#diferents to mine
poofbark · 6 months
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saw those new white day nightcord cards and i HAD to make yuri
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chainsawl · 3 months
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Some sort of Compilation. (not really, i made all of these in one go)
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aroaceofthesea · 1 month
El cacaolat realment es increible. surts amb els amics, tothom es demana una birra i tu amb tres collons dius un cacaolat fred. Power move. el cambrer no diu res perque efectivament un cacaolat es millor que una birra. es el que es demanaria un nen de 10 anys. la resta de gent que havia demanat altres begudes ho sent i canvien tots a cacaolat. hi ha practicament tants cacaolats com birres a la taula i saps que és gràcies a tu. tothom es molt feliç menjant-se el seu cacaolat fred. la vida es bonica i canten els ocells
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raredrop · 2 years
badly explaining every splatoon (3) multiplayer mode
turf war - this is the mode everyone knows and loves (probably), just cover the ground (grab mid early and then go nuts and pray people stop going into your base)
splat zones - turf war but (more) aggressive, the real competitive pokemon battle to normal pokemon battle vibes, nothing but holding mid/or two points depending on the map
rainmaker - take the funny fish cannon to the goal, aggressively slam the this way button, find a path no one is paying attention to and slam the fish down, prepare to die to the bubble bc u think ur SURELY at a safe distance every time, someone will probably jump off the map with it to reset it...debate on if it was a good time to do so
tower control - rainmaker but the whole thing is on the move on a singular track, personal thoughts: funny eliter mode, make sure at least one person is on the tower unless ur swarmed in which u probably should get off for ur safety if at least for a second, sneaking an ink mine on the tower is funnier to me than it probably is, tower will go back to the starting area if no team is on it
clam blitz - (american) football and basketball just had a funny sea themed child and its clam blitz, gather the clams (ink the ground to make them visible on the map) 8 clams (in splatoon 3 only!) makes  the POWER CLAM (it looks like an american football) u take the POWER CLAM and CHUCK it into the enemy basket which is on their side, this lowers the basket/their defense and u can chuck NORMAL clams into the basket at this time (as well as any other power clams you might have, oh sorry POWER CLAMS)
salmon run - survive. ok ok ok ok ok. basically instead of trying to k-splat each other its just u and 3 people (assuming no one disconnects hahah) against the ai (salmons). splat bosses to get EGG and put EGG in BASKET (huh sr and cb kinda similar now that i think about it), best mode to ink walls in bc u can climb up while enemies cant (usually...sometimes they glitch and sometimes theyre miss maws who doesnt care) each wave can bring something different (every day i say thank you mr grizz when i dont get the fog or an annoying wave with a weapon i dont know) like the tornado where u become a factory line and play hot potato with the eggs (i had a really good first time tornado wave 10/10 best wave to have a good team with), honestly i cant even poorly sum this up anymore its like this and turf are what ur gonna know if u play gun game that isnt splatoon (as said by my friend) and ur better off just looking up this one bc theres like 1000 things in this mode
ok thank u love u
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worldend · 6 months
when writers use the words 'olive' or 'golden' or bronze or whatever to describe a characters skin it always make me think the character is supposed to be some shade of brown but then they never actually are. theyre always white
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lilimaginebean · 2 months
jjk men in highscool (fem!reader)
characters: geto, gojo, nanami, choso, toji, sukuna, itadori, megumi, yuta
suguru geto is known for his politeness and calm demeanor. he is a member of the literature and debate club, and is the president of the student council. consistently ranking among the top three students in the final exams. he earned a scholarship to attend a private high school.
you met him in the library while you were searching for new authors to read
he noticed you and offered to recommend some of his favorites books. you recommended him too your favorites authors.
he became interested in you when he discovered you shared taste in literature
after several weeks of discussing literature, he invited you to join the literature club, which you accepted since you weren’t part of any clubs yet
from now on, he treated you like royalty, always saving you a seat beside him, getting your favorite meals from the cafeteria when you were late, walking you to the station...
