#derek godfrey
dailytudors · 1 year
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Derek Godfrey as Owen Tudor with Dorothy Tutin as Catherine of Valois, Dowager Queen of England 
BBC’s The Queen and The Welshman (1966)
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pinteresk · 5 months
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THE BASEMENT (1967) by Harold Pinter
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dweemeister · 8 months
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The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)
In the late 1950s and 1960s, American International Pictures (AIP) was a minor Hollywood studio with an outsized reputation. AIP, which made nothing but low-budget pictures and B-movies during its existence, focused on cornering the market for teenagers and young adults. Rather than making an endless string of superhero movies, AIP instead relied on its Beach Party series and related films (1963-1967) and inexpensive horror movies (usually involving producer/director Roger Corman). One of AIP’s mainstays for its coterie of horror films was none other than Vincent Price. A longtime character actor for 20th Century Fox, Price had only begun to regularly feature in horror films beginning with House of Wax (1953). From there, he became a regular on AIP’s Edgar Allan Poe adaptations (very loose adaptations, mind you) under Corman’s direction. No matter how dastardly Price’s characters schemes were in his numerous horror films, Price’s almost effortless charm always pored through, to the point that one cannot help but root for his schemes to succeed.
Though Roger Corman was not involved in The Abominable Dr. Phibes (Phibes rhymes with “bribes”), a portion of Price’s fans point to his performance here in the title role as the Vincent Price-iest of all. In this darkly comedic horror film directed by former production designer Robert Fuest (the 1961-1969 TV series The Avengers, director on 1970’s Wuthering Heights), the film’s deliberate campiness demands more absurd motivations, plot developments, and aesthetic choices than some viewers might be comfortable with. In short, this is not the ideal introduction to Vincent Price or AIP’s horror movies. To enjoy the first Phibes film is to be in on the joke, to accept the film’s inherent silliness.
The opening credits help set that mood. As they roll, Dr. Phibes (Price) ascends from beneath a flight of stairs, playing on organ Felix Mendelssohn’s “War March of the Priests” from Athalie. His only company in this fiendish lair are his tall, silent assistant Vulnavia (Virginia North) and his animatronic band, the Dr. Phibes Clockwork Wizards. Reported killed in a Switzerland car accident in 1921 alongside his wife Victoria, Phibes (who carries heavy facial scars and lost his speaking voice in the crash) is hellbent on seeking revenge against the British doctors who presided over Victoria’s failed surgery. Instead of going to therapy, Phibes murders the doctors instead. One after another, the doctors die in increasingly elaborate ways – each homicide inspired by one of the ten Plagues of Egypt as described in the Book of Exodus. After the third doctor dies, Scotland Yard finally begins connecting the dots under Inspector Harry Trout (Peter Jeffrey). Trout soon realizes that the deceased were all directed by Dr. Vesalius (Joseph Cotten). This revelation only begins to unearth Phibes’ wicked plot.
Elsewhere, Hugh Griffith plays a helpful Rabbi and Terry-Thomas plays one of the doctors. Derek Godfrey and John Cater play Inspector Trout’s superiors, Crow and Weaverly, respectively. Aubrey Woods, whom most know as Bill the Candy Man from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971), plays an eyewitness named Goldsmith.
The screenplay by William Goldstein (who returned for the sequel), James Whiton (his only major writing credit), and Fuest, is no one’s idea of sensible, intelligently structured writing. The transitions between the scenes involving Phibes, his assistant, and the victims to Scotland Yard and Dr. Vesalius are untidy. Goldstein, Whiton, and Fuest attempt to make more of a mystery out of this film than they should, but it only serves to make the investigatory half of the film as a dumping ground of expository dialogue. The scenes with Phibes are the zanier, far more interesting parts of the screenplay – even though the character can no longer speaker (the writers engineer an inexplicable workaround, but this unlikely development can have a pass in the context of this bizarre work). For the scriptural scholars among us, some of the stylish killings of the unsuspecting doctors take liberties with the stated Ten Plagues of Egypt. Though perhaps unacceptable to those demanding strict adherence to the holy texts, the thematic divergences of those murders are still so cockamamie that most viewers probably do not mind.
Dr. Phibes’ murders would make Jigsaw from the Saw series (2004-present) proud. To be clear, The Abominable Dr. Phibes is not a slasher film (a subgenre that was beginning to find its foundations by the early 1970s), but it contains elements that would become slasher hallmarks – an individual committing several revenge killings due to a past event, a sort of catharsis (in later slasher movies, sexual gratification) in the act of killing, and unusual manners of murder. Instead of horrifying the viewer with the wanton death, it is Vincent Price’s performance that keeps The Abominable Dr. Phibes within the confines of comedic horror. Due to reasons that I do not wish to spoil, Price’s Phibes scarcely makes a facial expression aside from his default, neutral gaze. His gait is deliberate and steady. Without the possibility of any facial muscular contortions or Price’s trademark smirk, so much of Price’s performance is through his eyes. From his thousand-yard stares, contemptuous gazes, world weary looks, and bemused glances, Price provides an enormous amount of the film’s soul and tenor with so little of his body. This sounds like a silent film director’s dream, but Price’s performance is a commanding one, in any era. His Dr. Phibes may not be in full control of his movements (thanks to Trevor Crole-Rees’ excellent makeup design), but Price is always fully in control of his acting. No surprise to anyone who knows Price’s work – always dependable to provide his utmost effort, no matter how dire the material.
The screenplay, nevertheless, keeps some emotional distance between the audiences and the title character. Though the film’s absurdity allows the viewer to scrap their sense of morality while watching Phibes slaughter each of the doctors, Phibes’ psychology is inaccessible until the film’s second half. The filmmakers, by not prioritizing Phibes’ mindset as much as they could, continually frame him as the villain amid bumbling detectives, the privileged victims (ensuring that the viewer cares not too much about their deaths), and the prideful Dr. Vesalius (whose hubris erodes as the film progresses, revealing his desperate humanity).
If anybody could be considered a co-lead here, that would be Joseph Cotten as Dr. Vesalius. The underrated and undermentioned Cotten, not at all known for his horror work and more for his collaborations with Orson Welles (namely 1941’s Citizen Kane and 1942’s The Magnificent Ambersons), performs ably here. Cotten replaced Price’s friend, Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin in 1977’s Star Wars, a regular as Baron Frankenstein and Van Helsing in Hammer horror movies), after Cushing fell ill. Cushing would have been ideal in the role, but never does Cotten act as if the unconvincing dialogue is beneath him, even if he doesn’t attempt to hide his American accent. As Dr. Vesalius, Cotten wonderfully inhabits his character’s desperation as his colleagues meet their ends, as if prophesied.
