#dermot: 01.
soapoet · 1 year
who is thinking about you?
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like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Power over me by Dermot Kennedy
For many of you this is someone with whom you share a somewhat professional relationship with. They may be a colleague, fellow student, a client, or service provider. Anyone who has some authority over you or simply holds a higher position. A person you turn to for help or guidance. To put it into perspective, this can be either your boss or someone you have hired or vice versa, but for some it could be the dm or fellow player of that d&d campaign, somebody you collaborate or work with towards something.
This person is very easy for you to talk to, and regardless of the professional or goal-oriented undertones of the connection, the two of you meet at a similar wavelength as equals. Lines are blurred both ways due to the ease and comfort of your rapport. Their day is made brighter in your presence, and they may smile to themselves whenever you cross their mind. Though on occasion they are filled with concern. It is possible that you have confided in them recently, and knowing your struggles sometimes leaves them feeling helpless. As if they wish they could do more. They certainly have a bit of a saviour complex, or identify as a problem solver and wish to fix some situation in your life or offer their support and guide you through rough terrain.
They are treading a fine line within their mind. They have thoughts and ideas swirling in their head, figuring out ways to best be of assistance to you and help you help yourself. Simultaneously, however, they catch themselves frequently smiling, heart perhaps fluttering, at various little moments you have shared, and the way those moments could have played out differently if only they had the courage to act more freely. They are caught off guard, possibly even disturbed sometimes, by their own capacity of crossing lines, even if just in their mind. They may even find it hard to sleep sometimes because they have you on their mind. But still they find these imaginary escapades intoxicating and rejuvenating. They find ways to justify their thoughts, telling themselves it is okay because it is all in their head and they have the wits about them not to act on them. Because their primary concern is with work or their obligations and role as a mentor or colleague of yours, they try their best to hold back and act normal. But if there is one thing they are not normal about it is you.
For some of you, this person is already in a commitment. Either to another person, married to their work, or glued to their projects and all their efforts are set on a goal they are pursuing. You stand as a distraction, a detour off their path, but what they may not know or fail to understand is that straying sometimes yields experiences and tools to make the journey to the destination easier or better altogether. It is also tangible the monochromatic nature of their life. Their relationships feel stale and uninspiring, as though they are trudging through an endless swamp. This may have been the case for so long they had forgotten what it feels to be light on your feet. They feel a pep in their step when you're around, and it is making them question many things and choices that they have made thus far in life. They may even be considering a change in direction, leaving circumstances behind or cleaning their contacts and assignments to make room for new things. They are excited, albeit a little scared, of the possibilities that they invite by closing old chapters. They may be slow to do this, as they favour routine and comfort and are a little afraid of the unknown no matter how their heart beats for some adventure and new winds in their sails.
They are holding their cards very close, and may have built their walls higher as of late. If you are observant, you may notice the disconnection between what they are feeling and what they are saying and doing. It looks like they are ready to boil over but are keeping the lid closed with brute force to prevent anything from spilling. They have much to tell you, secrets to share, confessions to reveal. But they are taking their time. They may be fluctuating between a decision to come forward, and just letting it be and get over their messy thoughts and feelings. To simply wait this one out. Especially because sharing what is on their mind could really shake things up not just in their life, but yours. They want to help you, support your growth and make sure to walk alongside you and enjoy the time you share together, but their vision of the future has gotten blurry and uncertain. This unnerves them greatly. They are likely to come forward, though with great subtlety. Keep your eyes peeled, as they may be watching for a signal or a clue from you before they make a move. They are testing the waters but may need a push before they dive in.
Additional details: Dark hair and/or clothes, blue or tired eyes, rabbits, computer screens, coffee, swivel chairs, hiking, size difference, "are you cold?", virgo/leo/pisces/capricorn, 27/31/911/93/21, T/A/U/S/K, June/July/August, LOTR, video games, d&d, board games, travelling, circus, strength, health, green cargo pants, glasses, skulls, frown lines, very straight teeth, rare but genuine smile.
Shufflemancy: August by Taylor Swift
This feels very familiar. For many, this is a friend or somebody you view with gentle affection. Even if you haven't known each other for long, it easily feels as though you have known each other your whole life, maybe even longer. For some, you may have met them online or there is a physical distance at present. For those of you in close proximity, there is some other kind of distance. Perhaps you or this person have been busy as of late, or closed off somehow. Especially if you normally talk to each other daily, something may have put the communication on pause, caused delays, or simply shortened the duration or depth of your conversations.
They have a lot of admiration and respect for you, and find you very endearing. They may frequently show this appreciation through words of affirmation, always ready to remind you of how highly they think of you. They may also get you little gifts and tokens of their love and care. Anything to put a smile on your face, especially if you have been stressed or upset. They are quite smitten with you, and you may already know this. You have surprised them somehow. For some of you, this person is used to being in charge and knowing what's best, being right and correcting others, but you seem to have put them in their place to some extent. You might be the first person in a long time, or ever, to switch it around and have them be the one learning and growing and changing because of somebody else's thoughts, guidance, advice, and knowledge. It does not even seem to bother them, because really it feels quite refreshing to follow instead of leading for a change. They admire your perseverance and your strength, and find your ability to strive like a dandelion growing through a crack in the concrete sincerely inspiring.
