#but she STILL could have said something to Stolas to say that yes he DID hurt SOME PART of her
You know what the most pathetic thing the Stolas stans keep parroting is? That Stolas is just such a poor unsocialized rich prince, who just does not know how to talk to people, when that is 100 % a skill that you have to practice. I mean, look at Stella, who is arguably in a very similar situation to him, but even in the pilot had a little get-together with friends and in the show throws actual parties. She talks and gossips with people and is a very sociable person. Good for her! On the other hand, you have Stolas who gets drunk at now two different parties in the show and has no friends that we know of. At both of those parties, he could have talked to people, but that is not what happened. He could also throw his own parties. Or he could literally try to talk to people on the internet, who share his interests, but he doesn't even do that - as far as we know. In the same way, Stolas is pretty pathetic that he wants these big romantic gestures performed to him, but apparently doesn't understand that he has to put the work in to make a relationship even work to get to something like this. I am someone with autism who had to literally drag myself through social situation and learn all of those little things far later in life than others, and I absolutely loath how Stolas gets babied for not even trying to learn basic conversation skills or having any basic connection to literally anybody.
You're so right anon, like, even if he is unsocialized since they've retconned him to be a powerless naive little baby in S2, that still doesn't excuse shit like fetishizing someone and doing in front of a load of other people and embarrassing them. Genuinely just, what on Earth, how do people excuse that? Even if he didn't realize the harm he was doing, he was still doing harm! Blitz repeatedly said stop and he didn't listen (this is the harvest festival I'm talking about where Stolas fucking went "that sexy imp there" on stage in front of everyone and kept using pet names etc). Crossing someone's boundaries and ignoring them saying they don't consent... IS STILL DOING JUST THAT. Idc if you're a shut in, people don't have to just tolerate that! No one is owed friendship, friendships are mutual bonds you build with others, not pity donations.
And yes, 100%, St*las is pathetic in how he obsesses over 1 guy. He obsesses constantly over Blitz despite Blitz immediately not bothering to come on each full moon as soon as hes given the okay and being so unresponsive via text. I get not being good at reading social cues, but when you add in the deal... come on. Stolas should be able to put together that Blitz would be even more distant if only he could be. Stolas is surely mature enough to self reflect that Blitz is tethered. And to be fair, he did do that! So he did know. Its just a shame his apology didn't explicitly note who started it, and didn't apologize for forcing Blitz to interact with him. Instead it had all these vague passive statements like "and to not know how they feel" as if Blitz didn't constantly communicate active disgust all through S1. A kind of "Oh but you COULD have totally loved it really I didn't know!" It feels so sketchy.
St*las is his own worst enemy in that he constantly chases a guy who responds with "ugh, get away from me". If someone does that and constantly responds with "ugh" at you, OBVIOUSLY the healthier thing for both parties involved is for you to move on and to try meet anybody else. We've never once seen St*las attempt that though. And yeah, it is just pathetic. You can't cry and bitch and moan about loneliness if you've only taken steps that will ensure it and not done anything actually helpful to cure it, i.e making friends. Moxxie and Millie were right there... but he didn't try to get to known a single other member of IMP. Blitz doesn't even have a single thing in common with St*las, why doesn't that damn owl try to join a gardening club instead, meet people with any kind of similar interests? Like ffs. You're right about St*las wanting romantic gestures and such yet he won't put the work in to just get to know someone first. If you want a bouquet, you gotta try a "hello" and then a few "oh hey its you again nice to see you"s first. On someone OTHER than a guy who can't stand you.
And. Tbh part of me is scared to even go here. But, yk. It is discussed in the autism community, how men with autism get passes for things women with autism don't (since we're on the topic of not being able to read social cues etc). Some of the Stolas stuff honestly gives me that vibe. I wish so much that I could peer into an alternate reality where he was a woman instead of a cute soft lil gay bean man. I guarantee people would be quicker to call out his wrongs, tbh. Though they may take his abuse of Blitz less seriously, but I seriously do feel like his social behaviors and not knowing how to behave socially, not being caring in the right way, being a bad parent, all of that would have people madder and making less excuses.
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thebunniesgrim · 1 year
I'm getting way too much enjoyment watching how some of Helluva Boss fandom is raving over the popular current theory that stolas is going to die in the series.  
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Because of the Oops episode and how the skull and cross bones in the smoke clock landed on Stolas and other stuff  
Having imp assasins in LooLoo Land 
His lullaby saying that when he’s gone Octavia will be ok and that today could be his last (I could go on a whole tangent about that lullaby it's so good)  
Western Energy  (that's it)
I'm not saying I want stolas to die but am I also saying it would be funny to watch the fandom go up in flames about it?  
Well call me Phineas and Ferb because
yes I am 
You can stop reading here if you want. Under the cut I'm just rambling justifying why I think what I think. there are some jokes and lighthearted critiques, but you know... you have the option to look and give your own opinions  :)
I mean I have my grievances with him like I've said in my other post (shameless plug Warning I'm very illiterate in case you haven't noticed) but like I don’t wish death upon him I still like Stolas believe it or not   
In fact I hope stolas doesn’t die and mostly I don’t think stolas is going to die at all frankly. I highly dout the writers/viv/whoever is going to actually kill off stolas mostly because like any time stolas is in danger its so underminded like- ok LooLoo land is mostly a joke (good joke too I like the end where Stolas turns the imp guy into stone good pay off), Stella played for laughs beacues shes making the hit right in front stolas and it doesn’t get paid off till the next season which is fine the seasons are short, Western Energy he was fine like an episode later.  
If home boy cant be hospitalized for more than one episode he isn't dying  
Granted I will allow some leeway as we don’t know how much time has passed since Western Energy to Oops but it- I don’t think stab wounds and broken arms heal that fast regardless of that :/ if I'm being honest especially if it was a holy weapon just saying.  
Even if he did die that brings up a lot of questions like what happens to demons when they die? Are all demons immortal and can only die due to physical damage? are Asmodeus and Beelzebub going to outlive Fizz and Vortex if imps and hellhounds/other demons aren't immortal. Were the 7 deathly sins ever babies like everyone else? If demons are immortal and can live forever and the Ars Goitias can only be killed by angelic weapons that are hard to get, I'm assuming, why do, they need to have children or heirs? Why even have children at all? If angelic weapons can kill demons do demonic weapons exist and can they kill angels or other holy beings?   
All this and more on You Can't Answer These Questions at 8 
but in all seriousness 
Here’s the real question  
If they did actually kill Stolas, will they bring him back?  
Riddle me this batman  
there's a very the very real outcome of them bringing stolas back through some magical demonic bs anyway so like it really won't matter. They're not going to have Stolas bite the dust permanently and if they are... respect honestly (the balls frankly).  
People will cry, I'll laugh because I'm heartless, he’ll be like resurrected or something, and everyone will be happy or mad idk.    
Like it's one thing for Millie to get hurt in the other episodes because there wasn’t a major plot point you know? (and she’s not important) There was no lingering scene on it with sad music. In when stolas got hurt it was this big thing and for him to just be like fine an episode later is like what? How are you going to have this big emotional climax with no emotional orgasm (sorry) afterwards. And like no I'm not letting this go what the heck? You had the whole fandom screeching about Blizto going to sloth just to do nothing with it and put a twist about Barbie and then also have stolas be perfectly fine and dandy the next episode afterwards. Are there no stakes in this show? Like I get that Helluva Boss wasn’t planned in the beginning but like come on... When Viv approves of the episodes does she look back at the other episodes? Is she even there? Is she ok? Is she and everyone else seeing a bigger picture that I'm not? Has she sat down and watched Helluva Boss from the very beginning and watched them from episode one to now? I mean really not just a once over to send it off to youtube I mean really took a good and hard look at the episodes? The way they mix episodic, and story is really messing with me I'm going to go back and watch all the episodes from the beginning just to make sure it’s not me.
I like how I said in my tangent about Hell fire (shameless plug part 2) I said I liked the new episode over all give or take some extremally small nitpicks yet here I am complaining :) guess I'm a liar   
soo yeah, I really don’t think they're going kill off their golden child, their best boy, their little botanist boo, their dopamine deficient dandy, their booboo bear, their uwu baby boi, their uke wukey cinnamon roll, their twinky little baby owl, their Boo thang, their stary eyed savant, their sad beige gay, their smoopy woopy do, their snoogum-boogums, their skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, their-  
I'm done  
I'm so sorry   
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snorkling-in-sodasea · 4 months
Moments of Stupidity 16
Well, since Full Moon came out, it was probably only a matter of time before this, huh? I guess I wanna say first is, I'm feeling rather different than when I first started.
At the beginning, I just wanted to vent. Let anger out. I mean, as much as I have people on the lookout for my posts - which I'm flattered by - I'm still just one of many posting stuff on this site. I'm definitely not the first one to share their dislike over what goes on in Helluva Boss and I doubt I'll be the last.
Over time, I watch the shows more and more and now pretty pictures and some good songs are the standard I have now because, irrational and angry or sane and calm, I still can't get behind the writing at times. Still, I continued this series of posts about stupidity in the shows because I was being fueled by people liking these posts.
Now I'm wondering if I'll just be disappointing one of my parents if I make these posts. Because I talked with them about something and they were right. No matter how much people don't like Vivienne, she managed to be successful and do something right, if she's managed to get A24 interested in airing her show and get that show on Amazon Prime. No matter who doesn't like that, that's still what happened.
Like Stephan King and J.K. Rowling, for example. Those two got their haters but they still got their fans because they're still doing something right, especially writing wise. You might not think that's a good comparison considering the examples I'm using but it's true in the sense that they and Vivienne still are successful due to their works because they all got their fans who helped them get that successful.
So yeah, I know that I can seem disappointing to my parent that I've been angrily posting about a successful show despite how it's not going to change that success and there's a very real chance that I will, should I tell them about it. Especially since I'm still doing at least this post. I guess I can still do this for fun or because I know people will still look forward to these moments of stupidity. I'll have to think on it
In any case, I started this post to still talk about how actions in the screenplay are dumb so I might as well deliver on what I promised. Thanks to anyone and everyone who bothered reading all of this, as well as those who don't get upset over the above.
Full Moon -
So there's D.H.O.R.K.S. first. They not only didn't get any better at interrogation since they got no real way of knowing that Keenie and Cletus were really telling the truth - and they weren't, especially about the exorcists - but there's also the suits. The suits obviously fit the cherubs but Agent One and Agent Two reasonably would never expect to meet them to give the suits to so that the battle suits could be used. I can't even think of kids being sent because they decided not to after last time. So who the fuck would Agent One and Agent Two put in those battle suits?
I guess there's the cherubs, too, for having been stealthy enough with the 'worried mother' bit but then be obvious as fuck when following Blitzo. I mean, the disguise as the mother was kind of strange but like Moxxie said, they weren't exactly covert. How could the cherubs think they would never be spotted when their upper halves were sticking out of the damn bushes?
