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1968 [Chapter 6: Athena, Goddess Of Wisdom]
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Series Summary: Aemond is embroiled in a fierce battle to secure the Democratic Party nomination and defeat his archnemesis, Richard Nixon, in the presidential election. You are his wife of two years and wholeheartedly indoctrinated into the Targaryen political dynasty. But you have an archnemesis of your own: Aemond’s chronically delinquent brother Aegon.
Series Warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), violence, bodily injury, character deaths, New Jersey, age-gap relationships, drinking, smoking, drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, kids with weird Greek names, historical topics including war and discrimination, math.
Word Count: 5.2k
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💜 All of my writing can be found HERE! 💜
Here at the midway point in our journey—like Dante stumbling upon the gates of the Inferno—would it be the right moment to review what’s at stake? Let’s begin.
It’s the end of August. The delegates of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago officially vote to name Aemond the party’s presidential candidate. His ascension is aided by 10,000 antiwar demonstrators who flood into the city and threaten to set it ablaze if Hubert Humphrey is chosen instead. At the end—in his death rattle—Humphrey begs to be Aemond’s running mate, one last humiliation he cannot resist. Humphrey is denied. Eugene McCarthy, dignity intact, boards a commercial flight to his home state of Minnesota without looking back.
Aemond selects U.S. Ambassador to France, Sargent Shriver, to be his vice president. Shriver is a Kennedy by marriage—his wife, JFK’s younger sister Eunice, just founded the Special Olympics—and has previously headed the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Peace Corps, and the Chicago Board of Education. He also served as the architect of the president’s “War on Poverty” before distancing himself from the imploding Johnson administration. Shriver is not a concession to fence-sitting moderates or Southern Dixiecrats, but an embodiment of Aemond’s commitment to unapologetic progressivism. Richard Nixon spends the weekend campaigning in his native California, a gold vein of votes like the mines settlers rushed to in 1848. George Wallace announces that he will run as an Independent. Racists everywhere rejoice.
Phase III of the Tet Offensive is underway in Vietnam; 700 American soldiers have been killed this month alone. Riots break out in military prisons where the U.S. Army is keeping their deserters. The North Vietnamese refuse to allow Pope Paul VI to visit Hanoi on a peace mission. President Johnson calls both Aemond and Nixon to personally inform them of this latest evidence of the communists’ unwillingness to negotiate in good faith. Daeron and John McCain remain in Hỏa Lò Prison. The draft swallows men like the titan Cronus devoured his own children.
In Eastern Europe, the Russians are crushing pro-democracy protests in the largest military operation since World War II as half a million troops roll into Czechoslovakia. In Caswell County, North Carolina, the last remaining segregated school district in the nation is ordered by a federal judge to integrate after years of stalling. On the Fangataufa Atoll in the South Pacific, France becomes the fifth nation to successfully explode a hydrogen bomb. In Mexico City, 300,000 students gather to protest the authoritarian regime of President Diaz Ordaz. In Guatemala, American ambassador John Gordon Mein is murdered by a Marxist guerilla organization called the Rebel Armed Forces. In Columbus, Ohio, nine guards are held hostage during a prison riot; after 30 hours, they’re rescued by a SWAT team.
The latest issue of Life magazine brings worldwide attention to catastrophic industrial pollution in the Great Lakes. The first successful multiorgan transplant is carried out at Houston Methodist Hospital. The Beatles release Hey Jude, the best-selling single of 1968 in the U.S., U.K., Australia, and Canada. NASA’s Apollo lunar landing program plans to launch a crewed shuttle next year, just in time to fulfill John F. Kennedy’s 1962 promise to put a man on the moon “before the end of the decade.” If this is successful, the United States will win the Space Race and prove the superiority of capitalism. If it fails, the martyred astronauts will join all the other ghosts of this apocalyptic age, an epoch born under bad stars.
The night sky glows with the ancient debris of the Aurigid meteor shower. From down here on Earth, Jupiter is a radiant white gleam, visible with the naked eye and admired since humans were making cave paintings and Stonehenge. But Io is a mystery. With a telescope, she becomes a dust mote entrapped by Jupiter’s gravity; to the casual observer, she doesn’t exist at all.
What was it like, that very first time? It’s strange to remember. You’re both different people now.
It’s May, 1966. You and Aemond are engaged, due to be married in three short weeks, and if you get pregnant then it’s no harm, no foul. In reality, it will end up taking you over a year to conceive, but no one knows that yet; you are living in the liminal space between what you imagine your life will be and the cold blade of the truth. Aemond has brought you to Asteria for the weekend, an increasingly common occurrence. The Targaryens—minus one, that holdout prodigal son, always glowering from behind swigs of rum and clouds of smoke—have already begun to treat you like a member of the family. The flock of Alopekis yap excitedly and lick your shins. Eudoxia learns your favorite snacks so she can have them ready when you arrive.
One night Aemond takes your hand and leads you to Helaena’s garden, darkness turned to twilight in the artificial luminance of the main house. You can hear distant voices, chatter and laughter, and the Beatles’ Rubber Soul spinning on the record player in the living room like a black hole, gravity that not even light can escape when it is wrenched over the event horizon.
You’re giggling as Aemond pulls you along, faster and faster, weaving through pathways lined with roses and sunflowers and butterfly bushes. Your high heels sink into soft, fertile earth; the air in your lungs is cool and infinite. “Where are we going?”
And Aemond grins back at you as he replies: “To Olympus.”
In the circle of hedges guarded by thirteen gods of stone, Aemond unzips your modest pink sundress and slips your heels off your feet, kneeling like he’s proposing to you again. When you are bare and secretless, he draws you down onto the grass and opens you, claims you, fills you to the brim as the crystalline water of the fountain patters and Zeus hurls his lightning bolts, an eternal storm, unending war. It’s intense in a way it never was with your first boyfriend, a sweet polite boy who talked about feminist theory and followed his enlightened conscience all the way to Vietnam. This isn’t just a pleasant way to pass a Friday night, something to look forward to between differential equations textbooks and calculus proofs. With Aemond it’s a ritual; it’s something so overpowering it almost scares you.
“Aphrodite,” Aemond murmurs against your throat, and when you try to get on top he stops you, pins you to the ground, thrusts hard and deep, and you try not to moan too loudly as you surrender, his weight on you like a prophesy. This is how he wants you. This is where you belong.
Has someone ever stitched you to their side, pushing the needle through your skin again and again as the fabric latticework takes shape, until their blood spills into your veins and your antibodies can no longer tell the difference? He makes you think you’ve forgotten who you were before. He makes you want to believe in things the world taught you were myths.
But that was over two years ago. Now Aemond is not your spellbinding almost-stranger of a fiancé—shrouded in just the right amount of mystery—but your husband, the father of your dead child, the presidential candidate. You miss when he was a mirage. You miss what it felt like to get high on the idea of him, each taste a hit, each touch a rush of toxins to the bloodstream.
Seven weeks after your emergency c-section, you are healing. Your belly no longer aches, your bleeding stops, you can rejoin the living in this last gasp of summer. Ludwika takes you shopping and you pick out new swimsuits; you’ve gone up a size since the baby, and it shows no signs of vanishing. In the fitting room, Ludwika chain-smokes Camel cigarettes and claps when you show her each outfit, ordering you to spin around, telling you that there’s nothing like Oleg Cassini back in Poland. You plan to buy three swimsuits. Ludwika insists you get five. She pays with Otto’s American Express.
That afternoon at home in your blue bedroom, you get changed to join the rest of the family down by the pool, your first swim since Ari was born. You choose Ludwika’s favorite: a dreamy turquoise two-piece with flowing transparent fabric that drapes your midsection. You can still see the dark vertical line of where the doctors stitched you closed. Now you and Aemond match; he got his scar on the floor of the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, you earned yours at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan. There are gold chains on your wrist and looped around your neck. Warm sunlight and ocean wind pours in through the open windows.
Aemond appears in the doorway and you turn to show him, proud of how you’ve pulled yourself together, how this past year hasn’t put you in an asylum. His right eye catches on your scar and stays there for a long time. Then at last he says: “You don’t have something else to wear?”
It’s Labor Day, and Asteria has been descended upon by guests invited to celebrate Aemond’s nomination. The dining room table is overflowing with champagne, Agiorgitiko wine, platters of mini spanakopitas, lamb gyros, pita bread with hummus and tzatziki, feta cheese and cured meats, grilled octopus, baklava, and kourabiethes. Eudoxia is rushing around sweeping up crumbs and shooing tipsy visitors away from antique vases shipped here from Greece. Aemond’s celebrity endorsers include Sammy Davis Jr., Sonny and Cher, Andy Williams, Bobby Darin, Warren Beatty, Shirley MacLaine, Claudine Longet, and a number of politicians; but the most notable attendee is President Lyndon Baines Johnson, shadowed by Secret Service agents. He won’t be making any surprise appearances on the campaign trail for Aemond—in the present political climate, he would be more of a liability than an asset—but he has travelled to Long Beach Island tonight to offer his well-wishes. From the record player thrums Jimi Hendrix’s All Along The Watchtower.
When you finish getting ready and arrive downstairs, you spot Aegon: slouching in a velvet chair over a century old, hair shagging in his eyes, sipping something out of a chipped mug he clasps with both hands, flirting with a bubbly early-twenties campaign staffer. Aegon smiles and waves when he sees you. You wave back. And you think: When did he become the person I look for when I walk into a room?
Now Aemond is beside you in a blue suit—beaming, confident, his glass eye in place, a hand resting on your waist—and Aegon isn’t smiling anymore. He takes a gulp of what is almost certainly straight rum from his mug and returns his attention to the campaign staffer, his lady of the hour. You picture him undressing her on his shag carpet and feel disorienting, violent envy like a bullet.
Viserys is already fast asleep upstairs, but the rest of the family is out en masse to charm the invitees and pose for photographs. Alicent, Helaena, and Mimi—trying very hard to act sober, blinking too often—are chit-chatting with the other political wives. Otto is complaining about something to Criston; Criston is pretending to listen as he stares at Alicent. Ludwika is smoking her Camels and talking to several young journalists who are ogling her, enraptured. Fosco and Sargent Shriver are entertaining a group of guests with a boisterous, lighthearted debate on the merits of Italian versus French cuisine, though they agree that both are superior to Greek. The nannies have brought the eight children to be paraded around before bedtime. All Cosmo wants to do is clutch your hand and “help” you navigate around the living room, warning you not to step on the small, weaving Alopekis. When Mimi attempts to steal her youngest son away, he ignores her, and as she begins to make a scene you rebuke her with a harsh glare. Mimi retreats meekly. She has never argued with you, not once in over two years. You speak for Aemond, and Aemond is a god.
As the children are herded off to their beds by the nannies, Bobby Kennedy—presently serving as a New York senator despite residing primarily on his family’s compound in Massachusetts—approaches to congratulate Aemond. His wife Ethel is a tiny, nasally, scrappy but not terribly bright woman, five months pregnant with her eleventh child, and you have to get away from her like a hand pulled from a hot stove.
“You know, I was considering running,” Bobby says to Aemond, chuckling, good-natured. “But when I saw you get in the race, I thought better of it! Maybe I’ll give it a go in ’76, huh?”
“Hey, kid, what a tough year you’ve had,” Ethel tells you, patting your forearm. You can’t tear your eyes from her small belly. She has ten living children already. I couldn’t keep one. What kind of sense does that make? “We’re real sorry for your trouble, aren’t we, Bobby?”
Now he is nodding somberly. “We are. We sure are. We’ve been praying for you both.”
Aemond is thanking them, sounding touched but entirely collected. You manage some hurried response and then excuse yourself. Your hands are shaking as you cross the room, not really seeing it. You walk right into Lady Bird Johnson. She takes pity on you; she seems to perceive how rattled you are. “Oh Lyndon, look, it’s just who we were hoping to speak to! The next first lady of the United States. And how beautiful you are, just radiant. How do you keep your hair so perfect? That glamorous updo. You never have a single strand out of place.” Lady Bird lays a palm tenderly on your bare shoulder. She has an unusual, angular face, but a wise sort of compassion that only comes from suffering. Her husband is an unrepentant serial cheater. “I’ll make you a list of everything you need to know about the White House. All the quirks of the property, and the hidden gems too!”
“You’re so kind. We’ll see what happens in November…”
“Good evening, ma’am,” President Johnson says, smiling warmly. He’s an ugly man, but there’s something hypnotic that lives inside him and shines through his eyes like the blaze of a lighthouse. He pulls you in through the dark, through the storm; he promises you answers to questions you haven’t thought of yet. LBJ is 6’4 and known for bullying his political adversaries with the so-called “Johnson Treatment”; he leans in and makes rapid-fire demands until they forget he’s not allowed to hit them. “I have to tell you frankly, I don’t envy anyone who inherits that den of rattlesnakes in Washington D.C.”