Either one of you may have recently gone through a break-up within a major relationship in your lives. Something has been lost, be it romantic, platonic, or familial. You may have been of great support and a source of hope and comfort for them during this phase of their life, or vice versa. Their eyes seem to have opened up to the reality of certain habits or cycles in their lives that have not helped them progress, but instead turned into a hamster wheel. If they were in a commited relationship, they may have realised that they have been taken for granted or their partner may have taken advantage of them to some capacity. For some, there may have been quite a bit of toxicity within whichever kind of relationship or situation that ended for either of you. They seem to have you on their mind 24/7. They enjoy talking to you, hearing about your day, listening to your rants, and wish to spend a lot of quality time with you. They may frequently imagine scenarios that have to do with the simple things. Grocery shopping or walking together aimlessly. Even the mundane feels light and airy and brand new when it is with you.
I'll be honest. This person may harbour very strong feelings for you. Funny thing is, though, that you may be very aware of this. For a few of you, this is a very welcome and exciting development in your friendship, but you wish to take things slowly and see what happens without forcing anything. Especially if they recently ended something long-term, and you wish to avoid being used as a bandaid on a broken heart and would rather walk alongside them as a friend while they heal from the past. To just support them in their next chapter and see if the feelings they have developed for you have a strong foundation or if they're fleeting and rose-coloured due to their past blues. For others of you, however, you may be a bit put off by this. You may sincerely doubt your compatibility as partners in anything beyond platonic.
Perhaps you once considered it. Wondered what the future would hold should you allow yourself to be swept away by their waves, but that likely was not long-lived and went no further than idle what-ifs. You value their friendship, and don't want to ruin it by changing the status and the nature of the connection. You may even get the ick from some of the things they say or do, count red flags and deal breakers in an attempt to stand firm in your decision to not give in. Some of you may even have a history of lowering your standards or jumping into things too quickly because of the rush and excitement of new beginnings, only to be left disappointed and regretful later. If this rings true for you, stand firm in your convictions and don't let anything make you feel like you owe anyone anything.
Additional details: Number sequences/angel numbers/mathematics, airplanes, tech, IT, travelling, languages, studying, music, guitars, mean girls, pet names, norse mythology, E/J/A/R/D/G, 7/6/85/35/29, February/March/July, minecraft, discord, online, princess, water, cancer/pisces/libra/aries, starbucks, dogs, "you are incredible", gifts, adopting interests/hobbies, control.
Shufflemancy: Break my heart by Dua Lipa
You may or may not have noticed someone stealing glances or studying your face closely when you're not looking. This person admires you greatly. It likely began as something quite simple. At first you were a source of comfort and guidance. They may have come to you for advice or help with direction, uncertain of where to go and may have been depleted of their energy. They are likely around your age or a little bit younger, but they certainly have more of a youthful energy to them. It seems like their childlike wonder is a front to the many scars they hide from a horrific past. The easiest way for you to identify this person may just be by finding out who seems to have been caught up in a series of unfortunate events their whole life. It might surprise you how much pain they carry specifically because of their otherwise sunny disposition and bubbly, sweet, and fun character. They find home in your presence. It seems like they have always had to be the strong one, carrying the world upon their shoulders, but in your presence they can lower their walls and show the grief that they hide. Far from trauma dumping, they very carefully calculate what to share with you, and do so in a gentle way that communicates that their burdens are theirs and wish not for you to carry them on their behalf, but to simply see beyond the surface and understand their turmoil. There can even be a bit of a disconnect between head and heart here, wherein they have distanced themselves from their pain to cope. They may speak of their fears and challenges with a smile on their face, as though they are joking around and telling tales of someone else, not themselves. At first you may have had to do a double take, shocked by the juxtaposition of light and dark so tightly intertwined, but you seem to understand their suffering on a deep level and sympathise with them greatly. This person may find you quite magical. In their mind you are like an angel. They don't expect you to heal them or make all their problems go away, but instead are filled with gratitude for the solace your presence provides. They find it easier to get out of bed in the morning simply knowing that they exist in the same realm as you. You inspire them to help themselves and do away with what no longer serves them. Your kindness and care is not lost on them, and they cherish your every word. They look up to you, and in many ways you may have resparked their will to journey on. No longer do they wish to roll with the punches and let themselves be at the mercy of their circumstances and fight the same demons every day. Though they often feel hopeless and have the light in their eyes quickly dim when clouds roll in, you have planted seeds in them which will slowly but surely begin to sprout and help them grow stronger and reach for the light they so dearly desire.
For some of you they may have an equally positive effect on your life. Despite the dark clouds that hang over them, they are radiant and full of fun and love and care. They might feel to you like a gentle wind blowing through your hair, a cooling breeze on a hot summer's day. Their energy is as invigorating as it is inviting, and you may find yourself leaning outside your own comfort zone and daring to be bolder, speak your mind and take yourself less seriously. They are comfortable to be around. The two of you may also share a deep compassion and care towards your environment, be it your community, nature, or humanity overall. You are both nurturing and caring people, but differ in your approach. You may find that things which come easily to you are things they struggle with, and vice versa, and you naturally seem to benefit each other and strengthen each other's weaknesses. For some of you, this is a very pure form of admiration and an almost familial sense of security that they have with you. For others they may have leaned further into it and caught very real feelings for you. Regardless, this feels fated, and is potent with healing and growth for both of you. You are frequently on their mind, almost as though you never truly leave and merely move to the side when they need to focus on something else. They think the world of you. They want to do better and be better, not to impress you but to truly make you proud of them and feel like your efforts weren't in vain. They love your voice and their days are made much brighter by you, especially if you think the reverse is true and they are the ones letting the sun into your life.
Additional details: Cats, messy hair, braids, spiders, networking, green or hazel eyes, big or glossy eyes, loud music, expressive face, K/S/H/R/T/P, 67/93/6/9/5, cancer/gemini/aquarius/virgo/pisces, September/June/July/August, mental health issues, lgbt+, rock/indie music, cartoons, hands, nail polish, muted colours, air, vanilla, chips.