Other than that, then the biggest moment of stupidity goes to none other than Stolas. Starting up the conversation the way he did is one thing (yes, really, it could be chalked up to Stolas being severely sheltered and alone growing up) but it's another thing entirely to make it sound like Blitzo is the one who makes it all about sex and getting upset about it. Seriously. Stolas is the one who made the deal that centers around sex. He's the one who always spewed sexual shit out of his mouth in most of season 1 and a couple episodes in season 2. He's the one Blitzo was talking about when he said 'don't make it anything more than you (Stolas) wanting me (Blitzo) to fuck you'. Even at the very first meeting that Stolas and Blitzo ever had, Stolas was the one who thought of taking Blitzo to his room and say that he's there to ravish him. How was it Blitzo's fault that that was on Stolas's mind? Yeah, Blitzo may have been the one to initiate sex but it sure seems like to me that he only did that because Stolas gave him the idea of sex being a possibility. Even if Stolas just said the 'ravish me' line as a joke, it still gave Blitzo the idea to have sex. (By the way, that's a very weird joke to make with a friend, especially one you had literally only one playdate with over twenty years ago). Naturally, by this episode, Stolas has practically conditioned Blitzo to make everything about sex when Stolas is in the picture yet this damn owl is upset that his confession wasn't being taken seriously
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nottamoxxie · 5 months
Give me something to hold onto Chapter 2:
Little!Owl! 🦉🪄🔮✨️
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Chapter 2:
Stolas and Blitzø's friendship was rather awkward at first, very little in common, and only one day of history they can really relate to one another.
They started meeting with each other once a month for the exchange, Stolas would often invite Blitzø in for tea, and out of pure guilt, he'd say yes.
He felt bad, Stolas had no friends! And honestly Blitzø didn't have anything better to do, so...
And though it was awkward at first, the more they interacted, the more he started to see that they did have a lot more in common than they had originally thought.
"So, your daughter is a hellhound?" Stolas asks him.
Blitzø chuckles awkwardly. "Yup, I couldn't be prouder of her, she's so talented and she secretly has a lot of heart, but don't tell her I said that, she'd probably kill me."
"Daughters are wonders." Stolas says, and Blitzø can't disagree. "My daughter is a bit angsty too, but like loona has a heart of gold. Though it seems she shows it a bit more than Loona."
Blitzø and Stolas both laugh at that. "Did I tell you she bit me after I gifted her spiders for her adoption anniversary?" Blitzø asks. "It was infected, but it's fine now."
"Why would you gift your daughter spiders?" Stolas asks.
Blitzø laughs. "I don't know, she's angsty and dark, I thought she'd like it!"
Stolas laughs, too. "You are certainly something else, Blitzø."
The two of them became closer once they started discussing life beyond only parenthood. They talked about work, shows they watch (mostly Blitzø talking about my little pony for hours,) and sometimes psychological things.
Stolas found Blitzø's brutal honesty refreshing. He was honest and didn't try to suck up to the prince, but told him everything he was thinking, even if it was rude or vulgar.
But he was never cruel like Stella was. Everything he said was more random or even playful banter, never meant to be taken as an insult.
They found their relationship worked a lot better with the back and forth teasing. They were both so good at it!
They also shared their passions with each other...
Sure, Blitzø liked horses...a lot and Stolas loved plants more than any normal person could comprehend, regardless, they still listened to the intense ramblings of the other, and that made them both feel special to each other.
Today however...their relationship was going to change a lot more.
~~~Blitzø & Stolas: Present~~~
Blitzø scaled the palace walls, book in mouth in order to climb up to return it to Stolas.
"There you are. Where in hell have you been?" Stolas asks once he reaches the top.
Blitzø falls face first onto the floor, spitting out the book. "You know it's not exactly easy climbing up here all the time!" Blitzø complains.
"I know, I'm- I'm sorry." Stolas says, helping him up, taking the grimoire and setting it aside. "I just can't let my staff see you, you know Stella can't know about us." He says.
"Right, but- why is that exactly? It's not like we're fucking or anything." Blitzø says. "We're just hanging out."
"I know, I just..." Stolas sighs. "She just wouldn't understand alright?" Stolas asks.
Blitzø sighs and shrugs. "Alright, yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."
"It's fine." Stolas says. "I'd just rather not discuss Stella at the moment. I'd rather try and relax for once." He says.
Blitzø bit down a comment about him being a prince, he gets to rest whenever he wants, why was he always so stressed out? "Alright. Yeah, whatever." Blitzø says.
Stolas and Blitzø pause awkwardly before Stolas suddenly smiles at him. "Want to see what I got?"
Blitzø smiles at him. "What is it?"
"I'll show you, wait here." He instructs, excitedly leaving the room.
Blitzø does as asked and waits in the room, but he never said he'd sit still!
He walked around the room. He admired the decorating, The photos on the wall...
The place was just so...big and perfect! He couldn't help but look for a fatal flaw, something has to be wrong with it.
Then something caught his eye.
He opened the closet and something small and plastic rolled out of it.
Is that-?
Stolas walks back into the room holding a book which he drops when he sees what Blitzø has.
"Stolas?" Blitzø asks, holding up a pacifier he found on the floor. "What's this?"
"Blitzø...I can explain!" Stolas says. "I only use it to re- I mean de-stress! It's not- I just- it's nothing-"
Blitzø looks at it, then back at Stolas. "So you're a...?"
Stolas interrupts. "I understand if you think I'm weird or if you want to leave. I swear it's nothing inappropriate!" He says. "I just- anxiety- and-?"
"It's not weird, Stolas!" Blitzø says defensively. "It's...it's..." Blitzø sighs. "It's fine. It's normal, okay? Calm the fuck down, christ on a stick." He mumbles.
Stolas's eyebrows furrow, not sure if he believes Blitzø, he felt humiliated, Blitzø was sure to hate him. How can anyone see what he does as normal?
Blitzø sighs. "I promise it's okay. I know about regression."
"You do?" Stolas asks in surprised.
Blitzø nods. "Yeah I've... known some regressors," He explains.
Stolas smiles, and sits down on the bed, his hand on his chest relieved. "So...you understand!
I've never met anyone who has actually heard of it before!" Stolas hoot's happily. "Oh Blitzø, perhaps- perhaps you could keep me company while I'm little!"
Blitzø rubs the back of his neck. "Uhh, well-"
"I feel so lonely in headspace sometimes, and I just want some company. You don't have to do anything! I just- I trust you. And I think I could feel safe with you when I'm little as well." Stolas explains.
Blitzø's eyes widened. Someone trusted him? But why?
Stolas's face changed expressions, looking nervous now, like he made a mistake. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed you'd be comfortable-"
"...We can do that." Blitzø says seriously interested in the idea.
Stolas looks at him with surprise. "What?"
Blitzø smiles. "We can...hang out when you're regressed. I actually don't mind."
Stolas smiles. "Really?"
Blitzø nods. "Yeah. It could be fun." He says.
Stolas hugged Blitzø without much warning. "Oh, Blitzy! Thank you!"
"Don't call me that." Blitzø tells him.
Stolas chuckles. "This is going to be fun! I promise I'm very well behaved." Stolas says.
Blitzø chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure you are."
'That's what they all say.' He thought to himself.
"You're-" Stolas blushes. "Thank you, Blitzø." Stolas says.
Blitzø looks away from Stolas awkwardly. "Uh, yeah. You're welcome."
"You're a very good friend." Stolas tells him.
No, he's not.
"Thanks, Stols." He says.
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viktheviking1 · 11 months
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It suddenly became very clear to Stolas that something was very, very wrong. There was just one table in the room, and it looked nothing like a garden expo. He immediately turned around to open the door, to find that it was locked. Damn it, he was going to have to have a word with that person's supervisor. This was completely unprofessional. He turned back around to give himself space to make a portal, when he saw who was sitting in a big chair in the middle of the room, swinging his legs happily.
"Blitz . . .? Is that you" he approached the table.
Blitz, who had taken a black marker out of his pocket and began doodling horses on the very cloth, very expensive napkin in front of him, looked up startled, "S-Stolas! What the f**k?! Why are you- . . . Wait, don’t tell me . . . You set all this up?!”
Stolas couldn’t explain it, but seeing stars in Blitz’s eyes after all this time apart, was bringing tears to his, but he held them back, “I’m sorry, no . . . What are you doing here?”
“Oh . . . Well, we were invited to a horse race and then all this was here. . . I just thought . . . nevermind, it’s stupid.” Blitz slouched.
“Horse race? So that’s how they tricked you into coming. I was told this was a garden exposition. It seems we were both lied to, though I still don’t understand why, or by whom.” Stolas fidgeted a little, feeling awkward to just be stood next to the table, but wondered if it would be overfamiliar for him to sit in the empty chair.
“You mean . . .” Blitz took in their surroundings, eyes wide, like he was suddenly seeing everything for the first time, “ . . . C***** on a stick, they led us right into a horny prison, didn’t they.”
“. . . Horny what? Nevermind, earlier, you said ‘we were invited’. Might I ask who was the ‘we’ you spoke of?” Stolas asked, shifting his weight.
“Oh, Loona was here earlier, but she said she was going to the bathroom. I’m starting to think she might not be coming back though, given that you’re here now. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was in on this whole thing.” Blitz tapped his finger on the table, then looked up at Stolas, “Are you gonna just stand there or what?”
“Oh! Yes, thank you.” Stolas took a seat on the other side of the table, trying not to admire the view of Blitz through the candle light, “Are you implying that you know why they’ve trapped us here? Could you enlighten me? I do rather hate being in the dark on important plans.”
Blitz looked down at the table, and fidgeted with the tablecloth, trying to think fast, “Sh*t. What am I supposed to say? ‘My daughter must have seen how many gallons of ice cream I’ve gone through, despite denying that I felt anything for you, and decided to intervene.’ I only just f**king realized that I’m emotionally attached to this pretentious bird. I’ve been too busy since the dream to even process that, let alone decide how to act around him. Oh, G** this is a f**king mess. If Loona was involved in this in anyway, she is sure gonna get the f**king talking to of-”
“Um, Blitzy? Did you hear me?” Stolas asked.
Blitz looked up, still with a shocked look on his face, and Stolas corrected himself, “Oh, dear. I’m sorry. I won’t call you that anymore. I swear, it was just out of habit. I didn’t mean to disrespect you or your boundaries.”
Blitz came back to himself, and though he had started to sweat, he tried to talk out of his *ss like he always did, “It’s fine. And I was just thinking that this was probably some kind of prank Loona was pulling: Force Dad to be alone with an old slam piece. She’s always playing tricks on people around the office, though usually they aren’t this elaborate. As a trick connoisseur, I’m kind of proud, but as her father and boss, I am both disappointed and outraged, but that’s just how it goes raising a kid, am I right? HAHAHA. . .!” He laughed a little too loudly.
Stolas saw Blitz acting nervous, and interpreted it as him being uncomfortable around him, and he had to himself to keep it together, “. . . Right, well I did see Loona briefly while I was outside. I suppose it makes sense that she pulled Via away if she were trying to get us together. Oh, well. It seems they locked the doors the moment I entered the room so-”
“Aw, d*mnit," Blitz slammed his fist on the table, "that Loona sure is going to be in trouble when she finally decides to let us out of here.”
Before Blitz had interrupted him, Stolas had been about to offer to make a portal for the both of them to leave through. He supposed he still could. All he had to do was say the words. Would it be a lie not to tell him they could leave at any point? Blitz did technically already know that Stolas was proficient at making portals, even without his grimoire handy. Maybe Blitz simply wanted to spend some more time with him . . . ? No, that was wishful thinking; dangerous thinking. He was probably just so startled and off put by the whole situation that he was having a lapse in memory. Maybe Stolas should remind him of it. Not only was he morally obligated, and it would be a lie of omission not too, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be stuck in a room with Blitz. As romantic as this setting was, he was clearly uncomfortable, and he had promised he wouldn’t do that to Blitz.
