#did sol get amnesia
is it monday yet? when will it be monday?? can it be monday now????
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k-kay4 · 3 months
My Lovely Thoughts on the Kdrama 'Lovely Runner'
I'd read a comment somewhere that nicely summarizes the show- "It wasn't perfect, but it was perfectly satisfying." And that's why I love it so much; the show made me FEEL so gosh-darn happy 🙂
I didn't really mind the bad guy, because he was simply a tool, the human embodiment of the dreadful fate Sol was trying to save Sun-Jae from. If the stakes were not so high, (i.e. life & death) their sacrifices would not have held as much weight (For instance, when Sun-Jae gets stabbed, he holds onto the killer's hand, to ensure he does not go after Sol; only after seeing her safe with the cops does Sun-Jae let go and smile in relief *sniffs*)
And I am a sucker for the specific brand of amnesia they showed here, where one party cannot remember their past memories, but still feels that magnetic pull towards the other without understanding why. I thought it was really well done. I remember getting so excited when they repeatedly hinted at him regaining his memories, it made the angst all the more delicious. Because the payoff they were setting up was glorious!
I also liked the simple (seemingly vague) explanation about how Sun-Jae regained his memories. The time travel in this show is more magical/ fantastical, rather than science-fiction-y. I don't need to know the technicalities. Their love was so strong that it changed their destiny. That's good enough for me.
I tend to prioritize how a show makes me FEEL, over technical stuff like plot structure or logic. (For instance, I adored 'King the Land' which had no real plot, the drama's focus was on how 2 attractive people fell in love and navigated their relationship) And this drama's shining moments were SO good, I was quite forgiving of its occasional missteps.
Sol and Sun-Jae's love made me believe in old-school, once-in-a-lifetime, meant-for-each-other, Sol-mates kind of love. Which is hopeful and heartwarming. BRING ON THE FEELS! (P. S. Check out the deleted scenes for more AWW-worthy moments!)
The reason I re-watched it immediately after it ended, was to truly enjoy their squee-worthy moments without having to worry about whether they will get their happy ending or not. And to pick up on stuff that I'd missed the first time. (Like watching Sun-Jae's facial expressions/ body language during the radio contest in the first scene)
I cannot recall the last time a drama made me feel the way this one did; with me scrolling through forums to read other fans' thoughts, squealing over the sneak peeks before the new episodes came out, how magical the leads' chemistry seemed, how suitable every single track in the OST was (do look up the translation of the lyrics, they all tie into/ foreshadow the plot!)
TLDR: I just have a lot of feelings about this drama, okay? ❤
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shepherds-of-haven · 11 months
If there was a popularity contest for the ROs, who would win? I think the obvious answer is Blade, with Chase as a runner up, but I think 3rd place is a bit of a toss up. My moneys on Lavinet… for completely unbiased reasons
Do you mean a popularity contest among us, the readers and fans, or a popularity contest among the Shepherds themselves? 😂 If you meant the first part, we did hold a popularity bracket a few months ago (results are here: Blade took first, with Trouble second) and a poll about romance options here, though a bracket is probably not the best kind of way to determine second and third places, etc., due to the nature of the random pairups (like Lavinet might have made it farther if she hadn't been paired with Trouble right off the bat, etc.). So in the future we probably will hold an actual "who's your favorite" poll, just to see!
If you're talking about a popularity contest within the Order itself, I think the results might surprise you! Who's considered most "popular" among the recruits tends to be a combination of who actively socializes with and spends time with them the most (i.e. who's friendly towards the most rank and file), which definitively isn't Blade (I actually talk about their various fanclubs and popularity among their admirers here, and discuss why Blade and the others lost some here).
If the Shepherds were to hold a popularity contest right now (Chapter 9 or thereabouts) with people voting for their favorite Shepherd, it would probably shake out to:
Trouble (universally popular and well-liked among the recruits because he casually hangs out as one of them quite often)
Briony (friendly and cheerful, makes a real effort to connect with people, learn their names and details about their lives (she has amnesia so she doesn't have any preexisting relationships, she's trying to fill up her life with new friendships fast), plus she can show you how to choke someone out with your thighs and that's awesome)
Chase (the vast majority of the people voting for him are fans/admirers who are feral about him, even though he doesn't mingle all that much with the rank and file, though he tosses them a wink or makes playful conversation with them just enough to fuel their ardor)
Ayla (goes drinking with the recruits and socializes with them regularly, arm-wrestling with them and mingling with them easily, etc. Sometimes she randomly pulls away or gets snippy if you rub her the wrong way, though, which is why she lost some points)
Red (he would likely be much higher if he wasn't rushing around with his nose in a book muttering to himself all the time--he's much more popular with the Circle Mages than he is with recruits who have joined up recently, simply because he doesn't really take the time anymore to meet new people or make friends, he has enough of those and now he just wants to be left alone to work on his own projects 😂)
Tallys (her beauty and mystique make her very alluring, so she has a strong backing of admirers and fans, but not super close friends outside of the inner circle; many find her a bit intimidating or hard to approach, so they admire her from afar)
Halek (similarly to Tallys, his hotness and laidback demeanor (plus his quiet celebrity status as sol) earn him a lot of admirers and fans, even if he doesn't really interact directly with them. People are really into guys who don't bother them and just do their own thing... they read his lackadaisical attitude about his position in life as humility and it feels like a gift and a blessing when the Halek Prince drifts by and idly asks to bum a smoke off of you lmao)
Shery (she has an incredibly strong backing of quiet fans and admirers, though nowhere near as much as the people who love Trouble--a magically-augmented sniper who has a penchant for boxing shirtless in the courtyard and remaining totally oblivious to people who are sneaking a peek from a window--or Briony, who can punch through walls. Fans of Shery are like... the hipsters of the Order lol they pride themselves on recognizing her awesomeness when it'd be easy to be distracted by the flash and drama of the others!)
Blade (he is pretty much universally feared, respected, and admired by the people in the Order, almost to the level of awe and reverent hero-worship... but because he never directly interacts with like 95% of them and treats them as subordinates, I can't see that they would all vote for him as their "favorite" Shepherd in a contest like this, not when they interact with many of the others on a daily basis and are actual friends with some of them! He may have the biggest share of non-romantic fans and admirers just on a general level, but the ratio of the ones who would actually vote for him are quite low because he's so aloof that they sometimes wonder if he's even human lol. Also, sometimes he terrifies them, like how he chewed out the guards for slacking off on his second interlude. It'd be like asking you to vote in a popularity contest between your close personal friend, a bunch of coworkers, and then your boss lol)
Lavinet (as of Chapter 8ish, her popularity among the Shepherds is still quite low. She is the latest major companion to join the inner circle, and on top of that, many recruits dislike or distrust her due to her status as a noble, assuming that this is a kind of PR stunt and she's going to quit as soon as the work gets too hard for her pampered self, or they outright resent her because they don't like the nobility in general (hard to blame them). However, give her some time, because after she starts really proving herself to the ranks by diligently and uncomplainingly doing her work and pulling off some impressive missions, and with a healthy dose of her patented, effortless charm and social grace, and feelings towards her are going to shift to become more positive... Given enough time, I believe her popularity and admirers would eventually rival that of Chase, Briony, and Trouble's, easily putting her in the top 3!)
Riel (he makes absolutely no effort to interact with any recruit in a way that would make him popular, lol. The majority of them know him as "avoid him at all costs because he'll rope you into doing manual labor for him" or "by God, do not drop any crates near his office because you'll be able to see his scathing, baleful look of reproach through the walls" so yeah, it's hard to see many people voting for him except for the quiet handful who are crushing on him hard)
Mimir (most recruits: who? because she lives outside in her tent, the majority of people don't even realize that she's joined the Order--I don't think she's even like an official officer, I think she just lives there now and gets fed lmao)
However, also keep in mind that these results are for a "who would people cast a single vote for if forced to choose their favorite Shepherd" contest. It's not exactly the same as, say, "who has the most admirers, period" or "who receives the most anonymous love letters"? Those numbers shake out to be more even... One might even argue that remaining aloof from the rank and file would have an inverse effect, in that it's easier to secretly admire someone from afar in a way that develops into sappy love-letter-type feelings, because you can project a kind of fantasy onto them, rather than having to outright vote for them as your "favorite" (while admitting you have almost no direct interaction with them). So if the question is, "who receives the most love letters?" I would say it's:
Blade - Trouble - Tallys - Chase - Red - Briony - Lavinet
Shery - Ayla - Halek
Riel (and only because people who truly admire him and have any inkling of his personality are terrified that he'd be able to figure out who sent him a love letter based on, like, the quality of their ink or something like that)
Woof, sorry for the long, rambling, overdetailed explanation, lmao... Hopefully that all makes sense!
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0xxsolxx0 · 7 months
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[sometimes he does try at times incorporate what his au characters would wear. so sans or papyrus outfits or even toriel since he does miss them] 
[has eyebags just forgot to add em in]
Sol [pronounced like soul]
Demi sexual and Demi romantic
Before his au got destroyed he was actually and enigeer/mechanic, who worked for anyone[mostly the king] so him and alphys work together a decent amount
Tinkering around with random things.
He likes chewing and eating ice cubes as it calms him down[usually helps after a panic attack]
He also liked staying inside a lot.
Sweets and soda [any junk food honestly]
eating new things
Being alone which is why you can usually him hanging out in an au or with someone.
Sleeping[he does sleep] mostly because he gets nightmares/night terrors each night.
Surprisingly he hates coffee dislikes the bitter taste.
People sneaking up on him he tends to flinch.
He can copy other peoples attacks/abilities/powers[he can choose to copy a singular a ability a person or people have or mutilple. Though habing mutilpy cause causes more x's and pain. He also has to have seen it in action at least once]. Though each time he does that it adds more x's to his body also where the x was placed it fills him with pain in that spot for a couples day to a week. He can use telekinesis like sans and papyrus. He also has the ability to travel through different au's[he can summon portals. Though they can become unstable if he doesnt concerate on it and keeps his focus on where he wants to go. Because of that he had many instances of accidentally ending up in the wrong aus or random ones]
He previously before having his au destroyed did not have the copy ability or the ability to travel through au's. he only got them after his au got destroyed. He is not sure how he got them and why they made x's on his body.
Mental illnesses:
PTSD, Dissociative amnesia, Depression, Insomnia
He tends to try to stay positive despite his situation. Quite charismatic and gets along with most people. He tries to help out when he can. Otherwise you can find him teasing and being playful in the classical(undertale) au.
A amnesiac insomniac traumatized skeleton who hangs around different au's. Also there is obviously something wrong with his soul and scars but he tries to not really think about it. He also has no idea what the x's on his body mean.[he has those x's all around his body]
He isn't a sans[also isn't related to them]. He can travel through the universes like ink and many other characters. His universe was destroyed but because of his injuries he doesn't remember who or what destroyed his universe.[the au has all the usually characters just more monsters of different types and the areas are more expanded and have more things]
Frisk decided to stay and live in the underground. they have only reached waterfall[havent been to hotland or any other places after waterfall] They are friend with sans and papy. They havent met mettaton, undyne or alphys]
Sans in this universe[before it got destroyed] was still an judge and a scientist assistant expect now he was an assistant of alphys. Papyrus also was able to join the royal guard.
Since Sol's universe got destroyed he tends to hang around different au's though he sticks to undertale more as it reminds him more of how his au was. He isn't with ink or the bad sans he is mostly just a guy who at times helps ink [or any of the other star sans if they need help]
He suffers from nightmares often and has pstd. He can't sleep well since his brain just fills it flashbacks to what happens[though once he wakes up he forgets about what happens in his dreams]
Au's he has been in or met:
He has met most of the undertale,swap tale and underfell people
He is friendly towards most of them
He knows ink as ink found him after his au got destroyed[error didnt destroy his au btw]
ink and him are friends. he also friends with most of the star san's
has met error. He is on more neutral/slightly friendly terms with error[as much as he can be since error isnt a people peron].
He has only met cross[not sure if he counts as a the bad san's but he has met him] He haven't met most of the bad sans but heard of them.
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yellowandblueumbrella · 3 months
Erasing Sol's existence to Sunjae's memory is unnecessary.
Hear me out.
If Sol knew this or if Sol figured this out, maybe she no longer needed to erase herself from Sunjae's memory. If that happens, then we will have shorter version of Lovely Runner or maybe more fluffs.
Here I go. So first, let's talk about timelines. I separated the timelines into five.
OG Timeline - In 2023, Sol is paralyzed from the "accident". Sunjae was depressed and filled with guilt; Geum did not pursue his dreams and he became snobby and unhappy. Sol and Geum eomma have a burnt scar; Hyunjoo is single and her life revolves around Sol; and lastly, Inhyuk has a strained relationship with Sunjae, his best friend.
First jump timeline- In 2023, Sol is still paralyzed and Sunjae is still dead. However, unlike the original timeline, the photo booth picture, which was taken after Sunjae's match appeared at the crime scene.
Second jump timeline - In 2023, Sol remembers her missing memories from a traumatic experience. Sol is no longer paralyzed and Sunjae is alive. Sunjae and Sol dated for a day then Kim Young Soo attacked Sunjae and got comatose.
Third jump timeline - No version of 2023 since Sunjae died in their first year of college and Sol travelled back in time.
Fourth jump timeline - In 2023, Sol is alone. Taesung became a cop and Sunjae no longer remembers Sol. *The rest is history*
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Let's discuss what I mean about this. If only she knew this, then the amnesia trope would not happen.
Before I begin, we can all agree that Kim Young Soo is just a psychopath who kills and never lets go of his prey. Once he has taken an interest in you, he will chase you as long as he can reach you. Sol is the unfortunate victim. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In my understanding, the victim of Juyang Reservoir incident should have been Im Sol. However, she escaped and lost her memories due to trauma. It was portrayed as a car accident because that's what only Sunjae knew. Since he was the sole witness of the incident despite not knowing what really happened, Young Soo still saw him as a threat. This is why he was the first one Young Soo killed in 2023 because Sunjae is the sole witness of what happened to Sol despite only knowing it was a car accident. (Assuming that Sunjae did not kill himself)
Sol really has no idea what has happened. She accepted the CEO's statement that Sunjae killed himself that's why in her first jump, she only focused on saving Sunjae (and might as well avoid the car accident). However, when she returned in 2023, she was still paralyzed but Sol can change the timeline and as proof, the non-existent photo in the original timeline appeared in the first jump timeline of 2023. However, that still doesn't change that Sunjae is still dead.
In the second jump timeline, Sol missed her bus stop and stopped at Juyang Reservoir because she overslept. This is where she got some of her memories about the abduction. She realized that Sunjae saved him. When she was waiting for the taxi, a taxi cab appeared out of nowhere. The driver saw Sol alone in the bus stop and when he was about to approach--a drunkard appeared and pestered Sol. Thanks to that drunkard--the taxi left. When Sol tried to get away from the drunkard, Sol fell into the water and lost her phone where Sunjae saved him, she remembers how Sunjae saved her in the original timeline, After that, Sol lost her phone and we never heard of that drunkard. The next day, a dead body in the Juyang Reservoir appeared. (It was said that is an angler or a foreign angler and the drunkard looks like an angler)
This incident is what I call the "meeting point". Sol never changed this part that's why the 2023 of her first jump timeline left her paralyzed because innocent Sol was meant to miss her stop, get abducted, escape, and get saved by Sunjae. The second and third jump timeline was the continuation of Sol's first jump timeline.
The reason why they were hunted by Young Soo--Sol became the prey of Young Soo and Sunjae, being the guy who is always there for Sol became a threat to him. As long as the meeting point of Sol and Young Soo never changes, Sol will always be hunted and killed.