Set designer Brian Eatwell (1973’s The Three Musketeers, 1976’s The Man Who Fell to Earth) runs rampant with his design to Phibes’ lair. A curious combination of art deco and the garishness of 1970s colors serves the film’s ludicrousness. I am not sure how livable Phibes’ abode is – there are nary any bedrooms or any other amenities depicted – but the central chamber could be an ideal place for a raucous, demented soiree. Vulnavia’s ever-changing wardrobe in each of her scenes is also a delight, thanks to costume designer Elsa Fennell (1964’s Goldfinger, 1971’s Diamonds Are Forever). Perhaps there isn’t too much of association between campy costumes and sets with heartrending motives for murder, but that is exactly what transpires in The Abominable Dr. Phibes.
In addition, a laughably anachronistic soundtrack of swing jazz and Great American Songbook standards dot the film. I was not prepared for the appearance of either Mendelssohn’s “War March of the Priests” nor the legendary song that rounds out the closing credits. Phibes’ introduction while playing the former on organ readies the viewer not to take everything that is about to unfold seriously. For the latter song (again, I dare not spoil this), a brilliant solo trumpet takes the easily recognizable melody and swings it. Lyrically, this song’s placement in the end credits is fitting for what happens to Phibes. But I could not help but laugh the moment I heard the opening notes – a fitting send-off to a gleefully daft movie.
When The Abominable Dr. Phibes arrived in theaters, its poster showed the mutilated Dr. Phibes appearing as if he is about to kiss a woman. Above them read the tagline: “Love means never having to say you’re ugly.” This was a reference to Love Story (1970), with its (in)famous tagline and in-movie quote: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” The marketing for The Abominable Dr. Phibes confused audiences – was it a romance? horror? parody? – and the film struggled initially before AIP retooled its advertising to market the film as a horror film. On its low budget, the film was successful enough to warrant AIP to greenlight a sequel, Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972). That sequel marked the beginning of the end of Price’s association with AIP, due to conflicts over his pay (while AIP’s box office fortunes were dwindling), his lack of satisfaction with the scripts coming his way (not even Price wanted to star in two Dr. Goldfoot movies in two years), and AIP’s plans to replace him with Robert Quarry as their primary horror star.
In the years since the film’s debut in cinemas, The Abominable Dr. Phibes has garnered a deserved cult status. There was no stopping Vincent Price from leaving AIP, but AIP – with their Robert Quarry plans not even a secret – somehow undervalued the actor who was their principal attraction through the 1960s. An essential in Price’s filmography, The Abominable Dr. Phibes defies genre conventions, genre categorization, and any semblance of rationality. For those looking for some bloody horror as the mercury drops, look no further than here. The first Dr. Phibes films guarantees murders with a wink and, though not a smile, an animatronic band playing hits that have yet to be composed.
My rating: 7/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found in the “Ratings system” page on my blog. Half-points are always rounded down.
For more of my reviews tagged “My Movie Odyssey”, check out the tag of the same name on my blog.
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Michael Bryant as Victor Paumelle in the RSC production of 'Victor,' reviewed in the October 1964 edition of Plays and Players. This was in the days when the Lord Chamberlain was still approved to give his consent to a play before it could be produced, and one of the reasons this particularly play caused so much difficulty was its use of a tuba to signify that one of the characters was plagued by a flatulence problem!
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fanaticloser · 11 months
Finding a good character Spotify playlist is hard cause I want THEIR playlist not a playlist of their vibes.
Like no I don’t think they listen to this artist. Does the song apply to them? Yes. Do I love this song? Yes, but they wouldn’t play it themselves.
Like I want a playlist they created themselves.
Yeah, we can joke and say they’d listen to this or that, but they actually wouldn’t and it so weird when a one of those songs pop up.
It’ll still be a great playlist. But not THAT characters playlist.
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When did the Roman Catholic Church begin? When did the Roman Catholic Church begin? From one of our live events, W. Robert Godfrey and Derek Thomas consider the origins and development of this institution as it exists today.
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mariocki · 1 year
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Man in a Suitcase: Somebody Loses, Somebody... Wins? (1.19, ITC, 1968)
"Mr. McGill, I was told that you do dangerous work for money. I offer you dangerous work - and I offer you money in proportion."
"What proportion?"
"Name your price."
"Ok. I get a legitimate visa. I travel under my own name, using my own passport. I'll obey every law in the book. And if I smell the slightest aroma of trouble, baby, I'm heading home. And if I locate your brother, it's gonna cost you twenty thousand dollars, plus expenses. And if I don't locate your brother... it'll cost you twenty thousand dollars, plus expenses."
"Those are difficult terms."
"Do me a favour, turn me down."
#man in a suitcase#somebody loses‚ somebody... wins?#itc#1968#jan read#john glen#richard bradford#jacqueline pearce#godfrey quigley#carl duering#philip madoc#gordon sterne#paul hansard#carl bernard#peter hager#derek prentice#wendy hall#david scheuer#bettina jonic#maria warburg#gerda koeppler#for me‚ not just the pinnacle of MiaS‚ but one of the best individual episodes of tv that ITC ever produced. and an unlikely success too:#this was the final episode of the first production block‚ with Bradford and crew growing tired and in need of a break. it was also John#Glen's directorial debut (having worked as an editor and a.d.) and went over schedule‚ to his horror (he thought he'd blown his chance)#plus on set accidents and bts arguments.. but no‚ the final product is absolutely wonderful (ymmv ig). Jan Read had ended up writing for#show through pure coincidence (his Spanish wife did some language work on 1.16 The Man Who Stood Still) but his script is the show at its#sharpest‚ wittiest‚ darkest and most cutting. Jac Pearce‚ having forged a genuine friendship with Bradford on 1.7‚ returned in a bigger#role as a former love of McGill's who may or may not have defected. cue a bitterly nihilistic study of the collateral victims of the cold#war‚ as a job in East Berlin gets murkier and more complicated. it's beautifully written‚ but wonderfully played too; the pair have genuine#chemistry‚ and you really feel like in another world they could have made it work together. sobs. maybe next time round.