“Lyndon, don’t frighten her,” Lady Bird scolds fondly.
“Everyone thinks they know what to do about Vietnam,” LBJ plods onwards. “But it’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t clusterfuck. If you keep fighting, they call you a murderer. But if you pull the troops out and South Vietnam falls to the communists, every single man lost was for nothing, and you think the families will stand for that? Their kid in a body bag, or his legs blown off, or his brain scrambled? There’s no easy answer. It’s a goddamn bitch of a quagmire.”
Lady Bird offers you a sympathetic smirk. Sorry about all this unpleasantness, she means. When he gets himself worked up, I can’t stop him. But you find yourself feeling sorry for President Johnson. It will be difficult for him to learn how to fade into disgraced obscurity after once being so omnipotent, so beloved. Reinvention hurts like hell: fevers raging, bones mending, healing flesh that itches so ferociously you want to claw it off.
LBJ gives Lady Bird a look, quick but meaningful. She acquiesces. This has happened a thousand times before. “It was so nice talking to you, dear,” she tells you, then crosses the living room to pay her respects to Alicent.
The president steps closer, looming, towering. The Johnson Treatment?? you think, but no; he isn’t trying to intimidate you. He’s just curious.
“Do you know what Aemond’s plan is for ‘Nam?” LBJ asks, eyes urgent, voice low. “I’m sure he has one. He’s sworn to end the draft as soon as he gets into office, but how is he going to make sure the South Vietnamese can fend off the North themselves? We’re trying to train the bastards, but if we left they’d fold in months. It would be the first war the U.S. ever lost. Does he understand that?”
“He doesn’t really discuss it with me.” That’s true; you know his policies, but only because they are a constant subject of conversation within the family, something you all breathe like oxygen.
“We can’t let Nixon win,” LBJ continues. “It’s mass suicide to leave the country in his hands. The man can’t hold his liquor anymore, getting robbed by Kennedy in ’60 broke something in him. He gets sloshed and shoves his aids around, makes up conspiracies in his head. He’s a paranoid little prick. He’ll surveille the American people. He’ll launch a nuke at Moscow.”
You honestly don’t know what he expects you to say. “I’ll pass the message along to Aemond.”
“People love you, Mrs. Targaryen.” LBJ watching you closely. “Believe it or not, they used to love me too. But I still remember how to play the game. You’re the only reason Aemond is leading the polls in Florida. You can get him other states too. Jack needed Jackie. Aemond needs you. And you’ve had tragedies, and that’s a damn shame. But don’t you miss an opportunity. You take every disappointment, every fucked up cruelty of life and find a way to make it work for you. You pin it to your chest like a goddamn medal. Every single scar makes you look more mortal to those people going to the ballot box in November. You want them to be able to see themselves in you. It helps the mansions and the millions go down smoother.”
“President Johnson!” Aegon says as he saunters over, huge mocking grin. He thumps a closed fist against the Texan’s broad chest; the Secret Service agents standing ten feet away observe this sternly. “How thoughtful of you to be here, taking time out of your busy schedule, squeezing us in between war crimes.”
“The mayor of Trenton,” LBJ jabs.
“The butcher of Saigon.”
Now the president is no longer amused. “You’ve never accomplished anything in your whole damn life, son. Your obituary will be the size of a postage stamp. I’m looking forward to reading it someday soon.” He leaves, rejoining Lady Bird at the opposite end of the room.
You frown at Aegon, disapproving. You’re dressed in a sparkling, royal blue gown that Aemond chose. “That was unnecessary.”
Aegon is wearing an ill-fitting green shirt—half the buttons undone—khaki pants, and tan moccasins. “I just did you a favor.”
“What happened to your new girlfriend? Shouldn’t she be getting railed in your basement right now? Did she have a prior commitment? Did she have a spelling test to study for? Those can be tricky, such complex words. Juvenile. Inappropriate. Infidelity.”
“You know what he brags about?” Aegon says, meaning LBJ. “That he’s fucked more women by accident than John F. Kennedy ever did on purpose.”
“That sounds…logistically challenging.”
“He’s a lech. He’s a freak. He tells everyone on Capitol Hill how big his cock is. He takes it out and swings it around during meetings.”
“And that’s all far less than admirable, but he’s not going to do something like that around me.”
“How do you know?”
“Because he’s not an idiot,” you say impatiently. “He was perfectly civil. And I was getting interesting advice.”
Aegon rolls his eyes, exasperated. “Yeah, okay, I’m sorry I crashed your cute little pep talk with Lyndon Johnson, the most hated man on the planet.”
“I guess you can’t stop Aemond from touching me, so you have to terrorize LBJ instead.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Aegon hisses, and his venom stuns you. And now you’re both trapped: you loosed the arrow, he proved you hit the mark. He’s flushing a deep, mortified red. Your guts are twisting with remorse.
“Aegon, wait, I didn’t mean—”
He whirls and storms off, shoving his way through the crowd. People glare at him as they clutch their glasses and plates, sighing in that What else do you expect from the worthless son? sort of way. You’re still gaping blankly at the place where Aegon stood when Aemond finds you, snakes a hand around the back of your neck, and whispers through the painstakingly-arranged wisps of hair that fall around your ear: “Follow me.”
It’s not a question. It’s a command. You trail him through the living room, into the foyer, and through the front door, not knowing what he wants. Outside the moon is a sliver; the light from the main house makes the stars hard to see. “Aemond, you’ll never believe the conversation I just had with LBJ. He really unloaded, I think the stress is driving him insane. I have to tell you what he said about—”
“Later.” And this is jarring; Aemond doesn’t put anything before strategy. He grabs your hand as he turns into Helaena’s garden, and only then do you understand what he wants. Instinctively, your legs lock up and your feet stop moving. Aemond tugs you onward. He wants it to be like the very first time. He intends to start over with you, the dawning of a new age in the dead of night.
Hidden in the circle of hedges, he takes your face roughly in his hands and kisses you, drinks you down like a vampire, consumes you like wildfire. But your skull echoes with panic. I don’t want him touching me. I don’t want another child with him. “Aemond…”
He doesn’t hear you, or acts like he doesn’t, or mistakes it for a murmur of desire, or chooses to believe it is. He has you down on the grass under the vengeful gaze of Zeus, the fountain splashing, the sounds of the house a low foreign drone. He yanks off your panties, but he doesn’t want you naked like he always did before. He pushes the hem of your shimmering cobalt gown up to your hips and unbuckles his trousers. And you realize as he’s touching you, as he’s easing himself into you: He doesn’t want to have to look at my scar.
You can’t ignore him, you can’t pretend it’s not happening. He’s too big for that. It’s a biting fullness that demands to be felt. So you kiss him back, and knot your fingers in his short hair like you used to, and try to remember the things you always said to him before. And when Aemond is too absorbed to notice, you look away from him, from the statue of Zeus, and peer up into the stone face of Athena instead: the goddess who never married and who knows the answer to every question.
“I love you,” Aemond says when it’s over, marveling at the slopes of your face in the dim ethereal light. “Everything will be right again soon. Everything will be perfect.”
You conjure up a smile and nod like you believe him.
“What did LBJ say?��
“Can I tell you later tonight? After the party, maybe? I just need a few minutes.”
“Of course.” And now Aemond pretends to be patient. He buckles his belt and returns to the main house, his blood coursing with the possibilities only you can make real, his skin damp with your sweat.
For a while—ten minutes, twenty minutes—you lie there on the cool grass wondering what it was like for all those mortals and nymphs, being pinned down by Zeus and then having Hera try to kill them afterwards, raising ill-fated reviled bastards they couldn’t help but love. What is heaven if the realm of the immortals is so cruel? Why does the god of justice seem so immune to it?
When at last you rise and walk back towards the house, you find Mimi at the edge of the garden. She’s on her knees and retching into a rose bush; she’s cut her face on the thorns, but she hasn’t noticed yet. She’s groaning; she seems lost.
You reach for her, gripping her bony shoulders. “Mimi, here, let’s get you upstairs…”
“No,” she blubbers, tears streaming down her scratched cheeks. “Just go away. Leave me.”
“No!” she roars, a mournful hemorrhage as she slaps your hands until you release her.
“You don’t have to be this way,” you tell her, distraught. “You can give up drinking. We’ll help you, me and Fosco and Ludwika. You can start over. You can be healthy and present again, you can live a real life.”
Mimi stares up at you, her grey eyes glassy and bloodshot but with a vicious, piercing honesty. “My husband hates me. My kids don’t know I exist. What the hell do I have to be sober for?”
You weren’t expecting this. You don’t know what to say. “We can help make the world better.”
“The world would be better without me in it.”
Then Mimi curls up on the grass under the rose bush, and stays there until you return with Fosco to drag her upstairs to her empty bed.
The next afternoon, you’re lying on a lounge chair by the pool. Tomorrow the family will leave Asteria and embark upon a vigorous campaign schedule that will continue, with very few breaks, until Election Day on Tuesday, November 5th. The children are splashing and shrieking in the pool with Fosco, but you aren’t looking at them. You’re staring across the sun-drenched emerald lawn at the Atlantic Ocean. You’re envisioning all the bones and splinters of sunken ships that must litter the silt of the abyss; you’re thinking that it’s a graveyard with no headstones, no memory. Your swimsuit is a red one-piece. Your eyes are shielded by large black Ray Bans aviator sunglasses. Your gaze flicks up to the cloudless blue sky, where all the stars and planets are invisible.
Jupiter has nearly a hundred moons; the largest four were discovered by Galileo in 1610. Europa is a smooth white cosmic marble with a crust of ice, beautiful, immaculate. Ganymede, the largest moon in our solar system and the only satellite with its own magnetic field, is rumored to have a vast underground saltwater ocean that may contain life. Callisto is dark and indomitable, riddled with impact craters; because of her dynamic atmosphere and location beyond Jupiter’s radiation belts, she is considered the best location for possible future crewed missions to the Jovian system. But Io is a wasteland. She has no water and no oxygen. Her only children are 400 active volcanoes, sulfur plumes and lava flows, mountains of silicate rock higher than Mount Everest, cataclysmic earthquakes as her crust slips around on a mantle of magma. Her daily radiation levels are 36 times the lethal limit for humans. If Hades had a home in our corner of the galaxy, it would be Io. She glows ruby and gold with barren apocalyptic fury. You can feel yourself turning poisonous like she is. You can feel your skin splitting open as the lava spills out.
Aegon trots out of the house—red swim trunks, cheap red plastic sunglasses, no shirt, a beach towel slung around his neck, flip flops—and kicks your chair. “Get up. We’re going sailing.”
“I don’t want to talk to anybody.”
“Great, because I’m not asking you to talk. I’m telling you to get in my boat.”
You don’t reply. You don’t think you can without your voice cracking. Aegon crouches down beside your chair and pushes your sunglasses up into your Brigitte Bardot-inspired hair so he can see your face. Your eyes are pink, wet, desperately sad. Deep troubled grooves appear in his forehead as he studies you. Gently, wordlessly, he pats your cheek twice and lowers your sunglasses back over your eyes. Then he stands up again and offers you his hand.
“Let’s go,” Aegon says, softly this time. You take his hand and follow him down to the boathouse.
Five vessels are currently kept there. Aegon’s sailboat is a 25-foot Wianno Senior sloop, just roomy enough for a few passengers. He’s had it since long before you married into the Targaryen family. It is white with hand-painted gold accents; the name Sunfyre adorns the stern. He unmoors the boat, pushes it out into the open water, and raises the sails.
You glide eastbound over the glittering crests of waves, slowly at first, then faster as the sails catch the wind. Aegon has one hand on the rudder, the other grasping the ropes. And the farther you get from shore, the smaller Asteria seems, and the Targaryen family, and the presidential election, and the United States itself. Now all that exists is this boat: you, Aegon, the squawking gulls, the school of mackerel, the ocean. The sun beats down; the breeze rips strands of your hair free. The battery-powered record player is blasting White Room by Cream. When you are far enough from land that no journalists would be able to get a photo, Aegon takes two joints and his Zippo out of the pocket of his swim trunks. He puts both joints between his lips, lights them, and passes you one. Then he stretches out beside you on the deck, gazing up at the September sky.
You ask as your muscles unravel and your thoughts turn light and easy to share: “Why did you bring me out here?”
“So you can drown yourself,” Aegon says, and you both laugh. “Nah. I used to go sailing all the time when I was a teenager. It always made me feel better. It was the only place where I could really be alone.”
You consider the math. “Wow. You haven’t been a teenager since before I was in kindergarten.”
“It’s weird to think about. You don’t seem that young.”
“Thanks, I guess. You don’t seem that old.”
