#despite her constant display of indifference?
dragongirlsnout · 7 months
with regards to recent events,
dashboard unfucker will no longer be actively maintained, and the development of the Dashboard Plus extension is being shelved, along with all of my unpublished work for XKit Rewritten.
despite the fact that tumblr as a website is largely propped up by LGBTQ+ content creators, many of whom are trans women, the way this website has treated and continues to treat trans women is utterly disgusting.
from the harassment trans women face from this site's users, many of whom claim to be trans allies or are even trans themselves, to transphobic moderators targeting trans women and selling bans for money, all the way to the CEO of the website directly confronting a trans woman and threatening legal action against her for inactionable threats, tumblr has made it clear that it is by no means the queerest place on earth.
some of my trans sisters may remain on tumblr, even when faced with constant vitriol. i am deeply proud of them and their visibility in the face of hostility, however after seeing recent events unfold, and after being directly confronted by tumblr's CEO himself in a digusting display of indifference, i myself have decided to move onto better pursuits for the larger part. tumblr no longer holds the same shine for me that it did five years ago, and i can no longer justify spending hours of my time every week pouring more work and love into this site than any member of staff ever did.
i thank you all for the support you've given me in the past 8 months, whether through donations, contributions to the script, or even just sending me a kind message. i would ask that you show the same generosity and kindness to other trans girls in my absence, and especially to those who don't code, or write stories, or draw art. every trans girl is valuable, and their worth is more than any arbitrary set of talents. and a little love can go a long way.
yours truly,
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thewulf · 6 months
Bulletproof Bonds || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - Maybe a husband!Aaron x Long Time BAU!wife and how there’s a new member to the BAU and she keeps trying to flirt with Aaron but he keeps turning her down🥲 but the new member doesn’t know that Aaron and reader are married, and new member just thinks of reader as competition to get with Aaron, eventually leading to reader getting really mad cause new member does something really stupid on a case that leads to reader almost getting seriously injured??... Read Rest Here
A/N: Really loved writing this one. Hope you all enjoy! Thank you for the request @viscade !
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader,
Word Count: 3.1k
TW: Yelling, gunshot (non wounded)
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In the bustling chaos of the BAU bullpen, Aaron Hotchner sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he sifted through the multitude of case files scattered before him. A usual sight for the unit chief. The harsh fluorescent lights cast stark shadows across his features, accentuating the lines of exhaustion etched into his face by years of chasing monsters in the dark.
You sat by his side, a silent sentinel amidst the whirlwind of activity. Your own workspace dedicated beside him cluttered with documents and crime scene photos. The faint aroma of stale coffee hung in the air as you both delved into the intricate web of clues left behind by the latest serial killer to plague the streets. It was always so easy with him, your husband. The way the two of you were able to bounce ideas off each other was like none seen before.
The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy weight pressing down on everyone present as they grappled with the enormity of the task at hand. Each unsolved case seemed to loom over them like a specter, a constant reminder of the lives lost and the justice yet to be served. Amidst all the usual chaos, Agent Sarah Miller made her presence known. Her arrival heralded by the soft click of her heels against the linoleum floor. She moved with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, her youthful exuberance a stark contrast to the world-weary countenances of her colleagues. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.
Sarah's eyes lingered on Aaron as she sauntered past his open aired desk, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of her lips. She was young, ambitious, and hungry for success. Her gaze fixed on the formidable figure of the BAU's leader like a moth drawn to a flame.
Despite Aaron's cold indifference, she persisted in her attempts at flirtation, undeterred by his lack of response. Her tactics were shamelessly transparent, her words dripping with false sweetness as she sought to capture his attention. Agent Sarah Miller yet again walked past Aaron's desk, her gaze lingering on him for a moment too long before she turned her attention to you. There was a subtle flicker of annoyance in her eyes as she took in your presence, her lips curling into a barely concealed sneer.
"Hey, Hotch," she purred, leaning against the edge of his desk with practiced ease. "You must be tired of staring at all those files. Why don't you take a break and grab a coffee with me?" Her eyes kept looking back to you in brief flashes to gauge your reaction. You decided early on after her brazen attempts that you would give her none. A layer of disgust masked on top of the doe eyes she was attempting to give your husband was meant for you. She was very forward, you had to give her that one.
Aaron's response was polite but firm, his tone devoid of any warmth. "I'm sorry, Agent Miller, but I have work to do," he replied, his eyes never leaving the papers in front of him.
Undeterred, Sarah flashed him a flirtatious smile, her gaze lingering on him expectantly. "Maybe some other time, then," she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness before she finally strolled away.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at her blatant display of interest, the subtle scoff escaping your lips as you returned your focus to the files sprawled across your desk. "Some profiler she is," you muttered under your breath, the sarcasm dripping from your words like venom. It was a small act of defiance, a way to vent the frustration bubbling just beneath the surface as you watched Sarah's failed attempts at seduction.
Your comment earned a small smirk from Aaron, his lips quirking up in amusement as he glanced up from his work. His eyes met yours, a silent acknowledgment passing between you, a shared understanding of the absurdity of the situation. In that fleeting moment, you found solace in the unspoken reassurance that he was not blind to Sarah's antics, nor was he unaffected by them.
As the tension in the room continued to get heavier, you exchanged a knowing glance with Aaron, the unspoken bond between you speaking volumes. It was a silent reminder of the unbreakable connection that bound you together, a tether grounding you amidst the disarray swirling around you. In that moment, you drew strength from the knowledge that no amount of flirtation from the new agent could ever hope to rival the deep-seated love and loyalty that defined your marriage.
But beneath the surface, resentment simmered, fueled by the blatant disrespect for the boundaries of your marriage. Each lingering glance, each flirtatious comment served as a reminder of the fragile line Sarah was treading, unaware of the storm brewing beneath the calm facade. Yet, as frustrating as her antics were, you knew that the true test of your marriage lay not in her misguided advances but in the unwavering trust and devotion you shared with Aaron. A bond that would withstand any challenge thrown your way.
You had to give the girl credit. She certainly didn’t stop. It was not even an hour later that the girl came crawling right back to him. In the dimly lit bullpen of the BAU, the seasoned agents huddled together, their eyes darting furtively around the room as they exchanged knowing glances. Reid, Garcia, Morgan, and Prentiss stood in a tight circle. Their voices hushed as they leaned in conspiratorially.
"So, who's going to crack first?" Garcia whispered, her eyes sparkling mischievously behind her glasses.
Prentiss smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "My money's on Y/N. She's got that poker face down pat."
Reid nodded in agreement, adjusting his glasses. "And she's got a wicked sense of humor. I don't think she's sweating it."
Just then, Morgan, ever the observant one, interjected with a grin. "You know what, I'm with both of you on this one. Y/N's handling this like a pro. She's probably just waiting for the perfect moment to drop a witty comeback."
The others turned to look at you, noticing your bemused expression as you observed the scene unfolding with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. The new agent, eager to impress, leaned in a little too close to Hotch, her voice dropping to a suggestive whisper. "So, Hotch, any plans for dinner tonight?"
Hotch glanced up from his paperwork, his expression remaining impassive. "Just finishing up some reports, Agent. Nothing planned."
Undeterred, the new agent persisted, fluttering her eyelashes coyly. "Well, if you change your mind, I know this great Italian place down the street."
Hotch merely nodded, returning his attention to the file in front of him. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Agent."
Behind his back, the BAU members couldn't contain their laughter, stifling their giggles as they watched the new agent's attempts fall flat. It was clear that Hotch was immune to her charms, his focus unwavering even in the face of relentless flirting.
As Sarah retreated, finally somewhat defeated, the BAU members exchanged triumphant looks, their silent bet settled. Hotch may have been unflappable in the field, but when it came to dodging unwanted advances, he was truly a master of his craft. And you, well, you were just enjoying the show, your amused smile barely masking your annoyance as you watched the scene unfold.
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The breaking point came during a particularly intense case, where the unsub's erratic behavior had everyone on edge. You felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you moved cautiously through the dimly lit corridors of an abandoned warehouse, every nerve on high alert.
In the heat of the pursuit, Sarah's impulsive decision shattered the fragile equilibrium you had struggled to maintain with your team. Ignoring protocol and disregarding the safety of the team, she charged ahead recklessly, her actions sending shockwaves rippling through your ranks. Bullets flew past you like angry hornets, the deafening roar of gunfire echoing off the walls as chaos descended upon you.
It happened in the blink of an eye, a split-second decision with far-reaching consequences. A bullet sliced through the air like a deadly whisper, its trajectory aimed straight for your chest. But thanks to the protective barrier of your bulletproof vest, the impact was nothing more than a forceful shove, the fabric absorbing the blow with a sickening thud. The impact knocked the wind out of you, pain searing through your body as you stumbled backward, clutching your chest.
As the adrenaline faded and the reality of what could have been sunk in, fury ignited like a wildfire within you. You rounded on Sarah, your voice a crescendo of anger as you unleashed the pent-up frustration that had been building for weeks. Each word was a dagger aimed straight at her heart. Your tone laced with a venomous ferocity that mirrored the intensity of the emotions raging within you.
Coughing up blood, your vision blurred as you struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Anger surged through you like a tidal wave, drowning out the pain as you staggered to your feet. With a primal roar, you lunged at Sarah, grabbing her by the collar with a strength born of desperation.
"What the fuck was that?" you yelled, louder than you ever had before. And certainly not in front of the team. Your voice raw with fury. Each word was a thunderclap, reverberating through the warehouse like a warning shot. "You could have killed me! Or them! Do you even realize what you've done?"
But Sarah's response was a defiant sneer, her gaze unwavering in the face of your righteous indignation. "I did what needed to be done," she spat, her voice laced with arrogance. "I'm not afraid to take risks to get the job done."
The words were like a slap to the face, a cruel reminder of the recklessness that had nearly cost you everything. With all your rage, you shoved her away, your hands trembling with anger as you struggled to contain the tempest raging within you.
"You're a liability," you growled, your voice a low, dangerous whisper. "And if you ever put my life, their lives,” You pointed to Spencer and Emily behind you, “in danger again, I won't hesitate to take you down myself."
As you stood there, trembling with fury and pain, the rest of the team made their way over. You still hasn’t seen Aaron yet but the rest of them looked on in shock and disbelief. Derek surged forward, his strong arms wrapping around you as he pulled you back from the confrontation. "Easy there Y/N," he said, his voice low and soothing as he tried to calm the storm raging within you. "Cool off."
Emily and JJ exchanged worried glances. Finally, Aaron found you after too many moments of losing it in front of everyone. His eyes widened in alarm as he took in the sight of blood staining your lips, his heart clenching with fear at the sight. "What happened?" he demanded. His usually calm voice was laced with urgency as he reached out to gently touch your arm. His fingers trembled against your skin, his touch a comforting anchor in the swirling chaos of the moment.
Still reeling from the confrontation and the shock of narrowly escaping serious injury, Spencer stepped forward, his voice calm but tinged with urgency. "Aaron, Sarah made a nearly fatal mistake," he said, his words cutting through the tension like a knife. "Her impulsive actions endangered everyone on the team, especially Y/N." You were thankful he was willing to step in because you weren’t quite sure if you had the right words.
Aaron's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching with barely contained fury as he turned his gaze on Sarah. The air around him crackled with palpable anger, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive. "Is this true?" he demanded, his voice cold and steely as he pinned her with a hard stare.
Sarah shifted uncomfortably under his intense scrutiny, her bravado faltering in the face of his unwavering gaze. "I...I was just trying to apprehend the unsub," she stammered, her voice wavering with uncertainty.
But Aaron's patience had worn thin, his temper flaring like a raging inferno. "You made a reckless decision that put the entire team at risk," he snapped, his voice echoing off the walls of the warehouse. "Until you can prove that you're capable of following protocol and putting the safety of your teammates above all else, you will not be back in the field."
