#dex oc
Dex? Who is that? I didn’t know you had any kind of apprentice.
Funny you ask, anon!
Dexter Duke (he goes by Dex) is my apprentice in the ways of aura- he's 17 now, and we met about two years ago, after the... well, we don't need to get into that.
He's really tall and strong! He can summon a zweihander and knows magic, so we got along great! After a bit of a rough start, haha...
But anyway, he's at home for summer vacation. Maybe I'll see if he wants to hop on here sometime!
Art by @space-is-out-there
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bunnyboysrus · 1 year
Yan Space Pirate (OC AU)
Ok so this is 110% because I'm currently obsessed with no mans sky, and i havent even gotten around to writing Dex a formal introduction fic but essentially he's a monster hunter, that's (one of) his big secret(s) that's implied in the short piece I dropped.
i have a dozen drafts that I just cannot finish for some reason that i should finish first but i cant sleep until i write about space criminal dex getting up to space crimes. him meeting his darling because his starship gets shot down and he crashes on their home planet and they fjdskhgusihek
i wanted this to be a teensy bit longer but i think maybe ill just make a part two and post this for now. i feel distinctly self conscious posting this as a yandere thing without there being any yandere content in this at all but i swear it'll be in the second part ywy
i'm trying to improve my writing so critiques, suggestions and requests are welcome ♡
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Maybe going into a hostile Euclid system without spare shield batteries wasn't the smartest idea after all. Dex was definitely regretting it now that he was spiraling out of control through the burning atmosphere with both of his pulse engines spewing smoke. He took the moment before impact to curse himself internally for letting cockiness get the better of him yet again, exactly the way Roman said he would. He was more bothered by Roman being proven right than by actually getting shot out of space by those nosy ass Sentinels. They wouldn't get mad about him having a ship loaded tip to top with illegal contraband if they didn't randomly scan his cargo without asking, now would they?
There was no more time to be bitter about it though. Despite the steam obscuring everything around him, the result of a superheated rainstorm judging from the planetary temperature reading displayed on one of his few remaining functional screens, he was pretty sure was about to make impact any-
You're awoken by a cacophony of crashing water, ripping metal, and falling trees, your home shaking on its very foundation. Almost as abruptly as it came, the sound stops, and you sit in your bed a moment to calm yourself, nerves scattered from being ripped awake. You had been enjoying a particularly nice sleep too, listening to the peaceful pattering of the boiling rain that was so common on your planet. After a few minutes spent shuffling into the exosuit that would keep you from burning alive outside for at least a little while, you quickly made your way outside to find the source of the noise. Admittedly, this was a bit dangerous but if there was some kind of accident and someone was hurt, they could be killed getting cooked alive if they were trapped outside, so you had to at least see if anyone needed help.
Your home was settled a short way away from a small settlement, not close enough to visit without a short bit of travel, but close enough to visit every day if you so chose. Nestled at the edge of a crater lake, your small but well stocked and fortified base was built with a single-story home unit, a small basement lab and a separate greenhouse that you had lovingly fitted with skylights and tall, floor to ceiling windows. You often wait out the heatstorms in your greenhouse, tending your plants peacefully as the steam and rain rages around your protected little bubble of tranquility.
You turn your head as your visor scans your surroundings through the steam better than your eyes could in all the tumult, soon landing on a crashed starcraft, wedged into the bank of the lake at the bottom of the crater. You hastily skid down the side of the crater, hopping over wreckage and broken tree branches to make your way to the ship. After clambering up the side of the ship to the windscreen, you wince to see that its partially shattered, exposing the pilot inside to the harsh rains. You have to act fast. You pull a compact tarp from one of the pockets of your suit and wrap it around your arm before smashing out more of the screen. After much struggle while carefully avoiding broken glass and sweating buckets inside your exosuit, you manage to wrap the pilot in the tarp, drag him back into your base and lay him out on a sofa.
Looking down at the pilot now without anything to obstruct your vision, he's clearly not from around here. While humanoid like yourself, he is incredibly tall, probably part of what made him so difficult to drag around. His height is added to by the long, ivory horns standing straight on the top of his head, however, one of them has been broken off near the base. Judging from the fresh blood dripping from the stub, it likely snapped off during the crash. The white of his horns contrasts greatly with his inky black curls and dark tanned skin, and after a few moments of observation, pale blue sparks run up their length; you hurriedly put a plastic cover between his head and your very flammable sofa.