rumors of a romance between the two of you spread quickly
at the winter festival, when it was his turn to speak to the students, he used that moment to confess his love for you
"from now on, you are going to be treated as que queen you are"
satoru gojo is known for his cockiness and charm, making him the most sought-after boy in highschool. he is the vicepresident of the student council, a position suguru convinced him to take by promising he could skip classes. though he pretended to be a slacker, he worked hard and always got in the top 10 of his class
you've known gojo since childhood, as your mothers were best friends
friendship blossomed into love during adolescence
sadly, your parents enrolled you in an all girls private high school; while satoru attended a diferent private school (good both of you were neighbors)
he always tried to pick you up from school and walk you to your home
being cheesy in public so everyone knew you were taken
despite his playboy image, he remained loyal to you, avoiding interacions with girls, leading students to believe he was unattainable or gay
everyone was shocked during the winter festival when he openly held your hand and proudly showcased you to those around him, revealing he was happily taken
"look at her, but not that much, she is all mine"
kento nanami is a student who prefers to stay under the radar, despite being hard to overlook as an emo blonde dude. he attends a public highscool and serves as the treasurer of the student council. in addition, nanami is the president of the cooking club.
you met him in the cooking club, where you joined to improve your cooking skills. sadly, on the first day, you burned three pans.
nanami was amused by how bad you were at cooking. however he soon discovered that while you struggled with casseroles, you excelled at baking
you taught him baking and he taught you cooking
you both decided to spend time together after classes and club meetings
using groceries shop as excuses for dates
on the last day of school, you decided to confess your feelings by by cooking him fried squid in garlic oil, while he planned to confess too by baking a cheesecake
both dishes turned out terrible, so you opted to go to a restaurant to have your first official date
"i don't mind if it tastes horrible, you cooked it, and that's what matters. Let me eat it"
choso is a student loved knows for his sweet nature and helpfulness, despite his emo appeareance. he attended a public highschool and joined the volleyball club to prevent it from closing due to a shortage of active members.
you were the manager of the volleyball club, at first you feel intrigued by Choso
one time he was practicing spikes he hit you
he nearly had a panick attack and apologized everytime he saw you for the rest of the week
you thought he was cute and decided to help him improve his volleyball skills. you taught him the basic of volleyball and he quickly got it thanks to his great physic
when choso asked about your favorite volleyball position, you told him you preffered opposite hitter
later, when the other members asked him in what position he wanted to play he chose opposite hitter
after winning the first match (it took 5 matches), choso decided to confess his feelings
"next time, i will spike the ball better, trust me, you will be proud of your boyfriend"
toji fushigiro is a teacher's nightmare. he rarely attended classes and whenever he did it, he always escaped by jumping out the window. he studied at a private highschool due to his wealthy family and serves as vicepresident of the tabletop games club.
desesperate teachers assigned Toji a tutor, and you were the chosen one
he agreed to work with you simply because he found you pretty. however, during your tutoring sessions, he often ignored you or stared at passsing girls
"how am i supposed to pay attention when you are so close to me, doll?"
frustated with his attitude, you decided to play along. one day, you entered his club and proposed a bet: if you won at poker, he would take seriously the tutoring; if he won, you would leave him alone.
you won undeniably and for the first time someone beat Toji at poker
true to his word, toji fullfield his promise. when exams came, he actually put effort and ranked in the the top 50 students of all highschool. he felt satisfied with himself and thanked you.
he asked you to keep helping him and you accepted it. by the end of the month, you became study partners, he even helped you whenever you didn't understand something.
by the end of the school year, he decided to proposed you a bet: if he won, you would have a date with him and if you won, he would do whatever you asked him too. you won the bet again, what he didn’t expect was that you asked him to be your boyfriend
sukuna ryomen is surprisingly an outstanding student, excelling in exams. his academic success is why teachers overlooked his violent behavior and malicious actions. he served as the president of the student at his public highschool and is considered the king for giving prestige to the highschool.
you met Sukuna when you approached the student council to propose a new club
while he acknowledged your paperwork, he asked if the club would be financially beneficial for school. when you denied it, he rejected your proposal
in retaliation, you ran for the vacan president position in the next elections
sukuna thought it was amusing and believed you wouldn't be a threat. nevertheless, your ideas were appealing to the students.
