#did not prepare at all for that thing though so we'll see... it's like a written exam first thing in the morning haha
lesbiancarat · 1 year
also apparently jun said there's no choreo for fml???
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kurooandkenmasslut · 1 year
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Notes: s/n means 'sons name'
"Don't you dare move a muscle (name)!" Tengen, your husband called. He has been keeping his eyes on you for the past 8 months, especially since you were expecting in a few days. You didn't cook like you always did with hinatsuru, your co-wife, and cooking for others seemed like it was her and your kinda thing.
Hinatsuru told you to lay down and not to stand to hurt your 'poor legs.'
"Hina, what are you making for dinner? Im kinda cravin- argh-" "(name), are you okay?" "(NAME)!" your co-wife called you in alarm, suma, asking if you were okay, even though it was painfully obvious that you were indeed not okay since your hand was gripping on tightly onto the couch and sweat dripping down your temple.
"I'll call tengen! TENGEN!!!" suma screamed, but then got hit on the head by your co-wife, makio, and told her to stop yelling and to just go get him. Tengen, his presence known as the 'Sound Hashira/Pillar' had heard your grunt of pain from a mile away and has been running down the stairs quickly.
"U-uhm guys? I-I think.." you stammered. It was happening. You were gonna give birth to you, tengen and your wives baby. Tengen put his arms under your legs and his other arm on your back. "Girls, I have to take her to the butterfly estate, quickly." He said, his voice wavering in slight worry for what your about to go through. He sent his flashy, fast, and serious crow to the butterfly estate, notifying his presence. He was deadly fast, almost flying to the estate.
"Tengen!" You groaned. "Yes yes I know my dear, we're almost there, just a minute and then we'll be there!" He said, his legs moving faster than he's ever did before. He stayed true to his word because you two did arrive less then a minute later, the doors slammed open, shinobu's lavender eyes searching for something, and that something is you and tengen. As soon as she saw you, she called the other nurses working there and they rushed into the room they prepared for you. The pain was bad, you were groaning non stop, and tengen hated seeing you in pain. He'd do anything to spare you some pain.
He bit his lip nervously, they took you out of his arms and laid you down onto the bed. You clutched tengens hand tightly, slightly prepared for what's about to happen.
"Just a few more pushes (name)!" Shinobu said, it was so overwhelming for you. You yelled, screamed out in pain. "Push (name)! You can do it!" "You can do it honey! Just keep going!" All the yelling stopped and for a second, it was quiet. But the silence ended with a baby crying loudly. You groaned out in relief.
"It's a... boy!" Shinobu announced, everyone cheered in the room while you mentally cheered, too exhausted to even speak, nevermind a cheer. "I'll go wash him now and give you some time alone." She said, smiling eith her eyes closed. You two nodded before all the nurses left the room, one asking if you needed anything just to call.
You were exhausted, but you opened your eyes again and looked at tengen, his face showed love. His eyes glimmered with tears, his mouth pointing upwards showing his gorgeous white teeth. His thumb gliding over your knuckles softly. His fuchsia eyes looking- no, admiring your face. He took his other hand and wiped away your tears.
"You did amazing, my love." He mumbled, which made you have a silly smile on your face. Shinobu came back with your baby washed, him sleeping soundly. You softly gasped at the small baby, although you never seen him until now, you've always loved him. And your sure you and tengen and your co wives do too.
Talking about them, someone knocked on the door three heads popping out of the door once tengen said that they could come in.
"(Name)!!!!" Suma cried, your sure she cried more tears then you did. Makio slapped her arm and she yelped and ran to tengen. Hinatsuru calmly walked over to you and sat on the edge of the bed, her violet eyes filling with tears once she saw him. The sight of you in a hospital gown (don't ask me how you got in it) and the newborn in your arms just made her tear up. Suma and Makio walked over to you and also took in the sight. Suma tried to hold in her cries while makio teared up. Suma laid down next to you cuddling to your side.
"Tengen." "Yes my dear? Do you need anything?" Tengen got up, ready to go out and ask the nurse to whatever you wished.
"Do you wanna hold him first?" That question shocked him, it made his legs weak. He nodded firmly before taking his trembling legs and over to you where you were lying. Your wives had moved out of the way, watching the most important moment of their lives happening before them. Tengen reached his arms out, and you placed your son into his arms. He brought him over more closer to him.
"Hey little guy.." He cooed. "So this is the little troublemaker that has been making my wife distressed huh?" He scolded in a whisper way. He looked up at his wives, they already knowing what they mean. Hinatsuru was first, he placed him into her arms, and he started waking up.
"Hes got your eyes, tengen." Hinatsuru mumbled and Tengen grinned. "Well of course, he's my boy after all." he bragged and you laughed. Tengen looked over at you. Suma was next, and she cooed and cooed over him. "Awhhh!! Just look how big and adorable his eyes look! Kyaa!!" She squealed. And last but not least, was makio. He started playing with her fingers. Suma was beside her and looking closely at his face. Big mistake. He then poked her eye with his small finger, making suma recoil. "I like him!" Makio grinned, and suma sulked.
Then tengen looked over at you. "Dear, you should rest, your exhausted." He mumbled and kissed the side of your head. You nodded before drifting off into a deep slumber.
Your son, s/n, was 2 years old today, so you and your wives started decorating the house before tengen and your son came back. Hinatsuru was a few months pregnant, so she couldn't do much, but you and your wives were still very appreciative of her effort.
The plan was that tengen would take s/n out in the town and do some fun stuff with him for a few hours and then you and your co wives would decorate and make the cake.
"oi! Suma! Your doing that wrong dumby! You aren't supposed to put that in yet!" Makio scolded suma and hit her on the head, which made suma cry out in pain. "Ladies, please stop yelling, hina is sleeping." You said, you took the role of hinatsuru on trying to get them to stop messing.
Suma clutched onto your arm. "(Name) (name) (name)!!!! MAKIO'S BULLING ME!!" she squealed. You just patted her head and told them that the cake needed to be in the oven now. You and makio started decorating the cake while suma did some touches to the house decoration.
You heard some ringing, sort of like beads clashing together. But to your relief, it wasn't tengen, it was his crow. "Message from tengen uzui! Ahem.. I am on my way home with s/n! I know as soon as I enter our flashy home, it's gonna be even flashier! S/n is very excited!" The crow read aloud. As soon as you heard that he's coming home, your mind started a small panic and you rushed into making the writing for the cake.
The front door opened. And s/n looked about in darkness and hung onto tengens neck. Tengen entered the kitchen and turned on the lights, and him and s/n got a fright because you, suma, makio and hinatsuru were hiding behind the counter. Makio and you laughed at their reaction.
"Yayayayaya! This cake is delicious! I love cake, I love cake, I love cake.." suma sang and it seemed like s/n seemed to catch on because..
"Cake!" He squealed. Silence. You all stared at him in shock. "C..Cake?" You mumbled and teared up. You then rook s/n to your side and started smiling as teared rolled down goir cheeks. "He said his first word! He said it!" You weeped. You were happy but then a tad bit sad that he didn't say mama first.
S/n smiled and giggled. "Cake Cake cake cake cake!" He ranted and you all laughed. Tengen went close to your ear. "Wanna make another one?" He whispered silently and grinned, making you all red. "OI I HEARD THAT!" suma and makio screamed. "Hey hey hey! I was joking!" But was he really? He glanced over at you and winked, yep, he definitely was not joking.
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iluvmattsbeard · 5 months
espresso (m.s)
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master list
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: mentions sexual content. not too crazy though/swearing
preview: you were about to go to bed until your phone dings. you look at it receiving multiple texts from Matt out of no where. you and Matt had a little fling going on until he broke it off unexpectedly.
"Y/n! I want you to meet my friends." Madi says opening the door all the way. you were staying at her house for the weekend and she's been insisting that you meet her friends. you get up from the couch as you see three boys walk in. "Y/n, this is Nick, Chris, and Matt." you hear her say as you look at them, specifically Matt. he had a backwards hat on and his shirt was revealing his tattoos down his one arm. you thought it was extremely attractive. "hi nice to meet you Y/n!" Nick says with a smile. "nice to meet you as well. Madi talks about you guys constantly. always telling me stories of yours." you say smiling. "and nice to meet you guys as well." you add on, facing Chris and Matt. they just smile and say the same thing. "I can tell we'll be getting along." Nick says walking to the kitchen, pulling you and Madi along.
you three end up talking most of the time as the two boys, Chris and Matt, sat on the couch playing video games on the TV. "can we join?" Madi says. "if you're prepared to get your ass beat." Chris says handing Madi a controller. everybody laughs at his remark. "we'll see about that." Madi says sitting down on the couch with them. “guys come join!” she calls out to you and Nick. you two shake your heads while Nick replies, “maybe later.” you two were still in the kitchen, but you had a clear view of the three of them playing. your eyes then suddenly land on Matt and you stare at him. analyzing his facial features and his body. Nick looks at you and looks at Matt. he clears his throat slightly which catches your attention. you turn your head to see Nick looking at you with a slight smirk, "my brother Matt?" he says. your eyes widen as you shake your head, "what? no. I was just watching them all play." you reply whispering. "more like watching Matt." he says laughing. your cheeks just turn red from the comment as you look to see if the three on the couch heard. “keep it down” you whisper to Nick who was laughing to himself.
later that night, Chris and Matt had just left. Nick decided to stay over because he was having fun getting to know you. you were laying on your stomach on Madi's bed as Nick sat next to you. Madi was braiding her hair in the mirror. "Madi guess what." Nick says. you weren't really paying attention until you hear the next thing that comes out of his mouth, "Y/n has a crush on Matt." you turn your head towards him as your mouth slightly opens, "where did you get that from?!" you say. Nick laughs as he speaks, "you were staring him down the whole time."
Madi looks at you before speaking, "Y/n, Matt is not one to do relationships." you look at her with a confused face, "okay? I just met him today. Nick is putting words in my mouth." you say glaring playfully at him. Nick laughs as responds, "i'm sorry! it was just funny to see, but Madi is right. Matt is not a relationship type of person. so i'm just going to warn you now just in case you do end up liking him." you roll your eyes and roll over on your back, "not going to happen." you say looking at the ceiling. Madi and Nick just look at each other with a 'yeah right' kind of look which you saw in the corner of your eye. “hey i’m serious!” you say sitting up shaking your head as the two just laugh together.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
“who are you texting?” Madi says trying to peek over at your phone. you bring the phone up to your chest, hiding it from her, “none of your concern” you say smiling. “hey i thought we told each other everything.” Madi says with a raised eyebrow. “well, this is one of those things where i have to see where things go before letting you know.” you say. “so you’re talking to a guy?” she asks with a big smile. “yes. that’s all the information you’ll receive.” you reply with a sly smirk. “not fair!” she exclaims.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
you lay there with your breathing uneven as you stare at the ceiling. you pull the sheets over your body as you turn to face Matt, who is also breathing unevenly. "well that was fun." he says looking back at you. I bet your wondering how you guys got into this situation. you ended up hanging out with Madi and the triplets more, getting closer with the boys. you had a bunch of things in common with each boy, but you had the most in common with Matt. you guys exchanged numbers and ever since then, you've been meeting up. mostly always tangled up in your sheets.
"yeah that was fun." you say with a soft laugh. you sit up holding the blanket over your bare body as you continue to speak, "so is this how we'll always be?" Matt looks at you with a confused face, "what do you mean?" he asks. "well you know, just having sex?" you say with a nervous laugh. "well yeah? I thought that's what we agreed on?" he says. you were expecting a whole different answer from him. the words that came out of his mouth were exactly what people warned you about. "oh... well I was just making sure we're on the same page." you say with a fake smile, lying through your teeth. he sits up from your bed as he starts to put on his clothes. “oh okay.” he says with a smile. I guess they were right. you didn't want to believe it since every conversation you had with him sounded so genuine. once he was fully clothed, he gave you a kiss on your forehead as he speaks, "i'll text you later?" all you do is nod as he smiles and leaves you sitting on your bed disappointed.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
"we told you y/n." Madi says with a sympathetic look. you had your face in your hands as you groan. "I can't believe I was so stupid to think he would want something more with me." you say shaking your head in your hands. "I really thought it'd be different too. he's always bringing you up." Nick says. "he is just a boy after all." Madi says. Nick laughs at the statement, "agreed. even though he's still my brother." he says. you look up from your hands, "I can't believe we had sex." you blurt out. "over and over again. i should've known i was just like every other girl he’s got with." you finish. Nick's eyes widen as he looks at Madi, "you had sex?!" he exclaims. “yeah why?” you ask confused. “Matt always cuts off girls before having sex. he just lead on every girl to thinking they could even get close.” Madi says. “so he didn’t have sex with multiple girls before me?” you ask. “so he was just entertaining girls and breaking hearts instead?” you add on.
“well yeah. i’m pretty sure he only had sex with one other person. his ex.” Nick says. “but, he said it wasn’t a great experience which lead to their break up.” he adds on. a gasp comes out from his mouth, “oh that’s why he acts like a jerk!” he says. now it was all clicking to you. maybe you just had to have a conversation with him.
Matt's POV
i've been feeling guilty recently. I enjoy hanging out with Y/n. but why did I have to push her away like every other girl? she was different. I feel like a douche bag telling her all I wanted was to have sex with no strings attached. it’s the best sex i ever had. but clearly, she was obviously bothered by it. this is just new to me. so i decided to end things with her because i didn’t want to make anymore mistakes.
"what?!" she shouts out. "so you come over here and fuck me one last time before throwing me to the side?!" the anger on her face was visible. "Y/n I just felt guilty. I know this isn't what you want." I say. she stands up with the blanket wrapped around her as she picks up my clothes. I stand up from her bed as she shoves the clothes into my hand, "leave." she says avoiding eye contact. "can we just-" I let out before she interrupts me, "leave!" I sigh taking my clothes putting it on and respect her decision.
how stupid of me. I was finally starting to understand why he always acted the way he did but now he wants to forget about everything? after he left, I grabbed my phone and called Madi and Nick. "hello?" Nick says. "you won't believe what just happened." you say angrily. "what did he do now?" Madi says. "he came over and we had sex and he had the audacity to tell me he can't do this with me anymore right after. who does that?! I felt so used." you say. "so he went there to fuck you for the last time, and dump you." Madi repeats. "yes." you mutter out. “i’m just so confused." “what an asshole!" Nick says. "Matt!" you hear him yell through the phone. your eyes widen as you hear Nick scold Matt.
End of Y/N's POV
it's been a few months since Matt ended things between the two of you. now every time you all hang out in a group, there was an awkward tension. "you two are weirdly quiet." Chris says looking back and forth between the two of you. Chris wasn't informed of anything so, he was confused why there was a weird vibe.
you and Matt just ignored him. “how about we just watch a movie.” Nick says after clearing his throat. “yeah” we all say in unison. Nick picks out a movie as we all sit in silence.
Matt’s POV
as i sit here with my eyes on the screen, i can’t help but notice the smell of her perfume. it smelt so warm and comforting. it was like i was being taunted. if i’m being truthful to myself, every other girl i’ve been with, i didn’t care about leaving. with Y/N? it was like she was on my mind constantly. when i first got involved with her, i saw her just like everybody else. but as time went by, i felt so much guilt build up, what was i supposed to do? i did what i thought would be best and that was to stop us from fooling around.
she didn’t deserve it. but now i just sit here feeling sorry for myself.
End of Matt’s POV
when the night ends, you arrived home preparing to go to sleep. you changed out of your dirty clothes, took off your makeup, washed your face, and brushed your teeth before crawling into bed. you snuggled into your blanket feeling relaxed, trying to forget about the tension that happened earlier.
your thoughts were soon interrupted as you hear your phone buzz.
hey are you awake?
i can’t sleep.
you’re on my mind.
you scoff reading the multiple sent texts.
well then get me off your mind.
hey, i ended things for your sake.
my sake?
my ‘give a fucks’ are ran out right now so if you’re trying to get at something, i really don’t care.
all i’m asking is you just listen.
you leave him on read as you wait for him to type.
i ended things because i didn’t want to hurt you. i enjoyed talking to you everyday and the sex was great but, i was stupid for telling you that that’s all i wanted because it’s not. you’re different and i couldn’t express that.
now, i’ve been up thinking about you every night.
well aren’t you cute.
i got you wrapped around my finger.
yeah you do.
can we please start over? i miss you.
what do you miss?
i miss all of you. your touch, your lips, your everything in general.
is it that sweet? lol.
you laugh to yourself before texting again.
nothing never mind. good night Matt.
what?! what did you mean?!
you laugh again as you shut off your phone and drift to sleep.
Matt was completely left confused but wanting more. he didn’t mind you playing hard to get. he deserved it. but again, he just laid there, up all night, thinking about you.
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a/n: sorry it’s so short! hope you guys enjoyed it still. likes, comments, and reblogs would mean the world to me. i love seeing feed back from you guys!
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mikwaa · 1 year
I want to increase our family!
Featuring: Kazuha, Childe, Diluc, Zhongli, Kaveh
Prompt: They ask you to have a child!
Warnings: Fem! Reader, fluff, too much romace on this,established relationship/marriage.
A/n: For some reason these headcannons are one of my favorites! Besides that this is one of my favorites brainrots.
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Kazuha, would be quite shy to ask you for this, even if it was something he wanted very much. He didn't know how you would take the news, even if he had been daydreaming about the idea for a while. "My dear, I want to talk to you." He calls you, rather fearfully. His heart was beating so fast, even he wondered why he was so nervous. You sat down on the couch with him, and even without talking to him you could see that he was anxious. "What's wrong?" You squeeze one of his hands, making him look at you. He swallows, then gives a silly little smile, "I wish there was someone else here, not just the two of us." And he regrets it right after he speaks, how could he have been so clumsy with a simple sentence? "Are you thinking of bringing someone to live here?" Your confused face already said perfectly that you hadn't understood anything. "N-no, no." He sighed, why the hell was this so embarrassing? You hold his face, looking at him with a frown, "You look weird, what's wrong?" "I want to grow our family, I really do." He holds both your hands, gripping tightly. You smiled with confusion at first, but after seeing his expression you understood what he meant. "… Do you mean kids?" And now it was you who was nervous, even though you two had been married for a while, it was different when this conversation comes up like this. "Yes, I would love to. I'd love you to carry my children." And he was so sincere, so kind. Even if he was in a cold sweat, completely nervous. He was still all cautious with you. You gave a blown smile, it was so special to hear him talking to you like that. He was more than ready to take that step, and he wanted to very much. "You have no idea how much I want to." You smiled beautifully, and he grabbed you in a hug so strong, so genuine. "We'll be the best parents, you can be sure." He assures you. And about that you could have no doubt, Kazuha would do everything to be the best father possible. He would work hard from the time you were pregnant until the time the baby was born, and he couldn't wait for that moment. You were very special to him, and he would settle down and live happily with the family he would make with you, the love of his life.
Since early morning Kaveh was pacing around, he was anxiously waiting for you to come home. Lately he could only think of one thing, he wanted to have kids with you, he just didn't know how to bring it up. His face flickered as soon as he heard the sound of the door opening, it was you who had just arrived. "My sweetheart, how was your day?" It was the first thing he always asked you, regardless. "It was good as far as possible, and you?" You give him a little kiss, and he returns it. "It was great, great. I wanted to talk about something with you." He says reluctantly, he felt so nervous. You look at him a little puzzled, precisely because he seems a little tense, "About what? Did something happen?" "It's because I wanted to grow our family, you know? Something beyond the two of us." And there he was, he had prepared so much, but the words seemed to come out all messed up. You look at him with a frown and ask, "Do you want a pet? Don't tell me you want to bring those desert foxes home." You say smiling, squeezing his cheeks. "The foxes? Pffff, no, that wasn't quite it." He gives one of those nervous laughs, his gaze a little confused. "Then what? Any of the street dogs you've seen around? Or was it a kitten?" And he was getting more and more clumsy, how could he say that? He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and relaxing a bit, thinking to himself 'it's going to be okay Kaveh, you can do it.' He hugs you, holding you tight and close to him, and then he whispers, "We've been married for a while now, and I was wondering if you could give me the joy of having a copy of ourselves running around this house." And your eyes widened at what he said, now you understood what he meant. "Do you want to have kids with me?" You stammered, it turned out you felt as afraid as he did. He pulled back a little and looked at you, his eyes filled with love, "Yes my dear, I want to very much." Your heart beat so fast, you knew that at some point he would ask you for it, Kaveh was always very good with children. "'B-but you don't have to feel pressured, in case you don't want to-" "Of course I do, my darling, I want it as much as you do." His face lit up, he smiled happily, the kind of smile that made you mesmerized. He takes you in his arms and gives you a twirl, "I'm going to be the best dad in the world, and you're going to be the best mom!" From now on, the only thing he would talk about was the baby, he couldn't wait to see you pregnant. He would prepare the best outfits, the best room, he would give everything of the best quality to the child, and of course the main thing, love.
