#df zhoom
hdawg1995 · 2 years
DragonFable Trainer Bracket
Hello DragonFable fandom, tumblr has given me polls!
so heres how its going to work: there are 16 trainable classes in DF.
first round/bracket will have all 16 trainers facing off against each other. the method to the madness will be similarities in vibe, popularity, and isiri vs tomix because i'm making you choose between bad boi squimbus and space booba best girl.
Typhon vs Rhubarb
Galnoth vs Artix
Malifact's ghost vs Alz’ein
Zhoom vs Etaos
Isiri vs Tomix
Zorbak vs Maya/Chilly
The Cauldron sisters vs Symone
Yix vs The Man in the Mountain
Tomix vs Alz’ein
Artix vs Captain Rhubarb
The Cauldron sisters vs Zorbak
Man in the Mountain vs Etaos
Tomix Vs Etaos
Artix Vs Zorbak
Artix Vs Tomix
Polls will begin tonight at 12am midnight EST.
EDIT: there was a mistake during Round 1 that result in Symone being on the bracket twice. this has been fixed (all though the match up is very unfair now)
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crouton-knight · 2 years
End of Year writing meme
Wasn't tagged but I wanted to join in. Took it from @splickedylit though!
I assume these are only for fics published in 2022
Most Popular Fic: This year, there's Butterfly Paradox sitting at 641 hits or Karkat And Eridan's Hot Boy Summer with 49 kudos.
I'm actually really surprised that Butterfly Paradox got so much attention since the ratio of comments and kudos is so disparate, and the characters were somewhat controversial in the fandom; especially since the second runner-up for hits was ArchMaid, which has more generally beloved characters and broadly appealing kinks.
Though ArchMaid didn't get a lot of kudos and comments either so 🤷‍♂️
Favorite Fic: Oh man this one's a hard choice. I'll just give you a rec list.
I think the fic I most enjoyed writing was Oasis Run because it came so easily and I had never explored Zhoom as a character before.
The one I enjoyed most as a concept was The Masochism Tango because I really liked the overall aesthetic and the character dialogue went really well.
Sutures gave me the most brainrot. It was a fun challenge and I got to get really weird with it. (Though unfortunately it seems to have grossed a lot of people out? Oh well.)
Mayor of Ameowtyvale I liked a lot because it gave me a more solid idea of how I want to characterize the DF hero as a canon presence and not just as my OC hero Izza.
Parasomnia is where I started to consider the hero as their own character, too, and I really like how they played off of Remthalas in this one.
Most Unexpected Fic: 100% The Weight Of The Crown which is extremely short but also I didn't expect to find myself so interested in either King Alteon or Drakath as characters. I'm still chewing on a few other ideas for them right now, even, though separate from this fic.
Fics for the Next Year: Uhhh a lot. It's already 2023 as of posting this, so I have a few ideas for what I'm about to finish next at least? I really want to conclude Stranger Stars And Suns this year, and hopefully continue into the third book.
In general I really want to continue my longfics, such as Devilfish, let it be different (let it be enough), As the rain comes home to the sea, and all those homestuck fics just lying around. Tales From Kazamuki too, but idk if that's gonna happen.
Next Fic I Plan on Writing: I'm slightly embarrassed to say that the WIP list has grown another four fics since the last time I posted about it. But right now I'm working on Warp And Weft, because it's the closest to finished while still holding my attention. We'll see how that goes.
Tagging @tmae3114 @7yd1a @valorousowl and @oddeyesight
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tomixslefttoe · 4 years
Sek-Duat XV: If you had to choose between the Hero and all the money I have in my pocket, which would you take?
Zhoom: That depends. How much money are we talking about?
The Hero: Zhoom?
Sek-Duat XV: Sixty-two gold—
Zhoom: I’ll take the money.
The Hero: Zhoom?!