Stolas rested his arm on the table as he opened his mouth to form the words, when his hand touched something, “What’s this?”
Read more on The Pompous and the Prick Fanfic
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madefate · 7 months
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happy wednesday ! let's talk about self hatred or whatever :) warnings for (non explicit) mentions of child abuse / neglect, & classism (fantasy classism, but still). this post is sponsored by the front bottoms.
it doesn't start with the fire, okay. like, YEAH, the fire doesn't HELP. i dare say it's the nail in that particular coffin, and there's so much to unpack with the fire it's kind of unbelievable. but we have to start at the beginning, and at the beginning is a shitty parent because there's always a shitty parent at the beginning. it feels very biblical, no?
blitz was the scapegoat™ of the family from the beginning, to barb's invisible child & fizz's golden child, and boy did cash fuck those kids up, like talk about conditional - eh, let's call it love even though it really wasn't. which just isn't that uncommon - hi systemic classism and poverty. if you had a foothold in a way to make money in the poorer parts of the rings, especially greed, you took it and it takes over your life. even with tilla's love ( and we'll get to that in a second ), it genuinely didn't occur to blitz to be a kid. he was an employee and performer first and foremost, and in close second place was barb's brother and fizz's friend - and only then was he tilla's son.
when he was young, he learned to take every criticism, scolding, and even the worse parts of cash's ❝ parenting ❞ as something to joke about - more with barb than anyone else, even fizzie. and even then, he was never explicit with barb, and she wasn't with him. because how do you have words for things like that ?
what he did internalize was that it was his job - that anything was his job: it was his job to get the routines down - then it was his job to fix the mistakes in the show - then it was his job to pickpocket any rich patrons that attended - then is was his job to undertake more complex robberies - it was his job to make sure cash's shit didn't make it to barb and fizzie because like his dad always said, they were the ones with the careers and the futures and blitz can you finally learn how to make a single fucking balloon animal you useless -
so, yes. it's classic - the protector, the scapegoat, the shitty teenager who'd give his dad a hard time and would only listen to his mother, and the kid without a goddamn future unless it was hitching his wagon to fizz's star. or maybe barb's, when cash deigned to mention her.
we can literally see it animated, the face he makes when he's almost about to give his confession letter to fizz. that's not the face of someone who's just worried about ruining a friendship, or the face of teenage angst. it's the same expression we see when he feels stolas' rejection at ozzie's - it's already a deep, deep self hatred, a deep bitterness that tells him he was right to not trust anyone, not even himself. because as much as he HATES to admit it, when you hear even a shit ass caregiver call you dead weight your whole life, it sticks in ways that's hard to shed.
so, tilla. so, the fire.
when i say that's the nail in the coffin, boy do i mean it. not that he can't heal because personally i hate writing nihilistic it doesn't get better bullshit. but what blitz lost in that fire wasn't just his mother - of course it was barb and fizzie too, and their intertwined futures. but it was ALSO the single source of unconditional love he'd ever known and it was his fault. in his mind, sixteen and malleable, that was the first act of self destruction that destroyed others that would start a pattern of ruining his life and everyone around him.
yes, he blames himself for fizz and barb. but at the root of it is his mom, and who is alive that could forgive him for that? why SHOULD they?
so he's this delightful spike, hedgehog ball of contradictions: his need to love and protect, his need to push everyone away. his deep feelings, his almost pathological need to drown them out with crude humor. his pulling, his pushing. he indulged in one night stands, put himself in any number of life threatening situations, destroyed his chances at meaningful relationships, hopped from job to job, constantly trying to make a life for himself while his greatest enemy - himself - was always there to torch it down.
the first thing that actually snapped him out the cycle was loona. when you're a parent, you no longer have the luxury to wallow in your fuck ups. she needed him. or, she needed someone and he was there and it was really as simple as love at first sight for this girl that reminded him so much of himself. and his love for her is genuinely selfless because having kids means that it has to be about them, not you.
slowly, he makes a more stable life for himself. but the scars run deep and healing will mean slicing them open again to clean them out.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Just read a Hazbin/Helluva x Owl House fanfic you made and IT WAS AWSOME!!! Honestly I like seeing Amity, Edric, and Emira adopted by M&M, who we know are better parents than Odalia even though Alador is trying to be better, but it's still an amazing idea. Is there still some fanfic ideas based around it, if so could you share some details about the AU?
Ah those fics, it's been a while since I thought of them but I'm glad some people still stumble across them and enjoy them so much. I must admit though that the original asker for those fics @beastkeeper91 gave me that idea even though I took my own spin and wrote em, as well as a few others, but yes I suppose there are a few other ideas I didn't explore in either, some theirs, some my own and I'm happy to share a few.
But first since you just said fic, I'm gonna be safe and assume you only read one, and put both here, please read both before you go further cause I'm going to assume you've read both as I discuss the new stuff
(Note those are their reblogs of the fics, cause they were kind enough to send them to me so I could find them easier since this was a while ago, now the new stuff!)
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First of all, since the Owl House has since wrapped up I guess I'll speak on M&Ms status during season 3, most likely they'd end up collected like everyone else, sad but that means Amity gets three parents to lovingly greet after everything is done, and Odalia isn't just the third wheel now, she's the fifth wheel! Cause she deserves it :3
Also Stolas and Blitz would probably be right with them, a little bitter but the whole crew gets the collector is a child and all, and if Amity thinks there okay, they'll listen to their daughter/niece. Speaking of daughters I still don't know what to do Octavia and Loona, sorry ladies XP
And since this is a somewhat M&M centric AU, I certainly can't just not mention the episode that most focuses on them and their relationship, Yep Exes and Oohs.
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Crimson exists in this AU, but luckily Moxxie has of course cut ties with him, he still sucks essentially, and I don't hate Moxxie enough to have him dragged back. Not sure what he runs in this AU, cause I don't think the boiling isles has a straight up mob, but it's something Moxxie wants no part of. He's aware of his 'grandchildren' and I'm only air quoting that cause this man hardly deserves children, let alone grandchildren, he's never met them though, he is a little impressed with Amity after the brawl so he's intriqued.
Now that I think of it imagine the tension if while he's taking over running the company, Alador get's involved with Crimson, unaware of his shady dealings, and Moxxie just wants to explode right there when seeing him again. Oh lord the drama... And the possible bonding with his kids when they find out that just like them he had a bad parent like they did in Odalia
On a lighter note, how about we talk about some funny scenarios with the funny shark man?
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Chaz in this AU, is on much better terms with his exes, and kinda acts like an unwanted uncle to the blight kids, often joking he might just get back together with M&M to become their dad. Ed and Em find him amusing, and kinda get their sense of humor from him at times, and Amity can't stand him one bit, though she is nicer in this AU to start so she's at least cordial with him, agree with who you like.
Moxxie and Millie however, kinda keep him on a short leash when around their kids, none of his usual horn dog behavior as you'd expect, and Moxxie says he'll just steal Chaz's voice if he ever does it in front of em. Which is usual successful, so the kids just see him as the weird uncle, who just acts very awkward round their parents.
Speaking of magic, Chaz is a bard, just like Moxxie in this AU, though Chaz uses his voice for his magic, while Moxxie and say Raine use instruments, his magic looks like green and teal sound waves. Not sure what or if he'd branch off into other stuff after the sigils removed, maybe illusions for like stage effects but that's just me XP Still figuring stuff out for him.
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Now this is an idea completely given to me by good ol beastkeeper. Now in this AU I.M.P doesn't exist as we know it, which I felt was for the best not only cause portals are a much more serious thing in TOH, but also not exactly a great career to have when your daughter ends up with a human girlfriend. XP
My original idea was that they kinda had a club during their hexside days and that's kinda how they got so close, but after graduating they all kinda ended up doing different things while staying in touch, Moxxie became a Bard, Mille an Abomination expert, and Blitz a beastkeeper, but then Beastkeeper proposed I used an idea there using in their own Helluvaverse/TOH AU, check it out, it's a little dark but still neat I think.
Anyway they proposed a new company, I.A.S. Imp Appreciation Soceity, essentially activists for equal treatment, now in my AU Imps are just a type of biped demon, same with Goetias, Shark Demons etc. But I reason that Belos, in his puritan head, ended up getting Imps considered lesser and more "wild" then other types, mainly cause they resemble classic ideas of demons the most, cause Belos is an asshole, no surprise there.
Anyway that means they still technichally work together. That's about as much as I've explored it in my head. Either way I find it cool.
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The last thing I wanna mention is a few miscellaneous ideas I have thought up but don't feel have enough layed out to say much about, I want a little plot of Blitz and Luz working together and bonding, protagonist solidarity and all. Also of course figure out what Loona and Octavia are like in this.
Also figuring out a ton of hexside time stuff, how they all met, how they interacted, how the parents possibly did. tons of stuff, but I hope for now this is a good bit of information for this AU, maybe ask later and I'll say even more who knows XP
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To see the two Owl demons together up on stage was something that their classmates loved. The two just worked well together, they fed off of each other's vibes so easily. So it was no shocker that the two of them would get the leading roles in Romeo and Juliet.
Atia was one of the few females in their class that seemed to ace every audition that she tried out for. It came to her naturally, her father would never know how great his daughter was when it came to acting in the school plays. Sure, the letters would be sent off to him, but Leo would never open them. He'd have his servants throw the letters out, or burn them himself. Yes, Atia had often told the school to not even bother sending her father anything but they never seemed to listen to the teen.
Atia was just happy to know that her best friend supported her the most when they had their plays. Even Stolas family seemed to support her, or at least from a far they did.
Tonight was no different from any other night. This was their last performance of Romeo and Juliet, so Atia wanted to make sure that she gave it her all. Specially after the letter that she got from Stella earlier that evening. Sure, it was a threatening letter, but hell Atia didn't really give two shits to what Stella said. Perhaps that's why the two often got into arguments, which turned into fights. Well it was more so Stella telling her to stay away from Stolas that made the two fight with one another. Atia didn't care for Stella, nor did she care that the two of them were arranged to be married, she still hung out with Stolas as much as she possibly could. Of course, that was when he wasn't forced to spend time with Stella. Which was why she often asked Stolas to try out for plays with her, so they could spend more time together.
So tonight, tonight Atia had something planned for the two of them for after the play. As the play came to its climax, and the curtains came down, the crew did their few bows before they were dismissed back stage to get out of their costumes. Yet, she dragged Stolas out of the school and to a grassy hill top just a few miles away from the school.
"Come on Stolas, I promise you that Stella will get over you not showing up to your little play date."
Her words were ever so soft as she smiled up at him as they finally reached the top of the hill. The full moon was just coming up, so the beams of light hit the area perfectly.
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A clawed digit pointed off to a shooting star that was flying past the two of them. "I wanted you to see the shooting stars.... I believe this one is called the Orionid meteor shower.. Or at least that's what those humans seem to call it from what I've gathered." She told him as she kept her eyes upon the sky for a moment more only to turn her focus back to her friend.
"I think this is better than any thing that Stella has planned for tonight, wouldn't you say?"
A soft laugh escaped her lips as she kept her eyes upon Stolas.
ft @goetiia
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commenter2 · 1 year
“Unhappy Campers” review
Blitzo and co. go on a job at Earth, and WE GET A MILLIE EPISODE!!! 
