon (1999, Milos Forman)
Imitation of Life (1959, Douglas Sirk)
The Most Dangerous Game (1932, Ernest B. Schoedsack and Irving Pichel)
A Perfect World (1993, Clint Eastwood)
Dances with Wolves (1990, Kevin Costner)
Gentleman Jim (1942, Raoul Walsh)
Good Will Hunting (1997, Gus Van Sant)
Elephant Man (1980, David Lynch)
Casablanca (1942, Michael Curtiz)
The Man with the Golden Arm (1955, Otto Preminger)
The Killers (1946, Robert Siodmak)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002, Paul Thomas Anderson)
L'Atalante (1934, Jean Vigo)
La classe américaine (1993, Michel Hazanavicius and Dominique Mézerette)
Back to the Future (1985, Robert Zemeckis)
Un singe en hiver (1962, Henri Verneuil)
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missymarysthings · 4 years
A King’s Happiness
His beloved queen and their dear children were all the gifts the demon king needed for the holidays. As long as they were all still alive, and still loved him to some degree, he was happy. Marcel never really asked for anything during the holidays, but he always tried to find good gifts for his dear wife and his plentiful children. 
Of course, he was always a little nervous that they wouldn’t like the gifts he got them. As, sometimes, he was still worried that he was out of touch when it came to some of his children, or that he wasn’t doing well as a father. However, he was grateful when his dear wife or some of his children would reassure him that he wasn’t a horrible father. 
But...despite those lingering doubts...whenever he saw his children smile at him, or thank him...it would melt his heart just as much as his beloved queen did everyday.
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gemteeth · 4 years
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Morgon is Wibble's mother and is trying to work alongside her husband in his bakery. She is a sort of chaos demon and just wants to settle down fully to be home with her husband. Also focusing on her sweet abs.
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Heihi is Morgon's husband and Wibble's father. He is a chaos demon but prefers to bake more than anything! His four hands have 6 fingers per hand and loves to be with his wife!
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- 'Running from a good thing.'
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Soft!Mikaelson
Pairings- Elijah Mikaelson x F!Reader x Rebekah Mikaelson
Summary- You left one stormy night hiding a secret after Hayley talked to you leaving both Elijah and Rebekah heart broken looking for you. You were now with two hunter brothers that saved you from a nest of vampires.
'They will never believe you. They won't accept it like they did Hope.'
Hayley's words rang in your head as you quickly packed, tears fell from your eyes. It hurt, the thought of leaving Rebekah and Elijah but Hayley was so sure in what she told you.
'You saw how Klaus reacted when I was pregnant with Hope. Whose to say they would be just as understanding?'
You didn't know where you could go, you couldn't return to Mystic Falls as you left behind your friends for Rebekah and Elijah. You went to New Orleans with them finding hard to live without the Originals.
When you stared dating the two Originals when they both showed interest in you, the orphan girl that Zach Salvatore took in. Elijah had informed you that it wasn't the first time the siblings shared lovers. You knew even if you went back to Mystic Falls that would be the first place they'll look.
"Lebanon, Kansas."
When the Mikaelsons came home, Rebekah rushed up to you as Elijah groaned tired sinking into the couch waiting for Rebekah to come down with you.
"Y/N is gone!" Elijah sat up all tiredness he felt went away as he joined Klaus and Kol who was looking up at Rebekah.
"Are you sure she didn't go out with Camille and Davina?"
"No Kol....her clothes are gone as if she packed up." Rebekah said as Elijah rushed up to your bedroom frowning as Hayley walked in carrying Hope on her hip.
"What's going on?"
"Y/N is gone." Klaus answered her as he and Kol watched her closely as they knew Hayley was in love with Elijah and knew how she felt about you.
"Oh yeah, she said something about a trip with old friends." Hayley said lying smoothly as Elijah frowned looking at Hayley.
"Impossible. Y/N always tells me and Rebekah if she has plans."
"Elijah, the last time she ran off like this was when her brothers learned of the relationship."
"Meaning something is wrong and she believes we wouldn't understand." Elijah said frowning as worry racked his body and Rebekah hugged Elijah hoping you were okay. Kol called Davina and Freya to come do a locater spell to find you.
