#if: insert rich family name here
Okay, I finally finished Insert Rich Family Name, and just when I thought I got it all figured out... BAM! THE TWIST AND TURNS!!! PLUS MORE TWIST AND TURNS!!! By the time I shut the game down, I was too stunned to close my mouth. I never considered them, at all! But it was hinted, and I was too busy trying to smooch everyone to properly focus on the mystery 😂
I have no canon ending in terms of partners for Marine. Everyone of them are valid for me 😂 SO YES, I CANNOT WAIT TO SOLVE ANOTHER MURDER MYSTERY IN B2!!!
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heleneplays · 1 year
ok highkey not me procastinating and fucking about while i was supposed 2 be revising our paper today but like. i did that. anyways was reading some dashingdon wips and HELP???? NOT ME CURRENTLY HOOKED ON THE FF. TITLES:
Forsaken by B'athala / @bathalafiction - MC IS SUCH A BASTARD (affectionate) and i love???? the dynamics between everyone sm!!! velvet and mael are soooooooooooo out there pissed off @ MC and it's SUCH a fun ride honestly. Kate sweetie ur doing so well for such an excursion but GIRL........... u need help. AND AZRAEL OMGGGGG HEE HEE i'm twirling my hair and kicking my feet like a schoolgirl bc they're dishing it as good as MC makes it <3 (ALSO SPECIAL MENTION TO OUR HOMEBOY CARPENTER U ARE MY IDOL AND BESTIE)
College Tennis: Origin Story by Burninglight / @allieebobo - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the plot is refreshingly.... not bogged to me??? granted yes it's set in modern times and focuses on sports but like. it's very organic and v v true to life!!! (also as a struggling 4th year college student i am. repeatedly bonked on the head abt the details bc it's sooooooo true bestie to me)
insert-rich-family-name by cchill / @when-life-gives-you-lemonssss - man l, it's been so long since i actually played the old demo but ch1 demo is still available on itch and like. UGH. honestly i'm just here for the DRAMA. and the money. and also MC and Grandpa's relationship. it's just. *clenches fist* like succession but camp to me
i still have to go through with the latest update of kingdoms and empires but like. <3 IF wips my beloved
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Threesome??? With who???? How???? I just play the demo I'm lost lol
Lol, obviously not in the DEMO. 😅
In the full game if you flirt with everyone you'll unlock all of those. I would suggest manig a save in that page so you can come back and try them all.
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The game has 5 saves slots. Make use of them.
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jakemanalostan · 1 year
Finished playing Insert Rich Family Name here and I really thought I figured the killer out. Also blushing right now because of some scenes
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worukin · 2 years
╭୨୧︰ prince yandere x servant reader
・✦⇢ working as a butler was something you did willingly. after all, serving the royal family earned you lots of coin. and you were such a loyal servant that the prince couldn't help but want to snatch you up for himself.
︰꒰1・ ( warnings ) — slight possessive behaviour, yandere themes, clinginess, pet names, lots of affection, showing y/n off like a trophy.
︰꒰2・ ( notes ) — originally intended to make the yandere a vampire but i wasn't too sure. maybe in the near future? ahh idk. but i do have things planned. anyway, a little something for being absent as i work on bigger drafts! ( word count: insert wc )
( if you are uncomfy with this type of content, kindly block me instead. this was very fun to write hope you enjoy <3 )
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After a long time of working in such a place, you found your way through the maze of hallways covered with odd decor.
Sometimes there would be paintings of people who were nude and it did fluster you quite a bit. Or a statue of an unknown person, maybe even some vases filled with flowers. All to tend to the taste of the Royal family.
Now, you've been here for such a long time now and grown used to The Prince's silly antics. Always asking you to do your chores around his wing. Not that you minded.
"Oh come on Y/n~ Don't you want to rest a bit?" He cooed, laying on his stomach as he watched you with glee. "I apologize your Highness, but doing so would be overstepping boundaries."
He huffed as you continued to dust his room. Wiping the windows, adjusting the curtains, moving the carpet. Oh how cute you were in his eyes. "I wouldn't mind, you are my favourite little servant after all "
Eyes shined with glee when you turned away to hide the fact you were flustered. Such high praise coming from the prince made you giddy. "Please your Highness, picking favourites isn't fair." You sighed.
"Oh darling but you love it!" He exclaimed, a pout forming on his lips. The prince always did enjoy spoiling you with his riches. You hummed— though it was true you reveled at the fact you were his favourite, you weren't happy with it giving you a bigger advantage than the others.
You stepped back from the vase of flowers, cleaning up the roots you cut off. "I'm glad you think highly of me, but this is quite unprofessional." The last thing you would want is being banished by Her Majesty for being with the Prince as a servant and not a noble.
"Is my affections for you not enough? Perhaps I need to be more open." The prince gave a close-eyed smile at the thought of bragging how he had such a catch, a loyal passionate servant like you doesn't come around often.
Your brow lifted. "Open? More open how?" A confused expression formed when all you got in response was a giggle. "My apologies your Highness, I didn't mean to speak so informally."
The prince scoffed. "Oh please, you are my favourite. If anything I'm glad you're relaxed around me to speak like that." Heart swelling just thinking about being informal with you— maybe he could just take you away for himself.
"Awe, wouldn't you enjoy being alone? Just the two of us and away from such a stuffy manor?" He dreamed of waking everyday beside you, instead of waking to the sound of another servant's knocking. You didn't answer.
The loud ring of a bell startled you, reminding you of your duties. "Oh! My apologies your Highness, but I must go now." Hurrying out of his room you uttered another sentence. "Thank you for having such fondness towards me."
He giggled, waving a hand around. "No worries my dear, see you at dinner~" the prince sighed as you left, hearts in the air and in his eyes. "Oh my love, you don't understand at all do you? No matter, I'll lay it to you soon enough."
Various thoughts of hooking his arm around your waist as you attended a ball— everyone in awe at such a pair. Untouchable you both would be, a barrier between you two and everyone else.
He'd leave feverish kisses on your skin to tease and to relish in such jealous stares. That's right, you're his.
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ʚ ﹒ ﹕ ̟乀 all works belong to @worukin, do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. ty!
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silentangel00 · 6 months
The Batman
(Reader Insert)
Chapter 5: Answer the Call
Chapter 4: https://www.tumblr.com/silentangel00/732845264415719424/the-batman
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Bruce approaches City Hall where the funeral is being held for the late mayor. He gazes at the street that's packed with mourners, makeshift memorials, and Riddler-styled protesters holding up signs. Pulling up in front of City Hall Bruce exits his car as a Valet opens his door. He is immediately met with Paparazzi shouting his name and cameras flashing. He tries to give them a strained smile but immediately turns and ignores them as he reaches for his wallet to pay the valet. A familiar voice catches his attention and he turns to see the Penguin opening a car door.
