#magical school lunar!
indigozeal · 2 years
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Memphis from the Magical School Lunar! production sheets.
Incidentally, notes indicate Memphis was originally supposed to be named “Derbis” or...“Delvis.”
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just-ghaleon · 1 year
Ok I'm gonna be SMART and QUEUE this to post at NOT 4:45am!!
Last year I did digital sketches, so I think to shake things up I might do analog sketches this time...
Anyway my cat is sick and I need something to do while I'm sitting with him coaxing him to eat. So just send me an Ask (anon is on if you're shy!), or reply to this post with a Lunar character or two you'd like drawn! :3c plz?
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kentnaturaltribrid · 3 months
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Other than the doable, there’s nothing else that can be accomplished much without limits. Of course, it complicates things even further.
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metamorphmagus!reader drabble <3
very, very long fluffy ass drabble approaching, just about 2k words. im actually deeply insanely obsessed with the concept of the metamorphmagus (my non-binary is showing, i know) and need more content of a metamorphmagus!reader + poly!marauders.
you officially meet the marauders during your later years at Hogwarts. they'd heard of you before, how could they not? beyond the small class sizes (which required you be aware of essentially everyone in your year, willingly or not), and the houses (which only further narrowed your chances of not knowing anyone), it was difficult for something as rare as a metamorphmagus to slip under anyone's noses.
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james recalled seeing you at quidditch games, your hair vividly colored to match whichever team you were supporting. he was often proud to look through the crowd and find you sporting flaring red locks, cheering alongside his fellow gryffindors. he was proud, even if he knew you weren't there for him. very secretly, he often found himself wanting you to be there for him.
remus remembered the awkward instance of a professor dragging you to the front of the class and demanding you transform for him and your peers. it was a substitute for care of magical creatures, and he was determined to treat you like something to study. remus had cringed as you shifted, clearly uncomfortable and disjointed, before running off and skipping the rest of the day, upset. he wished he had gone to comfort you.
sirius often thought about when he spotted you shifting back to your true face while being dragged through the corridors by minnie. she was huffing and puffing about something you had done, some harmless prank scaring some first years with a strange face, but you only laughed. when he caught your eye, you winked, and he could feel his cheeks flush as he grinned. he'd suspected you'd be great fun for a while yet, but you were just beginning to prove yourself to him.
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you had mostly slipped them all by up until their fifth year. by then, the boys had all been dating each other only for a short amount of time but it was becoming apparent to the rest of the school that the marauders were now strictly "look, but don't touch". they were really too fond of each other to consider anyone else now! (this was deeply upsetting information for the many young witches and wizards who had their hearts set upon a member of the famous group.)
however, as you had continued to find passion and joy in care of magical creatures despite your previous experience, you were studying to be a magizoologist. this meant, you were assisting kettleburn while james took the class. which of course meant, he finally had a clear opportunity to befriend you.
you and james caught on like wildfire, and it didn't take long for him to begin dragging the other marauders into your study sessions. hours would pass by, quiet jokes turning into loud laughter and getting shushed by the librarian. they found your ability endlessly fascinating and you were only too happy to oblige your new friends. (one time you transformed into sirius and the two of you acted out him falling in love with himself. the uproar it sent james and remus into actually got you kicked out of the library.)
it didn't take very long for you to become the newest unofficial member of the marauders. you were their beloved friend, and unfortunately in remus's eyes, all too smart. you had figured out his "furry little secret" just within the first month of knowing them all. the next month, they sat together in the hospital wing. sirius was holding remus's hand as james lay next to him on the bed, trying to bring him what comfort they had to offer when you stormed in. they were all aghast when you appeared in the hospital wing after the full moon with a full load of chocolate, several novels, and a promise that you'd do anything you could to help Remus through the lunar cycle. (remus thinks this very well may be when he fell in love with you. didn't help that you refused to leave his side for the rest of the day, reading to him and holding his hand in an entirely friendly way.)
