kitsumo · 3 months
didswe all forget that fncyson was a self admitted zoophile and hanged out around toonimal and friends or are we ust chooisngto ignore that
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skeletonscribbles · 6 years
🌼 :)
oh man didi where do I even BEGIN?
1. I don’t know how to phrase this to sound like a traditional compliment but trust me when I say it is: I feel like I’ve known you for a long time, even though it’s only been a couple of months. I’m not usually super good at connecting with people right away, especially online, but it’s always been easy with you - like linking in with an old friend - and I appreciate that so so much.
2. You are so FREAKING beautiful, inside and out. You’re supportive and way kinder than you ever need to be and sometimes when I see pictures of you my mind actually cannot process that we’re friends. It’s like, ‘she’s too pretty, are you sure?’ 
3. I love your taste in pretty much everything - in music, in food, in friends…just, everything. With that, I like that we share a lot of opinions, and that we’re not afraid to disagree with one another in the rare instances that our opinions don’t match. You’re awesome and you like awesome stuff.
and all of this is without even MENTIONING how talented of an author and artist you are. yer the real deal, Dids.
send flowers if you want compliments!
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charlienick · 6 years
9 12 and 27 for the meme!
for nine, i need a specific fic my darling
twelve i’ve answered!
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
it very much depends. for ayle, everything is plotted out. it’s gotta be. that beast is too much not to. walk alone had no outline at all. all i knew would happen was the scene where they’re walked in on by ben, and that was originally MUCH different. the gmw fic also has no real outline. just things like “ALAN” and shit i want to hit eventually. some lines to pull inspo from the show. etc.
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jennfercheck · 6 years
oh wait nvm we dont have to acknowledge the day...have a good one regardless
no take backs
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spicemommy · 5 years
reddie fic recs
no particular order
Men of Fall by kaboomslang - Rated E - 7K
Do you remember? He watches his own hand slide closer along the armrest. Do memories transfer by touch, in this fucked up magic town? Remember, Richie, please, and tell me I wasn’t imagining things.
Bright as yellow by speakslow - Rated E - 120K
“ ‘Remember that hot guy I couldn’t stop turning around to stare at while watching the movie? Y’know, the one I stalked? He’s being hilarious in my math class full of nerds.’ You honestly think that’s my fault, Eds?”
Eddie felt his cheeks heating up, because Richie was right about all of it. Well, most of it. “My name is Eddie, not Eds. And I didn’t stal–”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. See, isn’t that better? Eddie and Richie, Richie and Eddie. R plus E. It has a nice ring to it.”
wonder violet by belby - Rated M - 74K
"Right." Eddie's not sure what to think. "Well, thanks, for sticking up for me." Eddie's also not sure if he means that, but it feels like something he should say.
"Yeah, 'course," Richie replies. "You're my sister's best friend."
heaven isn’t too far away by reddieforlove - Rated E - 14K
Eddie has a problem. To fix it, he goes to extreme measures and calls a phone sex hotline. Little does he know that the person who he matches up with will change everything.
Let’s Hear it For the Boy by sloppybitch - Rated E - 9K
Eddie’s just trying to see if he’s not alone when he downloads Grindr on his phone. It’s by pure, terrifying coincidence that one of the first messages he receives on there is from none other than Richie freaking Tozier.
Long story short:
trashmouth;) (11:03PM): oh me, oh my. fancy seeing u here
Eddie (11:33PM): holy FUCKING SHIT.
Let’s Give the Boy a Hand by sloppybitch - Rated E - 24K
After finding each other on Grindr and sharing a couple of saucy texts and a phone call that would make a nun faint, Richie and Eddie find each other in the clubhouse, and they... talk. Sure, they talk. Let’s call it talking.
Beverly, meanwhile, discovers that none of the Losers have ever gotten drunk, and what’s being a teenager without breaking a few drinking laws? Ben has a free house, and Eddie has never been more afraid of a game of Truth or Dare in his entire fucking life.
Let’s Hear It For My Man! by sloppybitch - Rated E - 47K
Eddie has never been in a relationship before Richie, and boy, is he paying for it. He's never been so worked up before; hormones high and flying ever since he'd had his first taste of him - he can't stop.
