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Rapazas: Las pin-up de Pintureto
—No conocí arquitectura o paisaje más hermoso que el cuerpo femenino, ni viaje más emocionante que el de plasmar en imagenes a cada una de mis musas.
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tardesdelibro · 5 months
Reseña: Stone Fruit
Stone Fruit de Lee Lai, es un cómic que podría ser leído desde la adolescencia hasta la edad madura. Basado en una pareja queer y sus relaciones familiares. Toca temas muy comunes pero a la vez muy importantes, como es la familia, la tolerancia, la salud mental…En esta obra podemos ver distintos modelos de familia pero a la vez podemos comprobar que hay similitudes en ellas. Como que todas…
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dirtyriver · 8 months
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"Essays Into The Supernatural: Dibbuk", Red Circle Sorcery #7, June 1974, written by Marv Channing, art by Gray Morrow
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merrymarvelite · 4 months
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Cover of the Day: Omega the Unknown #10 (September, 1977) Art by Dave Cockrum, Pablo Marcos, and Irv Watanabe
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
Episode 52: The Dibbuk Box Photodump
Image 01: The Dibbuk Box opening mechanism - IS THIS THE WORLD’S MOST HAUNTED BOX? Anyone who owns the box or comes near it has bad luck follow them while the box is near. Image 02: The original photos of the Dibbuk Box from the original EBay auction show a modest “wine cabinet” which was purchased at an estate sale. The box has origins that date back to the Holocaust. Image 03: Original photo of the inscription on the back of the box is said to be a Jewish prayer. Image 04: Photo of the contents which were found inside of the box: a candlestick with octopus legs, lock of brown hair and lock of blonde hair, dried rosebud, goblet, granite stone slab with inscription. Image 05: The box switched hands several times via eBay auction due to being EXTREMELY HAUNTED. Image 06: Jason Haxton purchased the box on eBay and employed several kabbalists, wiccans, and scientists to study the “evil nature” of the box. Image 07: While Jason studied the box, strange things happened. Jason claims the box had an anti-aging effect on him. Meanwhile, a tree blew into the home of someone who mocked the box. Image 08: Centipedes, Spiders, Fungus, and “Killing Mold” were attracted to the box. Image 09: Zac Baggans of “Ghost Adventures” purchased the box and has it stored in his Haunted Museum in Vegas. Baggans does not allow the public to go near the box without signing a waiver releasing him of liability. Image 10: While visiting The Haunted Museum, Post Malone touched the box and immediately suffered several waves of bad luck - his plane tires blew out on the runway, his home was broken into, and his car was wrecked!
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ravenbohique · 1 year
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Token for the Dibbuk. Disembodied demonic spirits that enjoy possessing corpses in order to cause trouble in the material realm.
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
The other day I was using OpenAI and I gave it one prompt:
“Write some ideas for a fake Invader Zim episode. You can include characters such as Zim, GIR, Dib, Tak, Gaz, the Tallest and any other Invader Zim characters, but are not required to do so. (include a name and a short summary).”
I cataloged my favourite results and I’m putting them all here for your enjoyment.
“In an alternate universe, Zim is a good guy and Dib is the evil one. The two come to our universe and chaos ensues.”
I just like this idea. A good Zim teaming up with our Dib while our Zim teams up with an evil version of Dib. Or maybe they don’t meet until the end and you have Zim and Dib confusing their alternate universe counterparts for each other, and vice versa. There’s plenty of possibilities.
“Tak successfully takes over the school while Zim is in detention.”
I. Adore. This. Idea. Tak returning and managing to take over the school (presumably as Dib attempts to stop/dethrone her) while Zim has his own adventure trying to escape the underground classrooms or whatever the skool uses as a detention is a great idea. Plus, in my opinion this sort of thing would make for a great way to show Tak’s return, while keeping the fact that she’s more dangerous and capable than Zim is, successfully doing something that he can’t.
It also gave me the idea of Tak using her holographic disguise to look like Zim, so Dib has no idea that Zim is in detention right up until near the climax of the episode, where Tak reveals herself. All he knows is that Zim suddenly became more competent (and suddenly gained a slightly different voice with a British accent? Oh well, must be an alien thing).