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"We're good, Mr Falcone." Bruce turns upon hearing Falcone's name and watches as he exits his car. His attention is distracted briefly as the valet calls for him and he hands him a wad of cash and turns to move through the thick crowd, bottle-necking at the entrance of City Hall, not taking his eyes off of Falcone. He starts to get closer before a hand slaps into his chest stopping him.
"Hey! Give us a wide berth here would'ya, slick" Penguin warns as he grabs onto him. The commotion catches Falcone's attention and he turns to eye Bruce.
"Hey, watch it, fellas. You got the Prince of the city there." Penguin and the guards loosen their grip and Falcone steps closer to Bruce. "Some event huh? Brought out the one guy in the city more reclusive than me." He smiles as Bruce glares with an edge, a sense of history between them.
"I thought you never leave the Shoreline. Aren't you afraid someone'll take a shot at you?" It was difficult for Bruce to bite back his tone with the mobster.
"Why? Cause your father ain't around?" Falcone cockily retorts "Oz, you know Bruce Wayne?" The penguin looks at him in surprise.
"Wow... is that right?"
"His father saved my life. I got shot in the chest, right here. Couldn't go to no hospital, so we showed up on his doorstep. He took me in, and operated right on his dining room table, kid here saw the whole thing up on the stairs lookin down. I remember your face. You don't think that meant somethin he did that?"
"Means he took the Hippocratic Oath."
"Hippocratic Oath... that's good ..." Falcone says in clear amusement at the answer.
"Excuse me," Bruce says as he abruptly moves on, leaving as Falcone laughs at him. Bruce scans the crowd as he walks inside. He clocks rifled officers among spectators above, and cops stopping a suspicious guy in front of him. Announcements over the speaker ring out in the large space of people
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming to today's memorial for our beloved mayor, Don Mitchell, Jr. Our program will begin shortly. As a reminder, the family asks that those wishing to honor the mayor's memory consider a donation to the cause most dear to his heart, the Gotham RenewalFund, our city's safety net."
"What good's a safety net doesn't catch anybody?" Bruce turns to the owner of the eerie voice. A man in a hooded work jacket glares with bitter angry eyes as the VIPs pass. "Didn't help my daughter when she needed it -- I can tell you that. Guy was just another rich scumsucker. He got what he deserved." The man then looks up at Bruce "Know what I mean?" Bruce studies his face as he nods in silence. The man's expression changes as he tries to place Bruce "Hey, don't i know you?" The man is cut off as someone calls Bruce's name.
"Bruce Wayne! Why haven't you called me back?" Bruce is startled as he turns to see Bella Real coming towards him.
"I'm sorry?"
"I'm Bella Real -- I'm running for mayor -- I wouldn't be bothering you here, but your people keep telling me you're "unavailable". Will you walk with me?"
Bruce starts to walk with her as he turns back to the angry man before; He glares and turns to disappear into the crowd. Bruce wasn't paying much attention to what she was saying as he turned back toward her but immediately his attention was caught again. There you were talking to a couple of people off to the side. He stops and stares still not listening to Bella as she bluntly urges him to do more for the city. You look around curiously til your gaze lands on him and you do a sudden double-take as you both lock eyes. You turn to excuse yourself from the conversation and walk over to Bruce and Bella, almost cautiously as if you weren't sure if he was actually Bruce or not. It's been so long and he looks so different you don't want to embarrass yourself by calling a complete stranger the wrong name.
"Y/N! So good to see you again." Bella chimes at your approach.
"You as well, though I wish it was under better circumstances of course." You say as your attention flicks back and forth between her and studying Bruce's face. Bella immediately wipes her smile from her face taking on a gloomy demeanor.
"Of course, of course... Are we still on for lunch next week?"
"Yes ma'am!" You give a small smile.
"I'm going to go pay my respects." Bella turns to Bruce "Will you wait for me? I want to continue this." She then walks off to the front where the Mayor's wife and son are sitting.
"...Bruce," You say giving the same smile that makes his mind turn static.
"Y/N?" He almost forgot that he has to pretend that he didn't know you were back in Gotham. You chuckle nervously as you subtly look him up and down. He has a darkness about his eyes, seems like he hasn't slept in days or weeks. A slight stubble and a seemingly natural look of being miserable.
"Wow... you look-" Awful "Grown-up! ...It's been a while hasn't it?"
"Yeah, it has... When did you get back?"
"Just a few months ago. I tried reaching out to you I promise--- but it seems you changed your number so I stopped leaving messages." Bruce gave you an odd look then looked away.
"It hasn't changed..." He didn't want to lie to you, even though telling you that he just hasn't bothered to check his messages made him feel guilty, but he didn't want to shut you out. Not anymore... "I have a lot of messages to get through so it's nothing personal. I'm just--busy"
"Oh... no I understand!" Even though you smiled at him he could tell he hurt you.
"I could give you Alfred's number, I'm sure he'd love to hear from you." Your face brightened at the offer.
"Oh yes please!" You hand Bruce your phone for him to type in Alfred's number.
"What brings you to Gotham?" He was genuinely curious, he couldn't conversate with you like this as Batman. This was his only chance, even if there was awkward tension between you two with how things were left off ten years ago. You let out an exasperated sigh at the question as you turned and started slowly walking toward the front with Bruce.
"I'm taking over the Gotham branch of the family business" You rolled your eyes. "I'm also volunteering for the GCPD"
"Yeah? How's that going?"
"Well ya know with everything going on it's been kinda crazy for my first case. Haven't slept in almost 24 hours." You say with a humorless chuckle, Bruce looks at you incredulously.
"Well even with lack of rest you look..." Beautiful "Fine." He says as he awkwardly hands you back your phone, your hands brushing for just a second as you return your phone to your coat pocket.
"Ha, thanks... can't exactly say I feel fine though." Bruce stops to look at you noticing the weariness in your voice slip through. You avoid eye contact though looking toward the front at the late Mayors son. " I was there that night--- helped consult on the crime scene. His little boy still has the same look on his face that he did that night..." You say sullenly. Bruce watches along with you as the mayor's son turns around to look at the crowd, his eyes landing on you and Bruce. Bruce looks away to you about to say something when a familiar voice catches his attention.