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gm-warlic · 3 years
It’s a bit late, but for Hero Appreciation Day today, I wanted to share another DF OC of mine I haven’t talked about before now because she has mostly just been a vague concept in my head: Selena. (I only have the one picture for now until I can unlock her other classes)
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Selena is Jonathan’s younger sister, and was only eight years old when he first left on his adventure. Selena was always a troublemaker growing up, finding her way into everywhere she wasn’t supposed to be and taking things she wasn’t supposed to. Then Jonathan, who had always been obedient when she was getting into trouble, ran away to become an adventurer.
For years she heard stories of his exploits, both from him on his visits home and from various travelers that came through their home village. The more she heard, the more she longed to go off in search of adventure as well.
Then Jonathan was frozen in an enchanted block of ice. At first the family had no idea what had happened. They just stopped getting his letters, and when the time came for his usual visit, he didn’t show up. A few days later Elysia arrived. Jonathan had mentioned her in his letters, but at that point she hadn’t yet met his family before her unexpected arrival at the family farm.
She told them what had happened. They went on a pilgrimage of sorts to the ice block, which was so thick they could not see the figures within as anything more than vague shadows, and they mourned.
Months passed, and the world seemed to grow more and more dangerous without Jonathan there to protect it. Finally Selena decided she needed to follow in her brother’s footsteps and go out into the world to help people. Only twelve years old, she knew she wasn’t going to beat people with a sword or wear heavy armor like her older brother, so instead she relied on her ability to keep out of sight and get into places others couldn’t. She spent about a year adventuring as a rogue before finding her way to Sho’Nuff island, where she was taken in by the ninjas of Shadow of the Wind Village and taught their ways, which she took to like a fish to water.
When Yaala’s forces invaded Greenguard, Selena covertly joined the fight against them, though she didn’t not reveal herself to Jaania’s army. As they pushed Yalla’s forces back, she was shocked by the brutality she saw in those she was helping. When they get to the Dreamwood and she saw Jaania almost destroy the entire forest, she decides she was not going to be a part of anything this lady was involved with.
Selena continued adventuring, and a couple years later she was in the Sandsea when the Rose invaded. She joined Zhoom and the rebels in their fight against Sek-Duat and the Rose. When Duat fell to the Rose and Zhoom vanished, Selena fled into the desert and got lost in the sands. She eventually found her way to Atrea, and the Atealans rescued her from the desert heat and nursed her back to health. While among them Selena trained as a Cryptic, learning how to hone her mind as much as she had her body.
Selena later returned to Greenguard and joined the Sanctuary, helping them in their efforts against the Rose, mostly with guerrilla strikes and night robberies. When the Sanctuary was eventually attacked and destroyed by Akanthus, Selena was among those who escaped and would later join the Vind.
When Jonathan finally unthaws and eventually encounters the Vind, he finds his sister all grown up, now the same age as him at 20, and a skilled hero in her own right, having resisted the Rose for years. They fight alongside one another many times after this, and Jonathan has to reconcile the little girl he used to know with the woman his sister has become. He eventually teaches her Soulweaving, passing on what Tomix taught him. (I haven’t decided yet what her SoulAlly is like)
Selena is also a lesbian and is probably going to end up dating Mritha at some point.