When Richie mumbles a warm, deep-rooted wish into Eddie's ear on the night of their one month anniversary, there's little else that Eddie can think about. Mind and body consumed by his boyfriend, Eddie formulates a plan: do everything in his power to make their first time as perfect as possible.
He wants Richie to fuck him.
He wants Richie to make love to him.
Fuck. He loves him. Fuck.
The Power of Sexting by piginawig - Rated E - 4K
Richie accidentally sends Eddie a shirtless picture. Things escalate from there.
Or, Richie and Eddie play Gay Chicken: Sexting Edition.
you’re allowed to own a sex toy (you’re even allowed to use it) by cloudassless- Rated E - 8K
Arms laden with candy, Eddie takes the stairs two at a time, balancing his precious cargo. He elbows the bedroom door out of his way and starts to say, "We don't even have 3 Musketeers, you picky asshole," but the words fizzle and die on his lips when he enters his room.
Richie is sitting cross-legged with his back against the headboard, nodding his head distractedly to the beat of the music. His glasses are pushed up on the top of his head, and his long, pale fingers are spinning Eddie's vibrator like it's a twirling baton.
fellas, is it gay to jack a bro off? by didsw - Rated E - 10K
They’ve skipped class to do this. This; meaning the two of them sneaking off from fourth period to blow each other behind the school, down near where the property ends and the grass starts to run high.
It didn’t start off so crass, with Richie’s pants hoisted around his waist and his head thumping against the brick of the school. He’s completely out in the open and shivering because he left his windbreaker in his locker, warm only where Eddie’s hand and Eddie’s mouth is on him, fuck. It’s completely ridiculous. Absurd. Insane. And now, apparently, it’s the new normal.
Or: Eddie and Richie are Totally Straight FWBs
Third Time’s the Charm by Mackintosh14 - Rated E - 17K
Eddie squeezed his hand, not knowing what to say. Somehow, knowing that it was temporary amnesia made him feel a lot better. The other man squeezed back, and smiled, but it was a complicated smile. It looked like it hurt.
"You . . ." said Eddie, taking a stab at who the man must be. "Are you my . . . boyfriend?"
The man froze, then scoffed, looking at him with saucer-wide eyes.
(In other words, Eddie wakes up in a hospital just outside of Derry with no memory of who he is or what happened to him.)
Things That Happen After Eddie Lives by IfItHollers - Rated E - 107K
In a world where Richie manages to save Eddie from It after the deadlights, they still have problems on their to-do list. Featuring everything from Derry to Los Angeles—Richie Tozier's murder trial, Eddie Kaspbrak's divorce proceedings, bedsharing of the platonic and non-platonic varieties, an investigation of magic, a truly disgusting séance, the quintessential morosexual road trip, and OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES.
Zero Characters Left by stellarbisexual - Rated E - 44K
Eddie works in social media at a tech start-up in Boston, and Richie's been hired to do some video production for the company.
Characters are aged-up to their late twenties, and this takes place in 2017.
Fall Away From Me (I Just Can’t Take It) by The_lazy_eye - Rated E - 19K
It’s okay, though, Eddie tells himself. It’s all fine. This is part of their arrangement. This is a casual thing they have going. It’s his own stupid fault for catching feelings for someone he agreed to casually fuck. Especially when that person is his best friend from childhood.
Stay for the Storm by inoubliable - Rated E - 20K
“Richie and Eddie had become friends almost on sight. Since they met, most of Eddie's time in Los Angeles has involved Richie in some way.
It's a little different, now that they're both famous.
It's a little different, now that they're sleeping together.
Well, to be fair, they've been sleeping together for a long time, but. No one knows, not even their friends. Eddie has been very careful about that. It's just not the sort of publicity he needs.
So when Beverly calls him that sunny Thursday morning, the last thing he expects her to say is, "You're fucking Richie?”
Havana by chucknovak - Rated E - 32K
Eddie Kaspbrak, a senior in college, lives a closeted life. That life, however, is challenged when he meets Richie Tozier on spring break.
Leftovers by sloppybitch - Rated M - 5K
“It’s hard to stay away from him when it’s the only thing that keeps him stable.
Everybody seems to have settled back into life so easily. Ben and Beverly are sharing a room now, did you know? Mike’s already booked his flights to Florida and Bill’s catching the bus to the airport at noon tomorrow.
