#director tyler hayward
flyinghassassin · 1 year
Web of Lies
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Summary: You arrived Westview searching for a happy life,but Wanda realized your plans.
Word count: 2400ish
Warnings: Angst,Hurt/Comfort,fluff,Agatha being a flirty menace.
A cheerful voice brought you out of your thoughts.
"Hello,Y/N, How are you?"
"Hi,Mrs. Maximoff, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. How are you?"
"I'm fine,thanks sweetie,but please call me Wanda; Mrs. Maximoff is too serious; we are next door neighbors; you have stayed at my house to eat or watch my children when I was busy," she replied smiling.
"Oh, sorry, Mrs. Maxi—I mean Wanda," you said.
"Don't worry, sweetie," she smiled. "This afternoon, Vis and I are going to organize the neighborhood meal; would you like to come? You just got to Westview a little while ago; I guess you don't know everyone yet. If you want to go, it's at 5:00 p.m."
"I'll try to come,but I'm not sure if—"
You were interrupted by the voice of a black-haired woman.
"Wanda,look at that pretty dress," said the raven-haired woman, pointing at the purple dress with gold ribbons.
You had seen her before, walking with Wanda or near the park. Her name was Agape, or something like that.
"My name is Agatha Harkness,hun. And yours?" She said it almost as if she had read your mind.
"Y/N, Miss Harkness. Pleased to meet you," you replied.
"Wanda,you never told me you had such a good-looking and well-mannered friend," said Agatha,nudging Wanda lightly with her elbow.
Wanda sighed and resumed talking to you.
"You're going to the neighborhood meal, then?" asked Wanda. "I'd love to have you there."
"Hun,you totally have to come. The food Wanda makes seems almost magical," she smiled. "Plus, I'd love to have you there too." she winked.
"Well, if you put it that way, I'll have to go." You smiled back.
"I'm glad, Y/N; the twins will be very happy to see you," Wanda said.
"I'll be glad to see you too, hun," said Agatha, winking. "See you later," she added, giving you two effusive kisses on the cheek, making you smell her perfume.
After saying goodbye to both women, you went to your house, and after looking left and right and checking that no one was looking at you, you opened the door.
You left your keys on a table in the hall, took off your shoes, and went to your room.
You took your phone out of your pocket and called the only number you had on that cell phone.
"Agent Y/LN speaking. I need to contact Tyler Hayward."
"Right away, agent," replied the voice on the other end of the line.
"Agent Y/L/N,I was told you wanted to talk to me."
"Yes, director,I have news about the mission at the Westview anomaly."
"Oh yeah? Good work, agent. Add the information to the device created to do the investigation. Any more information you want to disclose?"
"Yes director. I've been invited by Maximoff to the neighborhood potluck."
"Excellent. It will be a good opportunity to gather more information."
"Yes, Director."
"Don't make contact until absolutely necessary, agent. Things are tense, and we can't allow her to suspect you. Our other agent may be in danger of being discovered."
"Should I inform her?"
"No agent. Continue with the investigation," Hayward said before hanging up.
After Hayward hung up, you pulled out a small rectangular device with a button in the center.
From it emerged a hologram that displayed all the information you had gathered about Wanda and the anomaly, along with photos of her and other Westview locations and advertisements, connected to holographic threads with other information, creating a maze of threads, photos, and notes.
You added some more information that you had gotten, creating a data entry for Agatha Harkness and the meal you were going to attend.
After this, you rested for a while and prepared to attend the meal.
You got dressed, grabbed a couple of bottles of booze from the fridge, and headed towards the place where the neighborhood parties were being held.
You greeted the neighbors you met and went to Wanda, who smiled broadly when she saw you arrive.
"There was no need to have brought those drinks,honey."
"Don't worry, Wanda; you invited me, so it seemed like the right thing to do," you replied, smiling. "Where do you want me to leave them?"
"Put them in that cooler over there, along with the rest of the drinks".
You nodded, and after leaving the bottles, you went back to Wanda.
"I'm so glad you were encouraged to come, Y/N."