A year passed since you left New Orleans and now settled with two hunters and their Angel after saving you from a nest of vampires. You missed your vampire lovers but Hayley's words would rang in your head everytime you thought of calling or going back.
"Y/N, Erik. We're home!" You heard Dean call out and you picked up the baby boy walking out smiling at Sam and Dean. Erik squealed seeing Sam reaching for the hunter who was happy to take the boy.
"Hey guys. Where's Cas?"
"Right here." Castiel said smiling at you as you hugged him. Castiel had been a huge help with Erik which Dean found to be adorably disgusting.
"How was the hunt?"
"Went by smoothly. On the way back we picked up on a new case in New Orleans." Dean said tossing Erik in the air making the baby laugh.
"Oh?" You said quietly you told the brothers about your past as to not hide anything. And to give you peace of mind they promised no big hunts in New Orleans unless needed.
"Look we know you said no hunts in New Orleans but a group of demons are up to something there."
"So Dean and I thought it would be good if you and Erik come with us. Get you both out of the bunker while we take out the demons."
"I don't know....."
"Come on. You can spoil Erik and the little guy can get some time out in the sun and fresh air."
"Okay. That sounds nice." You said giving in their puppy dog faces.
"I got dinner done by the way." You say getting cheers from Dean as Sam shook his head smiling.
The impala drove into New Orleans and you felt a bit of heart ache as the car stopped. You got out putting Erik in a baby carrier as Sam and Dean got out.
"We are going to go check out the crime scene. Here, enjoy the city we be back later to go out for dinner." Dean tells you as you nodded taking the money then watched the brothers drive off.
You walked around going to different shops as Erik babble holding your finger. A familiar face caught your attention and swallowed seeing it was Davina who smiled brightly seeing you as she jogged over.
"Y/N!? Where have you been? Rebekah and Elijah has been looking all over for you."
"Places.....humm." You said as you were unsure what to say as her eyes fell on the baby boy that looked awful like Elijah. Erik babble getting your attention as he looked at the new person.
"Y/N can you come with me?"
"De, I don't...."
"Please. I won't take you to the Abattoir. I just need to know something." Davina says as you nodded. You found yourself in Vincent's place having Erik standing in your lap bouncing. Erik was unbothered by Davina poking his finger with a needle to get his blood.
"Erik is Elijah's son."
"But how Vincent? Non of the witches did a spell for it nor did Freya." Davina tells Vincent who looked to you as you swallowed as they walked over.
"Y/N, do you know how you became pregnant?"
"No I don't....I didn't go to any witches nor did I go to Freya." You tell Vincent as Erik sat in your lap kicking his legs smiling.
"So that's why you left because of your pregnancy?"
"Yes. I'm sorry for causing trouble but I need to get going now." You say standing grabbing your bag rushing out the door as Vincent and Davina called your name.
"Y/N?" Kol whispered as you brushed pass him and Klaus both watching you hurrying away as Davina rushed out frowning seeing that you were gone.
"We need to tell you something." Davina tells Klaus and Kol with a frown. You knew this was a bad idea but couldn't blame Sam and Dean as the brothers wanted what was best for you as you headed for the diner you all would meet up at.
"She had Elijah's son?!" Klaus said after calling an emergency family meeting as Vincent explained what was going on. Elijah sat in shock with Rebekah who was rubbing his hand.
"Y/N didn't tell us why?"
"That she didn't tell us." Davina says sighing as she recalls how nervous you were. Elijah stood fixing his suit jacket with unreadable look.
"Then let's find her and bring her home."
You sat in the diner with Sam and Dean talking and laughing as Dean was telling you what happened on the hunt. You were rubbing Erik's back as he slept with it being late.
"So you ran into an old friend?"
"Yeah....Davina and she most likely told everyone about Erik." You say softly looking down as Sam who was sitting next to you rubbing your back.
"Are you sure they wouldn't accept Erik? From what you told me and Sammy, Elijah and Rebekah loves you something fierce."
"Come on Dean. Hayley had a point, how would I explain that I was pregnant? They could accept Hope because they could explain it but Erik?"
"Yeah but you can find out how." Sam says taking a bite out of his salad as you blinked looking at him.
