#destiny 2 writing
seigephoenix · 17 days
The Not Finale 1
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Since The Final Shape has been released for a while now, I can finally post Siobhan's journey through it. I do have a story coming that's going to show her past with Crow/Uldren but it's a slow process. I wanted to go through this story as the Final Shape brought up a lot of emotional shit for Siobhan. It'll be like 4 parts (maybe)
Art is by: @/commander-sarahs-art
Content Warning: grief, heavy loss mentioned, trauma is explored and worked through, game typical violence, surgical stuff is mentioned in somewhat detail
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Siobhan looked down at her ship’s console as she flew towards the Traveler, her fingers tapping the keys needed to land the ship in a dance committed to memory.  She’d answered Nevia's call for help when the Witness threatened the Traveler, together to the end.  They’d faced down countless enemies of the Traveler together.  Nothing could break their bond.  Siobhan sighed and leaned forward, resting her forearms on the steering column of her ship.  She’d always come if Nevia called, even if it did require her to face him again.  She hated thinking of that last confrontation but it haunted her nightmares.  The ice and venom in those golden eyes would remain in her memory for a long time, but she deserved every bit of that betrayal and ire.  She closed her eyes as they approached the coordinates.  Unwittingly the memory of that argument rose up in her mind, her lips thinning as their voices played in her head.
You knew who I was this entire time!?  Did it make you laugh to see what had been done to me?  The abuse hurled at me?  Sneering at how naive I was to trust you.  You, the one who killed me.
I didn't do it on purpose Crow!  Being a Guardian means you get a clean slate with your life!  None of your past deeds are weighed against you!  Why do you think Commander Zavala extended his hand?  He’d never have done that if he didn’t understand that our past sins have no bearing on us as Guardians!!  And I never laughed at you!  Not once!  I was glad you got that second chance!  You deserved it!
You mock me still?  I remember the cold look in your eyes when you pulled the trigger.
Then your memory is fucking faulty!  I begged you, begged you to stop!  I pleaded with you to come with me!!  I'd drop everything I was to join you and help you find your sister!  I made a fool of myself but it didn't matter.  Only your obsession did!  That damned corruption took over and the Uldren Sov I knew was no longer there.  So yes, I pulled the trigger.  I chose my duty over love!  Do you not think I've tortured myself these all these years over it?  No one can make me feel worse than I make myself.
Quit with the excuses.  I don't want to see you any longer.
Siobhan sighed as she remembered Arawn transmatting her to the ship despite Glint's protesting.  She'd kept her word.  To the Vanguard's alarm, Siobhan kept herself to a self-imposed exile.  Her Fireteam had new partners they had watching their backs, they didn’t need her.  She did feel a little bit bad about leaving them, but both had understood her reasonings.  Nevia never understood but Siobhan never told her about the confrontation.  Siobhan knew Nevia had come to her own peace regarding Crow and what his actions as Uldren did.  Siobhan just couldn’t bring herself to tell Nevia what she and Crow argued about that day.  She was too ashamed.  Deep down she knew no one would understand, they’d argue she could’ve found a way to save Uldren, to not pull the trigger.  Siobhan couldn’t shake the thoughts and the guilt she harbored weighed her soul down.  “Well Arawn.  Hopefully Crow can put aside his feelings on the matter so we can work together.  He certainly didn’t keep that argument of ours quiet.  Did you see we got an email from the queen herself?”
“I remember.  She said that the Awoken people forgave you for killing Prince Uldren.  Didn’t she?”  Siobhan nodded and scoffed at the memory.  As if she needed an email like that.  From her memories of her past life, she understood it was Mara’s way of trying to assuage the guilt she carried.  Mara had always treated her with respect as Selene, and that extended to Siobhan now.  She still didn’t have to like the pandering that went into the email as Siobhan understood there was no way to truly forgive her.  She’d taken away Uldren.  Siobhan knew the anger lingered deep within Mara for that move even knowing how much the act tortured Siobhan’s soul.  “Be nice.”
“Look, I don't hate her.  I never did hate the woman.  I only said those names to rile up Uldren and it worked.  I just don't trust her.” Siobhan sighed and looked up as her ship pulled up next to Nevia's.  The ever familiar decals of the Queen of Hearts were as familiar as her own ship.  Siobhan smiled when she heard Nevia’s voice over the comm line.  “Here we go.”
“Ready?”  Siobhan shook her head as Nevia's face appeared on the screen.  They were both apprehensive about this mission, how could they not?  A direct threat to their Light was here, one that was stronger than any foe before them.  They’d faced down gods, fought for their Light, fought without it, had stood time and time again against the Traveler’s enemies.  Each time they’d come out of it, each bearing a new scar from it whether it was on the body or the soul.  This time…  Siobhan had a gut feeling she wasn’t going to make it out of this one intact, and she felt at peace with it.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. And with that, I mean no but I will do it anyway.”  Nevia’s answer resonated within Siobhan and they looked towards the pulsing heart of the Traveler.  She did find a smile tugging at her lips.  This reminded her of the time they went to Oryx’s dreadnaught.  They seemed to always face the impossible tasks together, with a few minor exceptions.  Siobhan wouldn’t have it any other way.  There was only one woman she ever wanted by her side if it came down to their last fight, and that was Nevia.  For her and for her fireteam, Siobhan would claw her way to the end.  No matter the cost.
“Off we go then.  To the end together?”  Siobhan didn't recall when they started using that phrase with each other.  It was a promise, to her at least, to always stick together.  Thick or thin, Light or no, nothing would tear their bond apart.
