#devon architects
fleurducap · 11 months
Hall Devon
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Entryway - large coastal medium tone wood floor, brown floor, shiplap ceiling and wall paneling entryway idea with yellow walls and a blue front door
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arc-hus · 1 year
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Coastal House, Devon - 6a Architects
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graysonwhite · 1 year
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Pool - Privacy Example of a large indoor stone and rectangular lap and privacy pool design
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trumpets0ng · 1 year
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241- “Entourage”
Beginning / Previously /Next
((The Sims Unleashed Soundtrack - MAXIS))
Special thanks to @storiesbyjes2g for allowing the handsome Angelo Parrish to be traded to DSV! 😉
For easier reading, please see transcript below the cut:
Izzy: Hello Loves!
Devon: Hey Babes! I see I’m no longer the only blonde!
Izzy: Just confirming that you do really have more fun!
Uchechi: *whispering* Izzy?
Walker: *giggles* Izzy.
Obie: Guys, I’d like you to meet Wally’s brother and sister-in-law, Julian, and Uchechi. Fam, these are our friends Izzy and Matteo.
Matteo: A pleasure, to be sure!
Izzy: Welcome! Glad you could join us!
Julian: We appreciate the invite! This is quite the shindig you’ve set up!
Izzy: Me?! Oh no! Matty, Dirk and I helped pad the guest list a little, but this is all Penny’s doing. Apparently her nepo baby boss screwed up and called Penn to the rescue.
Matteo: They’re lucky we were aiming for a quiet evening this year.
Walker: Where is she?
Matteo: She was just here before you came… Ah! Over there with Kareem.
Uchechi: McCain?
Julian: Please excuse my wife while she fangirls. *everyone laughs*
Penny: When did you folks get here?
Devon: About 5, 10 minutes?
Penny: Again Wawa, I’ll be raiding your closet.
Walker: You’re wearing Sentate but wanna raid my closet? *the three of them laugh*
Devon: You got a good crowd.
Penny: Right? I could kill my boss for dumping this in my lap so last minute. Especially on a holiday weekend! I’m in marketing, not miracles.
Devon: You may have missed your calling…
Penny: Bite your tongue! *the three of them laugh*
Walker: Well, we appreciate the invite. Jules and Chichi especially.
Penny: I’m thrilled you all could make it. I swear to gnomes, Ezra owes me!
Devon: Who?
Penny: *sigh* It’s a long ass story… The CEO’s nephew. He—
Dirk: Ay y’all! This is my boy, Angelo! Just moved from Brindleton. Angie, you know Dev and the Misters. These are my friends Obie, Walker, Julian, Uchechi & Penny, the architect of this event.
Angelo: *nods in greeting* Nice to meet you all. Thank you for the invitation. I –
Kareem: No need for a speech! *Angelo chuckles in surprise*
Devon: As grown as these men are, they become such kids when they get together.
Penny: It’s kinda sweet…
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fineinteriors · 2 years
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Coastal House, Devon, UK by 6a Architects | 📷 Johan Dehlin
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
If you like my writing...
I know there's a few of you our there. I can hear you scrolling.
The concept of a Well, There's Your Problem fanfiction has taken over my brain and I will probably be finishing it in a hyperfixated frenzy after a few more days. I am a postmodern absurdist and this is my Art! However WTYP is very niche and I am making so many in-jokes it is unreal. I am going to post this story/script here, but if you want to enjoy it, you'll need to be at least a little into this engineering disasters podcast.
I am referencing, specifically: The Kursk; The Silver Bridge Disaster; The Atmospheric Railway; The 1943 Frankford Junction Wreck; and (I think) either the Bhopal Disaster or Aberfan. Also, the Ghostbusters films (it's a crossover). I recommend you start with The Atmospheric Railway, it's not too terribly long and you'll find out if you like jokes about rat smoothies before you get into the darker stuff. I gave Ms. Caldwell-Kelly a chance to choose the forms of engineering disaster Gozer the Gozerian would take, but she didn't get back to me. Either I got lost in a torrent of asks or she thinks I'm nuts and fears me. She is not wrong, but I didn't have the patience to wait.