You rocked Erik as he whimpered uncomfortable with being at a crossroads. Sam and Dean thought summoning Crowley to explain how you fell pregnant would help and of course Castiel stayed close to you and Erik not trusting demon.
"Hello moose and squirrel. Oh you brought the little rabbit." Crowley said smirking then it was wiped off his face when his eyes landed on Erik.
"You bought an Original's child with you? Are you kidding me?!" Crowley growled looking at the hunters with narrowed eyes.
"You know about Erik?"
"Yes I know about the boy! As any smart supernatural being would." Crowley says looking around nervous which made the brothers look at one another as it wasn't everyday the demon King was nervous.
"You okay there Crowley?"
"No I am not Winchester. You have both the mate of two Originals and his son so understandably I am on edge."
"Crowley. They are just vampires." Dean says as the look on Crowley's face was they hadn't seen before.
"They aren't just vampires Winchester. They could kill me without blinking these aren't like the ones you kill. They are one of the most feared beings."
"Are you serious?"
"Every. When we all heard that the son of Elijah Mikaelson had been born. Everyone knew to stay clear." Crowley said as you stepped forward after passing Erik to Castiel.
"Do you know how it was possible for me to get pregnant?"
"From my understanding there was a powerful witch that cast a spell then was killed. That is all I know." Crowley said disappearing leaving you all a bit confused.
Next morning Sam and Dean went out to see Benny who was out in the bayou asking if you wanted to join but you declined. You were walking with Erik in his baby carrier strapped to your chest as you walked though a witch's market.
"I found her Elijah." Marcel said after calling the Original when he saw you walking with bags in your hand of things for Erik.
"There she is." Rebekah breathed staring as you were looking at artists that were painting or drawing as Erik babbled smiling.
"There is your son Elijah." Klaus says as Elijah stared at the toddler strapped to you then to you. Both Rebekah and Elijah noted you had cut your hair and still had a bit of baby weight but you were still breathing taking beautiful to them.
They growled seeing a man show up next to you and how you smiled brightly at him and how the boy also smiled brightly at the man. The three Originals listen in on your conversation.
"You have bought a lot of things for Erik."
"Only the best for this little guy Cas." You tell Castiel as Erik let out an excited squeal making you look to see what he was staring at the got him all worked up. You stopped hold your breath seeing Elijah and Rebekah as both stared back.
"It seems he knows who his father is." Castiel commented as Erik was squealing reaching for the suit wearing Original.
"Yeah it seems so." You say swallowing watching they walking up to you. You had many emotions swirl in you and your heart began to ache seeing the soft look in their eyes.
You were soon back in the Abattoir holding Erik in your lap even though the boy was reaching for his father. It was just you, Rebekah and Elijah in the den as both Klaus and Kol let you three talk it out.
"Why did you run from us?" Rebekah asked she wasn't angry instead she sounded hurt, hurt that you didn't trust then enough to tell them about your pregnancy.
"Hayley said you wouldn't be as understanding as you were with her." You say softly looking away from them as in a flash Elijah was in front of you. Erik touched Elijah's face as Rebekah came sitting next to you.
"You are our lover, our beloved. Of course we would have understood. Elijah and I love you so deeply that we would die for you."
"Rebekah is right. We tore up the city looking for you." Elijah says grabbing Erik's hands smiling softly as the boy squealed putting his mouth on Elijah's hand.
"I sorry....I just...scared and Hayley told me all these things. I didn't mean to cause trouble." You said tearing up as Elijah gently took Erik and Rebekah wrapped you up in her arms.
"Shhh love. We weren't angry with you." Rebekah says her tone gentle as you sniffled feeling her kiss your head. Elijah looked at Erik seeing the boy staring back babbling softly.
"You'll be sure to visit right?" Dean asked hugging you after dropping your things off while Elijah was watching with Rebekah who was holding Erik.
"Yeah of course Dean. Thank you for everything."
"We're going to miss you and Erik." Sam says as you smiled hugging the tall hunter.
"If you both miss me too much just come to visit." You say as they nodded smiling and drove off. You turned seeing your lovers and son smiling you walked up as Elijah put an arm around you.
"No more running?"
"No more running." You promised as Elijah and Rebekah took you inside listening to Erik babble.
