#did marine end up broke? yes but enough to figure something out with what's left in her bank a c c o u n t🤭
Okay, I finally finished Insert Rich Family Name, and just when I thought I got it all figured out... BAM! THE TWIST AND TURNS!!! PLUS MORE TWIST AND TURNS!!! By the time I shut the game down, I was too stunned to close my mouth. I never considered them, at all! But it was hinted, and I was too busy trying to smooch everyone to properly focus on the mystery 😂
I have no canon ending in terms of partners for Marine. Everyone of them are valid for me 😂 SO YES, I CANNOT WAIT TO SOLVE ANOTHER MURDER MYSTERY IN B2!!!
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
A Lifetime In The Dreams Between
Hal Jordan x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3.1K Warnings: Explicit Lanuage, Angst!
Author's Note: I have completed an idea! Enjoy! -Thorne
He didn’t know what happened. One second he was throwing up a shield to protect himself from the blast and the next his eyes were widening as the black magic passed through the construct and hit him straight in the chest. Shouts echoed all around him, but all Hal understood was that the world was swirling black and blue around him, figures blurring faster and faster, and he finally understood what it was like to see the world when Barry would run. And all he remembered was feeling the blood drain from his face as he dropped to his knees, and pitched forward, falling into darkness.
He could hear voices above him, stressed and frantic.
“He’s going into cardiac arrest!” Barry.
“Shit! Flash shock him!” (Y/N)?
“He won’t survive that much generated electricity!”
“Hal won’t survive if you don’t! Damn it, Barry! Shock him!”
Hands pressed to his chest and a shock jumped Hal’s chest, and he descended back into darkness.
His eyes snapped open, and he winced, raising a hand to his head, but someone grabbed his arm. “Don’t try to move, Hal.”
He lolled his head, eyes rolling as the metal ceiling flowed above; he felt so far away and so weak, brain fuzzing, and Barry appeared in his sight, searing his gaze.
“He’s having a seizure. His brain can’t handle the stress.” He looked at the woman across from him. “We have to get him to the med bay.”
She nodded, folding Hal’s hand back to his chest as she worried, “Hang on, Hal. You’re going to be okay.”
(Y/N)’s voice was so comforting, so warm, so trusting, and all Hal could do was shut his eyes, his brain imploding on itself.
He rolled over onto his side, burrowing his face in the soft pillow, exhaling deeply. Sleep welcomed him again and he was about to fall off the deep end when someone’s hand caressed his hip, lips pressing against the space between his shoulder blades.
“Good morning,” they murmured, trailing kisses up his back to his neck and to his ear. “Sleep well?”
He moaned lowly in his throat and turned his head, blinking blearily as their face came into clearing—actually her face, and suddenly his eyes went wide as he flailed, pulling away from her. “(Y/N)!”
She cocked a brow as he fell over the side of the bed, immediately shooting up, eyes shocked and very confused. “That’s my name, Hal.” Propping herself on her elbow, she asked, “Everything alright?”
Hal’s mouth opened and closed, and he looked down, his eyes widening all over again as he realized he was nude; he jerked the sheet to cover himself, an action not really in his repertoire. His coffee eyes went to her body, and she was there too, bare as the morning day.
“You’re naked. We’re naked,” he blurted out and she huffed a laugh.
“Yeah? Traditionally, married people typically get naked every other night when they make love.”
“Married?” Hal’s eyes shot to his left hand, and he almost collapsed on the floor again; sure enough a gold band was around his ring finger. “Holy shit,” he breathed, and he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to be more shocked about, the fact that they were married or that he didn’t remember it.
“Hal?” (Y/N) was crawling over the bed, her hand coming to cup his cheek. “Is everything alright?”
He gazed into her eyes, so stunned that this woman that hated his guts was so concerned for him. “I…I don’t know.”
Her brows furrowed and she shuffled, sitting on the edge of the bed, and maneuvered Hal’s head until it was resting in her lap, his back against the side of the frame. She carded her fingers through his hair and bent down, gently pressing kisses where she could reach, to his forehead, his nose, his cheeks, his lips, everywhere; then she smiled against his lips. “Something tells me you and Barry got so drunk last night you forgot you married me.”
(Y/N) snorted, pulling away and with her free hand, she caressed his cheek. “You and Barry went to Aviators last night and came back at like three AM hammered out of your minds.” Her smile was ridiculously bright, and it made Hal’s heartbeat flutter against his rib cage. “You,” she started, but broke into a giggle. “You looked at me and said, ‘Hey pretty mama, wanna fly with me?’.”
Laughing again, she continued, “And when I said that I was your wife, you went, ‘Holy shit, I scored.’.” (Y/N) sighed wistfully and kissed his forehead. “Barry collapsed onto the couch, and you left a trail of clothes from the living room before collapsing in the bed.”
Tugging a strand of his brown hair, she said, “I had to maneuver the covers underneath your body in order to get into bed last night.” She pressed one more kiss to his forehead. “You’re still hungover though, so get back in bed and sleep a little while longer while I go make sure Barry’s up and awake, okay?”
Hal could only nod and when he tipped his head up to let her stand, he stopped her and pulled her down, pressing his lips to hers. (Y/N) responded eagerly, already forgoing checking on the Speedster as she lowered herself into his lap, and Hal immediately wrapped one arm around her waist, the other planting itself on the bed as he shifted his legs, giving himself some leverage to pick the two of them off the ground and shuffle back onto the bed.
And the second Hal’s thighs connected with the mattress he found himself being shoved down onto it, (Y/N)’s hands smoothing down his chest and abs, a flirtatious look on her face.
He couldn’t help but feel cocky. “See something you like?”
She grinned, splaying her fingers on his abdomen. “Actually, I feel something I like.” (Y/N) ground down on his hips and Hal inhaled sharply, causing her grin to turn into a downright evil smirk as she quipped, “And it seems like you feel it too.”
His hands came up to grasp her hips when someone stumbled through the bedroom door. “Hey, do you guys have any toothpa—oh dear God, you guys are fonduing!” They both jumped and looked at Barry who was busy shoving a hand to cover his eyes, the other fumbling for the door frame. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t see anything, (Y/N).”
Hal snorted. “How come you’re not swearing you didn’t see any of me?”
“Because I’ve seen all of you before, Hal. Multiple times in fact.” Barry retorted, speeding out of the bedroom.
(Y/N) chuckled and pressed a kiss to Hal’s collarbone, starting to shimmy out of his lap, only stopping when he started whining at her. “What?”
“Why are you leaving?” he questioned, and she flicked his shoulder.
“Because you need to get up and cook some breakfast before all of us have to get back out and go to work.”
Hal blanched. “Work?”
(Y/N) tossed him a look as she pulled on some pajama bottoms and one of his t-shirts. “Yes, Hal Jordan, you have to go into space and be a space ranger.”
“Oh, Green Lantern, right.” He sighed in relief. “I thought you meant the airfield.”
She snorted. “Oh, that too. Carol called and asked if you’d come down and fly one of the new F-18’s they got recently.”
Hal perked up. “How fast?”
“Fast, fly-boy. Now get up and go cook while I shower.” And she was off into their bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
Hal wandered into the kitchen, watching as Barry lifted his head from the refrigerator. “Morning.”
“Mornin’,” he replied, flicking on the coffee maker. “So…can I ask you a question?”
“I’m not checking your dick again to see if it’s above average, Hal,” Barry deadpanned and Hal about fell to his feet in laughter.
“What! No!” he chuckled and wiped his eyes, pouring water into the top of the coffee maker. “About last night…what…exactly happened?”
Barry looked at him, pulling out the pack of roast beef. “You don’t remember?”
“Well, from what (Y/N) said, I’m surprised either of us remembered how to get back here.” He met Barry’s eyes. “Everything’s a little fuzzy. I was just wondering if you could fill me in.”
The Speedster nodded, shoving a piece of meat in his mouth. “Well, I got off patrol and came over here, and then you said we should go out. But (Y/N) had some things to take care of, so she told us to go have fun. And then we went to that military bar you like, and we got dared to drink some marines under the table, and you can’t say no to a dare from ‘warthogs’, so you just had to drink more pitchers than they did.”
He snorted. “I barely had enough functioning brain cells to remember how to get back, but we just crammed into a cab and drove back here.” He wiped his eyes. “You kept telling the cabbie to play Danger Zone the entire time.”
Hal wasn’t somebody who was embarrassed easily, and as much as he loved Top Gun, he felt flustered that he was drunkenly belting out the main song the night before.
“And when we got here, I fell asleep on the couch, but (Y/N) was already chasing you down the hall because you were stripping left and right.”
Barry had all but fallen into hysterics as Hal merely set the coffee pot under the drip. “Yeah…about that too.” He felt confused. “You didn’t happen to like…change the timeline again, did you?”
The Speedster stopped laughing at that, blue eyes wide and concerned. “What? No. Why do you ask?”
Hal shook his head, twirling the gold band on his finger. “Because I don’t really remember marrying (Y/N)? But I do remember how much she hates my guts.”
“Well, yeah, but that death scare you gave her a few years ago really made her realize that as much as she hated you, she loved you just as much.” Barry rested a hand on his shoulder. “Now that I think about it, you did take a bad blow a couple days ago. Maybe you’re still reeling.”
The pilot nodded, listening to the coffee pour. “Yeah…maybe.”
Footsteps sounded from the living room and (Y/N) appeared in the entryway, a towel wrapped around her head, a bathrobe around her body; she scowled. “Hal, you were supposed to start breakfast.”
He blinked. “I haven’t even had coffee yet.”
“Lazy,” she griped, yanking the roast beef out of Barry’s hands. “That’s for sandwiches, not to eat out of the package, you bottomless pit.” Shoving the meat back in the refrigerator, she said, “There’s eggs…ham…I could omelets?”
“Omelets sound good,” Barry replied, taking the coffee mug out of Hal’s hands who in turn glared at the Speedster. “Do you have onions and peppers to add?”
“Mmm…I dunno…Hal used the last of the onions and peppers the other night to make steak with.” (Y/N) looked back at him, lips parting to speak when a beeping came from the living room.
Barry darted out and back in with a blinking device in his hands. “It’s the League Communicator.”
Immediately, she and Barry suited up and her eyes found Hal’s behind her blue mask. “Highball, get your head in the game. We’ve got a mission.”
He shook himself out of his stupor and the green suit formed to his body, though he muttered, “I still haven’t had my coffee yet…”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Race you guys to the Watchtower.”
“You’re on.” Barry chirped, the two of them disappearing in flashes of yellow and blue.
It seemed like much more routine patrol than it was a mission, but still, when Hal and (Y/N) finally made it back to Coast City, they all but collapsed onto the couch. Her suit faded from her body, and she rolled onto her back, laying her head on his thigh.
“I’m so tired,” she groaned, shutting her eyes.
Hal stared down at her, the green suit receding. “You look tired,” he murmured, resting his arm comfortably on her chest, his fingers rubbing soothing circles in her collarbone. “I still can’t believe you socked that bank robber in the face like Guy.”
(Y/N) giggled. “Hey, that man can teach anyone to throw a good punch.” Her eyes opened, and she reached up, tracing the dark circles under his eyes. “You look more tired than I am, husband of mine.”
Hal smiled, turning his face to press a sweet kiss to her wrist. “I’m just glad we’re home for the evening.” He expected her face to rest in relief, but it only clouded, and he murmured, “(Y/N)? What’s wrong?”
“Do you remember what we talked about a couple week ago?”
No, he did not.“You know I have a terrible memory, babe.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, a knowing sigh passing her lips. “Your memory is almost as bad as Barry’s ability to be on time.” Blinking at the ceiling, she said, “You know, what we talked about…having a family? How you said you wanted to try?”
Hal’s heart dropped into his stomach. “Yeah? What about it?”
She looked up at him. “I’m pregnant.”
“What?” His eyes immediately darted to her stomach, and he reached down, pressing his hand to her abdomen. “Are you really?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yeah. Took a test last night.” Snorting, she added, “I was going to tell you, but you went out and got drunk, so I figured I should wait.”
Hal simply stared at her stomach. “Holy shit. You’re pregnant?”
“Yes, Hal. I’m pregnant.”
“I did that?”
“No, Bruce did.”
He scowled at her. “That’s not funny.”
(Y/N) winked. “No, it’s not. It’s hilarious.” She rose from the sofa, stretching her arms above her head. “I say it’s probably time for bed.”
Hal watched her. “You go on ahead. I’ll be there soon.”
“Yeah?” he nodded, and she bent down, pecking his lips. “I love you, Hal.”
“I love you too, (Y/N),” he replied, watching as she walked down the hallway, disappearing into their bedroom.
It was so weird. To be married to her. He knew this had to be some giant hallucination from his subconscious desires of wanting her, but still, even this “dream” seemed so real. Usually, she and Hal were at each other’s throats; they’d fight at the drop of a hat just because the other looked at them funny, and yet, other than him and Barry, (Y/N) was the only person that could keep up with Hal. To keep him on his toes. The only person smart enough to keep in his six. The only person he trusted to be his wingman. And he realized through all their fights that he cared for her.
Hal looked down at the band on his finger, and something warm spread through his chest when he thought about a little kid running around the apartment dressed in a baby flight suit, squealing “daddy!” at the top of their lungs. He wanted that. As much as being a father scared him, he wanted that. And he wanted it with (Y/N).
He smiled widely and got to his feet, but the second he did, the world shifted, and his vision darkened, body becoming weightless as he dropped to the floor.
Something was stroking his hair, gently smoothing it across his forehead, and a voice whispered, “Wake up, Hal. C’mon.”
He tried to open his eyes, but they were so heavy.
“If you wake up, I’ll watch Top Gun with you until you’re thoroughly convinced I could fly a jet.”
That made him want to smile and the hand shifted, cupping his cheek.
“Just open your eyes for me, Hal. Please. I…I need you.”
“You do?” he murmured, managing to crack one eye open, taking in the sight of (Y/N) sitting there beside his med bay bed, tears in her eyes.
She gave him a watery laugh and leaned forward, pressing her lips to his cheek. “Yes, you stupid ass.” (Y/N) pulled away, running her hand over his cheek. “You’ve been out almost an entire day.”
Hal inhaled deeply as she helped him sit up. “What happened?”
“You took a blow of dark magic to the heart and almost died on us. Twice.” She took his temperature and heart rate. “You went into cardiac arrest on the field and then had a seizure when we got you here in the Watchtower.” Meeting his eyes, she said, “You owe Barry a thanks for shocking your heart and J’onn for getting your mind to calm during your seizure.”
He blinked, completely dumbfounded. “Wow…that’s…I took a lot of damage, huh?”
(Y/N)’s eyes flashed with anger, and she socked his shoulder. “You’re damn straight you did. What the fuck were you thinking? Using constructs against a black magician?”
“Well, what’d you want me to do? Stand there like a jackass?” Hal retorted with a glare.
“Maybe you could’ve moved?” she met his glare head on. “You almost got yourself killed.”
“People die every day, (Y/N). I’m going to die one day.”
“And who would you leave behind if you did, huh? You’d leave behind your family and friends. You’d leave behind Guy and Kyle and John. You’d leave behind Barry. You’d leave me behind.” (Y/N) searched his eyes. “Don’t you know how heartbroken we’d be if you died, Hal? How devastated I’d be?”
Hal’s jaw went slack, and she shook her head. “This is just like you. Always flying headfirst into danger without a single regard for anyone else. You are so foolish and stupid and—”
He grabbed her chin and pulled her to him in a searing kiss. It was over as fast as it happened and when he pulled away, he smirked at the stunned expression on her face. “Oh? So that’s what it takes for you to quit yelling at me? Man, I should’ve done that a long time ago.”
(Y/N) blinked in shock, one hand coming to press against her lips. “What…what was that?”
“That was a kiss, (Y/N). You see when two people care about each other very much they—”
The meeting of a palm and a cheek echoed through the med bay, and he grabbed his face, gaping at her as she scrambled up.
“You don’t just kiss people, you ass!” (Y/N) shouted, though she looked more flustered than angry. “That’s—It’s not right!”
She spun and ran for the med bay doors, and he called out, “Wait! You didn’t tell me if you loved me!”
“Go to hell, Hal Jordan!” she shouted in return and Hal grinned wide and smug as he reclined on the pillows, eyes directing to the glass window, giving him the view of space.
That dream didn’t seem too far out of reach now.
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NCIS x SVU. Rafael Barba x Reader, dad!Gibbs x Reader.
request: Just want to ask if you could do a crossover where dad!Gibbs first meet the boyfriend and reader is dating Barba. Or something like that?
warnings: family lost
The first meeting
Being Leroy Jethro Gibbs’ daughter isn’t easy, for many reasons. On top is how he scares the shit out off the men you date. It happened with your boyfriend when you were 18. It took you months to make official presentations. Your father figured it out pretty quickly - that’s on being a federal agent - but waited until you told him. Then he met your boyfriend, it didn’t go very well. He never wanted to hang out at your place, and later he broke up with you, because “your father scares me so bad, I’m afraid if I do something wrong, he’s gonna shot me.”
His fears were legit. When your second boyfriend broke your heart, your father threated him so bad he moved from DC. Since then, you decided to keep your love life private, and barely tell your boyfriends about your dad. “He’s a navy cop” was well enough.
But your current boyfriend figured a few things, without you telling him. He knows your mum and baby sister were killed years ago, he knows the rules you go by come from your father. He knows your father is the love of your life, but for whatever reasons, you keep it to yourself.
However, Rafael was tired of that. He introduced you to his mother and grandmother - before she passed. He asked you to move in with him months ago (to which you agreed). Now, you said yes when he asked you to marry. Maybe it’s time for your father to meet your boyfriend—fiancé, actually.
You decided to surprise your father in DC. You and Rafael barely had entered the city when he saw you taking off your engagement ring. “Do I need to glue that diamond to your finger?” He said.
You giggled. “Don’t worry, I’ll put it back on quickly. It’s just that—if I show up with it around my finger, I won’t have time to even say a word,”
“It’s going to be fine, right?” He said as he extended his hand to your knee. You intertwined your fingers with his.
“Don’t be the smart ass you’re at work and we should be good,” you smiled and shoved the ring in your pocket.
There was a whole plan. You picked up your grandfather Jackson at your father’s and dropped him and Rafael at the diner your father and you always go. Rafael already met your grandfather and Jackson loves your fiancé - although he doesn’t know he proposed yet. You had no worries about them staying together for a moment. You showed up at NCIS, to find Ellie and Nick working at their desks. “Evening, people!” You shouted, scaring Ellie off.
“Y/N, stop doing that!” She said, walking over to hug you. “Didn’t know you were coming this weekend,”
“Wasn’t plan until yesterday. Hi Nick,” you hugged him too. “Where’s Jack Sloane? I wanna meet the woman that confuse dad,”
You have a group chat with the team and it’s been weeks since they are telling you about the new agent and how your father is with her. They are convinced there’s something going on, you need to see it on your own. Unfortunately she wasn’t there.
A few minutes later, your father arrived in the bullpen and he was as surprised as Ellie and Nick to see you here. “Hey baby,” he hugged you tight, “Perfect way to end this day,” he said as he kissed your hair.
“Can you leave with me?”
Gibbs gave a few instructions and left with you. In the elevator, you turned off the engine. Your father looked at you, puzzled. “Wow, I do feel powerful doing that,” you stated.
“Is it why you did it?”
“No. I need to talk to you before we leave,” Gibbs saw your serious look. He turned to the side to face you.
“I’m not here alone,” you said. “Grandpa made the trip,”
“Y/N, you know your grandfather shouldn’t drive such a long ride by himself,”
“I know and I wanted to pick him up in Steelwater. You shouldn’t be surprised he refused,”
“Am not. I’m mad you gave him a choice,”
“Dad! That’s not the point, okay? He’s here and he’s safe. He’s waiting for us at the diner and he’s—not alone,”
Your father looked at you, waited for more information. “I want you to meet my boyfriend,” Gibbs didn’t answer, he just turned on the elevator. You switched it off right after. “Don’t go all overprotective, please. He’s nice. The best, actually. And he means a lot to me,”
“How long have you been hiding this from me?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry I hid it from you, but I didn’t want you to scare him away. I love him,”
“What kind of man do you think I am?”
