#didn’t fully realize it was him and was instantly terrified by the muscular being just standing ominously flexing
mrmcribs · 2 years
Opening Pokémon Unite, getting a Buzzwole jumpscare
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎-𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑊𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝐴 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging, promoting, nor romanticizing yandere or mafia behavior or lifestyle. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warnings: This reaction contains scenes of violence, blood, death, and other material that might not be suitable for some people. Reader discretion advised.
❧𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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The fact Hongjoong seemed completely unfazed by you throwing the stack of papers on his desk was starting to frighten you.
"Aren't you going to look over them?" You asked him when he made no move nor any sound.
Hongjoong hummed softly before taking the packet and merely flipping the pages.
"I'm not going to ..... if you want me to sign over the papers, I'll gladly do it right now."
Now he was terrifying you. There was no way he was going to give in that easily.
You knew him too well.
Hongjoong smirked when he saw your suspicious look.
"Just get it over with so I can leave. It's almost time to pick up our son."
"Actually honey........ you won't find him there." He said as he picked up the ballpoint pen next to him.
Your head snapped up at him.
"What? What are you saying?! If you hurt my-"
"Our son, at least he still is at this moment, and you know I'd never let a single hair of his get harmed...."
Hongjoong hovered the pen above the dotted line at the bottom of the page.
"But I'm letting you know now Y/N, the second I sign these divorce papers, is the second you'll no longer be his mom or ever see him again."
There it was, just as you feared. He was blackmailing you into staying.
"Still want me to sign them?"
❧𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Seonghwa sipped his tea calmly. Taking a quick glance at the clock, he let out a soft chuckle.
"She'll be here any minute."
Sure enough, just as the clock struck 10, the doors bursted open. He barely batted an eyelash at his wife who was now caged in between 2 very tall and muscular men who were carrying her in the room. Y/N swung her legs around, trying desperately to free herself but it was no use. They managed to sit her down at the opposite end of the table.
"Sit the fuck down."
Seonghwa's voice boomed throughout the dining room, and Y/N immediately abandoned her plan of running out the door once the security guards left. Seonghwa was even more menacing than them combined.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he inhaled and then released a heavy sigh.
"Seriously? You start acting up these last few days and I let it go because I'm trying to be patient...."
Reaching for something underneath his plate, he threw it across so it landed right in front of Y/N.
"But that is the last straw."
In the blink of an eye, Seonghwa was right in front of her, harshly gripping her chin as he made her look into his cold and fiery eyes.
"Let me make this clear Y/N: you're my wife. I own you..... and I won't let you go around embarrassing me with some divorce shit."
Letting go of her, Seonghwa shoved her face away rather harshly.
"As if marrying you in the first place wasn't humiliating enough...."
❧𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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"Y/N....what are you-?"
When Yunho got the call from the lawyer telling him that you had filed for the divorce, he refused to believe it. He just couldn't believe it. He loved you, and you obviously loved him. It had to be a mistake.
But when he came home and found you packing the last of your things, reality hit him. You kept refusing to answer his questions, merely brushing past him as if he didn't exist. Getting frustrated, Yunho gripped your arms and held you in place.
"For God's sake Y/N! Why can't we just talk about this?! Talk to me! We have to work this out!" He didn't realize he began to shake her rather violently.
"There's nothing to work out here Yunho! I'm sick of all this! I'm sick of your possessiveness and I'm done!" You cried out.
"No baby please don't! I promise you I can change! Just please don't walk out on me!"
He embraced you tightly when you tried to push him off, his height and strength making your attempts at pulling away futile. His desperate sobs began to make you feel guilty, making you start to regret your decision......
But the still rational part of you refused to give in. You had to get out....
Even if you ended up destroying Yunho and yourself in the process.
❧𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang stared coldly at you. He had just finished reading the documents and he was definitely not amused. Without even blinking or moving his gaze from you, he ripped the papers in half, throwing them onto the floor.
"You've really gotten more brazen these past months." He noted.
"What can I say? I learned it from you." You spat back.
Yeosang lifted his hand but stopped himself midway. Clenching his fist, he took a deep breath before snapping his fingers. One of his guards immediately came up to you and landed a harsh slap to your cheek. Although it stung like a bitch, you refused to let any tears spill out and opted for keeping a straight face, knowing it'll piss him off even more.
"You can't keep me locked here with you forever Yeosang." You told him.
Raising an eyebrow at your challenging words, Yeosang hissed out:
"Oh no? Watch me."
He walked out of your room, motioning for two of the guards to stay positioned at your door. He glared at you as he closed the doors, the sound of them being locked resonating throughout the room.
Now you definitely were trapped.
❧𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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When they brought the documents to San and he took a look at them, he was furious. He actually got his gun out and shot the messenger dead with a bullet to the head.
"Where is she?!" He demanded.
"We don't know sir." One of his men replied.
"Well I'm giving you 1 hour to find her unless you want me to skin you all alive and feed you to the dogs. This is an order: find my wife and bring her back here. Do not harm her and most of all, do not allow her to try anything..."
San knew you were crazy enough to end your own life before allowing yourself to be taken back to him. You had already tried running away years before, which resulted in him caning your back so severely that it took you months to fully recover and to walk properly again. You remember when he warned you that if you tried anything like that again, he would not hesitate to torture you to death.
"I want her here! And I want her here alive! Do you understand me?!" He roared at his men.
"Sir yes sir!"
The men quickly sparsed themselves out, dedicated to finding you and bringing you back to your devil of a husband.
San looked out the window, his eyes squinting in rage and disgust as he looked at the city lights beneath him.
"I'll find you Y/N, you can't hide from me forever. Even if I have to set the entire city on fire and burn it to the ground, I will find you...
And I will kill you. "
❧𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi grunted, his fist once again colliding with the poor man's face which was already badly bruised and dripping insane amounts of blood. But it wasn't enough for Mingi. He was livid, he was like a beast, and most of all, he was going insane after being told that not only you had filed for divorce but that you had actually left the country to god knows where.
"Fucking christ! Where is she?! Why can't any of you give me any answers?!" He shouted at the terrified people behind him.
"S-sir, we're trying our b-best.." they tried to explain.
"Well obviously, it's not good enough!"
Reaching his limit, he violently bashed the man's head against the concrete wall, cracking his skull open as blood spurted all over Mingi's shirt, neck and jaw, effectively putting an end to the man's suffering.
"Sir? We got a confirmation."
Mingi's eyes lit up instantly when he heard that. His subordinate showed him the coordinates of where you were located and even got a hold of the hotel room you were staying in.
Not able to wait any longer, Mingi gave orders for his plane to be prepared. Getting out his phone, he immediately called your room, his heart pounding so hard he thought it would burst out his chest.
He stopped breathing for a moment when he finally heard your voice.
"Baby? Please wait for me.....
I'm coming for you."
❧𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Wooyoung raised an eyebrow at you.
"Do you want to die?" He questioned you.
"Why? Are you offering?" You counteracted him.
"Don't fucking test me cause I can easily arrange it."
Whether it was you feeling a little more brave or you simply had forgotten the kind of man Wooyoung really was, you had the audacity to scoff at him.
"But you won't Wooyoung. You're not going to kill me. Cause you're so puffed up with pride and power and with this obsessive need to control me, that if you kill me, you'd lose that power....."
You smirked at his shocked expression.
"And you can't have that now, can you?"
Wooyoung lifted his hand to slap you, but you quickly evaded it, landing a punch to his stomach that had him doubling over. You began running away, almost reaching the door when you cried out in pain as a loud bang sounded through the room. You clutched your leg as blood poured out from your shin, meanwhile Wooyoung strolled over to you, gun in his hand.
"You're right..... I won't kill you...
But that doesn't mean I won't hurt you.."
❧𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho's eye and hand began to twitch as soon as he saw you walk in with Yunho, not liking your close proximity.
"Yunho....... distance." He reminded his friend.
Yunho looked over at you, who were now trembling slightly. Now Yunho understood why you begged him to accompany you for this. Sighing, Yunho merely walked up to Jongho and handed him the folder in his hands. Jongho furrowed his eyebrows as he peered through the contents. He immediately threw them on the floor in outrage.
"What the hell is the meaning of this?!" He demanded to know.
You winced at his tone of voice and immediately stood behind Yunho for protection, which only enraged Jongho more.
"I swear to God, if you're leaving me for him.."
Jongho walked up and tried to tear you away from Yunho, but luckily Yunho intervened and kept him from landing a finger on you.
"Let me go you fucking bastard! How dare you take my wife away from me!" Jongho accused him.
"First of all it's not like that and as long as I'm here, I won't let you hurt her! Jongho you've got to stop!"
But being stronger than the taller male, Jongho easily shoved him to the floor. He then proceeded to corner you in the wall, pining your arms as he slammed you against it. Yunho now panicked and accidentally blurted out:
"Jongho stop! You'll not only hurt her but the baby-"
Yunho immediately clasped a hand over his mouth as he realized he said what you wanted to keep secret. Jongho looked at Yunho then at you, who had fear written all over your face. Jongho softened up a little as his hands clasped around your stomach.
"And you still tried to leave me...?"
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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skellebonez · 3 years
16 & 26 with Huntsman X Sandy, LET'S GO
I HAD TO WRITE THIS IMMEDIATE AFTER EPISODE 8 I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS. YOU AND @kitkat1003 DID THIS TO ME. I WROTE THIS PAST 3 AM. I finished it in 30 minutes after I got online again. I want to write MORE so consider this just the start of another ongoing series of prompts I guess.
Obvious SPOILERS for S2E8.
I let you win./You don’t hate me.
Huntsman could not believe that he was doing this. But... everything was off. Nothing about what had happened since the Lunar New Year Festival had felt right to him, and after he retrieved the Demon Revealing Mirror his bad feelings about the entire situation was just farther confirmed. Now, however... now he had next to no trust in the person who was pulling all their strings. Not after her non-answer to his questions.
So now he was here. Out in the open. Back at the docks where he first got a good look at the man he had a recent encounter with. On the boat where he saw him and in front of his door. Huntsman knew he was inside because he had watched him come home.
He wish he knew what his name was, at the very least. He'd just been calling him Blue or Big Guy or something similar in his mind. Said as much during their last encounter. Hopefully what he had found after he had returned meant that there was at least still some good will in his direction from the larger man. Enough to make up for the fact he would have to ask for his name at least.
The door was right in front of him. He just... had to knock now. He knew how to knock, he could do it so quickly. He just... had to raise his arm...
And then his vision was a wall of blue and he let out a very unbecoming scream of surprise.
"It's you," Blue said, face a picture of... confusion. Not the immediate anger or suspicion that Huntsman had expected. It came after a moment however, a glower and a crossing of his arms. "It's you."
The spider demon couldn't help himself from tensing up for a moment, despite his best attempts at avoiding that, but it was only for a moment. He instantly stood up straight, clearing his throat before flourishing his arm with a chuckle. It came out shaky, more awkward than he had intended.
"Is that, heh... offer still on the... table?" He reached into his coat, pulling out the single teabag he had found stashed away in his pocket after their last encounter.
It took a hot second for Blue to react, but when he did it was instantaneous. He grabbed Huntsman by the coat collar and pulled him inside without so much as a word. Huntsman's first reaction was to pull back, fight back at the grip on his collar and then at the large muscular arms picking him up like he was as light as a rag doll, but he didn't. Instead he let himself be picked up, carried through the house boat and deposited on the couch before Blue sat across from him with a stern expression with his palm open.
Huntsman sat awkwardly for a moment before he realized what Blue wanted, and he held out his hand slowly. So slowly. He hovered above Blue's hand for a good few seconds, watching his expression before biting the bullet and opening it to let the tea bag fall into the large hand.
Before he knew it Blue was off and back again with a tray that held two cups and a hot kettle of water, and there was no way he boiled water that quickly he couldn’t have so he must have been making some already. He placed the tray down and began pouring water into the cups that held two identical teabags, one tag more torn and worn and dirty than the other so that must have been the one he had on him. Huntsman sat in silence, unsure of what to do aside from what this happen.
There were cats on the boat. Many cats, more than he could count. They didn’t come close to him, barring one. One that matched his owner in both color scheme and hair style, who sat on Blue’s shoulder and hissed at him threateningly.
Huntsman was not threatened by a cat.
“What’s your name?” Blue asked suddenly as he sat back, a wide smile with a hint of suspicion in the very back of his eyes. But the smile, the open expression, the willingness to give him another chance, that was far stronger. “I didn’t have the chance to ask you.”
“Uh... Huntsman,” he answered slowly, watching the steam lift from the slowly brewing tea between them.
“I’m Sandy,” Blue, Sandy, said without missing a beat. “What are you doing here so late at night, Huntsy?”
The spider demon froze, looking at Sandy incredulously. He had half a mind to tell him off then and there, to object to his name being shortened to something so... so... SILLY! But he didn’t. Huntsman was not stupid, he knew he was not a genius like Syntax (but, then again, how smart could the ex-human really be if he had believed that Spider Queen would not double cross him and bring him into the fold eventually), but he wasn’t stupid.
He remembered their fight. How strong this large demon was. He put Goliath to shame despite being of similar stature, there was something about this man that was hidden deep down somewhere that Huntsman could not see and when he admitted it to himself he had been terrified that Sandy would kill him at that time. He could have killed Huntsman. He saw what he did to the scenery around them. But he didn’t.
He let him go.
So Huntsman took a deep breathe and began to talk.
It didn’t take long for his explanation. Just long enough for the tea to finish steeping. He didn’t reveal everything, but he did say enough. Told him about Lady Bone Demon (Lady White Bone, White Bone Spirit, whatever name she was going by these days) and how she had been doing... something. How he had his suspicions for a while. How he was worried for his Queen.
“Do not misunderstand my intentions. I have no stake in your Monkie Kid group and quite frankly if Bone Lady wasn’t in the picture I wouldn’t be here,” Huntsman said firmly, picking up his tea cup as Sandy picked up his. “But I care for my Queen. And I believe she is in danger. I am no fool, I know we are enemies, but they do say ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’..” He paused, looking up at Sandy and maintaining eye contact with him. “And we have a common enemy.”
The cats that were hiding in the shadows had begun to slowly come out. Some were watching him from the shelves and cat trees. How in the world did everything in this house boat stay standing when he drove it?
“That we do,” Sandy agreed, again so fast and so simply. His willingness to listen to the spider demon put him off in a way, but in others... it felt nice to be listened to. As much as he loved his Queen there were times she just did not listen to him at all, Syntax and he did not see eye to eye on much, and Goliath... well, he listened usually. But he was even more loyal to Spider Queen than he was. He put total faith in her working with their extra member so talking to him had not gotten him far. “And after what happened at the festival and Monkey King’s island and all the other stuff? The others are going to take a lot of convincing. But I believe you.”
