#did we not watch the roadtrip episode everyone?
clonerightsagenda · 27 days
Ok I'm back on my grind liveblogging the adventures of sad British children who roadtrip to various afterlives. L&Co ep 3, let's go.
While delayed I was pondering the whole Mind Landscape thing from the last episode and wondering if they'll use that to show the skull's face much earlier, although the fact that Lucy can't see him is part of how she willfully ignores that she's doing all that to a real human person. In the same vein she should beat up Marissa's old lady form in the psychic mindscape. *Georgie Crusoe voice* She's great at beating up old ladies. Anyway, onward. Time to meet the first CEO she kills.
Did they have that copy of Hamlet on hand or did George run to the library to do his dramatic research presentation. I say sitting like 2 feet from a copy of Hamlet from high school.
"Mandatory oversight." I'm still kind of amused that TV!DEPRAC actually does stuff instead of book!Barnes showing up on his off hours like "hey a bunch of the most powerful people in London want to murder you. My hands are tied. try to be less annoying. bye"
Fairfax didn't approach them directly in this version? He's covering his ass better
And he didn't prepay them either. How are they going to get his money after they kill him
They're drinking beers…. takes away from these kids going 'god what a fucking day. time to go have a hot chocolate' because they're 14.
Man when I was joking about Lucy having a thing for dead girls this was before I watched her TV counterpart sneak off to psychically commune with one while only wearing a towel. Get it, girl. It being frostbite.
Never mind she was just doing some light workplace theft. Never let it be said she steals mundane office supplies like paper clips.
I'm looking forward to seeing how they do Combe Carey hall because that was the only haunting in the books that I found genuinely suspenseful/frightening. Bring on the blood
We didn't even get the screaming? On the screaming staircase? Come on that whole scene was made for a scary tv adaptation. They should've given it more breathing room.
I'm not sure if book!Lockwood guessing that Fairfax wants to kill them but still taking the job without telling his team or show!Lockwood totally buying it is a worse leadership fuckup. At least by later books they're assuming out of the gate basically every adult who interacts with them wants them dead.
The goggles are nicely bulky to contain the pieces of dead children that they're presumably made of.
uhhhhhhh well that sure was a lot more dramatic. is that what ghost touch usually looks like
Orpheus gear spotted
Lucy spends the series signing various NDAs and then spills everything in her memoirs which is kind of why I think she waited until she died and then went I am hanging around just long enough to hang everyone's shit out to dry.
Eyeing Penelope's necklace given they switched what kind of jewelry Annie's was. Doesn't look old enough to be Ezekiel though. Also, her mother? Did they cut one generation out of the Fittes dynasty? Marissa stealing her own daughter's body is a bit kinder than stealing her granddaughter's body and then using that body to murder her daughter while the poor woman thinks her daughter is killing her.
The skull does have its lower jaw. Envisioning some poor Fittes employee dredging what's left of a dead kid out of the sewer, washing 100 years of gunk off it, and painstakingly wiring the pieces together only to present this rare find to their boss and it calls her a bitch until she throws it in the trash. There goes their promotion.
Hey what the fuck. Strongly worded post to follow
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blysse-and-blunder · 2 years
first commonplace book of 2023
monday, january 9, 2023 ~ 6:30pm pst
back ‘at home’ (parents’ place) after a lil trip to see family, during which our flight was cancelled (us and the rest of the world) and we consequently got to spend a total of like 48 hours in the car roundtrip. new year’s at the shore was nice though, and so was roadtrip tunes and reading aloud and the very epic puzzle the family completed.
reading i’m juggling a couple of hot library loans right now, trying to finish them before the loan periods expire while also balancing each one’s tone and vibe etc. so it’s the monster baru cormorant (seth dickinson) when i wake up, maybe you should talk to someone (lori gottlieb) during the day, and the last graduate (naomi novik) at bedtime, in what is a really weird stylistic and emotional smorgasbord now that i look at it... insights and observations to come later when i can focus on one specifically. also, big shoutout to the free knidle download of lord peter wimsey mysteries i already had, and to dorothy l. sayers’ way with words and her ridiculous delightful sweet fop of an amateur detective (and no i don’t mean benoit) who collects medieval manuscripts and quotes poetry every so often mid-sentence while periodically having intense wwi ptsd. every generation needs their fruity little detective, it’s a keystone species. reading this aloud to my mom in the car kept us both awake and discussing things like clues and the picture this paints of things like  early 20th century london society’s antisemitism and train system and newspaper/ print culture.
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watching just went back to check the previous ilcb and while i did mention this show, i didn’t feature it specifically so: three pines, based on the louise penny novel series of the same name, now streaming on prime. my mom loves the books, and now we’re all loving the show, and alfred molina is absolutely loving this role he gets to play (and it shows). you may feel that the premise of ‘small cute town full of local characters where murders keep happening’ has been done already, and you’d be right, but there’s something about seeing quebec on screen like this-- and the indigenous community’s strong presence from the first scene of the first episode-- that feels different, and important. the music design and landscape are great, the themes are very honest even when details or plot twists (the whodunnit of episodes 1 and 2, and the tragic twist at the end of ep 2) end up feeling a little exaggerated. here are some good articles about the show’s attempts to center indigenous voices, bring topics like residential school violence and indigenous treatment by police to international audiences, and (arguable, but i respect them for the attempt) avoid white saviorism.
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also, you may have deduced from the recent glass onion blogging that i did finally get to watch knives out 2 electric boogaloo.  things i liked about this movie: 1) the response to it/analyses of it/art and memes and edits which i can now enjoy having seen it (the one which observes that the movie itself is a fugue, seriously, i love how much everyone else has been loving this and it has made it so much better), 2) the celebrity cameos (yo-yo ma! hugh grant! stephen sondeheim!?) and watching janelle monae, 3) the visual palette and coloring and lighting and design choices, 4) PEG, 5) finding out at the end that it’s a beatles song reference. i think that i had seen just enough on my dash to have....overly high expectations in some regards, though not specific spoilers so i was still Not Expecting That.
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listening got to play a bunch of my music in the car on the roadtrip, so here’s to my mom deciding she likes orville peck (more than hozier!? who is apparently too sad) and my dad enjoying basia bulat’s the garden, and here’s to all the audiobooks, and audiobook recommendations i got from friends, which i gathered optimistically pre-trip and still haven’t finished. so far i’m really enjoying t.j. klune’s through the whispering door (read by kirt graves), which feels both like a more mature and creative venture than his first book and which this narrator is doing a delightful job of (i think the sense of whimsy comes through better when mediated by narrator, it infuses depth/warmth/nuance into details that i think on their own might have rubbed me the wrong way).
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and today i just finished listening to jeannette mccurdy’s i’m glad my mom died, which is a harrowing memoir but also was so riveting. she reads it herself, and again having her specific voice and delivery of some of the dialogue was so, so necessary and heartbreaking and occasionally hilarious, it really adds to the experience. major trigger warnings on this one for descriptions (detailed, visceral) of disordered eating, various mental health problems, alcohol abuse, child abuse, and painstaking personal growth. big shoutout to @dimir-charmer​ for recommending this one, i was immediately hooked, you were so right.
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playing stardew year three, and i’ve bought a bouquet. her art exhibit was so nerdy, i loved it. just waiting for the right time to pop the question ❤️ (probably after my next house upgrade)(is this delaying a sign of cold feet, or just wanting to only offer her the best?? i’ve already got 8 hearts it’s probably fine but ahhhhh) 
i’ve also figured out (kinda) how to run celeste on this laptop! and immediately threw my poor sweet girl onto many, many icy spikes. again. and again. this one is not a keyboard game, friends, i’m trying lots of different key configurations to try and make it one but i think at the end of the day we’re going to need a controller of some kind. beautiful though.
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making spent a lot of yesterday selecting and writing new year’s cards while discovering the power of the background seinfeld marathon, alkj;lkjalskdg asd and i have other art and or craft plans afoot since having been presented with a calligraphy pen and some good paper. baked a gazillion molasses cookies before the trip, but have otherwise just been sort of coasting on creative things lately.
working on threw together a haphazard conference proposal as a way to make myself work on chapter four, and after spending all day staring at it finally just sent it off with the same idea i’d had days ago (but which i thought if i tried hard enough i might be able to improve on. alas.) otherwise, still chugging on recommendation letter (ah) and reading friend’s chapters (ahh) and coming up with things to say for that thing in february (AH) and RAship hours. we’re back to the grind, baby.
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justsayun · 9 months
Christmas idea nixed
Was visiting with some friends today. The one is an avid motorcycle rider with his wife. Well my brother got himself a huge traveling bike that he has yet to take on a big road trip with his wife. Our one set of friends Pat and Lisa have a big bike with a passenger seat that is like a chase lounge chair. It has the arm rest and I'm not sure but it might even have a cup holder and a small compartment for gum and tic tac's, and it makes it like riding on a cloud for her when she's behind Pat on the road. Now my brothers wife said she didn't like the seats on his bike and for a long trip it just couldn't cut it. Well me always looking to offer helpful advice suggested a side-car for his bike. That didn't fly. I then suggested that in the spirit of the season my brother and I could go out Motorcycle seat shopping and with the help of a more experienced motorcycle rider like perhaps Pat we could find the perfect saddle for his ride. I said it would be fun to get this new seat attached and ready for the road, (I've watched many episodes of Pimp my Ride.) For my brother and his lady love. I felt myself just filling up with Christmas spirit thinking of getting this Hog, (I'm talking bike lingo.) ready for the open road. Then my sister in law took the air out of my celebration balloon by stating she wouldn't feel safe on any motorcycle that my brother and I had done major work on, actually ANY WORK ON. (I know I felt a bit hurt inside.) Yep she wouldn't get on it to ride. She said she envisioned riding down the road and taking a corner and having the seat just fly off. I told her she was way off base with that thinking. That even after we were done switching out the new with improved seat for her, we'd squirt some Gorilla Glue around it to make it extra sturdy. My brother and I are all about the details. So I will not be able to give the gift of a Motorcycle Seat this holiday season. I did mention to everyone while we were talking motorcycle roadtrips how they've come out with Airbag Jeans for motorcyclists to keep them safe in accidents. They are airbags in these jeans that pop out like the airbag in your cars dashboard in an accident. Afterwards you can deflate them and wear them again. Pat and Lisa asked what happens if you crash off a bridge and into water and your pants inflate but nothing else. I said I assume you might drown but your shoes will stay dry.
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tavarillasgalen · 2 years
Good moments from 2022 ✨
Seattle roadtrip. Listening to audiobooks on the road, splitting up the 12 hour drive to stay in a tiny Oregon town. The kindness of the people, the fact that drivers and people alike like... Let you move around and stuff, rather than trying to ram into you, even in busy places like Pike Place Market. How insanely good the food was, especially the pine and black pepper ice cream and the spaghetti... I had no idea spaghetti could be so good. How beautiful it was, with the water and the trees. I never even thought about Seattle as a place to live or visit until reading the Written In The Stars books, and from the visit, I could see myself potentially living there.
Getting a raise + exceeds expectations on all points of my performance review. And the fact that my boss raised it even more specifically because of inflation. And when I asked if he had any constructive criticism or anything, he was like, nope, you're wonderful.
Just my job in general. The environment and flexibility and trust levels are to die for. Many workplaces claim to treat you like family, but this one actually does, without saying it. I feel valued and like I'm good at what I do.
Delving more into cosplay. It's such a fun hobby. The perfect creative outlet. My favorite cosplays of the year were all of my Elains, Manon, Gwyn, and Keyleth.
Renn fest. This was a tiny little renn faire type thing by where I live, and it was so fun. It was overcast and drizzly, and it had some structures that looked like old timey buildings. There was mounted archery, which was so cool to see.
Renn faire. My state's big renn faire is always fun. I dressed up as a fairy, with a rainbow wig and crown and huge wings and all. The cutest thing was children seeing me and going "!!!!! It's a fairy, it's a fairy!!!" We saw a sword swallower, vaulting, siege weapon demonstrations, tried honey soda, and more. Some random person slipped my a little scroll and ran away and I was like ??? And it said, "Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry." All down the length of it. So cute lol.
FanX. Oh my goddd, this was so fun! We went all three days. I wasn't sure about it, because I have really bad anxiety, and FanX has thousands of people, but it was really, really fun, all three days. The first day, we went as Vax and Keyleth, and I was surprised by how recognized we were and the people asking for pictures. We went down artist's alley and saw some really cool things. The second day, I went as Manon, and everyone thought I was a Targaryen, lol. We got some Critical Hit soda (so many fun flavors, and if you roll a d20, your drink is free), and then went to a panel about The Boys. The third day, we were Vax and Keyleth again because there was a critical role meet up. So funny, you learn to respond to your character's name. So much asking for pictures, it was a bit overwhelming. I got same Game of Thrones fudge and we went through as much of Artist Alley as we could. They had a quiet room, which was nice for when you get overwhelmed, with the lights down low and coloring pages and stuff. We had some Critical Hit soda again, and then went to the meet up, which was fun. They had professionals doing pictures all over the con, and I had mine taken a few times, which was cool. I've only read the comics while my s/o has watched all the campaigns, he's on 3 right now, so I didnt recognize all the characters, but everyone was so, so nice. I forget if we did more things after the meet up or not, I feel like we went home, but I could just not remember.
Evermore Halloween. I was Alicent and my s/o was a medieval person. It was so cool to see how done up the place was and how it's expanded. We didn't hang around long because I was just.... Brutally depressed, but it was still a fun experience while we were there.
Starting to make things for my cosplays, like Keyleth's overdress from the comics and Keyleth's mantle. Watched sooo many episodes of True Blood and Game of Thrones, lol.
Cosplay shoots, like my mermaid tail in southern Utah, Keyleth with the fall leaves.
Getting the red hair I wanted!
Finally finishing my degree. Somehow managing to go from a failing grade to a 99% on the final and hoping beyond hope I could swing a D- because that's all I needed to pass the class and somehow ending it with a B-. Hard work pays off, I guess.
Finally getting into Game Of Thrones. I think my tastes have changed, because I remember trying it when it was airing, and hating all the violence. When House Of The Dragon aired, I decided to watch the first episode, just to see, and absolutely loved it. And since I watched the first episode the week it came out, I had no new content that week, so then I finally gave Game Of Thrones a go. It's one of my favorite fantasy shows now. Both Game Of Throne and House Of The Dragon were so good. My s/o gave me a beautiful leatherbound set of the books for Christmas, and I'm excited to read them next year.
So many good shows in general. The 100, Game Of Thrones, House Of The Dragon, Warrior Nun, Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power, The Boys, and probably more that I'm forgetting, all of these were so good/fun.
I remember watching a lot of good movies, too! Neon Demon, Last Night In Soho, The Menu, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Spirited, these were all from the top of my head. My s/o adores the movies, so we go a lot.
My s/o's parents went to Bosnia for over a month over the summer, and we got a taste of living together. It was nice.
Crave cookies. It's become a weekly thing to check their weekly flavors and see if anything catches the eye.
Working out consistently for months. I worked out for maybe 2 or 3 months consistently? My weight didn't change, but my fitness levels definitely did. I was so proud of it. Both Pamela Reif's videos and the gym helped a lot.
So many beautiful commissions of my characters. A wonderful thing to spend money on because you cherish them forever.
Golden gyros!! The best Greek food.
