#different questions are fun to answer :D
soonhoonsol · 4 years
20 Questions Tag :)
tagged by @sleepyljihoon​  (thank you so much!! :’3)
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise?
Cheyenne, or you’d like, Chey :)
2. When is your birthday?
November 19. Fun fact: that’s World Toilet Day! why do we have a day to celebrate toilets???
3. Where do you live?
In sunny ole’ Singapore
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Listening to “Rewrite the Stars”, crying on the inside and filling up this fun game :))
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
At the moment? Legends of Tomorrow!! send help but there’s also the usual non-stop obessessing over SVT, MX and BTS :’)
6. How has this pandemic been treating you?
To be honest, pretty great. The introvert in me is extremely happy not having to physically interact with people, and I have way more time to explore and edit stuff!! Also, to waste my entire life playing the sims :D
7. A song you can't stop listening to right now?
"Can’t Hold On Forever” by Laura Marano; it has that weird nostalgic vibe to it...although I don’t know what I’m nostalgic for...
8. Recommend a movie
9. How old are you?
19 currently, turning 20 on World Toilet Day *peace sign emoji*
10. School, university, occupation, other?
Waiting for university to begin...and dreading it T~T
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
Cold!! I’d rather be snuggled up into a human burrito instead of being a...whatever the opposite of a human burrito is
12. Name one fact others may not know about you
I have never been on a date, ever.
13. Are you shy?
Very. It’s literally in my name, if you pronounce it right (Shy-Anne; Cheyenne)
14. Do you have preferred pronouns?
15. Biggest pet peeve?
When people don’t reblog/retweet things. If you like something, share it with others. Please; there’s a whole bunch of super duper talented people who can’t make their talent known because no one shares it.
Reblog it. Retweet it. Repost it (with permission and credits!!). Or even just show it to your mum or dad. Everything helps :)
16. What is your favorite 'dere' type?
I literally only know Tsunderes and Yanderes so... both ;)
17. Rate your life 1-10, 1 being rly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
At this moment in time? Probably an 8. Yesterday? Solid -15.
18. What’s your main blog?
The one you are currently visiting :)
19. List you side blogs and what they’re used for?
Welp, there’s the semi-well-known @simplekpoplocks where I make reaaaally simple lockscreens from Kpop M/Vs; requests are open please send some
There’s also another unknown side blog which I never use except to test out headers to see if it’ll look okay...that one will remain a secret ;)
20. Is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I’m super shy (as answered above) so it’s a bit out of my comfort zone to text/talk to someone first. But if you’re the more extroverted type, don’t be afraid to approach me!! I like making new friends :))
tagging @luvhannie @kyeomshine @libraryfevr @hopeworld-daydreamer @definitelydivergent @my-woozi-happiness @hoshkyeomie @bookwan and anybody else who would like to do this!! :)
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I just, I just really want to play in a d&d game with a DM willing to incorporate backstories, because I made this rogue character with an open-ended backstory with a number of details I don't have answers to (because she wouldn't know) and I just want to know how her story pans out. She's been sitting in my character folder for months and it just eats at me that I may never learn the ending of her story. And I'm too stubborn to write it myself because it's meant for someone else to fill the gaps.
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darkbackalley · 2 years
Dazai Osamu x Ftm reader - Yosano the Helper
Warning: mentioned transphobia, mentioned homophobia, deadnaming, female- bodied reader (ftm) <- that means female to male (transgender) FEM- ALIGNED AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI! (As well as homophobes and transphobes, but that goes without saying) Starts out angsty, but ends with fluff. Reader comes out to Dazai as trans. D/n is (deadname)
“I have no such tastes in men”
Those words haunt you.
You had dated Dazai for 3 years. You had known that you weren’t a girl for the most previous one, however, considering the words that he uttered upon Atsushi’s “initiation” to the armed detective agency, you kept your mouth shut. You valued your relationship with Dazai, but you were certain that this would change it. Whether that be in a positive or negative way, you didn’t know. “Hey (d/n)! How’s it going! I found a lovely little flower shop on the way over here! How about we go look around later?” Dazai said chipperly. You stared out the window down at the street below and nodded. Dazai’s smile faltered before he scooped you up and swung you around the office-turned dance floor. Dazai hummed out a tune in the most horrendous way possible, every note having a pitch and rhythm different than the last. You smiled while being swung around. You forgot how much fun this could be. “There she is! There’s my happy little (d/n)! Your smile fell immediately, not even bothering to hide it. “Excuse me Dazai.” You said as you pushed by him and walked out the door. You sat on a bench outside and called Yosano, the only person you had entrusted your gender identity to. “Hello? Y/n? Are you alright? You sound like you’ve been crying? What happened? Who do I need to kill?” She barraged you with questions after you sniffled a greeting into the phone. “ Yosano, I can’t keep living like this. I’ll either go insane, or worse! But I don’t want to lose him! What the hell should I even do? I don’t know how to tell him or anything! I haven’t even the foggiest idea of what to say!” You were bawling at this point, receiving weird looks from those who passed. “Y/n. You just need to be honest. If he leaves you over something like this, that means that he was never worth it in the first place. You deserve someone who loves you for you, no matter who you are!” You looked at your phone incredulously. “Yeah, but that still doesn’t answer how the hell I’m going to tell Dazai-“ “what are you going to tell me?” A voice comes from behind you. You freeze on the spot, scared for whatever is to come. Yosano, of course is oblivious to everything that’s going on at the other end. “Y/n? Y/n? You there?” You slowly turned to face Dazai. “Um… I don’t know how I should go about this without maybe pissing you off or making you hate me. And of course, after I say this, you can hate me all you want, and you never have to talk to me again. Just hear me out-“ “you aren’t leaving me, are you?” Dazai asked, his voice laced with suspicion. “No! No, I wouldn’t ever dream of it… but if after what I say, you want to leave me, I’ll completely understand.” Dazai deadpanned. “Well then, get on with it.” You felt the tears begin streaming down your face as you tried to find your voice. “I-l’m… I’m trans. I’m not a girl. I’ve felt like a guy for a long time, but in the last year it’s been confirmed. I know you don’t like guys and if you don’t wanna date me anymore that’s okay, I’ll completely respe-“ your rambling was completely cut off by Dazai kissing you. “That’s fine. It’s okay! I love you, and I wouldn’t ever think of leaving you. We can get you stuff for transitioning and whatever, I’ll do research! I don’t care that you’re a guy, i mean, obviously I care, but either way I love you and that’s that. But… two questions…” you looked at him, expecting a bizarre request “What’s your preferred name and pronouns?” You smiled and kissed him. That’s when you heard cheering. Looking down at your hand, you noticed that your phone was still on, and Yosano had heard the entire thing. “Good job y/n!!!” She screamed into the speaker.
Dazai burst down the office door and waltzed inside, you attached to his arm. “Everyone! I need your attention! When the workers came away from their desks, Dazai even requested Atsushi to go find Fukuzawa. When everyone was rounded up in the office space, Dazai announced in a booming voice “This is my boyfriend, y/n! I love him and I’ll fight anyone who even fucking looks at him funny!” The workers and members of the agency came up to you and congratulated you on coming out. Ranpo just smiled down to himself and muttered under his breath “about time.”
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luxaryllis · 2 years
Hope I didn't ask for another request too soon, but I saw that you write for Genshin Impact? Could you maybe do the dorm leaders from twisted wonderland reacting to mc with a vision?(Sorry I really love the dorm leaders.) Maybe Mc has a different vision for each dorm? And how would they react to what happens when someone loses their vision and how people get visions in the first place? (If you didn't know you lose your ambition and sometimes memories.)
Genshin!Reader with TWST Dorm Leaders
Tumblr media
Note: Hi!! And it's alright haha; I'm sorry this took a LONG TIME to answer and post-
And yes, I do wrote for Genshin! And of course I can do that!! It took a bit of a while for me to choose an element per dorm, but all's well!! And yes, I know what happens when you lose a vision-
While I haven't been playing Genshin so much recently (experiencing burn-out), I do know majority of the storyline! I'm AR 53 in my main acc so I know a lot!
And my first Genshin request!! Yey!! I hope you all like this!! 💙💙
Also, please note that the personality/ies of each MC for each dorm will be based on what I think are the common traits for each vision. And for each Mc, I made it that they're used to fighting, like they have enough experience in a battle. But their backgrounds woun't be shown or mentioned, so you can fill those parts in however you want!
And since no one can have all visions at once, I'm going to assume that it's a different MC for each dorm or something, so yeah-
Heartslabyul - Hydro:
Riddle Rosehearts:
🥀 What do you think the world was thinking, putting a Hydro Vision with Grim?
🥀 There's just a bunch of "Vaporize" effects EVERYWHERE!!
🥀 The Welcoming Ceremony? "Vaporize"'d!!
🥀 And didn't the Dark Mirror say that MC has no magic?
🥀 Yeah... the welcoming ceremony was full of mist.
🥀 Riddle also doesn't understand why or how this supposed "magicless" student can use magic
🥀 When the headmage had asked MC, they said "this isn't magic... this is my Vision.", gesturing to the strange blue gem on their person.
🥀 What do you mean "vision", that blue gem is where and how they see???
🥀 In the end, Riddle's questions end up ananswered, and a bunch of new questions pop up.
🥀 Someone pls help this boy 🤣🤣
🥀 He's just really confused now 🤣
🥀 Anyway, nothing much really happens.
🥀 I personally believe that most Hydro vision havers have some sort of sense of justice or have a certain TYPE of virtue with them or something similar (even Childe doesn't pick fights for fun; he just fights who he thinks is strong enough; though his mental stability is very questionable-)
🥀 So when Riddle gets mad at Ace because of the Mont Blanc incident, MC's "virtue senses" started tingling.
🥀 So, like the original MC, Hydro!MC also revolts against Riddle.
🥀 But, unlike the original MC, Hydro!MC would add in more comments about Riddle's horrible behaviour, which angers Riddle even further.
🥀 So yeah, plot goes on.
🥀 When MC finds out about Riddle's past, they feel rather... sympathetic... towards Riddle, but still believes that it doesn't necessarily fully justify his actions, nor does it put him in the right.
🥀 So yeah.
🥀 I headcanon that most Hydro-vision weilders are great thinkers or strategizers most of the time; like they can think pretty quickly and sharply. And most of them also do pretty good at playing in the background (similar to Kokomi, who doesn't exactly do much of the fighting (from the fighting) as she does more strategizing and healing in the beckground; and Xingqiu, who literally made an entire plan for the traveler and Paimon to fix the conflict of Chang the Ninth, and didn't ask or receive any credit, due to the fact that he did everything behind the scenes)
🥀 Or I might be overanalyzing-
🥀 But anyway, MC helps the ADeuce combo think of a plan and strategy for the duel.
🥀 It depends to you whether or not you want MC to think that ADeuce would win or lose against Riddle.
🥀 But anyway, plot goes on.
🥀 Again, Hydro!MC also revomts against Riddle, but this time, may have accidentally let it slip that they know about Riddle's past.
🥀 They also insult Riddle's mom.
🥀 ...and Riddle.
🥀 Yeahh....
🥀 That causes Riddle to ALSO insult MC and their parents/guardians.
🥀 Their reaction depends on you.
🥀 Riddle overblots and MC is actually the first one to start fighting it.
🥀 Because of their sense of justice and/or virtue, they just feel the need to get Riddle out of that horrible mindset he has.
🥀 So yeah! Also, since Riddle's Overblot's main attacks are mostly fire and/or grass, Hydro!MC does have a bit of an advantage.
🥀 Also a disadvantage, because there's mist all around now.
🥀 It's also probably flooding a bit-
🥀 Riddle VS Hydro!MC literally looks like 🌊🌊🔥🔥🌫🌊🌳🌳🌊🌊🌊
🥀 MC doesn't have to worry about accumulating blot, so they deal the most punches to Riddle's overblot.
🥀 MC is also the most experienced with fighting a bunch of strange stuff (like regisvines, hilichurls, mitachurls, lawachurls, etc), so they recover quite quickly when seeing an Overblot phantom or something pretty out of the ordinary.
🥀 So yeah! MC does help comfort Riddle.
🥀 They also apologize for insulting him and his mom, though they truly do mean what they said.
🥀 They admit that they may have gone too far with their insults and snide comments, though.
🥀 They also try help fix the dorm.
🥀 The hydro stuff they summoned during the battle also disappear, along with whatever weapon they were using.
🥀 Riddle (and the rest of Heartslabyul) are pretty fascinated by how the water and the weapon simply disappear to those pretty gold sparkles.
🥀 So during the Revenge Unbirthday Party, after the other Heartslabyul students run to chase Chen'ya out, they decide to ask MC about their world.
🥀 MC talks about their world, the visions, the 7 Archons, basically everything that they know.
🥀 They also explain that a person's vision represents their ambition; so when a person's vision is taken away, they also lose their ambition.
🥀 Riddle asks what happens to a person who loses their ambition/vision.
🥀 When he finds out about it, he's horrified. People lose their memories, and sometimes even get mental disorders?
🥀 When MC tells them about the Vision Hunt Decree in Inazuma, Riddle is reminded of what he did as a 'tyrant'.
🥀 MC mentions that the people here are very lucky that getting your magic disabled doesn't have much circumstances or go through any bad effects in this world.
🥀 And Riddle wholeheartedly agrees with that.
🥀 If MC is from Inazuma; and have been affected by the Vision Hunt Decree, be it by seeing a close one go through the consequences of losing their vision, or from seeing someone d*e at the hands of the Shogun or the Tenryou Commission, Riddle apologizes if his actions have caused any bad memories to pop up.
🥀 Afterwards, Riddle and MC often hang out.
🥀 MC also shows Riddle some cool and fun tricks using their Hydro Vision.
Savanaclaw - Dendro:
Leona Kingscholar:
🦁 Another disaster during the Welcoming Ceremony
🦁 Because Grim's flames keep burning MC's dendro attacks.
🦁 This causes a burning smell that Leona does NOT like.
🦁 It's too much for his nose.
🦁 And from my speculation (as we have NO released playable Dendro characters at the moment), Dendro-vision weilders would most likely be quite knowledgeable and possibly wise. Because the Dendro Archon is the God of Wisdom. So, for this, I will be saying that Dendro!MC is pretty smart and thoughful and pretty witty.
🦁 So luckily, for both MC AND Leona, they stop trying to help stop Grim.
🦁 How the hell does this herbivore have magic, when the Dark Mirror said that they DON'T have magic??
🦁 Another confused person.
🦁 But Leona's pretty quick to shrug it off and go about his life, thinking that the herbivore wouldn't be such a bother in the future.
🦁 Anyway, when MC meets Leona in the Bitanical Garden, Leona (like he does with the original MC) sniffs them.
🦁 He notices that they smell a lot like plants. Their scent is very... nature-y. Not necessarily earthy, but close.
🦁 When he found out that MC was on the case of all the incidents and accidents going on, Leona also didn't think much of it.
🦁 What he didn't expect was for MC to LITERALLY walk up to him and CASUALLY ask him if he knew why no one from his dorm was getting injured.
🦁 Sh*t
🦁 Dendro!MC would definitely wonder why no one from Savanclaw was getting injured.
🦁 Plus, Jack mentioned that, "he probably won't get targeted".
🦁 So MC, being the smart@ss they are, goes to investigate Savanaclaw.
🦁 Leona replies that he doesn't know, and that the culprit might be too scared to mess with Savanaclaw.
🦁 MC refutes this, by saying that the culprit should have also been cautious of Diasomnia, Scarabia, and Octavinelle students too, as they are the most... calculating and most likely to get revenge.
🦁 Leona is now intrigued and interested in this herbivore; he thinks that they seem really sharp.
🦁 Leona then replies, "How would I know? I'm not the culprit."
🦁 MC is now absolutely sure that Leona is a suspect.
🦁 Before they could ask him to come with them (to interrogate him further), Leona adds, "What? If you really suspect that I'M the culprit, where's your evidence?"
🦁 This leaves MC quiet, and they leave Leona, frustrated.
🦁 After that, Leona makes sure that Ruggie is more careful with his "work".
🦁 But this does cause Leona to be a bit more daring at the same time.
🦁 As usual, plot continues, but MC is a lot more thoughtful; they even closely inspect the "crime scenes".
🦁 Plot goes on again.
🦁 Now, MC and Riddle's plan definitely OBVIOUSLY worked.
🦁 Also, MC definitely talks and critically criticizes Leona.
🦁 They mostly criticize his way of responding to a situation where he knows that someone is better than him.
