#dew has a terrible habit of just eating things he finds
dewymorningstar · 1 year
[Aether and Mountain watching Dew and Rain play in the pond]
Mountain (sipping he’s tea): you know, I pack all organic snacks for Rain for when he takes a break
Aether (opening a red bull): that’s neat. Dew eats candy off the floor…(jolts up from he’s seat) Hey! You better drop whatever that is in your hand right now! We are not going back to the infirmary today Dewdrop!
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I'm having a shitty day and could use some team dad 76 content. Preferably dumb. Thanks in advance
Headcanons, coming right up! I’ll apologize in advance because this turned out more wholesome than dumb because I literally cannot stop myself from writing fluff.
the amount of dad energy this not-dad has is insane.
Even in the early days of Overwatch he was always voted top as “having the most dad energy”
(something that Torbjorn is still bitter about!)
It all stems from his tendency to take care of others’ needs without telling them. Actions, not words, are how he shows his love and care towards others. He’s the kind to silently drop off your favorite coffee by your desk, or to fix that tech issue that’s been bothering you for weeks while you’re away.
. . . which means that when he starts being dad-like to the new Overwatch crew, at first they’re all confused.
There was a light flickering by Lucio’s room in the Watchpoint. Lucio woke up one day to find Jack with a ladder and a new bulb, and he wondered if he had done something wrong like
“Was I, like, supposed to fix that earlier? I mean, I’ve never gotten around to-”
“No. I got it.”
“Oh, uh, okay. Thank you?”
Hana once forgot to bring her mission report to a meeting. Jack wordlessly got up and left the room and immediately alarm bells were going off in her head. “oh shit, I’m in so much trouble he just left-”
And he jogs back a few minutes later (because he’s able to sprint across the base that fast due to super soldier shenanigans) and hands the paper to her. “Here you go.” Warm, neutral tone.
And as he does more and more of these favors the crew realize that he isn’t being passive aggressive, he’s doing it because he genuinely cares about them.
It all culminates when he helps everyone do their taxes (Yes, even Junkrat, somehow!) and everyone realizes that he didn’t have to help them if he didn’t want to.
The only ones who know what’s going on from the beginning are McCree and Tracer.
Jack has always been Tracer’s dad-figure (and yes I will fight you on that.)
Back in the old Overwatch days, when things started getting stressful, Lena was one of the few people that could get him out of a funk with her cheery personality and optimism.
For the longest while he’d been “too busy” and “too recognizable” to go to the local pride parades in June. When Lena found out about this, she dragged his ass out of his office to go with her and Emily. They had a blast. At the end of the day he was yell-singing pride anthems at the festival and people were all clapping along.
And back to my point about McCree- Jack isn’t the closest to him (let’s face it, that was always Gabe) but seeing the cowboy always elicits a loving shoulder pat and a “you’re doing good, son”.
(Which McCree finds simultaneously corny as hell and deeply touching.)
The first time the new Overwatch got together, McCree just about cried when Jack came up and gave the pat-pat. Ever since going “criminal” he’d had some doubt about his life choices, and to know that Jack still thought he was “doing good” meant the world. And now for some dumber ones:
When Orisa joined the team, Jack didn’t know what to do. This. . . big Omnic child makes him nervous. More specifically, he’s not sure how much to baby her. Because she’s basically a kid, right? Right?
As a result, he doesn’t allow anyone to swear near her, like at all. Doing so elicits a stern glare and a “watch your tone!”
One time Orisa said “fuck” and he went on a fucking manhunt to figure out who taught her it. He never found them. . .
(It was Bastion.)
(Who learned it from Brigitte.)
Speaking of Brigitte- he was never super close to her but he has always, always ruffled her hair as a greeting since she was young.
He did the same thing with Fareeha as well.
He hasn’t stopped even though they’re both fully grown.
Another headcanon: you’d better believe that Jack gets after Hana for her terrible eating habits. He’s always nagging at her to drink more water and less mountain dew.
He got her a clear water bottle as a joke gift, to “encourage hydration”. Joke’s on him, though- she just buys the soda with no artificial coloring instead.
