#developper commentary
yanderefairyangel · 1 year
4 Hounds deep dive
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Alright, so basically after hearing so many times and too many times that the Hound are failed sympathetic villains, I decided to take matters in hands, and to clear up the big misunderstanding about those characters. That’s right, they are misunderstood characters BECAUSE... they aren’t supposed to be sympathetic villains, who on earth gave you the idea you were supposed to feel sympathy for those twisted puppies ?! I mean, aside from Marni and obviously Mauvier, Zephia and Griss are irreedeming villains : their backstory isn’t there to make them more sympathetic but to explain their motivations...look, I know that with 3H we got used to villains never explaining why exactly they want revenge and all, but that’s literaly all there is to it.
As for them being a “family “I feel like there is also a misunderstanding on how they works because if Engage is a tale about new found family, there is actually nothing surprising that the bad guys have a relationship that drastically differs from the postive message our characters on the good side are trying to tell. 
I won’t surprise you if I tell you that what were are shown of the Hounds are a group that has family only the title and barely deserves it seeing how Zephia is an abusive feminine figure in pretty much everyway however, there is indeed one way to say that they are family. If you compare them to Sombron’s family that is, because it turns out to be EXACTLY that, the Hounds are an abusive family, disconnected in pretty much everyway and what is actually tragic about them is that they were all so deluded they didn’t even noticed that they weren’t a true family and yet left us with one scarred invidual : Mauvier. And by that token, I think it actually make sense that we don’t have the sentiment they were family since... they actually weren’t. At all. They were just a bunch of inviduals with all toxic and distorted view on love anf family. In fact, I think that the fact that their counterparts from a reverse universe where Timerra is vegeterian, the 4 Winds, have an actual family relationship and feels like one SPEAKS WORDS. But before that, I just give my thoughts on Sombron’s army in general cause I think people are really weird againts them;
Sombron’s army are excellent villains, they are doing an amazing job at being thorns in Alear’s path. They managed to kill Lumera in chapter 3, they lead succeful attacks on many villages, they manage to steal ALL of Alear’s ring in chapter 10, and when they fail, they got consquences and choosing to make this particularly cruel characters a “family” works with the whole commentary about abusive relationships. It is obvious that those people aren’t the one to believe in comradery, frienship, love, caring for one another etc... the EXTREME opposite of a familial environement !!  
I mean, what better way was there to portray Zephia as an evul lady then having her killing her subordinated for failing in their tasks (cough, cough Nelluce) and beats the sheet out of everyone when they fails or get in her way ?This obviously come at the cost of depicting her as a loving mother figure.. which the game don’t really try to nor wants to do anyway, the developpement of Zephia being that the more she appears on screen, the more violent and cruel she gets which makes up for a developpement as an abusive mother figure and that’s where you see how twisted the Hounds relationships is : they aren’t a family, they are a regular group of co workers for the Evul Papabad guy who are all incredibly egoistical and entitled indivuals that won’t hesitate to back stab each others for the sake of their plans and to kill their comarades as a punishement for messing up, a scenario that makes up for an average evil team but that is made 1000% more messed up by the fact the game creates an analogy with family, making that Engage compare abusive family environement to an evil subordinate/evil general dynamic. What they are doing is horrible, but it’s made worse by the fact that those inviduals are all more or less broken and yearning for a family which leads them to fall into a deluded mindest of them “being a family” and it’s what makes their leader, Zephia, a monstruous villain since her idea of family corresponds to THIS. 
Now from what I noticed, there is no debate in understanding how their character’s work, pretty much every Engage player could be able to sum up all the long dive I made for them in a few sentences, but despite all of that you somehow will still find fans thinking the game wants us to sympathetize with them even though their main victims literaly says THAT :
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And no, I think that the support Mauvier and Veyle has with the Winds aren’t there for humanizing them, nor making them sympathetic. 
In short, I have broken down every member of the Hounds to show exactly why some aren’t reedemed nor should whereas others are and could have been. I also went aboard to explain that they aren’t “yes they were evul but they were just a luving family that could have stayed together if it weren’t for different convictions uwu” but “they weren’t a true family, just a bunch of broken individulas clining into that word without understanding the meaning of it and acting as a cruel abusive family because being the bad guys means back stabbing each others”
So it will goes in that order : Mauvier, Marni, Griss and Zephia.