To solidify this theory, in the fourth timeline where she can no longer travel back in time since Sol never took the watch of the dead Sunjae in the third jump timeline, like how Sol evaded Sunjae; she may also evade the Juyang Reservoir that's why she was not hunted by Young Soo. If she knew that she just needed to evade Juyang Reservoir and the driver then, she no longer need to erase herself from the memories of Sunjae.
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Like how Sunjae said to Sol, (not word for word but) "the reason why fate does not change is not because it is inevitable but because that person likes the decision." This applies to Sunjae and Kim Young Soo.
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raptorix · 4 months
Used my Beacon access to buy a ticket for the Live Show next month (Yay!) And also listened to the first 3 episodes of Re-Slayer's Take podcast. :D
Thoughts on Re-Slayer's Take:
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Great for newbies who are familiar with but not caught up with all of Critical Role. The GMs spell out more setting unique character descriptions, (What's a Tiefling? What's a Firbolg?) but also reward veterans with references we would know (like Vox Machina's brief run with The Slayer's Take.)
More spoilery thoughts behind the 'Read More'
So this is a far more produced & edited podcast than an actual-play. You're not going to hear out-of-character jokes or discussions about gameplay rules. Fully sound edited & music score.
Did my best to endure the constant squelching noises they used for the Gelatinous Cube encounter in the first episode. Someone recorded extended sessions of playing with slime or slurping on Boba *just* for that foley. DX
As for characters: Good charming cast! They utilize the 'DM PCs & player PCs' play style. One of the DMs plays as Timpani the Firbolg to help guide the story directly, while the other does narration & gameplay, and I think plays as the Goblin sidekick, Poogs.
I think I need to go back and re-listen to the first episode for intros. They don't spell out what classes the characters are playing. D:
I can't for the life of me understand why Farah the half elf (???) uses a gravely voice besides 'She's older.' Guessing from her choice in crossbow she's a ranger, though she might be a blood hunter/ranger build? She's been working as a monster hunter prior to her audition to try and join the Slayer's Take, and seems to be looking for a more consistent employment with them.
Heera Agniheart is possibly an Inquisitor Rogue, since she has a high intelligence & insight ability stats, and used sneak attack and a finesse weapon. Also an ochre yellow tiefling w/ water buffalo style horns. The artwork crops that feature out and I'd love to see a full portrait of that :O
Frog is delightful, and I hope to see more Aeormaton characters in Exandria. To make it easier, lore-wise, she was revived w/ full amnesia & is fully unfamiliar with current day Exandria. But she apparently trained with some Monks first, so gets to be the dodge-tank for the group.
Idrin Shadowstep is a Half Elf/Half Orc (I think of the lineage Matt designated as common in Jrusar) and appears to have a sorcerer lineage of either clockwork soul, or an Exandria-Dunamancy variant of it. He has a special time reversal ability he can use to re-roll his or his party member's failed rolls. Very noble of intentions and the neophyte adventurer.
DM PC Timpani Guff took Matt's Midwestern/Canadian accent he used on Pumat Sol and ran with it. A circle of spores druid who fills in as the party's healer & guide. He's trying to get the Slayer's Take to listen to his observations of an extra-planar force bringing old Slayer's Take monsters back from the dead. But because he's lied about his affiliation with them before, the members wont listen to his warnings. So now he's leading this little adventuring group to investigate this while the Slayer's Take willfully ignores it.
Re-Slayer's Take is a difficult title, IMO. RST might be a good acronym. Maybe shorten it to 'Reslayers'?
It's also all-ages friendly. No curse words!!! Injuries also are not graphic. (PCs get bruises or get knocked out, but nothing deadly.) Stakes are challenging, but like in an action cartoon and not infantilizing. I have listened to another podcast attempt to an all-ages spin-off after the prior story setting was explicit, and they started out with kid-gloves and low stakes that almost put me to sleep. Thankfully Reslayers doesn't go that route. We're playing DnD and we got DnD monsters to fight!
Setting timeline-wise is between The Mighty Nein and Bell's Hells. So maybe if we revisit Issylra in the current campaign, we might see/hear of the Reslayers. We'll have to see later, however, as the Reslayers progress their storyline.
Reblogs with any lore corrections from a re-listen or future Encyclopedia Exandria entries.
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etirabys · 2 years
Very spoilery review of Project Hail Mary. I don’t recommend reading this if you ever plan to read PHM (go in as fresh as possible), but it provides enough context for people who haven’t read it. I liked the book, and this review is largely about my ideas for how it could have been even better.
Ryland Grace, a scientist who wakes up with amnesia on a spaceship with corpses in the other two coma pods, slowly pieces together that
he used to be a schoolteacher
who also became one of the world experts on a planetary catastrophe
he was on a 3 person mission to another star system to find the solution to said planetary catastrophe (star-eating microbe whose life cycle involves zipping back and forth between Venus and Sol)
the mission was a suicide mission
he did not want to go, and had to be physically coerced into getting on the spaceship when the original scientist crew member died in an accident.
Ryland Grace is basically interchangeable with the protagonist of The Martian – more a vehicle for explaining the solutions to a bunch of physics problem set questions in a layperson-friendly way than a person.
This is a pity, because unlike The Martian, Project Hail Mary has a very specific shape that would fit a very specific person that Ryland Grace almost is. But before that, let's get to the spoilery part, which is that Grace
picks up the energy readings of another spaceship in the same star system
makes contact with the sole inhabitant, a five-limbed spider-lookin' engineer (nicknamed Rocky) from an ammonia planet with a much higher temperature and gravity, who has traveled to the Tau Ceti system for the same reason as Grace
quickly learns the Rocky's language (within weeks) and starts working together with him to find a solution
finds a local predator (nicknamed taumoeba) of the star-eating microbe, and selectively breeds it to survive the atmospheres of Venus and (the alien's equivalent of Venus)
parts ways with Rocky
At this point I have to make the obligatory complaint about how unseriously Andy Weir treats the challenge of establishing a mutual language with an alien species! After showing how Grace and Rocky establish what their terms are for "velocity" or "nitrogen", we fast forward to the state of affairs where Rocky is approximately a fluent English speaker who uses words like "sad" or "amaze" (no explanation of how those were conveyed!).
Andy Weir cares 99% about engineering problems, and the remaining 1% of caring is thinly buttered over all the other topics. I can't find it in me to be too annoyed about this – it's endearing, honestly – but when 80% of the emotional interactions in a novel are with an alien (largely because Weir so ardently wants to avoid writing about humans talking to humans...), it's disappointing that the alien is basically Some Guy but with mercury for blood.
...back to the plot. On his way home, Grace realizes there was a problem with the containment system that will lead to the taumoeba escaping and eating all of the fuel in Rocky's spaceship. He solves the problem on his own ship, and changes course to intercept Rocky. Rocky is indeed out of fuel, and Grace chooses to use his ship to take Rocky to his home, Erid. There isn't enough fuel for both of them to return to their respective planets.
(Taumoeba samples, and explanations on how to deploy them, are sent back to Earth on four tiny backup rockets.)
Over a decade later, Grace receives news from his alien hosts that Sol's energy output is restored and Earth's crisis has been averted. He rejoices and hobbles over on a cane (Erid's gravity is hell on his joints) to a different part of his habitat whose window opens up to a classroom, where it is revealed that he has resumed his vocation as a schoolteacher – to Eridian children who are extremely psyched to receive instruction from an alien.
So. This is a bittersweet ending! It's a hell of a thing to be the only human being on an alien planet, even if you like your hosts – living alone in a habitat that none of your hosts can survive in, eating burgers grown from your own stem cells, and knowing that you're going to die without ever being touched by a conspecific again. This would be a depressing ass fate for the vast majority of people. It only kind of works because the Eridians are depicted as so psychologically similar to humans.
And Grace's reaction is kind of, "Ah, well, it was hard to get this going. I have some health problems. Life goes on though."
But you know what would make this reaction sensical? If Grace had been significantly more socially maladjusted! Here's more about Grace:
Left academia after he published a paper on alien life (that sounded pretty mainstream to me, but apparently in this universe it got him laughed out of the door)
Doesn't have any romantic partners because he's not suited to coordinating with other people at close contact (this comes up ONCE when his new boss is psychoanalyzing him and never again)
Is a schoolteacher and loves it – seems much more comfortable teaching children than interacting with peers
Refused to join the crew of his because he was not down with going on a suicide mission, even though he cares about Earth’s survival and recognizes he’s far more suitable than the second best candidate
He's a very bland protagonist – aside from having to be forced to get into the robot spaceship, he has no conflict with other human character. Nor does he expresses judgment or discomfort or alienation about other people, aside from a brief incident where someone overshares about his sex life. But if you leaned into how his discomfort with other human beings, his exile in Erid retroactively becomes a relief and a freedom that, personally, I find more narratively satisfying than "dissonant bittersweet".
It wouldn't even take that much adjusting!
Play up how averse he is to dating or having close friendships
Play up how much he likes teaching children because the social rules are so explicit and he has clear value to them as a source of entertainment and information
Switch his motivation for working on the mission from "want to save humanity" to "I honestly am not capable of caring about humanity itself due to my alienation from it, but find this research problem super intellectually interesting and it would HURT to not get to work on this" (which would make the scene where he's forced to become a backup crew member more compelling – in the text as it is, he sounds incongruously cowardly and irrational)
Sprinkle in more minor conflicts with other researchers due to obliviousness/anxiety/contempt/discomfort
I'd also make the aliens more alien, so that there's less camaraderie between himself and Rocky – which would actually sets him at ease, because the Grace Prime I'm designing is much more comfortable with intellectual problems than interpersonal negotiation, and the more Rocky presents as the former than the latter, the happier Grace Prime is. I think they should be friends, as in canon, but friends who struggle to communicate anything that isn't technical. Grace Prime takes comfort in Rocky's presence the same way he would in the presence of a dog, and doesn't even attempt to talk about his feelings to Rocky. It comes to Grace Prime as a relief, in fact, that doing so would be so linguistically difficult that he doesn't have to debate whether it's socially appropriate!
Grace Prime, in his exile on Erid with enough alien technology to chew on for the rest of his life, is cut off permanently from potential growth as a social animal but doesn't regard it as a tragedy (although the reader may).
This characterization and ending is particularly suited for a book written by an author who so clearly prefers to write about a guy solving problems, safely separated a million miles away from any other human being – it would just need to come out of a writer who finds this fact about himself interesting. And Andy Weir doesn’t.
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18% for Harkur pls
If your character suffered amnesia and lost all their memories, what would they be like?
Bestie, charge your phone! (I'm late to this, but still.)
This is such an interesting question and I'm glad you sent it. See, Hakur's current personality is built on pain and hardship. He sees what was done to him as unjust and wants control. He thinks Sol isn't doing enough to end slavery.
Here, I don't think Hakur would be an abolitionist, or vying for attention and control. He would be his old self, honestly, the self he was 15 and under. He'd be kind and considerate, but definitely pretentious in some ways, and privileged.
But omg, imagine if he did get amnesia, and doesn't understand where all the scars on his body came from, or where his wings went, and someone has to explain it to him? Oh, the angst. I... Oh shit... I have to write that down. That would make such a fun AU.
Wrote it down.
Thank you for asking!
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guilhem-png · 2 years
Housamo events from worst to best
Aight so I was bored and decided to rank all the « event quests » from Housamo, from worst to best. As I’m writing this, 31 of them have been translated so far, most recent one being “Seaside Fashionista”. So like, I guess here we go. It’s going to be a long post, folks.
#31 Raiders of the Lost Isle
Let’s get this out of the way: not a big fan of shotas. Makes me feel uncomfortable to be honest. So an event centered around one is unlikely to win my favor – but even without that, Raiders of the Lost Isle is strangely boring. It’s not that I have an issue with the premise (though I will say that adding another layer of amnesia to a protagonist that was already defined by amnesia may have been a bit much), but the execution is surprisingly bland. So little goes on in this mystery island! Tangaroa is the most boring daddy this game has ever presented to me, and Dagon’s expository evil dialogue nearly had me falling asleep. Not much to salvage here. The music kinda bangs tho
#30 Black Snow on the Hot Spring Mountains
This one’s a mess y’all. It’s so long, too. Did it really have to be nine parts long? Usually with these event quests, the beginning is a little boring, but when they get to the meat of the story (quite literally in some cases), it becomes a lot more interesting. For this one, it was the opposite. Zao’s introduction as a mountain enthusiast was pretty fun, but then as soon as he gives up on you to fulfill his “mountain healing ritual” or whatever it was, the story completely loses all sense of direction. It’s just the poor MC climbing mountain after mountain, meeting with so many characters who have absolutely nothing to do there, and being attacked by an infuriatingly large amount of wyverns. The part with Hogen and the Tengu school of sword fighting (what) felt like it was ripped out of a different story entirely. I genuinely don’t think the MC could have had a worst day if he tried. At least they allow you to be rude to Zao, for the sake of Catharsis. And no, Life Wonders, seing Kengo in a speedo doesn’t make up for the poor writing! I did like the part with Chernobog though – but I think his later appearances were better handled.
Also (last point of contention before I move on), for an event solely based on the beauty of the mountains, I feel like they should have maybe worked a little harder on the backgrounds. Zao being like “Look at this beautiful sight” once you reach the peak, and then it’s just… a blurry picture or an ugly 3D model. Not a good look.
#29 The Afterschool Hero and the Fantastic Boyfriends
Gosh, what is even going on in that one. The concept is really not dumb; they had all those backgrounds, characters and soundtracks from Fantastic Boyfriends, so might as well use ‘em. But the issue is they have too much of it – and they don’t seem to know what to do with it. I think this event is probably a lot more fun if you’ve actually played Fantastic Boyfriends, but it really doesn’t work well on its own. My main issue is with the plot in this one, though. It’s too generic. It’s actually the most generic medieval fantasy story I’ve ever witnessed, I believe. That part at the end when you end up inside the protag’s mind was very weird, but not in a bad way. I think that’s what I liked the most about this event. That, and Sol’s attack sprite, hehe.
#28 Lil' Salomon's Golden Week
That one’s not… bad, really. But it’s not super memorable either, and also really short. I mostly remember that one exchange between Motosumi and Marchosias, about what it takes to be a good dad. Or the part where Licht and Kuniyoshi become friends. Like, it’s pretty sweet, granted, but it doesn’t go really far. No new characters introduced either, no new sprites, it’s not a very exciting one overall.
#27 Battle of the Valentines
You might be surprised to see such a recent event ranked so low on the roster. I think the issue with that one is that they tried to forcefully cram in as many characters as they could – but they went a bit too far, and the event feels unnecessary crowded. McRoich doesn’t really work as a character for me either. For one thing “Youth” is a bit strange of a gimmick to assign any character, and he repeats the word so damn much that past a certain point I wanted to whack him on the head with a broomstick so he would shut up. Also, the “oh no my sacred artifact doesn’t work properly” plot line had already been done (poorly) with Gullinbursti, so bringing it back felt repetitive. Same thing for the “oh no, a collision of world” plot point. Out of all the collisions we’ve had, this one was probably the least necessary.
#26 Embark! Summer Ocean Adventure
I’ll say, this one introduces some amazing characters, but almost all of them are better known for what they do in other events. Ganglie is amazing in Desert Journey, Benten and Typhon shine a lot brighter in the second boat adventure, Makara has this short yet hilarious role in the Seaside Summer School event (where he roasts Claude for wanting to marry the ocean, long story), etc. The beginning of this event is pretty crazy (MC thinking that Benten intends to take a suicide while she was just trying to take a dramatic-looking selfie, resulting in both of them falling into the water and being captured by pirates) – but then it’s a bit of a roundabout journey, with no clear objective, besides going home (which isn’t exactly compelling). Black Storm is a really low tier villain too. I wouldn’t say this is a bad event overall, but it’s overshadowed by its successor.