"Excuse me, chief. Can I talk to you?" Bruce slowly turns to see Gordon behind them talking to the Chief of Police, Chief Bock, in a hushed voice. "Gil Colson is missing... He hasn't been heard from since last night."
"Christ, not again." Chief Bock says exasperated.
"I'm going to go ahead and pay my respects, I'll catch up with you later Bruce." You say walking away before Bruce can turn to say anything else, so he just nods to your retreating form. He bites down the disappointment of his conversation with you being cut short, he continues to listen to the conversation between Jim and Chief Bock.
"You got people looking for him, Jim?"
"Sent a couple guys to his house. Nothing."
"What'd his wife say?"
"She hadn't heard from him."
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Suddenly they're cut off by the sounds of distant screams; an awful groaning engine whines from somewhere outside -- then -- sickening thuds. Bruce's eyes immediately flit up in alarm as he turns back to face the entrance, he takes in his surroundings as people start to stand from their seats upon hearing the same sounds. You turn your attention to the back as well, slowly you walk back towards the front opening of the aisle -- curiosity and fear set in as you hear the alarming noises. Bruce takes a quick glance back at you but then follows where your attention is brought up to the second story landing where spectators panic as they turn, seeing something through the windows; all except a silhouetted figure gazing eerily down in Bruce's direction... seemingly waiting for something as the sounds from outside get louder. Bruce shifted on his feet, his gut feeling leading his attention to land sharply right back at the entrance where the doors explode in a blizzard of glass and concrete.
As the D.A.'s SUV rips through the doors and crowd, flowers picked up in the grill of the car, pandemonium ensues as the crowd scatters in panicked screams; some people are tossed into the air. You stumble back in surprise and are quickly knocked off your feet by someone in complete panic. The vehicle slams past guardrails and into the seated area. Bruce spins to see you only a few feet away, disoriented as you get back up on your feet again. He breaks into a sprint and hurls himself at you tackling you out of the SUV's path as it roars past, narrowly missing you as it launches seats over your heads. The car finally crashes into the central staircase, buckling upward with the engine still grinding till it stops...
A surreal moment of quiet then screams, tears, and panic. Bruce lifts his head off of yours as he holds the back of your head and quickly analyzes your face, making sure you're alright. He looks up to the second floor to discover the mysterious figure from before is gone -- Bruce rises with you still in his arms. He's holding tightly onto your elbows to keep you stable as you sway from the sudden rush of adrenaline going to your head.
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"Are you ok?" You ask as you look up at him, but his attention is turned towards the SUV -- it's covered in a scrawled crossword puzzle pattern with the endlessly repeating message ‘D.A. -- D.O.A?’
Gordon and a bunch of cops surround the SUV with their guns raised screaming for whoever was inside the car to get out with their hands up. Bruce and you watch with bated breath as the driver door slowly opens all the way, a figure staggering out, hands raised, terrified...
"Christ, it's Colson." Gordon says in shock as he observes the D.A. with a bloody face and tape over his mouth with the words ‘NO MORE LIES’. A clamp is around his neck with lights rapidly flashing on it. A cop notices, horrified, and screams "There's a bomb around his neck!!" People start to scream and duck at this warning. Bruce pulls you in closer without breaking his stare away from the D.A. as a ringing goes off causing everyone to freak out and shield themselves further. The crowd looks up confused as Colson sheepishly lifts his hand and points to a cell phone taped to his palm. As it continues to ring Gordon turns, calling into the room of terrified people.
"Let's clear this place out! Now!"
Police start ushering people out but Bruce hesitates, chilled as he notices a greeting card taped to Colson's chest.
"Bruce we need to go." You say as you try to back out of his grasp to retreat with the crowd, but instead, his grip on your arms tightens. You look up at him curiously as you notice the intensity of his stare on the D.A. You reach up your hand and lightly tap his chest, "Bruce?" you call out softly. This finally gets his attention as he turns to you. "Let's go, yeah?" He silently nods and wraps an arm around your shoulder as he protectively escorts you out, glancing one last time over his shoulder at the greeting card taped to the D.A. -- addressed: "To The Batman."
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As Bruce and you reach outside of the building he puts his hands on your shoulders and leans in to make sure you hear him over the commotion. "I've gotta go. Stay safe, ok?"
"Of course, you too." You watch as he walks away, and you turn in the opposite direction to go and find Gordon. Once Bruce reaches his car he leans into the trunk seizing an expensive leather duffle and slams the trunk closed. He disappears into the crowd as a flood of emergency vehicles screech onto the scene.
A short time later the outside of Gotham City Hall is jammed with police, SWAT, ATF, K9 units, and News crews. Gordon and you stand outside a Crisis Command Trailer where techs set up monitors as the leads argue.
"Unbelievable..." Gordon whispers out incredulously.
"Are they seriously fightin' over jurisdiction when that poor bastard is gonna blow any minute?" You say equally as appalled. Only a short while later the police send in a small whirring police robot. It rolls toward Colson as he sits alone, the cell phone in his hand echoing as it keeps ringing. Gil lifts his head as the robot stops before him, he stares oddly at it as a camera slowly extends towards his head.
"We got a picture!" One of the Techs yells out. Everyone suddenly quiets as they crowd around to see Colson just staring sadly into the robot camera. His expression changes when he suddenly turns, struck -- shock begins to fill his eyes.
"What's he lookin at?" Chief Bock questions. Colson sits there frozen as Batman emerges from the shadows, moving slowly across the floor toward him. Chief Bock's eyes widen as Batman appears on the robot's cameras, "Are you kiddin me?! What the hells he doin'?! ... Gordon!!!"
Gordon presses closer along with you to see Batman approaching Gil.
"Your guy's gonna get himself killed in there!"
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Your jaw slightly drops as you watch with growing concern. Batman stops, towering over Gil, and reaches out to peel the tape off his mouth. Colson takes a deep breath "Please, he made me do it! I'm so sorry! ... He told me if I didn't do exactly what he said, he'd kill me. I'm so sorry!"
"Looks like a combination lock," Batman says as he studies the contraption around Colson's neck.
"Can't we just cut it off?" Colson whimpers out.
"Not if you want to keep your head." Batman then rips the card off of Gil's chest. On the cover is a cartoon of a lady holding a comically large old phone with the words 'In these trying times, Never forget...' Batman opens it, 'I'm just a phone call away.' -- under that in angry scrawl is the word 'ANSWER'. Gil lifts the ringing phone expectantly as Batman reaches to press the answer button. The phone's screen displays a live split-screen image of the riddler lurking out of frame on one side, and Batman on the other. Riddler stares for a beat before his chilling voice comes calmly through the changer.
