#digital dandelions palette
hey-color-palettes · 2 years
can you do one called Digital Dandelions
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dd9520 || #f8d790 || #e7af2d || #6fa452 || #378e3e
48 notes · View notes
unfortunately i've found the fastest way to improve my art is to constantly pull a fast one. shake it up. keep the brain on its toes. results are so inconsistent. you'll never know what's coming
5 notes · View notes
gravitycavity · 6 months
Sunshine (Pomni x Ragatha) Chapter 5 - And Fresh-Fallen Rain
[Click here to read from the beginning on AO3!]
Cover art by @blukiar
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It was only a matter of time before Pomni blinked herself awake. 
Wave after wave of pulsing pain, synchronized with the beat of her heart, relentlessly pounded the back of her skull. A landscape of crimson curls, wild weeds, and shimmering stars expanded, contracted, and twisted before her half-lidded eyes. The disorienting sight was more than enough to make her stomach do flips — and fail to stick the landing every single time.
But even so, it was hard to feel anything but content. 
The wind was fierce and frigid, but Pomni didn’t know it. She didn’t feel the bitter cold, even as gale after freezing gale slashed her skin like the crack of a whip. All the pain in the world wouldn’t have phased her, not as long as the wind’s touch highlighted the slightly-wet spots where Ragatha’s lips had so lovingly grazed her face. 
Stalks of overgrown grass wavered as a brisk squall flew across the yard; a palette of fallen leaves, which just so happened to be sleeping in its path, was cast into the sky. Red, yellow, orange, and brown — the cozy colors swished and swirled through the air, then drifted back to their resting spot below the jungle-like lawn. 
It only took a moment for the breeze to return. Coming from the other direction now, it passed through Ragatha’s red yarn hair before pummeling Pomni’s face. All at once, the saccharine aroma of the ragdoll’s locks — strawberries and soil and fresh-fallen rain — introduced itself.  
And it was heavenly. 
Pomni’s eyelids drooped further, and a dumb, wobbly smile blossomed on her face. As her tiny arms wrapped around Ragatha’s plush, guffawing belly, she didn’t worry about how embarrassed she was to have fainted, or what Ragatha’s little kisses had meant, or why someone like her even deserved to be treated with such affection. Those pesky doubts were for future Pomni to agonize over; for now, they crumbled to pieces with each precious peak of Ragatha’s laughter.
“Oh! There she is!” Ragatha flinched as Pomni’s arms enfolded her. “I was starting to worry I up and killed you…”
“Nope! Still kicking.” Pomni chirped, “But just barely…” 
Slowly, Ragatha’s giggles began to peter out, but their spirit still tickled every word she spoke. “Goodness me — aren’t you in a good mood! Your head didn’t hit the ground too hard, did it?”
Pomni waffled. She decided not to tell Ragatha about the big lump on the back of her head — the redhead would just worry herself sick, after all. “...I’m fine. Just a little bit dizzy.”
“I really am sorry.” Ragatha placed her soft hands atop Pomni’s, idly dragging her digits across the jester’s worn leather gloves. “I should have warned you before I…” she paused. “Well, y’know…”
Pomni could feel the heat rising in Ragatha’s hands. She waited patiently for her to finish, but as the silence dragged on, it became increasingly clear that she’d have to be the one to break it. 
“No, it’s okay! Really! I just, um, wasn’t expecting…that. And if you think about it, it was actually my fault. I wouldn’t have fainted if I had just listened—”
“No, no! It was sweet! I don’t know. I just figured…” Ragatha said, a nervous tilt to her tone, “...since you were having so much fun getting into your character, I ought to return the favor.” Ragatha's hands were twitching now, “And…”
Somewhere nearby, a ladybug crested a wobbling blade of grass, flitted its wings, then buzzed away to who-knows-where. Another brisk gust wandered through the dilapidated yard, sending an armada of dandelion seeds sailing swiftly through the air.
“And…?” Again, Pomni was the one to shatter the silence. 
“Oh, nevermind.” Ragatha forced out a laugh. Pomni swore she could hear the woman’s blush. “I think I’ve just got an overactive imagination.”
Another pause. That made three. 
Pomni’s heart was beating a mile a minute. Unsure if this was even real, she slipped her hand out from beneath Ragatha’s, eager to simply trace the woman’s strong, soft frame…
… but her finger didn’t get very far before arriving at the gaping hole slashed across the ragdoll’s abdomen. 
Guilt flattened Pomni’s heart like a speeding train. Holding Ragatha close, the jester sat up in a snap, examining her friend’s injuries with a level of determination that could only be described as ‘obsessive’. 
Talk about a mood-killer — it was as if Pomni had never even bothered to stitch Ragatha up at all. Stuffing leaked out of the ragdoll here, there, everywhere. Nearly all of Pomni’s makeshift threads, nowhere close to well-crafted, were already failing — if they weren’t coming loose, the strings themselves were coming apart. 
Pomni clenched her teeth. Her brow descended, and her lips trembled fiercely. 
“Hey, hey! Don’t cry! You don’t have to worry about me.” Tenderly, Ragatha pushed herself against Pomni's little frame, “As long as you’re with me, I’ll be okay, Sweetheart.”
“I’m not sad.” A stormy look came to Pomni’s face. “I’m angry.”
“Stupid #$&%ing tree monster. Stupid #$&%ing Caine!” Pomni bared her teeth, “Stupid #$&%ing circus!”
“H-Hey, now! Take a breath, okay? Let’s not get ourselves worked up—”
“No! I’m pissed!” In a snap, Pomni leapt to her feet, firmly holding Ragatha in her arms. “I’m not gonna let you get hurt anymore,” she said, making a beeline toward the haunted mansion, “Not a single scratch, from now until we escape this horrible circus together — I promise!”
Ragatha’s eyes were sparkling, though Pomni was too focused on climbing the front porch’s creaky staircase to notice. “Pomni, Y-You don’t have to do all that…!”
“Too bad. I want to.”
“O-Oh…” Ragatha’s breath felt warm against Pomni’s chest. “I see…”
Without another word. Pomni summited the porch stairs, where a pair of double-doors patiently awaited her arrival. She eyed the doorbell, but her hands were full — so she opted for three mighty kicks at the doors’ expense instead. “Hello? Anyone home?” 
Pomni and Ragatha waited for an answer. And then waited some more. Pomni’s shrill voice echoed at least a dozen times in the stiff silence. 
“Hellooo!?” Pomni’s ill-fitting boot pounded the door thrice more. “We don’t have all day, you know! Open up!”
“Pomni! It’s been five seconds!” Ragatha chided, “Don’t be rude!”
“Rude? What am I doing — interrupting supper time? They’re NPCs.”
“I know that! But still. It just feels so wrong…”
A relaxed smile found its way to Pomni’s face — at this point, the jester wouldn’t have been surprised if Ragatha were hiding a pair of angel wings underneath that pretty dress of hers. “Let me guess. You’re the type of person who feels guilty about not giving equal attention to all of your stuffed animals, aren’t you?”
“I—” Ragatha sputtered, glancing off. “N-No! I’m thirty years old! What makes you think I own stuffed animals?”
Pomni raised an eyebrow.  
Ragatha had been caught red-handed, and she knew it. It was incredible how quickly her face flushed completely pink. “Okay, first of all, how dare you attack me like this—”
Before Ragatha could even finish her tongue-in-cheek response, both girls simply lost it. Their uncontrolled, side-splitting laughter — one giggling, one cackling like a witch — spun together into a harmonious duet, and for a fleeting moment, both captives felt like they were home. 
“Alright, alright.” Ragatha wiped at her eyes. “Enough joking around. How about I just ring the doorbell for you, Sweetheart?”
“Huh?! No way! You have to stay still or you’re going to rip yourself! Look, I’ll just set you down—”
“On the dirty porch? Are you out of your mind?” Ragatha reached for the ornate button beside the door. 
“Hey! What are you doing?! I just told you—”
“Oops!” Ragatha poked the button, then quickly fell back into Pomni’s arms like a helpless princess. “Sorry, dear. Didn’t hear you!”
Pomni grumbled, and the doorbell replied with its signature chime. Windswept shutters battered cracked windows as Pomni and Ragatha stood there, waiting for something, anything, to happen.
Pomni’s patience was in short supply. She stamped her foot, and the old porch whined. “Seriously?”
“Maybe the entrance is around the back? My old apartment building was like that.” Ragatha said. “Ordering anything by mail was just the worst. It’s like — I get that the mail carriers had to stick to a tight schedule, but they would never read the signs. Oh, and trick-or-treat was a nightmare every Halloween—”
Ragatha’s riveting tale was cut short as, at last, the double-doors swung open at the sound of the magic words — trick-or-treat.
Ragatha’s mouth fell open. Pomni wrinkled her brow. Both women studied the other’s outfit in stunned silence — and suddenly, Caine’s choice of costumes didn’t seem quite so arbitrary. 
“Ohhh…” They nodded in sync. “Right…”
Cautiously, Pomni poked her head through the door frame. If the scent of stale tobacco pouncing upon her senses was any indication, the surprises weren’t over yet. 
“It’s…” Pomni breathed, “...an elevator…?”
“Ooh, and an old-fashioned one, too!” Ragatha tapped her fingers together, excitedly peering inside. 
The interior was nothing if not visually striking. Each of its four walls, carved from cherrywood, hosted polished panels gilded with gold. Winding bands of white and black and gold and blue danced a tango across the smoke-stained carpet. An expensive-looking chair sat in the corner; an equally-elegant end table, complete with a flickering lamp, complimentary cigars, and a half-filled ashtray, sat to the left. 
“Gosh, and just look at all these little aesthetic flourishes!” Ragatha gushed. “Folks back then really put effort into making every little thing look beautiful. You know what I mean?”
“Uh-huh. S-Sure…”
“Sometimes I wish that attitude would make a comeback. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just an old soul…” 
Pomni blinked, regarding the elevator’s interior through empty pupils. She would have instinctively eyed the exit had she not already been standing in the middle of it. 
The jester couldn’t recall something as simple as her own name — but, by some cruel twist of fate, everything else about the life she’d had stolen from her remained crystal clear in her head: including her swarming, overcrowded menagerie of obsessive anxieties.
Back home, Pomni’s teeny-tiny cubicle — something she couldn’t believe she actually missed now — was located on one the higher floors of her employer’s drab highrise. Entering the lobby, a lengthy carpet led the eye to a conveniently-placed pair of lifts. Their metal doors, constantly opening and closing as employees funneled in and out, was a sure sign that another busy day of work lay ahead.
Pomni was quite familiar with the contraptions — which was reason enough for the tie-wearing twenty-something, armed with her trusty backpack, to begin each morning with a hard left towards the musty concrete stairwell instead. By the time she’d reach her floor, the young accountant would be out-of-breath, weak in the knees, and far sweatier than any sane person would ever like to be. In her book, though, it was worth the trouble. She would do anything in her power to avoid the sensory torture that was riding in one of those cramped sardine cans. 
Elevators were awful. Just awful. Women wearing far too aggressive perfume; men who had forgotten to wear any deodorant at all. Extroverted co-workers trying to make small talk; creepy strangers trying to hit on her. Idiots with no concept of personal space; morons with no respect for the fire marshall’s occupancy limit clearly posted on the wall in big, bold letters. 
But being stuck inside of a tiny box with eight other people was a dream compared to the experience of riding alone — where her mind could wander, and the simmering fear of some catastrophic malfunction could consume her thoughts. What if the power went out? What if she got stuck? What if she were trapped inside and ran out of oxygen? What if the cables snapped, and the final moments of her life would be her screaming in horror as the car was sent plummeting down the shaft?
Nope. Pomni didn’t like elevators. Not one bit. Sensitive to Ragatha’s feelings, however, the young woman tried her hardest to force a smile onto her face. “Wow. C-Classy…” 
For a moment, Ragatha didn’t even react. “...You’re nervous.” she tilted her head in concern, “What’s the matter, Sweetheart?”
“Nothing! Nothing’s the matter!” Pomni lied, and rather poorly, at that. “I was just…” she floundered, “...admiring the craftsmanship! Gee, don’t you wish they made stuff like this nowadays?”
“...Yeah. I just said that.”
“Right…! S-So…! Anyway…!”
Pomni closed her eyes, ducking her face behind Ragatha’s shoulders. Oh, come on! What are you waiting for? Just go! It’s just an elevator! You’ve had your whole life to be a coward — now’s the time to be brave. For her! You can do that, can’t you!?
The shaking jester steeled herself. The sole of her oversized boot departed from the sturdy wooden porch, swung forward, flirted with the elevator’s artsy carpet, pressed down… 
…and the entire car shifted with an ear-splitting creak. 
Pomni’s whole body seized up — she couldn’t stumble back onto the porch fast enough. Nope. Nope. Abso-#@%$ing-lutely not.