It’s a good-humored fight between them. In all reality she does appreciate the reminders to take care of herself.
And yet, despite all of this mentioned above, Jack will still refuse to admit that he’s acting fatherly. Hana and Tracer especially have heard the “I’m not your father” line far too many times to count.
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Part 2: Food in The Devildom and Celestial Realm
headcanons for what type of things the brothers' typically cook when its their day of the week to cook? who is the best, who is the worst? also- if you have time- headcanons for what you think devildom vs celestial dishes are like and if there's any difference to human cooking in prep or ingredients? just cooking headcanons! go crazy. can u tell i daydream about what devildom/celestial food tastes like everytime it gets mentioned 😳 like imagine poison apple pie or those cigar cookies 🤗
(Part 1 of this ask, the headcanons about the brothers’ cooking skills, can be found here (x).)
Food! One of the cornerstones of culture ^-^ It’s really interesting to see how a society’s culture affects its food and vice versa!
So what’s up with the Devildom and Celestial Realm?
The Devildom
Because we’ve spent the most time in the Devildom, we know more about the food there. Most of it is adjacent to human world stuff, but with weird— I mean, local ingredients. Poison apples, bat meat, cocktails you have to mix while under the effect of a siren’s song to get them to taste right…
I think the most interesting aspect of Devildom (and probably the Celestial Realm too) cuisine is the incorporation of magic. The siren drink from the 30s lessons comes to mind, but so does that rare Hell Coffee they mention at one point. The one that’s more bitter the more the maker loves the person they’re making it for.
Magic is highly symbolic, I wonder how that plays into Devildom cooking? Do you have to be in the right mood to prepare certain dishes or it’ll taste wrong? What creatures’ meat is considered common and what’s an upper class delicacy? Can demons taste magic in a way humans can’t?
Which brings me to Solomon, a legendarily terrible cook. Is he awful at all cooking, or is it his attempts to make Devildom cuisine, which incorporates magic, that fail because humans lack the senses to properly taste magic? Is he constantly pulling the magic equivalent of dry-rubbing pork with a fuckton of cayenne pepper? I have a funny feeling that he is.
Speaking of humans, let’s talk long pig. It’s mentioned a few times, mostly in the earlier lessons, that at least some of the brothers have either eaten entire humans, human meat, or a human soul before. I wonder how common human meat/souls actually are in the Devildom, because from the way everyone’s worried MC is going to be devoured, it seems like it’s pretty rare. (Which is weird if the Devildom is supposed to, in part, be Hell, but that’s a crack theory for another day)
Do demons need some weird nutrients only found in magic and/or souls? What’s up with cannibalism seemingly being at least kinda chill down there? (iirc Beel has been known to munch on a Lil D every now and then)
What would a soul even taste like? Are human souls the shrimp colours of flavour?
Alright, that’s sufficiently off the rails. NEXT!
The Celestial Realm
Perhaps this is Luke’s or Michael’s fault, but most of what we’ve seen from the Celestial Realm is sweets, which makes me think angels have sweet tooths. But! It also makes me think of Biblical manna, what G-d is said to have provided the Israelites to eat during our* 40 year desert trip after being brought out of Egypt. It’s been talked about in the Hebrew Bible twice, once in Exodus and again in Numbers.
It’s described as showing up with the dew at night, looking like flaky hoarfrost (the crunchy frost layer you sometimes see in the fall or winter on grass in the mornings, if where you live gets cold enough for that), or sometimes bdellium (which itself looks like prunes or dates kinda). Raw, it tastes like a honey wafer, but can be ground up and baked into cakes, which apparently taste like cakes made with oil.
Other fun thing about it: it spoils fast if you don’t eat it that day, unless it’s been saved for Shabbat/the Sabbath, because every morning the Israelites had to pick it by hand and no working is allowed on the Sabbath. Whether this is an inherent property of manna or just how G-d chose to present it to the Israelites as an encouragement of temperance is unclear. Because it’s the Bible. And not meant to be worldbuilding.