“You... believe me?” Huntsman asked incredulously, raising an eyebrow. “... You don’t hate me.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. One he could not believe he was saying.
“Nope,” Sandy said as he took a sip of his drink. “I don’t hate you. But that doesn’t mean we’re allies, I know that.”
“... you’re weird,” Huntsman said with a scoff, rolling his many eyes.
“Says the spider guy who let himself be dragged into his enemies home at 1 in the morning to be sat down for ‘a cuppa’,” Sandy shot back with a small smile. There was the smallest bit of amusement behind it. “We’re both weird.”
“Touche,” Huntsman could not help but reply as he looked down at his drink. He couldn’t help but wonder in the back of his mind if it was poisoned. That’s partly what he thought when the last cup was offered in the forest. But Sandy seemed to heartfelt in his offer to have done something like that. He didn’t seem the type to boast about getting alone and not wanting to fight only to poison someone. So Huntsman kept hold his his tea and brought it up to his face. “But that still begs the question. Do we trust each other enough to do anything more after this?”
“Oh, I don’t trust you nearly as far as I could throw you,” Sandy laughed out as he drank the rest of his tea. “But I trust myself. And I trust my own judgement. And I think I can trust myself enough to work with you for the better of both of our friends.”
Huntsman didn’t say anything at that. He sat, staring at the tea for another moment. He... did not trust Sandy, not fully yet. He trusted him enough to not kill him, and so far that trust had been rewarded quite well. But much like Sandy he trusted himself. He trusted his own judgement. And he had chosen to come here of his own volition, by himself, to protect his Queen.
A cat wandered over, a calico, and jumped onto the couch next to him. It stared up at him with bright brown eyes, watching him intently.
“Why did you let me leave?” He asked after a moment. “I let you win, by leaving. But you could have beaten me regardless. Why?”
“I wanted to give you another chance. Everyone deserves that much. Everyone.”
Huntsman gripped his teacup tighter at this, staring at the torn teabag with Sandy’s face on it. It must have been his own special blend. His own special blend that he had given to him as an olive branch. A sign that he would listen. And he had listened.
Huntsman gulped and raised the teacup to his lips and gulped.
It was smooth. Bright. Slightly bitter but not unintentionally.
It was the best tea Huntsman had ever had in his life.
“... How much tea does that second chance get me?”
Sandy smiled, a different kind of something that was brighter and softer and less in his face, and something in Huntsman's chest jumped of it's own accord.
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impaladolan · 4 years
Capture - Grayson Dolan [3/-]
summary: everything has started to whirlwind around Y/N as she realizes what predicament she’s in, but is consoled by her captor.. her nameless captor..
warnings: smut & slight fluff :/
a/n: hey, this is part THREE of this little series! if you haven’t, check out part one and two before reading this, or you might be a little confused :) enjoy!
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"Don't you make one fucking sound.."
To his hoarse words, your teeth instantly clamped shut around your bottom lip and you closed your eyes in anticipation. You expected to be ruthlessly grabbed and shoved into by his cock, but the slowness of your panties being pulled down your legs and the ever so soft touches of his long fingers against your inner thighs brought you a surprise. And suddenly, the world began spinning around you the moment you felt his thick, and warm tongue glide against your soaked folds. The pit of your stomach shuttered in the overwhelming pressure he had against your extremely sensitive nub, something you have been day-dreaming about ever since you first saw him.
He was slow— almost passionate with the way he moved his pleasureful tongue around your pussy, slurping your arousal like it was a glass of ice water on a hot day. Your hips slowly rolled against his mouth, unintentionally, and your head fell back against the soft mattress beneath you. Your hot breaths filled the absence of sound, as well as his lapping and frustrated groans from underneath you. It seemed purely magical when he creeped one of his thumbs to your bundle of nerves, swiftly rubbing it in small circles. It made your breath become caught within your throat and had your own fingers running through his heavenly soft hair. The way his gruff groans and grunts vibrated through your core and up your spine made it excruciatingly difficult to keep your sounds to yourself.
You had had it when his only free hand crept up through your gown and wrapped itself around your breast, caressing the tenderness and softness. When your hips began to buck a bit more violently and the small, quick intakes of breaths that had queued your soon dispatching, he stopped.
He lifted his head from you and licked his lips, flashing a grin your way. "Such a pretty girl, already fucked out and you've barely been touched." He chuckles as he turns back to his little pile of clothes on the floor, snatching them and leaving the room in a hurry.
You were infuriated.
So much so, that you led your own little hand down there and began to rub at yourself, trying to finish off whatever he had started before he could notice anything. You just circled your clit quickly until your high came, and went, before slipping into your comforting bedding, yet again regretting your day's decisions and falling into a deep and useless slumber.
When you first wake, you quickly notice the weakness between your legs, like it was missing something, but soon after you feel the stretching of your esophagus. And then you're hit with the reoccurrence of the night before. Again, you had let this unknown man take full control of you and liked it.
How disgusting were you? To enjoy something superbly disturbing? What would your mother think?
You shook your head to your own thoughts, sitting up against the pillows and reaching for the newly placed water bottle on the nightstand. You unscrewed the cap and chugged the liquid until there was no more to be gained from it. It at least soothes the aching you felt in your throat, but nothing could stunt the aching and needing pains that your pussy was currently throbbing with.
You didn't feel an ounce of drowsiness at the beginning of the day, like you had the days prior. You felt fully regenerated and well awake. Maybe now you'd be in touch with your morals and mature senses. It has become terribly boring in this room, staring at the walls and ceiling for what seems like hours doesn't help the fact. You would've gotten up and explored your confinement space, but you were terrified he'd make an appearance the moment you step on the ground.
You actually haven't seen him at all today.
You didn't really have a source of time, but by the way the sun was sat in the sky, you had gone a whole entire day without a thing to eat or drink, which angered you. He should at least have enough courtesy to provide meals for your famished self if he's gonna keep you hidden in this place for so long. But then again, you were forcefully kidnapped from a bench only days ago, and could be kept in much worst conditions than you are now. With that simple thought, a tear had formed, watering and blurring your eyesight. Without any consent from your own self, tear after tear began to trail down your frozen cheeks, staining them a darker red. You didn’t even realize you were crying until an explosion of hiccups began to sound from your mouth and send you into a sobbing mess. Your throat began to burn as well as your eyes and your stomach began to lurch within its self, while your head became pained with all the activity that’s happening. You grab one of the pillows laying behind you and squeeze it against you roughly, trying to soothe the discomfort and agony of your new coming realizations. The flow of your tears and whimpers only strengthened, like your body was combusting with the amount of held back frustration you had. The streams of tears began to pool at the bottom of your chin and roll down your neck in thick waves.
You weren’t too sure why you were crying, but it made you feel a little better.
Your sobbing hadn’t come to a stop when the door soundlessly opened and closed. You didn’t even hear him enter, let alone sit beside you. When his large and warm arms wrapped around your small, shuttering frame, you helplessly fell into them. You let go of the pillow and snuck your arms around his muscular torso, squeezing him tighter than you did the pillow as you uncontrollably cry in the crook of his neck. “Why? Why’d you trap me here?” You hardly whispered, but his heart sank deep in his chest the moment you acknowledged him.
He didn’t have an answer. He just swayed the two of you back and forth, easing you into a peaceful sleep that you truly didn’t want, or need. You weren’t awakened when he had easily lifted you up, and carried you away from your enclosed space, leading the two of you down the hallway until he was at the threshold of his own door. He didn’t need to think twice before quietly opening it and settling you on his much more comfortable bed, leaving the lights off and classical music on in the background. He understood your saddened questioning, but he just couldn’t do anything about it quite yet..
You awoke for what seemed like the fiftieth time in a place you didn’t recognize. Instead of the boring grey walls and the one gold-trimmed painting, you were surrounded by pristine white walls with a few different posters of musicians you didn’t really know, except Tame Impala. Your heart almost skipped a beat as your eyes scanned the poster that had tour dates and the songs from the 2015 Currents album.
What a coincidence?
You drew your eyes away from it and settled them on the man sitting in the chair in the corner. Again, your heart leaped out of your chest from slight terror. You hadn’t noticed him before, but he seemed harmlessly asleep. Though his presence slightly angered you, he really did look peaceful and almost cute, snoozing away in the little recliner. A smart person would’ve ran to the door and exited the house as quick as possible and make it to freedom, but your head really wasn’t in the right place for the moment. You just sat there, silently interrogating the nameless man snoring in the corner.
He hasn’t been anything but nice to you, except for the lack of food and water. You faintly remember him saying something about knowing you, but everything’s truly a fog and you can’t tell whether anything is a dream or real life, since you’ve been sleeping entirely too much. Hell, you can’t even recall how you were placed in this room, or why.
But you liked it a lot better than the original room you were in. It’s not freezing cold in this bedroom, it’s comfortably warm and soothing with some sort of autumn smelling candle. Even the few little Halloween decorations around the room, which are slightly early, made this place feel a lot more homely than it should. Because honestly, you shouldn’t be “enjoying” being kidnapped/stolen by some nameless hot guy.
Speaking of, what the hell is his name?
Suddenly, the so-called nameless man begins to shift in his seat, his eyes slowly opening and widening as they adjust to the small light surrounding him. The only light within the room was the window, which displayed the day’s dark overcast from the soon-coming rain. Once he’s familiar with his own room, his eyes land on yours, a sheepish smile covering his lips compared to your stern one. “Good morning, sweetheart.” He firstly says before stretching his arms above his head and letting in a deep yawn.
“Cut the shit, sweetheart. I want to know why I’m here and when I’m allowed to leave, now.” You mock with a darkened voice, just to get your serious point across. He exhaled a large breath and stands to his feet, shuffling over to his dresser, probably finding a shirt since he feels the need to be shirtless all the time..
“Listen, I want details. I’m tired of fucking waking up and falling asleep in a strangers home. So if you could politely drop me off at my own house within the next hour, I won’t press charges. Fair and simple.” You almost plead as he takes his time looking through the drawers of his dresser. His silence and slowness was beginning to get in your nerves. It’s a large pet peeve of yours when you aren’t directly answered.
“Love to, but can’t.” He just simply answers with that, throwing a white shirt over his head and fitting it upon the rest of his body. You internally groan to his statement, shifting your eyes to the doorknob that looked very much enticing. Your head began forming a plan b, if bribing him doesn’t go too well.
“Please..?” You surprised yourself with the stupidly seductive voice you used, something you do to get what you want with men, and it most generally works. “Maybe.” He shrugs, carelessly. He seemed so disinterested and distracted to care about any of the words you were uttering. He strides over to his connecting bathroom, slightly closing the door to piss and brush his teeth.
I guess we’re going straight to plan b, huh?
You hobble out of bed and quietly walk towards the door, successfully letting yourself out without notice. Holy shit. You sprint down the somewhat familiar hallway, around a corner and through the kitchen and what seems to be a living room, until you see a front door looking exit. You immediately scram towards it and unlock the handle and the two deadbolts, successfully pulling it open and letting the outside air smack you right in the face.
Freedom at last.
You run outside, not even caring to close the door, and sprint straight towards the tall fence, the eerie tree-covered surroundings offsetting you slightly. Nevertheless, you ran as fast as possible to the nearest fence sticking your foot in one of the holes to begin your climb. “Hey, get back here!” His low, demanding voice rang through your ears, but you didn’t stop there. You kept climbing, as fast as possible, nearing the top of the fence. You didn’t have the heart to look back and see where he was, you just kept climbing to what would hopefully be safety. The moment you make it to the top to swing your other leg over the fence—
You feel a hand attach to your bare foot..
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taeken-my-heart · 5 years
Moirai chapter 10
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Summary: On your 18th birthday a name appears on your wrist. The name of your soulmate. It’s a momentous day that everyone looks forward to, but you’ve always brushed aside; refusing to believe in a fickle mistress called destiny. But what happens when on the morning of your 18th birthday you wake to find the name of your mortal enemy? Jeon Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Genre: Soulmates au/ Enemies to lovers au. Angst, fluff, bickering, romance, eventual smut.
Word Count: 5056
Chapter notes: I am so, so sorry for the pain I’m about to inflict on you. Please see notes at the end.
You’d been numb all day; exhausted from lack of sleep. After you’d first gotten your tattoo, you’d been unable to fully process the name. How was it possible that Jungkook was your soulmate and you’d never known? It hadn’t seemed possible at first, but you’d known each other your entire lives, any pull you would have felt would have been when you were a baby.
What made everything feel so much worse was the fact that Jungkook had admitted to being attracted to your sister. Sure, they weren’t dating, and sure, he’d told Ella he didn’t feel comfortable dating with his new soulmate tattoo, but he sure hadn’t bothered to tell you his soulmate was you!
He’d known for an entire month and he hadn’t said a word. It felt like such a slap in the face. He must have just been laughing it up thinking about what an idiot you were for not knowing, how shocked you’d be when you found out. You felt sick, head spinning. All this time you’d thought the two of you were becoming friends, too. He must think you’re such a joke.
Your mom had tried to come in hours ago, probably excited to see your tattoo, but you’d just pretended to be asleep, arm pinned under your torso to keep her snooping eyes away. You couldn’t face her right now; you couldn’t even get up to use the toilet or eat food.
You were prepared to spend the entire weekend in bed, if necessary. A small knock at your door caught your attention, but you stayed silent, hoping they would go away. It was late in the afternoon by now, nearing 4pm already and you knew your family was probably wondering what you were doing. The last time you’d laid in bed this late was when your pet gold fish Max had met his end and you’d had to flush him yourself.
“Y/N?” Your sisters voice called from the other side of the door, soft and tentative, pushing the door in slightly. Her eyes caught yours and she smiled slightly, pushing the door closed behind her. “Are you OK? Are you sick?”
“Something like that.” You mumbled, pulling the blankets up to your chin.
“Is it the tattoo? Does it hurt that badly?”
“I don’t really want to talk about the tattoo.” You frowned and Ella shifted from one foot to the other, glancing around the room.
“Are you hungry? I can bring you some food or something.”
“I’m not really hungry right now.” You mumbled, starring down at your sheet, an old flowery design that was faded with age. You should really ask your mom for a new one.
“Well, you should at least eat something. It’s almost dinner time and you haven’t had anything. Mom’s kind of worried.”
You sighed, flipping onto your back. “Sure, you can bring something up, I guess. I can’t guarantee I’ll eat it, though.”