#25 Year of the Wildest Boar
The new year events are always short, which makes sense. They come right after the (probably expensive) Christmas events, so there isn’t a lot of budget left. Sometimes that works, others… eh. I can’t forgive Gullinbursti for being such a lame character, mostly because he represents an archetype I love (the loyal servant), but which works so much better on other characters, like Tadatomo, Shino, or Yasuyori. Also the end where he goes alone in a cave to sulk is kind of a bummer, honestly. Like, why? Did they fear the Summoners would get a little too crowded if a new member joined them every year?
#24 A New Year's Food Fracas: The Cleaner is on the Case!
I’ll say, I had absolutely no interest in the Cleaner before this event, but I warmed up to him a little. That’s something. I feel like reusing the slimes for the third time in a new year event was probably a bad call, though. Not much else to say, really. It was a decent event.
#23 O the Great Gendarme
I’ll say, I was very afraid they were just going to redo Black Snow on the Hot Spring Mountains, but this one really isn’t as bad. It’s not good enough to be called a redemption, but it’s still pretty neat. I liked Durga’s arc in this event, it was handled a tad more subtly than I expected. Also I was really surprised at how enjoyable the baseball match was. As absurd as it was to have a baseball match in the middle of a hike, it still worked very well. The villainess is forgettable, but you can’t win ‘em all.
#22 Gift from an apprentice Santa
Ah, the OG event. Not the best for sure, but still very charming. I love Yule, his earnestness to please, his insecurities, his cute little scarf, he works very well as a character for me. The Santa school is a really weird concept, and I LOVE IT. The more they add to it, the weirder it gets, and I have absolutely no complaints. Also this event makes use of all the kid characters in a strangely non creepy way (I thought so anyway – I hope it’s not just denial?). Absolutely love Ryota in the Santa outfit too. Now did they have to end every chapter with a fight? Absolutely not. It’s a good thing they toned it down in later events. Learn from your mistakes, and stuff.
#21 Valentine Panic
Valentine Panic is good, but it takes a while to get there. The feathers that make people fall in love with the MC is contrived as hell, but whatev’s. It’s fun. Having all the characters suddenly professing their love to the MC in the most awkward way possible was hilarious (big up to Gunzo’s declaration, I don’t think I’ll ever forget it). Sitri’s “cool cat” deal is annoying at first, but when you understand at the end that it all stems from his admiration for Kengo, it makes a lot more sense, and is consequently much more enjoyable. Bonus point for showing a side of Kengo that we don’t typically get to see.
#20 Clash of Floats
Just based on Nobuharu, I thought I was going to hate this event. Once again, shotas make me uncomfortable. But Tajikarao saved the event for me. His rivalry with Suzuka is believable and rather entertaining. They definitely cop out at the end though, blaming all the issues on a third party and not letting any side win the argument. Honestly I don’t think this event should rank this high still, and I was probably swayed by Gyobu’s waitsline. Yeah, that’s probably it.
#19 Seaside Summer School with you
Weird that they didn’t introduce a single new character for this one, huh? They were probably like “We need an event where every single character we have ends up wearing a swimsuit. ALL OF THEM.” And that they did. Well, almost anyway. To be honest, I played this one a long time ago, and don’t remember everything that happens in it. Love that they let me flirt with Ashigara though. Hate that they dropped the words “swimsuit contest” and didn’t let us see a second of it. Glad they corrected that mistake in Seaside Fashionista.
#18 New Year's Sunrise
More new year stuff, less slimes, and more ghost. That one was sweet. Hilarious that Gyumao and Wakan Tanka get an alt, but Shennong doesn’t, when it clearly seems like that’s what they were going for. Maybe they ran out of budget a little sooner than expected. I feel like gathering all characters that share a common trait in a single event is a pretty fun idea, and I wouldn’t mind seeing it again.
#17 Valentine's Extravaganza
Okay so. We all know that Life Wonders likes to cater to all their audience’s specific kinks. Mpreg with Temujin, vore with Marduk and his dragon buddy, foot fetish with Surtr’s giants, etc. And well, it seems like we each get a turn, cuz inflation is my jam (pun intended), and that’s what we get with Behemoth. So naturally I’m a little partial with that event (an event that must seem very weird to anyone who doesn’t share the kink, now that I think about it). I’m kinda pissed though, because there’s this whole mystery surrounding Behemoth, about what he can and cannot eat – they spend so much time trying to figure out the solution, and I don’t think the answer is ever revealed! Kind of a big oversight there. Big up to Nomad and his new dancing gig, he looks so happy doing it. Babalon’s whole deal about encouraging sin is also pretty great.
#16 Canaan – The Promised Land
This one is so interesting to me. Being a sequel to Raiders of the Lost Isle (must I remind you, at the very bottom of this list), I thought I was going to hate it, but it’s actually a lot better than the original. The problem is that it feels unfinished. Astaroth’s deal is never really explained properly, nor his relationship with Astarte. Like, I get that Astaroth is trans, and it’s great that we get a trans character in this game, but I don’t understand why he’s spiritually connected to Astarte, what he learned over the course of the adventure, or what he plans for the future. Transition is possible in Tokyo, right? But will he ever get there? Should I even be saying “he”?
With Canaan the promised land, they decided to tackle some very complex questions. The gender issue is already complicated enough, but if Canaan is supposed to be a utopia, that opens up a whole other can of worms. There’s also the end, where Bael threatens everyone with the ethical dilemma of fleeing Canaan at the cost of all its denizens’ lives. None of these issues are addressed properly, and the whole event feels very clumsy as a consequence. Still, as clumsy as it is, I really loved it. Astarte is such a compelling character, I really hope she’ll come back some day. But I don’t know if that’s something we can hope for.
#15 Valentine's Time Warp!
An interesting concept, certainly. I like time warps. I feel like the characters they chose for this event were intelligently picked. Three grown men which serve as surrogate dads to this shy little girl – one of them being an actual dad. Don’t know what to make of Herakles in this event though. I know that a lot of people love him, I’m kinda sleeping on ‘im to be fair. But whatev’s.
This one should have been a little shorter. At one point you begin to wonder just how many times Echo can even fail to express her feelings. But it’s a minor flaw I think.
#14 I ain't Scared a no Halloween
This one is great for the characters. Volos obviously, who’s just an adorable plant nerd, but surprisingly Alice too, whose work of costuming is actually fairly entertaining (love that they kept dropping fun facts about pumpkins, it tickles my nerdy side). Cu Sith dressing up as a werewolf for Halloween was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen on a screen. Zabaniyya trying to let loose and relax in the most horrible way is always funny. Not sure what they were going for with Chernobog’s play at the end there, but it’s nice to see Chernobog having fun.
#13 Unfurl the Sails! A Golden Treasure Ship
This is actually the first event I ever tried out. I immediately crushed on Ebisu the minute I saw him. I wouldn’t recommend starting with that one tho, because if you don’t know who the characters are, it gets confusing really fast.
This one is obviously much better than the first boat adventure – at the very least they have an actual reason for going on a journey this time. The whole battle of the band aspect makes this event more diverse and is honestly really fun. Gives Benten something to do, thank goodness. Aegir is a slightly more fun villain than Black Storm, but not by much.
#12 In with the Ogres! Carpentry of the Heart
This one is short, but for once it doesn’t feel like an issue. Unlike in Canaan – the Promised Land, they seemed to know exactly how deeply they were willing to deal with their themes (racism, mostly). The answer is: not very deep. Which is not a problem, I think. Takemary hates humans, he learns that they’re not all bad after the summoners throw a special party for Setsubun. This carpenter guy is racist against ogres because he feels like they’re stealing his job, he gets hired, apologizes and all ends well. It’s simple, sweet and very heartwarming. That’s the kinda stuff I want out of my Housamo side quests. Minimal conflict, compelling characters who get to learn something over the course of a short story, and lots of moments that make me go “aaw”. This event had everything I wanted. I like how casual it was about revealing the new sprites (like, Motosumi is just sitting around with his kids, and they’re like “oh yeah we have this new sprite for him, might as well drop it here).
#11 Year of the Guardian Dog
That’s right! The best of the new year events is the very first one. Another instance of a simple concept executed flawlessly. Agyo wants to be a guardian dog, so have a little round up of all the guardian dogs. Garmr, Cu Sith and Xolotl all have very distinct styles – and though none might seem all that skilled from a distance, they’re actually more competent that they appear. This event is essentially all about making Agyo taste humble pie, but through the form of a nice stroll with MC and Moritaka. Also, letting Moritaka serve as a mentor of sorts was an interesting subversion of his character, he who usually ends up being the one mentored (either by Shino or Kimun Kamui).
#10 Desert Journey
Oh, we’re getting in the top ten now, huh? How exciting! Seth is another of those characters I didn’t expect to like, but I was proven wrong. Always had a tough spot for characters who act tough but are actually big softies. Love love love that they didn’t really focus much on the relationships between MC and the characters, but rather how the travelers interact with one another. It’s kinda similar to the Year of the Guardian Dog now that I think about it – they bring a new character who’s proud and confident, gains some allies he doesn’t think much of as first, but they end up teaching him quite a lot. I’ll say, I never liked Hanuman all that much, but this is the best they ever handled him. Ganglie was never this subtle either. He becomes a lot more interesting, without them betraying any of his character, or negating any of his flaws.
But I’ll be real with you, I don’t really get the Journey to the West parallel. Granted, I didn’t read the book, but I know a lot about it, and I was more confused than anything else by the parody elements. Well, it’s a minor detail.
#9 Valentine Jail!
Props to Life Wonders for coming up with a character like Aizen. He’s really really fun to be around; I always like a character who wears his flaws so ostentatiously. The fact that he’s really mean but also gullible and sensitive makes the whole event a catastrophe in motion – you know exactly where it’s going, and it’s amazing to watch it unfold. I love that the MC can tease Tadatomo for working for “the enemy”, if only briefly. Love how Hakumen doesn’t care about anything in that one, and is just proudly having her fun, walking around in BDSM gear. Oh the bisexuals must have been happy with that one! I also love that Aizen doesn’t change too much over the course of the event (which could have been tempting, but would have flattened his character considerably). Essentially Aizen carries this whole event, and I have literally no complaints.
#8 Let's Go! Hot Spring Jamboree
Ah yes, the REAL redemption for Black Snow on the Hot Spring Mountains. O the Great Gendarme tries, but this one succeeds. Third time really is the charm, huh.
This event does a good job of putting together characters who don’t really have any reason for hanging out in the first place. Moritaka, Shiro and the MC aren’t so rare to see together, but pairing them with Aizen and Kagutsushi is a bold move, and yet they make it work! I love how they all get a turn at the “character development” trick. It’s highly artificial, but I don’t mind. Papa bear Kimun Kamui is just adorable (and I don’t usually comment on this, but I’m amazed by his character design too), Wen Kamui adds a fun twist to a character which might have otherwise been a little flat.
Moritaka is the real star of this event, mostly because I think the way they handle his problem is actually pretty smart (it’s true that if you obsessively try to get better at one thing by training daily, you end up being highly predictable…) Also they didn’t think it was enough to make him fight his past self once, but twice, which is hilarious (poor guy). The ending in the world of Kamui Kotan drags a bit, but that’s my only complaint.
#7 Trick or Treat! Jiangshi Night
Man this event was so fun. Oddly enough, neither of the characters that they introduce for this event (Licho and Sanat Kumara) I liked all that much, but it doesn’t matter. First there’s that truly incredible scene where Tetsuox learns to deal with his survivor’s guilt through a theater play that rhymes, like how crazy is that? Then Babalon and Motosumi engage in a “child stacking contest” if I remember correctly, a real thing that actually happens. And at the end, everyone gets to perform in a live ranger show orchestrated by Krampus!! Having some characters that we love performing a role for a fiction within a fiction is a lot more fun than I would have honestly guessed, and Krampus looked so happy with his idea, it completely melted my heart. I rarely had as much fun as I did in this very moment.
#6 A Fluffy Nightmare in Ueno!
One of the only events to prominently feature the Beast Tamers, and it’s one of the best. The concept is both interesting AND well executed (I’m still looking at you, Raiders of the Lost Isle). Exploring the dream world is a common yet tricky trope. In the dream world, anything goes, which is both a good and a bad thing. But they knew how to use it creatively without making it confusing.
This one is also good because there is an element of mystery to it, that is actually resolved properly (looking at you, Valentine Extravaganza). And the more it goes, the more it gets you thinking. “Oh okay, we’re in a dream. Some people have all their senses, others don’t. We haven’t see Kuniyoshi and Benten yet, what the hell are they up to?” Really well done. If they were to recreate a similar event in the future, I’d gladly play through it.
#5 Make a Killing! The Beach House and Andvari Falls
This one’s quality is a lot more homogeneous than the previous ones. It’s just good, from beginning to end, without many drawbacks, or any particularly striking moments. It doesn’t have an incredible concept, but it plays to its strengths, and it does it well. Those beach events tend to attract a whole flurry of characters, and this one is no exception, but most of them are well handled. I recall there’s a part where you go diving with a whole bunch of kids though… yeah, I might have partly erased that one from my mind.
Love the joke at the beginning when Adnvari is asking for a resume, and the MC can choose to reply “My blade can sever gravity itself”, like it’s a perfect illustration of the shonen plot and the slice of life plot mingling in a really funny way, I wish they did it more often! Other than that, not much to say. Just go play it.
#4 Seaside Fashionista
I think to a certain extent, Life Wonders know that if they want us to love a female character, they’ll have to make extra efforts. Not that we’re all terribly misogynists, but we’re all super gay, and it’s harder to distract us from a character’s flaws with chiseled abs or tight clothes on a chubby belly.
It works most of the time, but it works especially well with Arachne. I love that her issue isn’t lack of talent, or ambition, but inability to understand what the people want. I love how she’s a workaholic who doesn’t listen to people, but also an incredibly kind individual, who will go out of her way to make you happy with just the most perfect outfit imaginable. I love how she’s curious about everything, and often puts herself in trouble because of that. Honestly, Seaside Fashionista had no business being this good, but it was. All the new outfits they gave the characters are amazing (I still haven’t recovered from Amatsumara’s suit). The fact that we get to see a side of Tsathoggua that we rarely get to see otherwise – awesome! And as I said earlier, we got our revenge for that swimsuit contest from way before. All is well.
#3 Battle of the Bells! An Ikebukuro Christmas
Top 3 now! This is getting serious.
Since it’s ranking so high on this list, you might be surprised to find out that I don’t care all that much about Tansgrisnir (am I even writing that name properly?). Like, he’s sweet and all, but there are a lot of characters I love more. No, what got me in this event is the concept. I think it hit me when Transgrisnir hurt his leg and said that he couldn’t run anymore – when he said that the MC would have to pull the sleigh himself. A human, a teenager no less, pulling a sleigh, and flying through the air. And then competing in a race, full of people running through the air and pulling sleighs too! Can you imagine it? That’s so incredibly specific, and just so strong of a concept, all on its own! And to top it all up, they complicated the race by adding this element where you have to take frequent stops and fight groups of people in different wards of Tokyo. Yoyogi academy, Roppongi, Aoyama, and Shinjuku – groups of characters teaming up to prevent the sleighs from moving onward. And who doesn’t love teamwork?
I think this is genuinely one of the best ideas they’ve ever had, and I think they should congratulate whoever came up with it.
#2 Me-ow! Happy Illusion! The Festival of Magic Hijinks
Genuinely surprised at how well this one turned out. Another of these events where they gave themselves a lot of work; introducing Cait Sith and Tvastar, giving Ryota, Tezcatlipoca, Furufumi and Licho a new alt, and consequently a tidbit of character development, tying it up neatly at the end with the collision of worlds plot and the magic show, and it all works! I think Tvastar especially is a brilliant addition to the Crafters, because similar to Arachne and Aizen, he’s flawed in a delightful way. “Why won’t you let me help you” has always been a favorite trope of mine, so I’m probably biased. Caith Sith’s theme is a bop, mini Tezcatlipoca nearly had me cry from laughing so much, I can’t believe a team composed of Miss Ziz and Shennong of all people won a FOOD EATING CONTEST, but I’m so proud of them anyway.