“Zim attempts to create an army of robot clones of himself, but they all malfunction and turn against him.”
I like to think that the robots don’t really malfunction, it’s just that Zim is so egotistical and prideful that all his clones believe that THEY should be the ones taking over Earth, leading to a Zim civil war. The Tallest check in midway through, see a whole bunch of Zims and have a mental breakdown on the spot.
“Zim creates a giant robot version of GIR that goes out of control and starts destroying everything in sight.”
Giant insane robot wreaks downtown area, steals entire taco place, more at 9.
“Zim and GIR accidentally watch an episode of a children's show called "Barney and Friends." They are both horrified by the experience.”
The AI actually recommended this one several times. I don’t know. It’s just funny to me.
“"The Dibbuk”” - Dib believes he's being haunted by a demon, but it turns out to be GIR in disguise.”
I’m not kidding when I say that I spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what the title the AI made is referencing. I believe it’s either a horror movie or a horror monster, but I can’t figure it out. The closest thing I found was “Nanook”, which is an important figure in Inuit mythology, and “the Babadook”, which is a horror movie from 2014, but neither of these are even remotely close.
That being said, I like this idea. Dib being terrorized by Gir while thinking that he’s being haunted, possibly even actively trying to seek out and capture“the demon” that’s haunting him because it’s proof of the paranormal. It could work.
Edit: It has come to my attention mid-writing this post, that the episode title is most likely a reference to the “Dybbuk”, which is a spirit from Jewish mythology. So that’s one mystery solved.
“"The Trial of Zim"”: Zim is put on trial for his crimes against the Irken Empire.”
This is just The Trial. The AI, all by itself, came up with the idea of The Trial. It even gave it the same name, just putting “of Zim” at the end. Cool.
“"Day of the Dove"” - Zim and his classmates must put on a school play, but Zim's true intentions are to use the play as a way to take over the world.”
This seems like it could be an actual episode similar to Voting Of The Doomed or Lice. The title is very intriguing to me as well. It’s about a school play, so why is it called “Day of the Dove”? What do doves have to do with this? I want to see this episode.
“"The Great Zim Escape"” - Zim attempts to escape the confines of his base, but is thwarted at every turn by GIR.”
This is just an interesting concept to me. Zim attempting to leave his base for whatever reason as Gir stops him. You could go the obvious route and have Zim as the main focus of the episode with Gir as the antagonist, but that’s been done twice before in canon. So may I present to you; Gir as the main focus as he tries to keep Zim inside and Zim as the antagonist as he tries to leave. A switch in the dynamics. Maybe Zim is sick with some alien disease or has some sort of PAK damage and needs to stay confined to his base for a while, but he refuses to stay inside when there’s invading to be done and Dibs to be destroyed, so it’s up to Gir and Zim’s computer to keep him there.
Plus I just find the idea of Zim being repeatedly defeated by Gir of all people pretty funny.
“"Zim's Day Off"” - Zim is given a day off from his duties, but quickly becomes bored and stir crazy.””
This one seems pretty in character to me. Zim doesn’t strike me as the kind of person to take breaks or days off, so an episode where he actually gets that and quickly realizes that he has nothing to do when he’s not scheming or fighting with Dib could work, with only one condition….
“"GIR's Day Off"” - GIR is given a day off from his duties, and causes havoc wherever he goes.
….and that condition is that GIR's Day Off happens at the exact same time and the two of them are allowed to bounce off each other. Zim slowly losing his mind from boredom as Gir makes the most out of everything and never runs out of things to do, causing chaos in his wake.
“"Zim has a Mental Breakdown"”
The AI didn’t give me a description this time, but that doesn’t matter. The title is all I need.
“"Day of the Pigs": Zim turns all of humanity into pigs.”
I could honestly see this happening in canon.
“"The Return of Tak: The Hideous New Girl": Tak comes back to Earth, seeking revenge on Zim. She quickly discovers that he's not as easy to defeat as she thought.”