“Well, as long as she sees me bring something up, I think she’ll leave you alone. For now, at least.”
Ella disappeared downstairs for a while, presumably grabbing food and you took a moment to raise your arm above your head, just to check and see if the tattoo really was there.
Jeon Jungkook
Just like you’d seen early this morning, messy scrawl, as though it had been written in his own hand, and somehow you felt like perhaps that was the case. The universe was cruel in that way.
Ella brought up a tray with some food a few minutes later, setting it on your bedside table and took a seat at the end of your bed. “Did you want to watch a movie later? Maybe it’ll help you feel better. A movie helps distract me when I’m sick.”
You looked over at her, shaking your head softly. “Honestly, I’ll probably just stay in bed the whole weekend. Sleep it off or whatever.” 
“What a lousy way to spend the day of your birthday.” Ella smiled, trying to cheer you up. You appreciated her efforts, even if they fell flat right now.
“Yeah.” You mumbled, grabbing a roll from the tray and taking a big bite. Maybe having some food in your stomach would help you to fall back asleep.
“Well,” Ella mumbled, picking at the fraying edges of your blanket as you looked over at her, through puffy eyes. “I can go now…if that’s what you want. Or I could stay and we could talk or something?”
You stared down at the rest of your food, pushing your fork through it absentmindedly. If Ella stayed, she’d likely end up talking about Jungkook and you really couldn’t stomach that right now. “Honestly, I’m just gonna sleep some more, not feeling so great. Thank you, though, Ella.” You smiled softly over at her and she nodded, standing.
“Of course. I hope you feel better soon. I’ll try and keep mom and dad away, but you know how they are.”
You nodded, picking off a small piece of your roll and chewing on it. You probably should have taken her up on the offer of distraction, your thoughts were terrifying right now, but the likelihood of conversation topics veering into what you were trying to ignore was too high so instead you pulled out your phone and decided a YouTube binge was exactly what you needed.
By the time Monday had rolled around you’d gone from denial straight into anger. Jungkook had some nerve keeping this from you; acting like everything was normal and that you weren’t destined to be part of each other’s lives forever.
He had some nerve liking your sister and treating you like just a friend. Less than, even. You couldn’t believe you’d fallen for it all…his lies. You even wondered idly if Ella knew. You wanted to cry from the shame of it, but you refused. Rage was what fueled you right now. 
You hadn’t seen him all morning but you were glad about that, it wouldn’t have been possible to keep yourself in check if you had. Your friends had remarked on your mood, of course, but you’d brushed them off, telling them you’d explain later.  
By the time lunch had rolled around, your blood was practically boiling. How could he not tell you? You could see your friends waving you over to their table once you’d entered the cafeteria, but your eyes had gravitated and remained stuck fast on Jungkook. 
He hadn’t seen you yet, sitting and laughing with friends at his own table, Ella beside him. Before you could stop yourself, you were stomping over towards him. You could see the shared looks of confusion on your friends faces as you marched away from their table, but you couldn’t think about that now.
You needed to talk to Jungkook. Needed to know why he’d lied; why he hadn’t said anything. The table stilled as you stormed up beside them and Jungkook and Ella both looked at you, Ella smiling, a small hello as greeting. You stared at Jungkook, though. He was the only person you wanted to talk to right now.
“Hey Y/N.” He smiled timidly up at you, and before he could stop you, before anyone even realized what you were doing, you wrenched the sleeve from his arm revealing the name of his soulmate. Your name. Jungkook tried in vain to cover it up, looking up at you pitifully as he pulled his sleeve tight around his wrist again but it was too late, they’d all seen it.
You held up your own wrist, pulling your sleeve down for everyone to see the name burned into your own wrist. He looked at you with the kind of guilty expression you’d never thought he could muster, cheeks heated and lips downturned. 
“This is honestly the cruelest thing you’ve ever done to me.” You whispered, “You knew! You knew that we were soulmates and you liked my sister anyway. I hate you; I honestly hate you. I’d rather be soulmates with anyone but you.”
“Wait, Y/N!” Jungkook shouted, standing up quickly, nearly toppling Ella over on his way to chase after your retreating form. You could see the look of hurt on Ella’s face and instantly felt guilty. Of course, she hadn’t known. You had hidden the name from everyone until you could get to him. Jungkook himself had hidden your name from view, even from you, so of course she would not have known that the very man of her desires was destined for you. 
Once you’d made it around the corner you broke into a sprint, hoping to escape him but he was much faster than you. A hand wrapping around your bicep pulled you back and you grunted in protest, trying to push against him as he backed you into a wall, holding you in place with his own body. 
You hated him. You hated his dark hair, his dark eyes, chiseled jaw, and the stupid little scar on his cheek, his muscular body, and most of all you hated the look of intense guilt you could see written all over his face. As though he’d broken your heart, and really, he might have if the writhing muscle under your left breast had anything to say about it. 
“Let me go!” You snapped, trying to kick your way free but Jungkook only caged you in further. “You’re a jerk. You knew this whole time and you didn’t say a thing. It must have been so disappointing for you to have my name show up on your wrist, someone so damn average, right? Anyone in the world could have shown up, why’d it have to be me, right? Why not Ella, she’s at least better than her plain and boring older sister.”
“Why does it matter to you anyway?” Jungkook snapped and you blinked up at him in surprise. “You’ve always hated me. Did you ever think maybe I was doing you a favor?”
“A favor?” You scoffed, “by pursuing my sister while I was none the wiser that my name was on your wrist!”
“Everyone knows you don’t have to be with your soulmate.” Jungkook sneered, “It’s not like we’re forced to be together, you know? No one ever said we had to choose each other.”
“So, you’re choosing my sister then?” You barked.
Jungkook sighed loudly, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know what I’m choosing, Y/N. I’m 18 years old, how the hell can you expect me to know what I want right now? Maybe I don’t want a soulmate.”
You wished you could say that, that confession didn’t hurt, that your heart didn’t feel like it was splintering in two. But you couldn’t. “What about me, then?” You choked. You couldn’t even find it in you to fake being unaffected. 
You watched Jungkook’s face twist, looking down at the ground and you couldn’t help the gargled laugh that escaped your lips. “Fine.” You spat, “go ahead and pretend that I don’t exist, that my name isn’t imprinted on your body forever, but don’t come crying to me when you change your mind. The universe must have royally screwed this one up because there’s no way you could ever make me happy when all you’ve ever done is make me miserable.”
By now the tears were streaming down your face and you pushed angrily against him to make him move but he stayed firmly in place and you sobbed loudly. “Get off of me!” You shouted, “The least you could do is let me cry in peace.”
Instead of releasing you, Jungkook wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling your head into his chest and resting his chin on the crown of your head. He held you as you wrestled against him, trying to gain freedom before giving up and simply crying. Crying because you hated him. Crying because you still couldn’t believe it was him. Because in a part of you that you didn’t want to acknowledge, this hurt so deeply because you’d actually been willing to try for him. Why wasn’t he willing to try for you?
As the tears began to subside, you felt his cheek press against the top of your head and you sniffled, your heart thudding painfully in your chest. His arms had loosened around you so you pulled back from him, wiping away your tears. He looked down at you, frown marring his handsome features, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans. 
“Please don’t talk to me anymore.” You mumbled, turning to walk away from him.
“Y/n!” He called out and you turned around to look at him. You couldn’t even muster the energy to be angry anymore. You were just so tired. 
“I’m serious Jungkook,” you said, “please don’t talk to me ever again. You don’t want a soulmate? Wish granted.” You pulled your coat tightly around your body as you turned away and walked back into the school.
You wished people wouldn’t stare. Then again, you understood. This kind of thing wasn’t all that common, in fact, aside from hearing about the occasional case in the gossip section of the newspaper, people had probably never heard of this sort of thing before. 
They stared because they were curious and you were suddenly alien. The undeniable urge to sink into the floor nearly overwhelmed you and you darted into the bathroom, reaching into your back pocket and pulling out your phone to call your mom. 
After the 4th ring you were beginning to lose hope in her answering, she was at work after all. Just as you were about to hang up, the other end connected and you held your breath, suddenly overcome with emotion.
  “Y/n?” Your mother asked from the end of the line and you willed the tears to stay back.
“Mom,” you said shakily, brushing away a tear that escaped down your cheek, “I really need you to come pick me up.”
“What’s wrong, honey? Are you hurt?” You could hear shuffling in the background, papers rustling and you felt guilty. She was probably busy, but you really needed her right now. 
“Please come pick me up.” You croaked; voice heavy with emotion when you suddenly couldn’t hold the tears back anymore. “Everything is wrong, I feel like my soul has been crushed and I just really need you to come pick me up. Please.”
“Honey,” Your mother breathed and you could hear the frown in her voice, “Honey, of course but please tell me what’s going on.”
“Jungkook,” you cried and you could hear your mother grabbing her car keys from her desk and making her way out of her office.
“Jungkook?” She asked in confusion. 
“H-he wasn’t even willing to try.” You sobbed, sliding down the tile of the bathroom wall and bringing your knees up to your chin, “why is this happening to me?”
“Sweetheart, I don’t understand what this is about. What was Jungkook not willing to try?” The sound of the engine starting in the background soothed you a little. Just a few more minutes and you could be on your way to the sanctity of your bed. 
“Anything,” you cried quietly, “he wasn’t willing to try anything.”
“Look, honey, I’m going to be there in just a few minutes. Wait for me by the front office and I’ll come get you. You can explain everything to me on the way home.”
“OK.” You whimpered softly. After ending the call and staring at the floor for a moment you stood, making your way back out the door and towards the front of the school. Everyone was back in class by now, lunch long over. 
The halls were quiet, no one walking around with hall passes and lame excuses of needing to go to the bathroom. It was a double-edged sword, really. No one to stare at you and whisper…but then no noise to distract you from your thoughts. The silence itself was deafening. 
After your mother had signed you out and led you to the car, you sat, clinging desperately to your seatbelt across your chest. You were afraid of the silence, but then, maybe it would have been better than-
“So, what’s going on?” Your mother asked gently and you closed your eyes, hands trembling as you pulled back the sleeve of your shirt to reveal your tattoo. 
Holding it out for your mother to see, she took one look and a shudder of realization later, “Oh.” She murmured, exhale sharp. Your bottom lip trembled, hand falling back into your lap as you stared out the window, unable to look at the pain etched so visibly into the lines of your mother’s face. 
“Oh,” she repeated, stronger still as pieces began to fall into place. Jungkook had known for a month. He had continued to show interest in Ella. Jungkook had said no. It was all too much and you began to cry again. 
“I never even liked the idea of soulmates, so why does this hurt so much?” You wailed, “It feels like he punched a hole through my heart.”
“Oh honey,” your mother sighed and you could see from the corner of your eye that she was crying too. “Maybe he just needs time to think; this is a big adjustment. You guys have been friends for so long, this is a lot to get used to.”
“We haven’t been friends since we were little kids, mom,” you murmured, “I just didn’t want to make you sad.”
“What do you mean?” She asked, glancing at you as she pulled into the garage and put the car in park. 
“Jungkook kind of bullies me. Not, like, bad or anything, just rude remarks, hair pulling, that sort of thing. We just fake it in front of you and his mom because you two are such good friends. Honestly, I hate being around him…well, I did until about a month ago, now he’s been halfway decent. Despite all that, though, I was still willing to try.” You said softly, fresh tears escaping down your cheeks and you wiped at them angrily. “That’s what makes this hurt even more. Not only did he know before me and still continue to like my sister, but even after confronting him and feeling hurt and angry, I was still willing to try and see if we could make the soulmate thing work but…but he wasn’t. He just made up some lame excuse about how he doesn’t know what he wants or if he even wants a soulmate.”
“Y/N.” Your mother murmured and you shook your head, unbuckling your seatbelt with shaky fingers and blurry eyes. 
“I just want to be alone right now.”
Climbing out of the car, you made your way to your bedroom, flinging yourself under the covers of your bed and crying yourself to sleep.
As the moon began to rise you laid flat on your bed, staring up at the ceiling and running your fingers absentmindedly across your wrist. It still ached just a little from when it had first imprinted; just a constant reminder to you of what disarray your life was in. 
You could hear the whispered voices of your parents from the living room. You tried not to listen but it was hard not to hear. 
“You didn’t know?” your dad asked softly.
“No of course not, you know how private she is. I don’t think anyone knew but the two of them.”
“Does Jieun know?”
You could hear your mothers sigh as she thought about her best friend. “I called her after I found out. She didn’t know. Jungkook; he bottles everything up.”
“How can you be so patient with him?” your dad hissed, “he broke our baby’s heart.”
“She’s not a baby anymore, honey, she’s 18-years-old. Besides, if she’s a baby then so is he. He’s probably scared out of his mind. We’ve always heard about soulmates who choose not to be together, we always knew it was possible. Besides, they’re still in high school, they have years to change their minds.”
“This is madness.” He vented, “It’s not even that he shut her out, it’s that he used her own little sister to do it.”
“Honey, I really don’t think it was his intention to hurt anyone. He was already expressing interest in Ella before he’d even turned 18, what was he supposed to do? Just ignore her and move on to Y/N? You’d be angry about that too, don’t deny it.”
“Sure, but I’d understand. There’s an undeniable pull to be with your soulmate. It would have been acceptable.”
You couldn’t listen anymore, grabbing the pillow resting under your head and folding it against your ears. Everything hurt. Despite the fact that you’d hated Jungkook for so many years you could hardly remember ever liking him, his calloused dismissal of your heart hurt more than you cared to admit. You felt broken. 
A quiet sob escaped you before you could stop it but you covered your mouth in an effort to stop your cries as your bedroom door creaked open slowly. Ella peaked her head around the corner, spotting your shadow in the darkness and you watched as she stood up straight, entering your bedroom further. 
Her shoulders were slumped and eyes bloodshot from crying. You were being selfish. You’d never cared to have Jungkook’s affections but Ella had and now she was broken hearted, standing in your doorway. 
“I didn’t know.” She sobbed and you sat up quickly, beckoning her into your arms. She quickly closed the door and came to sit on your bed, burying herself deep into your hug. “I’m so sorry, he didn’t tell me, I didn’t know!” She wailed, “If I had known I would have n-never been around him. You must think I’m such a snake.”
You gasped, pulling away from her and looking into her tear stained eyes. “No!” You insisted, “No, I do not think you’re a snake. How could you have known when neither of us told you?”
“I should have forced him to show me his tattoo.” She wept bitterly. 
“Stop beating yourself up about this, there was no way you could have known and it would have been completely unreasonable to demand to see his tattoo on the tiny chance that it had my name. Honestly, no one knew this was going to happen.” 