though he won the election, he invited you to be his vice president, recognizing your rationality as an asset to elevate the school's prestige
as a peace gift, he let you had your club (he became a member of it too, being the most invested one)
"Look at you brat. You have taken my power in the student council and drained money for your non-profitable club. What is next, stealing my surname?"
yuji itadori is the athlete every sports club desires, however his interests are different. his helpful attitude and sweetness more than make up for his avarage gradesm earning him the affection of teachers. he is also a member of the paranormal occult club, which focuses on a watching horror films.
you and itadori have been classmates since you two were seven. he always wanted to get closer, though he was unsure how
after seeing you practicing for the 200 m race one afternoon, he fell in love with the passion you put in. for him, it was a clear confession of love to him
next day, he showed up to your training, requesting to join the club. the president was hesitant but agreed to accept him if he could beat you in the 200 meters
although you ultimately won, yuji's impressive speed, despite his lack of technique, conviced the president to let him join the team
you helped yuuji improved his technique and he enjoyed your company, often talking to you
yuji dedicated every win race to you
"Although I have won many races, the greatest reward would be if you would give me a chance to take you out on a date"
megumi fushigiro is respected by all his classmates and known as the Defensor for standing up to bullies who explot the weak. he consistently earns above-average grades and has no interest in joining any club
megumi knew you as his sister's gorgeous friend and felt a strong desire to get to to know you better
however, when he learned you had a boyfriend, he chose to step aside
that changed when he overhead his sister mentioning that you were in a toxic relationship
the next day, he spotted you at highschool with your boyfriend , who was being overly agressive. He intervened, confronting him under the pretext of protecting a vulnerable girl.
you frowned and insisted you weren't weak, proving it by kicking your boyfriend in the chest and then the neck while calmly breaking up with him
watching you stand up for yourself in that moment, made Megumi fall for you. as his father told him, he should find a woman with attitude like he did in his highschool year
"Sorry for understimating you, you are even tougher than i thought, would you forgive me if i invited you to a coffee?"
his sister Tsumiki nearly fainted when she found out you were dating her younger brother
yuta okkotsu was the new student at your private highschool, and rumors about him quickly circulated due to his sinister appereance, characterized by pale skin and dark under-eye bags. he joined the kendo club.
your teacher asked you to show Yuta the high school and you agreed
despite being an introvert, he opened up to you, sharing that he lost his closest friend to a car accident. his parents thought the best idea would be to change of environment
after a month, he gained popularity by winning a kendo interhigh competition. a competition the highschool hasn’t won in 20 years. while everyone sought his company, he always chose to be with you
slow burn romance; both of you liked each other, but you feared that confessing your feelings might ruin the beautiful friendship you had built over the years
he decided not to confess his feelings to you since you could get uncomfortable around him
you attended his kendo matches and he came to your art exhibitions, always praising your pantings and giving you a bouquet of flowers
you always accompanied him when he went to visit rika’s grave. he would always thank you with a big smile on his face
on graduation day, yuta asked to meet you in the back garden, before the ceremony. when you arrived, he was waiting with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
"Every small moment with you has led me to this confession: I am irrevocably a sucker for you"
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armoricaroyalty · 3 months
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For some reason, when she kissed him, he thought of Theo.
Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
Transcript under the cut.