"Thanks, Wanda. Anyhow, I didn't have much to do this afternoon."
"Enjoy the food,honey. It's on that table over there."
"If you need help,let me know, Wanda." You smiled,trying to hide your true intentions as a S.W.O.R.D. agent. By talking to Wanda,she might relax and inadvertently reveal some secrets that could be useful.
"Don't worry, sweetie, enjoy."
You smiled and headed to the table,grabbing some food and pouring yourself a glass of your favorite drink.
You were talking to some of your neighbors and Wanda until a woman interrupted the conversation you were having with some neighbors.
"I'm so glad you could make it,hun," said Agatha. "Allow me to steal this extremely good-looking neighbor," she added, dragging you out of the conversation.
You let Agatha drag you to one of the tables in the corner and started talking with an abundance of flirting on her part, sometimes making you blush and stumble with your words.
However, thanks to the conversation, you managed to get important information about Wanda: she and her husband, Vision, had had a strong argument, which culminated with him leaving the house to go to sleep somewhere else.
After lunch, you went home and added the new information you had obtained to the information you already had.
After that, you went back to contact Hayward.
"Agent Y/L/N, I told you not to contact me again. This is the second time you have called me today."
"Director, I have important information."
"Release it right now, agent. If it's not good enough, I'm going to relegate you to desk duty."
You rolled your eyes when you heard this. You were one of the best agents S.W.O.R.D. had, and both Hayward and you knew it.
"Vision, the android synthroid, has had a falling out with Maximoff. They're not together right now."
"Great time to strike. I'll get the troops ready then and warn the agent we have there. Too bad Maximoff found out; now you're the only one there."
"This information had not been communicated to me."
"It was not deemed necessary."
"My safety is important. I believe that-"
"Silence, agent. Prepare for attack."
"Director, one last thing. I don't think Wanda is aware of the damage she causes people in the hex."
"I don't care about that. We're going on tonight. Grab your gear and get ready," Hayward replied dryly before hanging up.
"What an asshole!" you muttered.
You prepared your equipment and weapons and waited for nightfall so you could carefully escape from your house and join the rest of the agents.
"Agent Y/L/N, you finally arrived," said Hayward sarcastically.
"I live in Westview; I have to be careful not to be suspected."
"Nonsense. Get ready. Maximoff is coming."
You nodded, rolling your eyes, and after girding your helmet on your head, you waited for Wanda to arrive.
The mission had not gone as expected.
Wanda had controlled the soldiers to target Hayward, and after a tense discussion, she returned to the hex, but not before taking an agent hostage.
She dragged you to her house without saying a word to you,and after arriving at her house, she took you to her basement and, with a snap of her fingers,chained you to a chair.
"Trying to attack my house doesn't seem like a good idea," she said, her voice marked by her Sokovian accent and anger.
You didn't respond, so she wouldn't recognize your voice.
"Oh, so the agent doesn't respond? Let's see who's behind this helmet, shall we?" She said, pulling the helmet off your head.
When she saw your face, it fell to the ground.
"You," she said, her voice marked by surprise and anger.
"Wanda,I'm sorry,I-"
"Shut up!" she snarled,her eyes glowing red. "Really Y/N? You've been in my house, you've been taking care of my kids,and it turns out that all this time,you were working for S.W.O.R.D."
"Wanda, I-"
She held up her hand, shushing you using her magic.
"You lied to me, Y/N. I let you into my house,I talked to you about my family,everything I lost,and this is how you repay me?" she said,tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"Wanda, I'm sorry; I never meant to hurt you!"
"You never meant any harm." Wanda laughed dryly. "Lies. You took advantage of me,just like Monica! All S.W.O.R.D. is the same!"
"Is Monica okay?" you asked,with a lump in your throat.
"Yes. But I don't think she's going to be able to say the same about you. You're going to stay here,in chains,watching me destroy your beloved S.W.O.R.D.," he said menacingly,his eyes glowing red.
"Wanda, please,if you surrender peacefully, you can get a deal,but if you attack, you will lose all your chances."