"You came..."
"Who are you?"
"Me? I'm nobody... I'm just an instrument here to unmask the truth about this cesspool we call a city."
"Yes... let's do it together ok? I've been trying to reach you... You're part of this too"
"How am I a part of this?"
" You'll see..." Riddler says as he shifts to stand fully within frame. A police officer calls out to Chief Bock to come take a look at another monitor they have set up. GC1 news channel is running the feed from the Riddler's phone, broadcasting live through social media.
"Say hello to my followers, we're live! -- They're here to watch our little trial. At the moment, the man across from you, Mr Colson, is dead!"
Colson starts to panic upon hearing this, "Jesus, can we get somebody out here?! This psycho's gonna kill me!"
"SHUT UP!!" Riddler rises from his chair and presses in closer to the phone camera in anger as he screams with a scarily distorted voice " You deserve to be dead after what you did! You hear me?!!" The terrifying outburst makes Gil fall silent -- Riddler starts to eerily chuckle. " I'm giving you a chance -- No one ever gave me a chance." The Riddler has returned to an oddly calm demeanor as he continues, "Now... ever since I was a child, I've always loved puzzles... for me, they're a retreat from the horrors of our world. Maybe they can bring some comfort to you too, Mr Colson."
Colson turns the phone away from Batman and towards himself to face Riddler through the screen, "You want me to do puzzles?"
"Yes! Three riddles in two minutes! You give me the answers, and I'll give you the code for the lock! Do you understand?"
"Yeah, ok-" Gil rises from his seat and starts to pace " So you just want me to-" Before he can finish his question Gil shrieks as the countdown appears on his collar for two minutes and the Riddler starts without warning.
"Riddle number one! It can be cruel, poetic, or blind but when it's denied, it's violence you may find."
"Wait! Can you repeat that? I didn't -- I didn't -- Cruel... poetic?"
"Justice," Batman chimes.
"Huh?" Gil spins to look at Batman to panicked to think straight.
"The answers Justice."
Gil looks at the phone, "Justice?"
"Yes! Justice! And you were supposed to be an arm of justice in this city, along with the late mayor and police commissioner, were you not, Mr Colson?"
"Of course, of course, of course--"
"Riddle number two!" Riddler continues as you still watch on the screen connected to the police robot, biting your nails in anxiousness. " If you are justice, please do not lie. What is the price for your blind eye?"
Gil shakes his head in confusion "Price?"
"Bribes." You say out loud in frustration. Batman turns to the robot slightly as Colson struggles to keep his breath, hyperventilating as he repeats what you say to the Riddler.
"Oh God -- Bribes?"
Your brows furrow in confusion and you look to Gordon as you whisper " Can they hear me through that thing?" Gordon stiffly looks at you and nods as heat rises to your ears in embarrassment.
"He's asking how much it costs for you to turn your back." Batman corrects. Colson cries in exasperation.
"You gotta be kidding me!"
"Fifty-eight seconds!" Riddler interjects.
"How much?" Batman calmly pushes for the answer.
"Nothing!" Colson shakes his head in denial but Batman knows better.
"How much?!" He raises his voice pushing harder for Colson to answer. There's no time to waste.
"Ten grand!" Colson finally breaks. " Ten G's a month! I get a monthly payment just not to prosecute certain cases."
"What cases?"
"He didn't ask me that! Come on!" Colson holds up the phone to answer Riddler " Ten grand! That's my answer, it's ten grand!"
Riddler is obviously having a fun time of this as he giggles, " Okay, okay! Don't lose your head, Mr. Colson! Just one more to go before your time runs out. Last riddle!" He sings out, " Since your justice is so select, please tell us which vermin you're paid to protect..."
"Which vermin?"
"The Rat," Batman answers immediately knowing what this means, " The informant you all protect from the Salvatore Maroni case."
"How do you know about that?" Gil whispers out in shock.
"I'm trying to help you, what's his name?"
"Twenty seconds!" Riddler chimes excitedly.
Gil shakes his head, "No."
Batman steps closer urgently, grabbing Colson, "He's gonna kill you."
"I'm a dead man either way. You're talking to a dead man, okay?! If I go out this way it's just me, but if I give over that name, I have family, people I love -- He'll kill them too!"
"Who will?!"
"People are watching..." Colson whispers out.
"What people?!" Batman shakes him, trying to get something, anything, out of Colson.
"It's so much bigger than you could imagine. It's the whole system!"
Riddler starts to count down from five.
Colson cries-- "FOUR"
"Oh, God, have mercy on me.." "THREE"
Batman looks down in alarm as the timer ticks to zero hearing the Riddler sing out " Goooooodbye!"
Batman turns, shielding his face, as a blast erupts from the bomb around Colson's neck. Propelling Batman back as he slams to the ground, sliding into chairs, as his suit is in flames. Spectators from outside all erupt into rising voices of concern. Your hand slaps to your mouth, muffling a cry of surprise. High-pitched ringing fills Batman's ears as he lies on the floor in a daze. He struggles to open his eyes but can make out the forms of Gordon and you rushing toward him; followed by other cops with their guns drawn. His vision blurs as distorted yelling from the cops all around him fades and he blacks out.
Chapter6: https://www.tumblr.com/silentangel00/738078418748489728/the-batman
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generic-whumperz · 2 months
OC in 3
Choose 3 pics to represent your OC
Oops, I got overly excited and made 10 three-picture collages
Omg thank you @mj-iza-writer for the tag! I am honored that I came to mind! 🥹
No pressure (& open to anyone interested!) tag: @rainydaywhump @eatyourdamnpears @clairelsonao3 @dresden-syndrome @lights-out-knives-out @snakebites-and-ink
Soooo, I know I’m supposed only to pick three pics, but honestly, I simply cannot (I know, no surprise there). I have been wanting to do a vibe photo dump for The Aid (the Whumpee & title of the story) but have yet to do it (hello, my ever-expanding Pinterest boards), so I’ll take this chance to explore The Aid’s past phases he’s gone through (pre & post-Wyatt {Whumper #2}) and give some explanations because it’s a lot. However, I don’t know if explanations are necessary for this tag game, but I’m famously too much, so of course, I’m going to over-explain myself because of my crippling fear of being misunderstood!