you often joined them for the famous gryffindor parties, often getting sufficiently drunk and completely out of your mind. your appearance would shift constantly, struggling to find one stable face and body when your mind was so fuzzy. you would dance and laugh with them all, so when remus had squeezed sirius's hand and sent him to the corner you'd tucked away in, he knew something was wrong. you had been rather viciously rejected by a ravenclaw you liked, and now, very drunk, you were moaning to sirius about your appearance. could you have made your lips fuller? grown your hair? maybe cut your hair? what could have been different, more attractive, what could have made them like you? bigger eyes? sharper features? he had held your shifting face, helping you calm down and relax into your true complexion. (sirius had thought you looked completely gorgeous as yourself, because no matter how you looked, no matter what changed, he could always tell when you were comfortable in your own skin. he liked you best like that.)
and you always stood for what you believed in. once, james and remus had to not-so-gently drag you away from someone who had loudly claimed werewolves were "inhuman monsters". you continued to shout after them until you were dragged out of their sight, after which you gave remus possibly the longest hug he'd ever had. james gave him a soft kiss on the cheek after they sent you off to class, hoping you wouldn't attack any other students. unfortunately, later that same day, james caught you shouting at the very same student, defending a muggle-born slytherin. he didn't hear what they said, but something shifted in your eyes before you physically shifted, taking on a shit-ton of muscle and pouncing on them. he raced to pull you off as you bellowed at them, wordless and angry, before a professor raced over and helped him. you were dragged off to detention for a week and the slytherin dealt with a broken jaw and black eye as punishment for calling the student you had defended a mudblood. (james only felt immense appreciation for you afterwards. he'd never seen you spark like that before, and he'd never seen you look so undeniably hot.)
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it was an incredibly comforting conversation between the three of them when sirius had audibly expressed just how attractive you were. james and remus were quick to agree, and it grew to them admitting to each other their collective feelings for you. but with it suddenly out in the open, none of them knew how to interact with you anymore. the previously friendly touches now felt charged, every glance your way was longing, and none of them knew how to manage it.
it didn't help that you seemed to be pulling away from them either, flushing and quickly making your way out of most of your conversations with them. they thought they were scaring you off. in reality, you were scaring yourself off.
you felt the exact same as them, but deeply feared ruining one of your few lasting friendships at the school. you began shifting into new faces, new bodies, ones they wouldn't recognize in order to avoid them in the halls. it stung to see them searching for you in class and around school, and it stung more when they gave up. maybe if you avoided them you'd begin to feel normal about them again. (you'd had enough weird for a life time, the few normal things you could have you desperately clung to.)
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eventually, they caught onto you. again, there were only so many students at Hogwarts, so seeing a new one every other day during their classes with you? it was a painfully ineffective tactic.
remus caught you one day, lounging by the lake. well, sulking seemed a more accurate word, as you were incredibly glum, despite being relaxed enough to look like yourself. it felt like the first time he'd seen your actual face in years. he called out to you.
you jumped, and turned to run, but he cried out for you to stay. and well, you couldn't deny him. not when he sounded like that. not when he sounded so... abandoned. you cringed as you turned around and he rushed up, grabbing your face, turning you this way and that, filled with worry. he asked if you were okay, if you'd been hurt, if they'd hurt you somehow, and why in godric's name were you avoiding them so much-
and gently, you grabbed his wrists to still him, opening your mouth to... to what? comfort him? lie and say you were fine? no words escaped you as remus realized what he'd done and quickly pulled his touch away from you, a flush spreading across his cheeks. (he nearly didn't notice how you'd deflated as he stepped back.)
an awkward, pained grin crossed his face as he looked at you and whispered to you, "where'd you go? what happened to... to us?"
you very nearly broke down in tears right then and there, sucking in a sharp breath as you tried to prepare for losing them. that could be the only possible resolution to all this mess, and you'd be on your own. again. that was fine. you began to speak again, before a shout interrupted you.
james barreled past remus to give you a bear hug so forceful he actually tackled you to the ground. sirius was not far behind him, slipping a hand around remus's side and leaning into him, relaxed at finally seeing you.
a few tears slipped down your cheeks as you hugged james back, who only held you tighter, shouting that you could never leave them alone again. "we all love you too much to lose you ever again, so don't ever get lost, okay?"
you chuckled softly, more tears escaping as you buried your face into his neck. your laughter quickly boiled over into quiet sobs, shakily asking, "love, huh? that's- that's an awful big word, you- are you sure you love me?"