“Maybe we’re meeting in the middle.” He inhales deeply and then exhales in a rush of smoke. “What do you think, should I get an earring?”
“It might shock Otto so bad it kills him.”
“I’ll get two.” And then Aegon says: “It’s not cool for you to mock me.”
You are dismayed; you didn’t mean to hurt him. “I wasn’t.”
“Yes, you were. You were mocking me. You mocked me about the receipt under my ashtray, and then you mocked me again last night. I’m up for a lot of things, but I can’t handle that. Okay?”
“Okay.” You turn your head so you can see him: shaggy blonde hair, stubble, perpetual sunburn, the softness of his belly and his chest, flesh you long to vanish into like rain through parched earth. “Aegon?”
He looks over at you. “Io?”
“I don’t want Aemond to touch me either.”
He’s surprised; not by what you feel, but because you’ve said it aloud, a treason like Prometheus giving mankind the gift of fire. “What are we gonna do about it?”
If you were the goddess of wisdom, maybe you’d know.
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sayruq · 5 months
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On Thursday afternoon, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition was contacted by the Guinea Bissau International Ships Registry (GBISR), requesting an inspection of our lead ship – Akdenez. This was a highly unusual request as our ship had already passed all required inspections; nevertheless, we agreed. The inspector arrived on Thursday evening. On Friday afternoon, before the inspection was completed, the GBISR, in a blatantly political move, informed the Freedom Flotilla Coalition that it had withdrawn the Guinea Bissau flag from two of the Freedom Flotilla’s ships, one of which is our cargo ship, already loaded with over 5000 tons of life-saving aid for the Palestinians of Gaza.
In its communication informing us of this cancelation, the GBISR made specific reference to our planned mission to Gaza. It also made several extraordinary requests for information, including confirmation of the ships’ destination, any potential additional port calls, and the discharge port for humanitarian aid and estimated arrival dates and times. It further demanded a formal letter explicitly approving the transportation of humanitarian aid and a complete manifest of the cargo. Again, this is a highly unusual move from a flagging authority. Normally, national flagging authorities concern themselves only with safety and related standards on vessels bearing their flag, and are not concerned with the destination, route, cargo manifests or the nature of a specific voyage. Just like when you register your car, the authorities don’t require you to detail to them every place you are going to go with the car. Sadly, Guinea-Bissau has allowed itself to become complicit in Israel’s deliberate starvation, illegal siege and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Israel is showing the world the extent to which it will go to deny Palestinians the aid they need to stay alive, in direct contravention of International Humanitarian Law, UN Security Council resolutions, and two orders of the International Court of Justice. Israel is only allowed to get away with this because we have an international order where law does not apply equally, where people are not valued the same, and where might equals right. The US has hijacked international law and is violating its own laws to protect Israel at every turn. A recently-leaked USAID memo states that “famine in Gaza is inevitable,” and that “changes could reduce but not stop widespread civilian deaths.” It also states that the government of Israel does not currently demonstrate necessary compliance with U.S. law required to receive U.S. military aid. Nevertheless, last week, the U.S. Congress passed and Biden signed a $26 billion aid package for Israel. It is this kind of naked impunity, over decades, that has brought us to this point where Israel can carry out a genocide, that includes a public declaration by Israel’s leaders that it is going to deliberately starve children, and not only face no consequences, but also involve a majority of world governments in its crimes. While our governments claim to care about Palestinian lives, they are complying, and indeed enforcing a situation where a state that has been found to be plausibly committing a genocide, is allowed to control what, if any life-saving aid gets to the people trying to stay alive.Yesterday, the UN Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Food, on the Right to Housing, and on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, issued a statement stating that civil society initiatives like the Freedom Flotilla are important precisely because governments are not complying with their obligations under international law and many of these governments are even complicit in Israel’s siege and genocide. The statement affirmed that ours was a legitimate challenge to Israel’s control over the delivery of aid to Gaza and it demanded safe passage for our flotilla. However, without a flag, we cannot sail. But, this is not the end. Israel cannot and will not crush our resolve to break its illegal siege and reach the people of Gaza. The people of Gaza and all of Palestine remain steadfast under the most horrific, unimaginable conditions. We take strength from their incredible, inexplicable ability to maintain their humanity, dignity and hope when the world has given them no reason to do so.It is our responsibility to keep that hope alive. WE WILL SAIL.
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nayziiz · 7 months
No Way | LN4
Summary: Lando Norris, an F1 driver for McLaren Racing, faces persistent attention on his single status. In an attempt to appease fans and quell rumours, his management suggests a fake relationship with a popular Portuguese model. However, Lando's PR manager, Natalie, disagrees, believing fans would see through the ploy. As an alternative, Lando's management notices the genuine bond between him and Natalie and proposes they feign a relationship for authenticity. Initially hesitant, they agree, given their existing friendship and professional connection. The fake relationship takes an unexpected turn as Lando and Natalie grapple with burgeoning real feelings, attempting unsuccessfully to conceal their growing emotions.
Pairing: Lando Norris x Original Character (Natalie)
Warnings: Mentions of physical and emotional abuse; SA; fluff
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As the Miami Grand Prix concludes with Lando securing P3 and Oscar landing at P5, the paddock begins to wind down, the ambient hum of activity softening as people prepare to leave. In the aftermath of the race, Lando retreats to his driver's room, where he remains since the podium celebration and the subsequent debriefing.
Observing from the sidelines, Natalie can't help but sense an underlying concern about Lando's emotional state. Despite securing a podium finish, the pressure to replicate the victory he achieved at Suzuka looms heavily. Natalie understands that the expectations and the desire for a subsequent win weigh on Lando, potentially affecting his motivation.
Compounding the challenge, their interactions have been limited, especially private moments that would allow her to gauge his emotional well-being. The presence of others has created a barrier, making it difficult for Natalie to discern the true depth of Lando's feelings. As someone invested in both his professional and personal life, she grapples with the delicate balance of offering support without overstepping boundaries, as she has done previously, eager to provide comfort in a moment where victory remains elusive.
“Where’s Lando?” Lando’s trainer, Jon asks.
“He’s still in his driver’s room.” Natalie explains. “I’ll take him back to the hotel. I think he’s just had a rough day and needs a minute.”
Natalie's response to Lando's trainer, Jon, is measured, reflecting her understanding of the situation. The acknowledgment of Lando needing a moment underscores her awareness of his emotional state and the potential impact of the race outcome on his mood. Natalie's readiness to offer support and take on the responsibility of accompanying him back to the hotel highlights her dual role—both as a professional figure in the paddock and as someone deeply invested in Lando's well-being. It's a subtle demonstration of her commitment to providing the space and support he might need in the aftermath of a challenging race day.
Natalie's steps lead her to Lando's driver's room, and with a composed three knocks, she signals her presence. A brief pause follows, and then the door opens, revealing Lando. Without saying a word, he invites her in, closing the door behind them. The atmosphere within the confined space holds a mix of lingering tension from the race and the unspoken understanding between them. As Lando packs up his belongings in the quiet aftermath of the race, Natalie gently breaks the silence.
“Everyone’s pretty much left for the day.” Natalie informs him, the low hum of their conversation filling the driver's room.
“That was not the result I wanted today.” He mumbles, expressing his disappointment.
“Of course not, but it’s still P3. It’s still decent points.” She says, hoping to shift the focus to the positive aspects of the day.
“But it’s not a race win.” Lando counters, the hunger for victory evident in his voice as he slings his backpack onto his back.
“I’ll drive you back to the hotel.” She says, changing the topic.
“You never drive, though.” He points out.
“Then today is your lucky day.” She jokes as she opens the door for them to leave.
The engine hums to life as Natalie starts the SUV, embarking on the journey from the venue to the hotel. Lando, taking the passenger seat, gazes out of the window, his attention briefly captured by the passing scenery. As they drive past fans, Lando acknowledges them with a wave, a gesture of appreciation for the unwavering support.
It's a rare sight—Natalie behind the wheel, steering them through the post-race ambiance. Lando, typically in control as the driver, now finds himself in the role of a passenger. His occasional glances outside and subtle adjustments in the seat reveal the discomfort of relinquishing control, a testament to his preference for being at the helm.
As Natalie navigates the automatic SUV through the streets, her initial nervousness stemming from the unfamiliarity of the vehicle begins to dissipate. The rhythm of the drive, once tense, gradually transforms into a more comfortable flow as they distance themselves from the crowds.
A few moments pass in silence until Natalie detects the sound of sniffling beside her. Concerned, she turns to find tears streaming down Lando's cheeks. Without uttering a word, she makes a spontaneous decision, steering the car down a quiet stretch of road and parking it. The hushed environment allows for a moment of privacy and introspection.
“What’re you doing?” Lucas asks her, confused as he wipes away some tears.
“I stopped so you could get out everything you need before you charge head first into the next crowd.” She gently explains.
Her words convey a deep understanding of the emotional toll racing can take, acknowledging the need for a moment of release and reflection.
In the cocoon of the parked car, Lando allows himself to release the pent-up emotions, finding solace in Natalie's understanding presence. The conflict within Natalie, torn between maintaining a professional demeanour and providing comfort, is palpable. Despite her internal struggle, she extends a hand to Lando's shoulder, offering a physical connection that becomes a lifeline for his grief.
As Natalie leans over, enveloping him under her arm and gently rubbing his back, Lando's tears flow freely. The vulnerability shared in this private moment bridges the gap between their professional roles, revealing the depth of their connection. His hand reaching for hers signifies a silent plea for continued support, anchouring him in the solace of their shared space.
The abrupt interruption of a sharp ringtone pierces the emotional silence. Natalie, with a quick response, answers her phone, momentarily shifting her focus away from the intimate scene within the car.
Natalie deftly navigates the delicate situation, responding to Charlotte's queries with a composed assurance that conceals the intimate scene within the car. As the call progresses, Natalie seizes the opportunity to divert attention away from Lando's emotional state, explaining that he's simply worn out after the race.
With a request to access the hotel through the basement, Natalie ensures a discreet entrance, shielding Lando from the prying eyes of fans and maintaining the facade of professionalism. Charlotte, understanding the need for privacy, agrees to coordinate with hotel security for the alternate entry. Natalie leans back in her seat once the call concludes and looks at Lando who seems to have calmed down.
“Thank you.” He whispers. Natalie smiles at him and squeezes his hand.
“Of course.” She whispers back.
“I think we can go now.” Lucas tells her.
“Are you sure? We can sit a bit longer if you want?” She assures him.
“Just a few more minutes.” He caves, his voice still shaky as he speaks.
Natalie nods, fully understanding the need to take a moment to gather his thoughts and emotions as she relaxes into her seat. A few moments of silence pass before he eventually nods at her and she starts the car. The car resumes its journey, now with the knowledge of an alternative entrance arranged by Charlotte. Natalie glances at Lando, who, though still recovering from the emotional release, appears to have found a measure of calmness.
The reciprocal exchange of comfort and vulnerability between Lando and Natalie creates a profound sense of trust and safety within the confines of the car. Natalie, recognizing the importance of providing a supportive space for Lando after the events in Shanghai, makes a conscious effort to offer him the comfort he might need.
Lando, in turn, experiences a unique sense of security with Natalie—one that goes beyond the surface-level interactions. He appreciates the fact that she not only acknowledges his emotions but actively encourages him to express them. The depth of their connection becomes evident as Natalie becomes the person Lando turns to when he needs to unveil his rawest emotions.
In this shared sanctuary, emotions are laid bare, fostering an environment where both individuals can be genuine and authentic with each other. The acknowledgment of this mutual trust and safety cements their bond, making it clear that Natalie is someone with whom Lando can truly be himself, free from the constraints of public expectations.
“Before we get out, I wanted to chat to you about something.” Natalie starts once she’s parked their rental vehicle in the basement parking lot. Lando shoots her a curious look. “I know you’re disappointed with your result today, those feelings are completely valid and normal. You’re allowed to be upset. From my point of view, you did great today. It wasn’t an easy race, yet you did the best you could in the position you were in. You could have retired the car, but you didn’t. There are still so many opportunities to try again and keep proving to me, to McLaren, to the fans, to yourself, that you are a great driver. Today, you get to take in the disappointment and anger. Tomorrow you use that as your biggest motivation.”
As Lando waits for Natalie at the hotel's basement entrance, he experiences a moment of profound realisation. A small smile graces his lips, masking the depth of emotions swirling within him. In that quiet moment, clarity settles in, and Lando recognizes a sentiment that surpasses the bounds of friendship or camaraderie.
For the first time, the realisation dawns on him, clear as day—he has fallen in love with her. It's a revelation that adds a new layer to their dynamic, colouring his interactions with her in a different light. The simple act of waiting for her and opening the door takes on a significance that transcends the ordinary. As he ushers her inside, Lando's heart flutters with a mix of emotions—joy, vulnerability, and a newfound understanding of the depth of his feelings.