“The one that breaks my ex boyfriend’s arm because he broke up with me!”
“I didn’t want to break his arm. He wouldn’t shut up,”
“Anyway! Be nice and open minded, please?”
Gibbs wondered why you said “open minded”. He figured it out pretty quickly when he saw your boyfriend through the diner’s window. “How old is he, Y/N?” Not that Rafael looked particularly old, but he’s older than you and that can noticeable, especially for your father.
“Open minded, dad! You like red heads, I like older guys,” Gibbs swallowed hard when you said that. “Pop likes him. I’m sure you will too, if you give him a chance,” you slided your hand into your father’s, “Please?” You looked at him with those puppy eyes of yours. He now knows why it always worked when he did it with his mother.
Jackson was the first to see you and your father through the window. “Are you ready, Rafael?” Your boyfriend followed Jackson’s stare. You were obviously talking to your dad. “She’s warning him,” Jackson chuckled.
“I’m honestly afraid. I know that—if your son doesn’t like me, my relationship with Y/N is in danger,”
“You got me in your corner, son. It’s gonna be okay,”
Rafael watched you until you entered the diner. He stood up and extended his hand to your father. He felt like a teenager, meeting the scary father of his first girlfriend. But he’s a grown man, he is a shark in court, he usually scares people. He surely can handle your father. So he hoped.
“Nice to meet you, sir,” he said. When you noticed your father wasn’t shaking Rafael’s hand, you hit him with your elbow and he did it.
“Hi son,” Jackson stood up painfully and your father hugged him. You sat next to Rafael, across your father. Under the table, you grabbed your fiancé’s hand and squeezed it softly. “About time you arrive, we’re starving,” Jackson said. Your father kept staring at your fiancé. “I feel like the outsider here. You all work in law enforcement and here I am, old marine, with his shop,” thank god for your grandfather.
“What do you do?” Gibbs asked his son-in-law.
“Lawyer. ADA for Manhattan’s Special Victim Unit,”
“Good kind of lawyer,” you told your dad.
The diner went as good as it could go and it was all on your grandfather. You knew he was fond of your boyfriend and that he would make it easier. A few times, you had to give kicks to your father under the table to remind him to behave. Not that he was giving hard times to Rafael, but he was searching for a smallest bad thing in your boyfriend.
“How did I do?” Rafael asked when you were in the car. Your father and your grandfather were in your father’s car.
“He agreed for us to stay at home for the weekend, so that’s good. That’s really good actually,”
“Yeah, well, thank god you invited your grandfather,” Rafael chuckled.
“Told you we needed the shield,”
“You know, baby—I understand him. I didn’t sleep much last night and I tried the empathy thing. I would probably be like him if I went through the same things,” Rafael had his hand on your knee and he gave you a squeeze. “Wouldn’t want anything around a diamond like you,”
Though you were driving, you put one of your hands on his. “Mum would have loved you. She would have made him behave,” you giggled to that thought but Rafael heard the tears in your voice.
“I hope she knows how much I love her daughter,” Rafael brought your hand to his lips and softly kissed your knuckles.
Later that night, while Rafael was peacefully sleeping in your old room - he made a move but you refused to do anything in that room and he understood - you went downstairs and heard noise from the basement. “Old habits die hard,” you said, walking to your father.
“Did I wake you up? Not used to have people at home anymore,”
“Don’t worry, dad. I just couldn’t sleep,” you grabbed one of the tools and started to work on the boat just like your father showed you when you were little.
“Something’s bothering you? Are you disappoint by my behavior?”
“Nah. You did better than I thought, actually,” you told him. “And for what’s worth, Rafael understands why you are the way you are,”
“And what way would that be?”
“Overprotective. Worried. Scared, perhaps?”
“All I want is for you to be happy, sweetheart,”
“I know,” you let go of the tool and got closer to your father, making him stop what he’s doing. “I am, dad. Rafael makes me happy,” Gibbs could see the tears in your eyes even though the light was dim. He watched you taking something from your sweater’s pocket. “That’s why—“ you put the ring around your finger, “I said yes,”
You knew it was a lot in one night for your father. You didn’t know what his reaction would be. But he surprised you with a tight hug. “You’re happy, I’m happy, baby. Rafael is—seems like a very good man,”
You were happy about your life. But something was still off and no one, nothing can’t make it disappear, “I wish mummy and Kelly were still here,” you cried in your father’s arms.
“Me too, baby. Me, too,”
Rafael felt you leaving the bed. He always knew you had sleep issues. Sometimes when you disappeared in the middle of the night, he followed you because he knows you’re not okay. That’s exactly what he did, until he heard you and your father in the basement. He heard the entire conversation. It warmed and broke his heart in the same time. He could never take away the pain of losing your mother and your sister when you were a little girl. But he promised himself he would do everything he can to make it less painful.
In the morning, Rafael woke up before you. When he got downstairs, your father and grandfather were already up and eating breakfast. “Morning Rafael,” Jackson greeted him with a warm smile, which he returned.
Gibbs didn’t say anything, but with his hand, he ordered Rafael to follow him downstairs. “I now know why Y/N’s good with wood, and building things,” Rafael said with a - scared - smile.
Gibbs sat on his bench and looked up to his soon-to-be son-in-law. “I need you to make me one promise,” he said. Rafael nodded. “Promise me that—whatever happened to me, to my father or even, between you and my daughter, you will always be there for her,” Rafael felt he wasn’t done so he stayed silent, “I never approved of her exes because I knew they weren’t up for it. I feel like you are, so—promise me that, and I will let you marry her,”
“I promise you. I would promise it a hundred times if needed. Your daughter brought me back to life, she has no idea how happy she makes me. She deserves the world and I will give it to her,” Rafael paused to take a deep breath, “I promise you, I will always be there for her. No matter what,” he said. “sí o sí,” he repeated in a whisper.
Gibbs stood up and did something unexpected for both of them. He hugged Rafael. Not in a million years, Rafael would have imagined his father-in-law would hug him. But he did and you saw it.
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jaderabbitt · 4 years
Delphinus (1/?)
howdy y’all. I wrote this chapter of garbo instead of doing my university work. didn’t exactly like how it came out/where it went so it might be going in the “dead idea; don’t continue” pile unless people like it enough. so like it or i pull out the glock.
warnings: none? unless angst triggers you (promise it wont be the whole story tho)
This was it. This was where you died.
As you lie in a back alley in a pool of your own blood, you stared up at the night sky. Remembering all of the memories you made under this same Egyptian sky, you couldn’t help but find your comrades in the stars.
You would’ve giggled thinking about Iggy on his hind legs, begging for coffee gum, as Lupus, if you could move a muscle. The tales of Ophiuchus, the man holding the snake, reminded you of Joseph and his Hermit Purple. You thought of Auriga, and its translation to “charioteer”, which made you sigh a little deeper than your body would’ve wanted. Wincing, you thought of Aquila, the eagle, and visioned it to be Magician’s Red. You spotted Orion’s belt, and remembered what Kakyoin had told you about the brightest constellation in the sky.
“Since it’s located on the celestial equator, Orion can be seen throughout the world. Neat, right, (Y/N)?”
You wouldn’t dare forget Delphinus. It brought as much of a smile as you could handle to your face, faintly recalling the ever so subtle change in Jotaro’s face when you had mentioned that there was a dolphin constellation.
Previously uninterested, Jotaro had his interest piqued, and was staring at you now as you described the tale of the constellation Delphinus.
“According to Greek mythology, Delphinus the dolphin was Poseidon’s messenger to a nymph he wanted to marry. Delphinus was the only one to get the nymph to accept, so Poseidon memorialized him among the stars. It’s my favorite constellation!”
Jotaro hummed in acknowledgement, shifting against the desert rock you two had settled by as to not disturb the other sleeping Crusaders, Taking the last huff of his cigarette, he snuffed it out on the ground. Looking back to you, he couldn’t help but gaze at your awed face. You had been shocked to see that all the stars were visible in the desert, where there was no light pollution. He could see you imprinting them all to memory as you smiled brightly.
Little did you know, you were his favorite star.
As you looked back at him, you noted the small crack in his normally stoic facade, and that was the miniscule curve upwards of his lips. You wrote it off as simply his interest in marine life, as you gathered from his choice of leisure reading.
You still committed the image to memory, just like the stars you loved.
You were harshly brought back to reality as you spit up blood, coughing wildly even though it hurt to move. Your stand, Seven Wonders, lay parallel to you, slowly dimming in visibility as your mental fortitude began to diminish. You fondly remembered how you named it.
“If I live to see the...Seven Wonders...I’ll make a path to the rainbow’s end..” you sung to yourself, washing the dishes and having your stand dry them after a long night of cooking for one. The radio was on the counter a bit ways away from the both of you, playing Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mac, one of the chart hits from the summer of ‘87. As you looked over to the unnamed prismatic being by your side, you decided that it was time to give it a name.
Your eyelids felt heavier and heavier, coercing you to close them, but you knew what that would entail. As you struggled to keep your eyes open, you blurrily made out the figure of a woman in white. She seemed to have her head wrapped in a white scarf, and the rest of her attire consisted of a modest wrap-around white dress. She appeared to be walking closer, in slow motion. 
Perhaps the most clear minded thought you had in the past few minutes was that God was a woman, she was Muslim, and that those two things made a lot of sense. You could faintly hear her calling out to you, but you couldn’t discern what it was that she was saying. You supposed that this was the end, and finally allowed your eyes to close.
What you didn’t expect was to wake up.
On someone’s couch.
Was that a Cabbage Patch doll? It was kinda creepy.
No, bad. Focus.
You deduced that you were in someone’s home, most likely still in Cairo, judging by the buildings in the window you were facing. You were clearly bandaged, as your chest was constricted by some sort of binding, as well as your legs. Your left arm was against your chest in some sort of makeshift sling. As you tried to call out for whoever it was that was clearly taking care of you, your throat decided otherwise. You were thrown into a coughing fit, clearly from disuse. In doing so, you accomplished your goal anyways, as your coughs seemed to alert whoever was in the rest of the apartment? House?
You heard the patter of light steps coming near you, but what you hadn’t expected was big, curious, brown eyes staring into yours. A child.
Who barraged you with more questions than you could answer yourself.
“You’re awake! Finally! It’s been days! What’s your name? Where did you come from? How did you get hurt? Are you an American? Umi told me stories of America!”
All you could do was give an exasperated sigh, and point to your throat, while dryly saying, “W..ate..r..” 
The little girl seemed to get what you were saying, and you could almost visibly see the exclamation mark above her head.
“Oh, do you want water? I can get you water!” she said, about to run off, before she walked into something soft with an “oof!”, looking up to see her mother with a glass of water.
“Umi, the foreigner is awake! Can they play with me ye-” her mother cut her off by giving her a delicate command in a language you didn’t recognize, and the little girl pouted before going somewhere out of your current range of vision. The older lady held the glass of water to your lips, and you gratefully gulped it down like it was ambrosia. 
A thick, but calming, accented voice broke the silence. “What is your name, habibi?” the woman asked softly, sitting cross-legged by your face to meet it. You gave her your name, and she nodded before giving you a once-over, making sure blood hadn’t peaked through the new bandages she had given you earlier in the day,
“What happened to you? If you don’t remember, do not strain yourself.” she assured you, but you were just trying to come up with a story that didn’t involve vampires or strange manifestations of mental strength.
“I...got into an accident. Dragged myself into the alley.” you offered, though you weren’t confident that she bought the excuse. “My friends...Has anyone been looking for me? I came with a group..” you asked, looking around to see if any sign of them was present.
The look on the woman’s face told you what you needed to know.
“Do you have anyone I can call? A parent or guardian?” she asked, looking at you with such pity that made you almost angry.
“No. I have no family.” you answered bitterly, holding back your tongue as you regretted using such a sharp tone with someone who helped you out of the goodness of their heart.
“That is alright. You are more than welcome to stay with me and Jamila.”
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nakunakunomi · 4 years
The best gift - Crocodile x reader
One Piece of summer challenge - week 10
part of the challenge hosted by @doctorgerth​ & @laws-yellow-submarine​ I’m attempting all 11 weeks, 11 different prompts and 11 different characters! One to last one, a little later than it was supposed to come out! I cannot believe I managed to write things 10 weeks in a row already?? Enjoy!
Prompt: seashells - Character: Sir Crocodile  - Word count: 1.5k Tw: pregnancy !! oh and the seashell language is completely made up.  2nd person, female reader. 
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Crocodile was away from home quite often. First hand check ups on certain branches of his organisation, missions that no one else could be trusted to do, other, miscellaneous business trips, the list of reasons to leave you home alone was quite endless. You knew this from way before the relationship started, from before you got together. You didn’t mind too much, you knew he was strong and that he would always get back to you. But this time was a little different still. 
You placed a hand on your lower belly, where there was no change yet, but there would soon be. The doctor, highly qualified like anyone on Sir Crocodile’s personnel, had left you with no doubt: you were pregnant.  The fact that your husband was away on a business trip made it a little easier for you to firstly accept the news by yourself. He was so sensitive to every little change in your expressions and mood, he’d have figured it out before you would have the time to tell him. 
But now your time to think about it and overthink it all was running out. Crocodile could be returning home any day now, or so you had been told. You had done quite a bit of research while trying to figure out how to break the news, and had eventually settled on some seashells. It seemed weird at first, but you found a book on the symbolic meanings of the shells, and the ones you had picked out were supposedly meant to bring good luck, signal fatherhood, new beginnings... besides, you loved the way they looked and they seemed best fitting for a gift to Crocodile. He didn’t like it when you spoiled him with big gifts, that was his job he said, but he did appreciate all the meaningful things you gave him, keeping every single one of them either on his person at all times or in the upper drawer of his desk, close whenever he was working. 
You were nervous, not sure what to expect. You didn’t expect him to be overjoyed, maybe he’d even be a little angry. But you had already stopped the figuring out who was to blame, and in the month you were by yourself, you had gotten used to the whole idea of motherhood. No matter the outcome of the conversation you were soon about to have, you had made up your mind that you would do whatever necessary to keep the child and give it a life where it could be as happy and healthy as possible. 
You looked at the little box containing the seashells, set aside your book and made your way to Crocodile’s office. You’d put the little box on his desk, and then when he returned and asked about it, you would break the news. 
You had not expected him to sit behind his desk as you opened the door, but there was no mistaking that large frame and the signature smell of his cigars, a habit you hoped he’d lessen a little around you, if he were to react positively to the news. You could feel your heart sink as you had hoped for a little more time to mentally prepare, and all the words you had practiced and wanted to say seemed to have packed their suitcases and moved out of your brain, leaving you standing in the open door frame, immediately informing your husband that indeed, something was wrong. 
He had meant to surprise you, but wanted to put away his paperwork and such from the mission, before going to seek you out. Now you were there, and he couldn’t help but frown when he called you over to his desk, an awkward silence as you stepped forward, closing the door behind you, and made your way over to him, going around the desk so you were now standing next to him, as he turned to you to face him. You were nervous, but you were not scared. You knew him better than that. He would never hurt you, even if you were to disappoint him with your news. 
“You’re back early” You broke the silence with the most steady voice you could muster. It would have convinced anyone but the one person in front of you.  “I told the servants not to warn you, I wanted it to be a surprise.”  You laughed. “well... you did manage to surprise me!” He seemed satisfied, maybe your nervousness did just come from the sudden surprise of seeing him there, while you were obviously on your way to plan something for him. He had already spotted the neatly wrapped up box in your hands. 
“Sorry for startling you and ruining... your surprise?” he blew away a puff of smoke behind him, and eyed the box you were now nearly crushing with your nervous grip. You held it out for him, laughing nervously.  “Let’s do this together, to make it less uncomfortable?” He handed you a similar-sized box, it had been on his desk, but you had been too busy collecting your thoughts to notice it sitting there.  You nodded as you took the box out of his hands, thanked him and then there was a moment of silence as each of you was opening their gift. 
The moment you laid eyes upon the content of the box, you frowned in confusion. There were numerous beautiful seashells, sharing similar meanings as the one you had given your other half, who let out a low chuckle at the gift in his hands.  “Wait.. you know? Someone told you? Who told you?” You looked up at him in confusion, only to see one eyebrow raise in similar confusion.  “Who told me what? I saw these and they reminded me of you, the lady who sold them told me they were the ideal gift for a long-standing relation.”  “Well yeah... “ you responded silently, “they stand for good luck, new beginnings, fertility...and parenthood.” You said, lifting up each of the shells as you named off their qualities. They were absolutely gorgeous and way more sturdy and pretty than the ones you had gotten him. He had gotten silent at your words, them sinking in rather fast. 
“So you’re..”  “yes” you answered before he could even finish his sentence, “I found out a week after you left..”  He took another deep inhale from his cigar, holding it in a little longer than he usually would, before blowing out another puff of smoke, again, away from you.  “You’re aware of the possible dangers that come with it?”  You nodded.  “And you know I won’t be able to just drop all this?” he gestured with his hook at the whole room, you knew he meant the whole empire he had built as a warlord.  You nodded again.  “Well, I know where you can stay, I can probably send Miss All Sunday with you for protection...” he was more talking to himself than actually to you and you felt the tears well up in your eyes. That was it, he was going to send you away and this would end the entirety of the relationship. 
He looked up from his murmuring and thinking only to see you completely devastated.  “I’m sorry” was all you could say before the first few teardrops spilled on your cheeks.  “What are you sorry for?” He reached out his arm, gently pulling you closer, as he noticed you were increasing the physical distance between the two of you.  You followed easily, wanting nothing more than having him close and sobbing in his chest, unable to form words, let alone sentences. Crocodile put one and one together, and understood how his thinking out loud might have given you the entire wrong impression. 
“Love, there’s no way I’ll be keeping you in a house full of assassins and such when you’re at your most vulnurable. The marines are not allowed any funny business because of my current status, but they will definitely not be happy to hear about the news and I wouldn’t want them trying anything. So I’ll be sending you somewhere safe, probably with Miss All Sunday to watch over you, when the time comes where you cannot move comfortably enough to protect yourself, she will do so. And I told you I cannot drop all this,” he gestured again, as you slowly lifted your tearstained face from his chest, “but that doesn’t mean I am dropping you either. I’ll visit you as often as I can, make it another sort of business trip where no one should try to interrupt me... I just want you safe.” 
The wave of relief that washed over you was immense, and you couldn’t help but tear up again. His hooked hand moved behind you, gently holding you close, so he could use his good hands to wipe those tears from your face.  “Now before we set that plan in motion, I believe this calls for a celebration.” 
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 11th, Wednesday 21:12
„So why did you actually move here in the first place?“
They had finished dinner and sat on the sofa in the livingroom. Empty plates and half filled wine glasses left forgotten on the low table infront of them. Lucas had found a bottle I n one of the cupboards, presenting it to Jens with a grin. They hadn’t found any candles though, so their joked about candle-light-dinner fell a bit short.
Lucas’s legs were thrown over Jens’s lap, as the boy rested his back against the side arm of the couch.
They had talked a lot about the online classes till now and the huge amount of homework they had gotten. Til Jens remembered that he wanted to ask Lucas so many more private things, that hadn’t felt right over the phone. He wanted to see Lucas in person when he did.
„Difficult topic.“ The boy said, leaning his head against the back rest, as he looked at Jens, but went on quietly regardless. Only pausing occasionally as he elaborated: „My mother takes part in a 9 month long drug trial here at the university hospital... She suffers from severe depression with a moderate form of psychosis... becasue why not. And they have a new treatment in development, that her doctor suggested could help her balance the chemicals in her brain, or something... So I told her, that I thought it was a good idea and that I wouldn’t let her go on her own. Obviously I’m also underage... Now, here we are.“
It evidently was hard for Lucas to talk about his family situation. And Jens was instantly reminded back to Robbe and how he had been there for his best friend two years ago, while everything went to shit with his mother, while he himself dealt with Jana and their break-up.