ANYWAY! That history lesson over, I find it interesting that the Celestial Realm, what’s supposed to be this place of rigid order and righteousness, is also home to something as simple and indulgent as sweets. It’s not that the Devildom or the human world doesn’t have sweets of course, but I can’t recall anything not sweet/dessert related from the Celestial Realm.
Also, it would be a massive disservice to my blog and personal brand if I didn’t mention the Furry Syrup. Why does the Celestial Realm have syrup that turns you into an animal? Is it a prank? A unique culinary experience? Is Simeon just really strange?
It’s not that weird for magic food to do something to the person who consumes it, it’s just kinda weird that it’s coming from fake-Heaven of all places. Is eating a full-body experience for angels? Is the Furry Syrup meant to do that, or is that some sort of allergic reaction because the brothers aren’t angels anymore?
It’s a mystery!
Well, I don’t think this was necessarily what you might have been looking for, anon who requested this, but it’s what I’ve got. I’d love to hear anyone else’s thoughts about food in Obey Me, especially food and magic bc there’s a lot of cool stuff you could do there imo.
*You’ve probably seen me say god or even God uncensored on here before, but in this case I’m talking about The Actual Abrahamic Big Man Upstairs, and as a Jewish person, we’re technically supposed to censor His name for Reasons. I tend to forget to do that digitally bc, well, you can’t ritually bury a tumblr post in the ground... But I remembered today, so I’m gonna try and do that. Life’s kinda complicated when you’re a jew who likes to read/consume media about bible fanfic okay? 
Also might have noticed I spoke weirdly in the first person when talking about the exile from Egypt. That one’s a force of habit from Passover/Pesach, one of the big Jewish holidays. We’re meant to talk about the events of Exodus in the first person, as though it happened to us, not just our ancestors, for Reasons. I suppose it’s a tribal/community thing. Idk, i’m not a rabbi, I’m not even really religious. I’m just a nerd who never went to shul but is Very Interested in my own culture and mythology.
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cutiepisenpai · 4 years
Popcorn and Hidden Mickeys (A Bug’s Life) Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers of course, a few swear words
Spencer has been busy helping on a case working from home. I am excited about the movie I get to share with him today, it's one of my favorites. While I wait for him I busy myself with getting everything ready before settling down on the couch with a book. Rereading Harry Potter for what seems like the hundredth time I'm completely enthralled with the book having not realized Spencer was done until I feel his arms wrap around me, "Harry Potter again? You could probably recite that book word for word by now." He says. "Maybe, well maybe most of it but I don’t have your memory. Are you ready to watch the next movie or do you need some time?” I respond. “We can start it now.” “Ok sounds good and let me apologize in advance because I am going to be the most annoying person in the world for the next hour and a half.” I tell him. “You could never annoy me.” “Ah you say that now, we’ll see.” “You know that if fairly accurate ants carry large seeds home to eat all the time, and some species can store more and three hundred thousand seeds in their underground granaries.” He starts rambling facts but is quickly interrupted as I am so consumed with the movie and yell “I’m lost!” Startling him out of his ramble looking at me curiously. “Watch my eyes don’t look away.” I turn to him and make eye contact, “I'm sorry. I love you.” and he just smiles at me. “You know if ants were actually capable of inventing something like that, it would be more efficient.” He states in reference to Flicks' invention. “I know it’s a rock!” and surprisingly he just laughs along with me. “Oh, he fucked up.” He says catching me off guard. “I’m sorry what did you just say.” “I said he fucked up.” “Sir this is a children’s movie that language is unacceptable.” I jokingly say. “Ants and grasshoppers don’t share a symbiotic relation.  