In the Heart of the Traveler
Siobhan huffed as her feet touched down inside the heart.  She was mildly irritated at the loss of her ship but understood it was a necessary sacrifice.  She looked around her and the quiet unnerved her.  Siobhan expected the inside of the Traveler to be tranquil and the quiet serene.  She could sense the underlying Darkness like an oily aftertaste.  It twisted her stomach and her irritation at the Witness snapped to the forefront of her mind.  She wouldn’t let that bastard get to the Traveler.  Arawn floated by her head as she continued on, hoping to get to the meet up point with Nevia.
“Ah geez, I hate being separated.  But we needed to cover more ground,” Siobhan grumbled as she marched across the former landing of the old Tower.  She remembered these grounds so well, the many times she ran from trouble, the day she got back from the Black Garden, walking along after the Vault of Glass.  The first time he’d held her hand had been here, and the first time he’d said how he felt about her without all the jokes.  She could still picture his face in her mind, even after all these years.  Some said that the faces of those lost would fade from memory, but Siobhan could still see Emyr’s face.  The quick grin had had for everyone, the quicksilver eyes that crinkled at the edges when he smiled.  Siobhan never forgot the way he held out his hand to her whenever she was feeling down.  Heya short stack, what’s got that mopey look on your face?  Her heart clinched at the memory and she struggled to tamp down on the burning lump in her throat.  Still too painful to think about, even after all the years later.  “Ah look at me, getting all sad because the Traveler crafted this from memory,” Siobhan laughed and looked up at the sky.  “I wish you could bring him back too…”  Arawn floated beside her struggling to find a way to comfort his Guardian when he realized they were getting a call.
“Siobhan.  Chia told me that Cayde is here.” Siobhan paused mid-step and looked at her Ghost.  She jerked her head towards the sky before back to her Ghost.  Did the Traveler hear her or something?  If so, she didn’t mean Cayde, but…  Siobhan knew it was entirely unlikely that her words brought Cayde back, not when she had another face in her mind.  Except.  She knew what this would mean to Nevia, and if it brought something of a smile to Nevia’s face then Siobhan would gladly have Cayde take her wish.  Though, logically, she knew that her thoughts didn’t bring him back.  Still, how in the hell was Cayde alive?  And more importantly, why was he in the Traveler?  Was that where all Guardians went after they died their final death?
“What!?”  Arawn nodded and relayed what Chia told him.  “Well geez.  They'll need some privacy for sure.  I guess we can head on for a little bit and then wait.  Ugh, what a sticky situation this turned out to be.  Wait, is Crow with them?” Arawn shook his head and she let out a frustrated groan.  That meant only one thing.  Given his history of doing reckless shit in the past.  Conveniently forgetting her own dumb stunts, Arawn wanted to add.  “Which means he’s gotten into stupid shit.”
“Are we going to have to rescue him?” Arawn asked as Siobhan kicked at a rock out of pure exasperation.  The sound of it pinged throughout the entire area and she wanted to scream.  She didn’t want to.  The man hated her, for good reason, and she had to work with him.  With Nevia and Cayde having their reunion and whatever unbidden feelings come up from that…  The entire thing was going to be awkward.  Siobhan wanted to whine about it all, she hated being confronted with her feelings and guilt and all the complicated relationship crap.  In the end, she knew what the answer would be and she groaned out loud.
“Yes,” Siobhan whined as Arawn laughed.  “Don’t laugh at me.  Well, whatever.  Do we have a read on his coordinates?”
“No, but I am picking up something from Glint.  Patching it through.”  Siobhan listened and shook her head.  Exactly like a fucking Hunter.  She didn’t quite approve of him leaving Glint out, but understood his hesitation for Glint’s safety.
“Reckless shit.  What did I tell you?” She shook a fist towards the sky.  “Relay the message to Chia, will you?  I'll meet them at the coordinates.”  Arawn agreed and sent the location to Chia.  He and his Hunter headed out to go rescue Crow.
After Reuniting Crow and Glint
Siobhan stepped away as they all spoke, just being close to him was enough to have her bristling.  Especially when he kept looking over at her, it wasn’t her fault they were going to be working together.  If anything, he could pin it on the Witness for forcing her to be here.  She would simply go where she was pointed, that would be the most ideal solution to this shitshow.  She huffed at her own despondent thoughts, those never got her anywhere.  Siobhan leaned against a rock with her eyes scanning the horizon for any traces of the Witness’s forces.  A sparkle caught her eye and she focused on a little ghost shell, one that looked too much like Byron’s.  As she reached for it, a sudden suffocating darkness swallowed her up.  Her senses were dulled as if she was drowning in a sea of clouds.  “Ah piss.”  She held the side of her head as she waited to see what the Witness would say, Siobhan didn’t think it would be anything else besides that smarmy bastard.  As if she was in the mood to hear whatever bullshit he was going to give her.
“I can grant you what you desire.”  She saw the image of herself and Uldren in front of her and the sight had her belly clenching in dread.  She sat with her legs crossed, lounging on the decadent throne with Crow kneeling beside her, her hand held in his as if in reverence.  The sight was enough to turn her stomach.  “He shall be utterly devoted to you.”
“Piss off.” Siobhan snapped and she sensed the surprise.  Did the Witness think they’d take whatever it offered?  Like some eager puppy dogs eager to please a master?  She wanted to put a bullet in the image in front of her, the urge to run clawed at her heart like a raging beast.  “Like I haven't been tempted before.  I'll give it to you for being original but fuck right on off with your bullshit.”  She heard the Witness hiss in displeasure and heard Arawn fight back against it.  The cracking sound coming from her Ghost’s shell alarmed Siobhan and she reached for him as he floated down after shattering the illusion the Witness crafted.  She cradled her Ghost to her chest, keeping him safe from any threat.  She ran her thumb over his shell and tears welled in her eyes as she saw how much pain he was in.  Arawn was the best part of her and to see him like this, it drove a spear through her soul.  Nevia crouched by her side, calmly placing her hand on Siobhan’s shoulder.  “Oh Arawn, you shouldn't have done that.  It cracked your shell.”