Also I like that they slid some discreet references to the main plot in there. The world representatives being shady, how MC interacts with Mononobe, it was so subtle in some instances that it was almost a little spooky. Really can’t overstate how much I enjoyed that one.
#1 The New Champion of Christmas
If you’re a Krampus stan like me, you were waiting for it, and you’re probably bouncing right now. I have nothing but love for The New Champion of Christmas. Krampus’ introduction is incredible, because it’s so silly in such a charming way, I mean have you seen what the guy wears? Military pants, this absurd, ripped santa jacket that covers his face, the cow bells around his neck, the chains, whoever his chara-designer is they’re completely insane and I love them for it.
I mean all of this event is silly, and it only works because they fully commit to the bit. The Santa school has a dark Santa course now, which is incredible, Krampus threatens to give the thugs a big spanking, like can you IMAGINE if this happened to you in real life?
But then beyond the silly, Krampus is actually an adorable and shy little dude, who just wants to make friends. His character development is compelling and well executed. And can we talk about Ryota for a second? I love that they allowed him to have a crush on Krampus, something that they rarely do, since all the teenagers in this game must inevitably fall in love with the MC at some point. Shiro says something that’s absolutely wild at the beginning of the event, regarding that. Apparently Ryota crushes on people easily and becomes briefly obsessed with them, but it doesn’t last. Like okay Shiro, I hear you. But then Shiro casually says “this is how our friend group ended up forming” and I’m like HOLD ON, this is huge, you can’t just drop this on me and then move on! What? Ryota crushed on everyone? Shiro, Kengo, Moritaka, even TOJI??? And then they just became friends???? HUH????
Oh yeah, also they tie it up with wrestling at the end, and I have no complaints. A wrestling gimmick is a no brainer for Krampus, but it forces Ryota out of his comfort zone, so it’s good for two different reasons. Over all, I’m ranking this event first because Krampus literally captured my heart, and I’ve never so badly wanted to be isekai’d so I could just fall into his arms. I rest my case.
So yeah there you have it, I would be deeply surprised if everyone agreed with me, but that’s my two cents on the question. If anyone feels like writing a similar “worst to best” article about Housamo, feel free to dm me cuz I’d be SO curious to know how you rank them (or the chapters in the main plot, why not!)
23 notes · View notes
The Acolyte eps 1 and 2; Lost/Found & Revenge/Justice
"Jedi do not attack the unarmed." is all well and good but our purple assassin clearly isn't unarmed.
Politely waits for Master Indara to die
Pip is our obligatory cute droid for the series, then.
Are we going the "commits atrocities; has narrative amnesia" route? Hair's different though?
Osha a "former Jedi" - Fallen?
Six years since leaving the Order
How did Osha go from strapped-in to lying on the floor after the crash??
🎵Mae started the fire🎵 that killed everyone on Brendok (For what purpose?)
Guess we're doing the Good/Evil twin thing.
Yord has a yellow blade, that's curious. Don't sound like such a cop FFS.
"An Acolyte kills without a weapon. An Acolyte... kills the dream."
Planet Olega
Master Torbin really just that much of a BAMF; Mae can't even touch him
Two Jedi to kill after Torbin to "please the Master"
Mixes the poison like a cocktail 🍹
Barash Vow
Little weird that Yord is helping Osha prove she isn't the one who poisoned Torbin given how much he distrusts her
Yord, again with sounding like a cop...
Indara, Torbin, Kelnacca and Sol on the hit-list
Did Osha miss or let Mae get away on purpose?
Planet Kohfar next on our roadtrip
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recents · 11 months
my characterization of sol relies heavily on the idea that almost everyone who knew him pre-amnesia is, to some extent, spinning a narrative about what he used to be like. because they literally all have motivations to. he totally did do all that murder. don’t get me wrong. but it’s fun to take apart the narrative of “you were PURE murder” when you’re playing the most conflicted guy in the world
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luckyspacerabbit · 3 years
Tumblr media
(template + instructions here <;3)
Name: Dan Hyun Kim
Alias: The Link
Birthdate: 06/13/2151 (32 yrs)
Class, Specialization: Sentinel; Biotechnical Conservator
Weapons: Heavy Pistols, Submachine Guns
Unique Power (Active/Passive):
Active: Bulletproof– Dan Hyun can provide a golden tech shield supplemented with biotic barriers to protect herself and her squadmates from attack for a limited time, at the cost of movement.
System Overload – Dan Hyun fires an electromagnetic overload pulse that inflicts massive damage to shields and synthetic enemies, in addition to a crippling paralysis agent that renders organic targets immobile.
Bleed – Dan Hyun uses her biotics to devestate a target's nervous or synthetic systems to prevent healing. She restores her health and provides a temporary health bonus when the power is used against organics. She deals double damage to armor and barriers.
Passive: Preservationist– Dan Hyun’s self-preservation and dedication to biotechnology has allowed her to develop armor upgrades that dramatically increase defense and power radius.
Rank 4 Evolution:
Option 1: People’s Bastion– Mess with her squad and get the fist. Dan Hyun receives a boost to melee attacks and power damage.
Health: +15.00%
Melee Attacks: +25.00%
Power Damage: +25.00%
Option 2: Armored Guardian– If anyone thinks they’re breaking down Dan Hyun’s defenses they are poorly mistaken. Dan Hyun provides dramatic boosts to squad health and shields.
Health: +25.00%
Weapon Damage: +15.00%
Shield/Barrier Strength: +25.00%
Pre Loyalty: Dan Hyun carries elements of an Alliance researcher’s outfit in her armor, though she’s definitely taken liberties to pad herself under the watch of the Overseer. Her armor plating is heaviest along her arms, legs, and chest. Her primary colors are Alliance blue and gold.
Post Loyalty: Dan Hyun’s armor remains the same, with a recolor of ivory, silver, and gold. The Alliance patch has disappeared, however, replaced by a Cerberus logo.
Origin: Spacer
Codex Entry: Dan Hyun Kim: Growing up within the protective dome of the Sentinel Agricultural Research Facility atop Trident’s tumultuous ocean, Dan Hyun was immersed in research from the start. The stellar conservatory was the first of humanity’s established research facilities, built to host and develop sustainable flora + fauna for colony expansion. Her mother was the head of the Alliance outpost, a specialist in biotechnology, and her father, a biomedical scientist stationed there. As the daughter of a famed scientist, Dan Hyun was sheltered to avoid diplomatic incidence. She was educated at home, and hardly found reason to breach the walls of her perfect little world. This did not stunt her academic development, and in fact, enhanced it. By the time she had graduated from the System’s Alliance Research Division’s preparatory program on the Citadel, she had published several studies on the benefits of hardy vegetables (such as yams) as clean batteries for outskirts colonies.
Dan Hyun’s career didn’t truly begin until the System’s Alliance rewarded her with a five-year subcontract as a researcher for Binary Helix. Stationed hundreds of miles beneath the icey surface of Europa, Dan Hyun discovered microorganisms from an ocean floor rock sample under the supervision of Dr. Zsuzsa Gaul. Her initial analysis suggested it held the cure for several intergalactic diseases. It broke Sol System news for days to come and even spawned a legal war between Binary Helix and the Systems Alliance. After the explosion at the Nautilus Research Base, she was designated as missing in action.
She resurfaced weeks later in a small fishing colony with an apparent bout of amnesia. After several months of recovery, psychologists assume she must have been swept in a tunnel current to the surface, protected by her apparent, biotic powers. During this time she was ordered to enlist in biotic combat training for the suggested purpose of her own protection. Upon release, she was sent to work at a top-secret Alliance Facility.
Psychological Profile: Hostage Survivor.
Though Alliance press releases suggest that the explosion was an inside job performed by Binary Helix, Dan Hyun lived through the truth. In reality, Operation Serpent was a Black Ops raid ordered by Alliance Command in an attempt to obtain the microorganism Dan Hyun had discovered. As part of their infiltration, they flooded the facility using micro charges to destroy valves and sabotage escape pods. The pressure grew until the facility was forced to call Alliance forces for aid. It seemed all too convenient that the research base crumbled once operatives had confiscated entire archives of “ill-used” technology. Only as the dust settled, though, did the scientists realize there was a missing person among them.
The truth about Dan Hyun’s disappearance is that she hadn’t been left to the elements at all. In fact, she was transported out of the facility like any other scientist. Unlike them, though, she was not flown to the nearest hospital and treated for her injuries.
For three weeks, she was held hostage in a tiny Alliance facility as operatives interrogated her on her research on the microorganism. As a member of the Alliance, she was initially treated well– the thought of imprisonment hadn’t crossed her mind and she gave information freely. It was when she discovered that the Alliance was taking advantage of the microorganism to develop biochemical weapons that she clammed up, and thus, began her true internment.
Their attempts lasted weeks until a miracle afforded Dan Hyun an opportunity. The base had been stationed next to a massive Element Zero deposit, and when, one day, she was pushed to her limit, her biotic powers fully manifested in a head ringing explosion. Caught in the blast herself, Dan Hyun flew into a nearby wall and gained a concussion, as well as a life-saving spell of amnesia. The operatives, finding she no longer held knowledge on the microorganism, were ordered to drop her off in the nearest fishing colony on Europa. The Alliance wasn’t yet ready to put such a useful person to death, and the microorganism remained frozen in their possession for years to come.
Recruitment Dossier Text:
Dan Hyun Kim
- Biotechnical arms development genius, squad support
- Prolific scientist with Alliance training in biotics and light weapons.
Dr. Dan Hyun Kim’s discovery and subsequent research has contributed to cutting-edge developments in biotechnical armory support that could make the difference in the battle against the Collectors. She’s currently assigned to the Canto 10 Alliance Black Ops base on Mars.
Recruitment Mission Me2:
To recruit Dan Hyun, Shepard must have had their Spectre status reinstated by visiting the Human Councilor on the Citadel. She is also recruitable in the first round of Dossiers, alongside Mordin Solus, Garrus Vakarian, Jack, and Grunt.
Shepard and their two squadmates are sent to Mars to recruit Dan Hyun.
As the shuttle touches down, EDI radios explaining that despite Shepard’s S.P.E.C.T.R.E authority, Canto 10’s extreme security level may present tensions given their known association with Cerberus. As such they have been assigned temporary Alliance identities, procured by Cerberus intel.
EDI also suggests that they keep their intentions secret, as the Alliance is very protective of Dan Hyun.
Companion #1: Sounds more like a prison than a job.
Shepard is then radioed in by Alliance operatives, who ask them to state their intentions.
Charm: We’re here on orders from Alliance Command to perform a routine safety check, soldier. Just give us an hour and we’ll be out of your hair. (+4 paragon)
Intimidate: I have orders straight from Alliance Command to evaluate this outpost. I’d hate to have to shut this place down without even stepping foot inside. (+4 renegade)
Whichever method Shepard elects to use, the operative hesitates for a moment before giving them clearance to dock. Their shuttle pulls into the Canto 10 docking center, a small narrow station embedded deep into the side of a red Martian mountain. Shepard hops off the shuttle alongside their companions, looking around and dusting off the red dust that trickles into the docks. They’re stopped in their tracks by a man sporting heavy armor, a shining set of Alliance gold stripes on his shoulder. He’s flanked by several well-armed soldiers.
Overseer Virgil: Inspectors. I’m Overseer Virgil, the head of this base of operations. Your identification numbers report you as Alliance Command. This facility isn’t scheduled for an evaluation for another three months.
Charm: The orders will be through soon. Alliance Command just wants to make sure their facilities are in tip-top shape. (+4 paragon)
Intimidate: I hope you’re not suggesting that this facility isn’t ready for a simple inspection, Overseer. (+4 renegade)
He looks irritated but straightens nonetheless. Before he can reply, one of the station's communication operators reports that they just received notice of the inspector’s arrival from Alliance Command. He asks why it came so late and the operator reports that it’s possible there was network lag from the storm. Overseer Virgil has no choice now but to let Shepard in. He grunts “follow me,” and begins to walk Shepard and their crew through the station’s expansive combat center. He gestures toward the hard training soldiers, expressing the rigor that all operatives go through in order to be the best of the Alliance.
Shepard: I thought this was a research base. This reminds me a lot more of N7 boot camp.
Overseer: We’re a Black Ops operation too, inspector. Being known for artillery developments is good but it doesn't mean jack unless you can put it to the test.
The Overseer pauses at the entrance to a room labeled Armory, asking Shepard to wait a moment as he steps inside. A small armed guard stands nearby, and your companions seem wary of the surveillance.
Companion #1: Did we get the right place?
Option 1: I don’t know. This hasn’t been my experience with the Alliance. I’m getting a bad feeling about this. (+2 paragon)
Option 2: The Alliance does what they need to, just like the Salarian STG and the Council Spectres. I don’t see anything out of the ordinary here. (+2 renegade)
Companion #2: We should try to find the laboratories. It’s unlikely Dan Hyun will be near the combat side of things.
Shepard: Agreed.
The Overseer returns, saying that they’re ready for them to begin the evaluation. However, Shepard claims there’s been a change in the protocol: they’ll be starting with the labs.
The Overseer seems suspicious and attempts to argue with Shepard when suddenly someone bumps into them. Shepard looks down to see an Alliance scientist who has managed to drop all of their supplies. She apologizes quickly and Shepard can use a paragon interrupt to help her pick up her things. Otherwise, she gathers them up herself. The Overseer sighs from behind her and addresses her by the name “Specialist Dan Hyun.”
She laughs a bit shyly, fixing her hair. “Overseer, I didn’t mean to interrupt your tour. I wasn’t aware the facility was getting any visitors today.” He replies, “We wouldn’t have informed you either way.” His eyes flick to the accompanying guards. “Please, escort Specialist Dan Hyun back to the cafeteria for her lunch. She shouldn’t be in this wing.”
She stares deep into your eyes as she’s ushered away. Shepard can then ask if scientists are typically so restricted on the base. The Overseer rebuffs them, saying that they’re asking more questions than they have clearance for. Shepard looks back to Dan Hyun when suddenly the facility shakes. Her escorts pause and everyone peers about for the source.
Over the intercom, a station alert blares, urging operatives to defenses. Someone radios the Overseer and they’re told the station is under attack by what looks like a group of mercs. The Overseer is shocked they found the base and insists that Shepard and their companions are taken along with Dan Hyun to be quarantined in the barracks.
As Shepard runs with them into a set of corridors, Shepard catches glimpses of CAT6 soldiers, busting into various doors and engaging in combat with the black ops teams. When they look back, light reflects over their face. Dan Hyun has released a neural shock, bringing their escorts to their knees and knocking them unconscious. She looks at Shepard with a wary smile. “Commander Shepard, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.”
Dan Hyun leads them through the facility, where she explains that she’s been held captive for almost a year now under the guise of “employment.”
Shepard: That can’t be allowed, it sounds like kidnapping.
Specialist Dan Hyun: Yeah, that’s what I thought too.
Specialist Dan Hyun: But then they held a gun to my head and “allowed” didn’t matter anymore.
They enter a combat scenario as Dan Hyun shouts that they have to fight their way to the labs. The squad must defeat CAT6 waves on their way there.
Companion #1: How did mercenaries track down a top-secret Alliance base?
Shepard: Not just any mercenaries. Cat6. Dishonorable discharges. They’d have a bone to pick with the Alliance.
Dan Hyun: I wouldn’t have understood that once, but now? I’m having a hard time faulting them.
They reach the laboratory, where Dan Hyun keys them in and rushes towards a lab bench. Here, Shepard has the opportunity to ask her questions.
>The Illusive Man didn’t mention that we’d be breaking you out.
