#desperately in need of coffee
marshart · 1 year
My gosh I want coffee but we don’t have anymore water
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ssshh-im-a-secret · 1 year
Can I write a 750-1000 word essay in a little under an hour?
We’re about to fucking find out!
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chimerahyperfix · 2 months
You’re looking for something— no, someone, too, aren’t you?
(I can’t comprehend how you understand what’s going on, with your lifeless shell. Craft as you are.)
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#isat#in stars and time#live a live#isat loop#cube live a live#RAHHHHHH [COMBINES MY FIXATIONS]#behold my crack fic au. tiny robot in dormont#I’m cooking let me cook. cube has the little guy little dude vibes#and is also canonically like. a baby?#their chapter in the game happens the day they were finished#so. a baby.#cube is so <3. their chapter is a space horror#I would 100% recommend at least watching a video of it#IT GOES CRAZYYYYYY#pov flicking a card that says die child die at the floor. so#anyways. this au makes no sense to anyone but me#this is MY funny house and I’m going to play in it#worlds smartest baby [a robot] figures out timeloop shit before the party more at 2#if you ask I WILL ramble abt the concept of this au I will#<- trying desperately to get away from working on my other au post#[I need to draw smth for it and I’m struggling lollll]#sitting here like ughhh I don’t wanna draw this imageee [puts off entire au post]#ANYWAYSSSS#LOOP WOULD HATE THIS KID. the fuck is a robot.#the fuck is this damn thing and how has it read me literally immediately#how dare you be made of craft. be artificial. and be able to read my despair like a book#how dare you; a fake being made by someone else. be more human to me than the people that once were my party#how dare you want to help me when I dont know you because you didn’t EXIST in my loops#…but. uh. thanks for the coffee. even if I can’t drink it I recognize the sentiment. or whatever#falls to the floor dramatically. oughhhh loop and cube ougughhh
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to-the-all-blue · 7 months
On my walk home from the cafe I was thinking about Sanji (as one does) and how every influence in his life for 19 years screamed at him to hunker down, stay silent, and never appear weak.
As much as I love Zeff and know he loved Sanji, it's clear he has such a straight-laced and unflinching view of masculinity and what it means to be a man. The environment on the Baratie was an extension of that.
It was a machismo world where affection was hidden behind kicks to the head and insults. The kind of environment where cutting your hand or something gets a response of "what? You call that an injury? Don't cry over nothing". Where outright kindness has to be dragged out of people, and then immediately covered up with a half-baked insult.
Throw into that environmemt a little boy who is desperate to prove he's not the failure he was told he was, and out pops a man who wears his heart on his sleeve for "acceptable manly emotions" but who hides real emotions behind anger, and hides pain (physical or emotional) altogether so as not to seem weak.
Tack onto that the idea that the only surefire way to show love is through self sacrifice (his mom + Zeff), then of course Sanji will be all sorts of jacked up.
We see throughout the series how Sanji is so unwilling to be vulnerable or to even admit he's feeling hurt at all. Plaster a smile on, make some comment about loving women, and voila! He's the man's man everyone expects. No need to worry about him. After all: he's strong.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Birthday Surprise
Happy birthday to the GREATEST of all humans!!! Even though you don’t consume ST things the way I do, I hope you accept this small token (as well as the nails… and the tea… and the text… 😂). Love you babe! ❤️ @doubledeckersofa
“Stevie,” Eddie crooned, soft and low.
Steve hummed as he was dragged away from sleep, frowning in the morning light. He opened an eye to peer at Eddie. “‘S early. Hav’a nightmare?”
Eddie chuckled, a rush of breath over Steve’s cheek. “No, sweet thing. Wanted to make sure I said it first.”
Steve frowned again, sluggishly moving closer to Eddie, laying his head on Eddie’s shoulder. “Said what?”
Eddie pressed a kiss to Steve’s temple. “Happy birthday,” he whispered, and suddenly Steve was wide awake.
“Oh,” he murmured, smiling when Eddie chuckled. “I forgot.”
“You forgot your birthday?”
“Well if someone hadn’t woken me up at the asscrack of dawn…”
Eddie snorted. “Check again, babe, it’s nine.”
Steve frowned at him. “You’re lying.”
“Nope.” He popped the p. “‘Course, that happens when you don’t go to bed ‘til the next morning.”
“Yeah, what was it, like three?”
“Just about.”
“Which means you woke me up after six hours. Jesus fuck, Eds, how are you awake right now? And functioning?”
“Says the one who just did math.” He gently poked Steve’s cheek. “You’re… you’re not mad, right? That I woke you?”
Steve playfully snapped his teeth at the finger floating by his face, then turned to press a kiss to Eddie’s collarbone. “No. But I am going back to sleep.”
Just then, someone banged on the trailer door. “Steve? Steve! I know you’re there, man, open up!”
Steve groaned and pushed his face into the pillow. “How much would we have to pay Wayne to threaten Dustin into going away?”
Eddie snorted. “I like how you think that would work at all. You know Wayne adores Dustin.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get the door before he wakes up? And start the coffee? I’m gonna get dressed.”