Ever since Diluc asked you to marry him, he was sure that he wanted to have a family with you. And he thinks it's high time to talk to you about it, and he was so nervous, it was still something he didn't know if you wanted, and he was eager for an answer. And he had been thinking all day about a way to broach the subject, and now that he was coming home it seemed he had forgotten everything he had planned. He came into the house, and went straight to your shared bedroom. And there you were, reading the book while waiting for him, his heart warmed every time he came home and saw you, no matter how long you were together, the feeling was always the same. "My love, you came home late today." And as always you welcome him with a smile, opening your arms to cuddle him. And there he went, snuggled in your arms, feeling at home. "Have you ever thought about adding to our family?" was the first thing he said, as always Diluc was direct, although he wanted to be a little more delicate this time. You were disconcerted by the sudden question, was he referring to a kitten you had been taking care of for a week? "Oh, you mean the cat? I was going to talk to you, I really want to bring him to our house." He grunted, and you realized that wasn't what he meant. "No, of course you can bring the kitten if you want, it's your house too after all." He raised his face, leaning his forehead on yours, "I'm talking about us, about having a baby." His face was so red, and yet he looked at you so tenderly. And you're surprised, and then you find yourself smiling like a fool. "So that's why you've been distant lately? You've been thinking about it all week, haven't you?" You stroke his red strands, as he wraps his arms around you. "Yes, I was thinking of a way to ask you that, in a way that was more…. Gentle. I guess I failed." He says in a sigh, and you can't help and end up letting out a laugh. "You have that way about you, I couldn't have asked for it in a better way. I'm ready, I really want it." You caressed his face, gently tracing your fingers over his cheeks. He gave a sweet smile, relieved even. He came over and kissed you, full of love and affection. "I love you, very much. Thank you for that." He murmurs as he lays you down on the bed gently. Diluc would be an exemplary father, unmatched in every way. Just as he was a perfect husband, and he would look forward to seeing a little child running around that big house. He couldn't wait to see you pregnant, carrying his little ones. And he would arrange to have you pregnant as soon as possible.
"So my love, what do you think of kids?" Out of the blue, that's how he would start this conversation. All you did was look at him confused, you believed he was talking about his siblings, he had talked about trying to bring them to live with the two of you. "I like them, but why the question? Do you want to bring your siblings to visit us?" You looked at him, and he had a little smile on his lips. He ran a hand through his hair, and then said, "I do too, but I don't mean that. What do you think about having our own child?" And he wasn't the least bit embarrassed, quite the contrary. And you blushed a little, as you instinctively put your hand on your belly, "So you want to?" As if you had asked the question with the most obvious answer he nodded, quickly moving closer to you. "Can you imagine these little ones running around the house? I can't wait to play with one of them." And now you understood why during the week he had been buying baby things, clothes, socks, shoes, bottles. Every little thing you could imagine. "What do you mean, one of them?" He had already talked about his desire, and he had respected the fact that you didn't feel ready yet. But that didn't say he was going to tell you about it every chance he got. "I want more than one, don't you?" Childe was a man who wanted a big family, and if you wanted it that way too, there would be lots of little ones in that house. You laughed and put your hands on his neck, ruffling his hair. "You're eager, aren't you? Ever since we got married you've been talking about it." He wrapped his arms around your waist, "It's just the thought of seeing you pregnant, of having a smaller version of you. I can't help myself!" He kisses you, sweet and calm. "Then we should try to have one of our own, don't you think?" With a smile from corner to corner you say it, and he's soon completely overjoyed. As if you've just given him the happiest news in the world. He scoops you up in his arms, giving you a tight hug, "Right! right! I saw a store that sells stuff for kids, I can show you!" And he's already talking as if you're pregnant, eyes shining with the purest enthusiasm. "You'll show me later, you've bought quite a lot of stuff like that this week haven't you?" You ask him in a laugh, and then he puts you down. "It wasn't that much, just a few things." And he kissed you again, he just couldn't help himself after receiving such news. In the middle of the kiss he murmurs, "I'm going to spoil you rotten, you know that right?" As if he needed to say that, he already spoils you normally, pregnant then. Prepare your ears, because you would only hear about this subject for the next few months. And Childe would be even more euphoric with the confirmation of your pregnancy, which would certainly not take long to happen, the future dad Childe would not waste time.
As a man who had lived long ago, Zhongli had many desires, and one of those was to see his beloved wife carrying in her womb the fruit of his love, his own kids. As you had been married for many, many years, this had always been a topic that you both spoke about easily, but only now had Zhongli taken the courage to make this request. He wanted to see you pregnant, carrying his clutch. He had always been very thoughtful about it, because he didn't know if he would be able to raise a child properly, and so he learned, and observed literally everything about it, and so he could draw his own conclusions. And being married to you, that was his will, and now he felt a security to be a father, and to increase the family. Even if it didn't seem like it, Zhongli liked the idea of a big family, he wouldn't mind if it were just the both of you, but the idea of several miniatures of you and him running around made his heart warm. "Good morning my dear." It was the first thing you heard as soon as you opened your eyes in the arms of your beloved. "Morning, have you been awake long?" You snuggle into his chest, as he gently strokes your hair. "It's been a while, I had some things on my mind." And you lifted your head to look at him, Zhongli was usually not easily fretted, so you puzzled over what might be on his mind. And he laughed as soon as he saw your sleepy little face all confused, you were a very adorable little thing. "I was thinking about us, about our future." And again he caught your eye, you were all focused on him. "Did I do something?" You murmur, your voice overcome by sleep. He laughs again, then replies, "No, don't worry, but yes, it's about you, about both of us." You sit up in bed, and stare at him with a stunned expression, thoughts scrambling just as much. "…?" He puts his hand on your belly, gently stroking, "I'd love for us to expand our family, what do you say?" You look at him with a smile, silly of you to think he meant a pet. You could tell by the look on his face that he was so looking forward to it, it was one of the few pleasures he hadn't experienced yet, and now he wanted to do it with you. "Do you think we're ready?" And it was always an insecurity, after all raising and teaching a child was not an easy task, far from it. "We'll only know if we try, it's your choice." Now he held your hand, stroking it with his thumb. Like the gentleman he was, he would never force you to do anything, everything you did would be of your own free will. With a blush on your face you turn back to him, nestling into his chest. "So I guess we should work on that, right?" And he smiled, a smile so bright and so beautiful. He was relieved to know that like him you wanted it too. "Of course we should, my dear." He was excited, he couldn't wait to see you beautifully pregnant, and then to see his baby into the world. Even though there was still a long time to go, he would already start planning changes in the house, just as he would already start to take an interest in baby utensils, in a very short time the house would be full of these things. And as for pregnancy, you should not worry, he will certainly not take long to leave you pregnant, he would do it as soon as possible.
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bun-z-bakery · 5 months
A/N: heres a little something extra too ;3
DogDay x reader
CW: suggestive
Bath Day
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You were off from work today, which usually means it's your day to relax with your little family or struggling to take the bigger members a bath.
Today just so happened to be the latter, and boy were they in for the surprise.
The four of you had just finished eating lunch and dogday was on dish duty today. But you just happened to be a bit too quiet.
"Angel? Are you ok?"
He calls out for you but he doesn't get a response.
Once he's done he's off to find you. You're not in the common areas so his way over to your shared room.
He opens the door, revealing you behind it.
You walk up to him, giving him a hug
"Guess what today is!~"
You sang as he hugged you back, you felt him freeze in place.
"But I washed dishes! Please, Angel"
He whines as you take his hand, reluctantly following you to the bathroom that's been prepared for the soon-to-be fight he would put up.
"I don't think I need a bath just ye–"
"Someone thought it would be fun to play outside in the mud while I was away"
He stands at the door while you check the water temperature and gather what you need.
"So now here we are! Plus kissy needs a bath too but you take me a while."
You laugh, using the bathing brush to point at him.
He sighs and makes his way in, he loves you he really does but he hates baths. Getting soaked made him a bit heavier, and drying off was a pain. He knows he has to though, even he admits that he smells.
"Come on the water feels nice!"
Your voice snaps him out of his thoughts, he stares at you confused for a second.
"Angel! What are you doing?!"
Your clothes were now on the floor as you sat in the water, you wore an orange bathing suit with little dogs on it.
He thought to himself as he walks closer.
"Well I figured this might make things a little bit easier for you"
You smile at him, and motion for him to sit.
He makes his way into the tub, his tail wags happily splashing some water on the floor. You didn't care, not only was he happy, but you were happy too. Who knew he'd enjoy bubbles when he wasn't whining all the time?
"Stay still!"
You playfully shout as you attempt to wash the giant dog, squirming in the tub.
"Angel that tickles!"
He laughs out, splashing you with more water.
At this point, you were both soaked from head to toe, so was the floor... and everything else but you'll deal with that later.
Later on in the day
You finished giving Kissy her bath and helped Poppy brush her hair.
Exhausted was an understatement, but you wouldn't have it any other way, you loved seeing them happy and of course, smelling nice.
"Guys, dinners almost done!"
You call out to everyone as you cut some vegetables.
Suddenly, a pair of giant hands grab onto your waist, making you jump.
"Dogday! I could've hurt you!"
You warn as you put the knife down, he doesn't let go, he takes his chance and leans down to your ear.
"Thank you, Angel~"
You gasp as he pulls you closer
"For what, exactly?"
He peppers your cheek with kisses, his tail wags viciously.
"The bath, I had fun!"
You hum in response as you try to cover your now burning-hot face.
"How about next time you don't wear an–"
"Smells good, Y/N!"
Poppy yells out as she and Kissy make their way down the stairs, you try to get out of Dogdays grip but he squeezes you before letting you go, and leans against the counter acting like nothing happened.
Kissy and Poppy poke their heads into the kitchen, you refuse to look at them.
"I thought you said you were almost done?"
She asks, sounding a bit disappointed.
You go back to cutting the vegetables
"Y-yeah I just had to quickly deal with something!"
You nervously chuckle
"All right! We'll watch some TV then!"
You nod in response, once they leave you side eye Dogday.
"What? I did nothing wrong my sweet Angel~"
He teases, crossing his arms and shrugging his shoulders smugly.
"The couch tonight."
You attempt to say coldly, trying to hide the smile on your face.
"You seem to be forgetting something, Angel"
"Oh and what's that?"
You laugh
"You seem to have forgotten who you belong to, hm?"
He leans to your ear once again
"Maybe you need a reminder~"
He purrs into your ear, running his fingers down the side of your neck.
Yeah, maybe you should call out of work tomorrow.
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apomaro-mellow · 10 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 2
Part 1
Eddie hadn't forgotten about Steve the next day. Far from it. But his early morning thoughts had been occupied with getting up in time and going through his morning routine. It wasn't until he got dressed and put his jacket on, the same one from yesterday, that he was hit with the remnants of Steve's scent. He lifted it to his nose and took a deep breath.
His number was still in the pocket. Would texting him now seem desperate? Eddie took another breath. Fuck appearances. He had to see him again.
Steve had been prepared to chalk up last night to a fever dream. Or even if it was somehow real, that Eddie wouldn't call or text. Or even if he did, it wouldn't be until weeks or months later when he remembered the pathetic omega he'd met one rainy night.
And then he checked his phone on his lunch break and saw that he had a few messages. All from an unknown number.
'hey' 'it's me' 'Eddie' 'that guy you met last night?' 'I was thinking that i could maybe take you out to dinner again?'
Steve beamed so hard anyone looking might think he was insane. How cool should he play it? Maybe he should wait until he got off of work. Would it be better to call? By the looks of the texts, Eddie seemed really into him. Would Steve be able to string him along for longer?
The moment the thought passed through it was gone. He had woken up this morning, yearning for Eddie's scent. If he got close to him again, there was no way that he could make him wait.
Steve told him that he was free any time.
It probably came off as desperate but he didn't care. He wanted Eddie and wanted to be wanted by him. He couldn't afford to play it cool.
Three days later, Steve was standing outside of a nice restaurant. Eddie had sent the location and Steve dressed in the best clothes he owned. Thankfully he didn't have much of a reason to wear them, so they looked fresh and he went the extra mile to iron them. It was a nice collared shirt in blue and some khaki pants. A car drove up and Eddie came out of it, tossing the keys to a valet.
Eddie had offered to pick him up from his apartment but Steve refused for some reason. It felt like a dignity thing.
"Hey there, handsome", Eddie grinned. He had a red button down over black slacks and that leather jacket again. Steve needed to bury his face in it, in Eddie.
Steve got part of his wish when Eddie slung an around his waist and led him inside. He refrained from turning his head to dip his nose into it and drown himself in Eddie. They sat down and a waiter was with them right away for their drink orders. The waiter asked about wine as Steve looked at the menu.
"Hmm, whatever's red and sweet, my good man", Eddie said.
"We have a nice Cabernet, if you would like."
Eddie looked like he was about to agree when Steve spoke up. "Eddie, what are you eating?"
The alpha glanced at the menu before pushing air out of his mouth. "Probably a steak, beautiful. I'm actually not all that picky."
"We'll take a Caremenare", Steve said. "One from Bordeaux if you have one, if not anything on from southern France is fine."
Eddie gave Steve an appraising look as the waiter walked off to get their drinks. He let out a low whistle and then Steve stiffened.
"You know your stuff."
"I uh, yeah", Steve cleared his throat. "This seems like a real classy joint. Normally a server will ask what you plan on dining on before giving a wine suggestion."
"Ah, so he thought I was some bum who would've been happy drinking some cooking sherry?"
"Basically." Steve hadn't meant to show off like that. It just came out.
Eddie didn't look put off though. If anything, he looked impressed.
"You know, I'm not hard to please. I'm the type to drink whatever they put in front of me. Unless it's vodka." Eddie stuck his tongue out in disgust.
"I figured a rock star would have more refined tastes", Steve said.
"Oh I think I've got great tastes", Eddie said, licking a canine.
Steve had been looking at the menu, about to ask what he meant he saw the look Eddie was giving him. He quickly snapped the menu back up to cover his face and how warm it felt. Steve was no stranger to blatant flirting. He'd frequently laid it on thick himself. But knowing who Eddie was and how they'd met put an extra layer on it.
Did Eddie like him for himself? Or because he seemed easy? They started talking, the conversation now about traveling. Eddie was telling him of a particularly wild night in Italy and Steve was halfway in thought.
Would he feel different if Eddie was just a normal alpha? Or was it the fact that Eddie knew he was half the way to destitute that made Steve hesitant? Above all, Steve just didn't know if Eddie respected him or if he felt sorry for him. Eddie hadn't ever said anything condescending about him or omegas in general though. He'd never made Steve feel lower than him. He made sure he was comfortable with rides and being paid for before doing so.
Steve remembered what his best friend told him before abandoning him (getting her dream job) across the country. Basically, waste not, want not, but applying it to everything. If Eddie wanted to take him out and buy him meals and drinks, who was Steve to deny him? And if he wanted something sweet after, well Steve wouldn't be upset.
"Wait, you tried sneaking into the catacombs? You know it's a tourist site? You can just get a guide and go in", Steve said.
"Yeah, well Jeff had this bright idea of going in without permission, cause you know, rebellion is totally more metal than just hiring a tour guide, and going at like 2 am because that's the 'best time'", Eddie did air quotes and rolled his eyes. "And also tried to get into more restricted areas."
"Lemme guess, Jeff's a free spirited explorer?"
"I like adventure as much as the next guy, but I also like seeing the sky", Eddie said. "And Gareth's worse. Dude froze solid the moment we got down there. Hell of a time to learn he's got claustrophobia."
Their orders were taken and Eddie watched probably with a bit too much interest as Steve ate. He was enjoying this ritzy fare as much as he did the bar and local restaurant from before. Maybe Steve was the type to fit in anywhere. Eddie wanted to give him more. He'd seen some of the couples around them. People with clearly money to spare and they lavished it on the beauty dining with them. Gilded omegas. Kept omegas.
"I just wanted to, I don't know, take care of him", Eddie had lamented to his band mates while on a Zoom call.
"What, like a puppy?", Grant asked while in the middle of doing laundry.
"No! Yes? Like, ugggh", Eddie ran his hands down his face. "I know how this is gonna sound. Don't judge me."
"Holy shit", Gareth paused in his gaming to look at Eddie's face on one of his screens. "Dudes, I think it's finally happening."
"No fucking way", Jeff said.
Eddie turned around in his chair, trying to turn his back to them but he went to hard and did a 360 instead.
"Eddie, do you wanna be his-"
"Please don't say it out loud", Eddie covered his face with his hands.
"He does", Jeff said. "He wants to be a sugar daddy."
"This guy's gotta be hot. You got pics?", Grant asked.
"No one's that hot", Gareth said. "Chrissy was that hot and you still didn't-"
"Alright, forget I said anything. This is supposed to be a brainstorming sesh", Eddie quickly changed the subject.
Eddie wanted Steve to be his. But he didn't just want to date him. He wanted to spoil him, take him on exotic vacations, show him off, have Steve lie in bed without a care outside of being Eddie's baby.
But he couldn't just ask that, could he? That was probably one aspect of celebrity life Eddie, nor any of the other guys really knew too well. Getting a date? Easy. Getting someone like this? Would Steve even want to do that? He probably had his own goals and aspirations that went beyond being some guy's plaything. God though, Eddie would treat him so right. Steve really wouldn't want for anything.
"So, I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but how does a uh, fine vintage such as yourself find him single?"
"'Fine vintage'? Are you calling me old?", Steve asked with mock offense.
"Well you wear it very nicely", Eddie quipped back.
"For the record, I'm not chronically single. I've just been pretty busy lately. Had a few quick lays, but nothing serious for a while."
"How about somethingggg not serious buuut pretty exclusive?", Eddie asked. He leaned a little closer to Steve and was able to smell the increased interest. Good.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you, me, on a French beach in about a month. You could really show off that wino talent."
Steve snickered and moved a little closer to Eddie. "Well you can start with not calling me a 'wino'. And if you really want me to show off, you'll have to take my to Italy."
Eddie put an arm around Steve. "That can be arranged." He started to kiss his neck and let out a soft growl at the way Steve melted under his lips. His hand found Steve's thigh and gave it a squeeze.
Steve hummed and turned his head to kiss Eddie's cheek, then grabbed his hand and threaded their fingers together. He gave Eddie's lips a rather chaste kiss but then whispered against them.
"Take me to your place."
dont @ me on the wine stuff i literally drank a $7 bottle of vermouth yesterday and enjoyed it clearly i am not an expert.
Part 3
Tag Team
@awkotaco24 @lingeringmirth @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @tartarusknight @velocitytimes2 @mrsjellymunson @trashcanniballecter @marklee-blackmore @dragonmama76 @paintsplatteredandimperfect
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pinkyqil · 4 months
Can you do a Mapi x Ingrid x reader where maybe the reader is struggling with depression and Mapi and Ingrid help her?
We'll help you through it// Ingrid engen x mapi lèon x r
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Least to say that you we're struggling life sucking every single one of your motion to keep living it felt like you lost all hope in your self you didn't know what it was but your mental health decline took a toll on you.
Every day felt like a struggle to be alive and keep on breathing. but thanks to your amazing girlfriends who were able to notice what was wrong with you.
It all started with when they had to leave a lot for away machetes you get that it was apart of their job but sometimes you felt lonely and jealous about what the two could be doing without it.
You doing what you do best overthink the whole situation but nevertheless you were able to push back.