🦁 They also comment on how f*cked up his life is, but the way he acts towards his life is probably even more problematic.
🦁 They don't talk about how he's the second-in-line; they know not to play with that part of his life.
🦁 Also because they don't know about his background yet.
🦁 Leona overblots
🦁 Again, Dendro!MC is quick to go up to Leona and fight his overblot.
🦁 The fight is normal, to be honest.
🦁 Except MC is in a bit of a disadvantage.
🦁 Since I see MC using their Dendro to capture people, like trap them, Leona would simply turn their attacks to dust.
🦁 So they're left with trying to affect him through making plants/flowers with strong pollen to disorient him.
🦁 It works; since Leona's a lion, his nose is quite sensitive.
🦁 Plot goes on.
🦁 I don't see Leona being someone who would willingly acceot comfort, and MC acknowledges that.
🦁 So they don't comfort Leona.
🦁 Instead, they ask him why he wants to be king so bad.
🦁 They also give him a bunch of questions to ponder over.
🦁 Like, "don't you want to be something else?", or tell him that there are other better options than being a king.
🦁 After that, Leona is a bit less hostile to MC; he is STILL wary, though.
🦁 He asks questions about MC world, though.
🦁 When he finds out about what hapoens to a person when they lose their vision, he's a bit more nonchalant.
🦁 Don't get him wrong, though.
🦁 He's pretty terrified at the thought of all those side effects.
🦁 He's also pretty glad that he isn't in MC's world.
🦁 But other than that, he's pretty chill!
🦁 He also plays Chess with MC a lot!
🦁 He thinks that they're a great opponent to go against.
🦁 Their scent is also pretty relaxing sometimes-
🦁 So he steals them away from whatever task to use them as his pillow.
Octavinelle - Geo:
Azul Ashengrotto:
🐙 Now, for Geo Vision wielders, I see them as people with a specific sense of duty and and perseverance; and are often great/recognized in what they do.
🐙 So I’ll be basing that on this MC.
🐙 Azul easily notices that this supposed magicless student has a very... calm and mentor-like aura/vibe to them.
🐙 When Grim causes fire everywhere, Geo!MC doesn’t stop Grim; but they create shields to protects everyone from the fire.
🐙 Azul also notices that the magicless student made certain... constructs? around the place.
🐙 What these constructs do is up to you-
🐙 Azul is now curious. 
🐙 The supposed magicless student actually has magic..
🐙 Perhaps the Dark Mirror was unable to detect magic from them?
🐙 However... shield magic and creating constructs are quite useful...
🐙 Perhaps they would be willing to make a contract with him?
🐙 *insert Azul's capitalism thoughts*
🐙 They could have other abilities that he could take advantage of too...
🐙 Coming back to the Octavinelle Dorm, Azul's thoughts were full of how he could possibly get MC and the new students into a contract with him.
🐙 MC seems like a very respectable person, so they might know what he's trying to do...
🐙 Or not...
🐙 Azul knows not to judge someone based on their cover or outward appearance, so he has Jade and Floyd observe spy on MC.
🐙 Before the Octavinelle Arc, Azul has always been trying to get them in a contract with him.
🐙 However, MC has a feeling that Azul's intentions aren't as nice as they seem.
🐙 So they're quite cautious and wary of him, and often dodge his attempts to capitalize on their talents and abilities.
🐙 They also can't help but think that there's more to this shady b@stard than meets the eye...
🐙 They volunteer to teach him how to use their weapon, though!
🐙 Unless MC uses a catalyst-
🐙 But other than that, they're alert around him.
🐙 When MC FINALLY appraches Azul about the jerk anemones, Azul is celebrating on the inside.
🐙 Ahem!
🐙 Anyway, Azul puts in the contract, "The Ramshackle Prefect's Powers, Abilities, and Knowledge"
🐙 He put it in a small font.
🐙 He was half expecting, half not expecting that MC would fully read the contract.
🐙 MC does read the contract; it takes a while to do, though.
🐙 And SOMEHOW, MC finds the small fine print, and explains to Azul that it's impossible for someone to use someone else's Vision.
🐙 They also tell him that they CAN give him knowledge abouy their world, though.
🐙 Azul begrudgingly accepts and acknowledge this and takes off the part where it takes Mc's powers away, should they break the contract.
🐙 MC accepts the contract, after going over it a couple more times to check for any other rigged prints.
🐙 Azul fully expects that MC won't be able to complete the contract.
🐙 However, what he doesn't know, is that Geo!MC is very dedicated.
🐙 Once they start something, they WILL end it.
🐙 So, the plot goes on as usual.
🐙 When Azul realizes MC's plan, he's surpirised, but a small part of him was a bit satisfied.
🐙 Finally, a worthy opponent.
🐙 MC might have commented a bit on Azul's unfair scamming.
🐙 Azul interprets this as MC bullying him, which further brings him to overblot.
🐙 During Azul's overblot, MC was easily able to shield everyone from his attacks.
🐙 They also dealt quite a lot of damage to the Overblot phantom thing
🐙 When Azul wakes up, MC already has a few herbs or a potion to make him feel better from the pain.
🐙 When they confront Azul, they also comfort him a bit.
🐙 MC tells him that he doesn't have to prove anything; and that those bullies were kids.
🐙 Besides, people dislike or are afraid of anything/anyone they aren't familiar with.
🐙 This doesn't exactly comfort Azul, but it does help him be more open-minded
🐙 MC also tells him about their world; and gives him some knowledge about common things in their world, as well as what they're really good at.
🐙 When Azul finds out about what happens to someone who loses their Vision, he's also pretty scared and horrified.
🐙 He is aware that the side effects are NO joke.
🐙 If you are from Inazuma & have been affected by the Vision Hunt Decree, he has a lot more respect for you.
🐙 Azul is also very interested in the Geo Archon; the God of Contracts, you say? 👀
🐙 But other than that, Azul admires MC for MC perseverance and dedication to what they do.
🐙 And MC admires Azul for his business and his hardworking-ness. Even though sometimes, his intentions aren't as positive.
🐙 Basically, both admire and look up to the other and better themselves to be like the other.
🐙 Great friendship, all-in-all.
🐙 MC also works as a guard or a bouncer for Monstro Lounge.
Scarabia - Cryo:
Kalim Al-Asim:
☀️ Oh dear...
☀️ Another disaster during the welcoming ceremony-
☀️ When Kalim's butt was on fire, MC probably froze it for a while.
☀️ The ice was controlled, and wasn't numbingly cold, don't worry.
☀️ MC also probably tried stopping Grim by freezing the fire, aka cancelling it.
☀️ Another mist combo-
☀️ MC also froze Grim too.
☀️ Again, the ice was controlled and not too cold either.
☀️ Kalim was AMAZED by the supposed magicless prefect's powers.
☀️ He probably forgot that the Dark Mirror said that they were magicless.
☀️ He thought that there was a small misunderstanding.
☀️ Now, my headcanon/s for Cryo Vision wielders is that they've mostly lost something, or longing for something that they can't have (like Qiqi, who lost her life and memories; Ayaka, who lives a very rich life, but longs to be treated as a normal person, etc). And most of them have quite ironic circumstances. (For example, Chongyun is an exorcist, but he hasn't seen a spirit; Diona is a bartender, but hates alchohol; Ayaka is a very famous and loved person, but has very few trusted friends)
☀️ So MC has some characteristics there.
☀️ I also imagine MC's attitude to be a bit closed off and reserved; quite the opposite to Kalim.
☀️ Polar Opposites Become Besties trope?? 👀👀
☀️ Anyway!
☀️ Kalim was VERY excited about becoming friends with the person who helped him!
☀️ Actually, I think he already does consider them friends-
☀️ But when he sees them in the Scarabia Dorm, he's absolutely excited to get to know MC better!
☀️ He shows them his favorite food and has them dance/sing with him (if they're comfortable).
☀️ Basically, it's all fun and games until Jamil mind-controls him-
☀️ MC, who doesn't understand what's going on, feels a bit betrayed; because one moment Kalim is all sunshines and sparkles, and the next, Kalim's really scary and demanding.
☀️ They also get very concerned about Kalim.
☀️ That is, until they notice a pattern.
☀️ Before Kalim goes all strict and tyrant-y, Jamil is with Kalim.
☀️ Most Cryo users are a bit analytical, and observational; so I do think this will apply to Cryo!MC.
☀️ This makes MC pretty suspicious of Jamil.
☀️ Kalim still isn't off the hook, though.
☀️ Whenever Jamil stops his Snake Whisper on Kalim, Kalim is always confused as to why MC and the others avoid him, or act a bit distasteful to him.
☀️ When it's revealed that Jamil did what he did, Kalim is betrayed, and MC is quite mad and upset at Jamil on behalf of Kalim.
☀️ When Kalim is still feeling sad, after getting thrown to the "ends of the world", Mc comforts Kalim; saying that while Jamil's feelings is pretty justifiable, his actions aren't.
☀️ Basically, MC comforts Kalim.
☀️ Unfortunately, they can't do anything about the freezing temperatures.
☀️ MC is also probably used to the cold, as they do have a Cryo vision.
☀️ Tbh, I'm torn on how I want the scene where Kalim uses Oasis Maker to go, so you have a choice in this:
☀️ The first choice is that everything goes on normally; the Tweels turn into their eel form and swim everyone else back to Scarabia.
☀️ Or after Kalim uses Oasis Maker to fill up to oasis, MC freezes the river so everyone could simply skate or slide back to Scarabia (ka(e)yaking)
☀️ Or MC summons a Cryo summon that brings everyone to Scarabia.
☀️ Your pick, really.
☀️ When they go confront and fight Jamil's Overblot, Kalim is amazed at MC's talent and ability with their weapon.
☀️ They have him use Oasis Maker so they could freeze the water.
☀️ This makes the mind-controlled people to slip or freeze.
☀️ After all that, Kalim and MC continue to be close friends!
☀️ MC also makes sure Kalim doesn't do anything TOO extreme.
☀️ Jamil sighing in relief in the background.
☀️ Kalim and MC are definitely Freeze combo besties!
☀️ When Kalim asks about MC's world, he's amazed at the Vision stuff.
☀️ But when he finds out about what happens to people when they lose their vision, he's crying.
☀️ If you have a close one who's went through these side effects, he definitely feels sorry for you and cries for you.
☀️ Other than that, you're both amazing besties!!
Pomefiore - Electro:
Vil Schoenheit:
👑 Probably the BIGGEST disaster for the Welcoming Ceremony-
👑 Grim's fire and your Electro do NOT work well together-
👑 Overload reactions make explosions, right?
👑 Yeah... not a great idea.
👑 I think that most Electro Vision wielders are people who are very clear and honest with their identity; and are often loners. They also often reject or contradict what society often think is "normal", so they're often considered "strange" or "abnormal".
👑 So I'll be basing Electro!MC off that.
👑 Also, Electro people are GORGEOUS, or cute-
👑 Anyway, Vil absolutely LOVES MC's appearance; it very much suits them.
👑 Also, that lightning magic they create is very aesthetically pleasing; especially with the prevailent purple and black surroundings.
👑 What Vil DOESN'T like is that the lightning and fire create explosions.
👑 It's very dangerous!
👑 Luckily, the creature is stopped.
👑 When Vil sees MC's friends and that creature are auditioning for the VDC, he's intruiged, and sorta expects that MC would also audition.
👑 Surprise, surprise! They didn't audition!
👑 Anyway, he surprised that MC is just there for moral support; but shrugs it off.
👑 When he gets to Ramshackle, it's honestly even more of a mess because MC has had to stop Grim's shenanigans often.
👑 So Vil is disgusted and concerned cuz HOW THE HECK DO YOU LIVE HERE?!?!
👑 Anyway, plot ensues normally.
👑 Vil overblots, etc.
👑 You absolutely DESTROY his overblot.
👑 Like, he barely stood a chance, since Electro does very well in long-ranged.
👑 So MC's able to deal great amounts of damage while staying pretty far away from him to not get so affected by the poison.
👑 After all that, MC comfort everyone when NRC loses.
👑 After the overblot, Vil approaches you (or you approach Vil, either is fine), and you both talk.
👑 I don't think that acting is a thing, outside of plays and operas, etc; since there isn't a TV in Teyvat-
👑 So MC asks Vil about them.
👑 In return, he asks about MC's world.
👑 When he finds out about what happens to a person when they lose their vision, Vil is also pretty horrified.
👑 There aren't any side effects to losing your magic in Twisted Wonderland, unless it was specifically from someone else's Unique Magic; so this is all foreign to Vil.
👑 Afterwards, he's pretty chill honestly.
👑 He also has MC sometimes model in his room, or do some skin care or hair care together.
👑 MC and Vil also have salon/spa hang outs; he pays.
👑 Vil likes the sort of collected, yet powerful presence MC has, and respect that.
👑 He gives MC clothes to further accentuate that aura they have too!
Ignihyde - Pyro:
Idia Shroud:
(Note: This might be pretty short compared to the others as I don't know much about this character. I might edit this soon when I do know more about the character, though.)
💀 Oh dear...
💀 Pyro!MC using their Pyro to stop Grim's fire doesn't fix anything-
💀 Plus...
💀 Idia is freaking out at the background cuz the heat might melt his tablet-
💀 Plus, being so skilled at it too-
💀 Idia solemnly swears to himself never to go near MC.
💀 He sees MC as this deadly character in a game that saves you, but is really scary-
💀 He also notes that Mc's origins of being from another world is like the generic normal isekai anime/game story.
💀 He now also sees MC as an Isekai Main Character
💀 Now, most Pyro characters are very passionatw about a certain skill, thing, or goal they have. Like Xiangling and cooking; or Diluc and keeping Mondstadt safe; etc.
💀 So Idia sort of sees MC's passion as something to be careful about.
💀 He wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of their weapon and their vision.
💀 Since idk what happens during and after Idia's overblot, I'll be keeping this short-
💀 Sorry-
💀 When he finds out about what happens to people when they lose their vision, Idia is pretty horrified...
💀 He's pretty curious as to how people handle it, but is probably too scared to ask-
Diasomnia - Anemo:
Malleus Draconia:
(Note: This might be pretty short compared to the others as I don't know much about this character. I might edit this soon when I do know more about the character, though.)
🐉 As he wasn't invited, Malleus doesn't know what happened during the Welcoming Cermony.
🐉 He does hear Lilia (who heard from Sebek and other first years) tell him about a supposed magicless prefect who apparently had wind magic, had helped save the students from a fire cat monster.
🐉 Only thing is, it doesn't help much-
🐉 In fact, the wind/Anemo that Anemo!MC uses only fans the flames higher-
🐉 So they had to stop unless they wanted NRC to burn down.
🐉 He found a great interest in this child of man.
🐉 So when he finds out that they are the now-Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, he's quite satisfied.
🐉 He IS quite sad that he won't be abke to go to Ramshackle for hsi nightly expeditions/walks, but he's still content with being able to learn more about the prefect.
🐉 Now, in my opinion, Anemo Users are often people who also have a sort of sense duty, while still advocating (or longing) for a sense of freedom in some way (For example, Jean and her sense of duty as the Acting Grandmaster, while advocating for freedom for Mondstadt; Xiao and his role as the only Yaksha, longing for freedom from his perpetual agony; Sayu's a hard nut, but perhaps her role in the Shuumatsuban and her wanting to sleep more to be taller, perhaps??). Some Anemo users also have some type of role model or leader or something similar (like Sucrose has an admiration and looks up to Albedo very much; Jean who looks up to Lady Vanessa, and the Anemo Archon). I also see that some Anemo vision wielders prefer to work alone rather than in a big group; or they carry a burden that they keep alone (like Jean and the burden of all the work being the Acting Grandmaster; Xiao and the burden of his karmic debt; Sayu and her burden of being small and often underestimated)
🐉 So I'll be modelling Anemo!MC based on that.
🐉 So, when Malleus and MC become close, MC is a lot more open to Malleus, and treats him like how they would anyone else.
🐉 They admire how Malleus is very strong and efficient in magic too.
🐉 Both Malleus and MC often show off a bit of tricks using their vision or magic.
🐉 MC also tells Malleus about their homeworld, all the adventures they've gone through, all the hardships, etc.
🐉 In return, Malleus also shares some of his own knowledge about Twisted Wonderland; and gargoyles!
🐉 Especially gargoyles!!
🐉 When he finds out about what happens to a person who loses their Vision, he's quite taken aback.
🐉 He's not exactly downright HORRIFIED, but he is pretty surprised that there would be such consequences to losing that.
🐉 Other than that, he's also quite chill about it.