“Pomni! You are nervous!” Ragatha rubbed at her chest, “Oh, no — Ugh! I’m sorry! Are you afraid of elevators?”
Pomni squirmed in place. Her gut commanded her to keep up her defenses — to deny, deny, deny, because showing the slightest inkling of vulnerability had been punished so severely in the past. Despite all of her strongest instincts, however, the soft look of concern on Ragatha’s face hit her like a magic spell.
“Um,” Pomni’s shoulders slumped, “Maybe a teensy-tiny bit...”
“Oh, Sweetheart…” Ragatha drew closer, “Forget it, then. Why don’t we try looking for another way in?”
“N-No! It’s fine! This way is the fastest!”
“But I want you to be comfortable, too…”
“You’re worried about me?!”
Ragatha twisted her lips. “Is that bad…?”
“God, Ragatha — can’t you just be selfish for once in your freaking life!?” Pomni’s voice was sharpened to a fine tip. “I mean…look at yourself! You’re falling apart at the seams — literally!”
“Pomni! Don’t be ridiculous!”
“Watch me!” Pomni squished Ragatha against her chest before the ragdoll could even think to protest. Surging with adrenaline, she clenched her jaw, made peace with her god, and barreled forward. 
The ancient elevator quaked beneath her feet; each time it stirred, her body seized, preparing itself for the whole contraption to plummet into the endless abyss below. Pomni quailed at the sound of squeaking metal, cowered at the buzz of hydraulics, and pined after the whistling wind outside the car — a beacon of safety and stable footing. 
She shivered, choking on every haggard breath that just wasn’t enough — but somehow, the slight weight in her arms gave her the courage to open her eyes and face the music. 
“I…” Pomni stood in the center of the elevator. She looked down at a begrudgingly-happy Ragatha, each stammered word framed by bouts of breathless laughter, “...I did it!” 
Ragatha beamed, practically singing. “You did!” 
“Yes, indeed!” A series of polite claps sounded from behind. “Jolly good show, darling!”
Pomni just couldn’t stop smiling. “It was, wasn’t it?” she agreed. Sticking out her chest, the young woman pulled in a deep breath, and then…
…Wait a minute! Pomni spun around on a dime. Who said that!?
A ghostly figure, surrounded by an otherworldly aura, sat with her legs crossed in the elevator’s cushioned chair. Her outfit, equally as old-fashioned as her surroundings, evoked all the stylings of a suffragette. Her wide-brimmed hat cast a spooky shadow over her face. Her ruffled shirt was tucked neatly into a long, floral-print skirt. A silk sash spanned the length of her chest, bearing a progressive slogan spelled out in a simple typeface.  
An eerie smile crawled across the phantom’s ashen face. Slowly, she looked up from the book in her lap, and the lamp’s struggling flame gasped its final breath, “Going up?”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance.” the ghost marked her place with a bookmark, closed her tome, and sharply raised her other hand, “Dining room. Fifth floor.”
With a light ‘ding’, the elevator’s sole exit slammed shut, casting the car in total darkness. The elevator rumbled as if caught in an earthquake, rusted gears whirring and whining all the way. 
“Uh…” Ragatha’s face fell. She looked up at Pomni, who was taking things exactly as well as you would expect. 
“There’s the handrail, darling.” the ghost pointed with a wink, “You might want to make use of it sooner rather than later.”
“NONONO! LET ME OUT!” Pomni pounded her foot against the door, “WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT—”
The ghost shrugged. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Suddenly, the elevator shot into the air at gravity-defying speeds, thrusting Pomni and Ragatha roughly into the floor — and pinning them there for the remainder of their abrupt ascent. 
🎪  🎪  🎪 
The haunted lift halted the same way it had started.
The doors slid open with an innocent chime, and the girls shivered in sync as the ghost’s ethereal high-heels passed straight through them. 
“Right this way, ladies.” the phantom twirled her fingers. A magical aura surrounded Pomni and Ragatha, dragging their aching forms behind the ghost as she stepped gingerly out of the car. 
A cozy dining room awaited beyond the threshold. Autumn-toned streamers stretched across the ceiling. A perimeter of potatoes, turnips, and radishes, strung up on strings and carved with grotesque faces, was proudly displayed on each wall. A large banner pinned to the wall read ‘ALLHALLOWTIDE GREETINGS’, just in case the apple-bobbing stations weren’t sufficiently on-the-nose.
A long, wooden table was situated in the exact center of the room, dominating the space. The ghostly woman sat herself at its head, and, with a flick of her finger, sat her dazed guests across from each other. 
“Well, well, well!” The ghostly specter fanned her face with her weighty novel. “Do my eyes deceive me, or has another troupe of wayward rabble-rousers dared to trespass upon the esteemed estate of—”
“Oh, God!” Pomni, green in the face, scrambled to slap her hands over her mouth. “Oh, holy #$@%—” She swiped the closest open receptacle she could find — a gorgeous Edwardian vase — and held her mouth against the opening. Her whole frame crumpled forward as her body quite ungracefully emptied itself out.
“P-Pomni!” Ragatha’s fingers grazed the side of her face. “Oh my goodness — are you alright?!”
The jester groaned. Plopping the vase back onto the table, she weakly nodded, trembling hands hugging her ailing stomach. “I’ll be fine. J-Just…give me a second…” she faceplanted into the large heap of candy corn piled on her plate. “This happens more often than you’d think…”
Ragatha pouted, watching Pomni’s face sink deeper into candy corn mountain. Individual pieces slid off of the young woman’s plate and scattered across the table. “Remember your breathing, okay, Sweetheart?”
Pomni flashed a flaccid thumbs-up.
“My word! What is the meaning of this?!” The ghostly apparition clenched her fists, lips curled back in disgust. “Perhaps if your detestable generation spent less time listening to that boorish ‘jazz’ music — and I’m being generous calling it music at all — you’d have room in those cramped skulls  to remember proper etiquette!”
In a flash, she tore open her book —  the cover read, ‘THE LADY’S BOOK OF COMMON ETIQUETTE & ASSORTED DEMONIC SPELLS — 1860 EDITION’ in embossed, glossy lettering.
The ghost loudly cleared her throat. She pointed to the text with a manicured fingernail,  “Immediately upon entering the parlor, find your hostess, and speak to her first. It is very rude to stop to chat with other guests before greeting the lady of the house.”
Ragatha blushed, shrinking in her seat like a scolded child. “Ma’am...”
“Hmph. As appalling as your conduct is, I suppose you aren’t completely hopeless. It’s worlds better, at least, than that infantile rabbitoid or that foul-mouthed modern-art abomination.” The haughty ghost shook her head. “But I digress — what business do you mortal wretches have in the decrepit domain of I, the great Margarethe MacGuffin?”
A long, drawn-out pause ensued — longer than usual. “Um…” Ragatha rapped on her chin, “…Who?”
“Who? What do you mean ‘who’?”
“Come to think of it, I’ve completely forgotten what we’re even supposed to be doing here. Pomni…?”
Groggily, Pomni lifted her head; more than a few candy corns came along, sticking stubbornly to her cheeks, chin, and forehead. “Brooch,” she sighed. A single morsel tumbled off her face, “We’re looking for the—”  
“Brooch, you say?!” Margarethe flinched at the word like a trained dog hearing its name. Her sour mood shifted in an instant. “You couldn’t possibly mean…” she drew closer, “...that brooch, could you? The legendary MacGuffin family heirloom? The priceless treasure forged in the highlands beyond Hadrian’s Wall, passed down from generation to generation—”
“Uh-huh! Sounds about right!” Pomni abruptly pushed her chair out, sending an avalanche of candy treats pittering and pattering across the hardwood floor. She wasted no time racing to Ragatha’s side — and gently, so gently, hooking her arm around the dolly’s. “So where do we go? What do we do? How do we leave!?” 
“I…” Margarethe balked. “Sit back down this instant, young lady!”
“Uh, hello?! Do you not see that my friend is practically in pieces, here? We don’t need your stupid theatrics — none of this is even real, anyway — just spit it out so we can go back to the tent and get her fixed!”
Margarethe’s posture was as sharp as a tack. “For shame! Never in my sixty-seven years have I witnessed such uncharismatic, uncouth, unbecoming behavior from a young bachelorette. Simply appalling —  you’ll never find a husband with that attitude.”
“Aw, really? You mean it?”
“I beg your pardon?!”
“HAHAHA!” Ragatha slapped the table, “G-Golly, Ms. MacGuffin! This glassware is just to die for! Wherever did you procure such a stunning collection?”
Margarethe hesitated — but then curtsied in appreciation. “Well! I’m glad you noticed. They’re just wonderful, aren’t they?” she proudly mused, “The help says they’re made of this newfangled, petroleum-based material that’s cheaper than glass and impervious to breakage. Bakelite, I believe it’s called — the material of a thousand uses!”
Pomni flicked the nearest goblet. She whispered in Ragatha’s ear: “I think they’re plastic.”
“Indeed — we are truly blessed to be reaping the plentiful fruits of the industrial age. Now, where was I…?” Margarethe tapped her bottom lip, “Ah, yes!”
Margarethe launched herself in the air with a flamboyant pirouette. “To make a long story short, the MacGuffin clan is, sadly, no more — our treasured brooch is the only artifact that remains of our storied legacy. My life is long behind me, but alas, as the matriarch of my kin, I cannot pass on into the next life until I find a soul brave enough to carry on the great MacGuffin legacy. Someone like…you two!”
Pomni and Ragatha looked at each other. “Us? You’re sure?”
“Certainly! But a MacGuffin knows no weakness.” Margarethe continued, “In order to secure my brooch, and carry on my proud family name, you must venture through my audacious abode…and confront your greatest fear!”
“Greatest fear…?” Pomni stammered. 
Margarethe flexed. “Then, and only then, can you consider yourself a true MacGuffin!”
“G-G-Greatest…” Pomni repeated, almost choking on her words, “...f-fear…?” 
“Why, of course, darling! You didn’t expect this to be a walk in the park, did you? It wouldn’t be much of an adventure without a little bit of challenge!”
Pomni stared straight ahead — but her pin-sized pupils didn’t perceive a single thing. 
Greatest fear.
The room shrank. 
Greatest fear. Greatest fear? What in the world was that supposed to mean!? Pomni didn’t have a greatest fear — as far as she knew, the obsessive thoughts that constantly terrorized her mind did so with total parity. How was she supposed to know which one had cost her the most sleep over the years?
Car crashes, plane wrecks, train derailments, high-speed transportation in general, being bitten by a wild animal and dying of rabies, stepping on a rusty nail and dying of tetanus, contracting some other horrible disease after forgetting to wash her hands and dying from that, being stalked by weird men, being assaulted by weird men, being kidnapped and murdered by weird men, weird men in general, disappointing her friends, disappointing her parents, disappointing her boss, people in general, her boss in general, being late to work, performing poorly at work, being fired from work…
Pomni’s eyes bulged. 
Work — oh, no. Work. WORK. 
Pomni’s mind had already overloaded itself merely accepting the notion that she was trapped forever in this weird, obscure computer game — so overloaded, in fact, that the horrific question of how the world was proceeding without her hadn’t even occurred to her.
Until now. 
How long had she been gone? One week? Two? Even more? Her blood ran cold at the realization — even if she were to escape the circus this very instant, there was no way she hadn’t already been fired, no way her cubicle wasn’t already cleaned out to make way for the next poor sap to apply to that god-forsaken office. 
Oh, no. No, no, no, no. That couldn’t happen. What was she going to do? Beg for her old job back? Apply for a new one? How the hell was she supposed to do that when her degree sucked, her resume could fit on a sticky note, and all her single reference could forward a potential employer was years and years of middling performance reviews?
Even if her boss was merciful, her rat bastard of a landlord wouldn’t lend her a single shred of sympathy. Not in a million years. The clock was ticking for Pomni to locate an exit before next month’s rent was due. Should she fail, and she certainly would, she’d return home to find someone else living in her apartment. Her space. The only place in the whole entire world where she felt safe. 
Her belongings would be auctioned off at best, and thrown away at worst. 
And…oh, God. She was a missing person. There were probably posters all over town. Posters plastered with her face and name, front-and center. Stapled to telephone poles, printed in the paper, pinned to those little bulletin boards at the supermarket. Everywhere. Millions of eyes, looking at her face. Reading her name.  
Pomni could already feel them burrowing into her back. Judging her. Pitying her. Laughing at her. The best thing they could do was look away in apathy. 
Her friends and family were probably searching high and low  — but their resolve would dull as the months paged over into years. Embers of hope, pining for her return, would still burn in their hearts until the very end, but it wouldn’t matter in the long run. In the back of their minds, they would know she wasn’t coming home.
The few friends she had, unwilling to carry the burden of their grief, would almost certainly make an effort to forget her. Just to ease the pain. Her voice would be forgotten as old videos and voicemails were deleted. Her face would be next. And then, one by one, each of her friends would speak her name for the final time. 