"love you? dove, we're plain obsessed with you-" james finally pulled back, shaking your shoulders then cupping your cheeks. "don't cry lovie, why are you crying?"
"because you don't- you don't love me the way i love you."
james tilted his head at you, deciphering your words, before your true meaning hit him like a truck. he grinned, whispering a quiet "fuck it" before shoving completely into your space and smashing his lips against yours. his glasses went crooked and you gasped into it, and there was some teeth clashing from how much james was smiling, but it was wonderful.
when he finally pulled back, panting and gleefully laughing, you could hear sirius's wolf-whistle and remus's shocked chuckles. you quickly looked between all of them, completely shocked before locking back onto james.
"you- you kissed me."
"sure did, dove."
"did," you glanced between all of them again, now keeping your eyes on sirius and remus as you leaned towards james and whispered, "do all of you want to do that?"
james somehow grinned even brighter. "sure do, dove."
you felt your cheeks become ridiculously warm as sirius plopped beside you two, dragging remus down with him and smirking at you the entire time. you shyly smiled at him as he leaned over and smacked a kiss to your cheek.
"how- how long have you all been- how long have you felt this way?"
"long enough dove," remus said, leaning over and pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead before smiling down at you.
"certainly long enough."
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i'm begging someone to request more metamorphmagus!reader, especially gender queer or otherwise. (i'll probably still write it even if you don't though, lol) i will also be writing more magizoologist!reader! just smth about a reckless partner that the marauders just can't keep track of... <3
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queenie-blackthorn · 9 months
tips for writing muslim characters
except im a muslim, born and raised
dont mix it up with arab characters, yes a muslim can be arab and muslim but theres a difference. the link to my post abt writing arabs is here
first and foremost, not all muslims are arabs, and not all arabs are muslims. yes, most terminology and the holy book is in arabic, but that doesnt mean its exclusively arabs
indonesia (not an arab country) has the highest population of muslims worldwide
the arab country with the most christians is egypt, but the arab country with the highest population of christians is lebanon 
not all practicing muslim women wear hijab (some extremely religious women might not wear a hijab)
five prayers a day: fajr (before sunrise), zuhr (midday), asr (afternoon), maghreb/maghrib (sunset), ishaa (nighttime)
call to prayer is known as 'azan', you can listen to it on youtube
muslims use the lunar calendar (known as the hijri calendar), which also has 12 months but its around two weeks shorter than the gregorian calendar. most people only remember the ninth month: ramadan
fasting consists of not eating/drinking from fajr until maghrib. you stop as soon as the azan for fajr sounds, and you can start again as soon as the azan for maghrib sounds. you fast for the entire month of ramadan, but its also encouraged to fast on mondays, thursdays, and the 14th/15th/16th days of each month of the hijri calendar
allah isnt the name of god. allah is the arabic word for 'god'
women dont have to cover up completely until puberty, athough some girls cover up before then and other women dont cover up at all
women can be religious and not cover up
the word 'hijab' doesnt show up in the quran, its 'khimar'. hijab is to cover up completely, not just hair. you cant wear a headscarf with a short sleeved shirt
men have to cover up too. from their navel to their knees absolutely has to be covered up, and (in most islamic cultures, not necessarily exactly religious) they cover up their chests as well 
also men are told to avert their gazes from women more than women are told to cover up. youd find a lot of men in muslim countries not looking up from the floor when walking, especially in areas w a lot of women
kids by the age of eight can usually recite at least four chapters from the quran (the first one and the last three, mostly. it doesnt matter if theyre not arab)