So many good books. I read a lot of romance this year. It's nice feeling seen and validated in a way that you just don't in SFF books.
Time with my horse, always. Physical and mental health issues kept me from seeing her anywhere near as much as I wanted to, but the cowboy takes great care of her.
Pride was so fun. From free energy drinks to rainbow brownies to such loving energy all around, you feel safe there.
Christmas Eve and Christmas were both amazing? Family bonding time, presents that make me feel seen, good food, getting out and doing fun things, I have another post solely about these days. Since them, my family has felt closer, which is nice.
Trips to my parents' Zion house. Always a beautiful area, and its fun just going on a scenic drive through the park or checking out things in the surrounding area, like a ghost town in the fall or a lake to cool off in in 115 degree summer days.
All the improv comedy.
Outdoor adventures, like to the lake or the hot springs.
Generally being an adult and feeling capable of myself. Like making appointments, putting in new windshield wiper fluid, etc.
I'm sure that there's much more, but this is what comes to mind.
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gizkasparadise · 3 years
2021 Drama Recs
This will be shorter than it should be
Genuinely Good Dramas
Monarch Industry/The Rebel Princess. Watching this was so much fun? I am usually SO BORED by palace politics/am hitting that fast forward button like a mother the second I see a sea of ministers, but I was transfixed for damn near every scene. The shining jewel in the garbage pile. 
Beyond Evil. Just fuck me up and then play some piano over it. The cast was out of this world, the plot was twisted, i wasn’t into the first 2-3 eps and then suddenly it hit me like a brick and kept bricking. my blood pressure is still elevated. something about women-directed and written thrillers just hits different
Mad for Each Other. Okay, the ending was a Choice, but the rest of the show is a solid romance healing drama with some comedy that does a way better job at tackling mental health/recovery than the majority of other shows i’ve seen. loved the male lead
Dali and the Cocky Prince. the stealth hit!!! i had no expectations for this, but it turned out to be a pleasant romance story with some melo and comedy. the otp is great and kim min jae is having the time of his life playing the male lead. 
Dramas That Were Good or Okay but Seemed Better than They Were Because 2021 Was a Dumpster Fire
My Roommate is a Gumiho. Fun, mostly light-hearted romcom with fantasy hijinks and a lot of lampshading/trope subversion. Bonus points for a great side couple
Hold On, My Lady. this is a silly stupid little thing, and nowhere near close to a masterpiece, but it made me laugh, and has my favorite trope of criminal lady/upright dude, so on the list it goes.
Squid Game. overhyped? perhaps, and the last episode was awful. but it was still a quick and entertaining watch and I got attached to some of the characters. bonus points for it being the first drama my partner ever watched!
I’m Still Watching This, But It’s Promising
Hometown Chachacha. Still have 5 eps left somehow??? but a solid romcom with a dash of healing and a lot of pretty scenery and people
Rainless Love in a Godless Land. melo, atmospheric, pretty, cool worldbuilding, and from the people who did someday or one day aka my favorite drama ever. slow-paced, so going to binge it all once it’s done/i next have time
Word of Honor. I’m only 6 eps in but everyone on this dysfunctional and thirsty family wuxia roadtrip is making my day
We Could’ve Had It All
River Where the Moon Rises. Awesome premise, great setting. Totally derailed by the scandal and it sucks. Might give it a try another day, since they re-filmed the first eps with the new lead i think?
The Long Ballad. One of my favorite couples in a cdrama....as the secondary couple, and not much else i was into
Doom At Your Service. A prime rib of a main ship with a gross, coleslaw-y love triangle subplot that just wouldn’t go away
Jun Jiu Ling. i was in love with the idea of this and the cast, and the first eps were an entertaining mess because they had jin han as an absolute wreck, but it just fell so flat???? somehow????
Shows That Aired/Are Airing in 2021 That I’m Excited to Watch
Happiness. Zombies and fake married is the combo I never knew I needed
Our Beloved Summer. I LIVE for exes having to work together as a trope, and enjoy then-and-now stories. I love the 3/4ths of the cast I know
The Red Sleeve. I’m not really into concubine stories (despite my watch list saying otherwise lol), but I keep hearing good things and Junho’s a plus
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thoughts on and about ninjago crystallized so far
double spoilering bc i’m nice (also i havent watched island or seabound officially, but i did get spoiled for basically all of the major plot points and important endings, so it’s whatever)
i really liked that in the first episode the show went out of it’s way to portray how everyone struggled with the grief over losing nya, in some follow-up episodes i wish it kept at that instead of just showing jay being worried about nya and vice versa (like cmon, why was it “jay and the others”)
i love the pyromaniac vengestone villain, but considering i’m the self-proclaimed ninjago female villain lover is that any surprise?
nyad is so chill i love her
i hope the new ninja, with how much its being hinted at rn, are ploys by the new president and that the new president is involved wit hthe crystal king, or even is the crystal king himself
“why do I get the feeling they’re staring at us?” “They are staring at us.”
i did have mixed feelings on zane’s emotion meter thing initially, but it’s not really worht touching upon now that that’s over.
hashtag aspheera did nothing wrong lmao (like, half jokingly), and i was really hoping the first introductary episodes to her escape from prison would end up setting up some kind of redemption or her at least becoming morally neutral instead of associating wit hthe villain of the season. but who knows maybe we’ll still get that, i mean ninjago isnt the most complex of all shows out there so it may be a bit clunky but i think they could pull it off
more ultra violet, rn!!!
the benefit of grief is, out of the 12 episodes so far, probably my favourite. i love run-away-from-home roadtrip stuff, i would absolutely die for sally, and while i think family and forgiveness should be treated on a case-by-case basis, again, ninjago isnt the most complex or nuanced of all shows. and i can appreciate it for teaching us that even the unpleasant feelings are valuable and worth feeling.
i really thought that cop guy was clutch powers in disguise, but since we see clutch in ninjago city, i’m wondering if cop guy is just a joke or obscure reference, or also invovled with the crystal king
i was initially bummed skylor was there only to serve with her powers to help nya, when episodes later wu made a point about how nya isnt defined by her powers, but i can oversee it, as long as we see more of skylor being awesome this season
i may have become a fugijay shipper. or not, but i do know i love fugidove even more now
cmon dareth, you could have at least visited your criminal husband in jail, smh (not much to say on ronin while we’re on the subject, but i did like seeing him again, even just shortly)
lastly, calling it now, this ain’t the real harumi, or some sorta zombierumi lmao
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seikyoko · 3 years
Johnny Gill appreciation post
There’s plenty of issues I have with DGM Hallow, people other than me have talked about it and honestly I don’t feel like rereading the manga AND rewatching Hallow to explain all my dissatisfaction with it, but whatever, they wanted to make it short enough for it to be 14 episodes, it’s difficult to make it 100% faithful, whatever, I understand, even though I’m sad the zombie arc and the funny part of the phantom G arc were not in here, I understand, I’m not going to nitpick even the little things.
BUT WHY THE HELL would they on purpose take out the Johnny content in such an outrageous manner? like at the very beginning, where Johnny is the one who notice that polite speech doesn’t suit “Allen” and that when he doesn’t pay attention, he slip to more casual speech. It was instead replaced by.. Lavi, and while yeah good to give more Lavi content,
It was annoying to steal another character’s very rare screentime, and besides, it was impossible for Lavi to do this interaction, even if Johnny didn’t in the manga. Look, that happened after the 14th reveal, Bookman forbade him from getting too involved with “Allen”, because it was going to be his downfall if he involved himself that much in the war, and Lavi heeded his advice, you never see Lavi & “Allen” interacting again after the 14th reveal (though with the recent events of “Allen” going to the campbell mansion and is going to meet bookman and everything even if Lavi’s not with bookman that’s probably going to change), and that interaction was way more important than “woah bro no need to be so formal” with the mana mask revelation and Red’s actual personality and everything, and you know it’s relevant to that because it happens in the same episode, and in the manga very few chapters after.
And also the whole “the regret won’t let me die in peace” between Johnny & Kanda, instead.. happens between Marie & Kanda & Lenalee, and the anime scene absolutely sucks, the sacrifice Kanda is making doesn’t really hit you and it comes off as the dbz “past evil dude/asshole is now helping the protagonist”.
Look, he got better after the alma karma arc, and he love and trusts Lenalee & Marie a lot, but I find it kinda weird Kanda would volunteer such personal information on his feelings that easily with virtually no reason to (though I’m no Kanda expert), the interaction is just Lenalee who wasn’t involved in the Alma arc weirdly insisting on prying, after Kanda already accepted the innocence and can’t take it back anymore and Kanda pouring his heart out just like that , which, weird, because when Lenalee say “don’t you were already trapped in the order more than all of us and the order harmed you so much”, his reaction is to change the subject by successfully picking a fight with most people on the room (like Komui and Bak at least) by drinking it out of Lenalee’s hands.
It doesn’t even work as real Lenalee screentime because you can tell she was a mouthpiece to make Kanda say it before Hallow end/say it to someone other than Johnny, it wasn’t a real Kanda & Lenalee interaction
In the manga it was after Johnny and Kanda (who already bonded and came to care about each other quite a lot during their roadtrip/travelling around), who are both people who are pretty much risking everything to find and help “Allen”,  exited the pub and Johnny showed that he was a ride or die friend, reminding Kanda of Alma, likely the first time he thought of his past without feeling pain (like “Allen” comparing the orphanage director to Mana), then Johnny ask why Kanda did it, whether Kanda even answered or not, it was going to be nowhere as personal as how it ended up being, then that akuma snatched Johnny, and it very much stated “it’s Kanda yuu” at the beginning, showing that it was a speech personally aimed at Kanda, rather than a generic exorcist, saying that he was an absolute fool to come back, that he had very very little left to live, and he should’ve spent his last moments in peace, and that he chose hell, and he doesn’t go “what are you talking about ?” or deny it, showing that yeah, he does have little left to live and he most probably did choose hell.
Then Johnny goes “really Kanda... why ?” then go silent, so Johnny wasn’t going to badger him on it, then Kanda goes on to say his reasons (and yeah Johnny works better because he have more informations about the Alma thing than Lenalee had, since Kanda most likely almost never talked about it, and the scientists there were probably more informed than the exorcists after the facts and Kanda most likely didn’t tell her much, if anything really, I mean the dude can’t even stand when you say his first name just because it reminds him of that time, and Johnny did witness Kanda stab “Allen” and the whole shitshow, he’s more involved I mean).
AND THE “I was about to say sorry and then I stopped myself, thank you kanda, thank you, than..” WAS SO TOUCHING
end rant about “the manga is better !!”
And they’re not only making these moments worse, but they’re shooting themselves on the foot, because Johnny is a vital character to the “searching for Allen Walker” arc. and they keep down playing his worth as a character and his bond with “Allen”.
Johnny dropped everything for “Allen”, he loved his job as a scientist and everyone in the order, and the whole thing was risky as hell, and he did it anyway (he had no guarantee of quitting the order safely, and he wouldn’t have without Kanda, he had no guarantee of finding “Allen”, he had no guarantee the Noah or the 14th wouldn’t kill him immediately and when he first decided it he didn’t know Kanda would be around so doubly gutsy), and the love is very clearly mutual with how badly “Allen” freaked out at thinking Nea killed Johnny and that heart warming hug when he exited the wheat field and how desperately he wanted Johnny to be okay when the earl attacked and Nea took over, and you can tell it’s because Johnny mattered to him a lot instead of a general kindness thing because, really, the whole TOWN/CITY was in danger from the Millenium earl being around and homicidal, and last but certainly not least, JOHNNY’S DECLARATION OF FRIENDSHIP which really mattered to “Allen” (It was the most flustered he’s ever been in the whole manga).
And it mattered in the end ! it changed everything ! Kanda wouldn’t have found “Allen” without Johnny’s plan. and “Allen” would be literally dead, erased, not from this world anymore if it wasn’t for Johnny.
Look, unlike all the other times Nea took over, the last one was pretty bad, in fact it should have been impossible for Allen Walker to ever open his eyes again, his soul was done for, he was technically dead.
But the power of people’s bond is probably the most powerful thing in DGM verse, so powerful that it can even do the impossible, like bringing back the dead.
Cross, Tyki and Link weren’t going to do that because of their allegiances, Road can’t maintain her form, even if Mana was going to choose “Allen” over Nea, he is very much amnesic, it wouldn’t have occured to Kanda and most of the order to try that, because it was very obviously the 14th, and Kanda doesn’t even call “Allen” by his name anyway, they’d have jumped straight to trying to defeat him or try another method to bring “Allen” back, if Apocryphos could still bring him back his way, he’d have merged with “Allen” and “Allen” as we know him would be no more.
Yeah, pretty sure “Allen” would be no more, and it wasn’t a case of right place/right moment or anything, it was because Johnny and “Allen” loved each other (platonically, I shouldn’t have to precise that but here we are) and it shook reality in ways usually only the earl take advantage of.
Also you imagine the amount of mental badassness it would take to take your friend, and physically try to carry him away while he’s the target of the earl who is looking extremely deranged and is being really violent ? 
Also he prevents Kanda from using violence against “Allen” who was in pretty bad shape, and that with Tiedoll’s speech help him find the guts to face “Allen” eye to eye and a lot of what ensued after
Don’t ever underestimate Johnny’s importance to the story.
Yet here he’ll always be a barely relevant side character to the anime (well at least Hallow I refuse to watch the 2006 anime and check if his earlier moments were done justice), and for what reason ? because he’s not good-looking/hot, and because he’s not physically powerful or badass in a conventional way.