Pomni whimpered, burying her face in the soft fabric of Ragatha’s arm. Her chest was tight, pressing harder, harder, harder against a hollow core. Each heaving breath sent shockwaves of pain throughout her shrinking, shivering, pitiful body. 
Time. She was running out. Running out of time. She had to find a way out. A way out. A way to get home. Home. Home. Home. Time. Running out. Get out. She had to get out. Get out get out get out GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT RIGHT NOW BEFORE EVERYTHING SHE’S WORKED FOR CRUMBLES TO DUST AND SHE’S DEAD AND FORGOTTEN AND AND AND AND AND AND—
Pomni choked back a scream as a dreadfully-familiar, searing pain stabbed the tips of her fingers. Blackened flesh creeped like cancer toward her palm, each heinous step piercing her skin like a thousand poison needles. 
“R-Ragatha!” Pomni gasped. Abstraction shackled her wrists as the tips of her fingers sank into the ragdoll’s downy flesh. One, three, five, ten twitching eyes sprouted beneath her gloves. “No…no, no, no! I’m going to—!” She couldn’t bear to say it. “I…I need to—”
Ragatha turned. “P-Pomni? What are you—”
“I’m sorry!” Pomni strangled the ragdoll’s wounded arm, squeezing the bulky limb hard enough to force clumps of cotton out of her own failed stitchwork. 
Her eyes squeezed shut. 
Her breathing slowed. 
Shaky breath in, shakier breath out. 
In and out. 
In, and…
The grandfather clock announced the hour with a half-dozen chimes. Pomni cracked open a single eye. Like magic, her mind was calm and clear.
Her weary gaze swept over Ragatha’s shredded arms, over her shoulder, her neck, her furrowed brow, her gnashing teeth, her wincing eyes.
“P-P-Pomni! I said let go!” Ragatha’s complaints finally fell on Pomni’s ears, “That hurts!”
Flinching, Pomni released the doll’s arm, “Ah! I’m sorry! I-I—”
“What’s gotten into you?! Is everything okay!?”
“Y-Yes! Everything’s just fine! I just, uh…” Pomni slumped over, still gasping for air. “Um…” she shrank beneath the shadow of Ragatha’s stern gaze, “...just needed a hug?”
Ragatha’s stony face didn’t crack. “You’re hiding something.”
“What?! No, I’m not!” 
“Don’t lie to me! What’s going on?! It looked like you were just about to—”
Margarethe hissed. “Alright, alright! That’s quite enough chatter!” She clonked Pomni’s head with her hefty book. “In case you forgot, I was in the middle of explaining—”
“HEY!” Pomni barked like a dog, rubbing the back of her head. “Who the #@$% do you think you are, you ancient &!$#% !?”
“Heel.” Margarethe’s razor teeth flashed a ravenous smile, “...If you know what’s good for you.”
Pomni growled — but wisely kept her big mouth shut. It helped that a small part of her was thankful for the excuse to drop the subject with Ragatha. 
Margarethe chuckled. Referring to her book once more, she flipped to a specific page and began chanting a hex under her breath. Before either Pomni or Ragatha could ask what was happening, a pair of blindingly-bright orbs had already emerged from both of their chests. The magical objects drifted toward MacGuffin’s outstretched hand. 
“Now. Let’s begin with the darling coquette. What are her nightmares made of?” Mararethe peered down at the two white spheres orbiting each other in her open palm. Studying one for a moment, she cocked her head with a sneer. “Hmph. Typical.”
Ragatha slouched, looking sullen. 
“Centipedes. It’s centipedes, right?” Pomni leaned on Ragatha’s chair. She had only just walked herself back from the verge of tears, but she had made a promise to protect Ragatha, and she intended to keep it. “Don’t worry — you’ve got me by your side, remember?” She spoke through a confident facade, “I-I’ll squash ‘em for you!” 
Ragatha covered her mouth like she was about to vomit. “Ugh, Please—” she shook her head, “D-Don’t make me think about their guts...” 
Margarethe flicked Ragatha’s orb back into the ragdoll’s chest, leaving only Pomni’s circling her palm. She cleared her throat. “As for the untrained whelp…” she was already laughing as she lifted her long-fingered hand to her face — but the moment she gazed into the orb, her smug affect faltered. 
The phantom’s cold, soulless eyes ping-ponged between Pomni and Ragatha. “Well.” Grinning, she flicked Pomni’s orb away, “Isn’t that sweet? I wouldn’t have taken you for the type, darling.”
Pomni jerked her head. “Huh? What type? What do you mean sweet?!”
Mararethe’s face simply radiated superiority. “I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see, now won’t you?” She mocked, fanning herself. “Oh, shame on me! I haven’t been this worked up since the summer of nineteen-aught-five. This is going to be fun…”
Pomni’s knees locked together as the ghost faded away. “Wait! Where are you going?! What’s my fear?! What—”
“Best of luck!” The candles flickered to the rhythm of Margarethe’s cackling laugh. “You’ll need it…!”
With minimal fanfare, the door to the next room swung open all by itself, creaking horribly on its rusted hinges. 
🎪  🎪  🎪 
Margarethe MacGuffin’s maniacal mansion was truly massive, and, within the last few hours, Pomni and Ragatha had been treated to a terrible tour of every last nightmarish nook and creepy cranny. Just as Caine had advertised, an assortment of ‘tricky traps’, ‘perplexing puzzles’ and ‘supernatural sentries’ had been set up for them to navigate, ranging in difficulty from ‘mind-numbingly easy’, to ‘psychologically traumatizing.’ 
Surprisingly, Pomni’s accounting skills had come in handy in the manor’s ‘money-counting room’. The horrifying puzzle, involving the petty minutiae of tax codes and estate settlements, was easy pickings for the seasoned number cruncher. Still, no one was perfect, and Pomni’s sole mistake — in which she’d forgotten the purpose of box 12D on form 5E-344-B  —  left her at the mercy of a swarm of greenbacks-turned-paper-cranes. 
In the music room, Ragatha would have taken the opportunity to show off her cello skills, but Pomni, concerned that Ragatha would worsen her injuries in the process, had flatly refused. A small back-and-forth had ensued — but in the end, both parties agreed to disagree once the instruments, magically stirred to life, started to viciously attack. Poor Pomni had never sprinted so quickly in her life. 
The place where Ragatha’s expertise did come in handy, however, was the stables. A pack of raging horse skeletons ran rampant, threatening to trample anyone foolish enough to stand in their way. Ragatha’s prior experience with equines, however, gave her all the tricks she needed to quickly soothe the wild herd. In retrospect, the room’s main obstacle wasn’t even calming the horses — it was reassuring a shivering Pomni after the jester had learned first-hand what a horse’s skull looked like. It wasn’t pretty.
In all of that time, not once had either of their so-called ‘greatest fears’ reared their ugly heads — or even so much as teased them. Every single task, no matter how asinine, was turned terrifying by the prospect of transforming into an unimaginable nightmare at any point in time.
The sheer anticipation was a torture all of its own — but the girls’ latest assignment, apparently designed to drive them straight to the precipice of insanity, was a close second place.
“Ohoho, don’t fret! It’s quite simple!” Margarethe had announced shortly after Pomni and Ragatha had arrived at the spacious ballroom. The phantom hadn’t even tried to hold back her laughter — she truly was having the time of her life. “The door to the next room is just a hop, skip and a jump away. All you have to do, honored guests, is locate the key.”
In a snap, Margarethe was gone, and Pomni and Ragatha had looked at each other with dread in their eyes. Nothing in MacGuffin Mansion was ever that simple. 
Every part of the ballroom was sculpted with painstaking precision. The moon peered in through a series of extravagant French windows; long, velvet drapes, slightly darker in color than Ragatha’s licorice locks, spanned the length of each one. The checkered marble that spanned the floor hosted a spattering of perfectly-set tables; a crystal glass and a set of unsoiled silverware framed each empty plate. 
A mountain of keys — brass, silver, and gold — sat upon each plate, sparkling in the moonlight. The drinking glasses beside them were similarly filled to the brim…with keys. Keys, keys, keys. Keys were floating in the flower vases, floating in the wine bottles, floating in the air.
Finding a key would be a cinch — finding the key, however, was a task tedious enough to make Sisyphus himself blush. 
And so, there Pomni was, kneeling in front of the locked door, sunken eyes looking like they hadn’t had a wink of sleep in years. The young woman glanced down with a harsh sigh — the marble floor wasn’t exactly the softest surface, and her knees were starting to hurt. A lot. 
Head drooping low, she half-heartedly held out her hand. “Next…”
Ragatha, slumped against the peeling floral wallpaper, perfectly matched Pomni’s energy. Without even bothering to look, she stuck her hand into one of the myriad piles of untested keys that surrounded the pair. A moment later, she plopped a plain-looking one into Pomni’s palm.
The jester ran her finger across the dented brass surface of what must have been the thousandth key to pass through her hands in under an hour. Her eye twitched. 
This was the one. Their ticket out of this god damned ballroom. It had to be. She had no rhyme or reason to explain why — she just knew.  
With a curt nod, Pomni crammed the key’s metal teeth into the lock and turned her hand clockwise. She leaned forward just a touch, listening desperately for a ‘click’ — but of course, just like the nine-hundred and ninety-nine attempts that came before, the stubborn door simply refused to accept her offering. 
So Pomni stared. And smiled. 
Slowly and silently, she stood, squirming grin blooming into a wide, razor-toothed smile. She turned to face the nearest pile of keys, filled her chest with a patient, hearty breath…
…and drove her foot into the metallic mound with all the force her skinny little legs could muster. 
“Pomni!” Ragatha shouted. Hundreds of keys clinked and clanked as they skated across the marble floor. “Really?!”
“This is it, isn’t it?! My greatest fear?!” Pomni shouted, “Isn’t it!?”
“Trapped with no way out, taunted by an exit just out of reach, forced to perform pointess, tedious tasks until I go insane?!” 
With every word that Pomni spoke, Ragatha’s furrowed brow disappeared to make room for a look of grave concern. “Hey! Are you listening to me?!”
“The same thing, over and over, never changing…” Clutching her head, Pomni let out a laugh, strained and dry, “As if I’m not already living that nightmare every single day!?”
“Pomni, stop it! You’re scaring me!” Ragatha finally raised her voice. Acting on instinct, she reached out to touch Pomni’s arm — but the doll’s fragile skin punished her with another gut-wrenching tear. Pain warped the doll’s face as she crumpled forward.
That brought Pomni’s breakdown to a screeching halt. “Ragatha!” snapping herself out of it, the jester immediately scrambled to Ragatha’s side, eyes pleading forgiveness. “I-I’m sorry! I was just… I didn’t mean to—” she clenched her fists, grunting in frustration, “Are you okay!?”
“Are you?!” Ragatha snatched Pomni’s shoulders. Her face was brutally stern. “You are freaking. Me. Out! Tell me what’s going on! Right now!”
Pomni swallowed. She tried to answer — she really, truly tried, yet no words came to her blanking mind.
Ragatha frowned. “Y-You’re doing it. You’re acting just like the others. Just like him.” 
“Tell me the truth. Back in the dining room, when you were squeezing my arm, did you...” Ragatha’s voice wavered, “Were you…?”
Pomni’s pupils were the size of pins. Buried memories — of her bedroom, of the forest, of the mansion’s dining room — swarmed like locusts through her mind. She could practically feel the blood freezing over in her veins again, feel the despair grabbing hold, feel her whole body rebelling against her, transforming against her will into a mindless, violent beast. 
“...abstracting?” Pomni tore away, arms coiled tightly around herself. Her strong voice was stuffy and rigid, “I-Is that what you’re too scared to say?”
Ragatha’s eyes softened in an instant. “Oh, no. No, no, no! I didn’t mean to—” she winced, holding her arms out as far as they would go. She was this close to tearing open another wound. “Just…come here.”
“Wh…What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry,” Ragatha said, “Come on. Let me hold you...”
Pomni looked the other way, still hugging herself. She tried her best to look disgusted, to pretend to be angry, to act indifferent. “P-Put your arms down. You’ll hurt yourself…!”
“I don’t care.” Ragatha’s wavering smile held true, bending just slightly under the weight of her pain. “It hurts so much more to watch you cry, Pomni.”
“I’m not crying!” Pomni’s voice cracked, widening gaze sweeping across Ragatha’s arms. Her trembling arms weren’t helping her case. “I’m just…”
“...Just what, Sunshine?”
Sunshine. Pomni’s eyes were wet. She blinked away the unwanted sensation, shaking her head all the while — but it was no use. Ragatha really was the nicest person she’d ever met. “...R-Ragatha?” 
“Why do you keep calling me that…?”
“Calling you what?”
“Sunshine…” Pomni’s lip quivered. She tried with all of her might to quell the storm, but there was little she could do now. A pair of shimmering streams traced the length of her face, and at long last, she cracked, collapsing into Ragatha’s open embrace. 