“I'll be alright.  I didn't want it to hurt you.”  Siobhan smiled at Arawn and let him disappear inside her Light to rest.  She turned to Nevia and saw the concern for her in her friend’s face.  She rubbed the back of her neck as she tried to think of what to tell Nevia.  Her eyes darted back over to Crow and Cayde before she decided to be cagey about what exactly she saw.  No one needed to know that.
“Ah, the Witness tried to tempt me.  I wasn't buying it though.” Siobhan waved her hand dismissively and tensed her shoulders when she heard Crow approach.  What was he going to say to her now?
“You shouldn't be so flippant about the Witness.”  Siobhan moved her lips as if mocking Crow, earning a stern look from Nevia to which she only huffed in return.  Siobhan crossed her arms and turned her head away from both Nevia and Crow.  She was allowed to be childish and immature in this case.  She did give Nevia a sideways glance when the other Hunter patted her shoulder.
“Flippancy is how I deal with stressful situations.  Arawn’s shell is cracked thanks to his fighting back against the Witness’s power.  I don’t know if I can fix that and what kind of pain my partner is going through.  Pardon me if I do what I can to cope.”  Nevia laid a hand on her shoulder, but Siobhan jerked it away.  She didn’t need to hear any lectures about her attitude.  Not now and not when it came to Crow.  She’d done everything he wanted when it came to staying out of his way.  “I'll be waiting over here for the plan.  Before I go though.”  Siobhan walked over to Cayde only stopping when the toes of her boots bumped his.  She narrowed her eyes at him in warning.  His optics flared in alarm at the look on her face, he knew that look well.  He also knew what followed it usually.
“Now wait, I already got an earful and a headache from those two.”  Cayde pointed before he held up his hands.  As if that was going to stop her.  He yelped when Siobhan kicked his shin.
“That is for making Nevia sad.”  Siobhan turned on her heel and walked away leaving Cayde shaking his leg out to ease the sting.  He sighed as he knew he deserved it and likely more for what he’d made everyone go through.  Nevia and the Vanguard weren’t the only ones affected by his death and he knew the burden this Hunter carried as Nevia told him Siobhan had avenged him.  What kind of wound did that put on her soul?
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worldscollideau · 2 years
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⭐️The Dreaming City’s Vengeance, Casey✨
An Awoken Hunter, Casey vowed to restore her home to it's former glory, getting rid of the plague known as Mara Sov. Her (ex) girlfriend Petra, is unaware of her goals. 🌙
Casey is Crew Member number #6 on the Derelict, helping sneak goods in and out of the Tower, while offering her inside wisdom of the Dreaming City to Drifter and the crew.
Casey is insanely shy, but she tries her hardest to be loud and proud. It took her awhile to warm up to the others on the Derelict.
⚫️Petra and Casey's relationship is struggling, mainly because of Petra having a not so secret crush on the Queen. Things don't go well when Petra decides to pursue her feeling for Mara, leaving Casey in the dust.
⚫️Aneira is like a sister to Casey, and is often dragged outside of her small room to go with her to Hunter Dens and more. If it wasn't for Aneira, Casey would be hiding in the Derelict most of the time.
⚫️Casey loves to create clothes and gear for Hunters in her spare time. Her small room in the Derelict is littered with fabric and glitter.
⚫️Casey always wears her skull mask in the Dreaming City, acting like a different person when it's on.
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datarevived · 3 months
The smell of gunpowder & foul slaughter captivate the battlefield like a fog. The screams & shrills of various life echoing off the chasms the enemy built within itself, an array of color & dust kicking from battle maneuvers & instinct.
This is what it all came down to.
The very moment that weighed so heavily on every consciousness involved.
- - All or nothing.
They leave alive, or not at all.
" Bring them down! Let no enemy breech the hall, for the Vanguard depends on it! " the powerful voice of known Kell, ravaged the skies like thunder as he pointed one scimitar to the clouds in heartful rally. The Eliksni, both House of Light & Spider's burden mimicking in warcry chittering, weapons raised & guns aimed down the sights at the approaching Dread.
This was but a fraction of the coalition's forces that remained to bottleneck the unending swarms of the Witness's forces; with the Witch Queen's brood at it's fore-front, the mighty legion of Cabal guided by the Empress to it's left & various Tower affiliation such as the Awoken, Gambit & Neomuna Strider sprinkled in between the masses. Even the Lightless, those who would gladly die if it meant turning the tides of what would be their final fight against the Darkness for all others to return vigilant. This was the battle for all at stake, or shall they be condemned to the F i n a l S h a p e.
" Strand Subjugator, to your right! " the voice chirps behind her ear in aide, the Guardian twisting on a heel with Whisper raised as she clicks the bullet into place, briefly staggering the tall frame as others begin to follow suit. It's a rotation she had quickly found herself in with her skill set, scoping down her sniper to deliver swift hits in critical points & moving onward to the next - wasting no time or thought on remaining on the same face too long.
To most, it is a form of appreciated support, allowing those more comfortable of getting close & personal a window to oblige, while others with less steady aim are given the time they need to deliver killing blows. But for her - it was a sake of breath, a momentum to keep herself grounded & counting the exhales in between shots that would otherwise give her time to reconsider what she was doing.
Ever since having been resurrected in the pit of Russia, her gift-born life had held more questions than answers. More obligations over negotiations, expectations over exploration. Whether or not she could say she held her own identity even to this day - she wouldn't be able to answer with confidence. But if winning this battle meant a chance to truly find out her purpose beyond that of a war-drone, then perhaps there was a chance, after all, for her to find something she could dedicate her time & energy to without feeling so restless.
H e l p l e s s.