But this wasn’t the time to dwell on old memories. This here only involved Lucas.
So Jens strechted his arm out far enough, that his fingers could comb though the brown locks on Lucas’s head.
„Sorry to hear that. How is she doing?“
„Pretty good actually. I felt so lost with her back in Utrecht, but now that we are here and I don’t have to constantly worry over her, I feel much better. She is much more energetic and happy when we spend a day or two together. She asks more, listens more. She feels much more like a parent for once in a very long time.“ Lucas smiled at him, certainly looking content with his current situation until Jens hit him with the next question, his expression dropping into a frown.
„And where is your father?“
„He moved to Amsterdam after my mom broke down one day. They were fighting for years already and I don’t really mind him being out of my life, he was a bit far leaning on the conservative site.“ The dutch boy explained vaguely, certainly being done with this subject. On his part at least.
„What about your parents? You also only live with your mom, right?“
“Yup.“ Being on the recieving end of the question hurt definitely more. He wasn’t about to lie though to Lucas, as the boy had been so honest with him. He just wasn’t ready to talk about his mom yet. He didn’t know how to start.
„Only with my mom, yes. I haven’t seen my dad in years. I’m not even sure if Robbe remembers him. He was home at best a couple of month a year. He is not a bad man, he just never was made for settling down and family life, I suppose.“
„What do you mean?“ Lucas interrupted, watching Jens curiously from his position, his hand lightly kneading the older boy’s neck in circles. It was a very calming feeling.
„Well, he studied marine biology and after having done his PhD, with me being two, he started going on all sorts of expeditions. He always came back with the coolest stories and gifts. A real adventurer. I loved listening to him as a boy, Only when I grew older and Lotte was born did I notice under how much pressure my mom stood. She broke it off with him, when I was eleven. They never divorced, but the last time I heard of him was a postcard on my birthday two years ago from Tasmania.“ Jens shrugged. „I don’t even have an adress or a phone number to contact him, so... Not sure if it makes him an asshole or not.“
Truth be told, Jens never really had felt much regarding his absent father. He also didn’t really think much about him. He only ever felt sad for his mom having to handle everything on her own.
„Yeah, I don’t know either.“ Lucas said carefully, unsure of his response. Maybe he was afraid to say the wrong thing, or to hurt Jens? 
„Do you think he would have approved of us here?“ Lucas question caught him a bit off guard, until he remembered that the boy had told him his father to be „conservative“.
„I believe so, he was very much of the „live and let live“ attitude, as far as I can recall. And even if not, I don’t really care, because I get to cuddle and kiss this pretty boy right here.“
Lucas snorted at him, still sat straighter up and reaching over to kiss Jens, moving to settle on his lap.
„Do your friends know you are not straight?“ Lucas continued to ask, as his lips brushed along Jens’s jaw.
„No. I mean three weeks ago, I thought I was very straight.“ 
„Oh?“ Lucas feighned surprise and leaned his head back, his eyes searching for Jens’s gaze, as he grinned. „How come not now?“
„I haven’t the slightest clue. I may need something to remind me.“ Jens said, his arms wrapped around the body of Lucas, pulling him closer, his hips pushing up playfully into the other boy, who drew a sharp breath, his eyes falling shut.
If that wasn’t a beautiful sight to be seen.
„Jens.“ Lucas whispered nervously clearing his throat, his gaze driffted off over Jen’s head. Had he done something wrong?
„Sorry, should I..“
„No.“ Lucas quickly stopped Jens in his attempt to push Lucas a bit away. The fingers in his neck digging into him.
„Okay.“ Jens waited for Lucas to gather his thoughts. It only took the boy a minute to go on and elaborate.
„I’ve never...“
„You’ve never...“ Jens repeated, when the other boy once again stopped in his tracks.
„I’ve never done this. All of this.“ Lucas finally said.
„What? Was I your first kiss?“ Jens’s eyes grew wide as the thought hit him, and with it an actual punch in the chest from Lucas’s fist. Not that it was really hard or meant to hurt.
„No. I’ve kissed before. It just never went anywhere further than that. And also they were girls.“
„Eh same. You are also the first boy I’ve kissed.“ Jens said grinning brightly at the smiling boy rolling his eyes.
„That’s not what I mean, asshole.“
„Sorry.“ He pecked a kiss on Lucas’s lips, earning him another in return, before the boy on his lap grew a bit more serious again.
„You have so much experience with girls at least and I have none... What if you don’t like this? You said yourself, that you thought you were absolutely straight before. I’m scared I’m not good enough.“ The last words were a whisper so soft, Jens had trouble to understand them.
„Hey. I’m nervous too.“ Jens admitted as he locked eyes with Lucas. „You are the first boy for me as well. I have no fucking clue, what I am supposed to be doing here. I’ve never thought about it before, nor done reasearch on it. I just... We’ll just figure it out, okay? And if today is not the right day, then there is still tomorrow. So how about we kiss. And then you take my sweater and shirt off, and I’ll take yours off. Because honestly that is all I want right now. And then we’ll go from there.“
Lucas was back to smiling at him, eagerly nodding as his eyes dropped to Jens’s lips before he was pulled back into a tight embrace by the older boy. Their lips finding each other blind while their hands lost no time slipping under fabric and pulling their shirts off.
How hard could it be?
__ __ __ 
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
quick info:
so I am ace, but had my fair share of experiences, still I’m not comfortable going further than that in writing. If you expected some explicit content in my work, I’m afraid, I’ll have to disappoint you. Go read it somewhere and come back for the story, if you want 😭
hope you don’t mind and are able to fill the blanks to your fullest wishes!
thank you for reading!! ❤️
ps: if everything goes okay and I’m still motivated, I may continue my version of wtfock with another season exploring asexuality 🙈
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heartbeatan · 4 years
Damned Royalty (Chapter 16)
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Return to Chapter 15.
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Return to Desperado Series.
Return to Jimin Fanfictions.
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Chapter 16
“Dad!” you said, trying to hide the shock and shame in your voice. “Mr. Park,” you stuck out your hand to shake Jimin’s father’s hand.
“Sir,” Jimin did the same, offering his hand to your father. The exchange was a bit intense. You noticed how your fathers glare flitted over you, and you became painfully aware and self-conscious about wearing last nights dress to a “work” event. In an instant, you went from feeling like a powerful, sexy businesswoman to feeling like you were fourteen years old again, getting caught stealing ice cream from the freezer before dinner.
“We heard you two were down here today,” Stanford spoke boisterously, seemingly not at all aware of what was going on. “So, we insisted on coming by… see how the next generation was getting along.”
“We’re getting along just great,” replied Jimin. You weren’t sure if his words were supposed to be suggestive, but under the hardened aura of your father, you were ready to smack Jimin in the back of the head.
“We were just down here to review the process of the renovations and to discuss next steps to the remodeling,” you smiled, trying to make it seem like you being there was purely work related. Jimin nodded along with you.
“Well great,” said Stanford. “Perhaps you could walk us through it?”
“Of course,” you gestured your hand towards the hall, guiding the men back towards the main room. You caught Jimin’s look as they turned their backs on you. He pursed his lips and widened his eyes in a silent “that was close” message to you. You returned his thoughts then stepped out of the room to follow Stanford and your father out – but Jimin didn’t let you make it without a quick squeezed to your backside which you promptly slapped away.
The tour of the establishment was also tense. Your father kept silent for the most part, and you did your best not to stand too close to Jimin for fear he would figure it out.
“I’m impressed with both of you,” Stanford said when the tour was over. “I think you’re making a great team.”
“Thank-you, sir,” you smiled graciously.
He turned to shake your father’s hand. “And I expect both of you to come to my son’s birthday gathering. Bring your wife of course.”
“We look forward to it,” your father replied.
“Now, if you’ll excuse us for a moment,” Stanford turned and placed his hand on Jimin’s shoulder. “I need to speak to my son privately about some important matters.”
“Of course,” replied your father. “Y/N and I will be heading back to the office anyway.” Jimin and you caught each others’ eyes for a split second. Your day of playing hooky wasn’t exactly panning out as planned.
“We’ll be in touch,” you reached out your hand to Jimin for him to shake it – your stare pleading with him to keep his cool.
“For sure,” he took your hand and shook it. You noted that this was the most professional he had ever treated you. With that, you left the building and hopped into your father’s car.
The ride was silent for the first several blocks. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what your father knew. And you were feeling anxious about returning to the office in your cocktail dress and Jimin’s jacket. But you noticed the driver turn onto the highway, and you knew in an instant that the office wasn’t where you were returning.
“You didn’t come home last night,” your father broke the silence.
“Umm, no. I stayed at a friends house.”
He went quiet again and you felt nervous for lying to him.
“I told you, you need to be careful when it comes to the Park’s. They’re not good people.”
“I don’t know – they seem pretty nice to me,” you regretted saying it the instant it slipped from your lips.
“Wake up, Y/N,” he snapped. “You’ve seen the news, right? You know about the bloodbath happening in the east end? Who do you think is behind all that?”
Your throat knotted.
“It’s the Park’s, Y/N. I told you they were dangerous people and I meant it.”
“It’s fine, father.”
“Is it? Because last I heard you and Jinhyun broke up and now it seems you’re spending a lot of time with that boy.”
“Who told you we broke up?”
“Jinhyun’s mother,” he snapped. “To think I had to hear it from her and not my own daughter.”
You closed your eyes as the guilt marinated over your sensibilities. Everything had just happened so fast, you never thought of this as a consequence.
“I’m sorry for not tell you. It was so sudden – I haven’t had the chance to process it for myself.”
“He’s a good man. I don’t understand why you would throw that away.”
“I didn’t. He broke up with me,” it was your turn to snap.
“I don’t know why – he never said.”
The car fell quiet again as you both were at a loss of what to say next. You drove for the next 30 minutes in total silence until the driver pulled into your garage. Then, your father felt it was time for one last scolding.
“Get your head on straight, Y/N. He’s no good for you. He’ll destroy your life if he doesn’t get you killed first.” With that, he exited the car and slammed the door. You closed your eyes and listened to the sound of your frustrated breathing. His words scrambled around in your mind.
“You know about the bloodbath happening in the east end? Who do you think is behind all that?”
Jimin’s words scrambled around in your mind as well.
“There was some other business to be taken care of.”
The timing was most inconvenient. Of all the times you needed to confront Jimin – now was one of them. But now was also the time you couldn’t be sneaking out of the house to see him. You needed to sooth the intensity in your home first. You cursed yourself for not buying a penthouse of your own. Perhaps it was time to start looking into one.
“How did it go?” Jimin asked through the phone. You were up in your room, lying on your bed, feeling like you were grounded even though you were too old to be grounded.
“I think he knows something. About us,” you replied, trying to keep you’re voice low, even though your parents lived in a separate wing of the mansion. “It was intense.”
“Did you tell him about us?”
“No. I just know how he’s going to react, so, I think it’s best if we lay low anyway. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I get it. I wouldn’t want any children of mine to be caught up with someone like me.”
“Everything that’s happening in the east end… is that you?”
He went quiet. You felt the tension through the phone as you waited for him to answer.
“You know I’ve never lied to you, Y/N,” he began.
“I know that.”
“But I don’t always tell you what’s going on. It’s to protect you.”
You swallowed. You knew that too. But really, how long could this charade carry on? You couldn’t spend the rest of your life turning a blind eye to what was happening right under your nose. “I don’t need you to protect me anymore, Jimin. If we’re really doing this – I can’t be treated as less than your partner.”
You heard him take a deep breath before he responded.
“Yes. It has something to do with us.”
“It’s complicated.”
“Try me,” you encouraged him, but from his delay you could tell he was still afraid to talk to you.
“My father and I have been… talking… about getting out. Going legit for real. Just talking. He wants to retire, and I’ll be taking over – so ultimately, he’s left it up to me to decide.”
“Oh?” you tried to keep your voice neutral, but the idea that Jimin might leave the crime world behind was beyond exhilarating.
“So,” he continued. “We started shopping around. Looking for buyers to sell off our assets and infrastructure to. Problem is… the east end cartel wanted to bid. We rejected them and now they’re trying to retaliate.”
“Why did you reject them?”
“You don’t know these people, Y/N. They’re brutal. Unhinged. Dictatorial. They aren’t here for the people, they’re only here for themselves. We didn’t want our legacy falling into their hands.”
You bit your lip as you thought. You hadn’t for some reason expected Jimin to speak so pridefully of his work. He was a criminal too, after all.
“I don’t want to sound insensitive, Jimin, but… what makes what you do any better than what they do?”
“My father was poor back in the day. I mean, couldn’t make his rent, could hardly feed himself kind of poor. Everyone in the neighbourhood was like that. Then, one day, some men in suits showed up – wanted to evict an apartment complex so that they could put in a factory. Wanted to make some luxury items to sell to the west enders. They promised jobs and income for the neighbourhood. So, the municipality agreed. People lost their homes and they got their warehouse. Then another group of men in suits showed up… then another… and so on.”
“They gentrified,” you chimed in.
“Yes. For a while it was good. People had jobs again – but, as more and more businesses moved in, the more and more housing prices rose. Problem was that wages never rose, and we were back to where we started. Poor and unable to make it in our own home. Anytime someone brought it up, they were fired without cause.”
You felt a stab of guilt as Jimin recounted the story. You were one of those west enders. You wondered what kind of impact your company had or currently had over similar communities. You made a mental note to look into that topic later.
“So,” Jimin continued. “My father started a labour union. The companies hire thugs to come and beat up the picketers, threaten organizers and their families – anything they could do to intimidate us into submission again. That’s when my father started punching back.”
“What did he do?”
“Extortion… Threats… Violence… Bribes… all the things they had done to him. He just perfected it. And soon enough everyone in the neighbourhood looked up to him. Soon after that, he started some of his own legit and not-so-legit businesses and employed even more people. The rest is history.”
“Wow. That’s quite a story.”
“The cartel, however, they don’t care about that sort of thing. They just want unrestricted control over trafficking channels. They don’t want to have to deal with us first. If we sold to them, the place would be a shithole within weeks.”
“So… that’s why you rejected their proposal?”
“We refused to even tender the idea. Which probably pissed them off even more.”
“When did this all start?”
“You remember when you masturbated on my bed?” You blushed immediately – he was just so blunt all the time. Of course, you remembered. It was probably the most erotic moment of your life. You also remembered how he went missing for over a week afterwards. That’s when it clicked.
“That’s why you didn’t call me?”
“You feel bad now about scolding me for that?”
“Did they knock you out, steal your cellphone and tie you up in a basement?”
“Then nope,” you fired back with certainty and you heard Jimin chuckle lightly. “From here on in you better have one hell of a reason to not call me for a damn week.”
“Alright. I promise.”
The phone fell silent for a minute – a comfortable silence. You imagined you were laying in bed, next to him – having this intimate conversation then falling silent while in each others’ arms. “I wish I was there with you,” you imagined out loud.
“I wish you were here too. When can I see you again?”
“Mm, I think I should stay here for a couple days. Save my poor fathers heart. How about I come over on… oh wait!” you shot up in bed.
“Your birthday! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wasn’t hiding it. I just never got around to telling you.”
“Well now that we’re on the topic… what do you want?”
“You. In my bed.”
You laughed. “You already have that.”
“Not for a couple more days apparently,” you could hear the annoyance in his voice.
“What else do you want? I have no idea what mob princes are needing for these days.”
“I can buy myself whatever I want. What I need is you. Come with me to the party – as mine.”
Your fathers stunned face flash through your mind. You hand in hand with the Park’s son… there’s no way he wouldn’t lose his mind.
“I… I don’t know, Jimin. My father…”
“What are we going to do? Hide forever?”
“No… I just want to enjoy it before we have to deal with all of that.”
“What is there to deal with? You’re an adult. I’m an adult.”
“You know it’s not that simple,” you tried to sooth him. “My father wouldn’t approve. He’ll probably never approve. I’m sorry, but that’s just something about me you’re going to have to accept.” The other end went quiet again. You waited patiently for Jimin to absorb what you were saying.
“Fine,” he eventually spoke. “But I don’t want to hide forever.”
“We won’t. I promise.”
“What are you wearing?”
You smiled and looked down at your fluffy pink pajamas and decided that wasn’t the answer Jimin was hoping to hear.
“Just my bra and panties,” you replied.
“Mmm,” he hummed. “What colour are they?”
“I bet you look so sexy in them.”
“What are you wearing?”
“Just my sweatpants.”
“You look good in those sweatpants. I remember.” Your hips began to swivel slightly, anticipating where this conversation was going. “I wish you were hear so I could see it.”
“If I was there, we wouldn’t be talking anymore.”
“Oh? What would you be doing to me?”
“I’d probably be kissing your neck right now. You know how I love those sounds you make when I do.”
You let out a soft moan into the phone – replicating the exact sound he was talking about.
“Yeah, that’s the one. Then I’d move down your body – cause I love how your skin tastes and smells.” You ran your free hand over your belly, imagining it was Jimin touching you right now. “I’d stop and play with those sweet tits of yours though. When you really like it, your back arches and you shove them right into my face. I love when you do that.” You bit down on your lip, the way you did when he was nibbling on your nipples. You reached up under your shirt and cupped your bare breast and began massaging it. Then you whined into the phone.
“It feels so good.”
“Are your nipples hard right now?”
“What else would you do?”
“Right when you’ve had enough, I’d slip my hand down your panties and you’d writhe into my palm.”
Captivated with the idea, you slip your hand into your pants. You were already wet. So wet, that you slid your fingers through your folds with ease and care, teasing yourself, imagining and wishing it was his hand and not yours. “Oh,” you panted into the phone. “I love when you fuck me with your hands. Feeling your fingers inside me makes me so wet.”
“You like it better when I fuck you with my cock, though. I know that. Slip your fingers inside of you, princess.”
You imagined Jimin, hovering over top of you, your legs spread out for him, his dick in his hands, pressing he tip to your entrance. As he rolled his hips forward, you slipped two of your fingers into your dripping core, stuffing them into you as deep as they’ll go and letting out a frustrated cry when then didn’t go deep enough.
“How does that feel?” Jimin asked.
“It’s so much better when it’s you,” you whined.
You heard a guttural groan come from the other end of the phone – and behind the groan, you could hear the slick sounds of skin over skin. He was touching himself too.
“God, if I was there right now,” he grumbled. “I’d be fucking you so good right now.” You heard the beat pick up in pace. You could see it in your mind. Jimin in his chair, his hand stuffed down his sweatpants, his other hand still holding the phone as he spoke to you. The way his neck would extend when it felt so good. If you were there, you’d climb onto his lap and take care of him yourself. You’d angle yourself right over his cock and bury it deep inside you.
“Ugh!” you moaned. The image was so vivid that it sent a chill down your spine. You pulled your sticky fingers from inside you and made your way up to your clit – circling it just the way Jimin had taught you too.
“I can see it now, princess. You on your bed. Your hand down your panties. Thinking about me fucking you.”
“Oh!” you keened as you felt your orgasm begin to build.