You stopped answering there calls and texts whenever they sent in one. Just wachting the phone ring away without trying to pick it up.
Feeling worthless and unimportant as life would have been better if you just stopped living you thought to yourself.
But you never get close to doing it. It's been weeks since you last saw them as you've been ignored them.
You had a new routine now wake up work sleep and eat. And well repeat totally ignoring your other aspect of life.
Mapi and Ingrid had obviously noticed the pattern in your behavior and decided to vist you as soon has they could.
"Ingrid you think all this is enough". Mapi asked Ingrid showing her comfort bag that they brought for you filled with your favorite snacks to everything that you like.
three different brands of your favorite chocolate, huge ass blankets you wanted to get but didn't they had it your favorite movies had it makeup,dresses, aersoiess they had it all but mapi over here was still worrying that it wasn't enough.
"Mapi it enough or maybe to much". Ingrid questioned.
"Let's just go". she said to her girlfriend
They finally got your place with the spare key and weren't really expecting to see you in the condition that you were in.
With just one look at you it was quite obvious that you weren't getting enough sleep nor eating enough.
They both immediately dropped the things they had rushing to your side. It hurt them to see you this way like you were waiting on death.
Ingrid was the first to speak up. "Baby I'm so sorry we haven't been there for you".
"Nothing is your fault I'm particularly to blame".
"No don't say that about yourself".she told you
Mapi on the other hand didn't know what to say so she just pulled you three into a hug. you all stayed like that for a while before Ingrid started cleaning.
the whole place and convinced you to go take a bath so you could feel more relaxed. mapi was changing your bedsheets and placing the things that they got you.
By the time that you were out your places was looking better than it was before.
Ingrid made you a bowl of spicy soup putting it down and helping you with your hair and clothes on. You ate what Ingrid had prepare with mapi feeding you and not missing a single drop.
After that they both convinced you to leave the house for some fresh air. And that what you did getting in the car mapi first went back to there place to pick up bagheera to join you guys.
Having bagheera join you guys on the beach was perfect the cat being there made you perceived and calm. It wouldn't have been your normal couples walk if mapi didn't start talking you and Ingrida ears.
off something that you missed even though she could go on for hours she was recently yapping about. how patri and pina were quite obvious about each other but to afraid to confess and how she was going to play cupid.
Let's to say you felt happy and a little better all you need was come comfort and love from you girls which they understood.
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mattsunnn · 4 months
warnings(can be and not be): haikyuu season 3 spoilers!, platonic, fluff
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seeing them cry broke your heart.
you watched your team line up infront of the crowd by the bleachers, giving their thanks all at the same time before turning their backs and walking over to the coach.
you can see all of them with their heads down. sadness? regret? you don't know. you noticed shirabu in a dazed, eyes unfocused, and mouth a bit open. leon called his name to ask if he's alright but you couldn't hear the rest. but his last words reached you and it puts a weight in your chest.
"no one here thought we would lose."
not even you. you rooted for them, you cheered for them. you were there when coach washijo would make them do receives and spikes 50 times a day. you're there for them.
"we'll have a meeting when we get back. once the awards ceremony is over, get onto the bus." coach tanji stated, walking over to the exit.
"right." ushijima answered, nodding his head.
the demon coach stopped, looking back on his team. "and you'll be hitting a hundred serves later."
a lot of them grunted and tsked in unison. shirabu wiped his eyes before smirking in defeat. goshiki's still sobbing but he's trying to muffle them.
the team, looking solemn, was about to gather their things and do some stretching but they stopped when they heard you speak. all of them looked at you, turned their bodies to you and standing straight.
"i know i'm only a manager but... i want to say you guys did your best. that was a great performance and you guys did not disappoint." you smiled, "i am very proud to each and one of you."
all of them stared at you in silence before goshiki bursted into tears again, running to your arms and hugging you. he sobbed onto your shoulder as you carded your fingers to his hair. shirabu couldn't help but walk slowly to you, his forehead bumping on your other shoulder before you patted his head, letting him lean onto you for support as he, too, sobbed.
"thank you, y/n." ushijima said, slightly smiled in appreciation and you nodded your head in reply before the other guys leaned onto you as well to receive pats on the heads.
after everyone has calmed down-even though kenjiro's still beside you, clutching your sleeve in comfort- you gestured for them to gather their stuff. "after doing your hundred serves, we'll come into my home and i'll cook you guys dinner."
"yay! y/n-chan's cooking!" tendou cheered, hands coming up in excitement. you chuckled, shaking shirabu's hold on your sleeve before intertwining his fingers with you. "i'll make sure to make it delicious."
"i'll help with the preparations." leon said, clutching a bag on his side as he walked on the other side of you. you muttered a quick "thank you!", and hooking your arm on his before turning to the second year on your left.
"best setter you are out there, sweetie."
shirabu turned his head on the side, wanting to look unbothered. "thanks." you chuckled at his reaction before pulling him with you with the rest of the team as you guys made your way towards the exit.
they look like children following their mother.
well, they are your precious babies.
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finished season 3 and it was so intense with the scene of tsuki and hinata being pushed down by ushi and then everyone's just helping them😭 made me cry fr even though this was the second time i watched the series😭 but seeing bebi shirabu crying and the rest brought out the mother in me🙂‍↕️
probs not the best but i love em sm
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 2 months
The Noldor needed to return to Middle Earth.
This is a long one, so I put it under a Read More thing.
I was looking into the Doom of the Noldor, and why the Valar weren't interested in going after Morgoth after he murdered a guy, and I came across the rather reasonable argument that the Valar could only defeat Morgoth after he put a great deal of his influence into Arda, kind of like a giant One Ring, which would weaken him. Which is all fine and good, I guess.
(Not sure why they couldn't just do what they did in the War of the Powers and evacuate everyone out of Beleriand before sending Tulkas in, as that would be far more responsible than what they actually ended up doing, but I digress.)
So that's it then. The Valar plan to just sit around Valinor, chilling, while Morgoth essentially runs around Beleriand with a can of gasoline and a match. And, based off what I've read, it sounds like they were really just kind of doing nothing until Eärendil and Elwing showed up to buy protection. Or it does take three years to sail from southwest Beleriand to the Bay of Eldamar. (It took Eärendil eight total, and four of them were after Elwing showed up, and it is a long journey; there's a reason the Noldor went as far north as they could in Aman before attempting to sail.)
Here's a map for reference. Credit to Karen Wynn Fonstadt. The Helcaraxë is so tiny!
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Anyway, I'm going to give those who stayed in Valinor the benefit of the doubt and assume they spent 5 and a half centuries preparing for war.
(Even though the Noldor were plenty ready for it when they left, considering they annihilated Morgoth's army. Yeah, Fëanor died, but who could expect fire demons of nightmares to show up randomly?)
Sorry. I keep getting into tangents. The Valinorians prepare, get a signal from ... something, and sail across Belaegar to destroy Morgoth and save the Men, Elves, and Dwarves. Happy ever after, and the Flight of the Noldor was completely useless and pointless.
Except it wasn't.
Sure, most of that plan would've still worked as intended, except for the "save Men, Elves, and Dwarves" part. Beleriand would have been an utter wasteland by the time they got there without the Noldor's intervention. Morgoth might have conquered even more. Imagine if he got to Cuiviénen, the far south of Harad, even Hildórien.
"That's impossible, dfwbwfbbwfbwf. Even Morgoth couldn't have mustered up the strength to do that."
But is it impossible? Who would have been there to stop him?
Círdan's Falathrim were nearly exterminated, saved only due to Fëanor's intervention. Denethor died because Fëanor was too late. (By how much, it's unclear, but it happened the same Valerian Year, so maybe a few Sun Years. If Olwë had helped, and Uinen not slowed the Noldor, and Ulmo provided a way across, perhaps Denethor would have lived. But I suppose we'll never know.) Melian guarded Doriath with her Girdle, but Þingollo never sent anyone out to engage with Morgoth; he couldn't, because Doriath didn't stand a snowball's chance in Mordor. What Sindar and Nandor were trapped outside the Girdle were certainly no match for Morgoth's forces. I wouldn't be surprised if Morgoth conquered the entire continent (again, save Doriath, but Doriath is about as concerning to him as a mosquito bite) before Iþil rose for the first time. After all, it took him about 19-20 years to take over half the land, and he had about 27 to take the other half.
I don't imagine Morgoth would go after the Khazad, and I don't see the Khazad going after Morgoth. They'd close their doors to all, and Morgoth wouldn't have to worry about them.
Morgoth would still venture east and corrupt the newly awoken Men, and I think some would repent and travel west to become the Edain, but they would either remain in Middle Earth, or be destroyed and/or corrupted upon reaching Beleriand. There would be no Finrod to greet them, no Dorthonion or Brethil or Dor-Lómin for them to settle and thrive in. There would be no Beren, Dior, Elwing. There would be no Hador, Galdor, Huor, Tuor, Eärendil. No Elrond or Elros.
Morgoth would continue south and east. The Nandor and Avari would likely fall - I think the Silvans would be destroyed or subjugated first, as they probably have a smaller population. And with each civilization Morgoth conquers, he has more potential orcs.
I do think Morgoth would still develop his dragons. He's a reptile dad imo.
By the time the Valinorians arrive in this timeline, there's nothing TO save. Even if they manage to defeat Morgoth, it would take longer. More lives lost. More land sunk.
Do I think the Noldor were the only reason this didn't happen? No, but they were a very big one. Their first attack in the Dagor-nuin-Giliath decimated Morgoth's army, something that took him four and a half centuries to build up enough to fight with again. They guarded Beleriand against the northern menace. They made the continent a safe place for Elf, Man, and Dwarf to thrive, something the "King of Beleriand" couldn't accomplish, and the "King of Elves" Ingwë and "King of Arda" Manwë refused to try.
Do I think the original argument of the Valar waging a war of attrition against Morgoth makes sense? Yes. Do I think their plan would have worked? Depends how you define "worked" - they would have defeated Morgoth, but the cost would be too great. This is why Fëanáro was born: to save Beleriand. And even though he was only on the continent for a short time, he did just that. The Valar should have helped him, but they were, at best, foolish, at worst cowards.
Remember to thank a Fëanárion for your existence today.
... No one is going to read this, and if you did, you're insane. But I guess I'm insane for writing it. Have a cookie and milk. 🍪🥛
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noparadiseinthis · 1 month
English is not my first language. Bear with me, Grammarly helps, but it doesn't work miracles
Series: Come away, O human child! Part 2:
She dreamed of paradise
Spencer Reid/fem!Reader
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Read part 1 here.
Warnings: explicit domestic violence and abusive relationships. Descriptions of physical violence. Reader is married and has a child.
Summary: Spencer sees a mark on you. He decides that if no one is going to do anything about it, then he will. If only he can convince you to accept help.
Steve was strangely calm on the way home. He had asked the sheriff for permission to take you and Willy away during his lunch break with the excuse that he was worried about the disappearance of women that had been happening in town, just like an ideal husband, but you knew the real reason, he wanted to keep an eye on you.
"Well?" he asked, taking his eyes off the road for a second to look at you.
You knew it was best to let him speak first, so you waited for Steve to start, no matter how tense you were.
"The FBI guy, what did he want?"
"Nothing much, he was just playing with Will, he knew magic tricks."
You didn't mention the terror you felt when you saw that your son wasn't by your side, he could never relate to that, he could never understand the deep emptiness that existed inside you when Will wasn't around. He was all the light you needed.
"And you let some stranger talk to our son? I can't leave you two alone anyway."
Sometimes you didn't quite understand Steve's intentions, even though you knew there was a reason behind everything.
"He's FBI, isn't he?"
It was a risky move, rebutting what he was saying. Luckily for you, it seemed to be a good day, because he did nothing but raise an eyebrow and snort.
"I don't want you two anywhere near that guy."
You just nodded, distracted as you wondered what was so special about Dr. Reid that Steve reacted like that, your curiosity piqued. Was he trying to push you away from one more person before any bonding had even begun? Surely he couldn't have been afraid that you would turn him in since you had already understood a long time ago that no one would help you or even give you a second glance. If I could go back in time, I would have run as soon as Steve showed interest in joining the police. A bunch of conniving vibrators, they were.
"We'll never see him again," you reassured him.
"Well," your husband muttered, "you know why I do it. I have to protect my family."
With a silly, fake smile on your face, you agreed as you stroked his arm, looking through the rearview mirror at Will sleeping in the back seat. You could do this for another 13 years, right? Just hang in there.
Spencer gathered his things from the table, putting them in his bag as he prepared to go to the hotel, hoping to get a good night's sleep and work with more focus and renewed vigor the next day. He spent the rest of the day reliving his interaction with you down to the smallest detail, remembering and recalling her tone of voice, her posture, and her submission when her husband appeared. If was right, his name was Steve.
The policeman in question left the police station for an hour and returned soon after, casting long glances at Spencer, none like yours, who followed him to his hotel room, until he laid his head on the pillow and far beyond that, invading his dreams.
5 days in the same city was a lot on the Spencer scale. Enough to make the UNSUB profile, but not enough to capture him. He lived in the shadows, preying on the most vulnerable people in that small, broken society that was your little town: the women. More specifically, the housewives. Spencer spent these days wondering if you had any job.
"What the hell?" He heard Morgan's voice exclaim with surprise, raising her head to look at the source. That's when spotted William, wandering around outside the glass-walled room they were in. The boy walked between the tables as if he belonged there, but stood out from his surroundings. "Who is he?"
"Cop Steve's son." Spencer murmured, attracting the attention of his colleagues.
"Do you know him? How?" JJ asked.
Spencer shrugged. "Kids like magic. He came here a few days ago, must have run away from his mom again. I thought Morgan had seen him before."
"Well, I didn't see. There's something strange about that boy's father-" Turning away as he spoke, Derek was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and a child's voice shouting happily.
"Dr. Reid!"
As if it were second nature, Spencer rose from his seat to kneel in front of the child and greeted him back with a smile.
"Hey, Willy," he held up his open palm, which made the boy laugh and high-fived him, "What are you doing here, kid?"
"Mom came to bring Dad's lunch again, but I wanted to see you."
Spencer sighed with an understanding smile, looking around at his classmates who stared rather shocked at their very natural interaction.
"And does your mom know you're with me?"
The look he shifted to the floor said everything the doctor needed to know.
"You can't just disappear, young man. Do you know where she is?"
Will nodded. "In the big room with Daddy."
Spencer looked at Hotch, who understood immediately and sighed tiredly before nodding and nodding towards the door, permitting him to leave.
"Let's find her then, shall we?"
William walked out hand in hand with the man, leaving Spencer shocked that a policeman's son was so ill-educated, regardless of his age. Children could be sociable. They should be. That didn't exclude all the evil that lurked outside the house - or inside - the boy seemed the pure image of naivety. Worrying. He couldn't tell you why he cared so much.
"So, Willy, why did you split up with Mom? You heard what she said, she gets worried when you disappear like that."
"Because they were starting over."
"Starting what?" Reid asked, frowning and looking down to see the child's face, who didn't answer. "Starting what, William?" he asked again.
"How did you manage to lose sight of him? For God's sake, this is a police station!" Steve exclaimed furiously, although he growled quietly. He didn't believe in announcing his problems to the world.
"I let go of his hand for a second and he disappeared!" You retorted, your eyes watering as you thought about what he could have gotten himself into this time. "It's not my fault," you continued, hugging your body as if trying to convince yourself.
Your husband snorted, scorn appearing on his face as he approached, and suddenly any courage you had was thrown out of the window. You looked around, at the walls that gave you so little privacy. We're in public, you thought, like a mantra. He didn't do anything in public. He didn't do anything in public. He grabbed your arm. Moreover, his nails dug in, forcing and tearing at your skin as his instinct acted and tried to pull your arm back, but he held back. As he always did. Apart from the pain, all you could think about was what a bad idea it was to wear short sleeves that day.
"What good are you anyway, if you can't even look after my son properly?"
Your eyes were injected with rage and you swallowed, watching the face of the man you once thought would make you the happiest woman in the world. The man who promised you the world while hugging you in a college dormitory bathroom and holding a pregnancy test with a small smile on his face. Eyes crinkled with joy as he stroked your still flat belly and whispered such sweet things. A time when you thought you could face anything as long as you had him by your side. You no longer saw any of that in the man in front of you. He ripped any last shred of hope from your cold, dead hands and then made you dig your own emotional grave, as deep as his nails could go into your skin. You barely felt the pain anymore. You didn't even feel anything, until you heard the familiar voice of the light of your life, pulling you out of that dark pit as it always did.
Quickly, Steve retracted his arm, taking a deep breath and swallowing as he turned to where he had heard his son's voice, his nostrils flaring as he saw who was with him.
Spencer never got a verbal answer to his question from William, but he didn't need one. The scene in front of him said it all, and from the way the boy squeezed his hand tighter, he could tell that Will knew there was something wrong between his parents. Fortunately, the boy was too short to have the same field of vision as Reid. Luckily, he hadn't seen the terrified look on his mother's face, let alone his father's aggressive grip.
Will shouting "Mommy" and letting go of your hand to run to you provided him with a new horizon. It brought back memories. That of trying to be a mediator within a broken family, even in childhood.
Steve never spent much time around William anyway, so when he left quickly, you didn't mind, you were relieved. Noticing that Dr. Reid wasn't going to move away, you sighed, hiding the nail mark against your own body as you watched him enter the room you were in.
"Hey, honey, want to play a little?" you asked, taking your cell phone out of your pocket and handing it to your son, who quickly agreed and went to the corner of the 'big room', as he called it, oblivious to the rest of the world.
"I never knew your name."
You snorted, wondering how that was the first thing he chose to say, but in the end, he did say your name.
"You don't have to hide it, I've already seen it." Spencer continued, making sure to speak quietly so that the child wouldn't hear them and to keep the anger out of his voice.
You swallowed, wondering what you had done to deserve two humiliations in a row on the same day, trying to force yourself to remain calm and expressionless, assessing how much of a risk the mysterious doctor could be to you or your child.
"I'm sorry about William again today, it'll never happen again."
Spencer couldn't stop himself from analyzing you, and what he saw brought him the most mixed emotions. You were profiling him too. You are a profiler for survival, someone who needs to know how to act in every situation so as not to get hurt. It made your head spin, your throat dry and your hands twitch. "It's called empathy. Use it to be a better person," Derek once told him.
"You know this is a crime; I can arrest him right now if you want; this room has cameras, and you're... you're hurt."
To his surprise, you laughed in his face. A bitter laugh. The kind he wished you'd never hear again.
"Are you an idiot, Dr. Reid?" you asked, without any humor. "Is that how you sleep best at night? Look around you, see where we are. In a police station full of men. Do you think you're the first to see something like that in me?"
Suddenly, it was as if a dam broke and you felt the uncontrollable urge to channel all your anger at Dr. Spencer Reid, pointing at the wound on his arm, the little blood already dried. This made the agent sigh. He had never really been able to understand how someone could hurt a person they had sworn to love so deeply.
"Well, the FBI wasn't here before."
You just sighed, pressing your lips together to stop a torrent of tears. He would never know that fear like you did. Even if Steve was still arrested, what would you do next? How would you be able to raise your son in a place like this, where your husband was the model citizen of the city and you were the bitch who put him in prison?
"You just don't understand. Please go away, Dr. Reid."
Go away, and don't you dare even try to give me false hope because I killed them all for my own good a long time ago, you thought.
Spencer couldn't accept that it would end like this. There had to be something, there had to be a way. Not for the first time in his life, he thought that people should come with a manual. It was time to do your job, even if you felt terrible about using your weakness against yourself.
"And is it worth it? Raising a child in such an environment?"
"I've managed to keep Will away for five years. So as long as he's safe, yes, it's worth it," you replied, your back to him.
Spencer sighed, squeezing his thigh as he cursed himself for influencing you like that. All for the greater good.
"Except that he already knows. Kids are a lot more observant than people think."
You turned like lightning.
"What are you talking about?"
You couldn't. You couldn't lose the only certainty you had in life. That Will was your sea of positivity, away from everything that was really going on at home, growing up happily, without any resentment. You swore that when he was born. It was the only promise it would kill you to break.
