Athrú (08/08/24)
Óige, an scoil, an rud uilig - rud i bhfad níos mór é nó a bhí sé nuair a bhí sé liomsa mar is ceart. Maram, lógtha, go gcaithfidh tú bheith cúpla céim ar ais ó achan rud chun an pictiúr níos mó a aithneach. Is smaoineamh aisteach é, go bhfuil na laethanta uilig sin gan críoch réidh agus déanta go deo. Agus tharla sé uilig i bpreab na súile - cé go bhfuil a fhios agam níor mhothaigh sé mar sin nuair a bhí mé ag beo fríd iad.
Thug na buailte maoithneachas go tobann - téann an dímheas ginearálta go dtí croí cráite leis an ghrá bheag a bhí agam don áit. Ach tá sé sin uilig thart anois.
Tá mé ag déanamh iarracht anois, in achan dóigh. Tá mé ag obair leis, in áit in éadan mo ghruaig agus tá mé ag déanamh iarracht le bheith níos cineálta. B'fhéidir ní athróidh sé seo rud ar bith ach thig le sásamh a bheith orm le hiarracht in áit lagsprid.
Anois, tá mé ag súil ar aghaidh agus deirim liom féin níl mé gabhail a amharc ar ais choíche. Tá an chaibidil sin scríofa, agus tá laethanta úr ag fanacht domh. Bheith ciúnas agus gáire agus deora agus fuath ach is liomsa a bheith sé, agus bheith sé fíor.
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uritur-infelix · 4 months
Bhuel, tá mé in Éirinn agus tá mé ag baint taitnimh as an tír agus a radhairc áille. Tá mo chuid gaeilge ag feabhsú go mall freisin. Is é mo phríomhfhadhb ná go bhfuil mé in ann focail scríofa a aithint ach nuair a chloisim na focail seo i gcomhrá is minic nach n-aithním iad.
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sheogorad · 7 months
i wish getting absolutely lost in the sauce eating greek yogurt didn't end with me coughing and clearing my throat for like half an hour because that shit is so full of juicy fuckin lactose
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solasgheal · 1 year
Táim á scríobh seo, sa lá tar éis an lá atá sa theideal, ach fós. Ar aon nós, anois ní maith liom ach a bheith ag caint faoi mo mhothúcháin anois. Nílim ró-dhona, ach ceapaim gur cheart dom níos mó a dhéanamh sula dtosóidh scoil arís, mar anois creidim nach ndearna mé tada le mo laethanta saoire agus, mar a gceapfá, is droch-rud é sin. Ach eh, b'fhéidir go mbeinn in ann an físeán sin a chríochnú, nó feabhas beag a chur ar mo chuid gaeilge níos déanaí... Mothúchán anois: Motháim gur chuir mé mo samhradh amú. (╥﹏╥) (an bhfuil focal níos fearr ann é sin a rá?)
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kerasselyrian · 1 year
Cén fáth a fhágann gach duine? Cad atá mé ag déanamh mícheart anseo? Fan le do thoil
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trans-cuchulainn · 11 months
continuing with the learning Irish language as part of the diaspora conversation from a few days ago….
do you have any resources for learning by reading? For other languages I have found a lot of books/ stories/ poetry that has a side by side English translation to help you learn what goes where. Do you know of anything like that for Irish? I would love to try it with mythology :D
yeah these for sure exist! there's a whole series of bilingual retellings of folklore and medieval stories aimed at kids, published under the series title "fadó". e.g here's the one about fionn mac cumhaill, on the website for an siopa leabhar: https://www.siopaleabhar.com/en/product/fado-the-story-of-fionn/
you can find the rest of them and other titles in their "bilingual books" category: https://www.siopaleabhar.com/en/product-category/bilingual-books/page/2/
having used one of these as a teaching tool (e.g. going through them line by line with a beginner and explaining the grammar to them), the facing translation isn't always 100% word for word but that's inevitable bc english and irish work differently, and it's solid enough that they can be pretty effective for that kind of problem solving approach, with the language being slightly more complex than a monolingual book would be for that age group since there's an expectation that you could check the english if you got stuck or whatever
now, i can't necessarily vouch for the accuracy of these as retellings (i haven't read them all the way through) but hey that's a different issue
once you've a bit of irish you might also enjoy "dialann emily porter: an jailtacht" which is a bilingual book about a teenage girl who gets sent to a gaeltacht summer college in the mid-90s after walking out of her irish exam. at the beginning she's got very bad irish and a negative attitude towards it, and the diary is mostly in english with a few irish words thrown in. as it goes on and her irish improves, the author adds more and more irish words and sentences until it's mostly in irish by the end, so it's kind of a good way to build up your reading in irish without exactly realising you're doing it (the sequel is pretty much 100% in irish except some of the dialogue). i will say though that the secondhand embarrassment with this one is powerful lmao the 90s 15yo energies are strong
it looks like there are a couple of collections of short stories with translations in that page on an siopa leabhar's website -- i haven't read any of those myself so can't vouch for them but they certainly exist
finally you might try translations of books you know/have in english like "an prionsa beag" (the little prince) or things like that, there are quite a number of easy children's books translated into irish now and also a fair few harder ones ("an hobad", some of the narnia books etc) as well as of course some adult books
in general i highly recommend an siopa leabhar (yes they ship internationally but you probs wanna get a few things to make the postage costs worth it). if you're ever in dublin do go in and talk to them in person but you can also probably send them an email and ask for recommendations, they're great with helping learners find things at their level
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not-that-debonair · 1 year
Tá dialann spraoi déanta, sean- ealaín agus stáiseanóireacht úsáidte, agus Gaeilge cleachta? Maraím an oiread éin.