“On it,” Eddie promised, pressing one last kiss to Steve’s lips.
Just then, the trailer door opened, and Steve and Eddie shared a look. “Too late. He’s up.”
“How upset’s he gonna be?”
Eddie chuckled. “I think you should come out here with me. Wayne’s got a way about him. You might even see an apology outta Dustin.”
Steve rolled his eyes as he sat up and pulled on the first shirt he could find. “Now that would be a birthday miracle.”
They stumbled out into the living room together, Steve snickering as Eddie almost tripped over his own feet. “Shuddup,” he muttered, shoving lightly at Steve’s shoulder before pulling him close to smack another kiss to his temple.
“Sap,” Steve muttered, and Eddie grinned.
Wayne cleared his throat, and they stopped short. “Your boy’s got somethin’ to say.”
Eddie elbowed Steve. “Toldja,” he muttered.
Wayne gave Eddie a look, and he looked down. “Sorry.”
“I, uh, I’m sorry,” Dustin said. “For interrupting your rest and banging on the door and, uh, making a general nuisance of myself.” He glanced up at Wayne, who nodded.
Steve sighed. “It’s alright. I know you get excited. If you could just remember there are other people in the world, you’d be set.”
“Yeah. Um, in my defense I did come over to help make birthday pancakes.” He held up a little bottle. “I even brought the sprinkles!”
Steve snorted and jerked his head to the side, motioning Dustin close enough he could sling an arm over his shoulders and press his knuckles to the top of his head. “Thanks, bud. Lemme get a coffee- oh, Jesus, marry me,” he interrupted himself, reaching for the mug Eddie was handing to him.
Eddie froze for a second, then smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist. “Soon as we’re able, babe, I’m getting on one knee.”
“Um.” Dustin blinked. “I feel like I wasn’t supposed to be here for that. Should I come back later? Like in a couple of hours?”
“I second that,” Wayne added, and Steve flushed red as he buried his face in Eddie’s shoulder.
“I need everyone to please forget I said that.”
“No can do,” Eddie laughed, taking the mug only to put it down and wrap both arms around Steve’s waist. He nudged at Steve’s temple with his nose. “Want them to come back later? I know you meant it, but I also know you wouldn’t’ve said it if you weren’t so tired.”
Steve sighed. “No, it’s fine. I’ll drink the coffee and be fine as long as we can sleep tonight.”
“We can.” He began to sway them gently. “You know I’d say yes?”
“If you were asking. Or whenever you ask. If you ask. I’d say yes.” He pressed a kiss to Steve’s cheekbone. “And I meant what I said. The minute it’s legal, I’m down on one knee.”
Steve pulled back and framed Eddie’s face with his hands. “I know,” he murmured, leaning in for a short, sweet kiss.
They pulled apart after a minute, and Eddie handed Steve the coffee again. “Go sit down. I’ll help the kid.”
“You’re still under eighteen, squirt, legally I can still call you that.”
They bickered all the way into the kitchen, and Steve smiled at them as he sipped his coffee.
“About that,” Wayne said, and Steve blanched.
“I swear when I ask for real I’ll get your blessing first.”
Wayne chuckled. “Consider it had. I knew you two were it when you barely left his bedside in the hospital.”
Steve blinked. “We weren’t even dating yet.”
Wayne raised a brow. “Was I wrong?”
He chuckled. “I guess not. Since then? Really?”
Wayne hummed. “You lit up. You both did, seein’ each other. ‘S like the rest of the world ceased to exist. I saw it again just now.”
Steve stood silent for a moment, thinking. “Thanks, Wayne.”
“You’ll always have a home here. That’s not dependent on you two bein’ together. You’re my kid as much as he is.”
“Oh,” Steve said quietly, and quickly took another sip, as if to stop the tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.
Suddenly, he laughs. “Eddie and I are basically co-parenting the kids. How do you feel about being a grandfather to seven rugrats?”
Wayne laughed, his eyes glassy. “Pretty damn good, kid, pretty damn good.”
Permanent taglist:
@justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove
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snackugaki · 2 years
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slightlymore · 6 months
doyoung representing McDonald's is heartbreaking but he still had a small sliver of benefit of the doubt given how idols can't refuse jobs
but seeing him post that shit on his ig out of his own accord having full access to his own account and liberty to choose what he wants to post is unforgivable and I refuse to engage in doyoung fandom anymore, thanks
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weirdlyeldritch · 5 months
I need help (again)
I need someone to give me screen shots of the 3's coffee n bombs inside at all angles please :3
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queer-ecopunk · 9 months
Hello, out of curiosity - I suspect you are based in the us - is it legal there to dumpster dive? Or what's the situation about dumpster diving there? Because where I live it's really illegal and if you're caught you'll get in serious trouble, especially when it's the dumpster of a supermarket, so I was just curious.
Yes, I'm on the east coast of the US and dumpster diving itself is legal in this state. I've also gone over the border into a state where it is illegal, without issue. However, there's a lot of gray area, especially in regards to what counts as "private property," which is technically illegal to dive. And even being legal doesn't prevent divers from dealing with many issues.