So sorry for the long wait, and I hope you enjoyed this!
Comments and feedback are always welcome!!
Thank you everyone for your support and for reading this!! 💙💙
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin x fem!reader [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] He introduces S/O to the team
Before you read this, might be a good idea to read the introduction first. To give you the whole low-down of the team and their dynamicsssss.
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Scenario: You and him have been dating for a while now. Why does the team not know and what’s their reaction in finding out/when he introduces you?
Warnings: AU if that’s not your thing then don’t read, not proofread...as usual.
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
You’ve been dating for nearly 5 months at this point. Beforehand the two of you were close friends. So the team kind of already knew you guys were close, but you’d never met the team properly.
It’s not that he was HIDING your relationship, its that he didn’t want to pressure you into meeting his team. They could really be an overwhelming bunch of high schoolers sometimes.
As it happens he walks to the gym hand in hand with you one day, his other hand on his duffel sports bag, thinking that he’d be the earliest one there as always. 
But when he slides the gym doors open his WHOLE TEAM greets him “CAPTAIN!” and then there’s an awkward silence that descends as they all catch him with his hand intertwined with yours.
KAEYA AND TARTAGLIA LOSES IT. “C-Captain, you had a girlfriend and didn’t tell us?!” “You finally made a move on her?!” “S’about time!”
Needless to say they both get knocked on the head by Zhongli’s fist. 
Zhongli sighs and turns to you apologetically but you say that you don’t mind meeting them. He perks up and claps his hands to ask his team to line up.
They do so diligently. Kaeya, Tartaglia and Thoma are giddy while looking at you. Xiao and Kazuha have their mouth slightly agape as if you’re some kind of rare species. Diluc and Albedo stare you down. 
You introduce yourself as Zhongli’s gilrfriend and as you do so Tartaglia’s eyes dart towards Zhongli who has a slightly shy expression on his face. 
“Oh, oh question time!” Thoma raises his hand “Does the captain secretly eat sweets behind our back?” You haven’t even answered when Kaeya asks “Does the captain ever glare at you (he mimics Zhongli’s face) and say 10 Push ups NOW!” Surprisingly Diluc raises his hand too “...Is the captain strict with you too?”
Zhongli gets irked the more questions are asked and he finally steps in with an ominous presence. “10 laps around the gym...NOW!” 
He apologizes to you again but you reassure him it’s totally fine and they all seem like such fun. 
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
The vice captain is a very secretive guy.
Not even his brother knew.
It’s not that he was ashamed of you, he just liked his privacy and you already knew that. 
But there was this one time where he forgot his textbooks under his desk and you had to go and give it to him while he was at practice.
Shyly looking into the door the first one that spots you is Albedo.
“...Do you need something?” you tense up at Albedo’s question and shakily hand him the textbooks.
“U-Uhm... D-Diluc’s...”
Albedo tilts his head and turns to shout at the team. “Someone’s looking for the vice captain,”
Everyone stops what they’re doing and snaps there head towards you.
Diluc jogs over, sweat still fresh on his forehead. Without thinking he takes the books from you, small smile on his face and thanks you.
The rest of his team freezes up all thinking: “Hold on, is he...SMILING?”
You’re oblivious to them staring and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. When Diluc turns back his team is glaring daggers at him, he stares back at them. Doesn’t say anything, and continues practice.
No one is brave enough to ask him about it.
Tartaglia whispers to Kaeya “You didn’t know about it either huh?”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
This MF would talk about you whenever he had the chance.
Y/N this, Y/N that, Y/N is so cute. 
Frankly the team is kinda tired of it. 
But when you finally visit one of their practices the team levels their gaze at you and think “Oh shit, he wasn’t lying, she is actually cute,”
Sees his teammates expression and brags even more. “I know what y’all are thinking. You’re thinking, OH! She’s actually really cute! Hm?”
Slings an arm around you shamelessly with a grin. “Back off boys, I’ll block all your attempts,”
Diluc is the one that walks up to you and you blink at him. Kaeya blinks at him, confused as well.
Diluc suddenly bows, “I feel sorry for you but please take care of him,”
The rest of the team either bursts out laughing or snickers behind their hand.
Their vice captain is low key savage
#4 Albedo (Setter)
The team finds out about you cause when they finish practice they find you waiting outside the gym.
Kazuha asks politely while the others look on “Are you lost?”
You straighten up and stutter a little, “Ah, uh, no, I’m...” You’re at a loss for words. 
Then Albedo suddenly appears from the gym doors and sees you. “Ah, were you waiting long? Sorry,”
Thoma tilts his head in question. “Albedo...Your sister?”
Albedo at this point was standing next to you already. “...No, my girlfriend,” like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Everyone is stunned into statues.
“H-How did you get one before me?” Tartaglia looks as if his soul had been sucked out of his body.
“Next time you can just come inside and wait inside the gym, it’s dark out here,” their responsible captain suggests and you’re amazed at his kindness and bow at him with a thank you.
Albedo doesn’t see what’s the big deal and just grabs your hand and starts walking away.
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The team already knew since the first date. It’s because he.would.not.shut.up.about.it
That particular day at practice his spikes were a tad bit stronger than usual.
“Oi... you’re getting too excited...” Xiao mumbles at him. Tartaglia just grins and scratches the back of his head. “Aaaahhhh... I can’t help it, I’m so nervous for my date with Y/N!”
A few more dates later he starts showing off his phone wallpaper to the others. It’s a picture of you and him.
Kaeya tries to piss him off by saying, “Huh, we’ve never actually seen her in person. Maybe it’s photoshopped,” The others snicker.
Is so pissed, asks you to come immediately.
You thought it was an emergency so you come into the gym with a worried look on your face only to be hugged tight into his chest. “See? See? She’s totally real and totally cute!”
Albedo crosses his arms and blinks, then looks at Kaeya “...You totally baited him, he’s such a simpleton.”
Kaeya responds with a smirk “Right?”
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The most formal out of all of them and even tells them seriously that he had an announcement to make.
Next day he comes into practice with you in tow.
Properly introduces you as his girlfriend. 
Everyone is wide-eyed at how official it feels. Then you suddenly take out a big container of fruits and tell everyone it’s for them (The captain doesn’t allow sweets, he thinks it’ll fatten them up or some crap.)
EVERYONE IS BLESSED BY YOUR PRESENCE and Kazuha is just enjoying you getting along with them.
Kaeya and Tartaglia try to whisper and bribe you into making cookies for them. 
Albedo and Xiao stares at Kazuha thinking ‘If someone like you can get a girlfriend, we can get one too, right?’
You offer to come back next time with more fruits and some secret cookies.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Tried to keep it a secret because he knows his team will make a fuss about it.
The team finds out when his phone suddenly starts ringing in the middle of practice and he asks for a timeout to pick it up.
“Mm... Yeah... I’ll pick you up when I finish,” Everyone starts nudging each other when they hear him talk to you in an unusually calm and soft tone. So different from when he plays volleyball and gets angry at them.
By this point everyone tries to keep quiet and enlarge their ears to eavesdrop.
“Idiot... I won’t be late. I promised to take you out didn’t I?” 
Hearing their tsundere libero say something so sweet makes everyone combust.
When he turns back everyone is staring at him with smirks on their faces. “Hey, why not just ask her to come here?” Kaeya sneakily suggests.
Xiao blushes “A-As if I’d let her near you bumbling fools!”
He was worried it would scare you away, actually.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Literally no one is surprised he has a girlfriend.
It would be MORE of a surprise if he DIDN’T have one.
But they find out cause he left his phone out on the bench one day and there’d been a text message while Xiao was conveniently sitting on the bench.
“...Tohma, someone me--” Xiao looks at the screen where the message ‘I love you!’ is clearly written.
Xiao is so curious but is not gunna admit it so he nudges Kaeya or Tartaglia who might be sitting next to him and secretly motions over to the phone.
They read it and ask in a real loud voice “Oi Tohma! Who’s Y/N? They said I love you!” 
Tohma laughs nervously and since it’s already out he might as well introduce you. 
“This is my princess,” he says when you enter the gym to walk home with him that afternoon. You bow and introduce yourself and everyone looks at you thinking... “Ah, they look like the perfect domestic couple,”
Low-key everyone is jealous of how you dote on him.
Hello Hello! Technically this could be counted as fluff, but I understand that not everyone is fond of AUs, so, if you don’t mind being tagged to something like this, please fill in the survey again (I’ve added AU as an option, just click that one if you’ve signed up for the others before!)
Please do consider supporting me at my ko-fi! I’ve fixed the payment link so I think you can love me more now <3 (haha jk, it’s optional, but it would greatly help and make me happy!)
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angel-ixily · 2 years
The Story of Us
Pairing: Steve Harrington x female!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
POV: First person
Fandom: Stranger Things
Warnings: Foul language, mentions of Steve and Nancy doing the deed, mentions of blood, mentions of puke, mentions of alcohol and drugs
Summary: The explanation of how Steve Harrington and Y/N ended up being a couple
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It was 6th grade when I had first met Steve Harrington.
I was sitting at a table alone at lunch. I had just moved to Hawkins from Gary, and I had known nobody. Throughout the entire day, I didn't talk or even share a glance at anyone.
I felt like a total outcast. Hell, I was an outcast. But that's until a boy, around 5'2 had walked over casually and sat at my lunch table. His thick brown hair bouncing from how he had plopped down in the seat across from me. He had a smile on his face. I looked up at him slowly.
"The names Harrington," He paused for a moment, putting out his hand for me to shake. "Steve Harrington."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the start of a very, very long friendship ahead of us. And after that, we would begin to form a relationship. But let's not skip ahead of ourselves here. Let me share the story of how Steve and I began to fall in love with each other.
The summer of 1983. Our Junior year. Steve and I invited Carol, Tommy, Barbara, and Nancy; Steve's girlfriend at the time, to a party at his house. Nancy brought it amongst herself to invite her friend Barbara, who lets say, did not have a fun time at all.
We drank, swam, ate, had the time of our lives! Steve and I mocked Carol and Tommy's relationship! Tommy fought back by saying, "Oh yeah? And what about you two? You guys have been best friends for 5 years! There's no way the both of you haven't hooked up!"
As always, because we had been asked this question a million times before, Steve answered, "We're just friends." I answered, "Oh give it up Tommy! Steve has a girlfriend now! Cut it off with the jokes! And besides, what about that Jackie girl? Weren't you fucking around with her only a few days ago?" This caused Carol to give him an upset look and it didn't stop Nancy from giving me one of those looks. One of those looks that read, 'I'm done with the dating jokes between you two. He's mine.'
At the time, I would have gladly let her have him. He was my best friend! Have all the fun in the world that you desire with him! However, break his heart and you'd feel my wrath. But after a while, the thoughts of Nancy Wheeler would slowly fade from Steve's mind, only to be replaced with another girl. But again, we're getting ahead of ourselves.
After a while of splashing and messing around in the pool, we had all gotten out and decided to dry off in Steve's house. Well...not all of us. I had stayed next to Steve's pool, picking up some trash and the mess that they had all left behind. Only a moment later, Barbara came back out. I had been picking up a crushed beer can, and I had looked up to see her. The blood from when she cut her hand still dropping onto the floor. She sat on the edge of the pool.
"Just so you know, whatever Carol and Tommy said in the house that brought you back out here, it doesn't matter. Their opinions and thoughts don't matter at all. Tommy has a micro penis of a brain, and Carol's hair roots drag so deeply into her head that she only knows how to speak dumb. Stupidity is their nature. I guess that's why they’re perfect for each other." This caused Barbara to laugh. It was a sad laugh, though. We were quiet for a moment until she spoke.
"No. It's nothing they said. It's just that.. ever since Nancy began dating Steve, she's been different. She's acting different; Dressing different. Treating me different! She literally just told me to go home. Nancy's been my best friend for years and within a snap of a finger she changes because her boyfriend wants her to." Barbara stopped talking. She took a deep sigh. Her head hung low and her blood continuously dripping into the water. I bit my lip and walked over, sitting down next to her.
"I don't think that Steve wants her to change. If I'm going to be honest, Steve isn't as bad as people make him out to be. Yeah, he has his asshole moments, but he's not a terrible human being. If anything, he doesn't want Nancy to change at all. He started liking her because of who she was, not because of who he wants her to be. I think now that she's dating Steve, she wants to match up with their energy. She's changing because she feels like she needs to." I looked at Barb as I spoke. It took her a while, but she looked up at me.
"Why does she feel like she needs to change? She's been one way all her life. Why change now?" I just shrugged.
"I'm sorry but I don't know," I put a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe that's something you should talk to Nancy about. I don't know her that well and I don't think she likes me very much, but if I do know something about her character, it's that she's a good person. She has a good heart and so do you." I winked at Barb before I stood up, dusting myself off.
"Now. I'm going to run inside and grab some antiseptic cream and a wraparound band-aid. Stay right there and I'll be back in a moment." I walked to Steve's back door and slid it open, walking in, and closing it behind me. I rushed up the stairs and walked into the bathroom, opening the closet. I reached for the first aid kit on the top shelf, opened it, and grabbed the band aid, some tape, and the antiseptic cream.
As I was exiting the bathroom, I began walking down the hallway, when I heard light groaning from Steve's bedroom. I cringed and hurried downstairs, humming "Break My Stride" to forget the torturous sounds I had heard. I walked to the back door and slid it open. I stepped out.
"I'm back with the stuff Barb. Your hand is going to be back in good shape in no ti-" I closed the door behind me and turned around. Barb was no longer there. I walked a little closer to the pool. "Barb? Barb are you there?" I looked around the scenery. The pool was still. Nothing seemed touched or out of order then it was when I had left. The deck was a little wetter than it had been before, but that was it. I pursed my lips and furrowed my eyebrows. "I..Barb I told you not to move."
And that's the entire reason why Steve and I grew closer. it's really sad to think that Barb's death was the reason that Steve and I would fall in love with each other, but it's true.
A bunch of dominoes fell after that. Nancy began hanging out with Jonathan Byers. She and Steve dated for another year or so before Steve broke up with her after Nancy told him that their relationship was bullshit. Hell, I was the one who sat here and talked through it with Steve. Let me tell you how that went!
Steve had speed walked out of the bathroom. I was talking to the new kid, Billy Hargrove, who had been lightly flirting with me. It stopped after Steve had whizzed right past me. I excused myself and followed after him.
"Steve! Steve!" It wasn't until we had been outside and close to his car was when I had enough of him ignoring me and I ran in front of him, stopping him. "Steve what happened in there? Where is Nancy?" I asked, looking at him right in the eyes. He huffed for a few seconds before he spoke.
"Nancy 'Little Miss Perfect' Wheeler isn't coming or even riding back home with me. She can stay behind and wait for her boyfriend Jonathan to waste his gas on her and drive her home." Steve began to walk past me again but I grabbed his arm. He stopped again.
"I'm going with you, right? I have no other way home." I told him. He whipped around, glaring daggers at me.
"You have no other way home, huh? What about the new King, Billy Hargrove? What about him? I'm sure he'd LOVE to take you home. I'm sure he'd also love to get a nice blowjob from you!" He yelled. I was taken aback, but I kept my head high.
"I don't know what Nancy said in there to you. I don't know what's gotten you so pissed off besides the fact that you spilled a drink all over her, but don't you ever take it out on me. This has nothing to do with me at all," I was stepping closer to him, pointing a finger at his face. "So, take a fucking breath and calm down before I make you. Billy and I talking at a high school party has nothing to do with your relationship problems." I told him. He looked me in the eyes. I could see his eyes become waterier. He faced away from me.
"Just get in the car. I'll explain it when we get to my house..." He mumbled.
The car ride there had been quiet. The radio was off, Steve and I weren't talking. The only sound heard was the engine of the car running. And then the keys jingling when Steve had parked the car in his driveway and turned off the ignition.
He had opened his door and gotten out. I proceeded to follow. He opened the gate to his backyard, and we walked in there together. He sat by the edge of the pool, not caring whether or not his shoes got wet. It was also the same place Barb had sat right before she died.
I was scared that if I looked away from Steve, he would disappear like she did, and I'd lose him forever. Just like Nancy had lost Barb forever. I didn't take my eyes off of him as I sat next to him by the pool, taking my heels off and dipping my feet into the water.
We were both quiet. Steve looked at the water, while I looked at him. All of this seeming so familiar.
"I'm sorry Y/N..." He said out of nowhere. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"I'm sorry. For the way I treated you back there. I was just...I was so pissed. Nancy told me she didn't love me and that our relationship was bullshit. She talked about Barb's death and how it was our fault. I just... I saw you talking to Billy. You looked happy. I guess I walked past you because I wanted you to notice how upset I was. Well, you did and then I went off on you because you did exactly what I wanted you to do. I shouldn't have done that." He looked over to me and into my eyes. I stared right back at him.
