frydawolff · 8 months
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From: https://bsky.app/profile/dervy.bsky.social
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putting basim in his whore outfit the second i unlocked it leads to the reactions of his old friends to be so unintentionally funny
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inafieldofdaisies · 5 months
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Assassin’s Creed: Mirage (2023) | Scenery appreciation (vol. 10-?)
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mackirate · 2 months
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Here's what I made for the March Codex prompt (artefact) it's the askumite amulet that you can collect for Dervis in Mirage
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rebka18 · 4 months
screaming frothing in the mouth
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annanikolajeva · 1 year
Čini mi se da se sve stubokom mijenja, sve se u meni trese u samom temelju, i svijet se ljulja sa mnom, jer je i on bez reda ako je nered u meni, a opet, i ovo što se dešava, i ono što je bilo, iz istog je razloga: što hoću i moram sebe da poštujem.
-Meša Selimović, Derviš i smrt
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dreamherz · 2 years
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Derviš i smrt, Meša Selimović
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indigozeal · 2 years
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Memphis from the Magical School Lunar! production sheets.
Incidentally, notes indicate Memphis was originally supposed to be named “Derbis” or...“Delvis.”
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cinemaquiles · 2 months
Gorgo, de 1961, o "parente britânico" esquecido de Godzilla e King Kong!
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mariocki · 6 months
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Gideon's Way: The 'V' Men (1.2, ITC, 1965)
"Any theories?"
"Oh, Vane has a lot of enemies."
"Social and political. Is he blaming the police for this?"
"He considers his protection... inadequate."
"It was, as things turned out."
#gideon's way#the v men#1965#alun falconer#cyril frankel#itc#john creasey#john gregson#alexander davion#daphne anderson#roland culver#keith baxter#angela douglas#allan cuthbertson#basil dignam#hugh ross williamson#christine finn#inigo jackson#dervis ward#dyson lovell#peter russell#a curious mixture of successes and failures. other shows had wrestled with the UK's contemporary emergence of a fascist minority (the Saint#did so several times‚ as did Strange Report‚ Special Branch and others). Falconer's script is surprisingly forthright and his politics are#not hard to discern; there's little euphemism here‚ Roland Culver's Vane is an outright fascist who spouts racist and antisemitic garbage#and has a framed picture of Hitler on his wall. we're clearly meant to find him repugnant‚ but this being a police procedural it is perhaps#naturally enough slightly hamstrung by having lead characters who must profess no political allegiance or favouritism (still‚ would it have#killed Gideon to quietly voice his distaste at some point?). much less well handled (as is unfortunately a repeat issue with this series)#is the gender politics that come into the side plot‚ in particular the way Gideon contacts the parents of a pregnant young girl who had#specifically expressed that she didn't want them to know. it's a grubby bit of paternalistic condescension on his part and an unfortunate#reflection on the attitudes of this era regarding unmarried mothers and the unspeakable (literally here) spectre of (gasp!) abortion
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butchnoise · 2 months
the benefits that can be dervied from dismantling your attachment to an inherent and immutable self..... get into it sister! your actions and thoughts do not point to a metaphysical truth of the self!