That’s.. the end to my salt I think
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colimbae · 3 years
supernatural for dummies (or theres so many supernatural memes and they are fun! but who wants to watch 15 long ass seasons to enjoy memes)
disclaimer: i watched supernatural years ago, and stopped watching at maybe season seven but will that even matter? no.
supernatural is a monster of the week show (aka each episode is a discreet story, that in this case involves actual monsters) in an america where all of the creepy monsters are real, common, and very deadly, but most people have no idea about it somehow
some people do, and they hunt them down for the good of humanity and nothing else. they dont get paid. toss a coin to your witcher people. they are imaginatively called hunters
sam and dean winchester are hunters because their dad was a hunter (and an abusive prick) and their mum got killed by a monster. sam tried to pretend like there werent monsters and went to law school, only to have his partner also die by monster (rip). dean turned up, said that their dad had gone missing, and was like “hey lets hunt again” and so they did for the rest of their (dean’s) life
important story beats for all of the show include:
dean is macho man
dean used to pick up girls CONSTANTLY. like every bar he went to. then for some reason the show runners decided to make every antagonist call dean gay in various fun ways and he started to not pick up hot girls at every bar and instead get… flirted at… by dudes
i think that was meant to somehow just be homophobic jokes but they instead just made him look gay on purpose lmao whoops
sam misses his old life :( but he’s good at researching monsters and killing them and also getting flirted with
every season they tried to ramp up the stakes like “oh no its armageddon” “oh no wheres god” (or something like that) and they had to ramp up the stakes FIFTEEN TIMES. they started way to high for that
so there was demon possession and all that jazz, a (surely) gay demon named crowley who hit on dean constantly and also the lilith? getting all the big names in here
dean went to hell at one point. cant remember why. thats not important though, only that he was there
he then woke up out of hell with a handprint scarred onto his shoulder and fear in his heart
after a lot of build up it just turned out that a (now confirmed!) gay angel in a trenchcoat decided dean looked too cute to be in hell x
castiel, our gay boy, wasn’t meant to be a big character but the fans loved him so the showrunners just. went with it. and so we watched a lot of dean (and sam) teaching their gay angel friend about life, going on roadtrips with him, hunting with him, declaring that dean wont let him die a virgin no matter what (GOTTA RAISE THE STAKES)
you know, straight activities
(i dare you to go look up how many dean/cas fics there are on ao3)
so anyway this went on for many years. idk how they didnt run out of monsters and/or stakes to raise
but in 2020 they decided that enough was enough. they would end the show at fifteen seasons (thank god) but they had to make the finale the Biggest One Yet (oh god)
so, near the end of the season, they have castiel dramatically reveal he was always in love with dean just before being whisked away to SuperHell™ while dean just stood there and watched, confused. 
this is where things get wild
this reveal, that fans had been hoping to see for OVER A DECADE was a) terrible b) killed off the gay instantly c) made dean/his actor (jensen ackles) look Home Of Phobic and, most importantly, d) was released during the wait for the 2020 presidency election results and the putin meme night 
everyone went insane, started researching everything, decided that actually jensen ackles was the true destiel stan and had tried to get a line into the show where dean reciprocated, there was a whole thing with the spanish subtitles confirming deans romantic love for cas y yo a ti, cas
then we saw the finale. dean died by tetanus nail, went to heaven, didnt see or talk about cas once,,,, sam just stopped hunting and went back to his old life, and for some ungodly reason they kept playing carry on my wayward son Over and Over again. everyone was sad
cut to today (25/06/21 nz time) and jensen ackles reveals that hes doing a prequel to supernatural, focused on the abusive dad and dead wife meeting, that he didnt tell any of his former cast members about? including the dude who played sam (jared padalecki) who found out (and then was very publicly sad about this) on twitter (OR the castiel actor, misha collins, who fun fact interned at the whitehouse as a young adult and wrote about the monica lewinsky scandal and stole security passes, apparently)
everyone has decided that the public drama from this will be the spiritual season sixteen of supernatural and are treating this like reality tv
have fun now x
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louisdotmp3 · 3 years
(from this post)
ooooh, okay so i'm gonna talk about the behind the scenes of the first chapter of ad astra, i guess? in particular the photos & songs & books that i picked were easily the most fun part of writing ad astra, the falling back into the early 2000s, and collecting little bits like that and applying then to stanford era dean makes me feel like i'm a bird bringing shiny things back to my nest to grow my little collection of things that make him real to me.
so, all the photos included in that chapter are photos from late july and early august of this year when i took a roadtrip with my older sister from seattle to estes park (in rocky mountain national park) to visit my younger sister. i have this playlist on my spotify that i'd been listening to a lot, and when i put it on in the car my older sister exclaimed hey! i've been listening to this! she apparently had seen me listening to it so much that she started and she loved all the songs because - and i told her this - it was 100% based off the music she played in the car when i was a kid (she's about 20 years older, literally dean's age). anyway, that playlist was made for this fic and that playlist feels very sunny to me because it's really just a my-older sister's-faves playlist.
i tried to find the barefoot contessa episode that dean watches in december but i couldn't. i feel unwell enough about stanford era dean that i would still like to find it and think to myself "dean watched this..."
the little town dean visits in montana is very much a little town we visited in montana, and they really did have a little box full of everyone's coffee orders. the summer before last my younger sister and i slept on the side of the road in a state park in montana so that's what i was picturing when dean lays on the hood of his car and looks at the stars. umm this is really all to say stanford era dean is about looking at your own life in your early 20s and magnifying it with monsters
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superleeleehipster · 4 years
Theories on Season 11
Hey! So, as I’m sure you all are very aware, Find Me is out, and I can honestly say that I’m somewhat relieved it did. I was tired of all the theories and anxieties I was feeling about it. At least now we know what we’re working with officially.
I don’t want to make a review, as most blogs have already done their own. For this post, I’m going to jot down some theories on what Leah’s role will be in Season 11. Some of these theories I’ve thought of and others I’ve seen from other bloggers, but I just wanted to get my thoughts down. 
Of course, it’s just my opinion, and if you don’t agree, that’s perfectly fine.
Spoilers and theories under the cut... 
So is everyone ok after 10x18? Yes? No? No worries on whatever your answer is; your emotions are valid.
Anyways, even though the episode was a bit painful to watch as Caryl shippers, I really don’t think it sunk the Caryl ship. If anything, the subtle (not really) parallels between Caryl and Daryl and Leah just showed that Caryl could very possibly happen despite all the naysayers saying they could never sleep together. 
Also, can I say that the whole fish scene was freaking hilarious.
But I digress... I have a few predictions on how Leah’s going to fit into the storyline for season 11. I might hit the nail on the head, or I might be so off that I break my thumb instead, but that’s ok. It’s what makes it fun.
1) I’ve made this first part into a group of theories instead of just one. These are theories that I’ve heard about or read, but I really don’t think are going to happen. They’re just interesting enough for me to list them, but they’re unlikely in my opinion:
- Leah is in Season 11 but in flashbacks - I don’t think they would go this route, because it would be even lazier writing than what we’ve gotten, and it would be more interesting to have her in person instead of being in flashbacks. If they went that way, it would be incredibly obvious that she is a plotpoint for Daryl and that’s it, and that’s pretty crappy writing even for TWD.
- Leah is in Season 11 but she isn’t real - Now this one is an interesting concept admittedly. What if Daryl was in such a crappy mood in the woods, and is thirsting for companionship, so he makes someone up in his head that is pretty similar to Carol, but doesn’t look like her b/c he wouldn’t want to be that kind of creepy friend. Then in Season 11, the viewer realizes one way or another that she was made up, that he made her up in his head to help with his woes, but now that he’s better and with Carol he doesn’t need her anymore. Really neat theory from a mentality standpoint, but I highly doubt that’s where the writers would go.
- Leah is in Season 11, but she dies - I know some folks have said this before, and I get it. Some of us are so done with the drama, we’re just thinking the worst case scenario at this point. What if Leah comes back and Daryl’s all happy and thinks that he’ll spend the rest of his life with her but then Leah dies somehow and he decides to go on a roadtrip with Carol to help with his man pain. I know some peeps feel like that would happen, but in my opinion, I really don’t think so. Angela Kang does have a lot of respect for Daryl and Carol (I know we don’t feel that way right now b/c of 10x18 but bear with me), as she’s said that this is about their story and their journey I really don’t think she would have the story go as low and as misogynistic as that. I honestly don’t.
Now these next two theories are the ones that I believe have a much higher chance of happening in season 11:
2). Leah is in Season 11, and is a part of the new antagonist group (Reapers) - So it wouldn’t be a season of the walking dead without some sort of antagonist being around. The Reapers have already made their presence known with the first extra episode, and I’m sure is going to cause issues throughout the season. An interesting theory that I’m a fan of that people have thought up already is that Leah is part of the Reapers. Whether she’s the leader or one of the followers, it doesn’t really matter, for she’s still a plot device for Daryl. 
The current fantasy I’m having is that Leah comes back and tries to get close to Daryl, which Daryl isn’t necessarily against but is still wary. But then Carol notices things about Leah and catches her doing stuff and she’s like “wtf?” and she tells Daryl her concerns but he brushes her off because he doesn’t trust her judgment very much right now. Most ASZ peeps think Leah is a good person but Carol’s like “mehhh something’s off”. Then the reveal happens where Leah is a double agent of sorts and betrays them all by having the Reapers infiltrating Alexandria or some crazy shit like that. Then it looks like she kills Carol in some way and Daryl’s absolutely gut wrenched because his Carol just died at the hands of his crazy ex girlfriend that he believed more than his best friend and what the fuck is wrong with him?? But then Carol comes back and butchers the Reapers cause she’s a goddamn queen and Daryl looks at her like she could fart fairy dust and gives the biggest smile we’ve ever seen him give on the show. Then he hugs her fiercely and starts sobbing, telling her how sorry he was and how relieved he was at her being alive and... same old story that’s happened on MULTIPLE occasions with other shows and books.
Now considering how Leah is made out to be in 10x18, I would say this theory is ‘less likely’ than what I thought it would be originally, but there’s still a decent chance. I don’t think Leah’s a cold blooded/narcissist, but it’s possible she could get roped up with the Reapers... and lets face it, Daryl isn’t the same person from who he was in the woods, so there’s a good chance she won’t be either when she comes back.
3). Leah is in Season 11, and pushes for a relationship with Daryl - Admittedly, this one would hurt to watch, but I think it’s a fair possibility we can’t rule out. Daryl is arguably at a better headspace now than he was way back when in the woods, and he knows he belongs with his family. But then Leah shows up and wants to start things over with him, and it could go multiple ways. He could realize right away that he doesn’t want that, and maybe he and Leah both get closer together. Or maybe he will give it a try for old times sake, but then he realizes that she’s not the person she was, or whom he thought she was, and they’re not actually a good pairing, and then he realizes “you know who I really want? That grey haired queen”... it would probably more emotional than that though.
I mean, we’ve all been there. We break up from a long term partner and it hurts like hell but we heal and we’re stronger for it. But then the ex comes back and is wanting to be with you again, and you’re at the very least tempted to give it a go b/c you were happy with them at one point. But then you’re with them and you realize that maybe this wasn’t a good idea, and maybe you should’ve listened to your goddamn gut all along b/c it was warning you that there’s a reason why it didn’t work out the first time.
Arguably, this theory would be more satisfying than the last one, because it would be Daryl who would choose who he would want to be with in the end. Think about it. We were initially bummed that Ezekiel wasn’t going to get his comic death in season 9 (and of course we were pissed about Henry), but then it turned out for the better because Carol willingly chose to leave him instead of being forced out of the relationship via death. So for Daryl to choose Carol over Leah in the end would be incredibly satisfying, albeit looooong overdue...
I still very much think Caryl is endgame despite the tough road we’re facing. I know folks are taking this last hurdle really hard because it’s been ingrained in our heads that Daryl is a “one woman kind of guy”, but... maybe that’s still the case. Maybe his heart is a “one woman kind of organ”, but Daryl’s been able to move past his traumas enough to be physical with more than one person. At least that’s how I’m seeing things at the moment. Obviously, it’s not good taste to go completely backwards on what is “known” about a character and assume that the audience would catch on as to why it would happen (like how Daryl reading the “children of abuse” book was never addressed in the show, but we’re having to assume he did b/c Norman said he did). Hoping the audience assumes the things that the writers are thinking of has always been an ongoing issue with TWD, so this whole shindig wasn’t necessarily surprising to me.
Anyways, that’s my two cents on things. I still think they’ll happen, and I still trust Kang. I’m just thinking of this as just the angsty part of a fanfic that I love and adore, and I just have to grit my teeth and wait for the author to finish writing the next chapter before hauling ass to my computer to see the update and breaking my desktop in the process. We’ll get to the healing part, I promise.
And if the spin is anything like the playful banter between them in this episode (albeit more mutual and fun), then sign me the fuck up and let me be a voyeur in their passionate travels.
Cheers my loves! 
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fandomlurker · 4 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Jockey For Position
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Now that we’re done with that long cameo, it’s time for our feature presentation for tonight, and it’s a doozy!:
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We open with Pinky frantically running on a spinning globe while Brain stands above him on the…globe holder? I don’t know if that part has a name or not.
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“[winded gasps] Can I stop now, Brain?”
“Not until I finish my demonstration.”
Brain, that’s just… Well I was about to say it was mean, but given that Pinky understands the details of his plans better when Brain demonstrates it or draws elaborate diagrams, maybe it’s for the best? I doubt Brain could make that large globe spin just by using his hands, and Pinky’s been seen a lot of times running on the mouse wheel in their cage so he’s gotta be pretty in shape. Still, it feels like Pinky’s been running for a lot longer than he needed to…
You know what? I change my mind. It is a bit mean, Brain.
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“When I build my reverse geotropic arrestor, Pinky, and throw it from the North Pole like this…”
The word “geotropic” doesn’t quite sound right. I wonder…
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…Okay, yeah, Brain’s getting worse at naming things.
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“…In a matter of seconds the cable will become taut, gravity will cease, and everyone will fly off the face of the Earth!”
Oh my GOD, Brain. This has got to be the stupidest plan you have come up with yet! Nothing about this will work.
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Well, there goes poor Pinky.
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“Leaving us alone to assume control.”
It’s still “us”, huh? Noted.
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Long Pinky.
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“Egad, Brain, brilliant! Haha hehe heh—!”
Pinky, sweetheart, I know praising Brain is kind of your thing but this is one time I’m going to have to call you out on your bias because this is super not brilliant and I’m actually a little worried for Brain’s mental state.
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“—Oh wait, no, no. What’s going to keep us from flying off the Earth?”
That’s one flaw of many, Pinky, but I guess it’s as good a start as any.
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“We will duct tape ourselves to a tree.”
Because the tree will totally stay in the ground when the Earth abruptly stops spinning. Not that it will stop spinning, because none of this makes any sense.
Brain, did this idea come from, like, a dream you had or something? Is that why the plan is working on dream logic?
I know this is a comedy cartoon and this is all a joke but sometimes Brain’s plans are so fucking out-there I just have to roast him for it.
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“Unfortunately we still need to raise money to buy a one billion ton magnet. But I have a solution!”
Oh boy, can’t wait to hear the solution to this one. It’s gonna be stellar if the whole plan today is anything to go by.
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Oh nice, Brain’s the one sewing for a change! Usually this is Pinky’s area of expertise, but it’s always nice to see that Brain can do some classically domestic things too.
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“Tomorrow is the running of the Kentucky Derby. Do you know what that is?”
Most of my knowledge on it comes from “My Brother, My Brother, and Me” goofs, so my mind keeps autocorrecting it to “Kenfucky Derby”, but go on.
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“Umm… Oh! A very large hat?”
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“Promise me something, Pinky. Never breed.”
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“I’ll try.”
Well, that’s going to come back to haunt them.
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“The Kentucky Derby is the biggest horse race of the year. There’s a one million dollar purse going to the jockey riding the winning horse.”
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“And I am going to win that purse!”
Okay, first off: Pinky, are you just going to stand there and stare at Brain as he gets changed? Like, I understand they’re naked normally and this is the exact opposite of stripping but umm…
Secondly: Brain, did you really have to get that up close to tell Pinky this? You two are making this too easy for me.
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“Zort, Brain! A million dollar purse?!? Ooooh!~ You’re going to need matching pumps and earrings for that!”
Pinky’s got his priorities in order.
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“Focus, Pinky, focus!”
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“Now watch.”
And now Brain’s ordering Pinky to watch him dress and I just…I have no words. This is all so suspect. Why do you two even need a dressing screen if you’re usually naked anyway? And it shouldn’t matter if anyone sees you get dressed unless this is some weird reverse nudity taboo you two have developed and if that’s the case, why are you allowing Pinky to watch? And if it’s for a dramatic reveal WHY ARE YOU ORDERING HIM TO WATCH YOU CHANGE???
This episode is already so goddamn wild.
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I am really not sure how I feel about that pan-up of Brain when he’s thrust his pelvis forward. At least the outfit is cute, though.
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“Narf! Oh, Brain, I get it! You’re a beautiful lawn ornament!”
“Beautiful”, huh? Also noted.
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“Look at me, narf, I’m a pink flamingo! Ahahaheh!”