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tmae3114 · 3 years
Ro Infodumping
Okay, so, on the one hand, I am not yet actually free the way I thought I would be today on Monday bc I had to get an extension and will be working on the coursework through the weekend
On the other hand, I Have Worked Very Hard This Week And I Think I Deserve To Treat Myself By Infodumping About My OC
(@cyraen-ae, you mentioned wanting to hear about Ro and @df-thoughts, you’ve talked about wanting to hear about hero ocs in general)
This post is gonna be for her Dragonfable incarnation (which, irl, is her original version) and then I’ll do another one for her Mechquest incarnation and none of this is going to be comprehensive bc I’m just doing whatever comes to mind as important. feel absolutely free to ask questions
So! Hero Eibhleann “Ro” Bhaltair! She’s got a slightly different origin to most people’s hero ocs bc she’s... not... actually my player character? I’m the kind of person who’s default game avatar is “my name/username and Whatever Equipment I Think Looks Cool” so I didn’t have an oc for the Hero of Falconreach bc, like, That Was Just Me. And then, in late 2013, I started getting involved with the DF fandom on here, and everyone else had hero ocs and by mid-2014 I decided that I wanted one too!! I didn’t want to be left out, I wanted to join it!! And that is how Ro came to be. I actually basically liveblogged a bunch of it way back when and you can see that if you check out the ‘chronicles of making a hero’ tag on my blog. It’s kinda hilarious to read back for me. Also you will 100% find lore in there that is contradicted in this infodump bc TIME AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT MARCH ON
Ro starts off as Baby Girl Baby bc fifteen year old me went “fourteen is a decent age to do this stuff, right? I was fourteen not that long ago so Yeah Fourteen Is Fine” and that is Locked In now
she’s twenty by the point Book 3 is at rn though
base class warrior but she’s a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, having trained in a bunch of other subclasses beyond just the canon dragonlord/dragon base class/soulweaver
ranger was immediately shelved upon her and Zhoom discovering that she becomes a comical threat to herself and others when a bow is put in her hands though
she’s a selkie! I’ve played around a bit with how selkies work but she’s got a sealskin and also her human form has seal teeth bc Yes
said teeth are the reason she wears that mask all the time! she’s had people react Poorly in the past
(ask me about how the mask is an accidental autism metaphor sometime, it’s hilarious)
selkies aren’t the only magical creatures up her family tree. the whole thing is a mess. that’s why she’s got blue hair! I’ve got a whole worldbuilding thing going with her family and other people where they’re from being kinda... malleable, when they’re children, because there’s been so much intermingling of so many magical creatures and since I drew a lot of it from Scottish folklore, there’s a lot of shapeshifters involved. Ro herself is only a selkie bc she stumbled on a heriditary pelt!
she’s extremely aroace and semi-frequently forgets that romance is, like, a thing that exists
Local Hero Is Also Local Autistic Disaster, Please Ask Her About Her Special Interests, “Bladed Weapons” and “Adventuring”, Also How Do People?
absolute hoarder of weapons and armour. she has so much of both
like, you know the Comically Long Disarming Sequence trope? Ro is very specifically the version of that from the Sinbad movie where the other characters go in, handle business, and the disarming character is still disarming when they come back out
she’s got a grasp of, like, utility magic but not a mage’s level grasp of battle magic
oh shoot I just got called for dinner I’m gonna post this as it is and come back to update it in a reblog later
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eclissy · 5 years
DF “Writing” Meme Titles
Hi, so the DF “Writing” Meme got closed off because of tumblr’s new rules so I complied a list of the work titles. Now, I do have access to the actual fics but it would be in bad taste for me to repost them unless I have written them or have express permission to. 
If you happen to be one of the Anonymous writers, please send me your OK to repost or repost your work, and if you would be so kind, send me a link for me to update this list. 
A lot of good work was sent to the DF “Writing” Meme Blog and it would be a waste to let them collect dust.