Richie’s just floating now, tour postponed and agent fucking pissed at him — and floating? Probably not the best word to use right now, but fuck you, is what Richie says to that, he’s reclaiming it. That’s right, Richie’s reclaiming the word floating like it’s the word queer or something, and fuck you, he can say that too.”
Richie can’t forget what he saw in the deadlights, and the echo of Eddie’s potential dying words only seems to quieten whenever Richie’s as close to him as possible.
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sarah-snook · 5 years
not a question but a request, what are your favorite reddie one shots?
alright i have A LOT but here are ten of them:
1. Tender by @aizeninlefox Mature ~ 8,304K
Richie and Eddie’s first time with bottom!Richie
2. Richie Tozier Loses All Hope by @onceyoukaspbrakyouneverkaspbackTeen+ ~ 6,127K
Richie Tozier is worried that if his best friend figures out what's been on his mind lately, everything good in his life will come crashing down.
3. fellas, is it gay to jack a bro off? by didswExplicit ~ 10,185K
They’ve skipped class to do this. This; meaning the two of them sneaking off from fourth period to blow each other behind the school, down near where the property ends and the grass starts to run high.It didn’t start off so crass, with Richie’s pants hoisted around his waist and his head thumping against the brick of the school. He’s completely out in the open and shivering because he left his windbreaker in his locker, warm only where Eddie’s hand and Eddie’s mouth is on him, fuck. It’s completely ridiculous. Absurd. Insane. And now, apparently, it’s the new normal.
Or: Eddie and Richie are Totally Straight FWBs
4. Steady Feet, Don't Fail Me Now by @richietoasterMature ~ 9,870K
“You know how to dance?” Eddie demands, still skeptical, and Richie is almost offended.
“Yes, actually,” he scoffs with a good natured laugh. “Is that so hard to believe?”
Eddie opens his mouth, but Richie cuts him off before he can tell his friend that yes, that’s incredibly hard to believe.
“Don’t answer that, dickhead,” Richie says as he gets up, wiping his sweaty palms onto his jeans. “C’mon, get up.” He instructs and holds out a hand to pull Eddie to his feet. “I’m teaching you.”
5. Cupcake Kid by SereneCalamityTeen+ ~ 3,372K
Richie had fallen hard for the boy at the cupcake shop.
6. Worst Enemy by endversedTeen+ ~ 9,429K
Richie finds out that Eddie has had his first kiss and promptly freaks the fuck out, needing to know who the fuck the guy is.
For the life of him, he can't figure out quite why he's so desperate to know.
7. A Work of Art by justme133Not Rated ~ 2,172K
Everyone knew when you hit 10th grade at Derry High School, you had two choices of electives - art, or music. One semester you took these, the other, you took gym (Richie wanted to avoid that as long as possible).  Richie fucking loved music - that was what his whole life was about! But when he went to sign up for the class, it was full.
So he had to take fucking art instead.
Fucking. Art.
8. Rotting Treehouses by @wonderwheelzierTeen+ ~ 2,872K
Nothing brings people together quite like falling out of a tree.
9. What's My Name? by chattrekissesNot Rated ~ 4,252K
Richie is new in town and finds a number carved next to some suggestive graffiti and decides to call it. Who he finds on the other line is Eddie, a sassy hypochondriac who is done with Richie's shit.
In class, Richie knows Eddie only as Kaspbrak, and they flirt viciously. Eddie makes Richie a deal; if Richie can guess Eddie's first name within three tries, Eddie will kiss him.
10. Renaissance Curl Routines and Sudden Panic Attacks, a sonnet by Eddie Kaspbrak by byerswillTeen+ ~ 3,068K
Eddie is tired and wants to finish his dumb history project. Richie calls him and does his hair, and Eddie realizes (albeit, a tad manically) that he is very much in love with his boyfriend and his little quirks.
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ashiiblack · 5 years
Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day
I know I’m a little late to the party, but I’ve been reading a LOT of fanfic the last few months and want to share some of my favorites! I’ll share just Kiribaku and Reigisa this time but I might make a rec list for some of my other ships. I”m not putting this under a cut because EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS.
easy now, with my heart (careful now, with my head) by multiclassmaps (Teen)
This fic shows different characters finding out that KRBK are dating while on a training camp. It’s very sweet and fluffy!
