#dghda 3
singersalvageart · 4 months
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an assortment of strange and colorful characters!!
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bitchinthematrix · 4 months
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God is a girl with a (baseball bat) butcher knife.
it’s so funny being an unashamed beginner artist because if you scrolled back a few years (please don’t) you could see my art progression solely through Amanda Brotzman fanart.
throwing this at the Dirk Gently fandom then scurrying away like a rat.
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clauderains · 6 months
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skltart · 24 days
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yeh, sure :))
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holisticquoteagency · 9 months
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soni-dragon · 12 days
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snail-creates · 1 month
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The Rowdy 3 Patch | kofi
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 9 months
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originally this was gonna be an mcu drawing but as you can see that is… not the direction it ended up going
(i love my little guys)
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osmundpriestt · 5 months
Reasons why YOU should watch Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
What is Dirk Gently? Let’s set the scene. Todd Brotzman, a 33 year old loser with way too many secrets gets fired from his job after discovering a grisly murder scene in the penthouse of a hotel… where everyone was murdered by a hammerhead shark. Upon going home he meets a man breaking into his apartment with a smile on his face. Dirk Gently is a psychic detective here to solve the case, and Todd is going to help whether he likes it or not.
So why should you watch it? Here’s a totally unbiased definitely neutral explanation.
1. It’s Queer!!!!!!! Canonically queer characters (and Dirk… in his own category) play big roles!
2. It makes no sense! Dirk is a psychic detective… who isn’t psychic. Not psychic at all, thank you! Why would you assume that?
3. It crosses genre boundaries! Season one is science fiction and season two is fantasy. And guess what? They go together fabulously!
4. Elijah Wood? Elijah Wood.
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5. Hidden not so hidden angst. Ever wonder what being experimented on as a child can do to your psych? Look no further, everyone in this show is traumatized and it is NOT swept aside.
6. The Rowdy Three. There are actually four… no, five. No, six! The Rowdy Three are originally one of 42 government experiments who escaped their captivity, now roaming the streets looking for fear to consume and something to smash. Oh, and they’re allies. Did I mention they’re allies?
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7. It’s fun. It’s really fun. Electrified crossbows, flying trains, a purple people eater and a girl in a dog’s body are really just the beginning.
8. It’s sweet. It’s just a sweet show. The relationships built and the actions taken in this show are so, so important to me. The characters (the heroes at least) take responsibility for their actions, accept consequences and try to grow as people. What more can you ask for?
9. It would make me really happy
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clockworkcheetah · 2 months
didn't list characters working for blackwing cause they're already kinda in the villain zone as is but still welcome to choose them
i just think its interesting that most dghda characters (imo) are morally grey as is and through choice could be a good guy or bad guy depending (aka they could get worse or get better)
feel free to explain in the tags (just y'know be civil and don't needlessly start character bashing that's not what this poll is)
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bitchinthematrix · 1 year
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when will my sons (the Rowdy 3) return from the war (I miss them) I pray it is before I succumb to the plague! (I have the sniffles)
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grandmoments · 2 years
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That's how you show your uninterest!
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
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protecticarus · 5 months
the difference between dirk and the rowdies is that dirk is chaotic by accident and the rowdies are chaotic on purpose. the rowdies crave chaos. but chaos just… sort of happens to dirk.
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robynator · 1 year
yknow what i absolutely love about dghda? how socially unaware all the former blackwing subjects are. like these guys have no clue what to do in normal society and that absolutely makes sense
dirk is the most well adjusted out of all of the ones we know of and even he climbs into this random guy's apartment through the window, immediately calls him his assistant and then declares that he lives there now. he's clueless. he wants friends but he doesn't know how to talk to people, even after 16 years lived in freedom
and then there's bart and the rowdy 3
bart doesn't know how radios and tvs work, nor what hotels are. all she's known her whole life is blackwing labs and the fact that she's supposed to kill people. so that's what she does. she doesn't know how to talk to people, she just goes with the flow
and of course the rowdy 3, the absolute icons. unlike dirk, who wants to be a part of society, and bart, who really doesn't care, they actively reject social norms. they saw punk culture and ran with it. they're rude, violent and, well, rowdy. and they like that. but they're also stupid in the way that you would be if you grew up in a lab with (probably) next to no real education. none of them have any functioning braincells or social grace and that works for them
i didn't talk about mona or francis/moloch bc we don't really have a real frame of reference for either of them. mona is an inanimate object 99% of the time and francis has been in a coma for several decades
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miryel89 · 1 year
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Ramen time
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