"I understand. What Nancy said to you was heartbreaking. But you also have to realize that she was really, really drunk. People say stupid things when they're drunk. Things that they sometimes don't mean. Remember that one time that you got completely wasted and when I dropped you off at home you wouldn't stop rambling about how you loved me and that you wanted to be with me? How the only reason you started talking to me in the middle school was because you had the biggest crush on me and that you had always loved me? Yeah, people say stupid things." Steve raised his eyebrows for a moment before lowering them. He opened his mouth to say something, but he just shrugged.
"Yeah, but what Nancy was saying seemed so real. She's been acting weird and different for months. Sometimes when you're drunk, the truth spills out because the common sense isn't clicking. The decision making between wrong and right isn't communicating with the rest." Steve explained. I stared at him wide eyed.
"What?" He asked. He raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing. It's just that...when you had joined that AP Psych class with me, you couldn't tell the different between the frontal lobe and the aorta of the heart. But here you are explaining how alcohol makes you lose connections of the brain. That's crazy, Harrington." I jokingly said. He chuckled. For what felt like the 300th time today, it was quiet.
"Yeah. I guess I've drank enough alcohol to just know from experience of how it messes with things." He said, looking back to the pool. I nodded, biting my lip. I hadn't realized I had glanced down from Steve, and I looked back up at him. It was as if it were my first time seeing him again in a new light. I didn't know what kind of light it was, though.
"So, when you told me you loved me a few months ago...was that true?" I asked. He looked at the pool before dragging his head to look at me.
"I uh...Ya know, like you said. You sometimes say crazy things when you're drunk." He joked. I laughed, causing him to laugh. He stopped laughing early, just looking at me. A smile playing at his lips.
I stopped laughing as well. looking at him again. For a moment, it felt like it was just us.
That was the first time that the connection between us blossomed into something different. Something new.
"Thanks for caring so much, Y/N." He mumbled.
"I'll be here anytime you need me, Steve." I replied.
As I've mentioned before, that was when something began to blossom between us. Although, it wasn't until Steve began working at Starcourt Mall was when the growing blossom finally bloomed.
Steve, Robin, and I had been captured and drugged by the Russians. Dustin and Erica had busted us out of the underground base and had brought us back into the normal floor of the mall. Instead of getting us out of the building, they brought us into the theater to watch some movie about flying cars and time travel. I was drugged. I don't remember it.
Dustin told us to stay put. Knowing Steve, Robin, and I...we most definitely did not stay put. We left almost immediately and ran to the fountain, enjoying the cold, crisp water. high off of our asses. After that we began to feel sick. We ran to the bathroom and I almost couldn't make it to the toilet to puke. I was in the really big stall. Steve was in the one next to me and Robin was in the one next to him.
I'll give you, my dear reader, the details.
We had finished puking first and it was just us sitting in the quiet. I had my head against the wall of the stall, my heart pounding and my throat hurting.
"Have you guys...ever been in love?" Robin asked. I sighed. Everyone knew what Steve was about to say. It was coming from a million miles away.
"Yeah. Nancy Wheeler," BINGO! I was right! But then again, when am I never right? Steve continued. "First semester senior year." I nodded against the stall.
"Knew that was coming." I spoke. Steve scoffed. Robin chuckled.
"Oh my god. She's such a priss." Robin complained.
"Myeh. Turns out not really." Steve announced to us. I leaned my head to where Steve was.
"Are you still in love with Nancy?" Robin asked. This question caught my attention. My heart felt heavy. It's as if I was expecting him to say yes. That yes never came.
"No." Steve answered. My heart relaxed. I didn't know that I was tense until I took a breath.
"Why not?" Robin asked. I straightened out my legs. I was interested in how Steve would answer this. He was quiet for a second before he began to talk.
"I guess it's because I found someone better for me. Heh it's crazy. Ever since I met Dustin he's been saying, "I know you like her. The feeling is somewhere within you. Somewhere you locked away because you were scared of rejection. I see how you guys look at each other and you can't just be friends. You found your Suzie." I stood still. The world seemed like it had stopped spinning. I couldn't move.
"Wait, who's Suzie?" Robin asked in a drunken tone.
"Some girl from camp. I guess his girlfriend." Steve breathed out. "To be honest with you I'm not 100% sure she's even real." Steve paused a moment. "But that's...that's not the point, it doesn't matter. The point is that this girl, ya know the one that I like.. It's somebody that I have known for what seems like forever. I picked her up everyday. I talk to her everyday. She's basically my best friend." I sat up straighter against the wall. My heart beating with every word he said. My brain thoughtless.
"And I don't even know why I never made a move on her. Maybe because Tommy H would have teased me, or we'd get a lot of "I told you so's." Steve began to face my side of the stall. "It's stupid...I mean. Dustin was right from the beginning. He saw right through me. I've been in love with this girl from the day I introduced myself. I found out that she was caring. She is so caring. She cared for me throughout all my stupid shit. I have never felt anything like this. She's so smart. She dragged me into 2 AP classes with her in Junior year. And she's loving. She's so loving and nurturing towards everything. She's been my best friend for 6 years and it took me this long to figure out how I felt for her all along." Steve stopped there. The only thing that could be heard was my heart beating. I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth, yet nothing came out at all. I was stunned. Robin was quiet as well.
"Y/N?" Steve banged his hand against the stall barrier. I stared at the wall. "Did you just OD in there?" He asked. I snorted.
"Yeah no. I am very much still alive. I'm breathing." I informed him, taking a deep breath.
I heard some rustling, and then Steve slid under the stall He sat across from me.
"The floor is literally disgusting." I cringed.
"Yeah well I already got a buncha blood and puke on my shirt so," Steve and I stared at each other for a moment. We just stared. Trying to just take in the fact that it had taken us almost 6 years to figure out how we felt. "What do you think?" Steve asked.
"About?" Robin asked from the other stall. I giggled, looking down at the floor and then back up at him. Steve faced the stall leading to Robin's side.
"This girl." Steve responded.
"She sounds awesome." Robin complimented. Steve turned back towards me.
"She is awesome," He agreed. It's as if he was taking me in. "And what about the guy?" He added. It's as if Robin knew not to answer this question. Instead, he waited for my answer.
"I'm hoping that the drugs aren't messing with his brain and that he's thinking straight." I told him.
"Oh, I think he's thinking a lot clearer than usual." Steve spoke calmly. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and I wanted to scream.
"I'd hope so because I need him to be able to think clearly so all the words that I'm about to say will sink in." Steve nodded, sitting up straighter and fixing his posture. "I remember the day that you told me that you liked Nancy. You walked next door, walked right into my room, and just began to talk all about her. I told myself 'I'm happy for him' and 'I could care less about his relationships'. That was far from the truth. I told myself that because I forced myself to. I listened for hours and hours about how Nancy was your world and how she was so important to you. I remember being secretly jealous. And now I realize that it wasn't because I thought you would replace me with her; but because I liked you all along and I just didn't know." I felt tears coming to my eyes and I grabbed Steve's hand on the other side of the stall. He smiled a toothy grin.
"Dustin was right. Tommy, Carol, Nancy, Tina, everybody was right. I'm so sorry that it took me so long to realize. Steve Harrington, I've loved you all this time and I never even knew it until today. Isn't that crazy?" I asked him, a few tears slipping down. Steve scooted closer to me.
"No, it's not crazy. Wanna know what’s crazy? I knew I loved you the day that Nancy told me our relationship was bullshit. When we were by the pool together. You’d think that’s the last place I’d recognize my feelings for someone. But I remember just looking over at you.. and everything stopped. And then Dustin and the kids came along and they’d continuously ask us if we were together! They’d tell us they we should and that it’s obvious we liked each other. Hell, Dustin even brought you up on on train tracks when we were trying to capture Dart.” Steve brought up the train tracks and I pursed my lips and lifted an eyebrow.
“Wait Dustin mentioned me on the tracks?” I asked Steve curiously. Steve nodded.
“Yeah. When you went to go back to the car to get more meat he began talking about love or something. He asked me about you.” I waited for a few seconds for Steve to continue, but he never did. I figured he was leaving it there.
“And… what did you say?” I asked him. Steve finally continued the rest of the story.
“I told him that you weren’t like everyone. That you were different then Nancy, Tina, Carol, Chrissy, Sarah, basically all of them. You were the perfect type of girl to fall in love with. When Dustin asked me why I wasn’t with you, I didn’t know what to answer because I wanted to be with you… I just didn’t know how to approach it.” Steve mumbled the last part. I smiled.
“I know we’re in a really crazy scenario.. but after this, will you go on a date with me?” He asked. I smiled brighter.
“I will.” I agreed. Steve let go of my hand and came over to my side of the stall. He sat right next to me.
“Hi…” he mumbled.
“Hi.” I replied. Steve looked at my eyes for a moment before glancing down to my lips. I giggled. “If you’re gonna kiss me you better do it now.” I offered. Steve nodded and began to lean in. He was less than an inch away when Robin, who I forgot was here, spoke.
“If you guys start making out, I’m gonna go right back to the secret Russian base and have them murder me.” She said. I laughed and Steve sighed.
“Shut up, Robin.” He said. I hit his chest lightly.
“I like Robin. Be nice.” I ordered him. He smiled.
“Yeah I like her too.” He said, beginning to lean on again. I started leaning in as well. Our lips were literally right on each other’s when the door slammed open. We both tore away from each other, whipping our heads to face the door.
Dustin was in the stall doorway.
“What… the hell.”
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p0pstars · 2 years
A compilation of different interviews Singer!Y/n does over the year.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this fic! It’s a bit different to what a normally write so I would love some feedback from you all, let me know how you liked it! Ceo!Harry Styles x Singer!Reader now have me in a chokehold.
༊‧₊˚. Press [X] for visuals and links to do with the fic
JUNE 2017
“Welcome back to the late late show! I’m your host, James Cordon and I’m joined today with former child star, turned up-and-coming singer, Y/n Y/l/n and marvels beloved Sebastian Stan!” James introduced Y/n and Sebastian who were both seated on the couch, they gave him and the audience a wide smile and a polite wave.
“Now, I’ll start with you Y/n, you’ve had some major success in the past from being in the film series, Harry Potter. What was that experience like for you?” James asked, a montage of moments from the Harry Potter movies playing on one of the many screens in the room.
“I guess you could say it was quite magical. All jokes aside, It was an experience of a lifetime. I made life long friends and also had a blast. I would do anything to experience that again” Y/n smiled as she answered the question, the crowd awing in the back.
“It sure looked like a blast. I felt as if I’ve watched you grow up into the amazing woman you are now through those movies. And now you’ve moved on from acting, right?”
“Well, my main focus right now is on music, I would love to get back into acting but maybe in a couple of years. If I could get to do a movie with Sebastian then that would be a great comeback” Y/n joked making Sebastian laugh, she giggled in return, nervously. She was after all sat next to her celebrity crush.
“I’ll see what I can do. I think marvel would love you” Sebastian replies and y/n gives him a smile.
“I would love to work with them. I’m available anytime” she states making James laugh.
“I thought you said you weren’t acting for a couple of years”
“It’s a different story with marvel”
“Understandable. Now, you released your debut single last week and wow, congratulations, it’s number 1 on billboard hot 100 making you the youngest artist to ever achieve that. How does that make you feel?”
“It makes me feel so overwhelmed with love and support. I genuinely can’t believe that this is happening seeing as I wrote that song so mindlessly about some stupid crush I had”
“Well, I guess that stupid crush made you a megastar”
“You could say that” Y/n replied with a giggle before James moved his questions onto Sebastian.
JULY 2018
“Welcome back to the Late Late show! Today, im joined again with Y/n Y/l/n. You’ve probably seen her face plastered on all the biggest magazines and billboards and last year she even won her first Grammy for her debut album. How have you been, Y/N, it’s been a while since I’ve last saw you and I can tell that a lot has changed?” James asked, he held some cards in his hands and a gentle smile was plastered on his face.
“I’ve been doing good, currently writing my second album so that’s been a lot of fun. How have you been James? I feel like none of your guests ask you that” Y/n questioned, a genuine look on her face as she saw James chuckle.
“Well I’ve been good thank you. You know, just catching up with a bunch of celebs on a daily”
“Sounds hectic”
“It’s a lot more exciting then you might think. Now about this new album, I’ve heard you’ve got a muse now, is that right?” James asked, a cheeky look on his face as Y/n felt her cheeks heat up. She knew there were pictures out there of her and her latest boyfriend but she didn’t think she was going to be asked about it in an interview.
“I wonder where you’ve heard that from James” she giggles, trying to hide the panic in her eyes. Harry Styles, her new boyfriend and also CEO of the beauty brand Pleasing, was a low-key kind of person, he didn’t like the public much so was always on the down low and if someone was to disturb his peace, let’s just say they would never attempt to do so again after.
“Well, from these pictures” James pulled out a card from his stack in his hands and showed the picture of Harry and Y/n holding hands as they walked, to the crown and Y/n. Harry was, as usual, in a white suit [X] and Y/n was dressed in a yellow summer dress [X]
“Well yeah, I guess you could say he’s my muse” she smiled, thinking it’s better to let the world know sooner rather than later.
“Wow so you’re going out with Mr.Harry Styles, the CEO of pleasing?”
“Yes James, I’m surprised we didn’t get caught any earlier” y/n chucked.
“Now this is a power couple if I’ve ever seen one, good for the both of you. How did you meet?”
“Thank you! My team rented out one of his buildings for a new music video of mine and honestly the rest is history”
“Sounds like a meet cute. I genuinely can’t wait for this new album now, I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of insight into your relationship”
“I guess there is” Y/n smiled as James started the next segment which required her to do the spill your guys or fill your guts challenge.
“Hello Y/n! A lot has happened since the last time we’ve spoken, how have you been? How’s lockdown treating you?” James asked, Y/n was sat in a room that looks like a study, she had to do this interview over Zoom due to not being able to travel.
“Hey, James! A lot has definitely happened, I’ve been alright though, I’ve escaped covid as off right now. Lockdown has been rough on everyone, I’m thinking of y’all watching at home! How have you been James? It feels as if it’s been forever since I’ve last spoken to you” Y/n replies, a smile on her face, she was wearing a bright red lipstick, it was Harry’s favourite.
“I’ve been doing well, glad I could provide some entertainment for all the people stuck at home! But I have one complaint to make”
“Uh oh, what is it?”
“How dare you not tell me that you’re now engaged! Congratulations, Mr.Styles seems to have put a ring on it” James chuckled, his eyes bright and sweet. He was genuinely happy for Y/n, especially since her last album which really put their loving relationship into perspective for everyone.
“Thank you, I guess it happened quite unexpectedly and I was just in shock. We kept it quite private, just a blissful time for the both of us, you know?” Y/n asks and James nods.
“Yeah, I get what you mean. Now can we see the ring? Twitter has been going crazy over it” James asks and Y/n giggles before showing off her left hand which supported the ring [X]
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, that is what you call a rock. Congratulations once again Y/n, I’m sending my congratulations to Harry as well. For a man that’s very low-key, he sure did go big with the ring” James joked making Y/n laugh.
“Grand gestures are his thing eventhough he’s a bit antisocial”
“Have you ever given him a grand gesture?” James asks, loving the dynamic between the couple.
“I guess you could say this is a grand gesture” Y/n slowly stood from her seat, so that the rest of her body came into the shot, showing a perfect bump. Her hand came to rest ontop of it and her soft chuckle could be heard from the mic.
“No way! Y/n, you’re definitely breaking the internet tonight. Congratulations! An engagement and a baby, I’m so happy for you. This definitely made my August a lot better”
“Thank you so much, I was meant to keep it a secret for longer because as you know, Harry loves privacy but that just seemed like the perfect way to announce this” Y/n replies as she took a seat again, her heart beating fast within her chest. It was scary announcing something like this to the world but she knew she had the support of not only her fans but of her fiancé, Harry, too.
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Hello there!
Welcome to my blog! You can call me Bird! Why? No particular reason. I just like birds. (゚ヮ゚)
Anyway, I write Twisted Wonderland AUs for fun and reblog TWST content. Yep, that’s all I have for my introduction. If you have any questions you can send me an ask. I’d be more than happy to answer it! Just don’t be rude, though. (´・ω・`)
Preparing for the boards...