There are all of three fics of WTYP at AO3 and I don't think any of them are quite this... epic. Unhinged, yes, maybe, but not like this. I'll be lucky number four! But I'll post it to Tumblr too, so I can render the slides for ya. Here is a preliminary excerpt:
A (Alice, she still seems to be going by that in podcast land): Right. Right. So, I have a question for you, gentlemen: who, or what, was Ivo Shandor? L (Liam): Sounds like a billionaire. A: And he looks like a nonce! R (Rocz): An early 20th century architect. A: You’re both right, and so am I. He was also a quack doctor, a selenium mining magnate, a cult leader, and the last person ever documented to be ripped in half by an ancient Sumerian deity — after he resurrected himself in Summerville, Oklahoma, in 2021. L: Boss. R: I’ve been to Summerville. They have that temple he built at the bottom of a mine… Well, I mean, they did. Right up until he resurrected himself. You gotta watch out for that, with selenium. We used to use it in our electronics, but silicon’s better for that, and much less haunted. L: That explains the internet. R: I mean, we’re not using it for the internet. Mainly in glassmaking, and surge protectors. It’s all right in trace amounts, but you get enough selenium in one place and the ghosts start crawling out of the damn walls. You gotta put up at least a double-thick cold iron insulator, or some carbonated steel. Fucking expensive. Not worth it, unless you’re a big fan of the paranormal. A: Just so. In fact, next slide, please… [Slide: A collage of various art deco buildings.] A: …the paranormal activity associated with Shandor’s designs was so well-documented that by the mid 1950s, everyone who wanted to live or work in one of his buildings was required to sign a waiver, before even looking at them. I’ve looked everywhere for one of these waivers, but it seems like the mere association caused them to become hazardous as well. If anyone out there should happen to find one, for God’s sakes, email it to me, and then speak to your nearest mental health professional immediately. L: Take a Zoloft, you’ll be fine. R: Just walk it off. A: According to what I could find, the standard language indemnified the buildings’ owners against any and all instances of madness, brain damage, murder, suicide… You might have to bleep that, Devon… D [text over slide]: NO. FUCK IT. NOT AFTER THE DAY I’VE HAD. A:… mutilation, speaking in tongues, and — specifically! — “cranial liberation of the pineal gland!” [laughing] Whatever the hell that means! L [cackling]: What? R [deadpan]: Nah, I wouldn’t sign that. A: Well, I would, because these buildings fuck! I mean, look at those façades! R: I like these little gargoyles right here. [outlining a pair of gargoyles in red, paying special attention to the horns] With the horns. Technically these things are called grotesques, ‘cause they don’t have a drain pipe, but people just call ‘em gargoyles. That’s where we get the verb “to gargle” too. Not a typical feature of art deco design, but Shandor sure did like ‘em. They’re not really sure whether he had a sense of humor or if he was just nuts. L: Both, I like both. R: Could be both, yeah. A: Well, according to eyewitness testimony… R: Not very reliable. [giving each gargoyle a smiling face, with dots for eyes] A: …those stone statues came to life during the 1984 New York Incident — next slide, please!  [Slide: The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, with a caption saying Artist’s Depiction.] A: …and summoned a 100-foot tall marshmallow man who attempted to end all life on Earth as we know it. [crazed laughter, pandemonium] R: Yeah, I don’t know if I buy that. L: Sounds like another Macy’s Thanksgiving balloon snapped its tethers with murder in its heart. R: Yeah, those balloons are famously angry. Ever since they started using helium, it’s like they got minds of their own. All things considered, helium may also be haunted. A: Rows nine through eighteen of the Periodic Table are all fucking haunted. L: A Macy’s Thanksgiving balloon has black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. R: Yeah, I heard Snoopy ate a whole shipload of sailors during World War II. …Says here Sonic the Hedgehog injured a police officer in 1993, that really happened… L: Yes! Sonic says ACAB!
...Please, if you have never encountered WTYP, I promise you, I have not gone mad, that is eerily close to how it really is, and I am thrilled with it. I've written myself into a bit of a corner concerning Ms. Caldwell-Kelly's levitation powers and lasers vs. a possessed train, in that I cannot allow her to destroy the pocket dimension entirely or it will kill all of them, but if I can get over that little hurdle I should be finished soon.
...Okay, I know how that sounds, but look, if you're following because I curate a fun stream of content, I assure you, that is not what I am about. I do not quite have a strategy for fighting the algorithm yet, but it is my intention to share more things in progress so you at least know what I do. I know I SHOULD be getting Erik and Maggie together at the hotel, but I am not in full control of my intellect and I can only do so much with it.