“Oh, dear…” Ragatha wrapped Pomni up as tight as she could, squeezing the little jester like she would never, ever let go. Even she was trembling now. “Do you like that name?” 
Pomni nodded. 
She felt a lot of feelings. But most of all, she felt loved. So very, very loved. 
🎪  🎪  🎪 
The ballroom had nary a clock to announce the hour, and the eternal night gleaming through the windows wasn’t much help in telling the time, either. Pomni had no idea how long she’d been venting — just talking, talking, talking through the tears, explaining everything that had happened over the past few days. 
“...and it’s happened three times now.” Pomni spoke softly, at last lifting her head from Ragatha’s chest. However much time had passed, it was enough for her eyes, shocked by the sudden influx of light, to immediately recoil.
She rubbed her eyes, easing them back into the light. “...it just happens. Like a nightmare. My mind starts racing — thinking the same obsessive thoughts, over and over, until the thoughts take control. And I…” Pomni winced, shaking her head. “...w-won’t say anything else.”
Ragatha hummed. She listened quietly, finger tracing winding lines around Pomni’s back. 
“...But every time, I’ve managed to stop it.” Pomni said. She cringed a little at her own words. “Well, I guess that’s obvious...”
“Obvious or not…” Ragatha’s voice was calm and clear, “I’m glad.”
“Glad you’re still here.”
“O-Oh!” Pomni perked right up. Almost hypnotized, she stared into those beautiful, mismatched eyes. “Um, th-thanks. Me too...” 
Ragatha giggled. “Sorry to interrupt.” she said adoringly, lightly stroking Pomni’s backside. “You were saying?”
Pomni felt light, absentmindedly curling a lock of red yarn hair around her finger. Never before had she felt so heard, felt what it was like to have someone hanging onto her every word. It felt good.  
“I don't know, Ragatha. When I start to abstract, it’s not easy to bring myself back from the brink, but…” she breathed, “...it’s kind of like what you were saying before.”
“I try to think of a silver lining. Something that makes me feel safe. Something…”
Ragatha’s thumb shooed away the final, thin teardrop drying on Pomni’s cheek. The ragdoll’s hand felt just like a cloud — softer than anything the jester had ever felt before. “Something…” Ragatha mused, finishing the jester’s thought, “...that makes life worth living?” 
“Yeah…” Pomni welcomed a cautious smile, “Something like that.”  
Pomni flinched. “H-Huh?!” 
“There she is!” Ragatha snatched the jester’s cheesing cheek and gave it a little wiggle. “There’s my funny girl!” 
Pomni tried her hardest to squirm out of Ragatha’s embrace — but the redhead had her decisively pinned. “Ow! S-Stop it!” she protested — but her sunny laughter only encouraged further torment, “That hurts, you jerk!” 
At last, Ragatha relented. “Sorry, Sunshine. Couldn’t resist.”
Pomni’s first instinct was to do the same thing back — to even the score, so Ragatha could see how it felt — but the woman’s words left her melting, all the way down to her soul.
She was putty in the ragdoll’s hands. What in the world was happening? What was this fluttery feeling? Why did her face feel hot enough to burn her fingerprints clean off?
“R-Right! In any case!” Pomni pushed herself off, lest she faint a second time. She could hardly believe how quickly her heart was thumping .“Th-thanks for listening and everything, but…” she glanced around in a panic, “...We should probably get back to it, huh?” 
Ragatha didn’t react right away. “...You’re sure?” She surveyed the endless piles of keys that surrounded them — many of which were now scattered about the floor thanks to Pomni’s most recent tantrum. 
“Of course I’m sure! Wh-Why wouldn’t I be?
“Well, it’s awfully sudden. I don’t mind talking a bit more if you need to! Really — I’d watch paint dry as long as you were next to me. Um! Not to say that listening to you is boring…!”
“It’s fine!” Pomni giggled. “Honest.”
“You’re feeling better?”
Pomni nodded.
“You’re sure?” Ragatha squinted. 
“Yes! I’m sure! We can’t keep stopping like this, Ragatha. We’ve got to get you back to Caine, remember?” 
“I…suppose we can get moving again, if that’s what you want.” Ragatha sighed. She glanced sadly at her freshly-vacant arms. “Just do me a favor, won’t you?”
“If we get stuck, try to keep your lid on — for me?”
“Y-Yeah. Sorry about that…” Pomni turned, scratching her head. The very moment she caught a glimpse of the piled-up keys, however, her face scrunched up. “This just — this sucks! How did the other members figure this out?!”
“Pomni.” Ragatha groaned. “Breathe.”
“Right. My bad…”
Despite herself, Ragatha still managed to look amused. “Think of it this way, Sweetheart. If the rest of those goofballs can figure this out, then so can we. We just need to put our heads together — think outside of the box.” 
“Outside of the box…” Pomni stepped across the checkered floor, scratching her chin. “Like…maybe what we’re looking for isn’t a literal key?” 
She scanned the ballroom through her pouting gaze. A series of large chandeliers, far grander than the tacky setpiece in her own bedroom, supervised the spacious room from above. On the northern wall was a small stage, complete with chairs, instruments, and music stands for performing musicians. A piano, paired with a small chest, sat at the far end. 
The jester’s mood soured, and not just because of her recent run-in with haunted musical instruments. Keys, keys, keys — what did any of this stuff have to do with keys!? Ragatha desperately needed help, but here she was, stuck in the world’s most contrived escape room. Ugh! Did people in the real world really do this kind of thing for fun? This stupid puzzle—
Suddenly, Pomni perked up. She eyed the piano. 
Piano. Keys. 
Piano! Keys! Of course!
“Ragatha!” Pomni raced to where the other woman was sitting, frantically waving her arms in the air. “Hey, hey!”
“Hm? Did you figure something out?” 
Pomni nodded, smiling broadly. She scooped the ragdoll into her arms, hopped atop the stage, and set her down in one of the chairs arranged neatly across it. All told, she only knocked over three music stands, two metronomes, and one priceless clarinet in the process. 
Pomni turned Ragatha’s chair so that it faced the piano. “Watch this!” she chirped, dashing across the stage. Her fingers pressed down on the piano’s lowest white note, and then the lowest black; the hammered strings within the instrument sang a long, colorful scale as Pomni dragged her digits across all eighty-eight keys. 
Hands clasped in hope, she spun around to check the door — but her face fell when, despite her genius plan, the door remained firmly in place. 
“What? But—” Pomni’s fingers pecked a low Do, a high Re, and the middlemost Mi. “They’re keys! Pianos have keys!” She laid her hands flat on the ivory, and the piano unleashed a dissonant, un-musical scream. “Are you kidding me? How is that not the solution?!”
“No, you’re right!” Ragatha clapped her hands together, “Good thinking, Pomni! You’re definitely onto something!” 
“I…am?” Pomni blushed, “But I already pressed every single key — every one! And that stupid plank of wood still won’t open!”
“Maybe it’s not about pressing one specific key.” Ragatha scratched her chin, “Maybe it’s a special combination. Notes can have letter names —  A, B, C, et cetera — so perhaps they want us to spell a certain word?”
“Ooh! A keyword! That’s good!” Pomni snapped her fingers. She didn’t hesitate to start sniffing out clues for such a solution — and it didn’t take long for the old chest beside the piano to catch her eye. 
Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the lock — but, thankfully, it was only for show. Breathing a sigh of relief, Pomni opened the lid. The antique chest was filled to the brim with a series of long, frayed, dust-coated cardboard boxes. 
Curiosity piqued, Pomni opened one and cautiously unfurled the bulky scroll stored inside. A series of small, perfectly-cut holes stretched across the yellowed paper. Some existed in isolation, while others were grouped together into long lines — as if a leaf-munching insect had eaten its way through the fragile material.
Pomni’s tonge prodded the inside of her cheek. “Ragatha? You said you played the…” her gaze flicked aside, “...violin, right?”
“Violoncello.” Ragatha deadpanned. “Why?”
“Well, I was just wondering — since you’re a musician, do you have any clue what these weird rolls of paper are for? They seem related to the piano somehow, but…”
“I’m so glad you asked!” Ragatha gasped, clasping her hands together. “Those funky bundles of paper are called piano rolls!”
The redhead had responded to Pomni’s question in plain English, but the baffled look on the jester’s face suggested otherwise.  
Ragatha clarified. “Back in the day, these were used to play piano tunes without the need for a human performer. Each one plays a different song when loaded into a player piano.”
“Player piano…?”
“Oh, right. Sorry! That’s a special type of piano that plays itself. I’m not quite sure how it works either. But back to the topic at hand — see those little holes cut into the paper? Each one represents one music note. As the roll slowly unfurls, a sensor reads them and tells the machine which keys to strike.”
“Ohh…” Pomni ran her fingers across the parade of perforations that spanned the scroll. Slowly, she nodded. “...So it’s like a music box?”
“Now you’re getting it!” Ragatha beamed. The look on her face as she watched the concept click in Pomni’s head was a painting of pure joy; was it any wonder that she had worked as a teacher prior to her captivity? 
Pomni sighed. She planted an elbow on the old chest and cradled her cheek against her palm. “Your students must have loved you...” 
“Well, I did receive my fair share of apples.” Ragatha shrugged. “Never had to pack a lunch.”
“Wait, seriously…? That’s a real thing?”
“No. Not really.”
A silly smile teased its way onto Pomni’s lips. Heart stumbling, she turned away, fingers unconsciously fiddling with the old chest’s loosened lock. “S-So, um, is there anything else you can tell me…?” 
“Nah — telling is overrated. In my classroom, I always liked to take a hands-on approach.” Ragatha said. She admired the antique instrument seated on the far end of the stage. “There’s a player piano right there. Why don’t you give it a whirl? It’s been a while since I’ve listened to music.”
“S-Sure thing! I’ll find a good one!” Pomni said, eager to please. Just about tearing the lid off of the antique chest, she rifled through its tightly-packed contents with purpose, scrutinizing the faded titles printed on each box. She didn’t recognize a single song, much less any of their long-dead composers, so it was anyone's guess as to what the music would actually sound like. She may as well have just swiped a roll at random — and, as a matter of fact, that’s exactly what she did. 
Pomni set the bulky scroll inside the automatic piano after a bit of clumsy fumbling — and more than a little help from Ragatha. With the flip of a switch, the paper started spinning, and the premier notes of a lofty, leisurely tune stirred to life beneath the ballroom’s vaulted ceiling. 
Pomni’s fingers drew circles on the mechanical piano’s smooth, wood grain exterior. For a moment, she forgot where she was, utterly fascinated by the simple elegance of the century-old contraption. 
It was funny. The long-forgotten piece it played, humbly subtitled ‘a ragtime two-step’, had set her up to expect something more peppy and up-tempo. As the piano roll steadily unfurled, however, the melodic constellations impressed upon the paper sang a far different tune. 
It was the type of jaunty music one would expect to accompany a silent film, just…polished. Refined. All of the musical tropes of the era were present — the driving bassline, the active, syncopated melody — but the piece’s dignified pace and finely-crafted harmonies would have sounded out of place in a rowdy, turn-of-the-century saloon. 
Here in the ballroom, though, it was right at home — at least, that’s what the haunted furniture seemed to think. 
Looking impressed, Pomni tapped her foot, wholly oblivious to the perplexing scene unfolding behind her. “Not bad...” She grinned, turning to face Ragatha, “To tell you the truth, I actually kind of ohmygodwhat’sgoingon—”
Pomni stumbled backwards, then forwards, then backwards again into Ragatha’s chair. The ballroom’s inanimate denizens — the one-hundred-odd tables and chairs scattered across its marble floor —  moved all on their own, dancing in time with the mellow melody. A backing band of squeaking wood and clinking keys added a percussive flair to the player piano’s charming, just-slightly-detuned sound. 
Ragatha, for her part, was busy cracking up at Pomni’s complete and utter bewilderment. With a quick breath, she managed to compose herself. “Well, when in Rome…” The ghost of a giggle still lingered in her tone as she offered up her hand, “Shall we?”
Pomni let out a mousy squeak. “Huh?” She flinched, head feeling light, dots flitting across her vision, “But—”
“Come on. Don’t make me beg.” Ragatha batted her eyes, “It’s unladylike.”
Pomni blushed. Without a word, she swallowed, shuddering like a frightened animal as she reached for Ragatha’s hand.
Her fingers curled snugly around the ragdoll’s, plush and doughy. Both women’s palms — one big, one small — fit together perfectly.
Pomni slid her other arm behind Ragatha’s back, powerless to stop the nervous little whimpers sneaking out of her as she lifted up the lightweight woman. For a moment, their faces were close enough to feel each other’s warmth — and it took every ounce of restraint Pomni had to resist asking: ‘Can I please kiss you?’.
With a brief, peppy fanfare, the music transitioned to a new section; the enchanted furniture, as if controlled by a single mind, adapted its routine in perfect sync. 