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Also, considering checking this blog out if you have time! :D
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Masterlist  [Last Updated: September 16, 2023]
All Yuu in the AUs are gender neutral. (`・ω・´)
I don't mind if you make fanfiction of my Yuu AUs ideas! As long as there's credit. Also @ me 'cause I also wanna read what y'all made, nyehe. 🥺
Cryptid!Yuu Cryptid!Yuu’s Day
Relive!Yuu When Trey and Riddle Remember When Cater Remembers
Servant!Yuu Artificial!Yuu
Clock Heart!Yuu
Sibling!Yuu [ft. Dorm Leaders] - First Meeting Sibling!Yuu Headcanons Sibling!Yuu Incorrect Quotes Yuu Rosehearts & Grim Yuu Kingscholar being a menace to Leona in Episode 3 Yuu Leech Thoughts on Sibling!Yuu AU Yuu (Al-) Asim and Jamil Small Yuu Hunt Idea
#slasher genre aware!yuu
Slasher Genre Aware!Yuu
???!Yuu ???!Yuu [ft. Riddle Rosehearts] - The Twins ???!Yuu [ft. The First Years]
Dumbass!Yuu The Purge AU but w/ Dumbass!Yuu
#little misfortune!yuu
Little Misfortune!Yuu
One Day Memory!Yuu
#high fantasy!yuu
high fantasy!yuu technomaniac!yuu
#Mini AUs:
Edna!Yuu Narrator!Yuu Yandere Debuff!Yuu Descendant!Yuu
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Most Recent Work/s:
Small Yuu Hunt Idea
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Twisted Wonderland AO3 Recommendations:
are we too young for this?
Sometimes when Yuu sleeps they find themself in a different universe.
“Smile Now, Dear. It’s Sunrise.”
In which the Reader is from an alternate timeline of Twisted Wonderland, where there was a great war against Chernabog the Devil. In this slightly different timeline, the Reader finds out that the Great Seven are seen as magnificent, respected wizards by many in the land...and there was no war.
the scent of your heart
Yuu the player tries their best to masquerade as a beta while traversing a school filled with nothing but temperamental alphas and betas. This can only end well.
(This one has poly romance in it. Also, it’s a/b/o but the good kind. SFW, so don’t worry.)
Non-TWST Recommendations:
username not found (quotev) (ao3)
Unexpectedly, your phone has downloaded a messaging app that you have no recollection of ever downloading. When you look through your apps list, it shows that it doesn't take a single byte of memory at all whilst the uninstall button under its name is left greyed out and unusable. Even restarting and manually resetting the blasted thing proves futile as you'll always find the app exactly where you've left it. Without any other option left to try, you decided to leave it alone.
(It good, trust me.)
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vquacki · 3 years
It's My Fatherly Duties!
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It's My Fatherly Duties!
Short DAD Scenarios 
Characters: BONTEN - Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo
~ Inui Seishu, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, 
~ Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Warning ⚠︎︎ : Mature content, cussing, MINORS DNI
Note : requested, I added some characters. Hope ya don’t mind! These are pretty short, just little things I put together. Word barf kinda..? Anyways- I hope you enjoy :))
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R I N D O U 
His lashes fluttered open when he heard a loud crash coming from the hallway, along with a string of cuss words sounding like his daughter's voice. 
“What the hell was that?” You groaned, not a single word was uttered from your husband when he sprung out of bed, bolting to the bedroom down the corridor.
“Tohru?!” Rindou yelled, flinging open the door. Revealing your teenage daughter fully dressed, half way through her second story window. A facade of pillows under her blanket seeminging meant to be her ‘sleeping body’.
“Oh dad, I-”
“What the hell are you doing” The man was fuming by the ears, pajamas ruffled when he jolted out of his slumber. 
“Is Tohru okay?” You peeked from behind the broad shouldered man. 
“I was just going to get fresh air!” Your daughter lied, making up a somewhat excuse to appease her angered father. 
“Hey Tohru! Hurry up and get down here!” You heard a boy's voice call out, looking over at Rindou’s face to see the man's darkened expression.
“Who the fuck is down there? Is that a boy?!” He growled, stomping his feet over to the glass. Pushing past his daughter to take a look. 
“Oh shit- her dads here. Let’s book it!” The kids whispered, but loud enough for Rindou to make out, hastily running down the dark street. 
“You little shits! Don't you dare come back here!” Rindou growled, slamming the window shut in the process. 
“What! Dad!” Tohru whined, 
“You're so grounded young lady!” Rindou shouted, not caring for the sleeping neighbors beside his shared condo at three in the morning. 
“Rin, she was just having some fun!” You defended, you were also like her when you were her age, trouble makers run in your blood. Actually Rindou couldn't even talk- he was running roppongi at her age.  
“No! She's just too young to be hanging out with boys!” Rindou’s brows joined together as he withered in front of you. 
“But we dated when we were her age-” You deadpanned at him, 
“Grounded! My final answer!” 
R A N  
Ran was coming home from a late night bonten meeting, mouth agape when he saw his daughter’s feet dangling out from her window. 
Fearing the worst he sprinted to the ground below his child, hands outstretched to catch her if she were to misstep. 
“Mitsuri!” His voice boomed,
“Eh? Dad?!” His daughter stuttered, slowly slid out the window, climbing down like she had done this many times prior to this awkward occurrence. 
Toes easily touching the grass with ease, not a scratch upon the females porcelain skin. 
“Ran?” You yawned, cracking the door ajar. It was late, you waking up to your husband's screams outside your house. 
“Mitsuri, what are you doing climbing out your window like a maniac?!” Ran scowled, hands running through his messed up hair. Sweat dripping down his temple from the not so pleasant adrenaline rush. 
“I was just gonna hang out with some friends..” your daughter answered, fingers gripping the edge of her shirt, scarily waiting for her dad’s reaction. 
“At this time of night? .. out your window?”
“Phone privileges. Give me it.” Ran demanded, palm stretched out. 
“But-” no question she was a tad bit spoiled by her father. You being the bad cop, while your husband played the good cop for his beloved daughter. 
“If you want to go anywhere all you got to do is ask!” Ran plucked the phone from his daughter's hand, a wave of relief washing over him. Secretly thanking whatever being watching over him that it wasn't some sort of gang related subject. 
“This is what you get for spoiling her!” You laughed from the sidelines, hand clutching your stomach.
“This is your fault too ya know!” Ran argued. 
“I’m the one who tries to discipline her! But someone always lets it go!” You emphasized the special somebody. 
“Whatever” Ran sighed, This was a lesson for the usual carefree man, a special lesson he wouldn't forget in the many years to come with his unborn future children. 
S A N Z U 
It was Sanzu’s best day of his life when his daughters were born, the two only being about one year apart. They were spoiled to the core, anything they wanted their money liberl father blessed them with. He thought they were the sweetest things ever, them both being a daddy's girl after all. 
He never would have expected to see both of his daughters outside his humble abode, standing beside two boys, most likely a double date. 
He stared in shock, hands pressed firmly against the glass, teeth gritting. 
“Huh? I tucked them into bed an hour ago” You rubbed your eyes, riding yourself of the sleepiness threatening to drown you. The pink haired only tutted his teeth, swifty twisting the door knob to confront the four children outside. 
“Oh you better run” your oldest daughter whispered, gesturing for the boys to make haste from her deadly father. 
“You better not come back here, unless you want trouble you fuckers!” Sanzu yelled, red in the eyes from anger. Not bothering to chase after the two scoundrels. 
“Dad, mom! What are you guys doing awake?” Your youngest asked, sheer panic in her eyes, watching her insane fathers unpleasant smile. 
“I swear you two will be the death of me” Sanzu uttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. A irked gleen in his orbs as he stared them down. 
“They were just friends dad, stop overreacting” the older daughter said, 
“I- You little shi-” He bit his lip to suppress his anger fueled words, knowing well it would definitely hurt his precious children's feelings. Having regretted it later if he were to say those sinful words. 
“Now now Sanzu, let's head to bed” You wrapped your arms around your lover, dragging him inside the house. 
“You can sort out their punishment tomorrow, after a good night's sleep” , coating him with reassuring words. That day he learned how misjudged he was of his children, even so he still loved them with all his heart.
I Z A N A 
Izana had his feet kicked up, relaxing in his office while he watched the moon. He had a clear view, the street lamps positioned next to the sidewalk, the side of his beautiful house facing his office window. He was enjoying his free time, mind taking over his body while he thought about his life choices. He was in ease until he saw his son's window light up, a long string of rope being tossed out the opening. 
Sitting up from his chair, he rushed over to his clear casement. Throwing his window open, a boy and girl standing beneath his son's window. The two holding the rope still as your child tried to slid down. 
“My my Yuki, where are you off to?” Izana laughed, nerves finally relaxing when he figured out what was going on. Calmly settling into the frame, head leaning on his chin. It wasn't like he had the right to be upset, he did much worse when he was his son's age. Robbing, fighting, killing. You name it, Izana’s done it. 
Sneaking out was nothing compared to what he did, but he wasn't gonna just let his son go. He was more wise now, he knew for a fact he didn't want his son to end up anything like him. Sure, he wanted the boy to have fun, but in a normal kid way. 
“Dad! Um- I”
“You better get your arse back up that window before I drag you around with that rope” Izana smiled, Totally different from the sentence he was portraying. Not forgetting his manners, giving a nonchalant wave to the other two kids. 
“Zana? Who are you talking to?” You asked, placing a cup of tea you had prepared for Izana on his desk. 
“Oh no one doll” Izana answered, closing the window before walking over to you. 
“Let's go to bed, yeah?” He proposed, trailing his hands around your shoulders, guiding you to the door.
“But the tea I made”
“Im tired~” 
Overall the male wouldn't want to talk further about the situation, nor would he discuss it with you. Trivial matters held no place between you both, as long as the child did not dare do it again. 
I N U I 
Inui wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, the AC wasnt working at the motor shop. Him, draken and yourself were sweating bullets, the hot material around you not helping. You had decided to help the pair around the shop, cleaning what you could. Or helping with cashing every customer out, it would've been an easy task if it wasn't blazing hot. 
Leaving your daughter home alone, obviously thinking she’d stay and do her teenage things. You couldn't be more mistaken, astounded as you watched her fiddle around with a boy across the street at the ice cream parlor. 
“Y/N please don't tell me that Kagura..” Inui’s jaw dropped, the wrench that was once in his clasp dropping to the ground. Startling the concentrating Draken that was crouched over a motorbike. 
“What's wrong Inui? Y/N” Draken twisted his body around, raising a brow when you two just started muttering to each other like two creeps. 
“Is that... a boy” Inui held his chin between his fingers, squinting to get a better view of his kid. 
“You trying to catch flies with your mouth Inui? Close your yap” You whispered, 
“Y/N! She's too young, I feel like I just held her in my arms not too long ago. She can't get married just yet!” Inui argued, he would've been on the verge of tears if he didn't have a reputation to uphold. 
“What? The fuck are you on Inui? She's probably just with a friend!” You patted his back, reassuring the man. 
“Boys and girls can be friends ya’know” you added.
Cueing the two children across the road from you, feeding scoops of ice cream to each other.
“I don't think friends do that..” Inui looked over at you, eyes widening when you swung the motor shop’s door open. Hands coming around your mouth to amplify your words,
“Kagura, is that your boyfriend?” 
“WHAT?” Inui almost fainted, the ledge behind him holding his wobbly frame up right. 
“I didn't know you guys would be here!” Your daughter jogged across the street, leaving the boy sitting by himself. 
“And no! Just a friend” She answered your embarrassing, blushing as she stared down at the ground.,
“I sense some lies” you wiggled playfully at the flustered girl. 
“What! Anyways, Sorry I left the house without telling you” Kagura apologized, 
“Just don't do it again, without my permission..” Inui stated, 
“Especially not with a boy.”
Bribing people is his forte, and if they did not obliged? Threatening always did the trick. 
And that's exactly what he did when he saw his descendant out with a male. All was dandy until the boy came running back, babbling about how his girl was the so called ‘love of his life’.
“Hey brat, you got a death wish?” Kokonoi asked, leaning against the door frame. 
“Koko go easy on him, he’s just a kid” You nudged the man, a mischievous grin plastered on the males face. 
“And I kinda think it's cute” You said, a small smile erupting from your daughter that was not so far behind her parents. 
“I approve, kid! I like your romantic drive!” You clapped, 
“Y/N!” Kokonoi pouted, 
“You better not try to bribe him with money again” You threatened, waving a finger at the whiny man. 
“Yeah! I like him too, dad!” Your daughter agreed. 
“You're like twelve, go play chess or something” Kokonoi barked, crossing his arms in disapproval. 
“Dad, I'm sixteen!” 
“That's what I said” 
S O U Y A 
He almost had a panic attack at the sight, having to shield the man from the scene playing out. Your twin daughter saying their goodbyes to their dates, followed by a kiss. You removed your hand when the boys were no longer in view, riding off in their motorcycles. 
“Shira, Nihra” You held Souya up by the shoulder, the light headed male limping towards the worried kids.
“What's wrong with dad?” Nihra questioned, eyeing her ghostly pale father. 
“He's out of it” You giggled, 
“I'm not crazy am i?” He stood tall, letting go of the arm you had draped around him. 
“There was boys-” His voice cracked. 
“You saw that dad?” Shira sweat dropped, watching as her fathers should leave his body. 
“Next time ask before you go out” You smiled, you weren't too strict on the two. They were Souya’s children, earning most of their adorable traits from him. Even his fighting skills. 
“This better not happen again, i'm trusting you” Souya grumbled.
“Sorry pops” The two girls remorsefully sollied the man, both hooking onto one of Souya’s arms as they helped his shell into the house. 
N A H O Y A 
Nahoya was beyond pissed, infamous smile widening. Taking fast steps towards your daughter and her significant other. 
“Look boy, I don't know who you are. But my daughters not up for grabs” Nahoya grinned, cracking his fingers. 
“O-okay sir” the boy was jittering, body trembling from the males intense arua. 
“If I catch ya here again” he used his finger to slash his neck, motioning to the death that would happily greet the boy if they were to ever meet again.
“Yer dead meat kiddo”  Nahoya laughed, watching as the boy ran for his life. 
“Dad, that was really extra!” Your daughter sneered, a pout on her lips. 
“Shut up!, you're grounded rat!” Nahoya shouted. 
“Yeah Nahoya, there was no need to threaten the poor kid. He looked like he was gonna piss himself.” 
“Exactly the effect i wanted”
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End Note : as I said this was a word barf T-T, so it’s quite short.
Reblogs & Notes are always appreciated! Take care! ♡︎♡︎
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memryse · 3 years
Last Life Propaganda: a guide for people with absolutely no idea what they're getting into
Have you ever wondered what on earth is wrong with your Last Life mutuals? Seen Last Life SMP trending #1 and become greatly concerned about why your dash is on fire every Tuesday? Considered checking it out, but don't know anyone involved or where to start or how or even what Last Life is?
Basically, this is a propaganda/FAQ post for people who've never seen a minute of Hermitcraft/Empires/adjacent content in their lives, and have no idea how to get into Last Life. Because God knows I wish I'd had a post like this answering all my questions when I was getting into this series completely blind.
Now is the best time to get into Last Life if you want to experience any of it live, because unfortunately it's looking like the series will be drawing to a close within the next couple of weeks. Luckily, it won't take you very long to catch up!
1. What even is Last Life?
Last Life is a hardcore Minecraft miniseries on YouTube, featuring a bunch of Hermitcraft and Empires SMP members and a few extra friends. Each member starts off with a random amount of lives between 2 and 6. On your final life (your red life), you're not only allowed but encouraged to kill other players. Each week also has "boogeymen" chosen at random from the non-red players, who have to sneakily get a kill Among Us-style. Even if it sounds complicated, I promise you it's not hard to follow in the videos, and there's a handy little tutorial in the first episode explaining it all anyway. The server also has proximity chat (no Discord calls allowed) and a small world border to make sure everyone is stuck near each other.
Last Life is the sequel to 3rd Life, which was a very similar concept but every player started off with exactly three lives and there were no boogeymen.
Basically, if you like death game media, you'll love it. You'll probably also love it if you're not usually a fan of death game media. It's just really good. I love Last Life.
2. Do I need to have seen 3rd Life to watch Last Life?
No, not technically! I would certainly recommend it though, because 3rd Life is an absolute masterpiece of a series. Also, because it's a miniseries, you can watch it in a relatively short amount of time - I would personally recommend Grian's, which will take you just under four hours altogether. Best enjoyed if you binge it all in one sitting, but it's fun and will leave you feeling somewhat empty inside regardless! :D
But, again, it's not required. You just won't understand the 3rd Life references in Last Life.