Ironically (ironic because his real name reveal doesn't come until around chapter 25-ish), I call his time with Madame Eleanor (technical Whumper #1) his “Aid Era” because that’s when he becomes this character we are introduced to and currently know him as. Yet, this is the part of his life he is phasing out of. **Insert something-something about being haunted by your past.**
In the current storyline, he is going through a succession of more changes, and his world is about to be turned upside down yet again, but I’ll hold off on showing those for now because they’re spoilers, and I have more than enough here!
Starting from the top, here we goooo—
P.S. The people in these pics are not what the characters look like, this is simply vibes only!
Day 1
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1. As soon as The Aid arrives at his new home, Madame Eleanor gets custom-made Gucci uniforms made for him that looks like this. This is his go-to everyday attire. (I spent too long looking at scrubs and hospitality uniforms on and off for over a month—tell me you like it and think it’s cool and sleek.)
2. He has a special built-in in his closet specifically for all his fancy, jewel-encrusted collars Madame Eleanor gifted him throughout the years, but this is what the facility's standard-issue collar looks like for his designation (Grand Servant: Domestic Aid).
3. His favorite Prada frames Madame Eleanor also got him that he bitches reminisces about in Chapter 6 (Wyatt breaks them because he’s an asshole, leaving him straight up blind for several months).
Fancy Threads
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Eleanor Sullivan was a Rich Bitch™️ (I will make a separate post at some point about her house and The Aid’s room specifically because I spent way too much time obsessing over these deets), so best believe she had her servant dressed to the 9s in designer fits when out and about or for Family events and the like. She may also put him in a butler uniform from time to time when they were hosting a party at their residence—which was often, Eleanor was known for her soirées. (To clarify, he’d still wear a collar even when dressed up, and all those attending knew who and what he was.)
The Host
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He loved a good party just as much as Eleanor did! He likes serving and seeing people have fun and enjoy themselves (people-pleasing empath). He was known for his food displays and had a knack for creating a proper afternoon tea spread that garnered attention from all those present. I also have Pinterest boards of some appetizer spreads and cool drink tables he would put together because I was really trying to understand him as a character.
Speaking of Empath…
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We can’t talk about him without bringing up his not-so-secret secret! Lil’ homie has a gang of abilities (telepathic empathy, hyper intuition, premonitions, and psychometry) just bubbling up inside him at all times. His relationship with himself and his sixth senses is complicated, to say the least—he finds them burdensome, yet he cannot function without them, despite how much he argues otherwise. It’s a whole thing, but for a certified Telepathic-Empath™️, he sure is dead inside (which only gets worse after Wyatt OFC).
*Sorry for the shitty upload quality of the Emotional Sponge, idk why it looks so bad!
Domestic Duties
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Not only can he slap together the best charcuterie board you’ve ever seen and easily untangle Christmas lights, but he’s also a man who can cook, clean, and keep a house. What can’t he do?
Hobbies? Interests?
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Don’t be ridiculous, he didn’t have time for leisure activities! But when he had some occasional downtime, he would spend an ungodly amount of it doing facials and grooming himself. He also loved to go to the spa with Madame Eleanor. As far as reading went, he wasn’t into novels, but he would occasionally peruse short-story myths and legends, old fables, or read picture books in funny voices to Eleanor’s grandchildren. Primarily, he’d like to read trashy magazines, comics, and cookbooks. But let’s be real, he considered cleaning, gossiping, and baking his primary hobbies.
RIP Madame Eleanor Sullivan
(She’s been dead for about a year and a half when they story picks up)
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First and foremost—above everything else—The Aid was Eleanor Sullivan’s literal live-in medically trained caregiver, which is why she bought him in the first place. They had a very close relationship for five years, and he did everything for her. When she died, his world was shattered, and he took her death really hard. Wyatt was jealous of his Mother’s relationship with her servant from day one, which is where part of his animosity comes from. Quick note—Eleanor was a posh, vintage-Chanel-wearing Grandma and would never be caught dead wearing a bathrobe outside. Eleanor was Queen of being That Bitch.
Enter: Wyatt Sullivan
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These pics are pretty tame all things considered, but after Eleanor’s death, The Aid is now in a World O’ Hurt and the subject of Wyatt’s drug-and-alcohol-fueled rage. The Aid went from a high-class servant loved by his Madame and respected by her friends, associates, and family (besides Wyatt) to a human punching bag overnight. The beef between these two runs deep and maybe Eleanor isn’t as innocent as she seems. Stick around and you’ll find out all the Sullivan family tea.
To: Wyatt
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Just some memes directed towards Wyatt and The Aid being painfully aware of his shitty situation (I got too many of these and had to sprinkle some in).
Where We’re at Now…
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Quite the fall from grace, wouldn’t you say? Our boy is currently bed-ridden and zombified while having the worst time imaginable. He’s drugged up, fucked up, and can’t move half of his body! But don’t be fooled, this stay-cation is no fluffy recovery arc and you’ll meet some more distasteful Sullivans soon to come!
This took me an embarrassing amount of time to assemble, but I went the extra mile because this doubles as a reference guide. I had a lot of fun making this and I may make more (and way more chill ones that are just three pics, I swear) after I write Part 2 and introduce a gang of other characters alongside my most favorite-favorite guy!
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aranarumei · 7 months
hi kiri What’s the deal with a3’s timeloop day. you shouldn’t be surprised that I am asking this. okay I love you bye
ok this is actually a pretty simple answer! but i got rambly so here's a readmore.
A3! (which stands for Act! Addict! Actors! <- don’t ask me why it’s this. idk) is a gacha game where you play as the manager, Izumi Tachibana (I’m doing first name, last name here) and you work to revive a dying theater company called Mankai. there’s 3 Acts, each with like, 4 big stories in them. and a bunchhhh of shorter event storiess which imo are crucial to experience. The first 2 acts, along with the interceding events, have been completely localized, and were run on the now-defunct English server. There is, however, an archive—if at any point in time you are ever interested, feel free to shoot me a message. And I’m serious. Even if it’s like two years later. It’s been like almost 3 years since I started going thru a3 and I haven’t even finished act 2. I’m slow
Anyways, Act 1 deals with establishing the company—in its former glory, there used to be four troupes that rotated by season. Izumi’s dad also used to run it, and he disappeared. So that’s why there’s four big stories each act: it’s one per season. In Act 1, each story deals with gathering the members for each season troupe together, and then pulling off their first play. And it also deals with like, the issues all the characters are facing. It is like, within the yumejoshi genre so there’s definitely that vibe of like. wow look at all these pretty boys who are kind of into me!? but I think it’s pretty mild on that point and like. something I enjoy is that I can see Izumi as like. an actual Character as opposed to just a self-insert. Which is nice. but the real selling point for me is that there’s a lot of like, found family and rich character dynamics within the cast. It is even homosexual sometimes.