Ella hiccupped, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. “Did you really not know? After all these years? Did you never feel the pull?”
You shrugged, looking down at your hands now resting in your lap. “I’m sure there was a pull, but we’ve known each other since we were babies, there’s no way we would have remembered it.” 
Ella pouted, staring out your window and into the star speckled evening. “I suppose not.” She sighed, “Still, I hate him for what he did!”
“So do I.” You admitted. 
Ella turned back to look at you, linking her fingers with yours. “What happened after Jungkook chased after you? I left the cafeteria as soon as you’d left so I didn’t hear anything.”
You sighed, flopping back on your pillow and stared up at the ceiling, the stars from your childhood still pasted and glowing down at you. “We argued…but what’s new?” You scoffed, “he told me he wasn’t sure he wanted a soulmate, even after I practically offered myself to him. So, I told him if he doesn’t want a soulmate then fine, we won’t be soulmates. I hate him. I feel dead inside. Is that normal when your soulmate doesn’t want you?”
You tried not to let the tears escape but you found you really couldn’t help it today. What a rotten way to end your night. Ella laid down beside you, wiping a tear from your cheek and you couldn’t help the choked sob that escaped, covering your face with your hands and crying. 
“What did I do wrong?” You mumbled. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong!” Ella cried patiently, wrapping her arm around your waist and pulling you into her body. “This was all Jungkook’s fault.”
But despite your sister’s passionate declaration you knew, even if you didn’t want to admit it right now. There were always two people in a relationship and you were not as innocent in the matter as you wished you were. The thing about childhood feuds was that they were always two sided and you’d thrown your fair share of angry accusations. 
But you were 18 and you certainly weren’t going to admit fault; you just couldn’t, not when he’d bruised your ego so cruelly. 
“I hate him.” You scowled.
In the morning your eyelids were heavy from tears and your mouth felt like cotton. Ella was still scrunched up at your side on your twin sized bed, leg thrown over your hips and arm haphazardly strewn across your chest. 
A light knock at your door grabbed your attention and you turned to find your mother peering around the edge of the door, smiling when she noticed the two of you. She stepped quietly into the room and woke your sister, ushering her to the bathroom before turning back to you and sighing, leaning against your wardrobe. 
“I could really use your help around the house today.” She said, picking at her fingernails, “of course, that means you’d have to skip classes today but I can call and just tell them you’re sick or something and then you can help me do some of the stuff I’ve fallen behind in.”
Your mother was a terrible liar, but your heart felt warm at the gesture. “This doesn’t have anything to do with Jungkook, does it?”
“It doesn’t have to be anything more than what I said, honey.” She smiled softly down at you as she came to sit at the edge of your bed. 
“Honestly, I think I’m in need of a mental health day.” You admitted and your mother nodded, threading her fingers through yours.
“We all need one sometimes.” She said, “Why don’t you stay home and unwind. Honey, I know you may not want to hear it right now, but it’s ok to be sad. What you’re feeling is natural and you’re entitled to those feelings.”
“Thanks mom.” You mumbled, staring down at your carpet.
You spent the next few hours running errands with your mom, you even managed to talk her into buying you a pair of new jeans you’d been wanting. 
After getting home and popping some popcorn, you started a movie, the two of you snuggling under some blankets. It was nice to have some time with her, it felt like it had been forever since you’d just sat down and talked. 
By the time your dad arrived home from work, you felt almost back to normal. You knew it wouldn’t last for long, but it was nice to pretend for a few hours. 
Dinner was awkward. That’s the only way to describe it. Your mom tried to start conversations, your dad would look between you and Ella before clearing his throat and staring back down at his food. He’d never been good at talking about awkward situations and this was the dictionary description of awkward and uncomfortable. 
You sighed, stabbing a floret of broccoli and looking over at him. “We can talk about it if you need to. Get it off your chest, you know?”
He looked up at you, eyes wide like he’d been caught with a dirty secret. “I-I.”
“I get it, it’s not exactly a pleasant topic, trust me, I know. I’m just saying, instead of just being awkwardly quiet and dancing around the subject, go ahead and say what’s on your mind.”
He sighed, dropping his fork onto his plate and rubbing his face. “I just hate seeing you girls hurt and knowing it was by the same guy…has me wanting to rip my hair out.”
“Dean.” Your mom frowned and you shook your head.
“It’s fine, mom. I get it, it’s frustrating, but it’s fine. He told me he doesn’t want a soulmate, so fine, we won’t be soulmates.”
“Honey,” your mom sighed, reaching out to grab your hand, “I know right now it hurts a lot, but don’t make such big decisions while angry. This sort of thing affects your whole life and you’re still so young.”
“Mom,” you groaned, “Jungkook and I haven’t been close in years so it’s not really a stretch for me to cut ties. I think it’s better this way. He can go off and be selfish and do whatever he wants and I can go and find my own dreams. I never liked the soulmate thing anyway so this way, I get to be completely in control of my own destiny.”
“All I’m saying is to just let it settle for a little bit and don’t make any giant decisions right now. You might find that you change your mind.”
“Sure, mom.” You said, taking a bite of mashed potatoes and slumping in your chair. 
Once you’d crawled in bed that night you realized with a sinking heart that this was going to take a long time to get over. Growing up, you’d always hated the idea of soulmates, didn’t like the finality of it…but you’d never actually imagined your soulmate turning you down. 
It was such a bruise to your ego and your chest ached at the thought of it. You’d always just kind of assumed that you’d be the one to turn him down but never had you thought it could be the opposite. You stared up at your ceiling, the neon stars glowing dim in the dark. 
In four months, you’d graduate and go to a new place. You hoped it would be your dream school. There, you could forget about all of this, you could be someone new, someone you chose to be.  You could meet new people, date around and meet interesting guys and you’d never have to see Jungkook again.
You let that thought comfort you, visions of university dancing behind your eyelids, heavy with fatigue. A small tap at your window nearly roused you from your sleep drenched thoughts, but you had just gotten comfortable and nothing in the world could rouse you now.
Dreams were the only place you could forget anymore.
Well…I’m so sorry, please forgive me. And please forgive these two idiots! They’re both so confused and dumb; they’ll work it out eventually! I’m trying to decide on the next chapter. I’ve already got one written and could post it right away, but there’s a big jump in time and it might feel disjointed. Should I write a filler chapter or would you prefer I post the other one after editing?
Let me know!
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Copyright © 2018  by taeken-my-heart (Nora.) All rights reserved.
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manicwordsfleeing · 6 years
Another Random Scene!
Warning! Sexual references
Read my bad writing at your own risk.
“Hehe, it’s just a one time thing! It won’t happen again, promise.” Tunani said, greededly starring at the fridge and cabinets behind Fang, she was lying through her teeth and she knew it.
Fang narrowed his eyes, watching Tunani closely. She was lying. Fang really didn’t need to look very hard, the signs were everywhere. Her eyes didn’t meet his, her hands fidgeted, and her breathing had slightly increased.
“Ok... whatever you say.” Fang replied slowly.
Tunani tried not meeting his eyes, but when their eyes met she knew he knew.
“I swear it won’t happen again!” She pleaded, “It wasn’t even that good!” But her mouth was already watering just thinking of the sugary, icy treats she now loved.
Fang sighed, he already knew that Tunani was going to do it again. The question was when? When was she going to steal and eat more of those children’s drinks? The babysitter was already at his wits end, the continual disappearances of snack foods and drinks really soured his milk. It was a nuisance that Fang had been “voluntold” to look for the culprit. It was obviously Tunani, she was the only person immature enough to do so. She was to blame for the nagging babysitter beside him, who managed to pop up at all the wrong places and yet somehow say all the right things to piss Fang off.
“Of course it was Tunani! She’s the only one immature enough to do this!” The babysitter snapped, for once I agreed with him.
“Punish her or something, that’s what you’re here for right? You should make her kneel on peas! Oh that will be perfect! Oh, wait! Make her kneel on uncooked rice, so she can remember all the snacks she stole from the pantry! It’s all because of her that the toddlers are cranky. They didn’t get any gummy animals, cause she stole and ate them all! And you should also-“
Fang stopped listening after that, he was pretty sure that the gummy animals weren’t the cause, but he sure wasn’t about to say that. Still keeping an eye on Tunani, he notice that she was smirking. Probably getting ready to crush the babysitters dreams with minimal words.
“Oh no you don’t.” Interrupting the babysitters still on going speech, Fang moved to stand in front of the babysitter, crossing his arms and giving Tunani a cold stare. “Don’t you dare Tunani! You’ve given me enough headaches to last a lifetime! And, as a matter of fact, you don’t need any candy right now. You’ve had enough sugar to last the whole month.”
“When...” she stopped abruptly. “No candy?”
Her bottom lip begins to tremble, her eyes glistening with tears. Fang shook his head.
“Nope, those tears won’t work on me. I’m called cold hearted for a reason.”
“B-b-but, you just got more dicks.”
“And they were delicious, weird, but delicious.”
Tunani took small steps until she was directly in front of Fang, staring up at him with her adorable puppy eyes. Her small hand stretched out to grasp his pinky. She let out a small hiccup. “Don’t you have at least one more?” A single tear slipped from Tunani’s eye, “Please?”
Fang sighed, “Fine, this was my last dick too.” Reaching into thin air, Fang’s hand disappeared, only to reappear with a large bag. He handed it to Tunani with a faint forlorn look in his eyes, but his face remained cold and unreadable.
Tunani instantly stopped fake crying, her eyes widened with excitement. She ripped the bag open and grabbed the dick, licking the tip a few times before shoving the majority of the shaft in her mouth. Using her tongue to suck the delicious coating. Fang shook his head.
“That was my favorite flavor too, with cream filling.” He mournfully said.
When she heard Fang say that it was filled with cream, she began to suck harder.
“Don’t go too deep.” Fang warned.
Tunani ignored him.
She let out a small gagging sound, but that didn’t stop her from enjoying the succulent shaft that is halfway down her throat. She really wanted that sweet cream.
“Hey... HEY! Tunani! Don’t suck that hard, you’ll make it bur-“ But the warning came too late.
She was in the middle of sucking, the dick deep in her throat, and still ignoring the warnings Fang gave, when she felt it burst in her throat. A creamy orange flavored liquid ran down her throat. She let out a loud moan as her eyes rolled towards the back of her head. She pulled the halfway finished dick out with a pop, a string of saliva and cream connected her lips to the once full dick. Her mouth was wide open, the insides covered with a thick layer of orange and white cream.
“Fang, your dick tastes so good.” Tunani breathed.
“I probably would have said the same thing except I can’t eat my dick now, can i? Cause someone ate all the dicks I gave her in one week.” Sarcasm dripped from Fangs voice like honey.
“It’s not my fault,” She commented, shrugging, “These things are fucking addictive. It’s almost like the real thing, but it tastes better.”
“That’s true.” Fang admitted, it took a few seconds for her words to fully register. “Wait... Tunani...”
“Yes?” She mumbled, in a trancelike voice. Still high from dick sucking.
“How do you know what dick tastes like?” Fang’s eyes widened, disbelief blossoming across his face.
Silence was the answer he got.
“Tunani? You still haven’t answered me...” Fang grew suspicious.
Tunani straightened, like a rubber band that was being stretched. “I... ah... I need to... um... need to go do...”
She scanned the room, frantically searching for a reason to leave. “I have to go to the funeral home, you see my mom’s grandma’s aunts best friends goldfish died and they asked me to arrange the funeral. So I’ll be back in a little while!”
Tunani shot towards the door, trying to escape before Fang could question her anymore. Only to find Fang blocking her means of escape.
“I think you better sit down, Tunani.” Fang growled.
She backed up a few steps. “Fang, I think I hear the director calling me, I better g-“
As she turned to run to her room, where she planned to lock the door, get under her covers, and stay there for a week, she ran into a very tall, muscular figure. “CONNER!” Tunani exclaimed in utter delight, “Help me, Fang is trying to interrogate me!”
She jumped into his arms, which caught her with ease, and began to cry into his shoulder. Or as close to it as she could get, it was more like his right bicep.
Fang knew Tunani’s method of getting Conner to back her. Before Conner could say anything, Fang quickly yelled. “TUNANI’S HAVING SEX!”
Fang, realizing that he’d yelled too loud, quickly glanced around, but the babysitter wasn’t in hearing range. As he had taken offense to being ignored and went back to the day care while Tunani was begging for a dick.
Conner’s once confused face quickly morphed into shock. I knew right then and there, that I had turned Conner to my side.
Tunani felt herself fall, a scream ripped from her throat as she hit the tile floor.”NO! Conner, he’s lying!” She scrambled to her knees and grabbed Conner’s leg, pleading with him. “I would never- I have never- I’M INNOCENT!” She screamed, begging Conner to believe her.
He never takes Fang’s side, Tunani is his favorite. Conner always chosen her.
“Tunani.” Conner breathed, “How could you. You’re not even 18 yet.”
Fang chimed in, “I totally agree with Conner, you’re not even 18 years old yet Tunani!”
“You could get an STD, Tunani! It’s not safe to have sex before 18 years old!” Conner added.
“It wasn’t a big deal,” She said, stuck on her knees between the two attractive men, “And we used protection!”
Tunani looked from Conner to Fang then back to Conner. She realized that she was in a very interesting position and she was not quite sure how she felt about it.
“What kind of protection?” Fang asked.
“Did you take birth control pills?” Conner injected.
“Who exactly did you have sex with?”
“It wasn’t that red head jerk from year 3, was it?”
Fang and Conner towered over Tunani, shooting question after question.
Tunani’s Head was spinning with how many questions she had to answer. She decided to answer the most important question first. “God, no! It wasn’t that red head!” She shouted, offended that they thought she would fall for just any pretty face.
“And I don’t think y’all know him. Yes, I’m on birth control and we used condoms too. Now I have to go-“
She was trying to stand up and escape her awkward position, when both men placed a hand on her shoulders and shoved her back down. Tunani, after looking into both Fangs and Conners eyes, decided that she did not like this situation. Fang and Conner had morphed into two angry dads, who had no idea who had deflowered their precious baby.
Tunani had never seen Conner angry and she certainly had never seen Fang angry. Hell, she had almost never seen him show any emotions. That fact terrified the living daylights out of her. She knelt there, helpless, as she tried to conjure a way out of the situation without being beaten to a pulp by the two daddy figures beside her.
“WHO IS THE BOY!?” The dads yelled, in unison. Their fury reaching its boiling point.
Tunani didn’t know what to do. Her and the guy said it would be a one time thing. It didn’t mean much of anything to her or to him. “He... ah I... we di...” She, for once, was at a loss for words.