Wanda walked up to you and grabbed your chin hard.
"Shut up before I send you back to S.W.O.R.D. so they can finish you off. For the hostage to come back safe and sound from a person as dangerous as me is not a good sign, is it?"
You nodded in fear.
"Wanda, please don't do anything you might regret."
"Do you regret all the harm you have done to me?" she replied hatefully. "Surely every time you spoke to me it was to get information out of me. Every smile,every joke, and every day taking care of my children was just one more opportunity for you. More information,more ideas on how to steal everything from me."
You didn't respond.
"Answer me Y/N!"
"I'm sorry, Wanda. I really am."
Wanda scoffed and turned away before glaring hatefully at you once again.
Then she went to your house, and with a flick of her wrist, the door opened, and she entered your house.
She walked to your room, looking for something you could gather information on.
After a few minutes, she found a cell phone and checked the contacts; there was only one: Tyler Hayward.
She called, and a male voice answered.
"Agent Y/LN,are you okay?"
"Your beloved agent can't come to the phone right now, Hayward. You've tried to trash everything I cared about,so now I'll return the favor."
The call was cut short when Wanda hung up and threw the cell phone on the floor,walking out of your house.
Hayward's face denoted anger.
"Get a team ready. Now. The witch is going down."
Your mind was racing, looking for ways to get out of the chains that were trapping you.
After trying but not succeeding, you decided to take the last decision you had left: dislocate your thumbs so you could remove your hands and try to get the chains away from your body.
With a grunt of pain, you succeeded and pulled the chains away from your body.
You stood up, put your thumbs back in place, and grabbed your helmet.
You looked around the basement you were in to see if you could find any weapons, and after a while, you found your gun.
You checked and saw that you only had three bullets left.
You put on your helmet, and after putting on your bulletproof vest, you left Wanda's house to prevent her from dying.
After walking for a while, you reached the edge of the hex and got out.
You could hear the screams of agents, the sound of bullets, and the smell of gunpowder in the air, so you quickly went there.
You found Wanda, with a couple of cuts and a bloody nose, surrounded by several agents with some kind of electric gun that prevented her powers from working properly.
Your gaze met Hayward's, and at that moment, you made a decision. S.W.O.R.D. or Wanda The decision was easy.
You raised your gun and pointed it at one of your former comrades' weapons, causing an explosion of sparks to fly out of it and knock him out.
Wanda used that moment of surprise to knock out more agents while you ran to one of the cars, knocking out the driver with the butt of your gun and starting the car's engine.
A mixture of surprise and hatred crossed Wanda's face, and it was in that moment of distraction that a bullet pierced her shoulder, causing her to fall to the ground in pain.
You went to her aid, firing the two bullets that you had left and quickly pulling Wanda into the "borrowed" car.
When Wanda opened her eyes again, the first thing she saw was your worried face.
She tried to get up, but a piercing pain shot through her shoulder.
"Careful, even if I took the bullet out of you, you're still hurt."
"Where the hell are we?" asked Wanda.
"My house. We'll be safe here for the time being."
"Why what?
"Why did you save me?"
You sighed.
"Wanda, I really care about you. It may have been a mission for S.W.O.R.D., but it wasn't for me. I really cared about you. You were someone I could trust."
"Where are my children?"
"I left them my movies and food and told them you were with me to prepare a meal and discuss some stuff so you'll sleep here this night."
"Thank you."
You nodded and stood up.
"I'll bring you the food."
You were awakened by a cry of pain.
You quickly ran to the room where Wanda was and found her sitting up in bed, wincing in pain.
"Have your stitches opened up?"
"N-No, it was just a bad dream."
"Do you want me to stay here just in case?"
Wanda hesitated, but after a few seconds, she nodded.
You pulled up a chair and stood next to the bed.
In a moment of boldness, you grabbed her hand.
"I'm going to show you that I really care about you, Wanda. I promise."
A smile bloomed on Wanda's lips.
"If you give me a dish this good again, I might start to believe it."
"Rest assured," you said. "Sleep," you said, giving Wanda a kiss on her forehead. "I'll be here for you."