The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the consequences of her actions. Sarah's expression fell, her defiance crumbling under the weight of his judgment. It was a harsh lesson, but one that she would need to learn if she ever hoped to earn back the trust of her colleagues and prove herself worthy of wearing the badge.
As Aaron turned away, his attention returning to you with a renewed sense of protectiveness, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the unwavering support of your team leader and husband. But as you tried to catch your breath, a sudden coughing fit wracked your body, drawing Aaron's attention back to you. Concern flashed across his features, his eyes narrowing with worry as he stepped closer, his hand reaching out to steady you.
"Hey sweetheart," he murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress against your ear as he brushed a strand of hair away from your forehead. "Let's get you checked out, alright?"
You attempted to speak, but the coughing fit continued, leaving you gasping for air. So, you shook your head in protest. You were fine and you knew it, but the damn bullet hit you right in the lung leaving you gasping for air. Aaron's worry deepened, his brow furrowing with concern as he knelt down beside you, his hands hovering anxiously over your shoulders.
"Honey, just breathe," he urged, his voice filled with tenderness as he placed a comforting hand on your back. "We'll get you to the hospital, and they'll take care of you. I promise." It wasn’t usual that he dropped those sweet terms of endearment to you in front of the team, but he couldn’t really care. Not when he could’ve lost you.
Despite your protests, Aaron's determination remained steadfast. With gentle insistence, he scooped you up in his arms, cradling you against his chest with a strength born of love and concern. "You're going to the hospital," he declared, his voice unwavering as he carried you towards his SUV. “I’m not taking no for an answer sweetheart."
As Aaron settled into the driver's seat beside you, his eyes flickered with concern as he stole glances, his hand reaching out to brush against yours in a silent gesture of reassurance. But despite his unwavering determination to get you to the hospital, you couldn't help but feel a stubborn sense of resistance bubbling within you.
"I'm fine, Aaron," you insisted, your tone tinged with frustration as you crossed your arms over your chest. "This is incredibly dramatic. You’ve been hit in your gear too."
Aaron's expression softened at your words, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Maybe I am," he admitted with a chuckle. "I also know what it feels like honey. I’d rather be safe than sorry."
You shot him a playful glare, unable to suppress the teasing smile that danced on your lips. He cared for you, truly. Every inch of himself loved you more deeply than even you could have fathomed. You also knew that love bore stubbornness and there was no talking him out of what he knew he had to do. You were just along for the ride now. "You just can't resist playing the hero, can you?" You spoke up after a moment of silence between the two of you.
Aaron chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he glanced over at you. "Guilty as charged," he replied. "Always remind me never to get on your bad side," Aaron quipped, a lighthearted smile playing on his lips as he attempted to alleviate the tension that hung heavy in the air.
You managed a weak laugh trying your hardest to hide the pain radiating from your chest. However, so grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. "You looked like you were about to take matters into your own hands back there," he teased gently, his voice laced with affection.
The image of you, ready to throw down with the new agent, brought a genuine laugh bubbling up from deep within you this time. "Well, she did have it coming," you admitted with a mischievous grin. "But I guess I'll let you handle the heroics this time."
As the laughter subsided, Aaron's expression turned more serious, a hint of regret flickering in his eyes. "I'm sorry things got so heated," he said softly, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I should have stepped in sooner. I thought she was harmless. Dealt with her type so many times before." He sighed, running a hand through his hair before finding your hand and lacing his fingers within yours.
You squeezed his hand, a warm smile spreading across your face. "It’s not your fault you’re such a silver fox," Tossing him a wink you couldn’t help but to tease him right on back. It’s how you knew everything was going to be just fine. The two of you had dealt with so much worse and come out even stronger, this would be nothing but a minor blip on your journey together.
Aaron laughed at your playful comment, a warmth spreading in his chest at your familiar banter. "Ah, so you're saying my charm is both a blessing and a curse," he retorted with a grin, his gaze softening as he looked at you.
You nodded, a fond smile playing on your lips. "Something like that," you agreed, feeling a surge of gratitude for the ease with which you could navigate even the toughest moments with Aaron by your side.
As the car glided through the streets towards the hospital, a comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated only by the gentle hum of the engine. Despite the events that had unfolded, you found solace in the quiet intimacy of the moment, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, you would face them together. With each passing mile, you felt the weight of the day begin to lift from your shoulders, replaced by a sense of reassurance that only Aaron could provide. His unwavering love and support was everything you needed. He guided you through the darkness, illuminating the path forward with hope and determination.
As you arrived at the hospital and Aaron helped you out of the car, you knew that this was just another chapter in your life together. You couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the man beside you, your literal partner in crime, your rock, your everything. Together, you were truly unstoppable.
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: (Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22 @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mrs-ssa-hotch @panandinpain0 @viscade @kreepja @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @kajjaka @guacam011y
Request Taglist: @michasia24 @alicexvrose @samsgoddess @octoavia @agustdpeach @nescavaneck @casualpruneranchfire @sebastiansstanswhore @kaysolai @samron15 @lillianacristina @ryswritingrecord @bitterest-taste
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herlondonboy · 7 months
so this is love, clarisse la rue
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summary: based on this request.
warnings: a tiny bit of angst, happy ending.
wc: 1.7k
a/n: it’s been a long time coming… this was supposed to come out on valentine’s day!!!
you and clarisse la rue couldn't be more different. you're the embodiment of affection, always wearing your heart on your sleeve, while clarisse is as closed off as a fortress, her emotions locked away behind thick stone walls. it's a paradoxical pairing, one that has left your friends and acquaintances scratching their heads in confusion, unable to comprehend why someone as warm and open as you would be drawn to someone as cold and distant as clarisse.
but for you, it's not about logic or reason—it's about the inexplicable pull of attraction, the magnetic force that drew you to clarisse from the moment you met. maybe it was her piercing gaze, her wit, or the way she carried herself with an air of unapproachable confidence. whatever it was, you found yourself falling for her, despite the warnings from those around you.
your relationship with clarisse is a constant push and pull, a delicate dance between your affectionate nature and her guarded demeanor. you shower her with love and attention, hoping to chip away at the walls she's built around herself, while she remains stoic and aloof, seemingly unaffected by your displays of affection.
it's a source of frustration for you, constantly trying to break through to clarisse, to show her that your love is genuine and unwavering. you write her love letters, leave little surprises for her, and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, hoping that one day she'll let you in and share her innermost thoughts and feelings with you.
but clarisse remains elusive, her walls seemingly impenetrable. she deflects your advances with a sharp wit and a sly smile, keeping you at arm's length even as you long to hold her close. it's a cycle of longing and rejection, of hope and disappointment, that threatens to tear you apart.
your friends don't understand why you continue to pursue clarisse, unable to see past the surface to the complex, multi-faceted person she truly is. they question her motives, doubt the sincerity of her feelings, and wonder aloud why you bother with someone who seems so indifferent to your affections.
but you know the truth. you see glimpses of vulnerability in clarisse, moments of tenderness that she tries so hard to conceal. you sense the turmoil beneath her cool exterior, the inner struggle between the walls she's built and the desire to let someone in.
and so you persevere, refusing to give up on clarisse despite the obstacles that stand in your way. you believe in the power of love to conquer all, to bridge the divide between two seemingly incompatible souls. and as you continue to walk this tumultuous path with clarisse by your side, you hold onto hope that one day, she'll let down her guard and open her heart to you completely, allowing you to finally understand the enigma that is clarisse la rue.
the atmosphere in the mess hall of camp half-blood was unusually quiet as you and jamie, your best friend, sat alone at one of the tables, the sounds of clattering dishes and distant chatter fading into the background. you stirred your food absently, lost in thought, while jamie fidgeted nervously across from you, his brow furrowed with concern.
"y/n, can i ask you something?" jamie finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled between you.
you looked up, meeting his gaze with a wary expression. "sure, jamie. what's on your mind?"
he hesitated for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts before speaking. "i've been meaning to ask you about clarisse," he began, his tone cautious. "i don't mean to pry, but i can't help but wonder... why are you two even dating?"
the question hit you like a ton of bricks, catching you off guard and leaving you momentarily speechless. you felt a surge of insecurity rising within you, the familiar doubts and fears bubbling to the surface.
"i mean, no offense," jamie continued, his voice gentle but probing. "but you're so affectionate and open, and clarisse... well, she's not exactly the warmest person around. it just doesn't seem like a good, healthy match, you know?"
his words struck a nerve, dredging up all the doubts and insecurities you'd been trying to push aside. you knew jamie meant well, but hearing him of all people voice your innermost fears only made them feel more real, more insurmountable.
you opened your mouth to respond, to defend your relationship and explain why you and clarisse were meant to be together, but the words caught in your throat. how could you explain something you barely understood yourself? how could you justify your love for someone who seemed so fundamentally different from you in every way?
instead, you fell silent, staring off into the distance as if searching for answers in the swirling depths of your own mind. you felt exposed, vulnerable, as if jamie had peeled back the layers of your carefully constructed facade and laid bare the truth for all to see.
"i... i don't know," you finally admitted, your voice barely a whisper as you struggled to find the words. "i guess i just... care about her, you know? despite everything."
“does she care about you?” he asked, making you flinch at his tone. jamie's expression softened, his earlier intensity replaced by a pang of remorse as he realized the impact of his words. "i'm sorry, y/n," he said, his tone sincere. "i didn't mean to upset you. i just... worry about you, that's all."
you managed a weak smile, grateful for jamie's concern even as the doubts continued to gnaw at your insides. "it's okay, jamie," you reassured him, though the words felt hollow on your lips. "i appreciate you looking out for me."
and with that, the moment passed, the tension dissipating like a wisp of smoke in the air. but as you sat there in the quiet of the mess hall, the questions lingered, echoing in the recesses of your mind like a haunting refrain. and though you tried to push them away, to bury them beneath the facade of contentment, you knew that jamie's words had struck a chord, igniting a spark of doubt that refused to be extinguished.
the next day dawned with a clarity that mirrored the turmoil swirling within you. as you sat across from clarisse in the mess hall, the events of the previous evening weighed heavily on your mind, casting a shadow over the once familiar surroundings.
you watched clarisse, her expression unreadable as she picked at her breakfast, lost in her own thoughts. the silence between you stretched on, thick and suffocating, until you couldn't bear it any longer.
"i love you, clarisse," you finally blurted out, the words tumbling from your lips before you could stop them.
the whole hall went silent.
clarisse looked up, her eyes meeting yours with a guarded intensity. for a moment, you held your breath, waiting for her response, but all she did was nod, her expression betraying nothing.
you felt a surge of frustration welling up within you, a desperate need for validation, for reassurance that your love was reciprocated. but as clarisse remained silent, her stoic facade unyielding, you realized with a sinking heart that your words had fallen on deaf ears.
with a heavy sigh, you pushed back your chair and stood up, the sound echoing through the cavernous hall like a thunderclap. clarisse watched you, her brow furrowed in confusion, as you made your way towards the exit.
"where are you going?" she called after you, her voice tinged with concern.
you stopped in your tracks, the weight of her question hanging in the air between you. you turned to face her, your heart heavy with resignation.
"away," you replied, your voice barely a whisper. "i don't want to be with someone who won't tell me they love me back."
and with that, you turned on your heel and left, the sound of your footsteps echoing through the empty hall as you disappeared into the morning light. behind you, you could feel clarisse's eyes on your retreating figure, a frown marring her usually impassive features, but you didn't look back.
and though your heart ached with the pain of loss, you knew that sometimes, the hardest decisions were the ones that set you free.
the sun had began to dip low in the sky by the time you found yourself by the archery range, the familiar twang of bowstrings and the thud of arrows hitting their targets providing a soothing backdrop to your thoughts. you were lost in contemplation, the events of the morning replaying in your mind like a broken record, when you heard the sound of footsteps approaching from behind.
turning around, you saw clarisse striding towards you, her expression a mixture of determination and apprehension. you braced yourself for what was to come, unsure of what to expect as she drew nearer.