Tak returning, now wanting Zim dead instead of just wanting his mission is a concept that is often explored by fans, and I am a fan of it. And I love the idea of Tak returning to earth with the intentions of killing Zim, only to quickly discover that the Tallest decided to send him here instead of just killing him for good reason. He’s nearly impossible to kill and can be pretty darn competent when he needs to be.
I can see Tak starting out with the mindset that Zim is a complete idiot. He’s so delusional that he still believes that he’s an invader, he only managed to defeat her because Mimi broke, etc. She chalks up his surviving of her assassination attempts to dumb luck.
And throughout the episode she is slowly forced to realize that Zim is just a tad more complicated than everyone believes he is. He’s an idiot, and yet he’s intelligent and capable of manipulating things surprisingly well. He’s a food service drone that believes he’s an invader, but he still has military training, more than Tak actually has considering that she never even became an elite soldier, while Zim not only became an elite, but rose above that rank to become an invader. He lacks any common sense, but he’s a former scientist, and has been studying earth since he first landed, knowing more about earth’s climate and structure than her own computer since earth isn’t a planet in the irken database. Not to mention the regular scientific knowledge he has access to. Tak would have never guessed that earth paste was an effective way of protecting oneself from earth’s water, but Zim figured that out and uses it to his advantage.
In other words, Zim is a much stronger adversary than she previously thought.
I can also see the two of them fighting in a rainstorm, with both of them staying under any cover they see to protect themselves from the rain as they fight. Then, Tak manages to kick Zim straight into the torrential downpour, and celebrates, knowing that the acidic rain will kill him in a matter of seconds.
And then Zim casually gets up and walks, not runs, but walks through a downpour of what is essentially burning acid to him, and rejoins the fight, showing no signs of pain from the rain. Tak is absolutely horrified, having no way of knowing about Zim’s paste-waterproofing.
“"The True Origin of GIR"”: GIR's true origins are revealed.”
GIR. LORE. EPISODE. I need this. Zim got a lore episode in the form of The Trial, Dib got a whole movie in the form of Enter The Florpus, Gir needs his own lore episode. We’ll finally get to know how he ended up in that trash bin in The Nightmare Begins.
“Zim hatches a diabolical plan to take over the school by disguising himself as the new principal.”
Once again, I could see this happening in canon.
“"The Valentine's Day Massacre": Zim declares war on love, determined to destroy Valentine's Day once and for all.”
Local aroace declares war on the entire concept of Valentine’s Day, single handily crushes the dreams of all zadr shippers, more at 11.
“The Tallest have a secret meeting where they discuss getting rid of Zim.”
I can see this episode as a clip show of sorts, showing many, many failed attempts at killing Zim that could have been possible episodes, but were scrapped for whatever reason.
"Zim Becomes A Meme"
No description was given, and no description was needed.
“"The Great Gazelle Caper" - Zim and GIR team up to steal a valuable diamond from a rival invader.”
A good concept. I can see Zim coming up with a plan that could range anywhere from “every tiny detail is planned out” to “just grab the thing and run” and Gir managing to throw several dozen wrenches into said plan, regardless of what it is.
If I saw an episode like this, I’d want to see Zim come up with a completely Jack-Sparrow-esc plan where no one is really sure if he’s making it up as he goes along or somehow planned every second, including the setbacks. Not even the audience knows for sure.
Plus that “rival invader” could be anyone. Tak is the most obvious person since they fit the description of “rival invader” to a tee, but it’s vague enough to be anyone.
““Zim Doesn’t Conquer the Earth": Zim wakes up to find that Earth has been conquered by another alien race while he slept. He must now try to take back the planet and defeat the new invaders.”
I adore this idea. Zim being the one trying to save the earth from a completely different alien race is the best thing I’ve heard all day. I don’t even have anything else to say. Just take my money and make this into an episode.
“"The Missing GIR": GIR goes missing and Zim must find him. He eventually discovers that GIR has been taken captive by a group of humans who want to study him.”
I think this concept was almost done in the actual show. That being said, I’d like to see this. We might even get to see character development with Zim viewing Gir as more than just a minion and acknowledging that, throwing himself and his mission into danger to rescue Gir.