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Villain Breakdown - Tyler Hayward
Like other villains that came before him, Director Hayward has great symbolic meaning to the story. He represents an idea that is bigger than one man, and that the hero is challenged to confront.
That idea is fascism.
Hayward represents fascism.
Because he's a fascist.
Okay, no, there is more to it than that. But I couldn't resist the urge to do it again. Yes, Like Pierce and the Red Skull, Hayward is a fascist. However, unlike those movies, this show isn't about fascism. As such, he's not here solely to rep for that.
WandaVision is an emotional narrative, not a political one. Everything that happens in the film in some way connects back to grief and loss. Hayward is no exception. As he explains right off the bat in his character introduction, he was radicalized by the events of the last five years.
The show never dwells much on Hayward's loss, but it's clearly established as his driving force. The Blip was a horrifying event that destroyed countless lives. Two of those lives are Wanda and Monica, central figures in this story whose grief opens the door for them to connect with one another despite being on opposite sides of the situation.
And the third is Hayward, who went through those same events, suffered those same losses, and was changed by them for the worse.
I'm sorry to do this but I need to talk about 9/11 for a moment. The aftermath of 9/11 brought out a lot of various sentiments from those of us old enough to truly experience it. Some good, such as an outpouring of caring and coming together, and some terrible such as anti-Muslim hate crimes.
But there's one in particular that's relevant here. One response, particularly common among adult white men, was this: "If me and my gun were on one of those planes, it never would have happened."
That's Tyler. Tragedy on a large scale such as the Blip brings out a variety of reactions from people. People who are used to feeling powerful do not react well to being made to feel powerless.
Tyler is a man accustomed to being in control. A man who sees military violence as the solution to whatever the universe throws at him. Who thinks he can shoot his way out of any situation, and reacts to obstacles by unloading bullets even when he doesn't fully understand what's going on.
He is a man reacting to grief by trying to make a bigger gun, unwilling to confront the reality that the gun he's trying to build couldn't have stopped it. It was already there. Vision was there. His gun was in Wakanda fighting Thanos already. But to accept that Thanos couldn't have been stopped is to accept being powerless.
And that's a bridge that a man accustomed to being powerful cannot cross.
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breckstonevailskier · 2 years
On this day in the MCU
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Wanda Maximoff: Is this yours?! 😡😡😡 Tyler Hayward: The missile was just a precaution. You can hardly blame us, Wanda.
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Wanda Maximoff: Oh, I think I can. This will be your only warning: Stay out of my home. 😡 You don't bother me, I won't bother you. Tyler Hayward: I wish it could be that simple. You've taken an entire town hostage! Wanda Maximoff: Well, I'm not the one with the guns, Director! 😡 Monica Rambeau: But you are the one in control.
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Wanda Maximoff: You're still here. 🤨
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Monica Rambeau: Wanda, I didn't know the drones were armed. But you know that, don't you? A town full of civilians, and you—a telepath—brought a S.W.O.R.D. agent into your home. 🤨
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Monica Rambeau: You trusted me to help deliver your babies. On some level, Wanda, you know I am an ally! I want to help you. 😢
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Wanda Maximoff: How? 🤨 What could you possibly have to offer me? 🤨 Monica Rambeau: What do you want? Wanda Maximoff: I have what I want. And no one will ever take it from me, again. 😡😡
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highlights of February