Conner and Fang presses closer together, trapping Tunani between their legs. There was no chance of her escaping until she had answered all their questions.
“You what?” The angry dads asked, “What exactly happened for you two to have se-“
“YOU TWO BETTER STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” A sharp voice commanded. Both men quickly jumped back, their anger evaporating like water in the desert.
“But Miss-“ They began.
“Don’t you Miss. Marquie me, you overbearing oafs!” Beatrice Marquie snapped, “ Can’t you see that you’re making her nervous? Would you be reacting like that if she was a boy and he had accidentally let slip that he’d had sex?”
Conner and Fang both wilted, shamed. Now that their anger had been stilled, they saw the error of their ways. “No ma’am.” They mumbled, they turned and looked at Tunani.
“We’re sorry for acting the way we did.” Conner started.
“Yea.” Fang put in, “We’re really sorry Tunani. We acted out of order and we shouldn’t have, we are thoroughly ashamed of ourselves.”
Beatrice, satisfied at their apologies, also turned to Tunani. “Now, Tunani, it is up to you.”
Tunani was shookith. Now only had Miss. Marquie saved her, but Fang and Conner were also apologizing to her. They, especially Fang, never did that. She slowly stood up, her attention solely on the two men. “Um.” She didn’t know what to say. “Apology accepted?” Tunani didn’t know how to receive apologies, normally she gave them out. Turning to Miss. Marquie, she thanked her and proceeded to go back to her room. Only to stop mid step, Miss. Marquie’s last words swam in her head.
“What do you mean ‘It’s all up to me now?”
“You’ll know when you need to know, dear.” And with that, Miss Marquie disappeared, literally.
If she was being completely honest, and she was, Tunani was kinda scared to find out what Miss. Marquie meant.
“Maybe she meant that it was up to you to tell us about the boy?” Fang said, hopeful.
She sure as hell didn’t want it to mean that.
“I-I think s-she meant I would find o-out later.” Tunani stuttered, “Like next month later. So I’ll just-“ She turned around, trying to finally escape this horrid situation, when she was stopped, yet again, by Conner.
“Wait, Tunani!” Conner said, blocking her path once more. “You can’t just leave us hanging! Give us a hint or something!”
If he wasn’t so proud, he probably would have been on his knees.
“Shut up.” Fang hissed, narrowing his eyes at Conner. “She just said she didn’t want to tell us, so do yourself a favor and stay here.”
Pointing his finger at Tunani, Fang motioned for her to follow him. “Come.”
Normally, Tunani would run away instead, but Fang’s tone of voice said that she shouldn’t. Fang led her through the door, down a couple hallways, up a flight of stairs, turned a few more times, and then stopped. Taking a deep breath, Fang slowly turned to face Tunani.
“Tunani... first morning want to implore that I am deeply sorry for what I did. ”Fang visibly struggled to continue speaking. “I... Tunani, I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I did. I was also your age once, I did a lot of stupid things. One of those, was giving my heart away to those I thought loved me. I was so young and naïve, I believed that I was loved when it was just an illusion I had conjured.” He chuckled. “I was asinine. All the signs were there, but I ignored them. The illusion of love was so alluring to me that I threw all caution out the window. While I don’t approve of the speed of which you and Jungguk’s, yes I already knew all about him, relationship is moving. I won’t do anything to stop you. That’s entirely up to you. However, I am warning you. I don’t want your heart to be broken so early, the heartbreaks in the early years are the ones that stick with you for a lifetime. I’m begging you Tunani, take a step back and look at everything from a distance. As master used to say, “Focusing on a single leaf, blocks the beauty of the whole tree.” Be wise, don’t give yourself out to just anyone that warms your heart. Make sure they’re worth it. Please.... for me?
Fang found himself unable to meet Tunani’s gaze. Rarely did he ever show such emotion, nor talk as much. He was amazed that he’d actually been able to say all that without choking up.
He knows! That very thought consumed her mind. He knew she was seeing Jungguk in secret the entire time. How did he find out?That question felt like cement bricks resting on her chest. When Fang finished, Tunani couldn’t speak. It took everything in her to even breathe. Not only did he know, but he wasn’t angry or upset that she didn’t tell him. He was concerned and worried about her.
This was a whole new Fang, one she had never seen. She loved this Fang. She’d never realized how much Fang really cared for her until now. From this moment on she will forever love him, Fang was like a father to her, in his own slightly messes up way. But she still loves him for how much he truly cares.
Tunani spread her arms ready to hug Fang. And this time when she moved towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist, he didn’t stop her. He even went so far as too stroke her hair. But what came next surprised them both.
Tunani, without letting go in the slightest, whispered, “Fang, I love you.”
His heart stopped at those beautiful words.
“Fang, I love you”
Those words echoed in his ears. He couldn’t believe it, this sweet toothed maniac said that she loved him...
Fang knew he was hard to love, impossible even. He’d been told those same words over the years, but they were always empty promises. However, when Tunani said them, his heart warmed and peace flooded his soul. Yes, this smol sugar monster truly loved him. Fang knew without a doubt, he loved her too. He ceased stroking and instead wrapped his arms around her shoulders, not tight, but not loose either. He breathed in deep, buried his face in Tunani’s hair, and whispered back,
“I love you too, Nani”
It was about time he gave her a nickname.
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Happy Ending
One-Shot from the “My Eyes” Universe.
Spoiler-y (and confusing) if you haven’t read the series.
My Eyes Masterlist
Request: @prettyyoungtragedy
Prompt: Frankie’s school D.C. trip makes a stop at the Smithsonian.  
Pairing: Dad!Bucky & Frankie; Dad!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Words Count: 2,796
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Frankie looked at the airplanes in awe. She wondered what the thrill would be like to fly in some of the old models, completely exposed and feeling the wind in her hair. She’d convinced Sam and Rhodey to teach her a few things at the compound. But they wouldn’t let her take anything off the ground yet.
Suddenly Frankie’s enhanced hearing caught whispering. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she recognized immediately that she was the subject of it.
“Do you think she knows it’s here?”
“Has she seen it yet?”
“I wonder if it’s even true…”
“It’s the Smithsonian, you fucking idiots. Do you even know how much research goes into these exhibits?”
Frankie smirked as her best friend snapped at the other teenagers. She turned around just as the group of people were scurrying away and her friend, Taylor, came walking toward her. She was the complete opposite of Frankie: girly, short, and a little quiet, but feisty when she needed to be. She was a cheerleader and a rule follower too. But somehow the two of them just understood each other.
Frankie had gone from a cute child to a beautiful young woman. The super-soldier serum affected her similarly to how it did with Jimmy. She’d finally stopped growing once she hit 5’ll. She was strong, much stronger than she looked. Her mom always said she had the body of a ballerina. “Graceful and beautiful, but you don’t realize how powerful they are until you see them move.” Y/N had always told Frankie that when she complained about being taller than most of the boys in high school.
Frankie dressed not too differently than her father, always wearing dark colors and jeans. But she’d copied Jimmy’s style of grungy, band t-shirts and combat boots. And Frankie was rarely without her leather moto jacket. Despite her tomboy attire, she always kept her hair long. It was permanently wavy and windblown, like she just finished a photoshoot.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know.” Frankie sighed as she continued looking at the planes.
“They were being rude.” Taylor snapped.
“People forget who I’m related to… and the moment they get even slightly reminded of it, they freak out. I’m used to it.” Frankie shrugged.
Unlike her older brother, she was one of the popular kids. She didn’t have a clique; just her best friends and a charming personality. Frankie didn’t want the attention. She just existed and had an air around her that seemed to attract her peers.
“Did you know it was here?” Taylor asked gently.
Frankie’s brow furrowed and she finally looked away from the planes to fully address her friend. “Mom mentioned there was a museum once. But I never knew what one. It slipped my mind until I saw the signs outside when we walked in.”
Taylor’s expression softened. “Do you want me to go with you?”
Frankie nodded.
Together, they slowly made their way to the Captain America exhibit.
Luckily, most of the other kids from their school had rushed there first. Therefore it wasn’t crowded and Frankie didn’t have to worry about people watching her every reaction.
“The Living Legend and Symbol of Courage” was the quote as they entered.
A sad smile crept on Frankie’s lips as she was met with a giant mural of Steve Rogers.
“I’ll never get over how much your brother looks like him…” Taylor muttered lowly.
Frankie hummed in agreement.
The first sign of her father was in old footage playing on various screens. It was black & white, the film distressed and jumpy. He looked younger and… different. His hair was short and slicked back. His eyes seemed brighter and happier. He was smaller too; still muscular for the time, but nothing like he was after the serum.
Then Frankie turned around and let out a breath at the sight before her.
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“A Fallen Comrade” with a giant etching of her father.
Frankie and Taylor quietly read the text that accompanied the mural.
“Captured by Hydra troops later that fall, Barnes endured long periods of isolation, depravation and torture.” A pit formed in Frankie’s stomach.
“…Torture?” Taylor gasped quietly. “Did he…did he ever tell you any of this?”
Frankie shook her head. “My dad…he thinks the less he tells me about that time, the more normal my life would be. He just always wanted me to see him like any other dad.”
Sometimes Frankie wondered how Steve would’ve parented Jimmy. Would he have ignored the questions like Bucky had ignored his daughter’s?
“I guess you could’ve just always googled it though.” Taylor commented.
“I never have.” Frankie retorted casually.
This made Taylor stop in her tracks. “Why the hell not?”
Frankie shrugged. “The internet is full of lies. Then there was the whole Accords mess. The media isn’t always nice to my family. No one knows the full story but my dad. I figured if I want to know the truth, I should hear it from him and no one else.”
Taylor slowly nodded in understanding.
When they kept walking, there was another mural of Bucky. This must have been a newer addition because it picked up after The Battle of Washington, D.C.
“The world was astounded to find that James Buchanan Barnes survived his fall in 1944, only to become the longest surviving prisoner of war in history. Barnes was forced into a new identity as Hydra’s The Winter Soldier.”
Frankie quickly looked away, not wanting to read the rest.
Taylor instantly noticed her distress and looped an arm with her’s, gently pulling them from the mural. She sat them on a bench that was near the display of all The Howling Commando uniforms.
“You okay?” Taylor asked quietly.
Frankie nodded, staring back and forth between the mural of Steve Rogers and her dad. They were the two men that had taken her mother’s heart. Y/N was more open talking about things than Bucky.
“The older I get, the more it makes sense that I love them both.” Y/N had said to her once. “Steve and your father were two sides of the same coin. They needed each other. Both born with the best of hearts, they were too reckless and selfless to look out for themselves. So they had to look after each other.”
“You think if the rest of The Howling Commandos managed to get frozen, you’re mom would’ve slept with them too?” A guy from their high school brought Y/N out of her head.
His name was Greg and he happened to be one of the burnouts at their high school. He rarely was in class because he was too busy skipping class and getting suspended. How he was able to even attend their class trip to DC was beyond her.
In the corner of her eye, Frankie saw a few of her guy friends start walking in his direction to defend her. They were all the star players of basically every sports team at their school. But she motioned with her hand for them to leave it.
Frankie slowly got up from the bench and smirked when the guy was reminded that she had a good few inches on him.
She raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, Greg. Do you want to say that again a little louder for me?”
Greg scoffed at her. “I asked if your mom would’ve slept with the rest of them if she had gotten the chance.”
Frankie smiled brightly at him and nodded. “That’s what I thought…” But the remark was immediately followed by her fist slamming into his face.
“What the fuck!” Greg screamed out as he clutched his now bleeding nose.
Her friends clapped and cheered.
Frankie leaned forward. “Next time you talk shit about my family, I’ll break it.” Her voice was a low and threatening whisper.
There was a chance she’d get in trouble for that one. If Greg was cowardly enough to tell on her, she’d most likely be able to charm her way out of it. Frankie didn’t go around picking fights like Jimmy had at her age. But she wasn’t one to back away from a fight either. Plus she had a way with words that her brother didn’t, and it managed to keep her record fairly clean.
“I wish you’d just done your Darth Vader choke…probably would have made him pee his pants in terror.” Taylor joked as they started walking out of the exhibit.
Frankie smirked mischievously. “You know I can’t, Tay.”
She groaned dramatically. “I know, I know. It’s against your mom and dad’s rules. No using your freaky superpowers against anyone unless it’s for self-defense.”
When she was around 10-years-old, Frankie got a life threatening fever, just like Jimmy. Her parents knew what to expect this time, but it still terrified Y/N and Bucky. A few days later, she started accidentally moving things in the room. Sometimes objects would randomly float in the air. There was even one time when Frankie accidentally shattered the glass in one of the training rooms at the compound. She refused to use her telekinesis for weeks after that incident.
Through help with her “aunts” and “uncles,” as well as other new Avengers, Frankie learned how to master her powers. With her telekinesis matched with her father’s super-soldier genes, Frankie was one of the world’s deadliest weapons. And she was only 16.
“Bucky, will you stop it with the pacing. You’re driving me insane.” Y/N snapped. He was aimlessly walking around her garden as she tried to pick vegetables. If he wasn’t pacing, he was shifting his weight and hands so much that he somehow still appeared to be moving.
“I’m sorry, doll.” He sighed.
“You said you were going to help me garden, so help me and stop worrying about her.”
“I’m not worried about her.” Bucky mumbled grumpily.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “You’re such a bad liar. Go water the tomatoes while I pick these carrots.”
Bucky couldn’t stop his smirk. “So bossy…”
She laughed. “I know you love it.”
Just as Bucky finished watering a patch, his senses heard Frankie walking in the front door. He smiled to himself but managed to stay put. It was the farthest she’d ever gone without one of her parents accompanying her.
Frankie didn’t bother calling out for her parents. She always knew where to find her mom.
Bucky straightened up when his daughter came outside.
She gave him a look and carefully walked to him. Her face held a distant, yet heartbroken expression. Without saying anything, she wrapped him into a tight hug. Her face buried into his neck. She hadn’t held onto him like this since she was little.
“I love you, dad.” Frankie murmured softly.
“I love you too, babydoll.” Bucky replied instantly, holding her tightly.
Y/N read Frankie’s emotions, trying to figure out if something terrible happened. That’s when she put it together. There was no way her school hadn’t taken them to DC without going to the Smithsonian Institution.
“Everything okay, Frankie?” Bucky whispered to his daughter as he pulled away to look into her matching blue eyes.
She nodded with a shy smile. “I’m gonna go shower and unpack.”
Bucky nodded, but remained unconvinced.
Frankie quickly gave her mother a hug before going back inside.