if you want to use verses from the quran for whatever reason, i recommend quran.com
theres only one version of the quran. the same copy thats existed for 1400 years and millions of people have memorized it
on that note, people who memorize the quran are called hafiz, and there isnt a particular age. theres a three year old hafiz and a woman who didnt memorize it until age eighty three
there are two different sources for islamic law: the quran (holy book), and hadith (quotes of the prophet). dua' is completely different, its a prayer used to ask help from god, but unlike the five prayers, it doesnt really require a specific ritual. you just sit, face the direction of mecca, and say the dua'
superstitions are haram, but muslims do believe in black magic (its sihr in arabic and its one of the biggest sins) and djinn (there are djinn muslims but theyre widely regarded somewhat like monsters who encourage/help you to do black magic)
allahu akbar means "god is greater" or "god is the greatest". it isnt used as a signal to blow people up, and it isnt a term used purely by islam extremists
assalamu aleikum / waaleikum assalam mean, respectively, "peace be upon you" and "and peace be upon you too" basically just our way of just saying "hi" along with the reply
subhanallah means "glory be to god" usually when witnessing a miracle or when amazed
mashaallah - there arent any exact english equivalents but it means "what god wills". usually for compliments or to protect someone from evil eye
insha'allah - simply "god willing" but we use this when talking about the future (like "will you come to school?" "insha'allah" or "we'll get the gift, right?" "insha'allah"). can be replaced by the lesser used "bi'ithn illah"
alhamdu lillah - "praise be to god" or "thanks be to god. used in the way you might imagine, but also as a way to express that youre doing fine. "how are you doing today, sister?" "alhamdu lillah" (also when finishing a meal / finishing drinking water)
astaghfir ullah - "i seek forgiveness from god" whenever we see someone do something haram or when we ourselves do something haram and wish to repent
bismillah - "in the name of god" we use this whenever we begin something. a lot of arab literature starts with this. every chapter im the quran starts with this. every meal starts with saying this before eating
you can submit asks if you have any questions, but try to be a lil specific !!
feel free to rb with more info :)
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blood-grove · 2 months
Call of Duty
Kyle Gaz Garrick
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unnatural bleeding — a mer!gn!reader x human!gaz | ongoing fic
werewolf bites — gaz trying to help you recover from a dog attack | ongoing fic
magical accidents — who were you to say no to your mage boyfriend innocent request for you to try a potion?
scar trails — you and your older brother try to survive the apocalypse and try and make a few friends..or enemies!
John Soap Mactavish
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shapeshifter! child! reader & soap — a alt version of another random thing i wrote about a shapeshifter reader :3 tws in fic
the hunt — a medieval fantasy soap x male reader! | ongoing fic
solar and lunar marks — werecat reader and werewolf soap shenanigans w 141
Simon Ghost Riley
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dog au! ghost & child reader — this one is so old!! + old dog au intro!
animals grind there teeth at bars — fic idea :3 monster circus au?
mistaken sacrifice — turns out your loyal worshippers are batshit crazy but ghost seems alright maybe in need of saving.
John Price
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dog au price & child reader — another oldie </3 + old dog intro
labs and speedsters — taking in a new stray cheetah shifter (you) riddled with anxiety and price sees to help you.
old man — random anxiety hole you've dug yourself into has you now overly worrying about growing. (me projecting)
Multi + Parings
adoption au dad! simon & soap + adopted reader (school fights)
shapeshifter reader + 141
avian/harpy ghost & soap + child naga reader - tws in fic
jungle book au - upcoming
dog au art ! — ghost and soap , graves , price 1 , price 2 , graves 2 ,
König — dog au intro! (old)
i may give him this own section but for now im not rlly focused on him kinda...