Ans: You may be frustrated to hear this, but I wouldn’t have either. Your blood runs blue and gold doesn’t it Commander? First human SPECTRE, and all. Little lies get things done. They’re getting you me and the holy grail of biotechnology. One and the same if you think about it.
>Why would you betray the Alliance?
Ans: They betrayed me first I think. Then, humanity. The Alliance I grew up with wouldn’t have abused my scientific discovery to develop biochemical bombs.
>They must have seen you as a threat.
Ans: I’m no threat to anyone, Commander. I’m just a scientist at the end of the day.
She pulls out a small slide containing a glass box. You can see a gray sample inside, about the size of your palm.
“This is the bacteria that will change the world. Just like it changed me.”
>That’s what the collectors were after?
Ans: Yes. And the Alliance. And every merc and terrorist organization on this side of the galaxy. And if you knew what it was, you’d want it too.
The sample is tucked into her bag, alongside a small book. The lab seems to shake around them with ensuing merc assault and Shepard says that it’s time for them to go.
Suddenly, they hear a scream. They look over to see that CAT6 mercenaries are dragging away scientists, with radio feedback mentioning that they’ll be executing them for their Alliance ties. Dan Hyun becomes clearly distressed by this and says “no, wait!” running toward them to save them.
A renegade interrupt can be performed to which Shepard will shoot the door lock, jamming it and preventing her from progressing to the scientists. She will be warned not to go forward because Shepard’s priority is to get her and that sample off the ship.
She’ll look frightened before nodding and following Shepard through the door where they are greeted by a wave of CAT6. She tells Shepard to get back as she sprints forward against their words and activates her Bleed ability. Shepard watches as she decimates a CAT6 mercenary and restores her own health, and thus the final wave of CAT6 mercenaries engage them in combat. Progress to end.
Otherwise, Shepard and their companions will attempt to follow her and stop her by force. In a grab for time, Dan Hyun locks the door behind her, trapping Shepard and their companions. Shepard’s companions attempt to break through lock as through the nearby glass panes Dan Hyun is seen barreling towards an entire squadron of CAT6 mercenaries. She calls their attention with a neural shock wave, shouting for the scientists to come her way while their captors are writhing on the floor. As soon as they do, her Bulletproof ability is activated, shielding herself and the scientists in a barrier of gold. Shepard’s companions break through the latch just in time for the CAT6 to recover, leaving them to kill the remaining mercenaries without Dan Hyun’s assistance. Progress to end.
At the launch pad, Shepard’s squad is confronted by the Overseer. He’s alight with tech armor and seething with rage. He shouts at them, saying that he knew their arrival was too coincidental to be an accident.
The Overseer: Stealing my scientists, destroying an Alliance black ops research base… Just who the hell are you?!
Option 1: I’m Commander Shepard of the Alliance Military. And I’m shutting this place down. (+2 paragon)
Option 2: No one you need to remember.
Option 3: I’m a Council S.P.E.C.T.R.E. And you’re going down. (+2 renegade)
The rest of the base burns around them, and the only thing standing between Shepard and escape is a final battle.
As Shepard fights the Overseer, he argues with Shepard to think twice about their choices. Breaking Dan Hyun out would be a major blow to humanity’s progress. Dan Hyun disagrees, screaming at Shepard not to listen to him because he can’t see the truth. The Overseer claims that the Alliance gave Dan Hyun and her family their lives, to which she cries that for all they might have given they stole enough to kill them five times over.
Eventually, Shepard defeats the Overseer and his remaining support. Dan Hyun is seen guiding surviving scientists to escape shuttles before putting a hand on Shepard’s arm. They leave together, and the mission ends.
Where Are They On The Ship Me2:
Dan Hyun makes a home within the research lab, on the side containing the exterior of the ship. She is set up with her own desk which features a variety of photographs and media clippings. Someone’s dog tags rest over her computer. A small stack of fiction sits in the corner, and her research notes cover the entire expanse of the room. Upon recruiting Dan Hyun the lab becomes noticeably cluttered with datapads and half-eaten take-out. She and Mordin appear to have pooled their resources to procure a folding bunk bed as well. The microorganism is given a display case on the center desk. She is usually sitting at her computer, facing the Normandy window.
Often, pop music can be heard, and occasionally Shepard will walk in on her and Mordin singing along.
During cutscenes, she will generally ask Shepard to speak with her in the Communications room for a bit of privacy. She will always light the digital interface to a star map resembling her home system, and turn it off at the conclusion of their scene.
Between missions, she can be asked about:
-Her time at Canto 10.
-The Nautilus Base.
-Her background as an Alliance Scientist.
->Her thoughts on Cerberus/The Suicide Mission.
-Her family
-> Her friend who was KIA.
-The Microorganism
->Its potential as a miracle cure and miracle destruction.
-Her positive attitude
-> Her desire to cling to normalcy.
Where Are They On The Ship Me3:
Dan Hyun resides in the medical wing of the Normandy SR-3. She can be found sitting at the desk, measuring vials, or checking over a patient. She roams the ship quite often and will almost always be in a different spot than her last location.
Loyalty Mission:
Kelly: Commander, Dan Hyun’s been asking if you have a second to spare for her. It sounds like she could use your help.
Dan Hyun is looking at the microorganism when Shepard enters the laboratory. She starts by lamenting that everyone’s told her this is going to be a one-way trip and that she should make arrangements for the worst-case scenario. She wants to believe this isn’t the end for her, but she’s also not stupid. She asks Shepard to help her transfer the microorganism and her research to safer hands, just in case.
Shepard can ask where she plans on taking the sample, to which she will explain that her parents have a small, private facility on Sandalwood Island. She says she’d like them to accompany her as a backup. She’s not keen on taking chances.
Shepard either accepts or rejects Dan Hyun’s request. If the offer is rejected she is clearly taken aback but says that she hopes Shepard is right and the sample will be safe for their return. You do not earn her loyalty.
If the offer is accepted, the mission proceeds.
The Missing Link
The skycar transport touches down at Sandalwood resort, the main skyport that provides access to the beautiful Sandalwood Island. Shepard is greeted by smiling concierges and Milky Way species of all shapes and sizes. It looks like an idyllic tropical destination, and gentle music plays over the loudspeakers.
Shepard: Are your parents supposed to be meeting us at the resort?
Dan Hyun: Oh, no, no. They’re at the lab already, but everyone has to travel through the resort’s Skyport. The island’s not big enough for more than one.
Companion #2: Maybe we can come back after and enjoy the facilities?
Shepard: Not likely.
Dan Hyun: We just have to exit out the lobby and we’ll be on our way.
Shepard and the crew cross the airway and enter a lobby. As they move through the crowds of tourists, Dan Hyun and Shepard exchange commentary about why she chose to meet her parents there. She explains that Sandalwood was a place their family often vacationed at while her parents did personal work at the lab. It was a retreat from the high-stress environment that came with living at S.A.R.F, and it was the greatest freedom she remembered having as a kid.
Dan Hyun: (laughing)
Shepard: What?
Dan Hyun: That pyjak petting zoo. I told Kai how much I wanted to take a picture with one right at the cabana hanging over the cliffside. He said I was stupid.
Shepard: He sounds mean.
Dan Hyun: He was. But I was kinder. That’s why I have a picture with a pyjak. He lured it there using my snacks, inches at a time.
Dan Hyun: I miss him. I hope… he didn’t have to suffer much.
There are various one-liners that reveal more about Dan Hyun’s personality and upbringing from interacting with objects like an ice cream vendor and an oceanside view. Eventually, though, you see the research lab in the distance. The glass-paneled building shines on the edge of a cliff, with birds flying past as posing for the perfect postcard.
Dan Hyun: (fondness) There it is.
Shepard: Are you sure the microorganism will be safe there? I thought you said your parents were Alliance.
Dan Hyun: They are, but after I told them where I’d been... I’ve heard hearts break before but I’ve never heard them shatter.
Dan Hyun: They’ll keep the sample safe here. I believe in them.
Dan Hyun: They kept me safe all their life.
As Shepard moves to flag a ground taxi, the island seems to shudder, trees shaking from the ground up. Birds take to the sky above, and a van quietly pulls into the taxi port. Concerned voices raise as the tourists look around, asking if maybe there’s been an earthquake. The answer becomes clear when the taxi doors fly open and an outpour of CAT6 Mercenaries open fire on the crowd.
Shepard is immediately launched into combat, exclaiming disbelief that CAT6 mercenaries were here yet again. The second companion questions what they would be attacking a resort for of all things.
When the mercenaries are wiped out it only becomes clear that more are coming in fast. Additional vans drive up, and Dan Hyun is looking worriedly between the tourists and the lab facility. It turns out she has plenty of reason for concern: black vans are traveling up the curving roadway, and appear to be headed there.
Shepard instructs the second companion to stay with the tourists and together with Dan Hyun, commandeers a van. The two start driving as fast as they can, entering a high-speed chase.
Along the way, CAT6 mercenaries continue to pull close to their car in an effort to run them off the road. Shepard must turn driving over to Dan Hyun in order to enter combat and defend their vehicle.
Shepard: Did you tell anybody that we were coming here?!
Dan Hyun: No one!! I paid for passage on my accounts, and everything I told my parents was over Vidcomm.
Shepard: Cerberus Channels?
Dan Hyun: We only have the one!
Despite taking out several vehicles, Shepard’s tires are shot and the vehicle begins to spin out of control. Dan Hyun reaches for Shepard’s hand and pulls them into her, protecting them in a bubble-like shield powered by both biotics and electric charge.
The two survive the crash and crawl out of the steaming black van into the hot sand. They look up to find they’ve been surrounded by the enemy.
Shepard and Dan Hyun are now facing yet another wave of CAT6, but this time, with one minor boss. A close-range Dragoon.
Once Shepard brings the Dragoon’s shields to 0, a cut scene plays. They manage to knock Shepard to the ground as Dan Hyun is engaged with another enemy, and Shepard watches in horror as they’re about to deliver the killing blow. The whip of the Dragoon raises high, its biotic energy sparking. Then, suddenly, the Dragoon’s arm is stuck. Looking back, the whip has become wrapped around the edge of a blade, connected to someone in Cerberus armor. You see his smirk as he pulls back, dragging the Dragoon to the ground before getting into a ready stance.
“Commander Shepard. Looks like your reflexes are still slow. Lucky for you, I’m fast.”
This time, the mysterious figure joins your team, and the three of you work together to take down the massive Dragoon.
Once the dust is settled, a renegade impulse to hold a gun to the figure can be taken.
If Shepard takes the impulse the figure will meet them weapon for weapon with a blade. The two have a tense standoff as Shepard questions “Who the hell are you?” The figure’s eyes remain cloaked by an opaque eyepiece but their mouth is twisted into a devilish grin.
Dan Hyun puts a hand on Shepard’s arm whispering “Commander, stop. They saved us.” The cutscene will then proceed as normal.
Otherwise, Dan Hyun will look with apprehension at the figure. Shepard sizes them up, folding their arms. “Cerberus armor, Cerberus weapons, Cerberus techniques. I don’t suppose it’s too much to hope the Illusive Man sent us a friend.”
At that, the figure pauses, then uncloaks the visor over their eyes.
“It is. The credit goes to coincidence. Happy coincidence.”
Beside Shepard, Dan Hyun gasps.
He smiles.
Shepard: Kai? Like, Kai Leng? Your friend who was listed KIA?
Kai: Cerberus’ doing. They got me out of the Alliance by faking my death during my tour in Endoclaus. Now I’m doing the real work. Nice to see you finally caught up, Shepard.
Option 1: You’re kidding yourself if you think a terrorist organization is doing anything meaningful. (+2 paragon)
Option 2: Can’t say I blame you for wanting out.
Option 3: There are perks to working with a highly funded and private organization. (+2 renegade)
Dan Hyun expresses that she can’t believe it’s really him, and Shepard, noticing a strange shift to his movements, will ask “So what are you doing here? Because it can’t be a purely happy coincidence can it?” He replies “My work is classified. Cerberus cells aren’t supposed to cross paths and this is no exception.” Dan Hyun remarks to Shepard that Kai could help them. It was difficult enough to get this far on their own. They’re clearly outnumbered.
Charm: Even if our cells are separate, we’re all Cerberus now. We could really use someone like you on our side. (+8 paragon)
Intimidate: If you’re really as good as you say Cerberus made you, then you wouldn’t be afraid to prove it with us. (+8 renegade)
Whatever you select, Kai will appear to consider your words before agreeing to accompany you, fulfilling the secondary combat slot. Dan Hyun, overwhelmed with warmth, thanks him and Shepard both.
Shepard, Kai, and Dan Hyun must now fight their way to the research base, where it appears that the CAT6 mercenaries have taken over. Their vans dot the roadways and a team is attempting to scale the pristine base.
Along the way, conversations between Dan Hyun and Kai illustrate Dan Hyun’s relief and surprise at his survival. He congratulates her on joining Cerberus, and she confides that she’s not sure how she feels about that herself.
Dan Hyun: Thank you for helping us. My Mom and Dad were supposed to be waiting for me, and I’m worried about all these mercenaries.
Kai: We’ll get to them, Dannie.
Dan Hyun: They’ll be so surprised to see you. Eomma’s gonna be like, “Oh my God, you’re even stronger and buffer now! What have they been feeding you?”
Kai: (chuckles) I haven’t seen them in years.
Dan Hyun: … I haven’t either.
Kai: What? Did something happen?
Dan Hyun: I’ll tell you soon.
Dan Hyun: Kai watch your step!
Kai: I hate that you remembered that.
Dan Hyun: I know!
Shepard: Do you know what these mercs are doing here? Were they related to your mission?
Kai: No. And no.
Shepard: Right.
The trio succeeds in fighting their way to the entrance of the lab and Dan Hyun uses her passcode to gain entrance. All is quiet in the private facility/home, and Shepard whispers that it seems like they didn’t make it inside. Dan Hyun replies she’s not so sure and remains on high alert. She takes the lead, encouraging them to be quiet and stick close to her defenses.
A radio crackle can be heard from upstairs and Dan Hyun sucks in a breath, waving the team forward. They frame the stairway before Dan Hyun goes in first, a look of shock and distress on her face when she discovers that a group of CAT6 mercenaries have her parents hostage at the center of the room.
One leader amongst the masked enemies steps forward as everyone raises their guns.
“Give us the sample or they die.”
Dan Hyun is grimaced to tears, her hands focused on the target. Even Kai looks visually angered and his hands tighten around his weapons.
Dan Hyun: How did you get here? Who are you working for?
CAT6: Doesn’t matter. You have thirty seconds before I blow their heads off.
A Renegade interrupt will allow you to shoot the CAT6 closest to Dan Hyun’s parents in the head. If you choose this option, Kai will shoot as well, while Dan Hyun rushes to her parents to provide cover till the shooting stops.
If you wait past the renegade impulse a Paragon interrupt will occur and Shepard can convince the CAT6 to give them more information. The CAT6 will start to say they were “Tipped off by a usual contact. We only know him by the name of J–”
The CAT6 will never finish his sentence, though, as the mercenary behind him will shoot him. Kai and Shepard will finish the job and Dan Hyun will rush to her parents and provide cover till the shooting stops.
If none of the impulse reactions are taken, the CAT6 will shove a gun to Dan Hyun’s mom’s head and she will shout before using her Bleed ability to trigger a manual combat scene.
When the dust settles, Dan Hyun’s parents react quickly to hug Dan Hyun before turning in surprise to Kai and pulling him in for a hug as well. Shepard watches as they reunite, their dialogue indicating cathartic relief that their family has been so lucky to be brought together again in such a meaningful place.
“Dan Hyun used to cry under the table right there…” “Eomma, stop!”
Dan Hyun thanks Shepard for escorting them, relieved that she can finally place this sample in the right hands.