" Two o'clock. Wings to your left! "
Muscle memory that rides such precision as if it were mechanical. The Hunter reaches inward to one of her boots, pulling a pair of knives that as quickly leave her hand in a fiery spit; eyes not leaving the steady scope in front of her as the wisps of the Whisper's aesthetic lick at her chin. She senses it telling her something, a short glance down on the angle she stood as several stasis-like Psions readied their fire. A dodge into neighboring cover, coral-like walls that jettison out from the terrain, & her fist is balled into a galaxy-like haze; grip tightening to solidify the energy with its' color & sending the heated purple star in the Psion's direction.
" I'm picking up a signal -- "
Bullets slip through her fingers as she listens in attentively, refilling her resources in the small grace created before immediately swinging her body back to the right, aiming in predicted steps of where she spotted an approaching Ogre prior. Its' body thudding back in shock, as a howl emits from its' bony jaw, charging a familiar nova.
" It's. . . -! Selene, it's the Traveler! "
The Hunter reverses her steps, her back planted back against the Pale Heart's cartilage as she takes in a deep breath - resetting herself for conversation to the mayhem surrounding them.
" It needs us - all of us! The Vanguard & the other Fireteams are making the final push! "
" We can't just all leave, Data! They need us out here, too! " she argues, frustration already building up to her temples behind the plexi of her helmet. " We're short enough on bodies as it is! "
" No, it needs - - that's not what it wants, Sel! The Traveler needs the LIGHT. It needs the both of us - and it needs us now! "
" What difference does TWO OF US make!? "
" SELENE ! "
A third voice cracks into the conversation, Selene's gaze caught upward at the sight of a charged splicer shot towards a group of Dread. The Kell, Mithrax, standing within battle distance as he waves one of his lower arms towards the hall that separated the forefront battle & reinforcements to both ends. Several bodies already ushering inside.
" The Traveler wails its' final breath, Hunter. Go -- & provide it the pulse it requires to make it last. The coalition forces will protect you. Now go ! "
She can feel her lungs tighten against the decision mixed with charred air as she pries herself from the wall. Quickly storing her sniper for something more traversal, the white & shaded display of a Jian-7 now folding into her hands as she runs. With a few leveraged jumps to avoid further implications, she has found another tunnel cracked into the monolith that leads to where the final battle stirs. A pathway secluded enough should they need to rush back.
" It's an odd feeling, " Data transmogs himself to her side, causing the visceral reaction of Selene's neck practically snapping in turn.
" Are you crazy?! " the sound of dropped firearm tumbles against the monolith ground, sliding back towards the group fire at the slightest of inclines. But hasty footsteps remain en route as an arm yanks the Ghost from its' hover, bringing the glowing shape to Guardian's chest. " Stay down! "
" I - I can't -! It's like a pull, I don't know how to explain it! " Data's voice shakes in both uncertainty & confidence. The shell within Selene's grip begging to be let go on its' own, like a magnetic pull towards the final limit.
The gunfire from behind dims into echoes off the walls that surround them, as the fields in front begin their bass of heavy shots & explosions rattling the infrastructure of the stones' wound. Soot & cracked sand shaking above her head threatening to make her trip quick & one-sided.
Data wrangles his way out of her hands a moment, hovering just out of reach in front as optic widens in a premature tremor.
An antagonizing howl ruptures, its' volume enough to be heard throughout the entirety of the Pale Heart; the ground beneath all who stood it, shaken into a sharp inhale of roots as the land itself acted to condense. It freezes Selene in her tracks, a primal fear that locks her where she stands. Chest thumping against the constricted feeling of whatever was happening on the other side - were they winning...? Losing...?
" Sel ! "
A bright, nearly blinding light strikes every shadow that plagued the monolith, flooding into each & every crack - including the one they were in. A powerful aura of Light, a beacon, radiating from the final battle's edge. Though she was not there alongside them, still several meters from the breech, it was close enough for her Ghost to be adamant about trying as she takes the few steps forward to catch up of where it hovered.
" I need you to channel everything - they need everything! "
She does not question it - stretching out her hand, concentrating every fiber of energy she has left. If this was the now or never, it was not worth getting cynical over. Not worth hesitating over a moments' unanswered question or curiosity. Not worth not giving him what he asks, & putting in the support for his belief. After all, this was technically his home.
He had gone through so much for her.
So what was once in finally returning the favor?
A f i n a l push,
the air in her chest giving in as all sound ( it was so loud ), all view ( it was so bright ) & all there was to know ( did they do it? ), for the briefest of moments, felt. . . e m p t y. A static nothingness, as if frozen in time. Locked in a moment most raw. Paused silence.
A B l i n k.
Within millisecond, a shock wave expends forth from the core of the battle, a gust of energy turned wind as the Traveler exhales the Witness's intoxication from its' veins. No longer the lingering dread that tainted this Heart from the time Guardian had taken step; there is clarity in the air of which they can breathe. Twisted clouds & mach shadows dissipate from the sky, illuminating the lands with gracious greenery & crippling, dried vines.
The walls of the monolith that originally matched that of the Witness's robe, now an eager quartz as Selene regains her vision & footing from it all. Legs stumbling like that of new-born deer from the pulse, recalling her helmet to place a hand to the side of her head; a ringing in her ears she can't quite shake as her other arm aides her against the closest wall to distribute her weight. She feels slanted, but can't tell if it's from the rock or dizziness.
" Data... " she mumbles the name into the air, vision still hazed & trying to focus on any particle of dust that could stand out bigger than the rest. " Data... where'd you go? "
One step, followed by another - she feels an exhaustion that doesn't make sense to this victory. The third & rattling of her head enough to send her down to her knees, nearly breaking the fall from her face with one hand planted on the ground as the other remained glued to her temples. A glance upward, scouting the distance between she & the exit. That's when she notices.
" -- Data? "
The empty shell, cracked from its' fall against the rock, laid dormant.