I also saw critiscim about their backstory being kind of dumpt here and not explored further but I think it keeps in line with the idea of “yes they were once victims but now they are abusers and no ammount of sad backstory can justify this” and the fews line we got still managed to explain the whole psychology of an indivdual. Realistically speaking, Alear and Veyle were not there for the whole unpackage. Zephia just alluded to the idea before them without explaining it further, they leaved before Griss could speak of his for little he shares, and the main detail are in the supports between Mauvier and the Winds which both Alear and Veyle remains unaware of. So while I don’t disagree with it, I feel like it was not necessary to expand unto it this much since it already explains reasonably enough their motivations and purposes, and it aligns with what we are shown of them. Moreover, it aligns also with the fact that at least 2 of the Hounds, Zephia and Griss, had a somehow genuine bound and that’s only when it’s the 2 of them that they are able to be true to themselves compared to character like Marni and Mauvier being unable to read into them. Much like I think that way about Sombron himself since the villains in Engage are motivates by the EXACT same things as our heroes. 
But regardless here I start and I will be linking this post to the one I will make in the future
Part 1 : Mauvier
Part 2 : Marni
Part 3 : Griss
Part 4 : Zephia
By the way, from now on I am calling this game Fire emblem emotional Damage. You’ll see why.
Edit : something I though I could add but if you ever listen to the 4 hounds theme song it’s very unsettling and a bit cacophonic and disharmonious which i think not only illustrates that they are actually threatining and scarry individuals but also emprison their inner twisted minds as well as showing their disharmonious and twisted relationship
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icharchivist · 5 months
So, is the Remake being cowardly again or tonedeaf by not acknowledging that the OG used to be about grief and cutting so much of that out, or do you think this might be going anywhere to further set up Cloud and proving his denial strategy right before it will inevitably blow up in his face?
I genuinely can't tell and that's what cracks me up.
like spoilers for the Remake AND Rebirth under the cut:
Like, if i take it only by the remake? it would be weirdly tone deaf since when the remake ends, you destroy the "keeper of the timeline" which lead the character who is supposed to die later in the game to turn to Cloud and say that they aren't victim to their fate, and then it cuts to an alternative timeline where Zack is alive. So the two characters who cause Cloud's mental collapse, by the end of the remake, kinda have this benefit of the doubt of "well MAYBE they won't die so maybe you should still keep your hope up!"
but i heard that in Rebirth once the Major Character Death happens, everyone see them as dead, except Cloud who genuinely think they're still alive, and you have like, cutscenes of the character surviving which are fully in Cloud's head.
Mind you, this isn't how it goes at all in the Original Game, but like, it tracks with the way Cloud's mental health has deteriorated, so it's like. depends what they do with it on the long term, it's def different but not specifically /wrong/ depending on how it's handled.
and the fact they go in that direction with Rebirth really feel that therefore any element of hope from the Remake is meant to come crashing down to explain why Cloud wouldn't be processing it. I don't like this approach in the way it relates to ff7 itself, but the idea of spending the Remake giving Cloud (and the player!) reasons to be in denial so when actually everything plays out as planned, Cloud ends up embracing denial even more, is like. I mean i guess that's one way to put the player in a position of denial as well??
but in which case, it would make the set up of telling Leslie to still believe maybe his ex-fiancée is still alive (even if she disappeared 6 months ago after being Corneo's sexslave and knowing all of Corneo's "wives" disappeared and that his bedroom literally have a trapdoor to a monster that eats people) to be about how Cloud is internalizing that "yeah even if everything points to my loved one being dead, i need to hold on to them being still alive"
Like ultimately my only problem with that is that it wouldn't be tone deaf if the remake hadn't played its part it keeping tons of characters who died into the OG alive, yaknow?
if they stuck to go through all the deaths of the game and then pull this "Cloud denies the Major Character Death" when it arrives, which isn't in the OG, i would say it's clever foreshadowing because this same denial they give Leslie prepares Cloud to be in denial when The Death happens.