Shufflemancy: Disappear by eli.
This one is a little different, and I wish to tread carefully. This may be a person very dear to you, or someone who treasures you dearly. For some of you, this person is no longer with us. They may have passed recently or perhaps you never had the chance to meet them, but their energy still lingers. Especially when you find yourself at your lowest. For others they are amongst the living, but are in separation from you somehow. Radio silence, cut contacts, abrupt endings, the years took you in different directions, or something was left unsaid and feels stuck now. This could be a family member, relative, an old friend, significant mentor or partner, from this life or beyond, however it resonates with you and your beliefs. You have been in their thoughts and prayers lately. Their heart aches when they see or feel you breaking, crumbling under the weight of all which has been placed upon your shoulders. It seems like so much, too much, for someone so dear to them to carry all on their own. In their eyes you are so strong. Able to withstand so much heartache and still keep going, one step at a time even when it gets dark and grim and the lights become so dim you don't see where you are going. It is as though you tell yourself you have to. Because what would it all have been for if you stopped? Many may rely on you and your strength, but you need to rest and you need something to lean on, too. This person wishes they could hold you and tell you that it will be okay. That it's okay to cry and scream, but to never give up. Even when the light seems to fade from your eyes that otherwise burn so bright with hope and drive, they want to encourage you to keep going. The world would become so dark without your light. They wish they could apologise for any wrongs done to you, by them, your near and dear, really, the whole world. They want to help nudge you to greener pastures and help you receive your due. When you are sad and scared and weary, they try to nourish your seeds and saplings because you deserve a good harvest. They wish for you to become more selfish. To take up more space and let demands of your time and energy fall on deaf ears. To restore a balance in the give and take and make sure you ask for what you need, and accept the love you so freely give to others.
For those of you for whom this person is amongst the living and simply at a distance, they frequently wonder how you are doing. They feel regretful for how they treated you or feel like they failed you somehow, and wish they could give you their sincrerest apology. Not to be forgiven and clear their conscience, but to tell you what they should have said and done before but never did, or did not do or say enough. They just want you to know that you are seen and that they are truly sorry. And for others, this person is around you and you are closely on their mind and in their heart. They grieve as you grieve and wish to make it all better. They know they cannot erase the past or undo your wounds, but hope to see you make it and get where you are going. To find those with hearts as pure as yours and finally feel like you belong. You deserve so much and even I am tearing up writing this. I am so sorry for what you have been through in this life. Please hang in there. Additional details: Lavender, floral scent and/or fabrics, champagne, piano, keys, freshly cut grass, clutter, photos, journals, doodles, biting your nails, sagittarius/scorpio/capricorn/gemini/taurus, 2/22/5/8/95/27/3, May/December/November/April, country roads, apples/fruit in general, freckles or birth marks, fog, woods, nightmares, dark night of the soul, difficulty breathing, comatose, midnight, deer and antlers.
Shufflemancy: All the things she said by Poppy
This feels a little bittersweet. The person with you on their mind may have once been a dear friend of yours, a childhood friend or neighbour, someone who once walked alongside you through important times in your life. For some, this person drifted away from you naturally, for others there was a more decisive cut to the chord between the two of you. Either way, however, in both cases you were left bitter and sad and alone to lick your wounds. You may on occasion, whether you like to admit it or not, think back fondly to the good old days and the sweet moments that you shared. Your inside jokes and the dynamic between the two of you may be something you miss, but you're still firm in that whatever happened here, be it a fight that broke out or the lack of effort and time on their part letting you drift apart, you do not wish to repeat this cycle. Perhaps you wish them well now that you have healed, or will once you do, but your life may now look very different from when they were a part of it. This brings me to why you have been on their mind lately. It's possible that they have seen you, bumped into you or seen you from a distance, or you have been mentioned to them by somebody else who has caught you out in the wild. You may be unrecognisable to them in some way. Be it a glow up or a sudden shift in your life having made you step into an energy more authentic to you. People from your past, beyond bridges you have burnt, may speak of you in negative tones and gawk at who you have become. Likely because those bridges you burnt lit the way to a much brighter future for you. Regardless of how your life is going, the past may be embittered with envy for what you do and who you are now that you are free from their rigid expectations. This person is not quite as vindictive in their thinking, though they may nod along and agree with those around them. In their mind and heart they have a bit of admiration for you. You may have done things they wish they were brave enough to do themselves. Perhaps even in the past they admired your reluctance to stick to the status quo or how you, unlike their peers, had little concern for what others thought. It might just be that the box they have placed themselves within, or where they have been placed by others, has become uncomfortable and restricting rather than cozy and secure. Their peers may have a lot of expectations and demand a lot of their time and energy, whilst giving very little in return. Especially if they ever accused you of toxicity, they may have opened their eyes to how giving and supportive of their growth you actually were. Those they now surround themselves with seem to need them to bend to their will and grow a specific way and at a specific rate, lots of things to keep track of and always say and do the right and correct thing, whilst you now seem like such a forgiving, understanding, and patient energy that they are sorry that they lost. They may have come across old photos or tokens of your friendship, and quietly reminisced about the past and wondered how different life could have been had they stuck by your side. Looking at you now they may feel quite stunted, lacking the experience and feeling a little lost within themselves and their life. They're running through various stages of your friendship and pondering the right and wrongs of every hiccup, and finding fault in themselves. Finally, you may even scoff. Because in many ways you were abandoned by them, you may rejoice a little bit at the thought of them at last seeing where they did wrong or not enough.