Adrenaline relapsing to a rabbit-beaten heart, she struggles to gain traction in her boots to make up the difference between she and the Ghost. The ache in her skull pushed aside for the next contender, the dryness in her mouth from rapid breaths & tears cornering her eyes she'd swear is from all the dust. She scampers half-run, half-crawl to grasp at the shell, checking it over for any, at all, signs of life.
" No. . . no, nono - no! No, no - ! N-Not like this, notlikethis-- "
Fingers desperately search, irritated enough to yank away her gloves and let her fingerprints trace any crack she may have bruised over. The blurriness in her vision doing no favors to the trembling anger in her arms, What's wrong? What's wrong?! Why aren't you responding?!
" Nonono. "
The light-headedness is amping up quick, & it only makes her inability to focus more concentrated, a fury & panic like she's never felt before. She doesn't understand, this was not part of the plan.
" Data...! "
Arms hug at her chest, the sharp edges of the shell pressing against her armor as the rest of her body buckles forward, curled with forehead pressed to the floor. She has no more energy to move - none to remain right-side up. The remainder used exclusively to the wailing sobs that bounce off the quartz walls of the monolith.
Her only constant, ever since that pit in Russia.
She was alone.
. . .
. .
" . . . Sel? "
Her body freezes in the moment, unable to tell delusion from reality. The sudden cold in her bones, to the icy wind in her breath, soothing the dryness of her tongue. With moments before not enough energy to even close her eyes, now, able to drop the weight from her locked shoulders as she lessens the grasp from her chest; cheek pressed to the floor as she glances inward beneath her chest.
A faint, azure optic light.
" Y-You... "
" I'm. . . here. "
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hyakunana · 4 months
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"My friend, my partner… my Guardian."
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drakenathan · 3 months
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we didnt talk enough about saint putting his arm around osiris in the final cutscene. theyre really the most precious fictional couple ever.
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kaiserouo · 5 months
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wow our little ghost is really trying to sell itself here (prev?)
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
The one where Wade and Logan remind me of Achilles and Patroclus
Because what the fuck do you mean "Do I know you, bub?" Bitch I'm going to spay you
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You would recognize him by touch alone. By smell.
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You would know him blind by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth.
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You would know him in death at the end of the world.
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trialsofsaint14 · 2 months
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mini acrylic charm designs
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creepesthesia · 2 months
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Another pic in the style of the previous one.
I'm so sorry that I don't really have the time now to make something uh... good and more polished? Every day I come back home dead tired & I'm painfully slow at drawing. Oh the suffering. :( But I'm working on something interesting rn, stay tuned
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graviton-lance · 3 months
destiny is genuinely such a good story i cannot believe it has such an acrid soul-sucking fanbase when its main message is that love will triumph over all
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i-hug-exploder-shanks · 3 months
Destiny 2 Incorrect Quotes- 18
Saint-14 : Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Osiris: You and me.
Saint-14, tearing up: Okay.
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seigephoenix · 3 days
Not Finale 3
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Here is part 3. Only one more until the end of Siobhan's Final Shape story.
Content Warning: graphic descriptions of injury
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Making Camp Again
“You go ahead and scout with Crow.  Me and this one can set up the camp just fine.” Cayde grabbed the top of Siobhan's head and made her nod.  He ignored the hissing and threats to his dignity spewing from the other Hunter, expertly dodging the swipes at him.  His reflexes were still sharp as ever as her eyes promised to dismember him if he didn’t let her go.
“If you're sure?” Cayde nodded and Nevia headed out with Crow.  Cayde waited until they left before he released Siobhan, taking a healthy step back and facing the younger Hunter.  He saw she was on the defensive immediately.  That alerted him to something going on that she didn’t want to share.  Cayde knew she was going to be cagey about the entire thing, and that it would be work to get her to talk.
“Now come on.  Crow and I settled our differences.  I forgave him for killing me.  So why can't you two get along?”  Siobhan glared at Cayde for a moment before the fight went out of her.  He was stunned to see the mask drop and the depths of her feelings in her eyes, and the tears threatening to fall.  She stubbornly blinked them back and he sighed at her refusal to be vulnerable.  Her Ghost floated beside her as they pulled out the equipment for their camp.
“Crow already forgave me.  He told me the night we first made camp,” Siobhan said as she kept her hands busy by making camp.  Cayde shook his head and wondered why it wasn’t adding up then.  Siobhan should have been glad Crow forgave her, shouldn’t she?  He looked over at her and saw the raw grief on her face and in those glowing eyes of hers.
“Then why do you look like you lost a piece of yourself?”  Siobhan crossed her arms and looked down.  Cayde grew worried about her.  This wasn’t like her at all.  Siobhan hated talking about feelings or letting anyone get close to her, even her fireteam and Nevia had troubles getting that close to her.  Siobhan once said it was to keep from making herself a burden to those people she loved, but he’d called bullshit years ago on that.
“Because I did,” her whispered words brought him up short.  “I never told you or anyone really, I regained my memories of my past life during the Red War.”  That floored Cayde and he looked at her in stunned silence.  She’d held that in for almost ten years?  That she knew who she was from before.
“I heard of some Guardians getting snippets, but you got the whole thing?” Siobhan shook her head.  She didn’t really know how to explain it truly, but she knew Cayde deserved to know.  It was hard to put it into the words she needed.
“It was just fragments at first.  A name.  A brief flash of another face with a warm emotion attached.  Arawn and I didn't know what it was until we looked into the Awoken records.  And found my face staring back at us.  It all came back in a rush as soon as I saw the picture of myself.  It got a bit overwhelming, which is why I never held Crow's lashing out against him.”  Cayde shut his mouth and nodded at her to continue.  He wasn’t about to lecture her, he knew better at this point in their friendship.  He’d try to lecture and she’d just remind him of how many times she’d pulled his irresponsible ass out of the fire.  Her particular favorite point was Nessus.  “I was Selene Corinnj.  Captain of Queen Mara's Crows.  A master infiltrator and assassin.  Guess that's why Void always called to me, anyway.  I died on a mission just outside of the Cosmodrome.” Siobhan heaved another sigh, one that told Cayde just how worn down she truly was.  This would be difficult for anyone to wrap their head around, but to do so alone?  He hated that she felt she had to do this by herself, not when so many people surrounded her.