A Different Reunion (Tomix/Hero) -- Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) A Learning Experience (Modern AU Artix/Hero) -- Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Ambrosia (Warlic/Hero) – Anonymous An Important Delivery (Hero, Sepulchure General Humor) -- Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) A Strange Situataion -- Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Bonds (Aegis/Hero) – Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Can You Hear Me Now? (Humorous General) – Eclissy LINK Compromise (Warlic/Hero) -- Anonymous Cursed (Artix/Ash) – Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Deciding Factor, The (General Hero and Doom Weapon) -- Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Domestic Bliss (Artix and children General) -- Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Dragoncare 101 (General Hero and Dragon) - Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Drakath x fem!Hero (Drakath/Hero) -- corporatecucks Favors (Galanoth/Hero) -Eclissy Heatstroke (Zhoom/Hero) – Mismagireve Hypno Ring (Robina/Hero) -- Anonymous His Rightful Place (Drakath/Hero) - Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Inspiration (Cysero/Hero) – Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) In the Space Between His Eyes and Nose (Drakath/Hero, Children from the future prompt--Eclissy  It Wasn’t My Fault (General hero and Dragon) – Anonymous Literal Form, The (Warlic/Hero) --Anonymous Lost and Found (Sepulchure/Hero) -- Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Magic Paper (Warlic/Hero) -- Anonymous Meaningless (Drakath/Hero) – Eclissy LINK Monster in the Woods (Drakath/Robina) -Anonymous Nectar (Warlic/Hero) -- Anonymous Of Demons and Dragonslayers – Anonymous One Step Closer (Robina/Drakath) -- Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Stray (Warlic/Tentacle Monster) – Chess Target: Jaania; Our Lure: Allure (Crack Humor) -- Anonymous Treasure (Zhoom/Hero) - Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Warlic’s Night Surprise (Cysero/Warlic) – Anonymous Warmth (Aegis/Hero) - Midnighttidbits (deactivated account) Whipped Cream (General Humerous hero) -- Anonymous With the Flow (Ash/Hero) – Eclissy LINK
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flamestoillusions · 8 years
I think it’s terrifying how much I ship in DF but as I tell everyone, I can ship just about anything if you give me some basis for it (fanart and fanfic only expedite the process). I was trying to answer someone’s question but suddenly was like well fuck when trying to think of ships to list:
Hero/Anyone - let’s face it, everyone has some strong feeling for the Hero 
Serepulchure (Serenity/Sepulchure) - you know who you are that started this madness. I have answered far too many ship asks and have made TWO lovechildren to NOT ship it by now
Elysia/Nythera - After Rise of the Dragon Mage, how can I NOT? Like all the dragons are their babes. And I love bad/good dynamic, can you blame me?
Zhothera (Nythera/Zhoom) - I only answered ONE ship ask but because I actually like think out dynamics when writing those, guess what? Kinda ship it. Mainly because they are a ship that no one seems to know is a thing until you see them do something like hold hands or kiss.
Warlic/Xan/Jaania - Hilariously, I don’t like Warlic nor Jaania but I think their dynamic with Xan is so great. Also, I love Xan so much so if they make him happy, let him have them.
Galanoth/Ikea - You know, Gal with the furniture shopkeeper. You know who you are. But it’s not bad? I mean I see her as being a really sweet but at the same time able to rough it.
Symone/Hero/Valencia - Look, I have weakness for femme fatales. The three of them together? Totally could take on the world. Although for me, most times it’s mainly the Hero dating Symone and Valencia. If they could talk and work out their problems, maybe Symone and Valencia could be something else other than rival/enemy status? On the other hand....
Mazurek/Hero/Valencia - This is mainly with a rogue feminine Hero in mind as they are a trio of thieves. And ones that end up having a good time no matter where they go. This may or may not have bloomed because of a heist AU I thought of...
Ash/Aria - Only when they are older! I don’t know, I have a slight thing for the childhood friends that become something else. And based off Book 3, I feel like Ash has picked up some things from Yulgar.
Ash/Princess of Light - I kinda like their dynamics but actually got weirded out a little by the amnesia part thrown in. Like is this just for a fresh start or??? It’s a knight and princess dynamic, which is normally pretty cool to me.
White Flag (Mazurek/Tomix) - I feel like if they had more time, it could’ve been an interesting time. Like, I highly doubt that they would’ve stayed together long-term but I feel like they could’ve been a good relationship for as long as they lasted. And now, it kinda is just a tale of what could’ve been.
Burnt Toast (Serenity/Xan) - Total crack ship but hey, it could’ve been nice. I mean, in the long term, Xan wasn’t even the WORST we have in terms in villains. And he has to see Serenity some time as he gets her bread.
Vilmor/Circe - What do you mean you can’t have a ship with bitter enemies? I don’t know, how I saw them running off each other reminded me of phantom thieves and the dogged detective. Soooo that just ends up being kinda cool. Doesn’t help there’s a criminal AU that passed my mind with them.