“I, um…” Pomni’s knees trembled. This stupid furniture was making her look bad. “I don’t really know how to dance…” She winced at the thought, and then at the sight of Ragatha’s grave injuries, “And even if I did, how are we supposed to—”
“Shh.” Ragatha’s thumb glided across the back of Pomni’s hand. “Just…hold me.”
Pomni exhaled. 
Holding her dolly close, the jester closed her eyes, synchronizing her trembling breaths with every other downbeat. Her foot matched the two-step’s gentle pulse, and before she knew it, her whole body was swaying to the rhythm.
Ragatha nestled her head against Pomni’s chest; a blissful sigh escaped her shuddering smile. The tension in her body dissipated note-by-note, phrase-by-phrase, as her darling rocked her back and forth, here and there, to and fro. 
Back and forth they went. Pomni held her plain little ragdolly as tight as she could, finger tracing zig-zags across the curves of her fleece-soft figure. She adored the sound of her peaceful breathing, the way her hands cradled each other as she lay in her arms, all of her happy little fidgets as her body responded to the music. 
Here and there they swayed. Pomni’s desperate eyes wandered to Ragatha’s lips, plush and glossy. Her heart was glowing, but just beyond, a profound emptiness, like nothing she had ever felt before, opened up within her. It begged to be filled, and pained her to resist.
Swing, swing. To and fro. Ragatha was weightless in her arms. The whole wide world, and everything in it, was wonderful. Just wonderful. 
“Hm.” It took Ragatha a moment to respond. She jostled herself as if she’d just been woken from a deep, restful slumber. “What is it, Sunshine?” She said, keeping her eyes closed. 
Pomni swallowed a shuddering breath. “Do you remember the day before yesterday? When we were trying to film the new intro?”
“That was quite a day.” Ragatha cracked a smile. She nestled herself closer, basking in the rhythm of each gentle sway.  “I didn’t know you could scream so loud. Zooble, either.”
“Yeah…” Pomni tittered. “When you were showing me the way to my room, I remember feeling so exhausted, so frustrated. I didn’t understand why all of this was happening to me. What I did wrong to end up trapped here. I was taking it out on everyone, including you. But…”
“But you were still kind to me.”
Ragatha giggled. “Oh, come on. Don’t give me too much credit. You might hate to hear this, but you’re awfully cute when you get all worked up. If I’m being honest, the hardest part was not eating you up.”
“Cute...” Pomni felt butterflies. Her rocking slowed down, falling out of sync with the beat of the music. “That’s what you said about my hat hair. Remember?”
“I do! And I stand by it.”
The social contract of conversation required Pomni to respond with a laugh, or a ‘that’s funny’, or even a small, near-imperceptible exhale of breath — but instead, she simply stood there, thinking, utterly silent. And when she did get around to opening her mouth at last, her voice took on a noticeably different tone. 
“Yes?” Ragatha’s mouth curled slightly — and not in the good direction. “Is everything alright? You sound like you have a frog in your throat.”
“Do you—” Pomni swallowed, “D-Do you remember what we talked about before? About…” she took in a shaky breath, “...something to live for…?”
Ragatha’s eyes flashed open with a jolt. The doll palmed the wet spot on her cheek, and flinched again when another droplet pelted her face. “P-Pomni! Are you—” she stammered, “Why are you crying?!”
“Because…!” Pomni’s face crinkled up, “B-Because, if you hadn’t said that…” she gulped down a long, shaky breath, “...if you had listened to me that day, if you had just left alone like I said…”
The young woman’s tear-studded chin curled inward, coming to rest against her heaving chest. “... If it wasn’t for you, Ragatha, I don’t know if I would still be here…”
The old piano roll reached its end with no pomp or circumstance; the haunted furniture took a final bow, shuffling back to their places as the two-steps’s final chord faded away. 
A century of stillness stretched between the jester and the ragdoll. 
Ragatha pressed her hand to her lips. Pomni couldn’t blame her for her silence. What could Ragatha possibly say? Pomni didn’t know, and, given Ragatha’s flat, stunned gaze, it seemed the ragdoll was equally lost. 
“R-Ragatha…? I don’t know how else to say this…” Pomni’s whole body felt twice as heavy. Her body was a paradox, sweltering beneath overwhelming heat and flinching away from wisps of unbearable cold. “I think I, u-um—” 
Enough was enough. At long last, the two hearts spoke as one, crackling voices intertwined in an impromptu duet. 
“I’m sorry, but…!” the jester squeaked.
“That’s it!” the ragdoll gasped, “I can’t take this anymore — I’m just going to say it!” 
Together, they forced out the exact same words: “Can I please just kiss you?!”
…And time slowed to a crawl. 
Each woman was the other’s reflection, looking back from the other side of the proverbial water. Ragatha stared, at a loss for words, gawking mouth twisting into a little half-smile. Pomni stared back, eyes aglow, wearing the world’s dumbest grin without a care in the world. 
Smiles became snorts, snorts turned into giggles, and giggles bloomed into fits of gut-busting laughter. Pomni’s tears flowed still, but their wet, winding trails framed a face brightened by hope. “Did that just happen?!”
Ragatha giggled, pawing at her face. If she felt any pain — and she certainly did — it didn’t show. “Well?” she remarked at last, “I’m waiting.”
“Um…!” Pomni frantically nodded. “Right! O-Of course!” A bead of sweat traveled down her brow as relief gave way to worry.
She hadn’t the slightest idea of what she was doing. 
Pomni’s stance bent backward at a curious angle. Ignoring the added strain on her back, she swallowed, tilted her face closer to Ragatha’s, and then…locked up. For what felt like an eternity, she just stood there, knees chattering, staring into Ragatha’s eyes with a vacant, absolutely petrified expression.
“...Uh, Pomni?” Ragatha blinked. The moment was ruined. It was horribly, terribly, soul-crushingly awkward. “What are you doing?”
“K-Kissing you! Obviously!” Pomni shifted around, forcing a shuddering smile. “I’m just, um, y-you see—” 
“Is this how you usually do it?”
“Um, no. Not really…!” a beet-red Pomni shook her head, “To tell you the truth, I’ve never really, um…” her voice shriveled further with every word, “...I’ve haven’t exactly done this before…”
“Wh-What?! Is that bad?!”
“Goodness gracious. What am I going to do with you?” Ragatha playfully rolled her eyes. “Well, you already lifted me up. That’s a…start? I suppose? Look, just tilt your head for me.”
“Oh! Sure!” Pomni did — with gusto. “Is this good?”
“No! Not that much!”
Pomni let out a soft little whine. “O-Okay! Sorry!” 
“There. That’s better.” Ragatha’s yearning gaze closed the distance, “Next, close your eyes...”
“Like this?”
“Well, yes — there’s only one way to do it.” 
“Oh! Right…”
“God, you’re cute...” Ragatha filled her chest with a long, savoring breath, “...Now hurry up and kiss me.”
Pomni’s pounding heart was due to give out any second now. This couldn’t be real. Was this really happening? What had she gotten herself into!?
Slowly but surely, she moved her lips closer, closer, closer, until she could feel the warmth of Ragatha’s hushed breaths on her face. Her stomach twisted into a tighter knot with every burst of humid heat — but she’d come too far to quit now.
Carefully, very carefully, she—
“Ugh! Fine, then — I’ll do it!” Huffing just like a princess, Ragatha seized Pomni’s tunic, pulled her in, and pressed her lips against hers. She shuddered, squealing with joy as their souls linked at last. 
Pomni’s eyes were wide, her belly flat, her face a bluish hue as every last gasp of air was suddenly forced out of her chest. Sharply, she breathed in again, and a familiar scent stirred her heart like a siren song:
Strawberries and soil and fresh-fallen rain.
My Ko-fi - Tips are very much appreciated! :)
[First Chapter] [Next Chapter]
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fivepointpalettes · 1 year
Can you do a palette called Digital Dandelions?
Here you go! Hope these work for you!
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#ffc93c | #ffeb36 | #fcf4f2 | #ebe1d8 | #3ee361
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#22b14c | #fff8eb | #ffe600 | #e9c718 | #ff8d36
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#ebd136 | #ffffff | #fff171 | #c8eb35 | #6ceb35
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#ffde31 | #afb243 | #fefef6 | #fff1d7 | #fedfc2
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#fffc00 | #fff7ee | #75ed3a | #ffe600 | #06b56d
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#ff8d36 | #e4e3e1 | #00c066 | #fffd8c | #5ffc3a
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bratniadusza · 3 years
72 with Jaskier?
There you go! It was such a challenge for me to work with so many pastel colors, I hope in the end I made it look decent! C:
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And if you're wondering what is this thing, I think I went with The Last Wish type of art with this one :> Enjoy!
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tomatoderby · 4 years
Took part in another dtiys
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The host is lord_gris on Instagram. I thought the original looked interesting and I wanted to draw my own version! (I love drawing people with weird skin tones lol)
Please don't delete this comment and do not repost this without crediting me and getting my permission. Thank you.
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mx-alchemist · 7 years
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The demon
This but now in full color!
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naresnyanart · 7 years
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3. 170725 - Wind
Palette: Sepia, White, Pastel Blue
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biletdoux · 4 years
waiting: in dreams | d.sc
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Pairing: winwin (nct) + female!reader / winwin centric
Rating: M
Genre + Tropes: non-idol!au, romance (angst, slice of life)
Warnings: N/A in this part
Length: 1.5k+
Summary: Sicheng dreams in endless colors.
Note: a long time coming, but we are here. thank you to @adamfoolcry​ who motivated me to keep this series going <3
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part iii: in dreams
Sicheng dreams in a myriad of colors that evoke the deepest emotions in the catacombs of his heart. It drains him of everything and Sicheng tends to wake up with a hollow chest that threatens to float away if it weren’t for his lead embedded ribs keeping it grounded.
There is no clarity in Sicheng's dreams, however; there is a repetition. A cycle of sorts. Sicheng doesn't quite understand the loop and there is a frustration that entails misunderstandings. There are no pictures for him, except for the occasional outlines, to interpret, but there are colors, hues of all kind, that are so potent that he feels as if he’s lived through them.
The dreams start out the same. There are no exceptions. 
It starts off with green. The green of meadows filled with bees and the occasional pollen, hitching a ride from zephyrs to faraway lands. It is mellow and blissful, but there is an anxious bubble that rests below at the base of Sicheng’s spine. It’s then followed by the soft green of determined sprouts rising from a deep slumber under a blanket of loam. Sicheng can feel the firm resolution rise within him and it is further stoked by the next shade. It is the fierce green of competition as the verdure competes for a taste of sunlight and whatever available droplets of water that sets Sicheng ablaze. 
He can feel the tension in his muscle due to days of intense practice. He can feel his body weighed down by the ache of  stretched hours on hardwood floors and mirrored walls, yet there are still no pictures for him to process. 
The next shade ambles along in slow strides and it is an ambient green of a hesitant, but firm camaraderie of each sprout settling in their niche. It is calm and peaceful which allows the joints and ligaments of Sicheng’s body to loosen their hold, allowing Sicheng a chance to catch his breath. It is almost comfortable, but it does not last long. An ambitious green of a lone tendril branching out ahead of the others in order to get ahead follows shortly after in quick succession, wiping away whatever serenity is instilled in Sicheng. All the various shades swirl together on the palette.
It is simply the green of spring, the green of new beginnings.
It is comforting, but dreams do not care much for Sicheng’s comfort, so it steadily moves along its path. The next color is yellow.
A lighthearted kind of yellow that lifts Sicheng above the clouds where he can revel in his sheer bliss. The shade is reminiscent of daisies on a clear day and the rays of sunlight that they bask in. The type of yellow that leaves a steady and comfortable warmth. Sicheng is at ease when he dreams of yellow. The subtle anxiety he felt when he races through various hues of green are melted away by the gentle tide of yellow, that lazily, but without fail, laps away the shores of Sicheng’s worries.
It’s the faded yellow of awnings put to use over the years and muffled laughter carried by a breeze that does little to relieve the heat. Suddenly the hardwood floors aren’t so harsh anymore and the strain on his muscles feel bearable. Sweat clings to his skin, but Sicheng finds reprieve in the cheeky, but resilient yellow of the sun that peaks through the blinds during day practice, as dandelions do on cracks of the sidewalk. He grasps at the light as though they can offer him lightness.
It’s the bright yellow of a soon-to-be familiar smile with a pair of eyes that can light up the whole room to match. Sicheng finds himself executing the moves with more fervor than usual for a reason he’s not willing to admit, but when he’s faced with incandescent yellow of enthusiastic cheer and unbridled compliments, he can’t help it. 
Yellow is the calmest of his dream cycle, filled with nothing but abstracts, but he enjoys it. Sicheng takes a certain comfort in the soothing yellow of summer, the yellow of ripe memories.