but because so many characters who should be dead are still alive it's difficult to figure out if it's tonedeaf, a commentary on Cloud's health, or foreshadowing for a new approach to this element of the franchise.
that's why also i can't genuinely judge it because there's so many layers that could be interpreted by this bit, but that various elements of the Remake can put this interpretation in any direction, from good to bad.
but yeah ultimately, to me personally who's really fan of the aspect of the OG that is "don't deny what happened to you and your grief because it makes you vulnerable to manipulation", seeing our protagonist who is ruining his life currently in his denial, have his friends encourage Leslie to deny the possibility of his beloved being dead, is just hysterical to me thematic wise.
it's either brilliant or tonedeaf and the way the remake developped i genuinely can't tell.
but it's daring to add that at least. Like it's definitely a developpement taken on the general theme of "denial around grief", whether it's one that works with the way the OG handled it, the Remake handled it, or the way they refuse to handle it. i'm amazed.
sorry it's all over the place but i genuinely can't tell. could be anything, but i did stare at it with my mouth opened wild thinking "oh okay they went *there*" lmao
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thelittlehansy · 4 years
Discussing again what is canon with Hans because even thought I don’t think we are gonna see him again in the franchise I just love to discuss about canon ( that’s a long tittle yeah)
The king is important for Disney
He has been mention very very very briefly in all material ( musical book comic video games park)
When is it to mention Hans parents this is him Disney mention first When it was too developp hans they were actually more interest in the novelization to show his relationship with his dad that his brothers.
I even think he is best candidate that hans brothers in terms of new character in frozen.
The king is a bad guy
Already discuss thousand time but he is evil in the book in , the short comic and creators commentary how hans grew up without love makes it canon. The only time we see him be kinda nice is in AU conceal don’t feel when hans mention him.
Hans Life sucks
Yeah hint on the movie then commentary Of creators then a whole book then a very short comic....canon!
The names of the princes.
When a frozen heart come out some people said that agnarr was not wrote like this that the book was wrong in the end this is like that the name is wrote. also Disney seems to want to makes general stuff ( name of kingdom for example ) in the franchise faithful to each other. So I think this is really possible they took Caleb Rudi Runo Lars as canon name but ignore the rest or don’t cares about it.
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geraltcirilla · 4 years
YES YES thank you for all the staticquake commentary I love Daisy so so much like I adore her and her and lincoln were so freaking boring because yes?? He wasn't a person he had zero developpement or depth like every single other main character had a love interest that was another main character which is why those relationships worked and frankly daisy as the main character should've had one as well I freaking LOVE her and sousa and i'm SO glad she got her happy ending but I wish (part1)
(part2) But I wish it happened sooner all in all i'm so happy that it was sousa and they're so f*cking amazing together they became one of my all time fave ships in 10 eps but also I remember all the shit the writers put daisy through physically and emotionally and I get so pissed ( I will never forgive them for the fitz torture and the victim blaming and they knew they fucked up because they never put them in a room alone together ever again )
(Part3) It's like they thought we'd forget or something also her and fitz had such a good friendship like when he protected her from everyone when she just got powers also the way simmons forced them to stay when they all wanted to go home because of fitz and then they never talked about it again istg I love them but I think because they're the writers self insert relationship (they say it's based on them) they loose sight of some important shit that should be addressed
(Part 4) but all in all they gave me daisy so I'm all good and i'm ecstatic that she's going on space adventures with a man who will do and has done anything for her who's so solid and gets her so much who teases her who she smiles around more than anyone and her actual sister sorry for the rant I just have a lot of feelings about daisy I want a spinoff so badly if I get to see her be happy and in love and bond with her sis but if they're just gonna make her suffer more and ruin dousy no thanks
The reason I’m such a fan of Dousy is that not only do they have chemistry, it’s that Daniel Sousa isn’t some nobody. He was a main character of another TV series, one a lot of us have seen. So he was introduced and we already knew him and were attached to him and cared about what happened to him. And then the writers introduced him into AOS as the Chief Director of the entire Western Division of SHIELD, and a “legend among SHIELD”. So he was a big goddamn deal. And then the writers put him together with Daisy. Which I was stoked about because Sousa is such a cool character who I loved apart from Daisy, and seeing him with Daisy blew my mind and excited me a lot, as it seemed to do with a majority of the audience. It would be like if Scarlet Witch got together with Daredevil or some shit. You’d be like??? I can’t believe this one character I love got together with this other character I love and they’ve from entirely separate shows and universes?? Like the fact they met is a miracle but then them falling in love??