I'll share a bit of Soldier On with only mild spoilers later, too, if that's okay. I'll try to put up at least a piece of something I've made or am making once a day. It's not perfect, but maybe if I send up a few flares someone will notice I'm sinking and send eyeballs. Thank you for your time and patience!
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avatarskywalker78 · 5 months
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Not done one of these in a while, so here's an extract from my Moonfall fic - this time from the 2011 section (specifically, the day of the Endeavour disaster).
When Devon was five – nearly six – years old, she’d wanted to be an astronaut. She’d also wanted to be a cake-maker, a scientist, an architect and an artist, because like most children she’d bounced around from interest to interest at the drop of a hat and at this point in time had decided she’d do all these jobs and be the very very best but her space obsession? Had been the most intense. For months she’d devoured every space book she could find, learning about the planets and the stars, reading about the moon landings and how people hoped to go to Mars and it had all sounded amazing, to her. What could be better than going out there into space? And the Space Shuttle had been the most exciting thing of all – a reusable spacecraft! Space travel being made more accessible! Sure, there hadn’t been many missions yet but wasn’t it great? And Devon had dreamed and dreamed that one day she’d be an astronaut on a Space Shuttle and make all sorts of fascinating discoveries – she’d be the best astronaut ever. And when she found out the next launch was going to be televised, she’d begged her parents to let her watch it because everyone else was going to be watching it – a live event, all the way over in America, and Devon had been so, so excited. ...It had ended up being not just the first, but the last shuttle launch she ever watched.
(Once again I am putting my character through it.)
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @arrthurpendragon
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selh0ve · 5 months
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The links to the illustrations and dialogues' guides of each character: Illustrations, Objectives, Amanda, Devon, Roy, Others
The personalities associated to some answers are represented by emojis in this guide. ❤️ represents the sweet personality, 💛 the energetic personality, and 💚 the rebel one.
Colors are also used to show the positive and negative reactions the characters can have depending on our responses. Positive in this green, negative in this dark pink, and illustration in this yellow. Unknown results are depicted with a simple non-colored (?), and no indication means no consequences.
Keep in mind that this guide is still unsure, if you notice errors or have more infos you wish to share, please do not hesitate!
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Thomas: (Choice) ❤️ You’re not a morning person? Me neither… (+5) 💚 And that is why you’re late? (?) 💛 It won’t be dawn for much longer, we shouldn’t dawdle! (Negative)
Thomas: (Choice) 💛 It's crazy, one might almost believe that you don't like paperwork! (?) 💚 I totally agree: paperwork sucks. (Positive) ❤️ I'm sorry you have to do all this for me… (Negative)
Thomas: The quality is good, and you’re facing forward. 💚 Okay… But we’re going to redo the badge with the photo I brought. (-5) ❤️ Well… Maybe you could have asked for my opinion before…? 💛 Actually, it’s rather funny… I think I’ll get used to it! (+5)
Thomas: It's a photo of you, you're recognizable, and you're beautiful…No? ⤷ Really, you think so? ⤷ In this case, not really, no. ⤷ Are you trying to sweeten the pill with flattery?
Thomas: All together, it's a pretty logical deduction. ⤷ It's my mother who's rich…not me. ⤷ Yes, my mother is an architect and is quite well known in the industry… ⤷ I'll like for you to keep the comments to yourself. (?)
Thomas: (Choice) 💛 I was hoping you'd introduce me to everyone! (?) 💚 Never mind. Can I take a little tour myself, to get situated? (Leads to his illustration) ❤️ Maybe you could show me around… (?)
Thomas: What would you like? ⤷ A tomato soup, it sounds comforting… (?) ⤷ A hot cocoa, if it's good. (Illustration) ⤷ A coffee would be great. (Illustration)
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foreversecrets · 5 months
Episode 1 - After the Rain Comes the Sun
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Brune: For us to ask you another three hundred questions?
Everything’s fine, and thanks, and I did find my desk. (/)
It’d be ideal if you write them all down, that way I can answer them at my own pace. (+)
That only makes three questions for now, I think I can handle that. (+Elenda)
Archibald: I didn’t know, however, that you’ve taken up residence here as well…
It’s very recent, I just got here…
I really didn’t have a choice, to be honest.