Oh LORD, Pinky, how are you—?!?
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“I’m a cement deer! Ah hah!”
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“Oh, I’m one of the seven dwarves, Brain!”
That’s more acceptable but Pinky, sweetie, warn me if you’re going to nightmarishly shapeshift again, okay?!
I guess we can add that to the list of random abilities Pinky has.
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“Stop it, Pinky, or I shall have to hurt you.”
You are much calmer about this than I would be if this happened in front of me, Brain.
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“Oh. Right-o, Brain. Narf.”
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“Now let us make haste, for we have much to do before the race begins.”
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So then we cut to Churchill Downs, and I can only assume another roadtrip adventure was had off-screen.
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“First, Pinky, we must visit the stables.”
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“Inside, we will find the winning horse.”
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“Err… How are we gonna do that, Brain?”
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“The racing form, Pinky.”
My bet’s on... [squints] hLUUNO the horse.
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“By analysing the velocity-based pace line, mile turf win and bayer speed figures, we’ll find a grade one stakes claimer who’ll give us a key horse situation.”
“Key Horse Situation” would be a great band name. Also, whoops, little bit of an error on the name plaques, background artists.
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What do your mouse eyes see, Pinky?
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“Err, can’t we just ride the pretty one?”
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So here she is, one of the few characters debuting in the Animaniacs run that will matter to PatB lore going forward aside from our main duo.
A fun fact for you all: Phar Fignewton’s name is a triple reference joke. “Phar Lap” was a champion thoroughbred race horse in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Fig Newtons are small pastries filled with fig paste. Lastly, “Fahrvergnügen” was a slogan for Volkswagon starting in 1990. Translated, it means “driving enjoyment”.
Phar Fignewton makes a whinnying noise and ends it off with a goofy laugh.
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Brain is not impressed.
“Heavens, they’re multiplying…”
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Pinky is instantly smitten with her.
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“This is a business trip, Pinky!”
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“Oh. Right. Sorry, Brain.”
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“Here is our horse.”
“’Daddy’s Little Angel’…”
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I guess it’s an ironic nickname.
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“Pinky… Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
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“Whu… I think so, Brain, isn’t Regis Philbin already married?”
Now I’m wondering if Pinky is suggesting that one of them marry Regis or if he’s suggesting that Regis marries the horse. Either way, what the fuck?
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Yeah, same.
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“The race, Pinky. By combining the statistics and my low body weight, this horse cannot lose! The prize money will be ours!”
GAH! Brain, I’ve had enough minor heart attacks from this episode because of Pinky’s eldritch morphing ability, I don’t need another one of your bizarre close-ups to do the same!
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“Now I must take the place of the real jockey.”
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“Is this the Jockey who’s going to ride ‘Daddy’s Little Angel’?”
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“This is Ed Mcmahon from Publisher’s Smearing House. You’ve just won ten million dollars.”
Pinky delightedly and silently listening in and chuckling in the back is precious.
And honestly, Brain, I don’t know why you’re crouching here, but it’s also cute.
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“I won ten million dollars… I WON TEN MILLION DOLLARS! I am outta here! Later!”
The mice are lucky that he’s so excited about winning all that money that he forgets to do basic things like ask when and how he’ll get the money.
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“Louie! Louie!”
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“Who’s gonna ride my horse? I mean, Louie is the smallest, lightest jockey in the entire world!”
Did you know that there’s a weight requirement for jockeys, but no height requirement?
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“Not anymore!”
Whoops, I just noticed another error, though it’s minor: Brain’s jockey outfit throughout this scene is light tan and purple instead of the pea green and purple that it’s supposed to be.
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“You’re a jockey?!”
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“Actually, I am a mouse in the early stages of an elaborate scheme to take over the world.”
The more this happens, the more I’m starting to think that Brain does this shtick on purpose to emotionally and mentally disarm people who would otherwise suspect that he’s not human. The fact that it works shows you just how idiotic the human beings of this world are.
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“Well, fine, we all need a hobby but…will you ride my horse?”
Oh, sir, I think it’s much more than a hobby at this point. If only you knew…
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“I shall ride! And win!”
His design is a little odd here, but it’s still a good pose.
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So Brain next has to be weighed to make sure he meets the requirements.
“Saddle: Seven pounds. Saddle and rider: Seven pounds 3 ounces.”
So if you can recall from the previous rewatch post, a house mouse on average weighs 19g, and a common wood mouse weighs 23g (it can be up for debate which type of mouse Brain is).  Converting Brain’s 3 ounces of weight to grams would result in him weighing 85.0486g.
Brain does have a bit of a cute little potbelly thing going on, but he’s also consistently much smaller in height and width than the average adult mouse in the series. I think the incredible difference in weight is mostly coming from the heft of Brain’s, well, brain and skull…and the muscle mass packed into that tiny body to help keep him upright.
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“A genetically perfect jockey! This is fantastic!”
Please don’t phrase it like that.
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“…Let’s look into early retirement.”
That jockey on the left is going through some shit, man. He looks like how I feel after working an eight hour shift on the holidays.
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And so we skip to the beginning of the race!
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That poor, poor jockey…who changed colour schemes for some reason.
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There’s Phar Fignewton with a jockey who honestly looks like he’s high.
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And here’s our little mousey fella, who has somehow managed to make this aggressive horse obedient.
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“Camptown race is five miles long, do-dah, do-dah.~”
He’s so happy he’s singing to himself! This is honestly so precious that I completely forgive him for not getting the lyrics correct.
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Coincidentally, Daddy’s Little Angel is positioned next to Phar Fignewton.
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“Ooh, isn’t this exciting, Brain?”
Uh oh.
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“Pinky, what are you doing here? Your weight will disrupt my winning calculations!”
I don’t know if it’d be that off, Brain. The combined weight of two mice is still much less than that of a human jockey.
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“But Brain, it’s too exciting! I—“
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“Oooh! Heh. Hello.~”
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I think I’m going to save my thoughts on this whole…thing until the end. Right now I will say, however, that I wasn’t quite expecting the tongue-hanging-out-of-gaping-mouth lovestruck/horny??? reaction.
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“Pinky, the race is starting!”
Too late, Brain.
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And we’re off!
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Bye, Pinky.
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“There’s baloney in our slacks…~”
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So as the race goes on, we get to know a few more of the horses’ names: Isle of Yap (a nice callback to the first PatB short), Flamiel (which is apparently the WB writers’ favourite word?), and Leggo-my-Egoiste (a double reference to an old Eggo slogan and the name of a cologne).
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The other jockeys are more than a little surprised by Brain and his steed taking the lead early in the race.
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Phar Fignewton is trailing way behind.
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Meanwhile, Pinky’s woken up from fainting, seeing the oncoming horses—
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--and promptly freaks out and stumbles back down again.
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“Victory, she waits for me! Oh, the do-dah-day!”
You really have to stop tempting fate like this, Brain.
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Phar Fignewton’s very tired, but what’s this?
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Is that…Pinky in harm’s way?
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Determined and fueled by her inexplicable crush, Phar Fignewton starts gaining ground on the other horses.
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Brain didn’t calculate for this!
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…Oh! Hi, Warners! Looks like they’re cheering Phar on.
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“Oh no! Yah! Yah! Yah!”
I didn’t think whips were allowed in races like the Kentucky Derby, but apparently they are. Their use was only restricted—not banned—in the summer of 2020, which is alarming to say the least.
On a different note, I know some of you folks are now jotting down the fact that Brain knows how to use a whip. I see you.
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She makes the save!
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And she also wins the race! Way to go, Phar Fignewton!
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“In the words of the great Willie Shoemaker: ‘Nuts!’”
It was a good try, Brain, but honestly I’m glad you failed this time if only so that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself with your actual world domination plan’s failure later. Maybe take a couple nights off to rest up a bit and formulate plans that aren’t totally bonkers, hmm?
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I might as well go ahead and talk about this now. I…am conflicted on this whole Phar Fignewton thing. It makes for a very strange one-off joke about Pinky instantly falling in love with a distaff counterpart of his that’s a horse for whatever reason…but the fact that she’s not a one-off character is baffling in and of itself. Like I’ve said before, she’s mentioned a couple of times going forward as being Pinky’s girlfriend, or as a bizarre joke at Pinky’s expense about him being in/having been in a relationship with a horse. There’s even a small running gag about Pinky’s reaction to people’s disgust about it: “People can be so intolerant!”. I don’t know if the joke is supposed to be one about racial segregation or a wink and nod to queer folks in the only way that the writers could get away with in a cartoon at the time (in a “see, Pinky’s down for a relationship with anyone, even outside of his species!” type of way).
Phar Fignewton herself is a sweetie but besides that she has no personality to speak of and we’re just meant to assume based on physical appearance that she is equivalent to Pinky. And like, she hasn’t been uplifted to human levels of intelligence and sapience like Pinky has because of Acme Labs, but she seems to be naturally sapient for some unknown reason and just simply unable to speak English.
On top of all this, the relationship is very shallow and the only reason we’re given as to why Pinky likes her is because he finds her pretty. It’s perfectly in character for Pinky to easily fall in love, as he does so with other animals a couple more times in the spin-offs, but it just feels weird that this is the one that sticks around purely to become a running gag that gets mentions that are sometimes literal years apart from one another.
And listen, I know the writers most likely made this a thing just because they thought it was a funny joke and a few of them managed to remember about Phar and would use Pinky dating her as a gag. I know this. But it doesn’t make it any less confusing and weird. I remember the jokes about Pinky and horses from way back when I first watched Animaniacs and the PatB spin-off when I was a kid and I never had any context for it because I don’t think I ever saw this specific episode. Coming back as an adult and seeing all these episodes in order and watching this one in particular and finding out the context is “Pinky thinks a horse is pretty and the horse and him are in love and long-distance dating now” is both underwhelming and leaves me with more questions than answers.
…Also, if my earlier theories on why the writers made this joke are correct, does this mean Phar Fignewton is metatextually a beard for Pinky?
I just don’t know, folks. You’re welcome to leave your thoughts on this in comments.
Let’s wrap this up.
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So as we can see, Brain is, as usual, back to work on another plan that involves—
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—a goddamn cannon, holy shit! What is he using the glue for? That’s a little ominous, given what’s been involved in this episode.
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There’s a hammering noise in the background and we see Pinky putting up a photo of Phar Fignewton.
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“Pinky, will you please stop that? I’m trying to concentrate on tomorrow night!”
Wow, you’re more irritable than usual, Brain. I didn’t think some delicate hammering would annoy you that much.
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…Despite my ramblings earlier, that’s very cute of you, Pinky. I’m sure you could’ve gotten a better photo, though.
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“Why, Brain, what’re we gonna do tomorrow night?”
Try to take over the world, of course! Right, Brain?
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Umm, wow. That’s a first. You look like you’re absolutely enraged, Brain. All this over some hammering sounds?
This had me taken aback a bit when I watched it the first time, not gonna lie. We’ve seen Brain after a plan’s failure plenty of times before. He’s been frustrated, sure. Humiliated at times, or maybe he just sighs in resignation and walks off into the sunset. It always ends with him simply using these feelings to fuel the fire in him to do better tomorrow night.
This is the very first time we’ve seen him jumpy and irritated at the most minor of things and so angry that he literally refuses to participate normally in his and Pinky’s shared catchphrase. And this was for a plan that was just to fund the real plan! So why is this time any different?
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Okay, that’s… That makes a lot of sense, actually. Damn.
Hey, fanfic writers? Ya’ll ever use this as the very first time Brain experiences romantic jealousy? Let me know.
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“Oh yeah, try to take over the world. Right.”
I think even Pinky’s put off by this development, if his hesitant and quiet finishing of the saying is anything to go by.
And that’s what we end off with.
All in all, this episode is a wild ride of strangeness in small moments and bizarre additions to lore and ends on the first subversion of the long-running closing gag of the series. It’s not exactly a great episode, but that ending is intriguing enough for one of the main purposes of this rewatch. In short, I’m just baffled.
Luckily the next episode is much better. Next time, the mice head on down to Tennessee to seek world domination via country music.
See you then!
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breanne-says-boo · 4 years
October 2020 NYCC - What We Do in The Shadows panel
We did learn a little bit more about the upcoming Season 3 in this panel! Things bolded are relevant to S3 (**potential spoilers ahead under the cut!**)
Video can be found here [ X ]
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Kathryn VanArendonk (a critic for Vulture) was the moderator for the panel and was joined by Mark (Colin Robinson), Kayvan (Nandor), Harvey (Guillermo), Matt (Laszlo), Natasia (Nadja), as well as showwriter Stefani Robinson and producer/writer Paul Simms. Kathryn wrote this article about the show if you would like to read it.
Details below under the cut --->
Kathryn asked what each of their character would be doing in quarantine and how they would be handling COVID-19:
Kayvan: He immediately says there would be a strain between Nandor and Guillermo, especially with there being a lack of victims for him to eat. Nandor would make Guillermo order LOTS of delivery and eat the delivery workers.
Harvey: it would be very awkward in the house for Guillermo particularly after the events of the season 2 finale.
Paul: Guillermo would be the only one in the house to wear a mask because he’s really the only one who cares/pays attention. The vampires would be confused/irritated by it and ask him to take off his “stupid costume”
Natasia: The vamps would probably be like the people who wear the masks under their noses if they wear them at all. They might be sort of unsympathetic and say “Oh, here we go again” having lived through many pandemics. The vamps might take advantage of everyone being at home but Guillermo might be stressed having to worry which of their victims have COVID and touching the bodies to throw them out. Harvey adds on and imagines that maybe it’s revealed that one of the vampires in the house is responsible for a different pandemic like the Spanish Flu or something to that effect.
Mark: Colin is a no-masker (for the purpose of irritating others) and getting into arguments about his constitutional rights inside stores. He’d probably be pretty hungry since he mostly feeds at the office and his coworkers would have to work at home.
Matt: They’d probably have no idea because they don’t watch the news or pay attention to current events at all
Kathryn immediately then asks about the Nandermo relationship- she asks Harvey and Kayvan if their characters love each other and how that relationship is developing.
Harvey: he started playing Guillermo with this infatuation with Nandor and that there were “blurred lines” in how he sees Nandor. He then explains that it seems kind of curious to the audience why Guillermo would continue to serve Nandor and help the vamps they continue to treat him so badly, and in Harvey’s mind, Guillermo is just driven by love and driven by emotion. He’s just very human and wants to do the right thing. (Harvey then “steals” Kayvan’s question about if Nandor is in love with Guillermo and Kayvan goes into Nandor-mode and begins to chastise Guillermo for being rude. Nandor: “Do you see what I have to put up with?”)
Kayvan: Nandor needs Guillermo and is “wrestling with his feelings” towards Guillermo. It is “heading towards a dangerous” territory for him because he “can’t be falling again after all [his] marriages”...he’s excited to see what happens next, but things are pretty “rocky” for them as of where we left them off.
My thoughts: seems like this is indicating a role-reversal of sorts in season 3, with Guillermo falling out of his infatuation with Nandor and Nandor falling in love with Guillermo? 
Kathryn asks Matt about what it’s like doing the “musical” epsiode for Laszlo since he has legitimate music experience (Matt sort of laughs about her use of “legit” in regards to his music).