For some of you, you could hear from them in the near future. Especially if they clean up their social circle and let go of harmful influences that they have let dictate their heart and mind. For others, you may hear from them, but not very soon. They may attempt to draw motivation from you at a distance to conjure up the courage to pave their own path forward. In doing so they will in many ways follow in your footsteps, and burn many bridges. You more than anyone know the vulnerability, fear, and pain associated with the destruction before rebuilding, and if they aren't as strong as you it will take some time before they find their footing. So, maybe find it in your heart to send them an energetic thumbs up for finally shaking things up and making their own way. This may eventually lead them to cross paths with you again, and you may reconnect and reminisce together. They will come with apologies, and you will find them truer than what they could have mustered before their transformation. You may not turn back time and become inseparable again, but it feels like things will become lighter and brighter in various areas of life for the both of you after your reunion.
Additional details: Soft hair, literature, neat handwriting, cosplay, masquerade, swords, cobblestone, crows or other birds, mom friend, hometown, I/J/P/F/C/N, 1/17/20/99/23, capricorn/sagittarius/scorpio/virgo/libra, January/November/October/December, backpacks, instagram, trains, puzzles, animal crossing, family holidays or events, muted colours.
Shufflemancy: Sinner by Trevi Moran
Oh my. It seems like somebody has learned that their actions have consequences. This is somebody you probably blocked or simply stopped putting up with. They seem a little arrogant and not at all careful with their words. They entertain numerous people and enjoy the spotlight. There is a strong sense of entitlement and powerlust here. It feels a little icky to be in contact with, ngl. You may miss the sparks and the fun of this connection, but they really knew how to push all the wrong buttons while they were at it, didn't they? It seems like the good was so good but the bad was so bad it drove you up the wall. You may have frequently felt cornered, with your boundaries crossed, made to feel crazy and ridiculous even if they were the ones steering the train off the rails to begin with. I hope you have healed from this, because I assure you that your reactions cannot be compared to their actions. How you act when pushed has far more justifications than their act of pushing. Some of you may have needed to hear that. This person has done much to distract from your departure. Especially at first they may have lived under the assumption that it isn't permanent. That surely you will return. If you have a history of being on-and-off to any capacity, they relied on that to eventually bring you back. That dynamic itself made them reckless with their words and actions. They felt no need to take your feelings into consideration and assumed they could do whatever they please. There is an air of superiority to them, as though they think very highly of themselves, or look down on others. Your chemistry may have been phenomenal, but you saw through their bs and knew they are not as virtuous and good as they parade themself to be. You saw a hypocrite where others see a saint. They grew increasingly aware of your absence. They checked the time, counted days and compared your prior absences. Finally it hit them that this time you may truly never return. That you were really done this time and decided to outgrow them and move on. This has kept them awake some nights. They are very good at finding themselves things to do and socialising with a wide variety of people with various intentions, so it's not like you are stuck on their mind constantly. But when their thoughts land on you, it stings and burns and does it so hard and cuts so deep. It screws with their perception of themselves. They may know they are unlike who they portray themselves as, but it seems like a hard pill to swallow to truly admit that you no longer want anything to do with them. They miss you a lot. And it is a very selfish longing, too. They may hold on to hope that you will return once more, and disgustingly enough it seems this hope is weighed less in love for you and is heavier in the need to be right and get to say 'I told you so'. They may stalk you on social media, and for those of you who have made this impossible for them to do they often wonder what has come of you. They don't know how much you have grown and how much brighter the world seems when they are no longer there hanging over your head like a raincloud. They may assume you are stuck exactly where you were when you walked away, but you never stopped walking once you took off. Every day you are healing, decluttering your life and manifesting a better reality for yourself. And your intentions are so pure and good it would truly bother them that you are the saint they try to be. Their sainthood is a ruse, their altruism full of fine print and schemes and ulterior motives. Yours is a genuine path and title earned through a heart that bleeds for the weak and weary. The two of you are like night and day, and perhaps the clash between you had gorgeous sunsets, but it's darkest of all before the dawn and you no longer wish to be consumed by darkness and have chosen to walk in the light.
Additional details: Passports, sugar, alcholic beverages, social events, charity, real estate, formal wear, chess, strategy games, J/E/T/M/K/Y/A, 22/21/12/80/85/2/8, capricorn/aries/leo/cancer/gemini/aquarius, sharks, typhoons, spreadsheets, cash, coastal area, fish, religion, tan, the little prince.
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hd-wireless · 3 months
🎶  Just a perfect week
Read fanfiction in the park And then later When it gets dark, look at art. Just a perfect week Reading at work in the loo, And then later a podfic, too And then home.
Oh it's such a perfect fest We're glad to share it with you Oh, such a perfect fest It just keeps us reading on, It just keeps us reading on.   🎶
🎤 Welcome to the 8th round of H/D Wireless Fest!
The time has finally come to start posting all the fantastic entries we’ve received this year!
We’ve revealed 9 top hits so far, with many more to come. The mods have been working non-stop since December to make this happen, so we’re beyond excited to finally be underway 🤩
As always you can listen to the prompted songs for the works we post on a playlists:
Click here for the YouTube playlist.