Well, for now, I’m living with Mom. (+)
Amanda: You must be the new girl. I’m Amanda de Lavienne.
Yes! I’m ___! Shall we hug? (-)
I take it you must be the old girl! I’m ___ (/)
(I shook her hand, smiling.) (+)
Amanda: Can I do something for you?
Maybe… I’m still getting my bearings… (+)
Uh…No. I thought the room would be empty…sorry.
Amanda: I come from a very privileged family, I’m not going to disown them after all!
There’s no shame there, but I don’t really like interrogations.
You’re right. I’m not ashamed of it, moreover, on the contrary.
No, of course not. It’s just that I don’t like to put my life on display. (+)
Amanda: …
(I hurried to help her pick everything up.) (+)
(Out of curiosity, I took advantage of the situation to try and read what was on the papers…)
(I didn’t move. Tough luck for the queen bee.)
Devon: Yes ___. You can come in.
(I walked inot the office, he motnioned for me to sit down.) (+)
No, that’s nice of you, but I don’t want to bother you.
Devon: Maybe you’d like for us to sign your contract? I have it here…
Sure! It’s crazy how fast things can go! (/)
Great! I was almost expecting to have an interview. (/)
Devon: Saying no wasn’t really an option.
Great…Yet again, it’s my mom who’s done everything. (+)
For sure, otherwise she could have purchased the entire company.
Really? IF that’s why, then I’d prefer to look elsewhere!
Devon: And when you’re done, you can sign…
Would it be a problem if I took it home to read?
It’s fine, I trust you.
(I took a moment to quickly read through the different pages.) (+)
Roy: I wonder how I didn’t notice you, actually…
No problem, It’s the same for me when I run. (+)
Is that really your best pick-up line? (-)
It’s not a big deal, it happens. (/)
Roy: …
Sorry this is too weird.
I’m going to go, before I can no longer look away from the abs, so…
Everyone here knows you do…what, exactly? (+)
Roy: Two sets of fifty. I don’t want to wear myself out either…
Okay, I didn’t mean to bother you…I’ll leave you alone.
Oh yeah, of course! After a run, a hundred push-ups…It’s the bare minimum!
In two sets> Lightweight! (+)
Thomas: And apparently, it can only be done at the crack of dawn…So here I am.
It won’t be dawn for much longer, we shouldn’t dawdle! (-)
And that’s why you’re late? (/)
You’re not a morning person? Me neither…(+)
Thomas: …
I’m sorry you have to do all this for me…(-)
It’s crazy, one might almost believe that you don’t like paperwork! (/)
I totally agree: paperwork sucks. (+)
Thomas: The quality is good, and you’re facing forward.
Well…Mayve you could have asked for my opinion before…(/)
Okay…But we’re going to redo the badge with the photo I brought .(-)
Actually, it’s rather funny…I think I’ll get used to it! (+)
Thomas: It’s a photo of you, you’re recognizable, and you’re beautiful…No?
Really, you think so? 
Are you trying to sweeten the pill with flattery?
In this case, not really, no.
Thomas: All together, it’s a pretty logical deduction.
It’s my mother who’se rich…not me. 
Yes, my mother is an architect and is quite well known in the industry.
I’ll like for you to keep the comments to yourself.
Thomas: …
Never mind. Can I take a little tour myself, to get situated? 
Maybe you could show me around…
I was hoping you’d introduce me to everyone! 
Thomas: …
Nothing, I’m good, thanks…
Well, what would you like?
Let me see what there is… (+)
Thomas: …
A coffee would be great. (+)
A hot cocoa, if it’s good. (+)
A tomato soup. It sounds comforting…
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aconcretejungle · 2 years
Peter Zumthor es un arquitecto austro, que con pocos elementos construye espacios ligeros, pues el más que construir espacios busca crear atmósferas.  Su proceso de diseño va del interior al exterior.
En la Wohnhaus und Atelier genera una composición de volúmenes y distintas alturas, dividiendo el espacio por medio del color del acabado. Con la ventana deja abierto un discurso interior exterior que sumerge la casa en el contexto sin tener un diseño orgánico.
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Peter construye una villa en Devon Inglaterra de muros de concreto aparente, entre los volumenes del interior sitúa los muebles de colores, lo que hacen que el diseño resalte, dejando un ventanal en el muro hace sentir al usuario que se encuentra en el exterior con la comodidad del hogar. 
