#dew just has Regrets lmao
miasmaghoul · 5 months
How am I supposed to pick a wip with a list like that!? I want them all. But if I have to pick just one: could you please tell me about the dubious handy??!!?!? ♡♡♡
I SURE CAN but it's under the cut for dubcon reasons ♡
So this has been living in my head for like a year and a half at this point but I will consider it a WIP because TECHNICALLY I have written SOME words about it but honestly most of them have been used to torment @st-danger.
Anyway, the dubious handy is going to be a kinda angsty if/dew but also dewther fic that takes place in era 3, right when Things happen and the new lineup takes over. Dew meets Ifrit and there's attraction immediately, but Aether (they are together) warns Dew to stay away from him. That Ifrit's bad news, almost as bad as Alpha, but Dew has never been one to heed advice.
Despite that though, there's no time to do much about it. The new tour starts very soon and having to deal with a new lineup and all the preparations involved in that have everyone scrambling. There's some flirting, sure, but beyond that it's no more than swapped glances Dew being subjected to the sight of Ifrit humping his guitar every time Terzo turns around in rehearsals. On the road, they start their antics on stage, butting at each other like goats - it's Ifrit's idea to tease the kiss, and the tension builds.
Before they know it, half the tour is done. They're all having a well-deserved break - a night in the middle of nowhere, sharing beers around a hastily built campfire beside the bus. A little something that makes it feel like home. Dew's a little tipsy, leaning against Aether and listening to him talk to Zephyr, but his eyes keep drifting to Ifrit. Eventually he sets down his drinks and excuses himself, Aether giving his hand a squeeze. Gotta piss, he explains, shrugging on his leather jacket - it'll be chilly away from the fire - and Aether gives him a sage nod and a pat on the ass before he goes.
Dew shuffles his way behind the bus, swaying a bit as his boots crunch on the gravel. He doesn't have to go far to have privacy, and he can still hear the others chatting while he unzips. He's mid-piss when he hears crunching in the gravel behind him, and Dew sighs. Almost done, he says, but the footsteps continue. Heavier than his own, closer and closer, right behind him, and before Dew knows what's happening a large hand is batting his own out of the way, grabbing his still dribbling cock and starting to stroke.
In the distance, he hears Aether laugh, and when a too-warm breath hits his neck Dew chokes.
And then the dubious handy ensues, and it devolves into a whole internal struggle for Dew and he makes several Bad Decisions because of it.
He really should've listened to Aether.
Anyway, I really REALLY want to write this one, and I feel like when I get into a groove with it it'll come easily, but it just hasn't happened yet. 😔
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Dewther rambles? 🥺 Please Aru?
Been mates since they met, but only made it official after a week. They just connected so well, and Dewdrop was silently head over heels. Loved leaving little shells or rocks he found at the depths of the river at Aether's door, but was too nervous to admit it when Aether asked about it.
Dew was NOT the Dewdrop he is now, constantly lurking around corners to watch Aether and just quickly hiding away when Aether would look over to where he was. Tail just slowly wagging if Aether was even mentioned in passing conversation.
Got caught leaving a little pearl at Aether's door, not knowing he was in the kitchen. When he got caught he just jumped so high, tail between his legs. Aether just handed him a rose quartz back for a little trade. Courted him right then and there, and have been inseparable since!
Ohh Dew is so loud with Aether, loves teasing and making fun of him. Still throws things at him wether it's his baphomet plush, pillows, clothes, or straight up a plastic cup—whatever Dew gets his hands on it's meeting Aether LMAO
When Aether has his migraine episodes, Dew will curl around his head or let him lay on him, just warming himself up as it's one of the things that helps settle Aeth's pain. He's so quiet, just slowly stroking through Aether's hair and deflaking his horn bases.
Dew's BPD splits are usually targeted with Aeth, but he's gotten to the point he can recognize Dew splitting or on the verge of one. They always talk it through, though! Wether it's during or after, they're able to push through it. He's started understanding his triggers for them too, and tries being as accommodating as possible to avoid.
Biggest cuddlers or constantly need to feel one another. Wether it's sleepy holds, hand holding, hugs, tail wraps, they're always touching one another when they're near. Not only does it comfort their shared separation anxiety, but also feels so intimate.
Aether is soooo fucking protective of Dewdrop. Knows his firefly can very much so defend himself, has seen it first hand, but doesn't mean he won't take the lead when needed. Someone starting shit? Dew is intercepted and Aether is either de-escalating with just his presence or pushing back against them.
Aannnd Dew does the same! Satan help you if you even dare to make fun of Dewey's mate. He's gotten detention so many times in the abbey for hitting others. Doesn't regret a single one, especially the time he socked a kitchen ghoul in the mouth for teasing Aether about getting a second serving. Knocked out their front fuckin teeth!
Spicy wise? They're either freak or sweet, not really an in-between.
*Fat used with endearment.
Aether loves going slow with Dewdrop and complimenting his body, hands delicate over his skin and knows just where to press to make Dew tremble or whine. He always makes Dewdrop feel so beautiful and erases so much self-consciousness he has about himself.
LOOVVEE blood and knife play. Dew is insane about the risk and it turns him on so so much. Aether is methodical, knows where to cut and where not to, he works in the OR. Will gladly make designs on Dew's back that are blood bonds or sigils.
Needles are also a big thing for both of them! Aether knows how to make them hurt, purely decoration, or just to get Dew in that pretty subspace.
Another thing Dew bottoms for is bondage. An absolute rope bunny with Aeth as his rigger. Loves simple harnesses all the way to suspension, it's especially fun with Aether fucks him upside down in it.
OhhHhh body worship Aether kink with praise while Dew just admires him... Dew just kissing his belly, grabbing his love handles. "Love how you look. So fucking soft. So beautiful, love how fat you are. Just for me, only for me." Dew getting smothered by Aether's thighs and ass, snuggling in his chest, just kissing everywhere he can. He loves Aether so fucking much dude
Sleepy morning sex is always a thing for them, or just lazy hand/blowjobs. Always just purring and snuggled as close as they can, soft kisses being shared back and forth.
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ouatnextgen · 8 months
Any headcanons for the next gen?
Finally can answer! Sorry this took so long lmao. These are just a bunch of random headcanons
Reblogging for the update that Alice is now Hope's sister.
He loves baked goods, especially when they’re baked by Regina, and has a strange love of Mountain Dew, which grosses everyone out
He got his first tattoo, the exact same lion tattoo that Robin had, in the exact same place,  when he was twelve, thanks to Little John, and Regina almost fainted when she found out. 
He inherits his father’s arrows, rings, and wardrobe, while his sister gets his bow. Before he died, Robin made Roland his very own bow, and that is the one he uses
His biggest secret is that he doesn't want to lead the Merry Men, like his father before him; he wants to be a baker
Surprisingly squeamish. Doesn’t do well with blood or guts
90% of his Storybrooke wardrobe is flannels
He likes camping, hiking, and just generally being outside
Is a pretty good singer, and knows how to play the acoustic guitar
His favorite season is autumn
His favorite color is red
They have survived solely on food from Granny’s Diner and coffee since they graduated high school
They actually work at Granny’s Diner, pretty much doing Ruby’s job after she moved to Oz.
In several instances, they had managed to convince many small children that the pink streaks in their hair are 100% natural
Can wield a dagger pretty well, but is a self-proclaimed “runner” and not a fighter
Most of the graffiti around Storybrooke can be attributed to them
Though they’d rather die than admit it, they really like doing so-called “feminine” hobbies like knitting, sewing, and crocheting. They are very proficient at all three
Got a tongue piercing at 12:01 am, the very day that they turned eighteen
They play the bass, and dream of starting a garage band
Their favorite season is summer
Their favorite color is pink
Really likes spicy foods. Or foods he can dump gallons of hot sauce on. He pretends to be a tea drinker, but really can’t stand the stuff
Secretly loves country music, but knows that his friends would crucify him if they found out
His least favorite subject in school is English, because he feels like he gets interpretations of stories “wrong” somehow. Math is easier because it’s “straightforward”
He’s a guard on the school football team
Somehow, he’s also senior class president and has a 3.89 GPA
Since in this AU, Regina turned down the offer to be queen in favor of Snow, Leo is next in line for the throne (Emma opted out)
Can’t do archery for shit, but is great at fencing
He likes to babysit his brother and other neighborhood kids
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is indigo
He’s one of those people who only eats plain noodles with butter, and only drinks water if it’s ice-cold or flavored. Very picky.
He has dyspraxia, which is a disorder similar to dyslexia. It affects his movement and coordination functions (my little brother has this) so he is very prone to stumbling, dropping things, and just general clumsiness.
He’s a night owl. He tends to stay awake until three hours before he has to get up (“Three hours is enough sleep, right?”) which results in a lot of coffee consumption
He’s a member of the school drama club, and has performed in many plays and musicals
He’s really into urban area gardening, where he grows plants and food in tiny boxes around his house
His honorary aunt is Mulan, and she was the one who taught him sword fighting, archery, and helped him figure out that he’s gay
He likes to live in the moment, and do spontaneous things. He’d rather regret doing something than not doing something.
He has Alex sneak him into clubs sometimes, just to do something rebellious for kicks
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is purple
Thanks to Regina’s influence, she loves apple flavored food
She got her glasses in her freshman year of high school. Before that, she just…moved closer to the board to see what was going on (I know in canon she only has her glasses when she’s cursed, but I like the idea of Robyn, the archer, needing glasses full-time, so here we are.)
She inherits Robin’s bow, and carries it around with her like a favorite teddy bear (when Robin comes back to life he teaches her how to make her own bow)
She longs to escape Storybrooke and travel the different realms, like Henry
She loves the outdoors like Roland, but not quite as much.
Her magic is chaotic and wild, like her personality
She’s on the school soccer team, and kicks everyone’s ass
The only jewelry she ever wears is a ring her mother got for her
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is green
Has a weakness for seafood, and regularly drinks tea
He’s a math nerd, and is on the school’s mathlete team
Unsurprisingly, he loves to read. Fiction or nonfiction, he doesn’t care. He’ll read five books a day if Belle lets him.
He also likes video games, but is very bad at them
He’s on the autism spectrum
He likes keeping journals, and keeps several personal journals, study journals, and doodle journals
Since his magic is inherently dark, he doesn’t like to use it much. If he does need to use magic, it can trigger memories from his time as the Black Fairy’s puppet to come back in the form of nightmares
He wants to be a therapist when he grows up, and maybe publish a book or two
His favorite season is winter
His favorite color is orange
She loves to eat things with marmalade, and even just marmalade straight from the jar. And she’s british…so tea is life
She has a mental illness (canon never gave her a proper diagnosis), and takes prescribed medication that helps her symptoms. When she has "bad days," Robyn, Hope, and their parents know how to help her.
She loves the idea of dying or putting streaks in her hair, but she’s slightly worried she’ll regret it later on, so hasn’t tried it yet
She still loves to paint, doodle, draw, and basically anything artsy. 
She loves to play chess with her father, and other, more modern board games with her friends. Her favorites are Candy Land, Battleship, and Monopoly.
She rarely uses her light magic, and only to protect people. Emma trains with her regularly
She will stay awake into the wee hours to go stargazing, and loves astronomy, star mapping, and even the zodiac signs (she’s a proud Aries)
Even though she’s never officially sailed a ship, she knows the inner workings of how to do it so well, she might as well be a sailor
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is teal
Her favorite food is literally just cheese
She is on the autism spectrum
She has a special interest in swords, which results in a large sword collection, and a bunch of useless sword facts
She also has a special interest in dancing, which results in her now knowing a few books worth of dances, both modern and classical
She’s on the school dance squad (see above)
She likes to go sailing with Killian and Alice
Her favorite piece of jewelry is the swan necklace her parents gave her
Going to the beach calms her down, and she listens to ocean noises to fall asleep
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is navy blue
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whumpy-wyrms · 1 year
6,17 and 10 from ask game for both of them?:3
(from this ask game)
6. How did you choose your OC’s name?
for Dew, it was really hard choosing a name for him at first. he and Anton started out as just basic whumpee and whumper in my head, and then as they were getting a more developed story, i decided to name them. it took a long time naming Dew because i needed a name that fit him and his character really well. i think i just saw the word dew somewhere and thought that was perfect for him, idk why :P
Anton on the other hand.. okay so i’ve done this thing for a while, where basically whenever i see or hear a name i like, i write it down in my notes app to save for later to potentially be a name for an oc. i have a long list of random names i’ve collected over a few years, and when i had to name Anton, i just looked through that list and thought that name suited him. its funny because i’m pretty sure i first heard that name from the amazing world of gumball, and i liked it so i wrote it in my list… so Anton is technically named after a talking piece of toast hahahaha. you’re welcome
17. What are three moments in their life that impacted your OC the most?
i’d say the moments he first found out he was autistic and transgender (happened at separate times, but i’ll include them as one since they’re similar). they’re both a huge part of him and his identity so obviously after finding that out, it would hugely impact his life and the way he’s viewed by people and himself.
the second is when his parents died,, i always forget to mention this in the chapters which i kinda regret now, because i feel like they’d also be people Dew would think about along with his friends. but yeah… i mentioned in another ask that they died when he was 18, and then i kinda just forgot about them… oops.
the third moment is probablyyy when he was kidnapped by Anton lmao. i mean, it changed his entire life in more ways than one. he has wings now, some other stuff that’s huge spoilers… it’s pretty self explanatory.
i mentioned this before as well but Anton was an orphan and was found by his mentor, Pierce, when he was young, and that’s how he kinda became the person he is now. Pierce was a mad scientist and taught Anton everything he knows about science and stuff, so without him, Anton would probably be a normal guy… i mean,, not normal, but you know.
hmmmm there is one hugely impactful moment that happened to Anton but I can’t really talk about it yet because Spoilers… i will say it had to do with his past test subject who’s been mentioned a few times before.
and then finding Dew. again, this one is pretty self explanatory. having his own test subjected impacted the way he did science, but also the way he views other people as well as himself. and like, spoiler stuff in the future, but Dew basically changed his life.