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here it is, everyone! the official (and not without mistakes but fuck it this is the best anyone will ever get) appearance tracker of EVERY BIG NATE CHARACTER (that matters at least a little bit, also I forgot Rusty sienna r.i.p)
Nate: 11,106
2. Francis: 4,166
3. Teddy: 2,936
4. Marty: 1,541
5. Mrs. Godfrey: 890
6. Chad: 691
7. Ellen: 583
8. Mr. Rosa: 537
9. Gina: 506
10. Jenny: 427
Rounding out the top 20:
11. Dee Dee: 358
12. Artur: 343
13. Coach Calhoon: 339
14. Spitsy: 304
15. Principal Nichols: 255
16. School Picture Guy: 219
17. Sheila: 202
18. Coach John: 164
19. Gramps/Vern: 163
20. Mr. Glavin: 152
21. Dr. Cesspool: 150
22. Gordie: 147
23. Ms. Clarke: 145
24. Czerwicki: 139
25. Kim: 119
26. Biff: 116
27. Gram/Marge: 107
28. Chip: 99
29. Chester: 97
30. Mrs. Shipulski: 95
31. Peter: 92
32. Pickles: 91
33. Randy: 81
34. Nate drawing of Mrs. Godfrey where she doesn’t appear: 74
35. Nurse Maureen Biology: 72
36. Angie: 71
37. Trudy: 67
38. Dan Cupid: 65
39. Uncle Ted: 64
40. Mr. Staples: 62
40. Daphne: 62
42. Nate drawing of Ellen where she doesn’t appear: 61
43. Mr. Eustis: 60
44. Bob Snuggles: 51
44. Kelly: 51 
46. Sherman: 50
47. Moe Mentum: 46
48. Marcus: 42
49. Miranda: 41
50. Kenny Smithson: 39
50. Timmy Snuggles: 39
52. Nate drawing of Marty where he doesn’t appear: 38
53. Honey Snuggles: 35
54. Punkin Snuggles: 34
55. J.B.: 33
56. Nate drawing of Francis where he doesn’t appear: 27
57. Superdad: 24
58. Derek Nack: 20
59. Daisy: 19
59. Warren Fuzzy: 19
61. Mrs. Bigbee: 18
61. Nate drawing of Teddy where he doesn’t appear: 18
63. Slim Stubby: 15
63. Nate drawing of Jenny where she doesn’t appear: 15
65. Nate drawing of Kenny Smithson where he doesn’t appear: 14
65. Wayne: 14
65. Whitey: 14
68. The Brain (Chess Camp): 13
68. Lila: 13
68. Nate drawing of Mr. Rosa where he doesn’t appear: 13
71. Action Cat: 12
72. Audrey the Lifeguard: 11
72. Nate drawing of Mr. Galvin where he doesn’t appear: 11
72. Hickson: 11
72. Craig (incel): 11
76. Paige: 10
76. Nate drawing of Mr. Staples where he doesn’t appear: 10
76. Nigel (doppleganger): 10
79. Ronnie (Jenny’s Boyfriend): 9
80. Nate drawing of Gordie where he doesn’t appear: 8
80. Wink Summers: 8
80. Nate drawing of Nate where he doesn’t appear: 8
83. Kit: 7
83. Kaboodle: 7
83. Stan Cupid: 7
83. Emmit the Custodian: 7
87. Marla the Mailwoman: 6
88. Claire Voyant: 5
88. Fluffy Snuggles: 5
88. Nate drawing of Coach Calhoon where she doesn’t appear: 5
88. Nate Drawing of Ms. Clarke where he doesn’t appear: 5
92. Moe Mentum’s Agent: 4
92. Greg Proxmire: 4
92. Leo Tard: 4
92. She-Pulski: 4
92. Nate drawing of Principal Nichols where he doesn’t appear: 4
97. Jenny’s Dad: 3
97. Celine Paycheck: 3
97. Math Man: 3
97. Half-Pint: 3
97. Mrs. Holloway: 3
97. Stan Pokecheck: 3
97. Deke Boarding: 3
104. Nate drawing of Sheila where she doesn’t appear: 2
104. April Showers: 2
104. Mega Teen: 2
104. Ms. Brindle: 2
104. Nate drawing of La Chance where she doesn’t appear: 2
104. Nate drawing of Gina where she doesn’t appear: 2
104. Nate drawing of Pickles where she doesn’t appear: 2
104. Daphne’s mom: 2
112. Jenny’s Mom: 1
112. Nate drawing of ronnie where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Ms. Brindle where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Aldrige where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Wink Summers where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Mrs. Williger: 1
112. Nate drawing of Uncle Ted where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Spitsy where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Ultra Nate: 1
112. Algebro: 1
112. Nate drawing of Artur where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Chester where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Mr. Holloway: 1
112. Nate drawing of Randy where he doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Kim where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Dee Dee where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Daphne where she doesn’t appear: 1
112. Nate drawing of Chad where he doesn’t appear: 1
Questions and replies are more than welcome! This list will update every Sunday when an arc is "over"!
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ghostedcas · 1 year
writing, rules and requests
who i write for:
call of duty: simon 'ghost' riley, könig, johnny 'soap' mactavish, keegan russ, kyle 'gaz' garrick, alejandro vargas, valeria garza, capatin john price, kate laswell, farah karim, kim 'horangi' hong-jin
criminal minds: spencer reid, aaron hotchner, derek morgan, penelope garcia, jennifer 'jj' jereau, emily prentiss, elle greenaway
stray kids
scream: billy loomis, stu macher
fnaf: william afton, michael afton (adult only)
genshin impact: kaeya, diluc, lisa, jean, childe, zhongli, rosaria
resident evil 4: leon kennedy
sally face: larry johnson, sal fisher, ashley campbell (all adult only)
hemlock grove: roman godfrey
i write fluff, smut and angst :) (though i'm a big sucker for fluff, a lot of my fics will be fluffy)
no: incest, pedophilia, scat/piss play, vore, sexual gore, graphic (sexual, physical, etc..) abuse, rape/rapeplay, ageplay, raceplay, anal, dom!reader
yes: choking, knife/gunplay, bloodplay, cnc, nongraphic depictions of (sexual, physical, emotional, etc..) abuse/torture, violence, age-regression, depictions of (severe) mental illnesses and substance abuse, depictions of toxic relationships, nongraphic depictions of self-harm
i don't write (explicit) male!readers, nothing against mlm/nwlnw however im not comfortable writing it as i am afab. that being said, i am MORE than happy to write masc aligned characters. i do try to keep most of my writing as gender neutral as possible so some fics could be read as a male!reader and i have no problem with male readers interacting with my works :)
lastly, if you're not 100% sure if your request is something im able to write please just feel free to send an ask and ask about it! :)
note: i've never played COD a day in my life, i just think masked men are really fucking hot 😔✊ also the women in cod are hot too, i fucking love women🫶
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Copperplate cookbook again : a portfolio by Year 2000 undergraduate printmakers. Nicole Brabant. [Regina, SK] : University of Regina, Faculty of Fine Arts, Dept. of Visual Arts, 2000.