WOMAN 1 | ...for real, I've been like, completely obsessed. WOMAN 1 | Like, there was hardly any wedding coverage for Jacques and Vivi, right? And that was my first royal wedding! I thought it was normal! I didn't know I was missing out. WOMAN 2 | Right? It feels like everyone's been saving up all their hype. WOMAN 1 | Has anyone else been following the dress rumors? WOMAN 2 | [ sighs ] I just hope Emily's dress isn't as boring as Vivi's was. WOMAN 2 | Vivi's whole wardrobe is boring! She dresses like a toddler, it is so unflattering. WOMAN 1 | I know, right? She should ask Lady Em to take her shopping. WOMAN 3 | Lady Emily is soooo gorgeous. WOMAN 2 | She's too good for him. He's always been such a scrub. WOMAN 1 | Whatever! I'm just glad it's a real love story, not just a shotgun wedding. An office romance... [ dreamy sigh ] Like, it could have been me! THEO | [ scoffs ] [ The conversation died immediately, and the silence solidified into something like hostility. Theo turned to see five pale, contemptuous faces fixed on her back, and her heart jumped up into her throat. Fighting to keep her expression neutral and her voice even, she stood and announced to no one that she was going to lunch. They pretended not to hear her. ] WOMAN 1 | ...she is such a stuck-up b-word. WOMAN 2 | Did you know that she used to date Prince Frederick? WOMAN 1 | Oh my god. Her? WOMAN 2 | Yeah. That's how she got hired here after she got disbarred or whatever. WOMAN 3 | Yeah. And her mom dated the King before he married the Queen. WOMAN 1 | Oh my god. She's a second-generation royal girlfriend? Gross. WOMAN 2 | D'you think her daughter will actually land a prince? WOMAN 3 | Why not? [ giggles ] Third time's the charm! [ Even in the warmer months, the gardens at Yew Court Palace stood empty. In February, the fountains were dry and the ivy dormant. Fat crows stirred in the bare branches overhead. Somewhere nearby, muffled by hedges, came the low hum of passing traffic. ] [ It was a food place to be alone. ]
THEO: I am going to kill myself or my coworkers, havent decided yet FREDDY: Nooooo dont do that FREDDY: Id have noone to text if you were dead THEO: Aw, no friends? FREDDY: Nope :( THEO: Pobrecito FREDDY: O baby. Talk dirty to me THEO: Lmao THEO: For real though THEO: Gonna kill my coworkers THEO: Or myself FREDDY: What did they do this time THEO: They are just openly talking shit about me now THEO: IN FRONT OF ME FREDDY: Wtf???????? FREDDY: Want me to have them fired lol THEO: I can fight my own battles tyvm FREDDY: Whats your battle plan? Stapler in jello? Sign them up for boner pill emails? THEO: Find a new job and leave them here to choke on their own incompetence FREDDY: Love when you talk about choking :heart_eyes: THEO: LMAO perv FREDDY: Cant help myself lol FREDDY: Anyway…sorry about your terrible job. Mine kinda sucks rn too THEO: Isn’t your job rn wedding planning?? FREDDY: But it’s not it’s actually mediating between my mom and Emily THEO: Do they not get along? FREDDY: No they get along fine but it’s like. FREDDY: My mom clearly has Ideas (tm) about how the wedding should be and em clearly wants something completely diferent and it is just constant FREDDY: Theyre killing meeeeeee THEO: That sucks. Are you at least getting your own ideas in too? FREDDY: Not really…altho tbf if i was getting my way it’d be like. Courthouse wedding. In and out. THEO: My parents got married at city hall FREDDY: Dreams really do come true THEO: They sure do THEO: Okay this is going to sound weird but...I felt like the wedding plans didn’t really seem like you THEO: if that makes sense? THEO: Like I get that you're a prince but a huge formal wedding isn't your vibe at alllll FREDDY: You know me…my kind of party involves a lot more helicopters and blow THEO: LMAO I thought there was just the one helicopter FREDDY: See this is why we’re friends lol FREDDY: You keep me honest
[ soft knocking ] EMILY | Frederick? Are you okay in there? FREDERICK | [ muffled ] Be right out! EMILY | Are you alright? You were gone a while... FREDERICK | Aw, did you miss me? EMILY | Just making sure you didn't fall in.
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scary-friend · 5 months
I’m feeling creative and this offer is for my mutuals and followers. I wanted to draw some of you, but I didn’t wanna just use your pfp. So I figured we could use a Picrew to make references. So if you’re okay with me drawing you, just use the link and reblog this post with the picture. Or pm me if you’d prefer that.💕 (Just a note, I won’t be drawing hands, just to the shoulders. So keep that in mind 💖)
I will post them as I finish, and I’ll be doing the drawings digitally. I will @ you when I post your finished portrait. 💕
Please be patient with me, this will take some time. But I’m excited, I’m trying to motivate myself and this will really help my block.