1. Favourite movies: House of Strangers (1949), The Changeling (1980). 2. Decent movies I liked / appreciated but not loved: The Night Stalker (1972), Everything Everywhere All at Once (2023). 3. wtf movie/ending: Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023). Just an overall impression. Literally WTF. 4. Best scenes: the alleyway break-up / 'She left me two hours ago' (House of Strangers, 1949); confronting the senator (The Changeling, 1980); Those You've Known / The Dark I Know Well (Spring Awakening, 2022). 5. Favourite genres: drama, fantasy, mystery. 6. Favourite directors: Peter Medak (The Changeling, 1980). I also like  John Llewellyn Moxey for The Night Stalker (1972) (surprisingly), Joseph L. Mankiewicz for House of Strangers (1949) and  Daniel Kwan + Daniel Scheinert for Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022). 7. Favourite actors: George C. Scott (The Changeling, 1980); Edward G. Robinson, Susan Hayward, Richard Conte (House of Strangers, 1949); Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan (Everything Everywhere All at Once, 2022); 8. Least favourite performances: anybody in Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023). I reiterate, what the fuck? 9. The most wasted cast: Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023). They brought almost everyone back and made this abomination? How was this even allowed to happen? Let's count. Tyler Posey, Crystal, Holland Roden, Shelley Hennig, JR Bourne, Ian Bohen, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, Melissa Ponzio, Ryan Kelley, Seth Gilliam, Orny Adams, Dylan Sprayberry, Khylin Rhambo, Tyler Hoechlin. There are so many just baffling choices as well. Bringing back Stiles' dad without Stiles and their dynamic. Bringing back the Nogitsune without Stiles, Kira or her family. Bringing back Liam and Mason, but not having them interact at all. Revivng Alison (a wtf moment in itself) and not having her reunite with Lydia. Breaking up Stiles and Lydia off-screen for the dumbest of reaons. Not having Scott and Liam exchange a single line. Getting Alison and Scott back together. Everything to do with Derek (not having him interact with either Peter or Malia (who themselves don't interact at all), introducing his son whose existance doesn't even make sense, killing him off). I could go on and on. This film is an insult and a nightmare. Moving on. 10. The best wasted premise: Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023). The idea of bringing back this show for one last adventure is cool, but you need to have, you know, a script before you do that. 11. Best premise: Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (1952). 12. Favourite cast: House of Strangers (1949). Edward G. Robinson, Susan Hayward, Richard Conte, Luther Adler, Paul Valentine, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Esther Minciotti. 13. Favourite on-screen duos:  George C. Scott x Melvyn Douglas (The Changeling, 1980);  Jonathan Groff x Lea Michele (Spring Awakening, 2022);  Edward G. Robinson x Richard Conte; Susan Hayward x Richard Conte (House of Strangers, 1949);  Michelle Yeoh, x Ke Huy Quan (Everything Everywhere All at Once, 2022). 14. Favourite on-screen relationships: Max Monetti x Irene Bennett (House of Strangers, 1949). She gives as good as she gets. 15. Favourite characters: Max Monetti (House of Strangers, 1949); John Russell (The Changeling, 1980); Waymond Wang (Everything Everywhere All at Once, 2022). 15. Favourite quote: Can't remember anything... 16. Favourite fact discovered in 2023: Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele are best friends in real life and he supported her when she went back to Broadway to play the lead in Funny Girl. 17. The most overrated film: I kind of think that  Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) is a tad overrated. I like it, just not nearly as much as everyone else seems to. 18. The most disappointing film: Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023). 19. The biggest surprise: The Changeling (1980). 20. Best cinematography: John Coquillon (The Changeling, 1980). 21. Best set design: Keith Pepper (The Changeling, 1980). 22. Best costume design: Shirley Kurata (Everything, Everywhere All at Once, 2022). 23. Best music: The Changeling (1980). 24. Best prooduction choice: casting Richard Conte to be a tough, but ultimately good guy. He's great at playing villains, but his overwhelming charisma makes for pretty interesting good guys as well. 25. Worst production choice: releasing Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023). Absolute atrocity this film is. 26. Film of the month: The Changeling (1980) with House of Strangers (1949) a close second.
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introspectral · 2 years
👮🏻‍♂️- how does my muse see authority? Is it something to be respected at all times, or is it okay to call out injustice hiding behind the letter of the law? Are they a rule-follower or an iconoclast?
🪐- would my muse like to go to space?
🔙- would many muse travel back in time if possible? Is there a specific reason?
🧬- does my muse have any interesting or unusual thoughts about human behavior?
👮🏻‍♂️- how does my muse see authority? Is it something to be respected at all times, or is it okay to call out injustice hiding behind the letter of the law? Are they a rule-follower or an iconoclast?