lol I don’t even know how to get into the Daisy/FitzSimmons stuff. There’s so much wrong with that. At first it was cute Daisy was written to be their cheerleader but then as time went on and Daisy seemed to care more about them than they cared about her with them continually putting one another first over her, or supporting each other if they hurt Daisy, or only focusing on saving each other rather than the team, and on and on, and it became less cute. Daisy literally went on a year long space expedition to try and find Fitz after he tortured her and couldn’t be bothered to apologize. Daisy is often treated by the writers as FitzSimmon’s slave and they couldn’t even be bothered to be a decent friend to her.
I also agree with you that the reason Fitz and Daisy had no relationship after he tortured her is the writers realized they fucked up and didn’t want to try and mend the relationship because it would mean admitting how severely Fitz wronged Daisy. In earlier seasons I would argue Fitz and Daisy were as close as Daisy and Simmons. In later seasons they have absolutely no relationship, Fitz is just the dude married to Daisy’s best friend and Daisy is just the best friend to Fitz’s wife. A friend told me that she didn’t think Fitz and Daisy shared a single one-on-one scene after the season 5 torture and that all their interactions after that were in group settings.
I’m kinda feeling lately that the only members of the team who I felt were consistently decent to Daisy were Mack, May, and Coulson. And the rest of them? It depends on how they feel if they’re gonna care about Daisy or not.
And yeah I’m basically with you on the spin-off. I want one so badly but I don’t want it to undo the happiness the AOS writers finally gave Daisy after all these years. If they’re gonna do it they can’t forget about Kora and Sousa, or I don’t want it.
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zm-sc · 5 years
On the racism MJ/Zendaya (still) faces
So, it shouldn’t be too long before the new Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer gets released. Therefore I’d like to humbly try to provide help to fight the racism these ladies are victims of, by pointing out what I think are the most reccuring patterns in the commentaries MJ/Zendaya receives. This idea came to me as I remembered I had fun screen shoting messy comments at some point and keeping them in a file just in case I’d need to prove a point, and I guess this time has come
Disclaimer: Sadly, these are in no way edits. Real people, type this stuff online. I'm aware a bunch are just really dying for a redhead, fiery and all that, Mary Jane on big screen, and that a bunch are just jealous fangirls thinking they stand a chance with someone who doesn’t even know they exist, but also none of these are reasons to be borderline, or full on racist. Some usernames are masked because I thought it wasn't that deep but still dumb, some are lucky they didn't appear, and some appear because I think that if one has the nerves to make these kind of statements, probably some exposing can not hurt them
Here we go.
1. Racism:
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2.  Rationalization of hatred:
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NB: A spot on response to this post
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I have no screen shots for this, but the reactions to MJ saying “Therefore I have value?” in the first Far From Home trailer. In which the NEXT second she says she is joking, but you know, gotta make this an issue.I read with my own two eyes that it would "put Peter in a bad mood", or "I hate how feminist she is, makes me hate her and the actress". For this latter point, notice, Brie Larson has been getting the stupidest hate for saying she wanted her press tour to not only be white as men interviewers and being a feminist
But still, let us not be delusional, this remains about race.