10. Share a sentence of dialogue from your OC that you think represents them well.
Anton: “Me and you, we can accomplish great things together. We already have. You as my lab rat, and me as the scientist, we are unstoppable.” Anton picked up a needle, noticing how Dew’s wings seemed to wrap tighter around his shoulders. “Now, spread out your wings, I wanna test something.”
Dew: “It just, it’s boring…” Dew began. “Just- the only thing I do all day is sit here being poked and prodded and then I’m alone in that room with nothing to do. And- and I miss talking to people,” Dew blinked back tears. “I miss the sky. I miss my pets. I miss- m-my friends.” He wrapped his wings around himself, like a cozy blanket, and cried.”
(couldn’t really decide on a quote from Dew so i just went with that one idk)
thanks for the ask!
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lilhawkeye3 · 3 years
Wash Away My Sins
Rating: G+ |||| Word Count: 1.2k ||| Set during Casino Royale
He finds her huddled on the shower floor. Right now she needs James. Just... James.
A/N: The last twenty minutes of this movie I choose to ignore lmao. Anyways I really love their dynamics. Here's a little extended bit of my favorite scene 💕
AO3 Link
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He finds her sitting on the shower floor, water cascading over her shaking form. The handle points far enough away for him to know that her reaction wasn’t due to the temperature of the water that remained colorless as it swirled down the drain, and yet she scrubbed at her hands like a surgeon post-operation. There was no wound to stitch up here. This was an injury of the mind, just as painful but far more fragile.
Bruises purpled and faded. Cuts scabbed over and scarred. Bad memories could forever linger in the corner of your eye.
He makes sure to approach slowly, not wanting to startle her and add to her tremors. He sees her flinch when she finally notices him only a few paces from the glass enclosure. Her gaze doesn’t seek him out though, but instead stays anchored on an invisible point behind him. He takes her silence as consent for him to move closer, and the lack of reaction she has concerns him. He isn’t sure how far under she is, but as he enters the shower and briefly pauses next to her form… she looks like she’s drowning.
He lowers himself to the tiled floor and sits beside her, silently accepting the lukewarm waterfall that immediately soaks through his clothes, painting his suit onto his skin. It’s fitting: Vesper had molded herself to match his needs in the poker den, and now he did the same. His wet clothes clumped against her ruined dress, the brown fabric dark and lifeless, no longer framing her figure but weighing it down.
He undoes his bow tie, completely untying the knot so it hung limp under his collar. It was his way of disarming the weaponized version of himself, the one that met her words with flirtatious comments or backhanded compliments. Vesper was struggling– he could hear the way her breath had picked up in the past few moments– and she needed James, not Bond.
She needed a reminder that they were both alive.
She leans into him, her hand coming up to brace against his arm, a safety rope thrown to haul a tired swimmer to shore. Her nails prick at his skin through the fabric like hail against a window, desperately seeking a way to break inside a secure home. Her breathing becomes more panicked and harsher as the seconds tick on.
James remains silent and waits for Vesper to find her footing in the storm.
“It’s like there’s blood on my hands,” she finally murmurs, voice trembling as much as her fingers do against his arm. “It’s not coming off.”
He knew there was nothing there. In a corner of her mind, Vesper knew that as well. Right now it was drowned out, that little reminder of reason and logic. It wasn’t a flaw or a weakness, in his opinion; she’d kept it together until the threat was neutralized. He was quietly impressed at that, to be honest. She clearly wasn’t a field agent, trained to deal with such high-stress situations that end with one party dead and the other to nurse their wounds.
But she’s come to him, trusted him, to help her. Being coldly snapped back to reality would only do more damage.
“Here, let’s see.”
He takes her limp hand in his larger, rougher one and uncurls her fingers one at a time. He draws them into his mouth gently, as if he can swallow her guilt, gulp down her sins and sorrows and make the burden his and his alone. The clean water hasn’t washed the blood away from her mind, but maybe his grittier soul can scrub it clean.
“That’s better.” He curls his fingers around her hand to secure her firmly against him, but avoids holding it close to his chest—to his heart. One of them must remain uncompromised for now.
Instead, he looks down at her, allowing his eyes to remain on her tear-stained face. He can feel her heartrate has decreased and yet she still clings to him, staring off into nothing.
“You cold?” He asks, barely more than a whisper.
He reaches up, turns the water hotter, and she leans further into him, pulling the hand that he holds close to her chest—to her heart. He’s breached her armor. When he brings his arm down, he wraps it around her shoulders to pull her into his side. He can spare the defenses to maintain her foundations. Her hand now clutches his knee, and he cradles her head against his shoulder, stroking her hair to help soothe her. He can feel his own laying flat against his forehead, water dripping down his face and collecting like dew on his eyelashes.
“How do you do it?”
He knows she can’t see his face in this position, but he still keeps his expression neutral. “Hmm?”
She turns her cheek further towards his warmth, resting it against his shoulder. “How do you keep it all at bay?”
The patter of man-made rain filled their ears as he considered her query. Maybe it wasn’t the water that cleansed, but rather had all their public facades leeching away like dye and running down the drain until all that was left were their true selves. He wasn’t sure what would remain of himself in such an aftermath.
“I don’t.” He paused, ruminating over his next words. “It chips away at you little by little.”
He feels her shudder against him and grip his hand tighter, tucking it beneath her chin. “Enables you to take more risks?”
He huffs quietly. “Something like that.” He wouldn’t snap at her for her deduction, not now, and especially not after she’d seen his skills pay off to save them mere hours ago.
“Do you regret it?” Do you regret what you’ve become, what it’s turned you into, goes unsaid, but the ghost of them chills him to the bone. They’re questions he’s asked himself on the worst days but not allowed his mind to dwell on.
“No.” That’s true. He doesn’t. This is his life.
Before tonight, it wasn’t hers.
Vesper nods, the movement so small that he wouldn’t have noticed if her head wasn’t touching his chest. It’s become quieter now, her panting nearly returned to normal patterns and her shaking gone.
“Alright.” Her admission was soft, a gentle apology and thanks rolled into two simple syllables. He responds with another squeeze of her hand before gently guiding her to sit up so he could shift onto his knees. When he offers his other hand, palm up and already cupped to fit hers, she doesn’t hesitate. He pulls her up, steadying her when she stumbles due to her dress sticking to her legs.
She finally looks up at him, a reflexive gratitude slipping from her tongue, and their eyes meet. It’s so unexpected that his mask slips, and while he hurriedly builds it up again, he knows that she sees something.
She says nothing. He’s grateful for it.
“Would you mind…” She begins to ask, then stops, purses her lips, and tries again. “Would you stay for the night, please?” He inclines his head just enough to convey his acceptance and her shoulders slump in relief. “Thank you.”
“Come on,” he says, stepping backwards and out of the shower to allow her room to exit. “We’ll dry off first.”
“Alright,” she repeats, and allows him to lead her away.
He’ll stay and keep watch for the night. He may not owe it to her, but for tonight, he’ll allow himself to be her keeper.
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
it has been a hot minute but i am BACK and i also just drank like a whole ass can of monster so this is certainly gonna be something
currently watching s6 e8, it is evil chloe hours and i am HERE FOR IT
is it just me who thinks it’s hilarious that ryan and chloe are the only ones not grounded. like somehow bird is grounded but ryan isnt?? who would’ve thought.
the fact that chloe is inherently disadvantaged in her chances of signing up for the trip. how the hell is she gonna wheel herself there faster than everyone can run without getting herself grounded anyway for going too fast in the house. that was such a stupid system, honestly
everyone: wow ryan’s so mean and unsympathetic
also everyone: *doesn’t even try and be kind up chloe when she got them ungrounded for the trip*
ryan is like,, really not a bad brother? i honestly do not understand why chloe seems to think he’s so terrible (“unfortunate to have a brother who’s ryan” in her words) when she loved him so much before that one episode with the festival in the garden, and now she suddenly dislikes him because he burned sasha’s poster? like i’d get it if she blamed him for her accident but she doesn’t. and literally no matter what she does and says, he still loves her snd helps her? she’s literally like the only person he’ll put above himself and help without some ulterior motive or getting something out of it (mission totally possible notwithstanding) and yet she acts like he’s the worst unless he’s helping her and even when he is (“sometimes it’s hard admitting that someone we love is less than perfect. i should know”) like BITCH you’re worse than him! wow i am unreasonably angry about this
sasha listening to metal and knitting is such a mood. would literally kill to be her
why does bird always get framed for these things. you’d think people would learn it’s never him but somehow everyone always believes it? that kid would never do anything outside the rules unless he was helping someone he cares about *cough* jay and candi-rose *cough*
for fucks sake even ryan thinks framing bird for locking finn in the shed is too far, but noooo he’s the worse sibling, not chloe. she really blackmailed him into dressing as a fucking clown when he was meeting the mayor, but him accidentally saying that chloe was the one who locked finn in the shed is apparently so much more of a betrayal 🧐 (i’m so mad about this help)
“you’re just like ryan” WOW JAY WHEN HAS RYAN EVER REACHED THIS LEVEL OF MANIPULATION. like i know he’s bad but he’s never gotten anyone almost kicked out (i don’t think so anyway, might be forgetting things)
why does chloe get away with all of this with just a telling off and an apology (that she clearly didn’t entirely mean if “enjoy the musical. my musical.” is anything to go by) but ryan gets permanently hated. what. the injustice of this-
and then she really just tricks ryan about supposedly having given the sweets back? she is n o t the lovely person the narrative makes her out to be and i am mad
i’m sorry that most of this was just one long rant, oops 😂 also i hope you make your deadline you mentioned, good luck 🤞
Oh god, okay, I definitely know how it feels to be rambling about TDG while drinking a whole can of monster lmao (though sometimes for me it's like three cans of mountain dew.)
Honestly, I really liked evil Chloe. 1) she deserved the chance to do it at least once or twice, you know? and 2) I just love her more than usual when she acts more like Ryan, there's just something about it.
It is actually quite funny now that you're saying. But also I am now confused, is that still about 6x8? Because if so, I don't remember, was Bird grounded for lying for Jay?? Why was EVERYONE grounded other than Ryan and Chloe??
Wait, hold on, did you mean 7x8? "Snake"? Because that one I understand. But, really, Bird would never have been grounded if it wasn't for Chloe, we all know he is too precious. It is a surprise that Ryan wasn't already grounded on his own, though, I agree
That really was such a stupid system and I absolutely understand why Chloe was so mad about it. She was the one who got them the chance to go again, it was obvious she wanted to go, her name should have automatically been on the list to go. But either way it was going to be unfair because the older ones could easily get there faster than the younger ones, too?? What were they thinking?
It is really annoying how Chloe treats Ryan. He genuinely tries to help her all of the time, and as you said, would put her above himself when he literally would not do that for anyone else. And now we're never going to get anything better than what we got because they're both gone!
Oh my god, yes, Sasha with her knitting and heavy metal. She reminded me of my sister in that scene; crocheting and listening to screaming emo. Sasha is a blessing.
Seriously, it should be so obvious to everyone by now that Bird would never do anything wrong unless he had a really good reason. He's not cruel just for the fun of it, doesn't break stuff and not own up to it. If anything, he's likely to take the blame!!
Ryan's face when he realized what Chloe had done. I do think that was more because we know he does care about Finn and thinks that was a step way too far. I quite liked Ryan accidentally giving up what Chloe had done because he genuinely didn't mean to do it and looked like he regretted it right after, which is interesting for him.
I'm not sure what exactly Jay could have been referencing, it's been a little bit since I've watched it as well, but I do actually kind of see where he was coming from. I think he should have said "you're worse than Ryan" because that would have hurt a lot more, but in that kind of situation, I can see how the first thought would just be to say they're the same because it would still hurt Chloe. It makes sense dialogue wise for what realistically would be said, but I do agree that Chloe was worse than Ryan in that episode. And I loved it.
I don't know why Chloe just got away with it, to be honest. If it had been Ryan, there would definitely be some lingering grudges. Maybe they do just expect Chloe to have learned from it and never do anything like it again, so they're willing to move on and forget it, but because Ryan has slipped up again after being "forgiven" they don't believe he'll change anymore.
Haha, it's okay! And I did not make the deadline, it was for a ship week thing, but it's okay, I'll probably still finish the fics anyway and just post them on their own.
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enniewritesathing · 4 years
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Rules: 1. Pick a sim of your choice 2. Tell us about them 3. Tag someone else (if you want to!)
lmao I used his birthday pic IT’S A REALLY NICE PIC OKAY
Name: Brian Antonio Fitzgerald
How old is your sim? He just turned 27 :)
When is your sim’s birthday? February 23
What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Pisces
Martial Status: Engaged
Does your sim have any nicknames? He does not! He would if he’d reveal his middle name to people and it would most likely be Tony. Which would be seven sorts of hilarious.
Do they have a job? He is an Emergency Room Nurse at Newcrest Medical Center.