3. How/where do I watch Last Life?
All Last Life content is available on YouTube. There is no livestream content to catch up on - all videos are recorded in "sessions". Basically, every Friday, everyone logs on for a 3 hour period and records the full thing. That's the only time that they play on the server, and it makes sure that everyone is online the whole time. Lots of interactions to be had!
4. Which POV should I watch?
There are no "bad" POVs for Last Life - everyone is heavily involved in one server event or another every session. It's a really action-packed series. You can theoretically pick any member and go. That being said, here are some of my top recommendations:
Mumbo Jumbo is probably the best for newcomers: he's new to Last Life, having not been in 3rd Life, his episodes are a reasonable length and great fun to watch, and he's been pretty heavily involved in the main conflicts on the server.
GoodTimesWithScar has absolutely fantastic storytelling skills and is easily one of the most entertaining POVs to watch (if not the most). However, he wasn't in the most recent session due to some health problems, so you'd have to pick a different POV for this session.
If you're only looking for a short POV for a trial run, I'd say to check out LDShadowLady or Smallishbeans. Both of them like to keep their episodes short but full of action. Personally, long episodes are the way to go, because the beauty of Last Life is in all its dialogue, but these two are great if you're not quite sure about committing to the series just yet (or if you just prefer shorter videos! that's also cool!)
5. I don't know any of the members, what do I do?
Genuinely, it does not matter! Whether you've been following Hermitcraft for the last decade or this is the first you're even hearing that name, Last Life is equally enjoyable. I can vouch for this; I got into 3rd Life having only seen a couple of Scott's streams and nothing else. I've also gotten multiple (10+) of my friends who aren't familiar with any of the CCs to watch it, and every single one has been blown away by how much they enjoyed it. So, trust me, it's worth checking out :)
6. Does Last Life have lore?
Last Life has a pretty interesting approach to its storytelling: with it being in a 3 hour session format, it is completely improvised. People will have vague ideas of what they want to do each session at best; no events are planned in advance, nothing is scripted. If you need a DSMP comparison, it's pretty much like very early S1 - Disc War or very early L'Manburg era, where they're roleplaying to some extent but not playing fully fleshed out characters (other than a couple of members who are just really dramatic and roleplay constantly anyway). It does require reading into things a little to make them as dramatic as we do, but it's all great fun!
TL;DR: Watch Last Life, it's really good, it'll fill the void in your heart and then tear an even deeper one moments later :D
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elysianslove · 3 years
wait, can we please hear more about best friend mattsun 🤰
baby of course you can 😋 i wrote a whole thing sorry hebjwdj. this could very easily have a part 2 just saying :D
the situation you’ve put yourself in isn’t entirely rational, but you try to consider all your other options, and realize you’re left with nothing. matsukawa issei is your best friend after all, and if you’re not going to approach him with you curious questions because you don’t happen to have a dick, who else would you go to?
it started out as a joke, as most things do. “issei, what does a boner feel like?” and then, “wait! do you always wake up with a boner?” and after, “so not all guys have long refractory periods?”
genuinely, you were curious. and isseic ever the generous friend, answered each one of your questions as honestly and as thoroughly as possible. he gave you all the details, provided you insight on what it really felt like to have a dick from what orgasms felt like to is it weird to constantly just have something between your legs— i mean, are jeans even comfortable?, maybe enough to make you envious.
envisioning this conversation with anyone else is nearly impossible for you. to be this comfortable with someone, ask them such intimate questions as if you were just discussing a new show you’d just seen? you can’t picture it with anyone else, no one but issei. so when he perks up and goes, “hey, d’you know we can like— move our dicks? make ‘em twitch and all?” you get just as excited.
and when he continues, “yeah, wanna feel?” you don’t think twice before nodding your head and outstretching your hand, letting him grab your wrist and leading your palm to his crotch. because this is issei, your best friend of countless years. this isn’t — weird, in any way. there’s no particular tension, no weird air between you two. you’re just— having fun.
your brain is void of any thought at all, completely, up until your palm settles on his crotch and your entire body seizes up. even through his jeans, you can tell— can tell issei’s fucking big. with his hand still wrapped around your wrist, he pushes your hand down harder against his dick, encouraging the slight squeeze you give, before you feel it: the twitch of his cock. it’s barely there because of the thick barrier, namely the jeans, but you feel it, definitely.
a gasp tumbles out of your lips, and you stare down at his lap with wide eyes. “how’d you do that?”
lightly, he laughs, letting go of your wrist. “i could barely do it with all the — constraints,” he admits, relaxing against the couch.
“can i see?”
the question, you admit, is a bit too out there. yes, you’re best friends. yes, you talk about sex like it’s just another topic. yes, he does know your go to porn topics and yeah, you do know his favorite sex positions (and why), but— this is a little different. it’s never been so blatantly sexual. and for a moment, you think you’d stepped too far with the confused expression he stares at you with; you think you’ve crossed a boundary you weren’t sure was there because all the lines are so fucking blurry with him.
but then he hums curiously and asks, “you wanna see my dick?”
you fix him with a deadpan stare. “i wanna see your dick twitch. you said you could do it.”
“i can,” he retorts. “but s’not fair if you get to see my dick.”
you sigh. “name your price.”
for a moment, he just stares at you, almost as if sizing you up. almost as if he doesn’t believe you. and then, he grins, in a way that frightens you just a little bit.
“i’ll call in it later,” he decides, and you realize that the lines aren’t just blurry. they’re fucking nonexistent.
because seconds later, issei’s unbuttoning his jeans, pushing them down slightly as he gets comfortable, before he’s lowering the hem of his boxers too, like he’s showing off some new item clothing he just bought rather than his fucking dick. all you can do is stare dumbly as he pushes his jeans and boxers past his balls, letting his limp dick rest against his hip. although it’s not hard, it’s big, and that’s honestly what scares you the most.
because if this is his dick soft, how much bigger does it get when hard?
with one finger raised, he says, “watch,” before, just like earlier, he flexes his dick. it twitches against him, bobbing up slightly. feeling it was something, seeing it is another. it’s so — so alluring, in a way. interesting. and it doesn’t help that his dick looks nice.
like really nice.
nice enough to want in your mouth.
lightly gasping, with an amused smile on your lips, you gasp, “how—“ but evidently your words dissolve into giggles. “that’s amazing.”
he laughs lightly with you, his hands reaching for his clothes again as he slowly begins to pull it up.
“actually,” you start, hands unconsciously reaching out for him. freezing in response, he looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue. and you can’t believe you actually do. “i’ve always wondered what cum tastes like.”
yeah— who cares about the imaginary lines anyways when your best friend has a dick as big (and as pretty) as that?
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kiruupon · 2 years
Angel Eyes
SYPNOSIS : After parting ways with Thoma, you moved to another nation. Only to discover that he has found someone new in these couple of months.
PAIRINGS : Thoma x GN!reader
GENRE : Angst/No-Comfort
WARNINGS : insecurities, self-doubt, and overthinking
NOTE : hi hi! this is my first time writing in tumblr so please bare with me:) i hope you guys enjoy this one :D pls lmk if there are any grammatical errors that i should fix. this fanfic is also inspired by the song angeleyes by ABBA ty in advanced for reading!
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You were on your way home from your journey in mondstadt, and you weren't going to lie, you were already missing the city of freedom. You had a lot of fun there, you met different types of people.
On your way home, you bump into someone. You looked up to see a blonde-haired person with yellow orbs. “Y/N? Is that really you?! ” the person said in shock.
“Yoimiya?” you replied before the blonde girl gives you a tight hug “I didn’t know you we’re coming home! You should’ve told me, i could’ve planned a party for you.”
“Ah, theres no need for a party yoimiya.” you smile as you hug the girl back “I missed you a lot! It was super lonely without you.”
Yoimiya lets go of you and smiles, "So, how have you been these last few months?" " she inquires.
"I've been doing fine, I had a lot of fun in mondstadt," you respond. "I'm glad to hear that!" You know, if you don't want to see him, you can always stay at my house." Yoimiya gives you a concerned look.
You were initially perplexed before realizing she was referring to him. Thoma. You realized you had to see him again now that you were back in Inazuma, he was the entire reason you went to mondstadt. You didn't want to see him again, it took you so long to move on only to discover you'll be seeing him again?
You were starting to get flashbacks from what had happened on the day he broke up with you.
You were on your way to meet Thoma to celebrate your 3rd year anniversarry, you got him a few gifts and snacks. You were gonna go on a date night with him to celebrate! 
Once you got to the restaurant, you open the door to see your beloved boyfriend Thoma, he looked handsome. But there was something wrong with him, he was upset?
You went to the table and greeted him “Hi Thoma! I apologize if i took too long to arrive, i got you these.” you smiled before showing him your gifts and placed it on the tables as you sat down. 
“Y/N, we need to talk.” he said sounding upset, you were worried but shook it off. “What is it?” you replied. 
“Let’s break up.” he said with no sign of remorse or guilt, you laughed at his words thinking he was joking. You were laughing for a while until you realized, he wasn’t joking. 
“You’re– not joking?” You said nervously, “unfortunately, I’m not. I just think we aren’t–” he sighed before continuing “what I’m saying is I’ve fallen out of love. I don’t have that same spark anymore, so let’s end this.” Thoma looked at you one more time, looking at your (e/c) orbs. It was obvious you we’re trying to stop yourself from crying. 
You didn’t understand where this was all coming from, did something happen? You were questioning yourself before answering.
"I understand; thank you for being truthful, Thoma." Thank you for everything you've done for me." your voice cracked slightly, you gave him a bittersweet smile before standing up to leave the restaurant quickly before breaking down in the restaurant to further humiliate yourself.
Thoma could only look at the gifts you got him, he saw that you had got him a necklace with his initials on it. 
You went home crying that night, you stayed up thinking about what went wrong. Was it your fault? Were you too much? Were you too clingy and annoying? 
Questions filled your mind all night, the only person you told about it was Yoimiya. Your childhood bestfriend, she was always there for you.
You were jolted out of your reverie when you heard Yoimiya call out your name, "Helloo? Y/N? Are you there? " She was waving her hand in front of your face.
“Ah, my apologies i was zoned out. It’s okay yoimiya i can stay at my place” You quickly apologized at the yellow-eyed girl.
"All right, then!" Enough with that; let's get you home, okay? " Yoimiya skipped away with your bags.
You sighed and turned to face your friend, who was already a good distance away. "Wait for me!"   You dashed to get closer to her.
After a while of walking, you arrived at your house. You weren't going to lie when you said you missed this place when you went to mondstadt, you were also a little homesick at first.
You said your goodbyes to Yoimiya and went into your house, you had hired someone to clean it before you arrived in inazuma so it was clean. 
You unpacked some stuff before laying in bed, exhausted from all the travelling. You sighed as you stood up to look inside, the sun was still bright. You could hear birds chirping and kids playing around, you admired the scenery for awhile before deciding to go on a walk. 
You changed into another pair of clothes and fixed you hair for a bit, you sprayed some perfume on yourself that you got from mondstadt. You could smell a scent of flowers from it. 
After getting ready, you went out, walked around, and came to a halt by a river. You could hear the river flowing and were admiring it until you heard a familiar voice. 'Oh god, please don't be him,' you thought as you slowly turned your head to see a certain blond with grassy eyes.
‘Of course it had to be him, i’m pretty sure the archons hate me or something.’ your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a girls laugh.
You turned around again to see him with a girl, you were thankful he was distracted so he couldn’t see you.
But you could see him, you were observing them closely. He still looked the same, and acted the same. 
You admired his blond hair and green eyes, but that one thing you couldn’t forget was the way he looked at the girl. You looked at the girl and saw how beautiful she was, ‘i could never compete with her’
You shivered, and turning away from him to look at the river once again. You looked at the sky to see the moon, you didn’t realize that it was already night time. You were too focused on them to actually notice. 
Suddenly your mind was getting these questions again, you were feeling insecure. ‘What went wrong? Would we still be together if i didn’t leave and fixed it instead? Was i too much? Was i not enough?’ 
He promised not to leave you when you first started dating, where was he now? You shook your thoughts off as you heard his voice call out for you.
“Y/N..?” you turned around to see him looking at you in shock with a smile, he didn’t know you were coming back to inazuma. He wasnt gonna admit it, but he missed you so much. He remembered all the good times you had, but he was reminded of the things he had said to you in the past which caused him to frown. 
You could only stare at him, and give him a bittersweet smile. It gave him deja vu, it was the same smile you gave him before you left. He didn’t realize that you had already walked away from the scene, god he wanted to give you a huge so bad. He wanted to ask how you were doing, but he was too much of a coward to actually do it. He was interrupted by the voice of the female was talking to a while ago. 
“Thoma? Who was that girl?” the girl asked slightly tilting her head in confusion, Thoma smiled at the girl in front of him and reassured her.
“It was no one, my lady. just an old partner.”
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snippychicke · 2 years
So, if you didn't know, someone pulled me into a new fandom. *cough @avellanas-nutty-empire cough* Welcome to Denon School, Iruma-kun. And well, my dear friend also found me a new husband in the fandom. Balam Shichiro. But, to my abject horror, there isn't much fic for him, and well... I had to fix that. I found a prompt list (link here) and here's the first part of fluff.
Nothing is linear, as it captures different moments in Balam/reader's relationship. Also, no plot. Just fluff and the smallest dash of angst.
1: Hugging from behind, laying their head on the other's shoulder.
Even with Balam sitting at the low table, hunched over his latest book he was working on, you were barely much taller. But, as always, it didn't bother you any to be reminded how tall he was. Instead, you quite liked being able to wrap your arms around his waist, resting your chin on the mass of feathers covering his shoulders.
He paused, leaning slightly into your embrace. As much as he was compulsively touching others, he was almost even more addicted to the feeling of others touching him.
"What's this one about?" You asked as you nuzzled your nose against his neck, feeling him hum in conetment.
"I've decided on comparing the differences between hell cats and the cats of your world," he answered, gently flipping to the first page, where a hell-kitten and a 'normal' kitten were curled together. It still astonished you how absolutely adorable his artwork was, and you didn't hold back your awe at the cute image.
"It's so cute!" You pressed a kiss to his cheek above his metal mask, grinning as his pale skin turned dark with a blush. "I can't wait to read it!"
2: Breathing in the other's smell
Balam loved it when you showered in the evening instead of the morning. In the morning, you were getting ready for work at Babyls, so as soon as you were out, you used the perfume that masked your scent.
(He fully understood and appreciated Sullivan's ingenuity at such a simple way to hide you (and Iruma) so easily. You both still stood out, but marked as Sullivan's kin, and no one would dare question it after the pheromones of the chair-demon hit their noses.)
But in the evening, you didn't use the perfume. Why would you, when it was just you and him settling in for the night? And hell, you were divine.
It wasn't as he had initially theorized, that your scent was akin to a three-course meal placed before a starving demon. Nor was it quite as mind-altering as a succubus's pheromones.
In fact, there was no real way to describe it, other than addicting and consuming. While he always wanted to hold you close, on those nights he had to touch you. To hold you as close as possible to his chest, feeling like if he did, maybe a part of him would melt into you, or maybe you would impart a piece into him, and he'd finally be at peace.
It was the scent of being home, being content, being happy.
Later, he learned it wasn't so much the scent of a human that left him so near bliss. It was because it was your scent.
3: Whispering to each other.
Balam placed a cup of tea on the desk in front of you as he quietly took a seat. Monthly faculty meetings were always such 'fun' considering how early in the morning it was, and usually on a monday to boot.
"I owe you so much," you leaned over and whispered as Kalego started the meeting. "You saved my life."
"Nonsense," he whispered back, his hand finding yours to briefly squeeze before threading your small fingers with his. "It's just tea."
"Yes, but if I fell asleep now, I'm pretty sure Kalego would kill me."
Balam chuckled at that. "I'll protect you, even from him."
At the head of the staff table, Kalego was very aware of you two whispering back and forth, but surprisingly held his tongue and simply ignored it as he continued.
He didn't care so much about your happiness, but seeing his old friend smile behind his mask made him forgive the transgression. Balam deserved to be happy, and if you made him happy, well, so be it.
At least Kalego knew you weren't plotting something behind the demon's back. You were too kind, too earnest, like your son, to do such things.
4: Cuddling on the couch.
He always had difficulty reigning in his urge to touch and hold people. And those moments usually never last long as others found quick escapes.