Lim/Cysero (and sometimes Warlic) - It’s science versus magic. That fight in itself is great. And I never actually feel any animosity from Cysero when it came to the Clashening. Like he legitimately felt like he was adding to Lim’s efforts. And I don’t ever feel any genuine hate from Lim either, he just is like that ‘what, HOW.’
Thursday/Raven - GO SAVE YOUR GIRLFRIEND! One of the best things to happen in Book 3. Because Raven didn’t care. She was so damn determined to keep Thursday safe no matter what. And Thursday didn’t want Raven hurt. Ah, my heart. 
Alegis (Alexa/Aegis) - But he’s the light to her darkness! How can you do any better than that? I’m so sad that it couldn’t but RPed but I feel like some of the writings done for them were great. 
Ryunn/Tomix - Who hasn’t by now? I mean, just look at them! 
Tykath (Ty/Drakath) - *maniacal laughter* After x chapters of Double Edged, knowing about their family life and kids, and encouraging the mention of them in RP? I think I ship it. 
Galris (Daeris/Galanoth) - See, here’s the thing, I actually know very little about it personally. Everything I know is from ship asks and from once being told how Gal is cursed to fall for her. Love across lifetimes/dimensions? Sign me the fuck up.  
Amalencia (Amal/Valencia) - Pretty much the only one from my blog that actually happened. It is a rival to friends situation and Valencia opened his eyes to the world. But then it becomes sad as Amal is canonically dead by present DF and Valencia never did know what happened to him.
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tomixslefttoe · 4 years
Zhoom: Hero, my friend.
The Hero: I think you tried to kill me at one point.
Zhoom: That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
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tomixslefttoe · 4 years
Zhoom: I wouldn’t say I’m mean, I just get hired to do mean things.
The Hero: Yeah, but you like it.
Zhoom: Well, I think it’s important to like what you do.
The Hero: So let’s say I pay you to kill Artix. You would still do it, right? Even though you’re supposed to be helping us?
Zhoom: Is this a hypothetical discussion or should we start talking numbers?
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tomixslefttoe · 4 years
The Hero: Can you do me a weird favor without asking any questions?
Zhoom: Isn’t that the bedrock upon which this friendship was founded?
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tomixslefttoe · 4 years
The Hero, to Zhoom: I hate sand... it’s coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.
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tomixslefttoe · 4 years
Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t punch your face in.
Safiria: I’m so underdressed.
Drakath: It would be way too rewarding.
Valencia: Your fist is so pristine.
Twilly: The scheduled walloping time isn’t for another half hour.
Ash: My mother specifically instructed me to have a good day.
The Hero: No one has yelled “World Star” yet.
Vaal: Judge said I’d go to jail if someone punched me in the face one more time.
Zhoom: I’m the last of my species.
Cysero: When you move in to punch me, I’m going to hold a bucket up in front of my face, and then your fist will just punch the inside of an empty bucket and you’ll look ridiculous.
Dove: I took the oath never to get punched.
Jaania: Wounding me emotionally would pay much higher dividends.
The Dragon: I’ll open my mouth and swallow your whole arm.
Xan: My face is covered with fire that will shoot out everywhere if you hit me.
Warlic: This bullseye on my chin is not meant to be taken literally.
Tomix: I’d rather just do it myself.
Artix: You’ll be late to supper.
Mazurek: If you’re punching me, who’s sailing this ship?!
The Necrotic Blade of Doom: My teeth are not yet ready to be harvested.
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tmae3114 · 4 years
oh, DF does have champions, I remember it being given by Noxus during the Light Orb saga that the Undead Invasion that made Artix an orphan was because they were trying to retrieve him because he's the Champion of Darkness. They expand on it more in AQW, but it was established in DF as well.
(apologies for the two comments, the first one felt a bit long even without this second bit)
in regards to Gravelynn's attacks, I... haven't seen it yet... I'm more than just a bit behind, being unable to beat the Monster during the valentine's event made me leave the game for a while & I've been struggling to get back into it.
But yeah, Gravelynn does learn Darkness magic from her dad. It may vary a great deal from AQW, where she said she had difficulty even raising one undead, but she does know doomknight spells.
