#despair's legacy
andromebaa · 7 months
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Moodboard for the bestest, happiest, most normal OC I have ever made.
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Extended Parting
Synopsis: After being separated from you for so long, Childe finally finds you again.
Foul Legacy x Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Comfort Warnings: Mentions of blood, physical injuries, fear, pain, crying, allusions to being attacked
Original Request by Anon: requesting requesting! beep bop beep bop ! more foul legacy × reader hurt/comfort, perhaps? :3
hear me out- in the format of a scenario; just pure comfort, reader is perhaps sent of to a dangerous mission/commission while childe is away doing his own thing. when he is going back home however, he stumbles across a group of fatui, taking the reader hostage & hurting them. foul legacy's reaction to his "allies" hurting the love of his life? and how he would take care of the reader after, assuming the reader got pretty severe injuries (even though they're not fetal).
Im a big sucker for this big boi getting all soft when the reader is hurt, and i wanna see more of him just holding the bleeding reader in his arms while trying to comfort them
~ * ~
Two weeks, three days, seven hours, and eight minutes. That’s how long you’ve been apart, how long Childe has gone without being in your presence, and he’s hated every second of it. Important commission, hah! No commission could be so important that it took you away from him for this long- almost half a month! All of your other missions took you a week, tops, and even then he could barely handle it, missing you more and more as each day passed without a single word or letter. Of course, he admits, it’s not like Childe didn’t also have his own duties to attend to during this time, this extended parting. As usual, he was forced to store Ajax and Childe away, slipping on the mask of Tartaglia, the Eleventh Harbinger, and taking delight in violent diplomacy. But even fighting and bloodshed did little to satiate his longing for you; how much he wished to see your wonderful smile and that keen twinkle in your eyes, hear your lovely voice, cradle you in his arms and kiss your cheeks- Childe groans, burying his face in his hands. It makes him irritable, constantly yearning for you, and Foul Legacy is even worse. His Abyssal half is constantly clawing at the back of his mind, worrying his talons and whining as he asks why they haven’t seen you yet? Where are you? When will you be back? He wants cuddles something fierce, desperately seeking out the attention and affection you always give him only to find that you’re nowhere near. They’re both so lonely without you, only each other for company, and Childe has to physically bite his hand to prevent Legacy from simply snatching control of their body away and flying off to find you. With a sigh, the Harbinger wipes the blood from his blades, then his hands, and finally his face, ginger hair all wild and unruly. At the very least, today was when he would finally return home to Liyue. He never thought somewhere other than Morepesok could be considered home, but it turns out that “home” is wherever his heart is, and he gave it to you long ago to keep safe from everything that hurts.
Home… Childe’s mind drifts back to the house you both share, a small smile instinctively tugging at his lips. With a quiet snap of his fingers and a salute, his underlings are dismissed- they’ll be going back to the Fatui Headquarters in Snezhnaya. Childe, however, packs his supplies near the road back to the harbor city, waving the agents away, and the moment they’re out of sight his smile widens into a full-on grin, a delighted gleam in his azure eyes. 
Even just thinking about you seems to bring out the best in him, Foul Legacy chirping happily in the back of his head when Childe reassures him that yes, they’ll be seeing you again soon. If you’re done with that horribly long commission of yours, that is, which he’s sure that you are- even the most arduous never take up to three weeks. Despite being exhausted, he finds a spring in his step, dust swirling as his boots land against the dirt path. You, you, you- he’s going to see you again, his beloved and most treasured. Childe almost glows with energetic joy as he jogs, as if he never fell into the Abyss at all. His hand twitches, Foul Legacy begging and pleading to be let out after spending so long locked away, but Childe hushes him gently. You’ve said that you like it when he’s kind to Legacy and Legacy is kind to him- they are part of each other, after all, and you love both of them- so he tries to treat the monster as a friend rather than a weapon, and with a huff Legacy settles back down. Something faint and distant as the moon pierces the night, and Childe pauses, ears pricking. He tilts his head to listen, and for a moment he hears nothing but silence. Until- there, there! A scream! It’s far off, over the next hill, but unmistakably there. Even from a distance Childe can hear the desperation, the terror burning into his bones like a raging fire with a familiarity that makes him stop in his tracks.