And now without further ado, our Wrap-up for the first week of posting:
🎶 H/D Wireless Art 🎶
📻 Fly Away with Me Tonight? [Gen, Digital Art]
🎵 Song Prompt: Levitating by Dua Lipa  🎵Summary: A chance meeting, an invitation to dance
📻 ghost (might as well be gone) [Gen, Digital ]
🎵 Song Prompt: Might as Well Be Gone by Pixies  🎵 Summary: Draco Malfoy retired from the Auror force and left England a decade ago, but he still receives the Daily Prophet. Today’s issue provides closure on the one case he was never able to officially solve.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic and Art 🎶
📻 Trade My Heart For Honey [M, 64.170, Digital Watercolour]
🎵 Prompt: Water Under The Bridge by Adele  🎵 Summary: A Witch who thinks she’s a Seer, a Seer who thinks she’s a Witch, a former nemesis-turned-something-turned-acquaintance who thinks they could be friends, and a Scottish village full of Muggles who think this is as much their business as the fair folk in the woods. Draco is going to prove them all wrong.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻 You're on Your Own, Kid [E, 44.274] 
🎵 Song Prompt: You're on Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift  🎵 Summary: In August of 1998, Draco leaves behind everything he’s ever known. With the help of two middle-aged lesbians, a Muggle bookshop, and a new best friend, Draco’s future is finally looking up. That is, until Harry Potter wanders back into his life a year later, undoing everything Draco has worked towards.  Or, a tale about healing, forgiveness, and living for no one but yourself.
📻 Heartbeat [E, 22,791]
🎵 Prompt: Heartbeat by Childish Gambino  🎵 Summary: Harry hates Draco, and Draco hates him in return. Only it's not hate, not even a little bit. Featuring: a cooperative independent study, golden hour on wrecked sheets, strawberries in the summer at Grimmauld Place, water from fountains of (dubious) origin, purple Mardi Gras beads, and a bird with silly legs.  Also featuring: heated arguments, infidelity, unquenchable desire, and heartbreak. Over and over again.
📻 Long for Bliss! [E, 9,400]
🎵 Song Prompt: This Must Be It by Röyksopp  🎵 Summary: Harry has a tough decision to make: take the blue pill or the red pill. He chooses a pink one instead and throws caution to the wind. What blows back comes in the form of a blond fallen angel that talks like he’s the Devil and moves like he’s fucking.  Or: Harry tries MDMA for the first time and unexpectedly encounters a mysteriously captivating Draco at KOKO London.
📻 Going Down Swinging [E, 4,661 ]
🎵 Song Prompt: Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh! by Allan Sherman  🎵 Summary: “Who are you?” he asked, feeling around for a truly abominable pair of glasses he fixed firmly above his nose.  “I’m Draco,” he answered. “Draco—” He paused. It wasn’t that he couldn’t remember; it was that the memory wasn’t there.
📻 The Most He’s Ever Said [E,16,431]
🎵 Song Prompt: One of Your Girls by Troye Sivan  🎵 Summary: It takes them twenty years.
🎶 H/D Wireless Podfic 🎶
📻 [Podfic] A Different Kind of Meaning by p1013 [E, 01:42:57]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Outnumbered' by Dermot Kennedy  🎵 Summary: The ceiling doesn't hold any answers, but there are cobwebs scattered across the corners with shadows tangled in their threads. The rug against his back is rough and scratchy, threadbare and devoid of colours other than various shades of brown. Harry takes it all in, absorbs the dingy and depressed state of his home. There's a pointed moment of decision, a note about to be played, a silence about to end, and then he rolls to his feet and sets to cleaning.  It's the first constructive thing he's done in years.
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rhaenella · 1 year
You & Me - Rhys Montrose x Reader - Masterlist
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Summary: What happens when reader assassin is tasked with killing the possible future mayor of London; Rhys Montrose. Politician by day, Eat the Rich Killer by night. But he isn’t the only person wearing different masks. 
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Violence, murder, immoral sociopathic behaviour, mentions of alcoholism, drug abuse and neglect, (eventual) smut
Total word count (so far): 102k
A/N: Multi part Rhys Montrose x Female Reader fic. FYI, this fic will incorporate the use of Y/N. I have decided to also post this fic on AO3 (same username as on my Tumblr) and to change the x Reader to an Original Female Character over there using a fictitious name. That will be the only difference. So, if the use of Y/N isn’t your thing, go ahead and look the fic up on AO3 :)
Below you'll find the links to all the parts that have thus far been uploaded. I will try my best to upload a new chapter each week. Every part is also accompanied with a 'soundtrack', these are all listed below as well. Finally, a little preview of what's to come... I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it! There aren't a lot of Rhys x Reader fics out there, so I hope I can bring some extra flavour to the table.
Ps don't forget to watch the trailer/edit I made for the fic! x
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23
Soundtracks: 00. Feeling Good – Nina Simone 01. Royals – Lorde  02. Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene – Hozier  03. (I Just) Died in Your Arms – Hidden Citizens  04. Secrets And Lies – Ruelle  05. No Good – KALEO  06. …Ready For It? – Taylor Swift 07. Meet Me In the Woods – Lord Huron 08. The River – Daisy Jones & The Six 09. The Silence – Manchester Orchestra 10. Power – Isak Danielson 11. wicked game – Jessie Villa 12. Beautiful Crime – Tamer 13. Toxic – 2WEI 14. Cherry – Lana Del Rey 15. In the Air Tonight – Natalie Taylor 16. Whole Lotta Love (Dermot O’Leary) – Hozier 17. Lavender Haze – Taylor Swift 18. Don’t You Know – Jaymes Young 19. One For My Baby – Frank Sinatra 20. Run Baby Run – The Rigs 21. Sinnerman – Nina Simone 22. And so It Begins – Klergy  23. Darkness In Your Heart – Cowbell
Song: Feeling Good – Nina Simone
The sound of the heavy door opening as it noisily scraped the floor made you look in his direction. 
Rhys entered slightly out of breath, looking positively dishevelled as he ran a hand through his unruly curls.
“What happened to you? Killed another person?” You couldn’t help but teasingly joke, taking in his state as your eyes roamed freely over his physique. 
Rhys had put his hands on his hips, taking some deep breaths to slow down his heart rate. When he looked up at you, head tilted to the side, he shot you his charming smile that feigned innocence.