“There’s a dinner party tomorrow night. Pretty much everyone is going to be there. Don’t you maybe want to come with me?” Lando asks Natalie as they step inside the elevator. “Lily and Oscar are going to be there, plus some of the other girlfriends. We haven’t really gone out as a couple since this whole thing started. Maybe this is a safe, comfortable place to do that.”
As the elevator carries them to their respective floors, the air is charged with a newfound sense of anticipation and a subtle shift in their dynamic. Lando's invitation lingers in the confined space, creating a momentary pause filled with unspoken possibilities.
“Sure, why not?” Natalie responds, the words carrying a subtle warmth and willingness
“Great.” Lando concludes, his smile now more pronounced, and a touch of relief apparent in his expression. The elevator doors open, and as they step out into the hallway, Lando's gaze momentarily drops to the floor, a small but contented smile playing on his lips. “I’ll meet you in your room at 7.”
There is a subtle yet firm knock on the door. As Natalie opens the door, a soft creak echoes in the hallway, revealing the anticipation that lingers in the air. The subtle yet firm knock had hinted at something significant about to unfold. Natalie's appearance speaks volumes about the occasion. Her choice of a modest black dress and low block heels exudes a sense of understated elegance, suggesting a careful consideration of the event's atmosphere.
Natalie's effort to doll herself up adds a touch of mystery, as if she's unveiling a different facet of herself for this particular moment. The balance struck in her appearance is noticeable - not overly done, but with just enough transformation to pique curiosity. The minimal makeup on her face complements her natural beauty, enhancing rather than overpowering her features.
As the door swings open, the scene unfolds to reveal Lando standing on the other side. His attire, a crisp white button-down shirt paired with tailored black slacks, mirrors a classic and timeless sense of style. The monochrome contrast between their outfits suggests a harmonious coordination, as if they are both attuned to a shared understanding of the significance of the occasion.
As Lando steps into the hotel room behind Natalie, his gaze lingers on her with an undeniable intensity. The way her black dress hugs her curves and gracefully flows with each movement seems to captivate him. Natalie can feel the weight of his gaze, causing her heart to quicken its pace. It's evident that the air is charged with a mixture of anticipation and unspoken tension.
Despite the allure of the moment, Natalie wrestles with a twinge of uncertainty. Being not only Lando's fake girlfriend but also his PR manager, the boundaries between personal and professional blur. The upcoming party, where couples are expected to attend, adds an additional layer of complexity to the situation.
Natalie grapples with conflicting emotions. While part of her revels in the attention and the thrill of the moment, another part questions the wisdom of attending the party as Lando's date. The dual roles she plays in his life—personal and professional—create a delicate balance that she must navigate. Amidst the internal turmoil, Natalie takes a deep breath, silently reminding herself to be authentic. This internal mantra becomes her anchor in the midst of the whirlwind of emotions.
“You look great, by the way.” Lando finally comments with a compliment.
Lando's appreciation for Natalie's appearance is evident in his gaze, and as he comments on her attire, a gentle smile forms on her lips. The black dress that elegantly drapes over her tanned skin seems to have caught his attention, and the subtle play of colours enhances the overall effect. The genuine appreciation in his eyes prompts a rush of heat to Natalie's cheeks, a telltale sign of the compliment's impact.
“Thank you.” She says and glances up, strands of hair cascading around her face. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
“Not too bad? I’ve never looked better.” Lando teases, eliciting a hearty chuckle from Natalie.
“I’m ready when you are.” She tells him as her eyes sweep over his watch to check the time.
The atmosphere, once charged with anticipation and banter, shifts into a more decisive tone. Lando, acknowledging her words, nods in response, a silent affirmation that it's time to step into the next chapter of the evening.
In a subtle gesture, Lando invites Natalie to lead the way, gesturing for her to exit the room first. The chivalrous act is not lost on her, and with a gracious smile, she walks towards the door. The click of the latch echoes as Lando shuts the door behind them, sealing the room and leaving behind the private moments they shared.
The car comes to a halt outside the restaurant, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the evening. Lando, the consummate gentleman, opens his door and steps out, with Natalie gracefully following suit. As she emerges from the car, Lando extends a hand for her to grasp, a gesture that immediately establishes a connection between them.
Natalie's arm instinctively rises to clasp onto his bicep, creating a subtle yet intimate link as he leads her towards the entrance. The orchestrated choreography of their movements reflects the roles they play — the picture-perfect couple making a grand entrance into a glamorous event.
However, the transition from the confines of the car to the bustling scene outside exposes them to the glaring lights of cameras and the cacophony of photographers vying for Lando's attention. The flash bulbs flicker from all angles, capturing this moment of entrance into the public eye. Photographers shout for Lando to pose, adding an additional layer of pressure to the already charged atmosphere.
Natalie, suddenly feeling the weight of all eyes on them, keeps her head down, a sudden shyness overtaking her. The contrast between their private moments around the paddock, where they could hold hands freely, and this public spectacle becomes stark.
Inside the restaurant, Natalie deliberately lowers her arm, allowing it to hang beside her, creating a noticeable distance between her and Lando. Although he wishes she would continue holding onto him, he respects her need for space. Natalie, a ball of nerves, feels a mix of emotions, captivated by Lando in every way possible.
Not touching him becomes a strategy to maintain control over her swirling emotions. It's a self-imposed boundary in this intricate dance of roles and feelings. She reminds herself that this is a dangerous game, a delicate balancing act between the personal and the staged. As much as the public eye demands a convincing portrayal of a couple, she grapples with the complexities of her own feelings.
This evening marks the first time the rest of the grid will see them as a couple outside the paddock. The stakes are high, and the unknowns add an extra layer of uncertainty. Natalie hesitates to hold Lando's hand, fully aware of the clammy anxiety that lingers on her palms. The thought of exposing her vulnerability to the scrutinising eyes of the public and the racing world gives her pause.
As the overwhelming act of casual chit-chat and the gathering of a small group of drivers and their girlfriends engulfs Natalie, a wave of unexpected vulnerability crashes over her. Despite her usual confident and composed demeanour, the intensity of the moment becomes too much to bear. The public scrutiny, the unfamiliarity of being in the spotlight with Lando, and the weight of recent events—particularly the assault in Shanghai—create a perfect storm of emotions.
In a sudden, uncharacteristic move, Natalie finds herself pressed against Lando's side, seeking the reassurance of his touch. The physical proximity provides a momentary refuge from the chaos surrounding them. Her usual reserve gives way to a rare display of vulnerability, and in the shelter of Lando's presence, she finds a sense of security.
The assault in Shanghai, perhaps more impactful than she initially realised, has left a mark on her psyche. The unexpected need for comfort in this high-pressure situation hints at the deeper emotional toll of recent events. Lando, sensing her unspoken distress, offers a supportive presence, silently acknowledging the uncharted territory they find themselves navigating.
“You OK?” Lando leans down and whispers into her ear, attuned to Natalie's unspoken distress,
“I will be.” Natalie, steadying herself, assures him.
As if to reinforce her words, she grasps his hand, and he reciprocates by intertwining his fingers with hers. The tactile connection becomes a source of comfort and solidarity amid the chaos.
As Lando is enveloped by the enthusiastic greeting from Daniel Ricciardo, Natalie hesitates, uncertain of her place in this dynamic. She trails behind Lando as he seamlessly integrates into the driver clique, exchanging pleasantries with familiar faces like Carlos, Charles, and Pierre. Charles, spotting Natalie, breaks the ice with a warm inquiry.
“Natalie, how are you?” Charles asks, his friendly demeanour putting her at ease. The exchange extends into a small hug, a gesture that adds a touch of casualness to the formalities.
“I’m doing well, thank you. How are you?” She responds with a polite smile.
“I’m doing good.” He answers and smiles.
“Where’s Alexandra?” Natalie asks as she looks around and spots some familiar faces.
“She had to go back to Monaco for college.” Charles answers.
“Lies. The two are on some rocky terrain if you know what I mean.” Pierre interjects with an evil smile.
Natalie, caught off guard by the unexpected revelation, lets out a light chuckle, realising the banter among the drivers is not confined to the racetrack. The casual and candid nature of their interactions serves as a reminder that, despite the orchestrated nature of their public appearances, the racing world is also a community where personal dynamics play out in unexpected ways. Natalie, still finding her footing in this social setting, observes the banter with a mix of amusement and curiosity, recognizing that the public personas of the drivers often conceal a more complex reality.
As the banter continues among the drivers, Lando, perhaps unconsciously, snakes an arm around Natalie's waist, pulling her subtly closer. The unspoken gesture, an instinctive response to the casual camaraderie around them, creates a moment of shared intimacy.
Caught off guard by the unexpected closeness, Natalie turns to peer up at Lando, her eyes seeking an unspoken explanation or perhaps questioning if he wants to convey something specific. In that exchanged glance, there's a silent communication, a subtle acknowledgment of the complexities they navigate together, both in their fabricated relationship and the genuine connection that underlies it.
Despite the outward composure, Lando feels a twinge of discomfort witnessing how easily Natalie integrates with the other drivers. The banter and camaraderie she shares with them, including the casual exchanges and light touches, stir an unexpected feeling within him. It's a mix of possessiveness and vulnerability, an unfamiliar territory for Lando.
The sound of a tapping knife against a champagne flute echoes through the room, cutting through the buzz of conversation and drawing everyone's attention. Max, seizing the moment, becomes the focal point of the gathering. The subtle, rhythmic tapping serves as a signal for silence, creating a moment of anticipation.
“Good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming out tonight.” Max begins, his voice carrying across the room. The appreciation in his tone sets a positive and welcoming tone for the evening. “We’ll be heading in for dinner in a few minutes. If you could please make your way into the main dining hall. Thank you.”
As Natalie follows Lando into the main dining hall, they find their designated seats between Rebecca and Carlos on Lando's side, with Charles sitting on Natalie's side. The hum of chatter resumes as everyone settles down, and the ambiance of the elegant dining hall sets the stage for the next phase of the evening.
As meals are served, the room comes alive with a symphony of conversations and clinking cutlery. The atmosphere is a blend of socialising and the enjoyment of the delectable dishes. In the midst of the lively chatter, Charles takes a moment to lean over to Natalie.
“I visited South Africa back when I was still a young boy. I can’t remember much about it but I do remember my father taking me and my brothers to Robben Island. Do you miss it at all?” He asks.
“Oh, definitely. I’ve travelled a bit the last few years, and without a doubt, I’d say South Africa is the most beautiful place.” Her words carry a touch of nostalgia and affection for her homeland, revealing a deeper connection to the country that holds a special place in her heart.
As the evening progresses, Natalie and Charles find themselves engrossed in conversation, seamlessly navigating various topics until dessert is served. The genuine connection between them becomes evident as they share stories, exchange laughs, and connect over shared experiences.
However, Lando, observant of the developing rapport between Natalie and Charles, can't help but feel a twinge of discomfort. The subtle chemistry and camaraderie between the two do not escape his notice, causing a sense of unease to settle within him.
The dinner, meant to be a glamorous social affair, takes on a more complex tone for Lando as he grapples with the unexpected dynamics unfolding before him. The discomfort grows as he watches Natalie engage with Charles, and an undercurrent of tension simmers beneath the surface.
“Natalie.” Rebecca calls out from next to Carlos beside Lando.
Rebecca's call captures Natalie's attention, prompting her to lean slightly over Lando to hear the suggestion. In the process, she instinctively rests her hand on Lando's knee for support, a casual gesture that feels natural in the midst of the lively dinner conversation.
“We should meet up sometime and go play some paddle.” Rebecca suggests.
“Oh, that would be great. Although I’m not too good.” Natalie responds with enthusiasm.
“But Lando is a great teacher.” Carlos interjects with a chuckle.
As Natalie sits back, she removes her hand from Lando's knee, and a noticeable change in the atmosphere occurs. A cold shiver runs through Lando's body as he yearns for the warmth of her touch. The shifting dynamics at the dinner table catch his attention, but a conversation at the end of the table, involving Alex, Max, and George, draws him in.
Leaning back in his chair, Lando subtly rests his arm on the back of Natalie's chair. As she becomes engaged in the conversation, she leans back into her chair, only to be met with Lando's arm. Hesitating for a moment, Natalie contemplates leaning forward onto the table, but Lando's gentle touch on her exposed shoulder communicates a silent invitation. His thumb rubs against her skin, indicating that she is welcome to lean back. Though brief, his fingers linger for a few seconds before he withdraws them.