You go to run a medical scanner over him but stop short when you see the iron rosary around his neck, sturdy enough to survive a crash from space apparently. You remove it to get it out of the way of your treatment. You quickly realize his injuries aren't immediately life threatening somehow, despite the intensity of the crash, but they are severe. One leg broken in two places, four broken ribs, several deep wounds and too many scrapes and bruises to count on top of the broken horn.
You take a deep breath and start cutting away his suit to get to work.
Fuck... Everything hurts so much.
Dex floats just on the edge of consciousness, barely breaking through the burningly painful haze covering him head to toe. It hurt to be awake, he just wanted to sink back into blackness but giving in to such moments of weakness would only get him killed.
Suddenly, he feels hands on him, followed by an even sharper pain in his leg where they touch. He tries to open his eyes, to move, anything, only to be hit with a wave of nausea that has him reeling, blood rushing so violently through his ears all he can hear is shrill ringing. He can't see, the lights overhead are doubled and swirling, obscuring everything around him, bright, blinding, confusing. He groans, every movement compounding his pain as he tries to get away from whatever is touching him, panic rising. He can't see or think, the panic is churning into a bitter terror, fear itching like insects up his spine and down his limbs as he thrashes-
"It's okay- you're safe." A voice, soft, worried, kind. The hands move to cup his face and the spinning stops, the nausea recedes; their skin is cool against the feverish burning that covers him, soothing. It takes a moment, but he grows still, occasionally twitching in pain. He tries again to open his eyes, focusing now on the being hovering over him.
"I'm going to help you, just be calm."
The light that had just been so harsh and blinding was now a glorious halo that shone gently around their silhouette, casting most of their face in shadow. He can see their eyes, though, the depths of them are all he can see, glowing just as brightly as the halo around them, filled with a worry that seemed... personal, affectionate. Intimate, even. He stills further, not even aware of his body relaxing against his will. He's startled into confusion once again, but in a different way, rather than panic he's struck motionless by sheer awe.
This... Was Roman right about angels? Would an angel really come for someone like me..? Am I really deserving of salvation?
Considering everything he'd done, the kind of life he's lived since he lost his sister... He'd never thought it possible. Despite Roman insisting on Dex wearing the rosary he had given him soon after they'd first met, he didn't care to seek God's protection or embrace, in this life or the next. According to that stupid book, he was hellbound, so why waste time praying for salvation that would never come?
"An.. Angel..." The words come out in a daze, spilling straight from his dizzy, muddled head out of his mouth. He could barely even tell if he was actually speaking or if he was hearing things, the darkness at the edge of his vision is creeping further, covering his vision with black again, the ringing in his ears crescendos into a shrill chorus.
This must be how the heavenly gates sound as they screech open to welcome home the blessed, underscored by the singing of cherubs.
He feels at peace.
✩ εꨄ︎з ✩ εꨄ︎з ✩ εꨄ︎з ✩
The pilot stops thrashing and finally goes still and quiet as you lower the syringe. This poor guy, the fear and panic in his eyes had been so real, and intense. Sleeping through the treatment process would be best for him. You spend the next few hours pulling shrapnel from his skin, setting his bones and binding everything securely. Finally, once you're sure you've done everything you can, you sit back with a tall cup of water and finally breathe a sigh of relief. Before you head back to your room to sleep through what remains of the night, you glance out your window to the lake where the crashed ship rests.
What in the galaxy was this guy doing that made him crash?
In the morning, you're awoken by yet another clatter, this time coming from inside your home. You jump out of bed and run to the main room to find the pilot sprawled on the ground in the frame of your front door, several things having been knocked off your table in his journey. You sigh and move closer.
"What are you doing?"
He freezes and slowly turns his head to look up at you. His eyes are a startlingly bright electric blue.
"You really shouldn't be moving yet, you're in worse shape than you probably think you are." You move a step closer to him but he scoots away with a pained wince. You stop and hold your hands up placatingly. "It's okay, I promise I won't hurt you. Why would I bandage you up otherwise, right?"
He seems to consider this for a moment before closing his eyes and nodding stiffly.
"You're right.. 'm sorry for the trouble." He sighs.
You smile lightly and move closer, and this time he doesn't move away when you reach to help him up from the floor and back onto the sofa. He spends a moment adjusting to the least painful position he can manage, looking around the room in a sort of haze. You feel a bit worried looking at his dazed expression, maybe he has a concussion after all... He suddenly fixes his electric gaze on you. You try not to squirm at his intensive attention.