The Other Side by clairesail (orphan_account) (Explicit)
I have no clue why claire orphaned this because it’s fucking GOLD. When I first saw “glory hole” as a tag, I fully expected something different. Instead, there’s really hot voyeurism, Kiri and Baku being loud and showy, and then sex that completely ruins a wall. The fact that Iida makes a few appearances in all his class rep glory is a major bonus.
Aim to Please by clairesail (Explicit)
Who would have thought that Kirishima giving a bunch of bjs to his classmates would end so sweetly?
take the path that moonbeams make by plantegg (Teen)
Honestly, this is just a really sweet AU where they all work at Disney World and Bakugou is a grumpy janitor and Kirishima plays Peter Pan and everything is soft and beautiful and there are fireworks.
get tough, straight up by qactus (Teen)
This is another cute and silly krbk fic where Kirishima’s near-life-sized plushie of himself goes missing and Bakugou ends up having it. I remember bookmarking this because I loved Bakugou’s characterization and the interactions between Kiri and Baku. It’s definitely a good fic if you need a pick me up.
Not Spring, Love or Cherry Blossoms by mr_todoroki (Teen)
Fake dating. Literally all I need to say. I loved every second of this fic.
cotton candy hands by chonideno (Teen)
I could put all of mag’s fics on here but this one in particular resonates with me. Initially, I had trouble with the first paragraph. It was so long and so descriptive and I wasn’t in the right place to read it at the time. However, I came back to it the next day and inhaled it all in one go. As a consumer and creator of a lot of explicit works, I never understood how a sfw fic could give one the same high until I started reading mag’s fics. There’s so much pining, so many lingering touches, so many what-ifs. The metaphors used in this fic are so powerful, so vivid, it almost doesn’t feel like figurative language.
keep your secret by Growlithe (Explicit)
One of the tags on this fic is “LingeREI.” For various reasons, I’m not usually a fan of crossdressing fics, but this one is done particularly well. Nagisa finds magazines hiding under Rei’s bed and assumes it’s the women in the pictures he wants, but really, it’s the panties.
Crepes and Plates and Not-Dates by didsw (Explicit)
Food truck AU. It’s adorable. Read it.
When You Leave by letters_of_stars (Teen)
Um this fic broke me? I’m pretty sure I cried every chapter and then basically through the entire last two chapters. Essentially, Rei dies during their training camp and haunts Nagisa, who is already haunted by his death. This fic is so beautiful and so perfect. It is worth every second of your time reading (it’s long af) as well as every tear you will definitely shed.
buoyancy by stereosymbiosis (Teen)
I’m a sucker for dialogue and this has some great lines. Nagisa and Rei are in the pool and suddenly it becomes very apparent they want to kiss. And then they make out in the pool. It’s short but sweet and very well-written.
How to Seduce a Librarian by reeology (Teen)
An AU where Nagisa still swims and Rei is a librarian. It’s sooooo funny and Rin is an amazing supporting character in it too. If you need to smile, check this one out!
Designated D by schumie (NR, but I’d rate this Explicit)
A drunk Nagisa dials the wrong number to get a ride home and Rei answers. Another really funny and also sexy fic that involves hooking up in a car.
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beldaroot · 6 years
A Reddie Fic Rec List :D
so this was supposed to be posted on fic writer appreciation day, but in typical me fashion, i procrastinated and only just finished it. sorry!! but here is a list of some really great reddie fics that i think deserve lots and lots of love! 
Fics That Are God Tier (aka My Favorite Fics of the Fandom) = all of these are friends to lovers because it IS the best trope Ever! 
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg: In the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other. ~I honestly cannot express how much I love this fic. I mean I love a good angsty story, but honestly? Just give me 100k+ words of domestic, established reddie and I’ll die happy. Written beautifully in vignettes and is genuinely what canon should be. 
tear it with your teeth by @belbys​: "We could leave this place, Eddie," Richie says. "God, imagine that? Not having to live in this trash dump anymore. We could go wherever we wanted. A different place every night." ~One of my favorite characterizations of Richie and Eddie in the fandom. They start being pining messes at age 15 and finally figure their shit out when they’re 18. If you ever want to convert someone into a reddie warrior, read this fic. 