Natalie's heart races, and she finds herself no longer invested in the steak debate. Instead, her thoughts are consumed by the calmness that Lando's touch brought. Throughout the evening, she had battled with anxiety and the pressures of the social setting. Lando's touch becomes a grounding force, providing her a moment of security amidst the swirling complexities.
As the night progresses, couples gradually begin to depart from the table, heading back to their hotels for the evening.
“We might as well walk to the car?” Lando suggests. Natalie agrees, and they start strolling down the sidewalk together.
In the quieter atmosphere, away from the buzz of the event, Lando turns to Natalie.
“Did you have fun tonight?” He wonders as they continue to stroll towards their car.
The city street is now dimly lit, and the paparazzi, who were once a constant presence, have disappeared, leaving behind occasional camera flashes.
“I did. It was nice seeing everyone outside of the paddock just being themselves.” Natalie responds.
The sincerity in her voice reflects the genuine enjoyment she found in the evening. The shift from the glamour of the event to the calm of the nighttime stroll provides a moment of reflection for both of them, allowing a more personal and honest conversation to unfold. Lando, sensing a potential shift in dynamics, breaks the ice with a question.
“You and Charles seemed to get along quite well. Anything I should be worried about?” A subtle note of curiosity underlies his words.
“Oh, Charles, who has a girlfriend? You're not jealous, are you?” Natalie responds with a teasing tone.
“Would it be so bad if I was just a tiny bit?” Lando, not entirely dismissing the idea, counters with a mischievous smirk.
“He is cute. It must be the dimples.”  Natalie continues to tease Lando, observing his reaction.
“I have dimples too.” Lando defensively quips, slightly offended by the implication. Natalie, with a mischievous glint in her eye, pokes Lando's cheek. His dimple immediately forms under her touch, and he can't help but smile at her.
“I never said who 'he' was.” Natalie adds, leaving room for interpretation and playfulness in their exchange.
The banter fades into a comfortable silence as Lando and Natalie reach the car. The quietude surrounds them, offering a moment of reprieve from the lively atmosphere of the evening. Lando, true to his courteous nature, extends a helping hand to assist Natalie into the safety of the vehicle.
As she settles into the car, the door closing behind her, a sense of calm descends upon the scene. The city lights outside cast a gentle glow on the car, creating a serene ambiance within the confines of the vehicle.
“You seem to be feeling better?” She inquires, directing the topic away from the events of the evening.
“I am feeling better. What you said yesterday really made me realise I’m just too in my head.” Lando admits.
“I think this is your season, honestly.” Natalie, exuding confidence, states.
“You reckon?” Lando laughs, a touch of genuine amusement in his voice.
“You have a fast car. You have the talent. Why not?” Natalie explains, emphasising the factors that contribute to Lando's potential for success.
“I think you’ve just become my favourite person.” Lando jokes as he starts the car.
The night air carries a sense of quiet as Lando walks Natalie back to her hotel room, which happens to be just a few doors down from his own. Natalie, reaching into her purse, retrieves the keycard and taps it against the keypad, expecting the door to open. However, it doesn't respond as anticipated. Perplexed, she tries again, but the door remains shut.
Lando, sensing her frustration, offers to give it a try. He takes the keycard from Natalie and taps it against the keypad, but the door continues to defy their attempts to unlock it. A bemused expression crosses both their faces as they face the unexpected challenge. The situation adds a touch of humour to the end of the night, and Lando can't help but chuckle.
“Well, it seems like the door has a mind of its own tonight.” He remarks, sharing a light moment with Natalie amidst the minor hiccup.
Natalie, undeterred by the door malfunction, takes a pragmatic approach.
“I’ll go down to reception and ask them to open it for me.” Natalie states as she turns to return to the elevator.
“Natalie.” Lando interjects, his use of her full name giving her goosebumps and causing her to stop in her tracks. “It’s late. Why don’t you just call them from my room?”
Lando leads Natalie to his hotel room, opening the door and inviting her inside. However, the scene that unfolds is unexpected—his room is noticeably messy. Clothes strewn about, items scattered, and a general disarray create an atmosphere that contrasts with the composed exterior Lando usually presents.
Natalie, momentarily taken aback by the sight, glances around the room.
“Quite the organised chaos you've got going on here, Lan.” A subtle smile crosses her face, as she remarks with a teasing tone.
“Sorry for the mess. I couldn’t decide what to wear.” Lando, acknowledging the state of his room, offers an apologetic explanation.
Natalie responds with a chuckle, understanding the dilemma that can arise when selecting the perfect outfit. Humoured by the disorder, Natalie heads for the landline and dials the reception number.
“Good evening, this is Natalie Feldt. I’m a guest in room 0422, but my keycard isn’t opening the door.” Natalie explains to the receptionist.
“We apologise for the inconvenience, Miss, but our technician will only be in at 8 tomorrow morning. We can set you up with a new room until then.” The receptionist explains, offering a solution to the door lock issue.
Natalie, faced with the delay in resolving the situation, sighs and holds the phone against her chest. In a whispered exchange with Lando, she shares the receptionist's response, the inconvenience adding another layer of unexpected events to the end of their night.
“Just stay here tonight.” Lando whispers to Natalie as a solution to the temporary inconvenience.
“Are you sure?” Natalie seeks confirmation from him.
“Of course.” He assures her, his tone conveying genuine warmth and consideration.
“That won’t be necessary, thank you.” She explains to the receptionist before ending the call. 
Lando, ever the problem-solver, offers a thoughtful solution to Natalie's situation.
“You know, I’ve learnt to keep a spare set of clothes in my suitcase for you.” He reveals with a grin. Resourceful and prepared, he searches the room and soon finds a large shirt and sweatpants. “Here you go. Comfy and cosy.”
“I think I have more of your clothes in my suitcase than my own at this point.” Natalie concedes as she takes the clothes from him.
As Natalie takes the clothes from Lando, their fingers graze each other in a subtle yet palpable moment. The gentle touch adds an extra layer of intimacy to the exchange, a fleeting connection that lingers in the air as she heads for the bathroom.
Natalie returns from the bathroom to find Lando balled up under the covers, engrossed in his phone. Without much ado, she climbs into bed beside him, settling in for a night's rest. The comfortable familiarity between them permeates the room, and the soft glow of the phone screen provides a dim light as they prepare to call it a night.
Natalie wakes up in the pitch-black hotel room, aware of the stillness around her. Lando's deep breaths provide a rhythmic backdrop, and she can feel his warm breath on her back. As she turns slightly, she discovers Lando behind her, his curly head of hair almost buried in the pillow.
In a gentle and intimate embrace, Lando spoons her from behind. His arm rests on her hip, creating a sense of closeness and warmth. The quietude of the room is broken only by the soft sounds of their breathing, creating a tranquil moment in the middle of the night.
Natalie, still wrapped in the mystery of the night, can't recall exactly when she fell asleep or how they ended up in such close proximity. As she relaxes back onto the pillow, a deep sigh escapes her. A few moments later, she feels Lando pulling her even closer to him.
His face inches away from her neck, she becomes acutely aware of his warm breath on her exposed skin. The sensation sends a wave of goosebumps across her body. In the quiet darkness of the hotel room, Natalie, aware of the gentle touch between their hands, rests her hand next to Lando's on her waist. Slowly, their fingers touch, creating a connection that is both subtle and significant. However, she decides that's as far as she's willing to take it, stopping at the comforting touch.
The slight contact is a source of solace for Natalie. She feels safe, wrapped up in Lando's space and scent, an experience she hasn't had in a very long time. She wonders if the tension she imagines between them is real or just a product of her own emotions.
Meanwhile, Lando stirs, feeling her cold fingertips graze against his. He's awake enough to realise that Natalie is also awake. Rather than pulling away, she stays beside him in the bed and initiates a small physical touch, a gesture that sends his heart rate into overdrive. However, he decides to feign sleep, not wanting the moment to turn awkward and unsure of how to navigate the unspoken connection that lingers in the quiet room.
As Natalie stares at the bedside clock, she watches the minutes tick by, unable to fall back asleep. She senses that Lando is no longer in a deep sleep, and the realisation that any movement from her could wake him up lingers in her mind. Concerned about the potential awkwardness, she decides to rip her hand away from him, not wanting to give the impression of anything more than a casual touch.
Lando, feeling the absence of her hand, grows cold. He, too, caves in and withdraws his hand from her waist. His hand travels down her arm, searching for her hand again. Natalie holds her breath as he intertwines their fingers, a moment of tension and anticipation.
“It’s freezing.” Lando whispers, his voice and breath against her neck causing her to shiver. In response, she presses against him even further.
“It is.” She whispers in agreement, the shared moment suspended in the quiet room.
“It’s a lot warmer with you here.” Lando confesses, his voice soft and gentle.
As Natalie simply hums in response, a peaceful tranquillity settles in the room. Finally relaxing in Lando's embrace, the two of them drift into a shared slumber, wrapped up in each other
Taglist: @noneofyourfbusinessworld @scopeiguess @tbsloneely
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chick-with-wifi · 1 year
Meta: Root as the Chosen One
One thing I love about Root's arc is that it's a subversion of the traditional 'Chosen One' narrative.
The Chosen One is usually born with special powers or featured in a prophecy, making them the only one capable of saving the world. Root, however, strong-arms her way into it as an adult by seeking out the Machine for a chance to serve Her ("I don't want to control your Machine. [...] I just want to set it free." 2x01). 
The Machine then chooses her as Analog Interface, likely both because of the abilities and loyalty she demonstrated and out of a desire to help her, which Root eagerly accepts ("The Machine offered me a job. She never said it would be easy." 3x17).
This position gives Root special powers through access to the Machine's omniscience. Including real-time updates about her surroundings ("Twelve US Marshals guard the building, plus our friend over there who was scouting the perimeter that we're now inside. Air support is ten minutes out." 3x10), information about people posing a danger to her ("2 O'CLOCK. 2007 ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT TORN." 3x12, via Morse Code) and being told where to aim when shooting people, which she demonstrates to great effect in 3x10 and 3x17.
Being the Analog Interface comes with the job of "trying to save the world, of course. By preventing the emergence of a second machine." (3x17), then later ensuring their survival when Samaritan comes online ("We had to settle for protecting the seven people who might be able to take it back." 3x23) and working to defeat it ("Because this is war. And the thing we're up against, it has virtually unlimited resources." 4x01). Which, as the one person the Machine speaks to directly, only Root can do.
The typical Chosen One is a reluctant hero, who struggles with the pressure thrust upon them or the idea that they are special. Root steps into the role with ease and enthusiasm, immediately considering herself one of the heroes ("I know it seems weird, but I'm one of the good guys now." 3x17). She feels secure in the idea that she's special ("The truth is that She's chosen me." 3x01) and carrying out her job brings her fulfillment, as demonstrated by her blissful expression when being retasked in 3x19.
She has no problem accepting that this mission, which she takes very seriously, means that her fate is no longer hers alone:
Shaw: Wait, Root, is that all? Where are you?
Root: Right where I'm supposed to be. (3x23)
Despite their doubts, the Chosen One is committed to defeating the Big Bad because they want to save the world. Root is immediately dedicated to the cause ("Like I said, we have a larger fight ahead of us. I think we should be together when that begins. Don't you?" 3x10) and willing to do anything, even give her life in service to it ("If I don't see you, Harold, it's been a fun ride." 4x05). However, this hinges on her desire to serve the Machine and protect Shaw and Finch, rather than any concern about the world as a whole:
Root: In the first thirty minutes after Samaritan comes online, a lot of people are gonna be killed. But they're gonna start with four: you, me, your helper monkey, and Shaw. And there won't be a damn thing anyone, including your Machine, can do to stop it. You think I don't care about people, Harold? I'm doing all of this to save you. (3x17)
Therefore, it is only when she loses these three tethers that her doubts show themselves. After Samaritan comes online and her contact with the Machine is severely limited, she begins to struggle ("She was supposed to remake the world. Now God's on the run. I have to keep going. [...] Even without Her, I can still see the edges of the tapestry." 4x05). She sought out this position because she wanted to be the Machine's Chosen One, now she has all but lost that connection yet remains a key player in the fight.
Shaw is then taken by Samaritan (4x11) and Root's devotion to the cause falters for the first time. She begins to disregard what the Machine taught her by preparing to kill Control (4x12) and torturing Leslie Thompson (4x13). When the Machine tells her to stop looking for Shaw, she walks away both from the team and the job that has been her purpose for so long:
Finch: The Machine is asking us to stop looking for her. Perhaps the Machine does know, perhaps it has a plan. But for our own survival, our sanity, I believe we must reconcile ourselves with never knowing the truth. Otherwise, our pursuit of it will consume us entirely.
Root: Goodbye, Harold. (4x13)
The next time we see her, she saves Finch's life and smiles at a security camera, then tells Reese "there's a lot that's new." (4x15). This indicates that she and the Machine have renegotiated and, while Root is working with Her again, she no longer holds the same unwavering faith.