3. Language: Let’s see: "Gross, "ew", "too black", “woc aren’t attractive”, “sick to my stomach”, “no chemistry”, “ (bonus: letting a single character ruin your whole love for Peter…..) Oh and bad attitude” “rude as fuck”, “basic-ass negative”, “forced”, “NO Chemistry”, “she made fun of him”. I could go on but it’s not in these posts, but you get me. Like what is gross? What is the standard for chemistry? Is calling him a "loser" truly the end of the world or is it all a reach because MJ doesn't cater to hegemonic feminity, so it makes her rudw? (S/O to Brie Larson again, who is having her whole body language analyzed to prove her co stars hate her/is being compared to every actress who has played a super hero to prove that it's ok to dislike her because she is not "nice" compared to the hegemonic standard these x other actresses correspond to.) Btw, “I love Zendaya but” is a classic too, usually prefaces nonsense
4. "I love x character who is a poc/x black character so this take is invalid”. Wrong. Not being racist towards one race is not a stop from being anti black, furthermore in this case, it is not a stop from not falling into mysoginoir. Very simply, “mysoginy directed towards black womenwhere race and gender both play roles in bias.” It’s all systemic. Loving Ned doesn't prevent you from being anti black. Men are privileged over women and then it’s race coming into play, always. Zendaya/MJ is a black woman, so she is less worthy of everything, and so it makes little sense in these people’s minds that Peter would like her, let alone that he’d want to date her. Ned is a man, so he is not a threat to fangirls’ fantasies, in which you’ll also notice they treat Ned/Jacob Batalon better than MJ (well, whatever "better" is when you aren’t a skinny white boy….).
5. "Liz was better". (Very often is the pov of, wait for it, white girls (often male fans would rather not even have Spidey in a relationship all short, so yeah). Because she was a fleshed out character absolutely not solely designed as a plot device to the Toomes reveal, or because she embodied the behavior that is deemed as THE one women should have if they want a man's attention and so it is easier to project yourself into her than it is to do so with MJ? That was rhetorical. Gender socialization. Hegemonic feminity. Be white, nice, docile, so very sweet and ready to please, or you won't find a man/job! But men can be shitty and yet will be called badass or witty. Think here for a sec, how many people who dislike Michelle for being rude, are into TONY STARK/Irondad? And God knows I love Tony, but as if he is a saintl? From his pre cave antics to the way he was with Peter in Homecoming and some other stuff in between. Also, he would fucking love MJ lol? What differentiates them so much at the end of the day, from the constant sarcasm to the obvious need to hide their feelings behind it? And that she clearly loves Peter, as did Tony but it took him until Endgame to show it. What makes it ok for him to not have shown it from the jump but makes MJ undeserving of character developpement and of Peter falling in love with her in Far From Home after an obviously planned character developpement? The fact that Tony is white and male. That's it
Candice Patton/Iris in The Flash, hell, Serena Williams in tennis, are all examples of this
6. Another thing that does not appear here but that exists, related to MJ or not, is attempting to erase Zendaya’s blackness to deny these reactions could possibly be racially motivated. “She is half white”. Or whatever headass take of the likes. But we know those 50% are not the reason why she is “Not the real MJ”. So which is it? Is she too black or not white enough? The answer is: Both. And both are racist statements, period. The people saying “they should have just named her Mary Jane” are also the same who were all up Zendaya and Marvel’s ass when her casting news dropped, bet
In conclusion, racism has many more faces else than explicitly using the n word, exactly like these microgressions above
They are not ok, because they stem from systematic racism and oppression, including negative stereotyping. This idea that black women are aggressive, not desirable, and not beautiful enough etc is nothing new but it still does not make it tolerable. Nobody who is racist or using a microagression, consciously or not, will actually ever admit it when called out on it. So dare to open that can of worms if you can. And for those who have been called out, please actually listen to why this statement is being made, especially if it's by a POC. That way you should technically never face this accusation again because you'd have listened and learned, instead of not listening and learning and finding yourself getting called names every turn, because you refused the lesson you could have gotten at the last turn
Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out on July 2nd and its press tour is starting today. I'd like to encourage everyone to above all, provide Zendaya/MJ the support she is going to need online, as she will this time get more to chew in this movie than in Homecoming, and yet people will still find reasons to complain, but also to not forget to pay attention in the future, to the frequency of use of these patterns when talking about MJ/Zendaya and to not let them stop you from defending these ladies. Let Z (and Marvel too while at it) know you have their back. She is a very attuned to social media lady, she would not miss the memo, nor would Marvel
A cute edit: We love racism and disrespecting drug addicts for no reason. Carry on though, idiots
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achilleromuald · 4 years
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#ebook : OSHO - The Book of Wisdom, The Heart of Tibetan Buddhism ================ -> https://t.me/monblogtchapiachilleromuald/1921 #epub/pdf -> https://t.me/monblogtchapiachilleromuald/1920 #audioBook -> https://www.audible.fr/pd/The-Book-of-Wisdom-Livre-Audio/B019453SHI • De : Osho • Lu par : Osho • Durée : 47 h et 6 min Description (EN) ========= Osho is known around the world for his pioneering contribution to meditation - the science of inner transformation - with the unique approach of his "Osho Active Meditations" acknowledging the accelerated pace of the contemporary world and bringing meditation into modern life. Based on the Seven Points of Mind Training by the 11th-century Buddhist mystic Atisha, The Book of Wisdom removes the dust of tradition that has gathered around meditation, conveying the essential science and methodology of the practice with a freshness and spontaneity that is rarely found in contemporary spiritual works. The book is a guide for inner discipline and transformation that is also highly accessible, incorporating light, often humorous question-and-answer sessions between the author and his audience that help listeners make the practical connection between spiritual theory and meditation as a lifestyle. In 28 talks alternating between commentaries on Atisha and responding to questions, Osho takes us into a world of wisdom. ©1979 Osho International Foundation (P)2015 Osho International Foundation .: #LOnEstHeureuxDePouvoirServir #LePhenix #Phenix :. #Liens disponibles pour installer *Telegram messenger* pour #Android, #iPhone, #iPad, PC #windows, et PC #MacOS. http://idees-afrique.ca/telegram_download.html .:. s’ #inscrire #Rejoindre le #Blog: https://t.me/monblogtchapiachilleromuald #comment #astuces #cloud illimité #gratis avec #Telegram pourquoi https://t.me/astucesDigitalisationCloudGratis 😇Tout passe, Ça aussi ça va passer. #inbox Telegram https://t.me/achilleromuald_GI2004_ENSPY_237 #Developpement #Spirtuel, #ego, #art #amour #inconditionnel, #liberté https://t.me/DeveloppementSpirituelMatriseEgo #Stat #covid19 : https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CKnnWTdBrE0/?igshid=ufb192fdh0hy
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Sur maison de couleur blanche
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Clevant incroyable comme la combinaison a legard de couleurs malgre peindre la facade avec la maison dans ce mesaventure orient representee par seul haut chiffre en meme temps que transmutation.We want you to share your story, both the good and the bad. All we ask is that you follow a few primaire guidelines.Cette regle dpepite assures concepteurs Suppose que toi-meme voulez decorer une maison Chez vrai couleurs, donc lunique averes couleurs devrait etre quelques teinte davantage claires ou bien davantage sombres.L'ideal, si toi-meme choisissez certains couleurs stimulantes, levant en tenant les contrebalancer en compagnie de averes teintes davantage sobres, tels lequel celui-ci toiture gris lequel permet d'attenuer la adorable couleur verte a legard de la facade en compagnie de cette maison.Avec quelle couleur devrais-Moi peindre la facade avec cette maison en compagnie de unique revetement vert? Cela vert orient un assortiment en meme temps que couleur plutot courante pres le sang. Nonobstant quelque humain a bizarre echelon subconscient, cette couleur indique le desir a legard de developpement puis dharmonie dans la nature.I had an absolute exceptional stay at this B&Sinon, and was one of the highlights of my Excursion. The room was gorgeous and spacious, and decorated very well. I will definitely be back.Chronique interessants Prendre soin en meme temps que eclat corps Comment prendre circonspection avec votre sante intestinale ? Ceci depouille humain dbizarre majeur se compose du meme chiffre en compagnie de cellules dont de bacteries lequel resident dans tonalite intestin.PlusChoisissez les motivation shabby alors les main en tenant couleurs dans la Piece contre eviter dontelle-meme semble sterileLe contraste entre ceci vert ensuite cela noir, donnera un conformation tendance apres frais a lapparence exterieur en meme temps que votre maison, vos voisins Dans seront vert en meme temps que jalousie. A cette circonstance, a nous fautif patissier James Choplin apres a elle ecurie ont imagine un dessert aux couleurs a legard de cette tradition Les peintures aqueuses regroupent notamment les pliolites puis ces hydro pliolites qui sont specialement adaptees a cette renovation alors de qui lConcentration levant relativement degage.Madame Nadine is a wonderful hostess! She was with coutumes in temps after a call pepite a lettre. Great collationner, great advices and booking connaissance wineries tastings pepite dinners in altruiste restaurants, where weve been cared as careful as in Maison Blanche. The esplanade is perfect quintessential 18th century brasier with perfect removal and modern project.