“I was ambushed by one of Mara's people.  That agent didn't like I was getting too close to the prince, if you catch my meaning.”  Cayde's jaw dropped before he laughed.  He did, in fact, understand it and found it hilarious.  To think they’d be connected for so long, almost as if it was fate.
“So wait, you were the Prince’s lover before and after death?”
“Eww, it's creepy when you say it like that!!  I was his lover in my past life and as a Guardian.  Sounds better that way.” Cayde laughed at her.  “Hahaha, laugh at distress.” Siobhan puffed out her cheeks and Cayde sat down opposite her.  Siobhan looked at him and just knew he’d gotten the wrong idea about why she felt the way she did.  She waited for him to say it, propping her elbow on her knee as she sat opposite him in the camp.
“I see where the problem is.” Siobhan arched an eyebrow.  “You got jealous that Crow got flirty with Amanda.”  Her jaw dropped and she wanted to kick at him.  Out of all the conclusions he could’ve drawn, he came to that idea!?  Siobhan groaned and dropped her head into her hand as Cayde looked at her curiously.
“No.  That's not it.  I.” Siobhan's voice cracked and the tears spilled over.  She couldn’t hold it in anymore.  Not when she was faced by the hardest quest she’d ever undertaken since becoming a Guardian.  The band she used to keep her emotions in check snapped and she couldn’t stop the words from spilling out.  "I can't forgive myself.”  She had never voiced the deepest, darkest thoughts to anyone.  Not her Fireteam, not Nevia.  Only to herself and Arawn.  “I can't forgive myself.”  She crumpled and held her face in her hands.  Her chest burned with the raw emotion she kept banded tightly in her heart.  She had never wanted to face it, never wanted to deal with it.  It kept festering like an old wound in her heart, reminding her every day that her actions had consequences.  That she was the reason two men had died.  Your fault.
To her surprise she felt the arms around her and a hand patting her head.  “We're always the hardest on ourselves.  I can't quite forgive myself for leaving Nevia behind like that.”  Cayde just patted her back as she allowed herself to properly feel for the first time since she'd pulled the trigger.  “You'll just create a wound in your soul if you keep it locked tight like that.  We can't be having that now.  I know us Hunters are known to be emotionally inept, but come on now.”  Siobhan chuckled and stepped back after her tears stopped.  “Now, are we going to work on forgiving ourselves?”
“Only if you do too.”  Cayde froze and narrowed his eyes at her.  He always knew she played dirty.  She narrowed hers right back at him.
“Point.  We'll both work on it then?” Siobhan nodded and wiped at her cheeks.  “Good.  We'll need everyone up front and ready for this mission.”
“I got it.  I wouldn't have jeopardized the mission you know.” Cayde patted her head.  He knew she wouldn’t have, but he didn’t want to see her with a giant gaping wound in her soul either.  Not this Guardian.  He couldn’t imagine carrying the burdens she did, and that was with his own weighing down his soul.  The guilt and responsibility she carried must be soul crushing and Cayde wished she’d let some of her friends help ease the pain.
“I know.  I know.  Still, it's no good to keep everything locked up tight.  I believe our mother once said it will make you emotionally constipated.  Can you believe that?”  Cayde saw the moment she changed, it was when she laughed.  Siobhan looked more like herself, like a weight had been lifted and he was glad for it.
“You know she hates it when you call her mum.”  Cayde grinned.  “Though, she'd give anything to hear you say it again.  So maybe make her cry when we see her again.”
“And get smacked?  No thank you.  No one quite packs a punch like Yvette.  I'd rather get a Titan kiss than that.”  Siobhan doubled over laughing and straightened while holding her aching stomach.  She’d needed that laugh so desperately.
“Siobhan, I'm getting a Taken reading.”  Right after Arawn warned them, Siobhan felt the impact on her shoulder.  The world fizzled out to a soft ringing in her ears as she realized what just hit her.  Dread coated her tongue and left a bitter burn to her stomach as she felt the alien pulse already throbbing in her shoulder.  “Siobhan!”
“Damn it.  They do know how to ruin a touching moment.” Cayde laughed and ducked to find cover.  Siobhan felt the poison seeping into her body and she clenched her jaw.  This wasn’t good.  She knew Nevia was going to be furious about this.  Whenever they did patrol together, Nevia would keep an eye out for Taken.  She sucked in a breath and forced her limbs to move.  She’d fought harder enemies with worse wounds, and she’d push through this as well.
“Focus on keeping it contained, Arawn.  I can still fight one handed,” Siobhan whispered to Arawn.  Her Ghost worried for her as she used the rock to push herself into the air.  He felt the pulse of Darkness go through her as the ice formed in her hands and she unleashed Stasis on her enemies.  Cayde was easily able to pick them off once they were frozen.  Siobhan cleared out the rest with her hand cannon, all the while ignoring the steady throbbing from her shoulder.  In a beat that was not to her own heart’s.
“We still make one helluva team.  Siobhan?” Cayde noticed how still she was.  Then he remembered.  “Shit!  The Taken poison!  What the heck do I do Arawn!?”  Arawn flexed his shell and called for Chia.  Chia responded with their estimated time of return thanks to encountering their own enemies.  Cayde’s lights flickered with worry as he realized that would be too long, and he was without Sundance.