a/n; will be making separate master list for when i write for my fandoms :3 this is my first masterlist so please excuse my inexperience...ALSO IM MY ASK R OPEN AND ANON ON PLS
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ranticore · 3 months
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in case you're wondering what bullshit i'm making him wear now vs what he wore as a kid. moving away from your home culture does that to an impressionable 12 or 22 or 32 year old boy.
cultural dress includes a cape made of the first thing his dad killed for him (a bear) and metal disks describing the lunar phases of the two moons. the metal is iron which is very very scarce and his family flaunts their wealth by using iron oxides in their dyes, so red is a predominant colour (thus why the sails of their boats are bright red). solid iron accessories (bells or chimes are common) are also a massive flex. the cape weighs almost as much as he did
present day he is wearing I Can Believe It's Not Balmain fall winter ready to wear 2024 (that i drew badly) and it cost half his paycheque for 3 months and he lived off of instant ramen for 3 months after. his coworkers at magic school described it as "un-professor-like" in a derogatory manner.
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meyexe · 2 months
I want to point out one thing...
I graduated from music school in the eighth grade program and have been studying astronomy for several years. I would like to praise and criticize this moment:
There's great soundtrack. Can't argue with that. But here it is clear that the Moon is near its zenith. The Moon, like the Sun, moves along the ecliptic to an observer on Earth, which means that Norrisville is within 28 degrees south latitude and 28 degrees north latitude. Only there you can see the Moon at its zenith.
Also, as far as I can tell, this is a lunar eclipse. And in this case, the Moon does not deviate from the ecliptic by a single degree. Then the limit of Norrisville's location on Earth is reduced to 23 degrees south latitude and 23 degrees north latitude.
That's not all. It's snowing in Norrisville. I always thought that this meant that the city was located in mid-latitudes, that is, north or south of 45 degrees of the corresponding latitude...
By the way, in the Southern Hemisphere, winters are colder and summers are hotter than in the Northern Hemisphere. This is an interesting fact :)
This isn't even the end!
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If we think this is a lunar eclipse and not a magical phenomenon, then take a look here. Here is the total phase of the eclipse, as in the first moment that I indicated (in the total phase of the eclipse the Moon is red). But the moon is not yet at its zenith. Do you know how long a lunar eclipse lasts? Up to two hours. And the total eclipse phase lasts even less. During this time, the moon will not have time to reach its zenith. You can attribute everything to the perspective in the frame, but I still don’t believe that the Moon is less than 30 degrees away from its zenith.
Guys, if you don’t know astronomy, then just trust me - this moment is wrong. Please.
But this moment is very beautiful. I'm still crazy about it...
(In fact, there are still many sins of animation here. Not even here, but a little later. But this is not related to the topic I raised)
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jesncin · 4 months
Do you have any favorite books or comics that you'd recommend?
Superhero comics or in general? I'll go in general, haha:
Our Dreams At Dusk by Yuhki Kamatani
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This is the book series I'm most obnoxiously recommending people. It's influenced me ever since, Lunar Boy is a direct homage to this short series in many ways. It talks about the lived realities of being queer and Japanese in Japan- the queerphobia, the mental health struggles, the relationships (romantic and platonic) in an in depth way. It opened my eyes to what the queer narrative can be, and I'm forever grateful for it. This story is so good it actively ruins all other queer media for me, haha.
Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Yang and Gurihiru
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This is the book I most successfully recommend to people. What can I say that I haven't said many times before? A reimagining of the classic Klan of the Fiery Cross arc from the classic Superman radio show, empathetically revitalized. A story that actually acknowledges and understands Superman as a direct immigrant allegory?? Where he relates to a Chinese American family being targeted by the Klan?? I love it, and many people have picked up how I'm influenced by it! You don't need to know anything about Superman or his lore, this is a very accessible story for newbies. If you want to know why I love Superman, this is it. This story is so good it actively ruins all other Superman media for me, haha.