"did you break up with me?" clarisse blurted out, her voice tinged with disbelief.
you shrugged, unable to meet her gaze as you wrestled with your own conflicting emotions. "i don't know," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "maybe."
clarisse's eyes widened in shock, her features contorted with a mixture of confusion and hurt. without a word, she reached out and grabbed your arm, dragging you away from the archery range and towards a secluded spot by the edge of the woods.
once you were alone, she turned to face you, her eyes searching yours for answers. "y/n, i'm sorry," she began, her voice tinged with regret. "i know i haven't been the most... open person, and i understand if that's been hard for you. but please, don't leave me. i may not say it often, but i do love you. more than anything."
her words hung in the air between you, heavy with the weight of years of unspoken emotions. you felt a surge of warmth spreading through you, a sense of relief and longing that you couldn't ignore.
with a grin, you closed the distance between you and clarisse, cupping her face in your hands as you leaned in to kiss her. it was a tender, passionate kiss, fueled by the unspoken words and unspoken emotions that had hung between you for so long.
and as you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, you were exactly where you were meant to be—with the person you loved, by your side.
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mellyssageverse · 5 months
Noble Hearts - Chapter 1
Prologue can be found HERE
ZoSan Royal AU
I’m still working on the title, but I wanted to start sharing some of what I have written before I post anything on AO3.
Summary: The threat of famine looms over the Kuraigana Kingdom as resources dwindle. Suspicion grips the royal Mihawk family when the prosperous Germa Kingdom offers aid by means of a transactional alliance. As tensions rise, the unforeseen connection between two princes may decide the fate of their kingdoms.
Sanji strode with purpose through the cold stone halls of the castle, the familiar weight of his crimson cloak trailing behind him. Though he had traversed these corridors countless times, each journey to the throne room felt like a daunting pilgrimage through the echoes of his past. The portraits of his father that adorned the walls seemed to loom over him with silent judgment, their painted eyes a constant reminder of the expectations he could never quite meet.
Thirteen years had passed since the tragic loss of his mother, yet the ache of her absence lingered within him like an open wound that refused to heal.
The memory of that fateful day, when the guards returned with Queen Sora's bloodied cloak, still haunted him. King Judge Vinsmoke angrily directed the blame on Sanji for the tragedy that had befallen their kingdom. In his father's eyes, Sanji was the cause of their loss, and by running for help Sanji was the embodiment of failure and disappointment. Judge’s punishment had been swift and merciless. For leaving his mother behind, Sanji was locked away in the dungeons for a full week; an iron mask clamped around his head to prevent him from eating.
In those lonely moments, with only his hunger pangs as company for his grief, Sanji made a vow to never be helpless in protecting his loved ones ever again.
Once he was released from the dungeons, Sanji began to make good on his promise. Day after day, he immersed himself in rigorous training, his commitment unyielding. Alone on the training grounds, he honed his skills with a relentless fervor, pushing himself until his feet blistered and bled.
Then came Zeff, the seasoned veteran of the castle kitchens. Concerned by Sanji's absence from his culinary domain, Zeff sought him out. The old man found Sanji alone and exhausted on the training grounds. Zeff had not only offered Sanji the comfort of his company but also the invaluable wisdom of his experience. Under Zeff's guidance, Sanji's prowess as a fighter flourished, his dedication under Zeff's teachings molded him into a formidable adversary, surpassing even his own siblings in combat.
Despite his newfound strength, Judge remained unmoved, his disdain for Sanji was as strong as ever. Sanji remained a weak link, a fragile shadow threatening to undermine the foundations of the Germa Kingdom. No amount of training, no display of skill or strength could erase the empathy that his mother had instilled within him, a trait that his father viewed as a fatal flaw.
Sanji approached the imposing doors of the throne room, where he was met with the familiar sight of his siblings awaiting entry. Reiju's small smile offered a fleeting moment of warmth amidst the cold indifference of his brothers.
The doors to the throne room swung open and Sanji offered a nod of gratitude to the servants who ushered them inside, a gesture of acknowledgment for their service.
“You don't bow to the help, idiot. They're meant to bow to us.” Yonji jeered, elbowing past Sanji with an air of superiority.
"It wasn't a bow." Sanji retorted through gritted teeth, shooting an irritated glare at his brother's retreating form.
"Pft, any form of acknowledgment to the lower class is beneath us." Niji chimed in, trailing behind Yonji with a disdainful sneer.
Meanwhile, Ichiji, the eldest of the Vinsmoke brothers, frowned disapprovingly at Sanji's modest gesture.
"Your brothers are right. It's disgraceful to stoop to such levels." Ichiji admonished sternly. "Remember your place."
Sanji's hands clenched into tight fists, the pressure of his nails digging into his palms as he fought to contain his rising frustration. In an attempt to distract himself, Sanji let his gaze sweep across the throne room, taking in its familiar imposing grandeur with a sense of disdain. The stone walls loomed above him, adorned with Judge’s gruesome trophies of conquest: the twisted horns of the Dracon.
The Dracons, with their humanoid yet dragon-like forms, were unsettling beasts. They possessed the ability to summon wings and talons at will, had a resilience against fire, and sought to destroy any living thing that crossed their path. These were the monsters Germa was at war with, like many other neighboring kingdoms. They were also the same creatures responsible for Queen Sora’s tragic death.
Despite his hatred for these beasts, Sanji couldn't shake the feeling that it was morally wrong to have their scalped horns displayed as trophies.
Judge stood before his throne, his stern expression radiated an aura of authority that commanded attention. His gaze bore into his children with unwavering intensity as they each took their seats at a polished table located at the foot of the stairs below him.
"I have gathered you all here to discuss our next plan of action in the war against the Dracons." Judge began, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "As you know, Kuraigana is a well-established kingdom. The might of their army has shielded them from the Dracon threat, allowing them to remain isolated from neighboring kingdoms... until now."
Sanji observed his father closely, noting the darkening of his expression and the fervent gleam in his eyes. It was a look he had seen many times before… the telltale sign of Judge's unyielding determination to achieve his objectives at any cost.
"Despite their success in repelling Dracon attacks, the Kuraigana Kingdom faces a new challenge. They struggle to feed their citizens, and their King sees it fit to accept aid from other realms. I will admit that I care little for the plight of their people, but if we can secure an alliance with Kuraigana and absorb their formidable army into our own, we will become an unstoppable force."
Sanji clenched his jaw upon hearing Judge's callous disregard for the suffering of others.
"So we are to be in talks of an alliance with their King.” Reiju spoke up next to Sanji. “What role do you require of us in all of this?”
Judge’s smile twisted into a sneer.
“King Mihawk is an unusual ruler. He never found himself a Queen to rule beside him, yet he has adopted two children of lower status to be his heirs to the throne.” There was a bitter edge to Judge’s words as he spoke.
“Are you sure we want to align ourselves with commoners like them?” Niji smirked, his brow raised in disbelief.
“King Mihawk is of royal blood. That is who I am conducting business with. His brats are of no importance to us.” Judge retorted, his stern gaze settling on Niji, silently chastising him for his impertinence. Niji’s smirk faltered, replaced by a more serious demeanor in the face of their father’s disapproval. With a begrudging sigh, Judge continued, “However, King Mihawk seems to hold his ‘children’ in high regards. He thinks they play vital roles when meeting with real royals. It is for this reason that he intends to bring them to Germa. I may not approve of this, but we can’t do anything that would jeopardize us getting control of their military.”
Sanji blinked in surprise at the sudden turn of events, his thoughts racing as he processed his father’s words. He exchanged a glance with Reiju to find that her eyes mirrored his own disbelief. Judge must really want control of the Kuraigana army if he is inviting those of non-royal lineage to be their guests.
“I expect Reiju and Sanji to be the ones to keep Mihawk’s mutts occupied during their stay.” Judge directed his attention to the two. Sanji’s surprise deepened at the unexpected responsibility thrust upon him. His eyes rose to meet Judge’s piercing gaze. His father’s cold eyes seemed to be gauging his reaction before pressing on. “You both are the most likely to be civil to the low-status royals. We do not want to cause any offense before the alliance is made.”
“Seems a bit pathetic to cater to low-class scum.” Ichiji scoffed at his sibling’s assigned task.
Judge’s eyes narrowed in anger. Sanji tensed, bracing for his father’s reprimand.
“Mind your tongue! We aren’t here to cater to anyone!” Judge’s wild eyes snapped to Ichiji. He descended from his throne, advancing towards the table with a darkening air of authority. “Every move we make serves to strengthen Germa’s standing. With the Kuraigana army at our disposal, we’ll be unstoppable. Mingling with Mihawk’s brood is a minor inconvenience, but I won’t tolerate any missteps. You don’t have to be friendly, but I expect you, Niji, and Yonji to keep your distance. One wrong word could ruin the entire alliance!”
Judge’s fist crashed down onto the table with a resounding thud, leaving a small crater of cracked stone in its wake. His long disheveled hair shrouded over his face, creating a dark shadow from which his eyes blazed with fury.
The tense atmosphere forced a chill silence to fall over the table. It was an oppressive choking feeling that they all knew well. It had only taken them one mistake in the past for them to all learn what would happen if any of them spoke against Judge. It was not one that would be repeated again, even to this day. None of the siblings dared to even draw breath when Judge’s anger turned violent.
After a few moments of tense silence, Reiju, with her characteristic grace and bravery, spoke up again. "How do you expect Sanji and me to handle King Mihawk's heirs?"
With a grunt, Judge removed his fist from the table, opting to run his hand through his hair to straighten the flyaways.
"He has a daughter known for her sorcery skills and a son who leads a pitifully small fraction of knights," Judge began, his pacing around the table emphasizing his words, positioning himself between Sanji and Reiju. “Reiju, you’ll oversee the sorceress’s accommodations, while Sanji will attend to the other. Keep them away from my negotiations with Mihawk. It’s a task so simple and straightforward that not even someone as useless as Sanji could mess it up.”
Sanji angrily curled his tongue behind his teeth, a surge of indignation rising within him, yet he held his composure.
“The Mihawks will be our guests for a week, expected to arrive in two days. Prepare accordingly for their reception. You are all dismissed.” Casting one last sharp look over his children, Judge turned sharply to leave the throne room. His cloak billowed behind him as he exited through the grand entrance.
“Well, that seemed like a waste of time.” Niji remarked as soon as Judge was out of earshot, pushing back his chair and rising to his feet. “I don’t get why I had to be here if Reiju and Sanji were the only ones given tasks.”
“On the contrary; we were given our own task,” Ichiji pointed out, eyeing the crater left in the table by their father's furious strike. “We're supposed to keep out of Reiju and Sanji's way while they entertain those lowlifes.”
“How dull.” Yonji chimed in, propping his chin on his hand. Then, his expression turned mischievous. Looking towards Sanji, the youngest of the Vinsmokes tauntingly spoke out, “Hey, Sanji, why not suggest a trip to the beach for your visitor? Worked wonders for you last time, didn't it?”
Heat instantly surged through Sanji’s skin, causing him to stand so abruptly that his chair toppled over behind him.
Reiju was quick to reach Sanji’s side, her hand gripping his shoulder firmly in an attempt to stop him.
"Just ignore him," Reiju urged quietly. "He's just trying to pick a fight. Don't let him provoke you."
Sanji met his sister's gaze, seeing the concern reflected in her eyes.
With effort, Sanji swallowed back the torrent of curses that threatened to spill from his lips in response to his brother's callous words. Taking a deep breath, Sanji turned to leave.
“What a profound love you had for our mother,” Yonji’s mocking voice echoed after Sanji as he rushed out of the room. “To leave her behind while you saved only yourself.”
Yonji’s words landed through Sanji like an arrow to his heart, his steps faltered for a moment before he quickened his pace, determined to put as much distance between himself and his siblings as possible.