When Finch has a plan to strike a blow against Samaritan that will likely cost his life, Root directly disobeys the Machine:
Finch: My value to the Machine is irrelevant.
Root: You're too important to me.
Finch: The Machine didn't tell you to do this.
Root: She told me not to. I thought I could sacrifice everyone, I really did. Win some, lose some, right? It's for a good cause. But it turns out I can't lose you, Harold. Not you and Shaw. (4x18)
For the first time, she puts her own needs ahead of the 'good cause' she was willing to give everything for and sabotages a chance to defeat the Big Bad, because she found the one thing that matters more to her than her duty. Finch then tells her "I don't want to see you for a while." (4x18).
Despite all of this, she continues to carry out the Machine's instructions and comes to Reese's rescue in 4x19, then goes back to working with the team.
In 4x21 she gets a call appearing to be from Shaw and instantly regrets stopping her search when Shaw has been alive all this time. Prepared to walk into a trap for a chance to save her, Root uses her own life as a bargaining chip to manipulate the Machine into helping them. Once again, she prioritizes the life of her loved one over everything else.
While following this lead, Root learns that Samaritan is close to finding the Machine and her goal expands to protecting both Her and Shaw no matter what:
Root: They're close to finding you. I don't care what happens to me.
Finch: What did the Machine tell you?
Root: She says it's too dangerous.
Finch: I'm inclined to agree.
Root: This isn't just a rescue mission to save Shaw. The Machine needs our help too. If we don't save them, who will? (4x21)
When Samaritan threatens her to get the Machine to reveal Her location, Root begs the Machine not to do it ("Don't do it. Please. Don't give yourself up. Harold was right. We are interchangeable. You can replace us. You can keep fighting." 4x21). All she wants is to protect her loved ones.
The Machine agrees to Samaritan's bargain, then gives the team Her own number to warn them of an imminent system shutdown and directions for how to help Her. When it looks like they won't be able to get there in time, Root gives the Machine an ultimatum - "No more standing on the sidelines. You want us to save your skin? Get in the game." (4x22). Ever since becoming the Analog Interface, she has been helping with the Machine's mission. Now she wants the Machine to help with her mission.
Root and Finch then save the Machine and work tirelessly until they restore Her. Root is also focussed on protecting her loved ones, which has expanded to include Reese and Fusco ("John needs our help now. You have to give us something to work with." 5x05. "An exit strategy. For you and your son to disappear off the grid, just in case." 5x07).
The priority of finding Shaw never leaves Root's mind and eventually she once again forces the Machine to help her by threatening to withhold her cooperation ("I refuse to do one more mission until I know that what I'm doing is going to lead me to Sameen." 5x07). Together they send a message to Shaw, which gives her the motivation she needs to escape, and Root is so desperate to be reunited that she would have given herself up to Samaritan if Reese hadn't intervened.
Throughout all of this, Root remains dedicated to the war against Samaritan and vehemently advocates for them to take a more offensive stance ("We have to be willing to do whatever it takes now, or we've already lost." 5x03). She then adds to the Machine's code to give Her an edge in the fight ("What if I said I hard-coded a little something extra into the system before you closed it for good? I gave Her the capacity to defend Herself." 5x10), thus fulfilling her duty as the Chosen One by using the abilities and loyalty the Machine chose her for to ensure Samaritan's defeat - but for her own reasons: protecting the family this role led her to.
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klett161 · 7 months
So I think many people are not aware about the current state of Julien Assange, the founder of Wikileaks since he‘s not getting a lot of media attention any more and the news cycle has long moved on.
Around 2 years ago the British courts already ruled that hell be extradited into the Usa where he will spend the rest of his life in jail under according to amnesty International: „a real risk of serious human rights violations including possible detention conditions that would amount to torture and other ill-treatment“. In the Usa he will face charges for his Journalistic practices such as leaking footage of Us soldiers committing war crimes.
Right now he‘s being held in Belmarsh high security prison in the east of London, England. He has been there since two years ago and is currently being held in solitary confinement. While the courts in the Uk already ruled about his extardidment to the Usa two years ago he is right at the moment in the process of making his last appeal. if it fails which it mostly likely will his last chance would be an appeal to the Un human rights comitee. The last appeal in front of the court in the Uk will be held on the 16th and 17th of February.
He is being charged for „being a risk to the national security of the United States of America“ under the 1917 Espionage act which was put in place during the Usa‘s Involvement in the first world war to fight german spy’s in Us Institutions and should have been abolished after the end of it. Instead it stayed in place up until today conveniently giving the Us-Government a reason to jail some of their stongest critics.
You just have to really think about the Implications that this whole case carries with it, if the Us Government can classify every document they don‘t want the public to know about because it would Inform them about their atrocities and crooked doings and everyone leaking them can get charged how can you still talk about a functioning Democracy? Not that I think that any representative democracy especially not the one in the Usa represents the true will of the people. But even taken this aside the rational of a democracy must be that information is somewhat available for voters to base their decision on. The thing is the Us-Government knows and this includes both parties that all of their little war adventures in the middle east and the all civilian casualties, displaced people and other atrocities commited would,even under the most ignorant Americans, raise some eyebrows. THEY FEAR THE TRUTH
And I think all of this is not only typical for the Us but for basically every liberal democracy. Nominally there is a right to free speech for everyone up until the point that you pose a real thread to the Government. And no, the constitution will not defend you because guess what even if there are no convenient laws like the Us espionage act that help to prosecute you, there are all sorts of secret services that don’t give a fuck about the constitution and their only purpose is to do what ever is best for the nation-state they are serving weather that is overthrowing government’s, bribing a court or assasinations doesn’t matter. And if the Usa can keep on silencing its sharpest critics without international condemnation or condemnation by their citizens, other western countries will follow this example and be more confident to prosecute their own critics openly, I do believe this is somewhat of a slippery slope.
There will be some last big demonstrations on the 20th and 21st of February outside of the royal court where the hearings will take place. Demonstrations starting as early as 8:30(GMT) so if you live in the area consider going. And even if you don’t live near london you can still get active, share Information, talk to friends and family, make solidarity graffitis, write an article for a local newspaper or zine, attend solidarity demonstrations or if there are none in your area organize one yourself. Anything really just don‘t look away
Please Reblog and share not only this post but all posts aiming to raise awareness about this topic.
This struggle is not merely about Julien Assange it‘s about press freedom as a whole. And not just in the Us but everywhere, so go and fight for free speech while you still can
amnesty International: https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/julian-assange-usa-justice/
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soon-palestine · 5 months
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Letter to NYPD
The letter below was sent by President Minouche Shafik to the New York Police Department's deputy commissioner for legal matters on April 18, 2024.
Michael Gerber, Deputy Commissioner, Legal Matters New York City Police Department
Dear Deputy Commissioner Gerber.
I write with regard to the encampment on Columbia University's campus that began before dawn on the morning of Wednesday April 17, 2024. As discussed, more than 100 individuais are currently occupying the South Lawn of Columbia University's Morningside Heights campus. This group has been informed numerous times and in writing that they are not permitted to occupy space, are in violation of the University's rules and policies and must disperse. All University students participating in the encampment have been informed they are suspended. At this time, the participants in the encampment are not authorized to be on University property and are trespassing
The actions of these individuals are in violation of University rules and policies. including that they have interfered with the operation of the University, refused to identify themselves, refused to disperse, set up tents on campus space, failed to comply with policies, and damaged campus property. The continued encampment raises safety concerns for the individuals involved and the entire community The University provided multiple notices and warnings and informed the encampment participants that they must disperse or face immediate discipline. We have also engaged on the issues they have raised and offered to have further discussions if they disperse
I have determined that the encampment and related disruptions pose a clear and present danger to the substantial functioning of the University.
With great regret, we request the NYPD's help to remove these individuals. We understand that the first step in this process will be for NYPD to use its LRAD technology to inform the participants in the engampment that they must disperse and give them time to leave prior to taking any additional action. We trust that you will take care and caution when removing any individual from our campus. The safety and security of our community is our highest priority. We appreciate your commitment to assist us in a peaceful and respectful manner at this difficult time
Columbia is committed to allowing members of our community to engage in political expression - within established rules and with respect for the safety of all The policies we have in place around demonstrations are in place to support both the right to expression and the safety and functioning of our University
Thank you for your assistance with this very challenging situation.
Minouche Shafik
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anarchotahdigism · 7 months
im scrolling through your blog and just saw your post on the signal app, gonna tell my family that they should switch to this; i don't download messenger apps (because i don't trust their security) and so im mostly limited to saving their numbers but this changes EVERYTHING, so thank you so so much bestie
Signal is the one app I broadly trust because so many cybersecurity professionals endorse it When Zuckerberg bought Whatsapp, it was a HUGE deal because hundreds of millions of Asians used to communicate safely with families throughout the diaspora and back home. So it was a titanic effort to get people's families with varying degrees of tech literacy to switch to a new and much safer app, especially when Whatsapp had so many functions that Signal still lacks, but Signal was and is so much safer. My policy is that if I won't say it in a post, I won't say it in a DM. Anything more personal or revealing is said on Signal or not at all. However, Signal is only as good as its user settings. To be maximally safe, set chats to autodelete (you can set this per contact and change it), disable screenshots as necessary, and be wise about what you say and to whom. In 2022 (I think) some people caught charges in PNW for leaked Signal screenshots that demonstrated them planning and committing radical acts. The cops got ahold of the phones, and one of which had screenshots and no PIN. That was enough to get at least two people sentenced iirc. No security measure is perfect but Signal is good enough, and the more people who use it while being informed about security culture, the safer we all are and will be.
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elshells · 2 months
Agent Ace || A Guide to the Guard
"Stay Vigilante and Prevail!"
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So, you want to be a Guardian? You've come to the right place! Welcome to Ella's guide to the Harmont Guard!
If there's one thing you know about Agent Ace, or the Harmont Heroes series as a whole, it's that the Guard is the city's biggest line of defense. A Guardian must devote themselves wholly to civil security and be ready to put down their own life in order to protect another. Are you up to the challenge?
Well, even if you aren't, stick around! Let's take a leap and learn what it means to be a Guardian—but beware of spoilers!
Rise From the Rubble
The law exists to keep the people safe, but only until the law decides the people are not worth saving. In years long past—but still within living memory—plague struck down the nation like a warlord's gauntlet, sparking conflict between civilians and enforcers of law. Deadly curfews lead to violent resistance lead to hatred and destruction, ending finally in apathy. The enforcers chose to abandon the people they swore to protect, and tore everything they had to the ground, until nothing was left. Citizens lived in hopeless anarchy, choked by sickness and poverty, until, somewhere in the scorched remains of city once known as Harmont, one humble soul decided it was time to make things right. This individual rallied others under their cause, healing the broken, cleansing despair, and bringing back the solace that was thought to be lost. And once Harmont was reunited as one, they gave their life to build the city back up to what it once was—to what it was meant to be. A place of harmony. As this once-ruined city came to life before their very eyes, the people of Harmont hailed their hero as an Angel. Today, we know them as the Architect. As for their most reverent followers? They became the first generation of Guardians.* Thanks to the Architect's efforts and sacrifice, Harmont became the sovereign state of the nation. The Guardians designed a code of morality to uphold in this newborn era, and took on the responsibility of raising more heroes to bring others salvation. Today, ordinary folk of all makes and backgrounds commit to being Guardians. While many dedicate themselves to the continued fortification of Harmont, the strongest of them set off to the forefront of the new-age War, once again fighting to bring order and harmony to the world.
*During the events of Agent Ace, we have entered the fifth generation of Guardians.
The Guardian's Moral Code
The following oath is pledged by incoming Guardians and acknowledged by the Watch:
Guardians may only initiate drastic action against an opposing party under the jurisdiction of the Watch.
Agents of the Watch must be shadowed by a scout in the likely event that a mission may put them at risk.
Training and clearance by a superior is required before an agent or Guardian can register a new weapon under their name.
Any agent or Guardian must undergo a mental evaluation by a doctor and give a demonstration of skill under the supervision of a superior before they can be certified to carry firearms in the field.
Use of weapons in the field should be reserved for high-risk missions and ceremonial events, and individual use of such weapons is highly monitored by the Watch.
For reasons of protection and accountability, an agent and a Guardian must both be present during private audiences, including interrogations, council hearings, and matters of court.
Use of a Guardian's alias in the public eye must be enforced and respected, except posthumously, under individual discretion.
A Guardian is never exempt from the rulings of the Conventions of War.
"Stay vigilant and prevail": A combination of the less-common phrases 'the Watch is vigilant' and 'the Guard prevails.' Usually said as a gesture of good luck.