Where does your sim live? Willow Creek
Who does your sim live with? John (his fiance) and their cat Lady Spaghetti Wednesday (Davidson)
What environment did your sims grow up in? (strict, loving, cold etc.) Brian grew up in a very strict household. His family... well, let’s put it this way, they were Like That. It wasn’t until he got disowned at the age of 11 (thereabouts, but it was before he turned 13) after a hunting accident that left his grandfather dead and it was thought that it was all Brian’s fault due to incompetence (or so they think 👀) His aunt Connie took him after taking pity, but he was subjected to abuses and all of that, causing him to run away multiple times. It wasn’t until he met John and him giving the invitation to stay with him and his mom whenever he wanted that he had any sort of stability.
What are your sim’s favorite food? Chocolate, Chicken Nuggets, anything quick and easy
What is your sim’s favorite drink? Anything with a stupid amount of caffeine Long Island Ice Tea If they have one what is your sim’s favorite color? He’s a fan of bright, cheerful colors. And vaporwave gradients. 
Is your sim introverted or extroverted? Brian is extroverted and honestly it works out great for him given his job; he has his ways of getting information from the most stubborn patient (or very shy children... sometimes both lol).
What is your sims favorite woohoo position? Doggy, Prone Bone... really, any position that he can be potentially pinned (but not too roughly, just... a little pin. as a treat). Apropos of nothing, when John gets rowdy, he gets a bite mark at his shoulder.
Is your sim a pet person? He is! Brian was actually the one to adopt Spaghetti but kept her as a surprise back when John was volunteering at the vet clinic. He’s pretty open to the idea of adopting another cat or even a dog or two?
Does your sim have a best friend? He did when he was younger, but he has completely lost contact of them. What’s worse, Brian probably can’t recognize them.
What is/was your sim’s favorite school subject? Biology, French (lmao), English/Literature.
Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? Brian has a Bachelors in Nursing (minoring in Sociology) and he’s planning to go back for his Masters and lucrative certifications... though he doesn’t want to go through all of that again. (That and the costs).
What are your sims political beliefs? (if they have them) Given his line of work, I’d say really left.
Does your sim have a favorite TV show: In a surprise move, he watches a lot of anime, lol. He doesn’t have a clear favorite but he just likes the various styles and stories. Does your sim like books? Brian loves various romance novels (of various qualities), but he also likes to read manga. He has a bookcase full of them.
What is your sim’s personal style? He wear what he wants, tbh. If he thinks he’s gonna look good in it, he’s going to buy it and wear it.
Is your sim religious? It’s a little complicated; at first he was (or so he thought), then he wasn’t, then he really wasn’t, then he was like ‘okay, maybe??’, and now he’s like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
What kind of music does your sim listen to? The kind where he can belt out song lyrics... poorly.
What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? A crisp Spring morning. The sort that has dew on the grass and the ~cool~ still air.
Does your sim have a dream job? I’m not sure if he thinks this his dream job, but, he has been thinking about specialization. Does your sim have any siblings? No, and even if he did, he wouldn’t know about them.
Does your sim get along with their family? Lmaooo, no. Brian will sell his family to Satan for one (1) corn chip without hesitation.
What is your sims favorite hobby? Brian likes to knit! It was suggested by one of his patients in ways to reduce stress/idle hands (whatever that last part meant). However... how much he knits is directly proportional to how stressed he is. He used to run (something from his track days in HS), but given his work schedule(s), it’s fallen by the wayside.
What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? Stability and security.
What is a flaw your sim has? For whatever reason, he neglects himself when he needs to take care of himself. He can be so focused on other people that he forgets he’s a people too. Devoted to others but not to himself, as someone once put it. It’s mostly stemming from how he was raised and not once did he felt that he deserved nice things. He still thinks this is true every now and then. This comes up when he gets sick and he needs rest; Brian had to learn how to take care of himself in that regard.
Does your sim have a greatest achievement?  If so what is it? He was in the Honors College at Foxbury Institute and graduated summa cum laude.
When he goes back to school, he’s not gonna be that overachieving, lol.
If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Not telling Noelle about his situation earlier. Brian thought it was overstepping his boundaries or being imposing since she extended the offer of him staying over whenever and how long he wanted. (Besides, was she really telling the truth? Of course she was, dummy, you got your own half of a room and a set of house keys).
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Survey #439
“all the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run, outrun my gun”
Have you written a letter to a soldier? No. Ever been in a perfect relationship? I thought so. But no, those don't exist. The last song you listened to? "Broadcasting From Beyond" by Motionless In White. Have you ever wished you could hurt somebody as much as they hurt you? I... have, but I don't wish that at all anymore. Has a dentist ever screwed up on anything when working on you? No. Would you rather be a successful writer or artist? Artist. Who are you in love with? Nobody. Does someone’s view on homosexuality affect how you feel about them in any way? It sure as fuck does. How about someone’s view on religion? Nah. Well, usually. It depends on the beliefs themselves and to what extremity. What is something you wear that others might consider unfashionable? Flipflops, like... year-round, lmao. What kind of pill did you last take? It's called Lamictal, the catalyst for my primary mood stabilizer. Do you like wearing glasses? No. I'd wear contacts if I had the patience and non-shaky hands. What first comes to mind when thinking of 10th grade? Jason. -_- That's the year we started dating. What’s the scariest thing that’s happened to you? A traumatic breakup. Has an ambulance ever came to your house? Yes, for my mother. The person you’re thinking about - what are you thinking about them? Well, because you mentioned him, I'm thinking about Jason and just how I fucked shit up 'n stuff. How many different cars have you driven? Uhhhh I want to say two? But maybe just one? Was the last person you hung out with single? I guess that would be my mom, in which case yes. Have you ever attended a private school? My last college was a private school, yes. Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? No, and for that I am incredibly grateful. Have you ever cooked for anyone other than yourself? Yeah. I've made scrambled eggs for my family before as breakfast, and I did the same for Sara, too. Would you rather live in the city, the suburbs, or the rural area? Ugh, take me back to the middle of nowhere, please. :/ Do you know someone who is really ambidextrous? Sara! Are you adopted? No. Who was the last person that cried in your presence? Probably one of my nieces or nephew. Can you write your name in a foreign language? Uh, I think? In the German alphabet, "y" isn't actually a letter, and my name is Brittany, so I'm not entirely sure if it would be spelled that same way or not, but I think so. Who is the person you often go to for venting? My mom. Was the last person you kissed male or female? Female. Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? No. That shit can scar people (aka me) so goddamn deep when they don't mean it anymore. What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? Things I wrote to Jason in letters after the breakup. I would literally give a limb (no, I'm not exaggerating) to take it back. There are times I actually do wonder if we would've gotten back together if I wasn't just... a bitter and ridiculously hurt fuck that took it all out on him. Do you like vanilla? Yes. Do you own a bean bag chair? No. I actually do want one for my extra room/"office," though, to read on. Have you kissed any friends on your Facebook? Yeah. Do you get snow where you live? Occasionally, but it's very rarely a lot. What’s your favorite flavor of Doritos? Cool Ranch. Do you ever worry about what the world will be like when you have kids? Good thing I ain't havin' 'em. Have you ever seen a hippo in person? Yes. Do you like the band A Skylit Drive? I've actually only heard their "Love The Way You Lie" cover, which I do like. Have you ever been to any professional sports games? Yeah, with my dad. What’s the most boring sport to watch? Golf. But I don't particularly enjoy any. Do you like lip rings on the opposite sex? MHMMMMMMMMMMMMM. If you suddenly went deaf, what would be your most missed sound? Music. Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? If I actually wanted a dog, a Rottweiler. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional, for sure. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Zoo. Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? I know damn well I'd say yes to Jason in a heartbeat. Literally before even getting to know the current him. That's how emotionally attached I am to him, even with the trauma. I'd get back together with Sara if/when we both are more stable emotionally and with clear direction, which is mostly on my end now. I also don't think I'd be ready until one of us is able to move for the other. Is there a certain quote you live by? No. Do you have any tattoos? I have some, but not nearly enough. :( Are you friends with the last person you kissed? She's my bestie! :') Green or purple grapes? I don't really have much of a preference, so long as they're crisp. What is your ringtone? Just something that came with the phone. If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? Fuck no. What is something you wish you had more of? Adventure, for one. Have you ever trusted someone too much? JASON. HOLY FUCK. It was FACT to me that we would, could, never break up. It just... wasn't possible in my head. It was like breaking the laws of the world. When he told me he loved me and would never leave, I believed that shit as if it was God himself promising that. I've never and will never trust someone like that ever again, because it wasn't healthy in the slightest. Do you sleep with your window open? Noooo, that would freak me out. Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? Yeah; Tyler had snakebites. Did you go to high school with your current best friend? No; we live in different states. Whose was the last funeral you attended? Ummm I'm actually not sure. Do you avoid using public restrooms? Yes. Do you like eggnog? Nooooo. Who is the person you dislike the most? It's so fucking stupid... I know it is STILL the girl Jason dated after me. I don't even think they're together anymore, so why the fuck does it matter? I know NOTHING about this poor girl that just found someone she really liked and got dumped FOR THE SAME REASON AS ME. It shouldn't fucking matter, at all, but it still does in my head. Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? No, because I don't have an income. What is your favourite way to eat rice? As pork fried rice. What is the longest relationship you’ve ever been in? Over 3 1/2 years with Jason. Do you currently have any alarms set? No. How many cars can fit in your driveway? Barely even two. What was the first television show you were obsessed with? Pokemon. Do you eat chili when you get a hotdog, or do you like it plain? I don't like chili. Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually? Not EVERYTHING, no. I wouldn't tell her anything at all unless she asked. I don't like talking about that stuff. Have you ever been in a car wreck? Yes. Has anyone ever told you that they think you have ADHD? Yes, which was absolutely, utterly ridiculous. Has anyone ever called you a sociopath before? No. Has anyone ever taken your own clothes off you before? Yes. Is there someone you want to kiss right now? Probably always will. -_- Have you ever had a real tea party? Or been to one? Ha ha no, but my little sister used to love to have little ones with her Disney princesses plastic tea set. She would always ask Mom or me to have one with her. Have you been called a tease? Only playfully. Did you kiss the last person you really wanted to kiss? Yes. Would you ever go to a protest or be involved in a protest? So long as it was peaceful, yes. When playing rock, paper, scissors, which do you usually pick? Scissors. Have you ever tried to write a book? Yes, when I was younger. Have you ever been hit by a chunk of hail? No. Is it true that if you don’t love yourself, you can’t love another? Absofuckinglutely not. I'm proof of that. That idea is such bullshit. Do you share a bed with anyone? Just my cat. Who is one very unique celebrity/musician/whatever that you love? MARKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Could you handle babysitting two small children at once, such as two children under three years old? OH FUCK NO. Would you say that people consider you a major flirt? Definitely not. Do any of your friends have children? Yes. Would you rather cry in public or make someone else cry in public? I would FAR rather cry myself. I would feel so, so bad for making someone else cry, not even just in public. Would you rather re-live today forever or not live? Not live. Would you rather be just rich or rich and famous? Just rich. Who was the last person of the opposite sex to be in your bedroom? My nephew, I believe. He and Aubree wanted to see the snake. What’s your favourite kind of Cap’N Crunch? The "All Berries" one. What is your favourite Pepsi product? Mountain Dew. Is the computer you’re using yours? Yes. Do you get upset when a dog jumps on you? Not at all. I got used to that, and besides, it's cute to see them so excited. Is there a video or computer game that you can get lost in for hours? World of Warcraft, sometimes. I usually play it daily, but there are some days where I just am not interested in it. What do you like on your pizza? Meats and/or jalapenos. Do you get breadsticks with your pizza? Mom usually gets 'em, yeah. Did you ever have a waterbed? Yeah. Not one anyone slept on regularly, but just like, a plastic one or whatever the material was to sleep in if someone was staying over. What toy from your childhood do you miss? I wish I didn't get rid of my big crocodile toy that I was obsessed with. :'( He was like the main character in the world I made up for him and his family. Have you ever been to a rock concert? Yeah. \m/ What is your religion? None. Do you like listening to love songs? Meh, I have to be in the mood, plus it depends on the song. A lot of them trigger me. What is one meal that you like to eat while sick? I'm nervous to eat when I'm sick, so I mostly just have saltine crackers and ginger ale. Have you ever fed bread to ducks or geese? Yeah, when I was a kid and didn't know it was bad for them and the water. I never would now. The name of the last board game that you played? I think it was "Sorry!" with the kids. Has anyone ever commented on your weight? I mean, doctors, but not in a judgmental, belittling way. Just in a way that expressed concern for my health. Have you ever thought about joining the military? NOOOOOOOOOO. Have you ever felt like you were going out of your mind? Yes. And I don't mean that as an exaggeration; I believe I've literally qualified as insane at a point after the breakup. I was so fucking delusional and desperate and just going in circles. Are you ever jealous of happy couples? Meh, sometimes. Lately, who has spent the most time on your mind? Take a guess. .-. It's been pretty bad lately. Do you ever feel like someone would be disappointed to see your body or are you comfortable with your body enough where you don’t think that? I have a HORRIBLE body image. My body fucking disgusts me. I don't even like my mother seeing me get changed or anything like that. I don't want ANYBODY seeing me naked. What is your favorite flavor of Monster? I don't like any that I've ever had a sip of. Have you ever ran from the police? No. That never goes well. Do you have any trophies? Yeah. Do you like screamo music? No. What does your wallet look like? It's a checkered Harley Quinn one. Is there something nobody knows about you (and what)? Yes. Why would I share that if I don't want anyone to know? Does your family have a secret? No. Do you do anything to help the environment? We recycle. Mom also cuts up those plastic things that come with soda bottles packed together, as well as some other plastic wrappings. We are both disgusted by people who litter, so we avoid that. I also try to conserve water where I can, like by turning the sink off when I brush my teeth. There are other little things, but I wish I did even more. Do you like to take pictures of yourself? FUCK NO. It is so rare I do that nowadays. When/where are you most likely to sing? The car. Would you ever wish to explore a cave? OH MY GOD, PLEEEEEAAAAASE <3 What is the most illegal thing you’ve done? Pirated an expensive editing software, oops. :x Have you ever seen somebody get shot? LKJ;ALSDJFA;JWELKRJLW;Q NOOOOOOOOO.