Finally alone, Sanji leaned against the cold wall of the corridor, his body shaking. Tears welled in his eyes, hot and stinging, as he struggled to contain the flood of feelings that threatened to consume him. With a deep, shuddering breath, he let himself surrender to the release of tears, allowing them to fall freely.
“Other way, dumbass!”
Zoro felt a surge of frustration as Perona grabbed his shoulders, forcibly turning him in the opposite direction. He shook off her grip, irritated by her overbearing attitude.
"I know where the throne room is! You don’t have to lead me around!" Zoro snapped.
Perona, unfazed by his irritation, flipped her long, curly pink hair over her shoulder with a smirk.
"Of course I do! I swear, even though we’ve lived here most of our lives, you still get lost in your own home," Perona's playful jab hit its mark.
Zoro angrily swatted at his sister, only to miss as she effortlessly glided out of his reach. Her powers allowing her to float gracefully in the air, her long black dress trailing behind her like a dark cloud.
“Last week for dinner, Luffy had to lead you to the dining hall.”
“Luffy didn’t lead me. He was following me so Mihawk would invite him to join us.” Zoro retorted, his glare as sharp as his three swords that always hung at his hip.
Perona chuckled, thoroughly enjoying her brother's growing annoyance.
“Oh? What about yesterday when Nami and Vivi had to lead you? Were they fishing for a dinner invite too?” Her teasing tone danced through the air like a mocking melody. “Because they were on their way toward town when they caught you wandering around lost on the castle grounds. I’m pretty sure you messed up their date night.”
Zoro’s jaw clenched tighter, his stubborn scowl deepening at Perona’s continued teasing. Despite being familiar with the castle's layout, Zoro's tendency to get lost was a well-known fact among its inhabitants, and Perona took every opportunity to playfully rib him about it.
“I wasn’t lost. I was… exploring.” Zoro insisted gruffly. “Now stop your yapping and keep moving! Mihawk wanted to talk to us about something important.”
Perona’s laughter continued to echo through the corridor like the tinkling of wind chimes, her amusement evident in the playful glint of her eyes as she continued to glide ahead. The warm glow of the sun shone brightly through the windows, illuminating the rich gothic tapestries and plush furnishings that adorned the halls.
Though he's lived here for as long as he can remember, Zoro still finds himself marveling at the castle's grandeur with each passing day. It's a testament to the power and prestige of the man who rules over it, and Zoro can't help but feel a swell of pride at being a part of Mihawk's household.
Finally, they reach the throne room, and Zoro's heart swells with a sense of homecoming when he beholds the familiar sight before him: Mihawk's figure sitting upon his throne with a wine glass in hand. As Zoro enters, he knows that, despite his penchant for getting lost, he's found his place within the castle's hallowed halls.
“You both made it on time.” King Mihawk set his glass down and rose from his seat to greet his children. “How have your trainings gone today?”
“I’m getting a lot better at crushing souls,” Perona boasted, proudly puffing up her chest, “At this rate, I’ll be able to bring whole armies to their knees.”
King Mihawk chuckled softly at his daughter’s eagerness.
“That’s excellent to hear,” Mihawk replied warmly. “Our people are sure to benefit from your hard work and protection. Speaking of protection…” Mihawk's gaze shifted to Zoro, his eyes alight with pride and approval. "I heard how you led your band of knights to the southern border of Kuraigana. You stopped a herd of Dracon from attacking our citizens."
Zoro's expression turned serious.
"I cannot take credit for that," Zoro admitted. "Luffy was the one who took charge. Under his direction, we were able to stop the Dracon attacks."
King Mihawk regarded his son with a hint of amusement.
“Modesty suits you,” Mihawk remarked, his tone carrying a note of approval. “But remember, accepting praise when deserved is just as important. You and Luffy make a formidable team, but your bravery and dedication to our people haven’t gone unnoticed.”
Although Zoro tried his best to remain stoic, he could still feel the faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"I'm sure you didn't ask us to come here just so you could butter us up with compliments." Perona remarked, her arms crossed expectantly. "So what's so important that it couldn't wait to be discussed over dinner?”
Mihawk's expression grew solemn.
"As you both know, the constant attacks from the Dracons have interfered with the lives of our people for the last decade," Mihawk began, his tone grave. "Their numbers continue to grow, and despite our efforts to fend them off, our crops have suffered. I fear it won't be long before food becomes scarce."
Zoro and Perona exchanged a concerned glance, their worries mirrored in each other's eyes.
"The King of Germa has offered us aid through the formation of an alliance. They are known for their powerful armies and abundance of wealth, and they have reached out to extend their assistance to us in this time of need."
Zoro's brow furrowed in confusion as he processed his father's words.
"The Dracon attacks have been occurring for well over a decade, so why do they feel the need to form an alliance with us now?" Perona's skepticism mirrored Zoro's own thoughts.
"The King has expressed interest in our military might," Mihawk explained, his voice tinged with a hint of suspicion. "I have no doubt that he sees the alliance as a way to enhance his own military strength."
Zoro's frown deepened at his father's reply, his mind racing with questions and doubts about this alliance with the Germa Kingdom. But Mihawk pressed on, undeterred.
"Whatever their motives may be, I think we owe it to our people to see what comes from these negotiations," Mihawk continued firmly. "This war against the Dracons has not affected them as it has other neighboring kingdoms. They have the means to ensure our people do not go hungry."
“When are these negotiations meant to take place?” Zoro inquired.
“King Vinsmoke has invited our family to stay in his castle while we negotiate the terms of our alliance. We will leave tomorrow,” Mihawk’s calm reply was met with an exaggerated gasp from Perona.
“Tomorrow?! That’s such short notice! We barely have enough time to pack for the trip!” Perona exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration. “I’m not sure I have enough time to coordinate outfits. How long will we be staying there for?”
“All your dresses look the same. It shouldn’t take you long to throw a few in a trunk.” Zoro rolled his eyes.
Perona shot him a wide eyed glare. Lips pursed in anger.
“We are going to be around other royals. They give us enough grief for not being of royal descent. You want them to make fun of us for being poorly dressed too?!” Perona punctuated her point by elbowing Zoro in the ribs. In return, Zoro elbowed her back, casting a glare of his own.
“If they are just like all the other snobbish royals out there, then why should we care what they think of us?!” Zoro argued.
“Will you both please stop your bickering?” Their father's voice cut through their argument, and Zoro and Perona turned to see him pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“This is precisely why I wanted to meet with the two of you. We will be staying with the Vinsmoke family for a week, perhaps longer if negotiations drag on, and I expect you both to be on your best behavior.”
Zoro guiltily bit his tongue to stop himself from arguing further with Perona. He eyed his sister carefully and noticed that she, too, was attempting to stay civil.
“Now, go make any arrangements you need to before our departure.” Mihawk ushered the two out of the throne room. He gave them one last warning look, sternly expressing his desire for them to get along, then shut the doors behind them.
“You were the one who started that argument,” Perona hissed quietly to avoid being heard by Mihawk. She turned her nose in the air and set off down the hall, Zoro following closely behind.
“You should be more concerned about our people going hungry rather than how you look to other royals.” Zoro scolded.
Perona abruptly turned to face Zoro, her floating form bringing her angry face inches from his own.
“I care because we are representing our Kingdom, and I want to be taken seriously!” Perona snapped. “You should be a bit more concerned about your appearance. If we look slovenly and uncaring, then they will see that as a reflection of our leadership skills. Doesn’t that worry you at all?”
Zoro's brows furrowed as he contemplated Perona's words. He knew she had a point, but his concerns ran deeper than mere appearances.
“Appearance is the least of my worries. Most royals don’t see me as being a worthy heir to Mihawk’s throne and never will.” Zoro averted his gaze from Perona. In his mind he sometimes wondered if other royals were right… he still had a long way to go before he could call himself Mihawk’s equal.
Perona's expression softened as she regarded her brother. Despite their frequent disagreements, she understood the weight of the expectations Zoro placed on himself. She reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm.
“Zoro, you may not see it, but Father believes in you. He sees your potential, even if you don't,” Perona reassured him, her voice softening. “You're stronger than you realize, and one day, you'll prove all those doubters wrong.”
Zoro couldn’t bring himself to meet Perona’s gaze. Despite her reassurances, he still felt weighed down by his own insecurities. He knew that earning the respect of his people was just the beginning; he needed to prove himself worthy of his father's faith and the responsibility that came with it.
Perona sensed her brother's sadness and decided to lighten the mood. With a small smile, she changed the subject, diverting Zoro's attention away from his doubts.
“You know that jacket I made for you on your last birthday? The deep midnight blue one with the gold trimmings? You should wear that when we meet the Vinsmokes. It makes you look exceptionally regal.” Perona suggested, hoping to boost Zoro's confidence.
Zoro tried to suppress his amusement but failed miserably.
“Thanks.” he muttered gratefully. Despite their differences, he couldn't help but appreciate having Perona as his sister.
(Next chapter is on my new blog here)
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tensitensi · 2 years
No Longer Accepted ( Part . 1 )
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notes ; thank you to @little-box-of-autism for the prompt idea :D.
. word count ; 1067
. warnings ; angst ?? does that count?? also talking about a child that MIGHT be dead
. tag-list ; @onlyreadz
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Spider's heart was pounding as he ran through the dense forest. The past few days' events had left him feeling a mix of intense emotions - anger, sadness, and betrayal - and he couldn't shake them off. He had always known that he didn't quite fit in with the Na'vi, but the pain of being told so still stung. The cold, hard truth was a constant reminder of his outsider status, and he wondered if he would ever truly belong anywhere.
He wasn't exactly comfortable with the scientists either - they were always annoyed by him, treating him like some kind of weird pet or nuisance to be taken care of, like a chore. And as for the Sullys, well, he didn't exactly feel at ease around them either. Mrs. Sully in particular made him feel uneasy, and the thought of being around the McCoskers, especially Nash, gave him an icky feeling in his brain.
As he ran, his feet pounding the forest floor, he couldn't help but wonder if he was the only one who had ever felt so alone. Caught between two worlds that he didn't fully belong to, he felt isolated and disconnected from everyone and everything around him.
The confrontation with Neytiri had only made things worse. Her snarls and hisses echoed in his mind, and he could feel her furious gaze burning through him even though he was no longer in her presence. He had hoped that Jake would offer him some kind of support or reassurance, but instead, he was met with indifference. It hurt more than he cared to admit, and he tried to tell himself that he wasn't Jake's child and had his own family to worry about. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was truly alone in the world.
As he ran, his thoughts raced, and he wondered if he would ever find a place where he truly belonged. It was a daunting prospect, but he knew that he had to keep searching - even if it meant running through the forest until his feet gave out.
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It had been a full day since the spider had gone missing, and everyone was preoccupied with their own tasks. The scientists were conducting experiments and analyzing data, Jake was fulfilling his duties as chief, and Neytiri was observing her mother as she trained to become a tsahik. However, Lo'ak and Kiri couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. They had always seen Spider nearby, whether he was with them or the scientists. When they inquired about his whereabouts, they received no satisfactory answers.
"Spider? Haven't seen him," Norm replied, his attention still focused on the data displayed on the screen. He didn't seem to care that a child under his care was missing since yesterday's eclipse.
"Really? He's usually around in the morning. It's been a couple of hours now!" Lo'ak responded, his voice filled with worry and annoyance.
"Don't worry about it, he's probably just sick or off on some adventure. He's a tough kid," Norm waved them off, demonstrating little concern for the fragile human that Spider was.
Lo'ak and Kiri scoffed at Norm's words. If Spider was really sick, he would have stayed at the shack. With that theory in mind, they left the shack and went on with their day, but the worry still lingered in their minds.
Two days had passed, and Max's and Norm's worries grew stronger. Despite their concerns, they decided to leave Spider alone, hoping he would recover from whatever illness he had. Meanwhile, they continued to experiment with new things and analyze the data.