"I swear it on my name": An informal oath within the Guard, to swear on your name means that, should you be incorrect or acting on deceit, you forfeit your title as a Guardian. While an individual cannot be stripped of their position on the basis of this oath alone, an alias is given with honor and pride, and many Guardians take these words seriously.
Now you know the history, and you understand the code. You've learned what it means to be a Guardian. Are you still with me? Good! Now it's time to learn what it takes to be a Guardian... PART 2 COMING SOON!!
TAG LIST: @writernopal, @mysticstarlightduck, @livums, @wotchergiorgia Message me to be added or removed!
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ambushingghostart · 12 days
Blog numero 3
How has cyberfemism disrupt barriers that oppresses women from adapting in a world of technology?  
Technology has connected people globally, interlinking networks with economical wealth but to this day women are being marginalized in a system that favors men. Cyberfeminism empowerment in digital technology has transform the structure in the framework and distributed a system that has oppressed women. Donna Haraway’s “cyborg” theory of becoming part human and part machine has given women the ability to challenge traditional gender roles or resist oppressive patriarch structure. The influence of cyberfeminism has help protect women with technology and is demonstrated on the website Hollabacknyc that encourage women to document and report unwanted harassment. The platform brought awareness to the unsafe environment for women and a protection to combat unwanted advances. 
Why do we create bias algorithms? 
Technology was supposed to help humanity share information quicker and improve people's lives but instead technology and its algorithms help corporations, health care and banking systems with the ability to target and marginalized groups of people. These specialized algorithms that monitor your data and retrieve your information are automated to deny benefits to people of color in a higher percentage and can create economic hardships such in the reading in Automating Inequality (Eubanks). A system that is programmed to make money instead of helping is a flawed tool and shows that technology is manipulated to create barriers especially in underserved communities. 
We need policies by government and social groups to monitor how healthcare is being provided and administered to communities.  
Why is technology leaving minority women behind? 
In the United States technology is more accessible to certain communities than others but women are the most affected, especially women of color. In Rethinking Cyberfeminism, women in countries with developing infrastructure are being left behind in technology and not being integrated to the economic system. Development and innovation are being manufactured in a high rate, but the power continue to create barrier to women because of systemic issues that affect gender roles in many developing countries.  
Is technology our new security system?  
In the video Race and Technology by Nicole Brown highlights how technology has been automated to police citizens and minorities communities in many different sectors of daily life. These algorithms are created to monitor and target groups with biased data, and it can be considered racial profiling. Surveillance has been implemented with technology by using artificial intelligence which is a flawed system known to make mistakes. How secure should we feel when the systems in place to make you feel safe can end up targeting you because of how you look? 
How do we combat facial recognition when it is wrong? 
How do you prove your innocence when a system is programmed to be correct 99 percent of the time? In the Nijeer Parks story of how he was wrongly accused and jailed for a crime he did not commit because of the mistake of facial recognition technology was used to find a suspect. Another Arrest and Jail Time Dude to a Bad Facial Recognition Match by Kashmir Hill covers how technology and police surveillance is not being criticized by any outside safety nets. We need accountability and a system that protects people from being detained for data and manipulated algorithms. 
Brown, N (2020). Race and Technology.  
Daniels, J (2009). Rethinking Cyberfeminism(s): Race, Gender, and Embodiment. The Feminist Press 
Eubanks, Automating Inequality. Pdf 
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hackedrock · 9 months
Monitor Your Dating Partner’s Call History
In the age of digital communication, understanding and navigating the dynamics of relationships have taken on new challenges. One such trend that has emerged is the monitoring of a dating partner's call history. This article explores the nuances of this practice, delving into its benefits, privacy concerns, and the delicate balance between trust and transparency.
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Privacy Concerns
The ethical considerations surrounding monitoring a partner's call history are complex. While transparency is crucial, it raises questions about respecting personal space and individual autonomy.
Legal Implications
Beyond ethics, there are legal ramifications to consider. Laws vary globally, and understanding the legality of such actions is imperative to avoid legal consequences.
Trust Issues
Ironically, the act of monitoring can lead to trust issues if not approached with sensitivity. It's vital to weigh the potential harm against the benefits and explore alternatives to build trust organically.
Benefits of Monitoring Call History
One argument in favor of monitoring partner's call history is the promotion of communication transparency. It can lead to open discussions about expectations and boundaries, fostering healthier relationships.
Identifying Red Flags
Monitoring can serve as a tool to identify potential red flags early on. Recognizing patterns in communication can empower individuals to address concerns before they escalate.
Building Trust
Contrary to common belief, monitoring can contribute to building trust when approached collaboratively. It provides an opportunity for partners to demonstrate transparency and commitment.
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Choosing the Right Monitoring Tools
With technological advancements, various monitoring tools are available. Understanding the pros and cons of apps versus traditional methods is essential for informed decision-making.
Features to Look for
When selecting monitoring tools, certain features are paramount. From call logs to location tracking, choosing tools that align with relationship needs is crucial.
User-Friendly Options
The accessibility and user-friendliness of monitoring tools play a significant role. Opting for tools that are easy to navigate ensures effective use without unnecessary complications.
Communication in Relationships
The foundation of any healthy relationship is open communication. Discussing the reasons behind monitoring call history and setting expectations can prevent misunderstandings.
Establishing Boundaries
Partners should collaboratively establish boundaries regarding privacy and monitoring. Clear guidelines help create a sense of security while respecting individual autonomy.
Addressing Concerns
Regular check-ins on how monitoring impacts both partner’s can address concerns promptly. Adjustments to the approach can be made to ensure a balanced and trusting relationship.
Your Partner's Perspective
The key to successful monitoring lies in mutual consent. Both partners should be on board with the decision, emphasizing the importance of shared values and goals.
Building Trust Through Communication
Trust is a dynamic aspect of relationships. Actively working on trust-building through open communication minimizes the need for constant monitoring.
Respecting Privacy
While monitoring is a choice some couples make, respecting each other's privacy remains paramount. Striking the right balance is crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship.
Overcoming Insecurities
Insecurities often drive the need for constant monitoring. Building self-confidence through self-reflection and self-improvement can alleviate these insecurities.
Seeking Professional Help
If insecurities persist, seeking professional help, such as counseling, can provide valuable insights and strategies for overcoming personal challenges.
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Relationship Counseling
Couples facing trust issues may benefit from relationship counseling. A neutral third party can facilitate discussions and guide the couple toward a resolution.
Balancing Trust and Independence
Balancing trust and independence involves fostering individual growth within the relationship. Encouraging personal development contributes to a stronger partnership.
Mutual Support
Supporting each other's endeavors and dreams enhances trust. Mutual support creates a foundation where partners can pursue their goals while relying on each other.
Finding Common Ground
Identifying shared values and goals helps find common ground. This shared foundation strengthens trust and enables partners to navigate challenges together.
Dealing with Trust Issues
For relationships facing trust issues, rebuilding trust is a gradual process. Consistent actions that align with commitments can gradually restore the foundation of trust.
Establishing a Secure Foundation
Understanding the root causes of trust issues is crucial. Establishing a secure foundation involves addressing underlying concerns and working together to build trust.
Professional Guidance
In cases where trust issues persist, seeking professional guidance, such as couples therapy, provides an objective perspective and structured support.
Common Misconceptions About Call History Monitoring
Invasion of Privacy
One common misconception is that monitoring Partner’s call history is an invasion of privacy. However, in the context of mutual consent, it becomes a shared decision rather than an intrusion.
Lack of Trust
Contrary to belief, monitoring does not always indicate a lack of trust. It can be a proactive approach to ensuring transparency and addressing concerns
Learn more : Monitor Your Dating Partner’s Call History
Final Word: 
In the end, monitoring your dating partner's call history is a complex practice that requires careful consideration. While it can offer benefits such as communication transparency and early red flag identification, it also raises significant privacy and trust concerns. The key lies in open communication, mutual consent, and respecting boundaries. Balancing trust and independence, addressing insecurities, and seeking professional guidance when needed are essential elements for a healthy relationship. Ultimately, the decision to monitor call history should be a collaborative one, emphasizing the importance of building trust organically.
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highflysourcing · 2 months
Importance of Resume Writing and How HighflySourcing Can Elevate Your Career
In today’s competitive job market, your resume is more than just a document; it’s your personal marketing tool, your professional brand’s first impression, and often your gateway to new career opportunities. Crafting a compelling resume is crucial for making a positive impact on potential employers and securing that coveted interview slot. Here’s why resume writing is so important and how HighflySourcing, a leading visa immigration consultancy, can assist you in this vital process.
Why Resume Writing Matters
1. First Impressions Count
   Your resume is often the first interaction a prospective employer has with you. A well-crafted resume not only highlights your qualifications but also demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively. A clear, professional resume sets the tone for how you are perceived, making it more likely that you'll be remembered positively.
2. Showcase Your Unique Value
   In a sea of job applicants, a standout resume can help differentiate you from the competition. It’s your chance to showcase your unique skills, experiences, and achievements. A tailored resume highlights what makes you an ideal candidate for a specific role, emphasizing how your background aligns with the job requirements.
3. Reflect Professionalism
   A polished resume reflects your attention to detail and professionalism. Spelling errors, poor formatting, and irrelevant information can undermine your credibility. A well-organized resume demonstrates that you take your career seriously and are committed to presenting yourself in the best light.
4. Pass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
   Many companies use ATS to screen resumes before they reach human eyes. Crafting a resume with the right keywords and format can ensure it passes through these systems and lands in the hands of hiring managers. This requires a strategic approach to resume writing that considers both human and automated review processes.
5. Highlight Achievements and Skills
   Your resume is an opportunity to quantify your accomplishments and skills. By highlighting measurable achievements, you can provide concrete evidence of your capabilities and the impact you’ve made in previous roles. This helps potential employers understand the value you can bring to their organization.
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How HighflySourcing Can Help
HighflySourcing is a premier visa immigration consultancy known for its comprehensive services in visa application processes. But their expertise doesn’t stop there. They also provide invaluable support in resume writing and career development. Here’s how they can assist you:
1. Expert Resume Writing Services
HighflySourcing’s team includes professionals with experience in crafting resumes that stand out. They understand industry-specific requirements and can tailor your resume to meet the expectations of different sectors and job roles. Their expertise ensures that your resume not only highlights your strengths but also aligns with current trends in resume writing.
2. Personalized Consultations
The consultancy offers personalized consultations to understand your career goals, professional experiences, and unique skills. This tailored approach allows them to create a resume that accurately reflects your qualifications and aspirations. They work closely with you to ensure that every aspect of your resume is customized to fit your career objectives.
3. ATS Optimization
HighflySourcing understands the intricacies of Applicant Tracking Systems and ensures that your resume is optimized for these systems. They incorporate relevant keywords and formats that increase the chances of your resume getting noticed and advancing through the initial screening processes.
4. Visa and Immigration Support
For those seeking international opportunities, HighflySourcing offers visa and immigration consultancy services. They can assist in ensuring that your resume meets the requirements of specific visa categories and international job markets. Their knowledge of global job trends and visa regulations helps in aligning your resume with the expectations of employers abroad.
5. Career Development Advice
   Beyond resume writing, HighflySourcing provides career development advice. They can offer insights into industry trends, job search strategies, and interview preparation. Their holistic approach helps you not only create a standout resume but also navigate the complexities of the job market effectively.
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Resume writing is a critical component of job searching and career advancement. It serves as your personal marketing tool, creating a first impression, showcasing your unique value, and reflecting your professionalism. HighflySourcing offers expert support in crafting effective resumes, optimizing them for ATS, and providing additional career development and immigration assistance. By leveraging their services, you can enhance your resume, increase your chances of landing interviews, and achieve your career goals with confidence.
Ready to take your resume to the next level? Contact HighflySourcing today and let their expertise guide you towards career success.
For more details Visit Our Website or mail us on [email protected]
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nestechubagency · 3 months
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The 7-Step Blueprint for Sales Success 💼 Mastering the art of sales is crucial for driving growth and achieving business objectives. Follow these seven steps to build a robust sales process that converts prospects into satisfied customers: Prospecting and Lead Generation: Identify potential customers through market research, referrals, or inbound marketing efforts. Qualification: Assess prospects' needs, budget, and decision-making authority to determine whether they're a good fit for your product or service. Preparation and Research: Gather relevant information about the prospect and their company to tailor your sales pitch and demonstrate value. Presentation and Demonstration: Deliver a compelling presentation that highlights the unique benefits of your offering and addresses the prospect's pain points. Handling Objections: Anticipate and skillfully address any concerns or objections the prospect may have, reinforcing your solution's value. Closing the Deal: Employ effective closing techniques to secure commitment from the prospect, ensuring a smooth transition into the next phase. Follow-up and Customer Retention: Maintain open communication after the sale, provide exceptional customer service, and seek opportunities for cross-selling or upselling to foster long-term relationships. By consistently refining and optimizing your sales process through these seven steps, you'll lay the groundwork for a thriving sales pipeline and sustained business success. Feel Free to Reach Out To Us
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Navigating the Landscape: A Step-by-Step Guide to Identifying Genuine Thermodynamics Assistance
Mechanical engineering assignments, especially those related to thermodynamics, can be challenging and demanding. When faced with such tasks, many students turn to online resources for help. However, finding a genuine Mechanical Engineering Assignment Help website for thermodynamics assignment assistance requires careful navigation through the vast online landscape. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to identify a reliable source for your online thermodynamics assignment help needs.