Here’s mine 💕
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because i love you in green.
but you love them in pink.
(an accidental poem that i wrote as a rant, but it needed more weight)
Something about being aroace spec
and feeling like i cant offer close relationships
in the "propper" way,
and so, i never will
have that deep connection
with the people i love
because they dont see me as someone
who can love in that way.
And its not their fault and its not really mine
because were friends and i love them
but they love other people
in a way i dont understand
and even if they loved me
it wouldnt be right
because its
because i love you in green
but you love them in pink
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hanasauria · 10 months
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Consistent art style? I don't know what that is… 🤷‍♀️ Same character, diferent versions Which version do you like more? (She is Narcisa, a Malkavian npc of mine)
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h-yellowfell · 3 months
Welcome to Yellowfell!
Hi everyone! figured it was about time i made an intro post!
What is Yellowfell?
This is an au of mine that simply combines Underfell and Undertale Yellow together, a lot of lore and characters of Underfell have my own headcanons and spins to them, i try to make everyone a little diferent from their usual interpretations
What is happening with the asks?
I'm sure everyone here already knows how Undertale Yellow ends, so this blog follows a bit of a different story, where Clover starts to remember past timelines and decides to try avoiding their fate by staying in the underground, (so i guess this is two aus in one? what a bargain!)
Want to support the artist? I now take comissions!
[Main story]
The ruins (part 1)
The ruins (part 2)
[Ask the characters]
Kissing the sherif
Monster Clover
Protective mom
Other guns?
Start of a habit
Friendship troubles
Best Bud-dy
They are...unique
The gun saga
Chara joins!
[Info posts]
More coming soon!
I try my best to upload every other day, however sometimes the schedule gets a little slow for one reason or another, i hope you all enjoy this wild ride of mine!
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channieismyboy · 2 years
chanel chance
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{dilf!seonghwa x f!reader}
synopsis: in order to pay rent fees for her apartment after her roommate moved out, y/n accepts a babysitting job for her uncle's co-worker. what y/n does not know is that the dad of the girl she will babysit is the boss of the company y/n uncle works at...and that he is extremely attractive.
here's a link to my masterlist <3 | link to chanel chance- part two
warnings: age diference (y/n is 21, seonghwa is 29), eventual smut, language, poor attempts at humor. wc: 2k
the first three months of your third year of university went quite well for you. the courses were more leisure than second year, your schedule was not as packed as it usually was, and you even liked most of your professors. however, your good times quickly concluded when your roommate decided to move out of your shared apartment.
as a result, you are now forced to fend for yourself with having to pay for your bills on your lonesome. having fairly decent savings, you would not have to require looking for a new job just yet. nevertheless, you still felt it would be a good to try to see what work would be out there.
which leads you to this very moment, you're currently discussing with your beloved uncle about job opportunities that would not coincide with your studies, and social life too much. going through various options; cashier, retail, tutor. however, all those positions were either already taken, or the manager was some creep that made you, and even your uncle uncomfortable.
"i'm never going to find a job at this rate," you say, laying your head on the steering wheel of your beaten-up car you got a long time ago.
"don't fret y/n, we'll find something for you i'm sure. plus, you can come live with your aunt and me if you'd like?" your uncles says, patting his hand over your back to comfort you.
you still keep your head on the steering wheel as you answer him. "thank you but no, i should try to be as independent as possible. i never would have expected my roommate to leave me." your uncle nods his head in agreement.
the car stays silent for a little while until you hear your uncle’s breath hitch, as if he thought of something. you move your head at the abrupt sound, as give your uncle a puzzled look.
"i just realized, a co-worker of mine has been looking for a reliable babysitter for a while now. he even asked me if i knew anyone that he could trust." you uncle exclaims.