As more time passed, Kiri felt like she was about to explode from stress. Her imagination ran wild with thoughts of Spider encountering dangerous creatures or getting lost in the vast forest. Even Lo'ak, who was usually calm and collected, was curious about where Spider had gone. Eventually, even Norm and Max started to worry about Spider's disappearance, despite their initial indifference towards him.
Norm signaled Jake to ask him about Spider's whereabouts, but unfortunately, they got no leads.
"You're telling me you haven't seen the kid, Norm? I thought he was with you," Jake said.
"Well, I thought he was with you, Jake! Or outside... somewhere! You can't just tell me the kid disappeared!" Norm replied, exasperated.
"You don't think he actually left, do you, Jake?" Norm questioned.
"Jake?" Norm pressed.
"Norm, when was the last time you saw him?”
"Um, I think it was two...no, three days ago," Norm responded.
"Shit, shit, shit. You don't think he got hurt by a thanator or something, do you?" Jake questioned, panic creeping into his voice.
"What do you mean, Jake? Did you know he went out and you didn't think to tell me or go after him?" Norm exclaimed.
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The search for Spider began in earnest. Jake, Kiri, and Lo'ak ventured deep into the forest, determined to find the missing boy. They were joined by other hunters and Neteyam, who was just as worried about Spider's safety. Neytiri stayed behind to care for Tuktirey, not wanting to risk the safety of her child. Three days had passed since Spider had gone missing, and hope began to dwindle. If he had been gone for that long, he could be anywhere in the vast forest, far beyond the clan's territory.
Jake's heart was pounding in his chest as he contemplated the lifeless body that could be waiting for him somewhere in the forest. He feared that they wouldn't find his body, leaving his fate forever a mystery. As he thought about the possibility of a cold night out in the forest, he could only wonder if Spider could survive such harsh conditions.
Jake felt a pang of guilt as he thought about Spider, the boy he had failed to protect. If he had only been more careful, perhaps they wouldn't be in this predicament. His mind raced with the possibilities of what might happen to Spider if he was caught by the other Na'vi clans in the woodland terrain. Would they keep him as a hostage or worse? The thought of his young… friend? being held against his will was unbearable.
As Jake's thoughts spiraled out of control, he realized that he needed to focus on finding Spider before it was too late. He took a deep breath and steeled himself for the daunting task ahead.
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A . N ; this took me embarrassingly long to write for 1,000 words... this is part one, not sure how long p.t 2 is gonna take
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Ermmmm huiiii just a thought but what if you... Talked about Mary Caede moreee :) (hides the suspiciously bouquet of flowers looking bouquet of flowers behind my back)
TEEHEEEE HI MANTIS !!!!!! YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT !!!! I should talk about Mary. Here I go !!
- Maria is a funny woman. She's unremarkable by many people– just another person trying to get by in the crazy wastelands without getting shot at a million times, making a living by selling whatever produce doesn't die in the harsh climate– yet she's very valued by the people of her community. Maria has always been kind despite there being little place for that in a planet like Pandora, and it's because of that kindness that she slipped out of many life threatening situations before. Some people would argue that it's just a front she puts on so she has some chance of survival, but she'd say that it's more so just cause and effect: The nicer you are to people, the less likely they are to impale you and display your body gruesomely. Besides, most appreciate a break from the near constant mayhem.
- When she was a youngster, this was the exact same reason why she wanted to leave her clan and study medicine. Which she couldn't technically do, due to there being No Real Schools in Pandora and much less Actual Doctors, but when you're bleeding out and far away from the nearest safe-spot, there's no complaining to be done when someone comes patch you up. She was basically a field medic, except she didn't really know what she was doing and had to guess a lot of the time, but hey, it's not like *too* many people died ! She did give up eventually due to how depressing the entire thing was, but not before a certain someone happened to find her with a group of injured men who needed taking care of. And wouldn't you know, that someone was Lucifer Lucio Caede and his devils. That oughta end pretty good for them !
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- Maria's clan, The Farmhouse, disbanded a few years after she left. It just wasn't the same without her around, and even though they still loved the brutality... there was nothing to offset it, no one to dispute it, nobody to lead or to at least give *some* direction of what to do when the oven sets itself on fire after you try to bake something. It was a real mess, not the fun kind, but they were all fine afterwards I'm sure, minimal casualties. She played a major role but her time of leading bandits and organizing big crimes against the intergalactic rules were over. Better things to do, don't you know !
- Can't actually shoot for the life of her, which would usually mean a death sentence, but really means that she has experience finding Other Ways to kill people should the necessity to do so rise. Most of her repertoire with weapons includes blunt force, like hitting someone with a big bat until they stop moving, or outside forces, like running someone over with a car until they stop moving. It's only ever in self defense though, because Maria ABHORRES blood. It used to make her nauseous as a teen and even as an adult it's still enough to make her head spin. Living in the Death Murder planet, you'd think it'd give *some* immunity or at least indifference to it, but nope. Well, should some bodies be made, they'll be great for fertilizer anyway, so it's not a huge deal. Hopefully.
And here's a doodle just for youuuuu <333
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mellyssageversee · 5 months
Noble Hearts - Chapter 1
ZoSan Royal AU (Repost from old blog)
AO3 Link
Summary: The threat of famine looms over the Kuraigana Kingdom as resources dwindle. Suspicion grips the royal Mihawk family when the prosperous Germa Kingdom offers aid by means of a transactional alliance. As tensions rise, the unforeseen connection between two princes may decide the fate of their kingdoms.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Sanji strode with purpose through the cold stone halls of the castle, the familiar weight of his crimson cloak trailing behind him. Though he had traversed these corridors countless times, each journey to the throne room felt like a daunting pilgrimage through the echoes of his past. The portraits of his father that adorned the walls seemed to loom over him with silent judgment, their painted eyes a constant reminder of the expectations he could never quite meet.
Thirteen years had passed since the tragic loss of his mother, yet the ache of her absence lingered within him like an open wound that refused to heal. The memory of that fateful day, when the guards returned with Queen Sora's bloodied cloak, still haunted him. King Judge Vinsmoke angrily directed the blame on Sanji for the tragedy that had befallen their kingdom. In his father's eyes, Sanji was the cause of their loss, and by running for help Sanji was the embodiment of failure and disappointment. Judge’s punishment had been swift and merciless. For leaving his mother behind, Sanji was locked away in the dungeons for a full week; an iron mask clamped around his head to prevent him from eating.
In those lonely moments, with only his hunger pangs as company for his grief, Sanji made a vow to never be helpless in protecting his loved ones ever again.
Once he was released from the dungeons, Sanji began to make good on his promise. Day after day, he immersed himself in rigorous training, his commitment unyielding. Alone on the training grounds, he honed his skills with a relentless fervor, pushing himself until his feet blistered and bled.
Then came Zeff, the seasoned veteran who used to work in the castle kitchens. Concerned by Sanji's absence from his culinary domain, Zeff sought him out. The old man found Sanji alone and exhausted on the training grounds. Zeff had not only offered Sanji the comfort of his company but also the invaluable wisdom of his experience. Under Zeff's guidance, Sanji's prowess as a fighter flourished, his dedication under Zeff's teachings molded him into a formidable adversary, surpassing even his own siblings in combat.
Despite his newfound strength, Judge remained unmoved, his disdain for Sanji was as strong as ever. Sanji remained a weak link, a fragile shadow threatening to undermine the foundations of the Germa Kingdom. No amount of training, no display of skill or strength could erase the empathy that his mother had instilled within him, a trait that his father viewed as a fatal flaw.
Sanji approached the imposing doors of the throne room, where he was met with the familiar sight of his siblings awaiting entry. Reiju's small smile offered a fleeting moment of warmth amidst the cold indifference of his brothers.
The doors to the throne room swung open and Sanji offered a nod of gratitude to the servants who ushered them inside, a gesture of acknowledgment for their service.
“You don't bow to the help, idiot. They're meant to bow to us.” Yonji jeered, elbowing past Sanji with an air of superiority.
"It wasn't a bow." Sanji retorted through gritted teeth, shooting an irritated glare at his brother's retreating form.
"Pft, any form of acknowledgment to the lower class is beneath us." Niji chimed in, trailing behind Yonji with a disdainful sneer.
Meanwhile, Ichiji, the eldest of the Vinsmoke brothers, frowned disapprovingly at Sanji's modest gesture.
"Your brothers are right. It's disgraceful to stoop to such levels." Ichiji admonished sternly. "Remember your place."
Sanji's hands clenched into tight fists, the pressure of his nails digging into his palms as he fought to contain his rising frustration. In an attempt to distract himself, Sanji let his gaze sweep across the throne room, taking in its familiar imposing grandeur with a sense of disdain. The stone walls loomed above him, adorned with Judge’s gruesome trophies of conquest: the twisted horns of the Dracon.
The Dracons, with their humanoid yet dragon-like forms, were unsettling beasts. They possessed the ability to summon wings and talons at will, had a resilience against fire, and sought to destroy any living thing that crossed their path. These were the monsters Germa was at war with, like many other neighboring kingdoms. They were also the same creatures responsible for Queen Sora’s tragic death.
Despite his hatred for these beasts, Sanji couldn't shake the feeling that it was morally wrong to have their scalped horns displayed as trophies.
Judge stood before his throne, his stern expression radiated an aura of authority that commanded attention. His gaze bore into his children with unwavering intensity as they each took their seats at a polished table located at the foot of the stairs below him.
"I have gathered you all here to discuss our next plan of action in the war against the Dracons." Judge began, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "As you know, Kuraigana is a well-established kingdom. The might of their army has shielded them from the Dracon threat, allowing them to remain isolated from neighboring kingdoms... until now."
Sanji observed his father closely, noting the darkening of his expression and the fervent gleam in his eyes. It was a look he had seen many times before… the telltale sign of Judge's unyielding determination to achieve his objectives at any cost.
"Despite their success in repelling Dracon attacks, the Kuraigana Kingdom faces a new challenge. They struggle to feed their citizens, and their King sees it fit to accept aid from other realms. I will admit that I care little for the plight of their people, but if we can secure an alliance with Kuraigana and absorb their formidable army into our own, we will become an unstoppable force."
Sanji clenched his jaw upon hearing Judge's callous disregard for the suffering of others.
"So we are to be in talks of an alliance with their King.” Reiju spoke up next to Sanji. “What role do you require of us in all of this?”
Judge’s smile twisted into a sneer.
“King Mihawk is an unusual ruler. He never found himself a Queen to rule beside him, yet he has adopted two children of lower status to be his heirs to the throne.” There was a bitter edge to Judge’s words as he spoke.
“Are you sure we want to align ourselves with commoners like them?” Niji smirked, his brow raised in disbelief.
“King Mihawk is of royal blood. That is who I am conducting business with. His brats are of no importance to us.” Judge retorted, his stern gaze settling on Niji, silently chastising him for his impertinence. Niji’s smirk faltered, replaced by a more serious demeanor in the face of their father’s disapproval. With a begrudging sigh, Judge continued, “However, King Mihawk seems to hold his ‘children’ in high regards. He thinks they play vital roles when meeting with real royals. It is for this reason that he intends to bring them to Germa. I may not approve of this, but we can’t do anything that would jeopardize us getting control of their military.”
Sanji blinked in surprise at the sudden turn of events, his thoughts racing as he processed his father’s words. He exchanged a glance with Reiju to find that her eyes mirrored his own disbelief. Judge must really want control of the Kuraigana army if he is inviting those of non-royal lineage to be their guests.
“I expect Reiju and Sanji to be the ones to keep Mihawk’s mutts occupied during their stay.” Judge directed his attention to the two. Sanji’s surprise deepened at the unexpected responsibility thrust upon him. His eyes rose to meet Judge’s piercing gaze. His father’s cold eyes seemed to be gauging his reaction before pressing on. “You both are the most likely to be civil to the low-status royals. We do not want to cause any offense before the alliance is made.”
“Seems a bit pathetic to cater to low-class scum.” Ichiji scoffed at his sibling’s assigned task.