It’s been forever since we saw I.M.P. on Earth doing their job, so it’s nice to see them back at it. Hopefully we can get more Earth based episodes soon. We still need to find out what happened to Cletus, Keenie, and Collin.
Is Blitzo going to see Stolas?
Is the nurse’s appearance supposed to be a Nabnab/Nabnaleena reference?
Blitzo is trying to see his sister! Makes sense why he is in Sloth since we did hear from Verosika that she was in rehab.
Hell’s equivalent to Google is called Gaggle.
Though I’m sure they were like job representatives or people at places Barbie use to work at, I wonder if there is still a chance the people Blitzo was talking to on his phones were “friends”/informants of his.
Now we get to the scene everyone wants to see. Though funny I wished there was a scene explaining that Moxxie had no choice and had to wear the female disguise as I have this headcanon that Millie usually doesn’t get along with other girls to a point said girls end up in the hospital, hence why Moxxie had to fill in the role while Millie talked to the boys.
Aww Millie is such a great wife, though it would have been nice to see her assertive side when it comes to the job.
Finally someone points out the gang’s demonic traits.
Oh no that kid got Yamcha to death. TWICE!
Ugh that Spongebob meme face.
Where can I get a Millie flag?
I love how the song’s subtitles can’t keep up with what the background characters are saying and how it also seems to love Millerd.
I wonder if that shark is a cousin of the shark from season 1 :3
It’s nice to see that though they are a perfect couple, Moxxie and Millie do have arguments. I also like to think Millie’s speech is slightly symbolic of how usually she is kind of in the background and doesn’t have that many moments compared to the things Blitzo, Moxxie, and even Stolas have gone through. Yes I know about Vivzie saying HB is guy character centered while HH will be lady character centered but I still wanted to point it out.
The Asmodeon Crystal in action! And of course since its related to the demon of lust, the first one we actually see is inappropriate.
Wouldn’t saying a demon having the “voice of an angel” be insulting? Maybe its ones of the few things related to heaven that is okay/tolerated in demon society like when Blitzo said Oh God in annoyance. I defiantly could see Lucifer describing Lilith and Charlie like this.
The writers missed out on the perfect chance for Blitzo to say that he didn’t want Moxxie to stop ridding him XD. I mean that scene must have been a dream come true for Blitzo.
I know it’s to hide her horns, but Barbie’s human hair looks like something Velvette would stylize her hair as.
Since Blitzo just said that things like Heroin isn’t as dangerous to demons, I’m guessing that H-8 thing he said a drug that IS deadly for demons.
Barbie just said it’s easy to manipulate humans, so why would losing him be that bad? Is she just lazy?
I just noticed how Barbie has a similar head tattoo as Blitzo, but it’s crossed out.
IDK if it’s just me, but I feel like Moxxie is fighting better here.
In the scene where Millie is crowd surfing, is the girl in the purple dress with ponytail girl a reference to the Baby Doll villain from Batman: The Animated Series?
Nice to see Moxxie and Millie make up, but did they have to mentally scar the whole camp XD. Heck even the episode’s subtitles are trying to help with that.
Katie Killjoy reference, would be hilarious if they were somehow connected
Human television can be watched in Hell! Awesome, and explains how that Looney Tune episode in the HH pilot was available for sinners to watch.
Sleeping Loona!
Did anyone notice any Friday the 13th or Gravity Fall references in the episode? I feel like the caps the campers could be but still.
Well that was another nice casual episode, especially since it was a Millie episode. After all this time it was nice seeing our favorite Imp lady get some focus, and since Sallie Mae is coming back soon hopefully we can get another one exploring her life before she met Moxxie.
I also like how though Blitzo had to be in the episode he did his own thing for most of the episode that didn’t involve the others being close by, something I have brought up before in previous episodes. It’s also nice that we got a hint at his relationship with Barbie, sure some might say she deserved more screen time but at least we got a basic understanding of what could have happened, and I bet we will get more on it in the Fizz and Blitzo flashback episode.
The only flaw the episodes had was how dumb and selfish Moxxie was in the episode. Sure the episode needed something like this to happen so Millie can get her screen time and for the conflict between them to happen, but I don’t see why the writers couldn’t have done this while still having Moxxie gather info to find the culprit like he wanted. Maybe it would have made the plot stronger as Moxxie would have also been annoyed that Millie hasn’t gathered any info from the campers and it was just lucky that he was able to narrow down the possible culprits.
We are almost halfway done with season 2, and it’s likely the next 2 episodes will heavily be centered on Fizz and his past with Blitzo. I think the next episode will be the one where Fizz and Ozzie perform in the Greed Ring, only for something to happen that is followed up in the flashback episode about the day Fizz and Blitzo stopped being friends, again maybe we find out why Barbie hates Blitzo in it as well.
As always I want your thoughts on the episode.
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thebunniesgrim · 11 months
helluva boss’ humor really trips me up sometimes  
(long post like really long post i go off)
Because sometimes it plays with hell's society and makes funny jokes like the HR joke in Spring Broken. One thing that sticks out like a sore thumb is when it makes jokes or points fun at prudes in the universe. Which btw I don’t think this bad or anything it’s just something that pulled me personally out of the show. It’s still funny at the end of the day but!  
Like the normalcy of death, swearing, sex, innuendos and all that. like jokes that would make you or me pause for a second wouldn’t be such a deal to them and vice versa is funny. Honestly the M&M’s being in a loving relationship in hell as a joke is funny  
But the thing that trips me up is the way some demons in universe react to the jokes doesn’t make any since. I understand their reaction is a joke, but why did they have that reaction anyway? for example  
In the LooLoo Land episode a good joke was when Octavia said she was going to be sick then Moxxie panics going through different medications and pulls out a bunch of syringes full of morphine just to casually throw them into a baby stroller when Octavia says she wasn’t really sick. Hilarious and it shows the human and demon side of moxxie love it. Although in the same episode Blizto says he isn't a day hooker and the lady walking by judges him and he calls her a prude. Funny yes! But why does she care like girl he has a whole gun and that’s what you choose to be concerned about? Ok. I understand her being shocked is the joke but why is she? In a place where being a hooker is possibly the most normal thing to them as being lawyer is to you or me. Why such a strong reaction?  
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(Stolas has green screen arms lol)
Even the newest Mammon ep in Fizz’s “two weeks' notice or whatever it's called” song when he say “spending life bent over with your fist in my ‘A’” and the crowed is like shocked or put off by it like sure maybe they just weren't expecting it but he literally says bent over and even shakes his little imp ass at them while setting up the joke. It could have also been that they were surprised he censored himself. I don’t know, do you know?  
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Also, I must say hell born demons don’t have to be always ok with sex jokes. A little verity never hurts anybody. just Like Moxxie not very violent or having his limits is fine and also Striker being uncomfortable or not liking that everyone makes sex jokes at his expense is kind of funny it's of the same caliber of funny that the M&M’s gimmick has. I also think he doesn’t like the sex jokes because he doesn’t have control of the situation (or Stolas, Moxxie, and Fizz just aren't his type who knows lol) he was more than ready to diddle Biltzo’s holes if it meant he’d join Striker. Also, he didn’t seem to mind the other imps fawning over him even if he did kick that one girl in the face. Kind of like a you can look but don’t touch kind of thing. He likes or deals with the jokes until he can't control the situation and it's like come one dude, I'm trying to kill you cower before me plz :( you feel me? Like that makes since because it can be explained away with, their character but seeing as it’s not a social norm so when others who we don’t know and are supposed to show the status quo do it, it’s a little bit weird you know?  
This also applies to Helluva Boss in general not just jokes. It’s honestly hard to tell what's allowed in hell and what isn't sometimes even for jokes because you know how a lot of people were weirded out at the kid being at the clown pageant and everyone is like “dude its hell they don’t have the same type of morals as we do” but also have people in the show react to sex or taboo stuff like it's weird you know? Like yes, I expect hypocrisy in the world of hell like a whole “rules for thee but for me” kind of thing. It is hard to stay true to that when the rules aren’t enforced?  because one second, you’ll have Loona and Blizto making fun of Moxxie for being “fat”, but you also want me to care when Mammon calls Fizz fat. I'm supposed to take Loona beating up Blizto as a joke but once Stella raises a hand to Stolas, I'm supposed to be like oh no abuse! 
Speaking of abuse. Mammon is just Blitzo cranked up to eleven. They are practically the same character given what the show tells us. What Blitzo does to Moxxie is the same thing Mammon does to fizz only cranked up to nine. Mammon says things that make Fizz worry I.e. “ready to reclaim your win another year... I saw your competition and it's pretty stiff, right? You are going to have try extra hard” remember in “The Harvest Moon Festival” ep where Blizto says “now just remember your rep with the in laws is on the line here so, no pressure at all you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life” he totally did that on purpose. How about when Mammon calls Fizz a “a bit chungo”? blitzo in seeing stars “you know it wouldn’t kill ya to put a salad in your body every now and then” and he says it meaner. He even encourages Loona to also call moxxie fat so while it’s still Loona doing it Blizto not telling her to chill out or something and there by condoning it, but he has the nerve to clutch his stupid little pearls (also blitzo isn't Wareing his mom little necklace thing in ep) when Mammon does the same thing.
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The fuck is that face for you slimy little bitch?  
Mammon says sexually charged stuff to Fizz that is very obviously making him uncomfortable but disregards it like its nothing? “The more they’ll want a piece of you they can home and fuck! Don’t you want that Fizzy? to be fucked?” Then Fizz said no, and he disregarded it. Blizto in Murder Family, Harvest Moon, Truth seekers, Ex's and Ohs when he makes a big deal about someone having sex with both Moxxie and Millie and then making a big deal at the fact that he, Moxxie and Millie have had sex with the same person also maybe Ozzie's when he says he watches the M&M get it on but it's hard to gaze if Moxxie’s reaction was surprise, disgust or both. Mammon calls Fizz a “a stupid little [HONK]” Blizto calls Moxxie “a fucking disgrace” in Unhappy Campers but to be fair I make it an active effort to forget that ep is canon so. Mammon puts Fizz in a situation he can't handle, which leads to a panic attack. Blizo in the first ep Murder Family where Moxxie doesn’t want to kill Martha because he doesn’t want to kill a mother and ruin a family and is openly hesitant and uncomfortable about it causing him to have a small panic and mess up the mission at first. Mammon tells fizz to get his shit together with the underlying threat of firing, terminating, or worse. Murder family Blitzo says “But if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will fuck you and your wife”. Both BLizto and Mammon treat Fizz and Moxxie all buddy buddy when they do stuff, they want but when they don’t comply or might not do something they don’t like they get mean or aggressive. They only main differences is that Moxxie can talk back to Blizto in a way and fizz can't. Also, Fizz actually quits, and escapes his horrible boss.  
I know that the pilot isn't cannon but it’s the blueprint of the characters and Blizto being abusive to moxxie sexually and verbally being a constant throughout the pilot and the canonized show is just... icky 
The show will tell me that imps and hellhounds are at the bottom of society but also have them stand up to the deadly sins like it no big deal. Loona tried to fight Beelzebub, Crimson tried to bribe and blackmail Asmodeus, Fizz stands up Mammon (as he should but Mammon could have literally tuned him into a smoothie) like the deadly sins are the next things to gods and these low-level nobodies are trying to square up. Not only does it make the deadly sins look like total wusses, but it also makes hellhounds and imps look more powerful than they are. Striker saying royals' step all over imps and treat them horribly and other than stella literally throwing Pringles and referring to him as “this one”
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but Stolas literally uses Pringles as like a phone stand in Seeing Stars so.... 