2008 Seoul International Book Arts Fair. Seoul International Book Arts Fair, Sŏng-jae Song. [Seoul, Korea] : Artistbookseoul, 2008.
Language of Color. Olaf Nicolai, Annelie, Pohlen, Bonner Kunstverein. [Bonn] : Bonner Kunstverein, 2000.
Printed Matter Special : 2010 NY Art Book Fair edition. Misaki Kawai, Printed Matter Inc., NY Art Book Fair. [New York, N.Y.] : Printed Matter, Inc, 2010.
Artforumx : summary. Parasitic Ventures Press. [Toronto] : Parasitic Ventures Press. 2010.
Persistent Huts. Derek Sullivan. [New York, N.Y.] : Printed Matter, Inc, 2008.
15 Lombard St. Janice Kerbel, Stefan. Kalmár, Book Works. [London] : Book Works, 2000.
Christian Marclay: The Clock. Christian Marclay, Honey Luard, Darian Leader, White Cube. [London] : White Cube, 2010.
The Day Mubarak was Tried. Nawāl Saʻdāwī, Documenta. [Ostfildern] : Hatje Cantz, 2011.
Two Novels and Two Women. Ṣunʻ Allāh Ibrāhīm, Documenta. [Ostfildern] : Hatje Cantz, 2011.
Deadstar : A Ghost Town. Janice Kerbel, Mark Godfrey, Lyall Watson, Susan Morgan. [Newcastle upon Tyne] : Locus+ Publishing, 2006.
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multi-fandom-simp · 11 months
Request Masterlist
Hello! I would love to start accepting requests to get my creativity rolling again. Below will be list of characters that I am willing to write for and how you may submit a request. Also, if you are looking for a certain character that isn't on my list, then feel free to ask if I would write for them. I ask that you be patient with me as well as I am one person who is currently in college. I will do my best to get the requests out in a timely manner! Below are my personal pros and cons:
Pros(What I will write):
-Angst and fluff
-Some mature content ( with mature content please ask if I would be comfortable with writing it before assuming I'd write it.)
-Alternate Realities of canon universes
-character deaths
Cons(What I will NOT write)
-Non-con elements(Such as R*pe, Necrophilia, etc.)
-Incest(There will be an exception for House of The Dragon and Game of Thrones and that is it.)
How to Request:
-Submit a message through an ask or through my inbox, whichever you are comfortable with.
-Include what character you would like it to be for, and a brief description of the fic. I will do my best to write exactly what you're asking for, but please remember not everyone has the exact same brain waves.
-Also include if you would like it to include angst, fluff, mature, etc.
-If you would like the reader to be from a specific family or house, please include that.
Characters I will write for
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- Rhaenyra Targaryen
- Daemon Targaryen
- Aemond Targaryen
- Helaena Targaryen
- Rhaenys II Targaryen
- Jacaerys Velaryon
- Laenor Velaryon (x Male!Reader)
- Laena Velaryon
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- Daenerys Targaryen
- Robb Stark
- Sansa Stark
- Bran Stark
- Jojeen Reed
- Theon Greyjoy
- Yara Greyjoy
- Oberyn Martell
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The Sandman:
- Morpheus
- Desire
- Death
- The Corinthian
- Calliope
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- James Potter
- Sirius Black
- Remus Lupin
- Lily Evans
- Marlene Mckinnon
- Regulus Black
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Harry Potter:
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Bill Weasley
- Cedric Diggory
- Draco Malfoy
- Adrian Pucey
-Blaise Zabini
- Pansy Parkinson
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The Hobbit/The Lord Of The Rings:
- Legolas
- Aragorn
- Thranduil
- Kili
- Fili
- Tauriel
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- Azriel
- Cassian
- Rhysand
- Nesta
- Lucien
- Amren
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- Andrew Garfield's Spider-man
- Tobey Maguire's Spider-man
- Tom Holland's Spider-man
- Tasm! Gwen Stacy
- Harry Osborne
- Cindy Moon
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- Loki Laufeyson
- Bucky Barnes
- Sam Wilson
- Yelena
- Shuri
- Doctor Strange
- ( quite a few more, feel free to ask)
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-Carlisle Cullen
-Jasper Hale
-Rosalie Hale
-Alice Cullen
-Paul Lahote
-Jared Cameron
-Garrett(Lee Pace)
Teen Wolf:
-Isaac Lahey
-Derek Hale
-Young Peter Hale
-Stiles Stilinski
The Last Kingdom:
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson
-Damian Wayne( Platonic only)
-Smallville! Clark Kent
-Smallville! Lex Luthor
Stranger Things:
-Steve Harrington
-Robin Buckley
- I would be willing to write platonic/found family fics including the gang, such as Max, Lucas, etc. Nothing other than that as they are children.