Minutes later, after you both came, after you returned from cleaning yourself up in the bathroom, after you said goodbye and goodnight to Jimin, you lay awake in bed unable to sleep. You were thinking of Jimin. Missing the feeling of him beside you. Thinking about what he has told you. Thinking about what your father had said. You played over and over the time you had spent together and how you felt during those times. Dinner at the restaurant. Sex in the shower. Poker at the game room. And then…
“Ah ha!” you jumped from your bed and grabbed your laptop. Jimin may have said all he wanted for his birthday was you – but he didn’t say which way he was going to have you. You began searching the web – finding sites you had never dared explored before, until finally you found what you think you were looking for. With a few five-star reviews, a couple clicks and a credit card number later, you had perfected the art of gift giving.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Blade (Tales From The Heart)
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Gen Warnings: None Characters: Law, Zoro
Law didn't like the Straw Hats. He could see their use to him, with their easily distracted captain a perfect tool to draw Doflamingo's attention or to blow up the factory, whichever plan Law eventually settled on, and the rest of the crew so loyal to their captain that they wouldn't disobey despite their vocal misgivings about everything – him. Law didn't begrudge them their suspicion; after all, he was taking advantage of their strong but naïve captain exactly as some of them suspected.
(It was only much later that he realised he was oh so wrong about who was naïve and who was using who).
Having to watch his back constantly was tiring, but with Mugiwara-ya firmly convinced that Law would do no wrong, it was at least less stressful than Punk Hazard had been. The pay off was having to deal with his fellow captain's innate stupidity, but at least he could enter something of a doze in their presence when Caesar was being a loud nuisance and drawing all their attention.
However, there was a single eye that never left him. Law could feel it boring into his back, prickling his skin, and when he looked around, it didn't disappear like most watchers would do. No, the single dark eye of the Pirate Hunter met his gaze evenly. Law wouldn't say he was afraid of the man, but he was certainly wary of him. He'd always considered the epithet to be rather odd, despite the man's bounty hunting past – the Marines could easily have used "Santoryu" or "Demon Swordsman" instead – but now the sole subject of that unrelenting eye, Law did feel rather like prey.
Not that he thought the swordsman would be able to hunt him easily. It wasn't like Zoro was actively hunting him down, anyway. No, it was more of a passive observation with the underlying knowledge that their tentative truce could end at any time, at which point the man would pounce.
Law had heard of the phrase "keep your friends close but your enemies closer". It wasn't one he used often, preferring to survey his targets from a distance while his nakama surrounded him, and it certainly wasn't applicable in his current situation. The other end of the deck, seemingly sleeping except that pricking feeling was still there, was quite close enough for Law.
So when Zoro-ya broke their silent stalemate and stalked over to Law – still that lazy 'you're not my target but we both know that can change any moment' aura – the Hearts captain found himself awkwardly wrong-footed.
"Zoro-ya," he said, to cover up any slips. If any made it through, the younger man didn't react.
"Name?" the man grunted, sitting next to him. For the first time, that eye left Law and instead focused on Caesar, who immediately squawked. He went ignored as Law pondered the question. He didn't get the chance to decipher the one word inquiry, only just determining that it was indeed a question and not a demand, before Zoro-ya spoke again. "Wado Ichimonji," he said, shifting the white sword in his grip lovingly.
Law's eyes strayed to his own sword, perched against his shoulder as the permanent fixture she had become since he'd left his sanctuary months before. It figured that the swordsman of the Straw Hats would be interested in his own weapon, especially as there was a similar presence emanating from his own collection of blades.
"Her name is Kikoku," he acquiesced, one hand coming up to hold her sheath protectively. He doubted that, despite being a pirate, Zoro-ya would do something as sacrilegious as steal another man's sword, especially as she was a nodaichi while he clearly favoured katana like Shachi (not that Law would be encouraging a meeting between the two any time soon; either Shachi would talk too much or they'd end up in a spar and, yes, Shachi was skilled, but he knew enough of Zoro-ya's abilities to know which way the outcome would fall). "Yours?" he asked out of courtesy, gesturing subtly towards the blade with the darkest aura in the bunch.
"Sandai Kitetsu." Zoro-ya's face morphed into a fond smirk as he isolated the blade in question from its fellows, holding it out in front of him. "He's a bit of a problem child."
Well, that was one way of referring to a cursed blade. To the casual eavesdropper, the sentence sounded like an admittance of weakness. To Law, with his own cursed blade, it was a warning. Cursed blades did not obey like a normal weapon. They had their own opinions, their own agenda, and if the aims of blade and wielder clashed then a cursed blade was nigh unusable, except for a master swordsman.
Zoro-ya had just casually mentioned that he was capable of using a cursed blade that disagreed with at least some of his ideals, simultaneously with two other blades. If Kikoku hadn't been satisfied with Law's own opinions, he could not honestly say he'd still be capable of wielding her. He didn't know what sort of 'problem child' Sandai Kisetsu manifested as, but he'd seen what Kikoku did to people she didn't agree with.
Penguin would still only hold her for very short lengths of time, and even then it was emergency only.
Zoro-ya didn't say anything more, and Law didn't bother to break the silence again. The man had sated his curiosity – like Law, he'd probably gleaned far more than the simple conversation (if it could even be called that) had offered.
To Law's annoyance, the younger man didn't bother to leave his spot just verging on the edge of Law's personal space, and Law himself refused to move lest it be mistaken for him submitting to the other man's dominance. It didn't matter if he was the clear first mate of the ship, and that Law was back-footed from that fact alone.
Law backed down to no-one, so he clutched Kikoku tightly and forced his muscles not to tense into a flight or fight mode as Zoro-ya started snoring away beside him.
Law really, really, hated this crew.
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Trafalgar Law x female! Strawhat! reader
1.8k words
Warnings : abusive mother, shaming, end FLUFF
Story : (Y/N) is worried to land on this new island. Trafalgar Law is decided to know why.
The day started as any other day when you’re friend with Monkey D Luffy ; noisy and joyful. The Strawhats along with their allies the Hearts were peacefully sailing to their next destination.
It was Luffy, and Luffy alone, who made the choice to follow the direction indicated by the third log pose needle ; Law tried blaming the young boy for not asking him but Luffy just casually apologised like everytime.
Truth be told, Trafalgar Law was not the only one trying to argue with him. You, as the third woman Strawhat, contested his decision. It surprised everyone. You were normally the first to follow your captain in his overjoy about discovering a new island. But at that moment, your eyes displayed worry.
As you didn’t give the reason to your refusal to join this place, the two crews kept sailing that way. If Luffy and the others - as well as some men of the Heart - promised to keep you safe from whatever was worrying you, your concern didn’t fade. And the surgeon of death didn’t miss it despite his silence.
By the end of the second day, the land was ahead. As soon as the ship and the submarine reached the shore, Luffy was on the soil and quickly followed by everyone else. They had free time to behave and do whatever they wanted the moment they didn’t attract the marine’s attention.
“Aren’t you coming, (Y/N)-ya ?”
Trafalgar Law looked up from the quay to the railing of the Thousand Sunny on which you were leaning.
“Doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.”
Your (color) eyes were wandering through the folks on the quay behind Trafalgar as if you were looking or waiting for something or someone. Anything you obviously didn’t want to see.
“I really am curious what is scaring the fearless and reckless woman you are.” “I’m neither fearless or reckless. And that’s something nobody could protect me of.” “Give me a chance.”
Your eyes fell on the black haired man at the confidence in his last words, but not only that, because he was indirectly saying he would protect you.
You felt your cheeks warming and hoped you didn’t turn red. He had a power over you you loved and hated at the same time. In general, you were mainly grateful he was the allie and friend of your captain. Falling in love overtime with an enemy would have been troubling.
“What are you going to do ?” “Have a drink.”
His answer wasn’t one you wanted to hear according to the grimace on your face. Yet, you surprisingly jumped down right next to him with the agility you showed in fight.
“You better be an awesome bodyguard.”
He eyed you with a sly smile as you started walking to the streets of the city for a bar.
“And so that’s how I met and joined Luffy’s crew.” “I guess Mugiwara-ya is that kind of people that can gather people around him.” “He is with no doubt. We made so many friends thanks to his constant need to help everyone.” “To Mugiwara-ya.” “To Luffy.”
You lifted your glass along with Trafalgar’s one and made them cling together before taking down a full swallow of it.
You’ve been drinking for the past hour, talking about your first respective years of piracy. Thanks to him no alcohol was needed for you to calm your nerves.
The both of you were so focused on each other, as if the sound of the people around couldn’t reach you anymore, that it took you a few seconds to realize the bar had turned silent.
You didn’t have enough time to fully turn around that a hand came slamming your cheek forcefully before you could even see who it was. Not that you needed to watch to know who it was ; your eyes were already teary - not because of the pain - you had been hurt more than that - but because of the shame.
Trafalgar stood up of his sit the moment the slap resonated through the room. He grabbed the woman’s wrist but hadn’t had time to speak she started yelling your way.
“Matt told me he saw you at the docks but I didn’t believe him ! I didn’t believe you have enough guts to show your face here again !”
The furious woman tryied coming closer to you but Trafalgar’s firm grip prevented it. However it didn’t stop her shouts.
“What did you do that the Strawhat accepted you on his ship ? Are you sleeping with him ? With all of his crew ?”
She looked up at the surgeon who’s tighten his grip on her. Her dull eyes quickly fell back on your figure ; her voice was lower but not less accusing. “Him too ?”
For the first time since her arrival, you raised your head and, with your teeth clenched, glared deadly at the woman who gave you birth. It didn’t plead her.
“Six years you left to come back a damn pirate and that’s how you’re looking at me !” She screamed louder than ever. 
She was in such a fury Trafalgar couldn’t stop her from kicking in your stool making it fall over and you too. Your whole body collided hard, your head first to meet the floor, and it would have been worst if the Heart hadn’t force your mother to step back and miss her kick to your ribcage.
Despite the pain, you stood up and eager yourself to the exit with the unstoppable shout of your mother still coming your way.
You were about to pass the door that the familiar blue circle passed you and you heard his voice. Shambles. All was left of you and the devil fruit user two little rocks on the floor of the bar.
“(Y/N)-ya... are you ok ?”
Trafalgar had brought you out of the city, away from the people ; you were only surrounded by trees. You knew where you were since you grew up running on the soil and in the forests of this land.
You held a hand to your face and swept off your cheek of the one tear you couldn’t help to fall. Then you turned to him.
“I’m ok. I had stronger opponents.” You chuckled nervously. “That’s not what I mean.” “I know.” You shook your head. “I know.” You repeated lower.
Trafalgar didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t used to this kind of situation and was terribly bad at dealing with it. Luckily from him you were conscious of it.
“I think you already guess it was my mother. I think it’s safe to say we didn’t get along pretty well.” You paused and thought about how to explain it but the Heart made it easier by questioning.
“You told me earlier you left your island to join Luffy two years ago but... your mother, she said you left six years ago ?” “Yeah I... I left this place when I was 17. Joined Luffy when I was 21.”
You paused... again but eventually sighed. If anyone should know about your past, Trafalgar Law was a good choice ; you trusted him after all.
“My mother had always been abusive. Morally abusive. She’s been shaming me and my brother for... as long as I can remember I guess. But one year before I left she hit me for the first time. I thought it would be just one time. I thought she was just angrier than usual or that I had done something that really angered her but” “But she did it again.” You nodded. “What about your father ? Didn’t he stop her ?”
You shook your head negatively.
“He was the first one she started abuse. Then it was my big brother, the Matt she talked about. And so me. They fear her more than I do and never talk back. Everyone is scared of her here. You saw it yourself at the bar, how nobody dared moving to stop her.” “You would have let her beat you if I wasn’t there ?” “Yes ? What should I do ? Hit her ?” “Flee.” “That’s what I did six years ago, look where I am today.”
You hadn’t notice but during your talking, you’d walk closer, just a meter away from each other. You watched as he got his hat off and ran his hand through his hair, visibly embarrassed.
“In the end, I failed at the chance you gave me. I wasn’t an awesome bodyguard.”
If he was discomforted by his own statement, the kiss you brought to his cheek didn’t help ease his heart. The small but sincere smile you showed was reassuring.
“You were a good bodyguard. I even may request your services for the following days.” “... It would be my pleasure, (Y/N)-ya.”
Instead of getting back with Trafalgar’s shambles ability, you insisted on walking. Under the trees, then on the sand of the beach surrounding the whole island, you led the way. And when you got close enough to the docks, you could see light and hear music meaning everybody was already feasting on the Sunny’s deck.
If you seemed eager to join them and forget what happened even only for the night, while Trafalgar was not. He only wanted this alone time to continue. You had just grabbed the ladder to the deck that his voice called you back to him.
“(Y/N)-ya ?” “Yes ?”
But he had nothing to tell you, nothing to keep you to him. So when he thought he had no time left and that you would leave him, panic took over him. He barely controled himself when his hands grabbed your waist, pulled you to him and leaned to kiss your lips. Your hands that rested on his chest under the surprise closed slowly on the cloth of his slightly opened shirt as you relaxed.
There were smooth - his lips on yours - and fuller than what you imagined. It gave you thrills all over your body and down your tummy how he made them slide on yours and slightly open to bit down on your lower one. The small gasp it made you did surprised the both of you and you broke the kiss.
You looked into each other’s eyes, your both faces burning from the excitement you felt kissing. But the sudden overwhelming feeling was not the only one you shared at the moment.
“You... wanna get to the party ?” He asked unsure. “No.” “Wanna go to a quieter place ?”
You nodded more vigorously than you wanted to, as your eyes kept going on between his eyes and his lips. The both of you only wanted to kiss each other again. It was the need you shared.
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Humans are Weird “Astrodust”
Hope you guys have fun with this one. I’m currently taking a class on this sort of thing, and its really quite fascinating. I thought it would be fun to do a story based on the idea :) Tell me what you think. 
Hurry it up, Convict, damn if this goes any slower ill have evolved and regrown my leg by the time you finish.”
The outer hull cameras flashed with movement as “Conn.” Flipped the captain the bird and went back to his work, the true meaning of the gesture was rather dampened by the fact that Conn only had four fingers. Thousands of white tendrils billowed into space behind his thin white frame. Large black eyes glittered in the light of the nearby gas-giant as he worked. Krill shifted nervously as he watched the creature work, floating eerily over one of the outer panels of the ship, a tool belt strapped about his thin waist, he looked oddly out of place with the tools gripped in his thin fingers.
Conn, as was his moniker, was a Starborn, a member of a sentient telepathic race of space creatures capable of surviving in the vast blackness of space. They had come across them not so many months ago, and during those few days of contact captain Vir had been, in order, saved by them, induced into aggressive tonic colonic seizures, burned by the cold, driven into a near crazed state, and then almost killed brutally by way of functional brain wiping.
He was not particularly fond of the Starborn to say the least. Turns out Conn, or “Convict.” As the captain so fondly called him, was not far off from the actual idea. When the captain had come into his life, he was only a day away from execution on accusations of, “Attempting to maintain secret thoughts.” Not only was it a delinquent, but it may as well have been a convict, and, according to the Catpain, Conn was an absolute ass. So far, he was the only person Conn had been able to contact telepathically, and he seemed to glee in annoying the captain to no end. Krill was under the impression he only kept Conn around because he had agreed to help with dangerous exterior repairs for the ship.
“Shove it up your ass, Convict.” The captain grumbled turning towards the controls to the ship. On the screen, the glowing white creature bared its teeth in a sick approximation of a grin shoving the tool back into the belt loop and slamming the panel shut in the silence.
“What did he say?” Krill wondered.
“Nothing useful.” The Captain muttered before leaning back in his seat, “You know that gasline that broke before we ran into the Starborn, yeah, anyway, in all the confusion, we forgot to fix it, and it may take a couple of days if he wants to do it correctly. He will want to go through my ‘memory bank’ for the instructions, and he suggests that we don’t travel during that time. Seems that the warp destabilized the mainline enough that he’d be worried about doing another one because, as he says, our stupid little air-heads would explode…. Little bitch.” He added as an afterthought.
“What are we going to do till then captain, the admiral won’t like it if you’re late to your own ranking ceremony.”
“Yeah, I know, which is why I’m not particularly happy about it, but I’ll call it in and we can check out one of those moons we scanned in on when we warped in. It looks like there might be a breathable atmosphere, and that means….”
“Bingo…. Get the HELL out of my head, Convict!”
Krill stepped back a little in surprise. It was really disconcerting when the Captain did that. He didn’t tend to talk to Conn inside his head, and voiced his thoughts aloud out of habit. It lead for some very interesting outbursts in the middle of a quiet morning.
Vir motioned to Sunny, “Grab a team of your Drev and the marines, get a landing party ready, and set up my gear. I’ll be down as soon as I requisition the parts for repair, and tell this asshole how to fix the ship. Krill.” He turned away from Sunny and glanced over at Krill, “I want you with us this time. It seems like every time we end up planet side someone has to stick their squishy bits into something painful… me…. Mostly me.”
Sunny nodded, “Yes sir.” Stepping off the deck and clattering down the hallway. Krill sighed but followed after trying to decide just exactly which medical pack he should be taking. It didn’t take him long to decide he should take the extra-large size. He would have to find one of the marines to carry it for him seeing as it weighed more than Krill overall.
Captain Vir had strapped himself into the pilot’s seat flipping switches and turning dials like he had been born in the cockpit. The rest of the crew sat back joking and laughing quietly. After the first few months of unease around each other, the marines had become good friends with the Drev soldiers. It didn’t really surprise Sunny, she knew the marines, and if anyone had a Drev mindset, it was those men. Krill sat with them, his diminutive frame dwarfed by huge, muscle bound marines, and the 7-10 foot tall Drev. Sunny stared straight ahead at the wall unwilling to acknowledge the figure that sat next to her.
Moss, once upon a time she had liked him, and fancied him a good match as a future partner, but now, she could muster up nothing more than mild contempt for the Drev that had spurned her advances. She was one of the clan’s greatest warriors now, and she would not go sniveling back, no matter how many times he insinuated he would be interested. Perhaps she would find a better match, perhaps she already had.
Too bad, she thought, maybe if you had bothered to consider me BEFORE I became the greatest warrior the clan has known, than I wouldn’t be so inclined to reject you. She felt the engines below her rev, and Captain Vir maneuvered the ship into the airlock. Ahead of them, space opened above.
The captain jerked in his seat with a yelp. The crew turned to look, finding that Conn had snuck up against the side window and was making faces at the captain. Vir slammed his fist against the glass where the Starborn’s face was, “F*** off.” The Starborn gave a cheery wave at them as he floated into the airlock to retrieve the tools he would need for the repair, and then they were off, coasting through space.
The captain was the best pilot that Krill had ever known, and their entry into atmo was remarkably smooth. He easily maneuvered them through different layers controlling the ship as it tried to shake. Looking out the window, the sky above was blue; that was a good sign. They rocked into the landing sight not minutes later, and the captain powered down the ship running a quick atmospheric scan, “Oxygen content is a bit higher than normal, but it’s definitely breathable.” He said as he unstrapped form his seat. The marines and the Drev racked their helmets in response before moving back to preparing their weapons. Marines secured magazines into their rifles, while the Drev prepared a more eclectic variety of weapons.
The captain grabbed a rifle off the rack, and loaded it falling into a bent knee isosceles stance at the back of the group rifle down and ready finger hovering over the safety. The rest of the crew stacked up on the door while Krill watched, “Go.” The captain ordered flicking the safety off his weapon, as someone shoved open the door and the group of them flooded outwards weapons held at the ready fanning out into a wide half-circle. The captain fell in behind the marines taking a deep breath of air and scanning across the horizon.
“No signs of life sir, well, no animals anyway, tons of plants though.” One of the marines said nudging a nearby plant with his boot. It was an odd looking thing, a collection of roughly tubular stocks branching out of a single point. Each of the tubes had a channel running through the middle most closely resembling some sort of underwater sponge. As the marine’s foot came in contact with the plant, one of the stocks contracted lightly making a light puffing noise. The Marine took a step back.
“Careful, marine, we don’t know anything about this place, so it’s best to keep our hands and feet to ourselves.” The captain said coming forward to examine the plant, “Alright everyone, this is a simple recon mission. We walk around, maybe we take some samples with us back to the ship. If we see any wildlife, do not, I repeat, do not approach it. Do not touch any of the planets with bare hands until we have samples, and definitely do not put anything in your mouth….”
