#dilf werewolf
flowerbetweenfangs · 4 months
A Lesson In Discipline
Warnings: Breeding/Mating/Use of Pheromones
When you had brought the jars of pheromones, there was a bit of doubt lingering in the back of your mind. After all, plenty had taken advantage of the werewolf pack moving into your city. While the identities of the members were a secret, they were always skulking about on the full moon, picking their mate for the night.
Those who were chosen said it was the best sex of their life, raw and primal. Bowlegged walks and the scent that clung to them gave credence to their claim. And for the remaining cycle of the moon, they would have good fortune and preferential treatment as the packmember’s mate.
You dabbed a drop behind your ears. While your nose couldn’t pick anything up, you hadn’t expected it to. Hopefully, you hadn’t been duped with just plain water.
The next day while out, you caught a few people looking at you with hunger. Glazed over eyes, lips parted slightly as drool seeps out just enough to moisten lips, some stand up taller, muscles taut as they look ready to pounce on you, a slight rumble in chests and throats as they look you over, nostrils flaring as they drink in your scent.
Even when you washed behind your ears in the public bathroom at university, you could see the few who let their gazes linger just a little longer. The glimmer of hunger was there, but restraint had returned. It figured college students would be a prime pick for the pack.
During your latest lecture, a few stragglers seemed to paying more attention to you than the professor. Tight fists gripped pens and pencils hard enough to snap, fingers pounded on keyboards despite the owners not taking their eyes off you. The overwhelming scent of musk quickly filled the air as condensation formed on the large windows facing the courtyard.
When the bell rang, a sense of relief washed over you when the professor clapped his hands together.
“Class dismissed!” His normally monotone voice boomed through the classroom. The lookers slumped and slunk out. If they had tails, they would be between their legs.
“Except for you.” The professor pointed right at you.
As you walked closer, you noticed his nails seemed to be a little longer than usual. Or maybe they had always been that way? He leaned on his desk, but still towered over you.
“What were you thinking?” He hissed. His canines were slightly elongated, the rest of his teeth tapered. “Wearing something so potent?”
“Sir?” You asked. You swallowed hard, a quiver in your stomach.
“There are less disciplined wolves out in the city.” His nails scraped against the top of the desk, small shavings curling under the tips. “If you wander off campus, then you’ll be putting a target on your back.”
“I tried to scrub it off.” You confessed, not even trying to feign ignorance or innocence. “I thought that—”
“Less disciplined wolves wouldn’t give you a warning.” He growled, his muscles audibly straining as he gripped the desk tighter. Even as he spoke, there was a shift in his pants’ fabric as his erection grew. “Fortunately for you… I’m far more restrained.”
“Thank you for the warning.” You managed to stutter out, although you could feel the desire starting to fan to life inside you. He was an older man, but remarkably handsome, silver hair and a beard, with caramel colored eyes that looked almost amber. His dress clothes were tight against his body. Strong, and big. Both wide and tall.
Your face burned, and you hoped he didn’t see it. Actually, a small part hoped he did.
“You’re in no danger as long as you remain on campus.” He assured you, finally letting go of the desk and closing the distance between you. The scent of his cologne was strong. No, not cologne… Musk.
“We deal with unruly pack members diligently.”
The windows seemed to fog up more when he leaned down to your neck. Warm breath rolled over your neck as he panted, taking in your scent.
“That includes mates.”
(Part 02 is here!)
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just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
December Christmas Monster stories
December 10.) Werewolf neighbor
Ok sorry about this one, it might technically be December 11 by the time I post it but it's still the 10th day. This one is actually going to be a two parter as I wrote so damn much for this one, it was actually meant to be far more longer than this but the rest will be for later. Walter is definitely going to have more stories writen about him.
Warnings: bodys pressing together, neck sniffing with no promotion, meantion of divorce, seasonal depression
Minors Don't Interact!!!
Sitting on your couch you looked down at the pathetic box of christmas decorations. It was your first time spending Christmas completely alone. No family to come over, all your friends were too far away and spending the holidays with their own families. You didn’t even bother with getting a tree this year, you didn’t see the point of doing one all by yourself. 
Looking at your empty living room, void of any Christmas decorations it only served to make you sadder. “Maybe it couldn’t hurt to get a little tree?” You mumbled to yourself. Perhaps that’s what you needed to help cheer up your seasonal depression even for a little bit.