Salt Magic by Hope Larson and Rebecca Mock
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One of my recent all time favorite graphic novels!! This story is everything I love about fairytales perfectly told in the graphic novel format. When a mysterious woman curses a family farm by turning their water supply into entirely undrinkable salt water- Vonceil must embark on an adventure to uplift the curse that hangs over her family history. Also Rebecca Mock's art is INCREDIBLE.
Homunculus by Joe Sparrow
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Shortbox, the publisher for this comic, is retiring soon so order this book now! Or any books from them that you fancy (discount code here)! From the indie scene, Homunculus is a beloved short comic about a machine with growing sentience witnessing the end of the world, and what comes after. The style is lovely and the story is deceptively simple! It's heartbreaking by the end.
Berrybrook Middle School Series (Awkward, Brave, Crush, Enemies) by Svetlana Chmakova
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This series is the reason I wanted to make middle grade graphic novels, and is in my humble opinion- the best in the business. Each story is self contained, with a cast of recurring characters that all go to Berrybrook middle school. It covers a wide variety of young experiences in an empathetic way that doesn't feel like you're being talked down to. It's a book series that nurtures the children it's for. I cried reading Brave, and Crush is such an important book that I'm ecstatic that kids get to read.
The Weight Of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf
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If you liked my Who Is Superman: A Private Interview with Lois Lane comic and want to learn more about the historical context behind it- I recommend The Weight Of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf. It doesn't cover the same history (this book is about the 1969 race riots in Malaysia), but it's such an eerily similar incident that I felt myself reflected in it. Hanna is an incredibly vivid writer, and she handles so many topics with sensitive care. She highlights that historical events like this need to be remembered, and how fictional stories can breathe new life into an increasingly forgotten history. Also Hanna is so nice.
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (original idea by Siobhan Dowd)
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One of my all time favorite novels, with hauntingly beautiful mixed media illustrations by Jim Kay. I love how this book covers grief in such a messy and fantastical way- showing how its young protagonist has larger than life feelings he's trying to contain from the looming eventual death of his mom's illness. This book is special because it was conceived originally by Siobhan Dowd as she was going through terminal cancer, in collaboration with her editor and Ness. It feels like an intimate experience, and this heavy feeling of grief carries the whole book in a memorable way.
Those are my fav books off the top of my head! Happy reading :>
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miasmaclockworks · 4 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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rowanyx · 4 months
So in the Adventuring Party, Brennan asked Beardsley whether there is a world in which Kristen gives up being a Cleric.
Mechanics-wise, I understand why the response was a no. That kind of big change would have a lot of restructuring to do, from the character sheet to minis to even plot changes, which would be difficult mid-season like this. (See Riz's sub-class change from Inquisitor to Arcane Trickster happening now, rather than when we actually met Pok)
Story-wise, though, I respectfully disagree. In fact, I posit there is many a world in which Kristen could change her class.
The big one, I think, would be Paladin. Especially either Redemption or Oathbreaker. After all, you could easily argue that this whole situation (i.e. Cassandra seeing Kristen not putting her priesthood first, dying, and the new mysterious voice that taunted the party with the rotting corpse of the god Kristen already failed) cumulates into exactly the type of description for an Oathbreaker (going back on their word and then joining up with some evil entity instead). And, well, after two gods dying, one you've very much stated to want to be good for but can't get yourself to do so, sounds very much like the type of person that would seek Redemption. If not for themselves, at least for others.
And this could also work to show sort of backslide into the Applebee's family drama. After all, we know Bucky just started as a Paladin himself. He's probably not high enough leveled to have a sub-class of his own, but doesn't Redemption fit? The kid who was forced into Kristen's old role, who is already going around trying to save his classmates from Hell? If Kristen did switch to Paladin, they would most likely share classes (something like Gorgug's Artificier track, school-wise). A perfect opportunity to flesh out the relationship there, either to save Bucky from Mac and Donna or have him 'save' Kristen.
Of course, these are just two of the easier paths to see.
Porter did want another Bad Kid in his classes, didn't he?