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The only ones who we’ve seem treat the imps like that on a regular basis are other non-royal hell born demons like the twins in Mammons ep. The lady and her kid in the doctor's office in western energy, the hellhound bodyguards in The Circus and even other imps like how Millies family treat Moxxie because he’s traditionally strong, or how striker thinks that he and blizto are far better then they’re own kind. Sure, the imps are butlers, purse accessories, and work on farms to feed the other rings. Other than the farm thing other demons do too from what we’ve seen. Also, from what we have seen, the royals are so detached from imps it seems like Strikers’ biggest problem is other demons themselves. The only royal we see talk down to imps is Stolas. Stella, Andrealphus, Paimon, never says much about them or even addresses them in any kind of way that’s outright negative, it’s more or less just plain indifference. I mean even the 7 deadly sins (that we’ve met so far) don’t say anything about imps in a derogatory way mammon doesn’t, Bee calls Blitzo “Imp boy” but not in a mean way, and Asmodeus call Moxxie “little imp” which seems more teasing than mean.  
Ok look if I'm to take the hell hierarchy seriously then please play by your rules. I-ok so like are the sins a force to be reckoned with or not? Because they just seem like regular demons but bigger. You're telling me the second blizto get nabbed by the DORK agents Stolas is out here cracking necks and summoning himself in blood to save him 
But nothing was done to save fizz?  
“It was hostage situation” ok and? Asmodeus is a sin he could have pulled a Stolas and posseted one of Crimsons goons and shot or incomposite striker and crimson. You have almost infante power and you can't save your boyfriend and work colleague? And if demons can't be possessed then send Stolas in exchange for the crystal. Crimson doesn’t know about Stolas, and it would surprise him stolas can turn into his big bird form in hell and did in Seeing Stars. ALSO why is everyone just standing up to and trying to pick fights with the Sins? Like guys I get it I really do but please realistically you're going to get smooshed like bug 
I'm constantly being told that Stolas and Blitzo can't be together while Beelzebub and Asmodeus can be with Vortex and Fizz. With no real in show reason as to why? You can address its hypocrisy all you want but you still never gave a reason as to why one is ok and other isn't. Stolas is Royality and can't date outside his rank? And the 7 deadly sins are of a different rank than him so it's different. How so? Why does Asmodeus need it to keep him and fizz a secret? if a god was dating a regular person, what could you possibly do about it? Also, if Asmodeus needs to keep his relationship a secret, then why doesn’t Beelzebub? If it because Beelzebub’s relationship corresponds to her sin how so? How is dating someone not of your rank gluttonous or indulgent? Unless Bee is a serial dater, and I don’t think she is how so? Also, Asmodeus dating Fizz does correspond to his sin he’s the over seer of lust and lust doesn’t stop at rank or class. If them being romantic is the problem, then they could lie and tell everyone that him and fizz are just fuck buddies or they're in an open relationship where they are ok with each other sleeping around but they don’t do it. They’re already business partners; it wouldn’t be a stretch if the literal ruler of lust would want to sleep with someone regardless of their rank and whether or not they work for them. Plus, they do openly say they are fucking each other while Ozzie's workers are near so them having sex isn't the problem.  
Ok so like ya’ll know the live action Grinch movie? And you know that one part where the grinch is the holiday chair mister and the who's are giving him a bunch of food even after he's full and his face is full of food, but they keep shoving more in his mouth? Yeah, that is what watching helluva boss is like sometimes you know?   
It's like a barrage of information or nothing 
this show is ride and then some lol granted this doesn’t really make or break the show for me honestly, it's just that the more the show tells me one thing it’ll go through hell (heh) to make it, so it doesn’t matter anymore, and it only brings up more questions. Like if something isn't allowed then make it so don’t just tell me oh that’s not allowed but is but it’s a problem but I'm not going to tell you why or what the problem is just trust me look at the cute couples don’t look anywhere else don’t worry about it  
I know you’re probably asking yo why are you questioning it I'm just a confused fan and I want the show I like to make since is that such a tall order? 
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Chapter One - Marie
Marie Lukaritova knew she was going to die this year. She also knew she was putting anyone she spoke to at risk of the same fate. She’d been warned about The Eyeless Brides since she was old enough to walk. It was ingrained in her mind, as were the rules. No going out after the second moon rises, and no one is to leave the grounds in the dark months. It was simple. Mostly. Again, this was the year she was to die.
Marie hadn’t meant to befriend a troublemaker, one that wasn’t aware of The Brides, one that thought of them as simple legends meant to keep kids from sneaking out., but he’d shown up in the woods behind her house months ago with his friend after getting lost hiking, and well… Now they were friends! And she couldn’t tell him they were real, that she could see the second moon, and in turn, they could see her. Because that would be outing her entire family of witches to him. That didn’t seem like a good idea to her.
The dark months were on their way, and soon Marie wouldn’t be allowed off of the grounds to hang out with Aiden. And since he was an outsider, she couldn’t invite him onto the grounds. She would have to make up some lie and say her family was on vacation for the winter. He wouldn’t believe her. She looked at the boy beside her, smiling to herself.
“Did you even hear me?” Aiden asked, snapping Marie out of her thoughts. She looked at him confused. Aiden sighed when she shook her head.
“I asked if you wanted to meet some of the boys I go to school with. They’re pretty cool,” Aiden went to a very prestigious ‘we’re better than everyone!’ school, known as Visquette academy, she couldn’t see any real harm in meeting them. 
“What are their names?” She asked. Aiden gestured for her to follow him. While she’d been in la la land, he’d texted one of his friends. She was going to meet them today no matter her answer.
“Sylis, Stolas and Nolan.” He answered, still walking down the road in front of her. They were headed towards the school. She’d heard him mention Sylis and Stolas before, Marie knew they were twin brothers, but not much other than that. Nolan, however, she’d never heard of. 
She knew Aiden had a life of his own at Visquette, it just felt weird talking about it. Let alone becoming part of it. But she’d already said yes, and there was no turning back now. She was going to meet them.
Right now, in the next ten minutes. She was intimidated. What if they decided that they didn’t like her, and Aiden had to stop being friends with her? Yes, they’d only been friends for a few months, but he meant so much to her. She couldn’t just lose him. She just couldn’t.
“No shit, Dumbass!” She heard someone yell from an alleyway they were about to walk past. When Aiden heard the voice he stopped quickly, so Marie didn’t notice and walked right into him. They both mumbled an apology before Aiden went into the dark alleyway. Marie wasn’t scared, it took a lot more than a dark small area with only one person she knew, and at least one she didn’t to scare her, but she was cautious.
“Stolas, are you bullying Nolan again?” Aiden asked in the darkness. Something toppled over, someone screamed, and then there was light. One boy, the only one of the three strangers with dark hair, was on the ground, a bottle next to him, and the bucket Marie assumed he’d been sitting on was on its side. The other two, the ones whose hair were various shades of the same honey-golds and snowy-blondes. The taller of the two had it cut short, while the other one had long hair that made Marie jealous.
“What? Me? Never!” The taller blonde said. So that one is Stolas good to know. Marie thought to herself. Aiden shook his head and helped the boy on the ground stand up. Deciding that the one on the ground was probably Nolan, and the other two looked identical, Marie turned to face him.
“Hi, my name is Marie,” she said with an outstretched hand. He took her hand to shake it, but the shorter of the two blondes (the one she assumes is Sylis) took her hand in his before Nolan shook it.
“My name is Sylis, and I have a question for you, miss Marie,” he said, slurring his words a bit. She almost laughed at how direct and childish he was acting before it clicked.
“Sylis Elija Darkwood, are you drunk?” Aiden demanded. When the blonde nodded, Aiden gave Stolas a pointed look. He didn’t look angry, not very much anyways, but anger wasn’t far off from how he felt. 
“No, he’s not,” Stolas said, trying to defend himself more than his brother. He walked over to them, grabbed Sylis’ arm, dragged him to a crate, and sat him down. Marie watched a bit confused.
“He got into my Nan’s special tea,” Nolan laughed. Aiden rolled his eyes and gestured to Marie.
“Anyways, this is Marie,” he said. When Sylis looks up at him, he continues “yes that one.” Marie raised an eyebrow at that. Does he talk about me? She asked herself. Stolas stepped towards her and bowed.
“I’m Stolas Darkwood,” he said, taking her hand in his to kiss the back of it. Hiding her blush, Marie walked to the board game on the table, it wasn’t a table, it was made of cardboard boxes, and a piece of granite. It had a large piece of cardboard, painted with colors and shapes. Each boy had a piece on the homemade game board. There was a sun, made of a painted piece of plastic, a moon made of what looked like resin, a star made of glass and metal, a tiny globe made of clay, and a blank piece of wood in the shape of Saturn. It even had rings. She looked at the board. There were two dice, a deck of cards, and a spinner in the middle. The spinner had four colors on it, red, blue, yellow, and white. 
“What game is this?” she asked, spinning the spinner. It landed on yellow. Stolas came over, and Aiden was lecturing Nolan on something. Sylis was sitting two her left, he had a water bottle in his hand and was shaking as hard as he could. 
“It’s called escape, me and dingaling over there came up with it a year or so ago,” he said, gesturing to Sylis. He put all of the cards together and shuffled. Marie moved the pieces all to the starting square and looked at him.
“What?” He asked, looking at her as she sat down. She pointed at the pieces. He nodded and explained that the one shaped like Saturn was for her, as he did so Sylis gave her a few paint markers.
When she was done painting the piece yellow and purple, she put it at the starting line. Sylis had a smile on his face when she turned to look at him, but it wasn’t a regular happy one, or drunk and stupid. It looked like he was grimacing. Like he was scared, almost.
“Welcome to the escape,” Stolas said, kissing Marie's temple. It wasn���t flirty, it felt like he was trying to reassure her, though she had no idea why, or of what. Nolan and Aiden had stopped their argument, and Nolan sat next to Sylis, Aiden sat on one side of Marie, in between her and Sylis. Stolas sat on the other side of her, scowling at Nolan.
“Shall we play a round?” Aiden asked, grabbing the dice. Everyone nodded, and Marie felt a sliver of unease creep up her spine.
Everyone took a turn rolling the dice, the biggest number went first, and they’d go clockwise from there. Aiden ended up going first and looked at the board. He rolled the dice, getting a six and a three.
“Nine,” he said, grabbing three cards. Marie raised an eyebrow at Stolas. He chuckled and watched as Aiden put two cards down. Eight diamonds, and an ace of spades.
“Too easy,” he moved his character - Earth - twice and gave the dice to Sylis. He then turned to Marie to explain at least a little bit, of what he’d done. When he finished explaining the basics, Marie just stared at him. Laughing, he said, “basically, you roll the dice and add them together. Then, you divide by three, five, or two, depending-”
“On what, though?” she asked, he thought for a moment, looking at Stolaand s, and he shrugged.
“Whichever one is easier for you, like if you got a twelve, would you divide it by two, or three?” he asked her. Sylis moved the sun piece three times. “I would divide by three, and take four cards. Then, if any combination of those cards equals what you rolled, you put them down,” he continued “and divide by that number. Say I got all threes,” he gestured to the deck “then I’d put them all down, divide by four, and move three times.”