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seokjxnnie · 5 years
20 with Namjoon pls 🥺🥺🥺
my entire existence honestly is to please u 🤤 also SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I GOT PULLED AWAY FROM MY LAPTOP FOR A BIT LMAO
20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
oop this got a liiiittle long and angsty so gonna put it under a break heh
send me a ship and one of these and i’ll write a mini fic!
“ah,” namjoon caves, breaking his gaze from her and offering it to the screen of his phone that lights up on the corner of the table instead. “sorry, i have to take this, it’s… work.”
normally, she would deflate with disappointment, but now she’s well acquainted with coming second to the commitments of his job. if anything, she just finds it funny that he hasn’t even remotely strayed from the habit after everything that’s happened.
“go ‘head,” her words squeeze out of tight lips.
he departs with a silent nod in place of an apology before heading for the front doors of the coffee shop. he disappears when he rounds the street corner.
she sucks on her teeth while her bored eyes only have the empty cup in front of her to fix on. is there anything left to talk about anyway? the quick glance at her watch is made pointless when her mind has already decided on her leave. she climbs from her seat and gathers her things.
she maps her exit to be opposite from the path he took, but her resolute strides lag just outside the store when she overhears his phone conversation.
“i know, mom, y/n is disappointed too.”
mom? he’s not in a call with work, but with mrs. kim?
“yes, of course she misses you too,” he feigns a reassuring laugh, “don’t worry, she promises to make it next year.”
she inches past the corner to gain a peek of him, finding that dread starts to drain his face of colour when he peers into the store’s window, only to find that their table is very much lacking her presence.
he thinks that she’s left, and his voice picks up with creeping panic as he rushes to end the phone call. “okay, mom i have to go, y/n’s waiting for me. yeah, i love you—yes, y/n loves you too. alright mom, take care.”
once the phone is pulled from his face, he curses under his breath and his strides adopt an urgency to find her. but she saves him the distress when she steps out from the corner and startles him to a stop.
“you haven’t told her yet?”
colour is still held at a great distance from returning to his face when her question reveals that she had heard the whole thing. a regretful sigh empties from his chest as his head wilts on her shoulders.
a grief aches her limbs at the thought of his mom being kept in the dark — someone who she loves so dearly and loves her back just as much deserves to know the truth. “joon, we broke up over a month ago and you still haven’t told mom?”
she regrets it as soon as the words leave her lips. calling him by an intimate nickname that her tongue had worked so hard to forget only reminds her of how well it fits in her mouth, how she has craves to call him that again. and she can tell she’s not the only victim to the torment, finding the hurt in namjoon’s furrowed brows and tautened jaw at the sound of the term that used to be endearing.
“it’s her birthday this weekend, and she’s been planning the birthday for so long—around the same time we…” he swallows, unprepared to say the words that will unfailingly leave a bitter taste on his tongue that stays, that keeps him up at night, that stops him from sleeping on her side of the bed. “…she was just so excited for you to come and meet the rest of the family that i just couldn’t break it to her just yet. i waited, and then lied, saying you can’t make it because your interview with that big design company, GreenLabs, had been moved up from the end of the month to this weekend.”
she blinks. even after the breakup, he had retained such a tedious detail that was of no use to him now.
“and she knows that job is something you’ve been working towards your entire career, so i knew she would understand. and then after, i’d make something up like the position had now moved to japan, and that we’d break up because of the distance.”
mrs. kim knows of an aspiration of hers that she herself has never personally shared, meaning that it was something that namjoon had excitedly rambled about when she wasn’t around.
“this weekend,” she repeats, “but you work weekends.” 
“ah,” something between a sigh and a nervous laugh falls from his lips, “no, not anymore. i’ve officially cut my hours. i told them either i work less or i leave, because that job…” his tenor dwindles while he works relentlessly to stifle the pain from surfacing in his expressions, but holes poke through his hard work. “i don’t like that job much anymore after what happened.”
she fell in love with namjoon for his loyalty, dedication, passion, but broke up with him when the qualities she had admired so much began to redistribute towards his job more than her. the reminder of the separation hurts, but what he demonstrates in front of her now reminds her of how good it felt to be his one and only, and that pain is of an unparalleled degree.
“fuck, namjoon,” a sob erupts on her, fragmenting her voice as she swivels away to keep him from watching the dews rim her eyes.
he strains to find a volume, “i know, you’re right. i’m sorry, i’ll call her back and tell her the truth—”
“no,” she nearly gasps as the heavying tears arrest her breath. “no, i mean,” her gaze lags with reluctance in their climb back to his eyes, where she finds the irises of her other half that every element of her existence yearns to know again. “i just fucking miss you, joon. i haven’t stopped missing you.”
and now, it is her sharing with him something that he was never supposed to know.
a man of exemplary structure and articulation now struggles with a stuttering jaw. but his misty eyes alone speak of the overwhelming emotions that overlap with hers.
maybe repair is a great distance away, maybe it’s only a hair’s breadth of a reach, and maybe it’s entirely impossible. but an overpowering instinct within urges her to at least find out which one it is.
“i’ll go,” she sniffles.
he clears his throat of the cry that renders his tone hoarse. “go?”
“mom’s birthday. she was so excited. and we don’t have to let her down anymore, my interview’s been moved back to the end of the month.”
her warm suggestion retires the quiver in his lips, so that they could stretch into a tender smile instead.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
ngl I could've sworn ud mentioned phantom having kits at some point(idk WHEN or WHERE but I could've sworn there was SOMETHING) so I was. Looking to ask for more and found the phantom/aether instead and Had To Know :3
now im just thinking of what adjustments would be made for phantom,,,, sure tour wouldn't last the whole pregnancy but he's little, they'd have to tailor stuff probably. and then DEW??? I'm assuming ?? In the fics where dew had calida, bc zephyr was present, it was during popestar tour, so there was NOTHIN to hide that baby, unless she was just rlly far back and close to the spine for him.
Ooo you might be thinking of Phantom/Dew/Swiss' baby Starlight!! (Also, note, not the same timeline for Calida and Comet! Two whole seperate timelines /info)
Ohh yeah it'd be much different then Dew's whole thing 😭 guy had NO way of hiding, tight ass uniform until he got upgraded to one of Zeph's uniforms, his bass was his only thing but even that didn't help all the time LMAO. Terzo tried his best okay 🫡 give my man his props wjekdk /silly Dewdrop was a runt, so while she was pretty far back and hidden and he didn't have much of a bump, it was still obvious the further he got until 8 months
Dew essentially took the entire back of the bus, even after Calida was born. They still had a tour to do. And there was orders that they couldn't just cancel, so now they're in a panic of what exactly to do. Dew doesn't feel safe at ALL leaving Calida with someone. So, a quick call, and Special is there. For "interviews", of course. He's hanging out in the green room the entire time, and during intermission Dew is right there. It's only a week like that before he's able to just curl in the nest with her and finally, FINALLY heal up. He's been bleeding nonstop from the constant strain, and finally started letting the others help him out.
Dew had a pretty rough and traumatic pregnancy & birth, but he doesn't regret how anything went one bit. His little sunshine is worth every single second of it.
Now, Phantom would've been taken care of more properly. They know more, there's more studies being carried out, more accessibility services for the ministry. It's a different era! Plus, he has a bigger pack with more diversity and similar instincts. Rain, Aurora, and Cumulus would be their biggest comforts. When they needs a good cry? Those 3. When he needs reassurance he'll be a good parent? Those 3. Just wants to be dotted and loved on? Those 3.
Mountain and Dew are his safe guards and their voice when he can't find it. One of the stagehands got irritated at Phantom bc he "wasn't doing anything and just standing around holding cords", and Mountain just glared so hard and quite literally told them to shut the fuck up. Picked Phantom up, sat him on his drum throne, and kept working.
Just like Dew would've been, he's not allowed to carry heavy items any more so they're stuck on cord duty, stick bag, and the softer percussion items. Not allowed to be alone, either. Slipped one time and that was already too many. Usually has someone accompany him to the bathroom, out and about in town, he just... Can't be alone. Honestly? It helps Phantom, too. Not only for safety but they feel better that someone is always there.
He's given permission for naps during set up once he's finished, and a lot of sitting breaks! Also like Dew, Phantom's anatomy is tiny. Aether wants them on bed rest as much as possible as he's a high risk essentially. So during shows you'll see him sitting on the steps or on Swiss' platform! He totally keeps up their silly antics the best he can that doesn't pose a risk!
Definitely tailoring, and has to have cooling pads placed in his uniform before performances as he gets super sick from the heat.
Silly thought I had midway writing this: Magick surges are still there and progressively gets worse the more he's along.
Phantom sneezes, and his guitar strings just break instantly.
Maybe they're crying really hard and sets off more light flickering before just shutting off their equipment completely.
Maybe a little rage fit because he's mad at themself, or just something that set them off, and Cirrus' phone short circuits and the screen cracks.
Pray for Aether. /Silly /aff
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sicklybanjos · 4 years
ye oldeee snzfic
okay so i don’t pretend to be a writer now, but damn i was convinced of it in middle school and hs.  i was cleaning out an old computer and found this relic of the past, my (probably) first snzfic from when i was FoUrtEEn and had just come across SFF and wanted to create my ~own~ for a fandom i liked, with a self-insert character ofc lmao.  it’s bad.  it’s cringy.  it’s fecking hilarious (imo). gooood luck, with my avalon high sicfic omg:
Miles went to Wendy's house, like he always did before school.  Usually Wendy was waiting for him on the steps, either reading or editing something for the newspaper.  But today she was no where near the steps.  Miles assumed she was still getting ready, so he went up and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Cross opened the door and welcomed Miles, and then told him, "Sorry Miles, Wendy's sick in bed and she's not coming to school.""Oh and is she exactly taking this news well?" Miles asked.  He knew Wendy could be stubborn at times, and that she wouldn't take something like this easily. Mrs. Cross laughed, "Of course not.  If you want, you can go upstairs and try to talk sense into her.""Okay thank you Mrs. C."  And with that Miles headed up the stairs. Miles heard Wendy before he saw her.  HCISH HCSXU.   He knocked on the door, and strolled into her room.   Wendy was in bed, with a mountain of used tissues in the trashcan next to her.  She looked terrible; her face was pale, except for the slightly flushed cheeks and pink nose.  She sneezed again and blew her nose loudly before she noticed him.   "So Wendy, you're looking peachy.""Shud up Biles.  KHSIXI. TSCHU."  Her voice was hoarse and extremely stuffy.  She blew her nose again, and Miles awkwardly shoved his hands in his pockets. "Do you need me to take your homework home?  I mean Allie and I could, since we're both in your classes.  Well combined that is..."  He trailed off. "Doe I'b goig to school.  Deres a dewspaper beetig ad I have to be dere ad-"Miles cut her off, "Wendy you're crazy.  You're too sick to go; Allie and I'll take your work home.  It's fine, Wen.""But were od a deadlide!  Sobeode has to lead the beetig, ad I'b the editor. It's by job, Biles."  She sneezed several times more and blew her nose harshly. "I'm not letting you go to school, or lead that meeting.""Why dot?  I'b fide, really.""First of all, no you're not.  You're too sick to get out of bed, much less go to school.  Secondly, I can't understand half of the words you say,  since your voice is too scratchy and stuffed up.  And if I can't, then a room of noisy high schoolers definably won't be able to.  Speaking of," He handed her the tissue box, "Blow. Dr. Miles' orders."She did as she was told, and blew her nose for nearly a minute. "Better?"  He asked, smirking. "Sobewhat, I guess." "That's my girl.  And so you don't worry your head off, I'll lead the meeting.  No objections.""But you dod't doe how to lead a dewspaper beetig.  You should cut it short or baybe I should just..."  She began to sit up, looking fazed for a second, then fine again. Miles hollered out, "Mrs. Cross!  Wendy's being ridiculous and trying to get out of bed." Se glared at him, "Whad did you do dat for?" He smirked, "Because your crazy and I need back up.""Wendy sweetie don't be ridiculous, you need rest."  Mrs. Cross came in with a small basket, which contained a large box of tissues, cough drops, cold medicine, and some other things. "Here Miles, can you put this on her side table?"  Handing him the tissue box, "She goes through them like crazy."  "Bob!" Wendy exclaimed. "Relax. Now I'll be downstairs doing the laundry, holler if you need anything." Then she turned to Miles, "You should probably leave in a few minutes to still make it to school. Make sure you wash your hands before you leave, though." Turning back to Wendy, "Get some rest sweetie." And then she left and closed the door halfway. "I should probably head to school, but first, I, Merlin, will lead the newspaper meeting, under the supervision of Lady Wen, via phone." She giggled and then broke it broke into a coughing fit. "Secondly," he started as he headed to the door, "Feel better, Wen. Get some rest, and Allie and I'll bring your work after school, okay?""Fide. Have fud at school. Tell Allie I say hi.  And plead dod't ruid by dewspaper beetig. "  He pointed to the tissue box again, and as she blew her nose they waved each other off. "Geez Miles what took you so long?" Allie exclaimed when he walk/ran to homeroom, a minute before the bell.  "We thought you were gonna be late.  And where's Wendy?" "At home, probably regretting letting me run her precious newspaper meeting."  Seeing his friend's confused look, he added, "She's sick. And by the way, you and I are taking her work home.""Sure and all, but shes actually letting you run the meeting?  How sick is she?" He laughed, "Not on a deathbed if that's what you mean. It's just a flu bug, at least that's what Mrs. C said.""She must really like you to trust you with her precious meeting."  