Unfortunately, in my experience, a lot of dumpster diving risks are highly dependent on people, regardless of legality. The big ones are: if people see you, will they harrass you or call the cops on you? And if the cops show up, how will they treat you? Your location and personal identity can help make an informed decision about if you're comfortable diving.
The attitude of the general public and specifically store workers can help people get away with a lot. But if people in your area dislike, look down on, or are actively hostile towards dumpster diving (and other activities associated with being poor), then they're much more likely to report, confront, or try to drive you away.
There is often a measurable difference in response from people based on if they believe you are homeless or not. If you are, or may be seen as such, people are much more likely to call the cops on you. Additionally, if you are visibly part of a racial, ethnic, or religious minority in your area, or if you are visibly queer or disabled, you are more at risk, especially if the cops are called.
While diving itself is legal in many places, people can still be arrested and charged with things like trespassing, loitering, dumping (putting your own trash in someone's dumpster), and other associated crimes. They may also face harassment from store employees and others. You can bet that POC and people perceived as homeless deal with these issues far more than others in the US and elsewhere.
I know some people who prefer to dive during the day for these reasons. They are more likely to be mistaken for a store employee, and appear less threatening in the light. Others, myself included, like to go at night way after closing time, when you're less likely to run into anyone.
To anyone who wants to start diving, concider your risk factors. They don't mean you can't dive, but it's important to think about issues you may run into and how you would handle them. If possible, start with very low risk locations and work your way up when you're ready. I'm very pro- "getting comfortable doing things that are illegal but shouldn't be," however, no place is worth your safety.
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tea4silver · 2 years
okay, y'all know what?? let's do option 2!!!
reblog this with your own interpretation of Jekyll and Hyde and I'll try to make it into a bigger collab :DDD
also don't mind if I get a bit creative while stylizing but I'll try my best to stay as close to original as possible ^^
(be advised, this might take a couple weeks for me, but I'd absolutely love to see everyone's versions :)))
oh fuck I might have to draw... a background.
edit 2: and we have reached 40!!
submissions are now closed!!
thank you to everyone who contributed!!!! love y'all and your amazing works <3
and now off to work!!!
also yet again, I shall ask for your patience,,,, I'm really sorry but I'm already drowning in too much to do, so even while prioritizing this, it'll take a few weeks... I'll try and keep y'all updated ^^
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lolexjpg · 11 days
i’ve always said that the qualification gap says as much about alex as it does about logan. like logan has his issues and a lot of it probably stems from confidence, but he’s also going against someone who is incredibly good. a lot of drivers would struggle to close that gap to alex, not just logan, and refusing to recognize is just disrespectful to alex, who is driving the wheels off that tractor
Couldn't have said it better myself!!! Last year I said that Alex out qualifying Logan the whole wasnt a reflection of Logan being bad it's a reflection of how Damn Good alex is!!! And I stand by that!!!!!!
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groovybun-png · 2 months
I need bottom lucky luke smut.....
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truantng · 5 months
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27/366 Twitter
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saltygilmores · 4 months
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Thanks again for helping me solve the stupidest Gilmore Girls mystery of all time (I'm still confounded by the fact that it was this season and this episode), and also for making me realize I very much need to rewatch "Nick and Nora/Sid & Nancy" and write about it, because my copy-and-pasted-tweets recap I did on here two years ago was super crappy and did not do it any justice. So anyway this scene was a kinda blink-and-miss it thing. Lorelai was indeed boycotting the diner (AGAIN) due to a fight with Luke, so moments earlier she had attempted to use Rory as a pawn in her little game and sent her in to place orders for the both of them but Luke caught on and would only serve Rory. Bereft of Luke's special Hills Brothers supermarket coffee blend, Lorelai is then seen at home complaining that there's nowhere else she can possibly buy coffee, then she pulls that white bag of coffee from her fridge. Rory sits at the table working on the interview she was planning with Max Medina. Then Luke barges in the door, goes on his jam hands rant, and Babette shows up next to inquire about her missing gnome.
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
*Lights start flickering*
*Tuffnut crawls across the ceiling*
Hiccup: Oh, for the love of-
Ruffnut: Who gave Tuffnut COFFEE?
Snotlout, sobbing: I thought you were joking!
Tuffnut: I cAn SeE sOuNdS!
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citrine-elephant · 3 days
leon, but he has regen abilities similar to sherry, except a liiittle different....
the heat of battle, a big ol' bastard taken down in a hail of bullets and fire and a glorious 4th of july display of patriotism.
leon kinda just. stumbles. there's a look on his face. disoriented, confused. shock.
it's only as he makes it past a slab of concrete painted in hell's favourite shade that his teammates notice
as he turns with a thousand yard stare
and all his teammates see is a reanimated corpse as leon tries, and fails, to figure out where the fuck his arm went.
anyways to cut a long story short, boy gets the verdugo treatment and instead of deadpool'ing a fresh human arm back, he gets cool bug armoured fist uwu
looks kiiinda grody tho...
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