“Speaking from experience, CF?” One of the marines responded cheekily. The captain flipped him the bird, and the motioned them to move out. Krill remained at the center of the group where he would be most protected. Off to his right, one of the men carried the medical bag. As he floated, he clung to one of the Drev soldiers so that he wouldn’t slow them down or be left behind.
They adventured on the surface of the planet for some time, finding an eclectic array of plants getting bigger and bigger and taller and taller as they went further in. Those large sponges reached the height of a man’s chest by the time they decided to turn around. The captain lamented that they couldn’t stay here after dark as it seemed there was evidence of bioluminescent proteins in the plantlife.
They were almost to the ship when one of the marines let off an explosive curse. The group turned to look at him to find him shaking his foot and hopping up and down. The plant next to his foot was smoking.
“The hell, marine.” The captain demanded,
“Sorry sir,” He stammered, “I scuffed my boot on the ground, steel toe you know, and there were sparks everywhere.”
“Shit, get this under control till we burn down the entire planet, the higher oxygen content will make the fire worse than it should be.” At his order the group quickly surrounded the, now smoking, plant trying to create a barrier so it wouldn’t be able to move. It was a good sized sponge thing, and by the time they were done, the entire plant was up in flames billowing smoke left and right.
The group of them stood back to watch it burn glowering at the marine who had started the fire in the first place. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, “Sorry, Captain.” They all shook their heads at him. The captain reached up and wiped at his forehead with a hand. A light sheen of sweat glittered at his hairline, “Damn, it’s hot.” He remarked absently. One of the marines took a deep breath and nodded, he was sweating too.
“Worked up a bit of a sweat there.” Another commented hand over his chest, “I didn’t think we were working that hard.”
The man glanced down at his watch in confusion, “Hm, that’s weird.” One of the other marines looked over his shoulder, “120 bpm, dude, you’re out of shape.”
The captain glanced down at his watch, “Shit, me too.” He commented, “Anyway, we wait to make sre this burns out, and then we head back towards the ship.” The marines nodded, and the group of fanned out sitting on rocks or standing in the light of the sun.
The captain stood next to Sunny and Krill rifle resting lightly in its tac-sling. A trail of sweat trickled down the side of his face. “Hot.’ He muttered again.
“No it isn’t. “ Sunny said, the surface of the planet was at 65 degrees by her reckoning, as far as she was aware that was within comfortable temperature for a human. The human turned to look at her mouth open in protest, but as his eyes fell on her face her jerked back in sudden startlement nearly tripping over himself and back onto the burning sponge. Sunny caught him by the arm. The captain rubbed his eyes, “Thanks sunny, I thought I saw…..” He looked up eyes going wide, he jerked away from sunny violently backing away with his hands up. His pupils had contracted.
“Captain, are you ok?” Sunny asked.
One of the marines screamed.
Everyone turned to find the human hopping around batting at his uniform screaming, “Get them off, get them off GET THEM OFF!” There was nothing there.
Off to the side one of the marines was resting on a rock staring upwards into the empty air tilting his head back and forth as if he was following some unknown object back and forth across the sky. Another stood next to him her hands outwards staring at them with wide eyes, “When did my hands get so…. Massive?” She wondered idly.
Sunny turned to Krill, all of the Drev did, “What the hell.”
Captain Vir had backed away a few steps, tripped over a rock and landed flat on his back. He was staring up at the sky an expression of memorized wonder on his face. Krill jabbed a hand at the Drev soldiers, “Get them onto the ship, NOW.  Something is effecting them, and if it’s effecting all of them, than it has to be in the air.” The Drev soldiers did as told each scooping one of the humans up in their many arms. It was a rather odd image, Drev soldiers cradling fully-armed marines like you’d carry a child.
Sunny approached and hoisted the captain into her arms. The man lolled listlessly against her arm. His skin was tinted a warm pink about the cheeks. They hurried onto the ship just then. Some of the marines struggled, others commented on things that weren’t there. The one who had commented on the size of her hands earlier gave a wide-eyed look at the ship, “its breathing.” She commented, “The ship is breathing.”
The door slammed shut behind them. One of the Drev soldiers slipped into the captain’s chair. He wasn’t a particularly skilled pilot, but he could make it out of there.
By now Krill had begun looking over the captain. The man was warm to the touch, and indicated an abnormally high body temperature on Krill’s equipment. His heart hammered away at an unreasonable pace as he lolled in his seat.  He found similar things on the other marines, not to mention clear evidence of visual and auditory hallucinations going right along with changes in perception.
The Drev looked on uneasily at the humans as they shifted and squirmed seeing things that weren’t there and responding to conversations they weren’t having. Captain Vir lay on his side now, “I can’t move, head, too big.” The marine who had been screaming about getting them off earlier, was now crying. They were crawling under his skin now, he saw them.
One of the marines had to be restrained. He wanted to step outside to, get some fresh air.
Krill used the coms to call up to the ship, demanding that the medical staff be waiting for them when they got there.
By the time thirty minutes had passed, all of the humans were completely overrun by unknown images and stimuli. The female marine was smiling and rocking, while one of the other marines had to be restrained from digging at his skin. Captain Vir lay with his cheek on the floor absently stroking the cold metal with one hand. He repeated the action over and over again as if he was stroking a cat or a dog, or something particularly fluffy. They approached the ship, and Conn idly floated over to meet them, likely to annoy the captain for a fifth time that day, as he grew closer, the starborn stopped in id space and slowly began backpedaling. His head tilted back a little and he stared upwards at the sky, mouth open hands out to either side. Whatever was affecting the human had clearly made it through the mental link and into Conn’s head.
They floated past and pulled into the docking bay where the medical team was waiting just beyond the airlock. Krill barely had the patience to wait as the compartment was filled with air. The medical team rushed inwards and to the door as it opened. The humans were carried out squirming and babbling. One of the marines had to be strapped down.
“Get them on a saline drip.” Krill ordered, “They’re losing water fast from the high body temperature, get some blood samples. Don’t touch them if you don’t have to, we think they caught it from the air, but we can’t be sure.”
The female Marine was still smiling staring up at the ceiling like she was staring at a choir of angels. A tear dripped down the side of her face.
They were wheeled away into the interior of the ship as the crew stared on in confusion. Captain Vir was rolling from side to side against the orders of the medical staff looking up at their faces with wide eyes, “Aliens,” he whispered.
They were all pulled into the medical bay and transferred to the beds. Space suits, and uniform jackets were pulled off as they were started on saline drips. A few of the marines were relatively calm, but others not so much. Symptoms of paranoia grew and grew and grew until one marine was convinced they planned on stealing his liver.
“What the hell is happening here!” Krill demanded, but none of the medical staff seemed to have an answer. They had been working a while, the captain had curled into a tight ball and refused to uncurl. The symptoms of whatever it was didn’t seem likely to abate any time soon.
As they were working, one of the young airmen walked into the infirmary. He was holding a bleeding hand at elevation, but as soon as he saw what was going on he paused, “Shit, sorry, I can come back later.” Krill growled but shook his head and came over to examine the young man. he sat down for Krill and craned his neck at the captain in the next bed. The man was staring at the edge of the bed with a look of fear in his eyes, “Damn, who gave these guys the bad acid?” the airman wondered
Krill stopped bandaging his hand long enough to look up, “What did you say….”
The man shrugged, “oh sorry, nothing.”
“No, do you know what’s going on.”
The boy blushed, “I well no, but I know what it LOOKS like.”
“And what is that.” Krill demanded impatiently
“Well it looks like all of them are tripping acid.” He paused when Krill stared at him blankly, “Like drugs, you know hallucinogens Lucy in the sky with diamonds, golden dragon, Looney Tunes, Tab, Purple Heart, stardust. Come on magic mushrooms, Molly, angel dust.”
Krill shook his head, “What are the words coming out of your mouth.”
The kid shrugged, “I mean what I said, it looks like they are on acid, you know hallucinations, changes in perception, synesthesia, high temp, and increased heartrate. These guys have got to being some weird shit right about now…. Don’t tell me they didn’t know what they were doing?”
Krill remained silent.
“Well shit, better put on some calming music and hope it doesn’t get bad. You don’t let someone on a trip when they don’t know about it cause….”
Just to the side captain Vir began to scream eyes wide staring at the edge of the bed, he pulled back scrambling away like something was crawling at him over the edge of the bed, the crew had to grab him and hold him as he tried to fight them off convinced of something only he could see.
“Because it could turn into a bad trip really fast.”
The captain was shaking spouting nonsense as they strapped him down. While some of the other marines seemed content to lay there and stare at the ceiling, while others, like the captain fought against something only they could see.
Krill turned to the young man, “How do we get rid of it.”
The kid shrugged, “Far as I know, you can’t just have to wait it of might take six maybe eight hours, but that’s assuming they smoked something conventional and THIS does not look conventional. These guys are tripping hard. No funny perception problems, no special colors. He looks like he’s seeing Satan.”
Krill was not pleased, and the kid turned out to be right. The humans were like that for the next six hours convinced of the things they were seeing fighting against the medical team when they could. Captain Vir seemed suspended in a bubble of absolute horror head moving around breathing hard like THINGS were crawling over the ceiling tormenting him. The Drev soldiers seemed absolutely fine, and Krill didn’t have problems either.
When the humans finally started to come down the young man had convinced them to play some music. Groaning and shaking their heads, the marines started to look around in confusion. Sunny sat next to captain Vir patting his arm as he slowly began to recognize her. The visual disturbances slowly faded until he was lucid enough to look down at his restraints, “This shit again?”
They untied him, and he leaned back looking exhausted, his stomach growled, “That must be what hell feels like….. what happened?”
Sunny frowned, “That kid said to tell you…. Tripping acid, said you would know what that means.”
“F***, really but, how. I’ve never…. Wait. That plant, the one that caught fire.” He glowered over at the marine, “Sanchez! You went and f****ng got us all high.”
“Sorry, Captain.” The man groaned
Captain Vir sighed breathing deeply, “And people do that shit for fun? No thanks, not on your life, no thanks.”
He paused head cocked to the side, “Couldn’t tell if you were a hallucination or not.” He muttered into thin air, “Well SORRY, didn’t mean to accidentally get high and disturb you. You know what, maybe I will. Next time you piss me off, I’m going to get high, then maybe you won’t root around in my head so much.”
Krill wasn’t totally sure if the Captain was still coming down or just talking to Conn. Either way, he vetoed any and all trips back to the planet, at least by humans. It was too easy to mess with the neurotransmitters in a humans head. From what he learned from later research, hallucinogens supposedly acted as a serotonin agonist, and serotonin had a lot to do with perception. The increase serotonin was suspected to cause hallucinations and perceptual disturbances. Some humans were said to do this for fun.
Captain Vir didn’t seem amused, and had to have a long conversation with the crewman who knew about it.
At least Conn seemed less inclined to annoy the man…. even if just a little.
  Street name: Astrodust 
Classification: hallucinogen 
Cite of action: Serotonin 5-HT  re-uptake transporter
Taken: Smoked, trans-dermal application 
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N7 challenge - 3 and 4 (Cooperation and War)
Summary: Well... that just happened. Genophage cure set, now Alistair’s setting the stage to get the krogan to help out. You know it’s serious when he’s wearing clothes that both fit AND match. Clearly, we need all the help we can get.
There were things Alistair liked about the retrofitted Normandy. The war room, however, was not one of them.
That was where he was sitting, staring out the window and waiting. Outside, they were stationary and waiting. Soon, they would be boarded by delegates in an attempt to smooth things out with the salarians after what had happened on Tuchanka.
Apparently, they were a little steamed he hadn't stopped Mordin from ending the genophage. Go figure.
“This is going to be a headache.” He was already massaging his forehead at the thought. It was hard to think about Mordin, too. Someone had gone back for his body, but what they were going to do with it should they find it was beyond him. During his studies, what salarians did with their dead wasn't really covered.
It was probably something quick – live fast, die young and all that. Mordin would probably appreciate that.
“Trying to get the best seat for the meeting?”
Alistair looked up. A familiar face was standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his carapace. Garrus looked a little tired, but that was to be expected. The last week had pretty much been nonstop action on Tuchanka. Now that they were back on the Normandy, it was the first time either of them had really had the chance to catch their breath.
He stood from his spot, smoothing down the front of his shirt. For once, he wasn't dressed down. It had been his idea to wear his formal uniform; it was a move that had shocked most of the Normandy when they found out. Apparently, it was kind of a big deal when the guy who went around in neon blue sneakers and a hoodie with ears dressed the part of a military officer. Once again, go figure.
“I'm the host, so I can move people around if I want.”
Garrus gave him an appreciative eye as he approached. “Pulling out the dress blues to impress the dalatress?”
“Nah, I plan on baffling her into silence so I can actually get a word in edgewise.” Alistair chuckled weakly as he reached out to squeeze the turian's hand. It was pleasantly cool, probably because he hadn't been clutching at a red hot weapon for hours on end. “I think it's a pretty solid plan, don't you?”
His boyfriend chuckled like the giant space chicken he was and nudged him on the cheek with his faceplates – his version of a kiss due to the lack of lips. There was nothing charge behind it, of course – there were too many people around for that. Hell, there was still a chance the primarch would bust in, and where would that get them besides a lot of hot water?
Not that he minded the primarch – he was a pretty decent guy, all things considered. Garrus was still his favorite turian, but he probably ranked about a solid 3, maybe even #2.
“Well, I'll certainly appreciate the view.” Garrus chuckled, but then the sound died as he stared out the window. Beneath the Normandy loomed Tuchanka – there was a large dust storm raging on the planet's surface below. Somewhere down there, the genophage cure was spreading like wildfire. How long, he wondered, until it took effect?
Maybe he should have asked Mordin before... but it had slipped his mind, he supposed. It wasn't like he had expected it all to go down like that.
“You really know how to shake up the galaxy,  Al.”
Alistair chuckled weakly as he squeezed Garrus' talons gently, avoiding the sharp edge thanks to experience. It wouldn't do to get blood all over his uniform just before his guests showed up, though it might have upped his intimidation factor from -2 to a solid 0. Not that he needed it – negotiation was more his forte than beating people up.
If he needed the latter, that's what his XO was for.
“You can say that again, babe.” Still, he sighed. “Though, I better figure out what to say. You know it's going to be cranked to 11 when everyone gets here, and once the krogan pop in that knob's getting ripped off and thrown out the airlock.”
He could practically imagine it floating through space, eventually going to fuck someone's day up just like Sir Isaac Newton intended. After all, he was the deadliest son of a bitch in space and had a reputation to uphold.
Garrus shook his head at that as he nudged him in the side. “I think that metaphor got away from you.”
“Must've climbed over my head, it's the easiest escape route.”
They both shared a chuckle then, but something about it just felt... quiet. It was just too damn quiet in the War Room. Plus it was impossible to forget what had been there only months prior. In a way, maybe it was appropriate they were standing in the remains of Mordin's old lab as they discussed the outcome. Maybe in some small way, he was there with them.
He missed him. He really did. Maybe if he had been a little faster...
“You did what was best for everyone, Al.” Garrus was apparently a mind-reader now as he gently squeezed his hand. “Mordin chose-”
Alistair sighed as he shook his head. “I know... it just never gets any easier.”
He should have been used to losing people by now. After all, he had lost a planet as a child, and then his entire unit as a young marine. Hell, he had died himself once. It shouldn't have bothered him... but it did. There was probably never going to be a moment it didn't bother him.
That was what made him human, most likely.
“Well, at least you'll have something to take your mind off things. Look who just showed up.” Garrus pointed a talon out the window as a ship appeared alongside the Normandy, already beginning the process to link up. “That the salarian ship?”
Alistair squinted as he made out the details. “Doesn't look like it. Maybe they sent someone to tell me to fuck off.”
“Something about you swearing in uniform does terrible things to me. “Garrus let go of his hand as he stepped back. “I'll be here if you need me.”
Duty was calling. Alistair nodded as he stepped away from his boyfriend and left the war room behind. After a scan, it was straight to the airlock. Someone was waiting for him there – it was a salarian, but not the salarian he had been hoping for.
Well... this was going to be a headache.
“Commander Shepard?”
One of them anyway. Alistair resisted the urge to joke and kept his face as neutral as possible as he nodded. People said his skill was reading a room, but really his hidden talent was knowing when to keep his damn mouth shut. It was a highly underrated ability, especially among military officers. Not for him – it had full skill points applied.
The salarian cleared their throat. “The dalatress sent me to remind you of your agreement – which you broke.”
“She couldn't have seriously thought I would go with that, Wrex is one of my closest friends.” Alistair kept his tone neutral. “But, yes. I suppose I did break it by not letting Mordin sabotage the genophage for you.”
Sorry, not sorry.
His guest didn't look amused by this. “You realize this ends the cooperation between Sur'Kesh and Earth, yes?”
Pretty much. Though, personally, he thought the dalatress was being an utter moron. Eventually, the Reapers would be kicking her door down just like they had done to Earth. Without the alliance, who would they have to rely on? Their brains were great, but... they kind of min-maxed there. It wasn't a good look.
But, who was he to tell people what to do during a war? He was just trying to muster a galactic army to save everyone from the Reapers...
“My line will always be open should she change her mind.” He swore he saw a blue number pop up in the corner of his vision as he watched the salarian twitch in front of him. “Is... there a problem?”
“Just the fact he's still standing here breathing.”
A deep, grumbly voice drew Alistair's attention. Probably because he had been busy trying not to tell his guest how he actually felt, he hadn't noticed the fact they weren't alone. Someone else had come up to the Normandy, and now they were in the airlock.
Wrex filled the small space, practically forcing his other guest into the Normandy proper. Apart from a few scratches on his armor and some superficial cuts that were already healing, he looked pretty good. Not bad for someone who went to battle with the Reapers.
Alistair smiled. “Nice to see you, Wrex. You're early.”
“Wanted to get the best seat.” He gave him a once over. “You're wearing clothes that match. That serious then?”
He felt his eyebrow twitch a little, but the smile never left his face. “World's on fire, how 'bout yours?”
“That's the way we like it.” Wrex stepped past the salarian, already heading for the war room. He wouldn't be alone for long – it was something of a conference call. Still, he would have been a shitty host if he left the krogan alone.
He just had to eject the trash out the airlock first...
“I will be taking my leave. It is clear what side you have chosen.” The salarian would've looked down their nose if they had one probably. Instead, they turned on their heel and started going through decontamination. Alistair just shook his head as he watched the messenger leave, taking with him any hope for Sur'Kesh.
Why did he get the feeling he'd have to break his neck to save their asses later? Some days it just didn't pay to be the good guy.
“Still don't regret it.” He shrugged and turned away. Back to the War Room it was. Wrex was waiting for him, and they had a lot to talk about before the actual meeting got underway. He had to focus on that in his mental task of putting one foot in front of the other.
First step – figuring out what the krogan could help with. That was easy enough. Who said planning a galactic war was hard?
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hopes-baptist · 4 years
Tagging: @chipblogging @xbaebsae @ja-crispea and anyone else who would like to join 🥰
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name ➔ “Robyn. Castle. Both works.”
are you single ➔ “I fortunately found someone that puts up with me. *laughs*”
are you happy ➔ “I am actually the happiest I’ve ever been.”
are you angry ➔ "I’m angry at the fact that this whole Eden’s Gate vs The Resistance thing is happening. I feel as if all this could have been avoided if we all just talked to one another and figure out how to properly work everything out.”
are your parents still married ➔ "I’m adopted actually. My adoptive father’s wife unfortunately died before he adopted me.”
birth place ➔ “Georgia”
hair colour ➔ “Black”
eye colour ➔ “Brown”
birthday ➔ “March 28th”
mood ➔ “*smiles* depends on the circumstances and who I’m with.”
gender ➔ “Female.”
summer or winter ➔ “I love the winters here. Everything is just covered in Snow and it’s absolutely beautiful, especially in the Whitetails.”
morning or afternoon ➔ “ Is neither an option? I’m more of a night time kind of gal.”
are you in love ➔ “I... I am actually. *laughs* I never actually thought about it until now. Yes I am.”