They relatively don’t encounter one other.” “Are you saying I’m stupid ? Do I look stupid to you?... If it was up there would I be down here on your level looking for it?” I quote out of habit. “It’s a bug eat bug world out there princess one of those circle of life types of things. You know for a long time I misquoted that as a buggy buggy world.” “That makes no sense.” He says, raising an eyebrow. “I know” I say dejectedly. “Circus bugs, that's weird. Why would they need entertainment. Most don’t have that long of a life expectancy.” “Maybe they want to enjoy the little time they have.” “Whoa he shouldn’t have been able to survive that.” and he looks at me and sighs, “yea I know “Movie physics” or whatever.” he says using finger quotes. I pause the movie at the next scene, “So does anything look familiar here to you?” I ask him. “I haven’t seen this before, why would something look familiar.” “Okay hidden mickeys aren’t just the ears it is also references to other movies and that.” I say pointing to the screen, “is the pizza planet truck from Toy Story.” He nods, “Ok I get it. Are there a lot of these?”  “ The more movies we watch the more you’ll notice.” “One day I’ll be a beautiful butterfly and then everything will be better.” I say while pouring a handful of mini m&m's in my mouth. “Oh sweetie you’re already a beautiful butterfly.” He says kisses my lips, “and you are as sweet as can be.” Hey that’s a sword in the stone reference.” He says with excitement. “There is a lot of miscommunication going on.” “Oh that was a terrible way for them to find out they were expected to potentially sacrifice themselves and fight the grasshoppers.” “Yea they should have talked through what was expected beforehand.” I nod along. “Tweet Tweet, Tweet Tweet!!” I yell in unison with the pill bugs “It must be a Disney requirement to potentially kill or harm your characters.” He says. A while later watching them build the bird, “That’s a cool idea but again very unrealistic… don’t I know I know it’s not supposed to be.” “I wasn’t going to say anything. I know you well enough that I can almost predict where something will happen that you disagree with. “Oh hey wait rewind that” He says and when I do, “Right there out of the dew that kind of looks like Mickey’s head.” I nod in agreement as he adds it to the notebook. “He is right about the power in numbers even though they are bigger the ants would easily win.” “He really thought she had the time to invite a circus to entertain them, they weren’t supposed to stay.” When they release the fake bird, “This next sequence is amazing.” “We’re a lot stronger than you say we are and you know it don’t you. They have some good lessons, you just have to decipher it.” “The ants are going to fight.” “The ants pick the food the ants keep the food and the grasshoppers leave.” A little later… “What’s his idea?” He asks “Shush just watch.” “Oh that’s the real bird, Well he’s bird food now.” “That caterpillar will never be able to fly.” “He’s a beautiful butterfly.” “Hey wait that’s another Mickey!” He shouts startling me. “Where?” “The beetle, look as he flies away.” “Well look at you, getting better at this than me only a few movies in.” As he gets ready to stop the movie when the credits start I stop him and he looks at me quizzically, “Wait you want to see what happens next.” So he sets the remote back down and waits. “They animated bloopers. They purposely recorded and made bloopers...Hey that was from Toy Story, I’m adding it. I say it counts.” 
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gardenofdelight · 3 years
✨OC Questionnaire: Peaseblossom✨
a.k.a. Pixie Reader from Fairies May Cry
Full name
Preferred name/nickname
Lil Pea, Lil Blossom, Sweet Pea
Generally referred to as
FACECLAIM: Here’s a portrait I made using Artbreeder:
Tumblr media
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: Just barely 5 inches in pixie form, 5 feet in human form.
WEIGHT: Light as a feather in pixie form, lightweight in human form.
BUILD: Lithe and slender.
HAIR: long, soft, and platinum blond. Usually braided with tiny flowers, but it comes down past her bottom when loose. 
SKIN: White. Smooth and sunkissed from daily naps under the sun. 
EYES: Purple like lilac flowers.They’re a bit wide and always seem to sparkle with mirth and mischief. Long eyelashes.
MOUTH: Small mouth with plump lips. Perfectly straight teeth and pure white. 
NOSE: Small and rounded with a cute point at the tip and small nostrils.
HANDS: Small with short fingernails.
FEET: Small and dainty with short nails. 
SCARS: None.
CLOTHES: Colorful dresses handmade from real flowers, but she prefers to be nude with a sprinkling of her fairy dust on her body most of the time
OTHER FEATURES: She has 2 pairs of iridescent wings much like a dragonfly.
OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: She has a “fairy light” that changes color depending on her current mood.
VOICECLAIM: To be determined.
ACCENT: Fairly neutral.
VERBAL TICS: She has a tendency to repeat words when she’s overly excited about something. And she stumbles over her words when taken by surprise. 