No… no, it couldn’t be. It can’t be- Please, please let him be wrong- Childe’s feet carry him towards the sound, dread spiraling and twisting in his gut as another awful shriek rings out and he looks up, eyes widening. He was right. Oh, he was right, and he wishes he wasn’t, because it’s you. It’s you, gripping your weapon like a vice and covered in blood, expression filled with panic and fear and pain. It’s you, still in your adventurer’s gear, bag packed with whatever stupid, insignificant item the commission wanted. It’s you, surrounded by Fatui agents- not his, thank the Archons- the rest of them laughing and sneering. It’s you, hurt and scared and looking as if you’re about to collapse onto the ground and never rise. It’s you, and Childe’s veins freeze over with cold, splintering ice. You’re pressed against a ruined wall, swiping the blade in your hands at the soldiers, who merely snicker at your weakened attempts. The leader- one of those Electro vanguards with a giant hammer- smacks the weapon aside and seizes your arm, and you let out an involuntary yelp of pain as tears prick in your eyes. The yelp is all the motivation he needs, and Childe barely feels his restraint shatter like glass. They never even saw it coming, Foul Legacy throwing his spear and ripping the agents apart as fast as lightning, vibrant purple sparks searing the grass as he roars, driven only by wrath and fury. The vanguard who grabbed you so violently shouts in surprise and horror- then everything goes silent, apart from Legacy’s heavy breathing, claws dripping with blood. He exhales, curling his talons into fist with a tight crackling noise, letting out a low, guttural growl of rage. You bite down fiercely on your tongue, trying to stay quiet, but you can’t help but gasp in pain as the slashes in your body flare, and Foul Legacy’s anger burns away as quickly as a dying candle. He turns and rushes to you, chittering frantically, only to freeze when he sees you stiffen, petrified with fright. His chirps and trills lower to soft croons, gentle and sweet and familiar, crouching slowly to your height and holding out a hand. He tentatively inches forward, hand extended and palm up, claws curling delicately around your wrist when you desperately reach for him. “A-Ajax…?” Legacy’s Abyssal heart cracks, and he swiftly gathers you in his arms, whimpering and nudging his forehead against your cheeks as you cling to him and let out anguished, hitching cries. You suck in a breath when his talons ghost over a wound, and Legacy almost sobs with despair. Some part of him- the rational, trained soldier that is Childe- tells him to get you home, heal you, make sure that you’re well- he carefully gets to his feet, holding you close to his armored chest and adjusting your head so it’s pillowed by his lavender fluff. You shudder with pain again, and Legacy gently licks his tongue over the shallow scrapes on your face, cooing softly; with a flutter of his glimmering wings he takes to the sky, his arms cradling you like you’re made of crystal and gold.
He lands near your shared home not ten minutes later, hastily unlocking the door with the key he always sees Childe using. The house is quiet and a little dusty from being empty for so long, but your bed is as soft as ever as Legacy delicately lowers you down onto the mattress. Childe is the one who tells him what to do, again, guiding his claws to gently wrap your wounds with snow white gauze. None of them are fatal, and Legacy thanks his constellation with a grumbling sigh of relief. A quiet croon slips out when he sees you fading in and out of consciousness, sweetly cupping your cheek with a clawed hand- he’s shaking. Why is he shaking? He’s not the one who nearly died- but your hand comes up to weakly grasp his, and Legacy’s heart melts and breaks and patches itself up all over again.
Your lips twitch into a shaky smile, exhausted, your fingers resting on Legacy’s and soothing the minute trembles running through his body. The Abyssal creature- your wonderful, sweet Abyssal creature- blinks slowly at you, crystalline eye filled with tears that drip down his crimson face and pool in the divots of his mask as he fights to contain the sobs that threaten to break out, and when you reach up your other hand, covered in bandages, to caress his cheek, his breath hitches and he collapses into your arms, burying his head against your neck and weeping. In a whispered voice you coo and murmur and hum to him, repeated words of “it’s okay, I’m here, I’m okay”, and he tries so, so hard to do it back to you, his own sounds cracked and stuttering, something along the lines of “don’t leave, I miss you, I’m sorry”, or as close as he can say with a mouth made for biting and gnashing. Your hands lightly tug him closer- or rather, your hands tiredly loosen and he moves to follow them- until he’s close enough for you to press a soft kiss to his forehead. Legacy immediately purrs, tearful and whimpering, and your silent offer of lifting up the blanket is met with an instance moth monster at your side, curling around your body and holding you close. He’s careful not to squeeze you, trying to get as close as possible and mold his form around yours as you rake your hands through his fluffy coppery hair, drawing more deep, comforting rumbles from within his chest, the type he makes when you’re dreadfully ill.