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “no I don’t. I believe that love at first sight is actually attraction at first sight. Love should be built on the persons actions and not appearances... if that makes sense.”
who ended your last relationship ➔ “embarrassing enough the relationship I’m in now is my very first relationship. Growing up my father was very protective of me so boys were a no-no. “
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “nope. At least not that I know of... dun dun dun. *laughs*”
are you afraid of commitments ➔ "yea...yea I am. I’ll be the first to admit that I have abandonment issues, because my biological parents left me at an orphanage. And I’m afraid that I’ll just be left behind again... that just got real sad...”
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “yea I love hugs. John gets at LEAST 10 surprise hugs a day.”
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “I did actually, in high school. Yea my Dad shut that down real quick. He found a note in my backpack and went to the boys house, to this day I have no idea what my dad did to him. Poor Micheal didn’t talk to me at all after that.”
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Yes. Before coming to Hope County I asked about my Dad about his Wife, and it turns out he had a son and daughter that died as well. Seeing the look on his face and hearing his voice crack while he explained what happened broke my heart.”
love or lust ➔ "Love.”
lemonade or iced tea ➔ “most definitely Lemonade.”
cats or dogs ➔ "Dogs.”
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “few best friends. It’s quality over quantity ladies and gentlemen.”
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ "Both honestly. One of the things that I like about John is that he’s very spontaneous when it comes to our date nights. Some can be a romantic night in some can be a wild night out, hell sometimes it’s a wild and Romantic night inside and out.”
day or night ➔ “ Night.”
been caught sneaking out ➔ “since my father is a ex marine, I had to get good at sneaking to get past him. That being said I had to go through trial and error to successfully get out unnoticed. *smiles* my first success was when I snuck out to go see Black Veil in concert. They were fantastic just so you know.”
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ "I’ve fallen up, down, and sideways on the stairs. I’m very clumsy.*laughs*”
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ "after John and I found out we were friends when we were in the orphanage, I desperately wanted to be close with him again. But with me being Pastor Jerome’s Niece and Him being one of the Heralds of Eden’s Gate, it was hard for us to see each other at the beginning of our relationship.”
wanted to disappear ➔ “I don’t think there was ever a time I wanted to disappear.”
smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes. They are the windows to the soul, and it’s hard to hide what you’re feeling when your eyes always tells the truth.”
shorter or taller ➔ “Taller, I love the feeling of being engulfed in John’s arms and being the perfect height to rest my head in the crook of his neck.”
intelligence or attraction ➔ “Intelligence. I would like to have deep conversations with someone and I couldn’t bare to do that with a meat head.”
hook-up or relationship ➔ “Relationship. I emotionally can not handle a one night stand.”
do you and your family get along ➔ “my dad and I do yes. And I flew out to meet my uncle and so far things are doing great.”
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I wouldn’t say it’s messed up, but there were some ‘unfortunate’ times that I had to live through.”
have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Nope.”
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “no.”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Nope, I will only engage with someone if I like them in some way.”
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “no. I consider good friends to be people I can tell everything too. And most of my friends would not approve of my boyfriend of choice. That is if they found out about my relationship.”
who is your best friend ➔ “John. It’s cheesy I know but he’s the only one that truly gets me.”
who knows everything about you ➔ “I talk to my dad about everything. He was all I had for majority of my life so we are very close, and he’s the only one I told about John and I. And John knows basically everything about me as well but that’s about it.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Summer horror; Roger Taylor x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey all for my fellow American followers I hope you all are having a happy and safe 4th of July. Having lots of food and watching the fireworks and spending time with your families. Now in honor of what Starz has done by giving us a full 24hr marathon of all the JAWS movies, I have been working on this little fic thinking that since Queen were working on ‘A Night at the Opera’ at the same time this movie premiered so I figured why the hell not? So warnings consist of swearing, mentions of the movie and in case any of you haven’t seen the movie then there are spoilers of JAWS in this story. Hope you all enjoy it :)
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Queen/Permanent taglist:
I don’t know how my cousin managed to convince me to watch this movie.  He had said that this was probably the most horrifying movie he had ever seen and since he and I always love to compare and talk about all things horror, he told me I needed to see this movie.
Steven Spielberg’s biggest summer hit that’s hit the box office in America, a film known as JAWS.
Since Roger and the boys were away recording their album “A Night at the Opera” I needed something to watch so I had managed to buy me a ticket to the next evening showing of the movie.  Little did I know just what I was getting myself into.
The ominous theme song of the shark potentially coming out, the gruesome detail of the killings, and of course that shocking jump scare with that head in the boat. Literally I had never heard an entire audience scream all at once than at that moment of the picture.  Of course when Brody shot the shark, the audience was in a roar of applause and I’ve never seen a theater audience act like that before.
Let’s just say that…..after seeing that movie I will never think of the beach no scratch that any large body of water that isn’t a bathtub the same way again. Because unlike movies like “The Exorcist” or “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, this is something that is based on fact.
With a degree in marine biology I knew that sharks have been known to attack people and there have been such famed attacks in America, Australia and in the bottom coast of Africa, and of course there the true story of the USS Indianapolis during WW2.  So to see a movie be made to this degree, it was just—horrifying to see.
As I went home I didn’t think I could go to sleep.  The phone rang which made me jump in my seat.
“Bloody hell.” I picked up the phone and said, “Hello?”
‘So how’d you like it?’ My cousin’s voice spoke up.
“Elliot I swear to god next time I see you, I’m going to fucking kill you!” I hissed. He laughed and I said, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself right now.”
‘Geez (n/n) and I thought a Marine biologist like yourself would love a movie like that?’
“Well…..not anymore. In fact I think I may just change my major now because of you arsehole.”
‘Hey don’t blame me. I didn’t make the movie, nor did I write the book.’ I groaned and he continued, ‘and besides aunt (m/n) would throw a fit if you were to change your major now. Don’t you only have one more semester to go before your graduate. Changing now would be pointless.’
“You’re an idiot.” I muttered and of course he just laughed.
‘You know you love me, and when I come back into town we’re both going to see it together this time.’
“Fuck no! I am never watching that film again!!”
‘Says the girl who watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre three times when it came out.’
“Whatever you saw it five times you psychopath.”
‘Sociopath actually. Alright you nerd we’ll talk later, I need to head to bed. Got an early conference tomorrow. Talk to you later kiddo.’
“Sleep tight El.”
‘Will do, you sleep tight and don’t let the sharks bite.’
“Fuck you.” He laughed once more before I hung up the phone and just cuddled on the couch clinging onto the blankets.  God I really wish Roger was here right now, his hugs always made me feel better and boy did I need them right now.  Since it was so late and I began to grow tired no matter how much I tried to fight it, soon I found myself asleep.
There was nothing but murky blue right before my eyes.  I was trapped in what looked like a shark cage, the metal bars being my only source of protection.  Then suddenly out of nowhere, I saw it coming.
A giant great white shark probably the same size as the one from the movie.  It swam right past me, allowing me to see it’s large size, the lifeless black eye just staring straight ahead as it swam by, then as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared into the ocean.
I didn’t know what to do.  I had nothing on me to protect me, no knife, gun, or even spear.  All I had was this cage that seemed to have no way out.  I kept my eyes forward and was frantically looking around hoping to find it.  Suddenly I was jerked forward as I felt something bump the cage from behind.
I began to panic as I saw right behind me swimming away was the tail of the great white. It circled below the cage before coming right back for me.  It’s large mouth gaped open exposing the rows upon rows of teeth.  It banged against the cage creating an even bigger dent than it first left.
Oh my god this shark was actually trying to eat me.  I tried to find a way out of the cage but there was no way out, the top was bolted shut and I couldn’t curl up because the cage wasn’t big enough for me to try and escape without risking getting caught by the shark’s mouth.  My heart felt like it was going to explode as it relentlessly rammed the cage until it was just big enough for it to finally swallow me whole.
I shot up panting, sweat dripping down my face.  It was then I began to hear the sound of my phone ringing once again.  I looked at my overhead clock to see that it was 2:30am.  I picked it up and tried to say with a steady tone.
‘Hey love.’ Oh thank god! It was Roger.
‘Hello my love, are you okay you sound a bit frantic?’ I placed my hand over my heart and wiped away my tears and choked out.
“I’m fine Roggie.”
‘You sure? You sound like you’ve been crying. Don’t tell me you’re missing me already?’ to get my mind off of my nightmare I went ahead and lied.
“Yes, that’s exactly it.”
‘Aww love we already talked about this. The only person who should be missing the other more is me. You broke your promise, now you’ll have to pay the toll.’
“Okay. I’ll take some time off of work to come with you guys on your next tour.”
‘Yes!’ he cheered and I swore I could hear him fist pump the air. ‘So sorry to be calling you so late, hope I didn’t wake you.’
“You’re fine I was—talking with Elliot anyways.”
‘Ahh so what’s that old bastard been up to lately huh?’ I shook my head.  See Roger and my cousin had been friends for years ever since grade school, in fact that’s how we met and eventually Elliot played matchmaker/tormentor toward us by the time we were all in high school.
“He’s currently away on business for his company in Athens. But hopefully he’ll be back in a week or so.”
‘Ohh fancy, lucky bitch gets to go everywhere.’
“Well he is the CEO of his company. But what about you? How’s the album coming along? You and the guys playing nice?”
‘Yes we are.’ But the way his tone was, it sounded like it wasn’t.
“What happened?”
‘Damn your keen senses.’ He teased and I chuckled softly. ‘I’ll tell you later, I only called to tell you that since the album is coming along so well, we’re relocating to another place just for some downtime and I want to invite you there.’
“And just where is this place at?”
‘Ridge farm studios. A nice family owns the place, it’s supposed to be a lot more open and more things to do than here at Rockfield. Think you can make it?’
“I think I might just be able to do that.” I heard Roger cheer and he told me of the address of the farm and we ended our conversation.  As I hung up the phone my mind went back to my nightmare so I kept the lamp on just so that I knew I was on dry land and not surrounded by water with a man eating shark about to eat me.
The next morning I began packing my things for the trip.  I was hoping on staying maybe a couple weeks but knowing Roger he’d try to convince me to stay the whole time they were there so I packed about five weeks’ worth of clothes.  Once I had everything packed, I took out my map and began to trace the route I would need to take to get to the farm.
Once that was done, I loaded my car and got on the road.  It took pretty much all day to get out of London and out into the country field of Capel.  It was probably 4 maybe 5 o’clock by the time I reached the farm and there waiting outside on the porch was none other than Roger.
As soon as he saw my car pull up, he stood up from the front steps and waved at me. I parked my car along the driveway and turned the engine off.  I got out of my car and sighed exasperatedly.
“If I didn’t love you so much, I never would drive out this far, or for this long.”
“Ahh but you do love me.” He said as he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.  He leaned his forehead against mine as he swayed me from side to side.
“That I do.”
“And I’m grateful for that,” he cupped the side of my face and stroked my cheekbone with his thumb as he continued, “I’m so happy you came. I’ve missed holding you in my arms, I’ve missed seeing you first thing in the morning, missed these eyes, those lips.” I chuckled softly and said.
“Who would’ve thought Roger Taylor was such a softy.” I teased.
“You made me this way. You’re such a bad influence on me love.” He moaned as he soon captured my lips with his.
“Look who’s talking? Mr. ‘I want to have sex almost everywhere in the house’.” I spoke out between kisses.
“Shhh, don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it.” He whispered seductively as he began kissing down my neck. I breathed out a soft moan as I treaded my fingers through my boyfriend’s silk smooth blonde hair.
“If you’re going to be doing any of that Roger, I would suggest getting a room first.” We looked up and there were the rest of the Queen boys.
“Screw the lot of yah. I hadn’t seen my girl in months. SO if you don’t want to watch, then look away.” I hit Roger on the chest which made him both laugh and cry out in mock pain. “Ow love that hurt!”
“Then don’t say stuff like that around me.” Freddie chuckled and was the first to come up and greet me with a hug and peck on both cheeks.
“Welcome darling, oh it’s been too long. Why don’t you visit us anymore?”
“Sorry Fred, been trying to finish up my degree before I finally graduate.”
“Oh wow you’re nearly done. Congratulations (y/n).” Brian spoke up next.
“Thanks Bri, and it was about damn time too. Six years of school is too damn long.”
“I’ll bet.” Deacy soon spoke up.  I walked over to him and we both hugged each other.  Since Deacy and I were the same age with me being a few months older than him, we grew close to each other.  He was my confidant, my partner in crime, my sidekick especially when it came to messing with the others.
We were like the troublemakers of the group behind the scenes, both quiet and reserved until we decide to strike.  And when you get both of us putting our devious brains together, watch out.
“Well now that you’re here, Roger will actually begin to behave for once.” Freddie proclaimed.
“What did he do? He mentioned something briefly over the phone last night and now I’d like to know what it was?”
“Back at Rockfield he decided it was best to lock himself up in a cupboard in protest.” Deacy explained.  I turned to Roger and he only replied.
“They wouldn’t do my song.”
“And what song would that be?” I asked.
“‘I’m in love with my car’.” Brian answered.  I then looked at Roger offended and I said.
“So, which car do I have to smash?”
“The song’s about you!” he exclaimed.
“Oh so that’s all I am to you? A machine? That’s it from now on I’m Brian’s girl. Brian c’mere please.” He gladly came over and swept me off me feet as Roger just gawked at us.
Later that day after getting settled into our rooms, of course I shared a room with Roger (who else would I do share one with?) we were all gathered around the kitchen eating our late lunch/supper with Deacy cooking.
“Mm Deacy I swear Veronica is one lucky lady.” I praised.
“Thank you love.”
“You on the other hand need to learn how to cook.” I said to Roger.
“I tried to. But you shouldn’t be so cute then I wouldn’t be distracted.”
“Roger who burns a boiled egg?” he playfully shoved my shoulder and said.
“Alright then you don’t get any snuggles and kisses tonight.” I gaped at him but just before I could retort back, Freddie’s spoke up.
“My darlings they’ve got a pool here, let’s all eat by the poolside and then go swimming.”
“Fred you know you’re supposed to wait an hour before swimming right?”
“Oh poppycock my darlings, let’s go!” As we were now by the poolside, I stared down at the water and couldn’t help but freeze.  My nightmare soon came flashing before my eyes, as well as the opening scene of JAWS.
“(Y/n). (Y/n)!” I snapped out of my daze and turned to see Roger standing beside me. “You okay love?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine.”
“You sure? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“No Rog, I promise I’m fine.” I said as I cupped the side of his face.  He held my hand in his and kissed my palm.
“If you’re sure. But you know you can tell me anything yeah?” I nodded and kissed his cheek before sitting myself at the table to finish eating my potato salad. After we ate, the boys all began swimming.
Roger and Fred were mostly roughhousing around in the pool, while Deacy and Brian were on inner tubes.  I on the other hand was lying along one of the pool chairs and chose to get some sun rather than going in the water.  The guys seemed okay with it for awhile but soon Roger got too impatient.
“C’mon (n/n) just come in already!”
“No I already told you Rog I don’t want to go in!”
“Why not?”
“Cause I just put some suntan lotion on, you know I’ve got to wait at least 30 minutes before I go in.”
“Now that I know is a lie.” He proclaimed.  I flipped him off and put my sunglasses back over my eyes and just lay back down against the chair.  A few minutes later something was blocking my sun.  I looked up and the next thing I knew I was being picked up.
“Roger! What the hell Rog!? Let go of me!”
“Nope not till you get your pretty little butt into the water.” Oh shit no.
“Roger I swear to god if you throw me in I’ll—” I began kicking and punching him trying to get out of his arms but he kept a strong grip on me and soon I was submerged into the deep end of the pool.
I opened my eyes and I swore I saw a shark-shape like figure in the water and I began panicking.  Frantically splashing around trying to get back up to the surface but I was only drowning myself further.  I soon felt something grab onto me and I let out a scream allowing water into my lungs before I was pulled back up to the surface.  I let out a cough and horrifying scream as I lashed out at whatever was grabbing onto me.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! It’s okay, it’s okay it’s me love, it’s me.” But I couldn’t hear the voice as I was now being pulled out of the water and back onto solid ground. I felt a towel being wrapped around me as Roger’s voice spoke up.
“Love are you okay I am so sorry I—I didn’t mean to…..”
“JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!! ALL OF YOU!! Please I—I…..” I soon began weeping hysterically on the ground.
Later that night I didn’t even come out of my room.  I kept it locked and refused to come out and confront the boys, hell I didn’t allow Roger to even come in and change, he could just sit there dripping wet for all I care and think about what he’s done.
I soon heard a soft knock at the door and Roger’s voice soon said.
“(Y/n)? Love?” I didn’t answer him, “Look I—I’m so sorry for what happened back at the pool. I know you’re probably still angry, you have every right to be.” He paused midsentence I guess waiting for me to answer but he continued, “You don’t have to answer. What I did was a—dick move and I shouldn’t have done it. Brian, Deacy and Fred threatened me with murder if I didn’t come up and fix this.” Thanks guys. “I uhh—I bought you your favorite chocolates. There was a candy store nearby, quaint little place and I feared they wouldn’t have it but they did.”
Oh Roger. He willingly went out and bought my favorite chocolates.  But it wasn’t his fault.  I’ve been thinking about it and I shouldn’t be putting the blame on him. After all he didn’t know about the movie, he didn’t know that I was still scared about the movie so how could he have known that water suddenly became my number 1 fear now.
“I know it probably isn’t much right now but I hope it at least shows you how much I love you. I just—wanted to spend time with my mermaid. But I went about it the wrong way.” Mermaid. Huh? Hadn’t heard him call me that in a long time, not since our first date when we snuck into the community pool.  “Can you—please just open the door? I want to see you, I want to hold you and comfort you.” I silently walked towards the door but I didn’t open it as I heard Roger’s solemn voice say, “Nothing?” he sighed, “Okay love. I won’t bug you anymore. I’ll just—leave these here for you. Bye.”
I opened the door.
I saw that he was just a few feet away from the door and he turned around to see me.
“Hi.” He said nervously.
“Hi.” I whimpered.
“Oh lovely come here.” We walked up toward each other and he embraced me.  Rubbing my back in soothing circles with my head resting against his chest listening to his heartbeat.  “You’re really starting to scare me (y/n), what happened back there?”
“Shark.” I muttered.
“What was that?” he asked.
“Shark.” I said a little bit louder.
“A shark?” I nodded confirming what I had said. “Did you—see a shark?”
“I thought I did I—this is stupid forget I said anything.”
“No, no, no, no. It’s not stupid. Anything that scares my girl is serious. Why did you think you saw a shark in the pool?”
“Because—because of a movie I watched while you were away.”
“And what movie was that?”
“It was a new movie. American director Steven Spielberg, he made a movie called…..JAWS.”
“Wait I think I remember that title? Yeah the theater near here was promoting it while we were filling up the car with gas.” I looked down shamefully. “But I thought you and Elliot always liked talking about those horror films?”
“But this one was different. It—it showed me just how dangerous the ocean can be.”
“But that’s just it. The ocean. Sharks can’t get into a pool, I doubt they’d find chlorine pleasant.”
“Roger this is serious!” He grinned and said.
“I know, I’m sorry. Here hug me tighter love.” I squeezed him as tight as I could and he did the same thing.  “You know that I would never let anything harm you, right?” I nodded in his chest.
“I know, but the nightmare I has last night was—”
“Hold up, you had a nightmare last night? That’s why you sounded out of sorts?” I shamefully nodded. “Oh love why didn’t you just tell me over the phone?”
“Because I didn’t want to worry or bother you—”
“You are never a bother to me. There’s nothing in this whole world that matters to me more than you. Even the band.”
“Wow I feel special.”