Throwing on a jacket and some winter boots you headed out to find a store for your impulse christmas tree purchase. You definitely weren’t planning on getting a real tree. It would be too much of a hassle getting it home alone plus you really weren’t looking forward to cleaning up pine sap and needles once it started to die. 
Making your way to the store you noticed a very familiar fuzzy shape walking on the path alone. Slowing your car down to a crawl you rolled down your window getting a much clearer view of your next door neighbor Walter the recently divorced werewolf. He was walking on the snowy sidewalk with a big flannel jacket and black jeans. The sound of your car slowing down caused his ears to perk up on high alert. Without even looking at you he sniffed the air, his tail wagged when he recognized the scent he was smelling. “Well isn’t it (Y/n)!” He said, turning his head to look at you. “Heya Walter, you need a lift? It’s pretty cold to be walking around.” You told him offering a ride, you didn’t mind pushing off shopping a little longer if it meant making sure Walter was out of the snow, nothing else at all totally not because you wanted to spend more time with your recently divorced neighbor, none at all nope. Seeing the smile he flashed you at your offer made your heart skip a beat, you blamed it on seeing his sharp teeth and not because of his smile so bright it could melt frozen butter. 
Not refusing the offer to get out of the snow Walter walked to your passenger door and got in. It was only then did you notice he was wearing booties on his paws. You wouldn’t want to be walking in the snow barefoot either. Though the sight was rather funny to see, a big bad werewolf in booties with a fur trim. 
“So where were you headed? I don’t want to take you away from where you were going too much.” Walter said not bothering to buckle up, he couldn’t buckle up in your car even if he tried. He was a little too big to sit comfortably in the passenger seat but he made it work. “Oh I was just heading to the store to see if I could find any Christmas trees for my place.” You answered honestly. In the corner of your eye you could see something moving after you spoke. Glancing his way you realized it was his tail wagging. “What a coincidence! I'm on my way to get a tree too!” He said smiling, his eyes not leaving you. As if he could pull them away, how could he when you looked so cute bundled up in that jacket. “That makes things easier then.” A chuckle left your lips as you talked causing his tail to wag again. 
Pulling into the store's parking lot you tried to find a spot closer to the front, you didn’t want to walk far in the snow. You were glad the plow trucks already came or else you would have turned around and gone home. “Want to do our shopping together? I find shopping more fun when you have someone with you.” Walter offered looking down at your shorter frame, he was just so damn tall it made you feel so small. “I don’t see why not, it makes leaving easier sense we rode here together.” Your agreement made his tail wag again, you assumed it was because he was glad he didn’t have to shop alone. 
Going in you were about to grab a cart when Walter beat you to it, stepping in front of you. “I got it, you drove me here, buying your things is the least I can do.” He said pulling out a cart, as you began to protest he held up a paw stopping you. “I insist, please.” That managed to get you to quiet down. “Alright fine, I was only going to get the tree though.” That wasn't fully true, you were looking forward to getting a shit ton of junk food and eat your feelings but you didn’t want him spending a bunch of money so you would just have to get them for your next shopping trip. Walking next to Walter you soon learned you should be walking a few steps ahead of him after you consistently got hit on the mid back by his wagging tail. It seemed almost every thing made his tail wag. A good deal on something? Tail wagging. Something he wanted was back in stock? Tail wagging again. A song he liked started playing on the store's radio? You guessed it, tail wagging. It would have been very entertaining if you weren’t in the line of fire of his wagging tail. The thing hit harder than you thought it would. You weren’t even sure he noticed he kept hitting you with it as he happily rambled on about deals going on. Seeing his cart was getting more and more filled, you started to worry a little about how much he was spending that you yourself hadn’t noticed how he kept asking if you liked certain snacks. The ones that got a positive from you went into the cart, ones you didn’t like very much went back on the shelf. Once the cart was filled to the brim with snacks, the two of you made your way away from the food area. Walter was making his way to the outdoor section for a real tree and you made a turn to the Christmas decor to get a fake tree. Noticing you weren’t next to him Walter stopped and looked around for you. Spotting you walking in a different direction he turned the cart and followed you catching up quickly thanks to his larger size. “Trees aren’t over here silly.” He said, chuckling softly. “Oh uh I was just going to get a fake one, I don’t feel like getting a real one this year.” You explained shrugging lightly as you looked up at him. “Really? Why not?” He was confused on why someone wouldn’t want a real tree. “Just doesn’t feel right getting a real tree if it’s just me, no point to it.” The effort didn’t seem worth it to you, why bother if no one was going to help with any part of itWalter’s ears flattened as his shoulders visibly dropped hearing what you had to say about getting a real tree. “Oh… there really isn’t a point for me to get a real tree this year either. Just got one every year. I didn't think about not getting one.” His voice held a sad tone as his eyes lowered to the ground, tail long stopped wagging now was tucked between his legs. 
