#disclaimer post
iofmaskblog · 1 year
Rules and Warnings
First of all, let’s set up the rules, shall we? Questions must not be offensive or disrespectful. The answers may contain topics of violence, blood, 18+. Given that the sketches will be done in black and white, everything is not so bad, and you will not see serious nudity or anything else here.This is my first attempt at an ask blog, so I apologize if I'm not good at it. Among the characters you can ask a question: - BLIXER - BARRACUDA - LYCAN (corr\uncorrupted) - MACABRE - SUNNY - CYAN - CUBE - HELICO - CAPTAIN - SAM - and ME! Questions that refer to future events will result in vague answers, given my reluctance to spoil everything at once. Be sure to follow me on Deviant to read the comic and see new extras I make for it!  https://www.deviantart.com/vinebunny696
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
Final disclaimer post of the season, wooooo!
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I will probably live-blog with the tag 'guardian watches 911ls' and any spoilers I post (& any gifs I post afterwards as well) will be tagged with '911 lone star spoilers' (or '911ls spoilers' if I don't want it to show up in the main tag at all). Anything even vaguely negative I will tag with my 'negativity discourse all the bad words' tag so you can avoid those as well if you just want happy fun times.
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passp0rtguardian · 2 years
not naming any names but to the person who reblogged my tommy tictac drawer post with this tag:
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could you maybe not do that please? don't cw or tw my posts for me unless i genuinely forget something triggering, i make sure to appropriately tag all of my posts with genuinely triggering topics and putting a cw for food just enables eating disorders (something i myself have struggled with, hence why it makes me uncomfortable).
i didn't reblog the post itself because i don't want people deciding to see who reblogged it with this tag but please do not cw or tw my posts for me unless there's something genuinely triggering that i forgot to add.
food cws just enable eating disorders and shouldn't have been used in a post simply mentioning little candy mints. please don't do this to any of my posts in the future.
(adding tags related to my post so hopefully some people who saw that one see this one as well)
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butchdykekondraki · 4 months
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hello person who engages solely in fanon. your task is to explain this female characters personality to me without bringing up any of the other characters, calling her anything familial, calling her a girlboss, calling her wife material, or saying she's a slut. you have 20 minutes until the saw trap goes off. good luck
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This is a canon divergent blog about the Pokemon world and most importantly the psychic cats we all love.
They will have different names personalities origins motives emotions what not. The lore will be different events will be different even designs may be different this is a whole different universe after all.
This will hopefully be a joint art and written blog from movie screenshot redraws and original story art hopefully to rewritten movie events
Activity may be slow on this blog as I'm only human and still working out art stuff and finding time to write.
Asks will be open possibly from time to time or asks will be answered on my general art blog @/mushroom-for-art.
Hopefully refs and such can be added under a readmore here as and when they're done.
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r08s · 5 months
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The opt-in is automatic, but you can turn it off in settings.
Go to "Blog Settings" -> "Visibility" -> "Third-Party Sharing" and turn on "Prevent third-party sharing for [blog]". (This post shows how to do it on browser and on mobile.) You need to do this with every sideblog. (Note: The option in settings might not appear if your app hasn't updated yet. You can still opt out via browser.)
Spread the word. Everyone on Tumblr needs to know about this.
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ssalballoon · 8 months
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Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
- after the initial fright of a wizard losing one's magic, i imagine it could feel like respite similar to how flying to a new country and being unknown and a complete blank slate is... among the sussur blossoms he is just gale dekarios
- lyrics from good riddance by Darren Korb (play hades/supergiant games and change your life forever)
- his embroidery has roses in it, apparently it's a term of endearment in waterdeep :') cute
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risingsunresistance · 1 month
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exposedandbare · 4 months
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pigswithwings · 1 year
no genuinely oceanblr would be so fun. the bloggers long for the sea and - oh shit what's t [is enveloped by the waves]
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🦈 jaws-little-brother Follow
Community Pool: Is water wet?
yeah ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬛⬛ (67.3%)
no ⬜⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ (32.7%)
Remaining time: 4 moon cycles
🐡 on-line-off-hook Follow
what the kelp are you guys on.
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🕳️ coelacanth-official ☑️☑️☑️☑️ Follow
decade 23 off the South African coast ... they ain't find me yet but when they do they're gonna be real surprised
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🐌 justasnailfish Follow
its so quiet here .. nobody. no friends?