Bill Skarsgård Characters:
-Roman Godfrey(Hemlock Grove)
- Marquis Vincent de Gramont(John Wick)
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cantsayidont · 25 days
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November 1988. WHO'S WHO UPDATE '88 #4 included this entry for Amanda Waller, summarizing her early history. This was probably written by Robert Greenberger and/or Peter Sanderson, but it's based primarily on "The Secret Origin of the Suicide Squad" in SECRET ORIGINS #14 (May 1987). The text reads:
PERSONAL DATA Full Name: Amanda Blake Waller Occupation: Director, Task Force X Marital Status: Widowed Known Relatives: Joseph (husband, deceased), Joseph, Jr, (son, deceased), Damita (daughter, deceased), Martin (son), Jessie (sister), Coretta (daughter), Sareetha (daughter), Bubba (son-in-law) Group Affiliation: Suicide Squad, Checkmate Base of Operations: Belle Reve Prison, Louisiana First Appearance: LEGENDS #2 Height: 5'9" Weight: 213 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
HISTORY Amanda Blake was a young, struggling teen living In Chicago's notorious Cabrini-Green district. She met, fell in love with and married Joseph Waller when she was eighteen. Over the next few years, the Wallers built up a stable family of six children all struggling to stay out of trouble. Joe, Jr. had a promising career ahead of him in basketball, but street toughs shot him when Joe refused to give up a dollar. Six months later, Damita was raped and murdered. This trouble drove Joseph over the edge and he grabbed a gun, went out into the street and tried to extract a measure of revenge. Joe stalked a man he suspected of the rape and the two exchanged gunfire in a local bar. Both men died, and Amanda was left alone to carry on. Amanda turned to a local Community Health Clinic and there she met Simon LaGrieve, then a young psychiatrist. LaGrieve helped Amanda work through the pain and the guilt and gave her the strength to carry on. Over the years, she saw to it that her other children finished college and then she went on to get her own degree. Looking for some meaningful work, Waller went to work for Marvin Collins, who was looking to be elected to Congress. Collins and Waller proved to be a formidable team and they won the election and once in Washington began hammering on the administration’s domestic policies and programs. While searching for some documents, Waller unearthed files detailing the 40-year existence of Task Force X—its original divisions of “Suicide Squad" and "Argent" and how the Squad was used when needed. Given the then-current sentiment against heroes created by G. Gordon Godfrey (see Glorious Godfrey). Waller pushed through a reactivation of the Suicide Squad. With Federal support, the team was greenlighted and funds were provided to open up a major base. Belle Reve Prison in Louisiana (see Suicide Squad revised, Belle Reve). Waller headed up all of Task Force X but her heart remained with the Squad. When staffing Belle Reve, she hired her old counselor, LaGrieve, and relies on him for spot checks of her performance. To most, she is The Wall, a hardnosed, uncompromising woman who sets very rigid and tough standards for all who work for her. When a division placed under Task Force X failed, Waller saw to it that it was salvaged and turned Into what has been named Checkmate (see Checkmate). Today, Task Force X is run by Waller and both sides have performed admirably. Currently, Walter is being besieged by threats to her authority by Squad Mission Leader Rick Flag and blackmail through Task Force X's former National Security Council liaison Derek Tolliver. Waller has resolved that she will not go down but will fight and claw her way back into control. No one doubts that she has the willpower to accomplish her goal. While Amanda Waller has no superpowers, she wields considerable Influence and authority throughout the American intelligence community. She also has strong budgetary ties to Congress and has managed to secure major funding for both divisions of Task Force X. Given her years on Capitol Hill, Waller is one of the slickest operators in American government. Waller has trained herself in the use of various firearms but chooses to use her sharp tongue and imperious personality to get most jobs done. On occasion, she has demonstrated a powerful right cross.
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victusinveritas · 6 months
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David Warner, Helen Mirren, Diana Rigg, and Michael Jayston 1968 "A Midsummer Night's Dream" directed by Peter Hall, also with Judi Dench, Ian Richardson, Ian Holm, Barbara Jefford, Derek Godfrey, Paul Rogers and others from The Royal Shakespeare Company.
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skyofstorms · 9 months
The Muse Headspace
I could probably design images for each one in time, but for now, here's the masterlist of masterlists when it comes to my muses. Like...every single muse I've used [save a few novel muses] are on this list. Beware, my friends. It's a nightmare - 257 muses listed with fc and species [Canon or lore based mues are in bold]. Yes, there are some repeat faceclaims, I don't wanna hear it. @forwardlion, I want you to know this is your fault.
Abigail Phantomhive | Claire Holt | Demon
Abraham Greenfeld | Keiynan Lonsdale | Human
Adam Milligan/Winchester | Jake Abel | Human
Ahn Taehui | Lim Sejun | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Akali Tethi | Aeri Uchinaga | Human
Akello Caine | Jussie Smollet | Leopard Shifter
Aleksi Holland | Harry Shum Jr. | Mage
Alexander Lightwood | Matthew Daddario | Nephilim
Alexian Holloway | Alberto Rosende | Human
Aliceon Hartigay | Katie Cassidy | Polykinetic [Pyro, Techno, Terra, Cryo]