She produces a shining jar with the label EU-001 and Shepard remarks,
Option 1: I’m glad we got everyone here safely. Including the microorganism.
Option 2: That was a wild ride.
Option 3: That little rock better be worth it.
As she’s about to hand it to her parents, Kai interrupts, a critical expression on his face.
“Stop. You’re going to leave that with them? After seeing what lengths those mercenaries went through to get here?”
Dan Hyun: I… This is the safest place, Kai.
Kai: It obviously wasn’t. Auntie and Uncle can’t defend themselves or your sample.
Kai: Don’t be sentimental Dannie, make the right decision.
Dan Hyun: Don’t tell me you’re giving me your opinion without also giving me a solution.
Kai: Leave it with me. Cerberus will take custody of it. We have all the funding in the world and I can guarantee it won’t be touched.
Shepard now has the opportunity to decide the fate of the microorganism. They can either encourage Dan Hyun to leave the sample with her parents, Kai, or, to take it for herself.
Shepard encourages Dan Hyun to keep the sample for herself: Dan Hyun seems most assured, given her ability to protect the sample so far. She is given full agency over the microorganism and its fate. (ME3 impact: Allows Kepral’s cure to be developed, Eve to survive if Maelon’s research was not preserved, provides war assets, and power bonuses)
Shepard encourages Dan Hyun to give the sample to her parents: Dan Hyun’s feelings are confirmed and she’s grateful to leave the sample with those she trusts most. (ME3 impact: Eve to survive if Maelon’s research was not preserved, Dan Hyun’s father is killed, provides war assets, new grenades, and power bonuses)
Shepard encourages Dan Hyun to give the sample to Kai: Dan Hyun is most uncertain but trusts Shepard. Her opinion of Cerberus improves slightly. (ME3 impact: Provides war assets, power bonuses, and new weaponry, but also results in hits to war assets affecting alien troops due to Cerberus’ development of biochemical weapons)
Dan Hyun will hand the sample to whoever Shepard has suggested and she will thank them for their help. Her mom will step forward and echo her statement, saying that if they don’t have to get going just yet, they should all have dinner together. Dan Hyun rests her head on her shoulder, whispering somberly that dinner would be good. Her Mom doesn’t seem to notice the weight of her statement.
Mrs. Kim: And I think someone will need to help us get rid of all these bodies…
Shepard: Really? I, uh. I’ve never been responsible for that part before.
Mrs. Kim: Well! You’ll be happy to know you're starting today!
The mission ends with Dan Hyun biotic floating the bodies away. while Shepard lobs one over their shoulder, rendering a peaceful end to what was an unexpectedly chaotic adventure.
Loyalty Achievement: The Link Restored
Suicide Mission: Specialist Suggestion: The Long Walk
Romanceable: Yes to all.
Lock in Conversation: In the last cutscene with Dan Hyun before the Suicide Mission, she is in the communications room again, using the AR visual platform as a background. She asks Shepard if they were thinking of anything strange lately.
Option 1: No more than the usual intrusive thoughts.
Option 2: What do you mean strange?
Option 3: That’s kind of a weird question.
Dan Hyun hmm’s in response, thumbing her lip. She replies that the Suicide Mission coming up has made her remember things she’d thought she’d forgotten.
“Just the other day, I was looking at Miranda’s lipstick and all I could think of was my first pet rabbit, Creamy. She wasn’t very unique. Appa actually passed her off to me because there were hundreds of rabbits in our breeding program just like her. But one look at Miranda’s lips and she was all I could think of. Creamy.”
Option 1: It’s not unusual to get nostalgic before something as intense as a suicide mission. Thinking back is part of being human.
Dan Hyun: Yeah… I think you’re right. We have memories for a reason.
Option 2: I can’t think that far ahead. I’m still here putting one foot in front of the other.
Dan Hyun: Sometimes that’s what it takes to survive.
Option 3: I don’t look back. Not when revenge on the Collectors is so close.
Dan Hyun: Awh… You’re so admirable and focused, Shepard. But that must get tiring, every day staring in one direction... Reflecting on the past helps us more than you might think.
Romance: Do you stare at people’s lips often?
Dan Hyun: Shepard! Are you teasing me? Darn. Now I’m blushing.
Shepard: You didn’t answer the question.
Dan Hyun: Only some people’s… (she looks at Shepard’s lips before looking back at them).
“I can’t help but ask myself if I did everything I wanted to do. I had a lot of dreams as a kid like…I wanted a house with a big glass window so I could always feel the sun on my face. I wanted to work in a lab with coworkers that would always get drinks after work. I wanted to make people’s lives better. And I really wanted to get married.”
Option 1: You did some of those things. And the rest… well there will always be time when we get back.
Dan Hyun: You really believe we’ll be back?
Shepard: I’m going to do everything I can to make sure of it.
Option 2: Don’t count yourself out. Besides, we could still make it back. It’s up in the air.
Option 3: You don’t need to fulfill a list to truly live, Dan Hyun.
Dan Hyun: I know. It was only a dream.
“I just hope you’re right, Commander.” She paces the room and comes to a stop by Shepard’s side, where she puts a hand on their forearm. “I know it’s not easy on you either…. Know that your mission is helping millions of little people’s dreams continue to come true. Maybe that’s the lesson I should learn too.”
If Shepard took the flirt line earlier, a paragon interrupt will occur, indicating that you can lean close and kiss Dan Hyun.
If Shepard does not take this interrupt, the scene passes and the cutscene ends.
If Shepard takes the interrupt, Shepard will slowly lean in until Dan Hyun meets them in the middle and they enter a sweet kiss. Shepard takes her face in both their hands and she rests hers over theirs, and when they part, she looks at them with sparkling eyes.
“And now you’ve made one part of my dream come true.”
Shepard: What’s the other part?
Dan Hyun leans close with a smile and whispers something inaudible to the audience in Shepard’s ear. All we see is their wide eyed expression, and they lean back and clear their throat.
Dan Hyun laughs at their face, saying “Too much?”
Option 1: Not too much. Not for you. (Romance locked-in)
Option 2: Yeah… actually. I’m sorry, I think this was a mistake. (Romance terminated)
If Shepard chooses option 1, they pull her close and kiss her through her smile, causing the cutscene to to fade to black.
If Shepard chooses option 2, Dan Hyun slowly disentangles herself, looking frozen and mortified. She whispers an apology and leaves, ending the cutscene.
If Shepard locks in a romance with Dan Hyun, she will have a repeatable dialogue tree next time she is talked to.
Shepard: What are you writing?
Dan Hyun: Hm? Oh. Nothing. Don’t look at that.
Option 1: Aw, really?
Dan Hyun: Yes! It’s silly. Why don’t you look at me instead? Or better yet, I can look at you. And think about you.
Shepard: And I can think about you?
Dan Hyun: I hope you’ll do more than that.
Mordin: Fascinating.
Option 2: More notes?
Dan Hyun: Yes. Very very important notes. Actually, you could help me.
Shepard: What do you need?
Dan Hyun: Hold this textbook for me.
Shepard: Okay.
Dan Hyun: Now hold it up above your head?
Shepard: (does it)
Dan Hyun: Ohhh. Gosh. (she covers her face) Thank you I will contact you for further testing.
Option 3: Dan Hyun, I know you’re not being a tease right now.
Dan Hyun: Oh, gosh. You really think I’m a tease?
Shepard: Maybe. I could change my mind if you show me.
Dan Hyun: Fine. Here it is.
Shepard: (laughing) Mrs. Dan Hyun Shepard.
Dan Hyun: Stop it! I’m a grown woman but I know how to cry.
Shepard: It’ll just be one more dream to make come true.
Romance Scene:
Shepard is lighting candles on the ottoman when Dan Hyun walks in. She’s wearing a white blazer with tall dress pants to meet a simple white crop, glamoured with gold. She’s carrying what looks like a stack of two takeaway boxes in her hands.
Shepard: Well, look at you.
Dan Hyun (laughs and does a slight turn around): Yeah, you look at me. I think I’m content to stare away at you.
Shepard extends an arm to her and takes the takeaway boxes as they guide her to the couch cushions. They take a seat together and Dan Hyun watches as Shepard opens up the boxes.
“I brought kimbap. It was the one thing my Dad and I used to cook together. And the one thing I’m good at cooking.”
Shepard: You cooked for me?
Dan Hyun: You mean you really didn’t see that trail of smoke behind me and Rupert fanning the fire on the stove? Wow. I’ve got to take advantage of that. Now stop talking and try it! (she picks one up between chopsticks and holds it up to Shepard)
Option 1: [Eat the Kimbap]
Shepard bites the kimbap Dan Hyun offers, nodding when she asks if they like it. She smiles, wiping away any stray food from their face.
Dan Hyun: It was important for me to eat with you tonight.
Shepard: Why is that?
Dan Hyun: A meal is… not a ration. It’s a sacred thing. A meal is taking care of someone. And… I want you to know what it’s like to have someone take care of you. Before everything…
Shepard: Do you know how it feels to have someone to take care of you?
Dan Hyun: In some ways. But it really is like eating. One taste, and I come back for another. Two tastes becomes three. Four tastes and I devour. I can see nothing else past that.
Shepard: Then let me feed you. (They kiss, passionately, falling back onto the couch until the scene fades to black).
Option 2: What if I’m craving something else, instead?
Dan Hyun smirks, reaching to the table and producing a chocolate heart.
Dan Hyun: Do you have a sweet tooth, honey?
A renegade interrupt is available here. Otherwise:
Shepard: They say sugar was the original drug.
Dan Hyun: Not love? (she leans in closer)
Shepard: Maybe.
Dan Hyun: What do you think is stronger? Should we run an experiment, Commander?
Shepard: You’re the expert, Dan Hyun.
Dan Hyun: I am. And I say… (she puts the chocolate in Shepard’s mouth) Tell me how this makes you feel.
Option 1: Comfortable, luxurious, light.
Option 2: Bitter, velvety, heavy.
Dan Hyun: Oh, I see. And how does this make you feel?
She kisses Shepard deeply and sensually.
Shepard: Why don’t I show you?
Shepard picks her up and the cutscene fades to black.
If Shepard took the renegade interrupt, they will say “Sweeter than chocolate can satisfy,” and guide the chocolate towards Dan Hyun’s mouth. When she bites into it, Shepard will bite into it too and their lips will meet in a passionate kiss. Shepard will pick Dan Hyun up and wrap her legs around them before carrying her to the bed where the cutscene fades to black.
Can be rekindled in Me3: Yes.
Mordin advice: “Dan Hyun, if you would please exit the premises.” “Why!” “Going to discuss sensitive patient information. Cannot be present.” “(sing song) Oh gossh okay, be nice to me.” “Good. Now that that’s out of the way.” “Human on human, not so complicated. Biotics? Complicated. Creative uses, exciting suspensions, Dan Hyun very clever, you; very fascinating to her. Always check for consent! Best practice. Will be forwarding diagrams, cosmo articles, and her personal romantic material, recommend chapter 38 of Lust in Disguise, myself.”
Kasumi Commentary: I saw Dan Hyun looking through a wedding catalog the other day. I hope the Alliance has enough back pay, because your girl’s got expensive taste. Adoring, expensive taste of course. // I heard about you and Dan Hyun. Don’t look so surprised, she told me the second I saw her. If she was any sweeter on you I think the reaper husks would get cavities.// Dinner with Dan Hyun’s parents must have been nice. (I don’t know. It was a relief to eat something that hadn’t been prepared by the janitor.) Yeah, okay stop bragging, I’m already swimming in jealousy. Seriously though. That’s kind of a heart warming image Shep. (I bet).
If Unromanced: If unromanced and Thane is also unromanced, dialogue between her and Thane suggests a mutual, yet cordial crush.
-She may be found asking him about his health and discussing the benefits of physical
activity. He’ll reply earnestly before the conversation turns flirtatious.
-Her romantic novel, The Stars in Our Eyes, will be seen at Thane’s life support table.
-Thane’s coffee mug will disappear and she can be seen in the research lab, holding it.
-Shepard may inquire about her interest in the assassin to which she will giggle and cover her face before asking if it’s silly to entertain romantic notions at this point in her life. She then turns the tables on Shepard and says “Don’t people like us deserve to enjoy simple things, like love, and courtship? We’ve given so much already. There’s nothing wrong with some take.”
-Shepard may inquire with Thane, who will look down with fluttering eyes and smile. He’ll remark that he didn’t think he had much time in his life left, but suddenly, it’s like an eternity was opened before him. He’ll whisper quick lines of a memory of her laugh, before saying “but you have more pressing matters,” and digressing.
-In ME3, she will be present at his memorial and reference his grace, beauty, and dignity.
-Kai Leng will hesitate before stabbing him during their confrontation in Priority: Citadel II.
If Thane is romanced but Dan Hyun is unromanced:
-There will be a small dialogue between her and Shepard when Shepard runs into her reading a fornax magazine in the bathroom. She’ll swear she just found it and Shepard will reply “I just saw you put a bookmark in it!”
-A white lily appears on her desk, and you can hear Dan Hyun mumble to herself “White? Oh, Kai.” “I wonder how long he’s felt this way….”
Citadel DLC:
Message to Meet:
Tali and I are coming over bye
You, me, drinks, dancing.
Wear something hot!
Friend Date: Dan Hyun meets you on the Silver Coast Casino dance floor in a shimmering jumpsuit. She hugs you, expressing that she couldn’t be happier to be back on the Citadel and doing something as simple as dancing.
Shepard: Getting tired of the simplicity of combat?
Dan Hyun: Combat is simple, to you! To me it’s like calculus.
Shepard: You’re still a great soldier Dan Hyun.
Dan Hyun: Yeah, I’m good at calculus too. That doesn’t mean I don’t hate it.
They share a laugh and Dan Hyun flags down a waiter, who asks what they’d like to drink. Dan Hyun eyes Shepard, smiling. “How about a round of your hardest shots?” Shepard shakes their head but smiles.
The waiter brings over six shots of flaming Batarian ale, to which Dan Hyun starts to get apprehensive.
Dan Hyun: Okay. Maybe I didn’t think this through.
Shepard: You can always back out now… No consequences!
Dan Hyun: No. Shepard, we work our asses off every single day. And now, we’re going to see who’s the tougher person with a drinking contest.
Dan Hyun: Let’s do this!
The waiter rings a bell and people gather around, bets quickly exchanging hands and factions forming.
For every shot, Shepard must surpass a charm check that gets progressively harder.
Dan Hyun matches each of Shepard’s shots until the very last drink. The crowd has chanted to a climax and when the last shot appears, Shepard can use a renegade interrupt to take the last shot where Dan Hyun passes out, her head falling onto the table.
Shepard then radios for a cab before passing out themselves.
If Shepard is unable to take the last shot, Dan Hyun wins and radios for a cab for the two of them before passing out herself.
Ultimately, Shepard wakes up in their apartment bed, with an email from their LI [or James] saying that they dragged them back to the apartment. Walking around the apartment, Shepard can see Dan Hyun asleep in one of the guest bed rooms with the blanket up to her nose. If they interact with her, she will mumble in her sleep about yams, celebrity crushes, the microorganism, and posing for photographs.
Apartment Date: Dan Hyun joins in on Tali’s movie apartment date, and the two of them and Shepard spend a night crying and swooning over an epic romance.
Shadowbroker DLC:
Terminal Messages
Terminal Message 1: CITADEL KEEPER BUG #547 ; APOLLO’S CAFE ; 04:39 pm
Dan Hyun: I feel so old ordering at this time! (laughs)
Kai: (chuckles) You said you were ready to eat again.
Dan Hyun: Yeah, I’m always ready to eat. And walking around here really takes it out of you. I guess I get so excited being back… and off duty for a change. Don’t you?
Kai: Off duty doesn’t fit me.