Step 1: Define Your Requirements
Before delving into the online search, it's crucial to clearly define your thermodynamics assignment requirements. Understand the specific topics, concepts, and level of assistance you need. This step will help you narrow down your search and ensure that you find a service that caters to your unique needs.
Step 2: Conduct Thorough Research
Use search engines to explore various options for online thermodynamics assignment help. Be sure to include the keyword "Online thermodynamics assignment help" in your search to target relevant results. As you browse through different websites, pay attention to their services, customer reviews, and overall reputation. A genuine service will often have positive feedback from satisfied customers.
Step 3: Check for Authenticity
Authenticity is paramount when seeking assistance online. Look for clear indications that the website is legitimate, such as a professional layout, detailed information about their services, and transparent contact details. Scam websites often lack these elements, so exercise caution if anything seems unclear or suspicious.
Step 4: Review Sample Work
Most reputable online assignment help services provide samples of their work on their websites. Take the time to review these samples to gauge the quality of their solutions. Look for accuracy, clarity, and adherence to academic standards. A genuine service will showcase its expertise through well-crafted examples.
Step 5: Verify Expertise
Thermodynamics is a specialized field within mechanical engineering, and it's essential to ensure that the assignment help service has experts with relevant qualifications. Check for information about the academic background and experience of the experts who will be handling your thermodynamics assignment. A trustworthy service will be transparent about its team's qualifications.
Step 6: Compare Prices and Payment Methods
While cost is a factor, it should not be the sole consideration. Compare the prices of different services, but also take into account the quality of their work, the expertise of their team, and any additional features they offer. Additionally, check the payment methods available to ensure they are secure and reliable.
Step 7: Read Terms and Conditions
Before committing to any service, carefully read and understand the terms and conditions. Pay attention to details such as revision policies, confidentiality agreements, and refund policies. A genuine service will have clear and fair terms, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction.
Step 8: Seek Recommendations
If possible, seek recommendations from peers or academic advisors who may have experience with online thermodynamics assignment help. Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.
Navigating the landscape of online thermodynamics assignment help requires diligence and careful consideration. By defining your requirements, conducting thorough research, verifying authenticity, reviewing sample work, ensuring expertise, comparing prices, reading terms and conditions, and seeking recommendations, you can identify a genuine Mechanical Engineering Assignment Help website that meets your specific needs. Remember, the goal is not just to find assistance but to find reliable support that contributes to your academic success.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
In the apolar world of the 21st century, the US metric of power is archaic. It is no longer about how many boots you can put on the ground, but how you effectively orchestrate all levers of a nation’s influence to advance your interests – more through appeal and subversion than compulsion and coercion.[...]
But the US messaging towards the region has been everything but consistent, riddled with say-do gaps between what Washington says and what it delivers. And while the partnership between the United States and the Gulf was always built around interests more than values, the appeal of what America stands for would be strengthened if it were as passionately for the rights of Palestinians as it is for the rights of Ukrainians.[...]
In recent months, Middle Eastern officials and policymakers have asked me what it is that the West stands for in Ukraine. They do not buy into the East versus West, authoritarian versus liberal divide that is at the heart of a new war over narratives. And while the Ukraine war has become a new liberal rallying point, this value-based consensus in the West appears to be an illusion outside Nato boundaries.
The threats issued by US lawmakers and the Biden administration are hardly going to generate tangible consequences for Riyadh
Consequently, especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have honoured Obama’s call to take on more responsibility - but doing so as they see fit. They have developed networks and partnerships of their own, which they use to advance their own interests with little regard for western interests or values.
The Ukraine war has put the Gulf states ever more in the driver’s seat. Beyond their dominance in global energy markets, they have become the centre of gravity of the entire region, making them the focus of increased great power interest from China and Russia.
This newly won confidence has been on display over the past week in the different rounds of a bilateral shouting match driven by politicised rhetoric more than substance – for the most part actually not between the United States and Saudi Arabia but between the Democratic party and the kingdom. [...]
No wonder the narratives coming from the Biden administration and Democratic lawmakers are extremely vicious towards the Saudis. Framing it within the emergent bipolarity of you-are-either-with-us-or-against-us, Democratic senators have pushed for US-Saudi relations to be put on ice.
Meanwhile, UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed exploited the anti-Saudi “storm” coming from Washington to commit to a formal state visit to Russia. The UAE used the opportunity to cement a bilateral partnership that for Russia is far more strategic and important for survival than the relationship with Riyadh.
After all, the UAE has become the most important hub for Russian sanctions evasion.
In the meantime, salvos of weaponised narratives are fired at Saudi Arabia to which the kingdom and its information networks always have an immediate response.
Amid the Gulf’s pivot to the East, these shouting matches are highly destructive to America’s credibility in the region as the erstwhile superpower struggles to come to terms with its new role as a primus inter pares whose former client states refuse to act as vassals.
The problem at the heart remains that beyond all that narrative, the threats issued by US lawmakers and the Biden administration are hardly going to generate tangible consequences for Riyadh, because the United States is unable or unwilling to develop a sustainable and credible US foreign and security policy towards the region that could actually do without Saudi Arabia or its partners in the Gulf.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has literally gotten away with murder [more than] once and is unlikely going to stumble over an oil production curb he can credibly sell as energy price stabilisation.
17 Oct 22
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syanajames90 · 4 months
Strengths and Weaknesses
Reflecting on my strengths and weaknesses as an Entrepreneur, here are some potential strengths and weaknesses I discovered about myself:
Passion and Enthusiasm: My passion for entrepreneurship and dedication to my ventures drive my motivation and commitment to success.
Creativity and Innovation: My ability to think creatively and innovate solutions can lead me to develop unique products or services that stand out in the market.
Values-Driven Approach: My commitment to ethical practices, sustainability, and community involvement demonstrates my strong values and integrity as an entrepreneur.
Market Awareness: I understand market trends, consumer behavior, and industry dynamics which will equip me with valuable insights for making informed business decisions as an entrepreneur.
Networking Skills: I have always known that building relationships, collaborating with others, and engaging with your community can open many doors to new opportunities and partnerships as an entrepreneur.
Limited Experience: As a developing entrepreneur, I will have gaps in experience or knowledge in certain areas of business management, which pose challenges in decision-making or strategy implementation.
Time Management: This will be one of my major weaknesses as an entrepreneur. Balancing multiple tasks, priorities, and projects will be a challenge, potentially leading to time management issues or difficulties in meeting deadlines.
Financial Acumen: Managing finances, budgeting, forecasting, or securing funding for my ventures may present challenges if my financial skills or resources are limited.
Risk Aversion: Being overly cautious or risk-averse in decision-making could hinder my ability to seize opportunities for growth or expansion.
Marketing Expertise: Developing and implementing effective marketing strategies to promote my ventures and reach my target audience may require further skill development or resources.
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timeless-fanfic · 17 days
Thomas: Romantic ABCs
Word Count: 1067
A = Affection Thomas is thoughtful and sincere in his affection. He may not always be overtly expressive, but he shows love through meaningful actions and attentive gestures. He values deep emotional connections and demonstrates his care through consistent and heartfelt ways.
B = Best Friend Thomas would be a loyal and supportive best friend. Your friendship would likely develop through shared interests and mutual respect, where his thoughtful nature shines through. He’s a good listener and offers genuine advice, making him a reliable and caring friend.
C = Cuddles Thomas enjoys cuddling, especially as a way to deepen emotional intimacy. His cuddles are warm and comforting, often used to offer reassurance and closeness. He might be drawn to cuddling during quiet moments or when seeking solace together.
D = Domestic Thomas is open to the idea of a stable domestic life. He is practical and willing to take on household tasks, contributing to creating a comfortable and organized home environment. He values partnership in managing daily responsibilities and enjoys working together on domestic matters.
E = Ending If Thomas had to end a relationship, he would handle it with sensitivity and honesty. He would approach the situation with respect, explaining his feelings and the reasons for the breakup clearly. He would aim for an understanding and amicable conclusion, ensuring both parties feel heard.
F = Fiance(e) Thomas takes commitment seriously and views marriage as an important step. He would approach the decision thoughtfully, ensuring that both of you are ready for this commitment. Once engaged, he would be dedicated and supportive, looking forward to building a future together.
G = Gentle Thomas is gentle both emotionally and physically. He handles you with care and consideration, ensuring that you feel cherished and respected. His gentle nature creates a nurturing environment in the relationship, making you feel secure and valued.
H = Hugs Thomas enjoys giving and receiving hugs. His hugs are warm and reassuring, often used to convey comfort and affection. He offers hugs frequently, especially during moments of emotional connection or when he wants to express his love.
I = I Love You Thomas might take some time to say “I love you,” choosing to express his feelings when he is sure of their depth. When he does say it, it’s with genuine emotion and commitment, reflecting the seriousness of his feelings and his desire for a lasting relationship.
J = Jealousy Thomas experiences jealousy in a contemplative and introspective manner. He may process his feelings internally and reflect on them before addressing any concerns. When he does discuss jealousy, he approaches the conversation with thoughtfulness and a focus on understanding.
K = Kisses Thomas’s kisses are tender and meaningful. He enjoys kissing you in moments of quiet intimacy, often choosing gentle kisses on the lips or forehead. His kisses are a way to express his deep affection and connection with you.
L = Little Ones Thomas is patient and attentive with children. He enjoys spending time with them and provides gentle guidance and support. As a father, he would be caring and nurturing, creating a loving environment where his children feel secure and valued.
M = Morning Mornings with Thomas are calm and organized. He enjoys starting the day with a sense of routine, often sharing a quiet breakfast and planning the day ahead. He values a peaceful start and enjoys the stability of a structured morning.
N = Night Nights with Thomas are relaxing and intimate. He enjoys winding down together, often engaging in calming activities or simply spending time in each other’s presence. He finds comfort in these serene moments and looks forward to ending the day with you.
O = Open Thomas is thoughtful about revealing personal details. He shares information gradually as trust builds, preferring to open up when he feels comfortable and secure in the relationship. His approach to openness is deliberate and considerate.
P = Patience Thomas is naturally patient and handles challenges with a calm demeanor. He avoids rushing or becoming frustrated and prefers to approach difficulties with a thoughtful and measured response. His patience contributes to a harmonious and supportive relationship.
Q = Quizzes Thomas remembers important details about you and takes note of things you mention. He values the little things that matter to you and uses this knowledge to make thoughtful gestures and ensure you feel appreciated.
R = Remember Thomas cherishes significant moments in your relationship, often reflecting on these memories with fondness. He values shared experiences and milestones, keeping these moments close to his heart as reminders of your deep connection.
S = Security Thomas is protective and ensures that you feel safe and supported. He creates a stable environment and addresses any concerns with a calm and reassuring approach. His protective nature is grounded in his commitment to your well-being.
T = Try Thomas puts effort into the relationship through meaningful actions and thoughtful gestures. He values making you feel special and loved, often planning dates and celebrating important occasions with care and attention.
U = Ugly Thomas’s bad habits might include being overly critical of himself or sometimes struggling to express his needs. He may focus more on ensuring your happiness than addressing his own, which can lead to internalized stress.
V = Vanity Thomas is not particularly concerned with vanity. He maintains a sense of self-respect and presents himself well, but his focus is more on his character and actions rather than his outward appearance.
W = Whole Thomas feels that you complete him and provides a sense of fulfillment. He deeply values your presence and sees you as an essential part of his life, contributing significantly to his overall happiness and sense of purpose.
X = Xtra A random headcanon for Thomas: He has a talent for storytelling and enjoys sharing interesting anecdotes or tales from his experiences. He might use this skill to entertain and connect with you, adding a unique and engaging aspect to your relationship.
Y = Yuck Thomas dislikes dishonesty and insincerity. He values honesty and integrity in both himself and others, finding it crucial for maintaining trust and respect in the relationship.
Z = Zzz Thomas’s sleep habits are steady and restful. He values a good night’s sleep and enjoys a consistent bedtime routine. He finds comfort in falling asleep next to you and looks forward to the relaxation and closeness that sleep brings.
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