One thing I find really interesting about a3 is that I think it has really strong character writing and development. And it’s really good at establishing different “moods” across each troupe, which works well in creating dynamics and also because each troupe specializes in something different. So spring is like, the “classic” troupe—they tend to do lots of reinterpretations of classic works, though that’s not exclusively their thing… but anyways. they do like. nice fantastical stories in my opinion. Summer does comedy, autumn does action, and winter does drama. and winter HAS drama.
Now up until winter there’s been some wackiness in a3 but it’s been like, pretty grounded in how it’s played out. and then winter rolls around and. see the issue with winter is that unlike some of the younger members they’re all composed of adults. so they’re bad at talking about their feelings, because instead of just shouting things out loud they will just shut down and like. Leave. I love this about them and I think it’s such a good writing choice.
Enter Tasuku Takato and Tsumugi Tsukioka. Tasuku and Tsumugi used to be like, the best of friends. they acted together and followed their passions together. and then they both auditioned for the God Troupe together, which is this prestigious famous troupe (it’s also evil.) and while tasuku got in and became one of the lead actors, tsumugi failed his audition. This left a deep scar on Tsumugi, who ended up kind of running away from acting as a vocation all together. now, Tasuku quit the God troupe because they were engaging in some shady stuff, and ended up joining Mankai along with Tsumugi, who coincidentally was inspired to try acting again. tsumugi’s been elected the leader of winter troupe, and therefore the person who’s meant to take the lead role in their first play. Tasuku is constantly snapping at him whenever he’s unconfident, and it’s just not great vibes. To top it all off, they’ve been issued a challenge by the God troupe, where they’ll both perform and the audience has to vote on which play they like better. Tsumugi is not really confident he can stand up to them for obvious reasons. Tasuku gets mad at him about it. Tsumugi runs into this weird doll, and the next day, they wake up in a time loop.
See, the thing is, they’re on such a tight deadline for the play, and winter is So Bad at talking about their feelings, that magic is real now. this is somewhat of an oversimplification, but it’s funny to say it like this. Anyways, there are like, seven mysteries in Mankai (have I mentioned they all dorm together! they all do! Each of them has a roommate and they all live in a big dorm that’s connected to their own theater and stage. It’s part of why they’re in such big debt and trouble at the beginning—its really hard to maintain those facilities) and one of them is about this doll that will put you in a time loop unless you become friends. essentially. And this is what happens… eventually they end up talking to each other for real due to the time loop, and each affirms just how much they respect the acting of the other. later on when Tsumugi slips back into being unconfident tasuku is able to resolve his past mistakes, because part of why he was so angry at Tsumugi was also because he was angry at himself for like. not reaching out. And telling him how much he loved him and his acting. Because their styles are very different—tasuku is loud and commanding, and Tsumugi is a more understated and subtle.
A3 is also very very cool in that parts of its plays mirror real life? so like. this play, sympathy for an angel, has two leads: Michael (Tsumugi) and Raphael (Tasuku). In it, Michael becomes interested in this woman on a list of people who are about to die, and ends up visiting the human world. He writes letters to her. His friend, Raphael, warns him against this, saying that he’s foolish for going so far for someone he can’t even meet. And each time he steps into the human world, his own soul gets weaker, and his wings begin to wither. Still, he persists against objections. Eventually, the woman recovers, gets a fiancé, and he returns to heaven. Thinking he’ll just wish for her happiness even with his unrequited love, he looks at the list and finds out that despite recovering, she’s still on the close to death list. Despite the danger to himself, he descends into the human world, and takes her place in a car accident. As he’s dying, his soul about to be obliterated because he’s been in the human world too often, Raphael descends and holds him in his arms. Michael says that he’s happy he got to do something for the person he loves, and he’s happy to be held by his best friend. Raphael says that though he’d called Michael the fool, it was him that truly was one: because he stood by, unable to protect both the person he loves and his best friend. Because he was in love with Michael the whole time of course. And then Michael dies in his arms. Now this makes me weepy as does the accompanying character song but what I really love most about it is like. Raphael’s regrets in that he didn’t protect Michael kind of directly mirror Tasuku’s own regrets in being unable to help Tsumugi when he was going through a tough time? only Tsumugi isn’t dead and so Tasuku has an actual chance to fix things, which is sweet.
It should be mentioned that one guy in the spring troupe WRITES all of these plays which is deeply funny to me bc it means that 1) he is probably gay and doesn’t know this and 2) he has precognitive abilities regarding the inner psyche of all of his castmates. and that’s a3 timeloop day. some of these a3 characters have me by the throat btw I just get beamed visions of them chatting and introspecting like constantly. I definitely haven’t explained everything but I think this is enough?
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skye-the-dragon · 2 months
My Tav!!! :D
I thought I’d share how they look in-game, since drawing them can only do so much lol
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If you want some additional info (+more how i see them) it’s under the cut lol
So, my Tav.
Their name is Zion, because they’re essentially a self insert and I’m very uncreative
They’re a sorcerer
They’re nonbinary (use they/them), aromantic (but still willing to be in a relationship when they find a person they feel comfy with), and asexual (sex positive tho)
(Let me explore my sexuality through fiction okay-)
They’re around 180 years old during the game’s events, which I’ve decided is more or less 25-30 human years
They’re a human-drow-dragonborn, but the human traces are very slight because their parents were pure dragonborn and a half-drow, but down a few generations of drow/drow relationships. Their most human parts are the slightly creamy colors to their cheeks and ears, as well as a small amount of almost-white hairs, mostly over their arms and legs
From more draconic features, they mainly have slitted pupils, like a cat, because it’s fun, and their teeth are sharper than average. Plus they have scales, other than on the face, on their biceps, and all over their chest area (no nipples lol). Plus sharper-than-usual nails :)
I’ve also decided they do have a draconic tail, despite that not being an option in in-game customization, because it’s my imagining of the world and I get to do what I want, I am the DM now >:3
On that note, big sucker for wings here, so… you know. They have “retractable” (part-magic) draconic wings. But, to make it less op, I’ve made it hurt like hell whenever they summon them, cause it’s essentially like speed-growing an additional body part with bone in it, then shedding it like a skinwalker on supernatural, so they don’t use that nearly at all, unless under really strong emotions, or under extreme circumstances. But, to make it more fun, their feet also turn draconic when they do that
(Ik people are probably gonna come at me for that one, but eh, I don’t really care. It’s my version of the world, after all. Besides, it doesn’t come up often so you can technically just ignore that)
They have the criminal background, and I don’t quite have their backstory fleshed out just yet, but I know they became a thief to survive after their family was killed due to debt (drow are brutal), then it became a sort of revenge thing, to steal from rich people and such
They got found out at one point, at around 150 years of age, and were hunted down, but escaped the town before they got caught and/or killed, which is pretty much like a banishment if you think about it lol
Since then they’ve just been living sorta on the run, stealing or foraging and hunting to survive, at first in the Underdark, then, later, on the surface
Twas on one of their heists for food the nautiloid got them
Now for some fun facts and other little things!