He happily sighed before Allie continued, "Do you actually know how to run a meeting, Miles?""No idea but I'll figure it out. It can't be that hard, can it?  I can take the finished papers to Wendy, and she's already let the staff that I'm running it, and that it'll be cut short, but it can't go too wrong." Miles cleared his throat, "So I um, officially call this meeting to order?"A freshmen raised her hand, "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?""Not a clue.  So what am I supposed to do next?""Take attendance." The younger girl said, pointing to the clipboard next to Miles. "Riiight.  Um Clara?""Here.""Karen?""Present.""Marco?""Here you nitwit.""Righty then.  Wendy's absent, so Lilly?" He continued down the list, and only two people didn't make it. "Okay so now what?" He asked the freshmen girl, Clara. "Well most off us are done with our articles already, and there's no need to pick new topics yet; so the people who are done can turn theirs in to be edited, and anyone else can ask questions." And with that, more than half of the members stood up and handed their papers to Miles, and then left.  Clara was in that line, but volunteered to stay to help guide Miles.  "Next, these people either need to ask a question, rent out a camera, or are just waiting for you to dismiss them." One person had a question about if he could create a poll to answer a question, and Clara nodded a yes, and them the question asker left. "Wendy likes visual aids, if they're usable with the article."Two people needed to rent out the schools cameras, and the other two just needed dismissing.  Afterwards Clara congratulated Miles for not doing too badly, and then told him to let Wendy know that she hopes Wendy feels better soon.   After the meeting, Miles packed up his stuff and Wendy's homework and headed to her house.  When he got there, he knocked on the door, and then went up to Wendy's room.   "Feeling better?" He asked. "Sure I'b fide.  How was the beetig?  Did id rud sboothly?  Did you doe whad to do?  You did't call so I wasd'd sure if you dew whad to do.  Ad- ad- HIXCH TIXCHU ad did adyode turd id deir ardicules? Ad-"He handed her a tissue, "Calm down, Wen.  It went well, most people turned in their articles, and I didn't call because you needed your rest.""But how did you doe whad to do?""One of the freshmen girls, Clara, kinda told me what to do.""Okay well dats be- be-HICHC KIXCHU  TSCHX bedder." Miles frowned.  His girlfriend sounded miserable, and still all she cared about was the newspaper.  "Here Wen," He said as he handed her the tissue box, "I really want you to feel better.""Trusd be, I do doo."  Then she blew her nose twice and added the used tissues to the ever growing mountain of tissues in the trashcan. "Whad did I midd id school?"He handed her another tissue, "Um we just took notes in a lot if classes. You can copy mine when you're better.  Oh!  Mr. Neal announced that next week we'll be learning about the printing press.  I think you'll like that especially." He smiled. "Really?  I cad'd waid!  Hobefully I'll be bedder th- ACHXU thed."  She reached for a tissue, and it was the last one in the box, "Adother box ebpty.  Guess I'll go ged a dew ode."Miles shook his head, "No way.  I'll get one. Be right back."  He went down the hall and asked Mrs. Cross if he could have a tissue box to take to Wendy."She finished the last one?  Oh poor girl, I don't remember the last time she was this sick.""Yeah she sounds so miserable and stuffed up.  When do you think she'll be better by?""Good question, Miles.  Probably sometime next week.  She has the weekend to recover though, and that'll be good for her." He took the tissue box to Wend's room, and when he arrived, she was already fast asleep.  He put the tissue box on her side table, pulled the blankets up to her chin, and went home. The next day Miles went straight to school, since he knew he shouldn't wake Wendy up.  He met Allie before the bell, and they chatted for a bit.  
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cavaliant · 4 years
10 for everyone for Max Positivity
10. What do you love about your muse?
Wow you’re really out here wilding with the meme asks again LMAO.
There’s a couple charas on here that I don’t know if I’d say I LOVE love but I do like all of them and tried to think about the thing that draws me to them the most.
Asaello: Brusque with a soft centre might be done to death but I still love it
Balthus: :/ he’s big, he’s dumb, he cares a lot for his friends and family. Gotta love those boisterous bruisers who are cocky yet super sincere about caring for and supporting their loved ones
Beowolf: The conflict between the careless (both as in rash and as in lacking care about things) mercenary he presents himself as and the more sentimental side he can show despite that. How he really just does not give a shit about some things but really, actually does give a shit about others. You already know this but playful flirty joker with hidden depths (who cares more than they let on, who can be surprisingly serious sometimes) is my absolute fave 😔
Diarmuid: He’s very...normal and placid compared to the rest of his family lmfao. A child’s longing for family and pressure to live up to them is something common to characters in Jugdral but I still like exploring it with him in particular ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He’s one of the most stable and mature of the children imo so while that can make him flat I also like to think about how much of it is purposeful and how much is instinctive. How did the circumstances he grew up in shape his personality/demeanour today?
Fergus: Another playful misfit who cares more than he lets on :/ ready to throw down to the death but also ready to listen and protect. The whole secret holy royal bastard in hiding but living on the wild side while still ostensibly in hiding is pretty fun. This goes for most Thracia charas but there’s a lot of room to just make shit up to fill in the gaps in their stories and Fergus’ life really has the potential for some truly wild theories/times ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Fred: I like that he actually stops with his commander like she’s an equal to evaluate and think for themselves where their morals stand and if they truly want to keep going along with what their country is doing when it goes against those morals. I also like that he was willing to yell at Kempf and storm a fortress alone but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Homer: He doesn’t hit my hidden depths love as hard as the others but :/ sometimes it doesn’t need to be that deep. It’s just fun to fuck around with him lmao.
Jamke: He’s just a guy who’d rather be with trees than people and I respect that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Verdane as a whole interests me bc it really gets fucked over even for Jugdral and :/ Jamke did kinda betray his brothers and country! Even if they were assholes it took him a while to commit to doing it for what he felt was right and I’m sure he felt some regret over their deaths. Also Jamke-Dew-Edain dream team lmao. They’re so funny...
Lachesis: Her growth as a character! She goes from a sheltered, inexperienced princess to a fierce warrior, someone who had to depend on others to fight for her (and hated it) to a master knight who wanted to take everything onto her own shoulders. A baby sister to a mother/mother figure who would move the world for her children but doesn’t always understand that sometimes they just need simpler things than superhuman feats. She’s someone who will bite the head off of someone and then coo endless praise for her loved ones in the same breath. She’s flawed and messy but she loves so deeply and is so fiercely passionate and 😔 I love her. Truly a lionheart.
Machyua: Ok past all the Filipina jokes there’s really not much to say here lmao. She’s a cool big sis with an axe. No secret hidden angst or wild backstory or whatever, she’s just there to support her Magi pals and do good.
Miranda: Child rulers aren’t uncommon in FE either but :/ I still like to look at the stress of being a ruler forcing her to grow up too fast and act far older than her age. While at the same time still having some childish remnants in her behaviour and desires. I love her fire but it also makes me sad how quickly it’s extinguished.
Oscar: It’s not that deep here either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just like older bro figures. And guys who can cook.
Ranulf: He somehow manages to strike a perfect balance between chill and responsible, joking and serious, brave but also cautious. He’s one of Gallia’s highest ranking warriors but he still goes out of his way to cheer up others. He’s one of the most even-keeled characters in the series and I respect him a lot even if idk if I’d call it LOVE TO DEATH.
Reinhardt: I guess I should say something for the og muse of this blog :/// it’s interesting to formulate my own theories about why he became the way he is. What drives someone to fall apart so completely like he does? The contrast and intersections between the composed, fearsome general of Friege, the model older brother, the fawning servant, and the pitiful man who would rather die by his sister’s hand than live for anything any longer are fascinating to me. Not that you would know from my recent posts since I now crack it up more often than not but :/
Shannan: Another big bro figure :/ a sad one. One incident so drastically changed his entire sense of priorities and the person he grew up to be and :c it makes me sad. I’m a sucker for sad tired older bros who try to hide their sad and older chara surrounded by younger ones too.
Sigurd: My love who I absolutely did not expect to become my love owo;; I love his love, passion, naïveté, his innocent desire to help people and do what’s right...and how absolutely dumb and lacking in foresight he is and how he doesn’t escape consequences for it :///
Thor: They’re really just here to mess around in Rein’s body bc I thought it’d be funny :/ and to be weird fluffy dragon gramps
Tibarn: Another one I’m not sure I’d say I ADORE but his interactions on here have been pretty fun. That’s pretty much the case for all the muses like this lmao. I like their character but it’s their relationships/interactions with others that drives me to keep them going. About Tibs specifically though I like that he’s a fearsome warrior and king but is capable of great understanding and gentleness.
Zelgius: Again the contrast between different, contradicting sides--the upstanding general and the cruel executioner, the honourable knight and the selfish groomer, the idea that Black Knight and Zelgius are both one and the same. That no matter the circumstances under which he became Black Knight, he was still the person behind the helmet who committed those deeds. What drives someone to vary so radically in their actions? How can the two sides (which sometimes start to overlap and blur into each other more as time goes on) be fit into a single person? Those are the things I want to explore with him (even though I also end up shitposting a lot with him :/ smh @ me)
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elsaclack · 6 years
imma just state for the record that while i really want you to get on writing the next chapter of the royalty AU, i also REALLY REALLY WANT YOU TO WRITE ANOTHER SEGMENT FROM YOUR OLD “JAKE CAN SENSE AMY’S FEELINGS” SOULMATE AU LAKSJDFLAKSDJF 😍😭💕 (idk if the old drabbles still exist online at this point but wow i think about that AU maybe once every 16 minutes, i’m a mess)
HELLOOOOOOO ERICA i’m not even sure if you remember sending this to me, it’s been sitting in my ask box for THAT LONG!!! but it’s been too long since i’ve been able to write anything i’m really REALLY proud of so i decided that tonight is the night!! and when i went to my ask box to knock out a prompt, this one literally started writing itself!!!!
SO YEAH u said another segment from the soulmates can feel each other’s emotions au and i thought what better segment to write than the one you liked the most out of the old ones that i STUPIDLY forgot to save/crosspost before i deleted!!! aka i rewrote it LMAO
it’s. Different than it was before but that’s because i had no idea what i was doing before and now i kind of have half of an idea about what i’m doing lmao it references one of the other one-shots and i’m about 95% sure i still have that one as a google doc so after i copy and paste this bad boy into a google doc, i’ll double check that i still have that other one too :-))))))))))))))
Amy’s front door is incredibly old.
There are places between the grains of wood in which the paint has seeped and morphed together before it dried, Jake notes.
He’s been staring at said grains for the better part of five minutes now - or, at least, that’s how long he’s been aware of the fact that he’s been staring at said grains. It’s really stupid, all things considered. Stupid that he’s paralyzed on her doorstep when he’s trudged across it more times than he can count. Stupid that he’s been standing her motionless for so long, he’s certain he looks like a weird stalker to any of her neighbors who might be looking through their peepholes out into the hall. Stupid that with every second that passes, the ice cream in this plastic bag melts a little more.
Stupid that every time he inhales, he feels her split and aching heart, feels her loneliness, feels her bitterness, all as real and intimate as if they are his own.
Something happened half an hour ago. He’s not entirely sure what - hasn’t tried sussing it out beyond the initial bombardment - all he really knows is that he was home, on his couch, content with his Jurassic Park with limited commercial interruptions, and then it felt like the whole earth was falling to pieces and he knew.
So maybe he is sure about what happened - she’d mentioned as she left the precinct earlier that she had dinner plans with Teddy tonight. And it’s odd, how beyond his immediate concern for her, he feels his own undeniable sense of hope rising. His soulmate - who doesn’t know she’s his soulmate - is single once again.
Maybe, he’d told himself as he mindlessly snatched his keys off the counter and jogged out of his apartment. Maybe.
“Amy?” He calls as he raps his knuckles against the door. Her emotions flicker in a familiar rhythm against his breast - a split-second of surprise, a mix of confusion and apprehension, a lick of irritation. “Ames, it’s me. You home?”
(Of course he knows she’s home, but this is all for her benefit, he’s not going to come gallivanting in ten minutes into her single-hood toting ice cream and a declaration of his undying love and an oh, yeah, I’ve been meaning to tell you I’m your soulmate -)
Her apprehension and irritation are gone now, giving way to a much larger portion of pure confusion. “Jake?” he hears her voice moving, muffled, but close beyond the closed door. The light seeping out through the peephole flickers as her head moves by. “What are you doing here?”
“I was in the neighborhood,” he says as nonchalantly as he can. “Your drug store had a better deal on ice cream - two-for-one.” He hoists the bag up a little higher, as if the opaque brown plastic will back his claim. “I figured since I was already in the neighborhood, I’d come by with dessert.”
Her confusion grows more intense - the light has not returned to the peephole. “I told you I had a date tonight,” she says slowly.
He’s lucky she can’t feel his emotions - otherwise, she’d register the spike of panic jutting up in his chest. “Oh, that was tonight?” His voice cracks beneath the pressure of his scrambling ruse; the skin of his forehead is in danger of ripping for how grotesquely his brows have contorted into what he can only hope is an expression of shock. “I thought you said that was tomorrow!”