Alistair Hypanile | Hayden Christensen | Katagarian Tiger
Alizair Hollis | Dominic Sherwood | Arcadian Wolf
Allison Argent | Crystal Reed | Human/Raven Spirit
Amelie Rayne | Rambo Suicide | Water Elemental
Amelyra Shanarra | Summer Glau | Witch
Amy Waterford "Sailor Mercury" | Nicole Gale Anderson | Senshi
Anabel Lightwood-Bane | Arden Cho | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Andrea Kattalakis | Gemma Arterton | White Tiger Shifter
Andrei Cruz | Jeremy Renner | Black Panther Shifter
Anneliese Romanova | Vanessa Kirby | Dhampir
Annabelle Brunelli | Jacqueline MacInnes Wood | Human
Annika Mitchell | Bully Suicide | Ocelot Shifter
Anthony Stark | Robert Downey Jr. | Human
Ares | Manu Bennett | God
Armand Tempest | Brian Krause | Owl Shifter
Artemis Crescent | Kwon Ji-yong | Mauian
Ashelina Logan | Malese Jow | Werewolf
Asmodeus | Godfrey Gao | Greater Demon
Audrey Briarose | Sarah Jeffery | Psychic
Aziraphale | Michael Sheen | Angel
Baelfire "Neal Cassidy" | Michael Raymond-James | Human
Belinda Oriella-Curani | Taylor Momsen | Succubus
Belladonna Trumpet | Miranda Kerr | Pegasus
Bellek Mosely | Ian Bohen | Phoenix
Brady Johannsen | Chris Pratt | Psychic
Bradley Harrison | Anthony Mackie | Jaguar Shifter
Bruce Banner | Mark Ruffalo | Gamma Enhanced Human
Bruni | Osaki Shotaro | Elemental
Caleb Danvers | Steven Strait | Warlock
Camael | Jensen Ackles | Angel
Camryn Adelaide | Glitz Suicide | Poly Shifter
Carrie Devereaux | Radeo Suicide "Chelsea Vitorio" | Human
Cassidy Merlyn | Dakota Fanning | Vampire
Castiel | Misha Collins | Angel
Catarina Loss | Sophia Walker | Warlock
Cassandra Rogers | Chloe Moretz | Human
Ceannaire Mellark | Daniel Sharman | Fenrir
Cerberus | JR Bourne | Three Headed Demon Dog
Chae Nari | Lee Chae-yeon | Feline Shifter [Rusty Spotted Cat]
Charlie Goodwin | Jesse Labelle | Wolf Shifter
Chelsea Barton | Scarlett Johannsen | Witch
Chezna Lumiere-Conriocht | Devon Shigaki | Werewolf
Chinami Kennedy | Heo Yoorim | Human
Cho Sorren | Choi Seung Cheol | Psychic/Red Panda Shifter Hybrid
Choi Byeol-Dal | Roseanne Park | Forest Nymph
Choi Byeol-Jageun | Lee Felix | Rainbow Nymph
Choi Subin | Jeong Yunho | Poly Feline Shifter [Serval, Siamese, Marbled Cat]
Christopher Argent | JR Bourne | Human
Ciel Phantomhive | Jeonghan | Demon
Clarissa Fairchild | Katherine McNamara | Nephilim
Clark Morrigan | James Marsters | Warlock
Claudia Hale | Lyndsy Fonseca | Werewolf
Cleossandra Reid | Candice Swanepoel | Angel
Clinton Barton | Jeremy Renner | Human
Cora Hale | Adelaide Kane | Werewolf
Coraline Basilik | Kristyna Panochova | Fenrir
Crimson Macabre | Reita | Dragon
Damien DeLuna | Tyler Hoechlin | Vampire
Daniel Cross | Keahu Kahuanui | Werewolf
Daniel Mahaelani | Keahu Kahuanui | Druid
Darius Talbot | John Boyega | Human
Demetrius Beltre | Charlie Carver | Griffon
Demkos Florian | Tyler Posey | Human
Derek Hale | Tyler Hoechlin | Werewolf
Desmond McKnight | Alex O'Loughlin | Wolf Shifter
Dionysus | Darren Criss | God
Dokuno Kokoro | Uruha | Snake Shifter [King Cobra]
Dominique Brady | Alona Tal | Druid
Druid Harrington | Shane West | Human
Eden Tryphist | Elsa Hosk | Human
Elijah Mikaelson | Daniel Gillies | Vampire
Elijah Roanoke | Stephen Amell | Siren/Incubus Hybrid
Elise Macabre | Kwon Yuri | Dragon
Elliot Erso | Joseph Morgan | Fox Shifter
Emile Hargreaves | Kellan Lutz | Witch
Emilea Curani | Charlize Theron | Faunis
Eros | Adam Lambert | God
Esmerelda Logan | Emeraude Logan | Human
Evelyn Queen | Sofia Carson | Witch
Ezekiel | Jeffrey Donovan | Angel
Fang Blackwater | Alex Meraz | Fox shifter
Fenrick Kelos | Josh Duhamel | Thunderbird
Fenris Conriocht | Zac Efron | Werewolf
Finn Storm | John Boyega | Human
Fiorin Basilik | Cody Christian | Psychic
Fury Peltier | Jackson Rathbone | Katagarian Wolf
Grif | Jason Momoa | Human
Hades | Ian Bohen/Cheyenne Jackson* | God
Hak Jiwoon | Kim Hongjoong | Nogitsune
Harry Hook | Thomas Doherty | Feline Shifter [black Maine Coone]
Hayley Marshalls | Phoebe Tonkin | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Heather DeRoya | Emily Van Camp | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Hera | Meghan Markle | Goddess
Hope Dracul | Daniela Ruah | Vampire/Angel Hybrid
Hwang Beongae | Momo Hirai | Pheonix
Hwang Seungki | Kim Youngjo | Kitsune Tribrid
Hwang Taeyang | Wong Yuk-hei | Phoenix
Ian Logan | Ian Somerhalder | Werewolf
Isabelle Gautier | Jill Wagner | Human/Succubus Hybrid
Isabelle Lightwood | Emeraude Toubia | Nephilim
James Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Cybernetically Enhanced Human
Jameson Morgan | Liam Hemsworth | Witch
Jasmine Estrella | Dali Suicide | Bunny Shifter
Jason Carter | Sebastian Stan | Dragon
Jasper Hale/Cullen | Jackson Rathbone | Vampire
Jasper Kallihan | Joseph Morgan | Warlock
Jayden McNamara | Jake Johnson | Dark Fae
Jefferson Hatter/Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Magically Inclined Human
Jessica Hawkblue | Claudia Kim | Warlock
Jin Galeon | Jennifer Lawrence | Human/Vampire Hybrid
Jocelyn Celine Herondale | Holland Roden | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale | Dominic Sherwood | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale Jr. (JR) | Will Tudor | Nephilmi
Jordan Kyle | Chai Hensen | Werewolf
Joseph Dixon | Nicholas Hoult | Technokinetic
Julian Moore | Colin O'Donaghue | Human
Kaina Red | Son Ga-In | Dragon
Kallin Elijah | Willa Holland | Hellhound
Kane Lancaster | Robert Downey Jr | Demon
Kang Kija | Kang Min-hee | Thunder Kitsune
Kataigida Parthenopaeus | Tom Ellis/Dylan O'Brien | Demigod
Katherine Elysia | Taissa Farmiga | Fae
Kevin Hawkblue | Ruki | Weretiger
Kim Jeongwon | Han Jisung | Sugar Glider Shifter
Kim Seonyul | Moon Taeil | Siren
Kiniko Hajime | Cho Kyu-hyun | Vampire
Kira Yukimura | Arden Cho | Thunder Kitsune