Vision only respects authority who is rightfully chosen/installed and who deserves his respect. For example, just because you are the head/director/leader/president/etc. of something does no mean he has to listen to you. Do you have jurisdiction over you? Do you hold your office/title legally and conduct yourself well? Are you honest and trustworthy? Do you abuse your power? How do you treat those “lesser” than you? Questions like these are what he would take into account with each case of authority. He doesn’t have a blanket approach, it needs to be on a case by case or person by person basis. Leaders he would respect: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson. Leaders he does not respect: Tyler Hayward and Thaddeus Ross. Those are just some examples, but yeah. He would judge each individual, team, agency, or whoever the authority was separately.
🪐- would my muse like to go to space?
Honestly, this is not even anything that Vision is thinking about, like it’s not even on his radar, so to speak. But... sure? Why not? Right now, he has bigger fish to fry. He has to work things out for himself and decide where he stands with others and what he should do with his life, but if he got to the point where he had time for recreational thinking, I think he would be curious about space and want to go there, sure.
🔙- would my muse travel back in time if possible? Is there a specific reason?
Yes. And yes. XD He would want to go back before his death and handle things differently with Thanos. It would depend on whether he would be able to keep all the knowledge he has now or not. I’m assuming yes. So he’d want to go back well before Thanos and at that point try to separate himself from the mind stone sooner. If that’s even possible. Because that connection to the gem was what doomed him and therefore also Wanda and set him on this path to eventually be turned into something he never wanted. If he could go back and avert disaster, he would.
🧬- does my muse have any interesting or unusual thoughts about human behavior?
Humans are confusing, illogical, impulsive, and selfish, heh. Largely speaking. There are always exceptions. But White Vision has a much more cynical view of human nature after what was done to him. And that’s not just because of what S.W.O.R.D. did to him, but also the idea of people he called friends not checking up on Wanda and not making sure his body was recovered and his wishes were carried out. That really soured his view of human behavior. He used to feel that humans were intriguing, interesting, complex, and surprisingly altruistic. Now... he feels that the majority of them are selfish and two-faced, able to say one thing and do another, and able to betray even their friends. Coming to that realization has been very disillusioning for him and he’s still trying to process it. He’s having almost a grief-like reaction to feeling this way, and I think that’s because he’s having an emotional response to this loss of innocence and naivety that he’s experiencing.
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itsrichardsblog · 2 years
Vision vs. S.W.O.R.D. Vision Fight Scene
In order to promote the film, we would like people to watch a scene from it. The scene will show how The Vision reveals that S.W.O.R.D. director, Tyler Hayward, has been ordered to eliminate Wanda, and when he attempts to kill her, he is foiled by Wanda's created Vision. After an impressive fight across Westview, the two Visions take their battle into a library, where Wanda's Vision persuades S.W.O.R.D. Vision by restoring his memories, and the latter departs Westview. Please watch the video to better understand the scene:
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smol-bean-buchanan · 4 years
the way hayward’s stare almost never leaves wanda during this scene is truly unsettling.
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he’s waiting. he wants her to get mad. he wants her to lash out and bring vision back to life. he even says it himself: “not everyone has the kind of power that could bring their soulmate back online.” when she breaks the glass to see vision up close, he lets her because he thinks he’s finally going to have the most powerful weapon on earth alive and running in his possession.
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but she doesn’t. she’s leaves. she would rather leave the love of her life cold and disassembled in a lab than to bring him back to life just to become something he never wanted to be.
hayward bet all he had in hopes that wanda would bring him back to life. he tried using wanda’s love for vision against her and failed, and the only way to cover up his failure was to change the narrative and make wanda the villain.
fuck tyler hayward. 🖕🏼
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worldspinsmadly · 4 years
OKAY! This is going to be an extreeeemely long post with my various WandaVision theories! SPOILERS ahead for episodes 1-5, so tread carefully if you haven’t seen them yet! Also, buckle in for a lot of reading haha...