Cats’ purrs are healing, so you’ve heard. Perhaps Abyssal beasts’ purrs are much the same. Slowly, your eyes begin to droop, and you yawn, exhausted and worn. Foul Legacy quietly nudges you, a croon of reassurance falling from his fanged maw, claws dancing over the wraps on your skin now stained brilliant red. It hurts, it hurts like fire- but you’re safe. Safe in your bed, and in Legacy’s arms, and the tension leeches from you and dissipates into nothing. You vaguely hear a soft melody, low and rumbling and familiar from when you’ve sung Foul Legacy to sleep, and the arms around you tighten ever so slightly as the sun finally dips beneath the horizon into the locked box of night. Two weeks, three days, eight hours, and thirty minutes. That’s how long Foul Legacy refused to let you out of his sight, even after your injuries had closed and healed.
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limonnitsa · 4 months
all chronologically ordered comics about Seb&Ida story [for now]
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first school duel
on the way of the first stroll to Hogsmeade
facing with the reality of Wizarding World
Sebastian and Muggle Studies (part 1)
Sebastian and Muggle Studies (part 2)
reciprocal gift | Ida's wand handle lore
the moment she realized her crush
[something bad happened]
just right after the Imperio incident
the Disturbance (part 1)
the Disturbance (part 2)
the Disturbance (part 3)
the Disturbance (part 4)
[at least 5 parts ahead]
the perron scene
Seb's POV after the perron scene
[a bit more events after]
minutes after the tragedy
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stereoversion · 3 months
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Anders Holm as Bill Randa in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
.:Chapter 3: Maybe This Time Won't Be Different:.
Summary: In which Lloyd has a no-good very bad time at school
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kaitobromota · 7 months
love the ultimate imposter. just thinking about how even when theyre trying to impersonate someone as cold and aloof as the real byakuya they can't help being caring and protective in a way he never was. the way no matter how good they are at their talent their real personality will always shine through because theyre that kind.
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deathbypufferfish · 1 year
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A Day with Mama <3
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weirdraccoon · 1 year
After their first night together.
It wasn't planned, it wasn't on the to-do list even, and they didn't even know they were attracted to each other.
Sebastian was finally letting go of Anne, not accepting her inevitable death but not fighting a losing battle anymore. Ominis was simply going through life, knowing that his family could probably have him killed if he didn't die first. MC still had suicidal tendencies that she had only begun to accept maybe were not as normal as she once thought.
They were celebrating MC's 17th birthday in their sixth year. She was the last one of them to come off age. They had been unofficially dating for about a month, too.
They were drinking to feel even better, or maybe, they were drinking to feel better. Only they knew, and only they could stop.
Too bad they never did learn when to stop.
MC *drunk off her ass and dancing to imaginary music*
Sebastian *staring at her, almost drooling*
Ominis *humming to some other imaginary music, turning to MC when she bumped into him with a laugh*: Are you enjoying yourself, darling?
MC: Sure am *kisses Ominis*
Sebastian *dumbfounded*: Merlin you're both beautiful.
Ominis *laughing*: Come here, you. That's enough drinking for today I think.
Sebastian *cuddling to them*: I won't be drunk tomorrow, but you'll still be beautiful.
MC *giggling*: You're not so bad yourself, Seb.
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sprinklenoodles · 5 months
Tomorrow is Byakuya's birthday! So, you guys know I have to post something! And you guys can decide what!
It'll most likely be posted at the end of tomorrow for since it's gonna be quite some writing. But I gotta do it for Byakuya!
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andromebaa · 7 months
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It was Ren’s birthday on the leap day and I forgot all about her lol sorry sweetie.
- She’s a total mess because she lives in constant fear of becoming like her isolated, weird mother, Toko and/or/not really sure for sure Genocider.
- Despite her anxiety and general skittishness, she’s great with children. Her SHSL talent would be as a caretaker.
-She cut off her hair after a mental breakdown. She used a knife, for obvious reasons. In a happier state I’d imagine she had long, luscious locks. Same with her clothing choice too - she’d probably wear more feminine clothing but she restricts herself in order to appear more mature/reliable.
- She has a strained, complicated relationship with Byakuya. This is mostly due to the unfortunate circumstances of her existence. She was raised by the other original students. I think Chihiro was probably her biggest influence.
- She’s a fantastic sewer and likes to make soft toys in her spare time.
- She’s very clingy and will get attached to anyone who is nice or kind to her. She doesn’t like being the centre of attention though.