"Er, so, what's your name?" You start. He blinks at the question, thinking.
"Dez... Uh, no.. Dex. Dex for sure." His head tilts to one side, his balance wavering for a moment. "What's your name?"
"It's (y/n)."
"(y/n)..." He repeats it a few times like a mantra before getting distracted with inspecting the room again.
"Can you remember what galaxy we're in? Are you from this system?"
"Hm?" His head droops further to the side, his eyes never leaving yours no matter how far he leans.
You repeat your question.
"Uh... I'm from Adaestria 7...." He scrunches his face. "777-AYK. That's where I'm from."
"Uh-huh, and..?"
"Aaaaand... We're in a red star galaxy." He smirks, clearly proud of himself. He lifts his head, but it droops right back down to the side after a few seconds.
You can't help a small chuckle. It's worrisome, likely indicative of an internal head injury, but it's just a little cute too... A spark runs up his horn at the sound of your laughter and he perks up, grinning dopily.
"Do you remember the name of this galaxy?" You prompt again.
"Zeta Asshole Robots Galaxy." He harumphs, crossing his arms with a scowl, right before the droop finally brings his head down against the side of the couch. "Can't ever min' their business..."
"No, that's definitely not it."
"Hmph, that's what I'm callin' it." He reaches one hand up to scratch at the base of his broken horn, looking shocked when his thumb catches on the broken end. He sits up and feels around it for a bit, looking horrified.
"Ohhhh ssshit... Oh man, that's why I can't see."
"My horn... It, uhh... When it breaks off I get real fucked up, in the membrane. Insane, in the membrane.." He leans back giggling.
"Can it, grow back?"
"Ohhh yeeaaahh sure sure, 'f course. It jus' takes a few."
"A few...?"
"Weeks." He fixes his hazy eyes on you again, a light, dazed grin fixed on his face. "Is anything else in this galaxy as nice to look at as you two?"
You blanche at the strangeness of the question, which only seems to enthuse him more as he giggles again.
"Oh, is there not supposed to be two of you? Ugh, man.." He leans his head into his hand, sparks popping erratically from the stump of his broken horn. "My head hurts."
"Is there anything I can do? Does anything help while it grows back?" You can't help but put a hand on his shoulder in concern. One of his hands drifts up to cover yours, squeezing lightly.
"If you have, a refiner... You can make a carbon fiber cap." He mutters between his fingers, eyes slipping closed. The goofy confusion is gone, replaced with exhaustion and pain. You nod and move to pull your hand away but he clings to you. For a moment, you think you'll have to pry yourself free, but he lets you go after a long, quiet moment.
You dash down to your lab and after a bit of tinkering, you manage to produce something you deem suitable. Your patient is still slumped over when you return; it looks like he drifted into unconsciousness. You pull on a thick pair of rubber gloves and carefully fix the cap around the broken end of his horn, containing the errant electricity. As soon as it's secure, some of the tension in his face eases.
He opens his eyes again after a moment, visibly more lucid than before. And grumpier. He casts another appraising look around your home, looking distinctly less than impressed, before his eyes land on you once again.
"How long ago did I crash?"
"Oh, about five hours ago. You got caught out in the boiling rains?"
"Boiling rains... A superheated rainstorm?"
"Yeah, that." You plop onto the table next to him, since it's been so conveniently cleared off. "You seem a bit more clear headed now."
"Yes, unfortunately when my horns break it impacts my mental cognition and physical balance. I apologize for any inconvenience I've caused."
"Oh, no it's not really a problem, all you've really taken up is the spare carbon I've got lying around and some bandages." While it's definitely easier to talk to him now, you almost miss the loopy, dazed version of Dex. It was a little adorable.
You both spend some time exchanging questions and answers, now that you can more easily converse. Dex tells you about the recent expedition he'd been on for certain rare materials on another planet in your system, one that you know is perilously radioactive. He admits, with a touch of embarrassment, that he underestimated the equipment he'd need and ended up getting knocked out of hyperspace early and straight into an asteroid belt that knocked out his engines and sent him hurtling to the surface of the nearest planet. He gets very vague when you ask him specifics about the collection job he mentioned, but he does mention collecting plants of some kind. He laments that they've most definitely been destroyed, if not by the crash than definitely by the boiling rains they'd have been exposed to, along with the rest of his cargo.