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APOLLO de  Architects & Associates en un lenguaje similar al de Zumthor, los acabados son de concreto aparente, sin embargo la textura y método constructivo  cambia,  lo que genera una atmósfera completamente distinta. En la casa APOLLO a pesar de que también tiene ventanas grandes si se siente un límite entre el interior y el exterior, lo que da la sensación de que se diseñó de afuera hacia adentro.
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Entre volúmenes de distintas dimensiones Bernard Quirot ARCHITECTE + ASSOCIÉS genera una composición irregular, sinembargo logra generar una sensación de profundidad de campo que por capas te muestra que hay algo más allá. El tener distintas alturas en la zona de circulación hace que el usuario perciba el espacio de maneras totalmente diferentes. 
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FOTO 1: Barina, Alexander. “Peter Zumthor – Wohnhaus und Atelier.” TÉCHNE, https://texnh.tumblr.com/post/42098972142/peter-zumthor-wohnhaus-und-atelier. Accessed 28 November 2022.
FOTO 2:Peters, Fabian. “Peter Zumthor builds a villa for Living Architecture in Devon. | STYLEPARK.” Stylepark, 6 February 2019, https://www.stylepark.com/en/news/zumthor-villa-devon. Accessed 28 November 2022.
FOTO 3:“FOO / APOLLO Architects & Associates.” ArchDaily, 10 August 2014, https://www.archdaily.com/533969/foo-apollo-architects-and-associates. Accessed 28 November 2022.
FOTO 4:“Bernard Quirot architecte + associés, Luc Boegly · Maison Terrier.” Divisare, https://divisare.com/projects/279532-Bernard-Quirot-architecte-associ-s-Maison-Terrier. Accessed 28 November 2022.
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twistedthings · 1 year
* = bio completed
Broderick Elwood, 25-29, bisexual, construction worker, fc: Drew Starkey.
Christian Byrne, 36-40, bisexual, medical doctor, fc: Aidan Turner.
Cornelius "Connie" Darrow, 28-32, bisexual, mechanic, fc: Josh Hutcherson*
Devon "Devo" Aguilar, 31-35, bisexual, cook, fc: Tommy Martinez.
Elliot Lewis, 32-36, pansexual, professor, fc: Oliver Jackson-Cohen*
Eliora Slater, 26-30, bisexual, senators daughter, fc: Halston Sage.*
Emerald "Remy" Harris, 29-33, bisexual, dancer/roller rink owner, fc: Logan Browning.
Erica Burgos, 27-31, bisexual, private detective, fc: Adria Arjona.*
Hernando "Henry" Estrada, 40-44, bisexual, author/newspaper editor, fc: Oscar Isaac.
Jeremy Stenson, 36-42, pansexual, detective (serial killer), fc: Chris Evans. *
Jessia "Jessi" Davies, 22-26, bisexual, psychology student/empath, fc: Sydney Sweeney.
Judith " Jude" Lester, 23-27, bisexual, assassin, fc: Kat McNamara. 
Kaleb "Kale" Pendusky, 35-39, pansexual, investigative reporter, fc: Andrew Garfield. *
Lauren "Ren" Hyde, 24-28, bisexual, bartender, fc: Danielle Campbell.
Marley "Mars" Abrams, 26-30, bisexual, nurse, fc: Alycia Debnam Carey.
Michael "Mikey" Palmer, 27-31, bisexual, photographer, fc: Joe Keery. 
Missa Shen, 26-30, omnisexual, painter/artist, fc: Havana Rose Liu.
Raven Mason, 29-33, bisexual, model, fc: Laura Harrier.
Samuel Carmichael, 36-40, pansexual, architect/embezzler/con-artist, fc: Charlie Cox.