Maybe Kristen finds she desires a guide and becomes a Totem Warrior Barbarian.
Maybe Kristen decides that just because her parents suck, doesn't mean the whole bloodline did. This causes her to delve into old records and come out of it as a Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian.
Another idea, given the Buff Kristen movement, is a Fighter. Especially the training and power describing a Champion or the fighting spirit of a Samurai, to lose so many gods and keep going.
Or maybe she finds the issue is the evangelizing. That she cannot dedicate herself to bringing others into her path, but still desiring a higher being to help her. There are many to make a Warlock Contract with. She's even living with one, technically, by way of Fig's Archdevil job.
You could even argue for an Eloquence Bard, with all the speeches and now the Presidency campaign.
Or hey, Cassandra was a moon goddess, wasn't she? Maybe even a Lunar Sorcerer.
Unlikely but theoretically possible, she's just desperate to fix something and takes up Artificing. After all, how different can a Battle Smith really be? It's still healing and protecting, right?
Or, let's revisit an old topic. At the top of the game, Kristen was called the Chosen One. We saw that title following her even after leaving Helio. Sol treated her kindly for it, she invented YES! and even reinvented it into YES?. An argument can even be made that that's part of why Cassandra was fixed so easily after clinging to her. But what is that? Where is that power from? Perhaps some new magic awakens in Kristen. That of a Divine Soul Sorcerer.
Just, Kristen, taking a hard look at religion and Clericdom and deciding maybe it wasn't right for her.
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indigozeal · 1 year
This is the most important poll.
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just-ghaleon · 1 year
Looks just like last year, July is gonna be Lunar Week: Extended Edition for me... since I guess the 3rd week of June is just cosmicly booked with numerous unexpected stresses and distractions for me. :B (I got sick, my cat got sicker, etc...)
So, since the Lunar itch will not leave me be, my offer from last year stands: Send me an Ask or leave a Reply with a Lunar character you'd like to see me draw! Or ask me to show you one of my Lunar OCs! Or heck I'll draw your Lunar OC in a Lunar-y style if you want! (Just specify Funato or Kubooka! And provide a reference or detailed description of your character!)
And if that weren't enough, have a poll of WIPs/project plans I need prodding to finish/work on :B
And like that's just the stuff off the top of my head, without looking in my WIPs folder... every vote is like a gentle nudge of encouragement! Or you can imagine you're zapping me with a cattle prod! Whatever gets you to tap buttons, I'm not picky!!
Also I'm 100% serious about character sketch requests, I crave external motivation!!! And like, there literally isn't a Lunar character I wouldn't draw, lovable and/or fascinating bunch of freaks and weirdos all of them. XD (Even you, Dragon Song! Would be fun to try 90's Kubooka-izing those bland DS designs...)
Heck, if I get enough reqs maybe I can utilize that external motivation in an actually productive manner and do a character sketching livestream or two.... :3c I need encouragement getting all the kinks worked out of my streaming setup, for real.
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theartisticpixelbit · 4 months
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Alright, lets do this one more time. I am once again going through and redesigning the cast of MLP:FIM with my own twist and lore. So lets get to it.