Not you, however. If anything, you pressed closer to him whenever he started mindlessly petting your hair. Hell, you would come up to him and just press into his side whenever you were stressed or overwhelmed. Bury yourself in his side, draping his arm over your shoulder, as if to hide from the world.
It only made him want to hold you more. Lunches were spent in his classroom, you nestled on his lap as you both enjoyed your meals. Walking through the halls with his arm wrapped around you.
Relaxing in the evening in a tangle of limbs on the couch as you told him about the human world, or maybe as he taught you about the realm you now called home.
5: Walking hand in hand
Balam’s large hand slipped over yours, his fingers tangling with yours as you walked through the halls. You looked up at him, a bit surprised, but he continued to talk about the latest antics of the Misfit class as if it was nothing unusual.
You bit back a smile and squeezed his fingers lightly, happily accepting his gesture as your heart thumped in your chest.
6: Playing with each other's hair
"Are you sure about this?"
"Absolutely! I've wanted to do this for a long time now! And now that your hair's growing back out…
You pulled Balam's shoulders back towards the edge of the tub, nestling his shoulders between your legs that dangled into the warm water. He looked up at you, still rather dubious but sighed and leaned his head back into your hands.
You squirted some shampoo into your hands, working up a lather before attacking. You low-key loved his wild hair, no matter how scary everyone else had feared it when it was about as long as you were tall. You had bit back tears when he cut it, and held your tongue at the time, still unfamiliar with the gentle demon.
But now, it was growing out as he molted, and you were very happy, and very much in a position to play with it as you took your time washing it. It was soft as feathers running through your fingers, curling every so slightly after becoming wet. Yet, unexpectedly, the best part was the soft noises escaping from Shichiro as you massaged and scratched his scalp, and you swore you could feel him all but melt under your touch.
"I don't know about demon-kind," you finally spoke as you began to rinse his hair. "But grooming each other strengthened bonds for a lot of different species in my world."
Usually, this was when he'd get that hungry look in his eyes, desperate to learn and understand more. Instead, Shichiro hummed. "It's about the same here. The amount of trust required to allow yourself to be so vulnerable with another means it's usually only shared between kin and mates."
Once the shampoo was thoroughly rinsed, you started on working the knots out of the silky silver strands as you worked in the conditioner, your heart thumping in your chest. Iruma had explained that demonkind had different ways of courting other than the dating of humans, and yeah, you and Balam had fallen from what you considered friendship to something different, but you figured that was just how things sometimes progressed in the Netherworld, and too afraid to ask if there was more intention behind your relationship than two lonely beings taking solace in each other.
And it would be so easy to ask: “Is that what we are?” But there was that fear of ruining the moment, of whatever was in between you and him. So, instead, you pressed a kiss to his wet cheek and continued with your work.
7: Softly smiling at each other across the room.
The place was a whirlwind of activity, as was the norm when there was Kalego, Opera, Sullivan, and Iruma in a room together.
Balam wished he had sat next to you, but alas, you sat with the principal and Iruma on the other couch in Sullivan's grand room.
But, even if he couldn't touch you, he could watch you as you unconsciously pulled your son closer to you and away from the bickering adults. He knew you weren't the boys biological mother, but you often acted as if you were.
He had studied many mothers protecting and raising their young, and had he not known better, he would have counted you as one of them.
Your eyes drifted away from the arguement to him, and the annoyed expression on your face melted, and instead you smiled slightly, your expression conveying your exasperation.
He felt his heart thump in his chest as he smiled back, though mostly hidden by his mask. He could acknowledge he could be intense when studying subjects, even from a distance, without meaning to.
But whenever you caught him, you'd smile. Or even wave. The small detail was just one of many that made him even more fond of you.
8: Telling each other how proud they are.
"I don't know whether to lecture you or praise you for actually succeeding." Balam grumbled as he wrapped your hand and arm carefully. What was supposed to be a simple walk into some rather tame wilderness went, as usual, horribly.
You had stumbled across an injured baby hellcat. And, without thinking, had tried to calm it. One thing led to another, and for devil-forsaken reason, you decided after it scratched you to hell, to still use the magic human blood possessed and heal the same thing that attacked you.
"I've heard your lectures tend to last hours, so maybe we could save it for later?" You offered with that same embaressed smile as Iruma that quickly fell when he gave you a disapproving look. "I-I know how idiotic that was, but… Hell, we have a saying in my world. In for a penny, in for a pound. I already started, there was no use to give up halfway through."
"You could have died." Balam growled. "Be glad that was only a half grown kitten, and its mother wasnt around! A full grown hellcat could have torn you yo shreds. Or, if it was an elemental, roasted you alive. You have no magic, no way to protect yourself, let alone fight back. The netherwold is a dangerous place for someone like you. How could I have explained it to to Sullivan, or to Iruma, if it had killed you?"
He stopped himself as you looked away, shame obvious on your face. He sighed and cupped your face, encouraging you to meet his gaze once more. "I love the fact you care so much for other beings. That's your determined to help anything in need. Your compassion for those outside your kin is so rare among demons. That hellkitten would have died if not for you, you did save its life. But please, be more careful next time. I-I don't know if I could handle it if something happened to you."
There was still tears in your eyes, but a water smile on your face before you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his shoulders. He didn't hesitate before returning the embrace, pulling you even closer with a hand tangled in your hair. "I'm so proud of you, but please don't ever do that again."
"I'll try to keep that in mind," you murmured into his feathers.
9: Leaning into the other person.
You were so tired, eyes crossing as you tried to re…ad the picture book explaining the different elements. It didn't help that Balam had given you some tea that helped sooth your tight muscles of avoiding detection amongst the other staff, or that the demon himself was sitting next to you, radiating heat and security as his hand mindlessly ran through your hair.
To be honest, you didn't realize you were leaning more and more into his side. Or even when your head came to rest against his chest. Balam hadn't even noticed it, engrossed in reading your own notes of the human world, until the book fell from your hand to the floor with a soft clatter.
He paused briefly, looking down only to realize you had fallen asleep. He smiled behind his mask, feeling his chest warm as he shifted to wrap his arm around your waist to keep you warm as you slept.
10: Feeling for the other person's hand.
"Oh, hey! There's a sale at the bookstore!" You exclaimed, seeing the banner flying in the wind. You didn't even look towards him, but your hand reached for his, bumping blindly before your small fingers wrapped around his and tugged him along.
Balam felt warm as he allowed you to pull him through the crowded street. Hewasn't quite sure what led him to an afternoon showing you around Magical Street, though he was certain Opera had a hand in it somehow.
Not that he was annoyed or irritated in the least bit. To be honest, he had been trying to think of ways to be able to spend time with you. Part because he yearned to learn more of your world, and you had so much more knowledge about it than Iruma simply because you were older. Yet, he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit part of him just wanted to spend more time around you. You had that same thirst for knowledge, and while around others you were shy and quiet, afraid to draw attention to yourself, he could see you opening up the more time he spent with you.
You didn't mind his skin-ship habits, didn't seem fazed anymore by his intimidating nature. If anything, you enjoyed his touches, smiled wherever you saw him, even if he accidently spooked you and caused you to startle.
You…enjoyed spending time with him, just as much as he enjoyed being around him.
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amberdablade · 2 years
i have no idea if im allowed to request again,, but if i am allowed to. can you please do a yandere ranboo alphabet?
You are allowed to request whatever you want and there's no limit on my account :>
Here's your medicine :D
🖤🤍~c!Ranboo Yan!Alphabet~🤍🖤
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I had so much fun writing this. I kinda went nuts tbh.... I hope you enjoy a lot of fluff... again Lol (don't worry the angst is coming >:))
TW: Suicide, depression, blood, fluffffyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Affection: How does the yandere show their love and affection? How intense can it get?
Oh my, Ranboo's HUGE on affection let me tell you. He will hug you, kiss you, cuddle, snuggle.... etc. Basically anything. His favorite thing being hugging you and spinning you around.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
This is a more difficult question to answer. He doesn't really want to hurt anyone (since he's done that plenty of times and regretted every moment of it) and he wouldn't necessarily be the one to hurt anyone. Most of the time it's his Enderwalk.
Cruelty: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Darling Dearest: Aside from abduction, would they ever do anything against their darling's will?
Never. He wants you to have the most freedom you could possibly have. He just wants you to be happy :>
Exposed: How much of their true self would they bare to their darling weather it be good or bad?
Uh, like literally all of it weather its good or bad.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back? How would they react?
He would feel like it's his fault and probably cry (ya, he cries a lot DO NOT JUDGE HIM THAT'S MEAN >:0) And besides, if you really want to leave, just go ahead he won't stop you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling escape?
Hell: What would be their darling's worst experience with them?
Any experience with his Enderwalk. We won't go into details :|
Ideas: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He 100% wants to have kids (like, lots of kids) and to make sure you're just as happy as he is :D
Jealousy: Do they get jealous if someone besides themself interacts with their darling? If so, how do they react?
Sometimes. He tries not to show it but he can get jealous.
Kisses: How do they act around their darling?
None stop hugs and kisses, clingy, sometimes depressive, happy, and a lot of the time tired (just because he chooses not to sleep or his Enderwalk takes control)
Love Letters: What ways did the yandere use to impress their darling before their abduction?
His strength :>
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He's more depressing around other people sometimes. Around you he's happy (or pretending to be happy so you are) and sometimes over protective.
Naughty Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Excuse me? What?!
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Do you understand the definition of none????
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Most of the time he's really patient. But for example, if you were to stop eating and tell him that you're fine and not hungry, he would be really upset and become very impatient with you because his new top priority is to get you to eat something.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, successfully escapes will they ever be able to move on?
Nope. If you kill yourself, he'll try to move on but he'll cry every day and probably die of a broken heart. If he were to accidentally kill you (like when he's in his Enderwalk for example), he'll just kill himself because he would feel so bad and never forgive himself.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let them go?
If you weren't enjoying your stay, then yes. If you wanted to leave, he'll let you go, no questions, no strings attached.
Stigma: What brought this side to them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
You don't really want to know.... (long story, but basically his childhood :/)
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
That's easy: completely utterly depressed and mad with himself.
Unique: Would they ever do anything different from the classic yandere?
He is the sweetest thing on planet earth (he literally cares so much about you).
Vice: What weaknesses could their darling exploit in order to escape?
Trust me, you're not gonna want to escape. He's literally so perfect that it's pointless (unless you hate perfect adorable people. In that case, if you really want to get away from him just tell him you want to leave and he'll let you go. You'll break his heart though just a warning).
Witness: If someone where to recognize their darling (as missing, distressed, sad, etc), how would they react?
He would have no reaction because no one would ever notice you in a bad way.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling?
Too much
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Eternity I'm pretty sure. No matter what, even if you decide to not live with him or leave him, he will always love you <3
Zenith: Would they ever mentally break their darling?
Oh my god, that's horrible! (No :D)~
Word Count: 914
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mod-ibuki · 2 years
May I request headcanons of Kotoko, Monaca, Jataro, Nagisa, and Jataro with a blind gn older sibling reader?
“It’s okay.”
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M-I: hope you like this, anon, it’s my first WOH request!! i apologize this took so long, and sorry if they’re OOC, i havent played UDG in a while.
SUMMARY: Kotoko, Monaca, Jataro, Nagisa, and Masaru with a blind!gn!older sibling.
PAIRINGS: Kotoko + reader, Monaca + reader, Jataro + reader, Nagisa + reader, Masaru + reader
GENRE: fluff :D
[Super sorry if I got anything incorrect, do not hesitate to tell me as I will gladly change it.]
I can imagine her tiny hand holding yours as you both walk, with you asking her questions and Kotoko answering willingly and happily as you walk towards your destination. When you need to go a certain direction, she’ll tug at your hand and tell you that you need to walk a different way.
Kotoko will always guide you so you can get where you need to be at. If you want, she can help you dress up for occasions (or purely for fun), and if you’ll allow it, she’ll paint your nails! “What about sparkly red? Or maybe just red? Whatever you pick will be totally adorbs on you!”
If anyone is rude towards you, she’ll step in with the most serious and intimidating face she could muster. That would be slightly hard to be intimidating though, since she’s a kid and it isn’t exactly easy to be scary when she looks like, an adorable child, basically. So, when that doesn’t work, she resorts to calling them a demon, pointing out that they’re attacking a person who’s clearly already struggling..!
If that doesn’t work either.. Well, you’ll have to step in and just tell them to go somewhere else. Although Kotoko was upset that she couldn’t defend you, she was still happy that you got the person to go away. You congratulate her, saying she did her very best and it helped a ton! You ask if you wanna go get icecream as a reward, of course she eagerly says yes, and grabs ahold of your hand.
When you’re careful not to say her trigger word, she appreciates it a lot. You know of her past and as her older sibling, or just as a decent person in general, you’re cautious not to say the word that’ll make her have a breakdown. After all, Kotoko is just a child and no one deserves to get reminded of their trauma, which you tell her. She’s happy you’re her older sibling. Even though you may not be able to see, she hopes you can see how much she loves and appreciates you.
She’ll make small talk when you’re pushing her wheelchair, and tell you whenever you need to stop or make a turn. Monaca prefers silence between the two of you though, it comforts her since she can just look at you and know you care for her, even if you were unfortunate to have your sight taken away, you were still so generous to her.
Monaca, as I’ve mentioned earlier, likes it better when there’s silence between you two. She especially likes it when she falls asleep in your arms, your comforting words lulling her to sleep. She knows how much you make her feel like she’s special, and she loves you for it. You make her feel like she’s the center of the world, focusing most of your attention on her and her only, which makes her feel so special.
Will throw a tantrum when someone is giving you attitude. Monaca hates it when people do or say anything mean to you, so she’ll basically cry until the person is annoyed enough to leave. Completely switches her personality once they’re gone from view though, and goes back to the sweet and loving Monaca you always knew.
You tell him he’s nowhere close to ugly and that you’d never hate him, Jataro says you’ve never seen his face, you smile and pat his head, reassuring him that you know when someone is ugly and who’s not, depending on their personality. Jataro then feels happy, but doesn’t think he deserves it.
You’re quite upset you cannot see his artwork, but he describes it to you in a childlike manner when you ask him to. Your imagination will have to do for now, but you don’t mind. You try to make Jataro more comfortable with taking his “mask” off, even if it’s just with you, and you say you don’t care if you can’t see it. As long as his head isn’t in that mask.
You know what happened to Jataro. You hate what she did to Jataro, and always will. Jataro is glad that you’re trying to up his self esteem, and it works, the slightest bit of confidence arising each day as you remind him that he will never be hated by you, that you’ll love him forever, no matter what.
Jataro likes it when you hug him or ruffle his hair. It makes him feel good, it makes him think that he’s worth of everything you’ve ever had, and that you’ll always be there to stay with him, even through the roughest times.
Praising him for how smart he is will melt him, and he can’t keep a straight face because he’s so happy. The amount of times you’ve said you were proud of him for his achievements is something not even Nagisa can add up, and knowing that makes him so joyful.
Often times, you study with him. After you study, he pulls at your hand and asks if he’s allowed to sleep, and you just remind him that he doesn’t need to ask such silly questions. Nagisa sounds rather confused, so you answer, “of course, Nagisa.” With that, he leads you to your bedroom and waves you goodbye, going back to his own room and finally resting.
Nagisa’s quite the smart kid, so he often does the communication when you’re in a taxi/uber and does the paying (using your money, since he doesn’t have any, of course) so you don’t have to go through the trouble. Once you’re out of the car, you pat his head and thank him for what he did, to which he shakily replies with, “i-it was just returning what you did for me, nothing m-more.”
A tad bit upset you can’t play sports with him.
He’ll most likely spend the day with you, telling you about how great sports are. You gladly listen to his rants, nodding and making sounds to agree with him. Masaru likes when you talk about what you like to do though, even if they don’t involve sports.
Oh? Someone’s being disrespectful? He’s the type of kid who won’t usually think before they act, which is normal for most kids of course, so Masaru starts pointing at the person and “cursing” them out. By cursing, I mean telling them to go somewhere else or he’ll throw a soccer ball to their head.
“Big sib Y/N, look, look! Oh wait-” Is what happens when Masaru’s doing something cool and he wants to show you, forgetting that you’re blind and can’t see the trick he’s doing. You pat his head and tell him he did great.
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daenqyu · 4 years
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— they accidentally confess to their crush
includes: shinsou, bakugou, midoriya, todoroki and hawks
warnings: swearing
a/n: thank you for requesting <3 i love this idea! it’s so cute🥺 also, hawks’ may be a little longer than the others because it’s my first time writing for him and i got a bit excited👉🏼👈🏼 
ps: i don’t mind writing for hawks if it’s a headcannon and/or texts! so feel free to request him :D and yes, this is a repoost because the algorithm hates me.