Tracy "Tray" Powell, 27-31, lesbian, tech support/alien & paranormal hunter, fc: Chloe Bennet*
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blacktopmemories · 1 year
Playlist for Saturday, April 22, 2023
Darksoft - “Such is Life” Genevieve Stokes - “17” Yours Are the Only Ears - “We Know the Sky” Field Medic - “House Arrest” The Decemberists - “Dear Avery” Camera Obscura - “If Looks Could Kill” Counting Crows - “Anna Begins” Devon Church - “Since I Fell” Belle and Sebastian - “Late Developers” Feist - “In Lightning” Pedro the Lion - “When They Really Get to Know You They Will Run” Iron and Wine - “Caught in the Briars” Faye Webster - “A Dream with a Baseball Player” Frightened Rabbit / Manchester Orchestra - “Architect” Gorgeous - “Love Bug” Miniaturized - “Blue Glass” Mylar - “Ghost of the Party” The Mountain Goats - “Training Montage” The Magnetic Fields - “You Must be Out of Your Mind” Houndstooth - “Wasted Hours” Noah and the Whale - “5 Years Time” Black Midi - “Still” Temples - “Oval Stones” Spaceport - “Close Call” The Lonely Wild - “Everything You Need” Billy Bragg - “There Will be a Reckoning” xo -b. 
To download or stream the show, click here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMXyniloAlk
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grigori77 · 2 years
2022 in Music - My Top 5 Favourite Albums
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5.  MUSE – Will of the People
The maddest trio to have ever come out of Devon have returned, completing their magnificent comeback as they again prove they’ve been one of the best things happening in prog rock for a while now.  They’re still clinging to the more electronic sound that’s come to pervade their music for the past decade or so, but this still feels like a glorious throwback as Matt Bellamy and co have brought back the old school HEAVY in a big way here …
Standout tracks: Will of the People, Compliance, Won’t Stand Down, Ghosts (How Can I Move On), You Make Me Feel like It’s Halloween, Kill Or Be Killed, Verona, We Are Fucking Fucked
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4.  ARCHITECTS – The Classic Symptoms of a Broken Spirit
They’ve done it again. For the second year in a row, the Brighton metalcore heavy-hitters have delivered a blistering, pitch-perfect album full of riotous bangers, this time peeking in what I could happily argue is THE BEST TRACK they’ve ever put together.  As with their previous offering, For Those Who Wish To Exist, this record probably won’t please their old school fans, but I love this stuff JUST FINE.
Standout tracks: Deep Fake, Tear Gas, Burn Down My House, Living Is Killing Us, Doomscrolling, A New Moral Low Ground, All the Love In the World, Be Very Afraid
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3.  FLORENCE + THE MACHINE – Dance Fever
Florence Welch and her astounding band have delivered another masterful opus of epic soundscapes and richly orchestrated opulence, effortlessly showcasing the singer-songwriter’s once-in-a-generation voice and big calibre lyrical and compositional flair, proving once and for all she’s the undeniable QUEEN of the indie rock scene …
Standout tracks: King, Free*, Girls Against God, Dream Girl Evil, Cassandra, Heaven Is Here, My Love, The Bomb, Morning Elvis
*Honestly, I CANNOT choose between this one and King for best track on the album …
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The most criminally overlooked and underrated indie band of all time returns with what I think might be their very best album EVER, packed with pretty much perfect electro-rock belters. They’ve always worn their Joy Division/New Order influences on their sleeves, but this one puts the Mancunian pioneers on notice that these boys from Birmingham are now officially coming for their crowns.
Standout tracks: Heart Attack, Picturesque, Karma Climb, Kiss, Silence, Educate, Strange Intimacy
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1.  RAMMSTEIN – Zeit
The German masters of industrial metal have been plying their trade since the mid-90s, and every release has been well worth a spin, but they’ve come a long way in that time, and their previous eponymously titled album was a proper banger, dominated by the best track they’ve EVER recorded, the immortal Deutschland.  It seemed like a tall order for them to top that masterpiece … but they’ve pulled off the impossible, crafting a flawless opus that perfectly encapsulates their discordant-yet-ingenious singular brilliance and, OF COURSE, the incomparable voice of Till Lindemann.  Despite appearances they insist they’ve still got plenty more music to make, but this is the PERFECT encapsulation of Rammstein at their very best.