Loose Ends by @reddie-fancomic-by-slashpalooza​: Semi AU. It’s been four years since the kids faced IT down the sewers. They’re all in high school living normal lives being as good friends as ever; then Richie hears his old self warning him about something important. ~I’m pretty sure every person in the reddie fandom has read this. It’s our holy scripture. Visually stunning and beautifully written. 
& that's for all time by @tossertozier​: It's the summer before college, and Richie Tozier is prepared for approximately nothing to change. The club works at a Renaissance Faire, and somehow in between the turkey legs, marathons of Super Smash brothers and cheap beer, some of them have time to fall in love. ~All of the losers are dumbasses who are Very Bad at communicating with themselves and each other, but you still love them all anyway. Chapter 16 almost put me into cardiac arrest, but this is truly a wonderful fic of all the losers being best best friends. I’m in love with this whole universe and a lot of the headcanons the author created has become like a fourth canon source for me. 
Fics That Make Me Laugh (whenever you need a good lol) 
I’d Rather Cut Out My Tongue Than Let You Kiss Me With Yours by @hanscom​: ~Honestly read anything by Jade, everything she produces is amazing and great. She even made me enjoy reading a sten/brough oneshot, she’s that powerful!
jalapeño business by @michelllejones​: ~High Bevchie gives me life.
one wave short of a shipwreck by palisadespalisades
Find Your Fire by endversed: ~One of the first fics I read in the fandom, and it never fails to make me laugh every time I reread it. 
fellas, is it gay to jack a bro off? by @didsw: ~An entire story of dumb Richie going through a bi-panic; it’s hilarious.  
Zero Characters Left by @stellarbisexual​: ~Amazing, amazing characterization of Eddie.
The Greater Fool Series by @yallreddieforthis​: ~This series is just 90% Eddie’s internal monologue about his relationship with Richie, and he’s so funny, he’s got Richie beat for best comedian. 
Fics That Make Me Emo (sometimes you need a good cry) 
5555 by @finnwolfhard​
stop calling, stop calling (i don't wanna talk anymore) by ironicallyinternational: ~I’m a slut for insecure Richie and this fic feeds my soul. 
I'll Let You Set The Pace by RainbowRain17
This is where I leave you (sitting in a palace, covered in gold inside my head) by @tozier-boy
walk alone or run away by @bevrichie​
Beep-beep, Eddie Kaspbrak by Ragno: ~This story isn’t sad per se, but the love confession at the end always puts me in tears lol. 
Soulmate AUs (Richie and Eddie are soulmates always but sometimes you just need a good fic to remind you)
Eds by @itchierichie
if we're falling for love then we're not falling at all by @reddieforlove
for you, I’d part the sea by @edsbrak​
Friday, Never Hesitate by @londone-fog​
There is a crack right through my heart by @eddie-spaghetti-tozier
Fics That I Love Dearly
say what you mean (out loud) by @edsbrak
This safe place by @tinyarmedtrex: ~A blessed fake dating au. 
if you'll be my star (i'll be your sky) by @sunsetozier​
Rude (I'm gonna marry him anyway) by @neonganymede
No You Can't Fence Time, And You Can't Stop Love by @eddiekasperbrak
The Break-Up of '94 by deadlydecember1214
Richie Tozier Makes a Friend by @eddiefuckingkaspbrak and @richiefuckfacetozier: ~I love childhood reddie with my whole heart. This is part of a larger college au that is a wip, but it includes all my fave ships (reddie, benverly, stanpat, and hanbrough) so I will probably rec more once I’ve read through it all! 
WIPs (insert the Tiffany Pollard gif “If you’re out there and you hear me, girl I’m waiting on you!” - lol im only joking, take all the time you need, im waiting patiently!!)