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @tetsuruo )
shinsou hitoshi:
it would happen so randomly and out of the blue
as i said before, i think shinsou is a really reserved and quiet type of guy
but that seems to vanish whenever he’s around you
he’s more talkative and constantly goes out with you so you guys can have some quality time together
you also make him really nervous 
he’s pretty chill with everyone and seems to not give a fuck about most things
but with you?
that’s a whole different story 
whenever you keep your gaze stuck on him when he’s talking and his eyes meet yours, his heart never fails to do backflips because fuck you’re so cute
(oh to have shinsou think i’m cute D:)
ok back to the actual hc,,, 
you two were hanging out in your room, listening to music and just talking 
even tho your best friends, shinsou never really tells you much about his personal life
of course you know the basics like his hobbies and all his favorite things
but he never talks to you about...crushes or anything 
and you don’t like that because :( friends are supposed to tell each other this stuff, right? 
it’s fun and makes the bond even stronger
so you decide to ask him because why not?
“hey shinsou?” 
he’s sitting down next to you on your bed, your legs draped over his
which makes him feel all warm inside
it’s stupid and definitely not a big deal, 
but it’s little things like this that make him fall more and more for you
“do you have a crush?” you wiggle your eyebrows at him in a teasing way, although he’s not even looking your way
a part of you is nervous to hear his response 
because unbeknownst to shinsou, you reallyyy like him
and have been crushing on him for quite some time now, but since you’re so sure the feelings are one sided, you don’t tell him
he’s too invested on the game he’s playing on your switch, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he concentrates
so he almost misses your question
and when he does answer, he’s not even paying attention to the words that leave his mouth
“apart from you? no”
it takes him a good minute to process what he said
meanwhile you’re sitting there like :o
you certainly weren’t expecting THAT
like it’s a good thing!!!! but you’re kinda flustered 
especially when shinsou finally looks up at you, eyes widened in surprise at his own bluntness as he opens and closes his mouth a few times, not knowing what to say now
“wait! i didn’t mean it like that!”
“you didn’t?”
he notices the slight pain in your voice and the way you move away from him slowly and he’s quick to apologize 
“shit, okay...yes i like you but i didn’t say anything because i don’t want to make things weird between us or ruin what we have right now”
he’s looking everywhere but you
because he doesn’t exactly want to face you when you reject him
but you don’t ???
instead you giggle and before he can ask you what’s so funny, you climb on his lap to hug him, causing him to blush furiously 
“i like you too, toshi”
the nickname makes him hug you even tighter while he hides his face on your neck 
it was such a cute confession and even when you two start going out, you never stop bringing it up
which makes shinsou extremely embarrassed 
“hey remember when you confessed and-”
“y/n, we’ve talked about this”
“oh come on! you were so adorable”
he pouts at you 
people think he looks so scary but he’s actually a whole ass baby
you roll your eyes before leaning down to give him a sweet kiss, 
“you’re such a baby”
“hm, your baby”
“oh my god you did not”
yeah no, he’s in love with you👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @bakugousmyboy )
bakugou katsuki:
i feel like it would be pretty difficult to have bakugou accidentally confess directly to you
he knows how to control himself and his emotions so i doubt he’d actually ever do something like this
he’s not that good at hiding his crush on you and mostly everyone on class 1A knows the boy is an absolute sucker for you
except you because apparently you think he’s just being nice
and everyone else is like wtf???? 
like he’s ALWAYS screaming at everyone 
but when it’s you he doesn’t 
in fact, sometimes he even lowers his voice so it won’t bother you 
so that behavior is the one that caused him to be stuck in the situation he is right now
he sat in the common room with kirishima and kaminari, trying to eat his food in peace but the two idiots, as he likes to call them, wouldn’t shut up
he had completely blocked out both of their voices, focusing on finishing his meal and getting the hell away from them
until he heard your name being mentioned 
“dude when are you gonna ask y/n out? everyone knows how much you like her  so might as well you know,” kirishima bumps his shoulder against the blonde, only to receive a glare. “get some action”
“yeah bakubro, she’s super cute too” kaminari buts in and bakugou is about to punch them both in the face
“shut the fuck up. i don’t like her” bakugou scoffs
“but you’re such a softie for her”
“huh?! i treat her the same as i treat all of you extras!” oh but he knows he’s lying, you can’t even compare to any of your annoying classmates 
kirishima smirks, “i’m pretty sure you’ve never once, raised your voice at her”
“so? that doesn’t mean shit”
kaminari looks at kirishima and the redhead nods at him, giving him the green light
“well since you don’t like her, you wouldn’t mind if i ask her out? because i’ve been wanting to-” kaminari can’t even finish his sentence before bakugou grabs him by the collar of his shirt
kaminari yelps, looking over at his other friend for help but he moves his head quickly, knowing better than to get involved 
“you try and make a move on her and i swear to God i’ll blast you all the way across japan, dunce face”
bakugou’s voice is threatening and low, and kaminari knows he means every word so he quickly raises his arms in defeat and nods his head
“okay, okay! i swear i won’t”
little do they know that you’ve been standing behind them for a while now
you’re happy to know your feelings are reciprocated 
but of course you want to tease bakugou about it
“hm did my ears deceive me or does boom boom boy have a crush on me?” 
kirishima and kaminari take that as their cue to run away to their rooms, leaving you two alone
“tch, how long have you been standing there?” even as he glares you down, he can’t hide the blush on his cheeks 
he didn’t want you to find out this way
or at all tbh
you walk over to him, a wide smile on your lips
“long enough”
afterwards you ask him if he wants to go watch a movie with you the next day and he’s lowkey mad because he wanted to ask you on a date first, but he doesn’t say no
you end up having way more fun than expected and you actually confirmed that bakugou was a softie for you 
(turns out you were the last one to find out because literally everyone else knew)
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
midoriya izuku:
he can barely function around girls in general so like, what does that tell you?
he likes you so much but he’s so scared 
but he’s also so sweet to you even before you start dating oml
midoriya is a sweetheart, we all know this
and he pays so much attention to you
like if you are the mall one day and you see something you really like but can’t buy it for whatever reason well…
a few days later he gets it for you
he would say something along the lines of, “you seemed to really like it so i got it for you”
“you didn’t have to, izuku!”
“but i wanted to”
you’ll try to pay him back in some sort of way but he absolutely refuses
he loves pampering you
yet whenever you try to do the same he doesn’t let you and it’s: ✨annoying✨
you were supposed to go to the movies
but midoriya had forgotten he had some homework to do, which was due the next day
“i’m so sorry y/n! i completely forgot, but i promise i’ll finish quickly” he tried to reassure you and you chuckle at the boy, so cute
“it’s okay, izuku. i don’t mind waiting”
you lay down on his bed, trying your best to keep your eyes open 
but as much as you tried, you eventually fell asleep against the soft sheets, your best friend’s bed being just too comfortable 
midoriya sat on his desk chair, writing down the answers as fast as he could so you guys could go watch the movie you were so excited about
he let out a sigh of relief when he finished, before taking his phone out to check the time
6:37PM, the movie starts at 7PM so we still have time
he stood up to tell you he had finished, but was met with your sleeping figure
your eyes were closed and soft snores left your slightly parted lips, hands gripping his sheets to your chest
the curly haired boy almost combusted at the sight
you looked so peaceful, so pretty
a smile grazed his lips as he made his way over to the bed
he sat down beside you, quietly admiring your features 
feeling the mattress dip thanks to his weight, you began to wake up, but quickly shut your eyes when you noticed midoriya was looking at you
truth be told, you just wanted to scare him by suddenly jumping
but his next words made your breath hitch
one of his hands moved up to your face, resting it gently against your cheek as his thumb massaged the skin
your heartbeat was out of control and you forced yourself to calm your breathing so he wouldn’t notice you were awake 
his touch was so gentle and sweet, you couldn’t bring yourself to push him away
“i wish i could tell you how beautiful you are” he whispered and if you hadn’t been so close to him, you probably wouldn’t have heard him
after hearing him say that you couldn’t stay still
you opened your eyes, a smile quickly spreading across your features as you turned around to face the green haired boy
midoriya almost had a heart attack when you moved, hoping you hadn’t heard him
but based on the mischievous grin you wore, he knew you had
“well you just did”
“y-you were awake?!”
“yup, i’m glad i was tho”
your gaze is flirtatious and you’re still grinning and he’s just >_<
“now let’s go or we’ll be late!” 
midoriya can only nod before following you outside
once you’re on your way to the movie theater, you notice midoriya fidgeting with his fingers, his eyes glued to his shoes
you smile as you suddenly take his hand in yours, interlacing your fingers together 
midoriya looks at you with a nervous expression, what is she doing?
“you know, you’re beautiful too”
you were looking at him with nothing but love in your eyes and he felt so embarrassed yet excited at the same time
because holy fuck you just called him beautiful AND held his hand???
he thinks it can’t get any better than this
and then it does when you kiss him a few weeks later😳🤚🏼
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @ambershaydeoffical )
todoroki shouto:
like bakugou, i don’t really think he’d be clumsy enough to accidentally confess
however, he does like to speak his mind and isn’t afraid to do so
he’s just really honest and blunt
way too honest 
which gets him in trouble sometimes but oh well, that’s just the way he is and everyone is pretty used to his personality by now
though, after figuring out he liked you as more than a friend, he started to think more before talking
sometimes you liked to get his opinion on your outfits and/or hairstyles
so you’d drag him to you room and force him to be honest and tell you which one he liked most
it doesn’t matter what you wear, you always look beautiful 
he wants to say that, but instead he goes:
“they all look good, i think the purple shirt really fits you tho”
“i was thinking the same thing!”
he doesn’t want to scare you off or make things weird
so he forces himself to hold back on his bluntness 
at least when he’s with you
but one day he just can’t help himself 
you were on your way back to the dorms after a tiring day at school
todoroki walked next to you, eyes glancing over to you from time to time so you knew he was listening\
you were currently rambling about how shitty your love life was
claiming that there must be something wrong with you since no one seemed to pay attention to you- at least romantically 
“i mean seriously, am i doing something wrong or is everyone i’ve met just not for me??” 
you had your cheeks puffed out, a pout on your lips as you kicked the small rocks on the floor
todoroki smiled softly at your complaints, thinking irony could be quite funny sometimes 
until you spoke up again,
“maybe i’m just too ugly or boring, that’d make more sense”
todoroki almost stops dead in his tracks to see if you have a fever 
how could you say that????
you’re so gorgeous to todoroki, and interesting 
you’re probably the first girl he’s ever liked this much in his life
and you have the audacity to doubt your worth just because other people can’t seem to appreciate you??
uh uh, he’s not having it
and so, the words come out before he can even register them properly
“if you were as ugly as you say are then, i don’t think i’d like you as much as i do”
your eyes widened and you stopped walking, wondering if you had heard him right
todoroki stops walking too, and once he realizes what happened, he’s looking away, trying to come up with a valid excuse as to why he said that
you, however, can’t stop staring at him
finding the way he glares at the ground adorable
a sense of happiness takes over your whole body when he doesn’t say anything to deny his sudden confession 
because he cannot lie to you
you walk towards todoroki until you’re standing right in front of him and before he can even question what you’re doing, you plant a sweet kiss against his cheek
“good thing the feeling is mutual”
your words make him smile and he looks so happy
probably the happiest he’s ever been
and you feel proud of being the one responsible for that pretty smile of his
neither of you really rush into making things official 
but the way todoroki lets you cuddle on his left side whenever you’re cold or how he waits for you every morning so you can walk together to class makes it more than clear that he really likes you
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
takami keigo (hawks)
he’d be the type to not give a fuck about it
like he already confessed so what can he do?
nothing. exactly
he’s so cocky and flirty the whole time oml
he’d be shocked for a few seconds, but after seeing you were way more flustered than him, he’d just start teasing you
in a loving way of course
he’s also surprised you hadn’t noticed earlier on, considered how much he flirts with you, but then again, that’s part of his personality so
kinda makes sense you didn’t suspect anything
but he’s so cute and soft for you 🥺
okok so it happened the same day you got your results for your midterms
(you’re a college student here lol)
you had studied your ass off for this tests
staying up until 4AM and having to ditch your friends when they invited you to go out
so you were really positive
you squealed when your teacher hands you back the papers and you see the grade on the right corner
you felt happy to know that all your hard work wasn't in vain
the nerves you had been feeling since the day you took the midterms quickly vanished and were replaced with the feeling of pride
as you walked out of the building, you dialed the person who you wanted to share the news most with
he picked up after the second ring
“what’s up?” his voice was raspy and you ignored the butterflies that appeared in your stomach at the sound
“hey, i have great news!”
“care to elaborate?”
“you’ll find out when i get to your house”
“oh? and who said you could come over?” his tone is teasing and you can practically hear the smirk on his face, which makes you roll your eyes
“i did, now bye. i’ll be there in five minutes and order some pizza to celebrate” you don’t even get hear his complaints because you’ve already hung up
anyone who saw the way you two acted with each other would automatically think you guys were a couple
you were rather affectionate with each other; occasionally holding hands while you walked down the streets and even calling each other by your first names
that was just the bond you two had, and you loved it
he brought you so much comfort
it was almost ridiculous the way he was able to make you smile by simply calling or texting you
you had grown quite attached to the number 2 hero, but you constantly told yourself you needed to snap out of it
because you were friends
nothing more and nothing less
oh but how you wished there was more to your relationship than just that
you shook your head, as if that could help you get rid of the thoughts
true to your word, you soon found yourself outside of keigo’s house
the college you went to wasn’t that far away from there so
you pushed the doorbell and waited around two minutes before a sleepy looking keigo opened the door
his hair was messy and the way he rubbed his eyes and kept yawning let you know he probably had been taking a nap
you scoff, “were you sleeping?” you ask him as you walk into his home, smiling at the familiar scent
he chuckles from behind you, following you into his living room, “maybe, but you woke me up”
“can’t believe your lazy ass earned the number two spot”
“what can i say? it’s a talent,” he shrugs before sitting down next to you on the couch, resting his face on his hand. “so, what’s the good news?”
“so you know i took my midterms last friday, right?” keigo nods. “well, i got my results today” he raises his eyebrows in surprise and waits as you look for the papers inside your bag
once you get them out, you place them in front of your face so he can see for himself
keigo smiles proudly and it only widens when you look up at him expectantly, biting your lower lip
“holy fuck, that’s amazing! you did so good dove”
the nickname makes you weak on the knees but you’re quick to brush it off
you should be used to it, since keigo has been calling you that for quite some time now, yet it never fails to make your heart beat insanely fast
you nod excitedly and put the papers down before you start talking about your experience
keigo can’t help but admire you
you look so happy and cute
it makes him want to kiss you
he wants to shut you up by kissing you, and it sound mean and disrespectful but you just look so gorgeous 😡
and instead of randomly kissing you, he blurts out a confession
“math was probably the hardest but i managed to pass it too, surprisingly, so i-”
he doesn’t even know what you’re talking about anymore, too focused on your smile
“God i like you so much”
you shut up instantly
did you hear that right?
or was your mind playing tricks on you?
keigo looks away momentarily, before locking eyes with you and tilting his head to the side, waiting for a reaction
which he gets soon after because you can’t handle the way he’s looking at you
you look away, hiding your face the best you can
“w-what did you say?”
he smirks after hearing the stutter in your voice
he gets closer to you, until he’s right in front of your face, before saying:
“i like you, y/n”
you don’t know what to say
what are you even supposed to do???
keigo just confessed
your best friend and crush just confessed to you
that’s not something that happens everyday
“i um, like you too” you don’t look at him and he almost chuckles at your shy expression, but decides not to embarrass you any further
“happy to hear that”
he doesn’t say anything for a while and you wonder what the hell is going through his head right
he’s probably just messing with me. oh my God he probably is and i just said i liked him too so what-
your train of thought is cut off when you feel the blonde ruffle your hair while looking at you lovingly
you slowly look up to him
“i’m proud of you, dove”
“now, i think this is something worth celebrating and i’m not talking about pizza. so let me take you out”
“it’s fine, keigo. you don’t need to-”
“can’t hear you, give me about fifteen minutes and then we’ll get going”
you try to tell him no, that it’s fine and you can just eat pizza but he ignores you and still takes you out to eat
i’ll say it again: he’s so sweet :(((
he pays for the food and gives you his jacket when you get cold
he even treats you to some dessert !!
he also kisses you good night when he drops you off at your house <3
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