Making a fun journal, using old art and stationary and practicing Irish? I am murdering so many birds.
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dialann: are you homophobic/grace: im gay?/dialann: THEYRE DODGING THE QUESTION
grace:i wanna make it very clear i have no problem with your sexuality
vivlio:youre literally splitting a gay relationship
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warriorxena · 6 years
Táim ag tosú cúrsa Gaeilge nua ar líne le DCU. Tá sé go hiontach agus tá sé saor go híomlan! Tá daoine ag úsáid twitter agus ag cleachtadh. Is aoibheann liom é. Déanaim iarracht go crua.
{saor cúrsa Gaeilge anseo}
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sdmnluvs · 4 years
Never forget that this year for “Seachtain na Gaeilge” my school was giving out stickers if you spoke Irish/ speak it all the time and you best believe I had a collection on my school jumper by the end of the week
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pablandomucho-blog · 8 years
Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge - Cén fáth?
In dhá mhíle is a cúig deag, thosaigh mé ag foghlaim Spáinnis ar Duolingo. Rinné mé an cuntais twitter agus thosaigh mé ag tvuíteáil. Scríobh mé as Spáinnis agus Bearla. Chuala mé faoi 'tumadh'(immersion). Bhí sé ríthábhachtach chun teangacha a foghlaim. Má tú bí ag caint, ag eist agus ag scríbh Sin é an bealach is fearr an teagacha a foghlaim arsa mise liom féin. In dhá mhíle is a sé deag thosaigh mé ag foghlaim Gaeilge aris i Corcaigh. Rinné mé gach Leibhéal ar Duolingo agus táim reidh le an crann teanga. Feicim ar TG4. Éistim le radio agus an amhrain Gaeilge. Chuir mé mo Facebook, twitter agus mo fón cliste as Gaeilge. Léamh mé Nós.ie agus thosaigh mé ag léamh na leabhair Gaeilge. Táim ag féachaint ar na comharthaí bóthair gach lá and léamh mé na Gaeilge orainn Chuaigh mé isteach sna club leabhar agus déan mé astriu gach mí le mo chairde nua anois Thosaigh mé ag tvuíteáil as Gaeilge freisin. Scríobh mé as Spáinnis, Bearla agus Gaeilge anois. Tá mé ag foghlaim Spáinnis agus Gaeilge fós. Bá mhaith liom an Ceol2017 a áil
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soopticboop · 6 years
In light of today’s video, I dug out my school journal (we call it a dialann) from when I was in Transition Year, aged 16, which was when I started to draw! :D
Because the game from today’s vid had a strong theme about creation, self-doubt in our own work, disbelief in our own abilities, I picked out a few drawings that, at aged 16, I was really, really proud of. 
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And now here, below, is a drawing I did a few days ago, aged 22.
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If you are struggling with your art, thinking you’re never going to improve, thinking you’ll never be any good or ever be happy with your creative work, please keep going. Never stop learning and trying and practicing. You can do this. It’ll all work out, I promise. 
Everybody starts at the beginning :) x
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sheogorad · 1 year
it's officially been 5 five years since my first ever shot of testosterone! can't believe how quickly time flies and how much happier i am now compared to back then. hopefully in the next five i'll actually have a fucking mustache! happy pride month!!
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solasgheal · 2 months
b'fhéidir gur cheart dom é seo a úsáid mar dialann nó áit dom chuid dáin arís... n'fheadar.
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damn the live action vivlio and dialann are WEIRD
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pablandomucho-blog · 8 years
Tá misean agam | Mi objetivo
Is foghlaimeoir fasta mé. Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge & Spáinnis. Ba mhaith liom dialann a scríobh as Gaeilge agus Spáinnis.
Estoy aprendiendo irlandesa y española. me gustaría escribir un diario en Irlandés y Español
I am learning Irish and Spanish. I would like to keep a journal in Irish and Spanish. Sometimes one sometimes the other sometimes both. I might even make up stories to practice.
¡Corrections Welcome!
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