“No, tonight.”
“Maybe it really is time to invest in one of those planny-thingies.”
“Why, so you can keep track of my date schedule? And don’t pretend like you don’t know they’re called planners, you got me one for Secret Santa last year.” There’s a savagery to her tone echoed by a twist of pain in her chest; he opens his mouth, but her immediate pulse of regret gives him pause. “I’m sorry,” she says, now much quieter, and he can’t pretend to hide his concern any longer.
(It’s not like he’d have to work that hard to come up with an excuse - she’s practically an open book, especially to him, even with a closed door between them, and it certainly doesn’t help that he’s an amazing detective-slash-genius.)
“Are you okay?”
The pain in her chest seems to wrench a little wider, pierce a little deeper. “I don’t know,” she says, and the light in the peephole reappears a split-second before something solid thunks against the door from the other side.
(Her forehead, he’d be willing to bet.)
“Do you want me to leave?”
The part of her that seems to jump at that suggestion is a bit of a blow to his ego, but it’s nothing compared to what the skittish panic that flares to life the moment the question leaves his lips does. He hears her sigh again - hears the metallic sounds of a hand landing on the doorknob - hears silence. And then -
- so small and quiet, he almost misses it.
“Do you want me to come inside?”
“I don’t know.”
And she really doesn’t, he notes.
“I promise I won’t judge,” he offers. “You don’t even have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to. If - if something, y’know, uh, happened. You don’t have to talk at all, we can just - we can sit and watch TV and eat ice cream and I can run my mouth until it’s just like white noise.”
She’s quiet as she deliberates. “What kind of ice cream?”
“Cherry Garcia, obviously.”
A pulse of gratitude and affection and something else he doesn’t exactly have a name for warms his chest as the lock on her front door slides out of place. “I just - I need to warn you,” she says before she opens the door. “Don’t say a word.”
She opens the door before he has a chance to clarify, and the moment she does he understands - it’s clear that she’s been crying. And he well and truly hates himself for the first thought that pops into his stupid reptilian brain:
She is the most beautiful person that has ever existed.
Her cheeks are red - rubbed raw from her swiping fingers and probably tissues to blot away any running mascara that streaked down toward her jawline. There are no tears glistening in her eyes or clinging like dew drops to her eyelashes, but the whites of her eyes are still a little bloodshot, and the browns of her pupils are intense pools of chocolate that seem to pierce his very soul in the brief split-second she allows herself to meet his gaze. Even her lips look darker than usual - probably stains leftover from whatever lipstick she’d so carefully drawn on just to haphazardly wipe away.
It honestly takes him a minute to even register the fact that her hair is thrown up in a knotted, wild bun, and that her frame is essentially hidden beneath the baggy layers of a massively over-sized Cheap Trick concert t-shirt and the rattiest grey sweatpants he’s ever laid eyes on. All in all, he’s very obviously walked into the immediate aftermath of an Amy Santiago break-up.
And she is the most beautiful person that has ever existed.
“I said don’t say a word.” she repeats, this time through grit teeth. He panics for a split second, ready to dump the ice cream on the floor and fling himself out the window if he’d subconsciously spoken that totally stalker-esque monologue out loud, before his awareness catches up to him and he realizes he’s been staring. Motionless and staring, actually. Or, well, more like motionless and gaping and staring. A quick assessment of her emotions confirms, she’s not feeling shock - she’s embarrassed and self-conscious. She thinks he’s judging her.
Well that simply won’t do.
“I’m just waiting for you to go turn the TV on so I can get spoons,” he says as he gestures toward the kitchen, hoping his bravado sounds more natural than it feels.
Suspicion has joined the maelstrom of emotions storming through her chest, but it only seems to manifest in her slightly narrowed eyes; she backs away a pace, and then two, before finally turning away and trotting out into her living room. He releases the breath still caught in his chest in one quick huff, and shakes his head as if to clear the cotton suddenly stuffed there as he makes his way toward her silverware drawer.
“It’s the third drawer to the right of the dishwasher,” he hears her call as he pulls the drawer open.
“I know,” he says, letting an ounce of indigence color his voice. “You think I don’t know where your silverware is?”
“I don’t know!” she says, and not for the first time he’s so grateful that she’s his soulmate - otherwise he’d be left wondering if she was kidding beneath the miles-thick layer of outrage ringing with her words, instead of feeling that little bud of amusement in the center of everything else. “Teddy never figured out where it was and we dated for nearly a year, you’ve only been over here, like, ten times!”
He’s also thankful for the wall standing between them at this moment - the wall that covers his involuntary wince, accented by stabbing the spoons through both pliant ice cream surfaces at the same time. “Well,” he says as he gracefully lifts both ice cream cartons and eases the drawer closed with his hip at the same time, “that’s the difference between me and Ted-odore - I’m a detective. I remember details.”
Her expression is equal parts disgruntled, thankful, and annoyed when he makes his way into her living room. “Teddy’s also a detective,” she reminds him as she plucks her carton of ice cream from his hand.
“Ah, but only I am an amazing detective-slash-genius,” he reminds her. They sit at the same time - her carefully, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch over one shoulder and folding a leg under her in one movement, him flopping back, the force of his body connecting with the cushions just short of hard enough to jostle the narrow table behind the couch.
It’s the end of the conversation for quite a while - long enough that they get through an entire episode of The Office without interruption, long enough that half of his ice cream is gone and his fingers are well and truly numb. It’s just long enough that he knows she’s absorbed in what she’s watching - her eyes never deviate from the screen, and the inner turmoil seems to quiet down to some distant back-burner in her mind. Just long enough, he thinks, for him to do a little surreptitious investigating from right here on her couch, without her ever noticing.
He turns to his right, away from her, pretending to cast around on the table behind the couch for a coaster upon which to set his ice cream. He already knows there’s a stack of three on the coffee table eight inches from his knees - the fourth is on the other side of the coffee table, beneath Amy’s quarter-finished ice cream - but he also happens to know that she has a nice set of geode-looking coasters stacked neatly on this table, equal parts artistic and utilitarian, and (if he’s not mistaken) identical to the ones he’d spotted at Captain Holt’s house some eighteen months earlier.
He pretends to grapple for them - they’re two inches to the right of where his hand is currently grasping - all while studying the scene laid out on the dining room table just visible from this angle. There are still dishes there - dirty dishes, if he’s not mistaken - which is, of course, highly uncharacteristic for the woman to whom they belong. It’s clear the meal was in progress when...something happened. Something abrupt and unexpected, something shocking - something that clearly rocked her to her very core, drudging up feelings of isolation and loneliness and a few others he recognizes from the dark weeks that followed his father leaving all those years ago.
He’s practically bursting at the seams with desperation to know why.
The light piano theme song plays over the end credits just as Amy loudly and pointedly clears her throat, and he winces as his fingers close over the coaster he was seeking. “You’re not as sly as you think you are, Mr. Genius,” she mutters as he rights himself on the couch again.
He sighs as he leans forward to set his coaster and carton on her coffee table. “You don’t have to talk about it,” he reiterates, and he knows from her quiet calm resonating near his heart that she truly understands that he means it. “I just - y’know, I wanna, um. Make sure that you’re okay, and stuff.”
She doesn’t look at him. The next episode is already queuing, seconds away from starting automatically, but her eyes are now glazed as she chews the inside of her cheek. Movement by her hip catches his eye - her fingers drum restlessly along the side of the remote, the only outward sign of her visceral inner turmoil, now back to center stage.
“I wanna talk about it,” she says haltingly, thumb mashing down on the pause button. “I do, I - I need to talk about it. I just -”
- don’t want to, he finishes in his mind after she falls silent again. Even if he didn’t have a front-row seat to the weighing of emotions happening in her gut, he could easily follow through her facial expressions - even the nano-expressions, the ones that really don’t even fully register before they’re gone, replaced by the next. 
“It - it sucks, okay?” she finally says. “This whole situation just sucks.”
He remains silent.
“We were, like ten minutes into dinner and everything was going fine. I was telling him about that perp Charles and I took out behind the bakery earlier, and how Charles refused to leave the scene until he’d sampled literally everything the bakery sold, and when I looked up I realized he’d spilled wine all over himself while I was talking but he hadn’t even noticed it because - because -”
She draws in a ragged inhale; he can feel it dragging like knives across his heart.
“I’ve never heard of a connection manifesting that late in someone’s life,” she says after a moment of composition. “I mean - I know it’s possible, obviously, I’ve read articles about it and everything, but I’ve never known anyone who’s had that happen to them. It’s always young kids to teenagers, that’s when it’s most common for the connection to start - Teddy’s thirty-seven years old. He didn’t think he was the receptive one in his partnership. He didn’t think he had a partner. But he does, and he felt them for the first time half-way through my story about Charles shotgunning a croissant. And it wasn’t me.”
The silence is thick and swelling in his head, and the temptation to scream the truth is almost overwhelming for all of two seconds. He’s not certain he would have been able to keep his composure, if not for her stark feelings of inadequacy roiling with her heartache radiating through his chest.
“That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you,” he starts, far more tentatively than he would like. She rolls her eyes. “Hey, I mean it. There’s nothing wrong with you, Amy.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” she mutters, “you’ve felt your soulmate since you were seven years old. All I’ve had for my entire life is radio silence. Every single one of my brothers is the receptive one in their partnerships. I’m the only one of all my siblings. My parents had already met and were dating as teenagers when their connection started. I am literally the only person in my immediate family who doesn’t feel a connection. It’s not that outlandish to assume I’m the defect, here.”
“Maybe you’re just not the receptive one,” he counters, determination growing with every ounce of inwardly-focused disdain he feels pouring through her very veins. “Maybe there’s someone out there right now who can feel everything you’re feeling, who’s hurting just as bad as you are because you’re hurting so bad right now. Maybe there’s someone who’s been looking for you for his entire life, who’s looking that much harder so he can prove to you that you’re not defective, you’re not a mistake, you’re not worthless.” She’s staring at him full-on now, brows furrowed, intently focused on his every word. “You’re one of the kindest, most thoughtful and amazing people I know, Ames. Your soulmate is out there and as soon as you find each other, I promise, this will all be worth the wait. Don’t be so mean to yourself because some chump missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime so he can go out hunting for a soulmate while covered in red wine stains. Okay?”
She seems to hesitate, before the corners of her mouth twitch against a smile. “Okay,” she says softly.
He’s not sure how and he’s not sure why, but he does know one thing: something in the air has shifted.
He isn’t able to put a name to it until three weeks later, when he finds himself back in that very same apartment on that very same couch, the very same ice cream in his hands, the very same episode queued up and ready to start on the television somewhere off to his right. He’s paying it very little attention, in all honesty - he’s far too enthralled by the gorgeous woman in the red dress on the other end of the couch, toeing off her heels beneath her coffee table and settling in in much the same position as before.
(Save for the silky black curls swept over one shoulder so as not to drip ice cream in them, of course.)
He’s watching her shift, watching the kinetic energy burn through her rolling ankles and curling toes and twitching nose and drumming fingers. She seems intently focused on her ice cream - the very same carton from which she’d eaten the last time he was here - but he knows there’s a level of awareness of his gaze on her.
Just as she knows that he knows.
It hits him here, in this moment: she knew.
“You knew,” he says. Her eyes flick up to his face and all at once, his suspicions are confirmed. “You knew!”
“Knew what?”
“The last time I was here, before I left, I felt something change. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but now I know - you knew I was your soulmate before I left that night, didn’t you?”
It’s the first time they’ve really talked about it since their confrontation in the evidence lock-up - since the electrifying kiss that followed it - and as her smile blossoms, her amusement peaks. “I had a feeling,” she corrects.
“What gave it away?”
“What, you mean how did I know? The kiss was a pretty good hint -”
“Yeah, but you weren’t really shocked after that. I mean, you were, but - not about it being me. What gave me away?”
“I knew three days ago when we were raiding the warehouse and I got ambushed by that guy and you came flying in before he could even pin me to the wall. But I had a feeling after you gave your little speech about how I’m basically the greatest human being on the planet and you mentioned my soulmate feeling emotions that I know I didn’t put into words.”
“Damn it,” he mutters, letting his shoulders fall back against the cushions behind him. She laughs, delighted, and the sound is like pure sunlight bubbling between his ribs. “After all these years, I can’t believe I just straight slipped up. Right to your face, too! I’d always assumed it would be Charles who screwed up.”
A wave of surprise washes over her, but she suppresses it a moment later. “We’ll talk more later,” she says with a smile. “Right now, I wanna try something else.”
She leans forward to set her carton on her coaster and a second later she pounces, pinning him back against the cushions, hovering over him. Her grin has gone Cheshire and her fingers are closing over his before pulling his own carton out of his hand; he releases a breathless laugh as she leans away, just far enough to reach the coffee table, before resuming her position over him. “This is new,” he says.
“It is,” she confirms. “Also new? You feeling unsure of something.”
“Hey,” he snaps, “I’m always unsure of things. You’ve never known because I’m good at hiding it.”
“Not anymore.”
She leans down before he can respond, until her lips are a breath away from his. He can feel his heart tripping in his chest and he knows she can feel it, too - breathless anticipation radiates and sparks like a livewire between them, igniting every last nerve ending, like a fuse lit seconds away from exploding. “Whoa,” he chokes, hands fumbling before landing on her hips.
“Intense,” she breathes back, apparently to enthralled by the build-up to dare take the plunge. “Did it always feel like this?”
“Never actually done this before,” he mutters.