Marie nodded, but she barely process what she was just told. It made sense, but at the same time, she would rather solve for the meaning of life than try to understand the rules.
“But if you get three or more of the same number, you add that number to your moves, so in reality, you’d go seven times,” Nolan said, doing math in his head. He solved it, and moved his player. His was the moon. Stolas nodded and took the dice from the brunette. He got a six and a two. He took four cards and didn’t put any down. He gave Marie the dice.
“You can skip three turns, and roll and draw only before going, but only three. If you land on a space already occupied, that person goes back three places.” Sylis said, watching Marie closely.
She rolled the dice and got a six on each one. Smiling to herself, she took four cards from the deck. All but one were fours, the other was a king of diamonds. She assumed that since ace was one, King was thirteen. She placed the three fours and moved her character six times, remembering what Nolan had said minutes before. She looked up sheepishly to be sure that she followed the rules correctly. All four boys nodded, and she gave the dice to Aiden.
After about an hour they’d finished the game. Sylis lost, which surprised Marie, and Stolas won, to no one's surprise. He’d skipped his first three turns, which was apparently how he won hundreds of times. 
“It’s getting late, if I’m not home soon, Nan will kill me,” Nolan said before breaking off from the group. Sylis followed him, and Marie raised an eyebrow to Aiden.
“Don’t question it. Don’t talk about it near Stolas, either,” he whispered. Stolas’ jaw was clenched as he watched his brother sneak off.
“Okay then,” Marie smiled. They were halfway there before she realized where they were going. They were going to Visquette. She started walking slowly, she couldn’t go to Visquette, everyone there would stare at her, and she’d hear them whisper and-
She forced herself not to think of it when her phone chimed.
SMS Message From: Maelii Pincawan Where are you?
The message confused her, she’d told Mae where she was going, well, she told her who she was going with, anyways. She didn’t even get to respond before her phone started ringing.
Incoming Call From: Amber Abara     Decline                  Accept
Clicking accept, Marie quickly stepped off to the side, out of earshot of Aiden and Stolas.
“Yeah?” She asked, expecting Amber to ask her where she was, and be worried like Mae had been.
“Look up, Marie,” her voice sounded scared and hurried. Marie looked up and there it was, in all its glory.
The second moon burned her eyes. She had to get home soon, or she’d be putting Aiden and Stolas and everyone at this stupid snobby school's lives in danger. She looked around, trying to find Aiden. He had stopped to talk to a girl wearing a Visquette track uniform. Stolas was nowhere to be seen
“Aiden, I’ve gotta get-”
“Oh my god, Aiden is friends with a Worm!” She shrieked, laughing loudly. People turned their heads, Marie tried to ignore her, but Stolas, suddenly appearing behind Marie, crossed his arms.
“Apologise.” He demanded. The girl froze, fear flashing in her eyes but quickly being masked.
“For what?”
“For interrupting her,” he took a step towards her, “for calling her a worm,” another step, “and for making fun of Aiden.”
She gulped and looked up at Stolas. He was at least six feet tall, and the girl was shorter than Marie, who was no shorter than five feet and seven inches. She looked over at Aiden and Marie. 
“I-I…” she sighed before continuing, “I’m sorry, for interrupting you, and calling you a worm. And Aiden, I’m sorry for making fun of you, for befriending her,” she said it quickly, but audible. After she finished she basically ran away. Marie looked up at Stolas. Sure, he could be intimidating if he tried, he was a fucking mountain! But he didn’t seem scary. What has he done? 
“Sorry about Lydia, she’s a bitch,” Aiden said, finally turning to look at Marie. “What did you need?”
“Nothing, but, why was she so scared of Stolas?” Marie asked. When Stolas appeared, everyone looked away, fear apparent in their eyes.
“Everyone is,” Stolas said, grinning. Marie was confused. That didn’t answer her question. If anything, it brought up more questions!
“Why, though?” She tried again. Aiden shook his head.
“That,” Stolas started.
“Is a story best saved for later,” Aiden finished. Marie nodded, but she didn’t feel any less worried. She suddenly felt that bit of unease from earlier come back.
“Just don’t worry about it, okay, Marie?” They both asked at the same time. She nodded, ignoring the feeling in her stomach. She needed to get home and be inside the gates safely, but she was here. Out in the open with two guys, one she’s known for what, five months? And the other, she’s known for a few hours.
Good job Marie! She mentally scolded herself. She felt so exposed under the light of the second moon.
“Come on,” Aiden says finally, after too much silence. She follows the boys in one of the many buildings, seriously why are there like six buildings?
“Hello, Mr. Darkwood, Mr. Deckard,” the woman at the desk in front of the door inside the building Marie had been led too.
“Hi, Mrs. Penn,” Aiden said. He took a manila envelope out of his messenger bag and gave it to her. She took it, looking through the papers inside. Stolas stayed by the door with Marie.
“You are, Marie Look- Luka-Lukaree-” she tried, smiling Marie corrected her.
“Marie Lukaritova,” she said, nodding. Some people couldn’t say her last name, she was used to it by now. 
“Yes, thank you, Ms. Lukaritova,” Mrs. Penn smiled. She still didn’t say it quite right, but it was fine.
“Of course, why did you need to know?” Marie asked, trying her best not to sound disrespectful.
“Oh, did Aiden not tell you? He has filled out forms to-” she started to take out one of the papers, but Aiden shook his head at her and turned to Marie.
“You’re one of my best friends, and your birthday is in a few weeks. I was going to throw you a party, that's part of why I introduced you to the rest of my friends. They’ve been helping me with it,” he said, putting all of the papers in the envelope. Mrs. Penn nodded and put it on her desk. Marie smiled, the gesture warmed her heart. She didn’t notice Stolas scoff, and shake his head, before busying himself with his phone. She didn’t notice fear flash through Mrs. Penn's eyes when Aiden interrupted her. She didn’t notice quite how many lies she’s been told in the past five months.
All she noticed was that Aiden remembered her birthday. She walked up to Aiden and hugged him.
“Thank you, Aiden,” Marie whispered into his neck. He held her there for a little while. To Aiden, this was the first real hug he’s received from anyone other than Nolan, Stolas, and Sylis. To Marie, this was another hug on another day, she’d end up going home and the women she lives with will tackle her with hugs worried.
To Aiden, this meant the world and made him feel safe. To Marie, this meant to thank you and made her feel happy. To Aiden this was everything. To Marie, this was little more than nothing. And Aiden knew that, so he released her from his grasp and left the building with the other two.
“What time is it?” Marie asked Stolas, who was still on his phone. He looked up at her or well down because of his height.
“A little after seven,” he said, going back to his phone. She thanked him and watched her feet as she walked. Stolas went to his dorm, and Aiden stayed with Marie to walk her home. Though she tried to convince him he didn’t have to, he didn’t listen.
“Thank you,” she said breaking the silence that had settled over the two. He hummed in response. She ignored the buzz of her phone, she’d put it on vibrate after Amber and Mae had blown it up. No doubt, her cousin Jenna was trying to track her, but since she’d left her bag at home, they’d have no luck.
“Your family must be worried, you’re normally home by six thirty,” he laughed. Marie nodded.
“Yeah, my aunt is going to kill me,” she chuckled. Aiden nodded, typing something on his phone. When they finally got to the bottom of the hill her house was at the top of, he stopped walking, and looked at the black gothic gate, the giant WH made of black iron in the shapes of vines was like a shield to anyone who lived there. But a sword to those who don’t.
“Remind me again, why you don’t go to Visquette?” He asked. It was obvious there was money in her family. Obvious that her family had old money, and an old house built by her great-great-great-great-great grandfather, and his dad. About thirty years after it was built, it was left to the women. No man has lived in Winter Hill for over a hundred years.
“My family has money, yes. But it’s old money and blood money. The girls that don’t go to school here, go to Primviette public, we have to earn our own money if we want to go anywhere fancy.” Marie explained. Aiden nodded, and waved, walking away.
“Bye Marie, I’ll see you tomorrow!” He hollered over his shoulder. Marie ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. It confused Aiden, they’d hugged just a minute ago, why hug again? It was weird, but it seemed normal to Marie so he held her again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Aiden. Make sure Stolas doesn’t kill Nolan until then, okay? I’m no genius but I don’t think Sylis would appreciate it,” she laughed. They both broke away from the hug. Aiden nodded.
“Definetily not,” he agreed. As he walked away, Marie walked inside the gates, the metal clang of it closing comforting her.
She was home, and she was never going to hear the end of it. As she walked up the hill, she heard it. The screaming from the woods outside of the gates. They didn’t want her home. Her family needed her home to help. 
They weren’t scared because she might be hurt, they were scared because they might die.
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
So Stella and her pride weren’t hurt at all by Stolas’ infidelity? Okay, I guess so. She doesn’t ever really say that to him when it’d be the most appropriate to do so, and I mean, hiring an assassin is just something everybody does once in a while am I right?
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fangirl-creates · 3 years
The Most Unlikely Thing
A Stolitz Wedding One-Shot
Inspired by this lovely art by @sator-the-wanderer on Instagram (Link at the end)
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(Note: This is my first time writing with Helluva Boss Characters—I was worried they wouldn’t be in character, but I hope you enjoy!!)
Most would say a night like this would never happen. That it was one of the many outlandish and downright ridiculous thoughts that appeared within the mind of anyone who knew them. If you said it outloud, you’d get a quick laugh out of the person you told, then the subject would be changed in an instant-as if it was never said at all.
Moxxie had that thought once. Right around 2AM he woke up from an uneventful dreamscape, and processed the thought with every ounce of his intellect. Even after that, it still made no sense. He turned to Millie’s side, taking a deep breath before he spoke.
“Millie? Are you awake?”
His wife stirred for a moment, a small yawn before she responded. “Yeah, Moxx?” She mumbled.
“I...had a weird thought..” He sat up, running his hand through his snow-white hair, soon scratching the top of his head.
“What was it?” She sat up a little, both curious and worried about what he might be thinking.
“Well-” He paused for a moment, giving the room a good look around before he continued. If a certain someone was here, listening, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. “It’s about Blitz and uh...Prince Stolas.”
Millie’s golden eyes widened as her tail started swishing like a curious cat. Any worry she had was gone, now she wanted to know all the details surrounding this. “Well?? Don’t keep me in suspense!” She smiled eagerly, shaking him by the arm a little.
“So like...and this is just a hypothetical..” He chuckled, smiling nervously for a quick second. “I just wondered for a second...well..” At this moment their eyes were locked, Moxxie’s face now torn between smiling or frowning. He had no idea what to feel. “Do you think they could ever...end up like us?”
Millie tilted her head, raising a brow. “Ya mean like...married ‘n stuff?”
Moxxie nodded a few times. “Yeah, Yeah! Do you...do you think-?”
She put a hand on her chin. “Well...I don’t think it isn’t possible. I mean...I’m pretty sure...excluding their little agreement...maybe they do like each other..”
“Do they though?” He started to lay down again, now staring at the ceiling. “I mean clearly Stolas likes him to the point where he won’t stop gushing over him. But...Blitz?”
“Who knows, hon. Blitz hardly talks about how he really feels. Maybe he does. And maybe one day they will…” The last thing didn’t sound so sure.