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perdvivly · 3 months
🔥 beauty
*abhumanex0, bubbliterally, perdvivly and tranxio are sitting around a fire*
abhumanex0: 🔥 beauty bubbliterally: How are you doing that with your mouth? perdvivly: I'm trying out beauty. bubbliterally: What does that mean? perdvivly: It means that for a long time a particular brand of brainworms I've had comes from the Platonic conception of beauty as this horrible deciever. I'm trying to shed that. tranxio: That's an anachronistic genealogy of the idea. perdvivly: Huh? tranxio: Plato does talk about the interplay between truth and beauty. Notably in the Ion and in The Republic, books two, three, and ten. Plato is worried that the arts and specifically poetry in the Ion, as Ion of Ephesus was a rhapsode, are persuasive by means of rhetoric rather than an appeal to the truth. Specifically, an account of truth that Plato takes to be his idea of Forms. But Plato is chiefly concerned with the interplay between mimesis, from the Ancient Greek mimos, meaning "imitative" and diegesis roughly meaning "narrative". For Plato, the poets are doing a bad job of representing the beauty of truth; they are unable to capture its virtue. But that doesn't mean that Plato doesn't care about beauty or reviles beauty. Plato considers the Form of Beauty to be very important! He talks about it at length in the symposium and does note the associations in many more dialogues. e.g. phaedo, phaedrus, parmenides. I think this is most obvious when you consider what surviving writings we have from Plato. They're dialogues. He was writing creative fiction. He was engaging in a memetic artform, but one that he hoped would transcend the pitfalls of poetry. A "pure crystalline theatre of the mind". I think that the idea you had in mind dervies from the Neoplatonic tradition as it was interpreted by Christianity. The works of Plotinus come to us by way of his pupil Porphyry-- bubbliterally: --wait! You're saying that Christianity takes its philosophical foundations from Neoplatonism? tanxio: That's right. Dean Inge emphasises this point in his book on Plotinus. He says there is "an utter impossibility of excising Platonism from Christianity without tearing Christianity to pieces." Or if that isn't convincing consider that Saint Augustine-- perdvivly: --the saint who fucked. tranxio: That's right, the saint who fucked. Consider that he says of Plato's system that it was the "most pure and bright in all of philosophy" and he talks of Plotinus as a man in whom "Plato lived again". The early church owes a great deal of philosophical debt in this regard. bubbliterally: That's fascinating, so you're saying that Plotinus distrusted beauty and that's where the seed that Viv is picking up on originates? tranxio: Aha, no. Not quite. There is nothing in the mysticism of Plotinus that is hostile to beauty. But he is the last religious teacher for many centuries of whom this can be said. Plotinus founded the Neoplatonic tradition but he wasn't the sole arbiter of their beliefs. Beauty and all the pleasures associated with it came to be thought to be of the Devil. Pagans and Christians alike came to glorify ugliness and dirt. Julian the Apostate, like contemporary orthodox saints, boasted of the populousness of his beard. bubbliterally: But how did all this happen? tranxio: That's a matter of historical debate. The Neoplatonists found themselves in dialogue with the Gnostics for long while. And Porphyry suggests that there is precident in Plato for turning away from the physical world of matter. Perhaps it happened as an extension or outbranch of these dialogues? I'm not certain. But I can go and do more research on it if you would like? bubbliterally: No pressure, but I'd really enjoy the answer if you could find it! tranxio: Of course! *tranxio leaves, presumably to go to the library*
bubbliterally: That was an interesting historical perspective, but can you say more on what you meant Viv? You're "trying out beauty"? perdvivly: Right. I grew up in a pretty heavily Christian dominated soceity and personal environment. My grandparents were missionaries and I went to Sunday school. And because I grew up in England, you can bet that that sect was Anglican. Protestantism is... Austere. It's in a really sharp contrast to Catholicism. You know, you imagine these elaborate ornate robes, the alters decked-out with gold and you have these huge buildings with complicated architecture... And then you have, what I was raised in, which is, sort of an extreme embodiment of the famous saying "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" so imagine like, wooden pews so upright they could fix quasimodo's posture, plain homespun clothing, nothing ornate or elaborate just this very bare aesthetic. And gradually through a sort of cultural osmosis I think I took some of this in without meaning to or critically evaluating whether or not I wanted to. abhumanex0: So, that's a more personal etiology, it doesn't really answer the question of what you mean though. perdvivly: I know, and I don't want to mess you about, but let me give one more take on why this feels so forceful to me before I expand on what I mean and why I want it. abhumanex0: Go ahead. perdvivly: Have you ever seen something really beautiful and been compelled by it? Or, someone even? bubbliterally: I think we all know about being horny. perdvivly: Right! Sexual desire is actually a really good use-case here. abhumanex0: Not what use-case means but continue. perdvivly: It feels deep down gut-level wrong to be forced by my own body to want something without regard for its... wholeness? Without regard for all of it and