(sorry again for it becoming more than two)
Don’t worry about the multiple messages, it’s fine! I’m replying via this method this time because I’m pulling out images as evidence and you can’t put images in the other replies :p
(I apologise in advance for the length of this - I got carried away. It’s been a while since I properly stretched my AE lore muscles!)
On the matter of Artix; I’m afraid that you’re mistaken - that’s AQW lore, not DF lore. None of what you said about Artix’s backstory is stuff that was established in DF, that’s all AQW (and possible AQClassic, I don’t know enough about that one to say) 
Dragonfable!Artix’s backstory was established in the Darkness Orb Saga (the Light Orb saga was the Sandsea with Zhoom!) and differs quite significantly from AQW!Artix’s. The common factors are that they were both orphaned via the destruction of their villages, found by Lady Celestia in the aftermath, and later became paladins. That’s about it.
In the quest Green Mist, we learn most of the details of Artix’s backstory, including his & Vayle’s shared history and how he was orphaned. He tried to rescue Vayle when she fell in the river, they got washed downstream together, they ended up in the Guardian Tower and found the Darkness Orb, etc, etc.
What follows that is that that night, a mysterious Green Mist rolled into town and turned everyone but Artix and Vayle into zombies.
That is how Dragonfable!Artix was orphaned. He only survived because of his earlier contact with the Darkness Orb - and subsequent resistance of it - gave him an immunity to being turned undead.
And, as revealed in the later Quest Noxus Fumes, that Green Mist was created by Noxus for one very specific reason:
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He wanted Vayle and Vayle alone. Noxus turned everyone in that town into zombies so he could get his hands on her and, through her, the Darkness Orb.
In fact, shortly after this is revealed, he mentions this:
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Noxus wanted Artix just as dead as everyone else in that town. He actively says so. If he had had the slightest clue Artix survived his Mist, he would’ve found a way to kill him himself.
So, no, DF!Artix wasn’t orphaned by an invasion of undead trying to reclaim their Champion - he was orphaned by a necromancer who wanted the Darkness Orb and only survived because said necromancer had no idea he couldn’t be turned. The invasion is AQW lore, not Dragonfable.
DF!Artix’s unique abilities as far as fighting the undead go are explicitly stated to be a result of his contact with the Darkness Orb as a child ("My contact with the orb had changed me. I could now sense the presence of the undead, and I instinctually knew the best way to battle them.”, also in Green Mist) and, so far as we see, he’s perfectly capable of using Light-based magic. I vaguely recall there being mention on the forums at some point about that not being the case but as far as the text of the game itself goes, Artix is running around using Light magic all the time.
(Additionally, DF!Artix was raised by Celestia for a few years and decided to join the Paladin Order on his own, while AQW!Artix was brought to an orphanage run by the Paladin Order by her, iirc. That’s not important to this discussion, really, I just felt it was relevant to bring it up as another point of “these two have different backstories”)
So, yeah, as far as I know, we currently have no evidence regarding Elemental Champions being a thing within the Dragonfable timeline.
On the topic of Lynn:
I have no difficulty believing that Sepulchure is teaching his daughter Darkness magic, tbh, but, without spoiling specifics for you, what she did in this quest looked more instinctual than anything else
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tmae3114 · 7 years
Hiii it's the DF cysero feels anon and MQ anon. I'm replaying light orb quests. Playing the blue lotus quest. Zhoom is like "Don't attack the rebels alone. I don't want you getting hurt" I'm like ????? Dude... be honest.... I know you just want the gold... It's sweet of u to lie tho 😂 (I'm randomly hit by feels is it ok if I dump them here???)
Hi MQ Anon!!! Sorry for taking so long to answer these, real life happened and i didn’t manage to find the time to just sit down and answer your asks!! I’ve definitely seen and been reading them and enjoying seeing your reactions immensely though - I’m going to go through and answer them all soon, promise!
And yes, it is absolutely okay if you dump all your feels here, I would honestly be delighted by that.
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