LANGUAGE: She can speak all known languages so long as she can hear it verbally first thanks to a little fairy magic.
ARTICULATION: She can be a little clumsy with words while explaining things but she does so on purpose sometimes if she’s hoping to get the upper hand in a deal. 
EDUCATION: She prefers to use short and simple words but she’s learned a few big words that are hard for her to pronounce correctly.
LAUGHTER: Sounds like the tinkling of tiny bells in the wind, and she laughs and giggles a lot everyday.
GRUMP: She pouts, grumbles, and sneers whenever she’s annoyed or angry.
BREATHING: She gasps, humphs, and sighs a lot.
FACE: She has a very expressive face and has a hard time hiding emotions on her face unless she’s working out a deal...then she has the best damn poker face in existence. 
HANDS: She makes a lot of hand gestures whenever she’s excited or mad. Lots of arm crossing, finger wagging, curious poking, and happy clapping.
LEGS/FEET: She kicks her feet sometimes while flying and stomps her foot down when she’s angry.
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: Her capricious nature makes her very prone to emotional outbursts. Crying and yelling when she’s upset and laughing and bouncing around when she’s happy.
HABITS: She likes to hum sometimes while hunting for lost trinkets and sing lullabies while making flower dresses. 
POSTURE: She tends to slump a little while standing or sitting, but her posture straightens out whenever she’s very happy, angry, or taken by surprise.
WALKING POSTURE: She skips around gleefully when she’s in good, but she tends to stomp around when she’s in a bad mood. 
SITTING POSTURE: She likes to sit with her legs crossed beneath her with a slouched posture. 
PERSONAL SPACE: She doesn't have much of a personal bubble and tends to encroach on others’ personal space without realizing it.
SPACIAL AWARENESS: She’s really good at noticing what’s around her thanks to her constant hunt for the next best trinket.
OTHER: Her fairy light changes color depending on her mood. And her fairy wings tend to snap out when she’s surprised, droop when she’s feeling down, and flutter faster when they're buzzing with rage.
DIET: Two words: liqueur and sweets! She loves fruity wines and sugary treats...it’s not really healthy and definitely not a well-balanced diet but pixies have an extremely high metabolism. She rarely eats vegetables and scoffs at anything boring and bitter.
SLEEP: She takes a lot of short naps throughout the day. Pixies don’t sleep for very long unless they’re completely exhausted. Many of her dreams consist of brave adventures with her trusty steed (a rat named Sir Hawthrone) and romantic dances with Pretty Boy (Vergil). 
EXERCISE: Not very much but flying around and searching through all the nooks and crannies for lost trinkets is a bit of an exercise! 
ACTIVITY: She works hard when she wants to, especially if she’s really excited about something...that’s usually when she pushes herself to exhaustion. But she can be pretty lazy some days...it all just depends on her mood at the moment.
CLEANLINESS: She bathes in the morning dew she creates every morning for her flowers. But sometimes she takes a shower with Pretty Boy when he’s not looking…!
ODOUR: Like a meadow of sweet flowers by a tranquil pond.
ADDICTIONS: No...unless you count the obsessive need to make deals and having a sweet tooth as an addiction. 
OTHER: To be determined.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: She’s an exuberant extrovert. Lil Pea doesn’t let her small size get in the way of being social and outgoing, especially when it comes to things that pique her curiosity.
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: Definitely an optimist. 
GENDER: Female.
SEXUALITY: She has no set preference in regards to sex and/or gender. So long as they’re a very nice person with a kind soul. Any display of intentional cruelty or just general “meanie-ness” will make her look the other way.
ROMANTIC: Absolutely loves all the romance! 
MEMORY: She has a very chaotic memory, usually wavering between highly accurate to absurdly silly.
PLANNING: She’s a terrible planner and just leaps right into things with a wide grin.
PENSIVE: She doesn’t spend a lot of time pondering about life...she’d much rather live in the now and not then or yet to come.
INTUITION: She has really good intuition so long as she isn’t figuring things out on an empty stomach.
PROBLEM SOLVING: She’s very good at solving puzzles and problems so long as it's very clever or in rhyming form.