Matt says its essentially demo song work. It’s good fun doing short ideas for pitching these 30 second songs in the space with ‘Tasia (Natasia)
Natasia: says it was a dream to do the songs with Matt and “plant seeds” in the work space because of Matt’s musical background. She mentions that Mark had an improv moment where Colin goes on stage to join Nadja and Laszlo and begin singing/rapping. Mark says that Colin begins jokingly doing it but then we see him get more into the song and enjoying it.
Paul says that if we like the prospective idea of Colin singing, we should be excited because Colin gets a singing/song moment in season 3. Paul then says something along the lines of that he’s happy they get to do these sort of bits and that all the casts members go along with it because “We are all dedicated to being silly...and stupid in a clever way.”
Kathryn then asks the whole group what kind of scenes do they look forward to doing for their characters and which scenes they like to watch their co-stars taken on
Harvey: likes doing action stuff and getting the change to play almost like these two different personalities in Guillermo- his quieter side and his badass side! He has a fun time with all his cast mates doing scenes and watching them. He has a hard time doing some scenes with Kayvan because he makes Harvey laugh and takes him out of character.
Kayvan: he likes doing scenes with Karvey because of the “tenderness.” He also like the house meeting scenes because they spin out into something outrageous or hilarious that happens after the fact.
Natasia: she likes doing Talking Heads scenes (when the scene is just of their characters speaking to the audience and to each other like in an interview) with Matt. She also likes doing the Fancy Room scenes, scenes with other women, and scenes with Shaun/Sean the neighbor. She likes scenes where Nandor is “saying thick stuff” because of the contrast of Nandor being this fearless warrior but also really stupid. She likes scenes where Matt has to do stuff really fast or has to run because it makes her laugh.
Matt: likes doing “loose” scenes where they can do anything that they want to do with a scene. He also likes doing the Talking Heads scenes with Natasia and watching the stuntmen do stuff he’s supposed to be doing. Apparently Kayvan let out somehow that Matt is afraid of heights. Kayvan: “Did I?...you’re getting better though...”
Mark: likes opportunities to play off of what the others say. He likes watching scenes where “Matt deal with Kayvan” because Laszlo can’t stand fools even though [Nandor] is one of the biggest fools (he says Laszlo but I think he meant Nandor with the mention of Kayvan). Scenes where they belittle Guillermo and scenes with Natasia are also fun.
Then Paul said he had a special guest who could also answer this question and in popped Nadja doll into the chat in her own separate video box. They were teasing her for being “on mute” and had her answer yes/no questions by nodding her head.
Kathryn asks Stefani about debates in the writer’s room regarding vampire biology and life. She asks Stefani about what’s fun about bringing in new creatures to the show and developing the lore about the vampires.
Stefani: it’s fun but it’s also hard in the writer’s room making decisions about these sort of things. The ability to pick and choose parts of the lore, but there can be contradictions they have to deal with. She wants the lore and the aspects of their nature to come together and be grounded so that it’s fun but isn’t too ridiculous. She considers how these elements/creatures can be “show-pieces” for the characters to interact with and how they contribute to the story and how they are funny.
Stefani then notes that Jermaine was very anti-leprechaun but Paul said he tried to reason with him. They try to decide among themselves what “fits” within their world and what doesn’t but there really isn’t a specific reason for what they go with.
Paul says there will be 3-4 new kinds of creatures in season 3. But no aliens, he notes. 
Natasia asks if somehow Sesame Street/Muppets would exist within their world and could make a cameo (I’m guessing because of the Count connection?) Paul jokes and says “Stefani, I don’t know what you’re doing tomorrow...but if we can schedule another meeting we could spend 6 hours making this happen.” Natasia then says she would love to see Miss Piggy and Nadja have some great chats. Same with Kermit and Nandor. Matt says he thinks Guillermo should find R2D2 buried in the garden but none of their characters recognize it.
All of season 3 is currently written. Kathryn asks about anything else they can tease for us:
Paul says there is in fact a bit of dialogue (3/4 of a page) about Kermit the frog that Natasia “accidentally came upon” (I don’t know how serious he is about this).
The vampires will go on a roadtrip! They will be traveling someplace they don’t normally go to, and the issue of having to bring soil from their homeland will be brought up
There is a birthday! It’s a big important birthday...for Colin! (maybe Colin’s song moment is him singing Happy Birthday?)
Nandor is looking for love and decides that it is time for him to find a partner
Some characters will be coming back, including Shaun/Sean the neighbor who will appear in two episodes
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nightwingshero · 3 years
💤, 🚙, and 🥊 for Suzume, Kumeko, and Himari
Thank you hun!!!
💤 Napping HC
Listen, she's tired, but napping isn't something she does often. That's what the coffee and Boba tea is for. When she does nap, it's probably in an oversized hoodie with her favorite body pillow: Fatgum. Tai will get a blanket when she falls asleep in her studio, wrap her up, and carry her so she can nap somewhere actually comfortable. She's had a group nap session with Kumeko and Mayumi before, after working out or patrol. It was a thing, they passed out in Suzume's living room.
Probably has a matching sleeping bag. Family nap time is defintiely a thing. Kumeko is someone with a lot of energy, so it's shocking that she takes a lot of naps, but she really does. She's a hero, she fights a lot, so on her off days, she will totally curl up and nap with Aizawa. It's something they do together. The sleeping bad became a thing because she thought it would be cute, and he thought it was better for her to not be stretched out and sprawled over the entire bed. He was tired of sleeping with a starfish.
Napping isn't something she's prone to doing. But when she does nap, it's probably curled up on a ball with a hoodie from Kirishima or blanket while watching a favorite show, or she might rest her eyes on a bus ride. She probably stayed up too late studying for that test and is resting after taking it and passing because honestly, we all know that girl has nothing to worry about on that front. You know that picture of Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, and Taika Waita sleeping? That's totally happened with Mina and Mizuki.
🚙 Road Trip HC
Chances are she's with Mayumi and Kumeko, and if she's not driving, she's in the passenger seat. Her and Kumeko will be going back and forth about directions and a damn map. The rule is that whoever is in the passenger seat controls the music, therefore it's a rule that Kumeko and Suzume have to take turns driving. She speeds and was the one that brought homemade snacks or the road. She also downloaded a ton new music and has a list of things she wants to stop and see along the way. She'll probably FaceTime Tai with her earbuds in when she gets bored and text Tsu, learning all the details of the chaos going on back home.
Is so mad that the driver can't pick the music, it makes zero sense to her. But Suzume insists its because she needs to pay attention to the road. She's not wrong, Kumeko is a crazy driver, and Suzume clings to the door when Kumeko does something too reckless. Her and Mayumi play games and she is usually the one to start stories of their childhood, going "hey, remember when we did--". Kumeko is also the one that stops by little shops and stocks up on sweets to add to Suzume's stockpile. She's sending selfies of the three of them to her Snap, Insta, and to Aizawa and others. Hawks and Rumi comment on a few of them, which only makes Kumeko laugh when Suzume makes a face.
This girl...she got stuck with going on a damn roadtrip with the Bakusquad. Yeah...all of them. This could go mulitple ways. Bakugo would be driving, and he...has major road rage (I feel like that would be obvious). Mina is upfront so she can control the music. Sero and Denki both have the window seats, and Kirishima is squeezed in between her and Denki. Kirishima feels bad about it, and she's half on his lap--girl...it's a long road trip. Her and Kirishima listen to music together though, to try and tune out the absolute chaos that is that car. Denki and Bakugo going back and forth when Bakugo takes a wrong turn or is going the wrong way, Sero making fun of Denki, and Mina being....well, Mina. Himari naps during it and uses Kiri's shoulder as a pillow. She will also read on her phone or play her Switch, which everyone in the back will join in and play together, granting the car the closest thing to peace the Bakusquad can acheive.
Jiro and Mizuki decide to come along, so they have to take two cars. Whether it's with the girls in one car and the boys in the other, or just them randomly mixed, Car A and Car B race. You know that episode with the Big Bang Theory? Yeah, they have walkie talkies, and you bet Bakugo talks shit through it, or Denki is being Denki, and Jiro is roasting his ass. Either way, it's total chaos, and her and Jiro are the only ones with brain cells.
🥊 Exercise/Workout HC
She works out with Mayumi from time to time, which yes, means Rumi too. Suzume likes having a workout partner when she can, or else she's just blaring music in her ears, stays for a few minutes, then leaves the gym to opt for skating. She gets roped into volleyball games and Zoomba sessions by Mayumi or Kumeko. Suzume has nicely toned arms, but that girl is more focused on legs and torso, and she does a lot of yoga. Being agile and flexible is more up her alley when it comes to her fighting style. It's hardcore stuff, though.
Does a lot of cardio. Zoomba classes, running, ect. She hates doing weights, and Rumi is usually the one that bends her arm on it. When she goes in the next day, super sorry and whiney, Fatgum gives her a thumbs up and tells her she's doing good. She disagrees and mumbles about how she deserves for Suzume to bring her food. She tries to entice Suzume to join her workout sessions, but Suzume doesn't really like her workout routine, so it doesn't happen often. There is ALWAYS music playing, and Kumeko will do little dances as she's working out.
She does a lot of jogging! She used to run track in middle school, and her quirk makes her a bit more agile and a bit faster. It's something she pushes to improve. She does do more fighting and weight work outs as her first year in UA continues so she can get better, and she'll have a few different training partners. She has a hard time focusing when Kirishima asks for sparring or training sessions. Ururaka or Mina are her go-to workout pals though! And she will do little exercises that Midoriya taught her so that she can do them around the dorm casually.
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sneezyminniejo · 4 years
Roadtrip Conundrum
This fic was inspired by the post credits Minhyun sneeze fit from episode one of NU’EST Road. It is also posted on my page from December if you want to watch it without looking for it on youtube
Minhyun had been super excited to go on vacation with the others. Now that Wanna One was disbanded, it was the first time in over a year that Minhyun was able to spend quality time with his NU’EST bandmates. All five of the members were equally excited for the trip.
It was a crisp Spring morning, when the five of them decided to head out on their trip, in their rented camper. Unfortunately for Minhyun, he woke up not really being able to breathe. Whether it was his allergies acting up, or he was coming down with a cold, he wasn’t sure. However, Minhyun was determined not to let his condition put a damper on their vacation.
Before they even loaded up the camper, Minhyun was sniffling, which subsequently clued in the other four that something was amiss. Aron insisted on Minhyun sitting shotgun, so that he could have a bit more room. Dongho decided to drive, which put Aron, Jonghyun, and Minki in the back.
The first portion of the car ride was fairly uneventful. There were audible sniffles from Minhyun here and there, but overall it was a relaxed environment. As they approached the first rest stop, Minhyun was feeling a very itchy and desperate tickle build in his sinuses. His breath was hitching for a few seconds, and when Dongho had put the camper in park, Minhyun couldn’t hold the sneeze back any longer.
“Eh-stiew, eh-zdiew” Minhyun sneezed twice, once off to the side and one into his elbow. He was also just barely able to make out Dongho saying “Darn it, is it party time.” But he wasn’t sure as he wasn’t done sneezing.
“Eh-ztiew” Minhyun sneezed into his hands this time and he was once again able to faintly hear Dongo say “Darn it.” Minhyun had one more sneeze slowly building in his nose, and he couldn’t focus on anything until it came out. Minhyun sat there, holding his hand in front of his face, waiting in anticipation for the final sneeze. He was so focused on the sneeze, that he was barely able to register Dongho snapping his fingers at him. Finally he lurched forward with a final “Eh-dzstiew, sorry.”
“Are you okay Minhyun?” asked Jonghyun. He was so used to seeing his brothers sneeze only once or twice, that he was a little shocked at the four sneezes that just came out of the second youngest. “I’b fide, hyung” Jonghyun cringed at the congestion that now laced Minhyun’s voice. The leader was really tempted to ask the eldest if they should turn around, but Aron was passed out against the window.
Jonghyun ultimately decided that because of all the planning that had gone into the trip and the fact that Minhyun didn’t seem too sick, they could continue their trip. He decided to stay in the Camper with a sleeping Aron while Dongho, Minhyun, and Minki went inside to grab some snacks. Once he was alone, he texted Minki, telling him to also buy tissues, cold medicine, and allergy medicine because he wasn’t sure what was up with Minhyun.
Aron woke up about an hour later and Minki quietly told him what had happened at the rest stop. Aron looked mildly concerned, but promised he’d talk to Minhyun at the next rest stop. When they reached the next stop, Aron was quick to pull Minhyun over to the side. “Minhyun-ah, I’ve been told that you had a doozy of a sneezing fit at the previous rest stop. Are you sure you’re okay?” Aron gave Minhyun a pointed look that said ‘don’t think about lying to me’
Minhyun sighed before answering, “In all honesty hyung, I feel fine. However I woke up this morning and I couldn’t really breathe. Then, when we got to that rest stop I was overcome with the sensation of needing to sneeze and I had a fit. I don’t know if it’s allergies acting up or if I’m coming down with a cold, but so far my only symptoms are congestion, sniffling, and sneezing.”
Aron pulled out his phone to look up the pollen count. “Based on your symptoms and today’s pollen count, I think it’s likely that your allergies are just acting up. Minki bought allergy meds at the last stop, if you’d like to take some.” Minhyun nodded and ran back to the camper to find Minki and the meds.
They were back on the road and about thirty minutes after taking the allergy medicine, Minhyun could feel the mucous in his sinuses loosening and draining. “M-Minki” Minhyun’s breath was beginning to hitch again. “Did y-you pur-purcha- eh-sdiew. Sorry, did you happen to get tissues along with the medicine?” Minki nodded while handing one of the travel packs he got. Minhyun thanked him then blew his nose. Everyone internally cringed at how productive the nose blow was.
“That feels better, now I can breathe.” Minhyun turned around to look at Aron. “I think you’re right about it being allergies, hyung. My sinuses feel much better now that the meds kicked in. Cold medicine wouldn’t have had the same effect.” Shortly after, the quintet reached the campsite and they all got out to set up for the night.
As the pollen count was set to be high the entire week, Minhyun woke up every morning sneezing and/or not able to breathe. He would take one of the allergy pills and would be more or less fine after about thirty minutes. Of course, since they were camping, he found himself sneezing throughout the day. However it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle. Aside from allergies being a slight nuisance, the quintet thoroughly enjoyed their trip. Especially the part where Aron introduced them to the art of s’mores.
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I Recommend: 3 Will Be Free
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We have roadtrips. Gang conflict. A lot of tense stand offs. We have queer-accepting mafia bosses. We have Neo’s trademark croptops, Miw’s flawless makeup, and Shin’s adorable glasses. We have guns. We have a whole lot of shirtless shots. We have antagonists you’ll root for just as much as the protagonists.
What to we have? 3 Will Be Free!
Let me make this clear first up, this ain’t about a love triangle. This is a polyamourous relationship between three people. Just so you know. Rare, ain’t it?
This Thai drama is, in my opinion, freaking brilliant! Not only did it do a polyamourous relationship pretty good (and actually had it endgame), but it did it with a captivating plot, beautiful camera shots, and a hella intense soundtrack. I will definitely be rewatching this one in the future. 
Let's get into this. I’m not trying to spoil anything hear but I have to gush about this and so I’m sorry if I accidently reveal anything or imply enough for some people to work stuff out. Just watch it! I can’t say it enough.