Kirishima Kyung-jae | Nakamoto Yuta | Witch/Siren Hybrid
Kirishima Touka | Kim Jiu | Ghoul
Kol Mikaelson | Daniel Sharman | Vampire/Witch*
Kole Winston | Tyler Hoechlin | Fae
Konstantin Udinov | Riker Lynch | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Kouga Hajime | Han Groo | Vampire
Krigare Storm | Joseph Morgan | Imp
Kuradei Phantom | Jung Seung-bo | Umbrakinetic/Wolf Shifter Hybrid
Kwon Yuri | Moon Byul-yi | Sensitive
Kyo Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Kyle Artmen | Jay Ryan | Jaguar Shifter
Kyrian Stone | Jonathan Rhys Myers | Psychic/Siren Hybrid
Laura Hale | Meghan Ory | Werewolf
Lee Hajun | Kim Jong-in | Warlock
Lee Minji | Kang Seul-gi | Psychic
Lee Sanghoon | Kim Dong Young | Monarch
Lestat DeMyre | Dave Salmoni | Elf
Lim Eunjin | Jung Wooyoung | Incubus
Loki Laufeyson | Tom Huddleston | God
Lucien Callihan | Ian Bohen | Human
Lucien Hoijer | Matthew Davis | Griffon
Lucifer Morningstar | Sebastian Roche | Angel
Lucille Quinnzel | Ashley Benson | Human
Luke Garroway | Isaiah Mustafa | Werewolf
Lydia Branwell | Stephanie Bennett | Nephilim
Macaria | Meghan Ory | Goddess
Margaret Leigh | Jakhara Smith | Psychic
Magnus Bane | Harry Shum Jr. | Warlock
Maia Roberts | Alisha Wainwright | Werewolf
Malia Hale | Shelley Hennig | Werecoyote
Malika Udinov | Clair Holt | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Marcellus Gerard | Charles Michael Davis | Vampire
Markus Ducaine | Steven Strait | Werelion
Maryssa Dixon-Bennett | Selena Gomez | Druid
Matthew Bennett | Jake Abel | Werepanther
Maxine Owens | Griffin Ramsey | Demigoddess
Melanie Barnes | Alexandra Daddario | Genetically Enhanced Human
Merrick Bennett/Hadriel | Jake Abel | Werepanther/Angel
Mia Mosely | Adelaide Kane | Phoenix
Michael Caboose | Jake Johnson | Human
Michael Hartford | Ian Cohen | Human
Michaelis Moon | Lee Teuk | Dragon/Human Hybrid
Mieczyslaw Stilinski | Dylan O'Brien | Human/Spark
Mikabane House | Meagan Tandy | Red Panda Shifter
Mila Martinez | Katherine Mcnamara | Psychic
Miles Brunelli | Matt Cohen | Vampire
Momiji Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Moon Eukyung | Jeon So-yeon | Demigoddess
Moon Heechul | Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Snake Shifter
Moon Kona | Park Jisung | Ice Nymph/Snake Shifter
Morgan Lovec | Norman Reedus | Imp
Morgana Krajick | Zoe Saldana | Angel
Morriginya Branwen | Cho Seo Young | Semblance Gifted Human
Nam Arwen | Chonnasorn Sajakul | Elf/Werewolf Hybrid
Natalee Grybyx | Maggie Q | Seer
Natasha Romanov | Scarlett Johannsen | Enhanced Human
Nataliya “Nekome” Dashwood | Ashley Greene | Cheshire
Nevinovat Fata | Crystal Reed | Hawk Shifter
Nicholas Hightower | Gavin Free | Cat Shifter [Russian Blue]
Niklaus Mikaelson | Joseph Morgan | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Niklaus Udinov | Sam Pettyfer | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Nikolai Buchannon | Hunter Hayes | Human
Nikolaia Udinov | Chris Hemsworth | Witch
Padme Amidala | Natalie Portman | Human
Park Sungjin | Kim Geonhak | Kitsune/Vampire Hybrid
Persephone | Holland Roden | Goddess
Peter Hale | Ian Bohen/Michael Fjordbak | Werewolf
Peter Parker | Andrew Garfield/Tom Holland | Genetically Enhanced Human
Qrow Branwen | Lee Donghae | Magic Gifted Human
Quinton Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ragnor Fell | Tom Hiddleston | Warlock
Rebecca Daniels | Holland Roden | Human
Reno Akujin | N/A | Mako Enhanced Human
Rex Coltin | Chris Evans | Snake Shifter [Diamondback]
Reyna Wingyr | Grace Park | Fenrir
Ryan Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ryn Hollings "Sailor Chibi Moon" | Bella Thorne | Senshi
Ryuu Kyosuke | Lee Taemin | Dragon
Sainika Winston | Mackenzie Foy | Fae
Sebastian Mills | Cody Christian | Hellhound
Sebastian Morgenstern | Will Tudor | Demon-blooded Nephilim
Serena James | Kristin Kruek | Phoenix
Shane Westfield | Nick Groff | Psychic
Shin Chan Young | Lee Dae-Hee | Seer
Siobhan Conriocht | Penellope Mitchell | Werewolf
Snow White "Mary Margaret Blanchard" | Ginnifer Goodwin | Human
Son Jin | Lee Dong Hyuck | Ice Nymph
Son Minho | Kim Chan Young | Naga
Spencer Todd | Shemar Moore | Human
Steven Rogers | Chris Evans | Genetically Enhanced Human
Sun Kyujin | Lee Siyeon | Witch
Sun Seoyun | Park Seonghwa | Cursed Vampire
Sun Wukong | Yanan | Faunis
T'Khani Ekundayo | Chadwick Boseman | Ghost
Tarael Lightwood-Bane | Brant Daugherty | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Tatiana Novak | Hannah Marks | Angel/Human Hybrid
Terra Riley | Nina Dobrev | Kitsune/Werewolf Hybrid
Thor Odinson | Chris Hemsworth | God
Tigerlilly Sikari | Elizabeth Loaiza | Seer/Weretiger Hybrid
Tristan Royans | Nick Bateman | Fire Kitsune/Human Hybrid
Tsukinora Kitoai | Jay Park | Werelynx
Tykeisha Caine | Taraji P Henson | Demon/Leopard Shifter Hybrid
Valerie Wilson | Shay Mitchell | Human
Valora Lovelace | Genevieve Padalecki | Cheetah Shifter
Vanessa Choi | Kim Hyo Yeon | Psychic
Victor Rivera | Devon Sawa | Human
Victoria Mosely | Crystal Reed | Phoenix
Vio Curani | N/A | Demon
Vishal Malik | Taylor Lautner | Nephilim
Wanda Maximoff | Elizabeth Olsen | Mutant
Weiss Schnee | N/A | Semblance Gifted Human
William "Spike" Pratt | James Marsters | Vampire
Xavier Rybolt | David Castro | Demon
Xavier Remmington | Sinqua Walls | Poly Shifter [Jaguar, Doberman, Wolf]
Yoo Daeshim | Kang Yeosang | Tribrid/Demigod
Yoo Jangmi | Jeon Ji Woo | Snow Leopard Shifter
Yukihara Arashi | Minatozaki Sana | Fae/Siren Hybrid
Yura Rybolt | Lee Ga-hyeon | Human
Zacariah Morgan | Jeffrey Dean Morgan | Witch/Seer
Zane Hertzfeld | Rasmus Ledin | Seer/Vampire Hybrid
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queersrus · 1 year
Fire Emblem theme
a name list from fire emblem Three Houses specifically! including dlc characters.
made for a friend!