She pulls back an inch - just far enough for him to see her roll her eyes in accompaniment with her wave of exasperation crashing through his chest. “I just mean - this, us, our - our connection. Was it always this intense?”
“No,” he shakes his head, acutely aware of the fact that his hands are still on her hips and he can feel the heat of her skin through the red material. “N-no, never. I mean - when you were feeling something intense, it was kind of strong? But now that it’s a two-way street, so to speak, it’s - everything is way more intense. Especially this.”
She hums thoughtfully, gaze fixated on a spot on the cushion just over his left shoulder, before she suddenly seems to remember herself and where she is. He grins up at her when she blinks herself back into focus - and the twist of affection in her chest is almost cruel for how blinding and savage it is.
“Wow,” she breathes, lifting up a little higher to press her fingertips to her sternum.
“Sorry,” he mumbles a bit sheepishly. “I just - I’m really into you.”
“I can feel that,” she says with a laugh. Her hand falls from her chest much closer to his face than before; he briefly closes his eyes at the feeling of her fingers carding through his hair, part curious, part reverent. “I’m really into you, too.”
He grins again before lightly pinching her hip, laughing when she thumps both heels of her hands against his chest in retaliation. “I can feel that,” he echoes before bending his knees, bringing her teetering forward, back to her original position of a breath away from his lips. This time he cranes his head up to catch her before she can draw back; like both times before, the meld of her lips against his brings everything else to a screeching halt. Her hands splay out gently on either side of his face as his slide up the dips of her waist to skim up her back, thumbs sweeping out over the defined ridge of her lowest ribs.
She pulls away after an eternity, after a split second, lips dark and shiny as she gasps for air; she closes her eyes when he reaches up to move her hair back over her shoulder, so that nothing impedes his view of her face. “You were right,” she mumbles breathlessly.
“You were right,” she repeats, with a little more conviction than before. “This was worth the wait. You were worth the wait.”
It’s the last coherent thing either one of them says until morning.
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aj-draws · 6 years
Our Heartstrings
July 18th was the day Sly made the sacred post. I suppose you could consider this a one month anniversary for The Heart Squad! 
So this is a short story that explains how it feels like being on Tumblr, and how lucky I am to have such amazing friends. Because I like mixing fantasy and magic with my writing to make it more exciting, there’s a bit of a...twist that you’ll see :)
If you wanna scroll past this, feel free to, I don’t mind! This is personal writing of mine that I wanted to share, and if you’re curious about me (since this reflects me as a person as well), then you can go ahead and read this.
(Note! Some things I write about not might be necessarily true. The way I describe things might not be accurate, but behind the screen, that is what I see and interpret. It’s just my way of seeing things, my perspective, so uhh don’t get mad if I’m wrong lol??) 
(Another side note! This is completely related to the story involving The Heart Squad that we’re working on. Just wanted to make that clear)
Either way, have a lovely day, everyone! :D
@danyulsdimple @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @bubblseri @phlying-squirrel
(I’m gonna put a cut because this actually became really long? Whoops I still don’t regret a thing lmao-)
But first, an explanation. 
I...have this weird habit. I guess it stems from me being a detail oriented writer, but whenever I meet someone new and get to know them after an extended period of time, I have specific ways to describe that person. Similarly, this also happens for characters from new shows that I watch. For Sanders Sides, well, there’s that ‘Describing Sanders Sides Ships’ that I wrote. For Analogical, I think of an evening sunset, or for Logicality, the sun and the moon comes to mind-things like that.
Writing has always been very personal to me. Most of my art comes without thought, you see, there usually isn’t some secret message hidden in it. But whenever I write, it’s always to tell a story. Writing has posed a difficult and unpredictable, but rewarding challenge for me. I haven’t been able to write something so passionately for quite a long time, so thank you for that. <3
You all are awesome. Creating this little group has been so much fun, and having you guys be there means a lot to me. Sometimes it’s hard to express that, so I hope I can make that a little more clear with this little story. 
This is for my dear friends.
To Lea, whose openness and humor lets me smile and laugh with ease. 
To Piper, whose positive impact on others has caused me to admire her from afar.
To Sly, whose fascinating, patient personality provides comfort and stability. 
To Sienna, whose bright and kind nature has warmed my heart. 
This one is for you. I love you guys 💜💜💜
The red string of fate. 
It is said to be an unbreakable string of scarlet that binds soulmates. Just like how fate is more than what people make it out to be, so are the strings. 
I’d know. 
Because love comes in so many different forms, I’ve already had several strings when I was little. 
On my left hand was the comforting kind of love. The kind that gave me a small, soft smile when my mother kissed my head. Or when I couldn’t stop laughing over something my father joked about. Not just that, but even how proud I get when my sister compliments my art. Two strings tied to my parents wraps around my index finger, to lead me in the right direction. On the other hand, a string from my sister is looped around my thumb, which assured me that I could do anything. 
I’m glad the strings are weightless, because my right hand would feel as heavy as a dumbbell if they weren’t. My right hand symbolizes platonic love. A string instantly becomes attached the moment I interact with someone. It first starts around the wrist, and as you get to know the person, the string moves. The middle finger is where hatred for that person resides, the thumb for those that are simply acquaintances that cheer me on from afar, and the index finger is reserved for good-natured, honest best friends that bring out the best in me. 
My ring and pinkie fingers remain untouched. 
Now, the ring finger, I understand. If I were to feel affection toward a friend, perhaps a string might find a home around my ring finger. But my pinkie? What does such a tiny, trivial finger represent? 
Now back to the myth. As you can see, there is truth behind what is only known as a legend. 
But there is one thing that they got wrong.
Tapping the power button on my laptop, I lean back in my chair. I sigh, long and quiet, all the while tugging and massaging my fingers. Faint aching at my joints causes me slight discomfort, but it’s nothing unusual. After finishing seven drawings in a hour or two, what do you expect?
I rest both hands atop my keyboard and let all of my fingers stretch in front of me, admiring the strings. I smile, I really do...I can’t help but flinch when I feel my grin dissipate. 
The strings are a fading white, completely empty of color. 
All the rich, vibrant shades of red that they talked of was untrue. Seeing the strings makes my heart soar, but their colorless, bleak nature is bound to bring a bit of gloom from time to time. 
I constantly wonder why. Was I supposed to see color? Do I see colors when I reach a certain age? Am I broken? Why-
The screen comes alive, and the light that radiates from the letters on the keyboard bring me back to reality. Clicking on the blue logo that I know all too well, I find myself smiling right away. 
Online friends are an interesting case. Since I’ve never physically met them, they don’t have strings. I can leave asks on as many people’s blogs as I want, but not a single string appears. 
...There were four exceptions. Let me tell you about them. 
She is the countryside. 
She is the short walk to a nearby town, where the buildings huddle together and lights reflects off each other’s windows. There are quiet voices, the occasional booming cackle and the clinking of glasses. The streets and roads are mostly empty, but it is inside the stores and shops where laughter and chatter belong. 
There is a homely feeling to this small town. You could always find her wandering around, going from building to building leaving smiles and bright faces. Whether it’s complimenting others or joining a protection squad, she is there with the town, reveling in the closeness of their companionship.
And then you are home. You are where the houses become scattered and the concrete roads become gravel or sand. Gazing out over the horizon, there is only the gentle swaying of tall crops and a setting sun. 
You remain outside, sitting down and watching the sun fade away. Light falls and darkness rises, covering you with a blanket of constellations and glittering stars. With no factories or skyscrapers close by, the sky can breathe. 
When your back drops against the ground and the grass meets your hair, she grins beside you. She laughs along when you point out the constellations, remarking that they look like things they definitely aren’t supposed to look life. She is the lift of your lips, the sparkle in your eyes.
Lying down with the smell of fresh grass and cool air lingering upon my nose, I feel calm. Her presence, though it is not entirely familiar, is peaceful.  
But she is not always peaceful. In a place where there are nothing but fields and flatlands, you are bound to find something to liven things up. 
When the colorful leaves drop from trees and a chilling breeze settles in, you could be chatting with friends in that bustling coffee shop in town, or be in a library, immersing yourself in an interesting book. Even indoors, you are sitting by the fireplace or watching movies. You could be smelling the blooming flowers and morning dew, visiting gardens and climbing trees. Then all of a sudden, you’re dancing, barefoot, with the stars hanging over your head, a popping firecracker in your hand as you take in the warmth of July.
Whatever it is, it is new and exciting. Taking something so simple and making it worthwhile is an admirable feat. 
You do not know this place well, that is for sure. But you wish you do. You wish you could. The countryside is filled with wonders that you hope to explore and learn about in the future.
As you sit upright, you glance down. That faint swish on your wrist was indeed not the grass, but a string. 
All you can do is hope she feels the same. 
We are connected, the countryside and I. 
She is a city. 
Sometimes she feels distant, just like how New York City is to me, but I don’t mind. She isn’t constantly a part of my life, and yet every time I drive down that bridge, look into the river and see those shining buildings, I’m filled with excitement. 
The city is an acquired taste, something that you maybe wouldn’t enjoy unless you’ve visited it on multiple occasions. Even for me, a person who was born and raised in such a place for most of her life, the city takes some getting used to. 
In some parts, the buildings glitter like gold. With its polished glass windows, allowing sunlight to grace its surface all too perfectly, and elegant architecture, you are almost fooled by its facade. 
Then you could turn your head and see tired, drooping eyes, voices yelling into phones and people crossing streets with a red traffic light hanging over their heads. 
Insecurity disguises itself within beauty. 
And she is always there. 
The sun begins to set, bringing upon the shadows, the people and the lights. I’m stuck within a crowd of people, and I’m still alone.
After not being in the city for several months, things don’t seem all that beautiful anymore. 
Suddenly the echoing footsteps of the people around me doesn’t sound so soothing. The buses roar, lions that snarl and growl intensely. Cars screech to abrupt stops, paying no attention to the rapid honking or the blinking stoplights. Above me, the trains let out bellowing cries as they bang against the rickety steel tracks.
She is there, pulling me to safety. Away from the dreadful noises, from the crowd, until there is tranquil silence. In order to ease the tension, she cracks a small joke.
Now, just for a moment, I can laugh in peace.
There is a tug at the corner of her lips as she sets off into the city. I follow alongside her. For a little while, things don’t feel overwhelming anymore. There are no due dates, no drawing requests to get done, no stories that are begging to be written. I can see the city for what it truly is.
Just like her, the city is real. Its raw, imperfect magnificence is bound to stun anyone, as long as they take the time to get to know its delighting qualities. 
She is the embodiment of stupid, but brilliantly amusing conversations in the middle of the night. She speaks in the language of references, using words in a way that will make you giggle. Her words come quickly, in a rush that ends as soon as it appeared, but that refreshing feeling of a car speeding past you will never stop being exhilarating. 
She tends to change a lot. One moment she’ll be bubblegum pink, a rose dripping in paint. Then the warm tones of golden sunflowers, or even a cat stalking through the night. All the colors and scents shift from one theme to another-her love for aesthetics never ceases to impress me. 
She moves quickly and easily, but she will never completely abandon you. If she disappears for a couple of minutes, you can rest assured that she’ll come running back bearing a smile and a funny story. As fast as a subway train, she will jump from one topic to another, whether it’s about crazy school stories or cantaloupes. 
Her relatable humor will lift a chuckle from one’s throat, lightening up someone’s mood like how the lamp posts along the sidewalks come alive at night. Light pours in through the windows of buildings, illuminating the jet black sky. In the same way, she, with her exciting personality, is able to brighten one’s day. 
Only when you’re sitting on the roof of a building will you be able to appreciate her. When you sit still, taking in the view, just listen. She will be there. Not everyone enjoys the city the first time around, but I promise you, there’s always something there that’ll make you smile. 
She doesn’t even live in a city, so for all I know, she could have no idea what I’m talking about.
But as a person who has lived in one and loved it with all her heart-that’s saying a lot. 
She smiles softly, saying goodbye before turning her head to the city. She stares, almost in a daze, at the skyscrapers and flashing lights. She rises, jumping off the ledge, hitting a metal staircase attached to the side of the building. Rushing down the steps, she doesn’t look back once.
You aren’t worried. She will return, one way or another.
The wind picks up, a light breeze that mirrored her swift movements. I stand up and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, noticing the tingling sensation that momentarily crossed my wrist. I look down and grin. 
We are connected, the city and I. 
They are a forest.
Personally, I haven’t spent much time in forests, so I think of them are rare. Unique. Where I live, there’s always been random patches of trees here and there, but never forests. 
I think forests have plenty of hidden beauty. There’s just something captivating about entering a forest in the midday, seeing the light filtering in through the trees. Every tree’s branches spreads out far and wide, their long arms stretching out to embrace the glorious, radiant sun, but also weaving together to create a blanket of protection over the forest floor. 
Forests means freedom. You could run, run, run: fast, far and even a little careless, but the support of the forest is always apparent. As you dash through the woods, you notice everything you could ever love about being able to express yourself. There’s the scent of pine cones and dirt, the gust of air that blows your hair into a tornado, and the babbling brook that you easily soar across.
But when the night fell-everything all of a sudden became more terrifying. 
It isn’t the forest itself that frightens you-it’s what surrounds it. There are howls of stalking predators, jaws snapping wildly. Voices come from the swaying trees and whistling wind, rapidly increasing whispers that made your legs tremble. Their vile words yank and snatch at the remnants of my sanity, draining all of the energy and hope out of me. The sounds are not there to hurt you necessarily, but sickening feeling persistently tugging at your stomach isn’t the most comforting thing either. 