Judge’s eyes narrowed in anger. Sanji tensed, bracing for his father’s reprimand.
“Mind your tongue! We aren’t here to cater to anyone!” Judge’s wild eyes snapped to Ichiji. He descended from his throne, advancing towards the table with a darkening air of authority. “Every move we make serves to strengthen Germa’s standing. With the Kuraigana army at our disposal, we’ll be unstoppable. Mingling with Mihawk’s brood is a minor inconvenience, but I won’t tolerate any missteps. You don’t have to be friendly, but I expect you, Niji, and Yonji to keep your distance. One wrong word could ruin the entire alliance!”
Judge’s fist crashed down onto the table with a resounding thud, leaving a small crater of cracked stone in its wake. His long disheveled hair shrouded over his face, creating a dark shadow from which his eyes blazed with fury.
The tense atmosphere forced a chill silence to fall over the table. It was an oppressive choking feeling that they all knew well. It had only taken them one mistake in the past for them to all learn what would happen if any of them spoke against Judge. It was not one that would be repeated again, even to this day. None of the siblings dared to even draw breath when Judge’s anger turned violent.
After a few moments of tense silence, Reiju, with her characteristic grace and bravery, spoke up again. "How do you expect Sanji and me to handle King Mihawk's heirs?"
With a grunt, Judge removed his fist from the table, opting to run his hand through his hair to straighten the flyaways.
"He has a daughter known for her sorcery skills and a son who leads a pitifully small fraction of knights," Judge began, his pacing around the table emphasizing his words, positioning himself between Sanji and Reiju. “Reiju, you’ll oversee the sorceress’s accommodations, while Sanji will attend to the other. Keep them away from my negotiations with Mihawk. It’s a task so simple and straightforward that not even someone as useless as Sanji could mess it up.”
Sanji angrily curled his tongue behind his teeth, a surge of indignation rising within him, yet he held his composure.
“The Mihawks will be our guests for a week, expected to arrive in two days. Prepare accordingly for their reception. You are all dismissed.” Casting one last sharp look over his children, Judge turned sharply to leave the throne room. His cloak billowed behind him as he exited through the grand entrance.
“Well, that seemed like a waste of time.” Niji remarked as soon as Judge was out of earshot, pushing back his chair and rising to his feet. “I don’t get why I had to be here if Reiju and Sanji were the only ones given tasks.”
“On the contrary; we were given our own task,” Ichiji pointed out, eyeing the crater left in the table by their father's furious strike. “We're supposed to keep out of Reiju and Sanji's way while they entertain those lowlifes.”
“How dull.” Yonji chimed in, propping his chin on his hand. Then, his expression turned mischievous. Looking towards Sanji, the youngest of the Vinsmokes tauntingly spoke out, “Hey, Sanji, why not suggest a trip to the beach for your visitor? Worked wonders for you last time, didn't it?”
Heat instantly surged through Sanji’s skin, causing him to stand so abruptly that his chair toppled over behind him.
Reiju was quick to reach Sanji’s side, her hand gripping his shoulder firmly in an attempt to stop him.
"Just ignore him," Reiju urged quietly. "He's just trying to pick a fight. Don't let him provoke you."
Sanji met his sister's gaze, seeing the concern reflected in her eyes.
With effort, Sanji swallowed back the torrent of curses that threatened to spill from his lips in response to his brother's callous words. Taking a deep breath, Sanji turned to leave.
“What a profound love you had for our mother,” Yonji’s mocking voice echoed after Sanji as he rushed out of the room. “To leave her behind while you saved only yourself.”
Yonji’s words landed through Sanji like an arrow to his heart, his steps faltered for a moment before he quickened his pace, determined to put as much distance between himself and his siblings as possible.
Finally alone, Sanji leaned against the cold wall of the corridor, his body shaking. Tears welled in his eyes, hot and stinging, as he struggled to contain the flood of feelings that threatened to consume him. With a deep, shuddering breath, he let himself surrender to the release of tears, allowing them to fall freely.
“Other way, dumbass!”
Zoro felt a surge of frustration as Perona grabbed his shoulders, forcibly turning him in the opposite direction. He shook off her grip, irritated by her overbearing attitude.
"I know where the throne room is! You don’t have to lead me around!" Zoro snapped.
Perona, unfazed by his irritation, flipped her long, curly pink hair over her shoulder with a smirk.
"Of course I do! I swear, even though we’ve lived here most of our lives, you still get lost in your own home," Perona's playful jab hit its mark.
Zoro angrily swatted at his sister, only to miss as she effortlessly glided out of his reach. Her powers allowing her to float gracefully in the air, her long black dress trailing behind her like a dark cloud.
“Last week for dinner, Luffy had to lead you to the dining hall.”
“Luffy didn’t lead me. He was following me so Mihawk would invite him to join us.” Zoro retorted, his glare as sharp as his three swords that always hung at his hip.
Perona chuckled, thoroughly enjoying her brother's growing annoyance.
“Oh? What about yesterday when Nami and Vivi had to lead you? Were they fishing for a dinner invite too?” Her teasing tone danced through the air like a mocking melody. “Because they were on their way toward town when they caught you wandering around lost on the castle grounds. I’m pretty sure you messed up their date night.”
Zoro’s jaw clenched tighter, his stubborn scowl deepening at Perona’s continued teasing. Despite being familiar with the castle's layout, Zoro's tendency to get lost was a well-known fact among its inhabitants, and Perona took every opportunity to playfully rib him about it.
“I wasn’t lost. I was… exploring.” Zoro insisted gruffly. “Now stop your yapping and keep moving! Mihawk wanted to talk to us about something important.”
Perona’s laughter continued to echo through the corridor like the tinkling of wind chimes, her amusement evident in the playful glint of her eyes as she continued to glide ahead. The warm glow of the sun shone brightly through the windows, illuminating the rich gothic tapestries and plush furnishings that adorned the halls.
Though he's lived here for as long as he can remember, Zoro still finds himself marveling at the castle's grandeur with each passing day. It's a testament to the power and prestige of the man who rules over it, and Zoro can't help but feel a swell of pride at being a part of Mihawk's household.
Finally, they reach the throne room, and Zoro's heart swells with a sense of homecoming when he beholds the familiar sight before him: Mihawk's figure sitting upon his throne with a wine glass in hand. As Zoro enters, he knows that, despite his penchant for getting lost, he's found his place within the castle's hallowed halls.
“You both made it on time.” King Mihawk set his glass down and rose from his seat to greet his children. “How have your trainings gone today?”
“I’m getting a lot better at crushing souls,” Perona boasted, proudly puffing up her chest, “At this rate, I’ll be able to bring whole armies to their knees.”
King Mihawk chuckled softly at his daughter’s eagerness.
“That’s excellent to hear,” Mihawk replied warmly. “Our people are sure to benefit from your hard work and protection. Speaking of protection…” Mihawk's gaze shifted to Zoro, his eyes alight with pride and approval. "I heard how you led your band of knights to the southern border of Kuraigana. You stopped a herd of Dracon from attacking our citizens."
Zoro's expression turned serious.
"I cannot take credit for that," Zoro admitted. "Luffy was the one who took charge. Under his direction, we were able to stop the Dracon attacks."
King Mihawk regarded his son with a hint of amusement.
“Modesty suits you,” Mihawk remarked, his tone carrying a note of approval. “But remember, accepting praise when deserved is just as important. You and Luffy make a formidable team, but your bravery and dedication to our people haven’t gone unnoticed.”
Although Zoro tried his best to remain stoic, he could still feel the faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"I'm sure you didn't ask us to come here just so you could butter us up with compliments." Perona remarked, her arms crossed expectantly. "So what's so important that it couldn't wait to be discussed over dinner?"
Mihawk's expression grew solemn.
"As you both know, the constant attacks from the Dracons have interfered with the lives of our people for the last decade," Mihawk began, his tone grave. "Their numbers continue to grow, and despite our efforts to fend them off, our crops have suffered. I fear it won't be long before food becomes scarce."
Zoro and Perona exchanged a concerned glance, their worries mirrored in each other's eyes.
"The King of Germa has offered us aid through the formation of an alliance. They are known for their powerful armies and abundance of wealth, and they have reached out to extend their assistance to us in this time of need."
Zoro's brow furrowed in confusion as he processed his father's words.
"The Dracon attacks have been occurring for well over a decade, so why do they feel the need to form an alliance with us now?" Perona's skepticism mirrored Zoro's own thoughts.
"The King has expressed interest in our military might," Mihawk explained, his voice tinged with a hint of suspicion. "I have no doubt that he sees the alliance as a way to enhance his own military strength."
Zoro's frown deepened at his father's reply, his mind racing with questions and doubts about this alliance with the Germa Kingdom. But Mihawk pressed on, undeterred.
"Whatever their motives may be, I think we owe it to our people to see what comes from these negotiations," Mihawk continued firmly. "This war against the Dracons has not affected them as it has other neighboring kingdoms. They have the means to ensure our people do not go hungry."
“When are these negotiations meant to take place?” Zoro inquired.
“King Vinsmoke has invited our family to stay in his castle while we negotiate the terms of our alliance. We will leave tomorrow,” Mihawk’s calm reply was met with an exaggerated gasp from Perona.
“Tomorrow?! That’s such short notice! We barely have enough time to pack for the trip!” Perona exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration. “I’m not sure I have enough time to coordinate outfits. How long will we be staying there for?”
“All your dresses look the same. It shouldn’t take you long to throw a few in a trunk.” Zoro rolled his eyes.
Perona shot him a wide eyed glare. Lips pursed in anger.
“We are going to be around other royals. They give us enough grief for not being of royal descent. You want them to make fun of us for being poorly dressed too?!” Perona punctuated her point by elbowing Zoro in the ribs. In return, Zoro elbowed her back, casting a glare of his own.
“If they are just like all the other snobbish royals out there, then why should we care what they think of us?!” Zoro argued.
“Will you both please stop your bickering?” Their father's voice cut through their argument, and Zoro and Perona turned to see him pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“This is precisely why I wanted to meet with the two of you. We will be staying with the Vinsmoke family for a week, perhaps longer if negotiations drag on, and I expect you both to be on your best behavior.”
Zoro guiltily bit his tongue to stop himself from arguing further with Perona. He eyed his sister carefully and noticed that she, too, was attempting to stay civil.
“Now, go make any arrangements you need to before our departure.” Mihawk ushered the two out of the throne room. He gave them one last warning look, sternly expressing his desire for them to get along, then shut the doors behind them.
“You were the one who started that argument,” Perona hissed quietly to avoid being heard by Mihawk. She turned her nose in the air and set off down the hall, Zoro following closely behind.
“You should be more concerned about our people going hungry rather than how you look to other royals.” Zoro scolded.
Perona abruptly turned to face Zoro, her floating form bringing her angry face inches from his own.
“I care because we are representing our Kingdom, and I want to be taken seriously!” Perona snapped. “You should be a bit more concerned about your appearance. If we look slovenly and uncaring, then they will see that as a reflection of our leadership skills. Doesn’t that worry you at all?”
Zoro's brows furrowed as he contemplated Perona's words. He knew she had a point, but his concerns ran deeper than mere appearances.
“Appearance is the least of my worries. Most royals don’t see me as being a worthy heir to Mihawk’s throne and never will.” Zoro averted his gaze from Perona. In his mind he sometimes wondered if other royals were right… he still had a long way to go before he could call himself Mihawk’s equal.
Perona's expression softened as she regarded her brother. Despite their frequent disagreements, she understood the weight of the expectations Zoro placed on himself. She reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm.
“Zoro, you may not see it, but Father believes in you. He sees your potential, even if you don't,” Perona reassured him, her voice softening. “You're stronger than you realize, and one day, you'll prove all those doubters wrong.”
Zoro couldn’t bring himself to meet Perona’s gaze. Despite her reassurances, he still felt weighed down by his own insecurities. He knew that earning the respect of his people was just the beginning; he needed to prove himself worthy of his father's faith and the responsibility that came with it.