At this, you excitedly tell him about your own collection of plants and the research you conduct with them. He listens indulgently as you spend more than a few moments regaling him with the fascinating details of your cross pollination experiments and all the exotic and beautiful plants you've grown in your collection. At some points during your ranting, he even cracks the slightest of smiles.
It isn't much longer until he's insisting to go out and see the state of his ship, broken leg be damned.
"You're in no shape to even get near the ship, it's at the bottom of a crater, and the ground down there isn't exactly paved."
"I'll manage." He insists. "Just get me a crutch or something."
You stand firm, arms crossed. "What if I said no?"
His eyes snap to yours, narrowed in challenge. The silence thickens as you stare each other down, before Dex suddenly moves to force himself to his feet, and you rush forward to stop him. It's incredibly distressing to tussle with him like this when you're trying to avoid hurting him further, but his injuries wear him out quickly. He only manages to struggle with you for about a minute before he's laying back on the sofa, jaw clenched and brow furrowed.
"Fine, you win. Just swear to me that you won't go poke around the wreck anymore by yourself. I have a lot of volatile substances on there and their containers have definitely been breached, it wouldn't be safe."
You scoff at the implication that you might be too inexperienced or ill prepared to properly handle dangerous substances, especially coming from the guy that fell out of the sky with said substances, but make the sage decision to not make a fight of it.
"Alright then, I promise not to poke around your ship. As long as you promise not to try to sneak out to it until you're not on the verge of death."
For the first time since he's regained his lucidity, he allows himself to smile broadly as he holds up a hand, pinkie finger extended.
"It's a promise."
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harperonni · 2 months
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Heehee had a lot of fun drawing these omgg
Thanks for the suggestion @dismissivedestroyer ^^
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fliflaflux · 4 months
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Lux of Candlekeep
Name: Lux Race/Subrace: "Drow" Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Demisexual Age: 39 [30. Flamerule, 1453DR] Height: 4'7 Class: Wizard [Bloodmagic] Deity: Bhaal Jergal Alignment: True Neutral Background: The Haunted One
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Class & Path Features Wizard [Blood Magic]: The blood magic school is an extension of the Tal'Dorei Campaign - for such a 'special' bhaalspawn, however, I found it quite fitting. To quote the description of the class from the Campaign: “Blood magic - also known as haemocraft - is a rare art that harnesses the latent powers of a creature's life force to enhance the caster's own abilities while manipulating and weakening the enemy's body from within. Some of the more macabre mages, seeking to enhance their arcane pursuits, turn to the hemo-art to amplify their spells by donating the blood of their own lives to reach new heights of terrifying magical prowess.”
Even on the Sword Coast, this kind of magic would put most wizards off. It incorporates parts from the school of necromancy - coupled with the macabre manipulation of the life force of living beings, this magical art does not make friends. However, Lux is unaware of this at the beginning of her journey and has to learn it through trial and error.
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Background information
Although Lux was shaped into the form of a Drow (At least they assumed she was a Drow - she does look a little strange for a dark elf.) , she did not end up in the Underdark. As a foundling, she was first found in Waterdeep and came to Candlekeep via several detours. Finding a Drow baby above ground was strange enough. But it didn't take the scholars and wizards much to realize that there were other things wrong with this child. So she was taken into the care of some local wizards.
For most of her time at Candlekeep, she was treated less as a growing child and more as a research project. It didn't help that most of the Keep's residents and apprentices preferred to steer clear of the strange Drow girl. Not only did she have a special talent for necromancy, but she also tended to throw violent tantrums and generally exhibited quite disturbing behavior for a child. This ensured that she spent long stretches locked up.
The urge that had always slumbered within her finally awoke in her late teenage years. With the Urge, Sceleritas Fel also appeared in her life. A being who was kind to her without much in return - even more so - who practically adored her. So it wasn't difficult for her to follow his whispers and make a bloody escape from Candlekeep.