GOALS: To find the greatest lost trinket in the world! 
INSECURITIES: She thinks her wings aren’t as pretty as some of the other fairies with their beautiful butterfly wings. But she hides her insecurities well behind her cute and bubbly personality.
ACHIEVEMENTS: She’s very proud of her trinket collection and her ability to make Pretty Boy blush!
ANXIETY: Being trapped like a bug in a jar and Pretty Boy being in danger makes her super anxious.
OVERWHELMED: She only feels like things are too much when she’s stressed out.
SELF-HELP: She simply ignores her problems and moves on with life.
COMFORTS: Liquor, sweet treats, naps among the flowers, and Pretty Boy kisses.
BAD HABITS: She tends to exaggerate a lot which sometimes leads to more problems.
PHILOSOPHY: Not religious but does follow the creed of all fairies: always seek to make clever deals through trickery and under no circumstances are you to break a deal.  
TRIGGERS: Glass jars and bird cages.
The Past
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: She doesn’t have parents per se...more like a mysterious guardian who brought her into existence with powerful magic. And they get along very well but haven’t seen each other in over a millennium.
SCHOOL: She never went to school...unless you count causing mischief a few times during some classes to make children laugh at the teacher’s expense.  
ADOLESCENCE: She was never an adolescent. 
LEAVING HOME: It was very exciting for her the first time since she’s always heard how much the mortal realm can be! But then she became a permanent resident when she escaped from the mages holding her captive. 
FURTHER EDUCATION: She never went to college but wouldn’t mind causing some mischief there too.
FIRST JOB: She helped her guardian with his garden by tending to the flowers. She enjoyed putting dew on the blooms every morning and healing to sickly buds with her bell-like singing. 
LIFE EVENTS: Making a deal with one of the Princes of the Seelie Court definitely brought more cheer into her life. But having that same Prince fail to protect her when she got captured by mages and enduring captivity brought pain and sorrow. And now finding a new protector has renewed her hope and continues to bring her joy every day.
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: She was captured by mage and held prisoner for various vile experiments.
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: Pretty Boy kissed her back.
LESSONS: Never trust someone solely on their looks...you must peer into their soul and judge them by their spirit. Never hide in the dark alone. Don’t eat too much strawberry ice cream or else you’ll suffer from the worst stomach EVER! And it only takes one fairy’s sugar to make Pretty Boy smile and sometimes blush!
LOOKING BACK: If Lil Pea could re-play her life and do something differently, she would’ve not joined the Prince’s revelry in the mortal world that fateful day.
FAMILY: The crew at Devil May Cry are pretty much her family now.
FRIENDSHIPS: She has a lot of friends! Most of them are critters living in and around the shop...but they’re very loyal and love to go on adventures with her.
FRIENDS IN NEED: She will always be there for her friends with fairy dust to cheer them up...she’ll also offer to even the score if someone is the source of her friend’s troubles. This usually involves some elaborate pranks and tiny raspberries right in their face.
NEEDING A FRIEND: She usually seeks the comfort of her flowers and critter friends first...but sometimes she’ll go to her human friends when she needs help or advice. It just depends on her mood at the time. 
ANNOYANCES: She gets annoyed very easily but reciprocates with swift pranks and raspberries right in the face when really irked.
ROMANCE: She’s a bit overt with her advances and has no problem giving her romantic interest pretty gifts. She’s attracted to people with a good and just soul...and being tall and strong doesn’t hurt either.
MARITAL PROBLEMS: She’s not married but she’d probably ignore the problem until forced to deal with it...and then her capriciousness would take over and it’ll either turn out very good or very bad but confusing nonetheless.
ADVERSARIES: She doesn’t like big meanies who ruin all the fun! 
ENEMIES: Anyone who would hurt Pretty Boy or defenseless animals and children is an enemy to her. She also gets VERY angry when flowers are needlessly destroyed. 
STRANGERS: She tends to hide from strangers since you never know if they’re real nice or a big meanie!
FUN STUFF: She loves to sing, dance, pull pranks, hunt for lost trinkets, make pretty dresses, and feast on all the sweets and booze!