The brevity of yellow is followed by pink. Sicheng enjoys these colors of his dreams the most. There are no pictures to see, but the colors come to life in different ways that leaves him aching in a way he can’t pinpoint. The transition from yellow to pink is also the smoothest and he takes what he can get. 
Sicheng thinks pink is his favorite.
It’s the shy pink of shared affection and cotton candy kisses. A steady carefree pink that leaves Sicheng breathless and a permanent imprint of a hand in his as though he’s been holding onto something his whole life. Next is the hushed pink of dim lighting and whispered secrets over a nice meal. Sometimes he thinks he can taste the color pink. He imagines it to taste sweet like a prized peach he unknowingly stole from a sacred orchard. 
But sugar is deceiving. 
Shortly after is the saccharine pink of unknown rendezvouses tinged by a desperate bitterness. It leaves a sordid aftertaste that reminds Sicheng of strawberry ice cream and mismatched toppings. 
It’s the nostalgic pink of a fleeting autumn never fully realized or savored.
Pink is the shortest of his dreams. Sicheng takes in greedy gulps of pink whenever possible because the blue that follows leaves a pit in his stomach and his head spinning as if he’s been submerged in murky water for years.
Sicheng hates blue the most, despite it being such a strong word for how blue makes him feel nothing. 
The blue creeps up on him slowly seeping its influence over the naive pink who never had a chance. Sicheng grasps at the remains of pink, but it’s futile for everything has been stained.  Before he gets a chance to properly mourn, whatever’s left is blown away by a chilling blue gale. 
It’s a quiet blue that moves in lengthened time and encompasses the entirety of his being through a heavy burden that lures him into a hopeless hug. Sicheng feels stuck in an uneasy complacency that has him on his knees with no escape. Next is a sedate blue, that slowly but surely seizes his throat. He can feel each breath wretched from his lungs, but Sicheng is powerless to stop it as if a riptide has pulled him out to the deep blue sea to fend for himself. 
It’s an abridged blue of early sunsets that leaves the city streets cold and barren. The once comforting hand imprint weighs him down to the ground until he’s forced to look up to a starless sky. The moon has gone into hiding and Sicheng feels utterly and undoubtedly alone. 
It’s a weary blue of creaky joints and his muscles harden in ways it’s never had before. The moves that once came effortlessly as if taking a breath of air now has Sicheng second guessing. It’s a discouraging blue that leaves his bones tired and his heart heavy. 
It’s the blue of a frozen winter, the blue of a desperate last dance to an already decided waltz. 
The next color starts off as a dull glow nestled between the layered shades of blue, and then it’s suddenly all Sicheng can see. 
An angry red envelopes his field of vision when blue has run its course. It’s the forgotten red of a kettle left on the stove for too long that it must make its presence known. It’s the all consuming red of a forest fire that found its humble beginnings from a poorly put out bonfire. Sicheng feels his veins fill the brim with red hot fury, and before he has the chance to let it out, Sicheng is hit with a static black that pulls his mind from sleep. 
Sicheng wakes up from each bout of sleep to a racing heart and a sheen layer of sweat that covers his body. His limbs are entangled in the sheets and his ears ring. He shoots his hand out haphazardly in the nightstand drawer, recklessly rummaging around until his fingers make contact with that small comforting piece of metal that puts his mind and heart at rest. The immutable chill of the little key eases into Sicheng steadfastly and he feels his breathing and his heart rate steady to a controlled metronome. 
Today is no different from any other as Sicheng grasps the key close to his heaving chest as he stares fiercely, yet blankly at his ceiling. When he feels calm enough, he pushes himself onto his elbows and places the key back to the night drawer stand. His eyes gaze over the bleary face of his digital clock to see bright neon numbers gaze back at him. The 07:49 registers in his mind slowly as he takes another deep breath. It takes him a few minutes to fully blink the drowsiness from his system, but soon enough, he’s on his feet to get ready for the day. 
It’s Friday today and Sicheng has physical therapy in a little over an hour.
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thisbibliomaniac · 4 years
I saw your tag but didn’t bother reading them either so all the asks
*pulls up my laptop at 12:30 am to fill out this stupidly long post* I hope you’re happy 
kissy kissy; how old were you when you got your first kiss?
I have never, unless you count the times when my dog catches me unaware :/
daisies; what is your favorite flower?
Plumeria and rose! 
blizzard; favorite activities to do in cold weather?
Make tea and read books 
smile; a quirk that you find cute/attractive?
heck if I know 
lovely; personality traits you find the most adorable in people?
lol same answer
sweets; what is your favorite candy?
tootsie rolls, I miss them 
melody; ten songs that you think “define” you?
Not even one! 
faith; do you have any superstitions?
officially, no. unofficially, yeah kinda lol. 
ink; your favorite word?
feather; your favorite textures?
glass, like crystals. eyelash yarn, inline crochet hooks, flower petals
chocolate; do you like chocolate?
cupcake; your favorite cake flavor?
blue jeans; what is your favorite item of clothing that you own?
I already talked about the sweater so....a large red Chief Wahoo hoodie 
wholesome; have you ever been in love?
does Obi Wan count? 
cherish; who is/are the most cherished person/people in your life?
my friends and family as a whole. special acknowledgment for me grandma and @starwarmth​
polaroid; digital cameras or polaroids?
Canon Rebel T5i DSLR. Not professional level, but it’s been good to me < 3
glitter; do you like shiny objects?
pastel; what is/are your favorite color(s)?
pink, purple, teal
twilight; what is your favorite time of the day?
fairy; is there any mythological creature that you believe in?
i have pretty specific dragon theories. loch ness monster
gleam; sunrises or sunsets?
compassion; are you a forgiving person?
yes, but I don’t hold on to relationships that are more trouble than they’re worth. if dealing with someone is only ever stressful, because they’re needlessly confrontational towards me, I won’t stick around
milkshake; what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
typewriter; have you ever written a letter?
I’m in the middle of writing two letters! my irl best friend and I became penpals when I was five too
bonfire; do you like camping?
no lol, although I haven’t done it as an adult
flora; do you enjoy being in contact with nature?
lemon; what is your favorite fruit?
watermelon!!! but also cherries 
silk; do you believe in ghosts?
sweater; what is your favorite weather?
fall weather 
soft light; candles or lamps?
oooooo both. I’m looking for some good lamps for my room. I found a gorgeous tiffany lamp on wayfair that’s only $1265 out of my budget 
strawberry tea; tea or coffee? 
vinyl; who are your favorite artists?
needtobreathe, jj heller
color palette; classic or contemporary art?
neither? I like individual art, but art as a whole doesn’t actually appeal to me. I do love good photography 
flower power; what is your favorite outdoor activity?
lemonade; do you prefer to swim in pools or the sea?
summertime; what is your favorite activity to do in warm weather?
lol still photography
sweet dreams; what is the weirdest dream that you’ve ever had?
the one with the sasquach. it’s a long story including my former manager, the BMV, an armenian child, and a hunter in the woods 
fauna; if you could talk to animals, which do you think would be the bluntest and why?
rose; do you enjoy physical displays of affection?
soulful; what is/are your passion(s)?
dandelion; what is your biggest dream right now?
abolition. not living with my parents. every time I got close, my boss screwed me over lol 
wishes; what would you do if you were omnipotent for a day?
abolish abortion 
fairy dust; do you believe in unicorns?
the same way I believe in dragons I suppose? 
clover; do you believe in luck?
officially no, but unofficially yes 
whisper; what is your favorite book?
madman by Tracy Groot 
honey; what is your favorite movie?
Gone With The Wind along with about 20 more
fantasy; which movie/tv show do you wish you could live in?
Doctor Who lol. I love the Star Wars universe, but there’s too much political upheaval
snowflake; do you like snow?
hot chocolate; favorite beverage?
daydream; vintage or modern fashion?
psychedelic; do you like old music?
spring; what is your favorite season?
fur; what is your favorite animal?
I’m very much a cat person
cosmic dust; have you ever wished upon a shooting star?
no, too much light pollution here :/
record player; vinyl or CDs?
angel; what do you like about yourself the most?
mirror; what would like to change about yourself?
most everything lol 
cassette tape; what is your favorite band?
candlelight; what is your favorite song?
we could run away by needtobreathe
photo album; do you like photography?
very much 
candy cane; sweet or sour?
darling; do you have a nickname?
not really 
sepia; a quote you find inspiring?
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” and I definitely misquoted that, Jim Elliot 
diamond; where do you usually get your inspiration from?
idk, it just comes or it doesn’t 
freckles; a physical trait you find attractive?
not to be That Person, but I like tall 
bath bomb; do you prefer baths or showers?
sunlight; do you like the beach?
sunshine; early bird or night owl?
night owl 
destiny; do you believe in soulmates?
I don’t really know?
boho; what is your aesthetic?
pink, classic, lots of books, woodwork, natural light, roses, cats, lamps
thanks dear 
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avocadomin-remade · 4 years
A mint green or slightly darker shade of the bluey colour might help create a little more contrast and not let the blue get drowned out almost, which is a problem I used to have when painting with similar shades. The green would also tie in with the yellow nice (cuz yanno, it's made of yellow) and green and purple is always a good combo. But honestly, the colour palette is really nice already. I don't have much experience with digital colour though, so you definitely know better lol.
ohhhh ok i’ll give it a try!! i know i wanted it to have pastel type colors and use purple (cause seungmin said his standard order is taro) but also having the yellow in there makes sense with the dandelion hehe
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Top 25 Fantastic Experience Of This Year’s Multiple Canvas Painting | Multiple Canvas Painting
Click actuality if you are accepting agitation examination the arcade and video on your adaptable device.
The plywood attention windows accept become canvases in Oakland.
After agitated protests affected businesses to awning their storefronts, artists accept accustomed to advice adorn the streets and acquaint belief on the pieces of wood. The about organized activity was accommodating by Jonathan DeLong who said it began back he accustomed to advice apple-pie up. During a chat with a restaurant owner, the abstraction of painting the plywood came up. DeLong said he put out chat to the association and 75 bodies showed up. After that, 100 added came out of the woodwork the abutting day and the activity snowballed from there.
“I’m on Day 6 now of 10-hour canicule and I anticipate we’ve had over 350 volunteers appear through,” he said. “We’ve gone through several hundred gallons of acrylic and now there are seven accomplished burghal blocks affiliated by art.”
The murals affection calls for amends while others bethink added victims of ancestral abandon such as Oakland’s Oscar Grant, Emmett Till and Sandra Bland. The images are arresting and accept been aggressive by absent photographs in the annual of artisan Minh Huynh. Others accomplish heroes out of bounded protesters such as Brianna Noble, who rode her horse assimilate burghal streets on the May 29 demonstrations. Huynh said his allotment of a protester with the anchor in the air capital to appearance that abandon shouldn’t adumbrate the bulletin demonstrators are aggravating to get across.
Other painters aloof like the abstraction of accomplishing something. Skyline High School apprentice Maya Looney said, “It’s nice to do article alike
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painter’s palette, bloom, peruvian lily, lilac, and dandelion
painter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist?Hmm...Probably instrumentalist!bloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children?Already answered here!peruvian lily: what are the names of your pets?i have a cat named Alyce!lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends?Sleep and be cozy tbh
dandelion: any special talent that you have?Playing the piano. I’m also really good at memorizing things (I know about 200 digits of pi)
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63824peace · 5 years
Friday, 28th of october 2005
The second morning of our conference starts today. I chose to eat the Japanese style breakfast buffet.
I started sweating a bit while I ate breakfast at the window. The weather is good today . . . an ideal environment for playing Boktai. Everyone else ate with their backs facing the windows, and some people even sat far away from them.
I want to store up as much of Nasu's glorious nature inside me as I can since the weather is so nice. I ate facing the sun by the window. It's rare to be able to eat during a sunbath.
I see a multitude of colors when I look outside the window.
We talk about this season using the idiom "the red leaves of autumn," but there's really no such thing as the abstraction that we call "red." In other words, red isn't limited only to red.
We tend to envision a color somewhere between vermilion and crimson dye when we hear someone talk about the red leaves. Yet we actually see copper, orange, olive, and a palette of other colors peppering the naturally green leaves when we stand among the proverbial "red leaves of autumn." This is normal, of course. We even designate red leaves from yellow leaves when we're not talking about them generally.
Leaves turn different colors according to the tree species and the plant cells' chemical composition. A single leaf will flush entirely from green to red or yellow. Each leaf seems destined for its specific autumn coat.
Also, the leaves' color-changing isn't synchronized. A time-lag exists between two leaves' transformations. We may sometimes see yellow and red leaves together.
The entire sight maintains harmony even though countless colors (pixels) create the scene. These are the true leaves of autumn.
Nature's color coordination isn't bad at all when I consider this perspective. It certainly beats out all those neon signs in the city's entertainment district set up by men on whim. Men's bleary colors can't compare to nature's balance.