“And you should.” He pecked the top of my head as he rubbed my back once more.  We stayed in each other’s arms for a bit longer and he proceeded, “You know that I would never let anything harm my baby girl right? I’m much scarier than anything that could do you harm.” I giggled and said.
“No you’re not.”
“What? Baby I totally am. Haven’t you seen me when I go into my rage modes? Remember the Rainbow back in November?” I did actually remember that but of course I wasn’t gonna let him win.
“Don’t recall that.”
“Okay then, maybe this will refresh your mind.” Much like he did back at the pool, he tossed me over his shoulder and walked us into our bedroom shutting the door. He flopped me down on the bed, I tried to get away but he captured me by imprisoning my legs with his, tangling our limbs together and wrapped his arms around my waist trapping my arms.
I couldn’t stop giggling as I soon felt Roger nuzzle into my neck, moaning softly occasionally kissing along my neck but not in the pleasurable kind of way, more of the tickly way.
“Roger….stop it.”
“Oh does it tickle?” smug little shit he knew it did.  “How about if I do this?” I then felt him tickle my ribs which elicited shrieks out of me.  “Oh don’t you squirm away from me little missy. Come back here you.” He pulled me back as I had tried to squirm out of his embrace and he proceeded to now tickle my stomach as well as raspberry my neck.
“Ahh Rog! Okay! Okay! I yield I yield!”
“You gonna say it now?” he mocked as he now hovered over me.
“Roger Taylor is the scariest and toughest being in the whole world.”
“And don’t you forget it lovie.” He gingerly pecked my nose and said, “In all seriousness love. I won’t let anything real or supernatural hurt you. No ghosts, vampires, werewolves, aliens, serial killers, kidnappers, nothing.”
“And sharks?” I asked worriedly.
“Especially not sharks. I’ll beat them all to a bloody pulp if they even think about eating my girl. I’m the only one who can do that.” He winked at me and grinned cheekily at me.  I slapped his chest as he laughed and held me close.  “Try to get some sleep love, I’ll protect you. And if you have another nightmare, just wake me up, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you Roger, for everything.”
“Anytime my love.” He kissed my lips gingerly and whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” We cuddled close together and soon we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
88 notes · View notes
session 11 notes (i’ll fix them one day but i’m agro this was tea hate this)
Two minute one shot while dom pees
Adam has a floaty tube
Asyna can't turn into a hippo
Giant seahorse
Jane austen
Elizabethh and darcy my hands are shaking
Dom has 4e books
Dom was pretty out of it last session
It's afternoon
Dom is toasty
In jacob's other campaign a goat bit off his penis so the goat's name is richard byter
"at first the goat was reluctant"
"what a goat"
Last week on dragon heist
We were meandering through the city
"one of you met with an old friend, briefly"
Zoo time
Aerana knows where the zoo is in the sea ward
Raised brick gate w high walls; on top are intricate metal railing spiked stuff
Entrance is v wide, not too many people going in bc it's raining a lot
Apparently the weather is super important and I still don't know why the weather is so important
It is currently raining
Ticket booth in the front
Gold piece per person
Botanic repository
We walk up to the booth covering ourselves w the hoods we have
Velvet rope line but we just navigate through it like in shrek
Adam goes first
Walks in and see smiling figure, human male middle-aged, heavyset, festive outfit, "thank you for visiting - oH how's it going?!" it's volo
He's doing research for his newest obok
Hi jacob's dad
Jacob's gonna go fishing
Volo under impression he would be one of zoological experts but no
They brought monsters in from the isle of chault
Points us off to the exhibit to go
Originally zoo was not a zoo as we think of but like throwing them in a pit and being like look at them think httyd
Now it's closer to what we'd consider a modern day zoo
Lots of foliage
It's a big zoo
Like the San diego zoo
Or disneyland
Dom talks abt his brother's haircut
We can run through it
Can asyna just sprint
Aerana and asyna r gonna run
Adam cel and theo r gonna not run
Most of the zoo taken up by exhibits devoted to the island
Looking in the entryway a lot of ppl r carrying pamphlets n papers and speaking in foreign tongues like tourists or smth ig
Adam casts disguise self to make him look as fancy as everyone else
Has feathered cloak
Three major pathways
Chault exhibits for weird stuff r left
Marine stuff and some chault r forward
To the right r monsters from the interior continent
Adam cel and theo (?) go to the right
Most ppl r in pairs
A lot of biologist-type ppl; ppl who look like they're used to handling animals
First real exhibit on the right is a human woman inside the exhibit throwing down pieces of meat to lions
Is asyna a moon druid ? Yes
How did the human woman get there ? But she doesn’t notice
"does this zoo have dippin dots" - lillian 2020
Perception check, 15
There r ppl selling stuff, sees dejected gnome sitting under a pedal cart w a dingy umbrella and he's grumpy n angry
Adam walks over to him
Selling diff snacks n refreshments
He's mostly selling a fizzle pop
Strawberry flavor, blueberry, butterfly flavor
"are ur fizzle pops made w organic butterflies ? Bc I'm kinda on a diet rn"
Adam says it's disgusting
"I'll have a blueberry thank you"
Cel is gonna try the butterfly one
It's sweet; doesn't taste like blood but does taste almost nutty
So like what I would think pistachio tastes like
Fun size popsicle
Theo gets strawberry
They go to the next exhibit
A really vertical exhibit
Cel is gonna try and ride seahorse asyna but rolls a nat 1 for acrobatics and then a nat 1 for dex save
Smashes head on rim of the pool, bleeding out and unconscious
Healing words from adam
Climbs out of the pool
The water is now red
Three children on the other side of the pool
One of them gets really excited and pees when adam tells them that there's a chemical that turns pool water red
Asyna left the pool when the kid peed
Asyna leads everyone over to the hospital
Adam is gonna try and healing words fix cel
Cel is back to full health
One of the kids is crying scared when she finds out the water is blood
Theo is gonna go get the kids ?
Ok back to the zoo
There's a hippo exhibit
We go check it out
On the way there run into different typical zoo stuff
The younger ppl r around these exhibits
A lot of closed sections bc of weather like "don't worry next winter this animal will be back"
Ringtails that r lemurs ringtail lemurs
Carefully curated trees that r uber high
Hawks and giant eagles
Oops my phone froze
Tap on the glass to say hi to the what now
Theo wants it to come say hi to her
Animal handling check, 10
Can't attract their attention but
The hippos
Asyna has speak with animals LMAO
Basically can't talk to worms
No more tapeworm talk :/
"Theo says hi . This is theo"
"everybody gangsta until they find out jacob thinks barney is a hippo" - dom 2020
Colombian drug lord one time built private zoos and the hippos broke out but now there's a hippo problem in colombia
Pablo escovar
Speak with animals is ten minutes
We're also probably fighting later
We're gonna talk to the hippos
Theo waves
One of them paddles over and tries to sniff
"hm . Can you eat it ?"
"pleaes don't"
 I just remembered seaweed is not a plant it's an algae
This hippo does not have a name
Calls sister sister
"ask about juicy hippo gossip" - adam
"no but if I did I would share it"
Originally zoo was place for research
Anything else to ask hippos before we check out rare animals ?
The hippo floats away and we say bye
To the chault exhibits
Getting late but there r a lot more researchers
First exhibit has a lot of strange, unfamiliar trees
Monkeys w really big fluffy sideburns clustering around overhanging branches bc it's raining
Some of them r taking leaves and using them to keep the rain off
One of the monkeys hops off the branch
The sideburns actually extend into wings and it goes to another branch
"it's like the wizard of oz"
"adam what's the wizard of oz"
Flying monkeys
Adam walks over to a researcher and asks the most must-see
Woman who is probably from chault bc wearing strange woven beret w branches n stuff
Alien to anything they've seen
"I would point you in the direction of the behemoths"
"what are behemoths"
Adam rolls nature check
9, he doesn't know what a behemoth is
She is from chault
Behemoths r considered friends there
Asyna and aerana know where chault is
Everyone else just knows chault is v far away, almost like a nightmare story told to children
Described as a hellscape
"I'd sooner go to chault than-"
Asyna and aerana know chault is a massive island to the sw of the sword coast, home to v tropical, intensely humid climate w lots of rain + some invasions in the past but now things r opening up
We're gonna check out the behemoths
From a distance, this exhibit much larger than others, much more heavily excavated
Not so much walls as railing looking into a deep cavern
All manner of plant life brought in to accommodate the creatures
Huge lizard of some kind
Huge size category
Irl a horse is large
Humans and dwarves are medium
Exhibit says it's a macetail behemoth
Ground trembles w each step of the behemoth
Slow, ponderous
Gigantic armored lizard w tough plating on its back and spikes on the sides of its head w bony, protective coverings all over it
Massive swinging tail protruding bone swinging back and forth as it walks
Looks like that one dinosaur
We would call it an ankylosaurus
Things that go over my head : see description bullet points before this
Tail end of speak with animals
Asyna can turn into dinosaurs
"you look really cool do you have a name"
One of them looks up but doesn't really respond
Doesn't answer
Look for velociraptors
Gonna look at all the exhibits
Spirehorn behemoths
Faces almost look like shields
Alien to us tho
I can't believe that like as dom's explaining these everyone else can like ,, imagine it
Like that's crazy they see pictures inside their heads
Feathered behemoths
Occasionally jump around
Claws and walk around on two legs
Bloodspike behemoth
Stegosaurus, baby and two parents
Asyna can turn into a deinonychus
We have enough time for one more exhibit
We see a creature alone in its pen save for two researchers dropping treats in front of it, other has a pickaxe and is tapping the ground and scooping smth up trailing the creature and brushing it into a bin
Creature reflects rainbow of colors ? I think
Huge snail, has three eyestalks but they kind of droop down and have heavy spikes off each individual one
Cel reads description
Flail snail?
It's a big boi
Described not as a beast but as something that comes from a realm of earth
As it moves it excretes glass
Generally docile but if prodded r really dangerous bc the things it has r more weapons than eyes
Adam asks if it's a petting exhibit
The flail snail is just as slow as a regular snail
"that is the most disgusting magic resistance I've ever seen in my entire life" - jacob 2020
Everything starting to shut down
We realize we should probs skedaddle
Time to find loser boy
Rain has not stopped but has kinda calmed down
Heading straight to the wig shop
Lamps in the trades ward r lit
Brighter than what we've seen recently
Adam peers into the shop
Perception check
6, tries to get water off the window, looks empty
Theo's gonna pick the lock
25, it's a simple lock and theo gets it open easily
Shop is empty
Somewhat eerie for those without darkvision bc the mannequins
Cel will go and investigate the back room, door is locked
Theo tries opening again
23, opens easily
Immediately smells weird powder
A lot of the perfumes for preserving dyes n stuff kept back here
Cel makes a perception check
V organized, neat and tidy
Manhole cover in the back
Sewer system v advanced in waterdeep but also means there's a lot of it
A lot of ppl will build over sewer openings bc cheaper real estate
"sewer access authorized city officials only"
Adam rolls nat20 for boxes
Looking for anything necromancy related, licking things, doing all manners of investigation
Feels a small leather sack, pulls it out, kinda heavy
Opens it up, sees coins that are kind of heavier and thicker; not silver, 5 platinum pieces
Platinum is 10 gp each
Could take the platinums
Scry the money and sack
There are cupboards at the front desk
Necromancy considered suspicious, looked down upon
"ah . It's like watching anime ." - jacob 2020
"no, it's not like watching anime" - dom 2020
The art itself is not a crime but the things that occur in tandem w it r usually crimes
Discussing what to do in character
Cel insight check, 16
Earlier dom mentioned we're aware many ppl in waterdeep use the sewers to traverse unseen in the city; kinda suss the building was built on top of a sewer
Adam is borrowing aerana's warhammer
Adam hits the floor, leaves big dent and a v loud sound
Cel makes strength check w advantage w crowbar
Rolls a 12, can't get it open
Can sort of shift it up
Adam smashes a jar over the floor
Dex check, 5
Cloud of neon yellow sprays out like a cloud of dust and smoke, just the color
Covered in bright yellow dye
Theo tries lockpicking
23, lock is more difficult and takes a little longer, but eventually it opens
Once it's opened, the chains undo themselves and snake out on their own accord
It's just a dark hole
Can see a short drop that leads to a staircase
Adam holds lantern
Cel's just gonna go w adam at the front, pitch dark
Darkvision lets us see to some extent; everything is in grayscale
Lantern beam does help us see a little
Asyna closer to front as well
Leads to a room, 10' x 20'
Descending down short flight of stairs, room totally bare save for a barred door that u can see out of, also locked
Hear faintly some water
Theo rolls 23 for lockpicking
Door opens
Adam investigating room for secret door, tunnel, anything
Investigation check, 10 and 5 for investigation checks
Look around but room is barren
Nothing stashed anywhere, nothing to indicate a secret door or anything
Adam and cel step out, to immediate right extends for 10ish feet before merging into wall
Directly in front is water and like a sewer river flowing to the right
"are there any rats" "make a perception check" "nat 1"
To left, passage curves so hard to see but for at least 40 or so feet the pathway continues
Adam rolls another 5 for investigation check
We eventually get to a small stone bridge
I FORGOT I RESEARCHED THE SEWER SYSTEMS idk if I should bring it up I brought it up
A 15 intelligence check
Waterdeep's sewers are a subject of fascination for the city
You know the passageway like the one ur in often has arteries or iron doors set in them leading to different areas
Also know sometimes due to poor planning or smth some areas without walkways also have access tunnels
There's a bridge ? Nasty water under it
Over the bridge we go
Cel rolls a 22, plenty of damp areas around ,, no light in the passage, walking for a minute or so and w each step just hear a wet squelching noise; we're leaving behind wet, muddy footprints
No sign of recent mud in front of us
10 minutes go by and every once in a while pass side arteries w more sewage flowing in
This part seems relatively well planned
Can only go straight ? No other curvature in the path
Traveling south
"I'm gonna try and get that rat" - adam 2020
Adam picks up the rat for sleight of hand check
"you're able to grab up that rat pretty good" - dom 2020
Adam holds rat out to asyna and tells her to do her thing
"hey buddy"
"uh you have to cast your spell first"
"hey pal how's it going"
"let me go"
"uh we'll let you go if you answer some of our questions"
"don't even"
"no he's saying don't eat him"
"my friend here holding you is gonna take a big chomp of you if you don't answer our questions"
"have you seen anyone"
"don't know"
"I open my mouth"
"I kind of want to squeak" - marguerite 2020
Rat points north
Adam wants a piece of string to tie onto the rat like a leash
Adam is starting to feel short of breath after 10 minutes of walking
"that's either from the powder . Or the key"
Adam doesn't feel indigestion right now just that it's difficult to get air
Adam tries to tie a leash to the rat
Dex check
Rat runs away
We go back the way we came, another 10 minutes, we pass three of those stone bridges
Cel investigation checks the dead end again, adam will give bardic inspiration
"Open sesame" - song
18, nothing there
It's a maze, we'll try naya
Adam takes out sack of platinum
Naya appears, looks around and shudders and bounds away
Following the deer
Naya is guiding back to where we originally where
Moving south again
Looks at passage back again passage then vanishes
Naya was standing on one of the bridges
First artery
It's a passage
We gotta wade through the sewer
Aerana readies weapon
Wading through, halflings get disgusting smth in their boots
Passage goes 20 ft before turning on a diagonal, turn onto passageway then it extends v far into distance
"adam's adding to the sewage right now probably" - jacob 2020
Adam's feeling lightheaded
Cel makes medicine check on adam
Rolls a 6, don't know what's wrong bud
Adam rolls around in the sewer water to get the powder off ??
I guess he is
Adam makes a constitution save, a 3
The yellow stuff is off but adam is smeared in shit
Did I make a good or bad decision
We keep going but adam feels better like fine like nothing's wrong
Oh no adam's gonna die it's like hypothermia where u feel super hot at first then u die
Passageway stretches on for awhile until coming across a rusty ironed door raised so that we'd have to step up to access it
Aerana makes perception check on the door, 20 not a nat
Hears people shouting and what appears to be a cat
Can't tell if the shouting is bad or not
Theo wrings out cape
Go up to the door, realize there's no lock; the entire lock has fallen out bc the door is so rusty
Adam checks door for traps, 12 investigation
Does not appear to be trapped, looks p old
Adam is in middle, cel towards back, aerana at front
About 25' ahead is a wider chamber and a door set into the wall, the areas are lit
We already walked through the rusty door
Massive screeching sound that came from the door when u opened it
Gotta b stealthy
Door to the right is unlocked
Adam opens the door open, looks like a storage room w different crates and sacks; bland
Some water barrels, adam pours it on himself; the rest of us also do it
Moving into room adjacent to passageway; triangle things in the wall has arrow stuff to make it easier to fire from but the room looks abandoned
Deeper in we go
Don't go that far but hit a wider room extending out 40'
Center of the room; at one point looks like there was a wall covering the room but has since collapsed; several ppl looking at us
Far corner opposite to us is an old halfling man in dark robes, clutching wound at chest, long gray braid down back staring at us as if he heard we were coming
In front of him are two smiling skeletons
It's the necromancer
The skeletons r also looking at us
They appear to be guarding him
In front of skeletons are three kenku looking at us
Bingbong is not one of the kenku
"I can explain" - adam
"we came down here and I was covered in shit and" adam casts pyrotechnics centered in between skeletons and kenku
Aerana, 19
Cel, 17
Asyna, 15
Adam, 15
Theo, 9
Holds attack, if kenku move within 5 ft of her she'll attack
Skeletons have bows and shortswords
Kenkus have shortswords
Will hold an action if attacked
Appear to b human skeletons, medium size
Lash out at kenku
One kenku able to parry away an attack, other skeleton slashes another kenku
Attacks kenku closest to her, the one not hit
15, "what are you attacking with" "iiiiiiiii don't knowwwwwwwwwww"
Asyna turns into ape
Runs up to terrified kenku
Swings both times but it gets out of the way and hisses like a cat
Casts pyrotechnics on kenku
One passes, one fails
Failed one is blinded for next turn
Cutting words on the kenku by asyna
Tries to escape, skeleton misses and kenku staggers away and starts feeling way along wall and runs into room west of where we are
Other one
Makes attack on skeleton, half of ribcage slashed but it's still standing
Other other one
Tries to attack ape, misses
Stands up, tries to flee
Hits kenku that tried to get asyna, 5 damage
Has sneak attack, deals 12 damage
Arrow shot into neck, still alive but not for long
13 damage to other kenku
"how do you want to do this"
Kenku drops dead
Skeleton turns smiling to aerana
15 to hit, 6 damage, dead
"how do you want to do this"
Pulls arrow back as far as she can "and I don't know if it's bingbong, but I'm gonna pretend it's bingbong and shoot it right through his eye socket"
"I want to keep bingbong as a pet" - jacob 2020
"kenku are sentient beings, that would be slavery" - dom 2020
Looking around we see the bodies of three other kenku and remains of two other skeletons
The skeletons attack aerana
One hits, 3 damage
Goes into the room to follow the halfling and the kenku
Some kind of exit around
The blinded kenku is in here
Can reach halfling or kenku
Marguerite wants to hug the halfling
Athletics check to do it
Old man screams but asyna can hold him, unable to escape
Kenku still feeling around on the floor
Follows asyna
Gonna cast sleep
Kenku falls asleep
Yells over at the halfling
"can you call off your skeletons please"
Loser boy's turn
I don't remember how to spell losser unless it's losser
Tries to escape asyna's grasp
"he does not escape your grasp"
Asyna rolls another athletics check
17, he does not escape
14 to hit, 16 damage
"how do you want to do this"
Arrow to the skull just goes really far in and the skull falls off as do misc bones
Misses hit
Tries to thrust forward w sword but it drops and contracts, sword slipping through ribcage
19 to hit
8 damage, hits shoulder and arm falls off
Waddles the halfling over to adam
Gives him a little squeeze
baned halfling
And cutting words
No cutting words nvm
Asyna rolls a 25
Can't squirm out
"unhand me there are more of them there are more kenku"
"ok. Bye bye skeleton boy"
22 to hit
12 damage
"how do you want to do this"
Hits him in the smile; teeth knocked out and all of it collapses like a xylophone type noise as the bones hit the floor
Out of combat
Aerana ties up sleeping kenku
Adam casts charm person
Cel is gonna loot
Investigation check, 7
10 gold combined on the kenku; takes
Halfling is charmed to consider adam a dear old friend
Says he just finished work on his new purse; his fanny pack (basically)
Not sure we recognize the material
Adam says he knows who sent the kenku
"you have the stone"
"they stole it from me"
Says he randomly found a nice stone from a rat
Adam puts his hand on loser boy's shoulder and asks if he wants to work from home
Trying to convince loser boy to come with us
The purse is made out of elf skin
Bc it's supple
Adam trying to get a magical weapon out of loser boy
Has a potion that protects from necromancers
Persuasion check, 24
Goes into side closet
Damage resist potion
Aerana kills him
Wow are you ?? Desensitized ?? Are you desensitized or does it help not being able to see anything ever
Adam rummages through loser boy's desk
Investigation check, 15
False bottom to one of the desk drawers w 100 gold inside
Cel investigation checks loser boy, 13
Finds a little wand w a skull tip
Adam is gonna look at the purse
This bag is a faint gold
Adam shakes the kenku awake, wisdom 13 saving throw
Charm person
Making dog noises
"you want to take us to your friends"
"I don't know where they are"
"then let's just go back to your base"
"get back to base ? No one knows where that is"
Adam introduces himself, mentions bingbong
Gets theo and cel's names, mimics sound of a hammer hitting metal when asked his name
His name is bonk now
Asks asyna's name, asyna is still an ape
Big hairy git
Aerana says she'll trade information for her name
Adam swings warhammer into ground to threaten kinda
Adam makes 12 insight check
We don't recognize any of the voices he uses
Asks if we live in a hole
Asks if the house is nice
Copies adam's voice for the house boom
Adam asks if he knows about the puppet
"couldn't tell you if I knew"
Nat20 adam runs insight check across entire conversation
He's lying abt not knowing where his friends are
Adam asks him why he was lying
Hear a voice we've never heard before
But this one in particular is bizarre and warped as if it's through some filter
"do you know what happens when you lie to me"
Anyone w passive perception over 9 hears a bottle break and a door slam in one of the rooms to the south
Cel hits his brain basically
Some of you starting to piece together that smth strange is happening
Pattering of footsteps from room to the south
Session over for the night
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allycat-writes · 5 years
Enchanted (Doctor Strange x OC)
A/N: Do I think really anyone except Shay cares about my OCs? Absolutely not but!!! I love her so, not really worried about it. I had a lot of fun writing this actually! Pre-Doctor Strange movie. Sort of a prequel to my Juliet Taylor main-story that I still need to actually write oops. Very loosely based off of another Taylor Swift song (of the same name) because it’s me writing it so of course it has to be. As always, thanks to @unknownauthor​ for reading everything and letting me yell about how much I love both Juliet Taylor and Cassidy Cooper and encouraging me to make this an oc thing instead of a reader thing!