You felt like an asshole when it hit you. This was his first christmas since his divorce, it was most likely his first christmas alone in years if not his first ever one alone. Mentally cursing yourself you raced to think of something to make this all better. “How about I spend Christmas with you? So then you can still get a real tree?” You blurted out with wide panicked eyes. Hearing that his ears perked up as he looked up at you. It was an immediate change in his demeanor, tail wagging much faster as it had been before he stood up taller. “Really? You would spend Christmas with this old fluff ball?” He asked, stepping closer to you. The closeness really putting it in your mind just how much bigger he was than you were. Gulping nervously you nodded your head, mind still reeling from your own actions. Walter swooped you up and spun you around in one fluid motion squeezing you tight. You had only seen him do this with his family before, not once had he ever with you. Stopping he looked down at you with a big smile on his face as his tail wagged a mile a minute. “Um Walter?” You spoke up after an agonizingly long moment like this. He responded with a soft hum as he leaned his snot in closer. The hot air of his breath grazed against your face sending shivers all over your body. “We’re in the middle of the store, remember?” He had seemed to have forgotten this. Lifting his head he looked around seeing there were people giving the two of you strange looks. “Whoops, got a little excited there.” Walter apologized, setting you back down on the ground. His tail hadn’t slowed down one bit. You feared he might form a tornado with how much his tail stirred up the air around him. “Well come on then, let’s go get that tree!” He said, grabbing your hand with his paw. You couldn’t help but stare at your hand intertwined with his paw. When the two of you had first met he had shaken your hand and at the time you noticed in that brief moment how soft his paw pads were. Holding his paw for much longer you really got a good feel of just how soft they were. It wasn’t just soft, no they were squishy too. You wondered if he would let you play with them some time. As your mind wondered about his soft paws your thoughts slowly grew to wonder how they would feel on other parts of your body. Catching yourself before the thoughts grew more impure as they had already gotten you shook your head trying to shoo them away. 
Walter hadn’t noticed this and you were damn glad of it. He just kept pushing the cart around with one paw as he walked much slower than he had before. You were walking slower too, it was the pace you usually had. It took you a moment longer than you would like to admit when it clicked with you that he was walking slower for your sake. Smiling softly to yourself you looked away wanting to put your focus anywhere else than Walter. Making your way into the out door section you shivered feeling an especially harsh gust of wind hit you causing you to brace yourself from the cold. It stung at your eyes making you close them tight. Expecting more wind to hit, you braced yourself again turning a little but stopped when you felt Walters paw leave your hand and wrap around you not a moment later pulling you into his side. “Look at you shivering like a chihuahua. You don’t got no way to keep you warm. Here stay close to me, I'll keep you warm.” Walter said, leaning against you. It was just so warm you couldn’t find the will to fight him on it and just accepted his embrace. Lucky for you, you were able to hide your smile by burying your face in the side of his coat, plus it kept your already freezing nose out of the snow. Walking to the trees with him Walter quietly hummed along to the song currently playing through the store's speakers. You left the tree finding to him. It seemed he knew what he was doing while you were clueless on the matter. It was obvious when he found the right tree as he excitedly moved from one paw to the other. You tried to stifle a laugh at the sight of a werewolf doing tippy tappys.  As much as you didn’t want to pull away from his warmth you knew he wouldn’t be able to drag the tree through the store while pushing the cart and also holding onto you but when you went to move away from him his grip on you tightened pulling you in closer to him. “We can still check out here right?” He called out to the one employee working gardening, they nodded their head yes. “Oh good we’ll check out here and take everything straight to the car.” Walter said, picking the tree up. “Can you come scan this for us?” He asked, holding the tree up. Walter was making things harder for himself, he should let go, why wasn’t he letting go? Looking down at you he smiled softly as he gave you a gentle squeeze. “Step onto the cart I’ll push you around, that way you can still be nice and warm.” Oh… you hadn’t thought about that, could work. Without a word you stepped up onto the cart holding onto the cart's handle bar for support. The moment you felt Walter press his chest against your back you lost every ability to breathe. You didn’t think this through. Being this close to him like this in this position? You're glad it was cold, you could blame your face being so red. 