- Ren used to be best friends with Daiya as kids before The Incident (tm) which kind of solidified their older personalities and their general dislike of each other.
- Unlike many of the other Legacy students, she is opposed to escaping. She’s afraid of the outside world and wants what is best for the younger children.
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these scenarios of FL being comforted and having poofy hair makes me so SOFT i love them so much!! I wanna pet his hair so bad it's illegal that I can't ;__; <3 <3
same anon, same...... sometimes i really just want Foul Legacy fluff to bury my hands into but woefully i have no Foul Legacy with me ;-;;;
but we can imagine!!! so think about having a tired Foul Legacy curled up on your lap, snoozing away as you idly wind your fingers through his fluffy hair, staring at the fireplace. he's heavy, but not so heavy that you feel crushed, and whenever he snuggles closer you feel your heart grow warm. your hands move slowly from just petting his hair to scritching behind both of his horns, Foul Legacy cooing in his sleep and leaning subconsciously into your touch, head pressing into your hand more and more until he tips over and startles awake with a little yelp. he blinks, still so so sleepy, and nuzzles down into the crook of your neck as you cradle his head, fingers buried in his fluff. with a couple tired, drowsy trills Foul Legacy melts against you, eye slipping shut with a blissful croon when you caress his face, thumb gliding over the dips and edges of his mask-like face
you resume petting him, Foul Legacy resumes his nap, and all is safe and peaceful today
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thetimelordbatgirl · 9 months
Ngl would have honestly preferred if Holly's and Poppy's debuts in the Ever After High episodes had been similar to their doll diaries versus what we ended up getting.
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pechebeche · 2 years
korekiyo's sister is a ghost...komaru can see ghosts......they r both sisters...........i am connecting the dots
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Who would be the most likely Character to just scream in anguish? From the OC's and main cast, To just have so much anguish falling down on them that they just scream in the sky and angrily punch the ground? What situation would it be for each character?
lol most likely is probably Jesse...cuz there's already the Miranda incident...and the ghost Cole thing...and probably everything he goes through in Season 4...and Day of the Departed...and Season 7...and literally any other time he thinks Cole's dead...which is often...and his half of the Harumi situation...and yeah...
Lloyd would probably be screaming more if he wasn't already so used to constant anguish, butttttt I can think of two or three significant times where he'd particularly be pushed over the edge.
Also shoutout to Kai in S3, S4, S7, and Seabound. That poor man.
...and shoutout to Nya, who I technically haven't broken at all ~yet~
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spittyfishy · 2 years
Would you change anything from DR1 and DR2 into your V3 remnants au?
Yes indeed I will! Many things in fact !
Well sorta lol, it’s still a bit up in the air if Thh will be changing much, I might switch up a couple cases to change the survivors, but I haven’t decided yet lol.
SDR2 on the other hand is full on not happening in the au. Like at all lol. The basic premise of the au is Junko chose to turn the V3 kids into despair Instead of the the SDR2 kids, so there’d be no reason for class 77 to need to go into the neo world and subsequently participate in that killing game since they aren’t remnants to begin with. Instead the SDR2 kiddos will be joining the Future Foundation and helping them fight the V3 Remnants! Whoever ends up as the survivors from THH will eventually join them and they’ll all work together to create the Neo World Program as a way to rid V3 of the despair Junko infected them with!
Well actually, not all of the SDR2 kids are on board with the plan to rehabilitate the Remnants. Chiaki is of course, and others like Nekomaru, Mikan, Ibuki, Imposter, Kazuichi, Nagito (duh), and Maybe Mahiru are also on board and helping. But the rest (Fuyuhiko especially, Peko, Hiyoko, Teruteru, Gundham, Sonia (she’s conflicted), and Akane) don’t think the Remnants can be helped and agree with the rest of the FF that the Remnants should just be taken out instead. So the Neo World is still a secret project.
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it frustrates me that the writers did a similar thing with sandor as nine, where the version of them we see outside of their pov backstory novella is a completely different and significantly worse person, and that's the version the rest of their involvement in the series is built on while effectively missing a backstory.
like, sandor in last days of lorien and sandor in nine's legacy are both interesting characters in very different ways. but they are VERY different ways.