"i don't know," you retort. "i wouldn't like to spend my time running after little kids," you say, finally standing up straight and looking at your uncle intently.
he then explains to you that he has met the co-worker’s little girl before, and that she is calm and well-mannered. knowing that this just may be the only job you'll most likely have a chance for, you agree in letting your uncle make arrangements for you.
your uncle works in a well-known law company, he has a modest position (thus meaning that he has a higher position within the company). you trust your uncle's opinions, after spending a great amount of time with him since your mother abandoned you when you were ten. he and his wife are the only parental figures in your life. you had never met your father, since he left your mom just after she gave birth to you.
your aunt and uncle were kind enough to raise you as their own, always caring for you and making sure you were safe, and secure with your life. you never really felt lonely. nevertheless, even with your uncle's and aunt's affection and compassion, there's still a part of you that wishes you could still be with your mother and father. to have a happy family all together.
"my niece y/n, she's a wonderful student. she is in her third year at university, studying pharmaceuticals. i think she would be perfect to take care of your daughter sir." your uncle speaks to a handsome brunette man sitting on a chair across from him in a large office, illuminated by many full-length windows.
the young man contemplates for a second, giving his subordinates statement a consideration before speaking. "alright, i know i can always trust your judgment mr.L/n," he says. "how about you give me your niece’s phone number, and i'll contact her this evening." the man says with a warm smile, as he closes a few file while speaking. your uncle follows the man's orders, and even shows him a photo of you.
"this is your niece?" he asks, his eyebrows raised, his tone intrigued. "yes, sir. she is 21 this year." your uncle exclaims, with a proud smile plastered on his wrinkled face. the beautiful young man just nods before saving your number on his phone, trying to push his thoughts of your flawless beauty in the back of his head. you're 21, meaning you're too young for him, he tries to think.
[10:45 p.m.] i talked to my co-worker, he's interested in you for the babysitting job. i also gave him your number, so if you see an unknown number contact you it's him.
[10:46 p.m.] omg thank you!!! if he calls i'll pick up right away. thank you again <3
"i just got a text from my uncle, he gave my number to his co-worker, i think i might have the job," you exclaim happily to your friend minho. he is right across from you, shoving his face in a burger you both ordered a few minutes ago in your apartment's kitchen.
"no way, y/n that's great. just make sure the guy isn't a creep. if he is i will beat him up for you." minho replies to you. looking at you dead in the eyes before biting back into his burger.
"yeah i know, but i'm sure when i talk to him i'll have a better understanding of how this guy's like. plus, you got to stop judging people before you even know them min." you say, before eating a french fry.
"yeah yeah, but someone has to. you're too naive and gullible in situations like these y/n." minho retorts.
"what? no i'm not." you say.
minho just blinks at you a few times, "okay fine maybe you're not." he states simply.
he asks you a question, "y/n can you look there for a sec." you turn you head in the direction his index finger was pointing before realizing that this was another one of his tricks. you're to late to think of this, cause when you look back at minho, a french fry gets thrown at you square in the face.
you see minho shit-eating expression before he goes back to eating his food as if nothing had happened. "literally fuck off," you say annoyed at his antics.
"aww, love you too y/n." is all minho says back to you, while smiling like an adorable five year-old. you give him a cute half heart with your hands.
"speaking of 'i love you', where's jisung?" you ask minho. him and jisung have been together for about a year, and you all hangout every thrusday night. jisung is always a good 15-20 minutes late. but, its been almost 30 minutes without him showing up.
"oh yeah, forgot to tell you, he's not coming today."
"so you mean i paid for his food, and i didn't even know he wasn't coming?" you ask minho, your tone raised a little.
"that kinda sounds like a you problem," minho just shrugs. okay you think, this time you will strangle him.
just before you were going to announce your thoughts, you notice your phone ringing. a number that you do not recognize appearing on your screen. minho says that it may possibly be the co-worker. you get up from your stool, to pick up the call, and head to a more secluded place.
"yes, hello. is this ms. L/n?", a man asks. His voice is calm, professional, and quite low pitch. he sounds a lot younger than you imagined he would. perhaps that's just your anxious mind noticing.
"oh yes, this is she."