The autumn leaves mean that nature is changing clothes for a new season.
Still, what does it mean to change colors? The tree doesn't die when its leaves drift to the ground . . . yet the leaves have departed from this world.
Leaves change into red and gold, and these new colors herald the onset of autumn leaves. What kind of sign is this? To whom has the sign been sent?
The second day of the conference begins. We have lunch afterwards.
I took advantage of lunch time and went out for a walk. The air is pure and the wind is pleasant. I feel good.
The sky's azure looks good combined with vermilion. Emerald, red, dandelion, blue, and the clouds' white all join together.
Our conference resumed in the afternoon. I took care of email and other such tasks during the break scheduled between programs. I only replied to the most urgent messages.
Back at KojiPro in Roppongi Hills, Subsistence and MGA2 are in their final stages. Several years ago I wouldn't have been able to leave the production studio at this stage during development. Yet I can travel digitally between Nasu and Roppongi with today's latest technology. It would have been only a dream twenty years ago, and now it's a daily convenience.
We got together for a social party after the day's meetings.
I received mail from Tokyo. It came with a sweet, nostalgic photograph as well as news from a past acquaintance.
The photograph was taken in a back room at TGS. The mail came from Yumi-chan who held the stage as MC. We had a lot of fun despite how busy we were. A month has already passed since then.
I disappeared into private reverie, standing amid Nasu's nature . . . lost in memories that remained from Makuhari Messe (where TGS was held). I feel as though it had happened only yesterday.
I looked at my countenance smiling up from the photograph. The memory of my past satisfaction preserved on film rejuvenated me.
I said goodbye to Yumi-chan and my past self. A knot bobbed in my throat.
I took a hot spring bath around midnight. Afterwards, rather then return to my room, I joined everyone in the sports bar.
I have a hunch that I'm going to sing quite a bit tonight.
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress Retail Themes TopNotch Themes | Templified
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Best WordPress Retail Themes TopNotch Themes
We’ve put together another winning WordPress theme collection with some of the better eCommerce themes that we haven’t already placed into our main collection.  For other WordPress eCommerce themes, I think they’re a really nice assortment of premium quality themes with great support and more.
  With a wonderful WooCommerce web theme like Storefy, you can generate a website to promote clothes, sneakers or any other type of product. There are numerous features that will assist you present your merchandise in a trendy way, such as menus, galleries along with a number of layouts to select from that give your web site a wonderful look. The assistance offered with this WP theme is unequaled, so you can feel confident that if you run into issues you’ll get assistance when you need it.  Storefy has everything you could want for building a successful online business.
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  Dandelion is a Powerful Premium WordPress wedding Theme and it’s ready to help spread the good news about your upcoming nuptials. Dandelion theme provides all the amazing, important functionality you will need to present your products, work and yourself in an elegant and professional style. The Dandelion theme is highly flexible, so changing the color scheme is super simple and for the most parts you won’t need an image editor. The theme is best suited for any business, portfolio, photography and personal sites.
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  Seneca is a perfect theme for those of you who are looking for a way to simple, easily manage products, blog posts, videos, personnel and other content directly in WordPress’ built in admin panel. Seneca is a very solid theme for nearly any purpose and it’s all due to the fact that the design doesn’t get in the way of your content. It’s a well crafted blank slate that lets you make your content take center stage, giving it a force and style that is really hard to ignore.
Seneca is a fabulous looking minimalist style WordPress theme that is responsive in design, so no matter the type of computer your users get the website with, it will look amazing. From small screen to large, the site responsively adapts itself to any resolution.  That’s handy and since you know it looks great, there’s going to be no guessing whether you are delivering an excellent user experience, it will be ensured.  With WooCommerce and Seneca, you can sell both digital and tangible products online.  Yep, that’s right, it’s the year of the digital-entrepreneur, and Seneca is here to help.  You have the familiarity of WordPress and the flexibility of WooCommerce to power a full-featured, powerful business in one place.  And the price is right too, since WooCommerce is completely free of charge.  Your website doesn’t have to utilize eCommerce though, Seneca is powerful and fully functional as a blog or portfolio site too.
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  Wow indeed.  He, plenty of people are into starting up a website of their own and a great WordPress theme is an amazing way to help grease the wheels to get that party started.  Want to sell some amazing items online?  Yeah, this theme has what you need.  You’ll want a thee that fits the style, the feel and fit of your company and Woow is a perfect fit for a lot of different companies.  Woow is a modern, cool, frantic and sweet theme that is ideal for many differing sites and you will absolutely kill it if you choose this as your theme.  Hey, Woow, what does that mean.  WooCommerce ready?  You better believe it!  It’s not just about Woo Commerce themes though, it’s about amazing design, tons of features, fashion, electronic items, jewelry, travel, portfolios (portfolioa?), video, pictures…you name it.  There’s no niche that won’t fork with this theme, called Woow, a delightful portfolio WordPress theme.
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  WooCommerce eCommerce themes provide a first-class place to show people all types of products on your website.  It doesn’t matter what what type products you are selling, WooCommerce is a cool plug in to generate money right away!  If you need yourself a new WooCommerce eCommerce theme, this one here could possibly be a great option.  It is really straightforward to start up a brand new eCommerce store and it’s very, very cheap too.  It’s obvious that your website’s customers will really love their time on your web page, and it’s got a lot to with the fact that this powerful and lovely theme has unrivaled  support and it’s well designed.  That’s a WordPress eCommerce theme you can count on.  Keep reading for another fantastic WordPress eCommerce theme.
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  The WooCommerce plugin helps make Foxy a feature rich and rather lovely eCommerce store template, to go along with it’s pretty blog and filterable portfolio capabilities.  Foxy is the right blend of incredible style, clean lines, great code, tasty waves and bold features.  Foxy is an excellent, clear, and classy portfolio theme that changes to every screen quality. This is certainly the most impressive Elegant Themes. Set full screen back-ground illustrations or photos to successfully give every portfolio, blog post, or webpage it’s own unique persona. Simply turn a collection of pictures in to a slideshow. Instantly rearrange facets of the design with an internal features panel. Choose and post the site logo graphic. Each theme which you purchase offers life time support.  Elegant themes really puts a lot of time and effort into everything they offer and it is pretty easy to see that this one is no exception.  Take a look at their products.
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  Hugo is a theme that will help transform your WordPress based webpage into a gorgeous, professional grade eCommerce store using this powerful, flexible WooCommerce theme for WordPress.  Hugo features a ground breaking graphic design that is certain to help elevate your business’ profile to previously unseen levels.  CSSIgniter made sure that this WordPress theme dovetails perfectly with the absolute best and most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress, which is of course WooCommerce.  Create a webpage that looks precisely as you want it to look using a handy set of custom content widgets and you’ll never have to touch a line of code if you don’t want to.  There are several well designed color schemes and if you feel like it, you can even create your own palette and assign different color schemes to each individual page.  Pretty cool.  Custom widgets give you incredible functionality while customized content widgets, social network widgets help connect Flickr, Twitter and more!  CSSIgniter’s WordPress themes can make it easier to rank higher in search engines like Bing, Yahoo and even Google, thanks to incredible SEO optimization!
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  Say hey to Javier.  Hi Javier.  This stunning WooCommerce enabled WordPress design is a fantastic way for you to start an online business, even if maybe you’re not a specialist in programming, simply because it may be conveniently adjusted to suit your needs. This striking design looks incredible on each and every kind of computer since it’s designed to be responsive. If you’re creating an online business, buyers are obviously vital and making it possible for them to read your web site at any place anytime is a must.
WooCommerce guarantees all the options you need to establish a business quickly and effectively and this amazing, well designed and contemporary eCommerce WordPress theme is the initial step on a path to creating your own company. Whether you’re selling athletic shoes, apparel, jewelry, downloadable goods like movies, video tutorials, songs or software program, this theme is an ideal option because it is so adaptive.
With an incredible WooCommerce template you may create a site to market clothes, sneakers or anything else out there. There are plenty of options that will help market your services in style, such as galleries, menus and a wide variety of designs to pick from that give your website an amazing style. The support offered with this WooCommerce theme is unmatched, so that you can feel confident when you come across difficulties you’ll get guidance if you need it.
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  Seneca is a WordPress theme perfect for those who use their site to sell different types of products from tangible goods to digital merchandise. It is an excellent theme to manage blog posts, personnel, and videos and is e-commerce enabled for easier online transactions. The electronic commerce feature could also be disabled, allowing stand-alone bloggers to also experience the other wonderful features Seneca has to offer.
This theme is easily customizable, offering a selection of backgrounds, header and menu options, logos, custom widgets, and favicons. It has a responsive design allowing the audience to view the blog in different devices without compromising the site’s quality and content. It’s slideshow feature lets the user select images to highlight in the site, and the unlimited galleries allows the site handler to add as much galleries as they want using different layouts.
Seneca offers one-click updates, making it easier for the users to install the theme’s latest version. It is coded with HTML5 Markup for a more convenient blogging experience, and is mobile responsive. It is also accessibility ready and translation ready, to cater to the site’s different types of viewers. For a better glimpse of the features Seneca has to offer, click on the live demo.
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  Tesla Themes has another great offering called Zero.  This is a WordPress theme with WooCommerce, excellent for every sort of store, and perfectly coded for great consistency and swift page-load times to always keep the major search engines satisfied. The Zero trial was built to be a web application retail store, still there’s virtually no restrictions to which kind of merchandise you will market utilizing this WordPress theme, from presents to computer system equipment, sporting items, megaphones and any other types of web site where you desire a feature-rich eCommerce alternative at an inexpensive price.  If you need a WooCommerce theme, Zero may be a real winner.
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This theme will provide a beautiful setup for all those seeking to sell items online. The theme isn’t difficult to customize, and even provides integration solutions with an array of well-known (and cost-free) e-commerce plugins, this includes Carty and others. Likewise, due to the elastic design of the WordPress theme, including way more attributes is rather quick. If you happen to be all set to take your internet business on the net, then begin immediately using this type of significant theme!  Okay, now for more incredible WordPress eCommerce themes.
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  This gorgeous WooCommerce compatible theme is Floris.  Floris is an excellent way to start up an online business, even if you don’t happen to be an expert in coding, due to the fact it can be readily changed to accommodate your needs. This glossy design looks extraordinary on each and every device since it’s coded to be responsive. When you happen to be creating an internet business, shoppers are obviously crucial and permitting them to access your site at any place anytime is extremely important.
WooCommerce delivers all of the resources that you need to establish a venture quickly and well and this wonderful, well-designed and slick eCommerce theme is the starting point on a road to creating your online business. If you’re advertising sneakers, garments, gadgets, downloadable items like movies, video clips, songs or applications, this WordPress theme is an excellent option since it’s so adaptable.
With an excellent WooCommerce web template like Floris here, you may generate a site to promote clothing, shoes or boots or any-thing else. There are as many options as there are online businesses.  There are so many functions that will help you market your merchandise with a lot of style, like menus, galleries along with a wide variety of layouts to select from that offer your website an original appearance. The support offered with this WordPress theme is unequaled, so that you can feel assured that if you come across issues you will get assistance should you need it.
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  Alright, now for another amazing WordPress eCommerce theme.  This theme is a tasteful solution for everyone seeking to sell goods and services using the WordPress platform. The design isn’t difficult to set up, and offers integration possibilities with many of the most common (and free of charge) ecommerce plugins, this includes WooCommerce and many, many others. Additionally, owing to the multipurpose design of the layout, adding extra abilities is exceedingly simple and easy. For anyone who is all set to take your company on the net, then get moving now utilizing this brilliant theme!  All eCommerce WordPress themes should be this cool.
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  Clean, stripped down and ready to roll.  That describes flatsome.  The WooCommerce plugin provide a neat site to show people all types of products on your site.  It doesn’t matter what what kind of products you are trying to sell, WooCommerce is a awesome plug-in to make money right out of the box!  If you’d like to have a brand new WooCommerce sales theme, this theme might just be the best fit.  It is very simplistic to get set up with a new eCommerce store and it’s not expensive.  Okay, now for more incredible WordPress eCommerce themes.  You can be certain your potential customers will love their shopping on your eCommerce store, and it’s got a lot to with the fact that this cool theme has wicked-good  support and it’s well designed.  Set up shop at the top of Four Seasons!  For more flat WordPress themes, check this collection out.
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  Okay, now for more of the best WordPress eCommerce themes.  The free and powerful WooCommerce plugin give you a boss way to sell all types of products on your website.  It doesn’t matter what what type products you would like to sell, WooCommerce is a plug in to sell your products with no worries, mate!  If you need a powerful and cool WooCommerce eCommerce template, this one could be the right one for you.  It is totally quick to get set up with a new online shop and it’s very reasonably priced.  You can be sure that your potential customers will value their time on your store, for the reason that this cool theme has wicked-good  support and it’s very well coded and designed.  When you think of eCommerce WordPress themes, think of Boutique.