Standout tracks: Armee der Tristen, Zeit, Zick Zack, Angst, Dicke Titten, Lügen, Adieu
The ones that didn’t quite make the cut:
BILLY HOWERDEL – What Normal Was (the other creative half of A Perfect Circle proves he can do dark, edgy and beautiful electronic rock without needing Maynard); THE GREAT DISCORD – Deam Morte (the gothic-edged Swedish metalheads bring us another winner, with magnificent frontwoman Fia Kempe on fire throughout); AURORA – The Gods We Can Touch (the immensely talented young Norwegian singer-songwriter’s third indie-pop album is another winner); GHOST – Impera (Sweden’s most unique metal band continues to dominate as Tobias Forge delivers more retro-styled brilliance); PANIC! AT THE DISCO – Viva Las Vengeance (Brendon Urie pays fitting tribute to his biggest influences – especially Queen - with this lovingly irreverent record)
Honourable mention:
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SPIRITBOX – Rotoscope
The best new metalcore band of the block continue to show they really are the ones to watch with this BLINDING three-track EP which shows that the astonishingly talented Courtney LaPlante and co are DETERMINED to keep experimenting with their sound. Opener/title-track Rotoscope is the undeniable highlight here, but Sew Me Up and, in particular, Hysteria both prove to be thoroughly irresistible earworms too …
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christophe76460 · 12 days
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Dieu n’est pas un homme pour mentir, la promesse qu’il vous a faite s’accomplira !
Dieu n'est point un homme pour mentir, Ni fils d'un homme pour se repentir. Ce qu'il a dit, ne le fera-t-il pas? Ce qu'il a déclaré, ne l'exécutera-t il pas? Nombres 23.19
Dieu a pris plusieurs jours pour construire le monde, cela ne s'est pas fait en un instant. Le septième jour, Dieu s'est reposé. Pour l'obtention des promesses de Dieu dans nos vies, nous devons être patients. La patience est un fruit de l'esprit.
Même si le monde nous encourage à aller vite, n'oublions jamais que Dieu prend le temps de poser des fondations solides dans nos vies avant de nous bénir. Il est le divin architecte. Il sait exactement ce qu’il est en train de faire dans notre vie. Son temps n'est pas le nôtre, ses pensées ne sont pas nos pensées.
Il a fallu 3 ans et demi à Jésus pour former ses disciples. Les disciples ont eu une formation théorique et pratique. Jésus a pris le temps de les équiper. Dieu n’est pas pressé, il sait très bien ce qu’il fait.
Abraham et Sarah ont attendu 25 ans avant d'avoir Isaac, le fils de la promesse. Dieu n’est pas un homme pour mentir, la promesse qu’il vous a faite s’accomplira. Même si la promesse tarde, soyez patient ! Le temps de Dieu est toujours le meilleur.
Dieu est toujours à l’heure, il accomplit toujours ses promesses.
Christian K
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
WTYP: The Shandor Building, Part 2
[Do you like the colour of the fanfic? This is long and if you expand it you're gonna get the whole thing, because Tumblr hates you. Don't say I didn't warn you!]
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Part 1
Part 2: The GD News (not really) Shandor Architecture Blows Your Mind
[Beware of strong language, mention of all kinds of death, gore, and Lovecraftian horror.]
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[SLIDE: The Shandor Building, surrounded by ominous clouds, and a headshot of Ivo Shandor. Caption: NEW YORK DESTROYED AGAIN 1984 EDITION]
A: Right. Right. So, I have a question for you, gentlemen: who, or what, was Ivo Shandor?
L: Sounds like a billionaire.
A: And he looks like a nonce!
R: An early 20th century architect.
A: You’re both right, and so am I. He was also a quack doctor, a selenium mining magnate, a cult leader, and the last person ever documented to be ripped in half by an ancient Sumerian deity — after he resurrected himself in Summerville, Oklahoma, in 2021.
L: Boss.
R: I’ve been to Summerville. They have that temple he built at the bottom of a mine… Well, I mean, they did. Right up until he resurrected himself. You gotta watch out for that, with selenium. We used to use it in our electronics, but silicon’s better for that, and much less haunted.
L: That explains the internet.
R: I mean, we’re not using it for the internet. Mainly in glassmaking, and surge protectors. It’s all right in trace amounts, but you get enough selenium in one place and the ghosts start crawling out of the damn walls. You gotta put up at least a double-thick cold iron insulator, or some carbon steel. Fucking expensive. Not worth it, unless you’re a big fan of the paranormal.
A: Just so. In fact, next slide, please…
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[SLIDE: A collage of various art deco buildings.]
A: …the paranormal activity associated with Shandor’s designs was so well-documented that by the mid 1950s, everyone who wanted to live or work in one of his buildings was required to sign a waiver, before even looking at them. I’ve looked everywhere for one of these waivers, but it seems like the mere association caused them to become hazardous as well. If anyone out there should happen to find one, for God’s sakes, email it to me, and then speak to your nearest mental health professional immediately.