Lovesong Series by @waxagentwrites​: ~That dumbass clown is in it, but I’m still obsessed with this masterpiece. 
my broken veins say by @bevrrlymarsh: ~Come for the wonderful Bevchie friendship and stay for the sweet, beautiful relationship between Richie and Eddie.
flowers grow out of my grave by @wlwrichie​: ~A soft Richie, which you would think is ooc, but Richie is still a dork and very much in love with Eddie. Very poetic and the visual imagery is so pleasing. 
there's an angel and he's shaped like you by @zhenyamedvedevas: ~Innocent vampire Eddie meets neglected self-deprecating Richie, and together they fill the broken spaces in their hearts.
landslide by @beaiswriting: ~Swimmer!Richie + Journalist!Eddie = a yes from me.
Running up that hill by @speakslowtellmelove: ~A Dead Poets Society au that I’m living for. I love this Richie a lot a lot. 
Paris, 1983 by @gay-for-roxane: ~Badass cult leader Eddie, sign me the fuck up! 
the edification of eddie kaspbrak by @bevrichie​: ~oof Windy just gets Eddie so well. Stephen King is shaking! 
Kids In The Dark by @oldguybones
Skin&Earth Series and The Road to Hell by @hanscom 
Wishes by @skeletonscribbles​
closer than most by @tozierbraks​
A Memory of Love by @stellarbisexual​: ~Actors!Reddie, need I say more? 
In-Between Lovers by @beepbeeprichiellc: ~Might appear as a st/ozier and kasp/brough fic but the whole story is truly way more complex than expected. Currently angsty as hell, but it does have a promised happy ending!
-ok that’s it for now! this is by no means a comprehensive list, but just some fics i wanted to put in the spotlight for now. i have so many fics i have queued to read, so once i finish them, i’ll be sure to add them onto this list! also you can look through my “fic rec’ tag for some of my fave drabbles and oneshots! 
-also go explore these authors other works! chances are if you love one of their stories, you’ll love their others ones as well bc they’re that talented! <3
-also also make sure to comment on the fics you love! i can’t remember my ao3 login since i haven’t written a fic in ages, but i still comment via anon/guest. i love writing a comment saying how happy a certain fic makes me, and i love when an author responds to my comment saying how happy they are that something they produced made someone happy, and then we’re all happy together! it’s cute ok??
-also also also if any authors don’t want to be tagged on this post anymore, let me know and i’ll remove you! 
-and finally, i’m always open for fic recs as well. so if you have anything to recommend me, please do so! :D
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thegreatwhiteferret · 6 years
do you know any good tumblrs that write it ships smut?
Sure! There a tons of us trying to give y’all some smut and still writing (or attempting to write, because my writer’s block is being a little bitch right now. 11 WIPs!!!) but let’s get to those recs!
Here are a couple of people whom I love for you to check out!
@speakslowtellmelove (I hope this is the right one this time!)
@askpolylosersclub (The account is not active now, but when it was they posted some bomb ass smut. They have a tag on the top of the blog that you can find links to the fics, I believe.)
Also, “reddiebitch” and “mischeifmanager” on Ao3.
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hanscom · 6 years
who is your favorite blog?
you say “who” like i have just one. brace yourself.
@jaderaderader is my wife, so you know, she always ranks first. but @themightychipmunk is my west coast wife and i love her with my entire heart and soul.
the entire fam squad means the fucking world to me: @beeprich, @itchytoaster, @mmoony, @natalia-dyers, @stansbill, @sunflowerstozier, @tozierbraks, @toziertrashmouth, @willcleric, and @yallreddieforthis.
aesthetically? @syraxes is hands-down the blog i like/reblog from the most. everything they post is gorgeous and wonderful and i adore them.
i love @milkykisses for keeping the fandom updated with set pictures and for sharing my deep thirst for james ransone. i love @richiefuckfacetozier for being so singularly enthusiastic and encouraging to the entire fandom. i love @skeletonscribbles because sara is low-key the light of my life, so kind and genuine and incredible. i love @reddieforlove for consistently producing so much content and being just so sweet while doing so. i love @stellarbisexual because we rarely get to talk but i feel like i could say HEY WHAT THE FUCK IS UP and they’d just go right along with it. same for @waxagent. (plus stell and wax are both so individually talented that i’m sort of glad they don’t do face reveals and things like that bc i also feel like i wouldn’t be worthy of looking them in the eye).
this is so much longer than i intended so i’m gonna just list out everyone else i adore. if you want me to wax poetic about why i love them (or anyone else listed above), send me an individual ask about them and i’ll be happy to tell you:
@babevevo, @bevrichie, @dearg0d, @didsw, @dubuhearts, @earthskills, @happytreasure, @jewishnancy, @noahsschnapp, @oldguybones, @onlyreddie, @reddiepop, @richardtoz, @sadiesinkt, @stanleydenbroughuris, @sunsetozier, @tinyarmedtrex, and @wlwrichie.