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multistoty · 2 years
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Hope had been trained well on being a bit more measured in societal moments. Anger could be a pretty unseemly creature especially with so many eyes upon you. Elijah was the more strict of the makeshift Mikealson parents after all. Rebekah had prepared her for school dances and the like. The tribrid was, however, not fond of being a liar, and this man had spoken of scaring the love of her life. The witch did not at all like the way this boy looked at or spoke about the princess. In fact, it was still weird to hear anyone else call her princess after all these years. A certain kind of hunger was understandable though Jess wasn’t some building block to walk over in your attempts at growing higher in this world of supernatural nobles. This was just as bad as the bloody french quarter. Her family had made a real mess of that before bringing it back to order. Marcel would have more knowledge for how his little sister handled this sort of thing. It could be the kind of warning you give when someone is in danger or the kind that forced you to come to terms with their impending evil plots. Holding her tongue was a hard thing for sure. She had had to remind herself that their would be more room to tell the boy off should he need that. Any sort of magical show of force would ruin the party and no doubt send a set of homicidal kings to his side.If Jessalyn was listening, she would know that the Mikealson heir would need to hear this story from her mouth instead of prince frost over here soon. Hope was a pretty well behaved girl over all though her want to buck the system when people gave her warnings were a power all it’s own. Sage had been doing this for hundreds of years. It seemed like he could handle dispatching one enemy or another just like Klaus Mikealson had before his daughter changed him. There was a sort of armor in being dressed in Nyx’s liquid blue ball gown and almost magic tinged mask. The soft spoken woman seemed capable of even the smallest of powers so she wouldn’t put it past her to have some sort of witch on her side powerful enough to create such grandeur. The raven haired woman was slowly becoming a favorite for the littlest Mikealson. Frost still coated Hope’s vivid blue orbs as they took in the fairytale figure next to her. Enough warmth as to not cause a commotion by the same over protective forces and the people who needed to think this was a good merging of two powerful families. Opinion was needed on their account. Why not add more secrets to the bunch? Hope wasn’t naturally a touchy feely person so it wasn’t hard to listen to her thoughts insistence on him being a sex demon. She had no idea what a brush of their fingers would mean. Were those gloves more than ceremonial? Julian looked like the kind of boy who should always be wrapped up in some sort of fantasy fairytale wear. The redhead couldn’t argue about his appreciation of the greatest beauty that was her lover. You could see an absolutely new kind of beauty in someone who was made of kindness from the inside out. Hope had been making mental note of any person giving them a second glance. They were having fun though war waited for no man. Her father deserved a nice dance with the man he was falling for just like he had allowed her wrapped in Landon’s arms. Still, she had grown up being aware of the many enemies her father brought about.  The elegancy with which he carefully set the glass behind him was the kind of infuriating skill that boys like him had. He was the kind of young adult pretty that Landon lacked with his floppy hair and button nose.To be a bit of a wise ass, Hope fished the fallen glass behind taking a particularly long gulp of the liquid. Sage did say that he was harmless.  If anyone else was watching they would see that while the Mikealson’s could party, the family were not people you should easily mess with. There was gasoline fueled fires next to sprouts of flowers reaching for the sun’s beam kisses. An elegant flourish wiping the left over paint from her lips to the gentle glass flute. “Hmm, I thought you were seventeen pretty boy. this tastes a lot like lighter fluid to me. I guess no rules are in your particular style. I am not that familiar with the lives of heaven or hell. I thought it the kind of legends that aren’t true for most of my life, but succubus or Inccubus or whatever gender neutral term you prefer, I am not an enemy you will wish to have.” Her eyes shut lightly at the mention of the goat. The freaking goat that Sage had already been worried about and jess had so quickly fell in love with. The goat that Elijah had been worried about getting cold while they were at the lavish party in this dimension. The goat that had delighted Little Nik for days now. Was this the dark ages? Two years tribute. Had they been anywhere else, a snort would have definitely filled the air. What story could she tell that would explain Sage needing to hide his child? Had he not told any of the people in his realm for fear of hurting the doe eyed