"perfect. i'm park seonghwa, i work with your uncle, he told me that you’re available to babysit my daugher jieun. are you available tomorrow evening from 5 to 8 p.m.?"
his name sounds incredibly familiar to you, yet you can't quite place it right now. you reply to the man saying that you are available.
"great, i'll send you my address tomorrow morning ms. L/n" the man says.
"thank you very much mr. park, take care!" you announce before hanging up the call.
after celebrating with minho for a few more hours, you both opted to just go to sleep. minho waved goodbye to you outside of your apartment before walking off to his.
the morning after still went by smoothly. you had some lectures today, and only a few assignments that you could get done quickly before taking a nap.
all throughout the day, the majority of your thoughts were occupied by mr. park. why does this name sound incredibly familiar to you? you can’t quite place it, deciding to just look it up. to your astonishment, the first few articles that appear are unrelated to the park seonghwa you’re looking for. even the internet is oblivious to this man. maybe he is just some unknown worker in your uncle's company.
you wake up from your set alarm. the time now read 3:30 p.m. your uncle had told you to look presentable, and formal in order to make a good impression. you thought it a bit strange, however still deciding to go along with your uncle's advice.
you pick your nicest pair of grey trousers. they're pleated nicely around the waste, and loose around your legs, as well as created from expensive materiel. after buying these pants a while ago you remember how broke you were after. though the minor loss of money compensated for the beautiful stylish pants, even if they were a little too big on you.
then paring those pants up with a tight black t-shirt. it's still quite warm outside, so you deem this to be an appropriate outfit. you finish getting your hair, and makeup done. opting for a more laid-back look. Your leave your apartment, just after spraying on your favorite perfume: channel chance (another expensive item making your broke after buying it).
minho won't stop spamming your phone with messages notifying you that he has been waiting for a whole three minutes, and is now impatient with you. him and jisung agreed to drive you to mr. parks house just in case something could occur. minho has continually been such an attentive friend like that, and jisung as well. running out the door, and into minho's car are you finally ready.
"what took you so long?" minho asked in annoyance. "my uncle said to look good, so i had to take longer," you reply while applying your lipstick in the back seat.
"maybe this guy's rich? why else would your uncle tell you to dress up," jisung says, while minho starts the car and follows the directions provided from the gps.
"i don't know. it doesn’t seem like it. all i know is that he became a single dad when his daughter was born, cause the mom didn't want the baby." you say.
"wait, what if he's a dilf then?" minho adds to the conversation.
the three of you laugh before quickly denying those thoughts.
the ride to mr.park’s house did not take as long as you had expected. the gps stating that you're merely two minutes away, yet you think you might have the wrong destination.
minho's car is driving up a hill that is secluded from the rest of the neighborhood. "y/n, are you sure this is the right place?" minho asks, eyes still on the road in front of him.
"I think so, it's the address mr. park gave me…" your feeling is unsure. an anxious pooling in your lower abdomen forming due to your situation. you wonder why mr. park had led you to the middle of nowhere.
suddenly, the tall deep green trees start clearing out. in the distance, you can make out a great big black fence. the closer you get to it, you can start to make out the floral details on the rails, and even the lettering of the secluded area’s name.
now it clicks, you think. the reason why mr. park's name sounded extremely familiar. why your uncle had told you to look as presentable as possible. The reason why his name never came up on various articles. mr. park is not just some casual co-worker of your uncle's, he's his boss.
a/n: hey everyone!! i have been trying to write, some personal issues have come up that make it a bit difficult. so please bear with me lmaoo. i have been wanting to write a fic like this for a while especially with seonghwa, so i hope my execution’s good- and also it will get more interesting i promise!!!