- Agnes is Agatha Harkness
This theory is pretty widely accepted but in case you haven’t heard it yet/need a reminder of what the theory is: Agatha Harkness is a witch in the comic books. She is an agent of Mephisto (basically the devil in the MCU, a sorcerer who is super powerful & does trades/grants wishes but in a monkey’s paw kind of way) and also acts as Wanda’s mentor when she is training. She is there to help Wanda realize her full potential. Reasons for this theory being accepted are:
1. Agnes = AGatha HarkNESs
Pretty self explanatory, this one.
2. One piece of evidence everyone likes to point to is that Agnes is ALWAYS wearing a brooch, much like Agatha. 
In a similar vein, Agnes dresses up like a witch in the Halloween episode (which we get tonight!!). The third comic-y reason is that she says her anniversary with Ralph (whom we NEVER see) is June 2nd, which is the start of the Salem Witch Trials. Agatha Harkness was one of the witches at Salem.
3. She (especially in episode 5) keeps showing up at the exact right time to help Wanda however she needs it. Examples include her showing up to welcome Wanda to the neighborhood and plan the dinner with Vision, bringing her along to the neighborhood planning committee, helping Wanda with the boys (showing up when they’re crying, the doghouse). She is always there, basically acting as a guide for Wanda in the town.
3. She knows that this is a fake world and that Wanda has some control over what happens. This is most clearly evidenced in episode 5 when she says “Do you want me to run that again?” She also doesn’t notice/care that Wanda has magic, which anyone else in the town would. Also - anyone else notice how she overacts constantly? (In a good way - I love Kathryn Hahn)
Which brings me to theory two:
Agnes/Agatha Harkness is the one in control, not Wanda - or at the very least, is using her power to try to influence Wanda’s actions.
1. Agatha is an agent of Mephisto. I think that she is acting on his orders to make this town and Wanda’s life in it the way that it is. Multiple reasons for this, but the main one for me is episode 5 (On A Very Special Episode), she clearly has control over/intimate knowledge of what’s happening inside the WandaVis household. How else would she know to show up when the twins are crying, or when they bring in a new dog? Other sketch things:
2. The boys only ever age up (or attempt to age up) when Agnes is there. I think that she is the one who is making them do that. If she can control every single person in town’s actions and speech, who’s to say she can’t control and manipulate the magic twins’ powers as well?
3. She clearly* killed Sparky, likely in order to try to help Wanda realize how powerful she really is and bring in the idea that she can bring people back to life. It may even be possible that Agnes wants to bring back a specific person but can’t without Wanda’s powers. *To me, it’s clear, because when she walked into the kitchen, Sparky almost killed himself with the electricity but didn’t, and then of course she “found him” in her azaleas.
4. Norm never specifies who “she” is that’s in his head.
SWORD and (Acting) Director Hayward are sketchy as fuck, and likely are doing some evil shit and trying to pin it on Wanda.
I don’t mean this to say that SWORD is the organization that put the town in the hex, or is the one that is controlling everything that's happening, but I think it's very clear that there's something going on behind the scenes that they don't want us to know. There are lots of different ways that you can see this, but some of the ones that are most important are as follows:
1. SWORD is clearly developing weapons which Monica highlights when she says, “it also says observation and response on that door not creation.” This is apparently against the mission of SWORD itself, which does not lead to a super trustworthy organization.
2. Director Hayward is clearly trying to place blame on Wanda for things she either didn’t do or didn’t control. The clearest example of this is when he is giving his speech in Episode 5 after Monica comes back, and Jimmy Woo was speaking. Hayward keeps interrupting to explain how Wanda is evil - she joined Hydra (as Jimmy says, it’s more complicated than that), she purposefully hurt people in Lagos (it was an accident), she fought against the Avengers (before gaining their trust and joining them). (Also, side note, I love Jimmy Woo and how kind he is. We need more Jimmy Woo in the MCU). 