Moxxie turned his head. “But?”
“All relationships are complex, Moxx. And those two? Hell, it could take them years before they even think about something like that. But then again…”
“Sometimes the thing you least expect might happen sooner than you think.”
Moxxie blinked a couple times, squinting a bit. “Sooo...you do or you don’t think they could-” He was interrupted by Millie giving him a kiss on the lips. She turned the light off next, shifting back into her sleeping position.
“Goodnight, Moxxie.”
Moxxie sighed, slowly closing his eyes as sleep began to cloud his mind again.
He still couldn’t believe he actually thought that. Although it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it still surprised him no less. But despite how much he just wanted to forget it, it made him think about what Millie said.
It was true Blitz was starting to show a small glimmer of affection towards the Goetian Prince, especially since the rescue from a few nights ago. The concern and sudden display of power through a demonic transformation was enough to make Blitz gawk at the sight of it. And the way Stolas gently cupped his face asking if he was alright afterwards made everyone else in the room stare, Blitz feeling slightly embarrassed by the whole situation.
Yet it still made him think that maybe...just maybe something like that could happen. But that wasn’t up to him. Whatever they decided would leave this idea, this thought, completely within the hands of faith itself.
And with that, Moxxie fell asleep.
Three years ago, it was never spoken of outside of that one night. And neither of the two had ever acted upon such a decision until much much time had passed. But now the stars were in their favor.
The sky was a dark, beautiful crimson that had mixed with a captivating wine purple. The stars were scattered, dusting the sky and turning it into a dazzling display of twilight.
They had kept it small, the only ones being present were close friends and family—which was basically four people. But it didn’t matter how many people were there, or where they did it. All that mattered was that it happened—which had ended up on the roof of I.M.P’s office building.
The vows had been short, with a few important bits here and there; Moxxie having to be both the one to wed them and the best man to the boss himself. He wasn’t sure he had the exact authority to do so, but both explained it was better than having someone else they didn’t know. Because once this got out, they’d have a whole other thing to deal with. But that was a future problem they would solve when it became relevant to them.
Blitz was given a stepstool so he could reach Stolas without having to stand on the tips of his toes. He didn’t want the stepstool, saying that he’d look like a complete joke. But if Stolas had to lift him up for this part, he would be unable to think clearly from the embarrassment.
Stolas didn’t seem to care how many people were present, or where they decided to host the reception. There was only one thing that mattered in this moment, and the smile of genuine compassion refused to leave his face the entire night. Blitz looking up with him while trying to contain himself only seemed to make him smile more. He was adorable.
Both eagerly waited for Moxxie to finish up, Blitz trying to keep himself from falling off the stool by how much he was moving. Of course he stood perfectly still once he heard the last few words out of Moxxie’s mouth.
“You may now kiss—”
Blitz practically jumped into Stolas’ embrace, quickly locking lips with him as the two slowly started to get lost in intimacy.
The four clapped while giving the newly weds smiles of congratulations. But those quickly faded away when they noticed the two weren’t paying attention anymore. The passionate kissing lasted for almost two minutes before Loona had to break them away from each other.
“Hey, lovebirds. Maybe wait till none of us can see you.” She rolled her eyes, putting Blitz down after basically pulling him off of Stolas.
Blitz put a hand on his head, taking a look around. “Oh shit, I forgot we were doing this.”
Stolas bent over with a light chuckle, booping Blitz’s nose. “-and aren’t you so glad we did, Blitzy~?”
The Imp pushed his face away as he blushed a bit more. “Yeah yeah just…don’t make it a bigger deal than it already is..”
“Looks like someone’s trying to pretend he can’t be romantic for once.” Moxxie smirked, making Blitz turn around in retaliation. His face was now a different form of red.
“Well you know what, Moxxie?! You—!” Then he stopped, biting his lip as he put his accusing finger away. “You…did..a good job…tonight..” He mumbled under his breath.
Moxxie kept smirking, raising a hand to where his ear would be. “Oh, what was that? Could you repeat what you said a little louder?”
Blitz shifted uncomfortably, hoping this was the last time. None of this was like him. And in front of his entire friend circle too!
“You…didagoodjobtonight..” He said it louder as per Moxxie’s request, just a bit faster than normal. Now everyone heard him…however-
“Maybe a little louder…and slower?” He leaned in closer.
“Goddammit, Moxxie! I already held back insulting you just let me have this!” He snapped a little, making everyone else just laugh in response. Moxxie put a hand on his shoulder, his smile genuine.
“Thanks, Blitz.”
The rest of the wedding had lasted a couple hours. Since the group was so small, dancing and talking underneath Hell’s strangely unnatural starlight felt more meaningful.
Eventually, M&M had to leave. But they wished the two best of luck, the wedding present they got the only thing left of them from tonight. Octavia and Loona decided to head inside the office to give their dads space. Now that they were legally sisters, hanging out would feel more genuine. Like you had someone else there looking out for you. Loona now was able to shout anything about being her big sister to anyone who tried to mess with them.
Up on the roof, Blitz and Stolas were laying down on what used to be the tablecloth to the buffet, staring at the stars. Blitz had taken advantage of using Stolas’ chest as a fluffy pillow. It was so comforting, like he could just lay there forever and never get up. But then…something did make him get up. He sat and hugged his knees close, his expression somewhat distraught. His eyes turned briefly to the owl demon, feeling strange.
“Stolas?” He finally broke the silence.
Stolas had already taken note of Blitz sitting up. But he quickly sat up when next he saw his partner’s face.
“What’s the matter, Blitzy? Are you feeling alright?” His questions were genuine, making Blitz feel worse.
“Is this…is this what you want? Do you really want…me?” Something in his voice cracked and that made Stolas’ heart feel a strike of pain.
“Of course I do! Tell me, what brought this on?” He held Blitz’s chin in his hand gently so their eyes met once more.
“It’s…It’s just how we started out. And everything after that…I don’t know why it took me so fucking long to actually admit that I…” He paused. “…felt this way.”
“And…I didn’t think that you would actually..! You…You said yes.” His eyes started to water. “Why the hell did you say yes?!”
Stolas pulled him in close, caressing his back. “Because I love you, Blitzy…And you being there all those times, even when I didn’t truly feel this way—it still meant something to me. And I know it meant something to you.”
Blitz let out a crying sound, something he would never do. At least, not in public. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he just felt so vulnerable now…and he hated it. Stolas quickly responded to this by cupping his face and lifting it up so they were at eye level again.
The Imp’s lip was quivering and his eyes were bloodshot enough to almost blend in with his eye color. The tears were staining his cheeks, big droopy ones making him look like an absolute wreck. He looked even more embarrassed now than he did before.
Stolas wiped some of the tears away with one of his hands, a comforting smile. “Oh, Blitzy…do you think we’d really be here if I didn’t feel this way?”
He sniffed, trying to contain himself before he responded. “No..None of this would be…” He took a deep breath. “I guess I’m so used to pushing people away I never thought you’d actually stick around.”
Stolas gave him another kiss, shorter than before, but something about this one felt even more emotional than the last. Something about this one made Blitz want nothing more than to be with him. No matter what his fears were telling him.
“I love you, Blitzy…” It was the third or fourth time he had said it tonight, but this time it felt deeper.
“I love you too, Stolas…” He returned the kiss, both landing back down on the floor.
It was at that moment they refused to let this feeling leave them. For even though the memory of this magical night would fly by, they would never ever forget it.
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Dunno if you saw the new ep of of Helluva Boss, but what did you think of Stella's portrayal?
My post about Octavia a while ago kinda implied it, but then again that only confirms that I know the information rather than seeing the episode for myself, so yes, I did see it.
I was actually discussing Stella’s portrayal last night on Discord. One person mentioned that she was the most irredeemable character at this point, and I said that that was by design, and that she’s a means to an end for Stolas’s development (which would be an issue if EVERY female character was written like this, but Millie and Loona are right there, so…).
This led to another person disagreeing and saying that they want characters to be more complex than just pure evil, and that’s where the discussion got underway.
The gist of my argument was that it’s okay for some villains/antagonists to be straightforward in their antagonism. Not every character requires complexity.
Like, the person said that it would be more interesting if Stella cared about Stolas in some way, so I took that to task and asked “why,” and the response I got was “It’d be more realistic than her sticking around for 20 years out of spite”
But like… a lot of marriages have spouses that stay together out of spite, ESPECIALLY when money and status are involved. That’s not unrealistic at all. When I pointed this out, the person just doubled back to “well fantasy still needs complex and nuanced characters”.
And I agree to a certain extent, but it’s not like Helluva Boss is lacking in that department. I don’t think having one character who’s straightforward and doesn’t have much complexity to her isn’t going to harm the show. We just had a whole episode showing the complexity and nuance of Blitzo and Stolas that provided more context to their relationship and. Stella just being a straightforward abusive wife doesn’t cheapen any of that.
Demanding complexity and nuance from something straightforward out of sheer principle is, ironically, not very nuanced. Part of being a nuanced and complex thinker is recognizing when something is straightforward.
The last point they brought up was that Stella being as bad as she was took away from the fact that Stolas cheated on her, and cheating is morally wrong regardless of how bad your spouse is, so writing Stella in this way somehow justifies Stolas’s cheating.
And like… no? Two things can be true at once. Stella being a horrible spouse does not negate Stolas’s cheating being morally wrong, and vise versa. In another moment of irony, this person was talking about how there should be complexity and nuance, when a complex and nuanced situation was staring them right in the face. Here’s what I said in regards to that.
“Even if she's a horrible spouse, cheating was still not the way to go about resolving it. It may have been a key element in him realizing that he was not happy and could do better, but it wasn't the most moral way of going about it. It's cathartic, and led to him standing up for himself in the long term, but not morally upstanding in the short term.
I think that, in and of itself, is nuance and complexity in action.”
Ultimately the discussion was pretty civil and there were no hard feelings. It kinda ended on a “we’ll just have to see what happens” note.
Now of course, the season only just began, so there COULD be more about Stella that we don’t know about, but my overall point was that if this is all we get of her in terms of depth, that’s not a bad thing.
Apologies for the long answer, but I felt it was an interesting topic to discuss and since it was a discussion I already had previously, I figured I’d shared how that went.
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Dominante Imp S/O x Millie & Moxxie.
Meeting the boss.
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(This is a continuation of my previous dominant imp x M&M.)
In the five or so months you'd been together youd gotten a very mixed idea of who there boss was. Millie painted him as a lovable goof who would push boundaries on the regular.
Moxxie on the other hand, spoke as though he was a pervert Stalker who had it out for him.
Of course you challenged both of them, asked where he'd been for the last five months of he were a stalker and why Moxxie hated him so much if he were a harmless goofball.
Moxxie tells you Blitzø had been unusually busy as of late, with both work and Stolas.
Which was lucky, because Moxxie wasn't sure how you'd react if you found a strange Imp in the apartment.
So instead they decide it would be better if you met him properly, instead of finding him hiding in your fridge.
So the next day they bring you along to the I.M.P offices. Both Millie and Moxxie had mixed feelings about this meeting.
They weren't sure how Blitzø would react, and then they weren't sure how you'd react to his reaction.
Making it to the office, the two gave you a series of warnings about how to approach the subject.
You dismissed there concerns, I mean you could easily take on six sinners at once without breaking a sweat. If Blitzø wanted to dance, youd dance.