all of its interactions with me... Have you ever been compelled against your better judgement to eat junk food that you know will make you feel ill? That to me feels like the same pernicious facet of force that beauty compells. Beauty in this way, sort of forces a passitivy of choice. bubbliterally: the same kind that David Foster Wallace was talking about with Eric the other day? perdvivly: Exactly! Think Catullus 85. I am beset on all sides by emotion and the waves of those emotions are bigger and stronger than I am. I'm afraid of being drowned by them. I'm afraid of being killed by them. Beauty is chief among these emotion makers. abhumanex0: Have you considered that when you say "It feels... wrong to be forced by your own body" that's an extension of the cultural Neoplatonism you absorbed through Christianity? Seeing this sharp distinction between mind and body? perdvivly: I... Hadn't... That's actually a really astute point. bubbliterally: I see... So that's why the issue is so forceful for you. But you want to try beauty out? Okay, maybe I don't see. You love and you hate beauty at the same time? perdvivly: There's no escaping it. So what I mean when I say, "I'm trying out beauty" is that I'm trying to integrate an appreciation for beauty into my life. And there are so many things I find beautiful. That I'm slowly realising I can appreciate without being destoryed by... It''s a long and hard journey. And I'm nowhere near being very good at it yet. But I think it's probably a pretty crucial step on the path of fully realising my own autonomy. bubbliterally: I think it's interesting that this whole discussion has had the locus it's had. That you've situated yourself as the desirer in world of objects to be desired, but you haven't really talked about the effects of being desired. perdvivly: Oh, well. One thing at a time. But I pretty much think that the feminists of the 80s were right about most of it. I could say more but maybe that's a story for another time. *abhumanex0 and bubbliterally both nod* perdvivly: So, how about you guys? bubbliterally: Us? perdvivly: Yeah.🔥 beauty bubbliterally: Okay seriously, how the fuck are you doing that with your mouth?
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sunskate · 2 months
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Marjorie Lajoie & Zachary Lagha FD at 2024 Worlds
📷: Mert Alper Dervis
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
OKAY! I know I had to bring a petition today but this idea came to me and I had to get it out as soon as possible! I will publish the next petition tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest I swear!
Hunter (Toh) x Lorna (Over the Garden wall) Reader
Like, the reader is a girl who was cursed from a very young age, maybe by wild magic, maybe by enemies of her family, but she has an entity that absorbs her energy, making her sick and can only be controlled with a special bell (it's like its equivalent to Eda's elixir).
Her auntie Whispers overprotects her A LOT, since it is the only family she has and because she doesn't want anyone to be a victim of Lorna reader's curse if she is activated, but she also specializes in the healing coven to be able to help her niece.
It's one of the ways she could meet Hunter.
Whether Hunter as a Golden Guard goes to collect something from Auntie Whispers' house or she takes the reader to the palace to be treated by healers, Hunter is left with the impression of the girl, someone quite weak, yes, but when he knows which is because she is cursed, he can't help but empathize and compare the situation a little with Belos (as UNHEALTY as it is, Hunter still loved his uncle back then).
Can you imagine if Hunter at first also thought that Lorna!reader did live in an abusive home? ironically auntie whispers was a better aunt/uncle with him in 1 hour than Belos was in his entire life 🤣
Hunter at first would try to talk to Lorna! reader for research purposes, he believes that if he can know how other people's curses work then he could understand Belos' curse, but as I said his empathy skyrockets when he sees how Lorna! reader has to distract herself from having a sick body (being partially controlled by a demon) by doing household chores to try to suppress the entity that now controls her life.
Lorna!reader allowed the interactions because 1- Hunter was around her age and 2- she believed that if she had a better understanding of her curse, it would be easier to handle it. Besides, she wanted a friend.
From this, Hunter would begin to show his most real side and not just that of the Golden Guard, if he had to run an errand to Auntie Whispers, he would help with Lorna! reader's task (even if he had to learn them from scratch because he had NO IDEA what house maintenance was like. Let's just say that now he appreciates the cleaning crew more), if he ran into her running an errand now he was carrying her things or if she was just walking, he was taking her on his back to her house. Don't you know that with these winds you can catch a cold? If she wants to avoid getting sick she should make less effort.
Hunter even feels comfortable telling the reader about the things he read about wild magic, he justifies himself by saying that he wants her to try every possible method to cure her curse, and that's partly true, but in general he likes as reader listens carefully to his rants without getting bored and shows a real interest in what he has to say.
Hunter would definitely be pretty upset/worried if he had to deal with Reader's cursed transformation, although more than anything he would be very disturbed by the fact that Reader has to deal with that thing on a daily basis.