little girl? The night that she had been turned would always feel like the night of nightmares for both girls. A vow to Hope’s very blood that she had failed in being there when she was needed even when she only played the role of best friends. Hope’s fingers twisted slightly against the many skirts of this ball gown. A nervous tick that was definitely struck by such memories and how it had brought her here though she refused to run this night. It would allow a movement release to the paintings in her head and the nerves living in her skin. “I think looking at him and my dad at the moment might just tell you why king Cassonova might not feel the need to party too often any longer. Honestly, if all of his party guests come up to tell his family a warning, I might just pack it up early too. I have already been commissioned a few times for her office which I kept the vibe he exudes without anymore of an emo victorian aethsetic. You’d think all you people would get tired of red and black with your moon already. Maybe I can give you a tour if you stop the creepy routine. Jessalyn is like no one you will ever meet. Worthy of every sacrifice you could give. Every bit of hope. I hope the lot of you will learn what I already know. Well ,king julian, you seem to be fluent in buzz kill. I kind of liked the romantic comedy vibe we were having instead of camp horror movie. You may look like jack frost, but you don’t seem to be a person who likes creating ice in other people. Sage warned us about you already. Harmless. My father and his siblings are over a thousand years old. Unkillable beasts with arms under their feet. You step a toe out of line and just one of them could take down this entire party should they like. We are a good time and dignified though we do not play around with eachother’s safety being concerned. Do politics ever take a back seat for you? You are a little too young to start to have the newspaper rationed from you like my uncle elijah.”
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justeatingyourpizza · 3 years
2022 Crunchyroll Anime Awards
Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 1 [Studio: MAPPA]
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mugen Train Arc [Studio: ufotable]
Boku no Sensou from Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 1
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mugen Train Arc
Bojji from Ranking of Kings
Nobara Kugisaki from Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuki Kajiura and ‎Go Shiina from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mugen Train Arc
Baku Kinnoshita [ODDTAXI]
Tadashi Hiramatsu [Jujutsu Kaisen]
Odokawa from ODDTAXI
Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan
Yuji Itadori and Aoi Todo vs Hanami [Jujutsu Kaisen]
Horimiya [Studio: CloverWorks]
To Your Eternity [Studio: Brain's Base]
Jujutsu Kaisen [Studio: MAPPA]
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Season 2) [Studio:8-Bit]
Komi Can't Communicate [Studio: OLM]
Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train [Studio: ufotable]
Yuki Kaji [Eren Jaeger from Attack on Titan Final Season Part 1]
David Wald [Ainosuke Shindo/'ADAM' from Sk8 the Infinity]
Irwin Daayán [Rengoku from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mugen Train Arc]
Marcel Navarro [Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train]
Enzo Ratsito [Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mugen Train Arc]
Léo Rabelo [Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen]
René Dawn-Claude [Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen]
Islam Gandzhaev [Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train]
That's it for 2022! Hear me rant in the tags lmao
For the nominations: https://www.crunchyroll.com/animeawards/en-gb/winners/index.html
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yugirl · 3 years
Day 16: “You Activated My Trap!”
It’s meme day! Break out the old favorites! Make some new ones! Set your inner troll free!
((I wanted to make a crack video but I ran out of time so ill do my favourite meme of all time incorrect quotes!!))
Menae: I want a baby
Don Zaloog: Give me a week. what colour?
Syrus: I want a baby
Tyranno: No
Syrus: ok
Tyranno: wait! but don't ask another guy! I'll do it!
Mindy: I want a baby
Jasmine: we're lesbians!
Jaden: I want a baby
Jesse: mine?
Jaden: yes! Who else?
Jesse: Neos
Jaden: I want a baby
Bastion: I promise after this is over I will give you a baby. I will give you as many as you want. I can't wait. I can't imagine the happiness that will overwhelm me. you're gonna be the best mom! I love you so much
Chazz: No! Don't text me I want a baby!
Chazz: sure you weren't
Jaden: I WASNT
Alexis: I want a baby
Jim: we already have Shirley
Echo: I want a baby
Adrian: Oh my god! steal one!
Yubel: i want a baby
Haou: eat shit I'm not putting a demon inside you
Yusuke: I want a baby
Atticus: I want new heeleys
Briar: I want a baby
Beauregard: they’re usually Chilling in shopping carts outside of supermarkets. How fast can you run?
Aster: I want a baby
Zane: they get sick a lot remember?
Aster: and what about it?