So entering the office, you were met with the young hellhound'et that you instantly realised was the source of so much of Mixxie stress.
You swallowed a scowl before going up to greet her. 'You must be Loona. I've heard... a lot about you.'
Loona barely gave you a glance before going back to her phone. Millie came up besides you and asked if Blitzø was in yet.
Loona just gave a lazy nod towards a door to her right.
Millie thanked the hellhound before giving you a kiss and going to find him.
That seemed to get Loona's attention, looking at you she raised an eyebrow.
'Wondering what that was?' You asked nonchalantly. Loona glanced over the Moxxie and smirked. 'Oh yeah.'
Turning to her you smiled back, 'Well im not one to kiss and tell, but basically, for the past five or so months I've been the third partner in our little party.'
'No. Fucking. Way.' She said incredulously before bursting into laughter. 'So Moxxie really is a cuck.'
You instantly soured at her words before slaming your hands on her desk. 'Lets get something clear, young lady. Me, Moxxie and Millie are a couple, eh, I mean triad. We are in a relationship, alright.'
Reaching into your coat you pulled out a long yellow envelope. 'Simply put, I'm going to be around frequently as of starting immediately. And from what I've heard you relish in making the lifes of others as hard as possible.' You waited a moment for Loonas reaching. The hellhound just kind of nodding her head.
'So in order to keep our relationship civil, I'm going to bribe you.' Loona perked up at that. 'Bribe me with what?' She asked, eyebrow raised.
'This' you told her, handing over the envelope.
Taking the envelope, she pulled out two pieces of paper. Her eyes bulged 'Holy shit are these-'
'F#ck you dad, tickets? Yes.' You cut in, Snatching them out of her hands. Twirling them around your fingers you told her 'Not just tickets, VIP tickets.' You held the tickest up, showing the Gold film over them.
The feminine hellhounds eyes growing to animated proportions.
'I was gonna take the pair out, but couldn't find an extra ticket. So there all yours. IF. You play nice. Do we have a deal?'
Loona thought for a long minute before reply. 'Fine. I'll try to play nice.'
'You do more then try.' You told her as you handed her the tickets.
Just as you let them go, the door to your left burst open.
'Alright where is this guy' the imp that you could only assume was Blitzø.
You stepped forward, Blitzø's attention falling on you. 'Okay, so Millie here says she wants to introduce me to someone important and I'm guessing that's you.'
Sticking your hand out you told him 'Yes I believe so. You must be Blitzø, ive heard... Interesting things about you.'
Blitzø took your hand, giving it a hearty shake. 'Well im a pretty interesting guy.'
You chuckled at that, before Millie came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your chest.
Going ridged you were about to turn around and ask what Millie was doing, when you felt someone grab your hand.
Looking to your right you found Moxxie holding your hand, an innocent little smile across his face.
You were about to ask him what he's doing when it strikes you. Looking over to Millie, you find her wearing a devious little smile. Looking back Moxxie you find him wearing a similar, if not slightly more anxious smile.
'Oh you little bastards, didn't want to make it too easy for me aye?' Millie whispered back in that sexy southern drawl, 'Nope.'
Chuckling you tell them 'You are gonna pay for this tonight.'
Looking back to Blitzø, I find a very confused Imp staring at me. 'Whats going on?' He asked, obviously suspicious.
'W-well, you see. For the last five months or so Me, Millie and Moxxie have kinda... sorta... been in a relationship.'
You leaned back a little, waiting for his reaction. It takes a minute before he screams 'What!'
You pull back, putting yourself between Blitzø and the pair.
Shrugged of the pairs touch, you repeated yourself. 'Me and your two employees are in a relationship.'
Blitzø balled his fists before slaming them the table. 'For fucks sake!' He screamed. 'Three years and this fucker lives out my fantasy.'
You look at the Imp unsure how to respond, but before you could you heard Moxxie speak up. 'Fantasy?' He asked behind you.
Blitzø chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 'Well I mean, surely it's not a secret I've kinda had a thing for you guys for a while.'
'Eww' Loona muttered, looking up from her phone.
Turning around you were quickly pulled forward, Blitzø wrapping his arm around your neck.
'So tell me, Uuh, what was your name again?' He asked. '(Y/N)' you replied.
'Aah, yes of course. So (Y/N), tell me what's it like? ' you raised an eyebrow, unsure what he meant. 'What's what like?'
'You know, the two of them... in bed?' He wagged his eyebrows at the end. You instantly sobered up.
Pulling your arm off your shoulder you stepped away from him. 'Sorry buddy, but that's between me and the two of them.'
Blitzø blew it off, wrapping his arm around your shoulder again. 'Come on, just give me a few details. Tell me, Is Moxxie a total bottom or can he dom.'
At this point you were done with his antics and practically threw his arm off of you.
'Listen, I get it, Moxxie and Millie have both told me you don't really do "Boundries" but our relationship is just that, Ours. You wanna hang out at work or go out for drinks, no problem.'
You turned serious 'But in our home, unless your invited. I don't wanna see you there.'
Blitzø wore a smirk , a smirk Id seen a hundred times over. The cocky little shit was gonna test me.
'Really?' He asked, smirk growing. I chuckled back, 'Yeah, really.'
Turing to him you told him 'I get it, your a killer, assassin for hire i get really. You kill people for a living.' You slipped a hand into your pocket, 'But do you know what I do?'
Blitzø just shook his head. 'I'm a bouncer, ya know what that means.' You ask him.
'You bounce things?' He asked dripping with sarcasm. You gave a dry chuckle back before gripping the back of his neck.
'My job is to put smartasses like you in there place. There place being on the curb, missing a few teeth.'
Blitzø's smirk grew a little larger, a little anger in his eyes. And before you knew it, he swung at you. His left arm swung in a sloppy haymaker.
Of course you were to quick, and easily dodged it, only to return with a proper haymaker. Although your haymaker came with a shiny set of brass knuckles, courtesy of your right pocket.
Blitzø went down, with one punch, like a sack of rocks.
You stepped back, taking a look at the now unconscious Imp. You could see a large bruise beginning to form on the left side of his face.
Moxxie and Millie came up besides you, looking down at the Imp. 'Bout time someone knocked some sense into him.' Moxxie grumbled.
'Mox he's our boss!' Millie scolded her husband. 'No. He's right.' You cut in, 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes and your boss chose to play a very stupid game.'
It took about an hour before he woke up, still on the floor he released a long groan before sitting up.
You walked up to him, coffee in hand before squatting down and checking his cheek.
'Hey there champ, good nap?' You ask, feeling particularly smug.
Blitzø rubbed his face, groaning out 'You get the make and model on the that Truck that hit me.'
You chuckled, 'No I did not. But I'm sure it would be happy to come right on back, unless that is, you've learnt your lesson?'
Blitzø looked up at you, the implications of your words sinking in. His eyes shifted across the room, then onto you.
'Yeah' he said, nodding his head 'lesson learnt.' Handing him the coffee you helped him to his feet.
'Good boy.' You told him before calling Millie and Moxxie over.
Steering the two towards the door you turn to Blitzø and ask, 'Its alright if they take the day off, aye Boss?'
Blitzø just gave a weak little thumbs up before turning and heading for his office.
Turning back to the pair, you leaned into Moxxie's ear and whispered 'Now who do I need to punish for that little scheme back there.'
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jayswritings13 · 3 years
Helluva: Verosika & Blitzø becoming close again
Request: "Could you do some wholesome headcanons on how blitz & verosika will patch things up? (I sense one of them is gonna need to be rescued in S2)" by Anon
Note: I'm not sure how wholesome these are, but I really enjoyed writing them!
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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Blitzø & Verosika
Blitzø is well aware of what he did, even if he did spend years denying that he did anything wrong.
He honestly was fine with living his whole life not acknowledging the shitty things that he did to her.
Well, he thought that he was.
Lately, Blitzø has been feeling as though he should confess to Verosika, especially after his hallucination and run in with Verosika at Ozzie's.
Blitzø was unsure of what would happen if he meet Verosika again, until he was faced in front of her.
"What do you want, Blitzø?" Verosika sneered.
"Nothing, bitch." Blitzø immediatly answered before pausing and wincing at his response. "Wait. Actually, I just wanna talk."
"Yeah, so if you would stop fucking burning holes through my skull and just listen, that'd be fucking great."
"You have two minutes." Verosika glanced down at her phone, "Go."
"Wow... only two minutes. I see you still are a heartless bitch," Blitzø muttered.
"A minute and 30 seconds."
"Fine. I'm a fucking dick."
"Yes, yes you are." Verosika kept her eyes on her phone, watching the time. "1 minute."
"God, you're not making this any easier you bitch."
"I'm sorry?" Verosika snapped her eyes up at Blitzø, "What!?"
"I said-"
"No, I heard what you said. And for a second, I thought that you were going to fucking apologize, but you're still just a same shriveled, selfless, little dicked gremlin." Verosika growled, glaring over at the imp. "Now, I'm going to say this again. What. Do. You. Want."
"I'm sorry. I was a dick. I treated you like shit."
"Yeah, no shit."
Verosika didn't want to admit it but this was what she was waiting to hear ever since he left her in that fucking hotel room.
After that day, Verosika didn't expect to see Blitzø again, but to her shocked and mild enjoyment, he kind of came by semi-often.
Not that it was hard to, after all, she still worked out of the same building as him.
Verosika never asked why he did the shit that he did to her, until one night when the two of them were day drinking in the IMP office.
"I was scared."
"Ha! Of what?"
"I don't know. Being too vulnerable. Having someone care about me too much." Blitzø paused, "All of it."
In that moment, Verosika understood Blitzø better than anyone in her life ever.
"Mine turn. Were you really upset about the credit card shit?"
"No. You left me stranded and heartbroken. Then deflected all of my calls and texts. You pretended like you and I never happened."
"You were heartbroken?"
"I cared for you a lot, Blitzø. You left and ignored me."
"Is that why you crossed out the heart tattoo."
"Well, yeah. What else was I supposed to do?"
It took a little bit for Verosika's crew and the IMP gang to get used to Verosika's and Blitzø's little friendship.
But with how often the two were hanging around each other nowadays, everyone eventually got used to it.
Blitzø would often try to voice his own opinions and suggestions about Verosika's music.
Which, she would listen to, but then shoot down.
"And why the fuck not?!"
"Because, it's a dumb fucking idea, Blitzø!"
"Oh yeah, like you could come up with something better."
"Please, I think all those fucking gold records on the wall prove that I can come up with something better!"
Both Blitzø and Verosika realized how much better they are as friends compared to their relationship, especially as Verosika pushes Blitzø to stop being such an ass to Stolas.
Verosika always loved to call Blitzø out on his bullshit.
That hasn't changed since they were dating to enemies to friends-ish.
"Call him." Verosika ordered.
"Call him. Or I fucking will." Verosika threatened, gesturing to her phone. "And you know that I will so do it."
The reverse also happens.
Blitzø is very good at calling Verosika out on her ghosting other demons and overall dramatic and bitchy attitude.
"I thought that you were with what's-his-face."
"Oh no," Verosika said, scrolling through her texts. "I broke that off two days ago."
"There was nothing wrong with that guy, V!"
"Yeah, but now I have a date with Luisa tonight. She's am-don't give that fucking look Blitzø!"
From an outsider's perspective, things might not seem as though, they have changed.
But, Verosika and Blitzø have never been closer than they were now.
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