Bucky looked at Y/N and silently asked for some sort of explanation.
“You need to talk to her.” Y/N stated firmly.
Somehow her words helped him figure it out.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “What am I supposed to say?” Bucky’s voice was desperate.
Y/N stopped her work and got back to her feet, walking over to him. “All she wants is the truth, Buck. She’s always going to love you. You’re her hero.”
To further reassure him, she gave him a loving kiss.
Frankie was in sweats with hair still wet, unpacking her bag when Bucky knocked on her door.
She said he could come in and continued moving about her room.
Bucky leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
She didn’t pause. “I’ve wanted to talk about it since I was a kid. It was you that never wanted to, dad.” Then she gave him an accusatory look.
“Frankie, I just…” He stopped to take a breath. “I just wanted you to see me as your dad and not the way the rest of the world does.”
She finally stopped to stare at him. “I’m never going to think less of you, dad.”
Bucky didn’t know what to say.
Frankie looked at the floor. “Did they really torture you?” She whispered.
Bucky saw how much his past was already hurting his daughter. But she deserved to hear his story. Because she was a part of it now. It brought him to Y/N and life gave them her.
“How about I make us some coffee and I’ll start from the beginning?” He finally answered. She nodded.
Bucky didn’t finish telling Frankie everything until long after the sun had set. Y/N stayed clear of the kitchen, knowing that the two of them needed to have this talk alone. If Frankie ever needed her to fill in the gaps, she would. But that would come later.
Bucky told Frankie about his time in the war, even before Steve got the serum and joined the army. He didn’t leave out the gory details after she gave him warning after warning that she didn’t want him to sugar coat it.
It got tougher once he got to the part when he got captured by Hydra. There was a twisted edge of happiness as he remembered The Howling Commando days. But that quickly disappeared when Bucky got to his assumed death.
Then it got even harder when he couldn’t tell her everything. Because he still couldn’t remember it all. Frankie’s face became more and more dejected as she picked out the patches of time that her father didn’t live. It was simply filled with a frozen sleep.
Frankie’s eyes started to water when he told her about The Accords and how Tony reacted when he found out what The Winter Soldier had done to his parents. After all this time and Tony’s forgiveness, Bucky’s eyes were still filled with guilt.
Once Bucky finished his story, the room went so silent that they both could hear the ticking of a clock coming from the other room.
“Dad, you have to realize that I don’t judge you for any of those things, right?” Frankie finally broke the silence with her whisper.
“Your mom and I wanted your life to be as normal as possible. I figured if I kept my past from you, then you’d have a better shot. I didn’t want my issues to affect you.”
Frankie nodded slowly. “I understand.”
But she still looked like her heart was broken after hearing everything her dad went through. Even her darkest imagination could never have come up with any of that.
Bucky reached across the table and gripped her hand tightly. “Don’t feel sorry for me, Frankie.”
“But-But all of that shit you went through… It-It’s terrible! No one deserves to go through that! Least of all you!” Tears streamed down her face as the words stuttered out. She had managed to keep it together through the story, mostly in fear that her dad would stop if he saw how upset it was making her. But now the floodgates were open.
“Hey, hey, hey…” Bucky gripped her hand tighter to get her attention. “You’re missing the most important part.”
Frankie squinted in confusion and sniffled to stop her runny nose.
“Everything that came after.” Bucky clarified. “I got your mom and Jimmy…and then we got you, Frankie.”
“If I’m the happy ending to your story, then I want to hear a new one. What a terrible resolution after all of that.” Frankie joked and roughly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand.
Bucky smiled at her teasing. “I have to firmly disagree, babydoll.”
“You have to say that; you’re my dad.”
He smiled and shook his head.
“We have a really fucked up family, you know that?” Frankie laughed, her voice filled with congestion after crying so hard.
Bucky smiled. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we love each other any less.”
She nodded gently in agreement. “Come here.” He stood with his arms open. Frankie obliged and moved into his embrace. “I love you so much, Frankie. The three of you are always going to be my happy ending.”
“God, you’re such a cheesy old man now.”
So I had so much fun writing this. It was the easiest thing I’ve ever written, honestly. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love hearing from you guys so please review, reblog, and react <3
Shout out to @prettyyoungtragedy for the amazing request.
Keep em coming guys!
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illimitexabominer · 7 years
Percy | The Deluded Child
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Rank: 40
Type: Defensive
Yoki: C (A)
Agility: C (A)
Muscular Strength: B (A)
Spirit: A (E)
Perception: E (C)
Leadership: E (B)
If you asked Percy about his family, he might start telling you about his friend Thomas. The truth is that the little half-Yoma doesn’t remember his life as a human. It’s probably better this way.
Found with the remains of his mother, Percy survived only due to the fact that the Yoma who had killed his mother could not decide who would get to have ‘dessert’. It gave a Warrior enough time to get to him before his death. Knowing he would face only pain if he was left there, the Warrior known as Thomas brought the child to the Organization to become one of them. At least as a half-Yoma, the child would survive. Due to his age, being only three at the time, they have to wait until he was five before beginning the transformation, which would leave him no older than ten when his aging halted. Those two years were nightmarish, watching the other kids get ripped open and stitched back together different.
Who could blame him for making his own reality?
Percy terrified the other children in his class. Funny, silly, happy Percy who moved like he was half asleep. Was this the limits of his abilities or was he simply not trying? Nobody could tell. Even when they were sent on missions to kill Yoma, he would smile and call it a game or deny they did anything at all. He just didn’t see their reality anymore.
After graduating, he was given the rank of 40 and assigned a rather peaceful territory. It was clear that he had more than effort power to complete any job, but everything about his repulsed humans. Only children could really get along with him, and even then, they were swiftly rushed away.
The few Warriors that he crossed paths with were rarely kind and he was picked on often. Still he had friends. There was another child in his class named Greggory who had been stationed near him. It was strange he stopped showing up one day. Additionally, he often met with Thomas, who was as much a mentor as a friend. They would train together during Thomas’ visits. Gently, Thomas would try to return him to reality, but Percy could not be budged. Time would return Percy to reality, but it was not Thomas’ gentle nudging, but the events of an Awakened Being hunt that broke his illusion.
Percy was excited when he was assigned to his first group project! He got to work with three new Warriors. They mostly seemed nice, but the leader, Diesel, kept poking fun at his rank. Percy wasn’t really the competitive type, so he didn’t mind too much, but as the hunt went on the older Warrior started to real push his buttons. He shouldn’t have done that.
This Awakened Being was really tough, given it had been used to exterminate trouble makers and problem children. Percy, who failed to fully understand his abilities, drew too deeply on his Yoki and began to break down the mental seals he put on himself. Determined to prove he wasn’t useless and to keep his companions safe, he had used fifty percent of his Yoki when the realization hit him. From there, in a flood of pain and anger, he lost control of himself.
Yoki: SSS
Agility: SS
Strength: SSS
Invulnerability: SSS+
Intelligence: B
The sudden transformation resulted in a bloodbath. The other Awakened Being was destroyed almost instantly. In his half asleep state, Thomas was a weak Warrior, but as a truly Awakened Being, he was a real monster. Possessing neither arms nor legs, one would think he was hardly a threat. However, his long body was covered with armor and could twist and turn like a snake. Only his face was clear, with it’s large, teeth filled mouth. Like  dolphin, he possessed a blow hole which seemed like a weak point, only for fire to burst forth from the gas pouch in his stomach.
While most Awakened attempt to leave to gather food as soon as they transform, and the party was too injured to stop him, he immediately turned on Diesel and tore the former Number 9 in two before devouring him. The other Warriors were sparred, as Percy meant them no harm. He offered them only a smile and went on his way.
Since then, he has lived in Suture, fairly close to the Organization. He hopes some day to see his friend Thomas again. Maybe when Thomas Awakens, they can be friends again. Yes, he’d like to see that happen, so he’ll wait by the Organization until the day his friend come back for order. Then he’ll make him Awaken.
Yes, that sounds like a really fun game.
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thesquiddygirl · 6 years
20 Questions
TW for some blood and broken bones. This is a story I wrote on how Google had met Alia, Iris and Sam. Hope you enjoy~ hopefully the format doesnt mess up qwq
“W-w-welcome. P-please s-state your full n-names.” The three women stared at the Android that was standing upright in the middle of a room.They were confused on how something like that was in it, as well as surprised that it had sensed their presence. What they didn’t notice was that the door automatically closed behind them the minute they stepped in, encasing them with the rather advanced technology. Upon closer inspection they noticed that the Android looked.. Completely human. It had black fluffy hair that parted to a side and glasses, wearing a blue shirt with the letter “G” on it. It also had a male body structure and was.. Quite tall and muscular. The only thing that was out of the ordinary were the eyes. They had a BSOD look across them, no sign of pupils or irises at all. It was as if it was experiencing some kind of error, which explained the stutter in his voice.
The three stayed quiet and glanced at each other in confusion, dumbfounded on what to say.
The android spoke again, this time more sternly. “P-please state your names.” “...Uh.. Iris McKline.” “Alia Duvval.” “Samantha SunVaughn.”
The Android stayed quiet for a moment, his body completely still. It was as if he was paralyzed from the neck down, and the only thing he could move was his head as it turned slightly more towards their direction. From how quiet it was, the three heard a soft hum that emitted from his body as if he was processing the information.
Then, he spoke again.
“G-G-Greetings. I am Google I-I-IRL. My primary o-objective is to answer q-questi-ions as quickly as p-possible.”
Iris couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow as she noticed thow stiff he was standing as well as the lack of movement, clearing her throat. “Yo, gotta question- can you move or anything?”
Google turned his head toward her, his fully blue eyes staring blankly into her own emerald green ones. A chill ran down her spine as she stared into them, now having that unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something.. Didn’t feel right.
“I am u-u-unable to mo-o-ove, for my softwa-a-are is i-in the mi-iddle of a-an upgra-ade. Sadly, the u-upgrade is r-rather long a-and has develo-oped a few e-e-errors, making me p-paralyzed at this time.”
Sam let out a soft noise, making Iris and Alia now glance at her. She seemed upset at what he said and had that sad puppy-eyed expression as she just stared at him. “Is there anything we can do to help?” She asked as she dumbfoundedly went close to the other.  “Sam-” Iris began to say, feeling herself tense up. She began to walk towards her but stopped as she was cautiously close to the android. He was a giant compared to her; She was just below his shoulders! Then again Sam needed help to open cabinets.. But his height was still unsettling.
As well as that emotionless tone he had as he answered Sam’s question.
“U-Unfortunately, there is no o-option or r-r-route to help m-me in my state a-at this time. A-Although, I would L-like to a-ask you three l-ladies s-something: Would you like to play ɬῳɛŋɬყ զųɛʂɬıơŋʂ?”
Red flags immediately popped into Alia and Iris’s heads as he said that last sentence. It didn’t have a stutter and the last two words sounded more glitched. Alia quietly went to the door as he seemed distracted by Sam’s ogling, trying to open it but now realized that it was locked tight. There was no way out.  “Iris.. I have  bad feeling about this.” She finally muttered softly to her friend. Iris couldn’t help but to nod in agreement as she instantly walked next to Sam. Sam didn’t seem scared or anything. In fact she seemed more excited, as if it didn’t click in her head how bad the situation was. Iris grabbed her by the shoulder and forced her to step back as she side-eyed the android. The glare wasn’t returned but.. She could have sworn she saw a small smirk twitch on his lips for a second. Alia went next to Sam as well as she answered his question, fidgeting with the end of her scarf, “I-if we can get out of here afterwards, yes.”
A smile was across his lips as he tilted his head. It had seemed to be oddly genuine, but the two girls knew that it was hiding malicious intent.
“P-Perfect! Now, Question one for McKline….”
The questions he had told them were simple math problems and basic knowledge. The three got through them all with a breeze, but Alia and Iris still felt that something was wrong. The more questions he asked, the less he had stuttered… and Iris could have sworn she saw his arm twitch. She still held onto Sam’s shoulder just in case, who was peering up at the android with bright, innocent eyes. The small smile was still across her face as if she wasn’t terrified that he towered over her so easily. He returned the gaze and it was still blank… it was so hard to determine what was going on in his mind but Iris wanted to let him say the last question so they can all get out of here.
“Last question.. For Sunvaughn. Does anyone know that you three are here?”
There was no stutter at all as he said that, but his voice was cold and piercing as he peered down at Sam. Sam felt her own heart jump as he spoke, now having a feeling that something was wrong as she felt Iris pull her back a bit more. “Uh… well… not really no..” She hesitantly replied, but still forced a small smile.  
He smirked back and a notification sound was heard from the room, making the three now jump in surprise.
“ʊքɖǟȶɛ ƈօʍքʟɛȶɛɖ.”
His eyes became static for a second before they showed two bright, electric blue irises. He raised his hand moved his fingers, seemingly to test out if he could move them. “...Thank you three for occupying my time while I was waiting for that horrendous update. Unfortunately, I cannot let you three leave.. Since you all seem like perfect subjects to test out my new features.” He said blankly as he walked towards Sam, the expression in his eyes now turning into murderous intent. Sam squeaked softly and Iris forced her to be behind her and Alia. “Like hell you are!” She shouted as she went to grab her shoe. In what seemed like an instant though, metallic wires sprawled from his back and shot straight at her arm, going through it with ease. It was so fast that three couldn’t comprehend it until Iris let out a strained scream as well as blood now beginning to drip. The wires that were through her arm quickly coiled and tightened around and an electric shock went through them towards her body. She screamed louder and tried to pull away, her body jolting from the electricity. She began to flail and kick but Another set of wires went around one of her legs, ever so easily forcing it to go at an odd angle.
A chilling snap was heard as well as another agonizing scream.
Sam stayed quiet as she saw her friend practically get mangled, specks of her blood on her white hoodie. She felt her heart race and she stepped back more, looking around quickly and trying to come up with a plan. Alia on the other hand raised both of her hands, about to summon a spell so they could all be safe. She however got disrupted when she heard the sickening thump of her friend getting thrown against the wall as if she was a toy. Alia glanced, seeing that Iris was unconscious and barely hanging on from the amount of pain. Her body convulsed from the electricity and her arm was bleeding badly. It looked like something from a horror sci-fi movie. Before she could even finish her spell, the wires now went around both of her wrists and easily snapped them, making her let out a scream in pain. Google just smirked darkly as he forced het to be close to him. Alia just trembled violently and whimpered, trying her best to kick as well or even say a spell. With his hands he grabbed her scarf and tied it around her mouth, making some of the fabric go into her mouth so she couldn’t even speak. Then he effortlessly made his wires throw her against the back wall harshly, another thump as well as muffled groans in pain being heard. He examined the two women who were practically knocked out, or incapable of moving as he then took his attention to Sam, who was trying to unlock the door. 