~Bio~ Name: Celestial 'Del' Dawn (Celestia) Nicknames: Tia(Luna), Dearest Sister(Luna), Sunshine(Sombra), Celestia(Everypony) Gender: Female (Straight) Race: Unicorn (Originally), Alicorn (Currently) Parents: Unknown Bio Parents, (Adopted) Starswirl the Bearded Siblings: Lunar 'Del' Dusk (Luna) Partner: King Sombra 'Dark' Specter (IDW Alternate Good Universe) Children: Onyx 'Dark' Justice(Son) Other Relatives: Mi Amore Cadenza (Niece), Shining 'Star' Armor (Nephew-In-Law), Twilight 'Star' Sparkle (Niece-In-Law), Blueblood Spirit (Distant Nephew)
~Headcanons~ ☀️ Her full name is Celestial 'Del' Dawn but prefers just Celestia. ☀️ Celestia and her younger sister Luna were found as orphaned unicorns by Starswirl the Bearded who took the two under his guidance. ☀️ The first artificial alicorn gaining her wings shortly after gaining her cutiemark, being able to raise the sun on her own like no unicorn could before ☀️ Celestia wielded the elements of Magic, Generosity, and Kindness ☀️ Celestia didn't know of Luna's feelings before she became Nightmare Moon, both siblings being thrusted into ruling at such a young age caused a strain in their relationship and caused stress in both sisters. ☀️ Hair was light pastel orange before using the elements to seal Luna in the moon, an action she regretted for 1000 years. ☀️ Celestia founded the School for Gifted Unicorns shortly after Luna’s disappearance in hopes of finding the Element of Magic needed to wield the other five Elements and reform Luna. ☀️ Celestia couldn't handle the loss of Sunset Shimmer to her own greed for power, Celestia stopped taking in personal students until Twilight Sparkle ☀️ Celestia and Luna continue to rule Equestria after “Ending of the End” ☀️ Celestia takes care of the governing part of ruling Equestria ☀️Mane and tail flow like fire.
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tomtefairytaleblog · 1 year
Once you know that Marissa Meyer based The Lunar Chronicles (and specifically Cinder, the first book) on an old Sailor Moon fanfic she wrote, the inspiration can be fairly obvious (most obvious being the missing princess from the moon and the threat of war between Earth and the Moon). That being said, there’s enough of Meyer’s own inspiration/ideas in there to help make it stand out (the futuristic setting, for one thing).
But it did make me think: Bill Ellis (who I mentioned on here before) wrote an essay about Princess Tutu where he said that Cinderella--the fairy tale Cinder retells--is an archetypal precedent to magical girl transformations. Cinderella and Sailor Moon have premises unique to themselves, but then I thought about the basics of both stories: both Cinderella and Usagi start out as girls who are at a low point of their life (Cinderella is mistreated by her stepfamily, while Usagi is chronically late for school and failing tests--one is arguably worse than the other, sure, but the point is, neither of them is doing great in their own way). Then both of them encounter magic (fairy godmother, talking space cat, etc.) that gives them, as Ellis puts it, the skills they need to accomplish whatever they need to do (go to the ball, fight evil). For an added bonus, no one at the ball ever recognizes Cinderella, similar to how no one ever puts it together that Usagi is Sailor Moon, despite her never covering her face (though she did have a mask in the early chapters of the manga). Also, there’s a prince in both stories.
With that in mind, it’s not hard to see how it was easy for Meyer to take inspiration from Sailor Moon in her Cinderella retelling. (Interestingly enough, the original fanfic was a Puss in Boots AU, because as Meyer pointed out, both Puss in Boots and Sailor Moon have talking cats.)
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starastarship · 2 months
Hehe Quickly finished this
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Meet Aster Lunar. Coming from a line of witches and wizards it was almost destiny to hit them too, even if a bit later. After they showed their magic abilitys, they were to learn more and control it.
They got quite a talent around the couldron as well as singing. However one accident before school put them in a predicament. After a missing ingredient and a taste later they ended up sick resulting in feathers growing out their body. Now they try to find a cure somehow for this, but wants to do it alone! After all they say "I put myself in this situation, I'll get myself out of it" it unfortunately takes up their night, brewing potions to try and get the feathers away, and their day, sleeping through the whole class.
Aster comes from greek, but their parents moved when they were merely months old. Despite this, they speak Greek pretty good (not me tho so I indicate when they speak greek) and wants to visit their home country to meet other relatives some day.
Personality wise Aster seems to be more shy and keeping to themselves. However this far from the truth. They are actually pretty open and talk active. But they don't want others to worry about them so they shy a bit away. At least until the thing is handled.
This could also be seen as first design/ first color pallet.
Spellcaster AU by @onyxonline
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