Spencer hated being the cause of the look of terror on his face this time, but like all the other times in his life when it was necessary, he took courage and started telling.
Taglist (if you want in or out, just let me know):
@yokaimoon @fanfic-viewer
A/n: I was wonderfully surprised by how well received the first part was. I hope you enjoy the second as much. Thank you for your support
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sweetnans · 4 months
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a/n: This could contain some mistakes, english is not my first language. Enjoy 💫
You saw Bakugo flying away, blasting explosions through the air, chasing Midoriya, who was miles away from him. A bad omen twinkling in your guts right after he disappeared from your sight.
You were in the city, trying to help the heroes establish the order again. Helping elders and kids find his relatives again in the middle of chaos, some of your classmates helping you and the other heroes doing some sweeping in the remains of disaster after Shigaraki broke the city in two.
Ochako screamed your name because your quirk was useful in the thing that she was doing. That helped you a lot to keep your mind away from your boyfriend.
He told you we'll be careful and you trusted him with all your heart.
Cleaning the city, evacuating civilians, and watching your back for any villain to appear out of nowhere, made you extremely tired.
You were putting your hands in some wreck from machia destroying everything on his way when an agitated Todoroki stumble in your view.
"Have you seen Bakugo?" He asked right away catching his breath a little bit.
"I saw him fifteen minutes ago flying that way chasing Midoriya," you pointed out to the horizon, and that didn't change Todoroki demeanor, made it worse. "Why?" You grew anxious at his face. Todoroki wasn't the kind of person who wore his emotions on his face, but right now, it was fear all over gaze. "Why Shoto?" Your voice trembled.
"We have to go, right now" he looked at Ochako, and she caught the hint right away.
"I got your back," she said, giving you a little push.
Todoroki grabbed you by your arm and started making a path of ice, sliding in it with you at his back. You ignored the cold and the way that he was going so fast that you almost slipped two times only for him to grab you tighter. You've never seen him act like that, desperate and breaking the rules, not to mention Ochako as well, after what happened in Kamino, you saw a change in her but never expected to cover you two for running straight to something very dangerous without any hero escorting or knowing about.
"Are you okay?" Todoroki shouted in front of you, his voice muffled for the sound of the ice and because he was giving you his back.
"I don't understand what's going on" you yelled back.
"You know your boyfriend," he said, giving you a side eye, "He can be very reckless"
Ok, now you expected the worst.
"What did you see exactly? Where the fuck are we going?" You sounded desperate and you knew that you needed to keep your calm because you were a hero, you needed to act like one but in the other hand, you loved the bastard and you didn't know anything about him and in what state you would find him.
"I think there's something bigger going on in that direction. I'm pretty sure my father is there, and I think that neither Midoriya nor Bakugo should be there. That's what worries me"
He sounded like he was worried. You knew that your boyfriend and Midoriya made him come out of his shell of trauma, and that, even though Katsuki didn't think that, they were friends.
"If your dad is there, maybe they're not in danger. He's protecting them, isn't he?" You asked, trying to see the bright side. At least they were with the number one hero.
"Why do you think my father is there?"
He didn't mean to make you feel dumb but it was a conclusion that you didn't want to come to.
It didn't settle your nerves down, the exact opposite, and it increased when you started to notice the columns of smoke and flames far away, the sound coming straight after that.
"Fucking hell" you muttered to yourself.
You closed your eyes, putting away all your intrusive thoughts and preparing yourself to fight against Shigaraki.
The villain was like an unhinged king Midas, but instead of making gold, he destroyed everything he touched. His capacity to break down everything was absurd, and he seemed undefeatable.
"Hang on!" Todoroki screamed worry laced in his tone.
His path of ice stopped while grabbing you firmly, so you wouldn't trip over him from the impulse. He was still in front of you, blocking every view from you to see. The grip in your arm was hurting, but you didn't have the chance of saying anything before he made a mountain of ice to stop Shigaraki from tearing up Aizawa's face.
You were shocked to see your teacher bleeding and on his knees.
The neurons in your brain connected quickly. He was using his quirk to suppress Shigaraki's quirk. Now that he wasn't able to do that, the situation morphed into one that was ten times worse.
Shigaraki destroyed Todoroki's ice in an instant. You were in the ground when Deku appeared out of nowhere and tackled Shigaraki.
You ran towards Aizawa kneeling at his side to see the damage in his face. He couldn't open one of his eyes, and the bleeding wasn't stopping.
"What are you doing here?" he coughed his answer and put on a worried face.
"We are the back up team, remember?" You tried to joke but you were out of breath.
"Get away from here. It's too dangerous. " He was getting weaker, and you grabbed him, helping the other heroes.
"No chance, sensei. I promise you'll have me in one piece when this ends"
Your quirk wasn't very useful in hand to hand combat. You could grow vines in every part of your body, making them useful for climbing, swinging, catching, and with suitable surfaces, flying, but this time you didn't have any building at your sides to tie up your vines Sero style.
"Why did you bring her here?" You heard Bakugo yell at Todoroki while shooting explosion to Shigaraki.
Todoroki didn't answer.
After a round full of fights, Shigaraki stopped. He was in the center of it while everyone was panting at his side in a prudent distance. Todoroki made his way to his father, throwing him some of his ice so he could cool down and keep fighting. This was far from ending.
Bakugo made it to your side. He didn't touch you in any way. He was just by your side, his chest rising and falling with every breath he took.
"Before you say something," you started knowing that he would call you out for coming. "I'm here to back everyone up. I want you to do your best there and destroy that bitch"
He smiled smugly at your words and gave you a look taking you in.
"You got it princess"
You ran back to Aizawa, wrapping his leg with your vines to cut the bleeding. Midoriya was there losing it. The heroes telling him to go.
"Midoriya," you snapped your fingers at his crying face. "Go"
In your peripherals, you could see Shigaraki ready to touch the ground again when something in his chest exploded, shredding all his skin. He reached his limits.
Everything happened so fast. Midoriya grabbed you all with his quirk lifting you up from the ground before Shigaraki destroyed everyone.
You didn't know that Midoriya could float, and it seemed that the other didn't know it too.
You couldn't let go Aizawa's leg from your vines, so you weren't much of a help trying to secure the others with your quirk, lightening Deku's work. You could keep them floating, but you needed something to tie your vines and there wasn't any building around.
While thinking of ways you could help, Deku left you all in the ground just staying with Shigaraki in the sky.
"Shoto, take care of the wounded" Endeavor said looking at him and then looking at you. "You, help him too"
You nodded and went straight to settle Grand Torino on the ground.
Bakugo started yelling at Midoriya, but you couldn't catch anything he said.
Midoriya started to punch Shigaraki in the air repeatedly, over and over, but the bastard was far from getting unconscious.
"He's going to break his limbs again." Shoto remarked, standing up and watching the fight. You did it, too.
"Todoroki are you done?" Bakugo said.
"Yes, what do you-"
"Come here and hold on tightly,"
Todoroki made his way to Katsuki while he was yelling his plan to Endeavor. He was going to Midoriya to help him get rid of Shigaraki.
With Endeavor and Todoroki at his back, he started elevating, making his way faster to his friend.
Bakugo grabbed Endeavor and throwed him to Shigaraki. Enveavor hugged him, telling everyone to go away. He lit himself up, burning Shigaraki to the core, leaving him roasted like a burned chicken.
Endeavor fell, and Todoroki caught him in the air.
You were out of breath watching everything passing so quickly in front of your eyes. From your position, the scene seemed like it was near to end. You thought that Shigaraki was the next one to collapse from the air.
"Why isn't he falling like Endeavor?" you asked the heroes that were beside you, but they were clueless too.
In a span of seconds, something emerged from Shigaraki's body, aiming straight to hurt Midoriya when the explosions caught your eyes, three to be exact.
Bakugo tackled Midoriya receiving all the impact from Shigaraki's quirk, red spiky blades passing through his arm, chest, stomach, and leg, hurting him bad.
You heard you screaming like it was a third person. You felt your throat getting sore and your vocal chords straining out.
Your vines weakened beside you, breaking loose from Aizawa's leg because you couldn't concentrate on anything other than Katsuki hurt and falling from the sky above you.
You were ready to throw some vines to catch him, but Todoroki grabbed him by his leg holding Endeavor's and Katsuki's weight.
"Hey, we need you here," Lock Hero snapped you from your trance.
You blinked a few times, dissipating the tears you hadn't noticed streaming down your face. You put yourself together and kneel beside Aizawa, wrapping your vines around his bleeding leg.
You tried not to look up. You wanted to keep your vines in position so your teacher wouldn't bleed to death before the EMTs arrived. But the try was worthless.
Midoriya was turning into something you hadn't seen before. He was seeing red. He made his way to Shigaraki, biting the blades until he was in front of him. The villain was able to reach him now, and he absolutely did.
Todoroki screamed, everyone did, even you. Shigaraki was absorbing Midoriya's quirk.
You were midway of keep screaming when all of a sudden something lit up in the sky and blinded you, then, complete silence. Both of them, Midoriya and the villain fell from the sky.
What happened after was something that you were almost unable to explain. The other from the league came and made his appereance venting out some secrets that took you and everyone else by surprise.
Everybody ended wounded, even though that, while taking care of the already wounded, had to interfere. Aizawa and Bakugo, whose heartbeat was steady but faintly, got all your attention. You had to keep them safe.
You were one of the conscious ones while everybody was dropped dead. You helped the paramedics carry the bodies of your classmates and friends using your vines and tucked them safely in the ambulance.
They took you to the nearest hospital, where they checked your vitals and looked up for hidden wounds. You didn't have any.
"I need to see my boyfriend," you almost pleaded to one of the nurses.
When Todoroki dropped Bakugo to your side to keep fighting against his own brother, you leaned on your boyfriend for a while, touching his hair and cleaning the blood from his body, the tears dropping to his uniform. You watched his eyes closed and prayed that he wasn't feeling any pain.
The nurse gave you a sympathetic look. You weren't asking for impossible. You knew he would be fine, and he would give you shit about your look and make fun of you for being a cry baby.
You needed him.
"I'll see what I can do"
That sentence stucked for a few hours. She gave you his room, but the doctors didn't allow you to come in. They said that they were still checking on him.
Mitsuki called, and even though she sounded like she was about to cry, she said firmly to you that you had to punch him in the face the minute he woke up, for being so stupid to get hurt.
You cried a little talking to her, and she told you the same that his son told you just the say before. He would never leave your side.
After two hours, the doctors and several nurses left Katsuki's dorm. You stood up at the sight of them and the doctor just smiled to you.
"I think he wants to see you too"
That took all of your breath away. He was awake.
Joining your hands, you made your way to the dorm while the doctor held the door for you.
You couldn't help but sob at the sight of him. He was connected to several machines, and his body was wrapped around bandages.
"Don't cry," he told you, holding his own tears at the sight of you. "C'mere"
You sprinted at him and pulled the chair to sit by his side.
"Oh no," he said, scooting over his bed. "I need to know I'm not dreaming"
"I don't want to hurt you," you said, doubting if it was a good idea or not.
"It's hurting not having you right here," he pleaded.
He sounded desperate, touch starved. You complied.
Silence flooded between the two of you, only the beeping from the machine echoing in the room and your heartbeat matching his.
"Your mom called. She said she's proud of you, " you told him. Well, you lied to him, but you knew that deep down that was Mitsuki meant.
"She didn't say that shit," he shook his head in disbelief.
"Nah, she said something about you being stupid for risking your life." You looked up at him, and he pouted. He did that face when his mind went cloudy.
"Mm," he hummed in response and stayed still for a moment, caressing your hair and twisting your locks in his fingers while brushing it with them. "I'm sorry"
Katsuki wasn't the type of boyfriend to verbalize his apologies. He was more the type of doing things to fix what he did. His love language was acts of service for rights and wrongs.
"If you are saying sorry for what I think you are saying, sorry, I won't forgive you," you whispered, searching for his eyes to meet yours. "I'm proud of you Katsuki, you did exactly what every other heroe would have done"
"But I broke the promise I made to you," he sounded conflicted. He was a man to his words but he was also a great hero.
"You did what you had to do. You saved not only Midoriya's but many more lives. I know you just woke up, but have you realized what it could've had happened if he hurt Midoriya instead of you? That son of a bitch was acting like some sort of unbreakable loser and after he did that to you Midoriya went nuts, he almost lost his mind using Shigaraki as a punching bag"
He went quiet for a minute and then hugged you with the remains of his strength after a huge fight. You could feel his arms around you, hanging faintly but his grip firm on you, his head against yours.
"It's okay baby, you are okay, I'm okay, everybody's fine," you hummed against his chest.
"When I saw you behind icy-hot, I almost lost it," he blurted. "The first thing in my mind was getting you out of there, getting you as far away as possible, and then I saw how you were helping Aizawa with his leg, and then I realized that you are one of us too. Back there, you were doing ground control, but what if we need you and your quirk fighting next to us?, I can't lose it like I did with you there knowing that you are as capable as me doing this kind of shit, I'm sorry" his voice trembled and you tried to look at him.
"Sorry for what, Katsuki? For caring for me? Please, we saw Shigaraki, how he broke everything in his way. I was scared as shit when I saw you fighting, and when you got hurt, but I do know you too, I know your strength, I know you stubbornness, I know you care for others even if you try to hide it, I would've do the same for one of our classmates and I know it felt more personal to you being that person Midoriya, it's fine, shit like this is going to happen again and again but I'll be here, next to your wounded body everytime and I know if it was me laying here with all these bandages in my body, you'll be here too"
You didn't expect that your speech broke him, but he did, in a Bakugo way. He exhaled the longest sigh that you ever heard, and his heart was beating like it was going to blast out his chest. But he was fine knowing that you wouldn't leave his side anytime soon.
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 6 months
ceilings pt3 - san
summary: pe teacher!san turned new dad!san. your family of three is growing. an engagement, a pregnancy, a wedding? that's a lot. good thing you and san can get through anything together.
word count: 9.8k
warnings: afab reader, inaccurate descriptions of pregnancy/labor (ive never done it before!)
note: this is the last part! thank you for reading and sharing such kind words about this series :') thank you thank you thank you.
masterlist / part one / part two
"baby, come on, we're gonna be late!" san calls from the kitchen. you groan, but he can't hear you. it's still the early stages of your pregnancy, but you feel like shit. you know you need to get up, you have to go to this appointment, but no part of you wants to move. so you don't. that leads to san bursting into the bedroom with your breakfast, saying, "paging mrs. choi!"
"why do you keep calling me that? we're not married yet," you mumble into your pillow. then, upon smelling the food san's holding in front of you, you scrunch your face up and suppress a gag. "move, i think i'm gonna be sick."
san steps out of the way as you sprint to the bathroom, trying to shut him out before you kneel just in time to hurl all the contents of your stomach into the toilet. you know it may not be sanitary, but you lay your head on the seat, catching your breath as san quietly joins you.
"san, i told you i don't want you to see me like this," you whisper, voice hoarse.
"too bad," he shakes his head. he sits on the edge of the tub, brushing your hair out of your face as he says, "i'm here now so i'm here for everything. even the puking bits."
"but it's embarrassing. and gross."
"it's nature," he shrugs while you start heaving again. "it happens."
"how late are we gonna be for the appointment?" you ask, looking back to find san watching you with concern in his eyes.
"not too late," he admits. "i woke you up early."
"you're evil."
"yeah but you love me," he smirks.
"not right now," you say as you hover over the toilet again. "seriously, can you go do something else?"
"nothing for me to do," he says. "vi's at school, kitchen is clean, laundry's done-"
"can you," you stop as you get sick again. "can you go throw those eggs away? i'm sorry san but just the smell-"
"they're gone," he says, kissing the back of your head as you take deep breaths to steady your stomach. he clears the food that he brought for you, packing some safer foods for you to snack on in the car. he also packs your vitamins and a ginger ale, because he knows you'll be fine in a few minutes. your morning sickness comes like clockwork, and goes away pretty quickly. it's just tough while you're going through it, so san is eager to make things easier for you if he can. he places your to go bag by the door, shuffling back to the bedroom to find you back in the bed. "y/n, now we're actually late."
"do i have to go to this appointment?" you whine. "you can go for me."
"we kinda need your equipment though, baby," he laughs. "come on, let's get dressed."
you roll out of bed then and into san's arms. he hugs you tight, kissing your forehead before waddling you into the closet. he hands you whatever is closest, taking your pajamas and tossing them into the laundry basket as you change. when you're done he gives you a once over and asks, "did you brush your teeth?"
"yes," you grumble. "but it made me sick again. so we'll have to get a new toothpaste on the way back from the doctor, i can't use this one anymore."
"got it," san nods, pulling you out of the closet and toward the door. "you good now? ready to go?"
"yep," you assure him. "let me just get something for the car-"
san holds up the bag he prepared earlier, smiling proudly as he says, "way ahead of you, love. now let's go see this baby!"
you're using the same doctor that delivered violet for this pregnancy, so you know what to expect. the first visit for this kid was just with a technician, so today will be san's first time meeting the doctor. at the other appointment, he got to see the ultrasound, even though the fetus was barely the size of a peanut on the screen, and he still cried. he's been so excited for this appointment because he has a lot of questions for the doctor, and they'll take blood today to find out the sex.
you thought about waiting, because that's what you did with violet, but san said he wants to know everything. you want him to enjoy this, getting to be a dad from the very beginning, so you're doing whatever he wants. he wants to know the sex, so you're doing that. he wants to be at every appointment, so he's there. he wants to see all the good and exciting parts of pregnancy and all the gross and scary parts too, so you're letting him. it's bringing you closer than you ever thought possible, and you can't believe you did this once already without san by your side to help you.
as he drives to the doctor, he goes through his questions with you, not wanting to sound like an ignorant dad in front of your doctor. he's worried about asking questions he should already know, so you're answering what you can and keeping track of which answers need a professional opinion.
"you know some of these you could just google," you tease. "no need to bother the doc with them."
"i'd rather hear it from someone i trust, not a stranger on the internet," san replies. "but there's one i'm afraid to ask, so i guess i'll google that."
"what is it?" you ask, curiosity getting the best of you.
"can we still have sex?"
"you're joking."
"what! i want to know if it's bad for the baby!"
"i actually don't know," you think about it. "i know sex is encouraged to induce labor, but i'm not sure if it does anything else."
"i'll keep that in mind," san smirks, and you slap his arm as he pulls into the parking lot. he complains when you get out of the car without his help, but you remind him that you can still do things on your own. he keeps mumbling as you walk into the waiting room, waving as you greet the receptionist.
"well if it isn't my favorite parents," she smiles.
"i bet you say that to everyone," you roll your eyes, but she shakes her head.
"nope, you made the cutest kid i've ever seen," she says. "and you're both nice, so that gets you top spot."
"well i hope that works in our favor since we're so late today," san says sheepishly.
"no worries," the receptionist assures him. "it's a slow day, so you're all we've got this morning. i'll tell the doc you're here."
a nurse leads you to an exam room shortly after, and san starts firing some of his questions at her. they chat as you get situated in the chair, cursing at how uncomfortable you are. was your pregnancy with violet this miserable? or has it just been so long you forgot how bad it gets?
"y/n! it's so nice to see you again!" the doctor says cheerfully as she walks in. san stands off to the side as you catch up, but you keep an eye on him as you speak. the doc catches on and turns to him, smiling warmly as she asks, "is this the father i've heard so much about?"
"you told her about me?" san asks you, and you feel yourself blush.
"some of it was just medical," the doc answers for you. "but i could tell this one had some feelings she needed to address. i'm very happy to see you both here now."
"happy to be here," san smiles. "i've actually got some questions for you-"
"i'm sorry in advance," you tell her, and san shushes you.
"i've dealt with much worse," the doctor says. "ask away."
boy does he! san shoots off question after question as the doctor preps the machine and checks your vitals. when you lift your shirt for the ultrasound gel, she comments on your baby bump.
"you're showing a lot for just a few weeks," she notes. "when did you say you conceived?"
"pretty much the second time we had sex," you answer, and san balks. "what? she's seen my vagina. she can know about our sex life."
"it's part of the job," the doctor agrees. "it's not uncommon for a second pregnancy to speed some symptoms along, so that might be why you're showing so soon.