Dan Hyun: (laughs) Okay! So you weren’t smiling when you won the sharpshooter arcade game at Silverlakes?
Kai: I didn’t mean–
Dan Hyun: I got you.
Kai: Just order your food already!
Dan Hyun: (laughing)
Kai: Dannie…
Dan Hyun: Mm yeah?
Kai: The Alliance… They held you hostage for so long. It’s been bothering me.
Dan Hyun: Oh. Yeah. I don’t know… it’s… I get nightmares–
Kai: If I’d been told what happened. If I knew…
Dan Hyun: Ah… well. I didn't even know (laughs). Don’t beat yourself up, Kai.
Kai: Don't …laugh about it.
Kai: They took you for almost a year. They stole your life away. Your future.
Kai: You should be angry for what you lost. You should hate them.
Kai: I do.
Dan Hyun: ...So if you'd known what happened?
Kai: They wouldn't have lived to regret it.
Dan Hyun:...Thank you.
(If Dan Hyun is unromanced and Thane is unromanced)
Dan Hyun: Do you think you’ll be with Cerberus forever?
Kai: That’s the plan.
Dan Hyun: Hmm.
Kai: You should consider it when you get back from your mission. They’ll want you for one of their research teams. You could do a lot for humanity with us.
Dan Hyun: I don’t know. Cerberus is also humanity first. I don't think they'll be as supportive when they realize I’m going to use my research to benefit all species.
Dan Hyun: Besides, I don't want to be so close to war anymore. Some of the squad were planning on going back to family or settling residence plans. Tali wants to see the flotilla again, and Thane's going back to the Citadel–
Kai: The Drell with Kepral's. Of course.
Dan Hyun: Of course what?
Kai: You always had a bleeding heart.
Dan Hyun: You loved my heart.
Terminal Message 2: DAN HYUN’S JOURNAL; SAMPLE EU-001
11/01 – Microorganism seems in tact from transport. Greyish color, reflective. Texture is watery but mostly organic cohesive material. It’s a miracle that something akin to stem cells was just out here, growing beneath the surface of the ocean. Imagine the possibilities of a cell that be cloned to replace… ANY cell. Like what the humans of 2000 believed stem cells would be, but truly growing separate from any sapient life. An endless supply of any cell in the world. Kidney transplants, artery replacements, blood cells. The future is here. Performing routine examination to ensure there has been no invisible damage.
11/27 – It’s alive. Of course. That’s a requirement to being an organism. But it never develops further than this stem form. It’s happy in the frozen jar. Thankfully the Alliance footed the paycheck for a -300 C cylinder. I’m going to begin separating samples of EU-001 to a -172 C jar to attempt life support and reproduction. If EU-001 is going to save the galaxy, we’ll need more than just a spoonful.
12/28 – Dr. Solus and I have decided to see if EU-001 responds to music. We tried kpop, acoustic, ABBA’s greatest hits, EDM, and reggae. We breaked to dance for ten minutes before resuming. No effects thus far but we will continue application in hopes of success. In other news, EU-001 has begun a very slow reproduction with the introduction of a livable environment as well as micro shrimp corpses. I may have an EU-002 soon! Will be on the hunt for accelerants.
01/14 – Joker told me he used EU-001 as a football today and I passed out from rage. It was a lie, apparently, but my black out was real. I woke up with a nose bleed and Kelly wiping my face with a towel. Joker hasn’t made eye contact since. I feel okay about this. Especially since I’m happy to report that after several rounds of accelerant testing, I finally have something that works! EU-002 is alive and here. EU-001 is safe as a control, now, and Thane has told me about his debilitating lung condition. I will be asking the Commander if they’d bring me to the Citadel soon. I need some healthy Drell lung cells.
Shadowbroker Comment: “Ah, the Alliance’s Missing Link. For all the aid she could have supplied, you should have known she’d fetch a far higher information tag.”
Comments on Shepard’s Driving: “This is not as badass as the movies make it!” “SHEPARD!!!” “This is exactly why I ride share everywhere.” “I’m going to beg Miranda for a chauffeur budget if we survive.” “I… I think I’m going to be sick…” “You have a driver's license? (Shepard: It’s part of our Alliance certifications isn’t it?) That’s really nice of them.”
Shepard: Ouch!
Friends: Jacob, Wrex, Tali’zorah, James, Samara, Sam, Thane, Jack, Steve
Neutral: Miranda, Grunt, Zaeed, Liara, Garrus, Kasumi, Joker, Mordin, EDI.
Enemies: Kaidan, Ashley, Javik.
Decisions They Approve Of:
Preserving Maelon’s Research
Destroying the Reaper Base
Destroying the Heretics
Saving the Rachni Queen
Curing the Genophage
Recruiting Diana Allers
Decisions They Disapprove Of:
Saving Zaeed on Zorya
Choosing Morinth over Samara
Sacrificing the Council
Choosing Anderson as Councilor
Punching Khalisah
Comments on Cerberus: “They say don’t bite the hand that feeds you. What if that hand was just the only one willing to?” “The uniforms are so much nicer here, these leggings are like butter.” “I don’t believe in Cerberus’s ideals. But how much choice do people like us have?” “Sometimes I wake up at night and it’s hard to breathe. How many people am I hurting just being here?”
Comments on the Alliance: “They say, don’t meet your heroes. They’re right. They’ll kidnap you and feed your family misinformation and lies in order to further their wars on people different from them.” “I don’t trust them anymore, and still, my parents work for them. But how could I ask them to leave their life?” “Looking at my old uniform makes me sick. I feel so lied to, sometimes. And then I wonder if that’s my fault for believing in something bigger than myself. ”
Comments on the Reapers: “It’s like the scary stories Kai and I would tell each other when we were kids… Something big, dark and evil, coming from the farthest corners of the universe. Eomma would always come in to tell us to knock it off before it got too terrifying. I don’t think she’d succeed against real reapers.” “They look a little like cuttlefish. Have you had it fried?” “AI tickles my brain. The idea of a master race being one that is made by organics… Doesn’t that just show how we see ourselves, or am I going down a rabbit hole?”
Comments about other Squadmates:
Jack: I still can’t believe she hit me. But… I’ve gotten close enough to where she won’t yell at me to ‘get out’ when I try to sit down with her. I feel a little connected to her in some ways, being trapped somewhere. I won’t tell her that again, that was a mistake. But I won’t give up.
Miranda: Is she looking? Is she nearby? Okay. What? No, I’m fine. I just… want her to see me at my best! She’s really incredible and she works so hard, harder than she needs to.
Grunt: A real, live, pure krogan. I’d kill to know what tech went into him. He’s incredible, in all senses of the word.
Samara: Her story both takes my breath away and makes me so misty. I couldn’t imagine my mom trying to kill me. I couldn’t imagine running from her. Samara has the cosmos as a crown and yet they’ve conspired against her. It’s humbling to see her at peace despite that.
Thane: I’ve never seen someone walk with so much grace. I’ve tried walking like him, when he’s not looking, but I just can’t get there. It reminds me of something my Appa said: the bamboo only knows how to bend because it has been crushed before. I never understood that until now. (if both unromanced): He’s really wonderful to talk to. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so lost than I have in those eyes. I think… we’re both healing, in our own little ways.
Legion: I just can’t get over the fact that it’s Geth. You’ve been fighting them for so long now you must know what I mean. I’m sorry, Commander. It’s hard to let my guard down around them right now, no matter how different they may seem.
EDI: I was nervous at first with an AI, and I … of course still have questions. But gosh… the convenience… How can a platform so efficient be so bad? I’m going to take her shopping soon. Maybe we can learn more about each other there.
James: He makes me feel safe in the Alliance again. He’s tough, compassionate, funny, charming… and principled. Everything the Systems Alliance should have aspired to be.
Kaidan: Sweet, if a little awkward. It’s kind of fun watching him walk around! He’s so… he’s just so Kaidan.
Tali’Zorah: My true soulmate of course. We were friends right away, but I remember we truly bonded after she told me about her relationship with her Dad. Not many people understand what it’s like to live in your parents’ shadow. Not many people are that lucky.
Garrus: He’s very fiery. My Eomma would call him a dare devil. I think I’d say… maintain five feet of distance. I like to watch fireworks but I don’t want to get caught in the blast. (Laughs)
Ashley: I didn’t think we’d get along at first but all of a sudden it was four AM and we were blasting music in the Cargo Bay, drunk off Tequila. Now, she holds my secrets like a little baby bird in the palm of her powerful hands… Oh Ashley…
Wrex: He headbutted me to “toughen me up.” Too bad he didn’t know about my armor. Instant repulsion into the wall! I might be the first person to give a krogan a concussion by accident and still live.
Liara: I wouldn’t mess with her. Maybe you should take notes, Shepard. Her type is the kind that’s never eaten before in her life. Now, she will devour, whether she wants to or not.
Javik: When you lose someone you become bitter. When you lose your family you become corrupted. When you lose your people… you become a ghost. He’s just so angry.
Zaeed: Ugh… No, thank you.
Kasumi: She teases me so mercilessly, “Dan Hyun, who are you drooling over today!” “Dan Hyun, are you trying to get a good selfie?” She’s always right but why does she have to say it so everyone can hear?
Joker commentary on recruitment: Joker: Hey Commander, the scientist you blew up an Alliance Black ops base for just taught me a dirty word in Korean, so at least if we’re persecuted for treason we’ll be able to upset a fraction of the juror’s with foul language.
Joker commentary: Alright, maybe I was too hard on Dan Hyun before, she really livens up the place. Plus, she’s so nice, it almost makes me feel better knowing she’s out there ripping people’s nervous systems to shreds.
Kelly commentary on recruitment: Dan Hyun’s a remarkable addition to the crew. She has this natural ability to make people feel completely at ease around her. I feel like I could tell her my darkest secrets and she’d find a way to still make me feel lovely.
James Nickname for them: Princessa
Greeting/Default Saying: “Hey Commander, what are you up to?”
How do they Address Shepard: “Shepard” “Commander”
Combat Phrases: “Down you go!” “Too bad I’m not on your side!” “Die!” “
Low Health: “Dying! Dying alone!” “My shields!” “(breathing erratically) M-My arm!”
Revived: “(voice wavering)I hate getting shots.” “Almost safe, almost safe…”
Friendly Fire: “Ow, shit!” “Commander! That’s cruel!”
Location Comments:
Omega: You know, I grew up on a crime torn planet too. I was safe inside S.A.R.F, but every Friday, I would walk to the downtown convenience store and movie theater arcade to hang out with my homeschooled friends. It was usually fine, and I only got kidnapped once.
Illium: Gorgeous! That skyline is breathtaking. And did you see all those stores? I wouldn’t mind having dinner here. If you look at the sun long enough you can forget just how terrible the deals going on around us are.
The Citadel: I dormed here when I was studying for the Alliance! It was such a cute, tiny little suite, and I could hear everyone on either side of me…but I loved it. I was never lonely here.
The Citadel: There’s an incredible scientist who lives here, Dr. Parisah. She wrote the bible on hardy vegetables. I always wanted to get her to sign one of my yams… I wonder if she’s still around?
Tuchunka: (Whispering) I feel so sad here. This is what happens when science goes too far. The genophage should have never happened.
Companion Banter:
Normandy SR3, Cargo Bay; Bug Transcript #1889
James: Hey Princessa, come sit on my back.
Cortez: Oh my god here we go.
Dan Hyun: Sure!
Cortez: You don’t get tired of being his human weight, Dan Hyun?
Dan Hyun: Of course not. What are friends for if not helping you achieve your goals?
James: See? She doesn’t complain.
Cortez: Right. I’m still not letting you strap me to your chest.
James: Party pooper.
[End Transcript]
Normandy SR2, Laboratory; Bug Transcript #913
Mordin: IF you use logic–
Dan Hyun: I am using logic. I AM that’s the problem.
Mordin: Incorrect. There can be no flaw in objective dissection. Genophage was right decision you must admit that. There can be no other solution.
Dan Hyun: There IS–
Mordin: Where? Why? How? Show me Dan Hyun where? Could you do better? I think not.
Dan Hyun: Cultural destruction was not a solution it was a distraction and dammit Doctor I think you know that.
Mordin: It was.
Mordin: And… I do.
[End Transcript]
Normandy SR2, Crew Deck; Bug Transcript #804
Dan Hyun: Hi Miranda!
Miranda: Specialist.
Kasumi: Wow, that was pretty good.
Dan Hyun: I know right? I think I’m whittling her down, bit by bit.
Kasumi: I respect the hustle but I also have to know: why?
Dan Hyun: Why?
Kasumi: Yeah, why do you care so much about being all buddy buddy?
Dan Hyun: Well we have to work together. That’s pretty obvious.
Dan Hyun: But mostly, I just miss having friends. It’d be nice to… I don’t know. Belong somewhere again.
[End Transcript]
Normandy SR2, Engineering Deck; Bug Transcript #1391
Tali: Oh, (sniffles) Dan Hyun.
Dan Hyun: (quiet)
Tali: (laughs, choked up), Keelah, your hugs feel good.
Dan Hyun: You can have them whenever you want. I’m by your side, Tali.
Tali: (laughs)... Should I be using this time to tell you about the great tales of my Father ?
Dan Hyun: Is that what you want to do?
Tali: …
Tali: I’m actually scared of running out of stories to tell. Isn’t that silly?
Dan Hyun: I think it’s normal to be scared of that.
Dan Hyun: But whenever you run out… just start over.
Dan Hyun: I’ll pretend it’s the first time I’ve heard it. And he’ll live forever like that.
Tali: …I love you.
Dan Hyun: I love you.
[End Transcript]
Normandy SR2, Med Bay; Bug Transcript #687
Dan Hyun: Sing… sing a song… make it simple.
Dan Hyun:...hmm hmm hmm hmmm hmm mhm (off-key)
Dan Hyun: hmmmm hmmmmm–
Thane: Dan Hyu–
Dan Hyun: (scream)
[End Transcript]
Normandy SR3, CIC, Bug Transcript #2928
Dan Hyun: H..hm? Hi there, can I help you?
Sam: Oh my God. It’s really you.
Dan Hyun: (points at self)
Sam: The Missing Link. You’re a legend amongst Alliance Scientists everywhere!
Dan Hyun: A legend? I thought Alliance Command erased all record of me.
Sam: They DID. That’s why you’re a legend. Your work is the literally the holy grail of the biology community and you got wiped off the face of the Galaxy. I was so close to choosing to specialize in the field before you disappeared.
Dan Hyun: What do you know about me?
Sam: The propaganda. That story about you dying in a laboratory explosion on Canto 10, the memorial, the flowers. The Binary Helix “mistake.”
Sam: But I heard the rumors too. That the Alliance wasn’t being as truthful as it claimed to be.
Sam: You have no idea how many scientists still believe your disappearance was shady. They’re on your side, Dan Hyun. We always have been.
Dan Hyun: Ah, gosh.
Dan Hyun: Let’s have lunch. I need to tell you everything.