They actually dislike the sun, it makes their eyes hurt from how bright it is. Were very disappointed because everyone who’s seen it and been in the Underdark praised its beauty and shit, but when they saw it for the first time they were just like “I cannot see”
They still appreciate sunsets and sunrises though
They speak Common, Undercommon, Drowish, and know how to say a few basic phrases in Draconic/Glav (they can read the alphabet as well, just not out loud)
They’re very morally grey. Like, would sell your soul to a devil for a single corn chip with no remorse but would also immediately stand up to your abuser kind of morally grey
They can eat raw and rotten food without much consequence, because their draconic ancestry makes their stomach acid more… well, acidic, so it just melts all the bad stuff away. They don’t like rotten food tho, it tastes bad. Raw meat on the other hand…
Once they get attached to someone they will do anything for them
Despite Astarion’s lines being pretty much copy-pasted from a script, they find them endearing (until they learn about his past, then they want to hold him every time he falls back into that habit)
They have unreasonable amounts of charisma when they want (17), despite the fact they’re a total dumbass other times
Speaking of stats, STR is at 8, so they’re very lean
Their favorite animals are snakes, they just love the noodly babies
They make dirty jokes every chance they get (to the delight of Astarion and demise of literally everyone else)
They hate kids. Like, really. They let that tiefling child who stole the locket from that one guy get slapped lmao
Aside from the visible piercings, they have a belly button one as well
That’s it I think for now. If you’ve read this far, I hope you enjoyed me dumping all the info on you lmao <3
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nanamimizz · 3 months
(tw for themes of SA/CA, pregnancy, spoilers for rdr2/rdr1)
@sukunasstarlight @yinyuedijun -> u where in my replies so i hope its okay to tag u here
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my self insert comes from the recently established state of california and was taken in by a family that established itself off the californian gold rush and later through cattle + sheep farming to work as a maid/nanny. she is mexican as her family lived in “california” when it used to be a part of mexico and stayed when it was purchased by the united states.
her father died in an accident in the stables he worked at and then her mother died by wasting away after entering a huge depression when her husband died. somewhere in this time her older brother went missing. she was sent to a loosely established and assembled orphanage when this formerly mentioned rich family took her and made her a maid to work for them and to play nanny to the rich family’s daughter.
this life was very hard as this was a white family essentially uprooting a 12 grieving mexican girl and putting her in this position where the man of the house creeped on her (watched her bathe/watched her dress/etc) and as did other members of the staff (this undeveloped) and the lady of the manor did what she could to defend my self insert but it even that becomes incredibly toxic and twisted.
these years are very complicated but this is where my self insert learns many skills as she tries her best to stay out of the house where the abuse happens the most - she learns how to make hunting traps and forage (This Is A Mouseka Tool That Will Help Us Later.) she also has a childhood best friend named romeo who later on develops feelings for her and also becomes a painter of admired skill.
it’s important that i tell you that this self insert is a very kind and timid young lady - learning to keep herself hidden from other’s eyes BUT she is also incredibly vindictive (This Is Another Mouseka Tool That Will Help Us Later) and she has a sense of morality that is a little skewed, “take from me i take from you” is the name of her game so when she meets fang’s self insert they quickly plot to rob the family she serves BLIND.
remember how she learned how to forage? basically she excels at plant based knowledge and due to the library she has access to due to being a maid she would read and memorize a lot of poisonous plants/spores and begins to concoct numerous poisons. it is her main way of fighting (she coats her knifes with it, she laces people’s food/cosmetics/drinks with it) my self insert does not fight fair and fights only to win.
both her and fang’s self insert slowly but surely begin to rob the family of money, antiques and even gold bit by bit until the family heads to blackwater in 1899 (my self insert is 21 by this point) around the time the vander lin gang is there (coincidence?….I THINK NOT)
the reason why this family went from being in california to being in blackwater is because of how the daughter my self insert played nanny for is getting engaged to a rich family in the state of connecticut (where the man of the rich family is originally from) AND this is where my self insert and fang’s plan to steal the last bit of money the family has which is the daughter’s dowry.
this is pulled of successfully though due to fang’s own criminal shenanigans the do get SOME of the pinkerton’s attention which sets us off to go into the mountains inadvertently following the trail of the vander lin gang and coming into an alliance with them.
somewhere along the time she is spends working for this family she gets her horse -> a kiger mustang named artorius
javierlamb is essentially love at first for both of them and they both fit into what it is they have been missing for the longest time. for javier it’s finding a sense of belonging in the world and for my self insert is finding a sense of safety in the world that for the most part has robbed her of identity and agency. their relationship is mostly smooth until chapter 6 where there are
TWO ENDINGS as by chapter 6 my self insert is pregnant and by the epilogue has a son. javier can either return to her side and they become a family -> this is the good ending.
OR javier abandons her completely following the collapse of the gang in chapter six and flees to mexico to follow the events of rdr1 -> this is the bad ending.
as pure as the driven snow -> off the a balland of songbirds and snakes soundtrack
and i loved her -> by kurt cobain
abrázame muy furete -> juan gabriel
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Insert Rich Family Name has been updated 💕
New link for demo here
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zellia-rambles · 3 months
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Name: Hazel Dragon
Age: 22 years old
-Drawing (ofc!)
-Designing clothes
-Wukong <33
-Pink things
-Her cutie patooie nephews
-Matcha ("why?" bc it sucks she says)
-Horror FIlms (Yes, this freaks her out if it's not or is a jumpscare)
-Darkness (haha trauma go brr)
-Cockroach (so common)
-Wukong in danger, again...
-Peter Dragon (Father)
-Ivy Dragon (Mother)
-Jia Dragon (Sister)
-Mei Dragon (Cousin)
-Mr and Mrs. Dragon (Uncle and Aunt)
-Addie Charlotte (Cousin)
-Unnamed grandparents
-Unnamed great generation
Story Below!