They tell you that you’re not supposed to be there. Maybe you don’t deserve to discover any of the forest’s intriguing mysteries, or experience the gorgeous lights of a city, or even the simple excitement of the countryside. What if you’re being bothersome, or overbearing? What if-
The forest does not like ‘what ifs’. The forest does not mean to scare you, or make you feel out of place. 
The wind begins to ease up, the steady breeze soothing your shaking hands. As you look down, you close your eyes and listen once more. To the faint chirping of the cicadas, the rustling leaves and swishing branches. 
They appear at your side in your moments of unexpected, excessive doubt and panic. When your eyelids flutter open and you see them beside you, you are grounded. Safe. You start to talk to them, their tone hushed and quiet, as if they’re afraid of scaring you. You could never be scared of them. Perhaps worried that these conversations might be too time consuming for them, yes, but never scared. 
They show you the forest as it is: fascinating, patient, understanding and even showing a bit of fear from time to time. The forest is as welcoming as it is calming, and you enjoy that.
You never expected that you would ever experience happiness from a night as horrible as that one, but you did. The thoughts never destroyed you because the forest was there to protect you. 
Within the pitch black, there was light. Fireflies danced throughout the forest, their luminosity making me smile that night. 
When your eyelids felt heavy and your yawns grew longer, they told you to sleep. It was late, they spoke, and you need rest. You reluctantly gave in to this request.
Just before you were pulled into a deep slumber, something brushes against your wrist. The ghost of a smile graces your lips as you lose consciousness.
We are connected, the forest and I.
She is a meadow. 
I wish with all my heart that I could travel more often. I’ve only seen meadows through videos and pictures, but as an introvert that appreciates nature, I’d love to see one someday. 
All I can imagine is light and beauty. The ground dips into smooth, elegant valleys and rises in the form of rolling hills. The sky mirrors the sun’s movements, changing its colors as it dances across the heavens. If you only you were there to see it-the dazzling, radiant meadow at work, stunning you with its abundance of warmth.
After wandering around momentarily, you shiver, turning around and stiffening. The wispy, cotton-like clouds that were just drifting through the sky had transformed into something worse. You tremble in sync with the ground beneath your feet, feeling your breathing become choppy and unsteady. The loud, booming, angry noises sink into your mind, not giving you a chance to recover. All you can hear is the regret, all you can feel is the doubt and all you can see is the fear. 
You see her. Never once had she not been there for me. 
Hearing her footsteps, the noises disappear. The grey clouds linger for a second, before giving in to the blue skies and sunshine. The storm does not come for the meadow, whose genuine joy is something that cannot be easily purged. 
She comes with words-happy, lovely words woven together in the dandelions that surrounded her. She sits down, a smile on her face as she invites you to pick the flowers with her. The flowers’ colors are grounding and gentle to the touch. 
For every flower that you take, her kind words flood your eyes. One tells you that you are amazing, the second that you are talented, and another that you deserve all the happiness in the world. Each one carries laughter, brings excitement and makes you grin. One after another, as the dandelions fill your lap, her compassion fills your heart. 
There is one more dandelion. Once your fingers brush against its petals, you can hear it right away.
It reminds you that you are loved. 
Pressing that one to your chest, you can feel your smile grow, which was almost impossible considering how wide it was beforehand. You like that specific flower a lot, you admit. Sometimes you forget.
Her arm rests along your shoulders, her smile comforting you. She knows, and that is precisely why she says it.
The meadow, in all of its glory, embraces you. She whispers, telling you how sorry she is, and how much you are loved. You can smell it in the dandelions, and you can feel it in your heart. You do not deserve her. 
Are you okay, she asks with worry still lacing her voice. Upon spotting a string twirling around your wrist, you giggle and let yourself breathe. Without a doubt, you are alright, you answer.
We are connected, the meadow and I.
You might be asking, what about me? If one’s the countryside, the second’s a city, another is a forest, and the other is a meadow, then what am I?
The thing is: I had no idea.
I never saw myself as anything extravagant, or special. I don’t have the brightness of a city, the homely feel of the countryside, the soothing nature of a forest, or even the warmth of a meadow. What do I have? 
A tug on my wrist. Faint, but urgent. I glance up at the screen. 
I am...wanted...? Hm. I wonder. 
I’m walking, blind. My eyes are closed and I cannot will them open. But the four are by my side, so I know all is fine. 
The darkness clears, bringing in light. 
Dunes of soft sand spreads out in a blanket of golden as far as I can see. The sunlight casts its rays over the shoreline, causing glittering, hidden shells to reveal themselves. I stare in utter awe at the waves-at how, with every passing second, the colors seem to change. First, it’s turquoise, then azure, and suddenly cerulean. The shades of blue shift and churn peacefully, emitting the scent of salt. 
A beach. 
Maybe...Maybe I do belong. I don’t doubt it as much anymore. 
I stretch my hand out to the sea. I long for it, after all. Then, instead of focusing on the ocean, my gaze travels to my wrist. 
Four strings lift from their place and begin to move, following the movements of the gentle breeze. Once unfurled from my wrist, they leap-
And find a comfortable spot around my pinkie. 
Each string is filled with a color. 
Green for the city.
Pink with flecks of gold for the countryside. 
Red for the forest.
Yellow for the meadow. 
Purple for the beach.
Once upon a time, five colors met. They have never been the same since. 
They made a promise. It wasn’t too real or serious, just a dream that they hope with all their might would come true. They wish to one day meet each other. 
When this dream was made apparent that all five of them shared, purple smiled. Purple’s heart sung with joy, for she was once again reminded that she belonged. She sits, in front of her screen, closing her eyes and extending her pinkie. Purple wishes to meet the four vibrant, wonderful colors. 
One day, purple hopes. For now, she will remain at her screen: pencil to paper, fingers to keyboard. She is content with sharing herself this way, but...perhaps, with time...she will not be afraid of posting that picture. 
They all have their differences, yet they are still friends. 
They are The Heart Squad. ❤️💚💖💛💜
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ieyasu-tacogawa · 6 years
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Top 10 Husbands Tag
Tagged by @saizoswifey (who has EXCELLENT taste btw), thank you <3
Leon (Rune Factory 4) - this guy is my favorite character in the universe. He's playful and loves his pranks, but he's very vulnerable emotionally (part of his playfulness is to keep people from prying in). Leon is a dragon priest who sacrifices himself as a guardian for his best friend (the deity of Selphia, Ventuswill). He's awoken 1000 years later, buried under the temple of Leon Karnak, by Frey and finds that Venty is alive but everything else he loved has been completely erased. He can't go back into the past and take care of the regrets he had back then. Your whole love story with him involves confronting pieces of his past even if it means risking your relationship with him. Leon is just a great guy, sigh.
Yukwon Kim (Block B) - real people are viable right...??? I've been a HUGE fan of Yukwon since Block B's debut in 2011. I really like Yukwon's dancing skills and voice. He's a raspy tenor with a perfect smile. None of my exes have been like Yukwon, but hey he is my ideal type if I'm allowed to have one.
Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z) - this is my OG favorite man, even though in hindsight he is an omega douche. In DB Super he has hella character development though, with accepting that he isn't the strongest saiyan and that his wife and kids are his greatest source of strength.
Ieyasu (Samurai Love Ballad: Party) - I still reread the bits of his main story that I screenshotted because I love the writing so much. He's the first otome character that I ever truly clicked with and I just loved how richly he developed. I know he's controversial and I understand the hate (I would personally never date someone like Ieyasu LOL), but him and his route are an amazing experience. I found myself as devoted as his MC.
Kyoichiro (Samurai Love Ballad: Party) - he's basically a very lonely Robin Hood Ieyasu (but less abusive and owns a store lmao). I relate even more to this potato than to Ieyasu! I love the themes in his main story and HE IS PRECIOUS OKAY.
Hinata (Fire Emblem Fates) - this guy is a mediocre unit gameplay wise and his support convos are boring, but he's my type IRL (violent coughs of shame). Hinata is upbeat and active, but clumsy. He comes off as relaxed, but is hard working and devoted to his prickly lord, Takumi. I like the genki personalities I guess.
Kenshin (Samurai Love Ballad: Party) - his route is still the ONLY otome route where I felt like I fell in love and became genuinely emotionally attached. I still cry when I think about his route. I haven't found any story that's made me feel as deeply as his.
Mitsuhide (Ikemen Sengoku) - a tease/sadist who is vulnerable on the inside, I CAN'T RESIST THAT OKAY. It was his portrayal in Hideyoshi's route that cemented my undying love for him. I want to tell him that he is worth something and to love himself!
Hideyoshi (Ikemen Sengoku) - probably the second most emotional otome experience for me behind SLBP Kenshin. I thought I would hate his guts, but instead I fell for him, this man who doesn't love himself, this soldier who sees that life passes "like the morning dew," this obsessive freak who loves other people so much that he can't see how loved he is.
Meteos (100 Thieves) - okay he is a pro League of Legends player BUT he still counts. I've followed him since season 3 (a CLG fan though). The time when he took a break from pro play in season 5 was the exact same time I went through a horrible break up. For a while, I spent my time skipping classes, crying in bed, starving myself, feeling ugly, etc. It's partially thanks to Meteos' stream + his wacky sense of humor + his gameplay + his strong sense of self that I found the energy to live for ME, instead of living for that lonely girl who was trapped in the illusion of a "happy" relationship.
Honorable mentions: Yukimura (SLBP, HE IS #10.1 OKAY, first otome love, close to my type IRL only beaten by Genya), Kent (Amnesia), Genya (SLBP, btw HNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!), Toma (Amnesia), Edgar (IkeRev), Hinata (Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns), 707 (Mystic Messenger), Aphromoo (100 Thieves), Keane (Flyquest, another League pro lmao), Yukimura (Ikesen), Doug (RF4), Ford (SoS: 3oT), Brad (SoS: 3oT, IF ONLY CARRIE WASN’T A THING LMAO. I adore her because she’s cute tho), Carlos (Rune Factory 3, HNNGGG ALERT), Karsa (Royal Never Give Up), Bang (SKT T1), Reihard (Brave Frontier, lol), etc etc etc etc etc ETC!!!!!!
TAGGING: @shiranata, @chihiiro, @rosexknight, @honey-gokko, @hanafabuki, @fraeuleinfulltime, @hotarupls, @submachinegan89, @incorrectikesenquotes, @kitty-kat-ty, @gratefulcheesepuff, @bmp-slbp-matchup, @depressed-and-confused-af (okay every time I see your username and you liking my stuff, I really want to give you a hug. Whoever you are, I hope you‘re feeling okay), @otomeduck, etc.
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stxckfxck · 6 years
85 Question Tag
Rules: answer these 85 questions about yourself and then tag 20 people
I was tagged by @a-court-of-bats-and-tears and @nephelle-warrior-scribe (I accidentally posted it on my dead account oops)
drink: water
phone call: sister
text message: mom
song you listened to: SCARECROW by My Chemical Romance
time you cried: last night over how shitty I was feeling
dated someone twice: never dated anybody once lmao
kissed someone and regretted it: What is kissing someone?
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: yes
gotten drunk and thrown up: never taken a more than a sip 
in the last year have you?
made new friends: Yes (actually one was @a-court-of-bats-and-tears )
fallen out of love: no 
laughed until you cried: actually I don’t think so 
found out someone was talking about you: yes I walked in on someone saying stuff once
met someone who changed you: yes
found out who your friends are: kinda
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: again, what is kissing someone?
fave colors? black and other dark tones
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them
do you have any pets?: lots but none are mine personally
do you want to change your name: kinda, just to a more gender neutral one
what did you do for your last birthday: I was sick
what time did you wake up today: 6:20 AM
what were you doing last night at midnight: sleeping
what is something you can’t wait for: Kingdom of Ash & Trench
what are you listening to right now: Thriller by Fall Out Boy
have you ever talked to a person named tom: idk 
something that gets on your nerves: ignorant assholes
most visited website: tumblr
hair colour: it’s dyed purple/black, but natural blonde
long or short hair: short
what do you like about yourself: I’m smart
want any piercings: want some more ear piercings and maybe a nose one
blood type: idk
nicknames: Nat, Stacy (don’t ask)
relationship status: the most single 
zodiac sign: Aquarius
pronouns: they/them, she/her, he/him (in order of preference but any are ok)
fave tv show: Boy Meets World
tattoos: I want some
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: nope
piercings: just the normal ear piercings
sports: no actual sports
vacation: Europe
trainers: idk what this is askin
eating: sweets or pasta
drinking: water or mt. dew
I’m about to watch: nothing atm
waiting for: speech (its an extra-curricular)
want: so much 
get married: at some point
career: social media coordinator at a book publishing company or something
hugs or kisses: hugs
lips or eyes: eyes?
shorter or taller: I wanna be taller
older or younger: im 15 if thats what its asking
nice arms or stomach: arms ig these questions make so sense
hookup or relationship: probably a relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: depends
have you ever?
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: a sip from my sister
lost glasses: yes
turned someone down: yes because they were asking as a dare
sex on the first date: never even had a first date
broken someone’s heart: not that I know of
had your heart broken:  yes
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: yeah 
do you believe in?
yourself: depends
miracles: depends
love at first sight: not really
kiss on the first date: depends
angels: I don’t really know
best friend’s name: Silver, Paden, Roxy
eye colour: blue
fave movie: ummm How to Train Your Dragon
favourite actor:don’t have one
favourite food: shrimp
extrovert or introvert: introvert
favourite flower: don’t have one
favourite hello kitty characters: NO
Tagging: idk man everyone I know has been tagged
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