[End Transcript]
222 notes · View notes
arundolyn · 2 years
Mind sharing your orientation hcs for the undernight/guiltygear cast?
thats a bit of a tall order so here's the ones i personally have particular thoughts on?
hyde - bi
linne - too old to care about labels (bi, some flavor of trans/nb for fun. can't tell me she's basically immortal and is not tired of cishettitude. and also her reincarnation thingy is potentially very conceptually interesting in that it specifically puts her in the bodies Of Girls. brings up some interesting ideas regarding transness even if i personally like to think her soul just goes to whatever it vibes with that's closest at the moment her current body dies and she has no say in the matter. fuck canon that one's more fun. from that standpoint maybe some kind of genderfluid then.)
wald - GAY CAUSE YOU CAN'T TELL ME THE SHIT WITH KUON WASNT LGBT AS HELL. yeah uh huh you respected him as a warrior sooooo much that you defected and pissed adelheid off so bad she said licht kreis is girls only now. no they broke up and she was so big baby mad about wald being Gay, Apparently she's not letting a man within 10 feet of her again i guess
amnesia is like lgbt gang. chaos and gordeau are obvious. too easy. enk gay trans man. hilda trans lesbian who will flirt with men just for fun or evil purposes. girlboss moment.
orie lesbian executor squad quadrouple so true. mika's bi. kaguya is so lesbian definitely. wagner nb lesbian bc why not lets run with the shoddy localization its more fun that way.
phonon + nanase trans lesbian besties to gfs speedrun
yuzuuuuu so bisexual. i love you failgirl
vati agender for sure
merkava canon trans
carmine's just confused and would punch someone he had a crush on (hyde) bc hes pissed theyre making him act weird.
lmao thats mostly everyone whoooops
gg: (i have not played strive's story and dont anticipate to in a while)
sol - lgbt all at once no i will not explain
axl. dont even get me started trans butch nb lesbian you either get it or you dont. i can opine for days
relatedly i-no lesbian. she said im not about to date a man and axl said wait what the fuck did you just trans my gender. her power...
bi ky bi ky no i will not explain
milla elphelt ram all lesbians. id say millia is ace too
baiken and anji trans wlw mlm solidarity ofc
goldlewis is gay as hell for sure and we love him for it
johnny is an egg detector that counts for something
bridget trans gener
ANSWER IS SO GAY. chipp is bi. they are in love and they kiss in the president's office
zato hates women he's gay by proxy but who's keeping score over there. and his strive outfit is literally gay as fuck. why is he as a man always standing with is ass toward the fucking screen. stupid.
slayer bi but hes married. if sharon let him..... im not elaborating.
gio big lesbian for sure
venom. well. yknow.
jack-o trans and bi queen shit love her for that so bad
nagoriyuki has transcended mortal perception (gay and trans but by far the coolest about it)
thats everyone i can think of off the top of my head i think
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candyland-toybox · 3 years
i have an anime convention in my brian.
We are the Candyland Toybox, an DID system of way too many to count, and we have partial amnesia. We don’t have a set DNI really and we will block whoever we’re uncomfortable with.
Also, Anon is turned off for my safety. I will not argue with this. If you want your ask to be posted anonymously, say so.
Host - Sol [He/Him] Co-Hosts - Scaramouche [He/Him]
Current Frequent Fronter - Sol
Editing Blog - @mothboy-edits-inc
the kaito blog - @kaito-vocaloid-but-he-isnt-yours
G/T Specific Blog - @toybox-gt
Kin Blog - @lumaurum-kin-carousel
Kincord - @twisted-kincord
vore mentions and syscourse below cut
We have said a couple times that we are anti-endo. If you’re endo to cope I won’t judge you, but i will advise against it and block you. If you’re endo “just because it’s cool”, I will block you without second thought. If you say you’re endo yet experience genuine DID symptoms/don’t remember trauma, you’re traumagenic*. Please DNI if you are endogenic/tulpa/supporter. If you interact I will block you without hesitation.
*I mean this in a respectful way. If you have unremembered trauma, you might just be misinformed. Not saying you’re lying, just that you might be wrong.
Vore Content:
If you are uncomfy with our vore content you are free to block those tags. The alters who make that content vary and it’s not anyone specific but it’s mostly belphie and the host
On top of that, if you think vore is s/exual get off our blog.
Vore Blog - @vorror-story
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4, 5, aaaand 14 for sol!
4. Are there any secrets your oc has shared with other characters? If so, who, and what secrets?
His past (which someone does tell him about eventually) is his biggest secret and Arcade and Boone know, but not because Sol willingly told them. He did tell Papa Khan though and probably Veronica. His amnesia/brain trauma is something he tries to keep under wraps as well.
The secret he’s kept from his friends for the longest however is that he can’t read. He manages to hide it for a shockingly long time before he inevitably runs into something that he is expected to read and can’t.
5. How good is your oc at keeping secrets?
Sol is great at keeping secrets, other people’s or his own. It is a bit of an ongoing joke that he keeps Arcade’s past a secret better than Arcade himself does. You could trust him with just about anything. He’s a fantastic liar and can also get himself out of most accusations or suspicions, so he can absolutely cover for himself or anyone else. His one weakness to that is that he has a hard time hiding his own secrets from Arcade partially because he knows how to read him and partially because Sol just finds himself unable to keep his emotional walls up with Arcade. This goes for Boone to a lesser extent as well.
14. Has your oc ever done anything illegal or immoral?
I suppose it depends on who’s laws you’re keeping to, but definitely. He doesn’t really care about whether or not something is against the rules, his only concern is whether or not it is harming someone who doesn’t deserve it. He’s not going to steal from random people, but if he sees something shiny at the Ultra Luxe that he wants for his collection or something? He is absolutely taking it. When he is living in NCR territory he sure as hell isn’t paying taxes.
As far as immorality goes, he tries very hard to stick to his own code of only killing people when absolutely necessary for the safety of others, but he’s certainly had things he regrets or wonders if there was another way. An example of this is killing a bunch of the powder gangers just to prevent them from possibly attacking Goodsprings in the future. (if we are counting stuff Sol did pre-canon tho, the list of both illegal and immoral actions grows exponentially)
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faemoira-firebeard · 3 years
Fae's Friday session 3
This week (12/10) we had Aiko, Sol, Vi and Silver Magpie among us at the table. -it's ok! Life happens.- and, I've learning to prepare but not actually prep... we start this way... after that, I have... NO. idea. cuz dice gods and players have free will.
Reminders to self... start next session with the 4 jail-birds having a bit of a deeper descriptor and rp moment... TAKE better NOTES FAE! *make them roll initiative to see who gets searched/stripped of armor&ekips ... put in the drunk tank. this each happens separately but they all go into the same cell. *make an inventory list of things you are taking away, just like cops do.
How it ended..... *but-but-but-self-defense?!- no buts. there are no buts here, this is Nez'Queek. perhaps you should listen to the annoying gnome at the customs portal when entering a new town. There are dangers here in Artezia and that could even mean local customs or laws.
I do not apologize for the horribly drawn map of this portion of midnight. the black sail tavern is in the lower left near dock storage, the frosty stein is in the top right. approx 5k feet to travel between the taverns.
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So wait, 4 players... 4... jailbirds... wha-ha-happened-was.
The session before (when Silver Magpie couldn't make it) she spent her day looking for the missing cat that the Black Sail tavern owner had mentioned -perception check pass- you found the cat sleeping behind the tavern under the dumpsters. Story wise, Barny and Alexandrous left before the mist because Alexandrous is a lizardfolk and may have provoked attacks by the Naga.
The party gathered together in the Black Sail tavern as planned the night before. The bartender dropped off a package and letter from Barny, he "and Alexandrous (the lizard born monk) were called away earlier and will meet up with the party in Nez'Queek, this -package- will help with the fish do not hurt the fish. good luck."
After reading the note and figuring out that the package was a crank-like music box -cue creepy music box music- to help them walk through the "fish mist" without being hurt by the tiny glass guppies (1d12 if hits -Doctor who inspired, if the fish get hurt the naga will attack the one(s) that hurt the fish, these particular naga -Glass Naga- believe the fish are fellow souls of Glass Naga that haven't been brought back to life yet). They did SOOOOO good working together and it made my dm heart happy! then, they split the party, which, was fine cuz i got this *reminder guys, don't go off the path* (rolling a few survival checks on the person holding the box- passed each!- the ranger walked ahead at the edge of the music radius-you can see the top of a Pyramid, possibly Latin American or South American pyramid in the ruins but non-Naga cannot get to it, this is where the Nagas enter the city with XX perception?? sol rolled a nat 20+perception kid has special dice i swear!)
When they SUCCESSFULLY!!! reached the market Sol went ahead and heard that the market stalls and buildings were playing their own little music box like instruments. (some being played by capuchin monkeys, one was actually the Kenku merchant running a wagon, some ran by arcane? means ..fey... everywhere..).
Curiosity kills the cat dragon we know..... Sol went up by the fountain where they met Vi the day before, picked a flower (passed my check so doesn't matter)... thought about exploring.... -does an 11 hit you?- gentle reminder about fish mist and lack of music here .... Party makes it through the market stalls another gentle reminder "does an 8 hit you" -what? why? no?... im gonna go back to the party- and that is how my party split for 4 rounds and realized "this is a bad idea" told you, I GOT THIS! Sol found the rest of the party at the edge of the market.
Only three more rounds to the Frosty Stein Tavern, you've got this guys! (my dc survival check for the music box holder from here was a 12 btw +3 cuz i had a reason but amnesia and now i can't remember.......?? i think cuz i felt the dc shouldhave gotten harder cuz prolonged use?) Sol goes to the edge of the radius & checks for naga -high teens- everywhere over by the Frosty Stein... "it's fine we have the music box".....pass. -phew ok....- 11... -you hear a spring shift...- "uh guys....." (Sol is at the door and opens it for the rest of the party) roll me that last survival check...(increasing the dc +1more cuz failed previous) I believe it was an 8, they made it to the tavern door, burst through, Sol closed it before the fishes has a chance to react and swarm the party... the music box just kind of boiiiiinggggg springs, cogs, everywhere "-oops! I-i didn't mean to-" "it's ok, good thing Barny's an Artificer, make sure you get all the pieces"... The party checks with the portal master and is quickly transported through time and space to the (smaller) city of Nez'Queek..... DM point... if the Ranger had not been ranger'ing, moving ahead of the party slightly, holding the door for them and closing it as they came into the tavern... the party would have been swarmed by glass fishes on this final check, at level 3, 1d12 could be potentially deadly when being swarmed. Then... if they had attacked back they would have been swarmed by Naga.
Right, so Nez'Queek. The party is greeted by a gnome ready to brief them on the current local threats-sno-men- and the customs of Nez'Queek. Sol and Aiko departed to go finish their missions they got in Midnight. Vi, listened to most of it, then went to look for a park and found a nice area near the fountain. Silver also listened to most of it.
Vi- psychotic? tabaxi-rabbit barbarian- There was an old halfling gentleman telling a story about the frost witch that made the sno-men come to life! Vi, being from the north knew the low-down and how to handle what happened next... Picking up the snowman she created and walking over to the group of children... they turned, and promptly began screaming. The tiny snowman in this tabaxi-rabbit's hands came to life and we rolled initiative. Vi attempted to crush the sno-man 3 rounds with this sno-man and she succeeded all 3 saving throws. this is where better notes come in handy Fae....!!! She then looked around closer and saw a young child wasn't actually a child but a woman named "Lilly" -could she be my mission?- upon talking to gentlemen she found that this was in fact the delivery she had to make to the orc fort -Fort Kuflag-. Using her crazy speed she took the creature (and the seed amulet that came out of the box) to the Ancient Oak tree... setting Lilly down gently she watched as a door appeared, Lilly thanked her and walked into the tree. As the door closed behind her the tree glowed and a minute later a woman beautiful walked out of the bark of the tree. DRYAD She turns and looks at Vi, reaches out her arm and a stick appears. Vi takes it, it's a very minimalist wand, so basic that it's beautiful. -I'll let you know what that does later- i made a table with 4 fun options, after rolling a d4, Vi now has a wand of conducting that plays music so long as she's waving it. Vi returns to Nez'Queek and decides to try to find the party, heading towards the Straynj Carnival knowing that at least the brothers would probably be there.
Silver- a Tabaxi cleric -blue russian cat- spent her day in Nez'Queek exploring, looking for shinnies, bobbles or any fun trinkets on the ground. -i need to give her a list of things she found suggestions welcome- she got the Ping from the Veiled Hunt. They have given her a mission, she will need at least 3 other people to help escort a mining delivery from Frankenhollow, payment upon delivery, will supply 1 health potion/person. she went to find the brothers. Upon leaving the city and .heading towards the Straynj Carnival she found a rather large snow-dragon and chuckled to herself, she gathered that Sol and Aiko had come through here recently and followed their very distinct foot prints through the snow -I guess I assume that dragonborn have weird feet and leave odd footprints- straight to the Straynj Carnival, of course they are here. She discovered the brothers in the tent just inside the entrance of the Carnival enjoying a comedy show. -ok, so they want to enjoy some down time, lets do that soon, point out the theatre, Hanz Crispin Sanderson and other activities at the Straynj Carnival.
Sol- a short crystal-gem dragon born ranger- had to make a delivery for the book shop owner to the Straynj Carnival. They stayed on the path -good job sol!- talking with their Flumf-balloon who didn't like the Forest of Thee Strange. -why? prolly cuz there are wild flumfs in these woods that aren't as friendly- Upon making it to the Straynj Carnival and finding the Orc waiting outside Sol made his delivery before walking off the Orc gave them some gold for helping them and the bookshop owner out. Sol messages their brother psionically and asked "do you wanna build a snowman?"
Aiko- a short topaz-gem dragon born sorcerer- tried to find Radagast but upon asking the DM Aiko realized his mission is in FrankenHollow not Nez'Queek. He then decided to wander around trying to find his brother quickly receiving a message about building a snowman. They meet up just outside of town and begin constructing a snow-dragon, in hopes that the memory snow will bring it to life! -it doesn't cuz the memory snow only brings sno-men to life, but they manage to build a really cool snow dragon, huzzah!!!! oh but I am, in fact making notes, this is memory snow- The pair then decide to go see if they can catch a show at the Straynj Carnival, yes, comedy! 2 of 4 back together woot
Silver finds the brothers, the laughter of 2 dragonborn is kind of hard to miss. She questions them about the snow-dragon and tries to explain why the memory snow wont bring it life but the brothers -in pure Sol and Aiko fashion- don't listen. I love that my players are getting into this!!! ok cool, 3 of 4 back together- They continue watching the show. When it ends the trio begin heading back to town.
Vi found their way back during the comedy show. While heading towards the Straynj Carnival notices the big snow-dragon. Not wanting the memory snow to get any ideas they promptly begin demolishing the dragon, it was great, TAKE BETTER NOTES FAE!!! Sol, Aiko and Silver find them after they finish "slaying the dragon" and Vi joins them while they head back to the Frosty Stein.
Cool. my party is back together for the evening, what kind of shenanigans are they going to get into?! oh god... ok... here goes. It all happened fairly quickly and as I've mentioned I need to get better at notes... SO.
Sol and Silver are discussing racism, memory snow and snow-men while walking in front of Aiko and Vi, paying them no mind or attention.
Vi and Aiko begin having an argument, Vi hops on Aiko and "knocks them out" with a pretty solid hit so I allowed it -also barbarian vs sorcerer, she then used her rope and tied them up dragging Aiko behind her. yup, nothing to see here, at all. just a rabbit dragging a dragonborn through town I'm sure the memory snow is learning nothing from this unconscious dragonborn that just built a snow-dragon nothing bad will ever come of this.
The party walks into the Frosty Stein, Vi still dragging Aiko. -rolls a perception for the bartender... passes... bar tender sends for the guards- Sol realizes what has happened to their brother and starts questioning Vi, Silver is totally on their side and trying to calm Sol down and get to the bottom of this. MEANWHILE.... Aiko wakes up and breaks their bonds with a 17 strength check... and releases their breath weapon upon Vi -reflex throws from Vi, Silver and Sol -better notes fae!!!!- the guards make it to the Frosty Stein as the breath weapon releases. Originally I was only going to have Vi and Aiko arrested but the party were all involved when the guards walked in.
So, lol.
That is how the entire party got arrested and thrown in jail. I look forward to a pretty interesting RP moment when we open on Friday, time for the party to get to know each other, ya'll got time, welcome to the drunk tank, oh you're not drunk? the guards don't care -muhahahahahahaa-. I also hope that Alexandrous, Barny and the player(s) I have yet to introduce to the party/the-interwebz are able to join us soon!
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