“Go meet up and switch spots with Nevia.  I'll need Chia's help for this,” Arawn told Cayde who hesitated.  He didn’t want to just leave Siobhan by herself.  What if more enemies cropped up?  “Please!”
“Wouldn't it be better to have Glint help?”  Siobhan grabbed his sleeve and he saw the dark purple veins on her shoulder, slowly spreading out and trying to sink deep into her Light.  Cayde couldn’t believe it was that bad already, she’d barely taken a blow.  Worry gnawed at his gut and he made the decision himself.  He may be without a Ghost but he could still help damn it.
“No.  I don't want him to see this.  To see me like this.” Siobhan breathed out in relief when she saw Cayde nod in understanding.  He ducked around the rock and just sat there, keeping his optics searching for any kind of threats.  Siobhan may have wanted him to leave, but there was no way in hell he was moving from his spot.  Not only because he cared for the woman as a sister, but Nevia would likely never forgive him if he abandoned her.
Siobhan ducked into a small carved out hiding spot in the rock face and pulled off her armor.  She sat in just her bra when she heard boots coming towards them.  Her mind was hazy as she didn’t recognize who approached, and she realized the fever had started.  Damn it.  She glanced down at her shoulder and flinched away from the look of it.  Long purple tendrils snaked away from the impact spot, reaching towards her heart, and all throbbing to some unknown rhythm.  Her skin felt hot to the touch when she probed the wound.  She took out her knife and knew what she had to do.  There was no time if she wanted to stop the spread of the damn Taken ichor.
“Siobhan, shouldn’t you wait for Nevia?” Arawn asked as he fluttered in front of her, his eye focused on the wound.  She shook her head and dug her knife into the infected flesh, she bit down on the anguished cry as she cut a piece away.  With every piece of infected flesh that fell away, Arawn was able to contain more and more of the spreading poison.  Siobhan looked up as she heard the footsteps again, but she didn’t know if they were friend or foe with the fever messing up her senses.  She hoped it was Nevia or Cayde.
“Siobhan!”  A tiny little ball of spikes flew through the cave entrance and Siobhan narrowed her eyes in disbelief.  What happened?  She thought Cayde went to replace Nevia so the recon could continue?  Did she hear wrong?  Siobhan groaned as the high pitched ringing sounded in her ears again.  She looked up as the little Ghost floated in front of her face.
“Glint?  What?”  Siobhan cursed and gnashed her teeth against the pulse of pain.  “Where's Chia?”  She didn’t have time to explain what to do and neither did Arawn.  She was barely hanging on by a thread to keep herself awake.
“Right here.”  Chia popped up next to Glint and immediately assessed the situation.  “Nevia, this won't hold all of us in here.  We’ll have to take her outside.”  Siobhan heard something of a scuffle outside but her vision was growing weaker.  The shapes were starting to blend together and she shook her head.  Her knife raised to take more of the infected flesh out when she looked up.
“Wait, no.” Nevia's voice reached Siobhan but she couldn't understand why she was saying no.  Until hands closed over her shoulders and under her knees, gently pulling her up against a solid chest.  Was it Cayde?  No, it doesn’t feel like him.  Then who?  Then her vision grayed at the edges before she closed them.
“I forgot she was still weak to Taken poison.  I never should have left her side.  She shouldn’t have been here if I knew Taken would be here.” Nevia's words were harsh, full of grief, to herself even though she knew how Siobhan would react.  As if you could keep me away.  
“What is happening?” Crow asked as he set Siobhan down near the tent.  Nevia pushed him out of the way and Cayde grabbed his arm.  Crow jerked back but Cayde held fast.  There was something in the exo’s eyes that stopped Crow from turning back to Siobhan.
“It's worse than I thought.  How is it spreading so fast Arawn?” Nevia asked as she grabbed her knife.  Alarm shot through Crow as he saw the wicked blade shining in the light.
“What are you doing?” Crow demanded as she cut away the infected skin.  His stomach turned as he saw it.  Was this what she went through during the Red War?  He’d heard Amanda talk about it back in the hangar.  Yeah, during the Red War Siobhan took a big hit on Io from this Taken lieutenant.  I swear I thought we’d lost her because of how deep seated the poison was.  She pulled through and kicked Ghaul’s ass even with her side still bleeding.  Man, I still remember her first time at the Tower.  Now she’s up and saving all our butts.
“What I have to.” Nevia spat at him as she returned to her task.  She knew to cut away the poisoned skin, there was no saving it as all it did was hinder her Light from healing and protecting her from the poison.  Arawn, Chia, and Glint worked to keep the poison from spreading.
“Crow, I need to talk to you.”  Cayde slung an arm around Crow’s neck and began to walk away from the scene in front of him.  Cayde dragged the other Hunter away from the two women, despite his struggles to get free.  “Now.”  They were well away from the area when Cayde finally stopped.  Crow broke free with a loud gasp of air.
“Why did you do that?  I could have helped!” Cayde shook his head.  He’d seen the look in Crow’s eyes.  Lost, panic, desperate.  Anguish.  Cayde sighed and looked over at the other Hunter.  He knew Crow would be just as useless as he had been during the Red War when Siobhan had come back from Io with that festering wound on her stomach.
“You'll just be in the way.  I've seen it before.”  Crow froze and turned to him.  “Ah jeez, you didn't know?”
“Know what?  I knew she’d taken a large attack during the Red War.”  Cayde looked at him and wondered if he truly knew what it was or if he’d just heard stories.
“When those two went into Oryx's throne world, Siobhan became weakened against the Taken poison.  It can latch onto her more easily than one of us.”  Cayde gestured between the two of them.  “And yeah, during the Red War, I thought we'd lost her.  It was bad, Crow.  I never want to see that again, and I'm not halfway in love with the woman like you are.  She didn't even let her wound fully heal before she was blazing back into battle.  Trust me on this, it's better to stay back.  Seeing the floor slick with her blood…  You don’t need to see that.”  Crow froze at Cayde’s words and he looked towards the camp.