Perona sensed her brother's sadness and decided to lighten the mood. With a small smile, she changed the subject, diverting Zoro's attention away from his doubts.
“You know that jacket I made for you on your last birthday? The deep midnight blue one with the gold trimmings? You should wear that when we meet the Vinsmokes. It makes you look exceptionally regal.” Perona suggested, hoping to boost Zoro's confidence.
Zoro tried to suppress his amusement but failed miserably.
“Thanks.” he muttered gratefully. Despite their differences, he couldn't help but appreciate having Perona as his sister.
(Next Chapter)
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kaiasky · 7 months
Just saving this here before i click the "dismiss" button
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with regards to recent events, this project will no longer be actively maintained, and the development of the Dashboard Plus extension is being shelved. despite the fact that tumblr as a website is largely propped up by LGBTQ+ content creators, many of whom are trans women, the way this website has treated and continues to treat trans women is utterly disgusting. from the harassment trans women face from this site's users, many of whom claim to be trans allies or are even trans themselves, to transphobic moderators targeting trans women and selling bans for money, all the way to the CEO of the website directly confronting a trans woman and threatening legal action against her for inactionable threats, tumblr has made it clear that it is by no means the queerest place on earth. some of my trans sisters may remain on tumblr, even when faced with constant vitriol. i am deeply proud of them and their visibility in the face of hostility, however after seeing recent events unfold, and after being directly confronted by tumblr's CEO himself in a digusting display of indifference, i myself have decided to move onto better pursuits for the larger part. tumblr no longer holds the same shine for me that it did five years ago, and i can no longer justify spending hours of my time every week pouring more work and love into this site than any member of staff ever did. i thank you all for the support you've given me in the past 8 months, whether through donations, contributions to the script, or even just sending me a kind message. i would ask that you show the same generosity and kindness to other trans girls in my absence, and especially to those who don't code, or write stories, or draw art. every trans girl is valuable, and their worth is more than any arbitrary set of talents. and a little love can go a long way. yours truly, dragongirlsnout
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Well, shit.
It looks like Dashboard Unfucker is soon to be no longer. Saw a big block of black text underneath the unfucker header, couldn't read because I use dark mode, so copied it and figured I would repost it here because, well, this is gonna make tumblr less tumblr. We need to wish @dragongirlsnout the best for helping make this hellsite more pleasant to be on.
Here's her message:
with regards to recent events,
this project will no longer be actively maintained, and the development of the Dashboard Plus extension is being shelved.
despite the fact that tumblr as a website is largely propped up by LGBTQ+ content creators, many of whom are trans women, the way this website has treated and continues to treat trans women is utterly disgusting.
from the harassment trans women face from this site's users, many of whom claim to be trans allies or are even trans themselves, to transphobic moderators targeting trans women and selling bans for money, all the way to the CEO of the website directly confronting a trans woman and threatening legal action against her for inactionable threats, tumblr has made it clear that it is by no means the queerest place on earth.
some of my trans sisters may remain on tumblr, even when faced with constant vitriol. i am deeply proud of them and their visibility in the face of hostility, however after seeing recent events unfold, and after being directly confronted by tumblr's CEO himself in a digusting display of indifference, i myself have decided to move onto better pursuits for the larger part. tumblr no longer holds the same shine for me that it did five years ago, and i can no longer justify spending hours of my time every week pouring more work and love into this site than any member of staff ever did.
i thank you all for the support you've given me in the past 8 months, whether through donations, contributions to the script, or even just sending me a kind message. i would ask that you show the same generosity and kindness to other trans girls in my absence, and especially to those who don't code, or write stories, or draw art. every trans girl is valuable, and their worth is more than any arbitrary set of talents. and a little love can go a long way
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its always about trust in the end. alright gonna put a bunch of tori images in this post and try to dissect her lol. under the cut cause its abt to get LONG
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so this is a very interesting sequence of events. the idea of 'possesions' of things that rupert owns is one thats consistently brought up. the idea of Owning and Not owning something even though lariette has the realization that he Owns Everything. he doesnt really. he truly has very little and the very little he Does have he cherishes. such as tori. so lets for a moment switch out Possession for Cherish.
his highness shouldnt cherish many things because in the end IM the only thing he will cherish. thats the only way everything can end
what exactly 'everything' means in this situation. well. could it be the promise he made with his mother? its a bit vague. but regardless tori seems to be convinced that there is a reachable End Point Goal and at that point he will lose everything he could cherish because of it.
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yea another point of just. shes probably not human. its probably a more literal Possession made out of alchemy. WAIT
'time has stopped only for me. that is why his highness can only have me'
thats a very interesting choice of words consider lariette literally went back in time.
anyway. tori is saying because shes unchanging, stable, stagnant, she will be the only possession. the only thing rupert can cherish. the only thing he will have left when he loses everything.
does he lose everything when he gains it all - ie becomes the emperor?
but ultimately we cannot trust her word because. he does lose her. he kills her in the original timeline. another case of words =/= actions.
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i feel like lariette has said 'hes a monster who will consume everything' word for word in the past. not really sure how this fits in with the rest of the conversation but it does imply that he too, no matter what, is unchanging. a fact that LARIETTE Does want to be true. she is sticking by it very much ! interesting implications
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i also want to bring up. toris Motivation in this. everyone seems to have a focal Motivation. for lariette its her fear. for rupert its his curiousity. for tori would it be her jealousy? it makes sense because shes never once displayed that fact until its now pointed out - a constant theme of lari pretending not to be frightened or disguising her fear with hatred. rupert being totally indifferent and even rejecting lari at first despite his curiosity. idk! idk. its interesting my head hurts
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starlcts · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted!! NICOLÁS 'NIC' MOREAU on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 26 year old looks like TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET, but i don’t really see it. while  the MODEL is known for being ARTICULATE my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be CARELESS i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song WORST CASE KID BY TOMMY LEFROY  {he /him cisman}
growing up on the outskirts of paris, nic was born as the only son in the moreau clan, moguls in the european luxury hotel industry . his father, henrie, was well into his fifties when nic was born and already on his third wife, to which nic was a surprise . his mother , colette , was more interested in her husband's name and the connections it could bring her than she was in raising her own son . thus , on the bitterly cold november morning in which nic was brought into the world , he was placed into the arms of his nanny rather than his mother .
later, he would be told that his parents were ‘ overjoyed ’ at his birth, but that tidbit was always confusing to him. he’d never once seen his parents display much emotion, nevertheless one that would be related to joy. his parents were cool and detached, certainly never ones for any sort of praise or physical affection.
most of his childhood followed the same trend : his parents were always absent , only calling on nic when his presence was mandatory for various events and functions . while they were not a constant force in his life , their expectations were still high for their son . he was provided the best tutors , the best boarding school educations and any resource he could possibly need to make his parents proud .
he was able to live up to his parents' expectations for the most part . . . he made decent grades and was well - liked among his peers . it was clear from the start that his father wanted him to inherit the company , something nic was always indifferent about . it was always odd , being born into a world where his future was already decided for him before his first breath .
he started his modeling career when he was seventeen , after the photographer who shot his family's christmas card recommended him for a ralph lauren shoot happening later that month . despite his mother's previous work in the modeling industry , it was nothing that nic had ever considered doing for a living . however, he ended up going to the shoot and hasn't looked back since . soon enough , he was getting booked for paris fashion week, and he kept booking audition after audition .
it's not like nic is necessarily passionate about modeling, it's mostly just something to pass the time and get his father off his back . he decided to move , or as his parents claim --- ran away to california two years ago . in a way, he did run away , if only from his responsibilities . now that his main source of income isn't from his parents , he has no interest in returning home anytime soon .
he presents as a little spoiled, but that's where nic claims most of his charm originates from. he always sports a coy smile, paired with a cigarette hanging from his lips . he rents a house in manhattan beach , which he is rarely in due to his hectic , travel schedule .
nic is often restless , constantly looking for something to do and for new people to meet . no matter where he is , he parties quite a bit and is often out until the early hours of the morning . in terms of his relationships , he's never been one to seriously commit to anyone out of fear that his family would be enough to scare anyone away. thus , he keeps most at a distance .
close friends
modeling friends / party friends
roommate ( open for one - two people ! )
exes of any sort
a toxic type relationship where they know they aren't good for each other but they still hang around each other because they just can't stay away
i would love a soft slow burn for my boy ... maybe someone who's currently a friend but they both sense there could be something more there ... it would just take a little time ( and trust ! ) to get there
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mejomonster · 2 years
Silent Reading, chapter 23. I really liked this whole part. How Tao Ran suspected Fei Du and didn't say it, how without hesitation Luo Wenzhou decided it couldn't be Fei Du (which he'd attribute to logic but realistically Fei Du could lie about being lost so its partially emotional trust he knows Fei Du well enough to say he didn't kill the guy). I love Tao Ran acting cagey cause like... he helped Fei Du too for 7 years but really Luo Wenzhou was driving that boat, and exposed to Fei Du's worse traits (and more honest self), so when it comes down to Fei Du being a suspect Tao Ran is less certain of Fei Du's true personality. It really does remind me in a lot of ways of Flower of Evil in terms of wife/husband and luo/fei trusting. I also love how Fei Du gradually picks up on the suspecting him, how he gets angry but doesn't manage to hide it while still trying to, how he helps them solve it right after this. I think luo/feis most high Click tension is when they're partners practically on rhe same wavelength like in these kinds of scenes.
Also Tao Ran being pissed he's got no idea about what luo and fei did earlier that day during Tao Rans date (a car chase lmao). And Fei Du talking about sex and partying in front of Tao and Luo was just fairly funny. That's his surrogate parents!
And around here in the novel, Luo Wenzhous pov mentions he's been fighting with Fei Du 7 years and only now maybe is seeing a potential ceasefire. It makes me wonder. If they fought the Wholeee 7 years? Well then. For one, Luo Wenzhou must care an awful lot about Fei Du, because that truth means he's the one that purposely chose to invest in Fei Du's life (and drag Tao Ran into it too) and consistently do it despite the fighting nonstop. When it would've been easier (at least around a year after fei dus moms case was settled) to just let it go and leave Fei Du alone if he was always fighting with Luo. But Luo didn't want to abandon him, apparently, even with rhe fights. A very parental caretaker decision to NOT stop a relationship due to fights, whereas if it was more a concerned citizen only/friend like capacity then constant fighting wouldve been a quite reasonable reason to cease contact. So Luo for some reason has maintained this contact. He felt very sorry about what fei du was going through, wanted to protect him, etc something. Also the obvious implications: it means it caused Luo and Tao Ran to be possibly the most stable healthy familial (or friend or otherwise) long term relationships he's got. It also means, despite the fights, Luo to some degree proved there's at least one person he can be his worst self around or even cruel to who won't abandon him. Not sure if Fei Du sees himself as his dad and Luo as his mom taking the damage in this parallel, or Luo as controlling like his dad (but ultimately a safer healthier version), or it's a sounding board of someone who can confirm or deny he's a monster (Luo tends to do both but it can certainly feed into fei dus own self hate or self love if he wants to interpret it his own way as desired). Curious. I am Really interested as we get more info.
The passage:
He stood in silence for a while, the smiling expression that seemed to have grown along with the corners of his eyes and the tips of his brows cooling. Then he slowly spoke. “Zhang Donglai can’t be the killer. If his fingerprints are the only ones on the tie, it clearly shows that when the killer took that tie, whether he stole it or just picked it up, he was already planning to use it to implicate him.”
His voice was leisurely, his tone no different from his usual one, but Tao Ran, bewildered, sensed his veiled temper.
Starting from the time Tao Ran had called him to ask for Zhang Donglai’s alibi, Fei Du had displayed the indifference of an outsider. Even afterwards, when he’d twice accompanied Zhang Ting to the City Bureau, he was purely accompanying her, purely going through the motions, a mere drinking buddy through and through.