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Lotus Flower
  Woo Commerce themes give you a terrific platform to show folks products online and this ecommerce masterpiece, called Lotus Flower, is a pleasing and attractive new theme  with fantastic support.  No matter what what sort services you want to sell, WooCommerce is a robust plug-in to git ‘er done super quickly!  If you’d love to get a brand new WooCommerce eCommerce template, this theme maybe a great fit for you.  This one is stunningly easy to get set up with a brand new eCommerce store and it’s very, very cheap too.  Rest assured, your valued customers will truly enjoy their time on your site, and that’s because this eCommerce theme has out of sight  support and it’s perfectly designed.  We’ve got more of the best WordPress eCommerce themes to come, so keep on reading.
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  Looking for a fantastic retro inspired eCommerce theme?  How about Monaco?  Monaco is a completely stunning WordPress e-Commerce template which is painstakingly constructed with the highest care and attention to detail, in an effort to develop a very good WordPress template.  Monaco enables online businesses and websmasters of utterly all background or skill level to rapidly and without hassle produce the finest, least complicated, most well-designed and smooth old-fashioned or retro design webpages of utterly any purpose or type. Doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, Monaco is fantastic.  To get this done, Monaco has been presented an impressive number of methods, functions, plugins and assets that can make site constructing and website styling and construction without delay.  Monaco is an extraordinarily efficient, extensive and enthusiastic, responsive theme with a solid, grand and detailed, classy and seriously lavish, super articulate and truly user and web developer friendly, methodically made and aesthetically accomplished responsive WordPress retro multiconcept, versatile theme.
From the incorporated Visual Composer drag-n-drop web page maker to the polished Revolution Slider premium quality plugin, and natural, substantial out of the box WooCommerce integration, Monaco is a very full-featured conventional or retro designed WordPress theme, with single as well as multipage designs, stylish Parallax sections for engaging your audience as well as the smoothest design with the most substantial documentation you can use to completely get the most from Monaco at the very start.
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  If online sales are your goal, the Handy WordPress theme provides everything necessary to make your shop a success, except for the products themselves. The e-commerce industry grows every year as more people buy products and services from the comfort of their own home or from mobile devices and smartphones while they are on the go. Handy offers fully responsive styling so every information block, product picture and shopping cart page shows up clearly no matter how large or small is the screen shoppers use. With the premium features and other options, your e-commerce shop will be attention-grabbing, totally secure and profitable.
WooCommerce shopping plug-in handles everything from product photo display to detailed descriptions, shopping cart inclusion, secure checkout and customer account creation and assistance. However, this trusted system will not lead to your success if your website does not attract and instill trust in shoppers and other site visitors. The Handy WP theme can give an international boost to your online business with full WPML translation capabilities too. Even with no coding knowledge, all these changes and more can be completed without trouble. For those who need it, full documentation and customer service are available.
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  Suprema is one of the finest WordPress eCommerce solutions to come along in quite some time, with tons of incredible features that allow you to create and manage any sort of product line you can imagine, from digitally downloadable products to clothing, shoes to electronics, iPhone accessories to cosmetics and anything else you can imagine.  Suprema is well designed with an intuitive back-end that allows for quick changes and tweaks to any setting in the entire theme, from fonts and colors to layout and features.  Visual Composer is included, this plugin allows you to set up a unique UX that is exactly as you want it to be, with content placed where you want it.  You don’t need to be a graphic designer to make this theme look great, since it comes complete with many different pre-built designs too.  Get started building your business instead of learning to code.  This responsive theme loads fast, so SEO will be no problem with Suprema and the fast load times really help you to rank.  One click demo data import makes it a breeze to get started, extensive documentation helps you if you run into any problems along the way and the support is incredible if you do happen to run into problems you can’t solve on your own.  All in all, Suprema is a wonderful choice if you need to start an online eCommerce business. Demo Demo Get Hosting
The Fox
  The Fox is a cleverly styled, vivid and bright, exceedingly well-structured and straightforwardly navigable, modern and funky, charming and irresistible, impressive and special, technologically flawless and graphically spot-on, fashionable and modern responsive WordPress blog and magazine theme a powerfully generated as well as thoroughly customizable theme that is thoughtfully authored with the uttermost attention and awareness level, to deliver a smooth theme with a painless web site developing process and amazing, pliable outcomes each and every time.
The Fox is perfect for trade magazines, publishers and everybody presenting a lot of graphic content to a diverse web followers, as it has been decked out with numerous wonderful variations and aesthetic Masonry pattern compositions, not to mention left or right sidebar alternatives, 4 footer sidebars, a handsome looking highlighted Region to flaunt the most up to date or best subject matter and a Featured Sticky post, that you can use to greet visitors and give an explanation of what precisely you are all about. Around 100 various options are built into the WordPress Live Customizer, so that you can make each component of your web blog feel and look thoroughly the way you wish, with simplified toggling interaction for virtually all variables available. Also you can turn a switch and have a gorgeous news magazine website.
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  This theme will provide a sophisticated solution for those looking to offer products and services by using WordPress. The theme is simple to configure, and offers you integration methods with many of the most popular (and cost-free) ecommerce plugins, this includes WooCommerce and a ton more. Additionally, as a result of the functional design of the WordPress theme, including even more characteristics is definitely simple. For anyone who is wanting to take your organisation on the web, then get started right away with this particular excellent theme!  Alright, now for more incredible WordPress eCommerce themes.
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Shop Theme
  Stay tuned for more incredible WordPress eCommerce themes.  This theme provides an elegant solution for all those looking to try to sell goods by using WordPress. The theme is not difficult to to get started with, and also offers you integration opportunities with many of the most well-liked (and 100 percent free) ecommerce plugins, including eShop and a ton more. At the same time, thanks to the flexible design of the WP theme, adding a lot more features is pretty easy. For everybody who is wanting to get your website on line, then begin now with this particular exceptional theme!
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dorothydelgadillo · 5 years
35 Web Design Portfolio Projects
If you’re ready to start working as a web designer you need to put together a stellar web design portfolio, STAT. An online web design portfolio is key to getting hired as a web designer, but it’s also a powerful tool when you don’t have a ton of paid experience (yet!). Absolutely any project you’ve done qualifies for a spot in your web designer portfolio (whether it was done for pay or simply professional development), meaning you’ll have a way to show companies and clients what you can do no matter where you are on your career path.
We’ve written about sites where you can host your web design portfolio content, how to build your own web designer portfolio site, and what kind of projects should be in your web design portfolio…but how exactly should those projects be presented?
To give you some inspiration on ways you can bring your web design portfolio projects to life in a portfolio setting, we’ve rounded up 35 examples of web designer portfolio projects. Mix and match the ideas you see in these web design portfolio examples, and you’re bound to piece together the perfect way to present your own work.
And don’t forget to download our FREE Beginner’s Guide to What to Put in Your Tech Portfolio from the top or bottom of this page. When you’re ready to put your inspiration to work, it will be an invaluable resource to have on hand.
1. VITA Web Design
Dist lemoto’s web design portfolio project unfurls a creative vision for a travel site, and details how the product will look on both computer and mobile screens.
2. Everyday WiFi
This portfolio example  from Linwu Wang lets its web design work speak for itself, but it’s augmented with effective quotes that help explain the project’s design approach and choices.
3. Awwwards Conference 2019
Adoratorio Studios’ portfolio example combines logos, font sets, and photographs to show how the essence of the brand becomes a finished web design.
4. Carte Noire
While you want your design to be the star in any web design portfolio project, Artemiy Vintovkin’s portfolio example highlights how a little bit of explanatory text can go a long way in educating your audience and enhancing your work.
5. Dandelion Seed
Elena Saharova’s portfolio project gives a clear look at how a client’s brand directly transforms into the design of their digital product.
6. FINER Furniture Website Design
From concept, to font sets, grid, and color palette, to display mockups on laptop, tablet, and mobile screens, this web design portfolio example is a blueprint for how to showcase the entire design process.
7. NATIF—Branding and Web Design
Alexey Tishin’s portfolio project shows how you can present a corporate design while explaining the prototyping process to potential clients or employers .
8. ACRONYM Website Design Concept
If you’re wondering how to present a full-on conceptual site redesign, look no further than this portfolio pitch from Gurskiy & Radkovets Design Studio.
9. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Web Concept
When you’re looking for a practice web design portfolio project to show off your skills, it never hurts to tackle a brand or IP that people know and love. George Dzhishkariani took a stab at a Fantastic Beasts site design. Picking something fun and familiar to others like this is a good way of drawing in a client’s attention and then dazzling them with your work.
10. Lexus: Experience Amazing
Clément Pavageau’s web design portfolio project is an example of how to capture the spirit of a brand, bring it to computer and mobile screens as a digital project, and show potential clients how your design process works.
11. White Castle Capital
This portfolio example from Andrew Kos is a clean, straightforward way of sharing web designs for a business client.
12. PRODESIGN Website
Riccardo Vicentelli kicks off this portfolio project with a brief text introduction describing the assignment and his design goals, then lets his design do the rest of the talking.
13. Descript Brand Identity and Marketing Website
Ramotion’s web design portfolio piece takes the viewer from brand design to finished product in stylish fashion.
14. Welcome TAG Website
This fun, original portfolio example from Dave Ordnajela shows the effect of combining an original project with professional design work in a way that will leave potential clients remembering you after the fact.
15. Decork Website
A built-in stylized subject matter (in this case furniture) will help the web design projects in your portfolio pop. If you’ve done any design work showcasing particularly good looking products be sure to include it, and if you’re looking for practice or concept projects to pad your resume, make a priority of designing sites for cool looking things.
16. Ural Airlines
Simple and effective web design portfolio presentation here from Valery Che—the problem and solution are concisely stated and the project shows how the design ties it all together.
17. A+ Architecture and Design Gallery
If you can present a cohesive brand identity and mix in a few animation effects to accent your work, you’ll have an A+ web design portfolio project, just like this example from Efir Media.
18. Troye Sivan Website
Alexandre Mathou shows how you can put together your own web design portfolio project by calling on inspiration in your daily life. In this case, it was an album by Troye Sivan. See what you can come up with from your own hobbies and interests.
19. Decentralized Knowledge Networks
Agnieszka Zimolag’s “step-by-step guide” style web design portfolio project walks viewers through how the product works, and how its design is fundamental to its function.
20. NERA Website and App
Dist lemoto takes a minimalist approach to web design portfolio presentation in this example, letting the design work speak entirely for itself.
21. Puma Interaction Design
Sujung Kang’s Puma redesign concept is a clinic in how to present work on an existing brand in your web design portfolio.
22. Hdac Tech Website
Hoyoung Choi gives an example of how to showcase a tech website design with this portfolio project.
23. Second Pétale
On the flip side, Jonathan Da Costa highlights how to make the tech aspect of a web design portfolio project take a back seat, in order to focus on the creative elements for non-tech oriented clients.
24. Bewegen Website
Here’s an inspiration for crisp, clean, web design presentation from Locomotive.
25. Smart Home Application
Viktor Tokarenko’s portfolio entry is an example of how to present an app-only project.
26. Uinetry
This portfolio project from Hrvoje Grubisic is a snappy example of brand storytelling via web design.
27. TSM Website Concept
STRV Team offers up another example of self-initiated redesign projects you can add to your web design portfolio to show clients the work you can do.
28. Rettos Digital Agency
Adency’s shows how to break down a bold web design with a streamlined portfolio presentation.
29. Scandinavian Clinic Web Design
Balsam studio’s portfolio example includes a sitemap of the design at the top, followed by examples of the design in action.
30. G9 UX/UI Renewal
This web design portfolio entry from Plus X offers multiple design options for a single project.
31. Zaha Hadid Architects
Sergey Pavlov’s web design portfolio project kicks things off with video content and follows up with a complete design breakdown.
32. M-ishka
Metaklinika Design Studio takes viewers on a trip from brand/product to design with this portfolio entry.
33. Aquaman 2018
Andriy Bata’s Aquaman brand and site concept design is yet another example of a self-initiated project that can be added to a web design portfolio.
34. Kaboo
This portfolio project from Oleg Andreev highlights how to make a product the centerpiece of web design.
35. Furnituristic
Nikolay Popov uses this portfolio entry to show how clean, minimalist design can combine with a minimalist portfolio presentation to great effect.
If you’re ready to break ground on your own web designer portfolio, don’t forget to download our FREE Beginner’s Guide to What to Put in Your Tech Portfolio from the top or bottom of this page. You’ll leave with a vital resource to help you every step of the way as you publish and share your work online.
And if you’re looking for the skills it takes to start building your own web design projects, take a look at our Web Design and Visual Design Blueprint courses. These online classes are designed to be completed in three months by spending only an hour a day on the materials, and will teach you everything you need to know to break into tech as a web designer.
from Web Developers World https://skillcrush.com/2019/04/09/web-design-portfolio/
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