To introduce you a little, the initial plot of 3 Will Be Free all surrounds this Mafia type boss guy called Thana. Enter main character number one: Neo, a free spirited dancer at a club who catches the eye of Thana's second wife Vanika and they start an affair. Enter main character 2: Miw, a hostess at a nearby club who meets Shin (main character 3), the son of Thana's first wife, one night when his friends pay her to sleep with Shin. Things quickly get chaotic when Thana finds out about the affair, sends people to kill Neo and punish Vanika only Vanika gets killed in the crossfire, Neo runs and hides at Miw's club only to run into Shin in the bathrooms and just as they're both caught, Miw comes in and shoots Thana's right hand man dead (it all happens in like the first episode, okay, its fine to spoil, right?). So yeah. You can probably imagine the running-for-their-lives, road trip that Neo and Miw enbark on with Shin swept along for the ride because of a mysterious connection to Neo. 
I'm not gonna say more about the plot except that Thana's right hand man, Phon, happens to have a transgender girlfriend, Mae, who is devastated whe she hears about Phon’s death and embarks on a revenge driven chase after the main trio with Phon's best friend Ter (who also works for Thana). The two bond over their shared loss and show some of the saddest, heart-wrenching moments as Ter struggles without his friend to guide him and Mae suffers the loss of the only person who properly supported her. Mae is probably my favourite character in the show, she is just so good and showed the most emotional depth despite her limited screen time and the show really did her dirty, she did not catch a break. Also why the heck did this show have to make me love Phon even after he died?? He was just the nicest, most supportive boyfriend ever and honestly, despite the whole gang thing and the fact that he was trying to kill Neo, I kind of wish he had lived. For extra info this show is ten 50 minute episodes long and is on youtube with every episode split into 4 parts. So go watch. You'll be in for a ride.
All along we have Miw and Neo bickering constantly and Shin grinning quietly in fondness. That’s essentially their relationship summed up. It’s adorable.
Individually, though, I loved the depth I felt in these characters and how they felt more than just stereotypes or cardboard flat.
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Neo ( Way-Ar Sangngern / Joss). On the surface, this guy is your pansexual bad boy hooker/prostitute/stripper who works a ton of jobs and lives freely, working a ton of jobs with no set future. Neo is also a gentleman who can be summoned by wallet theft to save the day and is very caring and protective of those he loves. Essentially, he’s the mama bear of the trio, but unfortunately he is also a jerk, selfish, and may very well have a saviour-complex. I don’t think he’s everyone’s favourite by the end of the show BUT he kind of holds the trio together and they need him to keep Miw out of trouble and free Shin a little. I also believe he is singlehandedly reviving people’s love for croptops.
If anyone’s wondering why I consider this guy pansexual when Wikipedia says bisexual, it’s because he literally says he doesn’t care about gender in relationships. I could be wrong, but that’s how I interpreted what he said.
Miw ( Lapassalan Jiravechsoontornkul / Mild). In a time when we are seeing more and more strong, independant female leads, Miw is the queen. She is definitly the source of strength of the relationship and has no time for anyone’s sh*t. She is bold, always has flawless makeup and outfits, and is never scared to speak her mind, tough and prepared to do anything to survive. She also honestly has some of the best lines in the show. But if this type of character puts you off, don’t run away because she’s more than just that. Miw has her own vulnerabilities, isn’t completely bulletproof and killing a man is not easy for her. There are reasons behind the strength she projects and her way of seeing the world, reasons she has to keep being strong, and that doesn’t stop her from bonding with other women over shared experiences, standing up for others, and comforting Neo and Shin when they hit their lows.
Shin (Tawan Vihokratana / Tay). Let me just say, you are guaranteed to fall in love with this boy, he is the soft and innocent one in the trio from a completley different world from the other two yet that doesn’t stop him from not wanting to be left behind and trying to understand. Shin is honestly the real hero of this story, he is so selfless and insecure and must be protected at all costs. Of course, the characters in the show know that which is why everyone is either trying to kidnap him or save him. But he isn’t just quiet and shy, he’s also smart and has his own bad*ss moments when Neo has being a jerk and Miw is just trying to survive. If Neo is the glue, Miw is their strength, then Shin is peacekeeper and balances out Neo and Miw’s outspoken personalities.
I do understand, though, that some may be a little less than satisfied with Shin’s ending. I felt like they really needed to develope or explore his relationships with Miw and Neo further or atleast as much as they seemed to for Miw and Neo.
In the end though we had quite a few cute moments with all three of them together and apart from that minor issue, I got nothing other than to cry over all those characters who suffered the director’s killing spree. Like seriously, is nothing safe?! So beware.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 126 Poll Results
The chapter 126 poll closed with 1,647 responses. Thank you for your support! This month’s poll results were compiled by @shifter-lines​ , /u/alooulla,   /u/_Puppet_, @manerein and @momtaku.
  RATE THE CHAPTER 1,514 responses
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“Rate the Chapter” is a genuine bell curve this month instead of having its more typical overwhelmingly positive skew. While not terrible by any means, the response to chapter 126 was the most lukewarm since chapter 107, and it was the second worse performing chapter since we started the poll.
(Kazoo Avengers theme)
By far, this was the chapter I enjoyed the least, I just hope that the ending feels realistic
Definitely fast paced, but definitely needed to finally kick things into high gear. The Calm Before The Storm…
it was pretty disappointing by aot standards, but the last 15 chapters were amazing, so what am i even complaining for.... i just hope that isayama can write a decent ending.
I feel like this is either one of those chapters that will be more rewarding in hindsight when we have more info or was just straight up moving forward so we can get to the good stuff faster and we will have to suck it up and move on. All in all I think it was a good chapter even if a little rushed.
Easily the worst chapter in years due to the fast pacing, convenient plot developments and cliche and very cheesy and cringey ending page quote.
In the anime they could make a whole episode out this single chapter instead of using two chapters to make a single episode
Haha pie
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After nearly a year of absence Levi and Hange were finally back in the story so it’s no surprise that “Everything with Levi and Hange” topped the list of favorite moments with 22.1%. “Avengers Assemble” was a distant second with 10.6%. Confirmation that Levi was alive came in third (10.2%).
Pieck and Hange teaming up? Eren better watch out because those two together are gonna KICK SOME ASS!
Hange needs so much more appreciation, she is such a good person. I hope she and Levi both survive this shit.
I loved everything that happened, it just desperately needs some more detail filled in.
I loved Levi and Hange interactions
Annie eating pie is just perfect
It was so good to see Levi and Hanji again and together. They suffered so much, i need an end where they both survive and can have a restful retirement
Glad to see that Connie is still a good guy. Also that he is trying his best becouse of his Mother.
But what Pieck Pieck? The greatest tragedy is that Isayama took that from us, y'know not that Eren is destroying the world or something...
I really loved to see Armin and Annie together!
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Talk about polarity. “Avengers Assemble” may have been the second most popular “Favorite Moment” but it was also  the landslide winner for “Least Favorite” with nearly 22% of the fandom selected it as the worst moment of the chapter. “Floch’s Speech” (13.8%) and “The Ragako Subplot” (13.5%) rounded out the top 3.
everyone called them the avengers but lets get real they are a fuckin Suicide Squad
Why are we wasting time on Louise
Avengers Lowcost version
Didn't understand Magath reasons to join forces with his enemys. It felt like some story in between was missing.
Can I just say I hate what Isayama did with Connie's character? I've never seen a character as bipolar in his development
Floch was the only good part....
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,503 responses
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Hange (23%), Jean (16.2%) and Armin (13.4%) were our top three favorite characters this month. It needs to be said that “Pie” came in at number four with nearly 10% of the fandom selecting it.
it WAS nice to see characters choosing to be their best selves for the sake of others. For that reason, it was difficult to pick an MVP -- but I gave it to Onyankopon because he crystallized so eloquently exactly what I had been thinking since Eren started the Rumbling.
Levi and hange tho
So much Erwin nods!  Yesss <333
Still love my boy Jean!
Some characters are still acting consistent: Jean, Magath, Levi (still not over killing the BT and that's good), Onyankopon and Floch.
Connies growth, Jean's motivation, I'm glad these boys are reclaiming their almost-lost humanity!
Levi. That is all.
Oh, also, I want pie.
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“Hange suggesting that they live in the woods together” (27.2%) was the favorite campsite moment, followed by “Levi’s words upon waking up” (23.3%).  “Hange sniping while shedding a tear” was third (19.6%))
I'm giving this 5/5 solely for Yams finally feeding the LeviHan shippers some good fucking food after so long.
I ship Levi and Hange. It's so cute when Hange realized that Levi was listening to her/him while pretending to sleep.
Shirtless Levi round two! Wit, you better do the job correctly this time!
We need a Historia chapter but it’s great to see Hange and Levi being back.
  PIECK… FINGER? 1,492 responses
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Pieck Finger. Pieck Finger everybody. You know how a common response to trauma or awkwardness is humor? Well 42.6% of you are primarily concerned with how “Pieck Finger” will be memed. 24.7% of you accept the trauma and say you wish she would’ve just stayed “Pieck”, and 20.6% of you are glad she has a last name, but did it really have to end like this? 6.5% of you think it’s a “cool and realistic last name”, and I think you guys scare me more than the people who vote “Snapchat” on the last question every month. More on that later.
"pekfinger" is swedish for "pointer finger" too. oh lord
Back when Pieck was supposed to be a dude, the working name was "Oliver Pieck", at least from what I read on the AoT wiki. I feel like Isayama could have just switched the first and last name around to make it "Pieck Oliver." That would've sounded far less weird.
I know a guy named Buck Ramming. Pieck Finger is fine by me lol
It's an instruction not a name.
Levi sure could use a couple of Piecks right about now heyoooooo
the fact that she got the worst titan and now also the worst name it’s so funny
What kind of a first name is Pieck?
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The Ragako subplot did little for the readers with nearly one-third of the fandom calling it a complete waste of time. The majority (46.2%) were slightly more charitable selecting “It was ok. I’m glad it wrapped up quickly”. Only 17.5% loved the moment. The write-ins were pretty damning.
Good plotpoint, really bad execution
I cringed the whole time.
I liked the outcome, but it was handled too quickly
A complete waste of time: Connie's arc? Sharted over. The consequences about Falco? Sharted over. Possibility to exploit serumbowl or Ymir's memories? Glossed over.
All of this made no sense and it was solved so quickly it seemed unrealistic. YAMS WE NEED PROPER CLOSURE PLS DON'T WASTE MORE INK
Connie changed his mind a bit too quickly, but it was good nevertheless
Connie deserved better writing.
Felt too shallow for how quick it sprung up, needed more development. As it is now, it could've just not happened
I'm glad that Connie hasn't died yet because I appreciate him, but there's been wasted potential. Ymir's memories and Porco and Colt's deaths have been reduced to a single vignette where we can only speculate and write fics.
Missed opportunity to actually develop Connie's character. We didn't learn anything we didn't already know about Connie.
This feels like what the anime did to the Uprising Arc. It happened way too fast and honestly felt like Isayama was just checking it off a list, so to say. Which is honeslty a bit uncharactieristic of his writing. I really hope this doesn't start, or continue, a trend...
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Before I talk about the numbers, I just want to shout out the one guy who responded “Other” and just said “why”. Anyway, a solid majority of you guys’ favorite dental hygiene moment was Hange asking Pieck rude lady questions, which frankly sounds much worse than it actually is. The next most common answer, getting just over 25% of the votes, was Connie’s Master Plan™, followed by “Both”, followed by “Neither!” I still like the guy who just said “why”.
I didn't mind it, but I heard that Isayama did this so he could get a toothbrush merch campaign going lol
Isayama has a teeth fetish confirmed
Holy Fuck what was Connies face doing when he was talking about titan teeth brushing.
Why, just why
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The fandom is almost evenly divided over Mikasa’s actions towards Louise. By the narrowest of margins, Mikasa’s compassionate nature took the majority (26.8%). The other extreme, “Mikasa should’ve sucked it up and let the girl be happy”, was second with 26.2%. A quarter of the fandom instead chose to focus on Louise. “Louise was crazy and deserves the cold shoulder” was third (23.9%).
It's not surprising that Mikasa ran out of f*cks to give. There are only so many lives she can value, and right now she doesn't have the time to spare, or room in her heart.  
I don't think Mikasa had any responsibility there, and the scarf is hers. Given its significance, and that she owes Louise nothing, it seemed like the moment was morally neutral.
I really didn't care. Louise is barely a character, and Mikasa had no duty to be nice to a person who enabled and supported a bloody coup just because she saved her life once.
I don’t blame Mikasa. I don’t like and want to spend time with my stalkers either
I felt bad for Louise. She’s dying, let her think you care about her, Mikasa
I felt like Louise is completely obsessional but Mikasa is just as much. To me these kinds of moments show that Mikasa has completely lost it recently
I'm concerned about what this says for Mikasa's character development thus far, and I felt kind of bad for Louise
I'm sick of the scarf back and forth
It actually seems quite obvious to me that Mikasa pitied the poor girl, but there was nothing she could have done for her. Because she simply lacks the time necessary to care for Luise, or change her mind or make sure that she's ok.
That this is about Mikasa’s compassion or lack thereof I think says more about how we feel women should feel. I think it was fine, she barely knows Louise and there is a lot more going on. Louise is a grown woman that made her own decisions.
the most interesting part about it is that Eren asked Louise to throw the scarf away. that's it.
Mikasa already did a good gesture by visiting Louise, no one would ask Jean to do the same with Floch, so I don't see the big deal. Both cases are "protagonist sees themselves in antagonist, and realise how they mustn't become like them".
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“Mikasa wants it back for other reasons” was the selection of nearly half of respondents, since “wearing it” and vague malice towards Louise were the other two options.
Eren wants her to throw it away, so she's making her own decision and going against his wishes on purpose.
I don’t know if she’ll wear it again, but it’s always been her scarf and she’ll decide it’s fate when she’s ready
I think she wants to give it back to Eren.
It's still important to her. She may let go of Eren but the scarf is always gonna be there to remind her of what was and the family she once had.
It’s just simply that it’s hard to throw away a possession you held dear for most of your life. It’d be more out of character for her to throw it away. I don’t think she ever planned on abandoning the scarf—setting it aside was rather Isayama’s way of showing Mikasa’s conflicted thoughts on her relationship with Eren.
Ultimately, Mikasa's the authority on the scarf and it's emotional weight, while Louise was trying to squeeze her own meaning out of it. It wasn't Louise's place to do so, and it wasn't her scarf to take. Whatever is to be done with it, to see it used again, given to someone else, or see it thrown out or destroyed, is a choice only the scarf's real owner, Mikasa, should make.
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The reunion with Annie was another chapter moment that fell flat for the majority with only 21.8% expressing approval with it. The majority (31.8%) thought it would’ve been ok if there was more time for conversation and reaction and 22% were primarily bothered by the coincidence involved in the reunion. The remaining 20% found the lazy writing unforgivable.
There was way too much build up just to have it end in a gag. It was cute, but it... just doesn't work?
Are you telling me that every time you talk about Robert Downey Jr. he doesn't just appear right next to you?
Humor was not appropriate in this situation
I fucking loved it
I think it's lazy writing but it made me laugh pretty hard so I'll give it a pass
It was a funny moment but definitely not how I had imagined nor hoped Armin/Annie's reunion would happen
Sitting together like nothing happened before and eat and laugh… are you serious?!! It’s not funny
SNK has always had funny moments like this woven into it, especially when the 104th were still trainee's, and it's nice to see a tonal flashback to the past like this.