"is that a bad thing?" san asks, but she shakes her head.
"just some early growth, nothing wrong with that," she says as she starts the ultrasound. san takes your hand and squeezes softly, his palm sweaty from nerves and excitement. "but let's take a look at the little one to make sure."
"do you hear that?" you ask san. he's watching the screen intently, so it takes a second for your voice to register. he listens for a second and asks what you're talking about. "the heartbeat. that whooshing sound? that's the baby."
"really?" he looks at you eagerly. "that's the baby's heartbeat?"
"babies," the doctor says, and you nod in agreement.
"yeah, that's the baby's heart-"
"no, i mean babies, plural," she repeats. "there are two fetuses here."
"what?" you're shocked. you look at the screen and gasp, noticing the second blob immediately. "oh my god."
"two babies?" san whispers, gripping your hand so tightly it hurts. "there's two babies in there?"
"that's why you're showing so early," the doctor smiles as she notes a few things in your file. "but yes, you're having twins, y/n."
"oh my god," you repeat. san cups your chin, pulling your gaze from the ultrasound to his teary eyes.
"twins," he emphasizes. "two babies, y/n!"
"two babies," you nod, still surprised. "you get to have three after all."
"i love you so much," he whispers, kissing you quickly so he can go back to staring at the babies on the screen.
"do twins run in your family?" the doctor asks.
"maybe in mine?" san thinks out loud, and your head whips to look at him. "what?"
"that would've been nice to know!"
"would it have stopped you from sleeping with me?" san asks, and you shut up, because, no, it wouldn't have. but it would've been nice to know it was a possibility.
"since it's twins, this pregnancy might look a little different," the doctor starts to explain, and you try to listen but your mind is swimming. two babies. you're gonna have three kids. two babies plus violet. can you and san handle that? can you afford it? can your house even fit two babies? as you run through all these questions, san jots down notes on the pamphlets the doctor is handing him, explaining how the appointments will increase in frequency for the next bit of the pregnancy to monitor the twins' growth and your health. there's even more things you have to do now to make sure everything is safe, so san is planning his next grocery run in his head as you sit there stunned.
"y/n?" he finally calls your name. you turn to him dazed, and he can tell something's wrong. "you ok?"
"this is just a lot to take in," you say softly. "but i'm ok. i'm happy."
"are you ready for me to take your blood?" the doctor asks, and you nod. she explains that they'll call back tomorrow with your health updates, and in about a week with the sex of the babies. "what do you think you'll have?"
"two girls," san replies immediately.
"you like being a girl dad?" the doctor asks, and he nods eagerly. "y/n? what about you?"
"i want san to have a son," you reply. "but i can't let the boys outnumber me and vi, so i think one of each would be nice."
"i'd be happy with whatever, honestly," san says. "this is exciting."
"cool, because i'm terrified," you mumble, wiping the gel off of your stomach as the doctor wraps up.
"you'll be fine," she tells you. "you were like this with violet, and look how well you did. this pregnancy will be just as great."
"i'll remember that in the morning when i'm puking my guts out," you smile, and she laughs.
"let me get you a few more vitamins, and then you're good to go."
you and san took the day off work for the appointment, so after a quick grocery shop you're back home. you're already exhausted despite not doing much today, so san puts the groceries up while you lay down. you're in and out of sleep when he pads into the room, lays down behind you and scoops you into his arms.
"y/n," he whispers into your hair. "are you awake?"
"my love. sh."
"but i want to ask you something." at that you roll over. he looks at you softly, brushing some hair out of your face. "how do you feel?"
"that's why you woke me up?" you pout, and he kisses you to make up for it.
"we're having twins," he says. the shock is finally hitting him, apparently. "that's a lot more work for you."
"for both of us," you reply. "good thing there's two of us, a baby for each."
"yeah, but at the doctor earlier you said you were scared," he continues. "and then she went on and on about all the things you need to be careful of..."
so this isn't san checking in on you, really. it's him admitting he's worried, but masking it by seeing how you feel about this change of plans. he does that a lot, tries to save face and be unafraid for you, but you need him to know he can be open with you about his feelings. he can get too caught up in providing for you and violet that he forgets to check on himself, so you'll do it for him.
"i'm scared, but good scared," you explain. "pregnancy is scary, because you never really know everything is good until you meet the kid. and don't even get me started on labor. the idea of doing that twice, back to back? that's gonna be awful. but i know it'll be ok, because i have you, and we have our family, our friends, so many people to support us. it'll be tough, sure, but we can do it," you assure him, cupping his face. "aren't you excited you'll get your family of five you've always wanted?"
"yeah," he admits shyly. "i'm really excited, it's just..."
"sannie, you can tell me. are you nervous?" he nods. "what are you nervous about?"
"am i gonna be a good dad?" he whispers so quietly you could barely hear it, and you're just inches away from him. you sit up as best you can, staring down at him in disbelief.
"how on earth could you think otherwise?" you ask. "look at how you are with violet."
"yeah, but she was a big kid when i met her," he whispers still. "i've worked with kids her age for years. i've never been around a baby, let alone two, for more than a couple hours."
"well good thing you have me, super mom, by your side," you joke, but san groans, pulling your hand from caressing his neck to hold it over his chest. you can feel his heart racing as you flatten your palm over his soft t shirt, and you trace shapes over it to try and calm him.
"i'm being serious, y/n."
"and i'm being serious when i say you'll be great with the babies. i raised one, i know what it takes, and i swear i'm not joking. you're already great at anticipating mine and violet's needs, and that's most of what having a baby is about. you're loving, and nurturing, and easy to hold onto for a few hours," he blushes at this, "and that's another big part of having a baby. they're super clingy."
"like you?" he teases, and you pinch him. "ah!"
"i know you'll be great with the babies because you are a kind, smart, caring person. what you don't know, you'll figure out, and i'll be right next to you to help whenever you need it, mr. choi," you add, and you feel san's skin warm at the nickname, but he frowns anyway. "what? you're not convinced?"
"no, i just thought about it, and when are we gonna have a wedding?" he wonders. "do we still want to wait until the babies come, or will we be too exhausted now that there's two of them?
"that's a good question," you frown too, nuzzling into your pillow as your grogginess takes over. "we'll have to think about that another day. you woke me up from a nap."
"go to sleep, baby," san says, pulling you onto his chest. "thank you for what you said."
"i meant it," you say softly. "you are so capable, san. two babies aren't gonna take you down." he giggles, and it jostles you so bad you wince. "what's so funny?"
"sorry," he shakes his head. "just..the way you phrased that. now i'm thinking about me fighting two really big babies."
"oh my god," you groan, pushing away from him as you lay your head back on your pillow. "good night. wake me up when you mature ten years."
jen brought violet home from school that afternoon, and wooyoung tagged along just because. secretly he liked playing house and wondering what it would be like when he's ready to have kids, but if he admitted to that he would never hear the end of it. plus, he's too immature to have his own kid. he taught violet a song about farts on the ride home, so he's happy in his role as fun uncle.
san, ever the dad, reprimands wooyoung (and violet a little too) for the song as you tell jen about the doctor's appointment. violet has run off to her room, so it's just the adults now. san has an arm draped over your shoulders with jen on your other side, and wooyoung is in his own world in the armchair. jen's listening to you explain the visit while you keep the sonogram pictures just out of her reach. once you've said all you want to say, you hand her the pictures and wait.
"aw!" she squeals. "what am i looking at?"
"well there's one baby," you say, pointing to the first blob. "and there's number two."
"what?" jen and wooyoung's head both snap toward you. "number two?!"
"man, how strong is your sperm?" wooyoung asks, moving to perch on the armrest next to jen so he can see the sonogram himself.
"you're having two babies?" jen asks. "two? as in two babies?"
"two babies," you nod.
"you guys have to be the most fertile people on earth," she shakes her head in disbelief. "how did you have sex twice and get knocked up each time?"
"they've had sex way more than twice," wooyoung scoffs, looking at san to confirm, "right?"
"shut up man."
"so wait," jen says, pulling your attention back. "what about the wedding?"
"it's on hold," you shrug.
"no," san butts in. "it's changing. but it's not on hold."
"you know what i meant baby," you wave him off.
"still didn't like it," he mumbles, and you grab his hand on your shoulder and kiss it in apology. as you pull away you yawn so big it brings tears to your eyes, and you slump back into the couch with a whine. "you didn't sleep enough?"
"no, i did," you grumble. "i was like this with violet, i could sleep all the time and never feel rested."
"well we're here now," jen sits up. "what can we do so you and san can rest?"
"really?" you're skeptical, only because wooyoung looks unsure of being volun-told to help out.
"uh, san?" you turn to him. "what haven't you done today?"
"you could make dinner," he smiles. "and wear violet out a little more. she told me someone gave her a bunch of candy during dismissal?" he says this looking at jen, who pretends not to notice.
"so i'll be on violet duty, and you cook dinner?" she says to wooyoung, who reluctantly agrees. "great, get to it pal."
"what kinda food do you have?" wooyoung asks. "or are you craving anything?"
"we bought stuff for burgers this morning," san replies, following wooyoung into the kitchen despite this being time for him to rest too. "cook y/n's until there's no pink left, and no cheese-"
as you get further into the pregnancy, you're getting more and more used to the idea of twins. you're glad you ended up with two babies, because now san gets the full experience of having a kid. with one baby, you could use all of violet's hand-me-downs. with two, you need to buy a second set of everything, so san is going trigger happy with the shopping sprees. by the end of the first trimester, you're pretty sure san has bought two of everything from the baby store by your house, and you even think he's got a salesperson on speed dial.
he's late getting back from work one day, and you immediately know where he went. you're not surprised when he comes home, bags hanging from his hands with violet skipping behind him. she's got two baby dolls in her arms, and she slides into the kitchen to show you.
"mommy! look! i'm like you!" she beams. "i'm practicing holding two babies, daddy got me new dolls at the store, and some pretend diapers so i can practice changing them, and he got these cool walkie-talkies for their room so me and the babies can tell secrets..." she trails off as she goes to her room to get the dolls settled with the rest of her toys, leaving you staring at a sheepish san with a hand on your hip. you're totally showing now, the baby belly so big you've just given up on what to wear. you've got an old sweatshirt on, one of san's from college, but even that can't cover the bump. your stomach peeks out, and san's hands rub soothingly over it as he gets closer.
"they're not walkie-talkies, they're baby monitors," san says. "and i got the dolls because she looked pretty bummed at all the baby stuff i was buying. i felt like she needed to know some things are still about her."
"good call," you nod, giving him a kiss. "but did we need more baby stuff?"
"we needed the monitors," he pouts. "the ones you had from vi's baby days were so old i had to crank them to turn them on."
"shut up."
"and i figured we could always use more diapers," he concludes. "so that's why there's a lot of bags."
"and vi's two babies?" you ask, smoothing out a wrinkle in his shirt.
"i blame you for that," he points in your face, and you nip at his finger. "she looks up to you so much, she wouldn't leave without getting 'twims like mommy.' how could i say no to that?"
"that is pretty sweet," you sigh. "you hungry? i made dinner."
"yeah, let me just put this stuff in the twin's room," he says, kissing your cheek before he steps away. "i'll get violet too."
after dinner, you and violet play with her new baby dolls while san figures out the baby monitors. violet is so excited to be a big sister, and you love seeing her practice with the dolls. she's caring like san, cooing at the babies the same way san coos at violet. she's asking great questions too, wondering how she can help when the babies come. you tell her about diapers, feeding, and cleaning up toys, and she listens intently.
"you know what you can do now though?" you ask. she shakes her head, so you scoot closer to her and hold her hands as you go on. "you can talk to the babies. they can hear everything we say, so it's nice to say hi, tell them who you are, and just let them hear your voice."
"they can hear us?" she looks confused. "how?"
"i don't know, bug," you laugh, "but they can. i talked to you all the time when you were in my belly, and when you were born as soon as i said something you started looking for me. you recognized my voice, because you could hear me in here. so do you wanna try talking to the twins?"
"ok," she says, leaning down to cup her hands over your belly. she talks into her hands, and the vibrations makes you giggle. "hi babies!"
"tell them your name," you encourage her.
"i'm violet, your big sister," she says, then looks up at you. "what now?"
"that can be all," you shrug. "you can talk to them more when you have something else to say."
"ok!" she looks satisfied, and you catch movement from the corner of your eye. san is there, watching proudly.
"what are my favorite girls up to?" he asks.
"talking to the babies," you reply. "you wanna say something?"
"maybe later," he smiles. "it's somebody's bedtime."
"no!" violet whines.
"come on baby, let's get ready for bed," you say as you try to stand. you can't, so san rushes to help you up. "did you get the monitors set up?"
"yeah, it was easy," he shrugs. "you got bath time or you need my help?"
"i'll do the bath if you get the bedtime story," you reply. "i've got about ten minutes of energy left in me."
once violet is all clean and in her pjs, you give her a kiss goodnight and head back to your room. meanwhile, san sits down for what will most likely turn into about an hour's worth of bedtime stories, so you start to doze off as you wait for him to finish up. you faintly hear him come into the room, the sound of the shower waking you up. you roll over and see one of the baby monitors already on the nightstand, and you watch it for a moment, remembering the days of baby vi and looking forward to the new babies. you think you're imagining it at first, but you definitely see movement on the screen. you look at it scared, thinking irrationally that it might be a ghost. but you see tiny little violet standing there with her baby dolls in her arms. you turn the volume up to get a better idea of what's happening.
"what are you doing up, baby?" san asks, a towel around his waist as he steps out of the bathroom. you shush him, and he crawls onto the bed to see what you're looking at. he hooks his chin over your shoulder, humming when he realizes what he's looking at. that's when you both hear her.
"hi babies, it's me again," violet whispers. "i'm not supposed to be awake so i gotta talk fast. but i'm really excited to meet you. you're gonna love mommy and daddy too. they're really nice."
"i think i'm gonna cry," you whisper.
"i'm already there," san sniffles, rubbing his nose into your shoulder.
"gross!" you shriek, and he hushes you quickly.
"stop! she might hear you!"
"oh, look, she's doing something," you bring the screen closer, and you see violet place a baby doll in each crib.
"good night babies!" she whispers, shuffling out of the room and back to hers. you and san laugh when you hear her accidentally slam her door shut, and you sit in silence for a minute as you think about what you just watched.
"hey," san whispers, and you twist to meet his eyes. "i love our little family."
"me too," you whisper back.
when your doctor called a few weeks ago with the sex of the twins, you got an idea. you knew your friends would be throwing you a baby shower, so you thought it would be fun for everyone to find out together. you had your doctor email the results to jen, who insisted she wouldn't be able to keep the secret that long, but so far she and wooyoung haven't blabbed (because you know she told him as soon as she knew). they, along with some of your friends from college, have been planning the shower for a couple weeks now, but no one will tell you anything about it. you almost think they're not gonna have it, until san wakes up one weekend to find half of the people he knows just sitting in his living room.
"what the hell?" he asks groggily, finding wooyoung across the room. "you broke into my house?"
"jen has a key," woooyung replies, but that still doesn't explain the situation.
"what-why? why are you all here?" san looks around, suddenly glad he put more clothes on before leaving the bedroom.
"surprise?" jen says, appearing from the kitchen. "we wanted to throw you a surprise shower."
"but we knew about it already," san says as he wipes his eyes. "so it was never a surprise."
"exactly! we made it one!"
"by breaking into my house," san yawns. "so we're doing this now?"
"if that's ok?" jen says. "i talked to y/n about it and she said it was fine."
"oh i'm the only one who didn't know about it then."
"y/n knew it was happening today, she just didn't know when," jen points out.
"fine," san yawns again. "i'll go get her. but she's grumpy in the morning, so beware."
"tell her there's donuts from her favorite place, and i got her a tea latte she told me she likes," jen reports. "and there's other stuff from the diner you go to all the time."
"got it," san nods sleepily, shuffling back into the bedroom. he falls down onto the bed, jostling you awake. "baby. there's people in our house."
"jen. she let a bunch of people into our house."
"we have to get up," san says as he rolls himself on top of you, holding himself up so he doesn't squish you or the babies. "now, baby."
"no. 'm tired."
"there's food."
"not hungry," you mumble, pulling san down so you can press your cheek to his. it leaves him in an awkward spot, wanting to cuddle you but not wanting to mess with your precious cargo.
"the sooner we go out there, the sooner they'll leave," san whispers into your ear.
"stop it, that's turning me on."
"oh?" san sits up with a smirk. "tell me more."
"no, help me up," you grumble. with a lot of effort, san gets you out of bed and helps you get dressed. against your protests, he insists on something that'll cover the bump at least while there are guests in the house. you do the same for him, finding the sweatshirt violet gave him that says 'i'm a rad dad' or something lame like that. san wears it with pride as he guides you back out to the party, friends you haven't seen in years stopping you for hugs or to uncomfortably touch your stomach. san keeps a protective eye on you while he looks around for violet, but he can't find her. where is that kid?
"there you are!" jen finds you, pulling you and san into a quick hug. "what took you so long? you knew we were coming."
"somebody didn't want to get up," san tattles.
"i am growing two humans inside of me," you state clearly. "sorry i needed the rest."
"whatever, come on," jen drags you to the kitchen. "we have breakfast."
"where's our kid?" you ask san, and he shrugs. "oh good, cool, house full of people and we don't know-"
"she's outside, crabby," jen cuts you off. "she and the other kids are helping me with some of the games. wooyoung went out there to supervise."
"but who's watching wooyoung?" san teases.
"violet," you and jen reply. she hands you a plate of food so full you're afraid it'll crack beneath the weight, but you've finally gotten over your morning sickness. this might be the first real breakfast you've eaten in months.
"bless you for this," you tell her. "thank you for throwing the shower."
"thanks for letting me have it at your house without you really knowing," she replies. "it won't be long, though, if you're not feeling up to a bunch of activity. mostly everyone has eaten, and the kids are almost done with the surprise outside. presents are in the babies' room, and everyone who brought diapers has already put them in your hall closet."
"can we do this every other month?" you ask through a mouthful of food. you watch san take a bite out of a pink frosted donut and turn to jen so fast it makes her jump.
"what's wrong with you?"
"the pink donuts," you point out. "it's two girls, isn't it?"
"what? no, you just like strawberry donuts, you weirdo," jen replies. "we'll do the boy or girl thing outside."
"did you get one of those baseballs that i can hit with the dust inside? i always wanted to do that," san says excitedly.
"that would've been nice to know earlier," jen says.
"eh, next kid then," san jokes.
once you're sufficiently stuffed, an excited violet sneaks in from the backyard and whispers something to jen. you see them across the room, and then jen calls everyone's attention. she says everyone but you and san can go outside, and you watch as they all trickle into the yard. there's sounds of surprise, some cheers, and even one squeal. you and san are confused, but violet and jen can't keep the smiles off their faces. you approach violet, bending down as best you can, and pinch her nose.
"you're keeping a secret again, aren't you?" you ask her, and she replies by shaking her head so hard her ponytail falls out. you help her fix it as jen explains the next part of the shower.
"so we've set up some games outside," she says. "and some blue or pink decorations. you'll be able to know as soon as you go out there, so you need to let me and vi walk out first, then i'll call for you to follow. got it?"
"i don't like when you go into teacher mode," you mumble.
"you asked for this," she replies. "am i understood?"
"good," she smiles and grabs violet's hand. they walk out together, keeping the door pulled as best they can to stop your prying eyes. you're left alone with san long enough to lace your fingers with his, squeezing his hand tightly before asking him, "you nervous?"
"no," he shakes his head. "i am so, so excited."
"come out!" you hear jen yell. you look to san, your free hand on the door, and he gives you an encouraging nod. you pull the door open but shut your eyes, and you walk into the backyard with san by your side. you only open your eyes when you hear a choked cry from san, and you understand why when you open your eyes.
you see your friends, your family, your beautiful daughter, surrounded by what seems like thousands of streamers. pink streamers. and blue, too.
"a boy and a girl," you turn to san, blinking away tears.
"just like you said. how did you know?" he asks in disbelief.
"it felt right," you reply. san's hands are rubbing over your stomach, and you feel something. "whoa."
"what was that?" san asks, his excitement only growing. "was that a kick?"