ash, ashe, ashen an, ann, anna, annette, al, alo, aloi, alois, ael, aelf, aelfri, aelfric, aby, abys, abyss, abysskeep, abysskeeper, ar, aru, arun, arund, arunde, arundel, ad, adra, adras, adrast, adrasti, adrastia, adrastian, ach, ache, acher, achero, acheron, ans, anse, ansel, anselm, anselma, aub, aubi, aubin,
by, byl, byle, byleth, ber, bern, berna, bernad, bernadette, bernadetta, bal, balthus, blake, black, bar, baro, baron, be, bee, bea, beast, bi, bia, bias, berna, bernha, bernhard, bly, blyd, blydd, blyde, blyddyd, blai, blaid, blaide, blade, blaidd, blaidde, blaiddy, blaiddyd, bladed,
caspar, casper, cas, cass, clawd, claud, claude, cath, cathe, cather, catheri, catherin, catherine, cy, cyr, cyri, cyril, cyrill, con, cons, const, constan, constance, constanz, constanza, cor, corn, corne, cornel, corneli, cornelia, chi, chil, chilo, chilon, chav, chave, chavel, chaveli, chavelie, chavelier, chava, chaval, chavalie, chavalier, cheva, chev, cheval, chevali, chevalie, chevalier, char, charo, charon, chri, chris, christ, christo, christoph, chrisophe, christopho, christophon, christophone, cou, coun, count, claudi, claudie, claudia, ceth, cethl, cethle, cethlea, cethlean, cethleen, cethleann, ci, cic, cice, cich, cicho, cichol,
deer, dear, doro, dorothy, dorathy, dorothee, dorothea, dim, dimi, dimitry, dimitri, dedue, duk, duke, dom, domi, domin, domini, dominic, dominik, dominique, dea, dae, dee, death, daph, daphn, daphne, daphnel, der, deri, derik, derek, derick, derrick
eagle, edel, edelgard, em, emp, empo, empor, empe, emper, empero, emperor, er, erwi, erwin, ed, edd, edmun, edmund,
fer, ferd, ferdi, ferdinand, feli, felix, flay, flayn, fle, flech, fleche, fae, faer, faergh, faerghus, fla, flame, fo, fod, fodl, fodle, fodla, fodlan, fral, frald, fralda, fraldar, fraldari, fraldarius,
gil, gilbert, gate, gatekeep, gatekeeper, ger, gerth, gwen, gwend, gwenda, gwendal, gar, gare, gareg, garr, garre, garreg, gaj, gajas, gajus, gau, gaut, gauti, gautie, gautier, glau, glauc, glauce, glauces, glaucest, glaucester, glou, glouc, glouce, glouces, gloucest, gloucester, gon, gone, goner, goneril, greg, grego, gregoi, gregoir, gregoire, gun, guna, gunar, gunn, gunna, gunnar, glen, glenn, godfr, godre, godfre, godfrey,
hu, hubert, hi, hil, hild, hilde, hilda, han, hanne, hanneman, hapi, hol, hols, holst,
in, ingri, ingrid, igni, igna, ignat, ignite, ignatz, io, ion, ionu, ionus, ioni, ioniu, ionius, iri, iris, ind, inde, indech,
jer, jeri, jerit, jeritz, jeritza, jera, jeral, jeralt, jud, jude, judi, judo, judie, judy, judith,
kni, knigh, knight, ko, kos, kost, kosta, kostas, kro, kron, krony, kronya, klau, klaus, klause, ky, kyph, kyphe, kypho, kyphon, kyphone, klie. klei, kleim, kleima, kleiman,
lion, leon, liona, liono, leona, leono, leonie, lin, linhardt, lor, lore, loren, lorence, lorenz, lorenzo, lorenza, ly, lys, lysi, lysith, lysithe, lysithea lu, lud, ludwi, ludwig, lad, ladi, lady, ladis, ladisa, ladisal, ladisalv, ladisalve, ladisalva, ladisla, ladislav, ladislave, ladislava, lon, lona, lonat, lonato, lei. leic, leice, leices, leicest, leiceste, leicester, luc, luca, lam, lami, lamin, lamine, leo, leop, leopo, leopol, leopold, lyc, lyce, lyca, lycao, lycaon, lamb, lambe, lamber, lambert, loog,
mer, merc, merca, mercade, mercades, merce, mercede, mercedes, mar, mari, maria, marian, mariann, marianne, marianna, man, manu, manue, manuel, manuela, mon, moni, monic, monica, monika, monique, moniqua, met, meto, metody, metodey, mi, mik, mike, mika, mikla, miklan, my, mys, myso, myson, marc, marce, marcel, marcell, marcelle, marcela, marcella, mau, maur, mauri, maurice, marc, mark, marque, marqui, marquis, marquise, mat, matt, matth, math, matthi, matthia, matthias, may, maya, marg, margre, margra, margrav, margrave, mac, mack, mach, macu, macui, macuil,
nad, nade, nader, nem, neme, nemes, nemesi, nemesis, noa, noah,
och, oche, ochs, od, ode, odes, odess, odesse, os, oz, oswa, oswal, oswald, or, ord, orde, ordel, ordeli, ordelia,
petra, pal, pall, palla, pallad, pallar, pallard, pallardo, pit, pitt, pitta, pita, pittac, pittacu, pittacus, pan, pat, patr, patre, patri, patrice, patrici, patricia,
raph, raf, rapha, raphae, raphael, ran, rand, rando, randol, randolph, rod, rodr, rodre, rodri, rodrig, rodrigo, rodriga, rodrigue, rodriguez, rhe, rhea, rie, rieg, riega, riegan, ru, rufus, ro, row, rowe,
seiros, ser, seir, seiro, sy, syl, sylv, sylve, sylva, sylvai, sylvain, set, seto, setos, sete, seteth, sham, shami, shami, so, soth, sothi, sothis, solo, solos, solon, si, sim, simo, simon, simone, sit, sitr, sitre, sitri,
tom, tomas, thomas, thal, thala, thalas, thale, thales, ti, tia, tian, tiann, tianne, tiane, tiana, tianna tim, timo, timoth, timothy, timothee, timothie, timothea, timothia, timotheo, timotheos,
um, umb, umra, umbral,
ves, vest, vestr, vestre, vestra, vi, vis, visc, visco, viscou, viscoun, viscount,
wolf, wolfe, wolve, wil, wilh, wilhe, wilhel, wilhelm, wal, wald, walde, waldem, waldema, waldemar,
yu, yuri,
zol, zoltan,
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Questions & Answers with Pastors Sinclair Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, and Derek Thomas | Length: 43mins
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