No way.
You stared at him. 
No way the man was truly this brazen.
He started to move closer to you, his eyes mischievous as they betrayed his wicked actions. You marvelled a little at how quickly you were getting better at reading him. Perhaps you recognised the murderous tendencies from the mirror. 
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programmedradly · 11 months
Tagged by @forerussake! 🫶
Rules: shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first 10 songs and tag 10 5 people
I assume that's a Spotify thing, and I only really use Apple Music, so I used the Replay 2023 playlist, which should be similar? Here goes!
01. Ah! Per L'Ultimate Volta from Turandot
02. Hozier: Abstract (Psychopomp)
03. Laura Marano & Wrabel: Worst Kind of Hurt
04. Jupiter Jones: Mein Viel und dein Vielleicht
05. Karine Polwart: Salters Road
06. Dermot Kennedy: Dancing Under Red Skies
07. Don Chu: 穿行 (Ultimate Note OST)
08. Bear's Den: Summer & Smoke
09. Hozier: Butchered Tongue
10. Tia Ray: 一生等你 (because Ultimate Note)
Tagging: @highlynerdy @clevermanka @siterlas @miss-ingno @distressednoise
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inxspacetime · 1 year
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❝ who gives a fuck about movies?! ❞
full name: (detective) wayne bailey nickname(s): n/a type: canon fandom: scream (film series) pronouns: he/him traits:  occupation: detective birthplace: california current location: new york, ny age: 59 birthday: october 31st zodiac: scorpio sexuality: homosexual position: verse-top hair color: gray eye color: brown height: five foot ten (5′10′’) weight: 155lbs drinks/smokes/drugs: sometimes/rarely/no tattoos: n/a piercings: n/a scars: various from police work over the years.
more info;  
faceclaim is dermot mulroney.
01. ✧ 02. ✧ 03. ✧ 04. ✧ 05. ✧ 06. 
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leakywright · 2 years
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faith plays dumb until the doubts all leave i believe, i believe, i believe, i believe 
// 01. an evening i will not forget - dermot kennedy // 02. demons (philosophical sessions) - jacob lee // 03. quiver - lonas // 04. cringe (stripped) - matt maeson // 05. stick season - noah kahan // 06. i need a forest fire - james blake, bon iver // 07. could you love me while i hate myself - zeph // 08. the kids are all dying - finneas // 09. amen - amber run // 10. october passed me by - girl in red // 11. you will marry the wrong person - tom rosenthal // 12. painkillers - rainbow kitten surprise // 13. from austin - zach bryan // 14. sleep deprivation - chance pena // 15. get away from you - chris gladson // 16. funeral - phoebe bridgers // 17. sometimes - chelsea cutler // [ xx ]
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aletheapierce · 2 years
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all of me changed like midnight
// 01. question...? taylor swift // 02. i wish i never met you babygirl // 03. in this shirt the irrepressibles // 04. over-the-ocean call lizzy mcalpine // 05. freaks surf curse // 06. never been in love gatlin // 07. what if it doesn’t end well chloe moriondo // 08. american teenager ethel cain // 09. right where you left me taylor swift // 10. people watching conan gray // 11. love, or the lack thereof isaac dunbar // 12. dancing under red skies dermot kennedy // 13. cross your mind role model // 14. crazier things chelsea cutler & noah kahan // 15. midnight rain taylor swift // [ xx ] 
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stayconnecteed · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
MOONY!! this is awesome hehe
01. jjam by skz
02. sure thing by 82major
03. fatal trouble by enhypen
04. power over me by dermot kennedy
05. trouble by camylio
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spoilertv · 2 months
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theadamantium · 9 months
Harri's Picks for 2023
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John Wick: Chapter 4
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Poor Things
The Iron Claw
Anatomy of a Fall
The Flash
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The Last of Us - Season 01
Daisy Jones & The Six
Ted Lasso - Season 03
Only Murders In The Building - Season 03
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Måneskin - RUSH! (ARE U COMING?)
Fall Out Boy - So Much (For) Stardust
Inhaler - Cuts & Bruises
The Struts - Pretty Vicious
Hozier - Unreal Unearth
Blink-182 - ONE MORE TIME...
Post Malone - AUSTIN
Teddy Swims - I've Tried Everything But Therapy (Part 1)
Greta Van Fleet - Starcatcher
Olivia Rodrigo - GUTS
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U2 - U2:UV Achtung Baby Live at Sphere
Hozier - Eat Your Young Pop Up Tour
Muse, Evanescence & One OK Rock - Will Of The People Tour
Fall Out Boy - So Much For (Tour) Dust
Dermot Kennedy - Sonder Tour
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Baldur's Gate 3
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Resident Evil 4 (Remake)
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Hogwarts Legacy
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megpink · 1 year
Filmes que marcaram minha vida.
Muito tempo sem publicar. Deixo aqui. Os 10 filmes que marcaram minha infância e adolescência.
1. ‘’Crease’’ foi um filme de 1978. Tinha apenas 12 anos e esperei muito tempo para assisti-lo na TV. Marcou minha pré-adolescência na 24 da Guariroba.
2. "Sunshine", conhecido no Brasil como "Um Dia de Sol".
Filme de 1973. Mas, assisti na Sessão da Tarde, pela Rede Globo na década de 1980. A trilha sonora é do cantor americano de country, John Denver. A temática de Sunshine é muito semelhante ao filme "A Culpa é das Estrelas".
3.  “Endless Love” conhecido no Brasil como “Amor Sem Fim”. Filme de 1981, mas só fui assistir um ano depois. E durante muitos anos o SBT ficou reprisando. Por isso deve ter marcado muitas gerações. A trilha sonora maravilhosa. E a que se destacou, ou seja, tema do filme foi Endless Love com Lionel Richie e Diana Ross.