"baby girl or baby boy was saying hey," you nod, lifting your shirt regardless of the people around you so you and san can each place a hand over the babies. you feel a little kick beneath your hand followed by another near san, and you jump a little bit. "they're kicking! did you feel that?"
"oh my god," san breathes out. "i can't believe it. we're gonna have two babies."
"two babies that like to party, apparently," you comment, noticing that they haven't stopped wiggling since someone turned some music on. "they're gonna be trouble."
"they'll be perfect," san shakes his head, a sweet look in his eyes. "a boy and a girl! this couldn't be more perfect."
the twins are due any day now, and while you're about to burst because of the babies, san is gonna burst because of excitement. he was attentive before, but damn. now that your due date is looming, he's texting you every hour asking some variation of "are they here yet?"
your due date is actually two days from now, on wednesday, but san convinced you to start your maternity leave today. you've been trying to take a nap for the past hour, but you can't get comfortable enough. you wonder briefly if it's because san's not laying with you, but you don't think about that for too long. you get so uncomfy that you just give up, huffing your way to the living room so you can at least watch tv. as soon as you sit down, your phone starts to ring. it's san, calling on his lunch break.
"hey baby," he chirps when you answer. "how ya feelin?"
"like i'm nine months pregnant with twins."
"did you eat lunch yet? you sound hangry."
"no, i'm feeling nauseous again," you mumble as you move around on the couch. "i thought i was gonna get sick after my breakfast, so i'm not eating for a while to be safe."
"is that good for you and the babies, though?" he asks. "maybe you feel nauseous because you haven't eaten. the twins are basically sucking your life force right now, so you need more than a pop tart for breakfast."
"how did you know-"
"you want me to order something for you?" he asks, but you shake your head even though he can't see.
"no, i'll make something," you reply. "i've got all this anxious energy waiting for the babies to come, doing something with my hands will help."
"don't overdo it though, baby," san warns. "me and vi will be home early today, remember? so leave your dishes for us."
"why are you leaving early?"
"teacher conferences," san answers. "i told you like three times this morning."
"i was asleep, babe."
"oh, well, we'll be home early," he chuckles. "it'll be like that for the next two days."
"great, so you can hover over me even more," you pretend to groan, but san can hear the smile through your words.
"aren't you lucky?" he teases. "ok, well i gotta go, tell the babies i love em."
"oh! that reminds me!" you almost shout. "i thought of a name!"
"really?" san smiles. "for the boy or for the girl?"
"not telling, you'll have to wait till you come home," you taunt him. "see you soon my love."
over dinner, you discuss potential baby names. you and san are in agreement that the boy should be named oliver, but you can't settle on a girl name to save your life.
"no, none of those will be cute with oliver," you shake your head as san reads off a list of baby names. violet sits to your side, silently munching on her dinner, but she looks deep in thought.
"yeah, but if we call him oli," san starts again, and you groan.
"babe, that's cute for a little kid, but i don't want our son to be a grown man still introducing himself with a nickname," you insist. "we need a name that sounds good with oli and with oliver."
"then you look," san says, passing the phone to you. "but i stand by my choice."
"these are pretty," you point to a few on the list, but san scrunches his nose. "what's wrong with them?"
"i didn't know you were giving birth to a grandma," san jokes, and you reach over the table and pinch him. "ouch!"
"what about ivy?" violet asks, and in the midst of your bickering with san you almost miss her little voice. "ivy and oli sounds good, but so does ivy and oliver."
"i love it, bug," san smiles brightly at her. he looks to you for your opinion, but he frowns when he sees you crying. "what's wrong?"
"it's perfect," you blubber out, waving him off as he tries to comfort you. "i'm fine. i'm hormonal."
"but you like the name?" san asks, and you nod as you blow your nose. "vi, how'd you come up with ivy?"
"it's everywhere at the park," she shrugs. "we went on a nature walk today, and i saw the place where we met mommy with the bench and the violets."
"when you proposed," you say quietly. "there was ivy in the clearing when you proposed."
"that's it then," san smiles. "the twins will be named ivy and oliver."
"now we all have v's in our names!" violet cheers, but you and san look confused.
"mommy and daddy don't," you point out.
"this isn't for you, it's just for the kids," violet shakes her head, and you share a look with san like you know you've gotten yourselves into trouble. imagine two more violets running around, how are you gonna manage the sass?
"well then, time for the kids to go to bed," san says, looking at you and vi. "that includes you, mama. babies need sleep."
"but i'm comfortable," you groan. "i don't wanna move yet."
"i'll help you," san leaps into action, wrapping his arm around you as he helps you stand while violet watches on.
"ew, mommy, did you pee your pants?" she giggles, pointing to your seat. you and san turn to see what she's talking about, and you feel the wind get knocked out of you as you realize what this means.
"oh shit," you breathe out, turning to san. "my water broke. i'm having the babies."
san precariously gets you and violet to the hospital where jen meets you shortly after. she's prepared to hang with violet in the waiting room or take her back home if this takes too long, but violet's insisting that she wants to stay the whole time.
"i don't wanna go home," she pouts after you tell her the plan. "i can't miss the babies!"
"she's right," jen says, "she can't miss the babies."
"this might take a while, bug," san tells her, but violet shakes her head. he looks to jen next and asks, "are you cool to stay the night? i can call my sister if-"
"if violet's staying, i'm staying," jen says with finality. "i brought blankets, she and i can share."
"knock knock!" your doctor appears at the door. "are we ready for the first check in?"
"we'll be in the waiting room," jen ushers violet out while san moves next to the bed and reaches for your hand. he holds onto it tightly as the doctor goes through the motions of checking everything. when she finishes she looks at you both and smiles.
"well, everything looks good so far, i'll be back in a little bit to see how you're doing," your doctor says. "if you need me, just hit the call button, but i think you're in good hands."
"i am," you look to san. once the doctor leaves, you cup his face and bring him down for a kiss. "how ya feelin', dad?"
"i'm freaking out," he whispers back. "how are you not freaking out?"
"i've done this before," you shrug. "i know it's not that bad."
"but i don't!" san yelps. "you're about to do something that should be physically impossible! then we're gonna have two babies! three kids that we're responsible for! what are we gonna do?"
"san, look at me." he stops and leans his forehead against yours. "it's gonna be fine. freak out, don't freak out, whatever, but all you gotta do is stay by my side and watch the birth of your twins. all the stuff after, we'll figure it out together. yeah?"
"ok," he whispers.
"you're still freaking out, aren't you?"
"do you want something to do?" you ask. "something to help distract you?"
"help me get to the bathroom," you whine, holding your arms out. that gets a smile out of him, and he leaps into action. he spends the next few hours waiting on you hand and foot, trying to keep his mind occupied while you wait for the babies. when the doctor finally says it's time, he does what you asked him to and stays by your side, ready to watch something magical happen.
despite having two babies, labor this time around is so much easier. you know it's all because of san. aside from waiting on your every need, just his presence is making this experience better. you can't believe you did this without him the first time. he's invested in every second, taking in every moment like he's never seen anything so spectacular. when the doctor says it's time for you to start pushing, you don't think you've ever seen him so happy. san stays by your side, holding a leg in place as you push. it's hell, but you make it through. it feels like forever, but before you know it, there's a baby about to come into the world.
"dad, you might want to watch this part," the doctor calls to san. he joins her, watching as the first baby is born. there are tears in his eyes as you hear the cries of a little baby, and you watch as they lift the squirming mess into the air.
"a girl," san breathes out. "our baby girl."
"hey ivy," you say softly, out of breath and voice hoarse. her little cries stop for a second, and you call her name again. she seems soothed by it, by your voice, so you keep talking to her as the nurses clean her up. it gives you a chance to breathe, to rest, and san rejoins you while keeping a stern eye on anyone touching his baby. they hand her to you first, and you hold her warmth close to your chest. san's hand cups her head before kissing it.
"hi ivy," he whispers. "i'm your dad."
"that's the annoying guy who sang to you every night," you whisper to the little baby, and san rolls his eyes.
"mommy liked it, don't listen to her," he whispers back. you could keep going, but the doctor's voice calls your attention.
"mom, are you ready to push again?" she asks, and you shake your head.
"one more minute," you whine, and she laughs.
"you know it doesn't work like that," she smiles. "you still have to meet your son."
"i'll take ivy," san says, scooping her tiny form into his big arms. he cradles her softly with so much love in his eyes. a nurse offers to take her, but he shakes his head vehemently. he hoists her into one arm and resets himself next to you, his strong arm holding your leg in place as the doctor instructs you to push again. soon you're holding your son, san next to you holding your daughter. the doctor and nurses have left to give you some time, but you jolt up in concern. san looks at you, scared, and asks, "what?! what's wrong? are you hurt?"
"where's violet? she needs to see the babies before they go to the nursery," you say, and immediately san is sliding ivy into your grasp. he runs into the waiting room, slowing his steps as he approaches jen and violet's sleeping forms. he kneels down in front of violet, stroking her hair softly to wake her up. she peeks an eye open, an eager look on her face when she sees her dad smiling in front of her.
"babies?" she asks, and all san has to do is nod before violet shoots out of her seat, bouncing in place as san takes her hand and leads you to your room.
"hey big sister," you greet her quietly. "c'mere." you scoot over in your bed, and san helps lift her into place. she leans over you with wonder in her eyes, her little hands clasped beneath her chin like she wants to touch them but is too afraid. "who do you wanna hold first?"
"ivy," she replies, then shakes her head. "no, oliver. no, both of them!"
"if you want to hold them both, then let daddy help you ok?" you ask her, and san lifts violet into his lap so he can sit next to you. he shows violet how to hold a baby by lifting oli into his arm, then passes him to violet. once she's got a good hold on her brother, san uses his legs to kind of cup violet in his grasp so she has enough support to hold ivy too. with the twins in her arms, she looks so proud. you and san watch her with stars in your eyes until violet's face screws up and you ask what's wrong.
"i think oli just farted on me," she scowls. "take him back."
"sugar, you're gonna have a hard time with the babies if you're grossed out by a little fart," you tell her.
"it wasn't little, it rumbled-"
"here, i'll take him," san laughs. he holds oliver while violet coos over ivy, and with your family happily by your side you slowly start to doze off. san notices when he hears you softly snoring, and he helps violet get up so they can place the babies in their cradles. san tells violet that the doctor needs to take the babies for a little bit, and he can take violet back out to the waiting room to go back to sleep if she wants.
"but i wanna stay with mommy," she pouts, looking just like you. it hits him then that while he's got two new babies, his first baby is growing up.
"alright," he concedes quickly, the exhaustion hitting him too. "you can get into bed with mommy. i'll go get the nurses so they can check on the babies."
when san comes back into the room, the emotions of the day hit him hard. he's got his family, finally. the babies are here, and his other babies are sound asleep, violet's little arms hugged tight around your neck. he walks around the bed, placing a kiss on violet's forehead and then yours. when he pulls back, he sees you staring at him, and he coos, "baby, you should be asleep."
"the boa constrictor woke me up," you joke, pointing to violet. "what are you doing?" you ask as you watch san settle in the uncomfortable hospital chair by your bed.
"i'm figuring out how to lay down," he answers, shuffling around, but you make a grabby hand for him. "baby, we can't all fit in that bed."
"yes we can," you say, holding onto violet and scooting to the far side of the bed. "see? san sized spot right here."
"you sure we'll be able to sleep like this?" he asks as he settles next to you anyway, your head finding its spot on his shoulder as you close your eyes.
"i could sleep on a bed of rocks as long as you're next to me," you mumble. "but if you're really uncomfortable-"
"no," san cuts you off, a blush warming his cheeks. "i'm good."
"good," you reply with a tired smile. "i love you, san."
"i love you more, y/n," he whispers into your hair, placing a kiss to the top of your head. "thank you for today. for our kids."
"thanks for having super sperm," you tease, and san pinches your hip in response.
"go to sleep, crazy lady."
life with san and your babies is bliss. yes, it's loud, it's exhausting, and your house is a mess, but you wouldn't have it any other way. san and violet love doting on the babies, and you love seeing your family so complete. every day though, san reminds you that it won't really be complete until you're married. sure, you've got the ring, but san keeps reminding you that there's a wedding to be planned. but with the babies, violet, your jobs, how are you supposed to add a wedding to all that?
you're trying to multitask, feeding the babies as you try to look at wedding venues on your phone. you've got oli on your chest, your shirt discarded beside you. you're at home, who cares if your tits are out? you've found a venue you like, so you're about to call for san when you look up to see him staring at you from the doorway.
"what are you doing?" you squint at him. "how long have you been standing there?"
"few minutes," he replies, staring at your chest.
"come on, stop," you blush. "you're embarrassing."
"and you're still hot," he finally pulls himself out of his trance. "need me to hold a baby? or a boob?"
"no, come look at this," you hand him your phone. "a venue for the wedding?"
"i like it," he nods. "is it nice enough though?"
"san, my love," you chuckle. "we can't get married in a castle."
"but you deserve it," he frowns, scrolling through the pictures more. "or maybe we make it into a trip? get married in the mountains?"
"or what if we elope and get it over with?" you groan, pulling oliver over your shoulder to burp him.
"get it over with?" san looks at you with concern in his eyes. he joins you on the bed, leaning over ivy to play with her hands as he continues. "i know we both want to get married as soon as possible, but i want you to have your dream wedding. when you were younger, what did you want your wedding to look like?"
"well if we're going by what i wanted as a kid, i'd be marrying prince eric from the little mermaid," you tease.
"is that why you always put that on for violet?" he looks back at you with fake hurt in his eyes.
"can we switch babies?" you ask. "ivy hasn't been fed yet."
"am i after her?" san jokes, and you kick him. "here you go," he says as he passes ivy to you. he takes oliver and starts bouncing him, getting happy giggles from your bundle of joy.
"don't shake him so hard he pukes," you warn san. "i don't want baby vomit on our bed."
"violet asked if she could sleep in the twin's room tonight, by the way," san looks at you. "she's obsessed with them."
"what did you tell her?"
"that the babies wake up a lot, so if she's in there she won't get any sleep," san explained. "but then she said she'd be just like us, so."
"what if we let her sleep in our room?" you offer.
"what about our alone time?" san pouts. "i had plans for tonight."
"what's gotten into you?" you laugh. "you're hornier than usual today."
"sorry if i wanna love on my wife," san mumbles.
"still not your wife, baby," you say as ivy finishes up. "since you don't wanna elope, we gotta wait."
"when you say elope, what do you have in mind? we run away in the middle of the night and get hitched?"
"kinda," you shrug. "that, or we go to the courthouse. we can get married now, have the wedding later."
"i'll think about it," san says. "but no prince eric at either one."
that night, you and san let violet sleep in your room. she lays cocooned between you both, clinging to the blankets as you and san take turns to check on the twins. it's the best sleep you've had in weeks, and you wake up to find san staring at you from across the bed. he winks when he catches you awake, that mischievous glint in his eyes that you love so much.
"what?" you ask. "is my bedhead bad or something?"
"no," he shakes his head. "i want to marry you today."
"what?" you ask again, sitting up. "you're crazy."
"you're the one that wanted to do it now!" san whines. "what made you change your mind?"
"what made you change your mind?" you ask. "i thought you wanted a wedding."
"i want to be married to you," san replies. "don't care how. i just want it to be soon. now. today."
"today?" you confirm, and san nods. "well, let's get the babies. and jen. and wooyoung! they can be our witnesses."
"why are you guys talking so much," violet mumbles between you. "it's early."
"vi, wake up," you tussle her hair and she groans.
"bug, we're getting married today," san whispers to her, and her eyes snap open.
"FINALLY!" she shouts, and you both laugh. "mommy, what dress are you wearing?"
that afternoon, you married the love of your life. it took you long enough, right? it was years in the making, but it didn't come a moment too soon. as you stood there, one baby in your arms, another wrapped in san's, with your beautiful daughter standing between you, you knew this was the wedding meant for you. you and san have created a life together that you've both always dreamed of. you wouldn't want it any other way.
as you leave the courthouse, you can't stop smiling. jen and wooyoung walk ahead of you, violet standing between them as she blabbers on about something. you and san are holding a baby each, your free hands intertwined. he looks at you smiling, a question on his lips.
"what next, mrs. choi?" he asks, and you shrug.
"whatever you want, mr. choi," you reply. "we've got nothing but time."
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weministertomonsters · 7 months
"Please? Please, please! I'm fucking starving," your incubus whines.
"Crybaby. I told you this was going to be a problem," you sigh, gripping the steering wheel of your rented car.
You had stopped at a gas station ten minutes ago and gotten yourself some food. With your belly full, you're prepared for the next three hours of your roadtrip. Not your incubus though, he's acting like he hasn't had anything in days.
Which might be true. It's been a confusing couple of weeks.
"What was I supposed to do? This is a six-hour road trip," he sighs. "And you said you'd let me."
"Dude, I was drunk and horny," you laugh sheepishly.
He petulantly jams his foot against the glove compartment and tugs his shoe off. The unnatural purple veins in his skin are starting to make an appearance as his glamour wavers.
"Ah, get your demon foot down! What if someone sees it?"
"When was the last time we passed another car on this god-forsaken road?" He pouts. "Besides, my glamour is slipping. I don't have enough energy to keep it up."
"Why don't you sleep the rest of the way? We'll be there soon enough," you reason.
"Fine," he grumbles, tipping his seat back so he can recline comfortably.
Despite all his huffing and whining, he ends up falling asleep. He has one hand draped over his face, sheilding his eyes from the sun. His glamour is in the halfway stage, revealing pointed ears and a body that's now a little too large for the car seat. He twitches in his sleep and moans.
"God no," you mumble in mock horror and stifle a giggle.
The sounds he makes in his sleep are worthy of a porn audio and you feel like you shouldn't be listening. Still, that kind of thing doesn't bother you as much as it did weeks go. You've come a long way. The ride is manageable for a while, until his wings suddenly unfurl like a rebellious umbrella and thwack you in the face. You're forced to pull over.
"Wake up, idiot. You almost made me crash the car." You grab his shoulder and jangle it.
He wakes up with an inhuman growl and grabs you. There isn't much space for either of you to move, so all he ends up doing is pulling you into his lap. Tears spring into your eyes when you hit your elbow on the car door.
"You did that on purpose!" You moan, rubbing the tender spot.
"You can't just touch me when I'm sleeping," he says in exasperation, peering at you with blackened eyes.
He's right. This isn't the first time you've tried to wake him up and he ended up freaking out. It's obvious something happened to him in the past to make him act that way, but he wouldn't let you pry.
"Sorry, I forgot," you admit. "You were moaning in your sleep."
"Was I?" His eyes twinkle. "Look at you, getting all flustered. Hey, don't look away."
To change the subject you say,
"Your glamour is gone."
"It appears so." He flares his wings out as wide as he can, wincing. "I miss flying."
"Soon you'll be able to fly again," you promise, your heart going out to him.
Even though summoning him was an accident, you could have done so much more to make the experience a little less weird for him. You treated him like a literal demon thanks to your religious upbringing. Only when you realized that holy water and crosses and exorcisms were no good did you start to treat him with a modicum of respect. And he endured all of it for you. You've gotten better with your hellish companion since then.
Someone takes the initiative to kiss, but you're not sure whether it was him or you. All you know is that the wall you've built has come crashing down, and all the secret desires you hid away come clamoring forward, demanding attention.
You can't get out of your clothes fast enough, growling in annoyance when you hit your elbow again. You should have rented a bigger car.
"Hold on," he says, ripping his face away.
His lips are swollen and bruised from the heavy makeout session and his pupils are ridiculously dilated, but he still looks aware and a little worried.
"An hour ago you were denying me. Why now..."
"Don't ruin the mood," you tell him, wiggling into the backseat. "I just realized all my little rules are pretty stupid, that's all."
He twists around to look at you in the back.
"You won't regret it later?"
"I will if you made me take all my clothes off only to say you don't want to do it anymore," you say, leaning back and opening your legs. "Come here."
His eyes light up. If he had a tail, it would be wagging. The last of his glamour sheds, and you stare at his ebony-colored horns in admiration. Just a few weeks ago the mere sight of them had you stammering the Lord's Prayer and dousing him with anointing oil in an effort to make him go away. Now you grab one of his horns and drag him closer. The small car means you are both in pretty uncomfortable positions, but you'll complain about your back later.
