nittroy · 2 months
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When space whale design so good you can't just steal it to your own cosmoopera story so you have to draw your first fanart in years and revive your tumblr art blog to post it
[other version and image description under the cut!]
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Ezra version ♡
[ID: A horizontal artwork showing Exra Bridger from season 2 of Star Wars: Rebels and the group of space whales, Purgil. The purgil are floating in space and one of them, closest to the viewing point, is positioned so that its eye coincides with one of Ezra's eyes. Their eyes are shining teal blue. Ezra is depicted in a somewhat abstract way, he stands waist high and the space behind him, but behind the whales.
In the second version of the image, Ezra is in the foreground, while the Purgil is only in the background. He is standing and holding his lightsaber, looking somewhat lost in thought. ]
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Austria-Hungary Empress Miku
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
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Well me staying up really late to finish this has to count for something, so I'm nit waiting and posting it at 2 am how delightful, well this did start as a kinda vent so i suppose it has to end in a sleep deprived ramble.
Anyway i think Hermie deserves to be mean and to snap, Link deserves to complain but this is turning out to not be about him and they should kiss about it.
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shrimpyjackal · 1 year
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Poor girl.... But at least she got a very cool petshop where she totally didn`t do anything bad to animals.
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lady-forest · 2 days
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patrochilles artstyle practice
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pikselis · 23 days
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Trash ~
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thankstothe · 1 year
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liltaireissocute · 6 months
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having long hair is an urge to tie it all the time
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leskowitx · 6 months
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This homunculus creature
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unforth · 4 months
Alright I'm gonna try to keep this brief but things have progressed enough that they're definitely going to impact my ability to do even my basic online shit so here's wtf has been going on.
A week and a half ago, I found out my dad was very sick. He'd been keeping it a secret. A week ago, my brother came and bullied dad to go to the hospital. He had a systemic infection that would have been fatal left untreated and he also has prostate cancer (which he knew but hadn't told us). He's been hospitalized since; he was discharged yesterday to in-patient rehab because he can't even sit up without help. He is 83 and expected to recover, though if he'll reach 100% is iffy.
His wife, my step-mother, has Alzheimers that has gotten quite advanced. Dad is her sole caretaker (surely why he risked death to stay home with her). She cannot be left alone. With him unable to care for her, my brother, step-brother, and I are juggling her care, but she threatened my brother with a knife so he won't stay with her (she didn’t know who he was, thought he'd broken in to attack her), and I live 2.5 hrs away and step-brother can't do it entirely solo (like. He doesn't drive. He can't get her to appointments or anything) . She needs a long-term not-at-home solution and while dad has been saving money to make that happen, no actual steps had been taken yet.
And I discovered yesterday that I have her power of attorney while dad is incapacitated, which means the legal decisions and responsibility for getting her help are all on me.
Needless to say, that's a lot of pressure and is time consuming, especially factoring in the distances involved - the area where we're looking to place her is 3+ hr drive for me.
And I've still got my own family, two kids, our house and life, and @duckprintspress
I. Might be just a little stressed the fuck out right now.
So. Apologies in advance if I fall behind on anything or fuck anything up. I'm stretched about as far as I can be, and then stretched a bit more just for funsies and The Bit.
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spotforme · 5 months
no but it is a bit funny that in Me², after Rimmer leaves, Lister compares himself to a batchelor and says he's "finally a free man" which sounds like he wasn't those things when Rimmer was there, which makes Rimmer kindof the "nagging wife" in Lister's head, which also maked it sound like they "got back together" when they moved rooms again
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orsanedraws · 6 months
you can't imagine the mental exhaustion from this alone, add the victimblaming, global lack of empathy, fucking delays of aid. if we fall, it's all coming to rest of europe sooner or later.
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narudoblog · 1 year
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*hands you couple of idiots*
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jestroer · 2 years
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Gay rats
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loony-moonsims · 9 days
This is Ivy:
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No, wait... This is Ivy:
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No... Actually this is Ivy:
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Well, actually... All those pics are pics of Ivy. Some can say she has 3 lives. Some say that her creator was a veeeeeeery indisicive human being, but that is 100% lie... Frfr
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polufabrikat-na-vilke · 2 months
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Why are the oranges called oranges but an apple is not called red?
(This audio has been stuck in my head for three days at least)
Anyway, Houseki no Kuni Doppio
I want to make a big post where I'd explain many things that I think Diavolo and Doppio fans should understand but I feel worried about it. Because I'm afraid of criticism and a lot of disagreement. Because I know community tends to do it and not going into discussion but just saying you're wrong. Which is giving me anxiety because it feels like talking to a wall that is falling on you, lol
But I think I'll make it anyway, sooner or later
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