Stranger things have happened. Floch's hair, for example.
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Fruit. Definitely fruit.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What's the point of this question?? I'm confused
What the fuck is a meat pie?
We're missing PIEces of the puzzle still
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Apple (23.9%), and chocolate (16.2%) are our favorite pies, with Meat and “I don’t like pie” tying for third (11.4%). Several respondents were rather vocal about this even being asked. To them I say Isayama is the one who started this :P 
Apricot, you American heathens
Duh. Pineapple of course
I'd be more worried about getting home to my dad before he's crushed by a psycho
Marleyan organ pie made by the Usurper Chad himself!
nectarine pie.... you should try it
Rhubarb pie. Best Pie Ever.
Sweet Potato Pie!
There are so many interesting questions you could have asked in this poll yet didn't, but you're asking about pie?  (A/N: There are so many interesting things Isayama could have drawn in this chapter yet didn't, but he's drawing about pie? )
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While the majority thought it was a good way to write her out (36.3%), there was plenty of disappointment (26.2%) and many who thought it could’ve been handled better (16.6%). A segment of the fandom (18.5%) thinks she’ll be back since there is more she has yet to do.  
Perfect. She is always left behind throughout the series. The continuation of this makes sense.
Does the lack of Hitch means the lack of pies? Because this is unacceptable.
Glad that she'll survive probably, but she was such an interesting character
Annie and Hitch were my new otp, so just sad feels
Hitch is safe from now on. Ok for me.
I felt so sorry for her, because Annie's disappearance reminded me a bit of Hitch's relationship with Marlowe. Once more it seemed like the Survey Corps was taking someone precious away from her, off to an unknown and risky fate
I never had pie so Idk.
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For this question, 21.5% of you were a little nervous that Jean might join the Jaegerists, but a much more significant 69.2% understood the implied fact that the Jaegerists only accept humans, and Jean is a horse, and therefore there was never any threat of him allying with them. You’d think that with like four hundred years of this series being out, I’d think of a better way to make that joke, but here we are. Anyway, the last 9.3% of you think Jean would do more to help Paradis if he joined the Ab Church, which is an excellent parallel to the Wall Church in the beginning of the series, I might add.
I still wish more time was given to the subplots such as more time to stew on Jean joining the Yaegarists
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Remaining in the strong majority, 72.6% of you guys think there will be some sort of confrontation between Jean and Floch, though whether that means you think Jean will be the person to “take down” Floch or not is beyond me. I don’t know. I didn’t write this question, I’m just writing the blurb for it.
I'm still betting on Floch shooting Jean in the head as a punishment for not going along with the flow
take down Floch please!!!! ..
  FINAL WORDS. WHO DID IT BETTER? 1,479 responses
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With 43% of the vote, Onyankopon’s... several... words? beat out Yelena’s strong and (mostly) silent type response (which got 33.1% of the vote, by the way) at their “execution''. 23.9% of respondents said “Both”, and while technically “both” couldn’t have done it “better”, I’ll let it slide, because they were both pretty cool, and semantics don’t matter.
Best boy was Onyankopon. We only used to get glimpses of him and finally he has rebelled, showing that he has more guts than some of our main characters.
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Three-fourths of the fandom expressed some disapproval of how the offscreen planning of the escape from Shinganshina went down calling it sloppy(18.1%) and confusing (13.9%). Of those, the majority (39%) will be ok with it if a future chapter provides more details. Only a quarter of the fandom completely loved the handling of this.
Even if flashbacks fill the gaps later, they won't make 126 a better chapter.
How did they even communicate? I thought it was all planned between Jean and Mikasa
on the page with the titans marching at night, you can see a figure standing outside jean's window. could be hange coming to discuss plans
I liked it, but I think I like it even more if it's explained in the next chapter(s).
I think he did it that way to add surprise. I feel like lately he has been in general illustrating with a more cinematic eye and by writing the scene this way it will play better in visual media. Lately I feel like he has been thinking this way, it’s been a trend for a while now.
This is why you shouldn't cram up 3 chapters worth of content into one. I don't care if Isayama has to end his volume on some goddamn awful page. You don't mess with certain parts of the narrative.
It was fine, it wasn't necessarily a scene that needed to be included so I'm fine with it.
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Who was the person in the window? Was Chapter 116 the last time we’ll ever see Eren transform into his Attack Titan? How to turn into a titan without alerting the military police??? When will I stop asking questions? Right now!
Just under two-thirds of the votes for this question went to Shadis. Following Shadis at a clean 10% is Zeke, trailed by Zombie Erwin at 9.6%. Given the theories about Eren’s body at the end of 117 being a Warhammer clone, I never thought I’d see the day when Zombie Erwin beats Eren in a “who is the mysterious character who is not inside Eren’s Titan” question, but here we are!
Keith Lurkdis
Erwin never died! What even is that option 'zombie Erwin'???
Idk but whomever it is I hope they're a good guy.
Male adult figure... Must be my man Shadis. There's no way Zeke would wear so many clothes.
Ugh I have no idea. I’m not going to pretend I can predict anything anymore.
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Why did Magath bring Yelena back with Jean and Onomatopoeia? ~20% of you thought it was because she’s need for a plan involving Zeke, ~17% think he wants the details of Zeke’s plan from her, just over 14% said  he wants information about Eren, 4.4% of you think he wants her as a prisoner, and the overwhelming majority, at 44.6%, think it’s all of the above.
My theory is that Yelena is Magath's daughter
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Another close one. If we disregard those who selected “Avengers Assemble”, which even though we added it I have no idea if it’s meant “Hell yes, can’t wait to see the Hulk and Black Widow together again” or “Please let Tony Stark’s legacy RIP.”, The “I didn’t like it” beat out the “I liked it” by 0.3%. However you look at the data, it’s astonishing that essentially one-third of the fandom did not like this ending.
Get in loser, we're going to save the world
A nice cringe to start my day with :)
The old gangs back together but with ADDITIONAL TRAUMA
I think it was supposed to be satirical. A lot of us expected that the warriors and the 104th would unite again so I think Isayama made it as cliché as possible to 1)offer the readers some comic relief, 2)maybe mock his own plot and show that he's aware that this alliance is kind of cliché.
At what point did Annie and Reiner deserve to be forgiven and taken in by the SC? And why do they think they actually can (or even should) stop the Rumbling?
Marvel copied the last panel
It is a reference to Reiner’s long time ambition, and an indication to his next role. Helos perhap. But I don't think isayama would let him save the world happily. Maybe he will save the world in an ironic and tragic way.
Brilliant !!! Finally it's Connie's turn to shine.
Can't wait to see this optimism crushed. Great moment, though.
I don't understand why people think it's such a cheap cheesy ploy when it's honestly kinda obvious that they're being set up for a fall. Optimism almost always meets at the very least a bittersweet reality in this story.
It's cheesy, but people don't consider it's Connie who's saying this who is an idiot
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Nearly 70% of you believe that Final Panel Gang have a plan, while just over 30% think they’re just gonna wing it. Get it? “Wing it”?
For more serious commentary, we’re normally used to seeing “Yes/No” questions a little more perfectly split, especially the ones that involve Eren. It’s interesting to see a more unified response, even if it means that SOMEBODY on Reddit is going to say “Nice.” about the Yes vote.
Isayama will probably do a flashback of the plan, he likes doing this sort of thing lol. It was fine.
It's fine IF the planning is shown in the following chapters, but if not then it'll feel like Isayama couldn't come up with solutions and did everything off screen just because of that.
Telling the plan to the reader only works, if the plan fails.
I feel like the pacing of the chapter was this fast so that Isayama could end with the "Avengers Assemble" scene as the big volume cliffhanger for the next one, so he tried to get through the events quickly to give it that poetic ending. In that case, it's possible Isayama might show how some of these events unfolded in the next chapter or two; he usually does that kind of thing when showing big events for the first time. If the next chapter fleshes some of the scenes from this chapter more like showing Jean discussing the Avengers' plan with Mikasa and Armin, I think that could make this chapter better when we look back on it.
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Remember what I said about being accustomed to more split votes? Well, 39.5% of you said that you would prefer this chapter have been split into two, citing a lack of development, while 39.2% of you said that you’re glad Isayama is, *ahem*, moving forward with the plot. The near-perfect divisions breaks off a little bit when we consider that another ~12% said no, blaming the plots themselves for the problems with chapter, and 6% effectively voting yes, saying that the chapter should’ve been split into three.
Ask me again in a few months when we see how the whole plot wraps up and if Isayama adds any additional details via flashback.
Honestly all of these plot points could have been arcs within themselves and i wish it had been given enough time to become that
I like that the plot is progressing but i don't like the subplots being rushed
I'm happy it's going forward and not dragging on, but I would've loved more of an interaction between the scouts and annie/reiner.
One and a half
There are various holes (lack of reaction during Annie's appearance, poor coherency of when Eren managed to speak with many people) but Isayama is giving us cool alliances, so it's half okay.
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A fairly close call here, with the trip to Ragako Village being out in front with 42.6 percent of you claiming this is the subplot you would drop; Louise and Mikasa’s plot about the scarf is close behind on 36.2 percent. Perhaps readers feel the time for small subplots is done, since there’s so much still to do with the main plot we do not understand? A lot of responses indicated Mikasa’s perceived ‘cruelty’ (you’re all wrong, just so you know!) towards Louise, so perhaps this is indicative of why so many people would choose this event to be the subplot to drop.
Mikasa is just dead inside atm, but i feel bad for Louise
Mikasa knew Louise wanted that scarf, but she knew she needed it more. Plus I can barely remember Louise lol
Mikasa's behavior isn't good, but it's understandable---there are numerous mentally taxing events occurring.
Ragako stuff kinda sucked.
Goddamnit, this chapter was smelly poo. Not only we spent 3 months for nothing with that stupid Ragako plot and now everybody is holding hands just like that. If you're bringing an alliance you're not gonna make it happen offscreen with no detail whatsoever?
Ah and the Ragako subplot missed addressing the serumbowl as well: all we got is Armin whining about not being like Erwin and that's it. No Bert, no Ymir being addressed.
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Another close one! “The Armin and Annie reunion” is the subplot the majority wished for more information about with nearly 30% selecting it. “The conversation with Hange and Magath” was second (25.2%) and “Escape from Shiganshina” (17.7%) was third.
I was just expecting Levi, Hange and the corps interaction would be more surprising. The same goes for Annie and Armin's convo.
The mikasa scarf submit definitely could’ve happened in another chapter. This was too rushed and I really hope no other chapters feel this way. This chapter should’ve just been the Tagalog subplot, and then Annie and armin reunion. Then another chapter with hange/levi, Jean/flock and how they all came together to join forces.
It's so obvious this mad lad Isayama wanted to break the tension from the Armin / Annie reunion scene. We never know where he's going to trick us, do we ?
I do think that many things were kind of glossed over to save time. I'd prefer that things slow down a bit, just so we can soak up all that context. For example, the conversation between Hange and Magath, Annie and Armin's reunion and others.
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A mere 17.5% enjoyed how easily the alliances were formed. The majority (43%) called it “OK” while a more than a third of the fandom (36.2%) hated it. Some folks seem to indicate it was expected and just needed to happen quickly so the story could move along. However, the amount of people who hated it was too large to ignore; and largely for similar reasons, that it appeared too easy. Maybe the mistrust and emotion will come as the story moves along? Some of your responses indicate trouble ahead, if not behind.
Also Hanji sides too many times with "benefactors". I'm expecting the alliance to be shaky, with probably backstabbings and double-crossings. They seemed to make an agreement over killing Zeke (since no side likes him), and I doubt characters like Mikasa, Armin or Jean would be ok with killing Eren.
I don't get all the madness over the alliance, It was obvious it would happen. Also it's obvious all the things glossed this chapter will be shown in Flashback if important, like what lead Annie join them, on how Hanji contacted Jean (although i think a lot of people didn't notice the shadow in the window on that panel of Jean in the bed).
It was warm and fuzzy and I really needed that, but the actual details of the new alliance will absolutely need to be expounded upon soon.
it wouldve been better if connie's mom plot didn't exist we could've got a better build up to the alliance
Overall, things were way too rushed, as if Isayama just wanted to get to the last page.  I'm expecting to see how this alliance was made in flashback form, as is typical for Isayama, but that won't fix the inherent issues of this specific chapter.
Hange getting so along with Pieck, who fought against them when Erwin was killed, was a complete joke.
I don't get all the madness over the alliance, It's was obvious it would happen. Also it's obvious all the things glossed this chapter will be shown in Flashback if important, like what lead Annie join them, on how Hanji contacted Jean (although i think a lot of people didn't noticed the shadow in the window on that panel of Jean in the bed).
I love seeing them all but oh heckin it was just a little too fast
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“Jean remembering Marco” (31.9%) narrowly edged out “Annie kicking Reiner”(30.3%) as our favorite throwback. Levi remembering his promise was a distant third (16.2%).
That Marco’s  throwback really hit me . *SOB*
I didn't like the Erwin reference when Armin tried to sacrafice himself for connies mother, instead of falco being eaten.
Armin recognized a very important thing to himself (he can't stay trying to Erwin, he suck on that, he needs to do what he is good on it, but as his own person and not shadow of Erwin)
Where was Jean at the end there? I want him to confront Annie over Marco. Poor guy had the worst death in the series. He was murder in cold blood and then it got covered up. Plus, the only person trying to solve the mystery is Jean. Bless Jean he is such a good friend
It makes sense that Connie would say that to Reiner of all people (that line come back to his childhood trauma). Fandom freaking out and fearing a cheesy happy ending is ridiculous.
I didn’t think it was cheesy at all. It circles back to Reiner’s declaration to Keith back during the training arc.
I'm kinda sick of Reiner's Kick The Dog treatment too. I know Annie hates him but still...
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Fans proving as ever, that they are a divisive bunch! However, it's clear that the smallest amount of responses favour the rumbling being stopped and world peace occuring (hippies!). Some responses indicate that this chapter made them nervous for the ending being overly optimistic, even with Eren as the apparent antagonist. Endings where Eren achieves an extreme form of Brexit (Paradexit?) with a victory over the armies of the world have a fairly even spread of positive responses, proving that he still has a lot of fans on his side. However, most of you responded in the vague sense of feeling like Isayama knows best and at this point, just seeing where this wild ride takes us.
I keep seeing this popular prediction on almost every platform: Eren destroys the world outside Paradise, goes back to Historia and her newborn kid (in this sort of prediction it is always assumed that he's the father), tells his kid (who is also thought to be reborn Ymir) "you're free" and goes on to be a good dad - End of story. Honestly the thought of this type of ending pisses me off so much. Not only because its reeks of typical shonen ending, but because it goes against all the themes and ideas that Isayama has written into the story over the years.
I would not be upset with a 'golden' ending. Some part of me wants that to happen.
It setup the shonen cliche route and can ruin the ending
It was very unusual for this manga. I hope that the author will come to the most logical ending and will not use the power of friendship.
Least exciting chapter I can remember; it has me apprehensive about the ending.
I hope Eren's conclusion will end with him winning, however I do not him accepting his morality and to be shocked at what he's done but to come to terms with what he's done.
While I'm more supportive of Eren, I'm fine with whichever side comes out on top of this as long as it doesn't involve Eren being stopped through Power of Friendship or Talk no Jutsu. That would feel too cheap.