His licks a blazing trail down your stomach, the purr in his voice muffled as he presses his lips to your body, tracing the red lines where your too-tight jeans aggravated your skin.
"I love this."
"My muffin top?" You snicker.
"All of it. All of you. Goddess," he says reverently before he dips between your legs.
His long, slippery tongue is talented. As he stokes your pleasure higher and hotter, he drinks from the blaze of it. Once he has enough energy to use his glamour again, he glamours his claws away and slides two fingers into you, looking up at you with gleaming, burning eyes.
The way his wings arch makes you think of an eagle protecting its dinner. You dare to touch them, stroking the struts of bone and the delicate membrane stretched between them.
"You're so beautiful," you admit. "And I'm not just saying that because you're so good at this."
He looks amused with the compliment. Maybe he's remembering the time you called him a "vulgar hellion of hell" in a fit of religious indignation.
You jump at the sudden zing of pleasure when he nips your inner thigh.
"Focus on me," he demands. "Let your mind go blank for just a little while."
You nod frantically, clutching the sturdy leather of the car seat. Your hips follow the thrusting motion of his fingers, desperate for more. He gives you what you want. You come when he adds a third finger, the stretch, and the pleasure and the stimulation of your clit throwing you recklessly off a cliff. It feels like he takes some of your energy, crafts it into a gem of pure gold, and passes it back to you in a hard kiss. It's like you've died and gone to heaven.
It's only when he taps your stomach that you remember you have to breathe. You suck in great gasps of air, squinting at him. He wears your cum on his face, his lips glistening as they part into a pretty smile.
"What was that?" You finally ask.
"The best orgasm of your life," he grins. "Please tell me I've ruined you for other people."
"Don't get ahead of yourself," you scoff playfully as you tug your clothes back on.
You think he has though.
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Day 1: first kiss
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
You were walking along the inside of the sidewalk, enjoying the story that your friend was telling you animatedly, while both of you headed to your apartment.
You had been dating a few weeks with Dr. Spencer Reid, whom you had met at your book club. He was the only man attending and although the old women were completely sweet with him, they were no competition for you, who had liked you from the first glance. He had invited you on a date with the excuse of talking a little more about the last book you had read and when you were alone with him you ended up seeing how charming he was. That allowed you to ask for a new date and so you continued to see each other frequently, when Spencer's work allowed it.
He was a gentleman with you and although it was obvious that you liked each other, he had been too cautious to make any move beyond taking you to nice places and buying you flowers.
“If I'm overwhelming you, you can tell me,” he laughed, a little embarrassed that he had been talking for most of the way.
“I really like hearing you talk. You always have something good to say.”
You were very close to your apartment and both of you slowed down considerably, as if you weren't ready to separate yet. You had been walking with your hands in the pockets of your coat to keep yourself protected from the autumn cold that was already beginning to set in, wishing that it was his hands that kept yours warm.
“Sometimes I feel like I'm still not used to it”
"To what?"
“To be with someone as kind as you,” he confessed to you, smiling slightly “You are literally the nicest person I know.”
“That's not true, I have a lot of bad things,” you tried to excuse yourself, even though it was totally true, hoping that he wouldn't start idealizing you as something you weren't.
“We all have them, that's true. But it is also true that you are gentle and good” he added. Spencer was so mature and so gorgeous that you doubted there was a man like him on earth and even with the short time you had been dating you believed he was good boyfriend material. Excellent boyfriend material, to tell the truth.
“You're going to the club this month, right?”
“I'll try,” he replied, when both of you were in front of your building. “You know, work…”
“This month I have to bring the snacks. And I was thinking about preparing something you like, if you want” you murmured shyly.
Your cooking skills were something you prided yourself on and you wanted to show him that you too were talented, just like he was with almost everything. Spencer smiled at the idea and gave you a list of suggestions, which you excitedly wrote down in your mind.
You didn't want to enter your house, but your excuses to keep him longer had run out and you even felt a little selfish for wanting even more from him after spending almost the entire afternoon together. But it was inevitable to want his company.
“We'll see you soon, okay?” he promised you, bending down a little to wrap you in a goodbye hug “I will try my best to be free on the day of the meeting.”
“No pressure, I'll save you some snacks and we can eat them at my apartment later,” you suggested, venturing to plan a date at a more intimate place that you two hadn't climbed to yet.
Spencer smiled from her spot and you knew that this was the final goodbye, although neither of you were very happy.
“Good night, Y/N.”
You responded in the same way and then you saw him start walking down the sidewalk, but this time you didn't go straight in like you did before. You weren't going to waste your chance, nor the pang of bravery that seemed to have hit you.
“Spencer! I think you're forgetting something," you exclaimed, loud enough to stop him and make him retrace his steps to look at you with a confused expression.
"What is it?"
“This” quickly and without leaving room for complaints, you pulled him by his tie until he was close to you and planted a chaste kiss on his lips, which were slightly stained with lipstick that matched the man's cheeks “You can go, rest”
“Huh… you too”
It was obvious that you had taken him by surprise, but it had been worth it just to see him in that state, trying to hide the emotion that the caress had given him and keeping his gaze on your mouth probably debating whether he should kiss you again or not.
This time you did walk in the direction of the entrance, but he was the one who didn't move, still processing what had just happened. You waved your hand from the door to say goodbye and he waved back, smiling tenderly at you. You'd like to say you didn't spy on him as you walked up the stairs, but that would be a lie, and so would saying you didn't see his excited little dance when he thought he was out of sight.
Although very brief, it was the best first kiss you had ever had in your life.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove
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lila-lou · 6 months
✨Beyond saving - Pt. 3✨
Summary: I hate summaries, so this is part 3 of "Beyond saving".
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only!, Smut, mention of rape (well, detailed), Language, Angst, Hurt, soft dean (literally), it´s just a loooot
Word Count: 7600
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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As another week has passed, Sam entered the kitchen, noticing you sitting alone on the ground, your eyes fixed on the table where Dean had inflicted so much pain upon you. He approached you cautiously, sensing the weight of your emotions hanging heavy in the air.
"Hey", Sam said softly. "How are you holding up?".
You glanced up at him, your eyes weary and filled with sadness. "I'm… I'm trying", you replied hoarsely, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sam sat down beside you, offering a comforting presence as he reached out to gently squeeze your hand. "I know it's not easy", he said sympathetically.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you leaned into Sam's embrace, the weight of your pain almost too much to bear.
"I know it's hard to believe right now, but Dean still loves you", he said gently. "He's hurting too, maybe even more than you realize. He hates himself for what he's done to you, for what the demonic version of himself did. It wasn't the real Dean, you know that, right?".
You nodded slowly, tears brimming in your eyes as you struggle to come to terms with Sam's words. "I want to believe that. But it's so hard, Sam. Every time I look at him, all I can see is… is what he did to me".
"I know", he mumbled. "But you have to remember that Dean would do anything to take back what happened, to make things right between you two. He's fighting his own demons right now, just like you are. And I know that deep down, he's still the man you fell in love with".
"I know it's going to take time", he said gently. "But I truly believe that you and Dean can find your way back to each other. You've been through so much together, and I know that love doesn't just disappear overnight".
"Thank you, Sam", you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "I don't know what I would do without you".
Sam smiled warmly, giving your hand another reassuring squeeze. "You don't have to thank me. We're family, and family looks out for each other. We'll get through this together, I promise".
As the days passed, you found yourself greeted each morning by the aroma of freshly prepared meals and the sight of a bouquet of flowers adorning your doorstep. With each delivery, your heart ached with a mixture of longing and hesitation, unsure of how to respond to Dean's gestures of remorse and affection.
Yet, despite your reservations, you couldn't deny the sincerity of his efforts. Each handwritten note contained memories of the happiest moments you had shared together, reminding you of the love and joy that had once filled your relationship.
With each meal and each note, Dean sought to bridge the gap between you, to remind you of the bond that had once bound you together. And though you remained guarded, the warmth of his gestures began to thaw the icy walls around your heart, slowly but surely.
As you sat alone in your room, reading through Dean's heartfelt words and savoring the meals he had prepared, you couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within you. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was a chance for forgiveness and reconciliation after all. And with that thought in mind, you found yourself daring to believe in the possibility of a brighter future, one where love and trust could prevail over pain and sorrow.
As the days passed, you found yourself slowly opening up to the idea of letting him back into your life, of giving him a chance to make amends for the pain he had caused.
With each meal he prepared and each note he left, Dean showed you that he was willing to do whatever it took to earn your forgiveness and rebuild the trust that had been shattered.
Two weeks later, as Sam ordered Pizza, Dean made his way towards sam and the delicious smell. As Dean reached for the pizza, a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks. Startled, he turned to see you sitting next to Sam, your gaze fixed on your hands clasped tightly in your lap. For a moment, he hesitated, unsure of what to do or say.
But then, a flicker of hope ignited within him as he realized what this moment meant. After weeks of isolation and silence, you had finally taken a step forward.
With cautious optimism, Dean approached you, his movements slow and deliberate. He sat down beside you, careful not to startle you, his heart pounding with uncertainty.
"Hey", he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's, uh, it's good to see you".
You glanced up at him, your eyes meeting his briefly before flickering away. Dean's heart ached at the sight of your pain.
As the dinner progressed, a heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional clinking of utensils against plates. Dean tried to muster up the courage to speak, to break the tension that seemed to suffocate the room, but the words caught in his throat.
Your gaze fixed on your plate, unable to meet Dean's eyes or engage in conversation. Every fiber of your being screamed with discomfort, your stomach churning with anxiety from being in such close proximity to him.
Dean shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his heart heavy with guilt and regret. He longed to reach out to you, to apologize for everything he had put you through, but he knew that words alone would never be enough to mend the damage he had caused.
Finally, unable to bear the suffocating silence any longer, Sam cleared his throat, breaking the tension with a forced smile. "So, uh, how's the pizza?", he asked, attempting to steer the conversation away from the elephant in the room.
You shrugged, not trusting yourself to speak, your throat tight with emotion. Dean swallowed hard, his own discomfort palpable as he forced himself to take a bite of his pizza, the taste turning to ash in his mouth.
Despite his best efforts to push aside his guilt and make things right, Dean couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him like a dark cloud. As the dinner dragged on, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to truly make amends for the pain he had caused you.
As the tension lingered, Sam attempted to lighten the mood with small talk, but his efforts fell flat against the weight of the unspoken turmoil between you and Dean. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, the heaviness in the air suffocating.
Dean's heart ached with every glance he stole in your direction, the sight of your pain etched into every line of your face piercing him like a knife. He wanted nothing more than to reach out to you, to beg for your forgiveness.
For you, the meal was a torturous ordeal, you struggled to suppress the torrent of emotions threatening to consume you.
After dinner, Sam tentatively suggested watching a movie together, hoping to provide a distraction from the heavy atmosphere that lingered between you and Dean. He could see the strain etched on both of your faces and desperately wanted to find a way to bring a sense of normalcy back to your lives.
You hesitated, the thought of spending more time in Dean's presence filling you with dread. But with a small nod from Sam, you reluctantly agreed.
As Sam set up the movie, you and Dean found yourselves sitting on opposite ends of the couch, a palpable distance separating you. The air was thick with unspoken words and unresolved tension, but for the moment, you both focused on the screen in front of you, allowing the movie to serve as a temporary escape from the turmoil that surrounded you.
Despite the heaviness that still hung in the air, there was a glimmer of hope in Sam's eyes as he watched the two of you attempt to coexist in the same space. He knew that healing would take time and effort, but he was determined to do whatever it took to bring his family back together, one small step at a time. And as the movie played on, he silently prayed that tonight would mark the beginning of a new chapter for all of you.
As the movie played on, Dean found it nearly impossible to tear his gaze away from you, his heart aching with every fleeting glance he stole in your direction.
A torrent of guilt and remorse washed over him, threatening to drown him in its depths.
In that moment, Dean would have given anything to ease your suffering, to take away the pain that he had inflicted upon you. If cutting out his own heart and offering it to you would mean healing your wounded soul, he would do it in a heartbeat.
But as he sat there, watching you, he felt utterly powerless, his own torment mirrored in your tear-stained eyes.
Another week passed, and tentatively, you began to open up to Dean once more. Your heart clenched with uncertainty as you heard his voice, but you knew that avoiding him forever would only prolong the pain for both of you. So, you found yourselves sitting across from each other at the large map-table.
Dean's question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions. "Are you able to sleep again?", he asked, his voice laced with concern and regret.
You hesitated for a moment, the memories of sleepless nights and haunted dreams flooding back to you. But then, with a small nod, you found the strength to answer. "Yeah, I am", you replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
It was a small victory, but it felt like a significant step forward.
"I'm so sorry", he whispered, his words heavy with regret. "I can't even begin to express how sorry I am for what I did to you".
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself as you met his gaze. "You hurt me, Dean", you said, your voice quivering with emotion. "You hurt me in ways I never thought possible".
Dean's expression crumpled, his heart breaking as he listened to your words. "I know", he murmured, his voice choked with tears. "I know and I hate myself for it".
"You… you raped me, Dean", you continued, the words catching in your throat. "You violated me in the worst possible way".
Tears fell down Dean's face as he listened to your confession, the weight of his actions bearing down on him like a crushing weight. "I'm so sorry", he repeated. "I'm so sorry for what I did to you".
You took a shaky breath, your heart heavy with pain. "I want you to understand", you said, your voice wavering with emotion. "I want you to understand what you did to me".
"You shoved me against the table, Dean. You didn't care that I was begging you to stop. You didn't care that I was in pain".
Dean´s voice choked with tears. "I know, I know. I was a monster. I should have never—". But you cut him off. "You broke my wrists, Dean. Do you even realize how much that hurt? Every time I moved, every time I tried to do anything, I was in agony".
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never should have touched you".
By now, your voice was trembling with emotion. "And my ribs, Dean. You broke them too. Every breath felt like knives stabbing into my chest. I couldn't even breathe without feeling like I was going to pass out". Tears started streaming down your face.
"And then you… you fucked me until I bled, Dean. Do you understand what you did to me? Do you understand how much pain you caused?". You paused. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive you, Dean. But I want you to know… I want you to know what you did to me".
Dean sat there with teary eyes and wet cheeks, his heart breaking with each word that fell from your lips. He listened to the pain in your voice, the anguish in your eyes.
Every detail you recounted of the horrors he had inflicted upon you pierced his soul like a thousand knives. He couldn't bear to look away, couldn't bear to turn his gaze from your tear-streaked face.
In that moment, he felt the weight of his actions crush him with a force he had never known before. He wanted nothing more than to reach out, to hold you close. But he knew that he didn't deserve it, knew that he had caused you too much pain to ever be worthy of your love again.
All he could do was sit there, his heart heavy with regret, and pray that somehow, someday, he could find a way to make amends for the irreparable damage he had done.
"I lay there for hours", you confessed, the memories still vivid in your mind. "I couldn't move, couldn't even catch my breath. Every inch of my body was screaming in pain, and all I could do was lie there and pray for it to end".
You continue, your voice laced with bitterness and sorrow. "After that, I stopped looking for you", you admit, the words heavy on your tongue. "I stopped trying to save you, stopped caring".
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of your words sinking in.
Dean's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he listened to your words, his knuckles white from the tight grip he held on his emotions. "I wanted to kill myself", he confessed in a voice barely above a whisper. "That's how much I hated myself for what I did to you".
Your words cut through the heavy silence like a knife, each syllable dripping with the bitterness of your pain. "I'm already dead because of what you did to me", you said, your voice laced with a coldness that sent a shiver down Dean's spine.
His eyes closed in anguish, the weight of your words bearing down on him like a crushing burden. You were his everything, the love of his life, and the thought of spending his days without you was unbearable.
"I wanted to marry you, to build a future together", Dean whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I wanted to have children with you, to grow old with you by my side. But I… I broke you".
The pain and heartache radiating from him was palpable, and despite your own suffering, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of empathy for the man who had once held your heart in his hands.
"I know", you finally replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I know you're hurting, Dean. But… but what you did to me, it's something I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive".
Dean's shoulders sagged with the weight of your words, his gaze dropping to the floor as he struggled to contain his emotions.
"I understand", he said softly, his voice tinged with regret. "I don't expect you to forgive me, not after what I've done".
During the following two weeks, Dean spared no effort to demonstrate that he was no longer the monster he had once been. He cooked for you, cleaned the bunker without being asked, and even went out of his way to avoid any situation that might make you uncomfortable. Every gesture was infused with a desperate longing for redemption, a silent plea for your forgiveness.
As you sat in the TV room, enveloped by the soft glow of the screen, a bowl of popcorn nestled in your lap, you felt a sense of tentative peace settle over you. It was the first evening Dean and you had been alone since Sam and Cas had left on their hunt, and for once, the weight of the past seemed to lift ever so slightly from your shoulders.
Lost in the movie playing before you, you barely noticed when Dean appeared in the doorway. His eyes lingered on you, filled with longing.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. But then, with a hesitant step forward, Dean cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the room.
"Mind if I join you?", he asked, his voice tentative as he gestured to the empty space beside you on the couch.
You hesitated, torn between the desire to push him away and the faint glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, things could be different this time. After a moment's pause, you nodded silently, scooting over to make room for him on the couch.
As Dean settled in beside you, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, his eyes softening with gratitude and relief.
Dean watched you, his gaze lingering on your profile as you became engrossed in the movie playing on the screen. A flicker of recognition crossed his features as he realized it was the same movie from your first night together in the bunker—the night when everything had felt so new and full of promise.
"You remember this?", he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he glanced at you, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.
You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips as memories of that night flooded back. "Yeah", you replied, your voice tinged with warmth. "It feels like a lifetime ago".
Dean's expression softened at your words, sadness clouding his features. "I miss those days", he admitted. "I miss us".
You turned to look at him. "I miss us too", you whispered.
For a moment, the two of you sat in silence, lost in memories of happier times.
Dean hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hope or forgiveness. "Are you willing to give me another chance?", he asked quietly. "All I want is to make things right, to hold you in my arms and ease your pain. I want to heal what I destroyed, to show you that I'm not the same person I was back then".
You felt a tug at your heartstrings as you looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and regret reflected in their depths. Part of you wanted to believe him. But another part of you was still wary, still hesitant to open yourself up to the possibility of being hurt again.
"I don't know, Dean", you admitted. "I want to believe that you're capable of being the man I once loved. But… I'm scared. Scared of getting hurt again".
Dean's heart sank at your words. "I understand", he said softly, his voice tinged with sadness. "I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust, to show you that I'm worthy of a second chance. Just… please don't give up on me".
As you sat there, grappling with the tumultuous emotions swirling inside you, memories of your past with Dean flooded your mind. You couldn't deny the depth of your love for him, even now, despite the pain and betrayal you had endured.
You remembered the way he used to make you laugh, the warmth of his embrace, and the way his touch could make your heart race with excitement. Despite everything that had happened, a part of you still longed for those moments of intimacy and connection that you had once shared with him.
But alongside the memories of love and happiness, there was also the lingering shadow of pain. You couldn't forget the agony of that fateful night, the way Dean had shattered your trust and left you broken and bruised.
Yet, as you looked into his eyes now, you saw the same love and longing reflected back at you.
Dean's voice trembled with emotion as he opened up to you, his words raw and filled with longing. "I've missed you so much", he mumbled. "I miss the way you used to sleep on my chest, your soft breathing. I miss the sound of your laughter, the way it could light up a room and make all the darkness disappear".
He reached out tentatively, as if afraid you might pull away, and gently brushed a strand of hair from your face. "Without you, I'm lost".
You felt a tug at your heartstrings as you listened to his words, seeing the pain and vulnerability in his eyes. Despite everything that had happened between you, you couldn't deny the depth of his love for you, or the longing in his voice as he spoke of wanting to make things right.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you locked eyes with Dean, his gaze searching yours with an intensity that made your breath catch in your throat. A whirlwind of emotions churned inside you—fear, longing, uncertainty—each vying for dominance as you grappled with the decision before you.