Como estou seguindo uma cronologia. Eu tinha apenas 17 anos. Tenho muitas
Saudades de minha mãe. Sempre choro quando assisto. Porque foi na época em que ela faleceu.
4. ‘’A Força do Destino’’. Filme de 1982. Mas, como sempre, foi assistir 5 anos depois na casa da minha amiga .
5.’’ Flashdance’’, um filme para recordar. Trilha sonora marcante.
6. ‘’Titanic’’ se tornou o mais rentável da história do cinema no final da década de 90. Filme de 1997, mas foi lançado no Brasil em 1998. Assim que saiu em VHS comprei. Lembro - me até hoje. Fui ao Hipermercado Extra do Pistão sul era 01: h da madrugada. Nessa época o funcionava 24 horas. VHS duplo dublado em Português. Emoção em dobro. Assisti tranquila em casa.
7. ‘’Cidade dos anjos’’. Se vocês ainda não assistiram. Recomendo. Com Nicolas Cage e Meg Ryan. Filme de 1998 um romance atemporal. “Cidade dos Anjos” é a refilmagem americana de “Asas do Desejo”, filme alemão lançado em 1987. O filme aborda de uma maneira poética a relação entre os anjos e Deus e a humanidade. Muito emocionante.
A trilha sonora maravilhosa. A música tema e o filme me fazem chorar até hoje. 
8. ‘’Top Gang’’ - Ases Muito Loucos. Lançado em 1991 nos Estados Unidos, mas no Brasil foi em 1993. Meu 1º filme de comédia no cinema.
9.  “As Branquelas” uma de minhas comédias favoritas. Filme de 2003. Mas estreou no Brasil em 2004. Já perdi a conta de quantas vezes assisti com meus filhos ou até mesmo sozinha. Várias piadinhas nesse filme como: "Sua mãe é tão velha que sai leite em pó das tetas dela”. Sublime. Uma comédia que vai matar você de tanto rir, Impossível não rir! Nunca deixa de ser engraçado. Atores Terry
Crews da série Todo mundo odeia o Chris. Marcou presença. Assim como os irmãos: diretor Keenen Ivory Wayans e os atores Marlon Wayans e Shawn Wayans .
 10. “Muito bem acompanhada”. Comédia romântica, filme de 2004, mas estreou no Brasil em 2005. Com  Debra Messing e Dermot Mulroney
O filme além de divertido tem trilha sonora muito boa. Super Recomendo           .
Delícia de comédia romântica! Assisti várias vezes. Música tema Michael Bublé home.
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hd-wireless · 3 months
🎶 H/D Wireless Podfic 🎶
📻 [Podfic] A Different Kind of Meaning by p1013 
🖋️ Original author: p1013  🎵 Explicit, 01:42:57 ❗ Warnings/Tags: Auror Harry Potter, Ex-Auror Harry Potter, Lawyer Draco Malfoy, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Malfoy Manor, Magical Homes, renovation, Miscommunication, Mutual Pining, Blow Jobs, Getting Back Together, Frottage, Mutual Masturbation, Handyman Harry Potter, minor original character death, POV Harry Potter, Angst with a Happy Ending  🎵 Song Prompt: 'Outnumbered' by Dermot Kennedy 
🎵 Summary: 
The ceiling doesn't hold any answers, but there are cobwebs scattered across the corners with shadows tangled in their threads. The rug against his back is rough and scratchy, threadbare and devoid of colours other than various shades of brown. Harry takes it all in, absorbs the dingy and depressed state of his home. There's a pointed moment of decision, a note about to be played, a silence about to end, and then he rolls to his feet and sets to cleaning.  It's the first constructive thing he's done in years.
Enjoy on AO3
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will-caruso · 5 years
Sobriety is a thing of the past. Moments gone. Hours, maybe. Don't take Will for the type to sit in a dive and drink to his sorrows. Truly, this had been a rare occasion, and on most nights he'd settle for the quiet company of his cat; catch him flinching at both the taste and the burn of a whisky that's too expensive— but enjoying the buzz a little too much to surrender to such minor details. For whatever reason, tonight had him feeling like the open concept of his living space was a bit too hollow for his liking. Maybe there was something more comforting about a sticky bar top than his stark white walls devoid of any personal touch... Maybe it's all in his head. None of that matters when he plops his ass down on a stool next to some ugly bastard (he'd never admit otherwise out loud, at least), and he's shoving a glass of mystery liquor his way without a second thought. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, fucker." Will side eyes the familiar face, bringing his own glass to his mouth with a bit of pause, "Or do. Maybe I'd like to watch you eat your own teeth."
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speakergame · 2 years
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The Witch - Li Cowles
(Spotify Playlist)
Track List:
01. One More Light - Linkin Park If a moment is all we are / Or quicker, quicker / Who cares if one more light goes out? / Well I do
02. Clarity - Zedd ft. Foxes Don't speak as I try to leave 'cause we both know what we'll choose / If you pull, then I'll push too deep and I'll fall right back to you / 'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need / Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why
03. I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys Secrets I have held in my heart / Are harder to hide than I thought / Maybe I just wanna be yours
04. Soothsayer - Of Monsters and Men Sleep, I know / You haven't been dreaming, you overflow / And I still feel you around / You've become a tempo that my heart knows / Stay here, stay here / Stay here, I want you / And I know this can't be wasted love
05. Waves - Dean Lewis Memories of a stolen place / Caught in the silence / An echo lost in space / It comes and goes in waves / It always does, it always does
06. When We Were Young - Adele And a part of me keeps holding on / Just in case it hasn't gone / I guess I still care / Do you still care?
07. Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos Hello, my old heart / How have you been? / How is it being locked away? / Don't you worry, in there you're safe / And it's true, you'll never beat / But you'll never break
08. Power Over Me (Acoustic) - Dermot Kennedy So we hide away and never tell / You decide if darkness knows you well / That lesson of love, all that it was / I need you to see / You've got that power over me
09. It Will Come Back - Hozier I know who I am when I'm alone / I'm something else when I see you / You don't understand, you should never know / How easy you are to need
10. Unchained Melody (cover) - Boyce Avenue Woah, my love, my darling / I've hungered for your touch / A long, lonely time / And time goes by so slowly / And time can do so much / Are you still mine?
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Leaked NYPD "goon squad" manual
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In New York City, the summer 2020 #BLM uprising became a grotesque spectacle, as legions of ultraviolent cops committed mass-scale, criminal human rights violations, spawning a new subgenre of viral video: the NYPD BLM violence video.
During and after this period, public attention focused on the systemic nature of the NYPD's lawlessness, like the fact that the cops' disciplinary records were held secret, obscuring the repeat offenders.
Indeed, Propublica's brave publication of these records demonstrated that the force is riddled with violent, habitual sadists.
Propublica did incredible work, showing that cops who commits a strings of violent human rights abuses and cost the taxpayer vast fortunes in legal settlements aren't disqualified from promotions - these monsters constitute the NYPD's top brass.
Propublica also delved deep into the NYPD's sham of a disciplinary process, for example, documenting the continued use of illegal choke-holds by officers, primarily against Black men, and how police officials did nothing to enforce their own policies.
All of this leads up to impunity. As Propublica went on to report, out of the hundreds the NYPD officers caught on video committing crimes against protesters, only *two* were brought up for discipline, despite video evidence and eyewitness reports.
The cherry on the cake: last month, Propublica revealed the existence of a secretive, tax-funded slushfund that pays out millions to hire white-shoe lawyers to defend the cops who are so dirty the city refuses to defend them:
Latent in all of this discussion is the assumption - on the part of NYPD critics *and* apologists - that the cops who commit these crimes are breaking their own rules. But as it turns out, that's not true.
Today, The Intercept published the leaked, secret, destroy-after-reading procedural manuals for the NYPD's Strategic Response Group, an ultra-secretive good squad formed by former chief Bill Bratton in 2015.
We don't know how big the SRG is - it's a secret - but we know that its inaugural budget was $13m in 2015 and today, it's nearly $90m. As Alice Speri and John Bolger write, the crimes we witnessed last summer are literally straight out of the SRG's playbook.
That thing where bike cops kettle a group of protesters, hoist their bikes up to their chest, forming a moving fence, and then beat the shit out of  protesters as they advance? That's not the result of undertraining - it's a maneuver they regularly drill.
When the BLM uprising began, the NYPD's chief and commissioner both pledged that the SRG - theoretically designed to maintain order during mass riots, not political protests - wouldn't be involved.
They lied.
"Investigators found a disproportionate number of SRG officers accused of wrongdoing to have exceeded their legal authority, when compared with the wider department."
Despite its $90m budget and estimated 700 cops, it's not clear why SRG exists at all. The NY AG's office said SRG shouldn't be used on protesters because they're supposed to fight terrorism, but the NYPD already has an expensive, heavily resourced Counterterrorism Bureau.
One thing we do know about the SRG: they have a huge intelligence wing. Before deployments, SRG officers are briefed on "group size, planned arrests, key members of the protest group, and the group’s hierarchy," and other intel. They go in with a plan.
That's the point: the violence isn't the result of rogue cops ignoring their training. It's the result of cops doing *exactly* what they're trained to do.
If you doubt it, read the manuals.
Learn about the Bike Line Arrest Manuever, or BLAM, in which officers "shout 'BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!' as they advance," and "[take] control of subjects head by clinching your hands and arms behind the head of subject and bringing head against your chest."
This is exactly what Human Rights Watch documented in their report on a Jun 4, 2020 "planned assault" in the Bronx. NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea called the chaotic violence of that assault as "a plan which was executed nearly flawlessly." He wasn't lying.
The authors warn that any reform that results in disbanding the SRG won't be enough: the NYPD has a long history of dissolving its most criminal units and then reforming them with a new name, new insignia and even bigger budgets.
They give the final word to Joo-Hyun Kang of Communities United for Police Reform, who says that the real problem isn't the SRG, it's "the hyper-militarization, the hyper-aggressive policing tactics. That’s not an SRG problem only, that’s an NYPD problem"
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theadamantium · 2 years
Harri’s Picks for 2022
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Top Gun: Maverick
Avatar: The Way of Water
The Batman
Turning Red
Bullet Train
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Everything Everywhere All At Once
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House of the Dragon - Season 01
Stranger Things - Season 04
Euphoria - Season 02
The White Lotus - Season 02
Pam & Tommy
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Noah Kahan - Stick Season
Ghost - IMPERA
Arcade Fire - WE
The Weeknd - Dawn FM
Harry Styles - Harry’s House
Muse - Will Of The People
Dermot Kennedy - Sonder
Disturbed - Divisive
ONE OK ROCK - Luxury Disease
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Harry Styles - Coachella 2022 (Day One)
Bono - Stories of Surrender
The Weeknd - After Hours Til Dawn Tour
Rage Against The Machine - Public Service Announcement Tour
Red Hot Chili Peppers & The Strokes - 2022 Global Stadium Tour
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God of War Ragnarök
Horizon Forbidden West
Return to Monkey Island
Need for Speed Unbound
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