She felt her heart race as she felt his dark gaze, using her body to try and break the door down. She yelped when she felt some of the bloodied wire go around her neck and yank her away from the door and raising her towards him. She began to squirm but felt the wire tighten and hurt her neck. “This makes my secondary objective MUCH easier now.” He snickered out as some of new wire pierced through her shoulder, making her grit her teeth as she tried not to scream. She felt her warm blood dampen her hoodie from the wound and then let out a slight noise as she felt another wire skewer her other shoulder. Then her thighs, and then she saw a final set of wire aim for her chest. “I must admit, you three did help me figure it out. So I really must thank you.. But your lives are insignificant for me. I’ll be sure to find a nice shallow grave for you to rest in.” His voice was cold as his eyes just glared into her own. Sam just whimpered and trembled now, feeling the pain throughout her body.
Then she… smiled. “W...wait.. I have a question.” She managed to say, already wincing from the pain of even talking from the grip of the wire. Google immediately stopped his actions, pausing as he tilted his head. His pupils were slightly dilated, as if he was transfixed. He was listening intently, “...What is it?”
Sam just smiled more and trembled, her eyes being bright again and full of life, despite not even knowing if it was going to work.
“What’s zero divided by zero?”
Silence rang in the air and in an instant the wires went back to the other, making Sam fall with a thud. She winced in pain and curled up, seeing what was happening. Google stayed quiet, his body twitching as he was trying to figure out the question. The wires went back into his back and he tried to speak, but it became glitchy and distorted. He tried to move towards her in anger but his eyes widened when a loud pop and fizzle escaped from his body, and he stood limp. He shorted himself out from the question!
Sam just stared at the other and laughed weakly, kind of relieved that she did it. She managed to get up and take a deep breath, going to the droid and caressing his cheek. He was extremely hot, but Sam noticed that his eyes said “REBOOTING”. That might take a while thankfully. She just pat his cheek before going to Alia and ungagging her. In an instant Alia shouted out a spell, making both of her wrists healed. “Oh god.. Oh dear. I have to heal you and iris quick and then I can break the door down alright?” She quickly said as she forced Sam to sit down and check her wounds. All Sam could do was give a small, innocent smile and a slight shrug, wincing in pain.
“...He ruined my hoodie.” “SAM.”
0 notes
cait-writes-stuff · 8 years
Home - Arkham!Jason x Reader
A/N: AAAAAHHHH Beauty and the Beast comes out this week so I’m celebrating it the only way I know how: by making an angsty songfic. So this one is based off the Broadway version’s ‘Home’. It’s one of my absolute favorite songs from all the iterations of Beauty and the Beast!
Word count: 1,737
You’re an idiot of the absolute worst kind.
The city had been evacuated and you were just about to get on the very last bus out of the city when you realized you had left all of your father’s research back at your apartment. Your father urged you to forget about it, that it wasn’t important but you ran off anyway before he could stop you. That research was important, he had been working on it your entire childhood and you just knew that it would change the world one day. You couldn’t just sit by and chance it being destroyed along with the city.
So you ran back into the city, knowing fully well that there would be no more evacuation buses headed out of the city and there was a possibility that you might die. You dad tried to stop you as did the officers guarding the buses but you easily slipped past them. You father tried going after you but the officers were successful in stopping him.
‘Don’t worry dad. We’ve lived in Gotham for over twenty years, I’m sure I can find a way to survive this new level of hell.’
You quickly travel back to your apartment and shuffle through the papers at your father’s desk before stuffing them, along with his numerous notebooks into your backpack. When you thought you had everything that you could possibly ever miss you left your apartment and locked the door behind you. Tightly clutching the straps of your backpack you cautiously made your way to the GCPD building. You figured that would be the safest place for you given the circumstances.
The city is in a worse state than you thought. Criminals run rampant, raiding unsecured stores and breaking into any abandoned cars left of the street. The city is empty so the city’s worms came out to feast on Gotham’s corpse.You kept your head down and tried to avoid drawing any attention to yourself. But of course you couldn’t be that lucky. A group of thugs spotted you and started following you, calling catcalls at you as they stalked behind you. Your heart started racing as you began to quicken your pace. You need to get to the police station now.
You were less than a block from the GCPD building when the thugs roughly grabbed you by the arm and shoved you against the brick wall of a building.
“Pretty and dumb. Just my type.” One of them purred in your ear. You felt like vomiting at the way they were leering at you. One of the thugs reached up and attempted to grab hold of your face but you responded by biting down on his hand. He howled in pain and whipped his gun out, pressing it against your temple.
“Fucking bitch! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t pump your head full of lead. Gotham’s lawless now sweetheart, no one’s going to care if one bitch drops dead.” He growled, cocking the gun, fully prepared to pull the trigger. You clenched your eyes closed so that you wouldn’t see the shot coming. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a nearby gunshot ring out but you slowly opened your eyes when you realized the shot didn’t come from the gun pressed to your head. You relief was short lived however when you saw that your attacker now had a fresh bullet hole through his temple, his expression now blank and lifeless.
You screamed in fright and shoved the corpse away from you. The body hit the pavement with a hard thud. The other attackers ran off as soon as the shot had rang out but now you were trying to run away as well. Your body ran smack into the assassin, his hands reaching out to take hold of your arms. You let out another scream which he instantly covered with his large hand.
“Do you want to get shot?” He growled through the modified voice his helmet was omitting. With tears streaming down your cheeks you shook your head fearfully. Suddenly, a car speed down the road and squealed to a stop in front of you.
“Get in.” Your new captor demanded. You were hesitant to follow his orders but at the same time you very much wanted to survive tonight. When you were seated in the car he tied a blindfold over your eyes and instructed the driver to go.
“Where are you taking me?” You asked, your voice quivering with fear. The car was silent except for the occasional chatter of the radio in the front seat. Your captor sighed and shifted forward in the seat.
“I’m taking you somewhere safe. Gotham is about to turn into a giant shit show.”
“Please. I just want to go home.” You pleaded.
“Believe me, this is the safest place in Gotham. Nothing bad will happen to you.” He swore. The car drove on in heavy silence until you eventually felt it come to a stop.
“I’m going to pick you up now. I’m not going to hurt you.” He warned before taking you into his arms and lifting you off the seat. He walked with you in his arms for a ways before he set you back on your feet, keeping a firm hand on your shoulder as if to say ‘don’t fucking run’. You hear the click of a lock and he guides you through the doorway before closing the door behind him. He steps behind you and removes the blindfold from your eyes.
You blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted to taking in light again. You were surprised to find that the place he took you to looked like a cozy apartment other than the fact that there were no windows. All the light in the apartment-like bunker came from artificial light sources.
You turned to him, finally getting a good look at him for the first time. He was tall and muscular but that’s about all that you could tell about him because covering his face was a smooth that glowed blue. His whole appearance seemed soldier like and his whole appearance screamed power and control.
“Please let me go. I won’t tell anybody about any of this I swear.” You pleaded once more. Everything about this man frightened you to the bone. How the hell did you get yourself into this mess?
“This is for your own safety. You’ll be safe here for now.” He repeated. “If you need anything there are guards just outside the door.”
“Please I-” You started to argue
“You’re staying here. It won’t be safe out there for you tonight. This is your home for now.” He leaves slamming the door behind him. You rush to the door and turned the handle to find it locked from the outside.
“Let me go! Please!” You cried pounding at the door only to be met with silence. When you realized that you would be getting no help from anyone, you hung your head in your hands and slid down the door. You brought your knees up to your chin and began sobbing. You felt so hopeless and terrified. You just wanted to go home.
When you had no more tears to shed you pushed yourself onto your feet and aimlessly explored what would be your new home. You couldn’t help but to bitterly scoff at the thought. Home? How could you ever consider a place like this home?
Sighing, you walked into what would best be described as a living room and found the remote to the TV, your only line to the outside world. You changed it to the news channel only to see coverage of the carnage that was plaguing the city right now. You supposed your captor was right. There was no way you’d be able to survive up there now. If only for your survival for your father’s sake, this was the best place for you to stay.
Not that you really had a choice in the matter anyway.
Your blood boiled when the news coverage turned to who was behind all this. A photo taken from a blurry security camera was blown up on the screen. On figure was clearly the Scarecrow, the other unknown accomplice at his side was currently being debated by the commentators but you knew that striking figure from anywhere. This man who was plotting to take over the city was the same man who seemed to care enough about your safety to hide you away wherever this place was.
You felt sick to your stomach. Sick that a monster like him showed you some level of consideration, sick that this man had so much power over you and the city, sick that you were powerless to stop any of this. All you could do was sit here, locked away, and watch the horror unfold.
Savior or not, you could never forgive him for what he was doing to your city. If he thinks that sparing you from what he had planned made everything right he needs to think again.
You got to your feet and threw the remote down on the couch behind you. You had to find a way out of here and soon. You started searching the bunker for any way out. The apartment was flawless and had no clear way out other than the front door. The door was clearly not an option seeing as how the Arkham Knight’s men would be standing guard. There is no escape.
You felt a chill strike though your heart. You don’t deserve to lose your freedom in this way but you could see no way out. What you’d give to return to the life that you’ve known lately to escape this entire nightmare and just be back home at your family’s side.
But you can’t. You are at the complete mercy of this monster shut away from the world until who knows when. If you’re here for a day or forever you will never stop trying to escape. He’ll have to build higher walls around you, post an army at your door, change every lock and key before you’d ever stop trying to escape the Arkham Knight.
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lowkeyenvy · 8 years
Summary: Very carefully and skillfully, you have been stealing from the Saviors for over a month now. Until one day you allow your ego to get the best of you and you challenge Negan to try and catch you, himself. Prompt: I had one of the Hide and Seek prompts! I decided to put a twist on it and incorporate more of a cat and mouse type of game. Word Count: 4,265 Pairing: Negan/Female Reader Chapter: One-Shot Warning: NSFW, Smut, Language Author’s Note: I’m so sorry this took so long to complete! Thank you Ash for extending the deadline. Congrats on 2,000 followers! I’m not sure if I’m 100% happy with this but I hope you enjoy! Tags: @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @negans-network
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“God-fucking damnit!” You heard the loud, thunderous voice of the Saviors leader, Negan, roar out into the woods. “Someone better catch that little fucking thief, TODAY!”
Laughing to yourself, you hurried through the woods, maneuvering your way through the series of trees.
So here’s the story; you’ve been stealing from the Saviors for almost over a month now. You happened to spot the, what you thought was an abandoned factory, in the distance one afternoon. It was on the hike there that you realized it was in fact inhabited. The scattered traps set up in every possible path there, was enough to convince you of that. You had managed to make it there. The place was incredible, and well guarded. Typically, you would wait until nightfall to make your move. One of the dumb pricks on watch almost always fell asleep. After that, it was pretty much fair game. By now, you had stolen so much from them that it was almost becoming too easy. Each week you would increase the number of times you looted their shit.
The first week, you stole mostly food and a radio that was next to a Savior who had fallen asleep. Having the radio made stealing from them that much easier. You could hear every conversation and know where most of them would be at any given time. Plus, it was so much fun to fuck with their leader. Negan would get on the radio multiple times a day either barking orders or giving long inspirational speeches that made you roll your eyes. He would call out things like, “So and So, get to the armory and do this or that.” That was your que to make your voice sound deep and respond with; “Fuck no, go to the armory yourself.” Which then set off a chain reaction on the radio and you cracking yourself up every single time. That’s also what got you caught too. One day after tapping into one of their conversations, Negan left a message specifically for you. “Well, hello out there. Sweetheart, I know you’ve been stealing my shit and I am not fucking amused by it. You think it’s funny, you tapping into my radio conversations? I almost bashed somebody’s head in for a response that was in fact you and not one of my men. You better run like fucking hell and pray I never find you.” He had laughed after that. A laugh that gave himself away. He was a liar. You knew he was actually amused by the entire situation.
The threat only made you want to steal from them even more. More specifically—him. You started sneaking in during broad daylight. You wanted them to see you. You wanted them to try and catch you. Every time you snuck in, one of his men would see you as you were leaving, alert the others, and it’d turn into a fun game of hide and seek. But, they never found you. Sometimes you even purposely made yourself visible. Only one time, were you almost caught. A very tan, muscular man, with a mustache for days, nearly caught you right outside the front gates. Thankfully, you had thew him off, making him think you ran in a different direction. Other than that one close call, no one else had come even close to you. To be honest, none of the Saviors were quite impressive. Hell, Negan never once set foot out to try and catch you. You were slightly disappointed by that too, seeing as you needed a challenge and this man was apparently the big bad wolf of the apocalypse.
You continued to run through the woods, not hearing any footsteps behind you. You chuckled, they were nowhere close to you. The radio in your back pocket went off. “SPLIT THE FUCK UP. Any of you get eyes on this girl, you take her the fuck down. Bring her back to me. ALIVE.”
Laughing at the anger in Negan’s voice, you stood behind a tree, scanning your surroundings. Still not a single person in sight.
“If you fucks come back here again without her, you’re all gonna pay. That’s right, points will decrease drastically. That’s how fucking serious I am.”
So dramatic.
“Bunch of pussies getting fucked over by a little girl.”
Little girl? You scowled and pulled the radio from your pocket. “This message is for Negan. If I’m getting your little pink panties in such a bunch, why don’t you grow some balls and come find me yourself?”
Your heart thudded against your chest as you waited for a response.
“If you can’t catch me, how about I steal triple your shit next time?”
You waited again. It was only then that you heard the static of the radio from someone holding the button in for the channel. You raised the radio so it was right at your ear, waiting for him to say something.
You dropped the radio instantly, taking off in a sprint, running faster than you ever had before. This time, he was coming for you.
Dodging through the woods, you jumped over branches, and tried to keep your footwork as quiet as possible. You thought you had made it a good distance away until you heard sets of footsteps not too far behind. Needing to catch your breath, you darted behind a tree. Pressing your back against it, you stood silently, pricking your ears up to hear even the slightest of movements.
That’s when you heard it. A loud, distinct whistle. You couldn’t tell what direction it was coming from but you knew who it belonged to. You clasped your hand over your mouth, trying to steady your breathing. You were not going out like this.
Slowly, you slid your back down the tree and picked up a handful of rocks. You slid your body back up the tree and looked over each of your shoulders. There was no one there, but you knew he was close. You threw the rocks off into the far right of the woods, causing the leaves to shuffle around as they hit the ground. Perfect decoy. That moron would be just like the others and follow the sound of the rocks.