Let's say it triggers his most protective side, PHYSICALLY PROTECTIVE, Hunter will be somewhat ignorant as a Golden Guard, but at this point he is also a friend of the reader and will not let her be lynched for something she cannot control.
Hunter likes to talk to the reader about the outside world, he knows what it feels like to be locked up and without interaction (although in the reader's case, it is for the safety of others), so he ends up stopping by when he has free time and tells her a couple of anecdotes he has about work or when he was a scout, you know, being that figure that he would have liked to have.
By the time Hunter realizes the interest he has in Lorna! reader is not the same as he has with, for example, his flyer dervy colleagues, he is a blushing mess, and they are probably the ones who encourage him to be more open with her.
If we talk about a full-fledged relationship, it's all FLUFF.
Hunter tries to help as much as possible to prevent the reader's curse from acting, whether by getting bells, helping Auntie Whispers in her research, bringing remedies to improve the reader's physical condition and thus make her healthier, etc.
If the curse is indeed CURABLE then Hunter highly encourages the reader to seek said cure and do it together, even if she got used to living with the curse, Hunter would be so SO happy to see his partner live peacefully and without pain because of guilt of the curse.
If, on the other hand, the curse has no cure as such, then they try to find alternatives together to keep her asleep and make it more manageable, apart from the fact that if someone tries to judge the reader for her curse (EHEMEHEMBOSCAEHEHEHEME) Hunter or 1, gives them The Look and they shut up or 2, use the old scare tactics they used in the emperor's coven.
Hunter would be quite distraught over Lorna! reader during her time in the human kingdom, but at the same time I think she would make mental notes of things that she would have liked to see (she even learns several of Camila's home remedies for colds and flus that she wants to try on reader).
In general, two little sunshines being little sunshines.
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year
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June 16, 2023 - Montreal, Quebec Source: Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
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ninjapaste · 1 year
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Should have posted these like a good while ago but here they are!!
These are the first few drawings I made of these two octavio kids and I will post more recent drawings of them soon, of which there are many because I still cannot stop drawing them!!
Description under the cut:
Oriana and Orion are part of the Octavio family (with Octavio being their grandfather) and much like their many cousins, siblings and other relatives, they contribute to different industries in the octarian world.
With a family that specialises in manufacturing weaponry and other supplies to the military, Both Oriana and Orion are often designing and testing these weapons, even accompanying octarian troops to assist them with these high-tech gadgets and mechs.
Their designs are based off of what DJ Octavio uses in his attacks in game, specifically takoyaki (octopus balls) and wasabi. I based their styles off of these foods for Orion and Oriana respectively.
Oriana is very passionate about her role in the family business, and even more so about better than everyone else. Her self-confidence never lacks and the same goes for her ruthless and dominating attitude, which, coupled with her goal to become the future general of the Octarian army, makes her a force to reckoned with among all her cousins. Oriana approaches most people with an air of subtle intimidation and sass which makes her seem apathetic and mocking to many. She dervies pleasure from showing the inferiority of those she perceives as competition, especially her brother who she uses as a punching bag on the daily. A person who thrives from conflict and coming out on top, its honestly giving Azula ngl 🤷.
Orion is far from anything like Oriana, both in reality and in the eyes of the family. He can be very spiteful and insecure, especially at a time in his life where he is stuck between being what others want him to be and exploring what he wants. Unlike Oriana, he finds little interest in contributing to the octarian military (other than his really cool special octobot mech) and wants to generate income for the family through his own business and trade (in and out of octarian society). As an enemy he can be quite intimidating on his own but is always outperformed by Oriana when they are together. The two cannot hold a conversation without arguing or Orion being absolutely grilled, which leads to Orion having issues with his temper and trust of others (which he sorts out in the future with some help and grows to just not care what others think and love life!). He wants to be sociable with others but not only is he the loser brother who is always in his flop era, he often has to wear a mask and collar that helps him deal with his damaged and uncontrollable salivary glands and this makes talking really hard so yeah. Sucks to be him 😭.
So in short here is girlboss, gaslight and gatekeep sister and flop brother who find as many ways to avoid each other as possible!! ☺️☺️☺️
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