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While the Ragako subplot wasn’t exactly loved, Connie’s rallying cry was the fandom favorite (28.4%). Hange’s plea to Magath was a close second (26%) while Floch’s message of freedom was third (25%).
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The pacing of this chapter and the way its implications relate to the entire manga was, if I may be so bold, one of the more talked about meta points this month, from what I’ve seen. Maybe that was the thought process behind this question. I don’t know. I didn’t write this one either. That’s a good thought process though.
Anyway, a borderline overwhelming majority of you said that the manga will end around Chapter 134 (48.4% of you). The next most common answer was Chapter 138, which would give us 12 more chapters. Chapter 130 got the least amount of votes, at 7.3%. The remaining votes went to Chapter 142+, and I appreciate that optimism, because I for one hate thinking about this question.
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“Historia when?” (26%) tops the list followed by the long awaited Eren POV (23.5%). “Details on things glossed over this chapter” was the third pick (22.7%) followed by “Zeke, Eren and OG Ymir” (11.6%).
I can't wait to see Zeke's reaction at seeing Levi AGAIN ready to fuck him up.
Historia when?? Also, Hange needs a hug, Levi needs sleep, Armin and Annie need to talk, Falco needs to deal with his brother's death some more, and we all need Erwin to come back :(
I hope we get flashbacks to explain all this off screen development.
Isayama please for the love of god remember that Historia exists.
where is zeke?
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Reddit continues to dominate this question, pulling 44.9% of the vote. “I don’t” actually takes second place this month, with Tumblr coming next, followed very closely by Twitter, which is in turn followed closely by Discord. In descending order from there, we have real life, 4chan, Youtube, a two-way tie between Instagram and Facebook, and everything else has less than 10 votes.
Before I move on though, it’s absolutely critical that I draw your attention to last month’s poll. Last month, I said, and I quote,
“Lastly, something ominous is going on in the Snapchat cult, because there were only two of you this month, down from five last month. That’s still enough to reproduce though and it makes me uneasy.“
“Why are you bringing that up?” you may be asking yourself. I’m bringing it up because Snapchat got SIX votes this time. “Why does that matter?” you ask yourself next. I’m glad you asked. That’s a 300% increase. If that rate continues, in just five month’s time, there will be more members of the Snapchat cult than the rest of you COMBINED.
That’s not to say anything more than it says, but I should add that I was totally vindicated on the Snapchat cult reproduction theory. Having done the math, you guys DEFINITELY scare me more than the people who liked “Pieck Finger”.
Remember kids, the world is currently supposed to be ending
I know most people hated how rushed it felt, but honestly, I'm glad this wasn't split into 2 months. This leaves more time for the conclusion, and would much rather the alliances be rushed rather than the ending.
While it's certainly sad that Louise may not be long for this world, I also don't think Mikasa owes her anything. Mikasa seems to see a lot of traits she dislikes about herself cranked up to 11 in Louise, and I think it's understandable to need to distance oneself from toxic ideas or people. Mikasa and Louise were never friends, they never really knew each other, and never really cared about each other. Sure, Louise idolized an idea of Mikasa, but she put herself as separate from the real Mikasa, lesser. These two strangers never had a real chance to truly know each other, and that's okay, sad but okay.
While the panel of Annie with a face stuffed with pie is a gem, I think it seemed almost too good a coincidence. Both parties (Armin, Connie and the kids and Hitch & Annie) happen to be taking a break from their travels at the same time in the same city at the same festival. Seemed a bit too lucky.
Isayama has a bias against the yeagerists too. Portraying them as mindless dumbasses that are evil for no reason. Look at Floch everytime he has a moment it gets cut short for a "oh look at this dumbass" type of conclusion like him missing the shot at Shadis and getting duped by Jean and the 104th.
my dumb shipper’s heart wants Pieck’s reaction to Porco’s death.
this chapter felt too 'super hero movie' to me, in the sense that it was way too optimistic and cheesy, nothing like the Attack on Titan I know and love. Isayama's been watching too much Marvel.
A rushed chapter, Isayama may have messed up some timelines (e.g. Louise's talk with Eren, the changes in day and night), maybe Isayama was too focused on SAUNA SAUNA SAUNA when he was drawing the chapter but anyway, if the chapter was rushed because he wants to move to next plots (eee....east...eeeek...Ki....), I'm fine with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter Would've been terrific if it weren't for the rushed forced alliance. Mikasa's character also seemed out of place this chapter.
is not a bad chapter but at the same time is not a godly chapter like others but i have faith on isayama that he will blow our minds
Felt very disappointed and it is as if this story is moving to black and white territory again.
Good fast development, optimistic that what was glossed over will be addressed. A bit antsy that this is a setup for some tragedy but I don’t expect total senseless ruin for the characters.
I don't really see where all the complaints are coming from, to me the chapter must be one of my all time favorites ever since I've started reading the manga at the regular monthly pace. I think the build up and the tension have been steadily increasing slowly enough up to this point, and now we've finally reached the top of the roller coaster tracks, and it's time for the ride to the conclusion. I loved the mysterious plan, it reminds me of the uprising arc (ah the good old times).
I hope the author just got a bit lost and had to put things back on track quickly. I want to feel for these characters, not find out that I followed their struggles for chapters to see them dissolve for the sake of the plot.
Eren has suffered a lot over the years and a lot of things have been TAKEN from him - but do you remember "In order to achieve something, you have to give up something important"? I don't think Eren has ever GIVEN up something of his. He's always been a little maniac intent on killing the enemy (which is what he is doing right now). There have been so many characters in the story that have given up their dreams and finally their lives, why is Eren the one that gets to have his cake and eat it too?
I love it cause we need some time of just relax and be happy before the sad ending
I’m hoping the next chapter will make this one better by fleshing things out. Also seeing Annie and Reiner reunite made me deeply miss Bertolt this month.
Reiner getting kicked in the face to wake up and understanding nothing is all of us
The more things don't seem to add up, the more you have to pay attention, that's what I learnt reading this series. And a whole lot didn't seem to add up in this chapter so I'm super hyped!
This is easily one of the weakest chapters Isayama has ever written. After creating all of these subplots that we were expecting to go somewhere and hold emotional weight for the characters were written off into cheap one-liners, off screen reactions and discussion, and just overall completely weak subplots that left us with no emotional payoff.
Boii I'm glad the development on the characters matters only when its relevant to the plot, I almost forget that I used to like them. If Reiner of all people doesn't point out how creepy and disgusting it all is I don't know what to say, what a waste of time of a series.
Connie mentioning Sasha made me cry! Actually makes me wish Eren pulls some time travel shit so that we can have our girl back.
Can I just say I find it funny, and I really love Pieck regardless, it is just a last name after all.
Good, but the former-enemy to friendly-pie-eating turnover rate was wayyyyy too fast!
I thought this chapter was it for Connie, who has been one of my favorites since the beginning. It was a bit sudden but I'm glad him not feeding Falco to his mom is Canon AND that it strengthened his bond with Armin.
It feels like none of the Jeagerists really see clearly what the situation is, or at least don't have an ounce of understanding or sympathy why everyone else is scared and freaked out by what has happened. That in turn makes it harder for non-Jeagerists to act with sympathy, what a vicious cycle.
What bothers me the most is not the way Mikasa interacted with Louise, but the fact that she wanted the scarf back. On a symbolic level, she left it behind a few chapters ago, which meant that she no longer put Eren first and started thinking about herself. She recognized that her bond with Eren was severed. So why take that scarf back now, when it's not supposed to have that much importance anymore?
I can see either the next chapter or the one after showing a flashback of Jean, Armin, and Mikasa discussing that plan. Cutting some parts of a scene and showing it in the following chapter or two is usually an Isayama thing to do.
I don't know why everyone's expecting every single piece of exposition to be laid out for them like meeting minutes. This isn't the first time we've understood what's been going on behind the scenes after the fact.
At the start Connie struggles to hold his emotions, and suddenly he's a hero, cheesy and cliche
Excuse me but can we stop making Gabi involved in everything? Shes so OP at this point
I loved the mockery of the cliche superhero assemble bullshit
The cringe made me develop a permanent seizure. Also both my eyeballs are still stuck in the back of my head because of the excessive force I used trying to roll my eyes.
The team-up should have been given more time to develop. It wasn’t all bad though.
X-Men on their way to stop Magneto (Eren)
The problem does not lie so much in the pace as in the script tension, which Isayama killed a little in this chapter but intentionally I think. I mean the guys are literally sleeping and eating like it was a party during the freaking end of the world, do you really think he would have let such a thing slip out of clumsiness?
I'm pretty sure that Levi will have the role of "Helos", and Hange his 'Tybur' collaborator, because she's holding a hammer like the guy/girl next to Helos during the play (ch99).
Not the usual quality.
8/10. I liked annie's reunion the best, but wish that hitch had more characterization and wasn't written out so quickly. Ragako subplot was fine but predictable. Louise subplot kinda boring. Avengers assemble at the end was very anime and I liked it.
A peaceful chapter before the storm
A thought: What if Ackermans are the only ones able to actually kill off the Nine Titans? We know they’re byproducts of titan science, maybe they were created to annihilate them? That’d be devastating to see Levi or Mikasa kill Eren and Armin. I’d love it. 😂
Annie is the best girl
Anyone pretending this chapter wasn't utter shit is in hardcore denial.
Did not like the assemble. Nobody can forget what happened in the recent past of Paradis and what the warriors did. But have hope in Isayama
Do Gabi and Falco know that Armin is the Collosal Titan? I thought Connie might let that slip to them and it might create tension between Gabi and Armin but.... No. Everything about that subplot was insanely rushed, there were a lot of ways it could have played out.
Aforementioned last page quote that is so unlike SnK up to this point. Cringey and straight out of an Avengers movie, I can't believe there are people who actually like this development.
I hope Isayama isn't overworking and rushing himself to finish the manga just for the sake of finishing it this year, but I still believe he will finish SnK in a satisfactory manner that will be memorable for decades. However, this chapter as well as 125 were very disappointing and lowered my expectations considering how good the entire final arc had been up to this point.
game of thrones level of trash, i hope for god that the aot ending isn't as bad as final season game of thrones
I didn’t like the Ragako subplot, but I did like Connie saving Armin and their heart-to/heart afterwards.
I don’t think the chapter was rushed. Glad to see Armin finally doing SOMETHING, and I hope it was more a gamble than him wanting to die. Hange’s monologue was so out of character, everyone knows Hange would never want to live in the woods, yet it looks like Hange always  gets discouraged and needs encouragement from somebody else. Seriously, that’s not the Hange we all know. Where’s the ‘defeat is all the Survey Corps ever knew, let’s kick asses!!’ Hange?? that interaction with Pieck brought some of it back thankfully
I don’t understand why everyone is complaining lol
I enjoyed how quickly it moved. We’ve been down in the doldrums since December, so I’m glad to see the characters & the pace picking back up again.
I hate how quickly Hanji becomes depressed. Armin, Jean - they overcame their doubts by themselves. Yet Hanji always needs someone else to tell them to stop being ridiculous. It’s like Levi is babysitting Hanji :/ I miss good, old, badass Hanji
I miss hitch already
I noticed that the way Floch gesticulates during his speech was very reminiscent of how Hitler gave his speeches
I really like Hanji and Levi’s friendship and how Levi always knows what to say to encourage his friends but can we please stop with Hanji being so emotionally weak? I love Hanji, but c’mon- Levi was seriously injured and still needs to treat Hanji like she’s a wounded kid. Jean came to his senses on his own, same for Armin and Mikasa. All they needed was to remember people who died, did Hanji not lose enough comrades to find her strength from? Hanji is one of two veterans left and the commander(!), it really hurts to see her so pathetic, that was hard to read. Glad she looks more like old Hanji at the end of the chapter
I wanted more Annie and Hitch adventures and feel deprived.
i wish there was more to the reunion of Annie & co, but whatever, let’s just move on with this plot.
I'm in the minority here, but I actually liked the chapter. Sure the pacing was a bit off, but this may be because we're getting a detailed explanation for it in an upcoming chapter. Other than that I find it somewhat amusing that so many people that a team-up wasn't happening. Like there was so much goddamned FORESHADOWING about it. Plus the fact that Isayama basically flat-out admitted that he was going to create a team-up a-la Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not expecting roses and fluffiness at the end of the road, I see a lot of people dying. And I still don't know who's gonna be the victor at the end. It just seemed really clear to me where these character arcs were/are heading. I still have faith in Yams. He hasn't disappointed me yet, so let's just see what he has in store for us.
It feels like Isayama is rushing to finish it off just like Kishimoto did with Naruto Shippuuden and that makes me very sad. I'm worried he'll destroy everything he did until now.
It felt incredibly unrealistic. What I have appreciated most about SnK is its narrative integrity and ability to produce results proportional to the protagonists' abilities. Currently, this feels rather forced. When did they come up with these plans? How could they possibly have alerted Jean ahead of time without anything being shown? It feels like a cheat. Also, I don't like that its just them going after Eren. Realistically, in SnK, a small group of characters, even with their level of power, shouldn't consider going after him how they have. If anything they need to face reality and prepare for the world to come after the rumbling, since if I think anybody in their position would think it is utterly impossible to stop it.
I feel like the pacing of the chapter was this fast so that Isayama could end with the "Avengers Assemble" scene as the big volume cliffhanger for the next one, so he tried to get through the events quickly to give it that poetic ending. In that case, it's possible Isayama might show how some of these events unfolded in the next chapter or two; he usually does that kind of thing when showing big events for the first time. If the next chapter fleshes some of the scenes from this chapter more like showing Jean discussing the Avengers' plan with Mikasa and Armin, I think that could make this chapter better when we look back on it.
It was warm and fuzzy and I really needed that, but the actual details of the new alliance will absolutely need to be expounded upon soon.
It was...fine.
It wasn’t so bad, the hate is really annoying.
It's clear SNK is ending soon so before we see Eren and what else is going on with the rumbling Hisayama wants to close plots with other characters BUT IMO the price of this is giving us less hyped chapters since the walls broke and we still have to see the new Eren titan form…
Just to clarify, "Which throwback did you enjoy most chapter" is intended to be an English sentence, yes? Quality work here as usual, tumblr/reddit big-shots. I hope no one lets you guys near an actual workplace where what you do matters. (A/N: Well you didn't capitalise Tumblr or Reddit so who is the real villain here?)
Let Levi kill that ape. Please. He’s gone through so much and lost everything. Give him just this one little thing
Let's say we generally agreed that this chapter is bad.
Not nearly as bad as people say it was like Jesus heck calm down. I mostly feel bad for isayama tbh he’s probably being pressured to wrap it up and he’s not usually one to not give moments like this chapter proper time.
It's hard to say why Isayama decided to wrap up things fairly quickly, whether he has later flashbacks planned or whether he was overwhelmed with time pressure/suffered a writer's block of whatever. I think, in the end, if the rest of the story wraps up strong, it doesn't matter much.
I'm happy with what happened in this chapter, except the fact that it was rushed and Levi's plot armor, I mean Ackermann blood. He should have lost at least a leg...
The only solace I take in all of this is that the plot can finally move forward. This has been an entire volume of seemingly pointless side quests and I'm ready to focus again on the main story. Frankly, I'm exhausted. I just want answers and I want to know how the story finds resolution.
We had several excellent chapters recently, a subpar one is understandable. Hopefully the Anime will expand on it a bit
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