3. The video that he shares of Wanda breaking into SWORD...not a single. person. in the SWORD lobby turns, notices, or reacts at all to Wanda walking in, violently throwing open doors, and basically stealing a corpse. I don’t know about you, but if I worked in a secure and secretive government facility, and a rogue Avenger that’s been gone for 5 years just suddenly appeared and was using her powers to break down doors and steal a secret project, I’d probably at LEAST turn and look. 
3a. I’m honestly not even sure that that’s Wanda vs. a body double, like, there’s a reason that the only power they showed was her opening a door, breaking glass, and gently coming down into the room - all things that can be easily faked. You’re telling me that SWORD, in all their advanced tech, space travel, science, money, you’re telling me that the best visuals they have are 1. barely in color 2. blurry and 3. don’t show close-ups of her face? I think that it wasn’t Wanda who took Vision’s body, and I think the footage was fabricated. 
4. CLEARLY - SWORD has been experimenting on Vision. Whether to revive him, recreate his technology, whatever, it is explicitly stated that that is against his living will and the Sokovia Accords. IF (and I think it’s a big if...) Wanda did violently break in to steal his body, it would likely be to protect him and make sure he is being honored, not make him into a weapon. 
VISION IS ALIVE - and no, Wanda is not just puppeteering his corpse (this is one of the worst theories I’ve heard about WandaVision and I hate it and if I never hear it again it’ll be too soon)
1. I have several reasons to think this. First, if he weren’t alive, why would we have so many scenes of just Vision, or scenes where Vision is figuring out that something is wrong?
2. In the trailers, we see Vision leaving the boundaries of the hex (to be fair, I haven’t watched any of the new trailers, because I don’t want any spoilers) - BUT - how could he do that if he weren’t his own being?
3. I genuinely do not think that Marvel is going to make us watch Vision die again. Not a third time.
How is he alive? I think that there’s obviously an extreme amount of Mind Stone energy within Wanda, and I’m sure that there’s a world in which she could transfer some of that energy to Vision and help bring him back. Not entirely sure of the methodology to be fair, but I just have a feeling in my heart.
1. Monica came out of the Hex with powers - my only reasoning being that her brain scan and her blood draws were both inconclusive/blank.
2. Wanda isn’t lying when she says she doesn’t know how this started or what’s happening. I think she has more control than most people in town, but I think that’s more that she is a little tuned in to the frequencies of the town than that she started it all. But I really think that Agnes is in control.
3. OH PIETRO - He’s the Evan Peters Quicksilver instead of ATJ (rip) because Agnes had to search through the multiverse for him - she can’t bring people back to life (Wanda can though...ATJ i’m holding out hope...). So anyway, she just searched through the universes and found the closest thing to Pietro that she could.
4. Aerospace engineer that Monica knows might be Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic. (The Fantastic 4 and the X-Men have a long history with Agatha Harkness, so it would make sense to bring those characters in now that Disney is able to)
5. Dottie is also a witch - she’s not identified on the magnet board with the other townspeople, she’s in control of some things.
6. Hayward might be Mephisto in disguise, who knows.
7. Magneto is going to come back at the end of the series i have no real reason to believe this
8. I don’t trust the post man.
OKAY THAT’S ALL I have to go back to work and this is way too long please send me all your theories :)
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bewitchingomen · 4 years
I don’t trust Director Hayward!
He just irks me!
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nerdyfangirl23 · 4 years
This is a formal request for Wanda Maximoff to face off with H*yw*rd in the finale and physically break the fuckwit, the way she broke that glass in episode eight. Please and thank you.
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[gif is not mine.]
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myownworstenemyyy · 4 years
i know there's lots of different opinions and theories going around, but I think we can all agree on one thing:
Director Hayward is a giant ✨cunt✨
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jjarvelous · 4 years
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rhcenyra · 4 years
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What are you doing to him? We're dismantling the most sophisticated, sentient weapon ever made. But Vision's not a weapon. You can't do this. In fact, it is our legal and ethical obligation. I just wanna bury him. That's all I want. Are you sure? Excuse me?
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queen-daya · 2 years
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“Maybe I already am.”
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I’m taking attendance!
All members of the I Hate Hayward Club please raise your hands!!
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