Part of you wanted to pull away, to retreat into the safety of your own walls and protect yourself from the possibility of being hurt again. But another part of you, a part that still held onto the memories of love and happiness you had shared with Dean, yearned for connection, for healing, for the chance to rebuild what had been broken between you.
And so, with trembling hands and a heart that threatened to burst from your chest, you leaned in slowly, ever so slowly, towards Dean. Each inch felt like an eternity, the weight of your decision heavy on your shoulders as you closed the distance between you.
As your lips met his in a tentative kiss, a surge of emotion washed over you, overwhelming in its intensity. It was a moment of vulnerability, of raw honesty, as you allowed yourself to let go of the pain and hurt that had consumed you for so long.
You cupped Dean's face in your hands, feeling the rough stubble beneath your fingertips as you leaned into the kiss, savoring the warmth of his lips against yours.
Dean hesitated for a moment, unsure where to place his hands, afraid of scaring you away with too much intimacy. His heart clenched at the touch of your lips, a familiar ache settling in his chest as he finally felt the softness of your kiss again after so long.
Despite the pain that lingered in your heart, there was a sense of comfort in Dean's embrace, a familiarity that whispered of happier times gone by. For a moment, the world fell away as you lost yourself in the sweetness of the moment, each kiss a silent promise of hope and redemption.
But beneath the surface, there was still a lingering sense of uncertainty, a fear of the unknown that threatened to overshadow the fragile connection you were trying to rebuild. And yet, as you pulled away from the kiss, a glimmer of hope flickered in your heart.
With a shaky, uncertain voice, you whispered the words that had been lingering on the tip of your tongue, the silent plea of your heart reaching out to him. "Hold me", you said, your voice barely above a whisper, the words trembling with the weight of your uncertainty.
Dean's heart skipped a beat at your request, his chest tightening with a mixture of hope and fear. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled you into his arms, holding you close against his chest as though afraid you might slip away if he let go.
You buried your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the familiar scent of his skin as tears welled in your eyes.
Dean's hands trembled as he gingerly brushed over your back, his touch tentative yet filled with a quiet tenderness. With each gentle stroke, he tried to convey the depth of his remorse, the ache in his heart mirrored in the way his fingers traced soothing patterns against your trembling form.
You clung to him tightly, your tears soaking into the fabric of his shirt as you let out the pain and anguish. Your body shook with the force of your sobs, the emotional turmoil threatening to consume you entirely.
With a tenderness born of regret and longing, Dean pulled you closer to him, his lips hovering over your forehead as he held you in his embrace. His touch was gentle, his fingers tracing soothing circles along your back as you continued to sob against his chest.
Tears welled in Dean's eyes as he looked down at you, his heart heavy with the weight of his past mistakes and the knowledge of the pain he had caused you.
"I love you", he whispered softly, his voice filled with emotion. "More than anything in this world. I'm so sorry for what I've done to you, for the pain I've caused. But please know that my love for you has never faltered, not for a single moment".
As you looked up at him, your tear-stained cheeks and trembling lips betraying the turmoil within you, Dean's thumb gently brushed away your tears with a tenderness that spoke volumes. His eyes searched yours, silently asking for permission, for reassurance that this fragile moment of connection wouldn't shatter beneath the weight of your shared past.
With a trembling breath, you leaned into his touch, your heart pounding in your chest as his lips met yours once more. The kiss was featherlight, tentative yet filled with an undeniable longing—a silent plea for forgiveness, for understanding, for a chance to start anew.
As the kiss deepened, the world around you faded into oblivion, leaving only the two of you entwined in a moment of raw emotion and longing. With a newfound sense of courage, you straddled Dean's legs, your hands finding their way to his cheeks as you deepened the kiss, your lips moving with a desperate urgency born of years of pent-up emotion and longing.
Dean's hands remained at his sides, a silent testament to his fear of causing you further pain or discomfort. He was surprised by your boldness, by the intensity of your kiss, but he dared not move, afraid that any sudden gesture might startle you and send you fleeing from his arms once more.
Instead, he surrendered to the moment, allowing himself to be consumed by the warmth of your lips, the softness of your touch.
As the kiss intensified, your tongue seeking entrance to his mouth, you felt a surge of desire coursing through your veins. Your hands roamed over Dean's broad shoulders, urging him to reciprocate, to touch you in return. Yet, he remained still, his hands trembling slightly at his sides as if unsure of what to do.
But then, as you pressed closer, seeking the warmth and comfort of his embrace, you felt it—a hardness pressing against you, eliciting a gasp of surprise from your lips. Dean's erection, unmistakable beneath the thin fabric of your pajamas, sent a jolt of electricity coursing through your body, freezing you in place.
For a moment, you were paralyzed, unsure of how to proceed. The realization of what was happening between you, of the undeniable attraction and desire that pulsed between your bodies, sent your mind reeling. Could this be happening? Could Dean still desire you, after everything that had transpired between you?
But before you could gather your thoughts, Dean's voice broke through.
"I… I'm sorry", Dean murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to find the right words. "I didn't mean to… I just…".
His voice trailed off, his gaze dropping to the floor as if unable to meet your eyes. You could see the conflict etched on his face, the turmoil raging within him as he grappled with his own desires and fears.
"It's okay", you whispered, your voice trembling slightly as you reached out to cup his cheek, gently guiding his gaze back to yours.
But even as you spoke the words, uncertainty gnawed at the edges of your mind. Could you truly forgive Dean for what he had done? Could you trust him again, after the pain and betrayal he had inflicted upon you?
As you took Dean's hands in yours, feeling the tremble of your own shaking fingers, you guided them slowly and cautiously to your hips. The simple act of touch sent a jolt of electricity through both of you, causing Dean's heart to race and his body to react with a twitch of arousal.
But despite the undeniable chemistry between you, Dean remained hesitant, his eyes searching yours for any sign of uncertainty or discomfort. He wanted to be sure, absolutely sure, that you were okay with this, that you were ready to take this step together.
For a moment, the air between you crackled with tension, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the space between your bodies. But then, as you met his gaze with unwavering determination, Dean felt a surge of courage welling up inside him.
With a shaky breath, he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against yours in a tentative kiss. It was soft, gentle, a silent promise of all the things left unsaid between you.
Dean's voice trembled as he spoke, his words laced with both desire and restraint. "Do you… Do you want to go to our bedroom?", he asked softly, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation or reluctance.
You felt a surge of emotion welling up inside you at his words, a mixture of longing and apprehension swirling in your chest. The idea of being alone with Dean in the intimacy of your shared bedroom filled you with both excitement and trepidation, a reminder of the love and passion that had once defined your relationship.
But as you looked into Dean's eyes, seeing the vulnerability, you knew that this was a chance for healing, for closure, for the two of you to finally confront the demons of your past and forge a path forward together.
With a nod, you reached out to take his hand in yours, squeezing it gently as you rose to your feet. "Yes", you whispered.
Dean walked slowly, his footsteps deliberate and measured, as if he were afraid to rush or startle you. His hand, warm and comforting, brushed against yours in a gentle caress, a silent reassurance of his presence by your side.
As you followed behind him, the hallway stretched out before you like an endless expanse, each step echoing the rhythm of your racing heart. And as Dean finally reached the door to your bedroom, he turned to look at you, his eyes soft with emotion. Without a word, he reached out and gently pushed the door open, inviting you into the sanctuary of your shared space.
With a shaky breath, you stepped across the threshold, the weight of the past hanging heavy in the air around you. But as Dean closed the door behind you, shutting out the outside world, you felt a sense of peace settle over you.
Dean hesitated for a moment. "Is it okay if I… if I pick you up?", he asked softly.
You nodded slowly, your own voice barely above a whisper as you replied, "Yes, that's okay".
With a gentle smile, Dean reached out and scooped you up in his arms, his touch surprisingly tender as he cradled you against his chest. Despite the years that had passed, the memory of his strength and warmth flooded back to you, comforting and familiar.
As he carried you across the room, his movements slow and deliberate, you felt a sense of trust and safety wash over you, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that still existed between you.
And as he carefully lowered you onto the bed, his touch was feather-light against your skin.
As Dean hovered halfway over you, he hesitated, his voice trembling with nerves as he asked, "Would… would it be better if you were on top?".
You noticed the veins on his throat and arms standing out, evidence of the effort he was exerting to hold back for you. "It's alright", he mumbled. "If you want to be on top, it's fine".
His eyes searched yours for a moment, before you nodded slowly and before Dean lowered himself down beside you, his body trembling with anticipation and desire.
Dean´s fingers trembling slightly as he began to undo the buttons of your pajama shirt.
With a gentle touch, he lowered his mouth to your neck, trailing soft kisses along your skin as his hand slipped beneath the fabric of your shirt, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Are you okay?", he asked softly, his voice laced with concern as he brushed the shirt off your shoulders, revealing your naked breasts to him.
You met his gaze with a mixture of emotions swirling in your eyes—vulnerability, longing, and a hint of fear. But despite the tumultuous storm raging within you, you nodded slowly, offering him a small, reassuring smile. "I'm okay", you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper as you reached out to cup his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
With a gentle touch, Dean leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in a tender kiss, his hands trailing down your body as he continued to undress you, his touch both reverent and filled with longing.
As you straddled his la, got rid of his shirt and pulled Dean closer, your body pressed against his, you feel the warmth of his skin against yours, sending shivers down your spine. Your nipples graze against his now naked chest, eliciting a soft moan from both of you. Dean's arousal, evident and undeniable, presses eagerly against you.
Dean's hand ventured beneath your pajama pants, his touch sending tingles of anticipation through your body. As his fingers brushed against your skin, he realized you weren't wearing underwear, and a soft gasp escaped his lips. His hand hovered tantalizingly close to your pussy, his breath coming in shallow, ragged bursts.
"Can I touch you there?", he asked quietly.
Dean's heart skipped a beat as he watched you nod slowly, your breath heavy and your heart racing in sync with his own. The anticipation hung thick in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to crackle with electricity. With a nervous bite of your lip, you gave him the permission he sought, sending a surge of desire coursing through his veins.
His hand trembled slightly as it moved lower, tracing the contours of your soft folds. You let out a soft moan of pleasure, your body arching instinctively towards his touch.
Dean's touch was electric, sending waves of pleasure rippling through your body. With each gentle stroke, he teased and tantalized, his fingers dancing over your most intimate parts with a skill that left you breathless. Your head spun with desire as he explored every inch of you, driving you to the brink of ecstasy with each passing moment.
As the heat between you grew, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you locked in a passionate embrace. In that moment, there was nothing else that mattered—no past, no future, only the raw, primal desire that burned between you.
As Dean felt the warmth and wetness between your thighs, he knew you were ready. With slow, deliberate movements, he began to ease down your pajama pants, his eyes never leaving yours as he watched for any sign of discomfort or hesitation.
"You okay?", he murmured softly, his voice laced with concern as he continued to undress you.
You nodded eagerly, your breath coming in short, ragged bursts as you struggled to contain your desire. "Yes, Dean", you whispered. "I want this".
With a final tug, your pants were discarded, leaving you completely exposed before him. And as Dean rid himself of his own sweatpants and boxers, you couldn't help but marvel at the sight of him—powerful and virile, his desire evident in every line and curve of his body.
Your breath hitched as you caught sight of Dean's erection, fear and uncertainty flashing in your eyes as he hovered above you. Sensing your hesitation, Dean froze, his own desire momentarily forgotten as he looked down at you with concern.
"Are you okay?", he asked softly, his voice filled with tenderness as he searched your eyes for any sign of discomfort or unease.
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to find your voice. "I'm just… I'm scared", you admitted.
Dean's expression softened, a look of understanding and compassion flickering in his eyes. "I won't hurt you, I promise", he whispered. "I'll go as slow as you need me to".
Feeling reassured by his words, you let out a shaky breath, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Thank you", you murmured, your voice barely audible over the pounding of your heart.
As Dean continued to kiss you, his lips soft and gentle against yours, you couldn't help but feel a sense of tension and apprehension creeping into your body. Despite his best efforts to reassure you, you remained nervous and tense, unable to fully let go of the fear that still lingered within you.
Sensing your unease, Dean pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours again. When he saw the hurt reflected in your gaze, his heart clenched.
"What can I do to help you relax?", he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I want to make this special for you, to show you how much I care. Just tell me what you need, and I'll do it".
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to express the turmoil raging within you. But then, with a shaky breath, you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper. "I need… I need you to be patient with me", you admitted, your words tinged with vulnerability. "I need you to understand that I'm still scared. And I need you to hold me, to reassure me that everything will be okay".
Without a word, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest in a tight embrace. And as you melted into his arms, you felt a sense of comfort and safety wash over you, the tension slowly beginning to ebb away in the warmth of his embrace.
"I'll be gentle, I promise", he murmured, his voice soothing and tender. "We'll go slow, at your pace. Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?".
You nodded, a sense of trust and gratitude washing over you as you buried your face in his chest. "Okay", you whispered.
With a gentle sigh, Dean leaned down and captured your lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. His touch was soft and tentative, his lips moving against yours with a tender reverence that made your heart flutter.
As the kiss deepened, you felt his erection pressing against your wet folds, the sensation sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your body. Despite your lingering apprehension, you couldn't deny the undeniable chemistry between you, the desire that burned hot and fierce between your bodies.
With a soft moan, you pressed yourself against him, your hips rocking instinctively against his, seeking the delicious friction that would ease the ache deep within you.
Dean’s breath was heavy with anticipation as he looked down at you, his eyes burning with desire and longing. “Can I…?”, he began, nodding towards his between the two of you. His hand moved to his shaft, as if to emphasize his need.
Your heart raced at the thought of finally feeling him inside you again, of surrendering yourself to the passion and intensity of your shared desire. But a flicker of uncertainty danced in your eyes, a lingering reminder of the pain and heartache that had once torn you apart.
“I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with”, he assured you. “I just want to make you feel good, to show you how much I love you”.
With a shaky nod, you reached out and took his hand in yours, guiding him towards you. As his lips met yours in a passionate kiss, you felt the heat and urgency of his desire washing over you, igniting a fire deep within your core.
As Dean pressed slowly inside you, his movements careful and measured as he sought to ease your discomfort. But as he felt you wince beneath him, he immediately stopped, concern flashing in his eyes.
“Are you okay?”, he asked softly, his voice filled with worry. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you”.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you met Dean’s gaze. “It’s okay”, you assured him, your voice trembling slightly with emotion. “I just… I need a moment”.
Dean nodded understandingly, his heart aching at the sight of your discomfort. “I’ll stop”, he whispered, his voice filled with regret. “I should have been more patient with you, especially after… after everything”.
You reached out and placed a hand on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your palm. “You’ve always been patient with me”, you murmured, your voice filled with gratitude and love. “Even before that awful night”.
Dean’s eyes softened at your words. “I just want to make things right”, he whispered.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the wave of emotions that threatened to overwhelm you. "I want you to go on", you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I want to replace those memories of that terrible night with something beautiful, something loving".
Dean's eyes widened in surprise, his heart swelling. "Are you sure?".
You nodded, your gaze never wavering as you met his eyes with unwavering determination. "I'm sure", you whispered. "I want this, Dean. I want us".
As Dean slowly pushed himself inside you, the sensation of being filled with him once again sent shivers down your spine. You moaned softly and breathlessly, your body instinctively responding to his touch. But just as Dean buried himself completely within you, the memories of that terrible night crashed over him like a tidal wave.
His movements faltered, his breath catching in his throat as he felt the weight of his past mistakes bearing down on him. Closing his eyes tightly, he tried to push the memories aside, to focus on the here and now, on the love and desire that flowed between you. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t escape the haunting images that lingered in the depths of his mind.
Feeling himself going soft again inside you, Dean’s heart clenched with frustration and self-loathing. He wanted nothing more than to give you pleasure, to show you how much he loved you, but the ghosts of his past refused to release their grip on him.
With a heavy sigh, Dean pulled away from you. “I’m sorry”, he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I just… I can’t do this right now”. His gaze full of shame, as he got up from the bed and started to get dressed.
As you pulled up the blanket, your heart sank at the sight of Dean's retreating figure. Anxiety gnawed at your insides as you watched him hastily get dressed, his movements tense and hurried. A thousand thoughts raced through your mind, each one more tumultuous than the last.
Was it something you did? Something you said? Was your hesitation the reason he couldn't stay hard? The weight of your own self-doubt threatened to suffocate you as you struggled to make sense of the situation.
Dean couldn't even look at you right now, so consumed was he by his own guilt and remorse.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you watched him hastily getting dressed, his actions leaving you feeling confused and hurt. The weight of your own self-doubt pressed down on you like a heavy burden as you struggled to make sense of what had just happened.
“Did I do something wrong?”, you asked, your voice trembling with emotion as you fought to keep the tears at bay. “Was it because of me?”.
Dean paused, his hand hovering over his belt as he turned to face you. For a moment, it looked like he wanted to say something, to reassure you that it wasn’t your fault. But before he could utter a word, the door swung open, and Sam burst into the room, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight before him.
Misinterpreting the situation, Sam’s eyes darted between you and Dean, confusion evident on his face. “What’s going on?”, he asked, his voice tinged with concern as he took in the scene before him.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰 
Part 4
Taglist: @mayafatimakhan
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aventurinemybeloved · 6 months
Summary: Aventurine wouldn't mind being your personal mannequin forever if it meant having you this close to him
Fem!reader who's a popular fashion designer all throughout the universe, currently just "friends" with aventurine here, more like sugar daddy tho- very self indulgent because I have my oc in mind while writing this lol
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"Not that I'm questioning your process when it comes to your craft, but aren't you tired?"
"Hm nope, not at all are you?"
"I've handled far worse than just standing for a few hours, don't mind me friend, continue"
While that wasn't exactly a lie, it has been a couple of hours since Aventurine was made to be a makeshift mannequin for you, this was supposed to be a day to relax and take both your mind off work.
But it seems that inspiration has struck the minute you laid eyes on a particular fabric store that just got a new stock on a handful of interesting designs, without a second thought you rushed in, your companion had looked away for one second and the next he sees that you've already made yourself comfortable shuffling through the many options to choose from.
As he made his way back to your side, the faint sound of you mumbling under your breath could be heard clearer and clearer, while he didn't quite catch all of it, he was able to piece some things, one of which you wishing you had your mannequin back at the boutique right about now.
"Hey, why not use me for a bit?"
While Aventurine obviously isn't a mannequin, he can sure act like one if you need it, and that you did so you agreed without putting much thought into it, making a mental note to make him a little something as thanks.
And now here you two were, in the middle of the store as you try to pin fabric with your hands on Aventurine's body, he expected this to happen after all he's not the type to willingly volunteer for something without it benefiting him in some way, but he was not prepared for how close you'd be.
Practically an inch away from him, chest against his as you maneuver the fabric in your hands all over him trying to come up with a design in mind, his nose catching a whiff of your shampoo as the top of your head was practically in his face, he's mastered the art of keeping a poker face but a couple hours of this, no one can blame the man for cracking as time goes on.
Luckily for him it seems you've finally finished whatever it was you were doing, he can't even remember even though you were talking about it earlier, his mind growing muddled with serotonin.
He managed to snap out of it as you call over a worker to place an order for your chosen items, and of course pay for it, Aventurine beat you to it though handing his card while softly smiling.
"It's on me"
"What? Aventurine I can pay for it myself, there's really no need to-"
"I insist, it's a treat for how much I enjoyed being your little helper"
Just as you were about to contradict him, insisting even more that you should be the one paying since he already helped you, the worker has already swiped his card handing it back to him and walked off to prepare your order.
You could only facepalm, this wasn't the first time that he has thwarted your attempts at paying for your own things, he's done it so many times you've lost count, and while it's a fact that all of it combined wouldn't make a dent in his wallet, you still couldn't hell but feel guilty.
Not for long though as you could feel a hand gently patting your head, peaking up at him you could see a soft smile on his face.
"You know the deal~" he said in a singsong way
You playfully rolled your eyes
"Yeah yeah, Just let me know when you're free and we'll hang out again"
It was weird to you at first how that was the only thing he wanted after spending so much on you, but overtime you've sorta started to understand it, and want it as much as he does as well.
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