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skeletonscribbles · 6 years
belch and richie lolol
Belch?! You’re going to BELCH me???? dude…..dUDE….
(jk this is great ily)
Richie: are you more talkative or quiet?
I am VERY quiet until I feel comfortable around you (which usually takes like 6 months minimum) and then my mouth kind of starts moving of its own accord and I become your very own personal verbal shitpost.
When I do talk, though, my voice is very loud. My Disney work friends used to joke that they never had to search me out when they rotated bc they could hear me, no matter where I was
Belch: are you tall or short?
uhhh neither! 5’5”. I wish I was tall. Some of my kids are taller than me and I hate it…they’re literally 11……..
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tinyarmedtrex · 6 years
The video I couldn't upload to discord.
@notsugarandspice @speakslowtellmelove @stellarbisexual @reddiepop @didsw @skeletonscribbles @aizeninlefox @richardtoz @godtozier @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @chocolatemangoose
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itfandompositivity · 6 years
“I love my witches! My loves, my coven, my group of beautiful, intelligent ladies, who are all incredible writers and humans, and who make me happy! stellarbisexual, notsugarandspice, skeletonscribbles, didsw, speakslowtellmelove, tinyarmedtrex ♡♡♡ you all make me feel like I'm not so crazy after all ♡♡♡.”
— to @stellarbisexual, @notsugarandspice, @skeletonscribbles, @didsw, @speakslowtellmelove, @tinyarmedtrex by Allie.
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notsugarandspice · 6 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @aizeninlefox @tinyarmedtrex @didsw <333
Name : Peach
Gender : Female
Star sign : Libra
Height : 5′8
What image do you have as your lock screen : Julie Andrews 
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? all the fucking time / I have a problem
Where do you see yourself in ten years? acting, acting, acting (+ 10 cats)
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be? Italy
What was your coolest Halloween costume? probably Padme
What was your favorite 90′s TV show? The Powerpuff Girls HHHH
Last kiss? my sis on the cheek :D
Have you ever been stood up? yeah. men suck, honestly. chicken shits
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? yes! super fun
Favorite pair of shoes? black Converse
Favorite fruit? peach :P
Favorite book? this is a very cruel question. I don’t have a favorite, I read too much (I’m currently reading A Song of Ice and Fire)
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done? I do stupid things daily so this is a very difficult question LOL; ummm maybe that time I sprained my ankle dancing in the middle of the road in traffic. in Miami ;fmvlivnono[0kp
I tag: @speakslowtellmelove @stellarbisexual @reddiepop @skeletonscribbles @tozierbraks @its-stranger-than-you-think @j0ys @happytozier @shewasthewind @earthskills (ignore if you’ve done/don’t want to do this!)
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edsbev · 6 years
your icon is so cute!! is it supposed to be eddie?
it is !! its from this amazing wonder violet art by @didsw :)
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reddieao3feed · 6 years
fellas, is it gay to jack a bro off?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2H4Mpla
by didsw
They’ve skipped class to do this. This; meaning the two of them sneaking off from fourth period to blow each other behind the school, down near where the property ends and the grass starts to run high.
It didn’t start off so crass, with Richie’s pants hoisted around his waist and his head thumping against the brick of the school. He’s completely out in the open and shivering because he left his windbreaker in his locker, warm only where Eddie’s hand and Eddie’s mouth is on him, fuck. It’s completely ridiculous. Absurd. Insane. And now, apparently, it’s the new normal.
Or: Eddie and Richie are Totally Straight FWBs
Words: 10185, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Additional Tags: eddie and richie start hooking up senior year of hs, under the guise of helping eddie through some therapy bs, But They're Best Bros!, eds n rich are horndogs, eds n rich are ratchet, eddie: probs ooc, no one knows the term bisexuality, this is objectively stupid
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2H4Mpla
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