🔍 ms-magnap1nna Follow
We can be friends. come closer
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🦐 shrimpathy-for-the-villain Follow
group of friends & i just won a battle against a whale, got a trophy (real)
🌑 ohboy-baleen-deactivated
No you didn't. No you did not. There's literally zero possible chance of this happening, regardless of how many other shrimp were with you because that is Logistically. Impossible. This is so fake oh my fucking cod
🦐 shrimpathy-for-the-villain Follow
ok. group of friends & i sitting inside a whales mouth, about to be krilled (real)
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🐚 is0p0d-isle Follow
suuuuuper tired of all the negativity. can we have some appreciation for the "ugly" and "scary" fishes already? thank u blobfish, thank u viperfish, thank u goblin sharks, thank u everyone else who is socially isolated bc of how they look!! ur awesome!!
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🐠 reeffraff Follow
human slang is so boring. what the hell is a "fridge". what's a "stove". oh, you have a "microwave"? i see 10 meter tall waves every day. loser.
🐬 atlantic-potion Follow
but they were right about "tubular", you can't deny it
🐠 reeffraff Follow
yes i absolutely can. "tubular"? are you kidding me? any fry on the sandbar could come up with that one. "tubular" is the word you would use to describe a coral and nothing else. it's lame. you have the linguistical taste of a tongue parasite.
🐬 atlantic-potion Follow
say that to my beak you coward
🐠 reeffraff Follow
maybe i WILL
🚹 surface-dweller ☑️☑️ Follow
holy shit, those fish are fighting! mary get the camera!
🐠 reeffraff Follow
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starlight-bread-blog · 4 months
"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But it was Katara that he chose to invite.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Azula knew to aim at Katara.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But the scene was romamtically coded.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Katara needed to get to heal him.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But it was Katara who was with him in season finales.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But he needed to choose Katara over Azula.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But Shu needed to survive in this life.
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"Zuko would take a lightning for anyone–"
But the writers deliberately chose Katara.
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Inspired by @captain-konami-code 's "They were enemies"
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sexhaver · 1 year
i don't miss the actual act of smoking cigarettes, but i miss all the intricate rituals surrounding it and the instant sense of kinship you feel with other smokers. smacking the box before opening it to wake the cancer up/pack the tobacco down; bumming a cig off someone else and learning more about them from their brand of choice than you ever would from their star sign; someone else at the smoking corner watching you dig for your lighter and wordlessly offering theirs instead; little bite-sized conversations with strangers that can end with the cig that started them or be prolonged by lighting another... humanity really went off with tobacco
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that's how it went right
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silver-horse · 2 months
nooo beloved mutual don't be a swiftie you are so sexy haha
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
That viral video from last month of a giraffe pushing a tortoise was interesting to me because I saw it in French & Spanish corners of the internet and everyone was referring to the animals in the video as 'she' since giraffe & tortoise are feminine words, meanwhile on the English-speaking internet I saw a minority of people referring to them as 'it' or 'they', an overwhelming majority using masculine words, and almost no one use 'she'
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Similarly romance language speakers humanised these animals using women's names while English speakers used men's names:
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And of course it would have been different had the giraffe been an elephant (masculine word) but yeah I find it interesting that when it comes to personifying animals and things, speakers of gendered languages will go 50% masculine 50% feminine due to grammatical gender, while speakers of a non-gendered language with a neutral pronoun will go like 80% masculine 18% neutral 2% feminine.
It must feel weird to learn a gendered language and have to accept that a door is 'she', but it also feels weird to learn a non-gendered language like English and then scroll down hundreds of comments under an animal video and all the animals are 'he'. I'm reminded of a cartoon I saw on tumblr once with a speaking lightbulb, and all the comments referred to it as 'he' and a 'guy' (in french & spanish, people would call it she.) I wonder how it affects the way you frame the world in your mind? you ask a French kid to personify a spoon or a mouse or a raindrop, it's going to be a female character by default. I feel like that's something English speakers rarely consider—that compared to languages that are 'visibly', officially gendered in a 50/50 way, English is less neutral, and more masculine-gendered. When anglophones learn about grammatical gender they tend to react like "why is a chair a 'she' that's absurd?", but when the context calls for it they'll call a lightbulb 'he' without thinking about it
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