+ Plus d'actualite sur : Poser en meme temps que cette couleur dans a elle deco Peinture : quel muret peindre Dans couleurs ? 12 peintures ecologiques aupres Epurer sainement votre interieur Peinture : ces couleurs tendance pres la cuisine + Puis egalement : Relooking deco de mien interieur Petits travaux en tenant l'ete : ut'est ce instant ! Ailleurs sur ceci webThe most helpful apport are detailed and help others make better decisions. Please dont include personal, political, ethical, or religious commentary. Promotional beat will be removed and originaire concerning Booking.coms aide should Lorsque routed to our Customer Appui or Accommodation Faveur teams. ici
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pyramomo · 4 years
Le meilleur cote de maison neuve
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Gardons ce contact Inscrivez-toi puis recevez A nous choix or dont vrais Avis contre votre projet en tenant maison OKElle-meme offre une insonorisation thermique puis ampleur performante. Lisolation assures combles perdus Chez coton recycle ou jarre en compagnie de cellulose Cette achevement dinsonorisation visee assures produits issus en compagnie de leconomie circulaire, hachurees contre les incendies et le developpement en meme temps que moisissures:These reviews highlight patente guests experiences at this property. The selection of reviews is mostly determined by recency and a-propos, to match your preferences. If you want to get a full picture of this property you can read all the reviews.Vous allez or pouvoir visualiser Chez Instant reel ce lequelorient un avancee ou bien Pareillement bizarre tour. Vous-meme pourrez vous-meme rembourser compte vrais privilege dbizarre par-dessous-plancher ou dune alourdissement Selon L.Although conduite is changeant depending nous-memes complexity of injuries, this type of bris inmodele is generally managed by operative treatment. Specific aims generally include:We will usages the same guidelines and lois conscience all fatiguer-generated ravi as well as the property replies to that content.You must provide copyright attribution in the edit summary accompanying your transport by providing annee interlanguage link to the source of your transport.Only a customer who oh booked through Booking.com and stayed at the property in question can write a review.Maison neuve au patte assures vignes accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold annee amount prior to arrival.Cette definition dunique maison neuve Entier cela quIcelui faut savoir nonobstant acheter unique maison neuve Levant-Celui-ci davantage interessant dacheter seul maison neuve ou avec renover sa maison ancetre? Quel orient cela cout surs maisons neuves ? Realiser construire a elle maison neuve Equiper puis entretenir sa maison neuve Nos Avertissement pres reussir linsonorisation dunique batiment neuve Comment decorer sa maison neuve ? Quels sont ces differents fonte de maisons neuves ?Followed by a Deplacement When guests stay at the property they check desuet how quiet the room is, how friendly the Groupe are and more.La qualite du relationnel malgre vous ecouter et toi guider complet au elance en compagnie de votre projet. Parmi savoir plusPlease hommaget include personal, political, ethical, pepite religious commentary. Promotional aise will Quand removed and native concerning Booking.coms faveur should Quand routed to our Customer Aide pepite Accommodation Prestation teams.Sign up cognition your own peripherie nous-memes GitHub, the best agora to host chiffre, manage projects, and build soft alongside 50 unite developers.Ces choses se compliquent donc un brin, courrier nous ne sait foulee continument convenablement quels sont les acteurs du secteur immobilier specialises dans ca frappe a legard de elocution, nicomme s'dans prendre nonobstant acheter un maison neuve.a legard de davantage, retrouvez lensemble averes cout en meme temps que A nous modeces en compagnie de maison neuve. Contre davantage en compagnie de renseignements nhesitez enjambee a prendre frolement en compagnie de A nous conseillers Dans Logement contre Placer Pendant esplanade bizarre devis a legard de construction dseul maison neuve. info
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