He hadn’t gotten worked up trying to defend Zhang Donglai. He hadn’t even asked of his own initiative what their investigation had turned up, whether Zhang Donglai had been entirely cleared of suspicion.
“I never expected you to get angry on Zhang Donglai’s behalf. I thought…” Tao Ran was somewhat taken aback. He considered his wording. “I didn’t think you were on such good terms with him? It looked at first like you weren’t taking this so much to heart.”
“I’m not angry. I just think that some people have been rather too thorough.” Fei Du tilted his head and smiled at him, seeming warm and calm, then made a slip of the tongue: “Give me some coffee-flavored sesame oil to help me focus.”
Tao Ran: “…”
The “not angry” President Fei’s expression was frank; he had entirely failed to notice he’d said anything wrong.
When Fei Du, frowning, had drained a cup of instant coffee with an expression of deepest suffering, he let out a breath and spoke. “When you released Zhang Donglai, saying that there was insufficient evidence, you actually already had evidence showing he wasn’t under suspicion. Is that right?”
Tao Ran froze.
But next to him Luo Wenzhou nodded. “Right.—The DNA on those cigarette ends you sent over really was He Zhongyi’s. We followed up on that lead and found that he’d gotten on a bus and left Chengguang Mansion to go somewhere else. He wasn’t killed at the club. Zhang Donglai was still making merry in Chengguang Mansion at the time. His alibi is fairly solid. We didn’t clarify this when we set him free because I had a feeling that the murderer was following this case closely. If we released Zhang Donglai so ambiguously, he would definitely have a next move. And sure enough, he delivered this tie to us.”
“If he’s someone who can closely follow the case and plant the murder weapon in Zhang Donglai’s car without being suspected, then the murderer must be among those of us who came to pick up Zhang Donglai when he got out of the ‘little dark room.’ Aside from Zhang Ting and Attorney Liu, all those people also just happened to be at Chengguang Mansion that night.” Fei Du stretched out his legs, half-leaning and half-sitting on Tao Ran’s desk. “Among us, the one most concerned with the case, the most implicated, must be me. Am I under a lot of suspicion?”
“Not much,” Luo Wenzhou answered without pausing to think. “Earlier you couldn’t find north in the West District’s heap of little alleys. The degree of difficulty involved in tossing a corpse there would be a little high for you.”
Fei Du: “…”
Luo Wenzhou said, “That’s enough, President Fei. I know you’re ‘both wealthy and virtuous’ and can afford to eat youtiao. The silk banner’s on its way. Stop throwing a tantrum and speak sensibly.”
Tao Ran looked from one to the next. He was slightly appalled. He had no idea what had happened while he’d been away from his post for the time it took to have dinner.
Fei Du stared at Luo Wenzhou expressionlessly for a while; perhaps he was internally cutting him to pieces. He managed to maintain his bearing and said seriously, “Aside from me, the one who most clearly understands the circumstances of the case must be Attorney Liu. The whole affair of the tie may have been staged by him. But he never had any contact with Zhang Donglai before, and it would have been very hard for him to get ahold of Lao Zhang’s tie to use as a murder weapon.—Attorney Liu reports directly to Zhang Ting, and Zhang Ting fits the above requirements better. Also, she came into close contact with the deceased He Zhongyi. You need to go investigate her alibi for that night.”
He paused for a moment. “There’s also a fourth person: Zhang Ting’s boyfriend, Zhao Haochang. He’s a fairly well-known legal advisor, specializing in mergers and acquisitions. He was the one who recommended Attorney Liu to Zhang Ting, and he came with her today. On the night of the murder, he was at Chengguang Mansion and left after the dinner party—”
“You’re sure he left after the dinner party,” said Luo Wenzhou.
The corners of Fei Du’s lips twitched ambiguously. “What do you think? Would you participate in the ‘midnight performances’ in front of your future brother-in-law?”
Luo Wenzhou: “…”
Little whelp!
Fei Du said, “Can you tell me approximately where He Zhongyi went after he left the Chengguang Mansion?”
Tao Ran looked at Luo Wenzhou, saw Luo Wenzhou nod slightly, then said, “He got off the bus at Wenchang Intersection. After that we lost track of him.”
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atlantisrealestate · 3 months
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There once was a rich merchant who had four wives. He held the fourth wife dearest, showering her with delicacies and wealth. He fulfilled every desire, ensuring her comfort and luxury.
His third wife, a source of immense pride, he often displayed to his friends. However, a constant fear gnawed at him – that she might abandon him for another.
The second wife, known for her patience and consideration, served as his confidante. In times of hardship, he turned to her for solace and support, and she never failed him.
The merchant's first wife, though loyal and devoted, remained largely unnoticed. She tirelessly managed his wealth and business, ensuring the smooth running of his household. Yet, his love for her remained absent.
As illness struck, casting a shadow of mortality, the merchant contemplated his luxurious life. He realized, with a jolt, that despite his four wives, he faced death alone.
Desperate for companionship in his final moments, he turned to the fourth wife. "I showered you with wealth and fulfilled your every desire," he pleaded. "Will you not follow me and keep me company in the afterlife?"
Her response was a swift and cold rejection. She turned away, leaving the merchant's heart pierced by her indifference.
Next, he implored his third wife. "I displayed you proudly throughout my life," he reminded her. "Now that I am dying, will you not accompany me on my journey?"
"Life is far too sweet for me to follow you," she replied with a callous disregard. "Rest assured, I will find another husband soon enough."
The merchant's heart sank, a chilling emptiness settling within him. He then addressed his second wife. "You have always been my confidante, my pillar of strength," he said. "Will you not stay with me, even in death?"
"Alas," she replied, "this time, my help cannot reach beyond the grave. The only service I can offer is to see you laid to rest."
Devastated by these heart-wrenching rejections, the merchant was ready to succumb to despair. Then, a gentle voice broke the silence.
"I will go with you," it offered. "Wherever you journey, I will follow."
The merchant looked up to see his first wife, her form frail and thin, reflecting years of neglect. Shame washed over him.
"I should have cared for you more," he confessed.
With this realization came a profound truth. We all possess four wives in life:
The fourth wife: Our body, beautiful but temporary, destined to depart at death's call.
The third wife: Our possessions, wealth, and status, all left behind when our journey ends.
The second wife: Our family and friends, companions for a time, but limited by the boundaries of life.
And finally, the first wife: Our soul, often neglected in the pursuit of earthly pleasures. Yet, it is the only one that remains faithful, accompanying us on our final voyage.
Who is your favorite wife?
0 notes
wellofhavoc · 7 months
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[img dsc: A screenshot of where the dashboard unfucker extension usually displays on the tumblr dashboard when installed with a detailed letter against tumblr for its recent actions towards a trans woman being critical of their site as well as its treatment of trans women's bodies as spectacles worthy of being labeled as porn simply by belonging to trans women. This is followed by a link to the cohost website and a dismiss button for the notification.] - [Transcription: with regards to recent events, this project will no longer be actively maintained, and the development of the Dashboard Plus extension is being shelved. despite the fact that tumblr as a website is largely propped up by LGBTQ+ content creators, many of whom are trans women, the way this website has treated and continues to treat trans women is utterly disgusting. from the harassment trans women face from this site's users, many of whom claim to be trans allies or are even trans themselves, to transphobic moderators targeting trans women and selling bans for money, all the way to the CEO of the website directly confronting a trans woman and threatening legal action against her for inactionable threats, tumblr has made it clear that it is by no means the queerest place on earth. some of my trans sisters may remain on tumblr, even when faced with constant vitriol. i am deeply proud of them and their visibility in the face of hostility, however after seeing recent events unfold, and after being directly confronted by tumblr's CEO himself in a digusting display of indifference, i myself have decided to move onto better pursuits for the larger part. tumblr no longer holds the same shine for me that it did five years ago, and i can no longer justify spending hours of my time every week pouring more work and love into this site than any member of staff ever did. i thank you all for the support you've given me in the past 8 months, whether through donations, contributions to the script, or even just sending me a kind message. i would ask that you show the same generosity and kindness to other trans girls in my absence, and especially to those who don't code, or write stories, or draw art. every trans girl is valuable, and their worth is more than any arbitrary set of talents. and a little love can go a long way.
yours truly, @dragongirlsnout]
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
So Stella and her pride weren’t hurt at all by Stolas’ infidelity? Okay, I guess so. She doesn’t ever really say that to him when it’d be the most appropriate to do so, and I mean, hiring an assassin is just something everybody does once in a while am I right?
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primnroses · 2 years
I've seen recently in the sasukarin tag that karin speaks her mind in front of sasuke that she " boss " that never let's sasuke talk her down. That sakura is a doormat and is easily emotionally destroyed by sasuke. That karin doesn't give a damn what sasuke thinks of her and only sakura obsessively seeks his approval. From what you've read in the manga, are those statements true?
I would not say that Karin is like a "boss" and doesn't let Sasuke's condescending attitude affect her. In fact, Karin is easily driven by Sasuke's words all the time, she only chooses to pretend to be indifferent and tends to use some vocabulary to mask her crush in front of Suigetsu because he wouldn't leave her alone.
It's actually not that "Karin speaks her mind in front of Sasuke", it's just that she tends to be impulsive and blurt out things that are opposite to what she's truly thinking and Sasuke simply doesn't care about it. It's common to see her using "cool", "handsome" or "sexy" to describe him but then straight-out yelling "pathetic" because she is exactly trying to keep her indifferent attitude.
Karin is a liar when it comes to Sasuke, it's as clear as day, and she does adopt different stances depending on the people around and if they involve him.
They keep using the words "obsession" and "seeking his approval" with Sakura but that's not what happens with her, it's actually what happens with Karin. She doesn't care if Sasuke keeps her away all the time because she is adamant in trying again and again despite his constant rejection. And it doesn't happen just once.
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But two... (she seems pretty affected by his words)
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...and three times.
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Karin does have an obsessive attitude. Kishimoto wrote expressions like "obsessed with Sasuke" and "dangerous love for Sasuke" to describe Karin's attitude with him in the third databook (page 67) using these images as examples:
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But with Sakura, Kishimoto uses "unrequited love", "loving with every fiber of her being" and describes her as "someone that loves Sasuke", "she wants to rescue Sasuke" and "holds her hands out to him" in every single one of her databook entries, but never obsession. That is a word that they tend to use to turn the tables, but it describes sasukarin perfectly.
Kishimoto goes as far as describing Sakura as "the only person that filled his lonely existence was Sakura" in Sasuke's profile from the second databook. Akatsuki Hiden also describes Sakura as a person that dedicated her love for Sasuke and is "his sunshine in the spring" according to Shin Towada, the writer.
But with Karin, you just have to read her story to see her personality and how it fluctuates. I will not deny that Karin wanted to see the same smile in Sasuke's face that he displayed when she met him for the first time, especially after she witnessed and sensed how low he had fallen; but behind those feelings she still harbored an insane love. Every time she wants to get close to him she wants them both to be alone.
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But Sakura never wanted Sasuke for herself, she wanted to save him and she went through grueling training just to rescue him from the dark path. Her feelings changed from a crush to loving him despite his dark past and broken life because she just wanted to save him.
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Sakura is not "a doormat easily emotionally destroyed by Sasuke", she is suffering because her attempts to redirect Sasuke in the right direction and her words aren't reaching his heart. She's frustrated because she is unsuccessful despite her efforts and because she loves him so much it hurts her.
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The author puts so much dedication in Sasuke and Sakura's moments that it's hard to miss.
The problem with sasukarin is that Sasuke doesn't see Karin as something more than a teammate and he has never demonstrated anything that would come close to romantic feelings. But with Sakura, he displays all kinds of emotions, his body language is different and the chemistry is so evident that even Naruto caught it. Antis just like to turn the tables and reject reality by calling sasusaku names that fit their pairing instead but making it beyond nonsensical.
So no anon, neither of those statements are true.
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