You stepped forward ready to take off again, but you felt a strong hand wrap around your forearm, lurching you back and slamming you back against the tree.
“And the cat catches the mouse.”
Looking up, you met the dark brown eyes that belonged to Negan. He towered over you, his tall frame being at least six feet, or more. He placed a hand on either side of your head, trapping you. “Now what do I do with you?” He whispered, his hot breath smacking you in the face, he was that close.
You stared up at him. He was so much more attractive than you thought. Sure, you saw him before, but never close up. It was always from a distance. Where you could barely make out his facial features and he was much… smaller. How terrible you were at calculating.
“If you’re going to kill me, get it over with.” You finally spoke.
He seemed surprised that you had a voice. “You know I should,” he scanned the surroundings before his eyes landed on your bag of stolen supplies, “what kind of shit do you got in there?”
You shrugged, “oh you know, the usual, food, bullets, some knives.”
“Knives?” Negan echoed, clearly not happy about that. “And bullets? What the fuck do you need bullets for? You take one of my guns?”
You snorted, “Don’t be ridiculous, I stole two of those last week, not today.”
Negan’s face hardened. “I really should fucking kill you. But I’m feeling generous today. I think I’ll settle with a punishment. Yes I—“ He was cut off by a small group of his men approaching.
“Boss! You found her!” One of them shouted.
You watched as Negan’s nostrils flared. The sight of it made you want to laugh.
“Get the fuck out of here,” Negan commanded, looking you directly in the eyes but talking to the group of men around him. It didn’t take long for them to hurry away like the terrified little pussies they were. You’d been stealing from the Saviors several times a week and only once were they able to get within a good amount of distance to catch you. It was only today, when Negan joined the hunt, that you were finally caught.
His features softened slightly, “You know, you’re a lot hotter up close.”
So… he thought you were just as attractive as you thought him. “Up close?” You pretended to question. You then snapped your fingers acting like a lightbulb just went off in your head. “Oh, that’s right, you’ve never actually seen me before because you’re so used to seeing my backside.” You continued, sarcastically.
He cracked a small smile. You knew you had him. You could see the glisten of hunger in his eyes.
“Come on Negan, either kiss me,” you reached up to place a single finger on his shoulder, twirling it around in circles against his leather jacket, “or kill me.” You finished simply.
Negan gave you a look between curiosity and mischievousness. Without fully thinking it through, you pulled him down into a deep, bruising kiss, trapping his bottom lip between your teeth before finally letting go. His hands were tangled in your hair as you pulled away. “Fuck!” Negan breathed with a heavy sigh. “The things I would fucking do to you.”
“Do them,” you challenged.
His eyes narrowed. “You want to be punished by the man you’ve been stealing from for the past month? I don’t play nice with others taking my shit.”
You slapped him, hard enough that he took a stumble back, his hands pulling out of your hair. You stood in a face off, heavy panting filling the silence in the air. The tension thickened. You bit your lower lip as he ran his tongue across his own lips. You watched the smirk play across his mouth. Seeing a flash of red, you tried to slap him again, but he caught your hand and pulled you back to him.
“Don’t do that again, sweetheart.”
“Or what?”A smirk of your own spread across your features. Negan’s eyes flickered to your lips and he kissed you hard, taking total dominance over your mouth. His arms circled your tiny frame, pulling you close enough that the length of your body was pressed against him. You could feel his arousal through his pants.
“Fuck, sweetheart. You’re…”
“Let me guess, perfect?” You finished his sentence, rolling your eyes. “I’ve heard it all before, let’s cut the small talk. Are you going to punish me or not?”
His look of reverence turned devilish. He lowered one of his hands to the front of your jeans, searching for the zipper while still holding your gaze. He pulled the zipper down slowly before tugging your pants down until they hung around your ankles. Kneeling on one knee, he looked up at you with those same hungry eyes. You stepped out of your jeans, kicking them to the side.
Placing his hands on either side of your legs, you shivered at the contact. Agonizingly slow, he trailed his fingertips up the full length of your legs. He continued up as he reached the hem of your shirt. Gripping it tightly, he balled the fabric up in his hands, ripping it in half, before lifting what was left up over your head. He threw your shirt, not paying attention to where it landed. You were left standing in nothing but black panties and a cream colored bra. So much for the apocalypse. It didn’t exactly give you a great selection to choose from. However, you didn’t think they’d remain on much longer. His hands traveled up to your hair, and wrapped it around his fingers pulling your head back just enough to force you to look at him.
“After today,” he whispered, his voice low and husky. “you’re mine.”
You close your eyes in pleasure as his tongue runs out across the sensitive area just below your ear. Your breathing hitches in your throat as his teeth sink down into a sinful bite. His teeth are razor sharp, taking tiny nips at the skin there, before moving up to your earlobe. You tilt your head backwards, giving him more access as he moves to run his tongue along your jaw. Moaning quietly, you try not to show that you’re enjoying it too much. You nearly chuckle at the thought.
“Turn around.”
His voice is sudden, pulling you from your trance. Before you could question him, he turned you around and left you standing there, waiting for him to do something, anything. Just as you were starting to feel self-conscious, the feather of a kiss touched the back of your neck and then continued downward, tracing your spine. Goosebumps formed on your skin and his warm breath began to tickle. When he arrived at your bra, Negan slowly unsnapped each hinge and took it off, throwing it to the ground along with your other forgotten clothes.
The cool air hit your upper body and you felt your nipples harden. His hands made a place at your hips and he continued his feather like trail of kisses down. Your breathing aligned itself with each kiss Negan took, inhaling with one and exhaling with the next. When he got to your panties, he paused and you found yourself holding your breath, waiting for his next move. His tongue trailed the top of the silky undergarments and you let out a shuddering breath. You jolted forward slightly as you felt sharp bites over both cheeks. You couldn’t help but smile at the pinch of pain mixing with the pleasure.
Negan trailed the silk down your legs, taking them off. “Bend over,” he commanded. “All the way over against that tree.”
He left no room for negotiation and you couldn’t help yourself in following his order.
“Now open your legs wider.”
You obeyed. The cool air now touching every part of you. It excited you even further.
“So you like it from behind, huh?” You laughed at your own bluntness.
“Something like that,” Negan responded before taking a long lick of your mound from behind, his tongue moving from your front to your back.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned before pressing yourself further against the tree so that your left cheek was resting against it.
Negan licked your core with relish, moving from side to side, one out lip than the next, from back to front, then front to back, making sure to snake his tongue inside your pussy every so often to fuck you with it. He would pull out and then focus back on your labia, sucking before biting hard and cooling it down with another lick. His tongue touched your clit, lightly circling and laying pressure directly on it, but Negan never gave it the full attention you wanted. Bastard. You thought. Now you knew what the true punishment was.
You lifted yourself higher and Negan was giving unencumbered access, diving in, drowning in all of you wetness. He snuck two fingers inside of you and you groaned, enjoying the new intrusion. You began to grind back on them, getting your own self off on his thick, clad fingers. Just as you were in a groove, a stream of air hit your clit. You jerked backwards and Negan’s fingers landed on that perfect spot.
Negan maneuvered himself underneath you and clamped his lips around your now overly sensitive clit and you rocked back harder, faster, getting yourself closer and closer to the orgasm you so desperately craved. His tongue then swirled around your nub, faster and faster until it matched your pace. He hooked his fingers deep inside you. You could feel the sensitivity bundling up in your nerves. You were so close to being sent over the edge. Squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you prepared yourself for the wave of pleasure. And then he stopped.
Greedily, Negan removed all traces of himself from you. He dislodged himself from beneath you and rose, standing up tall behind you. He pulled you upwards and you fell back into him, trying to catch your breath while regaining your footing. You turned around and glared at his smirking face. “What the fuck?” You swiped some of your wetness onto your fingers and held it up before him. “You’re not going to finish?” You questioned, a hint of annoyance lacing your words.
Grasping your wrist in a tight grip, he took your coated fingers into his mouth, cleaning them of its substance. His eyes closed and he moaned, seeming to enjoy your taste. When he pulled your fingers out of his mouth with a pop, Negan licked his lips. The act sent a jolt down to your core and you reached up, crossing your arms around his head. “Oh I plan on finishing.” He made sure to put and emphasis on the “I.” You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging on it roughly.
His hands trailed down your back, over your ass, and onto your thighs before he lifted you up, your legs circling around him. He lurched forward causing your back to slam up against the tree. You saw the hunger in his eyes once more as he removed his leather jacket from his shoulders, tossing it to the side. What was left underneath was a plain white t-shirt. You felt slightly faint at the sight of him. Your eyes traced the definition of muscles that were evident even with his shirt still on.
You were pulled from your gaze as he captured your lips in another greedy, dominating kiss. You moaned at the taste of yourself still on his lips. Reaching a hand down, you fumbled with the belt on his pants, frantically undoing it. You pulled the button open, freeing his quite obvious arousal. You opened your legs wider, urging him to move forward, but he didn’t budge. Instead, he continued kissing you roughly, his tongue invading your mouth. You took the length of his cock in your hand and he moaned against your mouth. You took your thumb and rubbed against the head of it, earning a low growl from Negan.
Unable to take the foreplay any longer, you took Negan’s face in between your hands and smushed his face together, making sure he was looking only at you.
“Fuck me. Now.”
“Hmmmm, feisty little thing you are,” his voice was like velvet and you were sure that you were going to explode from impatience.
Negan winked before aligning himself up to your entrance. He teased you by slowly rubbing his cock up and down against your clit. He moved his head down and swallowed a dark almost purplish nipple, biting into the erect flesh, earning a curse from your mouth. He soothed it with his tongue before biting it again, harder this time, and again used his tongue to wipe away the pain. He then sucked on it, making it nice and hard before moving to the previously neglected nipple, repeating the process, biting then licking, biting and sucking.
This was pure torture. A few more moments of this and you wouldn’t be able to take it any longer. This really was the worst punishment ever. Constant teases of pleasure with no release? Negan was a cruel, greedy man. You wanted to punish him yourself for causing you such distress, but his body had you completely trapped beneath him that you couldn’t move even if you wanted to.
“Fuck you, Negan.” You groaned, angry with his antics.
“I told you,” he placed his hands on your hips and leaned towards you, “I don’t play nice.”
He paused before lifting you up slightly and ramming you down hard on his cock.
A cry slipped from your lips at the suddenness of his actions, and your body finally surrounded his thick member. Pain and pleasure shot through you.
It only took three thrusts for you to feel yourself on the edge of pleasure. “Negan!” You screamed in pleasure, urging him to continue so you could come undone.
“Don’t. You. Dare. Fucking. Cum.” Negan threatened, and your eyes jolted open. He looked back at you with clouded eyes mixed with his own pleasure.
“Not until I fucking tell you to.”
Negan continued to lift you up and push you down as you yelled his name. He rocked your body slightly as he pushed you on him so that your clitoris was stimulated against his body at the same time.
You threw your hands down on his chest and dug your nails into his shirt, gripping the fabric through your fingers as he continued to thrust into you. You gasped for air as you tried desperately to control yourself. You began moving up and down his erection on your own.
“Fuck,” Negan moaned, “you better not cum yet.”
You dropped your head back as you felt yourself about ready to do just that. You forced your eyes open to look up at the sky. You tried to focus on it and not the building sensation inside you.
Suddenly, Negan was moving much faster and harder. Your hands grasped at his back as you felt your clitoris rubbing against his body once more, pushing him inside you. You opened your legs wider, allowing him to move deeper. You moaned loudly, almost reaching the peak of your orgasm.
“Go ahead doll, fucking come for me!” Just as he was going to explode, he sank his teeth into your neck and groaned loudly.
You screamed as you simultaneously felt his teeth against your neck, his cock pumping under your skin, and your own body tipping over the edge into release.
Negan continued to thrust himself into you as he came. He moaned again in bliss.
You continued in that position for a few moments, you still around his cock, him holding you up, each coming down from your high.
“Mother-fucking hell,” Negan dropped you gently to the ground, a lot more gentle than you expected him to.
Your feet hit the ground lightly. “So I guess we’re even now?” You questioned as he buttoned his pants up and fiddled with putting his belt back on.
A slight flicker of amusement was evident in his eyes. “Fucking, fuck no.” He replied with a curt laugh. “You steal my shit and think that’s all there is to it?”
You buttoned your own pants, and clasped your bra back on before looking at him in astonishment. “Well, what are you going to do now? Kill me after you just fucked me against a stupid tree?!”
Negan walked away and you thought he was leaving you there, until he leaned down to pick up his barbed wire bat that was propped up against a tree. Your heart froze as you watched him toss it back and forth between his hands, before swinging it aggressively. He flashed you a smile, revealing his perfectly straight white teeth. “Fucking relax! I’m not going to beat your brains out,” he propped the bat up against his shoulder. “Fucked them out instead,” he added with a laugh.
You rolled your eyes.
“Put your shirt on, pick up that shit you stole from me, and let’s go.”
“You’re joking.”
Negan cocked an eyebrow, “Does it look like I’m joking?”
You folded your arms across your chest. “I’m not going with you.”
“You take my shit, I take you in return. I own you now.” Negan stepped forward, closing the distance between the two of you with each step. “So put your shirt on, pick up the shit you stole from me, and let’s go. It’ll be getting dark soon.”
You glared back at him, “You ripped my shirt in half. I don’t have another.”
“There’s nothing in that bag you can wear? Don’t tell me your sticky fingers didn’t grab one article of fucking clothing.”
“I didn’t.” You admitted.
Sighing, Negan looked around and you wondered if he was pondering on what to do next. However, it didn’t take long for him to decide. He slipped his leather jacket off and placed it over your shoulders. “Zip that up, I don’t want any of those sorry fuck’s eyes wandering when we get back.”
You picked up the bag of supplies you took today. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as you thought it would be. Negan was taking you back to the Sanctuary, willingly. At least now you wouldn’t have to steal from them anymore. You laughed at the thought of it. Or maybe you could just bolt now and steal Negan’s precious leather jacket.
Negan threw his arm over your shoulders, pulling you close against his side. “You just keep on laughing sweetheart. Today? There’s plenty more where that came from. I’m not always as generous.”
Following his lead, you started back in the direction of the Sanctuary, his arm still possessively around your shoulders. How bad could it possibly be? Sure you were definitely punished today with his agonizing torture of not letting you have your release, but how much worse could it get? Would he fuck you again and not let you come at all? He wouldn’t dare. And you were up for the challenge if he did. Negan’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“Yep, I’m not even close to being done with you.”
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