[canon-typical child abuse, dehumanization, torture, misogyny, transphobia mention, racism mention, there's a lot here lmao]
[deep breath]
NL!sandor is callous, dehumanizing, and cruel, and absolutely cannot grok that his child is not a belonging and extension of himself, to the point of being shocked when nine gets sick of being treated like a possession and starts really pushing back in a way he can't steamroll over because Hi I am a Fucking Person. he makes use of nine's inheritance to blow on cars and fancy suits and impressing girls, while completely and utterly isolating him and refusing to so much as give him time out of training to read about basic history or literature. when he finally starts half-assedly giving him a little bit of childhood it's because treating nine like a machine wasn't working anymore. he's a misogynistic piece of shit who uses that to emotionally abuse and insult nine and devalue his relationships with other people, while pressuring him to engage those relationships the way sandor would, and telling him that people he wants the respect of will think he's worthless, embarrassing, and a loser if he doesn't go through with it. he belittles nine's choices in presentation and appearance, in ways that are also misogynistic as well as transphobic and frankly pretty racist (hi, shitting on men with long hair). he treats him like a fictional character from comics he likes. it does not cross his mind even slightly to leave after they have LITERALLY BEEN FOUND BY A SCOUT WHO DID NOT REPORT BACK, because it would mean leaving behind his toys and he cares more about those than nine's safety. he guilts nine for supposedly being the one to take away his toys by escaping from the mogs sandor brought down on them, while doing something sandor pressured him relentlessly to do--the dating--and then disparages him for risking everything 'for some girl.' he gaslights him about being 'immature' and 'not thinking straight' when nine won't leave this time. he condemns nine to a year of torture, being forced to watch his girlfriend slaughtered in front of him, having to watch sandor be tortured in front of him, and having to mercy kill him to make it stop. he forces him to kill someone in what is clearly a horrifically traumatic incident, one that leaves him shaking uncontrollably and about to puke, and goes 'get used to it you fuckin pussy there's a war on' before moving right along. after said incident he gleefully beats him bruised and bloody on the regular, to the point where nine starts using his methods to self-harm later, and says 'you're no good to me' when he gets beaten up in the middle of training because he was preoccupied (thinking about the girl sandor pressured him into pursuing). he casually treats him like a servant. he makes him pick out knives to be thrown at him later. he calls his new legacy an upgrade.
like. there's more. there's more! the list is long! holy shit! he is interesting but jesus christ!
......and he is nothing like LDoL!sandor.
i could go on for a long time about this and in a followup i probably will, but like.
[deep breath the second]
LDoL!sandor would doubtlessly not be a great parent either, but it wouldn't be Like That. it would be single teen immigrant parent with zero support whatsoever, and no life experience with a place where there's scarcity and rough weather and shelter isn't always easy to come by and day-to-day life isn't relatively safe. it would be a very very adhd and autistic single teen parent who has never really learned how to cope with that outside specific social context and is very irresponsible because of it, and is also irresponsible as backlash against the authoritarian dystopia he grew up in. who is going to be fighting off the mother of all adhd/autistic burnout after a year and a half bottled up in a tiny space with a bunch of animals and SEVENTEEN OTHER PEOPLE, half of whom are small children, and more specifically has been left in charge of another very neurodivergent small child who is extremely loud and hyperactive and not good at grokking the idea of personal space. LDoL!sandor would be a parent who fiercely, desperately loves and wants the best for his kid, but is also a kid himself who is trapped in an absolute fucking nightmare scenario, and is desperately trying not to drown, and failing.
also a really interesting character! and a really goddamn heartbreaking one at that! and a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ONE from the sandor we got, whose arc and personality have the clearest knock-on effects on NL!nine's characterization, and then (to a lesser extent, for Reasons but that's a whole lot of posts of their own) canon!nine's throughout the series. and it's frustrating because if you try to use LDoL!sandor instead, it completely changes the fundamental themes of NL!nine's character and arc.
namely: pushing back against the idea that because you are a child you are an extension of me, not a person, and i own you. having both childhood and adulthood dangled over your head, to yank you around as a method of control by adults who were never going to treat you as a person either way. trying to become the latter for the agency to scrape together what you can of the former, and only having those last few scraps taken from you too in the process. infantilization vs adultification. That Kind of Thing.
(which, god that would have given him so many fantastic parallels and foils with five, but that is also something for another post or it will derail this train into the next state over. i could go on for So Long about this)
and! none of that would be a thing if he hadn't had the sandor for a guardian who treated him that way. aaaaaaa!!!
anyway there's a lot i could say about this but the long and short of it is that i am confident LDoL!sandor would beat NL!sandor to death with his own pasty little hands
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