Zane: um... it’s still your turn in our chess game
Yubel: I want a baby
Ojama Yellow: I’m baby
Blair: I want a baby
Marcel: oh... like to hang out with?
Syrus: the ball is life bruh
Bastion: the ball is life brother
Jaden: *in his princess outfit* the ball is life bruh!
Syrus: that’s not *Jaden Waltzes off* ok…
*Bastion’s shouting and moaning can be heard from the coliseum*
Jaden: it sounds like someone I getting VIOLENTLY tortured, and I don't think it's consensual
Jaden: *seeing Tania touching Bastion* why she touching my man! Where she going with MY MAN!?
Aurora: dad I got hurt!
Chazz: are you bleeding?
Aurora: yeah?
Chazz: like a lot?
Aurora: yeah?
Chazz: walk it off you’ll be fine!
Rosalie: ouch! *cries* dad!
Chazz: *keeps chatting*
Damien: ouch!
Chazz: *immediately runs to Damien’s aid.* oh god are you ok? Are you bleeding? Oh don’t cry if you do that I’m gonna cry
Jaden: I had a really great time guys!
Jesse: me too
Chazz: yeah
Bastion: we should do this again some time
*all stare at each other awkwardly*
All: *internally* who do I kiss first!?
Jaden: hey Jim? What’s the meaning of life?
Jim: getting some queens, getting him or her good and drinking some sweet alligator piss mate
Jaden:….. what?
Axel: *sighs and rolls his eyes* he said getting paid, getting laid, Gatorade
Zane: I hate being high! Why do I keep hearing footsteps
Atticus: are you walking around?
Zane: oh shit
Aster: where’s Zane?
Syrus: *sighs* hold on *puts slice of bread on a fishing line*
Bastion- *inhales*
Chazz- “if they’re a Slacker-“
Jaden- “God is a woman!”
Alexis- “uh what?”
Jaden- “I believe God is a woman and she’s standing before me!”
Hassleberry- “aw Sarge! That’s so sweet of you!”
Jaden- “You’re a jerk but you’re the validist jerk I know!”
Aster- “hell yeah I am!”
Jaden- “I’m gonna be real with you, you could step on me and I’d totally thank you!”
Zane- “ok? Good to know?”
Jaden- “please step on me!”
Zane- “like, right now?”
Syrus- “DON’T DO THAT!”
Jaden- “BUT I LOVE YOU!!”
Syrus- “I love you too but no dying ok?”
Syrus: Can you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Hassleberry: *crouches down*
Jaden: *gets on knees*
Syrus: I hope you both die
Hassleberry: I don't eat them because they're shaped like dinosaurs I EAT THEM BECAUSE THEYRE F***ING CHICKEN NUGGETS
Aster: *struggling to reach the cookies*
Zane: *grabs them*
Aster: I don’t need your assistance!!
Zane: alright... *puts them on a higher shelf*
Aster: I’m going to eviscerate you!!
Zane: Aster put salt in my coffee because I upset him. But I'm going to drink it anyway because I'm petty and won't let him win.
Alexis: So who's the King this time?
Blair: oh how juicy would it be if someone had to kiss the king? Or sit on his lap?
Jasmine: a piggy back would be fun too!!
Jaden: *downs his drink, unbuttons his shirt, puts his sunglasses on and throws a dart,
dart lands on number 2*
Jaden: number 2! My lap is yours!
Chazz: m-me? Ok.... *awkwardly sits on his lap*
Bastion: that looks fun! Ok me next!!
*Chazz moves so Bastion can sit on Jaden’s lap and wrap his arms around his neck*
Bastion: look Chazz you gotta nuzzle up close to him and hug him too! See what I mean?
Jesse: alright pleebs! The king and his lap are mine! So MOVE IT!! *knocks Bastion off with a hip swing and rests his head on Jaden’s lap* aaaah~ so happy!
Syrus: hey no fair man you can’t do all of that at once!!!
Jaden: I can... because I’m the king! *adjusts glasses*
*Alexis and Jaden are hip hop dancing*
Chazz: *changes song to the nutcracker soundtrack* uh oh looks like someone changed the music- WHAT!?
*Alexis and Jaden are flawlessly ballet dancing*
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