if you would like to be added to my tagslist, please let me know!! and feel free to leave your opnions about this ff in the comments <3
tagslist: @flowersiinherhaiir @luabahngg
@miamyre @yourallaround-simp
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sutomu-artiu · 5 months
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Hey! a TMNT original character of a friend of mines, I really dig it and I use him as an example for my ReferenceSheet commissions! I love to draw characters sheets, more even if they have any lore or history behind them!! >:3 This was so cool to work on it! And I safe all the process and diferent tears people can commission me: Sketch LineArt FlatColor FullColor FullColor+Background You can evolve the tier at any time only paying the diference, this for you to feel more safe and check if you do like my work on your characters! It was a blast working like this and on this frog badass ninja!!!! Hope you like it ;3
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mey-ts4 · 13 days
[M3yメイ]Realistic Default/Override skin ages ୨ৎ 🧸
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If you like alpha cc, this override mod is for you, as a consumer and creator of alpha cc, I always wanted to have a realistic override skin compatible with the hq mod, for this I have created this!!!
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⚠It should be noted that the photos you are seeing have been taken within the game but with lighting mods, shaders and hq mod ⚠ ,but anyways looks good in to the game ˙ᵕ˙
Thats a little representation of how works, in the previus photos u are seeing sims created whit my skin but they content other cc of other creators so in the next gif u will see a ¨clean sim¨ and the comparation whit the Maxis skin and mine:
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If u want u can donwload my ¨reallity mask¨ and use them whit ur sims is avibale for all ages but the toddlers and babys have a diferent package.
🦷All ages 🦷Hq compatible, IF U WANT USE THIS OVERRIDE SKIN OR ANY DIFERENT OVERRIDE WHIT THE HQ MOD CILCK HERE 🦷U have the merged version and an separated files version 🦷U must be skip the adds for download my cc if u are confused of how skip the adds Click ond this for see a tutorial of how skip them
My instagram ♡⊹ ࣪ ˖
You are not allowed to repost my cc without my original links because that is my work and my projects and I have the right to claim it, if you want to use my cc to create your own creations for me it's fine, even if you want to monetize it but give me credits and if you want to re-upload my cc, use the original link please.
₊˚. '*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*' +*:ꔫ:*﹤ ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ✧・゚:
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echo600 · 1 year
I saw some people questioning why the not stealing forniture was more important than the ban mine in the voting sistem, so here is my perpective as a brazilian who watches mostely Forever and the other latinoamerica streamers.
So first of all, some of the characther have spended a long time decorating, Cellbit for example has spended 2-3 months decorating his castle, and now he started decorating the Order again after a LONG time, of course no one would want it to be gone.
Two every one who has a base, has decorated at some point, and was really proud of it, the forniture and the decoration in general make every thing more pretty, stealing it ruins every thing.
Three the person that has stell in the past (Q!BBH), has ruin it for the people and made them mad, i see this as not so diferent than exploding someone's house, of course it is more extreme and dangerous, but it ruins the building as well.
And last but not least, a rule is created when someone does something that bother the people, just like Q!Cellbit said, if the people is bothered by Q!BBH stealing forniture than a rule will be created just to stop him, its not unfair, is pretty fair actualy, he has a problem and the people want him to get treatemant for that problem, is better for every one.
I get that mines risk the eggs life, but at the moment it doesn't bother the people more than stelling forniture, because it is something that has being building up in the past few months, beside most of the ilanders don't want mines to be disabled, so maybe the best thing is just nerf them or crate a mine just for pranks that expledes people but doesn't harm them, but again i don't think it will be voted because people want chaos and destruction, and it is good for the series :) (and all of the player are thinking more metagaming than in actual charather, except BBH who is the only one thinking in character for now)
All of this chaos got me thinking a lot, i do want every thing to be fine and better to every one to trust each other again, but this is why the chaos need to happen to make thing more intresting for the series, and when we finally have it it will be way more rewarding.
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psychicvoidtale · 2 months
ship counter
News shoes
Grumpy perfume
Purple plane
Nacha and Francis
Spiny worm
Exael and ana
Chester and clown
Physics school geezer fashion
Diferent caps
Hair piercings
Deep sea poly
novel counter
12 wtf
Not all the names of the ships are mine, here are the creators of those who named them, thank you very much💞 [ news shoes name by: @huffy-1337 Physics school geezer fashion name by: @silly-sobber-69 deep sea poly name by: @starrr-cringee novel counter name by: @bloomstudioart ]
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