DATING: She loves to dance with her romantic partner and will always be ready for a feast with good booze. But she finds a stroll among the flowers and fireflies at night very romantic.
BEST FRIEND: Her trusty rat steed, Sir Hawthorne...but Scruffy Boy and Sweet Lady have become close friends too!
LOVE: Her devilish protector will always have her tiny heart.
WORST ENEMY: Anyone who has terrible manners and harms flowers or Pretty Boy.
MINGLING: She gets along with others so long as they have good manners and aren’t big meanies!
COMFORT LEVELS: She’s comfortable talking to people but will steer the conversation by any means necessary if they stumble upon a touchy subject. The only time she’s uncomfortable is when people ask too many questions or focus too much on the past and future.
PHYSICAL: She’s very touchy-feely! Loves to give hugs and poke noses no matter her size at the moment.
GROUPS: She’s comfortable in a big group so long as she knows everybody, but even that doesn’t stop her since she’s very good at hanging around while not being noticed. But sometimes she wants to spend time alone with one or two people who’ll give her plenty of attention. 
OPENNESS: She opens up very easily up to a certain extent. It’ll take some patience and gentle prying to get her to talk openly up about her past.
GENEROSITY: She likes to give gifts to those who prove a friend to the Fae. She’d gladly lend money to a friend...so long as they make a deal with her in return. And it makes her very happy to receive gifts from others. 
JEALOUSY: Anyone that takes her Pretty Boy’s attention away from her makes her feel incredibly jealous! But pulling a few pranks on the offender always makes her feel better.
TEMPER: She’s easily worked up thanks to the capricious nature of pixies.
EMPATHY: She can empathize but sometimes she doesn’t understand the reasons behind some mortal’s feelings, which leads to a misunderstanding if no one explains.
AFFECTION: Lots of hugs and “fairy’s sugar” with the occasional gift or helping hand with her fairy dust.
DISTASTE: Her fairy light will flash red as she blows many raspberries right in their face...and a few pranks if she REALLY dislikes someone.
ETIQUETTE: She has very good manners just like any fairy worth their salt! But most mortals don’t know the proper etiquette of the Fae...which may look very rude and inappropriate to them.
RESPONSIBILITY: She doesn’t like to admit when she’s wrong but will face the music when it all falls apart. Then, she’ll try to make up for her mistakes by any means possible.
SELF ESTEEM: She’s always had to stick up for herself until meeting the Prince since many of the Fae treat fairies born through non-fairy magic like her very poorly.
CONFIDENCE: She’s very confident in herself and her abilities despite being treated differently from her own kind.
HONESTY: She always speaks her mind unless she’s up to some mischief or feels that it might upset someone.
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: She’s a little of both. She usually follows but can take the lead if needed.
PARTY TRICKS: She’s an expert trinket finder, flower dressmaker, and can put dew on all the flowers in a meadow before the first ray of sunrise! And she also knows how to make pretty half devils blush.
PRAISE: Compliments and praise make her fairy light turn pink with joy.
FAILURES: Her capricious attitude can be irritating to some but her constant need to pull pranks is highly annoying.
CRITICISM: She doesn’t take criticism very well...she’d either burst into tears or swear pretty pixie vengeance on the unfortunate critic!
INSULTS: It depends on who’s insulting her. She’ll fire back with one of her inventive insults at some, but then get teary eyed at others.
EMBARRASSMENT: She’s not easily embarrassed but it still happens whenever she’s taken by surprise. Her fairy light turns pink and red as she scurries away to hide whenever she’s embarrassed.
FLIRTING: She’s VERY flirty...absolutely adores the way people light up and blush at her cute compliments.
ATTENTION SPAN: She has a very short attention span and tends to get  easily distracted.
SITUATIONS: She’s very good at breaking up difficult situations but has a hard time dealing with them through patient conversation.
CAREER: Expert trinket finder and very pretty pixie for Pretty Boy! It’s a very fulfilling career for a fairy.
PROMOTION: She’s eyeing the promotion known as “girlfriend” at the moment.
BOSS: She has a great relationship with her boss so long as she doesn’t tease him too much.