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dammarchy211 · 6 months
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drawing dump I definitely can’t fit all of them in but here’s most of em lol. Neo Cortez the founder and Head of C.R.I.M.E. Got a complete redo which I actually Like now so’ll probably expand on him more
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shaykai · 2 months
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He thinks the name is ill-fitting but humerus (he also refuses to call them Watchers- both because it doesn’t suit them in his opinion and also because it makes Gortash upset)
All in all he finds them to be pretty nifty murder machines! He hasn’t the faintest clue how machines work, but he tries to help Enver with them- namely through the occasional suggestion or being an unwilling guinea pig
(For instance, Gortash didn’t tell Vat’il that he was working on installing scrying eyes and thusly giving them the ability to see invisible targets. The way he found out was by getting jump scared by a Watcher that, as far as he’s concerned, shouldn’t have been able to see him)
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leona-florianova · 2 months
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Rogue Gals gone fishin'
a commission for @lilnightwing
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steamclouds · 4 months
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Voradras in his usual more relaxed/sparring look, I imagine he does a lot of training with Wyll or Lae'zel
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daily-haunted-tv · 1 year
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If you ever wondered how many Rotom Oc's I have, now you know!
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pmdtp · 10 months
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Character Dex 1: Morgrem
(open gif for higher quality)
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ardentkurashk · 4 months
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@tav-dex was the motivation I needed to put a ref together for my alien apparently. So here he is, here is my favourite child. Tumblr is going to ruin my colours I know it.
Couple of uninteresting things: -Hails from creche Xal'i'n orbiting the planet Remichi -Left his creche at 17 because his wild magic was becoming a big problem, turns out you can't just beat wild magic out of someone, who knew. -Wandered the astral with various pirate crews until being recruited by a member of the Sha'sal Khou. -That sword is one he has forged after the events of BG3, it's called Mirhanac Zvir -He likes collecting gems for future armour decoration, his favourites are amethysts and onyx. -His favourite food is neogi. -His magic surges turn him into a cat all the damn time. (four times in one fight during my playthrough, he must live with the consequences now)
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darknoverse · 2 months
hey gang i love Syrrus actually
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aaand since i KNOW nobody knows dex hamilton lemme talk real quick about Syrrus lo
Ok so
He was a colonel . So when the government discovered there's bugs in outer space he was like let's use them as weapons!!! The government said no. And he didn't give a f . He made sm experiments on bugs and himself , and it fucked him up in a way .So years later he became a THREAT . Like. BIG THREAT Destroying planets with the bugs he's controlling .He's been alive for 3000+ years (lore : bite of a specific bug . Gives you more youth , he's been using it .And like he was imprisoned in some planet by the folk . But the damage was done and the ecosystem was fucked…vtge planet became a desert .
Also also also .
He can like transform into a swarm of flying bugs .
HES SO MY BLORBO SINCE 2012 I THINK please i love him sm and its so funny the arabic dub of this show aired on my birthday lmao
also sona designs woo hooo (idk what to call her yet)
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taglist: @candyheartedchy @berryshipbasket @sportakisser
@tireddovahkiin @radaverse @lficanthaveloveiwantpower @artcomestolife @bloodhoundini
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bunnyboysrus · 1 year
Dex Vicente Rosenhein
warnings : yandere behavior incoming but not too prevalent yet, this is more of a generic and vague introductory blurb, stalking if you squint, violence, monsters
Dex isn't the golden retriever type at first glance. First impressions are lukewarm at best, at worst it devolves into a fist fight. If you even notice him at all, he's just another quiet, bitter nerd keeping to himself in a corner, growing through middle and high school alongside you at a distance.
Dex had always been bad at socializing, and he never seemed to get better at it like his peers did. He also never cared to suck up to teachers or follow rules that he found inconvenient or boring, so he was offered no protection from the school's faculty when his smart mouth and short fuse got him into trouble with his fellow students, which was often.
Skipping school and constant fighting was only barely tolerable, but like some kinda 80's kid he wore skates everywhere he could get away with it, which is most places when you don't care too much about getting in trouble. Whether you noticed him much or not in middle and high school, or maybe even tried to get to know him (if you were hoping to upset your parents it would have worked), he disappeared from school without so much as a goodbye or forwarding address.
It isn't until years later that you encounter him again in college, the slouched, lanky figure topped by a pair of tall, ivory horns that occasionally flash with electric sparks of blue is hard to forget. For someone who tries so desperately to blend into the background, how starkly he stands out both in height and appearance is one of the biggest inconveniences of his life.
Dex seems startled when you approach to say hi and catch up; he's the only person from your high school you've seen here and you're curious as to whether the rumors that circulated about him having been expelled have any merit. Surprisingly he doesn't seem as apprehensive to your attention as you remember him being, and he's amiable enough to disclose that he moved after the death of a family member (but not much else).