Standing there on the cart trapped from all sides, oh boy did it make you feel things you shouldn't.
Next few minutes were a blank for you too deep in your ever growing thoughts as Walter checked out all his groceries and paid for it all. You could hear him hum again as he started walking to your car. The parking lot was quite bumpy causing the cart and you in turn to raddle like crazy. That is until Walter pressed his chest against your back stopping your shaking. His muzzle was right next to your ear. You could feel his hot breath on your neck. It sent a flood of dirty thoughts into your mind, a gasp left your lips before you could stop it. You prayed to any god out there that he didn't hear it. If he had he hadn't said anything. 
What he did notice was how your scent had changed, grown more aroused. You realized something was up when he suddenly pressed his nose to your neck and took a deep breath in. A low growl rumbled in the back of his throat as he inhaled your scent. The moment he caught himself doing that he pulled away in a jerking motion. “I um…” He stammered trying to think of an excuse. “I like your body wash. What is it? Daisys?” Walters heart was practically beating out of his chest, you could feel it against your back. “No uh sweat pea actually. Was on sale.” You answered in a quiet voice trying to possess what just happened. “Ah, sales love them.” He mumbled softly.
The rest of the ride home was completely silent. Neither of you baring to speak after that little incident. Pulling into his driveway you put your car in park and quietly gulped. The two of you sat in silence a few minutes more before Walter finally broke the silence. “Want to come in and decorate the tree with me?” He asked, looking at you through the corner of his eye gauging your reaction. Thinking about it you lightly chewed the bottom of your lip. Oh what the hell, what's the worst thing that could happen? “Sure.” Your answer made his tail wagged as he lit up with a bright smile. What could happen? You weren't sure what but you wanted it.
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twilight-deviant · 2 years
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the-acid-pear · 7 months
Went for a walk but instead of touching grass I started thinking of phones and man I'm so fucking Curious and Hyped to see the Roger route especially to see how different he is from his counterpart in DSaF.
After all, in that universe it really seems that the only thing that made Roger get his shit together after his wife left him and he dropped off med school and shit was fucking Dying and getting to now be Someone Else (see: Scott) but now everyone is already a phone so that possibility is off the table which makes me wonder, is this Roger just not miserable or is there a brand new thing that he found to get his life relatively together?
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inthecornerstone · 3 months
once again thinking about how magnus bane and luke garroway could have been the couple ever
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regaliasonata · 3 months
Semi Werewolf RJ💜💜💜
Welp...intrusive thought won
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@skyland2703 @junglefurytrash @luxurysystems @augment-techs @lordkingsmith I have sinned
Don't ask about the image of Chase☠️...
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marblechairs · 2 years
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We’re wishing him a very happy birthday while we’re at it
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provokedgoalie · 2 years
ok but jason momoa with fangs 👀 I am frothing at the mouth
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glossysoap · 6 months
if any of y’all are lookin for some nsfw audios to listen to,, best kept secret on patreon (i believe the highest level membership goes free for one month)
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edgygayguy · 1 year
Hit the like button if you too, are gay for Excalibur Umbra
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angelbabby · 1 year
Idk if it’s the baby fever but these dadvid post are now my favourite and I love it
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luigisvampirebae · 2 years
My patience is nonexistent I NEED MORE WOLF PAPI, MARVEL
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fizzytoo · 1 year
jawbone fantasy high i wont you
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godnectar · 6 months
You know what I want
More dilf daddy pussy
you will have to put up with an upcoming draft about yandere werewolf's ass before a part 2 of dilf is done 😔
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clonesupport · 1 year
thank you @socially-awkward-skeleton @captastra and @kyber-infinitygems for tagging me to do this meiker!
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Ronnie Kana | TOW | she’s lost in a haunted forest and has no idea how she got here but she’s holding her own so she’ll be ok, but how the hell does she get out of there…
Celene | my own world lol | celene with her werewolf bf while he’s on patrol of their gothic mansion, she went to go see him cuz she felt lonely and wanted to keep him company a little while, he has the biggest soft spot for her🤧
i tag @confidentandgood @detectivelokis @sstewyhosseini @gayafsatan @galaxycunt @galaxymermaid214 @roofgeese @incognito-insomniac @bearcina @shegetsburned @inafieldofdaisies and anyone who wants to try!
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milkyybuns · 1 year
me: u know it’s weird i never had a vampire/werewolf phase ig im just not that into all that
miguel: *exists*
me: this one i want this one he’s perfect
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