Warnings: Probably swearing, hints of adult content, casual mention of previous deaths/murder, also alcohol mention.
Word Count: 1,441
As usual, likes are alright but reblogs!!! Are!!! So unbelievably amazing!!!
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(Not my GIFs)
“Do you have to outshine me at every event you attend with me?” Juliet turned back to the reporter, a camera hanging around her neck.
“How else am I going to find a wealthy neurosurgeon to marry and buy me nice stuff?” Cassidy snorted, shaking her head.
“Ah, I see. What happened with that ex-Marine?”
“Oh, that’s a story for another time, my love. Not the most proper conversation for such a swanky event.” Cassidy laughed, lightly. “So why does the New York Bulletin care about…what the fuck even is this?”
“It’s a Neurological Society dinner, Jules, try and keep up. I don’t know, something about a ‘society’ page of something," Cassidy sighed with a shrug. She raised an eyebrow at something just over Juliet’s shoulder and Juliet turned to examine what her friend had caught sight of. She sighed when she spotted an older gentleman making a beeline for the pair, his cheeks flushed, probably from alcohol if Juliet’s suspicion was right. Cassidy slipped on a fake smile, brushing a curl behind her ear. Juliet wrapped her hands around the camera, hoping to hide her annoyance at this man she hadn’t even spoken to yet. Juliet examined the rotund man, his hair a wispy, thin, and graying tuft on his otherwise balding head.
“What a delight to have such lovely girls here tonight! Who do you two belong to?” the man bellowed, wrapping an arm around each woman. Cassidy laughed, the sound calm to anyone who didn’t know her as well as Juliet.
“Ourselves,” Juliet replied, her voice icy. Before the man could open his mouth to reply, a voice behind Juliet made him stop in his tracks.
“Doctor Morce, I hadn’t seen you yet. Come on, we’d best be getting to our seats before they start without us. We wouldn’t want that now, would we?” Juliet turned, her eyes locking on the newcomer’s eyes, his eyes stormy and gray. Juliet could detect just the slightest hint of tension in his smile as he feigned friendliness towards the older gentleman.
“Doctor Strange! What an honor to see you again, my boy! Where’s that lovely girl of yours, what’s her name again?” Juliet noticed Doctor Strange stiffen just slightly at the question.
“Doctor Palmer couldn’t make it tonight but she sends her sincerest regards, I assure you. Let’s be off now and leave these ladies to their work. They have a very busy night ahead of them, I’m sure.” Juliet relaxed as the man, his hair jet black except for the silver beginning at his temples, started ushering the portly Doctor Morce away.
The younger man, Doctor Strange, glanced back once they were a safe distance away and Juliet mouthed a quick “thank you.” Strange winked at her before taking his seat at the table, Morce moving farther down the table to his spot. Juliet wrapped an arm around Cassidy to try and still her best friend’s slight shaking. “You alright?” Cassidy seemed to snap out of it after a moment and gave Juliet a bright smile, tinged with regret. “Remind me to chew out Ellison when I see him next.” Cassidy sighed.
“I have to do shit like this to be able to write the things that actually matter. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
“Yeah, made that mistake before. So now I’m gonna spend my entire life worrying about you until Murdock gets his head out of his ass and comes crawling back to you.” Cassidy rolled her eyes, glancing back at the table.
“That doctor was very handsome.”
“Morce? Nah, not my type.”
“Why on earth would I be talking about him? I’m talking about the young one. Doctor Strange.”
“I don’t know, it feels like something’s missing. Maybe it’s facial hair?”
“What? You usually don’t care about that.”
“I know! But I think facial hair would look good on him. He sort of reminds me of…an otter, maybe?” Cassidy laughed, shaking her head.
“Regardless, it would seem he can’t take his eyes off of you,” Cassidy murmured, gently nudging Juliet’s shoulder. Juliet glanced over to find his eyes trained on her and she raised an eyebrow, smiling coyly.
“How old do you think he is?”
“Maybe he’s just prematurely graying? Besides, the gray is kinda doing it for me. Like a silver fox.”
“I’m gonna say that’s just your daddy issues in play.”
“I mean, if anyone would have issues with father figures, or lack-thereof, it would probably be me. I think that’s a fair reason.”
“You mean your father getting far too drunk and killing your mother? Yeah, definitely valid.” The corner of Juliet’s lip turned up into a half-smile, her eyes still focused on Strange. He only broke eye contact when the man to his left leaned over to ask him a question.
“But did you see the way he reacted when Doctor Portly brought up his lady-friend? I’m gonna assume that’s a recent falling out and that’s way too messy for what I want.”
“You’re still enchanted by him. I know that look on your face. It’s actually the one you reserve solely for Chris Pine.”
“Ah, Chris Pine. Now that’s a fine man. And what if I am enchanted by some enigmatic stranger who saved us from dealing with some creepy old man with a little too much liquor in his system? That at least earns him a little gratitude.”
“I know exactly what kind of gratitude you would like to show him and I kindly ask that you do it on your own time. The only reason I invited you because I feel sorry for you. Like, really? ‘Woman finds Theodore Roosevelt on apple seed’? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. You’re a good writer, Juliet. Why waste your time there?”
“Because not everyone has connections like you do, Cass. I have nothing, just a couple of probably, most likely dead parents who were nobodies and whatever money I can scrape by writing shitty articles like that. I want to get my place somewhere based on my writing, not based on the fact that my best friend is ‘an heiress with parents taken tragically too young, a former bright spot within the Manhattan socialite’s club.’ And so far, this is about as much as I can get.”
“Regardless, your talent means you deserve better. And you’re missing the main point of this. I don’t want to get kicked out and cause a scandal because you decided the best way to show that ‘enigmatic stranger’ your gratitude ends with you on your knees in some secluded hallway.” Juliet laughed.
“Do you really have so little faith in me, Cassidy? You think I’d actually get caught?”
“Juliet. I’m serious.”
“So am I. But if it makes you feel any better, cross my heart and hope to die. I promise I absolutely will not get caught on my knees at this swanky event for a bunch of egotistical neurosurgeons who believe they’re god or whatever.”
“I’m still not convinced that you won’t but if you ruin that new dress, I will never speak to you again.” Juliet snorted.
“Yeah, good luck with that. You’d be bored out of your mind without me.”
“Who are you here for?” Juliet turned back at the voice, the same low voice that saved them before.
“I’m Cassidy Cooper, reporting for the New York Bulletin. Doctor Strange, was it?” Cassidy stuck an arm out to shake his hand. Strange smiled, taking Cassidy’s hand in a light shake.
“Yes. I’m Doctor Stephen Strange. I'm a neurosurgeon at Metro-General.”
“Really? A neurosurgeon at a Neurosurgeon Society dinner? I thought you would be a podiatrist.” Cassidy elbowed Juliet and Juliet grinned. Stephen’s eyes flashed over to her and the faintest trace of a smirk appeared on his lips.
“Superb deduction, Sherlock.”
“Well obviously, Watson.” Stephen grinned and Juliet held out her hand. “Juliet Taylor.”
“Charmed, I’m sure,” Stephen replied, taking her hand. Stephen released her hand after a moment as a man came up behind him and clasped him on the shoulder.
“You’re on, Doctor Strange.” Stephen nodded, giving the man a smile.
“If you’ll excuse me, ladies. I hope you enjoy the remainder of your evening.”
“You, too, Doctor,” Cassidy replied with a soft smile. Juliet smiled, raising an eyebrow at Stephen as he glanced back at her.
“See you around. Doctor.” Stephen smirked slightly before nodding. He turned on his heel and Juliet grinned.
“You’re honestly ridiculous, you know that right?” Juliet shrugged, raising an eyebrow at her best friend.
“Doesn’t matter. It won’t be the last time I see him.”
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dumbgopher1 · 6 years
Dancing on Ice part 1
Loki/ OFC, Avengers Assemble-esk, (I refuse to acknowledge the pain of infinity wars)
The Avengers were not happy, Thor had brought Loki back to Earth to serve out a term of service. Apparently Odin had thought that Loki would learn his lesson if he was banished to the same planet he had tried to take over, with most of his power gone. Like with Thor’s banishment he would get his powers back when he was worthy of them.
Great parenting right?!
Anyway, The avengers weren’t happy, Loki wasn’t happy, the only person pleased with the situation was Thor who was happy to both have his brother back and to spend more time on Earth. For the most part Loki just slunk around the Avengers mansion keeping out of people’s way— unless to torment them — or reading.
One day as he was trying to find a quiet place to read he happened upon a large empty hanger. When He stepped into the hanger, instantly his feet slipped out from under him. He placed his hand on the slick surface of the floor, it promptly turned blue showing his true skin. He jerked his hand away and gazed around the hanger. Seeing a figure moving quickly and smoothly around at the far end he got up, slowly gaining his balance on the slick ice that covered the floor in a thick sheet.
The figure began moving towards him, spinning making large lazy loops or fast movements. It was a woman he could tell wearing jeans, a sweater and tall boots, she was pretty her short brown hair pulled up into a tiny ponytail with bangs hanging over her face. She seemed to have— what were they called— headphones in. She hadn’t yet noticed him but when she did her gliding movements faltered for a split second before she came to a flourished stop in front of him showering him with tiny ice fragments. Loki noticed then her skin was abnormally pale almost with a blue undertone as if she was early stages of frostbite.
She took out her phone tapping the screen before pulling her headphones out, “do you need the hanger for something? Cuz I can clean up and leave if you want”
Loki liked the sound of her voice, it sounded like hot spiced cider and whiskey.
“Who are you I haven’t seen you before?”
She stuck out her hand—Loki noticed it was gloved— “I’m Ember Foxe I’m live and work here”.
“Ah one of Stark’s pets” Loki said starting to loose interest and ignoring her hand which she dropped.
“I am nobody’s pet! Who are you anyway?”
“You don’t know who I am?”
“I’ve been a bit cut off from the world” she answered cryptically
“I am Loki”
“Like the Norse god.”
“Awesome, now if you are not going to kick me out of the hanger I’m gunna go back to skating” when she said that Loki looked down at her feet noticing the fine blades on her boots.
“Skating?” When he asked that she laughed
“You’ve never skated before I thought you said you were from Scandinavia”
she smirked, “Would you like to learn?”
“Sure” he was very curious at this point
“Ok I'm guessing you don’t have skates” she looked up at him for conformation and he shook his head, “ok just don’t be alarmed”
She took off her gloves and got down on one knee in front of him, reaching out her hands she touched his boots. “This is one of the first things I learned how to do, I hope you don’t mind a little cold” thin sheets of ice covered his boots and moved down ending in thin blades similar into hers. He suddenly felt very unstable, as she stood.
“Now I’m going to smooth the ice it will be easier for you if it’s clean, stay there”.
She skated backwards for a few feet before bending and touching the ice with her fingertips and the lines from her passing disappeared. She replaced her gloves and skated back towards him.
“Ok give me your hands”
“What” Loki was a little incredulous
“Give me your hands I’m going to teach you the basic principle. It is easier the first time if someone helps you”
“Right” he growled, she gently pulled his book from his hand and slide it towards the door seeing his gauze follow it she reassured him “don’t worry the ice is dry and won’t melt until I want it to your book will be fine” she took his hands.
“Ok now step forward onto your right foot and push off with your left one” he did and they glided a few feet she skated backwards in front of him. “Good now keep doing that but alternate feet” they made one round of the hanger.
“Do you think your getting it?” She asked as he began to feel more confident
“Yes” Loki replied
“Good I’m going to let go now”
“Alright” he was feeling very confident, right up to the moment that she let go and skated away, He wobbled.
“Now remember, movement helps with the balance if you stop you have to shift your weight to start again”
She began skating circles around him as he wobbled offering tidbits of advice. Once he nearly fell backwards but felt a finger between his shoulder blades just enough pressure to keep him upright until he gained his balance. Soon he could skate around confidently, nothing fancy like what she did but pretty good.
“You’re doing really well” she offered
“You are a good teacher” he said losing his armor of snark in the fun of the activity
“Well I wouldn’t say that the last person I taught fell a lot and took me down with her a couple times cracked one of my ribs” she laughed
“How inconsiderate of her”
“Nah it was fine, she just wasn’t as graceful as you”
“Thank you”
Just then a voice called out across the hanger, “Ember get over here”,
It was Mr. Stark,
“Coming Mr. Stark” She turned and skated to the door where Tony stood, arms crossed glowering. Loki slowed to a stop then the ice disappeared and she trotted to Tony, he grabbed her and started scolding her, as he pulled her out of the hanger, but not before casting a glare over his shoulder at Loki. Loki got his book and went to sulk because the one person who had treated him kindly in the mansion would no longer after Stark talked to her.
Tony pulled Ember along,
“You need to stay away from him”
“But he’s kind to me, didn’t judge me at all”, her eyes were big. “Can you stop pulling my arm”
He didn’t let go nor did he stop pulling, “I don’t are how he treated you Ember, he is a villain and if you want to keep your place here and my protection you’ll stay away from him.”
She looked down, “yes Mr. Stark”
“And what have I told you about using your powers so frivolously”
“I’m sorry Mr. Stark I just missed skating”
“Boo fricken ho! Kid keep your power to yourself and keep your head down. Now I need you to clean the lab.” He stopped at the door to his lab and opened the door to her. Once she entered he closed the door and left.
As Ember cleaned the lab all alone, she began to wonder about Loki and what Tony had said. She had been isolated along time, didn’t know what Loki had done to earn Tony’s anger but he didn’t seem like such a bad guy. But while Ember wanted to judge Loki by he actions word her instead of what others said, she couldn’t loose this place to stay, if she did she would be on the streets again, on the run from Hydra. The irony of Loki calling her Tony’s pet hit her as she wasn’t plowed to do anything without Tony’s permission nor was she allowed to leave the mansion. Totally dependent on Tony’s beck and call and not allowed to interact with anyone. She decided she would stand up for herself, in a situation he couldn’t dismiss her.. Once she had finished cleaning. She went to her room, and crawled into the space under her bed. The tightness of the space, and the darkness comforted her, being hidden and the fact that no one could sneak up behind her eventually lulling her to sleep.
With sleep came dreams, not the dreams a young woman should have of expensive presents, attractive suitors and success in a chosen field, or even the strange Alice and wonderland-esk dreams that those with strong imaginations enjoy. No, these were nightmares of painful memory.
-x-x-x- dream (7 years prior)
“Look at the creep, god what a loner”
“I heard her parents were so disappointed with her they killed themselves”
“That’s just cruel Ales”
“Yeah not cool Ales”
“What, you guys are just as mean”
“But joking about her parents is just wrong”
Ember heard the girls on the other side of the hall talking about her, she couldn’t wait to be done with high school and it’s pathetic drama, the hierarchy which would disintegrate after graduation in two weeks. Yeah maybe she was different, wore black almost exclusively, and didn’t have any friends at school, but that didn’t mean she was a freak. She just worked at the ice rink her grandpa owned and knew there were bigger things in the world than high school. Ember also knew how her parents really died. They had been in the military, mom in the air force, dad in the marines and both died in combat. She was proud her parents fought. Her grandpa had made sure she knew why and what they were fighting for.
Dream shift to the next December
It was cold and snowy, just slushy enough that the roads were wet and slick but the rivers and ponds not frozen over. Ember was running with her head phones in, just when she got to a bridge, a car spun out of control the back end spinning around and hitting her sending her flying over the side of the bridge into the water below. The water was cold and dark stealing’s her warmth. She could barely see the grey light of the day between the chunks of ice on the surface of the water. Desperately she tried to reach it but the current quickened by the melted snow of the day pulled her under into the darkness.
That night the river froze and Ember’s body with it, but she did not die. The cold awakened a latent mutant gene in her DNA, causing her to change. When she broke through the ice the next morning, she was miles from Home, down river. Her phone was long since dead and water logged and it seamed as if there was no warmth left in the world for her as she trudged up river in the direction of her home. It took her four hours of walking and constant shivering to make it to a town. Her long hair had frozen stiff and her skin had lost all color. When she got to the ER, the nurses jumped to help her when she said she had fallen in the river and one was kind enough to let her use a phone to call her grandpa.
He didn’t answer the first call nor the second, nor the third. On the fourth call, a man picked up the phone, “hello”
“Grandpa! I need you to come get me I’m in (sometown) at the ER”
“Who is this?”
“Wait who is this why do you have grandpa’s phone”
Chuckles “so you’re old Davie’s Grandkid huh, knew he’d gone soft.look kid your grandpappy isn’t worth shit and just got what was coming to him. If you know what’s good for you you won’t come home. Just run, run, run, because revenge extends to Davie’s family as well. And I’d hate to rough up a cute kid like you.”
The line went dead. And a line of ice crept up the IV line until it was completely frozen.
-x-x-x- end dreams
Part 2 coming soon
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