L: Take a Zoloft, you’ll be fine.
R: Just walk it off.
A: According to what I could find, the standard language indemnified the buildings’ owners against any and all instances of madness, brain damage, murder, suicide… You might have to bleep that, Devon…
D [text over slide]: NO. FUCK IT. NOT AFTER THE DAY I’VE HAD.
A:… mutilation, speaking in tongues, and — specifically! — “cranial liberation of the pineal gland!” [laughing] Whatever the hell that means!
L [cackling]: What?
R [deadpan]: Nah, I wouldn’t sign that.
A: Well, I would, because these buildings fuck! I mean, look at those façades!
R: I like these little gargoyles right here. [outlining a pair of gargoyles in red, paying special attention to the horns] With the horns. Technically these things are called grotesques, ‘cause they don’t have a drain pipe, but people just call ‘em gargoyles. That’s where we get the verb “to gargle” too. Not a typical feature of art deco design, but Shandor sure did like ‘em. They’re not really sure whether he had a sense of humor or if he was just nuts.
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L: Both, I like both.
R: Could be both, yeah.
A: Well, according to eyewitness testimony…
R: Not very reliable. [giving each gargoyle a smiling face, with dots for eyes]
A: …those stone statues came to life during the 1984 New York Incident — next slide, please! 
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[SLIDE: The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, with a caption saying: Artist’s Depiction.]
A: …and summoned a 100-foot tall marshmallow man who attempted to end all life on Earth as we know it.
[crazed laughter, pandemonium]
R: Yeah, I don’t know if I buy that.
L: Sounds like another Macy’s Thanksgiving balloon snapped its tethers with murder in its heart.
R: Yeah, those balloons are famously angry. Ever since they started using helium, it’s like they got minds of their own. All things considered, helium may also be haunted.
A: Rows nine through eighteen of the Periodic Table are all fucking haunted.
L: A Macy’s Thanksgiving balloon has black eyes, like a doll’s eyes.
R: Yeah, I heard Snoopy ate a whole shipload of sailors during World War II. …Says here Sonic the Hedgehog injured a police officer in 1993, that really happened…
L: Yes! Sonic says ACAB!
A: What we have here is architecture that — at the very least! — is documented to drive people insane. And not in a sense that they’re so ugly or badly-designed that a human being forced to use them finds them offensive, not like a Calatrava. By all accounts they were quite beautiful, and above all functional, and even — this was a rarity at the turn of the 20th century — accessible. Almost as if they wanted people to stay in them. One long-term resident, who had to be removed from Shoggoth Square Gardens by force, is quoted as gibbering, “This building is my heart. This building is Mother. This building has flawless, convenient kitchens and a jacuzzi tub in every unit.” He later gouged out both eyes and flung himself from the roof of a Bed, Bath and Beyond in a fit of despair.
L: Bed, Bath and Beyond?
R: [laugh] Must’ve been after the “beyond” department.
L: When the hell did that happen?
A: 1979, well before they started closing them down. Er, both the Shandor buildings and Bed, Bath and Beyonds.
R: The first Bed, Bath and Beyond was opened in 1971, in New Jersey…
L: No wonder they’re cursed. What was the New York building like? The one with the marshmallow man.
A: It was a high rise apartment building. By all accounts spacious, affordable, and conveniently located at Central Park West.
L: Fuck.
R: Yeah, that’ll do it.
L: Is it still there?
A: It was retrofitted and subdivided after the incident and it will now cost you $6000 per month for twenty square feet — that is not a typo, twenty square feet — which includes a hammock and an electric kettle. There are no bathrooms or running water and residents are advised to, and I quote, “hold it.” All that remains of the original design is the façade, which is, sadly, not at all haunted.
L: Goddammit.
R: Pretty standard.
A: There was simply something intrinsic to the designs, or the materials…
R: Selenium. It’s the selenium.
L: Selenium poisoning.
A: Could be the selenium, yes. The paranormal equivalent of lead paint and asbestos…
R: It gets the job done!
A: But the point is, we’re not sure, and every single one of these buildings was like this, regardless of its shape or function. Now, next slide, please…
R: You’re sitting right next to me.
Part 3
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anneisbusy · 1 month
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