julia-not-roberts · 2 months
the other woman
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haven’t been able to eat since you left
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bamtorin · 5 months
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weirdass-cryptid · 3 months
(No, this is not Flatland or Exwhylia. It is similar, but not the same.) [TW!! Words in red are signs that it may be triggering to some reading, so please go forward carefully!]
It's almost like Flatland, but instead, it also includes 3D and 1D shapes.
Yes, color isn't the usual, but it does exist on some shapes, which isn't attractive in their eye(s).
This will probably be long, but bare with me, here...
Shape World society has standards. The thinner, the better (quite literally).
Big, bulky shapes are seen as unattractive, like how humans don't like heavy people (I don't like to use the word 'fat').
Lines, however, are the most attractive. They are seen as elegant.
Of course, this isn't as good as it seems.
Shapes that are seen as better than the usual are expected to be better in every way. As for lines (which are only female), they are expected to be able to read, write, or know how to handle plant life, such as flowers. If a line doesn't do any of these, they won't be liked by their society.
If a shape is lower than the usual, almost nothing is expected of them since nobody cares.
As for the usual, they are set with the basics; know how to do math and do their set job. The most attractive usuals are squares and non-slanted rectangles.
Rules in Shape World are strict, mostly when it comes to youth.
When one is around 18, the parents must decide for a partner for them, as the rules state that they are too immature to choose themselves.
With that comes when shapes get a job, married, and how they have kids.
Shapes are to look for a well-suited job at 19. At 20, they get married. At 23, they try for children.
If the child does not come out 'properly' (is below standard), it is recommended that the parents give it away to a more fitting type (not forced, but happens often).
If the child comes out above standard, it's insisted the parents try for another. The system repeats if the children continue to come out perfectly. This can be damaging.
Many shapes have tried to stop this rule. There are yet to be any responses.
Color is seen as both rare and disgusting.
Some shapes, typically 3D, are born with color. The majority of them are either mistreated or given away because of this.
Some shapes are blind to color.
DARK FACTS [TW! Cannibalism, Suicide.]:
Shape World is a hotspot for shapes from other dimensions to get to, usually for bad reasons (Murder, drugs, etc.).
This makes Shape World unsafe, making some shapes scared to go outside their homes or even lock themselves in a closet.
The ones making this world run have done nothing about this (they never do).
Shape World often runs low on food, and some choose to go to a different dimension when this happens. Others resort to cannibalism. Some try to get through it but then give themselves up to people who need food. Some decide to end their lives. This makes Shape World one of the smallest dimensions in the multiverse.
Joing the Cult of Shape World is also common when people are at their darkest. The cult promises ways to see stars and beautiful scenery without having to leave their homes and families.
This, of course, is a lie.
Not many good things happen. Shape World is one of the most sickening and saddening places. But this isn't meant to be only talking about the bad.
While there comes a lot of bad, that also brings in people who will understand better what happened. Also, with as little people there, it isn't so active most of the time, so it's safer than meats the eye.
Hope you enjoyed this brief rant!
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books-andspace · 5 months
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jarrodsbowen · 8 months
your new layout is too real oml 😭💀
it was either that or this
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i'm at the store
spending away
i'm a sweet treat whore
i'm not okay
my wallet is screaming
but i'm only dreaming
of the sweet treat that is hot and steaming.
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suckmyarschkarte · 2 years
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he looks so good and for WHAT 💔
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torao-chan · 2 years
my dash: they’ve rolled out polls for everyone!
me: ?!?! where ;w;
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jaycer · 1 month
me after rotting in bed all day
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longbeachgp · 5 months
Logan spun out,,,,,
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julia-not-roberts · 4 months
my brain is tiring.
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finnthebravehero · 11 months
Getting poutine at midnight
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dead-vape · 2 years
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Someone take canva away from me
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books-andspace · 6 months
i live in the path of 100% totality for the solar eclipse earlier today. i wasn’t expecting much, it’s a solar eclipse, hullaballoo. was actually feeling rather depressed and thought i would relapse today. then totality happened. the moment the moon completely covered the sun hit me so hard in the chest i couldnt breathe and i instantly started sobbing. it was the most emotions of my own that i’d felt in months. it was the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen. one of my coworkers held me while i cried, i forgot to thank him. i’ll keep this reminder that life is beautiful, even when i can’t see it.
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miss-anthropyxx · 2 years
The internet used to be more of an escape for me... But now lately all I can think of every time I come online is this post:
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(source) It just doesn’t hit the same as like 10-20 years ago. I keep coming to my same sites (probably part of the problem too) and I just don't feel as connected to others, but I'm also not getting as much of that dopamine hit either, so it's been losing its overall hold on me. Some people suck, or it's just too hard for me to regularly comment or do anything besides occasional liking. I'm just not getting as much out of it anymore and I can't seem to give as much either (content-wise or interaction-wise). I actually end up just feeling like shit in some way and then I turn on a comfort show. But then I also think it's maybe not a bad thing that I'm somewhat turning away from it.
But I don't have anywhere else to go with all my feels either. I try to journal but blogging has always been important to me for the connection to people or even just the feeling that someone, at least one person somewhere out there, probably read my writing. But again, I refer back to it just not "hitting the same" anymore lately. (Who knows though, cuz I'm writing this here right now still sooo...)
I mean the internet was bound to change, it wasn't going to be what it was forever. I probably just sound like I'm getting older, which I'm sure contributes. But I think all this stuff is still valid too. Honestly thank god for tumblr because it's probably the last shred of what the internet used to be.
Btw this post isn't to say I'm leaving or anything. Even though I am indeed on tumblr/online less, I doubt I'm leaving forever any time soon. I'm probably just whining and will be back to normal after this, knowing me.
Anyway I'm sad and I feel disconnected from my friends and family, and I always feel annoying and burdensome, and the world slowly ending is always in the back of my mind and I have stressful apocalypse dreams almost nightly, and I also can't control my spending/debt or my weed-smoking, and I'm caring much less about drinking more often too, and also I've been wistfully looking at self-harm pictures. And yeah. Just wanted to dump all that out even if blogging isn’t what it used to be for me.
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cringeandcats · 1 month
anybody wanna kys together with me :3
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