“Zim is having a hard time choosing which human disguise to wear and ends up going through several before finally deciding on one.”
I just think seeing Zim in different disguises would be neat. That’s all. That’s my entire reasoning here.
“Zim and GIR are sent on a mission to retrieve a powerful artifact for the Tallest, but they are not the only ones after it.”
Interstellar road trip babyyyyyyyyy! As for the others who are after the artifact, it’s vague enough for it to be anyone. Could be Dib, could be Tak, could be someone completely different that we’ve never seen before, could be everyone at once in a giant race. The possibilities are endless.
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Jackson's Daily Bestiary #6: Dybbuk
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Image credit: https://doctorchevlong.artstation.com/projects/58xomW
Region of origin: Israel/Europe
The Dybbuk are spirits from Jewish folklore. The name comes from the Hebrew word 'Dabaq' (דָּבַק), meaning "To cling" or "To attach". They are the misplaced spirits of the dead.
They are spirits who have either escaped or been banished from Gehenna because of their great sins. Thus, they wander the Earth as restless spirits, possessing living people in order to fulfill their unfinished business in life.
Usually, they leave the body after completing their goals, however, there can be occasions where the spirits must instead be excorcised by a Rabbi in order to leave. They are also said to be the cause of mental illnesses and immoral behavior. Belief in Dybbuk became prominent during the 16th-17th century.
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juha-art · 1 year
first couple eps of the unsleeping city: mostly santa based shenanigans
me: yeah alright (bored in jew)
episodes 5: a golem complains about dibbuks, gives kingston a bagel and says mitzvah
me: 🥰☺️😊😍
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
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"I'm not dressing as a rabbi in case we don't scare off the jiangshi, Ruixiong."
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"Well, don't you know much about Jewish mysticism, at least?"
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"That's Phoebus' field of expertise."
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"But you're a nerd!"
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"I mean that! Growing up, I had no interest in the Kabbalah and any Jewish mysticism! I did the rituals and festivals and all mostly as paying respect to my heritage and family background! But I wanted nothing to do with the actual esoteric stuff and such!
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"Mostly because my mother was often accused to be a witch even within our commune. I hated how she was being treated, so I wanted to avoid it too."
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"What about Phoebus? He's a golemancer, surely he'd know something about Jewish-styled exoricisms too!"
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"…That's a good question. I remember once being told of dibbukim and how it once scared Phoebus so much, he took up to trying his damnest to research the Kabbalah or other texts in order to learn how to to pacify them. And he always looked at me all weird too when he did."
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"What's a dibbukim."
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"Plural form of just 'dibbuk'. In Jewish folklore, they're malicious spirits capable of possessing other people, of times dislocated human souls if not devils in their own right."
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"What if….. because Phoebus can't return to us….
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"….I hope."
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Steph? Have you ever had to deal with a Dibbuk? Kind of like a demon or twisted soul from jewish religion / mythology... Since I had earlier to deal with one, it made me think because it said some things that let me buffled... Also I often learned that those beings/creature that people call demons and/or spirits kind of turned out to be aliens... Or better said from other dimensions, not only other plantes... So... What is your opinion?
Technically...Thor is an alien to me...and...I'm an alien to him. It became quite relative, really.
Never met such demonic creatures, not that I know of at least.
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apaneladay · 2 years
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Massacre To Kill The Assassin (2008) Published by Dibbuks
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apesoformythoughts · 2 years
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KONGO. El tenebroso viaje de Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski | Tom Tirabosco & Christian Perrissin (Dibbuks, 2014)
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luiz-henrique · 2 years
" Semelhante, mas Diferente do Vaso de Latão Perdido de Salomão,e do Dibbuk , a Caixa de Pandora , Quem a Abre? O Mais Além desta Terra , neste enfoque PÂHNDOLA HÉXTHRIASSIAX AVILLAMÁH abre a Preciosa Caixa (...)!!! "
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world-of-news · 1 month
Da hilft kein Salz.
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
The Dibbuk Box
A mysterious Jewish wine cabinet possessed by a demon who literally whispers in your ears at night.
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