You see him around a lot more in college then you did in high school, you share a few classes, have the same free time and tend to study or hang out in the same places. He's still bad at socializing, but it's clear that he's at least trying with you, however awkward the results may be. If you're not perceptive enough to see the subtle shift in his expression that softens his eyes when he looks at you, the sparks that run up his horns are a more obvious tell.
College life continues in a steady pace of study, leisure and youthful amounts of partying (which is to say, a surplus). Another surprise comes in finding out that Dex also frequents these parties despite his aggressively introverted nature. It's at one such party in the late fall, right on the cusp of becoming winter when the air is chilly but not yet biting, when he comes up to greet you where you are idling by the makeshift bar. His ice blue eyes glow intensely under the colorful strobing lights overhead, and his gaze feels more piercing than usual. If you had to hazard a guess, the red cup in his hand is likely far from his first. He isn't tripping over himself in a joyful stupor or letting the booze make his mouth run, but he's looser, relaxed and boldened enough to let his gaze wander over your face and hold your gaze freely when normally he seems physically incapable of looking you in the eye.
He's pulled away by friends after a bit, leaving you in the crowd. You're considering going for another drink when you're almost knocked off balance by a toweringly tall figure bumping into you from behind; you almost expect it to be Dex again, but instead a much burlier man is there, eyeing you very brazenly. His apology is an insincere attempt at a pickup which you're quick to reject; the douchiness just oozes off of him in waves. He's pushy, but eventually leaves, glowering at you in a way that gives you the slightest of chills.
The encounter just ruined the whole party for you honestly, so you call it a night. It's a bit earlier than you would normally leave but the night is not young by any means and the temperature shows it. The party was held in one of the college neighborhoods just outside the campus itself so walking back to your dorm was the obvious choice in your state. You tuck your coat tighter around you and start the trek.
As your set your slightly inebriated pace, you can't shake the feeling that you're being watched. As the walk drags on, the rustling of leaves in the wooded strip across from the row of houses you're walking in front of feels less like wind and more like something malicious, following you, waiting for... For what, you couldn't be sure, considering you've been well and truly alone and defenseless for the past five minutes at least.
As if prompted by your thoughts, a low growl rumbles out from the trees, shadows obscuring the source until it steps closer; an impossibly huge wolf is prowling towards you with teeth bared. Other than being at least three times bigger than wolves are supposed to be, there's something unsettlingly human in the hatred in its eyes. Your eyes are locked together, the tension in the air keening until its broken by the wolf snapping at you and surging forward.
You startle, trying to push your shaking limbs to movement but between the shock and alcohol, you only manage to fling yourself onto the ground, just barely out of the way of the wolf as it tears through the space with murderous intent. It whips around, another growl making the air shake; there's no way you'll be able to get away a second time. It moves slower this time, relishing in seeing you trembling on the ground below it, its fangs drip as its mouth opens to sink into your neck-
A brilliant blue light suddenly fills the street alongside a violent crackling sound. The wolf above you jerks and screeches out a whimper of pain as it convulses and falls to its side, disoriented but not incapacitated. You take the opportunity to scramble to your feet and take off; a chance to live has been presented and like hell you'll waste it. Behind you, you hear a snarl and the sound of paws bigger than your head pounding against the pavement after you. You risk a look over your shoulder just as a second figure, this one definitely human, rushes from seemingly out of nowhere and tackles the thing away from you, even with a size difference equivalent to that of a rat and cat. The blue light from before flashes again, and you turn your head back to keep from being blinded, the last thing you see before you sprint around the corner that puts you in sight of your dorm building is the tall, shadowed silhouette of a man with tall, pale horns.
i said forever ago i would start writing on here and i turned out to be a big fat liar, so heres my first try, more to come, suggestions and questions welcome ywy
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altoidarts · 4 months
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This is Tepith, my Baldur's Gate 3 Tav, and my entry for the @tav-dex. She is a mephistopheles-tiefling Wild Magic Sorcerer. I may or may not have spent 20 hours on this so be kind.
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fliflaflux · 6 months
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Lux of Candlekeep
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I am almost a beginner when it comes to drawing. So my style changes all the time. I just didn't think it would take me less than a month to draw a new reference sheet for Lux.
The infobox is from the fantastic @bareee . Check them out and also have a look at their @tav-dex project. <3
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kingkenzieofmold · 2 months
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The fully body concept redesigns of the Dex Sisters + all of their previous designs! These designs are all created with their canon story in mind ‘The Dex Dynasty’! I hope you enjoy!<3
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