DUTY: She assists Pretty Boy with her unique talents and magical fairy dust.
TECH: She has no idea how to use modern technology but would find it very fascinating if she ever gave it a try!
POLITICS: Not political at all.
COMBAT SKILLS: She’s very good at blinding people with her fairy dust and is proficient in mounted combat on her ratty stead with her needle sword.
HOME: She keeps her personal space very tidy and filled with many different flowers.
DAILY LIFE: She goes through her day-to-day tasks with an eager wonder of unknown adventures that might happen along the way.
INDEPENDENCE: Very independent since escaping the mages to live in the human world.
COOKING: She can’t really cook but loves to help from time to time by sprinkling her fairy dust over food.
BUILDING: She can’t do basic DIY but she tries to help with her fairy magic!
CLEANING: She always tries to keep her personal space clean but her fairy dust remains always present all over her pile of flowers where she usually sleeps.
SHOPPING: She doesn’t really shop due to her small stature and shyness around a group of strangers, but she likes to accompany her friends on shopping trips. But if she ever got her hands on some funds while in her bigger form...Ooh she’d be the most impulsive buyer in the human world!
DRIVING: She doesn’t know how to drive but it always looked like so much fun whenever she rode in the van with Crazy Lady and Baby Boy!
FINANCES: She has the biggest trinket hoard in all the shop! But she doesn’t quite understand why mortals value pieces of paper with pictures of old people.
MARRIAGE: Not married. She doesn’t know why mortals need a huge ceremony to spend eternity together, but she loves all the pretty dresses and flowers at weddings!
KIDS: No kids. And she has no plans to have kids herself, but she loves to make children smile and laugh with her mischievous antics.
PETS: No pets. 
LAW: To human standards? Definitely. But to fairy standards? No.
COURT: She’s never been to court. 
TRAVELLING: She’s been to many places around various worlds and different realities.
MEDICAL: She doesn’t trust doctors and always makes sure to have an apple on hand whenever someone needs to keep them away.
WORRIES: She worries for Pretty Boy whenever nightmares plague his dreams at night.
PEACE: She doesn’t mind peace and quiet but there’s music in the air around her thanks to her own whimsical singing.
PARTYING: She LOVES to go out partying whenever possible! There’s nothing like a good revel with lively music and vast feasts!
HOBBIES: She collects lost trinkets, makes dresses out of flowers, and finds mischief in the unlikeliest places!
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Having a rough time. Really just beating myself up. Weight has been a struggle for me all of my life and its continuing to be an issue. The past couple of days I have been really having a rough time with my inner thoughts. I looked at pictures of myself at the peak of my journey where I was getting to where I wanted to be. I look at myself and wonder why the hell would I let myself not only gain weight back but almost double! At my peak my boyfriend of almost 5 years grabbed my belly and said oh shit there is barely anything for me to grab onto.... I think that was the nicest thing i have ever heard...and i think that is absolutely terrible to think. In those 5 years I have gain 70+ pounds fluctuating back and forth. He recently changed jobs and is losing weight. He looks amazing, as always and although it makes me happy that he is losing weight and feels good it makes me feel terrible that I look the way I do which of course makes me eat more. Im just feeling really down. I started to look at clothes Id like to be able to wear. Because as of right now I cant even fit into most of mine... I wear my boyfriends clothes to cover myself. I remember when i use to wear a small in shirts now im making my way into xxl shirts just to feel comfortable and I still find myself jerking on my clothes trying to cover up every fold and flab. I want to love myself the way that I am loved by others. This morning I tried to be good. I had an egg sandwich which is better than what i have been eating but of course i grabbed the mountain dew just out of habit. I didnt finish the cup but i did drink more than what I wanted to which is nothing. I want fresh produce. I want to eat veggies with my steak. Instead of lots of mac and cheese. Last night for dinner i made BBQ chicken in the oven, a steam bag of sweet corn and mac and cheese. I ate the corn and mac and cheese. I didnt even touch the chicken.... I need to make a change. Because if i continue to hate my body the way I do im going to push everyone away. Im going to lose my perfect little family.
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