She was born on 16 April 2002(I'm not sure. I've calculated it on calculator). Her family is rich. Her house is a mansion, with many great antique things from her generation.
Wonder what's that pink thing on her skin? It's a curse from one of the greatest enemy of their family, (I can't name them, I had no idea). She was burned on her face by accident at some sort of war, which sadly it was a permanent scar. The permanent scar soon made the pink curse.. it was not a normal fire.
It's (insert fire name here cuz i don't have any ideas). One of the most powerful fire after Samadhi fire.
That's all ig I ran out of ideas uhhh :<
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torchickentacos · 1 year
i finished atla after putting it off for years like, literally last week and im interested in what you have to say about zuki since i dont really know much of what happens after the main story ends, do you have any posts about it? or you can take this as an open invitation to atla ramble [:
HIIIIIII ok every time I mention Zuki I get a weird look since it's a rarepair who barely interacts in the show, but if someone's read the comics it comes together a bit! BASICALLY, SPOILERS FOR COMICS UNDER CUT!!! long post, I cannot resist inserting the comic panels here and honestly they speak for themselves. just in case this post breaches cointainment, Obligatory "I vibe with most ships and my love of one does not equal hatred of anyone else's, and if you like them platonically LOVELY!!!!! I vibe with that too".
First off, Suki and the kyoshi warriors become Zuko's bodyguards post-canon, with Suki as the head of them. In the comics we see a fair bit of this, with a lot of Zuko scenes having her in it too. So, we've got a bodyguard/royalty dynamic, which I am absolutely WEAK for (see: zelink from breath of the wild).
But more than this, they're friends. And I do like Maiko, don't get me wrong here- and I adore Sukka as well- but I think there's a distinct difference in how Zuko interacts with Mai and Suki. Namely, he shut Mai out and lets Suki in, telling her about his worries-especially in a time where he's not doing well.
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Also, another thing in the comics is this: there's a point where Zuko feels like he's sliding back and becoming his father, and goes to the point of almost fighting the rest of the gaang. But, oh, there's someone who stood by him the whole time when near nobody else did! guess who.
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And realistically, I know they just wanted some romantic tension in the comics but didn't want to break up kataang, so they broke up maiko and did whatever this is, with Sukka being long-distance. BUt I honestly think Zuki, platonic or not, has a huge amount of suki's support that Zuko lacked in Mai. I think Maiko could be really nice, but I feel like Suki uplifts Zuko in a way that Mai maybe didn't or just couldn't.
I think it also opens an avenue for Mai's characterization, and I like exploring her through Zuki in a "If I (Mai) stay with Zuko, I can't ever have peace, I'll be fire lady and never know a day of self-sufficience or true independence, and I don't know if I want that from life". I think Mai is very prideful and truthfully? I don't think she'd want a life of palaces and being guarded. It was an aspect of her in ATLA, distancing herself from her rich powerful family, and I don't see her choosing that life again.
As for Sokka, I LOVE him and I LOVE Sukka, but it lacks spice for me. Sukka almost works TOO perfectly. No conflict, other than long distance, but Zuki has forbidden bodyguard royalty stuff which I am, pardon my language, an absolute slut for. I mean, furtive glances across crowded hallways and secretive shoulder brushes and letters slipped through doors, hoping, praying nobody sees the lowly earth kingdom warrior and the regal firelord??? 10/10.
Also. It's just funny as hell. https://twitter.com/M1KASAD/status/1284621851763838976
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im-inside-your-walls · 2 months
As someone that reads IFs religiously...I mean.look at my fucking blog. I can say for real there are a few gaps in the market.
1. I see celebrity ifs becoming more of a thing. Within the arts. Like st4rdom, infamous, the muse, limerence and beyond empty eyes.
And we have a plethora of supernatural IFs. We don't need anymore... unless the writing is exceptional js.
Slice of lifes are becoming popular now too. I've seen a few. Haven't played any I can really remember that have no supernatural connotation besides apt 502
What I found recently that I loved
Witch IFs there's few that are actually active and I found one recently that I'm obsessed with.
Horror IFs are becoming more popular. Those are a nice change.
I'd love more IFs God related with actual big names in supernatural. @aquarii-if does this so well. They really have a IF that's Hella different. And there's another whose name I can't remember for the life of myself that literally has MC being someone big life you can be a God from different cultures you can even be lucifer if you want. That was bomb af.
What I think I never see is actual rich kid IFs. Like royal slice of life IFs but that take place in modern times.
More sport Ifs!! We have an up and coming soccer one I haven't heard of in forever. Then there's college tennis. Which is the most popular and then the taekwando one. But there's just 2 that's released that's popular.
I'd love to see more sport ones that have drama. Like martial arts, gymnastics which can also be very unhealthy same with ballet.
I can't think of Anything else rn but this is why I cldnt reply in a comment 😂🤣 sorry.
Ooh you have to come back to me when you remember the MC Lucifer bc it does sound bomb af lmao.
I like your taste, especially the modern rich kid IFs like the only one I know and played is Insert Rich Family Name Here. I feel like murder, mystery, and rich ppl match so well, like imagine an IF that is inspired by the series The Fall Of The House Of Usher, psychological horror, murder and mystery 🤌🤌
Like more IFs that are inspired by movies, books, and shows! The day someone writes an IF similar to Killing Eve, I will die.
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jojo-lane · 1 year
Ride or Die
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Summary: Sold into indentured servitude to a rich, British family, you masquerade as a man in a bid to raise enough funds to finance a trip back home. But just when things are starting to look hopeless, you win the favor of a newly wedded Diego Brando and find yourself in the middle of a conspiracy plot to help him murder his 83 year old wife and gain control of her Estate.
This is a prequel story I am writing to the events of the Steel Ball Run. I started writing this fic because of my fascination with British-Indian hirtory, Victorian society and English Literature. And I have to admit, being South Asian myself, I couldn't help but create a self-insert/Reader-insert from a British occupied Subcontinent.
Another thing I love about Jojos and Araki's art is that there are a lot of androgynous characters especially in Steel Ball Run. Anasui, Hermes, Hot pants, Dr. Ferdinand are just some I can name off the top of my head, so naturally I wanted Reader to be androgynous as well. Even though they are biologically female, they're outward appearence is very masculine presenting. I guess you can say that they are the opposite of Dragona.
I haven't updated in a while though since I've been going through a writer's block but I am making a recovery and have started work on the next chapter!
You can read my fic here.
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