“How can you be so calm about this?  What if it was Nevia?”  Cayde's jaw shuddered and he sighed before letting go of Crow's arm.  The other Hunter had him there.  If it was Nevia there would be no stopping him from getting in there.
“I came to help.”  Nevia looked up at Crow in surprise.  She instructed him on what to do.  He looked down at Siobhan and saw the scars.  So many scars.  The pain she had to have endured.  All alone.  He methodically followed Nevia’s directions as the Ghosts worked their magic.  After an hour Arawn announced she was poison free.
“We've got to move.” Nevia stood and threw Siobhan's cloak over her body.  “Come on sleepyhead.”  Crow’s jaw dropped at the nonchalance from Nevia.  Outrage had him jumping to his feet to address the other Hunter.
“She just got patched up!” Crow yelled at Nevia.  He’d even volunteer to stay back with her if that would help the matter.  Even if he knew they were on a time clock.  The thought of her fighting with a barely healed wound had his soul shuddering in fear.
“And I've gone to war with worse.  I'm up.” Siobhan groaned as she sat up.  Arawn floated in front of her face.  “I'm good.  Well, maybe not good but I can at least fight.”  Siobhan stood and pulled on her armor.  She ignored the pinch and pull of her wounds as she settled the last gauntlet on her arm.  She wouldn’t be able to use her favorite shotgun but that was fine.  She’d taken on Ghaul with a wound that refused to stay closed no matter how hard Arawn had tried.  She’d kick in the Witness’s teeth with this one still trickling blood too.
“You shouldn't be fighting at all.  At least not until your shoulder heals.”  Siobhan looked at him over her uninjured shoulder.  Why was he so concerned?  Did he think she’d be a liability in the fight ahead?  She wanted to scoff but knew that was a valid concern to anyone who didn’t know her.
“I'll be fine.  I can take things easy if I use a hand cannon.  It won’t put as much strain on my arm or anything.”  Arawn piped up that she hated that weapon type.  “I can deal with it.”
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worldscollideau · 2 years
“...Does it…feel weird?” 
Pierce’s voice was quiet, subtle as the Awoken gazed upon the night sky. Nessus’s stars were beautiful, shifting into a gentle green as Order hummed softly, debating her answer. Pierce had always come across strong, determined, but deep inside that mind of theirs, Order could sense panic and dread, a fear of change. 
“It does not. I will not be a tool.” Slowly, the cosmic being turned his head, gazing upon the Awoken that had strayed so far from home, a person who gambled their own life for the safety of two strangers. Pierce was powerful, someone that truly deserved to be admired. “And neither will you.” 
Order, more than anyone, understood what it felt like to have their purpose ripped from under them. Their whole life goal was suddenly shattered and changed. It was overwhelming, confusing. Just being able to feel things, think thoughts, it was almost as if Order was drowning in a sea of endless emotions. Pierce had no loyalty towards the Queen, but that didn’t mean they didn’t care for their home. Pierce’s people were out there, suffering. 
It must have been painful to think about. Those left behind, struggling to survive under Mara’s rule. 
Pierce let out a small shaky sigh, their shoulders finally giving way as the blonde released the tension that had been inside their body for days. It was nice to talk to someone about this, someone who would understand. Mara Sov was a cruel leader at times. Pierce did what they could to soften blows, save those few Awoken who did no wrong, deserved no punishment, but without them there, what was happening? That ‘what if’ was eating away at the Awoken. 
“...I want to help. I think…I think Casey is onto something. But the thought of going back, it just messes with my stomach.” Pierce whispered, watching as the clouds gently drifted throughout the night sky. Order nodded, not fully understanding what it was like to have your insides jumble with anxiety, though they wished to learn. It was interesting watching Pierce take in Nessus, a planet they had never been to before. The Awoken was so willing to go anywhere, do anything, it was impressive. Sometimes, Order took them to unknown areas, ungoverned by the Vanguard just to see how they would react. 
“Perhaps you should give yourself time. Then, you can help.” The being spoke with knowledge, Order knew the events of what was to come, and how this small conversation could change everything. Pierce was important to them. Order couldn’t quite describe it, but they wanted to assist, in any way they could. 
Pierce turned their gaze, locking onto the being that they considered a friend, one of the first they had ever had. Day in and day out Order was bombarded with questions about the past, the future, relationships, events. The Awoken had never wanted to be that person, someone who demanded things from this mysterious life form, but perhaps this one time would be okay. “Can you see into the future for me? Do you know if I can ever really help?”
“...You will change the Dreaming City for the better. You will be more than helpful. You will be a hero.”
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crow-posting · 5 months
Since Destiny lore is inaccessible (I've seen the question, "Do Guardians need to eat?" cross my dash several times and it's Driving Me Nuts™), here are some users and resources I use when searching for lore/grimoire:
@thefirstknife on Tumblr
My Name Is Byf on YouTube
Destiny Lore Vault on YouTube
Destiny Dialogue Archive
Destiny Definitions [flavor text] Archive
Destiny 1 Grimoire lore (PDFs)
Destiny Collector's Edition lore (Reddit links)
Destiny 1 beta archive & cutscene archive
Destiny 2 Cutscene Archive [Seasons 13-20]
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telestoapologist · 5 months
Immaru, as Eris points a spray bottle at him: I ain't scared of you, mooncrust. This little thing here ain't nothin' more than an empty threat. You ain't got the guts to use it, so go on, prove your worth, I don't believe for a sec-
Eris: (spritzes him right in the face)
Immaru, immediately recoiling: ECK-
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hyakunana · 1 year
Tumblr media
"Were you even listening? How many reports, Ikora? How many times did I tell you what I saw?"
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